HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-19, Page 1C MM = ■ r "I-. ,�_,,u ..,,p a I 11 01010� - , _11r- - I 11r - I -- Y Pubyshsel4 wary u -41, a 1ti t+t4t0 . 111X71iTH t 4 1�. (WTUM, !CMI)A ' .' Di IDA1, .1~ Rt�1�R'!r� i9a I 1 �tnl� 1 is �►rr� tb aatlt.r Y Jot 1, r>rn.. „ "1'H1 r„ pO ,_ 1= " _.. .. !. i Atto�ne _senerel. it IS S ti ll 'L Maclean, Has Decided to Retire from WWI GQYernmentIII, w St ifint 'Io1{a A ������ Not _ , Wo44�.. o411ii�1 1t�14 :R144t +tR n R tAt t1 ��i7 . ilia 11 to pan HsI At of as 11 _. Mr. Leckle as M."Attrif of I. RriFp4law! r -. t fon t Inc assn as 'ISo woloeM t uptk The tlaerrt o re B ilio i►- .. �� TOPICS ibo s re In tlt,o water wgrks system of the _ ,. ho( site to ,,... " car`s re .. 14 _ Canada p Dtet1A(eago The trstwu port shotAtsd ,11 towtli for dolltestfa purposes Ill tint a J,��' , . tY . Mr. D. li, tj(mp, of 1Wwn, has roaetvect slwflt during tris Yoalc an troQ � tltalV P.Il@, gold tit the meeting lit the 1 y aJsi a h �r ttOaS rtes The librarian reportod • yy tett and Lig t Commission '('hurts- � ! �.Jr _ d Y Sh In Ctiloago r- !• DTOatieblrllR word of the lived 1 time,aand 113 Spew "WOra 81eterOl wul Ipp tractetil to 6 ant esti is oL ' ' 5TERLIN 15MK �, tom: t> of .btv, a« 1 r Friday, d�Y.Rt1ss, S +It 17a stater. Matte dltMag the year. The fo►lowlag oQ!- the a114t of ralattlar tits helght�ot the ' ` �I74l*pre'! � °eul1O f4► was H f . QF E AIM s liilllr>e"4 Si7R1b'>,<4r Mew b r t?od etch. Itltl rttlCbt was nano at per, 'ti4re atm to Clticago, cera were eleotexlt Mr, G A. Reki, staJldPlpo 86 iset. of course for yrs ., t Ate. Jolts (fait '` fit, p nted a an' , purpoflbs the pressure Is rallied by ble bani>r- County Enpla►seat''s Office treasurer, p rh Mie , rlf�anittt`tlsl dtlltlb4li. D+?oali trcaadrer, and Miss M. Aitken. sacra- aloft A valve Hoar the standpipe and a , �'.�41a tto t,� Pralrle Pro- Gnun�i+ Engineer P0%1•gon !s now tary aid librarian. with an Iaoreaae rtUlning the pump, so that the pros- i•t I z. BUSY FARMERS a oaeupylDg his 4tlloe at ,the Court Ut 63100 Per year In salary. Mr, J. L. surer of the water tt(irtlr ten pump isIT ?,'' bh sl*d to dis- Rause, A drattin6 tablet has Deoa Aitken was re -appointed caretaker. prevented from being spent In stains ;s OuTma�rtl wm built he different int ho water in the standpipe. but ice Are kklere some points in connection with the awe ftllrml llnfl>aedT 544-laoaoia 'Pith tbitllx # int said installed at the cillos. Thp T momberN of Elle data nt con t t +�•` tl#t�.�00AM - county agent of the Chltdran's Aid 3e- kacA of the Board aro,_ t(�ttcte commit- from the overflow_totn the _ top their _ _ otD >� ill �vh h yin vgoulc111$e �R1 4eS�-� - --- - ,.- _ _ _ __ ._ . _ M fluty. 'VWUQ 4clitt r �ocCu�Tt+ rtl tii`a7 h, GaulEhue it s$eticm to Iiew� _ V A:f aalsL.t�1�a. Covered over -_- . _ ..- f110141t . �` 3m -l}tptl seQ-thetoast tnaatager o€ tElpr$terling _ __._ _- -._ BMK- -tlae, is >Yovv altartttg tltlr-poilca magna- �i � , tratq's oQloc upstairs in ilia Court i Ford and on Tom. it an ; Corn-. the top of the manhole In which rev talar t3ank $e is thoroughly conversant with money mltte0-Mr. Long, chairman; Mr. valve la worked, and thus prevented molten aR€tutiag faraoers and possesses information � - - t(ousa. I Air. Leckie and Mr. Kidd. Beak cam- ilia operation of the valva, and this Glenn-Richardson mltlea__.Mr. l.aalclo, chairman, and condition was mentioned at the ales11, high mf1 IOVS help€ill tO._yQu. ---- - - /1���� L `�(] t 1etp_� _ -_! _& Quiet wedding ing tock n1_Tti_,._ao nt Knox the Inembel's-ot-4he- whole Uoard.- - nW--off tile- eomm"ou, as, MuIria�, _ �ilh-Bran'+ • �T�`�allawa-�"a"� - Manse, Saskatoon, recently. to 4he pro- I A Generous Offer attention. .; . senoo of the bride's parents Mr. and Ap lications front •rho Natrona! Mrs. John M. Riehardson, when Pam- � The Board of Health wish to &O- j- is -•r•• etas Rluhardson, of R va Reach, was knowledge their appreciation of the Shipbuilding Co' for 82% horse power cKi and from the Organ Go, for 50 h. p. of `• "'" "� " �IHN"M"mmoifilosmmlitt®Itlmtt®� CARD 7iEl � ti� united in marriage to Mr. John Alex- � very lP Harcus ciao[ of N1txN. Jones- electrical energy were granted by the a ^ e 19 ARD OF THASi0,--John Symington, noder Glenn, of Alsask, Sask. Rov. Bateman In the placing of her roar commission. 0 CRAB IE 8 M C senior, and Elizabeth and Frank wy)le E. Clark performed the core- deuce at the dispo9al of the Board to it was decided to pay the£ Hydro q: SERVE � (j friends beg to ih rent elr nel4tabors and be used as an emergency hospital for =in on arrears of operating account. S [[lanae fpr ilial[ Brest hole snot sympathy mony. .Mr. and Airs. Glans will re-WIS ;Assurance Real Estate I, in their bereavement- side on the i;room'v farm at Alsask. Innuantu patients It the necessity The adjustment of accounts all bet - should arise the Board will be obis - - - - ��.2 t B Is ARD OF THANXse-='tars- too-- Peudry SYrsINy McLaren Married to avail themselves of this genarouR tvvoeo the Waterworks and Eiootrto !V aa>f1rs. >I S � 19 s V wishes to express her sincere thanks Atr. \Vusley Lanham McLaren, son offer. The citizens of Goderiott will 1.1ght departments for the year iota j1p tt ifilpply soli with sound, t IS @I to all who have been so kind to her at of Mr. unci Mrs. D. A. McLaren, Vio_ and between the Commission and the P ® the time of her bereavement In the loss toria St., Goderich, was quietly [Hart ( no doubt feel that this Is another In- town was settled by the payment by b� °n UP-toimo` �°� For Sale ` ® of Her s highly 'Mrs, anyLlexpr. She ap- Nines-nce Of Eno broad charity Of A1rtl. �.a t ® ® predates highly rho teeny expressions of [lad in Vancouver Dec. Tor to, to Jones-Bnten+un and a continuance of the Waterworks a Department to the, EI- sfthlCetfl, ptliees and business eland�hons? ® m sympathy received._ Miss Ada L. i'+trslll, of Toronto, and public services during and since ectrlo Light IJapartmept of ilifR9.59, �O hL'i n t0 taICC advantage of �011i ■ ® - Mr, and Mrs, MrLar•n are now spend- I and of 4104.11 to the town. • p i !LARD OF THANKS. -Air. and Mrs, W. C. the war. The Boum wltlhee agate to A letter from the Workmen's Coa- l's One . story frame Cottage, N lJ Pr•Idham wish to express their thanks Ing their huttuymuun In Los AnhcleN, i urge on the public the necessity Of oppo laude,) � increase your income? � to the many friends for their tokens of California, where Air. and Mrs. U. A volunteer nurses. Up to the present pe•nsatfon Board, reporting payment of !1'hs Bank tlt� = good shingle roof 8DH in ® sympathy In the toes of their daughter, McLaren are visiting with thrlr I time only one such application has i2820 to Dr. Taylor In connection with to help fiumt mitt Irene Prfdham. A large number or let- daughter,, Mrs. Noble R. Smith a(u] Mr. Kelly's Illness, was Med. e A] condition. About 20 ® tars or sympathy have boon received and (been received. Applications should be The ahargr iter &ttlttord residents wary Willy �16le, s as it wail be impossible to answer so Mrs. J. A ,. Cameron, for rte winter. made to the clerk or the M. U. it. ® feet by 25 feet, On posts. to many, this means 1s taken to convey their A Kindly Act for electric light was tlxed at $16 a ® IB sincere appreciation of the great kindness The Forward Movement a Big Slice s year as service charge, tike used to CANADIAN BANK To be mored off property shown In this time of sorrow_ 11t•. Frank Riley was pleased to re- In l7oderiah Fi by April 1st. (food Snap ® erivu Lhc other day ilia fulluwinh contract for Elva yaltrN, plus the meter L ® Ig WANTED note Acrd token of sympathy from Every one of the ilve Goderich rule. CE a for quick Sale. comrad< hiN Nun, Sergi Arthur churrh,iN participating In the 1•'ocword - ®� �o � M ANTED -A eompetcnt girl for general itloy, in the Uominlotl tlrlhupuedic Movement has achieved n tine tt:aord PEOPLE WE KNOW ♦♦ 11►i1tL� �K� Ig •r housework. Apply MRS. R. X. ACHE- ® ® SON, Nelson St, liospital, Ctirlstie Street, Toronto: in connection with the financial drlvo P�a� �� =15.�,� ® �' ix' --- Urur Mr. 1(IIoY,-;PIe4No tin+l ft><1 n- nondurtrd last wank, every conKr<Ka Mr. Arden ,\Ilkan was in town dur- 'VANTED.-Experlanceu lady stern- clnNr�l fruht the names attached whle h ikon cxcerdfng Its ,.objective by a sub- Ing the weak. �VE FUND � � $15,0NA ® graphcr. Apply ' w JOHN JOYN'f, 88 ® Box 297, her.LucApp out. wu trust will erect a stood In ntAnwry st lntfnl anuttmt. North street hfotho- Mr, and Mrs. Frank SrtunderN were ® FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND D of our old friend, Arthur. (Enc and dist church had the biggest success alt alum Toronto fur several days the WDERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manager. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE M WANTED-Experlencou loopers. 11ioce all send •their deepest sympathy and measured by the .proportion of Its oh- Dust week. ® Ol work,- t2 cents per dozen. Oros used lin to lheNr few ifneN will thtd you jective subscribed, the subscriptions M ,to rib work preferred. To reliable girls 1 Miss Celia Robinson has returned C J. W. CRAltilfx r31 we will pay taro. Apply LAV01E KNIT_ well. fours sincerely, totalling ij37,3021, and the objective being home after spending (het post flea - - -�- _ TERS, Poterboro, Ont. FRANK HAVE. $4.370. Victoria Street Methodist ���®�®��®��®�®ya®it®®BNM-- -- church trod an objective of weeks In Toronto. _ ____ HELP WANTED. -45 per day. Alen Meeting of Western Wind Insurance LOCA[, INRO NOT/CES it send me your address and 1 will Co. th•�10o It1 Knox Pt•e,,)Oo, nd church Atri \r Trbbutt left o" Tuasdny start you In a business or your own earn- Jag Connolly spent part of last week to nb}nctive wnN rdl0,ft00, and the onm- on her nturn to Druid, S od, atterSun Life Assurance CollofCafiada 'Phi t.5 to ;t0 dauy the year around. Sam- I Ign for. subscriptions to the For- spendlnK sorer mon(hs in Cindrrlch. pl case and plans free, Address lb. V. In Woudf the attending the annual ward Movement Fund was combined Mrs. John Nicholson, Quebec St., left MARTIN, Windsor, Ont meeting of the, \\'esktro Wind Insrr- with a canvat+s for increased Kiving8 this week for Brockvlllo to be with once Company. Owing toy .,tlte big ANTED. -Canadian bank requires onewind W to the ordinary revenue of the eongre- her daughter, Mrs. (feu. S. Buckman. A Remarkable Record LOCAL IMPROVEMEDrr NOTtCE. Y3r or two young men who have had grey storm on Nov, Ess th a was a gallon. The subscription to the For- I some education. This Ire a splendid open- 'grant deal of business to transact. K J. !d. Jot>InColl Alin d, here irW for a progressive man ane otters 'I•his is toe. largest company In the ward Movement -amount to very near- hre.returned from Colvisiti uetd, where TOWN OF GODERICH. good opportunities for advancement. Ad- ly 1~!1,000 and are still coming in, No During the year 1919 the Sun Lite of Canada, established new records. ------ dress replies to Bos t5. STAR OFFICE. +Province and consequently their ICN that there Is lit le doubt that over Air+. Johnston was vINltlnK her par- TAXE NOTICE'THAT lses were numerous, Mr. Connolly, tnt. for some months. as the following figures show t 1. The Council of the Corporation of the TENOGRAPHERS "WANTED.-Erperlenc- '$11,000 will be t{titdetl Knox church ! the Company in Lt � superintendent o h oma ,Miss King, Nu a tend , represents the C ! lQ who re raN n p Y fS, A p work t Ib its woe in t was n little slower g New Aasnraat%e appltod for ................................. 8 100,3a8.W0 [own of OoderitlY has constructed as a S ad preferred. Gpod wages0.and ad- district, has valued Dearly one hon- Goderich 11oNpltel, has as line (;oast at Lite Assurances in force Dec. 81st, 1919•••-••••••.••••••• 416,858,000 local Improvement a sanitary newer on vancoment to rho Capabio. Congenial rounded up than some of the other Lifete, pa at sin force 1ec.$919 .......919.,-• .............. 306.711.000 oxford street between Huron Road and surroundinra, etc. ly 13111es Manager, Bred losses. The auditors' report churches but had its objective reaelt- prtAcnt her sister from Klnoardne. Assists paid to policy holden 1n 1919 .............•....... 1,806.000 Maitland Row' CHEVRQitBT MOTO a O., Oshawa, Ont. ' showed the company to be in such Iter servloeo as professional ntltso 2 The [pat ot, the work is ;21;;•7.86, of va 4 Saturday night ,�,3tlt• The Fan- atalcb s917w De paid try[ I good.ilnanclal standing that a1F claims vas% for currant ravened resulted In (vane Immadiatoty in demand on oom- 80111.9r Olt SO''11Df` are to be paid in full without an extra Ing hero. poreuon. L`X` cial rate per toot nt I nn increaflc of between >w300 and Ali(10 H.lt, LONG, Distinct Agent ago is Lacspecial asseaamont is to' FOR SALE. Send grain ,tor halo, Mar- assessment. for e,ngregatfonal purposes, and an 1. ht. Levan, IDspealor of Collegiate be paid faeJalinstalments. quis spring wheat, No. 72 oats. No. a increase Acreage at County home3. The eslltetime Ot the work is oats. Clean grain. A. f[. GLUTTON, R, R. Perm increase of pearly 6200 ID cAntributions Institutes atxl llfgh Schools, has been 20 years, No. 3, Godertch, 'Phone i414, Benmiller. At a meeting of, the Huron County to the mlFNionury and other gltjects making his InNpnotioo o! the local in- l1AII.WAY TiME TABLE LOCAL IIi1PROVE1tdElVT NOtiCFSi -- - - - , 4. A Ctwrt eN AevlsioD will be held on Included in the budget, this latter stltil ihlN week. Partly in account V. a, �� the ata day Of March, 1wilM. et 8 o'clock C1rOU9E FOR 'SALE. -A beautiful home home committoe in Clinton on Thurs- amount being raised- largely without of the prewaleinee of colds and partly ',, p. to qt the Council Chritrtbera, Town tut fore pale on Nelson St., modern, and lay of last week the Head of Increased solicltallon. In St. George's church on atcuunt of the storm the attend- pod"loh-Leave SAOa.m. 1.40 p.m, _... Hall to the Town of ooderlch, for the pur- extra lot 56xteo. Large airy rooms, extra acre.rige to the farm In order to pro- i1sm1ton-Atrrive 11.15 a.m. SAO p.m. pose or hearing complaints against the large veranda, beautiful grounds and gar- the ob}rrtfre waN $4,150 and by the aDcO u! pupllN has Dern light. 2% onso- " 10.35 a.m. 6,60 p•m,1 proposed assessments or the accuracy of den; a lot of fruit trees, also berries. I vide sufficient pasturage to allow of end of the week's campaign '$5,3(',0 had Air. John G. Maellattic left for Kali- . Teroato-Ltaatte 7.45 a.m. 6.10p.m. frontage measurements and any other I Large barn, I box, 2 single stalls; drive enough cows being kept to provide all been raised. The singing of the Te tax last work to take up his position $�ilypn - " 7 40 a m• 4.00 p m• I coatptatnt which persons interested may house, large dot box dna electric lfghl- In _i the butter used at the Rome was un- gwurn in place of the usual opening as assistant superintendent engineer in desire to make and wnich la by law cog- I loft. W. J. POWELL. ( der discussion. A report as to what AOdericls--Atrrlve 19.26 p.m. 9.56 P.M. T OCAL ,IMPROVEMENT NOTICE, nizabte by the Court. - hymn on Sunday morning vvaN 1n the Crarter Steamship C p Lines. . in AM drains arriwandleave 17nion Station I L - Dated al doderich this 12tH day of Feb- rj 9R SALE, --A car of n. C. shingle+ for can be dons will be submitted to the LhunkeRh Ing for the Nuca•NN u[ the huudyuurtera of the Company are. in G. T. R. TOWN OF OODERICH. ruary, (929, sale at Megaw Station. Direct from ,lune Nession Of the county council. campaign Tile Goderich baptist )tunln•nl, where Alr. MucHattir will go dOderieL-Leave 4.05 a.m, 2.20 p.m I L. L KNOX, Clerk. will to user. C. r ROBERTSON, 'Phone We understand something like 600 upon the opening of navigation.,• Mrs. ?,4b a•m. I TAKE NOTICE THAF Dungannon 6 r 4, or [all John Treble. church had a Rood margin. over Its ub- pounds of butter was brought last year j,,ctive. MurNntth• intends to remain In town t. Tho Council of the Corporation of the L�OR SALE. --0O acres tour tulles south which c6uld have been produced at yOroatp-- AL 7,45 11.10 a.m. 7.116 p.m. Town of node Das aoeistructed as a 1 of Oodericn, Est con., Goderlch town- Increased Salaries for P. S. Teachers for the present. HamBton-Arrive 11.82 a.m. 6.53 p:tn, local impeovement a sanittYry sewer on ship. Well fenced, a new barn and fair the farm If there was su the et aces of poronto-Leave 0.30 a•m• 12.96 p.m. St. Andrews street, between nelson Street house, 1.2 mite from school and church, age. Arrangement as to the estates of A special meeting ashe of the Public Commenting upon the reluctance of 6.50 p.m. and Hamilton Street. T OGVL IMPROVEMYNT NOTICE. possession 1st of April. Apply to ROBT. some of the inmates vvaN also under school board was held on Wednesday Holland to give up the ex-Kalser, a $amilton-Leave 7.16 a.m. 7.16 P.M. 2. The cost of the wort is >11014.5t, of L McALLiSTBR, on the vrwtisen• or vNiL- df eusNlon, and Inspector Torrance waN rrvenlnK, Fe'n. i1ln, in the town hall at ,t SamGodel'to -Leave 11.36 a.m. 7.16 P.M. which $449M Is to be paid by the Cor- TOWN OF GODERICH. LiAM MCAI.LISTER, Goderich, Admini- in connection o'clock p. m., to deal with the request tie'nalor rrniarked, "Strange that the porstfon. Tire speeh0 rate Der toot front• atrator for Are estate In Goderlch on Saturday count[ which tuthet-,el 'William of 11.46 p•m• � is 7,.3c. The special assessment is to TAKE NOTICE THAT with this. of the trnaund fur a bonus, present Y be paid in 20 annual tnatalmeots. _ . UrunK*t should now mother William of 3. The estimated tltottttte of the work la t' The Council of the Corporation or the OhouAeLwi6hR sWr;,red Iixht,plApply to Probable• Oldest Subscriber Ditty Trusters 4uunderN, McLean, Platt Sttl' the. Lemon.' SPECIALLST Town of Goderich has constructed as a lows, Wallace and Acheson. R. V. J. R FORBT�R 20 years, lout improvement a sanitary sewer on I1. C. 54UNPrINWtlImtalaurSt The Star received word last s. C. S (tit motion of Trustee McLean, so - i. A Court euf Revision will be herd on Wilson street between Thomas Street Aad the death in Winnipeg of Mrs. C. S. BORN D- - o March 4wil at S e clock Wilco s Row AOR SALE. -Two-story trnme house in \IillEr. a former resident of Goderich, conded by Trustees Snllows, TPUflt'C HROPHFY.-in Wlnni err, .Man., at aoa Ry11 ]tllH, N091C THROAT. lire 4th day t I. - good shape. large Yrs. Orch: ' �attwir-rN was appointed chalratatt. � Qen Ptacp, o_n. wu Y. February 16th. p. m. at the Council Chambers, Town 2t Tho coat of the work Is ;1749.76, of 1920, tri Air. acid Mr+. red W. Nrtmptiiy, a y who passed away on Satur ay, e• t. La -,o New York (lphthaltnlo Hyl to the Topm of Goderlch, for the Pur. gbtoh �p4 to to be paid by the Oorpors- and and lawn- mock street Quick sale, 7ttt at the age of 81 yea" and one The commltlfe ut the whole. report- daughter: and Aural Hospital, aawl'.tant at mooreBelo's pose of hearing complaints against the tion. The epeeist rate per toot frontage ;t,0o0. Apply Star. ed having compared salaries \vlth DAER.--In ooderieh on Monday, Feb. 1gyoAOMAtelandGoidenSquare Throat Has- proposed assessments or the accuracy of to OAc. The apeclat assessment is to be munth. She had been receiving the those ald Irl other towns, and huvinic IAth, two, to Mr. and Mrs. itobt. Deer, altal Landon. En - trontage measurements and any other � to 20 annual lnstalrnenta. ATER MOTOR FOR SALQ.-vVtll do- Saar since November, JW, when she p wwaterleto Sr. . Stratford. 'Ioleohone 207. complaint which Persons Interested may 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is [clop up to three horse -power• in consulted the public school Inspector. naJ'nelst Road, a daughter (truth Isabel a At Bedford Hotel, Goderlch, from Wed- desire to make and which is by law nog• 20 years goo'$ running order Apply at THE STAR (vas mottled to Mr. Charles g, Mrs, and rrrnrnmended that Miss LeTuuzel, Ci'RWi:^+.-tv Gorderich, on Sunday, neflday, April 21st, at 7.30 P.,m. to Tburs-, nizable try the Court OFFICE. barn Miller. Mrs. Emily G. Lung, Mrs. Mfrs K. Watson,ASlsa V w'ut on, FI'b. 15th, to Mr. and Alrs. Jame« Curwen, "day. Apra 22nd, at 1 D. m. Dated at Goderlch this 12th tial[ of Feb- 4• A Court of MarcRevision will be Mid Or tf111er's daughter, In writing to in -Miss a son tJnun•s Edwin). the nth day of Marna, 1ch at 8 o'clock FOR SALE. -Two- mtorey Rano boson on Mi«g Bentley, Ball Bole, MINS Khnr ruary• 1920• p, m, at the Gouocll chambers, Town Mem us of her mother's death, maks 001) INSIURANCE L. L. KNOX. Clerk. steno foundation, collar under Half , man, ;Nlss W. Bull, Mitis an int anal rsyt't h . rlexieriGo n. Tuesday, Feb. Hall In the Team of pOdeelch, for the par_ the house, bath and other conveniences In (lir, rummest that she was probably `rIIN% M Stexldnrt, be given an Incrvasc LsfT WAWAN+JNH MYJTUAL FIRE - pose of bearing complaints [against the c•nnectiort. Extra lot. carp on cement Iour ••\pry oldnNt subscriber, and she rem, ito;At, --in ckvikl aged aN soars. fir i° proposed assessments or the accuracy of roundatlon; content noor uiWer stable end of SO per ant on the Drrflent rrxteatltly Rt CKvtA"r. --In DrnckvUte, on Tuesday, YY INSURANCE W. A �f,, tronLae measurements and any other drive shed; tnrec horse malls in stal)W. o+lvvnyN seemed to find news of some payinents from Feb. 1st, i920, to Aug 1'e•t, 17th. I,rq, of pnrumnnia Oeorge 4 Farm end town property insppred• Fixed t'rC� eomDlefM which persons Interested may Large wood shed adlotning drive sited. old r7+.derlrh friend In the Star each ust 31st, IWO Rurkrnan, son to is of Mee John Nichol - ' rote m fi0oentaparilW. Aa sbQwn by Gov- desire to make and which o by law cog- Drive shed muitable ror garage. Apply to \Meek.•' "She enjoyed remarkab►r \Inved by Trusts•e McLean, seron,ted "'' 0"Ph•r pL, Ge ferirh, Ontario. erntuent bulletin. thin Company iaone of the nitable by the Court. WM. LECKY, Quebec St. 1u•alth bolt of mind and body unWl NOT -r. -In Tutr,nw, ""Tuesday, Feb. strongest 1n the Prov(nce. malntefuing an Dated at Ooderich this t2m day or Feb- _ by Trustt;r, Wullnc••, that the r• lmrt he t ill, ur!n Cynthla Amelia, beloved wife of adequate surpine invested to Victory Bond.+ ruary, t0i0 GIRLS WANTED her Iasi Illness and never term•`'$ w +t,iopted `Iirholas W gots. In her Trill year and Bank „ecertties, Ad)justments promptly T OCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. L. L. KNOX, Clerk. grow old or lose her interest In all %Inv.•'$ In amendment by Trll f[,: IIALSTF:An - In (uxterirh. on Morpay, andeatiefaetorilyatt-Idded tU Prealumsean JJ TOWN OF OODERfCN. - about her." Acheson, seconded by Truster yval r,•b iatr Jului virkinnou, beloved wife or be paid to agontnor w local Banks. ALEX. Wreck at Ridgeway Nanntel Ilatsteud, 1ell`HOWON, ProeWent. T.O AL1.111N.SeG TAKE NOTi�E THAT Rain Furs Wanted HiGHEST WAGES PAID In\s%, that the report be' anu•ndrd to Agents for Colborne and GoderiohTown• bad accident occurred on Mondaythe N""'nAi At rurlerirn, on Thursday. hlp�-CAPT. L jlpTHkR1NGTON R.R, No, f rhe Council of the Corporation of the 1 red that all In� tajo, Th obtsfn the Feb aril. J4n,j h Herwel MM,Aam, inset Shepplfratdton, end H 1. SALELMLD, MR. Town of Goderich has constructed as a Apply t0 m cluing on the (i. T. R. at ItldgewaY• 111 p, r trot. Inrrrns• This was d• xvt ni \U amt Ors. Jaynes M, Aaam, mored EO,tGodorloh. local Improveynent a sanitary sewer On Hi iftest (.'eRsh Pt•IiCu Paid the morning train from a tweerich run- rlardcJ Inst on ter son 'Ind dl\Isfun IS niunlloe \Noire street between Victoria Street and g GODERICH KNITTING CO., Ltd. Hing Into n train of some twenty or Yea -Tru%1Prs Acheson un•t `aUnws \In AL1,1 frill Ni tetrnit, on . bolo ex - Cambria Road. /) East Street. more coal cars %landing on the main tin Trusters 1'Intt, Waller. and yb t'•n tour, mare t"' \i Peurtry. ir<j Vi 2. The cost or the work Is litX0,710. of A Corpfiel _ _ -- . --- ----___-_ _--_ z- tin[ Thr switch is said to have been y wtr•, or tt Itn,un via, tm+Err, a,r•u x► which 4555.18 Is tP It paid by the Corpora- - set for the exprefls to take the siding, Lean, I-II, and t m,•nr]tn. 0 F CAREY tion. The spoctal�\rete per toot ftrontage is Box 292 Elgin Ave.,GOdtfiC�r -ADVERTISE tti TitE STAR The mnli•n to nd.opt tau rrpr,rt .�nr IN N-ing ►M tion The spool sexrrl9ieint is to be paid but apparently must have hero ,U•c lured ra rri•d nn Eli onm• dl\141r,n I ed At all events the accident Tau\11• 4)'% In L•, Ines Onem,•ry nt our i4 , 0 a in 20 annual instalmentm. C tan rr vrryrd flexr hh••han,i and (a •• lhr. W iliiaru 1,0111Thn • 3. The estimated lifetime or the wont ti occurred. The rugine wart badly 1 r„mmunu•att„n \vas, r•nd from vlr ••,u. \\h•, ,h•••+ „ue >, Lf age „o yet, AM. Real Estate and Insurance 20 years, Iw•rerk,•d, and the express and baggage t;hurlcs r '"tee t. ndenng the hoard h1. '"I' 4. A Court of R@vision will be held on ears \v, -r-, Gdrscnped and broken to \\ %I n the ev.. n,ir ,hnrte. Are ran,na the 4th day of March. 1940. ut 8 o'clock I ere IKnatl"n aw [.[[elute• r "f x'irt,.n t End „•• are uttmir ani nI j'. m. at ilio Council Chambers. Town plrr• s, Err ocalpantq having to Kr't �rh u,d or neon. th,•d r„rue« a I' -u tau Story and a quarter double bouse on p- / out through the roof. It Is almo%t a If ne ,Iult ,, aid . •,m•• h,•m•• th Crescent [or .Bale on ba s t{all In the Town of Goderich, for tlao pur-4luwel by Tnt«L• 1Vallar,. �,r„n,l peso of hearing complaints against th� Pubit"c Warnrn///��� mtrns'I•' nn Ane wits killed. The ttrr- \t••re sat m'•r arh dot a.• nu.. nontormS. tliodern. MOnthly tent proposed assessments or the accuracy o ,,t by Trust••' 14r l.ra n, Ilial vie i•,yV%,V !nay un,, til w„un.I, un• healeef$30. Price 12,260 frontage measurements and any other roan. \,1nm Stevenson, the ilio worst, r k ,• n nikn•tti„n he -w-114-1 t I,r fru[ U„ v nal.• know th•• +• rr complaint which persons interested may hrinK bnrlly rcallnd. He waw taken take pito, Wire, tAt, 1119) e,arno,l That Ile. w.uun ,ur h.•arr, ,.n.•;.Ira desire to [Hake and which Is by low cog- to iturfaln, and at last reports was ,,•me 1mt and f"rr••it••n nitable try the Court. \cry 1,,\c to Is a nephew of Alra. fin hnrrd lh,•n :nll"urn,•I In« \vliF- \vt i__ _ y,+ Dated at Goderich this 12tb defy of Feb, Owing to the outbreak Of influenza the Board lir•v Ilumllton, and she Iv leaving 17 --- - = ruary, 1920. Frld:ty m 1 itisit. L. L. KNOXI Clerk_ Of Health, of the Town of Goderich has devised it. morning to sec him. J 11 n ______ _ __ _ _ rvnrL of l„wn, brakeman, had hi- 11A.NK OF M NTRE11 iALF J. BCU'PT, BANDMABTRn advlsahlet0 i,rohibitall publiccard purtirg, dnnreg,ankh badly bruiss.l. Hr, IB bark ui • ALjr i Teacher of hand ptrnments and Plano. ie86 and BOCttlltt. Rola e;Xprturtnr tk,Wohnn, F,nKfn•••,r TiotoriaSt. next to Knox Church. -_ _ 'r itnlan, F:xprrus hie%srnRrrt Albert e:,,x and +.a\,•Irnan Bnil \tall Clrrkx Dalt,-TI. tES171oLr>sBiPJo OVER'll" YPJ1R!! aD. H. WF.6TON, I.. L. C. M. 14 And furttfer requests the public to refrtaw from I,rckl an l VrNetl escaped with only 1ileentfate London Congo of Music, Eng- OCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. all unnecessary gatherings. a shahing up and some srratche% Thr B O t3 ! a of Directors: Wad. Organist and Ctiolr Director of i L ' passeng,•r« wore uninjured and ih,• a n VDICIIM MBI[ M. I.L. h..ld.at. f 4; Borth St. Metbodiat church. TOWN Or GODERICH. Y T15AC1tER OF HiJSI(•. _�- rnn,luctnr h,•inK In a paBsrngrr rna, h ltd CfAliLIiSCOtDOM, t`AL Via-hw+a..t. . (TAKE NOTICE THAT And the public is prohibited from gathering in Irli,l n„t h,\r as narrow an racapr n� •�� pupils ql Opaced for exatDirtatiooa In con I LOID SHAtICHNFMMT. K,c.v O. C. L HOWIt. t,.. Iteotton xrftA Toronto University, Toronto t. Tile Convict at the Corporation nr we houses from which fonoraltl neo taking place. th• rxf,ros« anri mall men, whowr nnrW. LLA1tGtJS,Ga +bttsertatory, ate. Every pupil entered Town of Godorieh has oonstructed as a •r« already stated, were badly ttr"ken tl.4DttIUMM.La D.f011)YSANt.R1S Hy TM McYAMT13 F,a . or musical euarna has Passau, many with boat tmprovement a sanitary sewer on I Irp, Rr:,k-•man Stewart . wni, pa,-inir It.-f:d. •�A-rC•HOO1DtMOODT.L.. B. A.IKAUCIIJULGo `i p�'�t s For Sarins Apply a, r111Ywih Hacks street between artlanela Road and frnsro nor reach to another lit roll 6tow1L/LSttt.11.a. COWMiMlyCOCKMHM J. R.AMHiOW11.G.. I banoOOde 8L (first door wort of skaiutg rink), centre ort street south ON tot 417(. Wolfe the statlon and this position of rtmavr L•.I[A7tT,tq•CC. tl0der -It .� cost Ot the work 1' 121 m, aft The Board would like to hearfrorn,inv \\.n n„ ,toubl reNponalblr ter hl« in 13a"DnICttlRlLIA1t1-TATION.Gaw.lM...a..• (^rHA1tI,1C8 nL`CKLEit - - ww5ffmp W ate id by the Cor- # V Eclal rate•per foot front- - volunteer nurses (either pmetical or pre, Jlrr> CaipiW Paid U S 20,000,000.00 drlfatNat SL Oeorfte•s Anglican Church special saieedxtteat is to fesslonal) who would be willing to as4lAt it, pu1,Hr Library Annual Meeting P 20,000000.00oron and Vocal lnntruextOn. ! Htal faataFmeate• Tho annual Mee Of the Ii,Mlrrirh Best , Fire -piece Ot•r2keatra 3, The mutated lifetime of the work o looking after the sick. Any such aro Caked i'ut,llr 1.lhrary Board was held on Utaeitvtd.d Profits 1,812,8 .(.43 SL teems limy to 13tudia. st �atrlek 10 fears. ..ttetr,tay, Pelt. 14th, members preprnt Total Assets (3 lat OCL 191 A) '347,:304,809.40 4. A Cola rt of Revtalect ��((�IttII be held ext to leave their names with the Town Clerk vie 1 E. Tom, Mr. T T Leckie, Mr Brandhos thrtmshout C hada a" Newfoundlartd in London. En4I". as 4th day of March, MIO, at 6 O'clock !illy iraoe and t�ity of Mexico; a do do + �� �. yl� p m: at the Ocanell Cttarlaherts. Tam it, R L•inR, Ade. John Galt and Rev J Pari P smC WshA$erica a!G wa. troll Ib fh4:Orrit dt OodeMeb. for the Pttr- F: Frani Sir. Ford wag nPPnintv.' Sanr•ndlleo- Blitisit AaaOrrltae 3lasle (owned and cofusantrolled b Pit" of itelrityt compllittts ;aratnat the A. D. I4'ICLEAN, 11 f, KNOX, c"irman pro tem, in the absence of Ban11t of liloaftow). SINGINt � I goat[ cs°'��tlawte is " the acettracy�� aai�rr � `;ecretar qtr. C. A. Reid. A communication wa rWolstttt wltieif f�ersoM Mottsted may Chairmen F30ard of Efealth y received from the town council Anti PIANOFORTE desire to Hiatt. and whlcb a by law Cott• tying the board of the re-appofnlmrn' Goderich Branch. PiPE ORGAN rUxabte by the court A. W. ►tltrlC�arid Iltioager, - f W4 as Goderich tbl tam 40 of Feb-; of Adr. Ford, and from the public • 1 ==ilr p J:V"Offim "UK rusty, 199D. i~ L. (:NOK, (`Jerk. school board the re-appointmebt Of .. Y9 . t .. . . '_T: . r11 ­ .., y..:.:..,.i...;,,,� �, a .}' ,,i..• .r. ± <.-•: - ,rte ...� 1011w,�Wl 1.F , .,,,,y,,,.- -.r- ' , . ,•"" •,� �c ?Yo-.. - Y:x"'Yl' fr _ - _ Iviz . "J • _ -. - 1' . � .T . ' t J__ , . -- Y Pubyshsel4 wary u -41, a 1ti t+t4t0 . 111X71iTH t 4 1�. (WTUM, !CMI)A ' .' Di IDA1, .1~ Rt�1�R'!r� i9a I 1 �tnl� 1 is �►rr� tb aatlt.r Y Jot 1, r>rn.. „ "1'H1 r„ pO ,_ 1= " _.. .. !. i Atto�ne _senerel. it IS S ti ll 'L Maclean, Has Decided to Retire from WWI GQYernmentIII, w St ifint 'Io1{a A ������ Not _ , Wo44�.. o411ii�1 1t�14 :R144t +tR n R tAt t1 ��i7 . ilia 11 to pan HsI At of as 11 _. Mr. Leckle as M."Attrif of I. RriFp4law! r -. t fon t Inc assn as 'ISo woloeM t uptk The tlaerrt o re B ilio i►- .. �� TOPICS ibo s re In tlt,o water wgrks system of the _ ,. ho( site to ,,... " car`s re .. 14 _ Canada p Dtet1A(eago The trstwu port shotAtsd ,11 towtli for dolltestfa purposes Ill tint a J,��' , . tY . Mr. D. li, tj(mp, of 1Wwn, has roaetvect slwflt during tris Yoalc an troQ � tltalV P.Il@, gold tit the meeting lit the 1 y aJsi a h �r ttOaS rtes The librarian reportod • yy tett and Lig t Commission '('hurts- � ! �.Jr _ d Y Sh In Ctiloago r- !• DTOatieblrllR word of the lived 1 time,aand 113 Spew "WOra 81eterOl wul Ipp tractetil to 6 ant esti is oL ' ' 5TERLIN 15MK �, tom: t> of .btv, a« 1 r Friday, d�Y.Rt1ss, S +It 17a stater. Matte dltMag the year. The fo►lowlag oQ!- the a114t of ralattlar tits helght�ot the ' ` �I74l*pre'! � °eul1O f4► was H f . QF E AIM s liilllr>e"4 Si7R1b'>,<4r Mew b r t?od etch. Itltl rttlCbt was nano at per, 'ti4re atm to Clticago, cera were eleotexlt Mr, G A. Reki, staJldPlpo 86 iset. of course for yrs ., t Ate. Jolts (fait '` fit, p nted a an' , purpoflbs the pressure Is rallied by ble bani>r- County Enpla►seat''s Office treasurer, p rh Mie , rlf�anittt`tlsl dtlltlb4li. D+?oali trcaadrer, and Miss M. Aitken. sacra- aloft A valve Hoar the standpipe and a , �'.�41a tto t,� Pralrle Pro- Gnun�i+ Engineer P0%1•gon !s now tary aid librarian. with an Iaoreaae rtUlning the pump, so that the pros- i•t I z. BUSY FARMERS a oaeupylDg his 4tlloe at ,the Court Ut 63100 Per year In salary. Mr, J. L. surer of the water tt(irtlr ten pump isIT ?,'' bh sl*d to dis- Rause, A drattin6 tablet has Deoa Aitken was re -appointed caretaker. prevented from being spent In stains ;s OuTma�rtl wm built he different int ho water in the standpipe. but ice Are kklere some points in connection with the awe ftllrml llnfl>aedT 544-laoaoia 'Pith tbitllx # int said installed at the cillos. Thp T momberN of Elle data nt con t t +�•` tl#t�.�00AM - county agent of the Chltdran's Aid 3e- kacA of the Board aro,_ t(�ttcte commit- from the overflow_totn the _ top their _ _ otD >� ill �vh h yin vgoulc111$e �R1 4eS�-� - --- - ,.- _ _ _ __ ._ . _ M fluty. 'VWUQ 4clitt r �ocCu�Tt+ rtl tii`a7 h, GaulEhue it s$eticm to Iiew� _ V A:f aalsL.t�1�a. Covered over -_- . _ ..- f110141t . �` 3m -l}tptl seQ-thetoast tnaatager o€ tElpr$terling _ __._ _- -._ BMK- -tlae, is >Yovv altartttg tltlr-poilca magna- �i � , tratq's oQloc upstairs in ilia Court i Ford and on Tom. it an ; Corn-. the top of the manhole In which rev talar t3ank $e is thoroughly conversant with money mltte0-Mr. Long, chairman; Mr. valve la worked, and thus prevented molten aR€tutiag faraoers and possesses information � - - t(ousa. I Air. Leckie and Mr. Kidd. Beak cam- ilia operation of the valva, and this Glenn-Richardson mltlea__.Mr. l.aalclo, chairman, and condition was mentioned at the ales11, high mf1 IOVS help€ill tO._yQu. ---- - - /1���� L `�(] t 1etp_� _ -_! _& Quiet wedding ing tock n1_Tti_,._ao nt Knox the Inembel's-ot-4he- whole Uoard.- - nW--off tile- eomm"ou, as, MuIria�, _ �ilh-Bran'+ • �T�`�allawa-�"a"� - Manse, Saskatoon, recently. to 4he pro- I A Generous Offer attention. .; . senoo of the bride's parents Mr. and Ap lications front •rho Natrona! Mrs. John M. Riehardson, when Pam- � The Board of Health wish to &O- j- is -•r•• etas Rluhardson, of R va Reach, was knowledge their appreciation of the Shipbuilding Co' for 82% horse power cKi and from the Organ Go, for 50 h. p. of `• "'" "� " �IHN"M"mmoifilosmmlitt®Itlmtt®� CARD 7iEl � ti� united in marriage to Mr. John Alex- � very lP Harcus ciao[ of N1txN. Jones- electrical energy were granted by the a ^ e 19 ARD OF THASi0,--John Symington, noder Glenn, of Alsask, Sask. Rov. Bateman In the placing of her roar commission. 0 CRAB IE 8 M C senior, and Elizabeth and Frank wy)le E. Clark performed the core- deuce at the dispo9al of the Board to it was decided to pay the£ Hydro q: SERVE � (j friends beg to ih rent elr nel4tabors and be used as an emergency hospital for =in on arrears of operating account. S [[lanae fpr ilial[ Brest hole snot sympathy mony. .Mr. and Airs. Glans will re-WIS ;Assurance Real Estate I, in their bereavement- side on the i;room'v farm at Alsask. Innuantu patients It the necessity The adjustment of accounts all bet - should arise the Board will be obis - - - - ��.2 t B Is ARD OF THANXse-='tars- too-- Peudry SYrsINy McLaren Married to avail themselves of this genarouR tvvoeo the Waterworks and Eiootrto !V aa>f1rs. >I S � 19 s V wishes to express her sincere thanks Atr. \Vusley Lanham McLaren, son offer. The citizens of Goderiott will 1.1ght departments for the year iota j1p tt ifilpply soli with sound, t IS @I to all who have been so kind to her at of Mr. unci Mrs. D. A. McLaren, Vio_ and between the Commission and the P ® the time of her bereavement In the loss toria St., Goderich, was quietly [Hart ( no doubt feel that this Is another In- town was settled by the payment by b� °n UP-toimo` �°� For Sale ` ® of Her s highly 'Mrs, anyLlexpr. She ap- Nines-nce Of Eno broad charity Of A1rtl. �.a t ® ® predates highly rho teeny expressions of [lad in Vancouver Dec. Tor to, to Jones-Bnten+un and a continuance of the Waterworks a Department to the, EI- sfthlCetfl, ptliees and business eland�hons? ® m sympathy received._ Miss Ada L. i'+trslll, of Toronto, and public services during and since ectrlo Light IJapartmept of ilifR9.59, �O hL'i n t0 taICC advantage of �011i ■ ® - Mr, and Mrs, MrLar•n are now spend- I and of 4104.11 to the town. • p i !LARD OF THANKS. -Air. and Mrs, W. C. the war. The Boum wltlhee agate to A letter from the Workmen's Coa- l's One . story frame Cottage, N lJ Pr•Idham wish to express their thanks Ing their huttuymuun In Los AnhcleN, i urge on the public the necessity Of oppo laude,) � increase your income? � to the many friends for their tokens of California, where Air. and Mrs. U. A volunteer nurses. Up to the present pe•nsatfon Board, reporting payment of !1'hs Bank tlt� = good shingle roof 8DH in ® sympathy In the toes of their daughter, McLaren are visiting with thrlr I time only one such application has i2820 to Dr. Taylor In connection with to help fiumt mitt Irene Prfdham. A large number or let- daughter,, Mrs. Noble R. Smith a(u] Mr. Kelly's Illness, was Med. e A] condition. About 20 ® tars or sympathy have boon received and (been received. Applications should be The ahargr iter &ttlttord residents wary Willy �16le, s as it wail be impossible to answer so Mrs. J. A ,. Cameron, for rte winter. made to the clerk or the M. U. it. ® feet by 25 feet, On posts. to many, this means 1s taken to convey their A Kindly Act for electric light was tlxed at $16 a ® IB sincere appreciation of the great kindness The Forward Movement a Big Slice s year as service charge, tike used to CANADIAN BANK To be mored off property shown In this time of sorrow_ 11t•. Frank Riley was pleased to re- In l7oderiah Fi by April 1st. (food Snap ® erivu Lhc other day ilia fulluwinh contract for Elva yaltrN, plus the meter L ® Ig WANTED note Acrd token of sympathy from Every one of the ilve Goderich rule. CE a for quick Sale. comrad< hiN Nun, Sergi Arthur churrh,iN participating In the 1•'ocword - ®� �o � M ANTED -A eompetcnt girl for general itloy, in the Uominlotl tlrlhupuedic Movement has achieved n tine tt:aord PEOPLE WE KNOW ♦♦ 11►i1tL� �K� Ig •r housework. Apply MRS. R. X. ACHE- ® ® SON, Nelson St, liospital, Ctirlstie Street, Toronto: in connection with the financial drlvo P�a� �� =15.�,� ® �' ix' --- Urur Mr. 1(IIoY,-;PIe4No tin+l ft><1 n- nondurtrd last wank, every conKr<Ka Mr. Arden ,\Ilkan was in town dur- 'VANTED.-Experlanceu lady stern- clnNr�l fruht the names attached whle h ikon cxcerdfng Its ,.objective by a sub- Ing the weak. �VE FUND � � $15,0NA ® graphcr. Apply ' w JOHN JOYN'f, 88 ® Box 297, her.LucApp out. wu trust will erect a stood In ntAnwry st lntfnl anuttmt. North street hfotho- Mr, and Mrs. Frank SrtunderN were ® FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND D of our old friend, Arthur. (Enc and dist church had the biggest success alt alum Toronto fur several days the WDERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manager. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE M WANTED-Experlencou loopers. 11ioce all send •their deepest sympathy and measured by the .proportion of Its oh- Dust week. ® Ol work,- t2 cents per dozen. Oros used lin to lheNr few ifneN will thtd you jective subscribed, the subscriptions M ,to rib work preferred. To reliable girls 1 Miss Celia Robinson has returned C J. W. CRAltilfx r31 we will pay taro. Apply LAV01E KNIT_ well. fours sincerely, totalling ij37,3021, and the objective being home after spending (het post flea - - -�- _ TERS, Poterboro, Ont. FRANK HAVE. $4.370. Victoria Street Methodist ���®�®��®��®�®ya®it®®BNM-- -- church trod an objective of weeks In Toronto. _ ____ HELP WANTED. -45 per day. Alen Meeting of Western Wind Insurance LOCA[, INRO NOT/CES it send me your address and 1 will Co. th•�10o It1 Knox Pt•e,,)Oo, nd church Atri \r Trbbutt left o" Tuasdny start you In a business or your own earn- Jag Connolly spent part of last week to nb}nctive wnN rdl0,ft00, and the onm- on her nturn to Druid, S od, atterSun Life Assurance CollofCafiada 'Phi t.5 to ;t0 dauy the year around. Sam- I Ign for. subscriptions to the For- spendlnK sorer mon(hs in Cindrrlch. pl case and plans free, Address lb. V. In Woudf the attending the annual ward Movement Fund was combined Mrs. John Nicholson, Quebec St., left MARTIN, Windsor, Ont meeting of the, \\'esktro Wind Insrr- with a canvat+s for increased Kiving8 this week for Brockvlllo to be with once Company. Owing toy .,tlte big ANTED. -Canadian bank requires onewind W to the ordinary revenue of the eongre- her daughter, Mrs. (feu. S. Buckman. A Remarkable Record LOCAL IMPROVEMEDrr NOTtCE. Y3r or two young men who have had grey storm on Nov, Ess th a was a gallon. The subscription to the For- I some education. This Ire a splendid open- 'grant deal of business to transact. K J. !d. Jot>InColl Alin d, here irW for a progressive man ane otters 'I•his is toe. largest company In the ward Movement -amount to very near- hre.returned from Colvisiti uetd, where TOWN OF GODERICH. good opportunities for advancement. Ad- ly 1~!1,000 and are still coming in, No During the year 1919 the Sun Lite of Canada, established new records. ------ dress replies to Bos t5. STAR OFFICE. +Province and consequently their ICN that there Is lit le doubt that over Air+. Johnston was vINltlnK her par- TAXE NOTICE'THAT lses were numerous, Mr. Connolly, tnt. for some months. as the following figures show t 1. The Council of the Corporation of the TENOGRAPHERS "WANTED.-Erperlenc- '$11,000 will be t{titdetl Knox church ! the Company in Lt � superintendent o h oma ,Miss King, Nu a tend , represents the C ! lQ who re raN n p Y fS, A p work t Ib its woe in t was n little slower g New Aasnraat%e appltod for ................................. 8 100,3a8.W0 [own of OoderitlY has constructed as a S ad preferred. Gpod wages0.and ad- district, has valued Dearly one hon- Goderich 11oNpltel, has as line (;oast at Lite Assurances in force Dec. 81st, 1919•••-••••••.••••••• 416,858,000 local Improvement a sanitary newer on vancoment to rho Capabio. Congenial rounded up than some of the other Lifete, pa at sin force 1ec.$919 .......919.,-• .............. 306.711.000 oxford street between Huron Road and surroundinra, etc. ly 13111es Manager, Bred losses. The auditors' report churches but had its objective reaelt- prtAcnt her sister from Klnoardne. Assists paid to policy holden 1n 1919 .............•....... 1,806.000 Maitland Row' CHEVRQitBT MOTO a O., Oshawa, Ont. ' showed the company to be in such Iter servloeo as professional ntltso 2 The [pat ot, the work is ;21;;•7.86, of va 4 Saturday night ,�,3tlt• The Fan- atalcb s917w De paid try[ I good.ilnanclal standing that a1F claims vas% for currant ravened resulted In (vane Immadiatoty in demand on oom- 80111.9r Olt SO''11Df` are to be paid in full without an extra Ing hero. poreuon. L`X` cial rate per toot nt I nn increaflc of between >w300 and Ali(10 H.lt, LONG, Distinct Agent ago is Lacspecial asseaamont is to' FOR SALE. Send grain ,tor halo, Mar- assessment. for e,ngregatfonal purposes, and an 1. ht. Levan, IDspealor of Collegiate be paid faeJalinstalments. quis spring wheat, No. 72 oats. No. a increase Acreage at County home3. The eslltetime Ot the work is oats. Clean grain. A. f[. GLUTTON, R, R. Perm increase of pearly 6200 ID cAntributions Institutes atxl llfgh Schools, has been 20 years, No. 3, Godertch, 'Phone i414, Benmiller. At a meeting of, the Huron County to the mlFNionury and other gltjects making his InNpnotioo o! the local in- l1AII.WAY TiME TABLE LOCAL IIi1PROVE1tdElVT NOtiCFSi -- - - - , 4. A Ctwrt eN AevlsioD will be held on Included in the budget, this latter stltil ihlN week. Partly in account V. a, �� the ata day Of March, 1wilM. et 8 o'clock C1rOU9E FOR 'SALE. -A beautiful home home committoe in Clinton on Thurs- amount being raised- largely without of the prewaleinee of colds and partly ',, p. to qt the Council Chritrtbera, Town tut fore pale on Nelson St., modern, and lay of last week the Head of Increased solicltallon. In St. George's church on atcuunt of the storm the attend- pod"loh-Leave SAOa.m. 1.40 p.m, _... Hall to the Town of ooderlch, for the pur- extra lot 56xteo. Large airy rooms, extra acre.rige to the farm In order to pro- i1sm1ton-Atrrive 11.15 a.m. SAO p.m. pose or hearing complaints against the large veranda, beautiful grounds and gar- the ob}rrtfre waN $4,150 and by the aDcO u! pupllN has Dern light. 2% onso- " 10.35 a.m. 6,60 p•m,1 proposed assessments or the accuracy of den; a lot of fruit trees, also berries. I vide sufficient pasturage to allow of end of the week's campaign '$5,3(',0 had Air. John G. Maellattic left for Kali- . Teroato-Ltaatte 7.45 a.m. 6.10p.m. frontage measurements and any other I Large barn, I box, 2 single stalls; drive enough cows being kept to provide all been raised. The singing of the Te tax last work to take up his position $�ilypn - " 7 40 a m• 4.00 p m• I coatptatnt which persons interested may house, large dot box dna electric lfghl- In _i the butter used at the Rome was un- gwurn in place of the usual opening as assistant superintendent engineer in desire to make and wnich la by law cog- I loft. W. J. POWELL. ( der discussion. A report as to what AOdericls--Atrrlve 19.26 p.m. 9.56 P.M. T OCAL ,IMPROVEMENT NOTICE, nizabte by the Court. - hymn on Sunday morning vvaN 1n the Crarter Steamship C p Lines. . in AM drains arriwandleave 17nion Station I L - Dated al doderich this 12tH day of Feb- rj 9R SALE, --A car of n. C. shingle+ for can be dons will be submitted to the LhunkeRh Ing for the Nuca•NN u[ the huudyuurtera of the Company are. in G. T. R. TOWN OF OODERICH. ruary, (929, sale at Megaw Station. Direct from ,lune Nession Of the county council. campaign Tile Goderich baptist )tunln•nl, where Alr. MucHattir will go dOderieL-Leave 4.05 a.m, 2.20 p.m I L. L KNOX, Clerk. will to user. C. r ROBERTSON, 'Phone We understand something like 600 upon the opening of navigation.,• Mrs. ?,4b a•m. I TAKE NOTICE THAF Dungannon 6 r 4, or [all John Treble. church had a Rood margin. over Its ub- pounds of butter was brought last year j,,ctive. MurNntth• intends to remain In town t. Tho Council of the Corporation of the L�OR SALE. --0O acres tour tulles south which c6uld have been produced at yOroatp-- AL 7,45 11.10 a.m. 7.116 p.m. Town of node Das aoeistructed as a 1 of Oodericn, Est con., Goderlch town- Increased Salaries for P. S. Teachers for the present. HamBton-Arrive 11.82 a.m. 6.53 p:tn, local impeovement a sanittYry sewer on ship. Well fenced, a new barn and fair the farm If there was su the et aces of poronto-Leave 0.30 a•m• 12.96 p.m. St. Andrews street, between nelson Street house, 1.2 mite from school and church, age. Arrangement as to the estates of A special meeting ashe of the Public Commenting upon the reluctance of 6.50 p.m. and Hamilton Street. T OGVL IMPROVEMYNT NOTICE. possession 1st of April. Apply to ROBT. some of the inmates vvaN also under school board was held on Wednesday Holland to give up the ex-Kalser, a $amilton-Leave 7.16 a.m. 7.16 P.M. 2. The cost of the wort is >11014.5t, of L McALLiSTBR, on the vrwtisen• or vNiL- df eusNlon, and Inspector Torrance waN rrvenlnK, Fe'n. i1ln, in the town hall at ,t SamGodel'to -Leave 11.36 a.m. 7.16 P.M. which $449M Is to be paid by the Cor- TOWN OF GODERICH. LiAM MCAI.LISTER, Goderich, Admini- in connection o'clock p. m., to deal with the request tie'nalor rrniarked, "Strange that the porstfon. Tire speeh0 rate Der toot front• atrator for Are estate In Goderlch on Saturday count[ which tuthet-,el 'William of 11.46 p•m• � is 7,.3c. The special assessment is to TAKE NOTICE THAT with this. of the trnaund fur a bonus, present Y be paid in 20 annual tnatalmeots. _ . UrunK*t should now mother William of 3. The estimated tltottttte of the work la t' The Council of the Corporation or the OhouAeLwi6hR sWr;,red Iixht,plApply to Probable• Oldest Subscriber Ditty Trusters 4uunderN, McLean, Platt Sttl' the. Lemon.' SPECIALLST Town of Goderich has constructed as a lows, Wallace and Acheson. R. V. J. R FORBT�R 20 years, lout improvement a sanitary sewer on I1. C. 54UNPrINWtlImtalaurSt The Star received word last s. C. S (tit motion of Trustee McLean, so - i. A Court euf Revision will be herd on Wilson street between Thomas Street Aad the death in Winnipeg of Mrs. C. S. BORN D- - o March 4wil at S e clock Wilco s Row AOR SALE. -Two-story trnme house in \IillEr. a former resident of Goderich, conded by Trustees Snllows, TPUflt'C HROPHFY.-in Wlnni err, .Man., at aoa Ry11 ]tllH, N091C THROAT. lire 4th day t I. - good shape. large Yrs. Orch: ' �attwir-rN was appointed chalratatt. � Qen Ptacp, o_n. wu Y. February 16th. p. m. at the Council Chambers, Town 2t Tho coat of the work Is ;1749.76, of 1920, tri Air. acid Mr+. red W. Nrtmptiiy, a y who passed away on Satur ay, e• t. La -,o New York (lphthaltnlo Hyl to the Topm of Goderlch, for the Pur. gbtoh �p4 to to be paid by the Oorpors- and and lawn- mock street Quick sale, 7ttt at the age of 81 yea" and one The commltlfe ut the whole. report- daughter: and Aural Hospital, aawl'.tant at mooreBelo's pose of hearing complaints against the tion. The epeeist rate per toot frontage ;t,0o0. Apply Star. ed having compared salaries \vlth DAER.--In ooderieh on Monday, Feb. 1gyoAOMAtelandGoidenSquare Throat Has- proposed assessments or the accuracy of to OAc. The apeclat assessment is to be munth. She had been receiving the those ald Irl other towns, and huvinic IAth, two, to Mr. and Mrs. itobt. Deer, altal Landon. En - trontage measurements and any other � to 20 annual lnstalrnenta. ATER MOTOR FOR SALQ.-vVtll do- Saar since November, JW, when she p wwaterleto Sr. . Stratford. 'Ioleohone 207. complaint which Persons Interested may 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is [clop up to three horse -power• in consulted the public school Inspector. naJ'nelst Road, a daughter (truth Isabel a At Bedford Hotel, Goderlch, from Wed- desire to make and which is by law nog• 20 years goo'$ running order Apply at THE STAR (vas mottled to Mr. Charles g, Mrs, and rrrnrnmended that Miss LeTuuzel, Ci'RWi:^+.-tv Gorderich, on Sunday, neflday, April 21st, at 7.30 P.,m. to Tburs-, nizable try the Court OFFICE. barn Miller. Mrs. Emily G. Lung, Mrs. Mfrs K. Watson,ASlsa V w'ut on, FI'b. 15th, to Mr. and Alrs. Jame« Curwen, "day. Apra 22nd, at 1 D. m. Dated at Goderlch this 12th tial[ of Feb- 4• A Court of MarcRevision will be Mid Or tf111er's daughter, In writing to in -Miss a son tJnun•s Edwin). the nth day of Marna, 1ch at 8 o'clock FOR SALE. -Two- mtorey Rano boson on Mi«g Bentley, Ball Bole, MINS Khnr ruary• 1920• p, m, at the Gouocll chambers, Town Mem us of her mother's death, maks 001) INSIURANCE L. L. KNOX. Clerk. steno foundation, collar under Half , man, ;Nlss W. Bull, Mitis an int anal rsyt't h . rlexieriGo n. Tuesday, Feb. Hall In the Team of pOdeelch, for the par_ the house, bath and other conveniences In (lir, rummest that she was probably `rIIN% M Stexldnrt, be given an Incrvasc LsfT WAWAN+JNH MYJTUAL FIRE - pose of bearing complaints [against the c•nnectiort. Extra lot. carp on cement Iour ••\pry oldnNt subscriber, and she rem, ito;At, --in ckvikl aged aN soars. fir i° proposed assessments or the accuracy of roundatlon; content noor uiWer stable end of SO per ant on the Drrflent rrxteatltly Rt CKvtA"r. --In DrnckvUte, on Tuesday, YY INSURANCE W. A �f,, tronLae measurements and any other drive shed; tnrec horse malls in stal)W. o+lvvnyN seemed to find news of some payinents from Feb. 1st, i920, to Aug 1'e•t, 17th. I,rq, of pnrumnnia Oeorge 4 Farm end town property insppred• Fixed t'rC� eomDlefM which persons Interested may Large wood shed adlotning drive sited. old r7+.derlrh friend In the Star each ust 31st, IWO Rurkrnan, son to is of Mee John Nichol - ' rote m fi0oentaparilW. Aa sbQwn by Gov- desire to make and which o by law cog- Drive shed muitable ror garage. Apply to \Meek.•' "She enjoyed remarkab►r \Inved by Trusts•e McLean, seron,ted "'' 0"Ph•r pL, Ge ferirh, Ontario. erntuent bulletin. thin Company iaone of the nitable by the Court. WM. LECKY, Quebec St. 1u•alth bolt of mind and body unWl NOT -r. -In Tutr,nw, ""Tuesday, Feb. strongest 1n the Prov(nce. malntefuing an Dated at Ooderich this t2m day or Feb- _ by Trustt;r, Wullnc••, that the r• lmrt he t ill, ur!n Cynthla Amelia, beloved wife of adequate surpine invested to Victory Bond.+ ruary, t0i0 GIRLS WANTED her Iasi Illness and never term•`'$ w +t,iopted `Iirholas W gots. In her Trill year and Bank „ecertties, Ad)justments promptly T OCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. L. L. KNOX, Clerk. grow old or lose her interest In all %Inv.•'$ In amendment by Trll f[,: IIALSTF:An - In (uxterirh. on Morpay, andeatiefaetorilyatt-Idded tU Prealumsean JJ TOWN OF OODERfCN. - about her." Acheson, seconded by Truster yval r,•b iatr Jului virkinnou, beloved wife or be paid to agontnor w local Banks. ALEX. Wreck at Ridgeway Nanntel Ilatsteud, 1ell`HOWON, ProeWent. T.O AL1.111N.SeG TAKE NOTi�E THAT Rain Furs Wanted HiGHEST WAGES PAID In\s%, that the report be' anu•ndrd to Agents for Colborne and GoderiohTown• bad accident occurred on Mondaythe N""'nAi At rurlerirn, on Thursday. hlp�-CAPT. L jlpTHkR1NGTON R.R, No, f rhe Council of the Corporation of the 1 red that all In� tajo, Th obtsfn the Feb aril. J4n,j h Herwel MM,Aam, inset Shepplfratdton, end H 1. SALELMLD, MR. Town of Goderich has constructed as a Apply t0 m cluing on the (i. T. R. at ItldgewaY• 111 p, r trot. Inrrrns• This was d• xvt ni \U amt Ors. Jaynes M, Aaam, mored EO,tGodorloh. local Improveynent a sanitary sewer On Hi iftest (.'eRsh Pt•IiCu Paid the morning train from a tweerich run- rlardcJ Inst on ter son 'Ind dl\Isfun IS niunlloe \Noire street between Victoria Street and g GODERICH KNITTING CO., Ltd. Hing Into n train of some twenty or Yea -Tru%1Prs Acheson un•t `aUnws \In AL1,1 frill Ni tetrnit, on . bolo ex - Cambria Road. /) East Street. more coal cars %landing on the main tin Trusters 1'Intt, Waller. and yb t'•n tour, mare t"' \i Peurtry. ir<j Vi 2. The cost or the work Is litX0,710. of A Corpfiel _ _ -- . --- ----___-_ _--_ z- tin[ Thr switch is said to have been y wtr•, or tt Itn,un via, tm+Err, a,r•u x► which 4555.18 Is tP It paid by the Corpora- - set for the exprefls to take the siding, Lean, I-II, and t m,•nr]tn. 0 F CAREY tion. The spoctal�\rete per toot ftrontage is Box 292 Elgin Ave.,GOdtfiC�r -ADVERTISE tti TitE STAR The mnli•n to nd.opt tau rrpr,rt .�nr IN N-ing ►M tion The spool sexrrl9ieint is to be paid but apparently must have hero ,U•c lured ra rri•d nn Eli onm• dl\141r,n I ed At all events the accident Tau\11• 4)'% In L•, Ines Onem,•ry nt our i4 , 0 a in 20 annual instalmentm. C tan rr vrryrd flexr hh••han,i and (a •• lhr. W iliiaru 1,0111Thn • 3. The estimated lifetime or the wont ti occurred. The rugine wart badly 1 r„mmunu•att„n \vas, r•nd from vlr ••,u. \\h•, ,h•••+ „ue >, Lf age „o yet, AM. Real Estate and Insurance 20 years, Iw•rerk,•d, and the express and baggage t;hurlcs r '"tee t. ndenng the hoard h1. '"I' 4. A Court of R@vision will be held on ears \v, -r-, Gdrscnped and broken to \\ %I n the ev.. n,ir ,hnrte. Are ran,na the 4th day of March. 1940. ut 8 o'clock I ere IKnatl"n aw [.[[elute• r "f x'irt,.n t End „•• are uttmir ani nI j'. m. at ilio Council Chambers. Town plrr• s, Err ocalpantq having to Kr't �rh u,d or neon. th,•d r„rue« a I' -u tau Story and a quarter double bouse on p- / out through the roof. It Is almo%t a If ne ,Iult ,, aid . •,m•• h,•m•• th Crescent [or .Bale on ba s t{all In the Town of Goderich, for tlao pur-4luwel by Tnt«L• 1Vallar,. �,r„n,l peso of hearing complaints against th� Pubit"c Warnrn///��� mtrns'I•' nn Ane wits killed. The ttrr- \t••re sat m'•r arh dot a.• nu.. nontormS. tliodern. MOnthly tent proposed assessments or the accuracy o ,,t by Trust••' 14r l.ra n, Ilial vie i•,yV%,V !nay un,, til w„un.I, un• healeef$30. Price 12,260 frontage measurements and any other roan. \,1nm Stevenson, the ilio worst, r k ,• n nikn•tti„n he -w-114-1 t I,r fru[ U„ v nal.• know th•• +• rr complaint which persons interested may hrinK bnrlly rcallnd. He waw taken take pito, Wire, tAt, 1119) e,arno,l That Ile. w.uun ,ur h.•arr, ,.n.•;.Ira desire to [Hake and which Is by low cog- to iturfaln, and at last reports was ,,•me 1mt and f"rr••it••n nitable try the Court. \cry 1,,\c to Is a nephew of Alra. fin hnrrd lh,•n :nll"urn,•I In« \vliF- \vt i__ _ y,+ Dated at Goderich this 12tb defy of Feb, Owing to the outbreak Of influenza the Board lir•v Ilumllton, and she Iv leaving 17 --- - = ruary, 1920. Frld:ty m 1 itisit. L. L. KNOXI Clerk_ Of Health, of the Town of Goderich has devised it. morning to sec him. J 11 n ______ _ __ _ _ rvnrL of l„wn, brakeman, had hi- 11A.NK OF M NTRE11 iALF J. BCU'PT, BANDMABTRn advlsahlet0 i,rohibitall publiccard purtirg, dnnreg,ankh badly bruiss.l. Hr, IB bark ui • ALjr i Teacher of hand ptrnments and Plano. ie86 and BOCttlltt. Rola e;Xprturtnr tk,Wohnn, F,nKfn•••,r TiotoriaSt. next to Knox Church. -_ _ 'r itnlan, F:xprrus hie%srnRrrt Albert e:,,x and +.a\,•Irnan Bnil \tall Clrrkx Dalt,-TI. tES171oLr>sBiPJo OVER'll" YPJ1R!! aD. H. WF.6TON, I.. L. C. M. 14 And furttfer requests the public to refrtaw from I,rckl an l VrNetl escaped with only 1ileentfate London Congo of Music, Eng- OCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. all unnecessary gatherings. a shahing up and some srratche% Thr B O t3 ! a of Directors: Wad. Organist and Ctiolr Director of i L ' passeng,•r« wore uninjured and ih,• a n VDICIIM MBI[ M. I.L. h..ld.at. f 4; Borth St. Metbodiat church. TOWN Or GODERICH. Y T15AC1tER OF HiJSI(•. _�- rnn,luctnr h,•inK In a paBsrngrr rna, h ltd CfAliLIiSCOtDOM, t`AL Via-hw+a..t. . (TAKE NOTICE THAT And the public is prohibited from gathering in Irli,l n„t h,\r as narrow an racapr n� •�� pupils ql Opaced for exatDirtatiooa In con I LOID SHAtICHNFMMT. K,c.v O. C. L HOWIt. t,.. Iteotton xrftA Toronto University, Toronto t. Tile Convict at the Corporation nr we houses from which fonoraltl neo taking place. th• rxf,ros« anri mall men, whowr nnrW. LLA1tGtJS,Ga +bttsertatory, ate. Every pupil entered Town of Godorieh has oonstructed as a •r« already stated, were badly ttr"ken tl.4DttIUMM.La D.f011)YSANt.R1S Hy TM McYAMT13 F,a . or musical euarna has Passau, many with boat tmprovement a sanitary sewer on I Irp, Rr:,k-•man Stewart . wni, pa,-inir It.-f:d. •�A-rC•HOO1DtMOODT.L.. B. A.IKAUCIIJULGo `i p�'�t s For Sarins Apply a, r111Ywih Hacks street between artlanela Road and frnsro nor reach to another lit roll 6tow1L/LSttt.11.a. COWMiMlyCOCKMHM J. R.AMHiOW11.G.. I banoOOde 8L (first door wort of skaiutg rink), centre ort street south ON tot 417(. Wolfe the statlon and this position of rtmavr L•.I[A7tT,tq•CC. tl0der -It .� cost Ot the work 1' 121 m, aft The Board would like to hearfrorn,inv \\.n n„ ,toubl reNponalblr ter hl« in 13a"DnICttlRlLIA1t1-TATION.Gaw.lM...a..• (^rHA1tI,1C8 nL`CKLEit - - ww5ffmp W ate id by the Cor- # V Eclal rate•per foot front- - volunteer nurses (either pmetical or pre, Jlrr> CaipiW Paid U S 20,000,000.00 drlfatNat SL Oeorfte•s Anglican Church special saieedxtteat is to fesslonal) who would be willing to as4lAt it, pu1,Hr Library Annual Meeting P 20,000000.00oron and Vocal lnntruextOn. ! Htal faataFmeate• Tho annual Mee Of the Ii,Mlrrirh Best , Fire -piece Ot•r2keatra 3, The mutated lifetime of the work o looking after the sick. Any such aro Caked i'ut,llr 1.lhrary Board was held on Utaeitvtd.d Profits 1,812,8 .(.43 SL teems limy to 13tudia. st �atrlek 10 fears. ..ttetr,tay, Pelt. 14th, members preprnt Total Assets (3 lat OCL 191 A) '347,:304,809.40 4. A Cola rt of Revtalect ��((�IttII be held ext to leave their names with the Town Clerk vie 1 E. Tom, Mr. T T Leckie, Mr Brandhos thrtmshout C hada a" Newfoundlartd in London. En4I". as 4th day of March, MIO, at 6 O'clock !illy iraoe and t�ity of Mexico; a do do + �� �. yl� p m: at the Ocanell Cttarlaherts. Tam it, R L•inR, Ade. John Galt and Rev J Pari P smC WshA$erica a!G wa. troll Ib fh4:Orrit dt OodeMeb. for the Pttr- F: Frani Sir. Ford wag nPPnintv.' Sanr•ndlleo- Blitisit AaaOrrltae 3lasle (owned and cofusantrolled b Pit" of itelrityt compllittts ;aratnat the A. D. I4'ICLEAN, 11 f, KNOX, c"irman pro tem, in the absence of Ban11t of liloaftow). SINGINt � I goat[ cs°'��tlawte is " the acettracy�� aai�rr � `;ecretar qtr. C. A. Reid. A communication wa rWolstttt wltieif f�ersoM Mottsted may Chairmen F30ard of Efealth y received from the town council Anti PIANOFORTE desire to Hiatt. and whlcb a by law Cott• tying the board of the re-appofnlmrn' Goderich Branch. PiPE ORGAN rUxabte by the court A. W. ►tltrlC�arid Iltioager, - f W4 as Goderich tbl tam 40 of Feb-; of Adr. Ford, and from the public • 1 ==ilr p J:V"Offim "UK rusty, 199D. i~ L. (:NOK, (`Jerk. school board the re-appointmebt Of .. Y9 . t .. . . '_T: . r11 ­ .., y..:.:..,.i...;,,,� �, a .}' ,,i..• .r. ± <.-•: - ,rte ...� 1011w,�Wl 1.F , .,,,,y,,,.- -.r- ' , . ,•"" •,� �c ?Yo-.. - Y:x"'Yl' fr _ - _ Iviz . "J • _ -.