HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-05, Page 112 A �4r 1, 11to swula*M ym "jco, The'Star 01 to 4wi hyioo in .; , .. u_ x0'v( tib tttaa sift A>MXa.A>M ok �` ►>�caltt. . -__ '� # Paltlit, , POWAY 11920 kORM. „1. -101pow .. .... t _ ._ Rallar at Aust u (t r a *let 01MAttIo C Ica _ �. . 11�o fi .Discount I 7 up ��t� av ? nor s>csx�'ulr `, xdoubntattfbe xautna1 blr(t(l1n �r sire- I ...,�„ ...� ., ' tivep ;,IM Already $tt1s(Crlbod to Aub- A �GbsL'>plop p , sortutasdtnelll Gives, fits >.., ctticalla referred to 1140 maaaseta. In a .. .. ton, 'Ilhtt iRirwlo it 0t' i o�'tee�tty uric Circuit 1�F114'Niat'fl Yovea�enl t o ArtllUr Z4' illi y%K.otF I�ttlurcA .. 171 l 116%I!lkF '< oLlo utnieil at dye n t tl C pwlprt h e vest' i>1+ +m1 a Objective Ow. to 00 4• , t Inforaiatl p J*tel tt +t� ctttea tWt t►" " ,' b , to r I,. ' . !tat tie united re fi Oven1e111''rut 1,#46 � RI�4 . ,Ity tvIS'r t1F+ t taatalt.,1+► .81101 �tltplai� K LR.� �w1r wlflt pts•' t1 >(oteatant ch�tcahcts 1p Gansda+.ia t114tiall2l tragilA tat Irpt+nW e►pt T� - ' ' .,y c dtaC o yA Gn- auccetta. tV,Om y llwwtllt+IG 1IfI4Q fJA1M #4titjt . mBAN tarilb, • E,.: 'Y he eloot d ,t1 � mtletinls with tparktid da 1, ° ail>�4t� , ii first It has nambetcd among its relit Istll R1te' a 111. z Campment: No. f3 wern itaistalled alt Ol at t apt ea rt►I fall►►111' 1t ` csday oven fig by rift%. Yak+a. m rs m Any of the 'alto sial I ore gplpp !� was after the ins all don Ca di a a - . tiiestoit a4' r AY Rt h t a- fr to Canadian buttl> s sial Pub by Cita alartibeitai 4� site its ,, " Q�',1° U34.Iton. 11 lin lice Although ttto gPneikt finaone ncial ap�1 ills sirR4D1# foiffigi(I'41 seri yy• upd Babb ed at r at chulchca in toe (1ircla. lilra Vii- CJ• 1)01310p 1d'pdipq BsU]1 * ordairs feta � 4 �Va11tervdllel but ala o keepingit loopen his thevmov whichass ent will �e ake Place ani Arra#>Rod� b g1two�0 I40 So� _, . BUSY �IARtERS ass + . . 1N1t! At111dyIJ� fox3l11Q ? t2>QI?Ih 1 al cloderJch rofll as hecetotoro. lits an til next k, a . Aims tICEtD Sl7�aSaaltltls, � neunoement to that Effect will be have alre dy raised recto than lho to lilTh it .. U N 00 9 ;. jJp\Y is tkt('� fire@,to piau�for greater production this The eprtaln are" 1}pd!}$pla ipQ a p111a�- i found In our adycrtlsIRDE .columns. tnl amount asked for. „' aumpiter, Qat! and talk things over with our manager. . A Tho local G. W. V. A are givigg a ! The finance committee of the Auburn ty 'ot 1tilasyjp,lalaQathltttG� $Q � ' made % special study of money matters affecting UNION ,BANK '""" euchre and dance in the Oddfelfovvs' circuit subscribed %if at their latub Betsy '�brlw botoo, ,Morlf�lpR a0 th81r 96StX-ft- - rmntihn- - flail on Wednesda evening, Feb. 11th. meeting. over $1r3aj0 has been sub _ InEfi1&gg>exable info ----up - - 1e - - - - ychestrl tvlli Provida scribed and th,, general enitvaas not QQA a �� _ . — -- Clederlclt Gr k t l►ntl.eln cr �otpt thew aklU1111 #- ..r en alt - _ , • �� U � � the -musts -fur the dagcing. Cents trtartatl, Auburn sYitt go Duct the Iono3 t ¢ \ fonts. Ladies 25 cents. top' r0 of Batey >dobitiitt, tip �s tl04ri t In its appeal for p1.000,1J00 iiia akin rewersii�Cfeg eA46ltf$oii4rb. f You will be welcome at the Children's nlethodi•it National I,:ampalKn has set +t I Aid Society meeting to be bold nest Edith Manua. 1?t9a,rl lMt y: _M � _ its special subscriptlun marls as low as Scrim eour. Kata Lytalr, le fii�J�- ---. • • lnvitatton was re eivecl run) hK- uesday, Feb. lOtb, at 4:18 p. M. in she r !i _ TOWN TOPICS Court house. Child welfare is an Ito• of to order to m(lbut many Pearls -_-- -.tfk • ham but the daclsiQtr iu conte to Gutir- ut mnderule mctan9 but largo h(wrta 1131".. odd t, EvolyA MoLeao. M. t#fbbs,,l1. . rich hlid already made before porhantsubjeet that should command and deep Inter", in the wcltnro Of rho Lucton, V, Luxton, and Mesdames ALIS (/'�, SERVICE Births. Marriages and Deaths this was received, , the attention of eveay citizen at this church. It Is clear that tho farnlera sol Coutts, Miller and Naitel. Dar KK INS.) 1'or ills year 1919 there vera regia Lost to Clintop, Boat the Bankers I time. I of Ontario am not Suing to Dd outclns- the sketch solos vvoro liven b9 11LtM 1 .f 5 1 tel ed with Mr. L. L. Knox, the local Tile hockey match between the G. Tho annual meeting of to¢e General sed by the. towns and cities fu their gorlmgoour, Miss Lyttle &tad Um f•; 1 This Bank is more than merely a safe registrar, 62 births, 29 marriages and G. I. and G. C. I. on Friday evening Brough Chapter of the Dnt?ghters of evhole-hearted support of this national Coutts, a violin selection by Mrs. 1111 61 deaths. The figures for the year last resulted in a win for the visitors. the P:mpin• evill be held on Monday movement. tor, s two-part tions by Mfltses Lyttle. place in which to deposit money; it is an Holman and Nairn and Mesdames Dnn- "; 1918 were 79 births, ` i marriages and 6 to 2• On Tuesday evening co Ute bunk- afternoon, rub.' 0th, el 4:15 f ffl- METIIODih7 1`ORW AILD 8t0\'E311iN"i -� institution whose purpose ,and policy is to gi deaths. ora tried to sec if they could put it Court House. pl the election n nth- SPARK i lop, Coutts and Miller, a tour -pare soil -,{� -`t p _ aver Lha Q. C. 1. boys but failed to do sets will Lake pincu u full attendance by Dosses Lyttic and t7alcu land Mna- assist in the wlSedirection of the financial July 12th Will Be Celebrated in Gode- so. score 4 t-cq• is requested. Dr. F,ntmerson of North St. Motho- dames Dunlop and Contt8i and several and business interests of its customers. r+ cher secs by the whole party : ^ray ©id Messrs. Jos. McNevin, Alex. Clark, charge 7yilhdrenvn On Tnr%ctat evening. Fcb. 3rd, D. n. dist chan's Guderld ha" delivered Koato ky Homo•" "Old Vlrglnny," and C of the exec Harry Smith and John Sturdy were Iw The charge agslust Frank Shields in 0, Af. Bro. \\'m. 13alll+,, of l+oderich, to the 1, n's Cluli and also to lhr Ptrb- ; iThOSe who make full uS p~ Installed th,, new I. Il. O. I , otllceca of lio congregation an address on the ,.Tho Sohge My hiotboc Used to Hing ^ r provided b this Bank extend Exeter on Tuesday attending the South counootton with Obs securing of liquor sovoraI of the musical numbers were tional facilities p y Huron County Orange Lodge. It was from Mr. M. Ainsley by a couple of lads, � Clinton Lodge. On Thursday' he event "R'hy and flow of the Forward \tate- unaerutl, and the whole production watt SS OSSlblhtie-5• TOA to Hensall for th,+ sante, purpose and Ment." This addre%s has treated the range of their business U decided to hold the Twelfth of 3uty which was refertNr�ds to elMr. this Friday goes Cin EL•uoctleld for in- great intr•r,•st and enthuslasm on given without a bitch, the masio was celebration this year in Goderich, ,fifty `these columns, very sweet, and the arrangement was of the f1Pty-three representatives pre- I Shields had been chargeddtwilb hero wagno,tcrnlihlstty►slta(t0 iClinton abvutr11a�^i',d KO a`P of Us world el+tun and busine ty clever. T bo planist was Mrs- O Doty. N BANK "eat voting in favor of coming here. liquor but It was fou l go.ITichbourne Wallace and Aluuro. inborn circuit has organized for Ill,' The aoeond part of the program, the Will I. vase ual- `��: THE CANARIA Three favored going to Stratford. An I evidence of hie having matte a o _ financial drtvv and ten men tit, play. Aunt Maggie a , e q t�* /fir had merely Intimated that liquor scald ly a L;uceess. The caste wag as follows: /, 1\/� 6.1 �{ �Mt�9g is[B®ggyg51M®AfI®yBiHfdBIf lliI ROME I be had from sir. Atnnlev, AMONG THE CHURCHES board r $:0 0 i, 31t lv Fully halt Prig- %r of %..,%.i `III ! Donation to Nett' Hospital P ill, a 1:3300 obJ, ctiv,, has already Jane BC.OtL, Dtiss Evalyn McLean ; CRAI(a�E �� The Hospital Board has received , Victoria Street Mathonlst chnrc`t Leen .uburribeti. Tt�o Thorne, Mlsa Giovenloek 1. Madeleine PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15.000,(100 ' ® through Mrs. Jas. Adams, the follow'- 11 a. in. subject, "Can We Win? }Inw7" Varna circuit has organized and al - FUND - $15.000.000 10 IS, donations from the Saltford Red ti P. in, Sunday Rcbool, 7 v. tn. subject. though Ute pastor is not leadi-atilt Gros Miss M. Stoddart; ; tin Wolfe, " �� � Assurance ,Real Estate Ig I toss Society': Victory [fond Por flee "GOd'K Share And Mine." able to Ltke a prominent lendershh> Miss Holcnae; JollaarkWatson- ss C- GODI,RICf[ Bt2ANCH, G. Williams, Manager, towards New Hospital Building Fund I lice. Jit. Clarke was it \Walkerton Y4'L the board has ch cldE(t to entry Luxton ; FionrloCCa Clark, e* Dtc111 - and cheque for g30 towards a memorial on Sunday Inst In connootiun with th4 on and expects to raise their ilnanclnl fnlv­s. Sims, Miss Nalru u Doha,a1111ss a 9 ward in the new hospital. The Board i Forward itluveinent campaign and ht uUVl(t0rJ: (fi ��^ VA takes this opportunity of expressing This absence the pulpit y St, 0vormArch 1111v of objectivelrin church m ill Gibbs. ,~ ® For Sale, its appreciation and thanking the la- I church was occupfcd by Yen. Atr1t- br rshlp and on lhn Monday evening SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL , s ® Iles of Saltford Red Grose Soelety for • deacon Jones -Batsman. the tln(mc.; euncll met and 1a5a5 won ce CoAGanada I I their generous assistance at this time. I,vanKolicai Church, Colborne, }tet• ,ithsuribed ns u glarbtr On the than• A ,lfonumont DtcWod on and o Ctlnvlus tun life AssuranOne story frame Cottage, Ili T• Ci. CONNON, treasurer of Rospllal w H, Campbell B. A•. 13. ll. pastor. cleft ubJectivr "Over the lop ell 1'ur Funds lV $tort on VtmyJ --- ;nod shingle roof' and in ® Boatd., 6ervtoes for Buaday, Fob eCh. At COl along lh Ilne" is the slogan. Ridge Dny - — a l Death of sergt. Riley borne, preaching sorvico at 10 A. m• ClintonOntario St. St. Is all lined for ql, A] condition. About 20 B We very much regret to learn of Sabbath school at 11 a. m. AL Zion A mttee was Cho Soldiers' ecs' nomClub e 1. _- ' - + - - - �- - ® South preaohing service at a P. m. the big delve. Tho Turner's appoint committee woe 11e1d In the Canon Clnb ;„ - feet b ' 25 foot, on posts. the death in 11090tal in Toronto of meat has given an expression of their rooms on Monday evening %%'till a voty ',.i••!;"',, Sun Life Results Always Please y iii 5ergt. Arthur Riley, son of Mr. and �•he Mission Band of North Rl' interest and % •Ill Carty their full shah i�',` •} Airs. Frank Riley, of town, which oc- Methodist church will serve afternoon �� fair representation prose of the Bolo il W To be moved off propert} of the llnanciill responsibility. gates from various societies in the town, "_> ; Tt10 following testirimonial beardout this toot. 1 duly received the tea in the store Intel vacated by Mr. The Londesporu girouit are organ- and progress was made !n the matter ® by April 1st. C3ood snap onto dSetgtTRi1ersYdwas one not the or- Jas. A. Campbell, corner North Sl. and i cel and the spfritgal obJoctWea aro of a momodai, roparaWona being made , Company'aeheque in.payment of my policy. I alai Tory Muc11 h pleased OW for quick sale. , iginal 18th Battatlion and w•as over tP Square, on St. Valentine's Day, Feb..D s, 9 , r':; i h m relations evith your company. The ptnflts On my policy are j Fran'ed 'for threi� years and a holt. He 14th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. Everybody be ! o i o being reached, aAd...a pgw League will loR_ar Canvass or funds to add to tber' 11 �, With Y N was wounded two years ago the corm- i welcome.- c formol on the circuit and the fin fund aterttt+l by tho Canoe Ui ll re- ,- a Ip .� ; .. otpoia bled v will be looked atter ,patter of a memorial, id will be ee ) R more then I expected.'" �' itis 3bpril and had; ween, la hospital t„ Ne1tt Lord's Day will be ' Forward next week. membered. WAS taken up in the llrit4 fir: N' w ever sladce.. H ,f�eatil was duo to t <<'i t erss�itt "mss' prthtlllfonis: 4Pfiie• l*,gth man duewast'b' AtOvetpent Sunday at Vic Baptist . {tet. * A. Anderson. Ohairman of the Ow�ani'bytheCvmisC3luban&"1atev an 11l, f> - b. R °x+ 17 +' � ` ` fe; �filtE, � , � ��N � �' t5hureh. • The pastor will stlleak on cjistriet, met the Benmiller board and public meotitl# WAS held at which tab �� s. yeark of ager;lJfle tttheral will be a ••ThE c'3h nµgl of Forward Movomant helped $et ynto line for the matter v►as L on over Oy a committee T: __ .G ` . 'r ® military one end will bee held on Sun 1?u\ver. B[Dfe 3ehool' at 8 and B. Y• financial drive. Bro. Kennedy has to consist of representatives tram all K ON AnTONUILE_ 111$URA1I day. Ia' P. U at, 8 O'clock, The prizes won Ini 'r, � RAILWAY TIME TABLE LOST --- • J. W. ,CRAlalft No Ward•Ryan file Deward Movement essay content. been reports havespecial sore from (old splen- organlsatlohs in the tbwa tvllltOR to tli did roporta have soma from the elf- app0lntopo. C. P. R. T 09T. -on f3unday.' gentleman's gold I W The marriage of Eleanor Alexandra, ,,%ill be awarded at the H. Y. P. V. cult. On Monday last the COMMIttoe CUA , �' 1a curt IiNc. Inftidl "C.'• Finder pleas¢ ®®�®®®®�®®181tB®\IrtDIl1M�>O Dei yuul�r daughter of M)r. and Mrs. e-�-- and decided tlrst. that the form of the I t QOderioh-Leave B.00a.m. 1•'� P.•m• realm to STAR OFFICE.' Reward — __ meeting• Utolr-Arrive 11.86 a.m. e.i3b.p.mm. _ - AUCTiOU�GI�'- , •John Ryon, of 3alttord, and Case .La- The regular meeting of the Official pEppj,E WE KNOW memorial be a monnmont. This %vas otSpriW- 10.38 a.m. 8.90a CARD OF THA\KS - yell Ward, son of Mr. Joseph. G. Ward. Board on Monday night was well at- Mr. Walter Brough Is in town today. on the motion of A eltdcacon tenets V. A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. of Windsor, was solemnized. by the I tended. (Gratifying reports from the Miss M. E. Cameron has returned Bateman, seconded by W. T. Minas. Toronto --Leave • 7.415 a.m• 510 p•m• `1 amendmentb g�ylltpn�. 1a 7.40 a.m. 4.00 p.m. ! %ARD OF THANN.S.-Mr. Wm. Richard_. Rev. Jas. Hamilton, at the Union and n from Toronto atter seeing the ORWCHL m. g,b8 .m. V son and family wish to r►endls nt`Lots'THL'R9DAYn FEB.1Colborne, on Leeburn manse, East St.. On Monday wereupresPnted9 otithwasudetcidedoto w athattbo moigome"Wra! tsko thotlto m 064erich-Arrive 12.25 P P mean% nr thanking neigtrbora end rdt as in spring m([llnery' of a wing or room '!n the now hotlpital { All trp}p(g atslvettndlelive IInionBtatfon for kindness and (sympathy extended to NORKES afternoon, Feb. (lad. The attendants launch a drive to liquidate the balance Mrs. Slack left on Wednesday of last proposed by Cloderlob, to be endowed 11 Q.T.R. t,..,dt u..,,ug the Illness and passing away Brown mare, 9 years old, wefgha about %(,ere Miss Veta Johnston and Air, John week for Regina to visit her daughter, with the fund raleod and to provhlo itae `' A. 11 60derich-Celsus 6.05 a•m. (' A -ntbAr fano 11), bay more, 0 years old, weighs to the debt on the property, I campaign fo- about t ro9 tbs.; black horse, to years ofd, Ryan. The bride was most becoming- telt' atter the flnanolai Campaign for Airs '(Judge) Fllwnod. who ruoentlY treatment !or soldlOm. Thorn wag no /' 7.45 a.m. eUHLIC NOTICE weigh!+ about 1200 lbs.; bay marc, 7 years ly attired in navy blue taffeta, nnd,her the Forward Movement. underwent a serious operation. seconder to Mr. Kllloran's nmendmoai. t Tdronte-- Arrive 11.40 ,m• old, general purpose; yearling colt. bridesmaid In blrivvtt taffeta. Atter Next Sunday the classes and Men's Word was received In town on Tues- A motion was then made by Mayor Pt-'HL1C NOTICE.' CATTLE of y art drove 113a>vsiltoa-Arrive11.22 m. Roan cow, s years ell, due April t3 the aeremon the happy party p day of the loath at Dundas of Afr• Wliylo and seconded by Archdeacon `r, j�ryltenVOr. Letave 6.30 06 M, S to tiie bride's home in Saltford, where �rieDClub, Sh "Should a10church topic \Vat, llnten, uncle of Ure Aiessrs. Clrus.. Jonea•Bntrman that- a coal ttee be •'i The following statements of election ex- red 'cow, 6 years old, slue May 24; ren a reception wps held In the evo Ing. Somiltun-Leave 9.18 a.m. % ! penes, etc. of the candidates in the El- cow, 4 .year% old, due April 30; light man and Harry Black, Of town, at the age apoolnted to µo Into the matter of Arrive I�50 n.m. 730 p.m. , ecwrat DRrlet of Centre Huron at the cow, 4 years old, duo May 3; 2 heifers e ha - its o ed by the pastor. A public woe- of Fir, ycurs. Mr. Omen was a visitor design and report. Arcbdoaoou Jones- "crich - — election held in October last, has been rising 2 years old; farrow cow, s years Their friends extend to the yang its awn redithl pliiastor.ice"will be In- to me by the ofncial ^ggenta of old; roan cow, 5 years old, due April t2; couple, best wishes for a long ► p ship the morning theme will be: of Guderlah lO former years. I Bateman soconded the motion. which SPECIALIST J the several candidates : red cow, 5 years old, due Feb. 24; 4 py married life. ^cad's Best for us; our Best for Him." Wo are plonsed to se, Afr • Rtrick was oorrfotl. and tDe pr0sldent, Dtr. W• -` Expenses of Roes W. Livingston steers. rising 2 years old; 3 calves. Reeding, "Waiting for the Zorn Flour." land, former manager of the Guderich H. Robertson, named the following li F. J. R. PORSTER. Printing and Advertising.......•...-ffi 30115 Everything advertised must b¢ disposed Public School Board g Strangers cordially branch of the flank of Montreal, back committee : The Mayor, Mr. Thine. D Election 'Forms and Llteraturo.... t2`(10 ot. _ ' The ro alar monthly meeting of the welcomed. &:ate 1. EYB, EAR. N(19h1. THROAT. Revised Voters' List" ................ a 00 lowed TERM n furnish nghapproved Joint Ileal- Public School Board was held on Mon- fr(+e. in town, looking and feeling vary Pritchard, Misa Clifford, Archdeacon k Livery ........ much improved In health as the result Jones Bateman, Mrs. If. T. Edwards day evening, with all the fires The North St. Epworth League held l.a aSougel9urgeoO Naw York (Johthnlmlo Postage and Telephone .............. 3fl annum allowe for u h six per cent. Del' eat except Mr. McLean Its monthly consecration meeting on of tilt, treatment In TuronL) and and it. L. Salkeld. ) and Aural Oepitel, aasi.tant at Moorefle'd'e Personal expenses.... T. GUNDRY. Bye AurDi and Go Square Throat Hos• H. J. EDWARD, Auctioneer. The request from the teachers fora Turcday evening• 'cuss Baillie, tits Guelph, Mtn. liortan moved, geeoaded by _m-E� -- ^ - _ _ ffi111c98 Proprietor. inn prcKldent, was in the chair, Rev. J. Miss Blanche Knox returned from Mr. T. Pritchard. that a propagate ��.�I,,rn, -_-___ . Ogt:=.g{lvef Brooch stip-ltnag¢__-1'at- hontlH .ot t}200 for the preaeot salary i vVaterlooJit 3.1)lratrned-.--F oo►rmt¢ ^r&1 Cammittoo Do aPPO t. Godsrlch, from Wed- Expenses of d. M. Govenlock 00 ned as keepsake. Finder please re -I year, starting Septtffib Sr 4MRt, utas re FT Ford' Ka\, a i•, Wal acrd inaplrinK TOrontn where she has studln(1 ills luted In connection At Bedford lintel, .............. is tarn to STAR OF'F1CR. Reward. tercet] t0 A COmmdttee of the whole ver latest tit Yleg fit TTtiilltwrg far flit: m needs pet1. lath, at 7:30 P.M.to Tours- comma teserROO n...•..,. 3 I exposltlon oP the r Srly chapters of Lhe y whit the p gcot This %r as carriedpoli and � _ 5 y 25 day, Feb t9th, at 1 D• m• """" -. — board. book of Joshua. A pleaging feature benent of her industrial classes which Lho following aommittco tuns optiotl�tofi Printing and advertising...........: 105 31 t CTION SALE of FARM STOCI: Alen I The appointment Of a ficlloal Attend- are beginning this week. She would Moasrs. Walter Naftel, W. H. Robertson, a. Personal expenses...... A iMP1.EMN.NTS. N% as a rousing thorns by lhlrteen COI- iti$UitANGE once OfnOet vves referred to the School i IegiaLe girls. Tho. attendance was I)e pleased L) have a large number A, F. Sturdy, D. McEvoy sad lfifga g194 31 1 have, been Instructed by the underslaned Management Committee. I tale,, advantage of thl" tmrly spring Elliott of the Public school staff. M 11 Expenses of W. Proudfoot tars,' Moved by Mayor Wlglo, seconded by 1. ��rEBT WAWANtI.H MUTUAL, FIRE Printing, ativertlsing and bill to sell by public auction at his promisog, The Treasurer's statement ghovsed \ir JfrDermld has completed his spe- start. WEST ng,pos........bill251 to Lot 11, Con. 2, A%hOotd, (near Dungannon), expenditures for January of $1,101.21, flat duties for the Forward Jl( ,nt -- —� Mr. H. L 8alhold, that tho;oaacatus I fl, F 2t 28 on start on Vltny Itfdge Uay, April 9tY. `' Farm and town Pr Ingurtxl. Fl"d Telegraphhg;.mote s......... WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11th, 192+) Dilas 8hnrman reported 98 boys and with I and has permanently resu,. his OBIjTUARY rate of weents perS100. AF shown by Gov. Livery ane motors ..............'.'... 96 00 commencing at one o'clock sharp, the fOl• girls on the ro11s at Central School, with %%ork fn Knox churoh. The themes of I 111CHARDSON.--The death t-li I i 11 Cppoiodod( fornithe for the canvass wards. eA ' ernmenc bulletin. this ('oU,pany10oilsofthe stent of halls .......................•. 9100 lowing: an averse attendance of Wlboysand will be: on Raturday last of Fannie P:lizahctb,gppo ernmengt in the prm•h„)o, tag+ntsb�init an Committee rooms ........ • .. • •. •• • • 75 00 Live titOrk R I the sermons for next Sunday donation of NO from the At. George's i Scads Postage...... ............... S3 }els, 88 per cent. of the enrolment• scrlflce Ot Thanksgty- flawkins, wife of Mr Wm Richardson, edegtutte surplus btve"ted iu Victory „F,,,• is 00 1 cow, 4 Years old, calf at foot; 1 Cow, g 11 a.m, "Tire Mr Chnrah Woman a child was reported aqd Hsnk vecuritieti Adj^limen mpumscaryi I foists' lista...... qs 00 4 years old, due Feb. 2 -mol I ow, 7 Years At Victoria School the enrolmunt Is 170 I Ina" an4 7 P M. "The Priest And Sa- nfL r an Illness of about a week and.atis[ectorllyatt�ndod to Pte i Pergonal expense•% ....... 4 b Mrs. Horton. p :,'i' be psidtf ntoril or to IOoa1 Hanka. ALEX.' old, due March 25th: 1 cow, years old, I boys and 181 girls, and Plineipal John I rn;,ritan " The canvass for the For- and Mtn. Rfchnrdson tad family resld I yrhe, funds already on hand are lavew NIUI}OL90N, Prosideno T. O ALLEN, flea ` 8509 36 due April 23rd; 1 few, 9 yeluts old, due atop reported an average attondanae of %%ard Rlovement thank for will be ed at Port Albert unttt a little over n I Ahtonte for (oltwrppo� and Gnde4CEN. Sec. ADrfl 30th 2 steers, rising 3 years old: per cent. (Ia8 boys and 154 girls). year ago, and Jlrn. Richardson was :r fell fa Yfotory Bohds, bonds to too sola-CAl'T. TIE R.R. Na Dated at Goderich tuts 31st day of Jan- n suers, rising 2 years old; t heifer, rising S7 p n:,ltc•• of that vitlaJre LeavinK th,, valito of 88,00(1 bolas taken up and 1 she apnr.' ( and H L- BALKELD, R R nary, 1020, 2 oars old; 4 heifers, rising 1 year old; I Miss Holman substituted for Jugs I nrulr. next week. $2,800 ofd on them•; itis 2,Gtoderioh. ti. i. D. COOKE, t brood Sow. due Feb. 1st Currie ter a week at Central School, Last Hnnday Rev. P, F. Sinclair blulo {'(,rt the carer tr, Otxie'rlrh and had A coatrlbotlon of 1b has 1>Ften recolrod -_. _ Returning onicer. Implements ' and Ml"a Bailie far threeday4 and His'; farewell to Koox congregation after ,Ince re Ided here Besides her bus- ''11 _ ____ _- - --- - t Ptag4ey-Harrts binder n foot cut- t 11- Holman substituted One day for Jfi^s !occupying the pulpit for several Sun- from Mr. W. C. Huston, of tt'Iste, Alta•, - CE. -To patrons or the Oddfeilow9' lowardn the memorial_ oon is . N Assembly patron on and after Feb. hoe McCormick drill; t {Hasa Masser(s cut - ax wall be tivator, nearly new; t Massey -Harris tltTheY at Victoria Increased Sraw icor substitute I paytorRoln Forward Movement owo6t t,�fiuotlyrl f l4 Kl din u, Mildred. Wuirlest I 1st, 1920, the Provincial War T mower, 5 ft. cut, nearly new: 1 McCormick DIED F. applied to entertainments held 1n the As- steel horse -rake; 1 set Iron harrows; t get teach• rs was fixed to date from •inn• Tho congregntlon, especially In the of whom is si a Ri M11son, iL ,Vy l Ora i • CAREY apmbly room a the Oats held i1nH. and d19C harrows; 1 gcumer: 1 NO. 21 Fleury list, 19'L0. I evening, wag large ohs. Mr. filhclnlr's ll, r(tlf•• and M:nnn Rk`hanlNnn, and fjy I qAI YU 41,1 In aalerith nn datura 'k patrons securing the use of the room for plow; 1 combined stogk and hay rack; 1 Knox Church Annual Ininistratioohi were highly appreciated. lw„ hrntJ,ers and than sl lets, \ir i'Icf� Mrs andm,,straayWm.S oundPrx. abed 4 such events will have to provide for the wagon; i gravel box; hay fork, car and The annual meeting of Knox churl", rhe pastor, Fiev. R. C. McDorm has 79,"- Ilnw k,ns, n( r,udrrl•.h, and Mr I ntnnut•1 Estate and InsuranCe mx. This 1% In arcor•dancr with Instnic- rope; 1 t P buggy; 2 wood heaters; 1 wal- tion was held on eAcrlflr•4<la` Mr -4 ' HPI.I- In (5nderlrh, or, 'rhurviny. Feb: Real E tions nrom the Government. C. A. REID, nut sloic oard; a (Dtantity of bay, and congregation returned to Enke charge of the work In it,a.,r Hiway. . of fort Al'Art: Src. Huron Lodge No. 92, 1. 0. O. F'. numerous other articles. Knox church and the congregation aro i:, „ Mnrrxy• of lion• elftµ i;�,rh,,lttel'if ^ihk,itti� In iwnganrwn"toner WndnlAd(►y, double on TERMS. -All sums of $10 and under, with a fair alLndnnre. Mr. (: A. I',•I 4th. Eltznbeth Mr`4rv, n9rlaw of the Story, and a quarter d rash; over tont amount 9 months, credit Nairn was app4,in L'd chalrruan <,f ill,' Start to have him back. itev Mr. ter ,n \• - i int., ri". ,tura Mr 1 I.it. sarnuo Kerr. aged ,% yen, - 11 the Crescent for solo on easy FOR SALE OR TO LET wttl be allowed on approved Joint notes. mrxtJna aur) Ur 1{rltemann was :,I' stair left fur Toronto oh Monday after �I�,nrf^y t rlt{' rt111'�tbl rt, "t L' iwfrtir'eµ karW4Rn in r)nrlrruh, on w'• ftresiWty. terms. Modern. Monthly rout !tR �,eLE.-. p0 ac es four miles south A discount "r 4 per cent. per annum at- pointed secrvt:4ry of the cun,rregatinn t,00n• \1r 4aark. r of rk,E.- N, fie ,on . Godel•ich town- towed for cash on credit amounts. p ttrnurnEins rrpart•4 %v,•re p(' On Ftroday Ovening, Mr, F.T. Egener, I" Inv ,, 1,-l:1rt'•'1t(lY„nt lh r%••+••.,++•,1 �Itrt, IIARt� ('*4 %t•r� r.i-r,chgon otnMeryg. $80. Price 92,250• shit'. w'eH t l,Lh. t, n new barn and fair Everythleu must be disposed of as the Very Ve I Y mhlP tram 9Cbo01 and Church. propriewr ,9 having the farm. sented from ill,• tattoos nraacbnttan- ',flus, Ilnc w111 glue (nt Knux chore ) ,•.�I 11• I tr , hr u. a tie nr Mr. William fltrhAT,t, eiglon tot of April. Apply to ROBT. 4t. H. PFTTMAN, TNG.- Au tion(44. in the church anrd adoptr'•l. Lark "t t`te. 5t i, nrgnn recital of ills sr ars nt L ,r�� I u'�'can't (,I lL•' '.,n % •h4t !hut Iltt, tsrht \sums• F:I u,b, to Ilawklfr Posy , i'nr, "� '(',. t, JI !„,ti' :'” ,i itl`d Darn I --- -- ------ MrALL[kTER, rNt the premises, or WIL ProprleAm•• aur nr,l,in: ••after etr•nitr� nerviro organ recrtnlw. 1 11A'tler^d At %%u,d<nr' O•„' y 11, �auv11 __-__T--_ space till% %Vrrl, pr,•%rrttt, "I:,, i, r. ii,trry Ila%%k i Il ,r ,lay. Jan -' .t, - -. _ L1A61 Mc,%I.Li4TER, Ooderich, Admtni- ----- , _.-_ F,II attar is the program: a a r^.•+ of till, ) atS� u .- =trstor for the eviate WANTED slpt p fry of tl:, P: et __ _ ^ �' 1r1U511. _ _- - ^^^ omanizntwn- f, hl %%'r h„p, (, ,1n I Rv luso% In it, utln,r 1'nnn nvi't 1'1 l.wh "l”, I - I -- ,,rt I 4I year -i SALE Mt Tu Rr�,r'.-% •ix.r:mi,rd `t IT1 ATIUN WANTED. -Flt,- Dollars per next week. ii%,.r :;.,1100 w,- r•il„•,I ! ,'- A„ „ Al air rata (flr-A m,:\emrr,t., .. # .... . f„ ALF J. t3Cu["1, iTA4rD1AHTRn F h„n.- with w,,tnr and Ilab!. AP,41Y to S Aa\• the year around. Yr+erlyy con_ � j It.(• NlrVvl�,:.t rr+f+hr ,r til. [tort and gemtile rasa tree. H. V. rdAR'fl�, eongreanUnn.rl t•')rpn,,•s ,I'hrinF tl. Aar�',1tn14 11t1���� ��■■••,��'-►► //qq�� �0y , 9'mcber of Rand inwrnmenW and Piano-, ,,,r an,l „% " T' :(VJ f„r U' bR�t,:• 1 it",•,• ut Jin•IrI1 tic. t in 1'. rn•nnr. KOF r �A1..MVretorinRt. neattn Knnx Chrtroh. t��UR SALR.--Two story frtrtleboos^ tI, wmdsnr, Onl.---- -- - - r ,airly good shaP(• large yard, orrh f`,TI D.- ranadiar9 bank requires one and in adrhlr,,, t„ th• � 'our,•. , , f'nn„ I M' `)h sec uo� t ('tu'' I',;Ilrr. „ t �d„ '. 1i.,r� D, if. WF.STON, I L. C. M- I sr(1 and fa•.%n. urate street. 1�utrk isle. `� „r two young men who have had %ariun� „rw:u,, .,1 nn t! , h 11• }Alfr, (I Kr•,'( , LlCemtlate londOn toiler of Music, En t tf,nnrt- Apply Ptar, - --- _ „•,rr,e education. Thiv Is a spiendld oppen hart-111)+ttntl I r "'It'll" i I"'wl `h`' 1111 t +I f' uta , h. In 14 rn+,•,r E4T1enLriTUFn OdF.ltt 100 YEARS �a land, Organist and Cboir ntrector na far a hrotmwvtvn man and nlTers rte Ir;c%I n•Im •,! \1r F. r' n• -. North 9t Motlrodlsi church. It�)ATE�� 111'P to th(r[n home -power ll cin, „ori oppnrtnMt,n" for ndvancnment. Ad- Rs art uu�t a,•I ,I'nIr l,•ul,r far an -01. I , l rnrrllrg n/ :1 h: ru .�' d ` VVV Sans Departure pry ores% repllPs to nuc 15, STAR O1rFICE. (t.'ixl •,rel r I ' ," \%nn,.,rl tt (tull•I a,ev 1.. I,l °. TEACHER OF MASH' gond running order. Apply at THE STAR -__ _ - ,•r %,ar at ;,n rlt,,,;, r rf Y " I Papffs pr¢Pat(� for ox(lminatfons In ran-! UI FiCE. (TF,NOGRAPHER. 'W'ANTED.-Erperlenr ,.,,rum, n.lt d ,ill Int r ;,-, ret the Intni n h, fl•'rn „•n The falln%%In ( • i rt¢Ct[on wire roll t IVa ,n. Toronu) -- ------ — -- S ed preferred. Good wages and ad er's . t1 ,•n,l "f $:1x1 is lh(: r,nl IrfU:d: Per ,,h nl etr t U it en red, OR tiAi-E -TWO- storey frame house on vanrnmenL t) those rapable. Congenial t P I F. Il,r , ' or;t vice remdnnt. %Ir- Ilnt Deposits Of $l. and Up- j ` 1 . 11 "! COnSet`tratdlY. etc. Every P P with etc. Ap ly Sales Manager. ar p for I11Uatrnl exams has pa"stxl, many ti±tnna foundation, collar under brut surroundings. pp eu,tllon tarn rl nn+n,nr( Inti% 1 t"n; - p ward received,and 1;1, InterCSt `' Ip ,' banats. Per forms APPLY at r^atdenre. tho house. bath and other conveniences in CHFVR01.FT MOTOR (�., Oshawa, Ont. !erns of f,otr ',f Ro m:,naa'•re (xPtr••1 rel %Ire• re Irlrnl• M' -.rcr, T. T. t,nokl•, .1 D. WiI(,on, Will. \%al ,.,t(: tr•.,t,urer, Mrs. Jas. Clark: allOWed at highest Current -6pdt St (first door weal of skntlnlr rmkl, foandattn) cementlOfwor under on reorient tar% \II-+ 19 NOVI Thn t t y,•nr r --- - - drive ahe0; three. horse stalls to stahlt•% 10WROMM91lp89MAA���1 ®�11���a�M® !arm anti kir F1rid1. Th,re• were :t ►" s r yrs° -__'- targe wood eked adjoining drive shnd. I a4 b," n thn most ar1rM'saf ,t to ,r- rgtC9, Savings Department !+[ 011CKLEY Drive shod suitable for Yate. Apply tO lit M norm number r.f new ntmes Plnre(1 ut t,i.1nry of the Guild and %„L a ,r, VV WAI. LFCKY. QUIDEa fat nomination ay well as them h culla*• OrlKli#llat St. Georlre� AAlstlean Chnrrh - r Hr Peardon t''rm was expiring, and nn the h,,ll"t fvtas••d of 9`200 to the Foit)$' ' %dot r- ACCOUnts given Special r Pipe Or an and Vocal instruction- t:LLEYB, HANGERS and SHAFTING v ment fund and $50 In tar v)IAtr r+ attention. live -piece Orch¢ins n tall being caunlsd IL was f,yunA that `%les- ^I 1701 terms SPpi to Studio, 9t. ^atrtek r Fon SA A numb of tle,WA- srs 0 J. S Loyn-,.14 R C. Ninlop, Wm Jlrnt,•rtnl Fund. hand pulleys sem 11811 or and shatuna. Deposits may be made, tl 711' ' St. _ A 1t' at THE %TAA FFiCB Architect \Wallach anti llr F►.•Id had the hllthewt BIG t(LF.ARING BALE ; - pP It! vole, aqd they were declared elect -11 (uric%% and withdrawn, by mail as 1 --- \fe••.r% Clark dnd Cinytnn. 1CiCslitO�li �� FAINK �� � Begs to announce, %bat whNc a Jfessrs. J E. Tom and J \V. Fns' ( a --� slill`iKR Raw F rs 'crated sl were re-elected auditnt� A number nt ,nnnnnr.• a big clearing aisle Feblith � Det g located at tValkervilN6, that "I suggestions were mane. the Improve w'eek's `;tar commencing b f f th Caslly, readily Find riFllely as SINGINGL_` a the oderdch, office will be kept mpnt of the lighting, laying ct matlina and continuing m Febies, r y goir od", fn person. Htgh"t lA P'rarcta;wd N6A0 Of /ICs:, MON1Atwt. Pl�{VOI`Ofti'E III Open berotbtore. M on stalrw'nys, re -oiling of the church fire citoek of groceries, dry g 11 t5r� ORGAN A Cornfield M floors, ushers, cte ., the provislOn Of a bout” and shoes and hardware will be11 W ...... � CIuD roem for the boys of the 1iL An- offered a , 2 of this week'seStar.hnir ji. W.Stt'iC�fit1<t�.Mm�gmr, Gtl deriCh BmnctL rawo 'I t6r.i•tiaaL`li1Mt1 GWOWMA Box2#= ElginAw.,Godsrich 1e6800686mlelllnibs sawalst«wn drr•ev'a Club. eICA• and lh tlr r% 1, nc• a l on rag , 1( a r t . . " ter-_-._ - , i, w W ._.. . ._,<... - m- c , t � - -< w . w 1 ­1k_ sy."`� . r..V. -ft.,