HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-05, Page 8**"t 4.. .777 P 7.- � " `� t � pool • THE HINOEH STORE TCOEBORXES�low,��si Codelr�ch �oarc�, of Trade _ _, : a Q. A. Buts ..ghiR H(1CISE (JF•,RWABILlTY{' htfl ' China" y R6rno9val We halve completed our stocktaking and hav acted many line* thast A anuli s�kipseirt Of at" d, The Annual bleating of the Board of Tickle will b9 held will be reduced in price for the ��� in the Masonio Temple Building -ori 1 �1 &rJ guts Co�11;1ort 1adilwl 0tice Sale Toe Chin, cups, Saw- Monday Evening, February 9.�'e�i�rt �(r ' n ers, P l a It e s. flatters, The nominstions for the various offices have been made I have removed my, fancy a:. by the Notainating Committee, lr full resort of whiob wort stock to the store in Frbruary sSale -will start on Saturday of this week. Watch the papers Ctealpa t# SIIA1tn, Egg � his appeared in the local pfapers: McLean's Block, next to each week for CUPS. Every member should attend. Hemp's Watch -Making values hat are exceptional lbeing offered this 1weweek. Query line, Read carefully the many kk. soneffing that is rA. 1 The hour of meeting is eisilt o'clock, Stora ndVill.. be ple;ztled. Asl� to meet old pgirLotnel'and Hearty. 1OalenfdCliingS White ii4ttOnS r girds G. L.:PARSONS, G. E. COLBORNE, atf>> l ter, 1 Preglldant.. Secretary. now ones in the new store. A few email sizes and a large range from 8 Our range of Pillow Cottons in 40 in.,4� to 10 size. These stockings are seconds of $1.50 in. and 44 in., in many qualities, is now tom yy et Stockings and have been sold this season at plete and the values -are exceptionally low. February 4th, 1920. $1.10. They aro now on sale to clear at 98c Sheetings are here in 2 yards wide and 2 per pair. ilia •..,- _ ��- ". _ .�3_ - � � � 1-4 yards wide, in a large range of ual i;. g g --- Many have been carried over from last year• :- _ ..__-Eadies---Cashmere-Hose ioi�llillgnnl�lul�IgAlAtlllli IAnn�HlillNlllilliltl NIIAIIAgAANIIAA{IAAIIL and are being said at the cid pries. if you -need- �. Read these values carefully sheeting we bays it from, 75c to $1.50 a yard; miss SUSIE (MOBLE �� Nainsooke Cambric blade lin and white .'.. Pure Cashmere Stockings, from 8 1-2 to Y Po -- - _ - --- - ----- a --— - �ettou in -dozens of s is hero -for your fur - p ppnp1epppppppppOppO 7U� -Regulo,r�3:00 for�T�7cJ-- 9 coon. A wonderful range, in fine and beau pecia Regular $1.60 for $1.43. • >� g y Regular $1.50 for $1.30. weaves. Regular $1.25 for 91.15. I3orrockses' special Cottons, free from CULBORNE For February 6 and 7 FS The social evening; held last Thais- ! Special Several special lots at reduced prices. dressing, at last years prices. day evening at sir. and airs. Gordon Blasrt's home at Saltford 8elghts, under _. = Ladies' and Children's Also many Canadian brands at low prices.. the anspices of the Colborne Farmora'Our beat Black Tea, 80e for .............................. r We want everyone to see these values in Club, was largely attended. in spite of " Underwear Cottons. the cold weather. There was a short Red close and Salada.......................................... 700 == Satu ay Only U tY Y ,program, after winch the ovening was >� spent playing; games aiid dancing. A � Dried Peaohos in packages ............................. 26c ""` tiV© ave on sale near ©ver line of Specials in Huck Towels very enjoyable time was spent by a71. --+ a winter Underwear for ladies and children. Another social event will be bold at the p Many special values in lines that have been Regular 45c for 40o. Aeaular 75c for 65C townshiphall, Carlow, on the evening I We have fresh Rolled Wheat. Smoked Kincardine rolled carried over. It is good policy to buy Under- Regular 50c for 40c. Regula)' 35o for 30e each. of Friday, 18th inat, An Interosting a shoulders, delicious cure, program of readings, recitations, oto.,' �".. mild flavor,b the race, half weal• for next winter at these prices. All towels will be higher for spring. will be given, and the public is invited 1� Lay in a supply of Sugar now. We have it in stock y p or whole -- -----.--30c ib. Ladies' Fleeced Vests and Drawers. Reg. Chamoi$ette t'ilo�e$ co attend. I' again. 10 Ib., 20 lb. and 100 lbs. bags. $1.20 for $1.00. Pure kettle -rendered Lard, the 1 ,aOG:�OC10®O>C i Hygiene ladies' Vests. Regular $1.50 for Chamoisetto Gloves, in ell sizes, in black- < very finest (Coleman's) by „ M Try our Spc.iul }',;end Coffee.the pound-•.------••--•••••_ 35ci"2`1' only. Regular $1.00 for 75e. M f1 _ Regular $1.25 Vests and Drawers for $1.05 NOTICE O — 20 -lb. pails •••...'- `.-Y«::v•- 33c Ladies' Fleeced Gloves, in white. black Children's Underwear in Vests and Draw- and grey• Regular 60c foe49c. 50-1b. tubs •••• -- 32c ars, in all sizes, reduced in price. Black Kid Gloves, in French Kid. Regular Both these linos aro extra COn Antsms '7;2 00 for Al 49 good buy�Irg with the price of 5 0 On and after o i= W. A. HOEY, Grocer = hogs and og products ndvanc p M Tho ideal floor severing at a low price. Blouses ~ = C�: ing' 9 ft. x 10 1-2 ft. Congoleum, in pretty pat Monday, February 2nd Dean Bros. old stand 'Phone 110 = Remember, One Day Only terns, at $13.75. A large ndmber of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Blouses at sale prices. These Blouses 9 ft. x 9 ft. Congoleum at $11.75. the firm known as Rob- zm ren .. 9 ft. x 7 1.2 ft. Congoleum, at $9.75. come in many prises and a good reduction is lllllllnilllllnll�l nnIINnINNlnnAl1111111111118HIIiN IIAAIIIII11111nNIIINillilllrr �,. „ _ A limited quantity at these prices. tmade on hese values.every'Blouse on sale. Be [;are to see Citeon & Mair will be O; - Those Le Floor. Oilcloth, in all widths, at 69c a yard. !changed and will be OTrA �� Have 1�nelt seri Meat. Market Corsets q MICKtE SAYS Wool Sets and Caps O O, OTTAWA, Feb. 3. -In connection knowr# as --I -- with the provision of such loans ne .phone 2 4 deliverie! eOC+Ri A %&04 ata Kat skVP_W may be granted by the Department several specials in Cornets. We have Bath. All the Wool Sets and Caps that have been YN R RalticrliZ att�'iW0 of Soldters'CW11 Re-establishment.for• Bred together sederal broken lines that are in- left over will be'reduaed to clear quickly. We 1 r Robertson SPO$ t the purchase of tools and ebufprr ant, • �rq-b Pft1Wr 4oM1}�LN or the payment of educational ioes, complete in sizes and are putting them on sale have some exceptional values in the newest titin soils laKt 4a H! y. KNotac at x;1.89: Every pair guaranteed perfect and all styles for thia; season. V^9t0. VZO.,f i0 W*ok%s t attention is ditto to' i e tact algal bIF.RR VINE Ilpy AND OPEN AIR a Business will still be car- WWitt'COMt;lMU& 6"f101tbct applications is a lihiit to the alma in which MOVING Pt, TURF SNOW Io D. & A. Corsets at $1.89. appllcatioas uiaY'Oe made. ' - ��>C soon Sweater Ci01tS W11II� wr"MW wwwv „ The loans are available for those To the •Editor, of Tide Star. Dress Goods tied on in -the same up -to- ft "D%W" r+ Oft %US -T. who haws satisfactorily completed'a Sir, --We • understand that thrte r Every Sweater Coat in -the store has bead p{ ' retraining oodrse with the Depart- groups pf loca*-,Mpitalists are com- I number of pieces of Dress Goods have reduced in price. There is a Barge range of coats date rnannet. mesa of BoWteral Civil Re-establian- petfnr with• eacta oiAeF for control of meat and who require std for the been gathered together and marked low in pride in the season's beat colora but they must be , prifrehase of tpola and equipment is a certain praR,�ity ,1r4 tpwn, for the purpose of aroQ�iqg thereon a small for these special days. There will be many cleared quickly. ' They range in price from $5.00 order to elect bustnesa, and those in Amusement Park 'suitable for the re- colors to choose from at sale prices. Berges will tap. Nothing carried in stock but pure wool elioble for vocational ' retraining. INIER*YOR Ai HAIR whose pro -war training or 'education qused to erect this errydistriot. It la pro- be mostiry shown. Coats. posed to erect •h Merry -Go -Round for has been substantially interrupted by v Ihm war service and who are in need of the children with subbsidiary swings Alan other lines will be ticketflif)1 for sells. as law rices; iN 10QERiCB t assistance for the purpose of tenth- and other children's features, the lat- Y ff p uing la such education. Such men to b© free o1 charge. The open „_. OOZOO air, moving picture show will be placed TEQUiliila aid Ot this ODaTaISteT must In an attractive spot overlooking the make application for loans before Phones Itarch 31 ne=t. lake and Wilk- have supplementary Store' 96 Co D. A. Corsets canvas roof, which can be spread over Colhorne.o Resfdettce 234 ♦ • • a •.�. , - ( the Pull length and width of the board RUN�' I There are times when nothing exas- wells which Isurround the urea, in perates so much as perfectly reason- case of rain. ATlYOUR SHR: -ICE able argument. We understand that the project will IliidilNlilltlfi0iti11it0� be Put under way In time to aecommo- s / date the large number of summer vis- Charmin Hats it who arrive here each year and j it ,will p doubt prove an attractive Bring was brought to a close by ain;ing �Jnlillillinllilllnlllllnnnl{niAi11111111111111111111111nIIIIIIIIn1111111UIIIIilnnilU S particularly n to those families God Save the King. Some o`t the young �.. who have children. The open air people remained and danced for a abort _ Smith's art Store feature, _ ✓ moving picture show is an innovation Specially priced ate (s which will be warmly w6leomed, as rime, -� 1920 Autorno�bile Licenses it will' provide many people with the One man who. hasn"t been heard -. --- - ♦ opoortunity of seeing their- favorite- from lately -is bite -fellow- who has i - - It;BtI - - Stogy ! �OOk o artists perform throughout the sum- been afraid our climate was softening. Wil �e e vID aJ�d after a�0 mer who would not otherwise patron- t ize closed theatres in the warm weath- I �brua Isi 1920 �. Chll.dren Cary � � fillEPPAIIDTON At the beautiful Suttle in erThe whole project 1s a worthy one ' These Hats show pretty color F'Q'R FLETCHER S t . � at _ The following is the report of S. S. Smith's Art Store window. and we hope for the benefit of the oombitl&UMs, such as coral No. It, Ashfield and Colborne, for the 1 This shows what their display Ci Q S T G R I A ! = F. I I. Wood's Billiard ROOM, Goderlch and tan navy and soarlot as rr month of January. The names are In p y town and the many visitors who come taupe, 3 , of from all over the country, that the *811 as soft tones of brown and order of morit : Jr. V__Grace Eby. control of the site may be obtained 1 blue. Sr. IV. A.-lleetor Tigert. Jr. IV. B.— Ladies Fes► and Plain by the most aggressive of the capita- I GODERICH MAtCKETS. .— INFORMATION Ervin Poster, Laura Graham, Bertha I f lists who ar'c now engaged in compe- tiff Outsi3e -Market Reports � page 3. Foster, Dryden Vrooman. Clarence Cpp116 ani Nair Pins tion for the site. Goderich has a Bilk and velvet alb the mater -1 5o to 200 = '-' Bennett. Sr. Ill. -Edna Eby. Jr. 111. splendid future as a summer resort WhitG...............................n.. Tee forms sent , every Motor Owner are to be Oiled out, brought We from cvllieil they aro de 'Flour, percwt., eArdly ...._7 50 to 750 or mailed to F. II. Wood, faith Mone Poet Ottiee Osler, Express Frank Vrooman, LillianLilllsn Richardson. aro made from. and it only needs advertising, courage Flour, per cwt., family ......G 50 to 6 50 "� y' -•�- veloped and feathers, wings Elmer Graham. Sr, L -Joan Ladner. and financial backing, to become the . Order or Marked Cheque. If you send cheque add exchange. -^ and ribbons form the trimmings Jr. I. -Lloyd BrindlY, Clayton Foster. They carry the best line and centre of tourist traftle in Western .. Bran' per ton ..................40 00 to 47 00 - Prtmer.-Roy Elly, Tedtite Vrooman, shores, per ton ...............54 0o to 1 00 ALL QUESTIONS lt[TISr'r BE ANSWERED Mable Foster, Ruth Foster. Bost apes= largest assortment of Combe in Ontario,. � Gats.........:.......................0 95 to 1 00 � { •� the County, also the best cap-SloBarley .....-..... .................1 BO to 1 80 ,� Your License will then be issued at once. Truck Forma must be lers for the month --Gram Eby, Laura yours etc., Bnokwheat 1 30 to 1 40 - accompanied by welgh scale bill. -� Graham. Edna Eby, Frank Vrooman, shaped real hair net on the more talk, star gazing, etc., etc., and = 8 g. / morn work. � ga ... ...-... ...._..2000 tto 30 00 � All money orgera or cheques meat bo made payable to F.H. MdMS NasVrcar Jean Lodnor, Clayton ?n FoNEGH ocher, market. y"""" yt n osier. EL, 1 Butter per lb-Doiry.......... 0 55'to 0 00 Wood. Postage on return of your license, 5c within 20 miles ; over BOOSTER Fc Co. (Ellis, per dor;en: ..............0 BO to 0 &, .° � 20 m110», lOc. Kurley Kew Hair Waves .. I Hogs .............................. 19 ]so to 18 r>o _ F. H. WOOD KINGSTON STR66T _ � ( Q'tTY� IELD tlnttle, butchers ohotce... 20 50 to l l 00 You can telt a •'iced" Dy his yellow 'Phone and mail orders prompt- Mrs, P. A. Edwards Is visiting with Cattlo, butcher%Wdinary 9� 00 to 10 00 , � Imuer of AutomoMe License& for Huron County. � strhak. ly ®ttepded to friends in Kitchener. Bologna, Bully. r lb.......... 5 to ? Box 237 GODISRICH, OM'. Mfr. Thos. King returned on Monday' Lambs, per Ib ........ ............ 010 to 61H -� after a pleasant visit with Goderich hams, per lb.• .................. 0 40 to 0 40 a, iliilnllnnllllAll1111Hunllnlnitn�NWu�tilnnlNlili�IilnulnAltlnrllllulHin X41* Irfeada. . Bacon long clear ..............0 32 to 0 02 G • Smith's r� store Th; Box Social, bold by the young Potatoes per bag ................ 2 soto 2 GO- z� people in the Town Rall on Tuesday Hides ••••"......••. ..........�20 00 to 20 00 ry' ? McEwen's' Specials pe al s evening of last week, in aid of the Ar- Sheep .••......................... 0 08 to 00 9 sBatat 1st. Phone 1918 menian fund was a success, tho Dro- i „ seeds amounting to about 850. !lir. G. • B. Elliott, of Clinton, the popular aunt- oOLRO====o>go�r - y 3 packages Krumbles, for............ ......25e soccer, kindly donned his services and 0 Right ............... succeeded in d{srmsrnat of the boxes at ° INSURANCEBuy 3 packages Gusto, fof........ ••........................ me good pi toes. The early part of the QOi ilpO Ot1fIODlB evening! was Qpept in play me! nrooress- A 35o can Pork and Beans.............................20o Ive ouchre. After the sale of the boxes ' All Kinds o Is the aim of ever careful ~ho er and a and Lhe Road things whit b tbey'cao• q Y � PP t Gong's Soups, per package ..... . ......... . • .... 50 t»toed hifl been partaken of, the g;alb- o perfectly justifiable aiw in these days of high 2 odd lines Soap, 3 for.....................................5c p EAD STOMACH TROUBLE Government and prices. Alla (old atocl) GASES OR DYSPEPSIA a With our inside knowledge concerning thee Dtudo Clcanor, per package ................... Sc whether in your Homo, Municipal Bonds 5o in sour omoe. or !n your Papa's 012papaln makes a1ok, sour. O Babbitt Gleaner, per patakgg©.................... :. '+ conditions of the wholesale market in our r watch cam locket, the gassy stomach* surely tea! line Bouilt and Sold �' own particular business, with nothing in sight z 1'.sldi;os' "Flee ' ip "Fleece How er pair . . . . ..................... 50e in Awa minutes. 1 .:some Canadian, Yarn, per lb...........................$1.00 portraits of those whose _-._ o but greatly increased prices, we would say to lives yon love, honor, and If what roti ,just ate Is .oluing 00 -- the wise and prudent buyer, Sorae nice Flannelette, good width, per yard...... 30c your stomach or lies like a laser of esteom is a visibleittibute Irad or on belch sed ercctate �11 eg FleOW-lined Underwear, to clear ............ $1.00 of your r8siieat and sour, u�, food, or have a feeling 1919 VisttN'y Loan • remembrance. of aluinees, heaY•tbstra, i'sllneiss, inautK, l`M S>rle it Imo` gild IAtlt�t BuyRikht Noll a tli h 1 baa taste In iso+! att+l etotfnaarl3l• eau . aeiq yon alae tet relief to fire a haute, WEN , kr intutraliiisgf' ahliih'. $nt � stud tosoth atomacit rag now M cliche# ar AiaT�! iili�teat Ile ra,�� , T. R. NARRINON SpeeStore '� tress Are s ke ice. Sion rt o *Aef is is Rolf I+i t +�► tThst-st. �t� 1 �.a�. eel. 'Wr It�G. SHA AN. ►ristar. Wigan nth d dfii�lyd �' ,- 40 U rurat;vr ad Ilii , , r. JY ;1