HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-29, Page 8, , r, . ,.+, ,. T, : ,s• rTi� , , .• , 400 I ' STAR - ,` _ y . ,r. i ..._r-•-----� _. °T11t3R.OAY, JA.Y.. 2'14, Im . I . . . � . , , . _..--.� - �. .,-11 I . � Eff 'O's . "� - I 1. ­ I � . . I .L ,�., . , . .� � . , 1 . , y. , � , , , .. , ry - . 1. I I .... .1 'i' n n 1__ .. - , ., , Ir .1 -__1 Y' t E , G , o erich a 01'0 r I , . 010L " ! : B,,,,O,r ,, R. .. �. -1 . ''"""� , ., Ya, 1114 r,tt . � M . .R - � -_1 ,, { �,� - �,• + * + . . y lines than rte. - tol�let; til MVIte OF �� ,'1. ;lOitXC Cie Out' t< 10 a thuut The Annual Meeting of 010 i, wd of Trade will he held% . 1 of' ussonio Temple s " wVOW in the Assembly lipotn �. on Nb"tice,o., `1 • l ,. - l Monday Ev'ellg,'�b►' Fale'' , I issue r 1 and a full attendtlnce of the, menaberttiws if"ttl7iltod., I �. 7 lllrro>:eci, Y +! Y II . . d a t . `` Tile nominations for the various offices bare been rrtade �l ,U ietoolc tip the tttQro. is .., 1114 , y 5akt . t##tt Opt tlll'c p of titili Week. 'N1,Oltch the papers by the Nominating coinwitt�pe, a full rewrt of which ' . MOTA"le t. i}1abk, rlext 'to 044 W�►k- for esce�t141ti o Sato value 1 1W every lilac. Rema carefully the many will appear in xtse focal pallors• , .a"m,�".41 l►tCt}• '.. 'prall that, 118` ilck� week. I i ht ' look ' t - r 1 . i � 'I r fr..` i, f - 1. � •.. i ; 1, I N � The hour of meet. ng s e 6 o a11 � ' ,Utotc, o,ttd Will be vleasedI 11 . I 11a1Pwai � i' i l __ it W, S.'i3Q�VDEN, to roet old iiptofuors aqd , Heavy Wo o1. n oclings Wh' a Cottons # i#ti% G. b. PARSONS, :.', x a ,,, nicklo'wpilvbr, with of p'4Ap l►nrl4 President. Acting $4o'rotary• 3 new ones 1 file uay4 store . 'lbw stns ll size Salida large'range #rata 8 (1°fir range of Pillow Cottons in 40 i'a„ 42 1. ; : 10 size, Thee atoo inga lir¢ seaoade o $1.50 in. and 44 in., in many qualities, is now nom ►each i.tx cad eunuch to write one quarter million words. Jarsuary 29ad, 1920. $tpckia; a pt1 have: ossa sold ttilo season st piste and the values are estceptionndly low. W Spacial, ?50. 1<.xO' Tb y ate nays oR sale to clear at 98c Sbeetings are here in 2 yards wide and 2 ;, -. - r P e1Mir. 1-4 Yards wide, in a large range of qualities. -�.., .., - '._ _._ __ -__ - _ _... _ _. _ _.V.. _' _ - - - _ _ 0 �e _cahmn go �l]y,-111}vo- b_o@n -o ed_nvur Lrom last year a, _ . . . _. _ l __ and are being sold at the old prise. If you need --„ tem over from commissioners to the from the family. The deceased leaves she v s f township council. Then was apnsld- to' mourn her lose her sett stricken t �fi Read lleSA ValFaei Cit>�efully sting we ba e tai t��j �j �'!j� it from 75a to $1 50 a yard e-er}t4Olam--Qfi ee es e- three sons and three daugll4• __ �({� - -Ntt�� tt17F1 . �' Natnaooke_ laolin and white i .d y oislly in the casters Part Of the Eown- bar es a rs. no. - - no n�aaa ers, William and G - .rut .werQ-$to0lttags; €rain--8-1+24ts------- - �; ship, under the old system. McQuaid, of Port Albert; Mrs. R. B, ptitllp�RsllrO QgiDRgOti OO 10. Regular $2.00 for'$1.79. cotton in dozens of pieces, is here for voui in • Durnin, of Dungannon, and Miss Grace. speetion. A wonderful range, in fine and hear y a ;;; COLHORIH TOW:NSHII' of Calgary, Afan.; Jno., of Neepawa, - ___�.. __. ,_ $,sgal;er $1.60 for $1.43. , ' Afr. and Mrs. Ray GralnOr acid little MOCK PARLIAMENT ular $1.5Ufor $1.30. weaves. also tvvo sisters and ono brother, Mrs. +...+ ■�■�■��'"11 "'_'_ son, of Ugema, **ask., were visiting at Joseph Tigert, of SlWppardton; Mr. Regular $1.25 for X1.15. Horrookaes' speaiul Cortone, free from i t . the home of Afr. and Airs. Jake Fisher Jas. Maize and Miss Jennie. of Dun- Speech From dThe Throne Adopted Al. Sevpml special lots et reduced prices. dressing, at last year's prices. '4 I 11,GODERICiI TOWNSHIP the past week. au dill for Government Control of The Godetleh Tgwngtslp council has Sanson. Rev. Alr. Craig. of St. An- �'" t' A meeting 'ot the Colborne Farmers' stews, assisted' Uy Aov. Atr. Douglas, iVetural Resources j ]• r " ' Also many. Canadian brands at low Prices. r' rgoeived a cheque from the County Club will be hold on Thursday, Feb- of Christ church, conducted the fun- Ladles and ChlldreII y �, �tcod Rends System foe F1P for stn- We want everpono to roe those values in G. if _ !•+pito _13bas" sono an �tes$iQ2 cd ttlads- ruary 5th, in the township hall, Car- oral services both at the house and The first session of the mock parlia- , Underwear Cottons. _ is f91ts• and this sum ixlll aunt- Low, to disouss the question of Con- t4c grave. `Tile pail bearers were metrt ciriginated by fila (3nderich HOars1- sslItdii d SoTiouls: A 3pexker -viii fire. Messrs Jtlo-. Quaid, Robs Ilu.cnin.._ ZYti- �L Trads�was lid at t le G _C., i, Thurs ` i _ _' 1, the township on the roads as is need=' resent from rho Department nt Edu-�liam Hawkins, Jno. Tigert, Jno. Gra- day night last and proved quite an in- We have Od sale nearly every line of Specials in Huck Towels --� )� ed; so that back roads and side roads P will receive benefit as well as the cation, and everyone interested Is urg- ham and Jae. Hayden. persons event, there beitis some forty winter Underwear for ladies and children. Y; front roads. ed to be present persons present, Including soma ladies. Manu epeaial values in lines that have been Regular 45a for 40a, Reguinr 75c for fisc. 11 AMONG THE CiIUR I Although the parliament is being On- " y At a largely attended meeting of 'the AUBUBti ducted by a committee of the Board carried over. It is good policy to buy Under Regular 50c for 40c. Regular 35c for 30e oath. township telephone system it was de- The Forward MBvement is engrossing The annual congregational meeting of Trade the atm Is to make it of as wear for next winter at these prices.- All towels will be higher for spring- . ,• I- olded to change the control of tUse syr- the attentiun of Our churches here at of Knox church will be held on Wod- much advantage '•to all (especially , , f` , pre'ent nesday evening, Feb. 4th. , 1 young men) as possible, whether they Ladies' Fleeced Vesta and Drawers. Reg. Chamoisette Gloves �.�.�j0� Mr. t;eorge Yunablut and the Farm -'I Vietorta St. Methodist church: 11 are members of the Board or,not, and $L20for$1.00. r 3=0111 0 O ers' Club each shipped a carload of a.m., 'sacramental service and reception the public Is invited to these meetings x•rviCe. Sunda school at 3 p.m. 7 with full freedom to take part in the Hygiene ladies' Vests. Regular x,1.50 im Chamoisette Gloves, to all sizes, sn fvlack p hogs last week. Y $1.25. only. Regular $1.00 for 75c. a € { O Air. w1111am Dobie, of the village,,p• rn„ subject, "What do I care about debates. kl ��� � Regular $1.35 Vests and Drawers for ,LO$ 11 hob Uecn conflnod to hip he,t throu�li'n Horld-wide Rcllgion`1" After the selection of Mr. F... R. VVlglo Ladies' hleeCed Gloves, in white,. Llacls I I , :x illness, Uut Is able to be up again. I The servioe in the Baptist church as speaker of the hou,w, Sir R. G. Bey- �";A This localliy Is reco�crin: from the ,next Lord's Day will be in charge o[ nolds, K, C. M. G., Governor-General, Children s Underwear io,Vests nand Draw- and Stag- Regular 60c for 490. 1 v �` delivered the speech from the throne, ors, in all sizes, redness in price. Offects of the storms. Sew-logtring and the Rev. A. S. Parnall, B. A., B. Th., of in which, after expros9ing united Black Kid Gloves, in French Kid. Regstltar �¢ woodculting are again in full swing• Kenilworth, Bible School at 3 and thanks to Almighty God for the vin- , + -1 B. Y. P. U. at 8 o'clock. The B. Y. Congoleu�mS X2.00 for jL49. G Ori and after o„ Air. Ralph Munro, vvho has been'con- P U progrnm will take the form of torics oY the past and the proapeats of f1 lined to his bed from an attack of in- an early peace throughout the world, an essay contcsst, which will be fudgedp Tho ideal floor covering at a low price. Blouses "' e ! flammatory' rheumatism, is improving and feelings of loyalty to the Mother 7�1 , Monday, February 2nd O by Air. j?nrnall. Country for her protection and Said- 9 ft. x 10 1-2 ft. Congoleum, in grotty pat• very slowly. The annual meeting of the Baptist '111= Alr. Lloyd Ferguson has disposed of ancc through the dangers and diAloul- A large number of Crepe de Chine and d i, the property, which he lately purehas- church was held on the evening of the; terns, at $13.75. 81st. An excellent supper was pro- Liea of fhb kreat war, and culling at-oorgette $loasos at sato prices. These Blouses 1' the firm known as Rob- tention to the growing Importance 9 ft. a 9 ft. G'oagohjum at $11.7u, al f ed from Mr. George Plaetzer, to Mr. vided by the Ladies' Atd and ail en- collie' in many prices and a good reduction is t Alfred Rollinson. He 6vts possssion loy� a social hour, id was then being attached to the name of t3anada, 9 ft. x 7 1-2 It, Congoleum, at $9.75, made on every Blouse on sale. Be sure to see tw itrtt9ori & Mair will be the first of February. and referring tQ.,the closer relation- , f: , O given to the hearing of reports from ships between the people and the Bri- A limited quantity at thea© prices. lineae values. _" The ice harvest has started here. M the various preanizAtions of the fish Royalty likely to result from the Floor Oilcloth, is all widths, at 69c a yard° "�` f'iJ s ' C.h On ed and Will be o Some are preparing their summer sup- ohurah. These showed a year of o0- visit of the Prince of Wales, some of Wool Sets and Caps r �? + ply. Tile ice is not ,of a very 'food operation and faithful service. The the leglslatibn to be introduced during Corsets ` � krioWri a® quality. Too much slush is frozen in financial reports were particularly the session as Government measures 1, �A, -.--• -• - - {; . when the, river was freezing. good .and the people go forward en- was forecasted,. acquiring and placing Severatl specials in Corsets. We have gatb- .Atli the Wool Set@ aad Caps that have been I couraged. Robe�taon Bros. �T ALBERT under Government control and admin- fief: oyer will be reduced to clear uickl We Quarterly services will bo held in istration ail the natural rosour0ee and ems together several broken ,linea that are in- q y t Albert A1c0ee and his brldr. have re- complete in sizes and are putting them on sale bavo+ some exceptional dues in the newest turned home from their honeymoon North St, Methodist church next Sun- public uttlitfea of the country Lor3the I V. Itrip. Congratulations, Albcrtt day 'as follows: 10 a.m., Fellowship benefit of the people, a slight revisiop- at $1.89. Every pair guaranteed perfect and all styles fbr this;seawn. ny pW1ri U will Still be Car- meeting and Men's Club. The Club of the present methods of tariff and D. & A. Corsets at $1.89. •/ �* r I ' y Tom Green, of Detroit, is in the•vil- topic will be. "What is Christian Stow- taxation, some new methods for the _ Swreater COatS z'^-; .«Cd OII Iri El1C sdt11C t1Q• tO+ lege again for a few months, ardghipt" to be introduced Dy Afr. W, promotion of advanced education. Dream Voods 1 , We regret to mention this week that C, Pridham. Communion at 1t. Ev- making compulsovyr English In all Every Sweatrer Goat io Che since has been -, ` &tt mUnner, Mrs. William Richardson, Jr., of Godo- ening service as usual. Should the schools and 'the C,anadlanixing of all A nambay of pieces of Drew; Goode have reduced in price. �frore is• a► large range of Coate ' i i'Ich, formerly of our village, la ser- weather be severe all r; "ices will be the inhabitants, alg0 measures where- +' tousip ill at time of writing. held In the schoolroont; by every possible :Bnoouragertent shall bens gaLheired togetfser and Wanted low is price in tb® season's hest colors' but they must be � Afr. and Airs. Geo. Green moved to For ts0 convenience 6t any vvho may be given to immigration, and a Com flor these special days. There will be many elosred$quickly. They range• im price from $5.00 1 C}oderich lista week, having purchased, not have had as opportunity to can -;plate revieton of the present�basls of colotti to choose frortx ai sale prices. Serges will up. 1>lothiag aarnnarl in sttoelt bur pure wool aT1►0NlAiR a home on West street. They will be tribute in the Sunday school last Sun- municipal sovernment " mxeatly ehovRa. I ., fwd much missed as good neighbors, Airs, day to the Armenian Relief Fund the I The adoption of the speech from . ' 1 114 "UN1Y1i ' Green having lived here for over sev- usual relief fund offering takep at the th,� throne was moved by C. H. Sisua= Masy otber lines will be ticketed few• selling' at �r yt�; envy scats. communion service will be added to dors and socondod by H. J. A. MacEw- last Sundays offering for Armenia. an. I �� p A mumarial service was held la the , The, gUaktrly ' official board will T. G. Connon, as leader of the Op- r•, ,t English church here last Sunday for I meet on Monday evening at & position, objected ,to certain features f. the late 'Mrs. (Capt.) Allison, Rev. Mr. Phones t Douglas, of Dungannon, Ofilelating. At,i� congregat►oaal meeting Of Knox; in the addresv from the Throne, but �* Ho 1�a. * �+ j+ iA. corsets The sermon vvas one long to be re- church on Monday evening it was de- the adoption of (4e speech was car= Start 86 1/. 4� membered, to say tho- least. aided to combine with the canvass to l rfed. Residence 23t7 �� I'll t i ,` t Death has again visited our neigh, be made in connection with the For- li Premier J. P. Ilume then introduced 11 I��� bortwod and taken from us a loving ward Afovement, an every member n bill empowering the cabinet to .raise AT YOYJB SERVICE wife and mother in the person of Mrs, canvass also for the F}'egular needs of the sum of $250,000,000 for th purpose wraw , -'"' the church for ' con'gregational and of acquiring and ,operating, as far as ` �i� ;"* v Jas, Crawford, in her sixty-ninth year• I they spay deem it'expedient to do, all A The departed. though ailing for sumo the natural resou#ces of Canada, and Why can't we be smiling ar,tcicheerful ���� ��` time. bony finer suffering with every .,.,,.�......■...........�r. �� ,also to melte suitable arrangements {� patience until Sunday last, when she with the Pi�ovincrlal Governmehta of TO AN OP'�IMIST tresdedi eui'tPL^. FfoiT®vssy's Corn Cure 3 P took a weak spell land succumbed. ' the various f ovine al to assist in the and gay : without leaving a scar. t • • The deceased [vas a member of St. acquisition and operation ss the net• When the blue of our [leaven's all 1' Ci>rt � meed 8t Andrews chur6l •for. many years ins ill 3 � �QP� Lite isn't all trouble and sndisrss a'cnf y i ural resources, in order to f the thO sprinkled with stars° Mks$ �n 11 75 __ �_________.__ was Always wf►lfna to give a he1P ng development of Calaadlan trade for the fretting, ---- it -isn't all..worklga-oh,-no;:_ _-,_-____l Z___haven't a tett; I'm na moralist ay (; _ 0 u„ htlnd iu-----causes, "Site-- was welt -- - -- --=- - -- w - _ honest o�ttie peapTty sad to ecrabi�ttac- - j� ((�� ���%� t�` 4 ,.. known to a terse circa of friends and people to pay off the war debt. Though some real Bood folks slave aI pevilsiof ` ® B. V. �GLEsn s • . • x ' relatives, having lived here most of ��� i ' way of forgetting, The evils of doing -or not; la fi �i Mr. Hume touched on the reaoumss dye make our own joy as we go. It's ever so much more worth w-hrle i her days. Despite the bifid roads there p • of the country tp Iron, coal, gold, o , $3 were sonfetiv}aere aver 3 hundred rigs, t - e nickel, molybdenic" , etc. We could roll on a cushion' of happi- to be reaching ® i!D'� 10 Crises 10 11 I so .many friends assettibiing tib pay m W, fI. Robertson aec�nded tris tern- seas -yea` And Planning and hoping skint. tB sources of the country. I AndClosintr my sleep icstf a coupon N a '� we RsU Show retty color lution and spoke of the pulpwood re- I roesus gray, � Ili p their last respects The floral rlbuto At t1i0 ices utiful .urtle • fn, Our held of delight isn't measured bg t9hd railer than have al! toot made ® BAso a: aaa of IV � �..,' . tiaziibigittobs, snob as coral was a handsome wreath of owexs Smith's Art $tore window. bars. Er`il�s �oAI. } . •it 'taap0,;tyaty and s0arlet, as ���....�.- -- This shows what their display Air. Connon leafder of the OPpOsf- d t I'd missed, `8 all at Wegaw Staides.19 1 '' „' tfwsitflS fsQft loses of brown and Of --- ---- tion, opposed th liesolution. CObEItICH IHAKKETS. ' I akngal,ng chance on tier reckon- B' wrrlte pa sell on �* w!�®Hni�S,S%R/��� i%rs�f>1t� Hss•'sssa M , Bo v en ho ad be actt as , blue, sl l S �rI V r } d (w h en Ladies Fancy Intl Flaln clerk of the House) moved overnInto Outsi3t; Afarket Reports In page gy lrvsssg fiat ] y of res ti is 1 g, el�uitt �' `t 'o a I c m t. E 1� hout < 8111tiA tOlCetare the mater iw the Government benches, and auppbt't- Wheat ............................... 1 90 to 2 00•. -� Y. Life. 1B= ,41 P Dogaeaos Bz ed -the resolution In a umorous 'way , -Itilil;; trtlaa, wbaoh they oro da- �' Coderich Collegiate ,is CiOlnbS and Hair PInS 1- R' .man Reynolds whohwas neon oo- Flour, pe owt.i stmOYan -.4ts 0 to A7 till• Corns and warts disappear when ; m®rrrililt®s��iirtt��®i>Brt�satlt�+, _1 16trrtd teatiters, wings FN rs. pro made from. copying ane of fhb dross bench Bran n W ;1'ibl OUS form the trimmings M Clinton Collegiate • bpoke' :for the bill in humorous' style . horte per ton ............... o0 g ilo to szr tib s They carry the beat line and J. A, •Campbell spoke of the fisheries pate ............................... .0 85 to 0 90 ei at of Canada. Bu1eq .................. 1t 25 to 1 30 ----- M Wes! Street Rink • largest assortment of Combs in ,;; w the Coast also the best Ca Mr. k.'J.' D. Cook moved an amend. Buckwheste y is on y, p• mefat'iq tate bill io atnkO out ail the Ela • • ••,........... 1 40 1B+W Lb 2s' 00 • , I ; � c 11 "" � ,� � '%I , , , f. 88Vs '" near 30th w shaped real hair net on the words from %tiministratibn" to Butter per lb -Dalry ......... 0 58 to a 60 A ��� i���O �tOre Friday, Ja market. "needed " whicL would have had the Eggs, per dozeaa ...... --.0 75 to 0 75 �: A S. . � ar at A o olaC a,,,,,,•,,,,,,,,..:: ::70 50 to N8 5D I ,-,,, � . ' st in effect of altering ft tb tread as follows, HoK ,t, '' ,1. '" AdTi i"Ionio-1.�JC1C nd2SC Kurle Kew Flair WAVIN "An Apt granting to the cabinet Conn- t;attle.........._.»........... T0�00 to 10 50 ��"` . 11'+11i■S`�lllil .STREET : aft �y,�c�11e y oil the necessary power to arrange for Bomber Balla. .............. ..-•10 50to•10 50Must ,y siR®siilifitllillwlN>trtiswi lrifiHfiBititir0 'Phone and mail orders prompt- the propel• requirements' of every vitt- LIgnolbt a. Bulls, per l.. .... .. .. 6 to 7 mole of necessity of se a onabe F in all depaurtma uri carrying ' � ^; ,., ; . zoo whether cid or young, rdgArdless Light Lambs. per Ib........... 010 !0 012 a complete' range• of seasonable Footcaear, and ensuring to its lyr r<ttonded td of whether thdy tiro able to work or 15gring'Lambs ..... ........ . 0 1:1 tw 0 12 patrons polite FArvice, fashioriablo stvlas, and depolulable values. sot," ana9 thus altering ils whbid Im- Hama, per 11x .....................0 d0 tae 0 40 Our steadily increasing Irusine3s has proven that, , x port. 13aCbn long dear ..............0 85 to 0 Sb o HidePotao ... pose bag ............. l til 10 1 56 th On the vote the opposition declined Pities .• 14 ODfo It 00 , , I , � I I : ., -A)'%�/ �y�* y • Sa � It stor� to vote and the bill vvas carr ied unop- �" rQ �. S�.tYS�,�ctory rfr1 W� S r C�S posed. Sheet► ....._.............. ... O.OGto 00 9 r 4 r iflwst et. It,Is dntended to oontlaue thO tfarlla- I . ]E�haiitra 'lab menE and clue notice will be given of Otf�ffliy is Query resets- of the word to our many custortters, arxi. as io ther• subsequent sessions, past, honest goods at honest prices, aril a servri�ce devoted first aa� ' t f a ns t mar its li or ,7 o i 1.3 8rumbles;, for.................................2 c last o t�area ,.Y, .....Y■....�,.Y► t rho in ur prdro w'll r p0 ay 1900 iUANGE ' aUention to, our p endid stocks -of $ k Gtlttto, for....................................25a !budget purposes. It is soma yc>tirs 3uat novo ase would call your s 1 sinoe such a cllnvass was made. A �i seasonilbl gpods, t I .1Sk ra elfin Pork and 130aae.. ....200 Onanco committee vi3as aplaointed, • X ll li a s p mon nh e co s' a consisting of C. A. Nairn, chairman ; i .} C�'O Illi $OUM per paekagd......•....................•.. 5o Adessrs. fit. J. A. A1aolwan and Gordon O' Rlt Jkes 3 for 2S0 issett, rO resentin the man rs Al a�-d for men and women pU,!i les Soap, ..................................., and Messrs. t3. J. S, Loyndis and C a D:, Sl" i p- p ov rame fold 0ttlokl man representing the forward rnovo O ippers _ , , • , , o r e.ommlttee; tri take full charge . 50 �Vh the in your h6wb, ofe the canvas's, selecting canvassers, f • CteRner, tlr l► ............................. Mnoiolpgl Bodo , in your of ice, or in your -errpnd ting ftyinst O s and ea' 4ha thlnci of all Irit:ds a or p$o e o a � ,1 ."l# 0100Abro "r 1Wkage ........................... h. A su 1kr 1 tic servo next � n U ages ' }° $tire "„ r r.........................fi0o tab case or' locket,, tha Thureklay eve in ng by the l.adfe41 Aid b1d uh w °'� - � , �M$l�t ', R , Orrersh�lesi, M ins, � �' s �,,, portraits of t;hosie Rltbae Soviet to the vv6rk'era, p - ne Y r�timi t to �' '' '3jist'ty, pet" .......................... I.ia(1 ilrtui Yon ler• ttnnot' and n, ails 0f G 1tfn rit s • lb ,$ a c, vasa, tat wh h sat lh t" b raidth r rd. 300 t lv0rk will brl dci<u'wtEh . n . % �, . , aietti�wAe. , t>d 8tiln , is �tC 'a ,. • "teats Is a vwtAe trlbale : �q OE8 are very warm sad +atlmli«prtable. Ghildicla et�taas rostl awSornts tacos , bft'1Citib+M~li1>e "lit Mlfbill► t0 Gillar...........'.�l.i}d 11i �usgtorl sow yrolar tt11dtUdSAY .�. . m . tr�ltlb0 1p rnmssa „ �, � brattotir. , �tAs b,{�,���yt'lta wvt`t li�Ctr' ttip�ri, � 911Ad it'yi � ` : ..: � lilt . Y Via. S. \ this 'tN1f11Wi Y'it�l4 �:�' RIlII< :i•`�` .Ay�,i:Wi: .4 e 1 ,-.. ' '.r 'i V', "'� 'bf �o 11" ch I , . i. ,. 1 r , er , r .�,, IM10, '. I , . "I � a < p �' le'llal Ii *... n �s si �v7.-'.. n a• - -. 1. ..i - :., lir a. r. M!! of .ry ��y ., ,� ' '. . u 11 tai: �► i le t Vit. - aii • ; � ; t11�MtMPii7 ,�r.aY;,,,Y, k Y ar S . t"*h*Y (M '(F' " 11111+1 t1i� y,��� 1#I�it1 fMiit4 11+ .-, i d1Mw� U6ll't ' i+� ■ r � . t1. A4 .1"�. w • . _. _ _ 1W4 . n irr i ' , ., .f. � 11� I 4 YY YI 1. 11 . 11.1 -.111. I ,, - . , I �# 4040M. Manic ,w a ' . �� �Ir�ir a. . " 4010 „ [1Ft►aty, � D. 1'' . c. 'Itefera.,lp'atse, L ogsatpltlg'it#lid• vg ll rA-styattist)iFQpO�jixidilsl`1t''��w ,V '. • 4 • - We to n' o 4 -.. n1�TfaCt roto 06 # lirofessi l tinier,,, the ulerp,h! T4 Wit, tieb pl 0, tlalet�, and all bWnw, n, �"Gt�.1111t$dsr• 1 una iia cloth, Prica $2.00 not. By . • nnr► 10 cont6 extritf. t !li 1S I "*l . i�ll�ll l" j. t flak rhew �la�i'-; , , r, . ,.+, ,. T, : ,s• rTi� , , .• , 400 I ' STAR - ,` _ y . ,r. i ..._r-•-----� _. °T11t3R.OAY, JA.Y.. 2'14, Im . I . . . � . , , . _..--.� - �. .,-11 I . � Eff 'O's . "� - I 1. ­ I � . . I .L ,�., . , . .� � . , 1 . , y. , � , , , .. , ry - . 1. I I .... .1 'i' n n 1__ .. - , ., , Ir .1 -__1 Y' t E , G , o erich a 01'0 r I , . 010L " ! : B,,,,O,r ,, R. .. �. -1 . ''"""� , ., Ya, 1114 r,tt . � M . .R - � -_1 ,, { �,� - �,• + * + . . y lines than rte. - tol�let; til MVIte OF �� ,'1. ;lOitXC Cie Out' t< 10 a thuut The Annual Meeting of 010 i, wd of Trade will he held% . 1 of' ussonio Temple s " wVOW in the Assembly lipotn �. on Nb"tice,o., `1 • l ,. - l Monday Ev'ellg,'�b►' Fale'' , I issue r 1 and a full attendtlnce of the, menaberttiws if"ttl7iltod., I �. 7 lllrro>:eci, Y +! Y II . . d a t . `` Tile nominations for the various offices bare been rrtade �l ,U ietoolc tip the tttQro. is .., 1114 , y 5akt . t##tt Opt tlll'c p of titili Week. 'N1,Oltch the papers by the Nominating coinwitt�pe, a full rewrt of which ' . MOTA"le t. i}1abk, rlext 'to 044 W�►k- for esce�t141ti o Sato value 1 1W every lilac. Rema carefully the many will appear in xtse focal pallors• , .a"m,�".41 l►tCt}• '.. 'prall that, 118` ilck� week. I i ht ' look ' t - r 1 . i � 'I r fr..` i, f - 1. � •.. i ; 1, I N � The hour of meet. ng s e 6 o a11 � ' ,Utotc, o,ttd Will be vleasedI 11 . I 11a1Pwai � i' i l __ it W, S.'i3Q�VDEN, to roet old iiptofuors aqd , Heavy Wo o1. n oclings Wh' a Cottons # i#ti% G. b. PARSONS, :.', x a ,,, nicklo'wpilvbr, with of p'4Ap l►nrl4 President. Acting $4o'rotary• 3 new ones 1 file uay4 store . 'lbw stns ll size Salida large'range #rata 8 (1°fir range of Pillow Cottons in 40 i'a„ 42 1. ; : 10 size, Thee atoo inga lir¢ seaoade o $1.50 in. and 44 in., in many qualities, is now nom ►each i.tx cad eunuch to write one quarter million words. Jarsuary 29ad, 1920. $tpckia; a pt1 have: ossa sold ttilo season st piste and the values are estceptionndly low. W Spacial, ?50. 1<.xO' Tb y ate nays oR sale to clear at 98c Sbeetings are here in 2 yards wide and 2 ;, -. - r P e1Mir. 1-4 Yards wide, in a large range of qualities. -�.., .., - '._ _._ __ -__ - _ _... _ _. _ _.V.. _' _ - - - _ _ 0 �e _cahmn go �l]y,-111}vo- b_o@n -o ed_nvur Lrom last year a, _ . . . _. _ l __ and are being sold at the old prise. If you need --„ tem over from commissioners to the from the family. The deceased leaves she v s f township council. Then was apnsld- to' mourn her lose her sett stricken t �fi Read lleSA ValFaei Cit>�efully sting we ba e tai t��j �j �'!j� it from 75a to $1 50 a yard e-er}t4Olam--Qfi ee es e- three sons and three daugll4• __ �({� - -Ntt�� tt17F1 . �' Natnaooke_ laolin and white i .d y oislly in the casters Part Of the Eown- bar es a rs. no. - - no n�aaa ers, William and G - .rut .werQ-$to0lttags; €rain--8-1+24ts------- - �; ship, under the old system. McQuaid, of Port Albert; Mrs. R. B, ptitllp�RsllrO QgiDRgOti OO 10. Regular $2.00 for'$1.79. cotton in dozens of pieces, is here for voui in • Durnin, of Dungannon, and Miss Grace. speetion. A wonderful range, in fine and hear y a ;;; COLHORIH TOW:NSHII' of Calgary, Afan.; Jno., of Neepawa, - ___�.. __. ,_ $,sgal;er $1.60 for $1.43. , ' Afr. and Mrs. Ray GralnOr acid little MOCK PARLIAMENT ular $1.5Ufor $1.30. weaves. also tvvo sisters and ono brother, Mrs. +...+ ■�■�■��'"11 "'_'_ son, of Ugema, **ask., were visiting at Joseph Tigert, of SlWppardton; Mr. Regular $1.25 for X1.15. Horrookaes' speaiul Cortone, free from i t . the home of Afr. and Airs. Jake Fisher Jas. Maize and Miss Jennie. of Dun- Speech From dThe Throne Adopted Al. Sevpml special lots et reduced prices. dressing, at last year's prices. '4 I 11,GODERICiI TOWNSHIP the past week. au dill for Government Control of The Godetleh Tgwngtslp council has Sanson. Rev. Alr. Craig. of St. An- �'" t' A meeting 'ot the Colborne Farmers' stews, assisted' Uy Aov. Atr. Douglas, iVetural Resources j ]• r " ' Also many. Canadian brands at low Prices. r' rgoeived a cheque from the County Club will be hold on Thursday, Feb- of Christ church, conducted the fun- Ladles and ChlldreII y �, �tcod Rends System foe F1P for stn- We want everpono to roe those values in G. if _ !•+pito _13bas" sono an �tes$iQ2 cd ttlads- ruary 5th, in the township hall, Car- oral services both at the house and The first session of the mock parlia- , Underwear Cottons. _ is f91ts• and this sum ixlll aunt- Low, to disouss the question of Con- t4c grave. `Tile pail bearers were metrt ciriginated by fila (3nderich HOars1- sslItdii d SoTiouls: A 3pexker -viii fire. Messrs Jtlo-. Quaid, Robs Ilu.cnin.._ ZYti- �L Trads�was lid at t le G _C., i, Thurs ` i _ _' 1, the township on the roads as is need=' resent from rho Department nt Edu-�liam Hawkins, Jno. Tigert, Jno. Gra- day night last and proved quite an in- We have Od sale nearly every line of Specials in Huck Towels --� )� ed; so that back roads and side roads P will receive benefit as well as the cation, and everyone interested Is urg- ham and Jae. Hayden. persons event, there beitis some forty winter Underwear for ladies and children. Y; front roads. ed to be present persons present, Including soma ladies. Manu epeaial values in lines that have been Regular 45a for 40a, Reguinr 75c for fisc. 11 AMONG THE CiIUR I Although the parliament is being On- " y At a largely attended meeting of 'the AUBUBti ducted by a committee of the Board carried over. It is good policy to buy Under Regular 50c for 40c. Regular 35c for 30e oath. township telephone system it was de- The Forward MBvement is engrossing The annual congregational meeting of Trade the atm Is to make it of as wear for next winter at these prices.- All towels will be higher for spring- . ,• I- olded to change the control of tUse syr- the attentiun of Our churches here at of Knox church will be held on Wod- much advantage '•to all (especially , , f` , pre'ent nesday evening, Feb. 4th. , 1 young men) as possible, whether they Ladies' Fleeced Vesta and Drawers. Reg. Chamoisette Gloves �.�.�j0� Mr. t;eorge Yunablut and the Farm -'I Vietorta St. Methodist church: 11 are members of the Board or,not, and $L20for$1.00. r 3=0111 0 O ers' Club each shipped a carload of a.m., 'sacramental service and reception the public Is invited to these meetings x•rviCe. Sunda school at 3 p.m. 7 with full freedom to take part in the Hygiene ladies' Vests. Regular x,1.50 im Chamoisette Gloves, to all sizes, sn fvlack p hogs last week. Y $1.25. only. Regular $1.00 for 75c. a € { O Air. w1111am Dobie, of the village,,p• rn„ subject, "What do I care about debates. kl ��� � Regular $1.35 Vests and Drawers for ,LO$ 11 hob Uecn conflnod to hip he,t throu�li'n Horld-wide Rcllgion`1" After the selection of Mr. F... R. VVlglo Ladies' hleeCed Gloves, in white,. Llacls I I , :x illness, Uut Is able to be up again. I The servioe in the Baptist church as speaker of the hou,w, Sir R. G. Bey- �";A This localliy Is reco�crin: from the ,next Lord's Day will be in charge o[ nolds, K, C. M. G., Governor-General, Children s Underwear io,Vests nand Draw- and Stag- Regular 60c for 490. 1 v �` delivered the speech from the throne, ors, in all sizes, redness in price. Offects of the storms. Sew-logtring and the Rev. A. S. Parnall, B. A., B. Th., of in which, after expros9ing united Black Kid Gloves, in French Kid. Regstltar �¢ woodculting are again in full swing• Kenilworth, Bible School at 3 and thanks to Almighty God for the vin- , + -1 B. Y. P. U. at 8 o'clock. The B. Y. Congoleu�mS X2.00 for jL49. G Ori and after o„ Air. Ralph Munro, vvho has been'con- P U progrnm will take the form of torics oY the past and the proapeats of f1 lined to his bed from an attack of in- an early peace throughout the world, an essay contcsst, which will be fudgedp Tho ideal floor covering at a low price. Blouses "' e ! flammatory' rheumatism, is improving and feelings of loyalty to the Mother 7�1 , Monday, February 2nd O by Air. j?nrnall. Country for her protection and Said- 9 ft. x 10 1-2 ft. Congoleum, in grotty pat• very slowly. The annual meeting of the Baptist '111= Alr. Lloyd Ferguson has disposed of ancc through the dangers and diAloul- A large number of Crepe de Chine and d i, the property, which he lately purehas- church was held on the evening of the; terns, at $13.75. 81st. An excellent supper was pro- Liea of fhb kreat war, and culling at-oorgette $loasos at sato prices. These Blouses 1' the firm known as Rob- tention to the growing Importance 9 ft. a 9 ft. G'oagohjum at $11.7u, al f ed from Mr. George Plaetzer, to Mr. vided by the Ladies' Atd and ail en- collie' in many prices and a good reduction is t Alfred Rollinson. He 6vts possssion loy� a social hour, id was then being attached to the name of t3anada, 9 ft. x 7 1-2 It, Congoleum, at $9.75, made on every Blouse on sale. Be sure to see tw itrtt9ori & Mair will be the first of February. and referring tQ.,the closer relation- , f: , O given to the hearing of reports from ships between the people and the Bri- A limited quantity at thea© prices. lineae values. _" The ice harvest has started here. M the various preanizAtions of the fish Royalty likely to result from the Floor Oilcloth, is all widths, at 69c a yard° "�` f'iJ s ' C.h On ed and Will be o Some are preparing their summer sup- ohurah. These showed a year of o0- visit of the Prince of Wales, some of Wool Sets and Caps r �? + ply. Tile ice is not ,of a very 'food operation and faithful service. The the leglslatibn to be introduced during Corsets ` � krioWri a® quality. Too much slush is frozen in financial reports were particularly the session as Government measures 1, �A, -.--• -• - - {; . when the, river was freezing. good .and the people go forward en- was forecasted,. acquiring and placing Severatl specials in Corsets. We have gatb- .Atli the Wool Set@ aad Caps that have been I couraged. Robe�taon Bros. �T ALBERT under Government control and admin- fief: oyer will be reduced to clear uickl We Quarterly services will bo held in istration ail the natural rosour0ee and ems together several broken ,linea that are in- q y t Albert A1c0ee and his brldr. have re- complete in sizes and are putting them on sale bavo+ some exceptional dues in the newest turned home from their honeymoon North St, Methodist church next Sun- public uttlitfea of the country Lor3the I V. Itrip. Congratulations, Albcrtt day 'as follows: 10 a.m., Fellowship benefit of the people, a slight revisiop- at $1.89. Every pair guaranteed perfect and all styles fbr this;seawn. ny pW1ri U will Still be Car- meeting and Men's Club. The Club of the present methods of tariff and D. & A. Corsets at $1.89. •/ �* r I ' y Tom Green, of Detroit, is in the•vil- topic will be. "What is Christian Stow- taxation, some new methods for the _ Swreater COatS z'^-; .«Cd OII Iri El1C sdt11C t1Q• tO+ lege again for a few months, ardghipt" to be introduced Dy Afr. W, promotion of advanced education. Dream Voods 1 , We regret to mention this week that C, Pridham. Communion at 1t. Ev- making compulsovyr English In all Every Sweatrer Goat io Che since has been -, ` &tt mUnner, Mrs. William Richardson, Jr., of Godo- ening service as usual. Should the schools and 'the C,anadlanixing of all A nambay of pieces of Drew; Goode have reduced in price. �frore is• a► large range of Coate ' i i'Ich, formerly of our village, la ser- weather be severe all r; "ices will be the inhabitants, alg0 measures where- +' tousip ill at time of writing. held In the schoolroont; by every possible :Bnoouragertent shall bens gaLheired togetfser and Wanted low is price in tb® season's hest colors' but they must be � Afr. and Airs. Geo. Green moved to For ts0 convenience 6t any vvho may be given to immigration, and a Com flor these special days. There will be many elosred$quickly. They range• im price from $5.00 1 C}oderich lista week, having purchased, not have had as opportunity to can -;plate revieton of the present�basls of colotti to choose frortx ai sale prices. Serges will up. 1>lothiag aarnnarl in sttoelt bur pure wool aT1►0NlAiR a home on West street. They will be tribute in the Sunday school last Sun- municipal sovernment " mxeatly ehovRa. I ., fwd much missed as good neighbors, Airs, day to the Armenian Relief Fund the I The adoption of the speech from . ' 1 114 "UN1Y1i ' Green having lived here for over sev- usual relief fund offering takep at the th,� throne was moved by C. H. Sisua= Masy otber lines will be ticketed few• selling' at �r yt�; envy scats. communion service will be added to dors and socondod by H. J. A. MacEw- last Sundays offering for Armenia. an. I �� p A mumarial service was held la the , The, gUaktrly ' official board will T. G. Connon, as leader of the Op- r•, ,t English church here last Sunday for I meet on Monday evening at & position, objected ,to certain features f. the late 'Mrs. (Capt.) Allison, Rev. Mr. Phones t Douglas, of Dungannon, Ofilelating. At,i� congregat►oaal meeting Of Knox; in the addresv from the Throne, but �* Ho 1�a. * �+ j+ iA. corsets The sermon vvas one long to be re- church on Monday evening it was de- the adoption of (4e speech was car= Start 86 1/. 4� membered, to say tho- least. aided to combine with the canvass to l rfed. Residence 23t7 �� I'll t i ,` t Death has again visited our neigh, be made in connection with the For- li Premier J. P. Ilume then introduced 11 I��� bortwod and taken from us a loving ward Afovement, an every member n bill empowering the cabinet to .raise AT YOYJB SERVICE wife and mother in the person of Mrs, canvass also for the F}'egular needs of the sum of $250,000,000 for th purpose wraw , -'"' the church for ' con'gregational and of acquiring and ,operating, as far as ` �i� ;"* v Jas, Crawford, in her sixty-ninth year• I they spay deem it'expedient to do, all A The departed. though ailing for sumo the natural resou#ces of Canada, and Why can't we be smiling ar,tcicheerful ���� ��` time. bony finer suffering with every .,.,,.�......■...........�r. �� ,also to melte suitable arrangements {� patience until Sunday last, when she with the Pi�ovincrlal Governmehta of TO AN OP'�IMIST tresdedi eui'tPL^. FfoiT®vssy's Corn Cure 3 P took a weak spell land succumbed. ' the various f ovine al to assist in the and gay : without leaving a scar. t • • The deceased [vas a member of St. acquisition and operation ss the net• When the blue of our [leaven's all 1' Ci>rt � meed 8t Andrews chur6l •for. many years ins ill 3 � �QP� Lite isn't all trouble and sndisrss a'cnf y i ural resources, in order to f the thO sprinkled with stars° Mks$ �n 11 75 __ �_________.__ was Always wf►lfna to give a he1P ng development of Calaadlan trade for the fretting, ---- it -isn't all..worklga-oh,-no;:_ _-,_-____l Z___haven't a tett; I'm na moralist ay (; _ 0 u„ htlnd iu-----causes, "Site-- was welt -- - -- --=- - -- w - _ honest o�ttie peapTty sad to ecrabi�ttac- - j� ((�� ���%� t�` 4 ,.. known to a terse circa of friends and people to pay off the war debt. Though some real Bood folks slave aI pevilsiof ` ® B. V. �GLEsn s • . • x ' relatives, having lived here most of ��� i ' way of forgetting, The evils of doing -or not; la fi �i Mr. Hume touched on the reaoumss dye make our own joy as we go. It's ever so much more worth w-hrle i her days. Despite the bifid roads there p • of the country tp Iron, coal, gold, o , $3 were sonfetiv}aere aver 3 hundred rigs, t - e nickel, molybdenic" , etc. We could roll on a cushion' of happi- to be reaching ® i!D'� 10 Crises 10 11 I so .many friends assettibiing tib pay m W, fI. Robertson aec�nded tris tern- seas -yea` And Planning and hoping skint. tB sources of the country. I AndClosintr my sleep icstf a coupon N a '� we RsU Show retty color lution and spoke of the pulpwood re- I roesus gray, � Ili p their last respects The floral rlbuto At t1i0 ices utiful .urtle • fn, Our held of delight isn't measured bg t9hd railer than have al! toot made ® BAso a: aaa of IV � �..,' . tiaziibigittobs, snob as coral was a handsome wreath of owexs Smith's Art $tore window. bars. Er`il�s �oAI. } . •it 'taap0,;tyaty and s0arlet, as ���....�.- -- This shows what their display Air. Connon leafder of the OPpOsf- d t I'd missed, `8 all at Wegaw Staides.19 1 '' „' tfwsitflS fsQft loses of brown and Of --- ---- tion, opposed th liesolution. CObEItICH IHAKKETS. ' I akngal,ng chance on tier reckon- B' wrrlte pa sell on �* w!�®Hni�S,S%R/��� i%rs�f>1t� Hss•'sssa M , Bo v en ho ad be actt as , blue, sl l S �rI V r } d (w h en Ladies Fancy Intl Flaln clerk of the House) moved overnInto Outsi3t; Afarket Reports In page gy lrvsssg fiat ] y of res ti is 1 g, el�uitt �' `t 'o a I c m t. E 1� hout < 8111tiA tOlCetare the mater iw the Government benches, and auppbt't- Wheat ............................... 1 90 to 2 00•. -� Y. Life. 1B= ,41 P Dogaeaos Bz ed -the resolution In a umorous 'way , -Itilil;; trtlaa, wbaoh they oro da- �' Coderich Collegiate ,is CiOlnbS and Hair PInS 1- R' .man Reynolds whohwas neon oo- Flour, pe owt.i stmOYan -.4ts 0 to A7 till• Corns and warts disappear when ; m®rrrililt®s��iirtt��®i>Brt�satlt�+, _1 16trrtd teatiters, wings FN rs. pro made from. copying ane of fhb dross bench Bran n W ;1'ibl OUS form the trimmings M Clinton Collegiate • bpoke' :for the bill in humorous' style . horte per ton ............... o0 g ilo to szr tib s They carry the beat line and J. A, •Campbell spoke of the fisheries pate ............................... .0 85 to 0 90 ei at of Canada. Bu1eq .................. 1t 25 to 1 30 ----- M Wes! Street Rink • largest assortment of Combs in ,;; w the Coast also the best Ca Mr. k.'J.' D. Cook moved an amend. Buckwheste y is on y, p• mefat'iq tate bill io atnkO out ail the Ela • • ••,........... 1 40 1B+W Lb 2s' 00 • , I ; � c 11 "" � ,� � '%I , , , f. 88Vs '" near 30th w shaped real hair net on the words from %tiministratibn" to Butter per lb -Dalry ......... 0 58 to a 60 A ��� i���O �tOre Friday, Ja market. "needed " whicL would have had the Eggs, per dozeaa ...... --.0 75 to 0 75 �: A S. . � ar at A o olaC a,,,,,,•,,,,,,,,..:: ::70 50 to N8 5D I ,-,,, � . ' st in effect of altering ft tb tread as follows, HoK ,t, '' ,1. '" AdTi i"Ionio-1.�JC1C nd2SC Kurle Kew Flair WAVIN "An Apt granting to the cabinet Conn- t;attle.........._.»........... T0�00 to 10 50 ��"` . 11'+11i■S`�lllil .STREET : aft �y,�c�11e y oil the necessary power to arrange for Bomber Balla. .............. ..-•10 50to•10 50Must ,y siR®siilifitllillwlN>trtiswi lrifiHfiBititir0 'Phone and mail orders prompt- the propel• requirements' of every vitt- LIgnolbt a. Bulls, per l.. .... .. .. 6 to 7 mole of necessity of se a onabe F in all depaurtma uri carrying ' � ^; ,., ; . zoo whether cid or young, rdgArdless Light Lambs. per Ib........... 010 !0 012 a complete' range• of seasonable Footcaear, and ensuring to its lyr r<ttonded td of whether thdy tiro able to work or 15gring'Lambs ..... ........ . 0 1:1 tw 0 12 patrons polite FArvice, fashioriablo stvlas, and depolulable values. sot," ana9 thus altering ils whbid Im- Hama, per 11x .....................0 d0 tae 0 40 Our steadily increasing Irusine3s has proven that, , x port. 13aCbn long dear ..............0 85 to 0 Sb o HidePotao ... pose bag ............. l til 10 1 56 th On the vote the opposition declined Pities .• 14 ODfo It 00 , , I , � I I : ., -A)'%�/ �y�* y • Sa � It stor� to vote and the bill vvas carr ied unop- �" rQ �. S�.tYS�,�ctory rfr1 W� S r C�S posed. Sheet► ....._.............. ... O.OGto 00 9 r 4 r iflwst et. It,Is dntended to oontlaue thO tfarlla- I . ]E�haiitra 'lab menE and clue notice will be given of Otf�ffliy is Query resets- of the word to our many custortters, arxi. as io ther• subsequent sessions, past, honest goods at honest prices, aril a servri�ce devoted first aa� ' t f a ns t mar its li or ,7 o i 1.3 8rumbles;, for.................................2 c last o t�area ,.Y, .....Y■....�,.Y► t rho in ur prdro w'll r p0 ay 1900 iUANGE ' aUention to, our p endid stocks -of $ k Gtlttto, for....................................25a !budget purposes. It is soma yc>tirs 3uat novo ase would call your s 1 sinoe such a cllnvass was made. A �i seasonilbl gpods, t I .1Sk ra elfin Pork and 130aae.. ....200 Onanco committee vi3as aplaointed, • X ll li a s p mon nh e co s' a consisting of C. A. Nairn, chairman ; i .} C�'O Illi $OUM per paekagd......•....................•.. 5o Adessrs. fit. J. A. A1aolwan and Gordon O' Rlt Jkes 3 for 2S0 issett, rO resentin the man rs Al a�-d for men and women pU,!i les Soap, ..................................., and Messrs. t3. J. S, Loyndis and C a D:, Sl" i p- p ov rame fold 0ttlokl man representing the forward rnovo O ippers _ , , • , , o r e.ommlttee; tri take full charge . 50 �Vh the in your h6wb, ofe the canvas's, selecting canvassers, f • CteRner, tlr l► ............................. Mnoiolpgl Bodo , in your of ice, or in your -errpnd ting ftyinst O s and ea' 4ha thlnci of all Irit:ds a or p$o e o a � ,1 ."l# 0100Abro "r 1Wkage ........................... h. A su 1kr 1 tic servo next � n U ages ' }° $tire "„ r r.........................fi0o tab case or' locket,, tha Thureklay eve in ng by the l.adfe41 Aid b1d uh w °'� - � , �M$l�t ', R , Orrersh�lesi, M ins, � �' s �,,, portraits of t;hosie Rltbae Soviet to the vv6rk'era, p - ne Y r�timi t to �' '' '3jist'ty, pet" .......................... I.ia(1 ilrtui Yon ler• ttnnot' and n, ails 0f G 1tfn rit s • lb ,$ a c, vasa, tat wh h sat lh t" b raidth r rd. 300 t lv0rk will brl dci<u'wtEh . n . % �, . , aietti�wAe. , t>d 8tiln , is �tC 'a ,. • "teats Is a vwtAe trlbale : �q OE8 are very warm sad +atlmli«prtable. Ghildicla et�taas rostl awSornts tacos , bft'1Citib+M~li1>e "lit Mlfbill► t0 Gillar...........'.�l.i}d 11i �usgtorl sow yrolar tt11dtUdSAY .�. . m . tr�ltlb0 1p rnmssa „ �, � brattotir. , �tAs b,{�,���yt'lta wvt`t li�Ctr' ttip�ri, � 911Ad it'yi � ` : ..: � lilt . Y Via. S. \ this 'tN1f11Wi Y'it�l4 �:�' RIlII< :i•`�` .Ay�,i:Wi: .4 e 1 ,-.. ' '.r 'i V', "'� 'bf �o 11" ch I , . i. ,. 1 r , er , r .�,, IM10, '. I , . "I � a < p �' le'llal Ii *... n �s si �v7.-'.. n a• - -. 1. ..i - :., lir a. r. M!! of .ry ��y ., ,� ' '. . u 11 tai: �► i le t Vit. - aii • ; � ; t11�MtMPii7 ,�r.aY;,,,Y, k Y ar S . t"*h*Y (M '(F' " 11111+1 t1i� y,��� 1#I�it1 fMiit4 11+ .-, i d1Mw� U6ll't ' i+� ■ r � . t1. A4 .1"�. w • . _. _ _