HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-05, Page 50 +P Are C lee '�t►li is ; it milt R,atld sn , aoval", for WiI�r* ; 4hlrt.�l ' tttO!t(tt!>k l t 8It1"tist 0ARV Of .hs u ort0d tit'i week tai our. t� • . nr �i�tl . ►its �q�11ws: � sr>w�• � +6 • filet tiovetra* . �lchd>�i•t�l Now Store ° .. merit. ��► iR>R �+t 401t rte-'* iFraueh Are 8x ctcd k► itolps laid ti slext to, i3r i� ll�r & Soula,Store. and although everything is not yet in oxder we , to 1polesr . ze ready to attend to the wants of our customers °f t the NEW` STOR , We Lq i )ON,, Feb. ».•. Tho olitzbi w v, .ta+l . y T gotsSt't 31x# ]At 11> , _ �! tit tCl�tsse; of IJQO •wad 149.1 have . • • • )leen palled to the colors. ,Equipped Drug Store in Western �lntar=Q ' EveAttlD hAXe been marching stead* g)�r cgwilird vette on the historic battle- Wei have just completed our stock takiug, which has graved most' a,sitd ievgrytbitig cnnVenSent %r our CUstOtnez,S :as well s ourselves, stabling' us to 061d of the Polish frontier. dive"thc'llesitig c n e service to the stoic. On the one side Is the Russian satisfactory, add now that we have taken out all the el(ld and broken P Soviet, whipped forward by its cease' IULS and short ends, (and there are nlalay} we are placing them on ''Si`on-ate invited to come eafy, and often to the NEW DRUG STORE. less struggle for the right is exist, by the imperative urge of economic , Intercourse. Sale at a price that will insure a quick clearance. C' tea eS ��� on the other side a Poland, este ��;i ft with the dazzling tact of recreated � tndepetFdence. apprehensive that its � � Days strength is not equal to its ambi• 9Q o The Penslar Store 7'he Square tions- and in this dual state of hope and hear, leaning for counsel firat on Nlliffino one aide and then the other. But behind Poland is France. to clear out these odds and ends of all sorts and remnant ends. These •.- France is desperately committed toy t t'�r.ri1. there are few bridges that do not need W. Beek .......... ..............31 -the eater -!nation of Bolshevism. the odd lots will itlClt>de ,a1lR -{Js C'(/uitbll. '4alnttng. An effort snauld be made J. keYls 2 - Tho Cates of Poland and the gates - _ - RN- - - tc� txswe maary o€ tUe #►ridgas tFrui - J� 4hIc11L�= r a,�-_---- " of Soviet Russia are nue. �L 4 jOE uES 001 CitpSi PIInCOSfi s5111?3. Infants' 1Nini BQ else (Continued from Pape 4) .........% _ sen th [Soviet aha he rv.s" . to the worst condition in this respect NI. Campbe►1...... ..... � tween the Soviet and the rest of Waists, $OyS Jerseys, Knitted Sults, Fancy Coloars, I�f'fdtTf�; ��RB SII( given a coat of paint during the com- W. Baker ........ ........ . ...... • Europe. It the gate Is opened Bol- as fellows on the County Road System: in g summer. B. Long........ ...... 52 sUeviBu� can travel in a day through Misses' Coats, Raincoats, Dresses and Furs. !t le work has Ir brtdaes is becom- 1. Oke .......... ...... �0 � _. _ _ : _ - - _ fife lttlmel_� Poland and diffuse it- __ _ been carried out, although the repair- Ing a big prublem. Rock elm flouring Below b. rankRI- self In a dozen directions tltrougTiW6F �jOSt Of these tVi� be SOId- lit-�aif �'1cC ° Ing of some )weeds was Carried on until is very difficult to obtain at present G. Strickland, IL M11cKuy, P NIci)ou- Europe. It the gate Is kept closed, it Dec.' 24th. The weather being contin- and high prices must be paid when it ga,(I, G. Videan, F. Gallow s tS. McLeau, can only force its way, by hard roads, uously stormy since the beginning of can be secured. other kinds of floor- FORM IB. across deserts, over mountains to- Remnants they winter has caused the snow roads Ing are also very hitch In price and 1loriors : ward the south, into Persia. Afghan - to be in a very bad condition and very then either decay or wear out in the F•dit(t Reinhart.... t ............x•is islAn, India, Mongolia. llttic-could be done to relieve the at- course of a very short time. Never- 131si(, Reinhart ........ .. ......t.xLi France adopted Poland. The tuation. However, as conditions per- theless many bridges must be. refloored Polish cogstttutton is modeled on An exceptionally fine assortment of Remnants, comprising Dress Goods, B. flunt,r....... ...75.1 P mit, any necessary work is being car- and preparations are being malts to A. Sowerbv...... 7:) that of France, Poland, practically, - rled'out. The expenditures on snow go -t as mucic or the material supplic,l Teris : is governed tram Parts. Poland is Silks, Gingbams, Prints, Voiles, Skirtiu.gs, Coatings, Cotton S, Curtain Materials, roads never amounted to any consist- in the winter as possible. A numba'r L. Horn.......... 74.11, France's outpost against. the Bede. Chint7:es, lhlaunelettes, etc., etc. All these are marked ridiculously low. erable sum, and yet a great .improve- of bridges will. rreiuin r. huilding, +, r. .t uL•r-on.... ...7 i.:, Poland is one of the Big Three of merit to the roads can be road, with a uumb4r thcLt hair 114411 cuusia:rr4d b \T.u•tua..... .. 7_'.R iLe lictltiv; the other two are Fin - little work judiciously applied. :\, fore and a fey\' „thers. 1`I:,n� ..ad sp1 - :. VrFarlan....... ........ ... ..:0.S hand and Fstitoaia. The 8ovl's of there is still a great deal of t,-mning rillcutious are hci,ag prcl,tn 1 %11. i' + ?!. I(,'yeraft...... ..a!th Russia Is m:Lking peat•, with !•, New Goods for the Spring trade, we are receiving daily; most carried on in the winter months, it is .a .+; utas Finland's uta. rcot5 :tri' more Shipments Of will he advisable to 146 't.':1• t.'r'Le: It hL,wr,ie•..... Important that the road be in a con- ;ta earl,' in the sea -urs .., fo -i'!" �t1 L• IId. ...... :7 U �° ith 5tvcdeu than tcith 1144 sister of them being bought many ,T10nihS a�TO, when prices were IIIUCh lower than t a`}' clition to carry the traffic.. By the re- a {•Ist;'"a 1. a;r,h•tn,... r7.'! Baltic slates and. btstdes, she is not plat rnntraeturS will I?e' tti .... -oval of hedges and fences and by the to plan thou <tsuub .` !� to .m i1".0 ..... ,.... r, S.; on the diroct ru:ui +u h7urupe. The sent. We Shall beton bestandnewest, atlmos year reasouaee x ces erection of snow fences it is found �;utcr. Tho ,+dtisafiility „r furniS!dnt; H. frit .... ..... ..... .. .. .ci.7 st.taller Baltic Ftates Imre nothln are at pre possible to prevent the accumulations ,,11 c4mm�t S e tt.e .tr mart to lor;c if flog array the - b2en to su,p•ply our clients with lie b t d t, ' t a9 Receivedbl pr sunt trot n•`,'d t fe :' � , . t:utt...... ... i'1 a Ilult of Allow in certain places, which ren- I ........ria.; • clew with iathont;t in Arida cn, by Ihr county, +, ?cub n 1;a11'nrll.... yy r der the road impassible and thus(, sec-I�idrratioca, .i H.I�c1t•-.... e'Ia�: 1^at;nr and open their ddors to erg Phone Or Mail Shipped Same Day All Orders By ' tions of road which become- drifted) rhe follos°\inv list of u: • h,aery, 14 c:. L aobnru •r ........ ...........esti hornet ,wit,hos to pass on proper are being observed with a view lu iin- I addition to that aIroa,ly h,ot_!,t, wiiL h i{. �L >Llnu _ ... .+'t;.i I hashers, Ilulshte•c ik or Vi enchman. proving them in some such nvinnor. i rr•,Inir4d, S \°h,•1 I serat?e•:•, I ,"�•' i;. Ir taste rt> ...... .. n., Poland only is le ft, and Poland The construction wurk for noxa, sea- I,,u i(;.', I'! ,1111 •inti„ r ,an11 -, t i `:: t'. [ n 6 nett+.... o,,; nredA not only cconuntic help but son has not been eompletcl,' oullin'd t1ot,'c. It nua) hr rotor,! '1 :rt^ r•: e1. I iuni,an.. GU ;Gal authority to lnosrrve the */S ( 'AR�� One as yet, but after consulting t+'till th1• 11111•ohas., ano(h, r c,s I-;' t f 1i Lrul +Ihe it o,% I 311. needs Shis has M L S SCOTCH STORE 'Ph 56 ! ,he has Phone 5 �o reeves and foremen, the plan.; fur* it,-, .,,, it I., r1'4,nu ua�•n;t, •,t t'�:t :," "i H. 1?,Lltutl...... .... _...:1a.; 't Ukrainians, ith Prue- 1 h 'sty on rscrY 1920 season are being comp►rtrd. I'll,' inavirr gyp, than aha: ones in uses at 13. Fhuakletou..... of disputes with Uk y w Importance of prompt and vfllcient prosont, to : provide for the a•-avi • t A. Fuwli............ Sl.x signs and twith been duns. Her own maintenance is being emphasized to ,vork. A. Buchanan...... ......t"S cio nsels have been slit idrd. British the foremen and it is expected that as 'rhe municipal eeuncilS ,tviil tin([ it B. Andrews......,, L. ..Joss 11tenet' has est.ablishcd Itself and ESTiILDi1SHED 1672 the various foremen grow more fain- necessary to provide. for eotrimuting Bouw 50%, rankad : e ice, n cur which P la French ire tts STORMY WEATHER oads suss, on which Petand ensEn,• reals -HARD ON BABYI War with their duties and the best Ihr, statute labor on the county H. Collinson, J1. Mr\Vhinnl•Y, 11. EJ- fu,, her future. theists cumi•romiso is methods, the county road system will or for arranging to have it put on the wards, D. Fisher, \I. L4rkl4, t;. wlr'ti;t '• unthinkable. show results that are increasingly gra- township roads, StatutL labor, at best, \$ tiravelle, (I. Nathiesun. three times BolsUuvinm has ap- weather which tifying. Our organization i, heron- is not an efilcienL method of road eon- H)I01 11 The vedur, g Fv rt' Ing more efficient and with the acgtti- struction and even the foremen who l4<1n ,rs preached the Polish frontier with `vet, haw<, during February and M1Uarrla >q ANADIAN farmers should raise < flags flying and swards. drawn, and is, extremely hard on children. t:un- '.�� ��� sition of much needed machinery, will havo been most successful in handling D. Wcollcumbe..... ., x0.:1 three times the tide has been stem- t BSD be in a position to do the work in th1• it speak unfavorably of it. Property 7!+•7 aged. Three times 1101sheviscn hag er to- maks: It u,cin th for the' mulct- � mora Cattle. 1}rofit9'ar0 high p hI. B. Howell........... er to- keep them In the h,tusr, Thr> p most satisfactory manner. owners on eountg' roads have a bct.kV.t• NI. A. Howell. ............. 7.).6 advanced to the gates of Warsaw and, the country needs more 0 The bridges of the county will re- opportunity tip earn money -by working G Sparr....... .75--2 with suggestions of peace, and three ares ofhvt tod rut to overheated, bad- ■■ ........... and catch sulfa quire_ considerable attention during un the roads than have those on the Pais : times they have been dismissed. ly ve otalat4d r""ms them. The Bank of Hamilton is the coming season. It is generally re- other roads and the commuting of the which rick their Hhula; ,yst1-I m,, T1s, . D. '.Marshall ....... .. ............7;t Seven months ago rrotzky said: guard against this II box of Baby's prepared t0 extend financial sop - cognized as econotny to paint bridges statute labor on county roads should , Reycraft........ ...............699 -After Donikine, the Pules." own Tagai s should be kept lit the' once in six or seven years, so that entail no inconvenience. D. Laithwaite.1...... ...........6A.9 'three niontin ago Ihr i 0d' Alin- house• and an occasional dose given � port on most favorable terms. There, are time~ when the county L. Anderson........ Gx.x ister of Foreign Affairs sr;ld: "Wo _ has hundreds of men on its pay rolls. the baby to keep his stu This and L. M1fcKenzie...... ..... . .......67:1 shall offer pence tu, Poland. if she U1 of these, men desire prompt pay- 66;{ g bowels working regularly. This will ILTON R. Graham ............. -refuses we will he . obliged to not fail to break up colds and keel) MILTON 12MDEL THEATRE meet and many paid twit have absolute R Hamilton ...... ............ • ..64.7 strike." the health of the baby in good condi. need of being paid wit out• unreason- W. Glarke.......... ...G4.7 Waraaw, for the last many weeps, able delay tion till the brighter days corse along. F.. Shepperd.......... ...G•f.'2 has filled her cables' with rumors of PROGRAM The annual statement, to the High- J. Cooke, ....... • .............•..G3 i6 the coming war. Her Government The Tablet, are soil oe medicine deal - PROGRAM OF H ways 1)rpgrtmr-'nt•shovvs the following JWallas,...... ........... ..G;i.i has asserted the Soviet 1s enrolling ers or by mall at 25 arnGw a box from (Neal Week) expenditures for 1919: County Roads Ni.fEdwards. ...... ..............60.6 Chineso by thousands, that plane The Dr. Williams Niedlcine Co., Brock- - Road construclion, $8,985.82; bridge !,1. Lymburner...... ............60.5 halve been discovered for a gigantic vllle, Ont. GODERICH BRANCH, Monday and Tuesday construction $20.949.95: maintenance B,,low Pass : drive by the Reds, that daily new ADVERTiSE 114 -THE STAR a J. IWAY, VANAOIR, and, repairs, $55.499.90. Provincial J. 'Young .......... ........... . ....9.x evidence of this purpose comes to SHIRLEY MASON county roads -Road construction, $i,- F Whitely• ......... ............ 59.7 hand. $26.10; maintenance and repairs, $21,- G. Bowra..... 576 For,the last few drys events has - b Orted b 8t6.35; machinery, $18,163.8.5; grants to 11• Cooper, • • • • • MA toned forward. The Soviet wanted GOITRE OR THICK NECK 14119 y towns and villages,'$2,809.46. H. Sfurray • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •53.4 peace. Poland wanted peace. The rpt "tit t�r�t� t�tr�t �jj�t� NILS WELCH • owing to lack of space this week Below 50`"'0, ranked: Soviet's terms were impossible. The Cu RED FOR I the remainder of our report of the hf. Baker, L. Nicholson absent Allies were warning Poland. France ONE I�O1.1.AR IN I county council is held over until next through illness from most of the was hurrying diplothata to Wsrsaw. I week. exams, A. Hetherington. These were among the rumors. To FOOTW EAR • • . „ -. them was added Thursday: A we have cured Goltres of over 40 f 4, FOMM III B. Basis despatch to L'Infortnation years standing in a tea weetse' •�'he Wiunln Girl is harmlose g G. C.' 1. EXAMS Honors : (Paris) to -day states that a wireless time. Oen Remedy hf. Reycraft........ .............90.7 despatch has been 1'eceived there and does not blister or discolor. - A HAROLD LOW COMEDY Results er the Examinations Meld In 0. Couper. • ........ ........... • • • 86.8 from Moscow to the effect that the Place a postal note or -easy order Nov., Doe. and aan. A. Nairn.......... -••8f Soviet of Russia has withdrawn its for one dollar in a letter along and T. aicCarty.......... ............76.8 pm►ee oiler to Poland and will re- with 9bo forposwe. Packiwgll be Vedn"y and Thutsday FORtit IA. 1K• Pentland ...... ...............75.3 gerj military operations againtst the War by rTaxand our remedy When you buy Footwear at :tfaoViity r yo you are , Pass : Poles." • ? self by y enro mall. This amount Honors: G. McKenzie ........ ............71.2 ,h^�y Poland mobilizes wltb isuanallyenoafthtoenroaaordln• assured Of satisfaction, reliability and quality for yourself and G FAIRBANKS wRbeter,.;....... .••.....•76 . ...........Q5 lV arygoitre. Address family. IJ. G. hfurray.-........ French Officers auperTleln# the pre- Y• L. Cooke ............ . 75 W Dalton........... ...70.6 • ' DR. STOCItTON'S GOITRE RIMY paratloas. IN Pass : _, E;. Dri1.•er........ ...............63,8 polaaQq is to mist Bolshevists. 166 337, Twete, ON. The consiatent success of our shoes is worth noting. It :,_.. � ZAliB*'.. . _ if. ►%KayF... , - __. _l. ifcunt; ......: .. fi7 "i `BefiIntL hoia`ad tit b�atlee. _ '] NI. Johnston ........ .............72 F. Rafthby........ ............. 67.1 is because of their popular prices, popular slytee and atLco11en0 SAW L. Wallis ............ ............70 T. Hunter.......... ..............67-,-�-�*---- ®a®®✓ai\Af®�tB�1B®aa�®.il8aaia' A. Panzer... ............. 69 H. Galt.. .............. 66.8 F. Humber,......... ...........61.1 workmanship that they please the moat critical Customers. 6aife Bs$e T� Without s Cabin. 11. Fowler ............ ..........67 F. Snell........ ... , .............6s.t B. Mega*...... ............ • ....60.5 "Say It With Flowero" tate extra good values we have to offer. VI C. Hays ............ .............666 I.. Trebly........... Below Pass Laust of Mack snaetta w , Sanderson...... 59,9 5.. Holmes ..... . . ......... ........64.7 N. Ginn........ ........ , ........59.6 t M. 'Austin ......... ..............59.6 0. Allen......... ..... , ........63.1 Young...... To Your Best Friend H• .69.2 Nt a Below Pass : M1l. Doughert 61.5 D. Dancey.......... 57 ® IIn II R E PA I R I N G Friday and Saturday. ..........' y............ r J. Ryan , ........... ..58.1 M. Garrowv .... , ....... .....,5 � a On Aelew Pass I.I. ROGEHS J. Lynn ........... ...... . .... ..51.9 G. Ginn.......... ................59 I. McClure. , ....... . -.. , .......56 el St. Valentine's V. Allen.......... 57.8 - bI. McNevin......... :44.6 10 J. Gamow•............ ...a8.•1 � V. Fritzley......... • •a7 H. Porter............ ...57 5 Below 50%, ranked : a IN r G. \Ic[,4ud, 1. hfctirvin, F. Beev,rs. Is DayRe G EO. MacV i CA I, Brownlee .......... ...........56 F. DottghehtY......... ,.........,7.4 16 M. J. Lee .........................57.2 FOR1f IV. fA /+ ret "Almost A Husked" F,. McCreath .......... ...........Cw.? Part I. gl GEO. STEWART A STO R ! A H. Howard ........... ...........:,3319 E. Lamb.. , ........... .......64 R Ill rg [( North Side u1 Square DODERICM Rogers is the world's chi nrpion lariat I1. Bradford ..... . .. ..............51.9 E. M11cK. Wilson. , .............. , ..61.8 FLORIST thrower. He is one of Arnerict> s 11. Kidd ............... ...........51.5 J. A, %farshall ............ L . ....02 7 of s F--l�l--����� �rl alf�j most popular hu>ssotdats. IIs is the For Infants and Children ® Phone lOS Brace St. In n�:,i FORM1t I(1. .4, Below e0"6•, ranked: star of Ziegfteld Folhos. He is the In Use ForOver3OYeam {{,1no�� ' At. it. Baker, It. MnD. Clutt„n•�®�qi®e9f�BB�tB®®®Ye®�®®IIBVt �Iv0�8�- H. Klipatrlrk....... .. X27 l'. F. (ied,tthelitRT Ii. (�1nll�f�f�tC��lt��{[��UWJIJI Jt'='Io�p homeliest man on the screen and the Always bears L. Johnston....... ..... p••..... , ... ...'x1 2 funniest. Don't ,mise this bomody the Pa S C. i). Tape... GG Sig of • L. Srly erby......,. ...71.7 F. J. \Vashinutnn..... 64 treat•Of the season. F,. Washthgton....... .... ......74.f, I'.1BTr1 1. and 11. - -- - -- ---- - - - A. . hrpDerd........ ..............73.2 hf. ,J. hicF;°wan .......... .R9 �UiH9f8 ®�®1�j G. Hamilton ........ ............. 67,1 J. ..1 Hume............ , , . , ....-..72..2 W. Weir............ ...67.1 B. •1. Johnston ............. ...72.4 T. Laithwalta........ ........... CA.9 E. Wallace, ... . ............ ...60.6 A. Baxter ...... ..................64b SE(,ONi) l h. \it (.()MMF.R(AAI, E Prldham......... .............64 f It ....... •.:.x1.2hf. Tiq,rt.......... . ..64 1,. NunningN .• ••.High Class Footwear L. Walker .. ...............62.7 %i. McN,•vin.. ... .. . .. .•80 C. HAys........ ..................62.6 Pass : C, Nalm............... ..........62 F. (;nod.... ... ............. ..G9A Worthy of Your Inspection' L. Macklin ........ ..............62 T. Stunning..,..... ..... ......ss E. Sowerby......... ............61.2 M. liussey... ...... .............116.7 R. Davidson ........ . .........G6 t R. Wool lcombs..... .............65 Combining an attr3,Ai`•e appearance and durability, NEURALGIA W Black ... ........64.3 and giving exceptional comfort and wear. It is our C. Lewes • • " • •. • ...6d 2 M. M1fcintosh.. . ..623 t aim to sell only good Footwear. (live it,; the op- tt kw, R. R. Snazeh .. . ............61.2 ramttOr7 tlej* the day Below Pass: rtunity to supply your need's, r "'57.� t B. TuffordN. Smith ... ...........57 Tompiftows M. Stokes ... ..... ..............562 We have at present a vary large stock of ht. Webb. ... 51 Rhrufnatie 0. Cralgle... .......50.6 Trun6, Club Bags etc ca M1t. Correll .... .... Suit Gases, 1 Cspsii#las Below Wlr, rooked dlsoovexed.. '�'h!e V. Weston, hf Ryan. Boo oar Foods before haying. �otn rsmeG7 al�Mfa The Principal and Maty would be I 1 tuattxa to ve pleased to meet with the parents " r "e to eMirs from whose atudento are not making their it d 6>r r sample Pass QUindinsr to rn-opor•tte in bring - All Repair Work Done to Your Satisfaction m •totAst"�4kafag et. ins shout h,?tt•'r re«ultA. orange, J. P. iiUME, Oft Doctors recommend Principal. HERN'S BOOT SHOP them. and rei»ble_ ,van Hoesch theta V A. fd'1' D � _ `a!` • l l.04 s�. In IiN Fw Om 39 Year" 4411 at If C. Dunlop's Drug Store, Pears the i16151r1N 'r (iodprirh ptQr atw• PRIN CESS SOAP FLAKES Guaranteed Pure Best for all fine laundering. Washing Silks, Laces and all fine fabrics. ilsJ WON'T SHRINK WOOLENS Table Syrup Both in bulk and 2 and 5 pound tins Lily White Corn Syrup All kinds of Pork and Beans n�tJ0 H. LEACH Goo.. Montieent at. anfl Square Phone 1r8t0 rgt `Ee� fr7'� rT ''t 1 i"� ��t furs iC`I r; iPl (C1 r7 (Tl'4 _00 •'rt of � • ' 1 t ' cY N I-• ' w'-�" W,j{•e°sues..'"W"Y„^', r -"� J 'ice'- Ti ... I ..�•'� �'� ,.. rYw^� _