HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-29, Page 5WD 11 i'M, 11AW
U;.i4Qh iw44 ',,[TW 94v"'uppo; '
,"moo` 'ti4tE likytlkitll Ak��1bt� �t 4 !�!� � . .
as AR, xu a.�' bard w t ltt�d oil
:• - litNeMR� 111tfalyfit ttt!ttl
rtt'<`estix' ,
'�y�,t1f��.1,IY:Mlt /{4+1R1-��i:11rr1
u ?bIF� Xqu. t 'Mir 7' tR)letAt. *!W
_ A�lsitt►r ,
„ tk 1
• y .. ,......_._ R . Atlovo tho >r!1l1is11aa, tSAt)} tUia ala)iti?e ,
W Uvt Vis,, ove4T tbi6 wltllx� �k4��" tA4tt kaki thlt >taoatit APet3 ttrAct blt)�r *�!�,` a �
tsiQ i i;touOr' >� 140;' ' •>ah > "qtr, fh ►y 10 �.a.
w e�V'OW'. �Q.r� ,. zt 4 se>ttly bot It tut tip ,■Ades 1'1 �
apt• I )
to that >tai> ad 4oftt Aartc at t,�to
' II�a~ , '�•�� �
store 4114 A1t�lattgh �Cverytblpg is 4ttk a� .t�ac�t�or w+� �hstr
IXro tea . L4 ,t4ttitlu4 the wA is of ttllX C11Stonaei$. at tht� ���rY 1� A.+� r' W. 1 2t, aw+?w W�17 tGltxS#'tor ic►mD Ittitt•stftl
bave ups +At lrullk. „She may bs,
ti11?l 1`41 I1 gvG 't I. voK a lamb fl)w on11 at 3w#as ar anThe SWie
� it r Orphan, latftll bolpa#4111 � t0 ltrit441vtiir:ewQ tq raise. ''hU nta�rbol RQc
4Equipped i"t l>g ;iM ( T#=: rn �ItOr" pilau by ktlutlog the dead lamb and
+ ! throw itis fatiinn over the one to big
end i�vetty>t1�Iti: t avaAieut for our customers ius iWei,T, s aurlsclQes, exlsbiillg us to adapt,td. a,>p,� afar take to staatttel� h
give 40 t'p s*I�ie� ser-vioc to,ithe ub ic, Iamb when ke'tt1 wad the lamb allow.
' i ed to suck. geotplly Is this trueS-A
6' " w"�d,
3iou as invited to. cola$ early dd often to tie NSW AR G STOitI . wheto u ewe llm s full now of milk. tlsy
Whop a lafub is barn during' aO
$poli It way become no that,. t
�� •: bell,
.l h B +iou. cce t as to require shear���,�� 't,toa. f'iaca the lamb in hot water
until well warmed. rub dry, then wrap
'1 in a cloth and lace beside a fire until
, The �Peir ildr." rla , �"he ,Osie p.__._____ reel a_._li Jiiila_ yr orifi. milk.__.. aken 1.11 $ at �'
_.__ _, ,, ,...,..-.,..-._._ 7___.�.._..___,._____•__.v.___.__..,__.__.. , from �ho mother should be Qiv%:u aA
s' iiiUU
a as the Iamb will take It. A few
water may often prove beneficial. i
HURON, C 1 COU The following motions were intro- rntH gtructuro And at the side aaali► Ewes, like dairy cattle, vary a
duced: cent to, the barn, or rather the 'base- great deal in the amount of milk
u from Done hl By Messrs. +Beaaers and Armstrong given• In ,case of single s T61"Uwea,
of pr soners in sure aboui 6 teet squar and 6 or 6 > mother may havo more milk than
our fait is very small during any time feet high. A door 'in the basement the lamb will take for a week or a E
hospital with accommodation for 25 of the year, the matter of having sev- wari at'tmits one to At. in the side more, the la{nbe may be nursing on
Patients apd rooms for X-ray treatment oral `adjoining counties unite apd have opbosite to the doorway there is a one side only and the other aide will IF you wish to Save money, come and partake of the Great Bargains we
become Inflamed and caked. Either i y p g 3�
and ether features in which the pre- a common Jail, be again t{tkeq up by a row of 3 or 4 -inch tits sear the bot- hold the ewe and allow another lamb
,font sri?all hospital vvats deficient were committee appointed by this .&uncil. Yom for letting" In the cold air 'rpm are now offering, they are genuine, as large numbers who have, visited the store ( .
Lott oto the table. With at grant of $15,-—(;arrled. the fee which is packed closely to the to nurse or milk out. In case the
(jilD to the Goderich. hospital, another By A. Tipling and B. W. F. Beavers ecnerete storage on all three sides udder has become hard bathe with can testify. Below are just.a few of the many specials that are being offered.
1115.0W -could be raised locally, and • that a grant of $4000 be made to the and over the top as well. Between hot water for 'five minutes' with a
a behaeie sari 6pilegiete lnstitttivs cloth thoroughly- Go-its,
^rea(iy wall under way.., Winghtun de- of the county to be'divided according there ip a narrow passage -way or flue apply (warm) pure. melted hogs'■sired aR .equal amount surd with this to attrndnnce oP pupils flim iho. conn- "for allowing the foul or used air to lard.Wetter fir -s -And �� i
sum could make extetasions so that ty:-Bent to executive committee. gat out, hence Kaod circulation in the Ewes should be Led sparingly,
their hospital would be about- on a By Ur. Clark and A. Nveb that iht; storage is provided for. In this par- especially' of grain, for a few days
par with what was proposed for';ode- engineer and clerk be. n:quested its. rfcuLtr case the farmer has his milk- after lambing, as soon as they are L' '
• rri6h. Clinton was socking ;t grant of pre -pure :t trap of Huron County show- ��� n n ntainine cream separator, -safely over the effects of lambing All Winter Coats, Miers and Dresses have to be cleared to hake room for
.'�'l2,tX10,. and the tcslt:l .a�anietunt as:asttrd ing ail designated roads. '�itb fhofr .••• •.;tt.,irinr chis sinr•ar.P-rnd when. they should -bo gradually brought up Ql�"Vl' goods. Call and See them. �l0 reasonable offer refused,
for at the December erasion for founts numher>, and that `very nteiuber • t ,, y,'. ,�"0,fs +n coni tilt: or rrralli t° full feed. Clover or alfalfa hay,
hospitals was 1rt4,000, W -hi ling grant, euutily contu'il bo furnished 'vita , r r 'ore it he Putti it to clue stucuCo. together with it grain ration of oats
for SeflfOrth and 'Exeter. .1ny furthet ,stat .—Carr[ad. s n•, , r ;• irler, si eh : s hntt••r and brim should glue results. If roots
Information would be .jrladly given to By 1". ,1, NicQuald and 11•e•f•,n I'lliett. s s•.,• t, lire al:o ;tnred .It or good quality silage is available Toques,Noods Wlaps
the'e6mmittee in dealing with fhe mat- that the huundary road behveen lturenj '- t•• ,,f inn*r• only for n few they wilt supply suce"vency and'addp protide and I erth north of liuhliu, las n'u d- a•th•u`_ llenc•• morh handl- vurietter. GodeTlch Hos ttul would � +,., � y to the ration. �
+ free treatment for suldittrs, establi.li- Ruud No. 14, he extended for a di�Gtusz.l i -e . ! +••e s r•.ay.•d rs wall r+s ran- All Lombe should be docked and
Ing a memorial •wvtrd Tair this pwpase. uP :, miles fir a further\ea.`iNion P r••�,•.;,1,sr •igIn. The trttildint; Is made Lite usaisi lambs, Other than those in- A splendid lot of these knitted ecols, regular values up to $1.25, being
MiMr. Raymond Redmond, a teacher of Lie miles to the pl•e,ettt ���It:us. I • .W wi, the studding tieing boarded tended for breeding purposesi; ers- cleared at sale price 2$c and 49C each,
st Wawanosh, •advowted the crea- Sint to Unod Roads i:nnu»issi. u. r I • is e°+lrs. It would hz advisable trated'ut front ton days to two wo k.,'
Lion of an Fntrauco examination sen- By 11. Arsnstrong anti goat. fh;tt -M- + tt� .at r•,rre hetr;ecn the two old.
tre in East Wtowirpoil, os _a matter of road from Londesburu e;Iat+•r!> iro•ro h:> r rr;• 'cith l Following to a good ration for
'; planer xhuvings nr ,
convenience to pupils w'ritin5 on chi- Itnatt \u. f to the (]rand Trunk slati,•n r•.t r•,�.'ry s;t'cdufs. 'rhe raof is ewes when raisins; lautbs:-- DressingSacques 49c
examination. he designated anti a hylas he prt••�•`d 1•,•<•v. rPv w;fl! shingles. The gables Oats, eight parts.
The Warden assured thos,- deputa- to bo approved by the departue.m. - r �r•aewhet cern far venliln_ [Iran, four parts.
tions these ntaiters :wo ild be easefully tient to Good ttmuts Gommission. l w, . flea;. of snwdiist is used ()ii cake, one part.
considered. 'rhe council adjourn•:n „n,ta:t 4 art,,,ra n,e irr neat ,a me watki, ;tn<J (toots, fear to six pound% per day. A good assortment of these Dressing' Sacgtics: made of good quality
The county engineor presented his o'clock to allow of the various •cum- also a good depth over the top, none Good hay wrapperette all good patterns values up to $r.25 all being cleared at 49c each. "
report and asked for provfsiob for an mfttee,t i:•rtting to work on the matter however is used between the cdkes of Lambs started on ,6 pound pert t > > ' J
office' and ltmv�elling expenses. 'Tile referred to them. lee. 1f a few cakes of ice are re- day will give a good account of the,.
need of a place for filling plans and • feed consumed.—Percy Sackvtlle, t
quired for household use they may O. A. College, Guelph.
stattatfos as to 'noaiis and'bridges, for be easily taken uut of the sawdust t
making dmwings, etc., and -for tcon- BUILDING AN ICER E in the top of ice -house or at ane side A laying hen requires grain, moat t Rewnflants
venience of agmss to other county offi- if more convenient. or milk as well as green fined aeaat-s
des f(Ar information of various sorts It will be soon, therotorr, t7tat this t(`qm Aja,-i`� 'Dress GotisClS f�t9abinS. .�911k5 LOt►ot1S Prints Flannelettes,
were larged. This .report was rdferred type of tee -house does double duty In � the winter months. p % t � , i
Good Type for Use on the Aver.
to the Good Roads Oomrriisiiion. a degree, namely, providing'a small ''Voiles, Ginghams, Towellings, Killitotla Ooths, Crepes, Nainsooks, Muslins, '
Znspeetor Toro's report Was referred age Farni. ice-cold stostage room, cooled by the WHAT ID 110n111ILSON MEAN'.'
to the E'domtkiii tComttifttee. ice mass directly, in addltion`to' hous- The Starr been asked b:, reprr.- Clutaln GOOds, etc.
Ing lee for various lneide$tM uses in duce the , wing letter to the edilucrl We Pa All, Charges
P,bery Milk Producer fifhotgld Save the summer -time. In a case of thiA of The. London sF'nme Press "rtlrh, ria,- All Orders By 'Phone * Mai!•"Reoeive Dir Bert And Prompt Attention, y
One—The 'Work and Cost Of Vrec- kind there would not be much need Feared tit the Priv lh•t•ss of hail. zia.1
MODEL THEATRE tion Light Oomptu'ed W3tis the for taking out ire except for. supply- last. ` e ratt%J6te Mr. Cam Ionil (Dva iso on acquiring the well appointed
a Benefits, ing the household refrigerator as the Eaifor f're• Press: In an edtit„ria! in CQ]11 p �g } q e p�
storage -room wvouid tape care of t.ne your papr•t• t+f u,e nth inst. gun sipitoar sia�re an tlne�iultticlnBloc sold ass�e ;him ra warm welcome as a neighbor.
t • PROGRAM * (ContAboted by Ontarto Departmep4 or ordinary cooling dad preserving of to discredit a nossIbiutif of to+r•• heinx
A.Erienitum •roronto.) products. u footling• of indeprmdencU” ra x dt slrr. Y C Mitb�) l 7rt all Stitlooess.
maoti VERY Ontario farrsmer who Believing this arrangement to be for reparation Cron+ the, British F,inlirre ,
valuable, and in many eases praetie- existing in the U. F. 0., as -you •dki:an
r .Mo hr and I rgaday Eproduces Milk,—and most of able on Ontario farms, I Lave much was exptrssed in a publication --The
/t p� �Q the farmers do, ---should -store pleasure in recommending ft'•to farm- Toronto Saturday Night. Y•ou may be r-�
`CHARLES RAY a quantity of ice each t',vdnter ere in gen uel.____n 8. C3rAthatsm; OJ'A~ correct, .but I would limo oaufitu be � � M I �hA�'S SCOTCH STORE "Phone S6
In order to make it easier for -him College, Guelph- an explanation of the mooring to be 1.1 t
dN �• conveyed to his l arers, if not "in7o-
Q ,, to cool the milk down after the pendent" iia se0imsient an rxpree4ton
�ttJtr)It�g ' ea evening milking, and to keep ft sweet THE EWE AT LAMBING °lade by Mr. Morrisou, seerdtary of ,the,
for such short beriods,—weekU. F. 0., when addressing a -convention
Presented and Su ec�ed by of tele U.P.O. In rergusvn`s Op, -Ara
for example"—ms•he maybe required
THOS, H.'IllICE to k Hints on Care of Both Mother House in the,Villago of T mesvilte. addnas rte as7ued tate people yrrssent: tion to •1)a' apron strinRv of ttr+t im- rv•.t of your day-O"eep it hetatis delive�aing it art the 'called fqr the- purpose of seiectilag a "Are you going to be. wintontto remain portal (lowernm,snt and be, ruled by Yours truly,
also cheese factory or other point •o't•dis- and Lamb. candidate to contest the Notts& of Fast Dewing -Areet and old London for the A FARMER i•
poral in rd t tit i
Kent in the recent provincial clectien.
"Lightning Rader',
! i
o er o preserTe e • ee
satisfactorily some form of lee.6rouse
or shelter Is necessary. The purpose
of this atftiile is to describe in a -few
Care Before, ratuabing Important--
NOW to Help In Came of Poor
Delivery — A (food Ration for
When nearing the conclusion of tkli.
'words a type of ice-boase wLleh will
Ewes When raising Lambs.
give g00t1 aAtlalBetiOn.(c
optributed by Ontario Department of
�y ��e�
Wednesday and TAut'aiday
The ice hones does sot necessarily
Agriculture, ioronLo.t
t�t�ofi r tLb
have to be expensive, but certain -con-
HE two main factors contri-
of mday. "you mm as
dations in regard to it must obtain
tribut)ng to a satisfactory
— TOMM_ 1fAA
1f the ice is to keep well. 'Mesa I
shall are,—
lamb crop are the proper
feeding and care of the
protection of lee from sun's rays, this
In t
!s he wea11, good drainage from the
sharp during the six months previous
si "
The Lord
bottom' of the house, either natural
to lailibing time together wi0h caro
Gay 'iQulex
or artificial, free circulation of air
and detailed attention given to the
through the top, air -tight foundation,
fi it, d ; th •1 `
1920 Automobile Licenses 1
will be issued on and after 1 u*
February 1st,_ 1920,
at F
F. H_ Wood's Billiard Room, Goderich'Y
4f t
An English Comedy Drama oc uring a amu ng net or .
� plenty of good quality of dry sawdust INFORMATION
Plenty of exercise coupled with sufl9-
on a41 sides of the mesas of ice, and D 1s �i seas!®aa®®sfl�aseeas®■tet8e&■ars®ttiiif�■®■ i
d6° cient amount of the right ea aoatu�is• VA ■ Tho F(n,.,, Aent to every Motor Owner are to be fl)lod out, bn)ui;ht 3`
close packing of the fee. It these g kind of
conditions can >>e secured in a rough teed to maintain the ewes to good for free "Say It With Tt d °r mailed to F. H. Woos, with Money, Post Office Order, Express
bin built under a shed, or a lean -too �• ■ Order or Marked Choyue. It you Bond cherluo add exchange.
' on the shady side of a building, all thriving condition will usually .reault Oa aaa fl
Shades of Shakespeare well and Rood unless one has other in the birth of active rugged loathe, lien �• s .enabi..r..- M To Your Best a ,� ALL.. QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED �
good reasons for building a more ex- for which the mother will have a
s1w tae • 1.04 a boot.
1tik at If. C. Dunlop's EN on ir>= Your Licenao will then he Witted at once. Truch Forms must be .'
pensive structure elsewhere. The sufficient supply of milk. In praetie- p's Drug Stere. >s accompanied by wetpn acalo bill.
, .Friday and Saturday matter o1 convenience is oaten a do- f;oderich ally every flock, no matter how well s]•s sl tf� All mosey oruore or cheggeq roust bo nada payable Gs F. li. � �•. '
tiding factor in this case; and the cared for, the attendant must be on is St. Valentline s iii Wood. Pon&ge on return of your license, tic within 20 milee ; over
,ADOLPH ZUKOR. Presents type of fee -house I am about to de- hand fregnent.ly, day and night, dur- w 20 miles, 10c.
scribe 1s a good illustration of this ing the period the lambs are arriv- Day as
BILLIE BURKE fact. Only once have I seen it in ing. A little attention at the Drqper ■ Ei VA.M/LLJ
use, but there is no reason why it time often results in the saving of not " ■ ^ Issuer of Automobile Licenses for Huron Count
IN could not be used quite generally. a Sew Iambs. Watch This Space GEO. S` ET i� C Box 237 GODERICH, ONT.
• This particular typo consists of a Absolute dryness and freedom FLORIST,,,.������������������������������t������wH��i�'������'���'I�f�'���uu����������1��
Good Gracious Anna^ lean-to structure of wood at the
le from draught aro very essential for
„ of the barn which has the stablo the flock at lambing time, and when � Phone 105 Bruce SL � G a
belle underneath. The site would vary the lambs aro $spoofed in March or Next Week a�sfeaa9flAaaa®i®s®a6eseAlkBt181ea�as1+a
with the amonvt of lee required, but even early April provision should be
r'��77t���1t��7[i��fi�7i[�1f��sli�I�f(�(�sf�1��1f t �•- g
also probably a building 15 feet square made for reasonable protection from t!�iL1L�IL�ILIlJL11�IL�IL�ILIL�IL�JLIt�iL�IL'=�il�fi Li I
and 12 feet high would be large the cold.
enough far ter. .. Wool balls in the stomach is often�� s
the cause of -much lose l yaupg THE THOR lambs_ This trouble as well as dff5-mays vgettingoided the )ambo a aurae PRINCESS SOAP FLAKESmay Ue nvolded by clipping away ail Big,
loose and dirty wool from around ,ethe udder and quarters of the ewes. Guaranteed Pure
Footw;ur It moat i'e borne in mind that at Electric Hi h Classthis Lime the ewes, heavy in iamb,
should be handled gently, otherwise • Best for all fine laundering_ �1 as}lin}; L a +?
seriouts lode may occur from ewes � fin Me Washer elfpping their lambs. (L�`Horthy of Your Inspection Provision should be made for a � a7 Silks, Laces and all fine fabrics. Zej
few small fens located along the�,
wermeflt r+dam gi +lie•-r.,�,ld!=�_=r_��.. � `UOI�+ T S 1 i R I N K %V 00 L I; N ,S �.���1 a"
Combining an attractive appearance and 1urabiltty, eo about to lamb is much eater '�
selimated from the main flock' and The latest and most J
:tad giving exceptional comfort and 'vest°. It is our to cases of difficult parturlLton, weak Reductions
lambs ewes disowning their lambs, economical washer on Table Syrup
aim to sell only good Footwear. Give nq the op- and numerous other difficulties that
may Brise they can be looked after the market. Iportunity to supply your needs. a great deal more satisfactorily when I3ot}l to bulk and 2 and 5 pound truti
" b Infrequently In small maple nfhatres. It nota ewe bets --- 0
We havo at present a very large stock of Infrequer in delivering her lamb; this Stack on (land. ------- �,
la more common in the came of young ' Lily White Corn Syrup
Trun6, Suit Cases, Club Bags, etc. ewes with thein- f 'tit lamb. When � Bay now Ilefore the
the lamb has come forward far
enough 00 that the nose etpd front ''rice advatim.
See our goods before buying. , feet are In 'sight and the head Is All kinds of Pork and Beans 0
finable to pa$d through the ewe ,THE HTIM4 ELECTRIC STORE rz
should be assisted by gentle putting I)B
All Itepair Work Done to Your Satisfaction on the fOrtleet. It this falls smear t'
Darth fids tit lgtiare
tthe Inside of the vagion well with i�,7j fel
"ofteed rW; Wil mos the effect of THE " ', ' � • la. -LEA � i !
' a�ottettit>itc' +lois a110wiftg the opening
NIs HOOT. S"WP JA $tretchle and will. pitted$ the cosi a W atdr and Light Gommtr,y:,,tsMtE�:;?•�s
d l , !g a ► tladlere one, glue reli+3f.. No GENTS FURNISHER Phone 180 Core. Mo„t1Wta1 fat. and Square (` J
w, ItiCttbit ti liottiey be
taktlfft tuytll tt Lill is$ the Town of Goderich.
lit; rapt$ assts >y� t?some�--I c ►- C 1r 1JC�17 t�tC i1 1 L � ( are?J Cf"r� J