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The Goderich Star, 1920-02-19, Page 2
>I I KIE $AYS "^ " t y *1tiAr1gM1rpl RIR N VF00 ago*O!0,004. SWEA ,,. . f1►,W.Q,t, fiti4 ^11� � I ,. tMt!tti ' . s 04 *040%W When you May Footwehr at MQcVicur's Store you AM,, ���A�V6•. t 04M. assured of satisfaction, reliability and quality for yourMlf An r y %A 'tb6VIOA f family, i _ The consister..euccass of our shoes is worth noting is bpcause;.of their popular prices, popular styles and QX001160% - '"' . workmanship that tboY Please the most critical entatomere or �'� bite extra good lt06 we have to oder. REPAIRING G EO. MacV I CA R 1' �, oleioli.=-�iolco�"soao�®s�o�o ,� � �.: �_ ;- � • u _ __ - YOU CAN ALWAYS GET + r The New York Tribune, said Mr. ■ i 7'. r •d} _. �::' Rowell, had addressed the following O ♦ r r � quest -ton as fr-onr Canada- tothe. p 1. ■ •�,,+- United Stator: O Panama. Haiti, o famil + � � >♦t ..You put Cuba, m ¢ •� Santo Domingo. your dependencies, `� : ; ,1; is ` ai ; IiNOX PRESBYTERIAN CIWRCII � in the I ague. but you are unwllllaa '` i to trust us. Why?" Vis' F "To that question." he declared. AT THIS STORE "Canadians are awaiting an answer, , " and we cannot believe that the A j American People will finally deny to, 1f Heinz y Canada the nights cheerfully accord- O Campbell's lld He><!l�lillDB r ed by them to states like Cuba, Pan- I } -+ems ama, Haiti and Guatemala." \ Mr. Rowell said Canada aPPreefat All brands of Canned Goc4s T, ed the prompt recognition by "the OAK&, - President of the United States and F, r 5T. GEORGE'S C[RrRCIi by the other nations of Canada's right w, w o Extra Choiice Bulk Teal Y t place at the Peace table and in _ •. .., o a p n • - , • the League of Nations, and said that p t Canada had no reason to believe that O $IAC�c slid Japan, 65c �",ti� !• �' the statesmen who recognized' her 4 tM F is at Pails would willingly h parts resh Fruits always in stock F N parties to a withdrawal of such rights _ d + f • - t at this time. x "` .`. •;� �� i t , �' ` �� I Sowever, he said, the United, . `Na } �" �'�• ` ? Q States Senate was part of the treaty- O 3w S't3 ,WM '' making Power, and was entitled to GIVE US YOUR NEXT ORDER w4 �f either reject the treaty or upProve it � rti. � F `�' with such reservations as the Renate G might choose to stipulate. "If the final action of the Senate is. approved by the President,.. said Mr. Rowell.I ,JOHN SPARR -it then becomes ills action of the American Gave i�Ament and settles the , IlaIDil#On S#1'CBt ,{ Yh attitude which, a United States w[ri Phone Y� O x �, i' V '�'? •e�'r''�r , h',t�i : Y,?.,4fii _ � take in referbA66 t+0 t a treaty and , the League of istlOe� ' 0=I g Mr. Rowell,"doat'iwtfh the revised E form of the reservation on voting to chatlew our "itlon. i 1 a NORT11 ST. At ETi "Ifl I' fd1URCiI VIFlOR1A ST. ME7litIDI3T t HtntCtl \ ° gSba un3ors-fandrns between the .. ! NANADA STANDS FIRM , United States and Candda; ' Mr. Row- ell continued. -The reasons why Canada cannot i Will Insist Upon' Its Rights in ascent are so obvious that they need hardly be mentioned. I shall_ only - ----- . ills League. cation one.' Canada by the free • I action of her own ove rim , and -_...__..__..._ _ k -- - Dominion Mortg�at Her ftchre and Icy_ K1t - — - • the whole-hearteii co-operation of � �. i j � � Ford- 1 �� _ T -- ISacriAcd"-Hirt Sons !n 8trrgglo her own people, mired '600,000 mea • • fol 1Gibtls tlr While 'United states to take part in this war. She mortr d 1 t r 1 v and have formed a n w ' F Looked -on and Waxed Wealthy-- gaged her future ,to carry the butte dew -which her pas elipaton ifn the !toil, N. Awr ct It wed b auk" Un- worth involved. buried in France and estimate of the number of cars 'we trlendly r i Viandere, and thousands mora are • • ° OTTAWA, Feb. I6._' If the Unit- maimed for life is order that Canada will :require to meet the needs of ed States Senate should adopt the- as one of the free nations of the'Bri- " Lenroot reservation. either in its tannic commpnaiealtb, might make- original fotm or amended as now . her contribution to the cause of lib • this territory. We, cannot g e t suggetlted, and should also adopt m,4 and the restoration of the the p gamble cis proposed, Canada, world • peace. In the aa W� these enough cars to fill that estimate as one of the nations of the British facts, %t it inconceivable te that a DA vel Wt CHURCH Iftire and a party to the treaty, Government in Ci nada could be so ;00 would be caped upas to decide what dale, to both the is ftt and the because there are not enough cars .... action she should tans under these dead, fold to Caiasida's future, an to r ''++.}}A +the subject matter when they had on- conditions, There can`be no Possible give the .asaeat ,iif t ass le, to a pro- 00bexfC Star. fished • reading than some others who doubt what Canada's decision would �l .which Would d6"o Cada being made t o fill a i T dealers' tr, Teltobeas nail To. 'could run their eye Ever the printed be, she cannot slid will not congest of the position' still status ilea for 1rEDRUARY 10, t924 page and with ease read anjthing set to any lWafrment-of her stains Find herby her soldiers on the field of before. them. Education i1 a line thing voting right under the treaty. There- ,,,� battle.' and accorded .to her of the y t for a man but if he doesn't use cop- fore when i11ra1 action on the treaty Peace Contbrenctt br the enlightenbol estimates throughout Canada. .;•a " SPINDRIFT ^ nentratton with it he loses much that is taken by the Government of the fudgtsont'of nauonft, 'pssrUaularty .�-- he might otherwise have, Some pea- United States, if the ratification can this the We when frail status and h� s ssuitt►tlon for Coderirh pie seem to think that if a man is edu- only become effective on Canada's as- voting rights are grasped, acid vie The number of cars a'Y a \..Qn get tp Passing cated he can do anything. Now a sent thereto, the rattilrrttipn cannot �� Vs grrannted,.tto setieral man might know all about the part's go into r,[fect so far as Canad% is natio;■ ten the AmerdFutil continent t, Samcthnes as we glance over the of a bicycle, Ile "light be able • to conebrned, as Canada will not give which either by tesson at t"Alles A of lite local papers we read make them and flt titem together, but that ad■e'nt." In these words Hon. with the United Stat eb or of ecano• depends upon the number of orders 'thing, which is not oxacly news- when he tante to use one 10 might. &W, itdwell, Prtotldsant of the Privy rate necessity are dependent upon +• . + be eaten by some youngster who 0ourien and who, during the absence her nations which took no part in the vv a send in and the early date at ti , times it is, and sometimes it is know no more about, the machine than of the >�rtme ]It[nieter, Is hettng Sec- war and whose combined population , iddtsfis; lied it been just a teiaaM of an what h® had found otic in jumping op rotary of State for External Affairs, sirols,1 n does.mot exceed that. of +client it Would trime have been !lied a%%ity e- and fatting off, in his efforts to learn outlined Canada's position toward - ` irtsilk .teprrtYiient of our memory re- which we send ahem in, as the Ford .fair Ions or short service as titre td ride. One is educated along certain the trbaty tigbt, in the United States !lr 0 tnlglrt btu, and that would be all, lines, and the ether is educated sisal! at a tress meeting of war treterans awl � Ached �O ��� ■T.�), r� �1 other lines. so* it a ears that there Saturday night. hipping i✓e ailment follows the k, t* diose snags however of pP *^ a are degrees of education, and thcr8 is "Chnada has made her position wh�I speak which aro dtiticult to not a man in the world today who has • ;; F . and rva itrep,turntng them ov- 'iverfecttir Blear to alta riroper auth- �il+tl �1• l� ��ii o • • 0 04 L. tri oor winds, and even exhausted the supply as far as ha is oritietl in Landon. and alta h is asked � � p® !© Bail• p r i n c•1 p 1 e, `First Come; First concerned, them to make^her pMltlon Blear to �fti �t°e tMttMk tt,�e Ila+ro them fairly fire County the authorities in Washington. WefI?ticl ti eyhtty in tlttl tr9ttlit glees in otic hama1 dt&6 ,thtb In the! istereais_ of y , o edilty teck dhi*y lice, c�ilriinit dowp We sofa ip the road tupetirttandcnt'a -,, ,-,, -�, , _, _.__-._____ When the livor. t manufacture sluggish end is tlrcjr "0iE# !leg" like some report that ,%vood 11lqt�ring. for bridges tine it dors not manufacture enough Served." - E'1 ti set On � bowels and n ■ortilL t`lrtidrerl t krtotr+. after their tsar• ig bei`aming a big prabtem. i3ocii elm ncgiectintt his duty when tits mads le to tf the irll+ Q .. rttyd 'Titffk tlter..ltaye eattt god night ilaoring Is very diftteutt to obtain at ars left cvicek atter �veck as they ars 4 +carry of the wasW metier fresm the • xo t 131 lust iQ i1M1e, betas the sand present, #nd, high tirticys must be gild Wit irate a ma"tion by Messrs. Tie- tasters, hence the bdweb becdne clogged a y bars ordered now will not, be ;:flit iq hit tlra 'a3' %work. -Thej when it can, ba sc■urpe. Would it not rr�irtha• aMd 1411tetr that: it a kpecial 0. too bile acts into.the blood, con- '' +kU over a asd ltull� oilr hair, be a good tiling for the county couneil mredhis of Tire oaglqrit be called, it be stnpation rets m and is fellnnred b sick •t� '( tliafi. f�li t'a lfl itrtc' eyes, and to start a fatptstry daparttnent On t, hisld aft Clinloo0l; being. more central.,, aMd bilious btirdaehee, wattr baa■br deli V'ered until 1Vlarch and deliver- at hitt' htaT fit tlllx' x thitt%v *slde an small scale to grow Ahe luthltrr �� wt`i!ttii, beNrtburn, tudellg n .pecks before the 1 �I, if ;lMytTiGiCg,.at ,Mitt` thstin,.oui un- gFlired is publtb wot'it,$ 01 thea kind d`ha tleltt thlog %N -a shall reAd twill be sq" Pial mesal, blosd►uWl o! ♦ will uncertain ri err r� " Xt d ^ *ltxttii�0fl,_< vKttitt t'calty trrat- urentforim. Tn thb Tank 't'ttiv it rvoulil "Mooed thtit berelfti r All sittings of i sR l?> les W ill be uncertain throughout the i "lt� (h tratlll�'. iii %vox! tito%ta a Source Of r�"t�lltili to thfi "Olt. t1le ollotj 60olkil, be field at Clinton: Milburn, isa'a'tl+�s`i'W('�' P& *'lilite • s „ df a'vieo It being snort canvehntetlt" Cardial, 1Jttli ifaw of bile s0 ilial it a privo re s /�, /��+. /� �+ � Wilton outt MdIng beet► #y, and wo Leltcve lilatttrtt salMa- �'ttxt "fight ba tt ball ilotutfan to the on tYtei and ■tier file ait>� s yerCA.'1 If voffl do uV4want to Wait tttibit!li.J4 jawt.0 polite Way of county in Onto �auld � • rar�fttt� IIUMd we tett iM l5efleral~ ihftr(i aetaancftahtdllna It �etdb, rsunctiitti9lt� xa�iv�bt,oconhirt iu; y, • tui to tldt� rf the ON most b M t e a arra , ,ray a' Rttf� will n to 1'Ctft� h part at the road.. perlotot*11 'd l*+ .11tttf9t! sive :i ill sDll with 01ftty of aa- M "It, • �/'' s l r � j, e ' r a u t u u 8 1'V` a iy �.: i�� w tri #Cl ,#iiia tta1► 1?gik '*w tlifd that port 'trgat�dirtg t ftw •midis t -*ad■ litwlt tltrlmadxtioti falx d1T . the +atllct�, and ct. 'tip II,dt he. ry ti,, tt M +►i ii ta.tight A joke to tho fftta *'h6 'ltir9 to bob .ii re thttre, their th6 '�odettrlt b�eiltM , your r tltilt rt t �i Alt ot dit#Mili OVer pltnh 11*610 *411th J0 ''bia..k*fb fathtb�is can mare 1*16 thti pig- ��rrliwsh�rd�lia�il�►Ttn�zti�,:na�no� come l� iia res�rV� ,, Milt '' f,+t 6,414i i1(fttoov. i~IWO his Una t� :'slily' VIA, t. "t cttutt� ilnUitE, 'ilfild . tUt'0 tt tnt4 tt sit i � '%f it law ttfd aiJtut' • 4 art to sixes" d� �i ti tt ltilllii"i�a+d i!, atgl .lt, flab' r�iltt bi$ can t' 'a alcl tt. #tt`Nt 0111" t to,%% I,nll. When ii(k h��'tl iii trwb'wtiaht w �rt `, flitlt evx' 1+°iwtY, t lwa it u+xlet " g 'uttr bs atilt .Dewe etil •a t s triblb tt►v+rfl �hl►Il,. (� i+rp iiaw rt iiiutw+ tiirl na>?t.W, + ,� � ng �� ` . , rl ter . any. to t 'i"ea l pq : fltYe" °lwlh*f 160itoft Ot 1ltt�tfiI ttit will, r rtilli � �� + itr+i . kiiiiw , a � H is t <1 too" lit tt!t1101 tri 1C► Nrtt � 0+r .fYoat�ed �ittiht+ it Mild ` ► m lh!g it "is ttnt►zrlrtattt tilfi illi 1104A . if�tipi flit %'lila 'iib' tewrih Mk iV! M4 � _- villa! rrlti t t ,. e,IrF' T ; .', g JI wwiait� �tll bc• ctfd l irtY +oauld l a to ar f!titlii tldlt.ttl r It i b I lit. ,. . VL,:*, - rftOt4i t l tl!i Fla ''at Wit"' i t X11 Of a tith � loom wrWO , it1 s 4 1 ?i� _ lrrr'� '. rights submitted to the United State!► i on Wednesday last and said: In Use For liver 30 Yew "The latter part of this reserve- Bear. the I. tion, which refers to disputes be si¢naturo I twee" any portion of thQ British I of Empire and the United States, but. I expresses what we understand to ba. mwmAw Grocers to Inquiry, v ' ? the effect of te treaty as It now HAMILTON, Feb. 16.—On Satur- stabils, and is therefore an interpre- day A. McMillan, •acting for the At- ; y�,11 tation rather than an amendment o! torney-(3enoral'e DeAartment, sowed the vee - s the treaty. The first part of papers a number of wholesale and ervation, however, is a dear amend- retail graders and manufacturers in I meat t treaty and 'a div c chAl- connection' With charges that they the r t g othe� a i combined to flit prices, contrary to ya, rights of Canada and the.other Do- &au -Combines ,Act. Those on whom minions. We are at a complete losspapers were sere oil 'must return an - a to nnderstaad why the United States, were to the chaises by February 26. . Our nearest neighbors: should be the a inquIry will Oben here on March one nation of all nations 4f the world to chatlew our "itlon. i 1 a NORT11 ST. At ETi "Ifl I' fd1URCiI VIFlOR1A ST. ME7litIDI3T t HtntCtl \ ° gSba un3ors-fandrns between the .. ! NANADA STANDS FIRM , United States and Candda; ' Mr. Row- ell continued. -The reasons why Canada cannot i Will Insist Upon' Its Rights in ascent are so obvious that they need hardly be mentioned. I shall_ only - ----- . ills League. cation one.' Canada by the free • I action of her own ove rim , and -_...__..__..._ _ k -- - Dominion Mortg�at Her ftchre and Icy_ K1t - — - • the whole-hearteii co-operation of � �. i j � � Ford- 1 �� _ T -- ISacriAcd"-Hirt Sons !n 8trrgglo her own people, mired '600,000 mea • • fol 1Gibtls tlr While 'United states to take part in this war. She mortr d 1 t r 1 v and have formed a n w ' F Looked -on and Waxed Wealthy-- gaged her future ,to carry the butte dew -which her pas elipaton ifn the !toil, N. Awr ct It wed b auk" Un- worth involved. buried in France and estimate of the number of cars 'we trlendly r i Viandere, and thousands mora are • • ° OTTAWA, Feb. I6._' If the Unit- maimed for life is order that Canada will :require to meet the needs of ed States Senate should adopt the- as one of the free nations of the'Bri- " Lenroot reservation. either in its tannic commpnaiealtb, might make- original fotm or amended as now . her contribution to the cause of lib • this territory. We, cannot g e t suggetlted, and should also adopt m,4 and the restoration of the the p gamble cis proposed, Canada, world • peace. In the aa W� these enough cars to fill that estimate as one of the nations of the British facts, %t it inconceivable te that a DA vel Wt CHURCH Iftire and a party to the treaty, Government in Ci nada could be so ;00 would be caped upas to decide what dale, to both the is ftt and the because there are not enough cars .... action she should tans under these dead, fold to Caiasida's future, an to r ''++.}}A +the subject matter when they had on- conditions, There can`be no Possible give the .asaeat ,iif t ass le, to a pro- 00bexfC Star. fished • reading than some others who doubt what Canada's decision would �l .which Would d6"o Cada being made t o fill a i T dealers' tr, Teltobeas nail To. 'could run their eye Ever the printed be, she cannot slid will not congest of the position' still status ilea for 1rEDRUARY 10, t924 page and with ease read anjthing set to any lWafrment-of her stains Find herby her soldiers on the field of before. them. Education i1 a line thing voting right under the treaty. There- ,,,� battle.' and accorded .to her of the y t for a man but if he doesn't use cop- fore when i11ra1 action on the treaty Peace Contbrenctt br the enlightenbol estimates throughout Canada. .;•a " SPINDRIFT ^ nentratton with it he loses much that is taken by the Government of the fudgtsont'of nauonft, 'pssrUaularty .�-- he might otherwise have, Some pea- United States, if the ratification can this the We when frail status and h� s ssuitt►tlon for Coderirh pie seem to think that if a man is edu- only become effective on Canada's as- voting rights are grasped, acid vie The number of cars a'Y a \..Qn get tp Passing cated he can do anything. Now a sent thereto, the rattilrrttipn cannot �� Vs grrannted,.tto setieral man might know all about the part's go into r,[fect so far as Canad% is natio;■ ten the AmerdFutil continent t, Samcthnes as we glance over the of a bicycle, Ile "light be able • to conebrned, as Canada will not give which either by tesson at t"Alles A of lite local papers we read make them and flt titem together, but that ad■e'nt." In these words Hon. with the United Stat eb or of ecano• depends upon the number of orders 'thing, which is not oxacly news- when he tante to use one 10 might. &W, itdwell, Prtotldsant of the Privy rate necessity are dependent upon +• . + be eaten by some youngster who 0ourien and who, during the absence her nations which took no part in the vv a send in and the early date at ti , times it is, and sometimes it is know no more about, the machine than of the >�rtme ]It[nieter, Is hettng Sec- war and whose combined population , iddtsfis; lied it been just a teiaaM of an what h® had found otic in jumping op rotary of State for External Affairs, sirols,1 n does.mot exceed that. of +client it Would trime have been !lied a%%ity e- and fatting off, in his efforts to learn outlined Canada's position toward - ` irtsilk .teprrtYiient of our memory re- which we send ahem in, as the Ford .fair Ions or short service as titre td ride. One is educated along certain the trbaty tigbt, in the United States !lr 0 tnlglrt btu, and that would be all, lines, and the ether is educated sisal! at a tress meeting of war treterans awl � Ached �O ��� ■T.�), r� �1 other lines. so* it a ears that there Saturday night. hipping i✓e ailment follows the k, t* diose snags however of pP *^ a are degrees of education, and thcr8 is "Chnada has made her position wh�I speak which aro dtiticult to not a man in the world today who has • ;; F . and rva itrep,turntng them ov- 'iverfecttir Blear to alta riroper auth- �il+tl �1• l� ��ii o • • 0 04 L. tri oor winds, and even exhausted the supply as far as ha is oritietl in Landon. and alta h is asked � � p® !© Bail• p r i n c•1 p 1 e, `First Come; First concerned, them to make^her pMltlon Blear to �fti �t°e tMttMk tt,�e Ila+ro them fairly fire County the authorities in Washington. WefI?ticl ti eyhtty in tlttl tr9ttlit glees in otic hama1 dt&6 ,thtb In the! istereais_ of y , o edilty teck dhi*y lice, c�ilriinit dowp We sofa ip the road tupetirttandcnt'a -,, ,-,, -�, , _, _.__-._____ When the livor. t manufacture sluggish end is tlrcjr "0iE# !leg" like some report that ,%vood 11lqt�ring. for bridges tine it dors not manufacture enough Served." - E'1 ti set On � bowels and n ■ortilL t`lrtidrerl t krtotr+. after their tsar• ig bei`aming a big prabtem. i3ocii elm ncgiectintt his duty when tits mads le to tf the irll+ Q .. rttyd 'Titffk tlter..ltaye eattt god night ilaoring Is very diftteutt to obtain at ars left cvicek atter �veck as they ars 4 +carry of the wasW metier fresm the • xo t 131 lust iQ i1M1e, betas the sand present, #nd, high tirticys must be gild Wit irate a ma"tion by Messrs. Tie- tasters, hence the bdweb becdne clogged a y bars ordered now will not, be ;:flit iq hit tlra 'a3' %work. -Thej when it can, ba sc■urpe. Would it not rr�irtha• aMd 1411tetr that: it a kpecial 0. too bile acts into.the blood, con- '' +kU over a asd ltull� oilr hair, be a good tiling for the county couneil mredhis of Tire oaglqrit be called, it be stnpation rets m and is fellnnred b sick •t� '( tliafi. f�li t'a lfl itrtc' eyes, and to start a fatptstry daparttnent On t, hisld aft Clinloo0l; being. more central.,, aMd bilious btirdaehee, wattr baa■br deli V'ered until 1Vlarch and deliver- at hitt' htaT fit tlllx' x thitt%v *slde an small scale to grow Ahe luthltrr �� wt`i!ttii, beNrtburn, tudellg n .pecks before the 1 �I, if ;lMytTiGiCg,.at ,Mitt` thstin,.oui un- gFlired is publtb wot'it,$ 01 thea kind d`ha tleltt thlog %N -a shall reAd twill be sq" Pial mesal, blosd►uWl o! ♦ will uncertain ri err r� " Xt d ^ *ltxttii�0fl,_< vKttitt t'calty trrat- urentforim. Tn thb Tank 't'ttiv it rvoulil "Mooed thtit berelfti r All sittings of i sR l?> les W ill be uncertain throughout the i "lt� (h tratlll�'. iii %vox! tito%ta a Source Of r�"t�lltili to thfi "Olt. t1le ollotj 60olkil, be field at Clinton: Milburn, isa'a'tl+�s`i'W('�' P& *'lilite • s „ df a'vieo It being snort canvehntetlt" Cardial, 1Jttli ifaw of bile s0 ilial it a privo re s /�, /��+. /� �+ � Wilton outt MdIng beet► #y, and wo Leltcve lilatttrtt salMa- �'ttxt "fight ba tt ball ilotutfan to the on tYtei and ■tier file ait>� s yerCA.'1 If voffl do uV4want to Wait tttibit!li.J4 jawt.0 polite Way of county in Onto �auld � • rar�fttt� IIUMd we tett iM l5efleral~ ihftr(i aetaancftahtdllna It �etdb, rsunctiitti9lt� xa�iv�bt,oconhirt iu; y, • tui to tldt� rf the ON most b M t e a arra , ,ray a' Rttf� will n to 1'Ctft� h part at the road.. perlotot*11 'd l*+ .11tttf9t! sive :i ill sDll with 01ftty of aa- M "It, • �/'' s l r � j, e ' r a u t u u 8 1'V` a iy �.: i�� w tri #Cl ,#iiia tta1► 1?gik '*w tlifd that port 'trgat�dirtg t ftw •midis t -*ad■ litwlt tltrlmadxtioti falx d1T . the +atllct�, and ct. 'tip II,dt he. ry ti,, tt M +►i ii ta.tight A joke to tho fftta *'h6 'ltir9 to bob .ii re thttre, their th6 '�odettrlt b�eiltM , your r tltilt rt t �i Alt ot dit#Mili OVer pltnh 11*610 *411th J0 ''bia..k*fb fathtb�is can mare 1*16 thti pig- ��rrliwsh�rd�lia�il�►Ttn�zti�,:na�no� come l� iia res�rV� ,, Milt '' f,+t 6,414i i1(fttoov. i~IWO his Una t� :'slily' VIA, t. "t cttutt� ilnUitE, 'ilfild . tUt'0 tt tnt4 tt sit i � '%f it law ttfd aiJtut' • 4 art to sixes" d� �i ti tt ltilllii"i�a+d i!, atgl .lt, flab' r�iltt bi$ can t' 'a alcl tt. #tt`Nt 0111" t to,%% I,nll. When ii(k h��'tl iii trwb'wtiaht w �rt `, flitlt evx' 1+°iwtY, t lwa it u+xlet " g 'uttr bs atilt .Dewe etil •a t s triblb tt►v+rfl �hl►Il,. (� i+rp iiaw rt iiiutw+ tiirl na>?t.W, + ,� � ng �� ` . , rl ter . any. to t 'i"ea l pq : fltYe" °lwlh*f 160itoft Ot 1ltt�tfiI ttit will, r rtilli � �� + itr+i . kiiiiw , a � H is t <1 too" lit tt!t1101 tri 1C► Nrtt � 0+r .fYoat�ed �ittiht+ it Mild ` ► m lh!g it "is ttnt►zrlrtattt tilfi illi 1104A . if�tipi flit %'lila 'iib' tewrih Mk iV! M4 � _- villa! rrlti t t ,. e,IrF' T ; .', g JI wwiait� �tll bc• ctfd l irtY +oauld l a to ar f!titlii tldlt.ttl r It i b I lit. ,. . VL,:*, - rftOt4i t l tl!i Fla ''at Wit"' i t X11 Of a tith � loom wrWO , it1 s 4 1