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The Goderich Star, 1920-02-05, Page 4
,.. , ° i � _ � . - ,. .. � .. .... alb ��• y i.lKafkPtt to gfutt ''!fix Oath school n laic b,el!d ,x at the ' t be�nude _. des commend and r d the Rest CIO uL lie motion of 1ltesittrii. Do -bias! a poll; SONContinuation and filth" to the grant to` '�"O s �. we rc- 7 >r! tl.�f wart"W it's eco niy Amoss that rlothins uN.� #'tirdon with seterenc€t mend that the grunts b made the MN laza You `•- M : bs L' efiCT finds its way as usual16 A�. � of but the best material fsgtne � tit � � ` Fa . t _ Be motion of `IiPitn6 sad -wavers ■k>t �aei tautT dlpet UkR that ant of *1,00q, be made to the tri* a* ut k. t i, � in here, Il gh sola and legiate Institutes i or the county, we Brant to be divided sada *Wocs'fer bears wick XW%- Than for rtal comfort--combinedwith , F. according to attends of pupils from r ° *Otf widest aaeeerry . as you naturally think 1. a4`atilt` tha c county, [xcoiaimenpd tht;t the , 1i style clidtinction, grant >l a Rk#s#atis (Is M t — 3U t# y, t ! n tri© trtasd 1! bast War Itk K+s• ofMan tin F Re motion of Messrs. Elliott and qia- ,r t. _ it .yM! aZ all later 3iillntnstia rttliep' • Quaid that wo gran .OW lacca ' lass!• hi Wkat do" ( ar Children's Niemprial, lf4pitai at L44- Children' we. •recommellll that kho same be sadlati t Tkat it $ Jib �Ad } Towels W d, tJ t Floor Rugs paid. �, Ila motion of blesses. Beavers and U. will o � ere► *•vim {�; �. " Cutt that a grant of $4 �Oo be given rsVJ ' English Tapestry. Brussels Bugs in a variety of 100 dozen extra heavy Irish bleached !tuck the Navy League, we recommend that pia" i, 1! Towels, nicely Hemmed, size 23 x 36, sats --b it is M►tiitd talar, designs, rich colorings and fiery heavy pile the grant be 62,OW Providing the same ��� 6 t'aaiplaton's l�eniaatfe t ,i deed sormileati. 'Biose pikes arc 1-3 or 33 Worth por dozen, $8.00. selling at per, be expended In the pomluion of Can- apalim an 61� a lair trill th i $2.75 ads. rargady 7Il{teteststlset, t3ciaties, I.>saa- r per oeuG. cedes, present values. February pair, 9oc, or 6 pair for•_•---- -••-- Be salaries and expenses to b� paid � 1 Neuralgia, of say a! only L certain county o}licials, we recorMnend l with the a t 2 1-s x 3 -yards': .......... ... 25 00 Sheets that the following scale of salaries be T � d�� �i�a� The Chocolates w 3 x 3 yards ................... 30 00 adopted: 'Mrden, $too; treasurer. i 3:3 1.3 yards ............... 35 00 Bxtls, heavy, soft, bleached, plain Sheeting, 650; clerk. $te=; road superintendent, taraedt tlsst and driv* tiem lees Mr u, y IlemmW ready for use. 2 x 2 1.2 yards. $t,5W, for Good Roads, E`loo for county yacr-meta■, bd wheneresyon feel as i 1 3 x 4 yards ......•.............. 4Q 00 L roads; Crown Attorney, $t,iW; audt- attaej< eap4x on, start adze T.TW.to yy®nde�. fel centres $1.50. Per pair -- $3.95 tors of criminal ,justice accounts. $5 Wim. l Yards wide, all puro wool Carpets....., per day and to cents per mile eacii one • Sole Agent for Goderiah, H. C. Dun- , 2 1.4 x 2 1-2 yards. Por pair -•• ••- $4.25 way; auditors of county accounts, ,,$60 lop. Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist, w" Cocgoleum Squares, extra beavy quality each caretaker of Court House and Bedford Block. 1 !' 31300 - -- Dress 101ai-e�sry office, oa—in`spotblr j iggets tY Etame, $3oDt Fhi stOlau; $4W; mans r, 3 x 4 yards ..........................•.. $15.00 to the assets and the outstanding ln- ger, 38W; matron, $501}; assistant mat debts e s e o n d tri the 36 inch. fancy union check and plaid Dress ren, $360: chaplain, 8550; Jailer, W. dos of the o u h the di ' men's Ull}der�►rear _ , . W. same be published with the auditors' dao dor skcrGtr, r}resserr or trlirlflren's - 00; matt an. — I$120; school inspectors, $1525 each, report, thattFiTs be adop%� drosses. Regular $1.25. At per yard 95C salary and expenses; councillors, $5 That the tender of The Goderich k . ; Heavy fleece lined Vests, closed Drawers. Regu Signal far printing, Robertson Bros. For Sale a� the 1�e�call Store Si, per day and to cents per mile neo by- for bread ;and groceries and 'rhos. ular $1-25. At per garment.......••.• ••• 9� Women's ZII{, Poplin and and we further recommend that a by- Legg for meat be accepted. law be passed accordingly. In the treasurer's financial 'state - i " Mon's extra heavy, brown stripe, silk, fleece Serge Dresses .lie application of J, A. Ford as in - lined Shirts and Draweta. Penman's. spootor of Huron County Home, we ment, he commented as follows: "!n recommend that this matter be reter� the Good Roads account you will not Sizes 34 to 12. �Vurth 51.7b. At each Splendidly made and beautifully finished Dress- ce - $1.25 ted back to the County Home commit- i that the levy was $63,752 10 and ex - --- -.. �V t enditure was $132,770.10, more than as for women and misses. 1;xtra values tee, as we consider i an application p' 4 for an appointment to a position in the twice the levy. This necessitated tile "SLanfield's" Underwear for mon. Extra boavy in a grout choice of colors and styles gift of the county. borrowing of money towards the end rib. At per garment .•.••-.••••••....• ••• $2.75 $1$'00' $`20'00 and $25,00 In committee of the council the exe- of the year. When we receive the d Government percentage on this expen- • cutive committee s report was amen - ed on mojlon' pf Messrs.Stiller and dlture, it may partly balance this ae- Tipling making iris grant to the Cul- count. You will notice 4hat our total meet pp legiates and High Schools $4,000 in- debenture debt is $336,060• To meet, 1 stead or $3,000'as recommended. The this we have investments and cash OP., amendment wa?; carried, the grant to amounting to $101,212.07, leaving cur net debenture debt $23.1,787.93.• r t W. ACHESON & SON be $4,000. _ s Movement in amendment to clause 4 Road 5uperinlcndent'n Report L by Mr. Laporte and Dr. Grieve that �hm.8 ��r�a•� the grant to the Children's Memorial The Road Superinlen�tent r«�portl'd Hospital be $500 instead of $1,000. The (Continued on page 5) I In the evening tho matter of a grant arnendrnent carried, to•hospitals, as advocated by Ills Hon- Moved by Messrs. Laporte and Stiller ,i 1 COUNCIL brat clause 13 re grant to the navy�THE COUNTYyr Judge Dtoksan and Rev. J. E. Nord, voce taken up and .referred to u eom_ II�+IL League, be amended making the grant a ; $1000. Carried. nl v t 1 miller composed of Alr.,srs. Young, The report as amended was adopted. IL, -- • Cutt and Tre-,varth¢ to report in tree Unanimous consent having been ob- tainedMade Grants of $4,000 to County High Schools 11eCning. f Grand Bead Made n Police Village it was moved by Dr. Clark and nl lir. Young that this council make a L4 and Collegiates $1000 to Each Hospital The special eemrnfttee recommended g no action on trio communication from rant of $� to the 'Armenian Relief f fund. This was adopted. u . Pea eapanco,�, e , , Perth re legislation for -increase in lfoved by Messrs Trewartha and ,x $1000 �o Navy League $1200 to Children s sessional allowance ; re communication 1 r from Perth re legislation limiting the Miller that if a special meeting the speed of motor vehicles claiming dam- council be called, rt be held at Clinton,ll w� Aid, $500 to Children's Memorial Hospital$ ages to fifteen mile's per hour, we re- it being ,aero• central. -Carried. A� aommeud same; re communication The committee appointed re the Hos- }} y pital grant asked by Judge Dickson London from Dufferin County, vee recommend r� • all clauses except No, 3; where we re- and Rev. J. E. Ford, reported recom- rr`�e' 3 commend 15 miles instead of 10 miles; mending that the game Commlttee b� PORTION OF REPORTS AT JAN. SESSION, BALANCE NEXT WEEK re communication from Fsses and On- asked to make further report in June, t Ms 0 IN as the committee was not in a post - r s__ �tar[cr, we •recommend that they be tion to make, a complete and efinite r - signed by the Warden and clerk; re c m to d « The January session of the Huron Education Committee. communication from Dufferin re dog report on such shoi'ft notice. Air. Bea- county council closed on Friday last Moved by Messrs. Cutt and Crich vers and Mr. Currle• were added to the tax we recommend no action; re eom- Store That a committee Composed of Messrs. first committee, making the commit- Gents' Furnishifig i, a few minutes after noon, and the man}cation from Kent rr, increasing clothing d' councillors gut ansa that afternoon a Beavers' Mitchell and Tipling be ap- tee consist of Messrs. Young, Cutt, Tre- y the percentage on Provincf 1 Roads ,pointed to tak•: up the matter of un- wartha, Beavers an 4Currle, their ttptttes. 'Ph. minutes of Tuesd¢y 1from 60 to 70 per Dent. an county T fkogte Committee r fun Jafis with adjoining counties.- 5 The Huron Couq roads from 40 to a0 per Dent., ice re- } and l tlnesday's sessions re - were pub- Referred to trio epecvl. cojAmittee; p in�thcir second iopoit referred the ap- ��,,� Commence on i, [}shed " ►nit wook- Following are the commend that ilio Warden and Clerk pointment of an inspector to the whole l �*•-.z., ., Moved by Stossrs, Dotg. and Elliott �si n the petition;, re motion of lfessrs, council. minutes sof Thursday and Friday and B that all communications and requests Doig and Grieve we recommend that tete eo{t mittee reports: In the hands of the clerk for ,stiles the Gogd Roads Commission be adopt- onMitchellf `r,4ursday morning Inspector salaries and other money grants be ed as follows: Messrs. Armstrong, Conded by Mr. Webir that no action be Tom addressed the council with re- taken and this was'Adopted. e sent to the Moutjve Committee,- LaPorte and Hackett; re petition of The report of t e county registrar i ferener . W the forming of a new in - Carried. ratepayers of Grand Bend we recom. t spectoraL6 as brought before the I showed a total of 4;261 instruments re- council, at previdus sesslotfs. Moved by .Messrs. Wallis and Miller mend that their request be granted; SATUR AY9 ffBRUARY t that we grant each hospital in trio re motion of Messrs. Cott and Crich, gistered during th0 year l919; total Dr. b`iald, inspector of East Iluron county under Government inspection we recommend soma; re motion of fees therefor $7,33� 9�7 937 abstracts ' p alAo spoke, supporting the presenta- and fees therefor $930.!5; 1076 searches the sum of $1000,, Sent to Executive Messrs. Doig and McNabb, we recom- �. lion made by lir. Tom. and fees therefor $3113.15; gross amount , Committee. mond that, after Consulting trio county And Untinue for 15 Days In the afternoon a communication of fees earned for the year, $9,527.27' Mrs. «Tsdvvards, representing the Im- , solicitor and finding, that thorn has peels[ order Daughters of the Emptrc, was read from Mr, J. A. Ford, apply- been no preeedeiit fn such ,a case, we gross amount .of to s for the peevlous s of London, appeared before the eoun- leg for trio position of inspector of refer trio matter to the council as a year, $6,lf8.t0; sur4Aus or net tnCotne a "' oil. and appealed for a grant to assist the Huron County Horse, whdlo; we wou}d'suggest the name of paid to county,.Ski surplus for the pfopoied establ • ln�• of a Child- Rev. A. L. G. Clarke then addressed previous' year, 5;�Ret a untxtwe vospltal in Loon. Mr. Stephen Webb 40:be returning oID- thecouncil making a very eloquent cer for the village of Grand'Bend, the received t?y theteer. report . g MN, Laporte, under the hoed of en- election • of police trustees to be held The finance committee's report ap- Our stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, r " qulrllea; spoke of the bad results that appeal on behalf of the Canadian Navyrowed of a large dumber of accounts; League for a grant to that Cause. Feb. 23rd, ilr20, poll to bo held In erern p 6 t iJ Z11t`follow the ousOrn of eaoaedtng Moved by tfessrs. Doig„ and walks and reoommended as follows: ��]j w;ll be sacrificed at'prices which are actually lower than present our, e$timates, with par oular refer- ner's Bail, election to be held between that the Bank of Hamilton be given a the hours or i and 5 in the -afternoon Re motion of Messrs. A. Neeb and cnoe to the levy for Good Rbadii Con- art of the county business, as it Is a . Clark that audl!4kbe asked to make wholesale cost. It will be a record making opportunity for 'our alderalite discussion took place on the P on trio shops date. tea" v auetabl . the feeling t k p ace o that property owner In the county and has In• eonsidering the -clause of the s e- a complete sand, concise statement as customers to save mopey in everything needed in Men's Wear. Ston branches throughout the northern, Dial voomtnItteo'g report, referring the the.dptinty should keep well within part of the County of Huron. --Carried. 'question of the Ayment f Mrs. Wil- - — �---- can fudge for yourselves. Come early and secure your needs while t?xe er<timatea. .. , . Moved by Aiesars. MCQuatd and E1 NA VV _ rCotuiolllor Iioig brought 'up the mat- sten a that Mr, Thos. R. Wallis, Reeve liams expense at the Asylum back to , the selections are great and the prices are low. an-.cIIlce forAlr4.c_oun- he .aQlativiL t�_ moved by Dr. Clark_ I� of Goderich; tic appoiatxtt a�ftaerdber that the count b - s p}neer. and suggested that the y c responstbl0 for Mrs. flood'; Randa Commission and county of the, board of the Children's Aid So- Williams, cats ab the usual scale. ge- I The following items :indicate only a few of the wonderful pries re- s { ciety of the County of Huron for the ended by Air: Douglas. The motion an°t l:12 t a oles iaar ductions throughout the entire sale. pt+Q{i14t+ty Committee make tccommen- s dsrtlo year 1920, as the County council's re- was adopted, and trio report was adapt- uI■bt� 0 a breat� A letter of thanks tram, Mr. A. D. presentative, --Carried, ed, except clause to. ' and�ew 9 now- ` c(wran was iead'to the council for Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Cutt, Dr. Clark and Mr. Gordon Young, r:dretta�� acid r ' Man'S Pulloviers tlielt~k onerous brant .at tete December that Mr. T. R.• Patterson, county en- who attended the Stratford meeting rta moot card bTw. Mens and Yonn Mens fine „ meetjtilt of the council. since,, and the Good Roads Commis- �}ood Roads, gave an excellent report TEMPLETON% To clear at y y' § Mtxrtt�l by Messrs. Elliott and Me- sion be delegates -to the Good Roads of the proceedings at that city. On RAZ -MA" Dress overcoats 39c ;i,: `� -• Quaid that, :in response to the appeal Convention at Toronto. -fettled motion of Messrs. Hackett sed Moffatt Of 14t!ti Edwards on behalf of the pro- Moved by Mejsrs. Douglas and Doig a hearty vote otr thanks was given the CAPSULES in slip-on, waist line and form -fit models en's $I.00 Pullovers, to clear at 69c " hfemorial Hospital in London that the bridge on Centre street in two delegates and their expenses or- _ ' Wroxeter be retloored and painted, al- dered to be paid. This reparationIathere- ` T,hd boutioli make a grant of ai0o0.- $27-50 j hetet l to the executive commit- so the bridge to be raised as It is low- The final session was held on Friday Jng ftn' eareore2 erimeat- X9'75 worth Men's Gloves er than the road_ -Carried. morning. ". v- h ne d liedy 'honaaada $22.50 t` $3 ed the easiest O Op MeV by blesses. !leavers and Mit- Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Cutt The County Home committee recom- benent through to are. r Men's leather lined Gloves to clear 53e Write i�r iron campteatt. Black and grey Melton r yk Abell " 1�at Exeter having been made that Ivo grant $4500 to the Canadian mended re the application of Jas. A. Tem pletoae, i4S Kin at 1II$ !,SChtwl, the followh* if. S, En- Navy League—Referred to the execu- Ford for inspector at ¢salary o[ $225, w., Toronto, fiL1 0.00 Canvas G] ves, to Clear at ISc `,� Centres, Dashwood, Crediton, tivo committee. that same be sent to executive, as this Sold by reliable drue¢ia $27.50 Worth �4 (� rr j �ltrlallr; Henull and Winchelsea, be Mr. Robert McKay, ex -Warden of the committee has no jurisdiction to ev©r Rhereiorat.oaabo1 , Men's knitted Gloves, to clear 23C la'tt*ch,0 to- Esetier High School for county, was an Interested spectator "change salaries fixed by bylaw. Ask, at H. C. Dunlop's Drug Store, TO Men's Overcoats, hgavy tweed lined { raloAtion purpo*jg deterred to during the afternoon session. This report was adopted and its hP QoderlCh ulsters. TO clear at $9.45 Men's 75c Mitts, to clear 39C t commendations were referred to 'Vie executive. committee. Mr. Robert McKay, of Tuckersmith, 0=0�0=0� Onl V- Grey. TO Clear at $I2.2 j uq ex=Warden, was present and lues askew o Ties and Handkerchiefs to address the council. He spoke feel - 0 1I 1 4 tngly or the says of trio past, mention- i1 Savin in Men's. Trousers o The New Men's Hook on Ties, black, to clear r': '`7'►�+- • Ing that only two of the councillors 0 �sr of Ili; time as warden were present a Q Regular $4.50. To clear, $3,69 I(�C n , cin �M' now, Warden Petty and Dr. Clark_ p/� O « $S,5o. $4.25 Men's khaki Handkerchiefs to clear, x P Grants Made and SalarRs Revised DeeoratrnEp + t• + Ithe Executive Committee recom- r 3 for 25C I mended as follows : Store Men's Underwear and The Elevator Man is not the only one cry- Re annual Good Roads convention, O r"Going a we recommend that this council ap- point (�jODjbiDat10n5 �I ,, .L • ` ing " Going Up,'' rive members of this council to jest Stmt O Braces, Cellars, etc attend. iu Re rndtion of Messrs. Armstrong and Ever garment must go. police Braces, to clear 39c a Every Housewife is complaining about the Cutt to grant 9t �,00 to the Children's In addition to our linos of Nall y 2t Shelter, we ,recommend that $1,200 be Paper, Paints, etc., we handle Men's fleece -lined Shirts, to clear i9C Men's Fine Braces, to clear 63C advancing rices. But the rice of granted. 4 - Men's elastic ribbed Scotch knit to ICJ P P Re motion of Messrs. Armstrong and all kinds of , rant Krack Kollars, to clear 25C Tipling to grant M to each spring � clear $I•�tj • ,r�rry ie� seed and live steak dhow and also 6226 t its and Overcoats to each I)oard bf Agriculture In the ' o _Men's .working Socks,- to clear at w7c o county, we recommend that these Window Blass, Plat© Glass, grants mads. BOyS Sateen Shirts Boys Underwear. to clear at .59c at the Men's Stare, stands steady. Bemotion of Dr. Clark and Mr. La- Bar©lied (31asa, Men's slide lined Coats size ,x 8 ' Mirrors, etc. 7'o cleklr at 59c P , 3 z *. porte granting SM to each agricultural society holding tall Fairs In the �ctlunty -�--` • only, to clear at $9.45 t Call and be convince) to 1920,° wt recommend that the grants If you aro thinking of doing G made.Days Leather Leggings Men's black Overalls, to clear at Si.39l He motion int Messrs. Cutt and Arm- any �•d�___ r •Lodrything Guaranteed [stung, granting $10 to each cornea% l�CAra � � To c ar at $I.39 Boys Sweaters, to clear aI.29 „ e In a county, wb mcomm0d Dliew ' Institut tri I that themerantsgiven. n Open in Evening$ t «, f 4 , file motto*, of. ?Jr. Wallis ami Dr. this year, call on us and tot u;ll , �il� Yat windows p Clark that a grant of $15 ba made to . put hati+ !lowers for Court House give ybu an estirmate. . � lgroutft. Kwwo t�ct�mtncnd that this grant, d ha mxdo. ROBINS r ":Men's Store iib rnbto of Messrs. Pardon and [� t� h r . Douglas to !leant sill to eaa i Public I Cuthhert�o�n N 10-. a« Lilii`'ary 16 the e6unty, we retonirnend Ott �1 1 fh�tt the game be granted ` Q' E�wr C1 Sal Iib Motift tit Messra: no"las aild +a .Cf3 Cl d i - 0 v:....�=w. .�.N..-.v:• � ..-..,...�.........–..;-. .._..,._.- �..,...._.,.....,...; ,. .. .,...., r s#"d..�......L,. .. •.•, . _�yy��«y..�,..•.rwa..,r...— :,•.+w:°W.,"yw.+..•w•. ,. .• -/ ., ..