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The Goderich Star, 1920-01-29, Page 7
a k , 0 I.1_-6.,__----- 1-11y" ---1_-11_.--f1 1 --r01 1t 01 . +�. 11' climate 15 all an uXUT10US A Vancouver has golf the whole 0101 0101 0101,. 0101. 0101 .T. •�.' 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101. U _ _. 0101.9 9. 0101 0101.....ya,��0101. 0101 - 0101. ,ay■{ +(��7(�yy++,.�1,0111,81T.. , 0 0101 �{! +y,.,�.y1. '�.}ly'II.I+T'AT�+.', f rk. villto / Tom•"''4 00 y�M�M.'.� n. �, 0101-. 0101 �. 01,01 ,. 0101 0101 0101 0101.-. 0101 0101 0101 0101... _ - .. 0101. 0101 .,+serf r:xKi. +.'SN•F,,R'---' p1m::11111 1111111;;;; yFT 0101. _ r� 01 01 Ill01 10111111111011 ,01. 0101 - 01 01 01I ,.r 0101 0101 0101. 0101... 0101 0101 0101. 0101.. n _ 0101... 0101 . 0101 0101. - 0101 . W% nllt w toy We oit a tl#irilt>!lre ......���''' e, Tkat Ra's"Pot , ,$0104 lox W t4I0W ,tea t htt ; ' . , „�'., lF,W T . 01 �'` 9 11 ' Dlt;, ; . .. ttt',Ync,, tR{ti�rotgry opt *911114. 14 4 '`' A "I W�ttw4,0 xw' . I aw"dum, ;(`rp3AlmIlit0p, lkti4f;lltic 1.!� e 1 ) '. -40, Mlt�l- Ila, did, ##rgr ltofalt:t to lttrstlatltt 11I., , .."rt I ,R.Ist d tate t%►1sYAYt e . +a �, I , m : " .7"Oori r 0101 ..,^� • I I+ �� + �r IllttRltiaatlto#7. o n. '. ,I I tAM . I I I I I;tArllift .. . .11 . I I � 40t ,: >~c�rox,.1, for .I�tli TIS v ■■ > , aA . MI.�s0 R Oe.11i a th14t tt>ut4it tYI.. s . 1tl;lfir%lt" lltriAr Olt y, > hm" is 4 4.Qttt4w1k isnot^ tow. yAmberola, - _, ,`.s '� . r I , , Yneao of,w#,ouwalula.• �' IF" , . ,0101 j 0101 �. �C.iY s 11 ' ccn0,snt'_IWk* . ,: 01 01 " TO4it3l�DA1i", . °^ r,Y4iestl di > >If stir' i4err•►.0 e " �># courX th4 WS1. , t t,104 `.. *to. "�i�0', CaiiroAi tzg plane. f lying f tt�t 01-01 a , t, i; t t� oo p» pt�ht 1; 1114 , 1?a1+�r of ovcrytluag oV, httvo dope to Ret ria RQ tv TQklQi has reaehoct 6tt1Q1tIR1 , a 1 s' ' in your i]pl''�' e 1 hlpi t inie+r } ' PYI&f day tl11111s, ai >#1Sft11i tax el.. - �re� fifjli l.1atitllr.reAch Kett 1.,r-�r-� [ i!. °� LretRlltr b4;flrc ill Vi>ait 1114 (Tai. , , 4 t w N. '>i'tte tan , r tAa ecu h ptic�o11, tbo .in9rr _ c til�tlicta t► f 1'o a- 3uEutli ae�ct, 044.. t.sr an waM and teu'o Alt rile Iatcs>: tt�ltlee m 11 ' d r 'picket; AiCtt>ya� , fl.. itoraYag. tlerret.a me>aace it bel lames to strut ht t41th Tbti Dt1altAign lli4nlc reps <ta pt 4ft4t t14is • titins;- t!Y>clltt, be enjoy 1.� r Af>o11it Toronto. t or : iX $ 16tX(:gt p0$4 '� )<t n a very easy mlttt,w to GG'~ r.d bt: $ hitt .09 art 81,1061+,? S . S4lnparlld i 0101 ull4s ei6.f lthei ho4tsa St?il S. X Alli A1S0 agent Or tI1C I with 0.096.498-1401; year. 4atddtiGaccllexRlvtlahtQ �^ "^''"^"' the cold at the outset by using �6 /t ,. ,� LA tRlalrn 4 $,ON Every rtxer, iA ilio ants," y t %46 ,. fregasattj► itttve beg I1Rt1.I'll ltit ' 1.1SolA DiSY Re'"\ir®atIQQ. N� T�vea `lxtt#ae41yS1G std` ZM`. AaQp~s ' , IaAfi 1(f'ro4r► :over,, ttmd�rta�aly at Iltb vvntt cr -haw bot—21101%, ootd. �r, tt>�,d. T400 tcollu;elnt Immersions holaa Wood's s eyotevtnl� graft ars iCe a, l tIt, , " Carney, WAJO r ta! Ja1T1c4 dt"rEn(f kite Xtery twatYd Itis, t, er Full Stock of RKords 011 NaMlld Nerwa Pinto 5 r h Carney, df QuGip11. died at inti 1>�'I 1 - Y !n' reader the hand>f. twists. and of tine iitlAdrCd and kva veer". forearms Xer�► au: ceptible to 0101:.._ �._..�..�, , i.pq�..:..,...rf.1...+..+tw,.+, t1 In nearly avers case it will itillsy th• l;. Pik. f readner bps bobs apPo10- 6Qren,�. redness and rough- � dQlilQrbtl on t3horG llotiae.—A full ' w � �� ' r111 ' rulrl t1 11• infiatamstion, soothe the irritation, h�a ea tohlporasA Papper CozltrQYler, ,. p„gs, �vhtiC � y � l"a t�rS i • ; - the diseased mucous linin of the lungn Place of lE. A. P> iaglo. resignea : ing d a i'QPttirs on hand and r©pair i._ 0101. - g The annual meetings of a OulAbOr pa short notice. " I iEa-,Enron; t-uIee, aria--wi �rt`tc -tTe a kTst cittli�il B' ing flt3>19 ------ -- __. _ _ • , of PrQs�tarTin ait�'B D F' s ` _ <_ - - MUM of all__the bad ef:eot antst o"hN �Ke ^eeda]4 -- _ - - -- - --- -- - - - ,� - _, - - _ - --0101— 0101_ -_ - --t- �___,_ � In eve been returntad'ett _ ;0101 _ - _ it cough or cold. Chictlgo a$&11iat wp}. Brass oy�,' De e . _. .�1..7:ri A•rlxgtQBD, ONT. Dr. Woodsy Norway Pine SyYttp ha the miiliotinire Socialist, and 8otli- btxn universally used for the uric el. alleged 'Redo." and cold cracks, with the: !ri- :: tense pale tht,y cattae. frer l - AUBURN P. • O. tkiest and best .moo --great- has heen ' The moving of patients fro the suit. _ - _ . bamtaa I&I school. We give thor- suct�sa it is only cat that a grtxt Queen tree as 'C hp surest way to ave — - ,ingh eoura�s and have experienced Y Agent for Goderlch, Clinton and Seaforth jodrrich liu of �i Il, • - Toronto, to the new hospital at Whit the a palatul results to to, use nstrtiatoPra !n Commercial, Short- many imitations have been placed on by began Wednesday. Zsm-Built. This healing, htrbal and apd Telegraphy departments. , the market. Many suggeations far widening the balm applied regularly each _ _ ;?hPO assist graduates to positions. , Don't accept an of th so-called scope of jf•M.C.A. activittes through- night.beforeretlring.wi"keep ' • `Wrlw for our free catalofue. la P Y ' out the Dominion were made at the - • --' .,--- � ;; Pine Syrups. Get the ora 1 1?r. tree bunds and arms lu perfect C...�nr""�,ra�O .�i OO�Q may interest you. f sessions of the convention in Toronto. condition. Whcro "chaps" or Oai3lriet, taps predominate In tnttu- Airs. Junebcide-\Vhat did you D \ D. A. AIcLACIILAIV, Wood's" The United Stat@s Railroad Ad- cracks have already developed. enc@• There has been a steady de- of my tlrSt sponge cake? PrincfprlL Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine ministration has placed an embargo Zstn-IIuk will end the stinging. torioration in the power and I flu- Her Ilusband-Fine l \Y'Iu n ' 11 Be TAPE trees the trademark; price 25;01 and fitk, on all freight moving east from Carr barnlag pain. heal the sort+ once of the Conservative Cabinet downed the first bite'I thought It was • i Manufactured r b The c. Milburn ads to the United States by way of places, and scion restore the Skin wing, In 'the absence of Sir Robert a genuine sponge. AGENT FOR THE Y Y the Niagara frontier. to is natural smoothness. Borden, the Government is Liberal. Co., limited, Toronto, Ont. Fr'eder'ick Windsor, of Ford, fig Keop 7arn-Bait handy this winter. Unionist, while 80 per cent. of Its International Harvester -- �tmrs, oY age, was instantly killed at tar nutat:ix it it1 est for cord sora. Pport 1narlia len !fl Q41ase_ vA- li _ � 1,t cUai ped hands. but also -for cirH• au {Etill.R01t0 • - -- - wV tndsor- by ta=la-x¢lrnsa. tivo-liIlloaiA _ _ r_ _ 01 01 _ I eOpHyOetttTth !ea _ _ __ -_ Silh�O� O OIa111181 ClJ � r,T well e ar•$tta aaa- burns. cuts Stroa1 and - , Tf O 0�In�la�� ` ��EWS TOPICS OF WEED he did not hear, having hi heeo ,,, t,.etl 4: for Ida. bare.. cats. The only ablating vacancy In the IR tnuHled up in a thick scarf, Dena ,...ur, g;ico cud au skin dlsaaoes• Cabinet la goblin works, which will they yrt,smart,It or q Clinton and GDderia�E, �itt. Y ilan. 1). Carmichael, Minister with- 1, REL'_rc,t out this advertise. with be Sled by aLiberal-Unionist—Hon, guru, if Soria Ir4itlttcd. o on R#tglltQn Strut out portfolio in the Drury Cabiurt, tucnt d 1c e.:nd It with A K Maclean, if he decides to re- UQ IltflamttdorGt'anutated, -biter''thefollowing'eourses:, Important Events Which Have ttnw.ourp11n,)er andIc..buk (t.. To- public a report on his invcsti' taro pnxcu. o) t., z.m.uulc co.. To- math in political ilia. tnaeMurine oPtea. Snfefor lnfanterAdult. CALL AND SEE US Business, Stenographic, Socretatid, Civil Occurred Dm in�' the Week. gation Into the conditions in (trr ronto,and rea tr:at tx.z +ti'ltlboeaat ---. ---- At oil0-41n Canada. Write forFrep Service Kapuskasing soldiers' reservation. ).oar British mauutiieturers complain ESyegook, (daHaaCstagasy.ClilCagi.U.S.A. =0====0=0Z=========0 and atiranges Special Courses for The presidents of the various wo- that mid -week soccer games are so The Busy World's Happepings Care- . a ® i4trgely attended by mechanics that . • students men's societies and clubs of Qtte cal Prominent Minister Endorses The following advantages : fully Compiled and Put into City have reorganized the Local 't ® production !n the Old Country [e be- 8ollowingqualifiedvantag staff Handy and Attractive Shape tor Council, in affiliation with the No- d' int; seriously interfered with. the [Leaders of Otu• Paper — A tional Council of the DauKhtc ra of ' },�. . Hacldng's heart and Nerve Remedy Actual business system of bookkeeping Canada. j.. � - Credential typewriting tests Solid Hour's OnJoyment; FRIDAY. The Beginning e," i,_ , Positions guaranteed TL1:yD:'.Y. ' Housebreakers' made a haul of - _ -____ ______-_._ e, --t" Cas almost a Nervous Wreak from Overwork; this won- . VoaTIONAL TRAHIM SCHOOL of The Trouble ` dertul remedy brought back his old time Vigor and Vital - lVousebreakers enterers several $h'00 worth of Jewelery in , Toronto lila, is dead. houses In Toronto and stole Yalu- The rings Siinday nl'tcrnnon classes Its. Read the story of a Grout Medicine, In throe letters. $100 to sash. Lor this district, n by Government house.> appointment, and underiuspeot- aD}es Demand sterling opened at new cif' the lie ttn!:uio 1„t bur :rh,ol, a !s the Time to Stop ft—And the tioans will be paid M antero who can prove plat these letters are hot genuine. + Ion by Soldier's Civil Re-establish- i The regul,^.tions r.-garding the ex- low record of $3.60%, but rallied to soclalibt venture; rvem hel,t Ill To- of Stopping it are Provided by Dodd's The name of Minister will be given to anyone who doubts tboe0 remarkable meat Department. portation of tea front llritain have $3.62% . ronto Sunday. etatementa. o For Dep tme writs been relaxed. The radicals scored a victory to The Western Ontario 1Cintcr Fatr Dyspepsia Tablets. Hem is Letter 1\'ttntbcr One D B-, write Accts., Principal. Total subscriptions to the Victory the Toronto Trades and Labor Coun- Association was organized at Chart_ "rleapo send mo one box' of I}ACI{ING'9 HEART and IViCRto 111111111 - been B. F. WAR Loan "bf 1919 are reported at cil elections. 2' t{a, r soar meals bccomr of Interest U. A. STOVE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Frio. ham, with the object of holtitug a EDY, I am suGering from a Dad attack and have been unable to IFtlt] $682,032,215. The Cassandra was damaged in col- lu you simply because c,f the• trouble phopom- SlI ciinton. fall. in that city early next year. i our appetite gone? pulpit for threr. nionths,, doctors rev that ' maty Do six months g more Mr. Samuel Mooney, swell-itjtown` ►felon with the tug F. W, Roebling 7gtc Premier of i3ulg:tria has or_ th,,y bring'. Is y' fore I ,un wc11 ag;ttlu. I used to be able to 'hold my large congregatldn !rots STUDENTS MAY ENTER TIME cattle dealer, dropped dead in th to Halifax Harbor. tiered the arrest of all Ilnlshevtst Ira you got up in the morning with n' S'art.W flnfah, nor-, I can scurrciy bold my own Illtoughttt. Hartley Dewart, in addressing Baric grown lust, ht your mouth? is Toronto Live Stock Exchange. leaders in the country, uvs tiny-fluection '_' St. Thomas Council has Signe a Southwest Toronto Liberals, said of Them have Deep token into sus- yt,ur head nuuldled amt Bort ut half 141y ,r rt A'ponLI is b l azul i urn suh,.cs to Fatntings and Dizzineat, WINTER TERM BEGINS MONDAY, Icont. T for the sacking of twenty there was a "decadent press” 1n aching? is your day's wort: a bur- aua am ^ry cicspon Icnt, I h'il,o tL rt your remedy will N mo." todY. IiANiIARY 5th new welts and purposes to double rte Ontario. 1t'ut. J. Proctor, one of the most drn? ito 1ri11es „errs yea'' �1'c rr a on th;� ons ho: r,f ilnt'sinf's Iieart and Nerve Remedy and water supply. Jack Dempsey has appealed for an Chtc,f Justice :,targets of tlanitoba If yiln h3vt' any of these tymptums 11 days L: fl' we rt,'.:tt+ this letter. _ The Ripply. a Court of Appeal un- o®tial invesCigation into the cliargea ItaB decided that the SLS Of �L'orh- it Is Iimr to pay attontlon to t your Let:,•r Nt•m'.w Two - animously dismissed. the appeal of that be was a. draft -dodger during men's Componsatiou Art W ultra vires stutnach. It ha, hccu uItiit l.krd and "rlr,�.• -.• •,,l tr^ r, 1,^�, , of i:a,:klnF's heart and Nerve Remedy, L " 1R. B. Russell in ,the seditious con- the recent war- of the Lpg^ 6iaiure. meds h"111, Attend to it at once ur i c case. Rev. Max Arndt, a well-known Memorial i l IaDI,•lu v , rr '•: v1 steel at vnu will d"ift into Indig, +tion, 111,11 h%,", ui;. „ n c ^nt F : r : i tc,.l that 1t has u;roacty helped ma li, sP ra Y �II%101$�i' �OI'IC41 TwO Cabinet Ministers addressed Lutheran ,minister, pastor of a church St. Jautal Squnrc• I'1 1/( 110ri;:n fr1•iti that to D\sprpsia. help ymir +•,y ,'rad r, : .. tuc ,_In t:+,,: 1,.iit f^llowed the preparation of city P the annual meeting Min of the Ontario In, Bridgeport, died suddenly at his Church, Turon,u, Ut the „r'n ,•i' Ft,= >t"Imirl' \%'111 no`ld"s Dt-;1'e'psi,t '1'ah- .'„�••, , ;,et' , l.'1;• --d :1� 1 I fet'i t`::t,t v:ith propar treatment i t snuar 5th o en in each of Motor League at the King Edward home In Kitchener. const'ogatton tvhn,,y�4•t t..: ,:..,1 , l,c:,,, Iota. 'Chry' Ione up tip, alantol. it and ,,. ;,1 „ 1 n,, t.l 1-,',,.^ vl, � From Jq Y P Spotted .fever is making; increased Inn ' tl gar., U, a hrultliy ronrlitiun. _ a , I,, , tri,. , of ;r -;:r rr »tc i that I am glvfug put Shawls Schools, Toronto. (P,naboss. Hotel, Toronto. roho alert 'in the ,C'F11. ` Giruuar,h ill,•, d 'T6leiraph•v and Wire The ballots were found on a re- ravages in Eastern GaYicia. There A syndicate proposes to ron,p,•tti 11r, Jug. .�. Cullet• of It V> erre ,' t•v i:i•r..la." 1. Shorthand, Frnt t:•,.. V. It., sa}'a: "Two gases •,f ' lase). Write farboohlot. count so mired up in the election at are more than 10,000 cases, and -have kith tlrn railways Por+freichi Dusincss 2:uv, cot..es tl r l,.titif in biter nrrbor t:,tdr, n ft,v c, r;.^ in: r. { ynur lu,dd's U}aprp.iu 'fahlrIs rurcd W. #. SHkW, Yooge and Gerrard East View, near Ottawa, that a new been ,000 deaths. on Government by a service of motor trucks hc•tween 11I f lttsmgi, l.t1 " Lcttrr Number Three it election is probable. Detroit and `Toronto viii fort Huron. -- :4,rc-• i..c ui r'. for a S Gladys,. four-year-old child of Mr. Meat Inspector stated that contmer- Sarnia and London. - '•}iavinr, u- d yn"r m+dlrinr,l(ncktlrea IIcF,:: a •1 and Mrs. Roy Marshall, of Canton, clal gelatine was often not what it Noted Jewish sc1u,L_r•s from all Gki:A l DIVAUND It ki. fe w wcc:,n ,,•,, St••u•ai•thenia (tit rvotts Iltrakdottn) I sc., % ,:;nate n a naw Ont., was burned to death while her was represented to be. W, parts of the world are soon to meet trap. 1'or cto mnnthsl l have rufiferod from Nhcpl,�ar., s, :.e1'.•'t-• c hills, mother was out milking, Dr. John R. Mott and C to Ilasle, S,vitrert„nd, to lira^:;r• the Amazinb titoraee ,if iliciutces of FaJrtfingr Spc;Ic, Krv,•r,• tlrnula•tra rad I could not l,lace n - :'!nrt�c,r thn SALESMEN WANTED Coral Shay and Dolly Wells were Bishop addressed the banquet which founduticin of n Hebrew university Ilaterrev V7.rsert, pr.l:arition of 1115• nnrrnons- 'I'o-des, my old ambition and u:+t;•:h 04 r, - To retresent the acquitted of arson in connection with closed the -Canadian National Y.M. in Jerusalem. The corner -stone of the nerved—thar1L•r it, Ihr u.'o of your rcuwxh, WIM4 f +tui lil''•'"t; i., it cora+ i the fire started by the former at Be1� C.A. ednvention in Torontg. JOHAIN-NESDUKU, South Arica, Dafo DJogomanot a Macedonian university Itas hren laid, on the lop naiad to autcurr+ r,ulal (-.,; " V' 'J'M0l;I s roleu:•tr•t.” N Nlll NURSERIES merit House, and set at liberty. of the \taunt of Olives.' Jan. 26.--'fh,ring, a ,vr.tel.le8a, true- ;; `OLD 9ELIABIE FO T Titin tee.ti:n:•nual r.+mot vc,lntat;lrii? fiat• r•ii wiwsa vr;.' ,'I,,- ;3 un- ove „a5,, Hon. R. H. Grant announced that .trackman, in the country only a few The cievator bar is the latest de- less and virtually gunieless desert s•a1: !,le unlet i; given for the ,iolo ^poeu•'cf h.+Iping ,thcrt. TI: hour t'�``< m \urscr Stock twelve (lavernment members had of- months, was killed instantly by be vice for outwitting prohibition near Taungs, an Betuuunutaud, pro- pa'11 ; 7.t The greatest demand ft y fared to resign isheir sesta to make ing hit Dy a M C.R. train at Niagara arises to be the scene of the biggest atatemcnta are fru•- u as r18. to the truth "as ihu titc,a d: i r ,jamin ,, in years. agents; in tare United Slates. One sin room for unseated Cabinet Ministers. Falls. teas raided in New York on Saturday diamond claim -staking itish in South cuclrf throw n r.:onN' Jud. err i'J. >td' British and, ituropean 11.11rkets again 1{enneth Wright, oP Milford, a Th.e revenue from automobiles and Afric n history. It is understood that If YO}I a:c broken down 17 hr'+.L'h from any raurn wit^!c:'er N- will fl open r Canadian krait ai!xht., anal seven gallons of imite.tlon Ii 11 �m longshoreman, about 18 years of age, parts imported into Canada in 1919, whiskey were seized. The liquor Tiaring will f)ein proclaimed open for 11laranter that a ke ilii, wonderful I of ie-1t..I.IyU'it r health A1!) 1c:Rt'1; alai was killed by falling into the hold together with excise on those of do- was kept for a "high-class clientele." diamond digf?tng about March 20. i21.Mh[)`1 will m qkn a wonderful fmpruvement in your health, but Yoi moat Largest list or rrwt & Orname of the Empresa fa France at St. John', mastic manufatcure, totalled $13,- Amazing stories are afloat con- be sure to got IIACKINti'P. Price 50c a boa. 6 boxes for $3.50. Sold by Stock, Seed Potatoes, eta, finent v B 886 ie ccrning tare wonderful richness of the all dea)ers, or by mail. Hacking's Limited. Listowel. in Canada Dr. Kari Renntsr, the Austrian Large incredse in the number of CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION district, and prospective diggers from -- Chancellor, has informed the Foreign Influenza cases was recorded in De- the Cape to the Zambesi and Mozam. WHITE FOR PARTICULARS Affairs Committee of the Assembly troit Thursdays. There were twelve Constipalion—that disord,•red state bique, and even the Congo, are, pre - that an offensive and defensive alli- deaths from pneumonia, but none of thu digestive tract which is nearly paring to try their luck In the new CANADIAN PAC 1 F 1 C sacs has been concluded with Czeeho- from "flit:" always caused by improper feeding- field Despite warnings of possible �j I K � e an be rvadily regulated by the use of PaUurc, 'men are abandoning good Fi_ .01 01_ .-. _t.___--- �T�NF, 8� - Slovait#s- -- - _ - . -- ... _ _ . - 8�Tif RDA --- ---- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - _ . _ _0101 . _0101 _- ®. _ Bab Y's f)w'n Tabli I. TTicsc' i �tbiets _ - (Fatablished 1837 WEDNESDAY. December batik statement shows Jobe Tn`var7otis Puts re TORONTO. ONT. Toronto is to have ten new public decreases in assets of $134,000,000. are a mild but thorough laxative. in order to bo free to otako out Pac�'�t'i Coast Tours ' They arc easy to take and are abso- claims when the proclamatiop Is Is- • playgrounds. Helen Lowden, a nurse, 19 years lately Ace frotl1 Injurious drugs. Con- sued. Hundreds of Wotuea also are k Oscar Tellman, a Hydro lineman, old, was killed by an automobile in ccrning them In_ Joseph Dion, Ste. A Chatsworth arranging to go to the new diggings. SPF,1�D your winter at the Pacific Coast—where the '1,, �J d 1 nd where zero Iii .•� was electrocute at -The third national convention of Winnipeg. Henry Cox, postmaster of Burford Perpetue, Que., ,ernes:-- I have noth- ani; but praise for Baby's Own The Government p , preprush to tope with the anticipated rush t0 climate 15 all an uXUT10US A Vancouver has golf the whole the Canadian Y,M.C.A. opened to Toronto. for forty years, died at his home in his 86th year. hrp- lets. When my haby ,was thrrc by terribly eonstipal- Tlrtring, and a township to receive is being laid out. weather is unknown. roads for motorinj;•, and a number The Unionists of Londonderry were of The censorship on books and liter- during months old was ed but the T soon act him right the new community Taunf is situated about 40 miles year round, splendid beautiful spots within easy reach, SUCK a5 Victoria. defeated in the municipal elections attire generally, in 'operation hp a now at the ago of fifteen nuruths south of Vryburg and about 100 of last week. Lloyd George left Paris the war, Lae been removed. .and Wm. Oscar Bay, a leading tailor he is a big healthy boy and this good miles north of Kimberley, the last- And it has perfect accoatmoc]atiott at tiro utngnif►eent Premier for London to -day. Premieq Nittf left at Sarnia, has been''misaing from hie heirlth I aUributr entirely to the use They arc said by named place famous for Its great dla- Hotel Vanconvor, rho finest hotel on the North for Rome last night. store and his residence since he elos- of the Tablets." medicine dealers nr by mail at 2f� cent" mond mines• Pacific—one of the Canadian Pacific note s. Capt. Plummer and Lieut. Joan ed shop Saturday night, 10th Inst. a bLx from 'The Ill.. Williams Medlelne Field Ylarshal Haig will retire on Arnoldi were tendered a civic recep- A man who registered as E. G. Co., Brockville, (I'll. February 1, when the post of tom- For rates, etc., apply to tion at the City hall, Toronto. The headquarters of the Machine Bell, 1045 East 47th streetChicago e , , at a hotel in London, Ont., died sud- FEDERAL CABINET. wander -in -chief will be abolished. W. B. HOWARD, Digtrict Pasaongor Agent, Toronto. Gun Brigade of the Permanent Force denly bhortly after, THE � . will be at� )eCDurnon and Barriowner fleld. James iideBurnfe, Jr., owner oY to Wlddifleld township, Hoar More than one-half of the ;860; a. 000, Toronto's objective of the Methodist Forward Movement drive, Hon. Hugh Guthrie Bewmes ;ifitFldstcrON MEAT IF YOUR sawmill North Bay, was killed by a falling; tree. has been subscribed. Dr. E. W. Gustin, of St. Thomas, of Vilit.in. OTTAWA, Jan. 26. --Another step n'. , � ti 't �t8or•51 Daa�e " , f"IT,CC,; �'t'"� �i The Supreme Council has adopted one of the oldeat practitioners in to Cabinet rceowtruction was ac- KIONUS BADI� , _- .;;>>> ._ 0101 • .- "• the Britfah and French proposals re- of Western Ontario, died at his home ttomplished on satorday when Hon. I IYT 4WWep'---•.- t ., r `aJN. h;.:.. TUk 4NED.� 'ntv. fi71. r, AT. garding the lists of Germane guilty -war crimes. in his eighty-sixth year. J. B. Beauchemin was burned to Hugh Guthrie, wire has Deen Solicl- tor -General in the Union Govern- t, !j" � !'1 r d_k/ /� " ". '' I Labor members of the Ontario Leg- In session Tuesday death, together with three ho es, in 1n the back- moat since its formation, wins sworn to succeed rake 1tablespttoIIi'aI Oi Hath it hSaOh htuEaorBlpdderbothera-Drink �r `A� r" ' r+, ep' islature met secret and decided to form a separate Labor a lone lumbering camp woods of Kamouraskn, Que. in as Minister of .\illitia gen, S. C. M(,whur•n, who relinquish- 1012 lit tratOT• t 2.y� .,.__ _ I. •` ? �,� I group in the Legislature. John F. Orde, R.C., of Ottawa, has ed that port ~rime ten days ago. It - l ;Y'',, 4 y�.�-t ,,, -- ' f , L. D. Wilgress has been appointed been appointed to succeed Mr. Justice Is stated that 1{r. ,uth:ie will at the 1` ,r r 1 !�, ry.�, �t a� '" +Rr' C Canadian Trade Comfniesioner 1n tlttnii, resigned, In the King's same time retain th+t portfoltb at 'Sipe It" a nntion of meat eaters and i 1 F+ " I ! ,v , yti Southern Russia, Roumania, Poland, Division of the Supreme Court 3o1[eftor-Gen^Tal. R JugaSlavic and Czecho-Slovakia. of Ontario. our blood ie lied wllh arse acid, says a tit, y I iGi 411 rye e Zf 11 Flour dropped 601 a barrel in the The promotion of the Solicitor- WeB.>roown authority, who warns un W Q 'x �-� `,�•,, ,; ' K Q% st Jean Pierre Sistiaque was sentenc- General to the Mllitla. Department be constantly on guard against kidney a1 1a....Z.:`:iyr ;'d t Ta SWAR • S Minneapolis market yesterday. The ed to serve a life term In 1$dmonton does not nrr'rr+ilale a bye-electlon, trouble. ;`1 1,1' t �� _.- 6 general market decline in wheat teas Penitentiary for the manslaughter of and thug relleves thr ilovernment of The kidneys do their utaast to tiros l -' -_ t-g��I ' 7•� ry and given as the reason for the drop. his roommate, George McEver, at the blood of this irritating acid, but � �� I � , V"cowtn - B11 1 �iY�ly John T. Irwin was instantly kllled certain ain co stitlie ronte,t In an un- !' Drumheller last June. certain cnnstituon� y. � become weak from the overwork; the /-� int Hamilton while crossing a street. Vernon, B.C., is without a city Hon Hugh +;nii,r,e i nt.•red Par•Ua- get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog �% v��o wttr+r,lwte "..4� Kto g* t` IStabie� council or a police commission, no ment In 1900 for South Wellington, and thus the waste is retained in the I , nominations having been made for and has a irrn.%4iiliv runteated every blood to poiapn the entire system �, Mosttrasl Street $OUR, ACID STOMACHS, them, and the time having expired goneral election in that constltuencY When aurildtlneya ache .ad feel like ����� _ ln't °g the Square GASES OR INDIGESTIt1b1 ,of arose in office to 1919. > s�d and u nae etin n��� , Fltltasto Woodhouse, a Windsor since. He ttupporrrd th• roctprocity lumps o le, . yo gf g -%4k'%- 12 pact, sari was one of the few Lib- pains in the back or the urjva in cloudy, ,' i "Busses Meet all Trares kttrl •Pe'e's f)tapepsin" neutraNua excel telephone operator, sixteen years of erals to win not in Ontario In that full of sediment, or the blitdder is irri. (Both Ways) , 4-"'- , 1, Pastlotalfer Soato sive acid in stomach, relieving age, took a dose of poison a few contest. During the suiting tame in table, obliging you to seek relief Baria�J �` "a ,� 1 minutes after coming home from f9f7. when rnalti un, parllamentnry the nights whan�W !rave severe bead- 0"x...1. 60606•. scresta s.a.104aty dyspepsia, heartburn and { 6 'rl'c pt a Xers called for Its ae - distrelas at once. duty Thursday night, and died at union and +inion gra Prnmont were aches, nervous as spells, Sleepless- 1' � , I ., part of tke town for all -- -- — midnight. all arlvorated, he wup the first Lib- nesa, acid stomsehoT' in bad T q„R �41 OT 0 • '• trains at U. T. R. or C. P. R. Time itt In five miwttes all atom- MONDAY. eral member to d ^^tare for union weather, get from your pharmacist about 9.15 P.M.yI i 01I j I ��- I -distress, due to AeWAY, will go, government and conwription, and font ounces of Oad Halter take a � t No Indigestion hearHmrn, eournem or Ten degrees .below Zero was the g 1 . s .t'alnspt SelrViCe and temperature reported in Toronto on pre+lour to the eniranco of Messrs. tab�pooa 1 [n L salsas of wafer lte}ore + DAILY L Y belchin of gee or ort tions of utydi• no dizzS ss, bloating, fbul Sunday. Calder, Crernr, Rowell and 811tea days your fussed morning sad fa a few and S tlO0i11lt Liffe, T N14 Toronto - ~ tit i sg t�lfiretui Attendafisce. eeted food, The Muek Ox esti Reladeer De- Into •':e Government, had been swam days soar kidney will sot Ane. This, Sune,.e Sts6pint, Otetetp rorrlat 6.a «.«-..+..•�. W^ s,-' oath or hesdacha in as SolIeftar-Genoral. He became 119010116 entre V shade from the acid of Colonist Cars. First-ois6sOarCosetta6 Wim- Iya a Diapepei� it11 noted far Ste velopment Commission began its sib and lettton aloe, ootnbined with parlor Oar thra„SA tea fltiottisa, p�' tlatin upset stomachs. tinge in Ottawa on Saturday. a member of the Privv Council last ChT l.5 _ 1 Ottr Uvm"9 sold flack Serl►ke tied in regi P year. mud now la a Mtnleter of the utnta, and has �}}te,'.•�.•'.a''. Beed for generations aatq r•�of.W".•.a.p.nwq ap uic -cat stomach sweet- Large crowds attended the English Qn Bush and tlRimnlate CitrRged kidneys, � will be fonftd tap -to -da* it is the surest, q Crown. aa.6eu. r6rts,st .0 u, twt. in MVS repgleCt. ever in the whole world, shad IicM6ideg it soccer framer bn gal.url ty. p'ifty-ftve neutralize the acids in urine So it Is .`, SSR H' 13tH anir+rtfon no n Minister add>z to .!� tread. tli.,.i.,,601of t '?r ll 1e ftat'intEkti Ihit Sri otttl to eiomacb thoutfand fatly Saul. Anton "Willa beat the numerical atrenuth and also the no langer a eowbe of Irritation, that io, s t.a w,u a.r. c«w.,....s aa..at.. astl666► w A .e��i Q , 1, dfstreit"silt Biotics by getting a idr� fifty, Arsenal. o end! nrinllrT and bladder disorders. cent c se of ('ape's Pliapcpgin from aria A memeMal derv4et+ was held t r politics' Influence of the Liberal :ng {A,.�M,••W�••+•.fp.c...e..rn.... .n..».r••o. » 1ittltar piatronagetl4oticltei of the Government, whish la now t1 V 9ttiM in sive and canttitir sastk+u, ,ass11asta 6906,11111181, 11oaosro drug store. �Ynu realize in {jc'r nainetton G. J. Darch, grand secretary of tLo eompatsod of seven L16orais', 0fght, injurer mikes a de fitful effervescent -,I 11 ; IMI; = �,ct1 can make a' " i• .� � disco it is to suffer from .nu. t.0.b'. tt7 Bonsor 111t°EettiytStrittti Chur4h. Conarrvativcs anu Sir Henry Draltott' Ilthfawaterdrink, nobodyK. T •! how nee i oYC a 0l. ana otnriaoh dna ,.lQttStlttir - a - , a.anti Senator Itc►bettaon. While Iiia M * a% •uy 1a little ocettsitxisltJ► # t r'fes'11 1I # 't3 w dStl . ,0101 tr "4rrlttiit>iFttwta! order caused hq, trrmrrls+tiri:i ;till. t ptotnlii;ent tftif►itit+tii min [tY tll[i't�bin Libe '.1 Have not a graJority of the �ti r alett5 atirY [ct fir!. .t� sg Iw� t+ccshrvo scrd9 Irl rstiatnaelt. O CfQ, three Umes 142ayor of �It• r 1 i ", � 3_W111 � y I tIs �4 w . W'kwo1u,pim tT _ . 1 . - :..,:. ,.,. �,,..-•0101 _,, - � _. - 0101 _. P. ...:.rr--.�.:aa... M� =� "°.w'" r n -_.,1" •,i .•�.v.--0101 ., y»�.. ....-.-:0101 ,,� :�.,.;:' why_.,, .J.+ f...:+., rSv... �.. 01, •. 'Je - -0101 ^''^ i,s. ,.0.- "$: .,,....WI I _ 0101 _. v r, _ aRr.. 010102111111� x ., :�. �{.,,v f. 01 01 . F�-- ,w ,F'" 01 01.,..,. . � ,.f , ..'q•: °'. , i4.N1 0101. �' 01,01 0101. w " rftYS.�tI:.,.a'...r—nL 1.� y� -.rcxn' 01,01 , 0101. � . .. ,�. -�. _..� 0101 � :.'4'W... �.n. 0101 ,0101.. _.�-J�