HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-22, Page 7,, � � •�, ta;, _ �.^ �. a .. N ti � �, � '� ' ' c i1 W w . ... .... .. .. IF-'.!fir-=rah-:M,M.._-1,Yknr.'..F+...a,-:....v-.�.`_lea.':im,�-m-M'M•Mih--:,.ri'�:.i .�...- .�.M-'.wMYWR ,fk••1/MVM/MY.1 , '0010FORICH" STAIR f�atae atkttel . ' - lit will itw to ,il raiwtt 'ai',toilloo 0144.-,4 Ott ,lit . . �sr 1'hlIlplllttt*t �*' >M�Mt INtllt• 11tDflet' :iisL"yitt dram ,�und �tltltlt 4t! •t'al'tra, k f,Ixltod �tRttia• ` t1s.l�tiliTtlt It stiff ;grltlrtC �ct•t1Q41, Ike, hn,aileefl, alt► l>A(K Ilk +�► Opol,ot°Ilx1, t i?lct,•list lit vetiAt izl .. attl(j 'Witt tk4 T :tlPil ,IMlax i~ltraet letilatlie�t L'tt'tzr<`Ia, itYs a W10 d t s, : et- tsar Ana tit t}aah?odl9tte1Y W.? lo, to tkQv. lit. +1 D , Gets la, 1 !' #kir tet fife' Wit.:lst My tat *A - The U161lifan Otivcrtowat iia ton- tai ' dt. ail h It d 4.04",4(lcxi in.9i +:. to. cart 1►rx Ytal * ; TI, . V��' � rtPai<ittt; tirttt' o+ilt $pirl'b,4Xllr•ittlltsi,h, � cXicTx to F,1�ISIl�ti .?4tebi tip�ka:t:.; stJ.k• . " R m. . • ,- I,Sl1F1Mts.k 2'idt�tS, by 'telllAiD tltq litter AIIIQ til ,,cap , i t1ak11 �a ... IT ,• MOYSiiltttirtlt,. of Qcl 1, k(1fiPTlp(idptic;l,dAtiut 4f,tr cd ;T'� ilervtee, a acts �Tltfirp�y,Y. '>s&tst4lo isi 1'ltlott,6ltlek Saitttrdt:y sitar . � t , *S" r.' 11,nr .P `"t.'. RA a P �i d [4� ►A�r��1. tk. TiOt(:�X1, F�+ ''t' tEt3Clp l's �/ f,`. a eilGMilt 'tf�[ Th S 1 Welfare 'Col4yCre.rr of drlvl'4I; In to the thy. ; 'i�et'l�i_i c1t;k9A ui,�i1 uAlsa-SAa .. i f'! ! �ot' Sr bra ell liner' . of ilte chid Vmr ;Raiff)' ycalra .;:altar attd Vito- l' jt?p 41i4 kp. -jl t.'•404 Trunk l+lx'liwa:.y '!t'ra,$ bloelta(l i 41 " PrWtor of the ,i U VIv, ' Leat, j'ert " •. day, with $04 Dover, Who burned % 004th,in 1413, Pt111 tpib ati4tt. troYA. ant Gtrst%d 1tev..A. C, I)IxoII. of T;ottdon ag.,. h9mc, a t y ppit Tl4ket,; .Apot. ot• C, E. Hoi'uing. a Hall. Toronto. ' Esta W Rev. R. J, D. t3lulpz ola, lteatl of Hiss istrlRtt j?s ill er rArestt,�' rent"« �itias '+f I'touxe 1t.I1 Tec , , nddsse s� f ting t I)apt t3tlladt:,t uietttrintlatign FuAtt. t'vrti R' Ccdardale .cwt `' of, hardships t al7ttt.. tvtttea -� I IWA the' , .Ani Itpllitla named 14taako Ana " 1tY1 of Itard3ltt is r3utYorea by tunic rt►:tlti : iG l\C t $t)lti8 Influenza to November last, and it lctk Q .er by 'a G►.T,ltr W- 4 lII Toronto, 'minister: tltltl tLilea ptlauaq sttl►,offs p k ants file with a terrible , wA.ITfioa't't' •tttld Teta. et iliig>t >E Ndid not .qnd' badly -tttnnraled; Cicero itt terreatti, lit t•u appct:l tilt attend/to it e[nLil it qt aQ severs I., An t;, peep An Aprmerican wArshlb has anchal pd tuncla in Dathux Street ltcthadit+t ' warned me it woe'• titete too, :about it , oft' Pola, thic former Atlstriart, t}ttvtlti CUU.1-ch. Toroate, h. I went 10 the dgctor and_ fiat same base tit that Adriatic. 1414 tipeg eltwolAID 011 Saturday. de- 1^1 medicine. - ITe old me it Rae a bad' Jose Battle Ordonez, former Prot- prived� of newspapers, throngeAl �� acre pops beat *w chfir�trela 3 forest fanaaa In !RS9..�10 ft>tf�ii plt�M tat tboo 'brut hies atrtttsl e, attack cf btronc itis. I could not e1FeP dept of Urn ay, was wounded flX a''around the joint newspaper bulletitltl $gVRtt$R • t yghllrlL aWielgtsly+ WAt+sltlht tD' 1 .,. Itystt li t IRO, llttaaHot to the a. g�l[ &n.' and would have to e;t up nearly alt duel tvltb: Senstor I.loaal Aguirre, to laud the nova; tiuso will bo- sratbstlrtnftil $erwanslt+wh b•tttbtt9toutlt tiyoft tflpd It►tlaslttgtl Irntligrbsat►err let@C ,night. [t was so difficult for mo to ii set the [ Miss LW;t to Phelps, e0lerrittgn, sued ttvlce daily, �1 salved iA little JRItodElte cit+ ice vapor, supiA Ma I<s IK"the - b�► >d'i!tK :I Mk my breath. The doctor's mez3c3ne a widely kn-Wil as A W.C.T.U. worker 'i'wo sten were,sufocatcd, live fi[v- 111Ryitrcltcdt gwrkto tttaatIt, rlvrfeUtrs ilrt titslt 1>tp.raiaRtls. lrpt ?IMMtIt iRg cillo i tttq.taetd � �, not seem to be helping me the least bit. and temperance lecturter, is deltd. alert Injured, find nearly hair lit tuft- aq Dua�tt�, not s�alIQ* to' rirhlcbtls Ito .��� "Oft"" tttltrtndtd � sg4X ollliRUi• iCesi! �pt j Qno of ourneighttors came in one day Prince Edward Ieland'tox ranchers lion dollars, logs 'was caused b :t i 4p► e y e d s ¢eltctttp tttMtn>Rch, which l 'as the tasxtdtrelii oaallbelu t1Y Rlrltl rtrinttp kr►# wlo t!>tte4a f+ IF Aa f` �- �_ ITetuine so ers o gve aa. smo 116 Fatal Resnlls from IndiOe,tion Unless Ci wait! 1S 1]71 AU UXUr10t1S rr" v late /Cr0 as an example to women. Mothers can rest easy after giving , Promptly' ll One Sure nee Dyspepsia s . y k S�h��# ot'' Commerce Mrs• (Li lit• -Col.) David McCrae, — ,Califorpia syt•np of Figs," because ht �reatber i5 unituo\t'n, V al�rt,ttver has golf fife whole NEWS TOPICS QFIIIEEK g T"L`a`y use one Strrc Hrlp• gg p year round, splendid roads for nlotorin , and a uuuiber in of %taut. -Col. John McCrae, a few hours all the .ole ed -u waste. author of "lit Flanders Fields," died lion't imagine lid taus, you -,t% the, 1 sour bile and fermenting food gently ClIdton•aid Gode1'ICh, Ont. Isudder.ly'at her home ; Guelph. 1 1 ' y of beautifltl spots witbitl easy reach, such as Victoria. P ,ainv and ache, and ,tis,•„ nfor•t•. Ilnil• tnorca out of ilio bowels, and you have y Offers the following courses : Important Events Which Hav3 I UU01000The ` abet ti has sit national loan bscribed 20,- follo\v a hourly i n•al ,lir,' ' ,mly In.b- a well, playful child again. aestion^ tical you :.r, a .1 \\ "• sLhnv . Anti it has porfort acromawdtiticui at the met;uiticont �Businnas, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil' I Sick children needn't be ceased to hotel Vaneouwer, the finest hotel on the North Occurred Dui ins the Week. of Maly• This is, the first tinie the \\.,tit a ,isnKerau, .m,tl old, tuko this harmlesa "fruit laxative." Service ' latirau has p.:rticipatod in such a indigestion not only tortures: it kills millions of mothers ]seep it handy bQ: Yaeitic-ono of the C'anndinn 1'ncilie IIaICl4. ~t and a fauges Special Courr:es fur The Busy World's Httpl✓rttings Cnre- 11"`11• It weakens the b,uly .o that It is an Irause they know Its action -on the atom- studcuts C mints l:illen o. Hawilton was in- easy murk I'ar Infection: di-c:asts. It I'or rtyleu, etc., apply to The fo)lotvinR advantages : fully Compiled and Put Inb, ash, laver and bowels ie prompt and sure. [sturdy and Attractive Shape for atantlyr killed at the plant of the i, tho cause of Alipcn.licitis. 'rite Hum Aslc your druggist for n bottle of 8b California S rup of Fige, which con• W. li, HOWARD. District Passuu•'or Agent, Tonto. A ly qualified toacbiog staff Steel Company of Canada "there, as to o dog it 1, ❑ in rhe nteun, uP I n u b Aclualhusinesssystem ofbooklieeping itie Iteaders of Our L'aiprr-A hefng crushed under a locoulutive as fit.ri,inH :ctrl hrlpinrti it i It.•d,l' ,lo>-'. yy tains direatioba for babies, children of � Crateatisl typewriting tests Solid Hour's ErrjgXntcrtt• I it bai kvil. off 'a dock. p,,psla T,abl ate. TI,+• pr ­ ,f i; huff' all ages and for grown-ups. Positionsg�arantecd 1'IiIUA`k �rrrb, of m• -r, tiler that .,f \V. .I. Jars:----- PUi•:SDAY. m, Cw,, ndi,h, Trinit: Iia .Niki., \\hu VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL }cc is blocking iter intake t Xis-' fi"" \\oaten were xrrestod in To- ',Lugo-;ila\s Acoelit h'iunie Settlement. ,p > for thin district, by Govorument gal[[ oP the Ontaiiu 1'ov;er Co.. esus- ronto charged with robbery with via- „t; 1.11 }',tar, I suffrrtd \vitt l,ains' i'Altia, Jan. 19. -In an interview • fftSri.+ Weak appointment; anti under inspect- Ing shortage of power. I Icr,re• in ct� rlunuu It nnrl \oniitins. Tank ( Saturday, . Foreign Minister Truitt -t fli i.+u Truitt - ion by Soldier's Civil lie establlall- \IagistraLe Kiel's in London ;n lme�_ St,•rtinfi and other Puropean ex- `. lir Iwd is loysinq,.ia 'C;rbl, 1, three bich`ot Jut:o-Slavin doclaared that his Y• - ment Department. ed tines totalling $3,051 on Monuay' changes were weaker, the former rruwtii, ui-u and :un u,n\ rur,'d.' Governs uwnt had ;tec•epted the pro- . I {i"JN. moN -TUE. Wtia Y 'fLtil. ; 121. .,ass's. a is falling to around $4.71. . posed Advtatic settlenient, making f For terms; etc., write for breaches of the Q.T.A. t��+,I f l a d t' The Shah of Persia ling left Paris I'iunie a frau city with the port an,l � �-_ Two Justices presided at the open- •'four girl:" 'l 44 Z iT-241, rip R. F• WARD, B.A'„M. Accts., Principal. ins of the Jury Assizes in Toronto +for Brussels, where he will be the ,\r,lt railroad under ho Leagne of Natiune. t��! •[, d f_ , .- M. A. STONE. Cam. Specialist, Vice -Frio. in separate court rooms Monday. guest of the King of the BelRiang. �It„ \\•,.nt on the si ,-••.” Ifo said fire uc•cottatium: would be- o \y 1- �,.s.. 9;t 'Phoee198, Clinton. J. H. Gundy told the Empire Club in to -day oft tilt- wirrow strip of Two kinds of meds -Is are to be "'run bad l" g _-• r in Toronto that Christianity was the ! land betwcon the ltarl:a i:nd the i ilp 7. t4 STUDENT'S MAY ENTER ANY TIME awarded to men who served in the only receipt to make tite world safe. of Fiutuc. i� ��r .. t �th t, `t 9 •flu`' • 'jt, i , '�J '7r, �.r!%T lin • a At1, Canadian navy during the war. , linlpe for the Chronic DY'speptic,-i!.\ It has not yet been deejded whe- I'brarut;'h look of r..tri•l, talion of tltit r i i' (rt Frankie Fleming, Canadian feath-i .r ,•' , , l• w WINTER TERM BEGINS MONDAY, erweight champion, stopped "Irish" they former Premier Asquith will May Enter Kcliafoos I[uu.;: • 1 1 %ti r ti, t ' stand for the vacant constituency of batty', need, nt:wy p r�••ns silo\\ dla-I PARIS, Jan. 19.--Pornter Empres.; JANUARY 5th Kennedy of Hamilton in six rounds. order, or the dts:tstio., ai,paratus tea, Paisley, Augusta victoria of (wrnutny, who 1 Rt• << �!\ ' BishopFarthing explained oh- y' rnthur until ih,•y bac n,. • ,breast, ill- t$ 1 ,`a `•{>�S ti '' o�>_ ,, g A man taken out of a HAmil'ton is at pec"Wnt sit PafaQ;:tn, c•a•.;teut- jests of the Forward au' ovem@nt to theatre, supposedly fntroxicated, died ling days .and nig=ht, \\ M' snfl'••nlatt. .� z•-„�" �\ members of the Toronto Canadian; a rnur.w' of 1 a, ti•'I,•'' ixtcN citterin ;t 1'rutc�lura� n�ntncry "!�t)f �,J-I•; fir,, shortly after being con to the Ile chest \''"'' p } f i vn•r�c•,rn Club. tiibir, fills is r, can.'n, n.i, ,l as 'r sure In ErOnnd tw' A fur t ic: , ucoc,n., il: to lir , i�,�l t r >ra �'",�, A sleighing party to Hull was in Police station. a repurt rccoiwed het.• train !lulls. a' r- on''v,,_ ape- An official announcement of the and ••spoedy \\,lis f r "sin he,ilth. ^• .a+• '"` ' v•o` \•s,r. •se.. fir' 'o t1iNlllier Term collision with- an automobile, and rhrsr 'pills art rp,ri,1'. r n,r .ouit,1,,,I Her he:•lih i, trl,ortcd bur':. ht t is several Eters were severely f Plans for the `$2,000,000 extension in ccitnhat, t�'sl'tt'�I•' I " ruall\ all, said she is !'tut in c :r Horns cu• dittcc. (gin^ _r�, ��, � i� � F o' da[tttnry 5th openAn in each orf ' jur�tT r - a ",':.•, '- • " t4 ;,. le-:1SIng-,,Bdw4rd Hot l__1orAnt0v Ilia nTr•\\ ni it_. I r .. t i' t ' ni :,r < ..:.. hofs been made public. r,!; $ BhatvlsSeUools,'roronto. (Business.' Guillemot, a�French distance run- .......:. I i • �, \ " ,; .'.liy s ` � Shorthand,- -Telegraphy and Wife- ner, broke the"WOrM's eight -mile -re= A huge mass meeting of school _^ 4 4 ,ti ,� .., less). Write for booklet. cord estabtlshed ill .1904 by Alfred teachers Was held in Toronto in the ! 13OtI&l ways) lV:•Ii.SH1W,YongeandGerrard Shrubb_ interests of their request for a 25 Ticelr �TLi'� OUT. •D 4 l }•� a p pati' per cent. increase in salaries. ' � � C.•m..w.r SUaetr, gToec. sae, isaery Geo. Ahern, of Toronto, has been The frozen body of ne G star -11 r appointed by the Civil Service Coln- C'lernenecnn'S t'ubf[ac,. I:✓:ci,,ay ns War TORONTO " mission secretary of the Board oP wag found in his home near Cards- pl,a[k fs ilc,ne. r 9 f Pensions Commissioners. nal, with a bullet wound under the 1 t= I \ w i lit ~a SALESMEN WANTED Sir Adam Beck and Mr. Philip Po- ebin, penetrating to the brain. YAIiIS, .Tan. 19.- -'fhc ('abinrt lit Just think! That is the time �' P. M' cock were re -appointed . the Lon- New York bakers complain that Premier Clern'na eau i t signed Still- through which mi.. lir. (1. Buckley DAILY they cannot get as good• resiglts from day. President i'u:,ivures ❑as aa;ked r To represent the don & Port Stanley Rail>E . (`Pmmis- endured all the fiery torture of fc7C5T C100CRR i:QUIPMCNT ivroalo - iaaipeK atop for atwo-year tern. U. S. Grain Corporation flour at Alexander Millerrunt, Governor cY itching, burning eczema. ills life Standard woopina, Dining, Tourist and OLD RELIABLE FONTHIII NURSERIES Tho water o- the Detroit fuer was $10.50 a barrel as they do from other' Alsace, to form a cauluet. M. t..,,rnia,-..i.•«,,. flour of higher price, wilerand will gi%0 Lia uns\wtr at was a perfect misery until Zam- Colonist Cars, through Dar ki*3. aa. 41 inches below the normal level on Bulli -lila great herbal shin cure- Parlor Gar throu,Tn rho Roakiaa. Suit has been brought against Ga- noon to -day. `The Greatest demand for Nursery Steel' Monday, due to an ice bridge above brie�le d'Annunzio in Paris by a mak- The outgoin,^ Nlini itry has been in brought complete relief. s....,, r..a,, w..•.,r.r. rro+.z In years. Belle Isle clear across the river. Mr. Buckley, who lives, at 461 �.".ar.. a.u...,t- er of theatrical, costumes to recover ofl3re since November lti, 1917. East Broadway, Portland, Oregon, r•••••r. r*.••r•r,s.,..r.r British and European Markets again Lieutenant -Governor L. H. Clarke the cost oP orders given for clothes M. Clruicnreau declares that he in- s+. •rs., a.n• s.r, w.r,.•... o.uri.. s.uasa open for Canadian Fruit strongly advocated before the, Rotar- for act is in one of the poet's plays. tc>naed to leave shortly for Egypt fur writes: -"For fifteen years I sof- t fan Convention at the King Edward 4. fered with eczema, and although I a«ar..,.w,•..r.,,...s....,.."•"•••"'•'•" "'• Hotel, Toronto, the retention of Gov- Chatham Board of Education will a sojourn Of two months. tried many so-called 'eczemaeures,' ocasast ►asesrars sc►asrrzar, roi�aw Largest list or rrwt & Ornamental, Hotel, House. ask that the School Act be amended He Will preside at to -day's coot- nog seemed capable of dealing Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., Grown g to permit of compusory' surgical bined allied Council and Big Three � An Canada As the result of a conference be- treatment *of children when minor meetings, when the Pence Conference with a case like mine. It *as not I • 1 1 tween the Attorney-Generai,,J. W physical defects interfere with pro- will finally officially die.. It is be- until I had Zam-Birk recommended Curry, K.C., M.P.P., and the four To- ll lieved Nitti will depart for bottle lm- to me that I began to have hope. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ronto magistrates, it is possible that Pet schoo ng. meThis wonderful akin healer soon mediately, as the Adriatic pout- par- � night police courts may be estab- SATURDAY. brought about a change for the bet- lers cannot continua under present, STONE & WELLINGTON llshed. i Mr. C. Marriott was elected by ac- ter. As I ersevered with Zam-Buk 7 - conditions. • WEDNESDAY. clamatlon President of the Toronto the burning sensation got ,)sae. I ' Es ablished 1887 Board_ of Trade. Further diacnssions will be taken found Zam-Buk wonderfully aooth- .sell -- - - -- --- - a _ r t - 'CORONTO, ONT. --H M �+iew Zealana�-..".�a Sir - - up -by �arlErris i+aibass%a-and -- -- Toronto Harbor �o d esus of In;. Gradua Tho pfiee otsore- Robert Borden on board, arrived at through Foreign Offices and the $2,000,000 was bong- t by Wood, State Department at Washington, cess and the 1ntlamt>latlon were re• Jamaica. Gundy & Co. on a 5.81 per cent. basis. doted, and complete and german- A strong monarchist party has Clemenceau will leave for Cairo • tion of the Board of ant cure finally resulted. I would _gym •„�+�. �j been formed in Spain to control the e iirid�old filo alio'li't'Z7r.-W6dds NoiWf- size-nvgotiatiul"or-old-umi--worn=aqt Yin e- �rhtiMr-d�strq]red t�vo--t"tttg;[tY !" 10'dast 11AW" y wttttont er�gtltb'• sltD ajljt ittll7 ti<e#lOttd ctw'itLD tt - - tO It x : -. -- - R -Q[�1 d it betties. o.. parson could• believe ho\V "loxes, it helped me. I have recommendeN it frgL]i AI e> tiffSaed, 1lelgfan sovereignty over the dW morning, tta bttter weather. Ex -members of the United States --- cisl/dtCii silever'refniie est►„ ftp a. #tpsls�►lgfFyltpoitftvftlfl ed lit tgaldMppMtto tlitadtsu tis . Pope pttPVidO healtit,HDtipS pias wbea Peps alto itlllltbCt. perttetifttte to for I1duDt#, All dtiwliccll Ottawa Winter Fair opened with 1Vestextl Optarita's largest and best C;twmerclsl Sabeol, We Rive that• to different •people since, for I believe 1 tricts of Eupin and Malmedy, award- forces resjdont in Canada, requiring duo to charge feting about visiting me United 7-am-Buk, which Is unequalled for ne iaHtsugto;s]. In Commerc]al, Short- sad, and. Telegraphy departments. have reasons tar pingattention Dr. Woods Norway Pine Syrup has been,on the market for the past 30 proclaimed. The Ontario Cabinet will not deal will- spi- vice, may now receive It from the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re- IF iQtIR CHILD �� CROSS Alberta's fire losses last year ex- five easiQt graduates to positions. ryVrtts tqr qnr tree cat ogue. lz years and stands out by itseWas a remedy [or all coughs and colds. with the Provincial Housing Scheme but will leaves it to the decision of establishment, and reciprocal, uta are completed to the fEYERISF�a CQNSTIPATED �' PACIFIC Piles, scalds, burns, cuts and all skin MEDEOL Suppositories quickly give relief to those who estimated loss of the previous ;.en the Legislature. United States. United suffer from Piles or Hemorrhoids. They are prescribed years. . tIIay luterest you. , „ Be sure and get the real" Dr. Woods Imperial Oft, Limited, announces _ Living commissioner, has resigned can perform in handling any prob- ivi Loma that arise through the opera- D. A. McLAGHLAN, Principal. when you ask for it. Put up in a yellow upper; 3 ppine� trees the trade mark; a new stock issue of 200,000 shares at $75 -per share, to raise $16,000,- Kills as Well Look, Mothers If tongue Is seated, PaC1'flC Cast Tolli*S bowels "ball- _ -- _ price 25c. and�Oc.' 000 new capital. Tortures cleanse little with fornla 11 ru of Fl a,^ p Manufactured only by The T. Milbtn'n (moo., himited; Toren%, Una. _ __ __ _ BisUop Rt eve, at a banquet in St. Az[t'; Ctitnrti� Toronto; raunseltect A IAI t i lei j as _ - - - -- - - - --. _ -- - _ _ - _ Pacific Caa t-,- wherc the _ TD :toff-- 14.11►t �J �llc -1(i d 1 d t 1 North Sydney N,S., Tuesday. f` �- �_ ITetuine so ers o gve aa. smo 116 Fatal Resnlls from IndiOe,tion Unless Ci wait! 1S 1]71 AU UXUr10t1S rr" v late /Cr0 as an example to women. Mothers can rest easy after giving , Promptly' ll One Sure nee Dyspepsia s . y k S�h��# ot'' Commerce Mrs• (Li lit• -Col.) David McCrae, — ,Califorpia syt•np of Figs," because ht �reatber i5 unituo\t'n, V al�rt,ttver has golf fife whole NEWS TOPICS QFIIIEEK g T"L`a`y use one Strrc Hrlp• gg p year round, splendid roads for nlotorin , and a uuuiber in of %taut. -Col. John McCrae, a few hours all the .ole ed -u waste. author of "lit Flanders Fields," died lion't imagine lid taus, you -,t% the, 1 sour bile and fermenting food gently ClIdton•aid Gode1'ICh, Ont. Isudder.ly'at her home ; Guelph. 1 1 ' y of beautifltl spots witbitl easy reach, such as Victoria. P ,ainv and ache, and ,tis,•„ nfor•t•. Ilnil• tnorca out of ilio bowels, and you have y Offers the following courses : Important Events Which Hav3 I UU01000The ` abet ti has sit national loan bscribed 20,- follo\v a hourly i n•al ,lir,' ' ,mly In.b- a well, playful child again. aestion^ tical you :.r, a .1 \\ "• sLhnv . Anti it has porfort acromawdtiticui at the met;uiticont �Businnas, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil' I Sick children needn't be ceased to hotel Vaneouwer, the finest hotel on the North Occurred Dui ins the Week. of Maly• This is, the first tinie the \\.,tit a ,isnKerau, .m,tl old, tuko this harmlesa "fruit laxative." Service ' latirau has p.:rticipatod in such a indigestion not only tortures: it kills millions of mothers ]seep it handy bQ: Yaeitic-ono of the C'anndinn 1'ncilie IIaICl4. ~t and a fauges Special Courr:es fur The Busy World's Httpl✓rttings Cnre- 11"`11• It weakens the b,uly .o that It is an Irause they know Its action -on the atom- studcuts C mints l:illen o. Hawilton was in- easy murk I'ar Infection: di-c:asts. It I'or rtyleu, etc., apply to The fo)lotvinR advantages : fully Compiled and Put Inb, ash, laver and bowels ie prompt and sure. [sturdy and Attractive Shape for atantlyr killed at the plant of the i, tho cause of Alipcn.licitis. 'rite Hum Aslc your druggist for n bottle of 8b California S rup of Fige, which con• W. li, HOWARD. District Passuu•'or Agent, Tonto. A ly qualified toacbiog staff Steel Company of Canada "there, as to o dog it 1, ❑ in rhe nteun, uP I n u b Aclualhusinesssystem ofbooklieeping itie Iteaders of Our L'aiprr-A hefng crushed under a locoulutive as fit.ri,inH :ctrl hrlpinrti it i It.•d,l' ,lo>-'. yy tains direatioba for babies, children of � Crateatisl typewriting tests Solid Hour's ErrjgXntcrtt• I it bai kvil. off 'a dock. p,,psla T,abl ate. TI,+• pr ­ ,f i; huff' all ages and for grown-ups. Positionsg�arantecd 1'IiIUA`k �rrrb, of m• -r, tiler that .,f \V. .I. Jars:----- PUi•:SDAY. m, Cw,, ndi,h, Trinit: Iia .Niki., \\hu VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL }cc is blocking iter intake t Xis-' fi"" \\oaten were xrrestod in To- ',Lugo-;ila\s Acoelit h'iunie Settlement. ,p > for thin district, by Govorument gal[[ oP the Ontaiiu 1'ov;er Co.. esus- ronto charged with robbery with via- „t; 1.11 }',tar, I suffrrtd \vitt l,ains' i'Altia, Jan. 19. -In an interview • fftSri.+ Weak appointment; anti under inspect- Ing shortage of power. I Icr,re• in ct� rlunuu It nnrl \oniitins. Tank ( Saturday, . Foreign Minister Truitt -t fli i.+u Truitt - ion by Soldier's Civil lie establlall- \IagistraLe Kiel's in London ;n lme�_ St,•rtinfi and other Puropean ex- `. lir Iwd is loysinq,.ia 'C;rbl, 1, three bich`ot Jut:o-Slavin doclaared that his Y• - ment Department. ed tines totalling $3,051 on Monuay' changes were weaker, the former rruwtii, ui-u and :un u,n\ rur,'d.' Governs uwnt had ;tec•epted the pro- . I {i"JN. moN -TUE. Wtia Y 'fLtil. ; 121. .,ass's. a is falling to around $4.71. . posed Advtatic settlenient, making f For terms; etc., write for breaches of the Q.T.A. t��+,I f l a d t' The Shah of Persia ling left Paris I'iunie a frau city with the port an,l � �-_ Two Justices presided at the open- •'four girl:" 'l 44 Z iT-241, rip R. F• WARD, B.A'„M. Accts., Principal. ins of the Jury Assizes in Toronto +for Brussels, where he will be the ,\r,lt railroad under ho Leagne of Natiune. t��! •[, d f_ , .- M. A. STONE. Cam. Specialist, Vice -Frio. in separate court rooms Monday. guest of the King of the BelRiang. �It„ \\•,.nt on the si ,-••.” Ifo said fire uc•cottatium: would be- o \y 1- �,.s.. 9;t 'Phoee198, Clinton. J. H. Gundy told the Empire Club in to -day oft tilt- wirrow strip of Two kinds of meds -Is are to be "'run bad l" g _-• r in Toronto that Christianity was the ! land betwcon the ltarl:a i:nd the i ilp 7. t4 STUDENT'S MAY ENTER ANY TIME awarded to men who served in the only receipt to make tite world safe. of Fiutuc. i� ��r .. t �th t, `t 9 •flu`' • 'jt, i , '�J '7r, �.r!%T lin • a At1, Canadian navy during the war. , linlpe for the Chronic DY'speptic,-i!.\ It has not yet been deejded whe- I'brarut;'h look of r..tri•l, talion of tltit r i i' (rt Frankie Fleming, Canadian feath-i .r ,•' , , l• w WINTER TERM BEGINS MONDAY, erweight champion, stopped "Irish" they former Premier Asquith will May Enter Kcliafoos I[uu.;: • 1 1 %ti r ti, t ' stand for the vacant constituency of batty', need, nt:wy p r�••ns silo\\ dla-I PARIS, Jan. 19.--Pornter Empres.; JANUARY 5th Kennedy of Hamilton in six rounds. order, or the dts:tstio., ai,paratus tea, Paisley, Augusta victoria of (wrnutny, who 1 Rt• << �!\ ' BishopFarthing explained oh- y' rnthur until ih,•y bac n,. • ,breast, ill- t$ 1 ,`a `•{>�S ti '' o�>_ ,, g A man taken out of a HAmil'ton is at pec"Wnt sit PafaQ;:tn, c•a•.;teut- jests of the Forward au' ovem@nt to theatre, supposedly fntroxicated, died ling days .and nig=ht, \\ M' snfl'••nlatt. .� z•-„�" �\ members of the Toronto Canadian; a rnur.w' of 1 a, ti•'I,•'' ixtcN citterin ;t 1'rutc�lura� n�ntncry "!�t)f �,J-I•; fir,, shortly after being con to the Ile chest \''"'' p } f i vn•r�c•,rn Club. tiibir, fills is r, can.'n, n.i, ,l as 'r sure In ErOnnd tw' A fur t ic: , ucoc,n., il: to lir , i�,�l t r >ra �'",�, A sleighing party to Hull was in Police station. a repurt rccoiwed het.• train !lulls. a' r- on''v,,_ ape- An official announcement of the and ••spoedy \\,lis f r "sin he,ilth. ^• .a+• '"` ' v•o` \•s,r. •se.. fir' 'o t1iNlllier Term collision with- an automobile, and rhrsr 'pills art rp,ri,1'. r n,r .ouit,1,,,I Her he:•lih i, trl,ortcd bur':. ht t is several Eters were severely f Plans for the `$2,000,000 extension in ccitnhat, t�'sl'tt'�I•' I " ruall\ all, said she is !'tut in c :r Horns cu• dittcc. (gin^ _r�, ��, � i� � F o' da[tttnry 5th openAn in each orf ' jur�tT r - a ",':.•, '- • " t4 ;,. le-:1SIng-,,Bdw4rd Hot l__1orAnt0v Ilia nTr•\\ ni it_. I r .. t i' t ' ni :,r < ..:.. hofs been made public. r,!; $ BhatvlsSeUools,'roronto. (Business.' Guillemot, a�French distance run- .......:. I i • �, \ " ,; .'.liy s ` � Shorthand,- -Telegraphy and Wife- ner, broke the"WOrM's eight -mile -re= A huge mass meeting of school _^ 4 4 ,ti ,� .., less). Write for booklet. cord estabtlshed ill .1904 by Alfred teachers Was held in Toronto in the ! 13OtI&l ways) lV:•Ii.SH1W,YongeandGerrard Shrubb_ interests of their request for a 25 Ticelr �TLi'� OUT. •D 4 l }•� a p pati' per cent. increase in salaries. ' � � C.•m..w.r SUaetr, gToec. sae, isaery Geo. Ahern, of Toronto, has been The frozen body of ne G star -11 r appointed by the Civil Service Coln- C'lernenecnn'S t'ubf[ac,. I:✓:ci,,ay ns War TORONTO " mission secretary of the Board oP wag found in his home near Cards- pl,a[k fs ilc,ne. r 9 f Pensions Commissioners. nal, with a bullet wound under the 1 t= I \ w i lit ~a SALESMEN WANTED Sir Adam Beck and Mr. Philip Po- ebin, penetrating to the brain. YAIiIS, .Tan. 19.- -'fhc ('abinrt lit Just think! That is the time �' P. M' cock were re -appointed . the Lon- New York bakers complain that Premier Clern'na eau i t signed Still- through which mi.. lir. (1. Buckley DAILY they cannot get as good• resiglts from day. President i'u:,ivures ❑as aa;ked r To represent the don & Port Stanley Rail>E . (`Pmmis- endured all the fiery torture of fc7C5T C100CRR i:QUIPMCNT ivroalo - iaaipeK atop for atwo-year tern. U. S. Grain Corporation flour at Alexander Millerrunt, Governor cY itching, burning eczema. ills life Standard woopina, Dining, Tourist and OLD RELIABLE FONTHIII NURSERIES Tho water o- the Detroit fuer was $10.50 a barrel as they do from other' Alsace, to form a cauluet. M. t..,,rnia,-..i.•«,,. flour of higher price, wilerand will gi%0 Lia uns\wtr at was a perfect misery until Zam- Colonist Cars, through Dar ki*3. aa. 41 inches below the normal level on Bulli -lila great herbal shin cure- Parlor Gar throu,Tn rho Roakiaa. Suit has been brought against Ga- noon to -day. `The Greatest demand for Nursery Steel' Monday, due to an ice bridge above brie�le d'Annunzio in Paris by a mak- The outgoin,^ Nlini itry has been in brought complete relief. s....,, r..a,, w..•.,r.r. rro+.z In years. Belle Isle clear across the river. Mr. Buckley, who lives, at 461 �.".ar.. a.u...,t- er of theatrical, costumes to recover ofl3re since November lti, 1917. East Broadway, Portland, Oregon, r•••••r. r*.••r•r,s.,..r.r British and European Markets again Lieutenant -Governor L. H. Clarke the cost oP orders given for clothes M. Clruicnreau declares that he in- s+. •rs., a.n• s.r, w.r,.•... o.uri.. s.uasa open for Canadian Fruit strongly advocated before the, Rotar- for act is in one of the poet's plays. tc>naed to leave shortly for Egypt fur writes: -"For fifteen years I sof- t fan Convention at the King Edward 4. fered with eczema, and although I a«ar..,.w,•..r.,,...s....,.."•"•••"'•'•" "'• Hotel, Toronto, the retention of Gov- Chatham Board of Education will a sojourn Of two months. tried many so-called 'eczemaeures,' ocasast ►asesrars sc►asrrzar, roi�aw Largest list or rrwt & Ornamental, Hotel, House. ask that the School Act be amended He Will preside at to -day's coot- nog seemed capable of dealing Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., Grown g to permit of compusory' surgical bined allied Council and Big Three � An Canada As the result of a conference be- treatment *of children when minor meetings, when the Pence Conference with a case like mine. It *as not I • 1 1 tween the Attorney-Generai,,J. W physical defects interfere with pro- will finally officially die.. It is be- until I had Zam-Birk recommended Curry, K.C., M.P.P., and the four To- ll lieved Nitti will depart for bottle lm- to me that I began to have hope. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ronto magistrates, it is possible that Pet schoo ng. meThis wonderful akin healer soon mediately, as the Adriatic pout- par- � night police courts may be estab- SATURDAY. brought about a change for the bet- lers cannot continua under present, STONE & WELLINGTON llshed. i Mr. C. Marriott was elected by ac- ter. As I ersevered with Zam-Buk 7 - conditions. • WEDNESDAY. clamatlon President of the Toronto the burning sensation got ,)sae. I ' Es ablished 1887 Board_ of Trade. Further diacnssions will be taken found Zam-Buk wonderfully aooth- .sell -- - - -- --- - a _ r t - 'CORONTO, ONT. --H M �+iew Zealana�-..".�a Sir - - up -by �arlErris i+aibass%a-and -- -- Toronto Harbor �o d esus of In;. Gradua Tho pfiee otsore- Robert Borden on board, arrived at through Foreign Offices and the $2,000,000 was bong- t by Wood, State Department at Washington, cess and the 1ntlamt>latlon were re• Jamaica. Gundy & Co. on a 5.81 per cent. basis. doted, and complete and german- A strong monarchist party has Clemenceau will leave for Cairo • tion of the Board of ant cure finally resulted. I would _gym •„�+�. �j been formed in Spain to control the On Lhe subsea for a throe or foul -weeks rest in at Commerce, Toronto mjY appoint an pew ys, it is announced by his per- strongly advise all Afflicted with eomaoGretla ,u...,..�.r Carifst organizations. Rev. J. C. Masses, of Brookline, official to keep tab on restaurant 1 conal mends. lie goes to Egypt tot- ' eczema to give Zam-Buk a trial. It will give them satisfaction. They addressed two Baptist conferences in Toronto on Tuesday. ices. prices. 'persons have been arraigned rest, and will not even attempt to begin writing his mentairs. Friends w111 not be disappointed." No skin disease can resist the ~Pat. • EOrllpllt►, Ottawa Winter Fair opened with In Bow Street Court, London, on a of melting and breaking up assert that M. Clemenceau to niedl- in tent healing forces stored up in the finest displays of horses, hogs and charge feting about visiting me United 7-am-Buk, which Is unequalled for • be sheep in iia eighteen years' history. sol coin' J�n Watkins, of Roscoe, Sask.. States nest spring, but is undecided. old wounds, ulcers, abscesses, bad , Piles can cured Alberta's fire losses last year ex- dead his two sons-in-law, Harry No official business will be trans- legs, scalp sores, blood -poisoning, ceeded $2,250,000, or more than the shot acted at the Council meeting, it is Brand and Archie Purcell, a,t'ter an Piles, scalds, burns, cuts and all skin MEDEOL Suppositories quickly give relief to those who estimated loss of the previous ;.en - expected, beyond delegating to the angry, argument. a Injuries. All druggists and stores, or suffer from Piles or Hemorrhoids. They are prescribed years. . Council Ambassadors tasks the Mr. R. J. McFall, recent. Cost of Councof 7.am-Buk Co., Toronto. fi0e. bo:. g Physicians,all over the world. by leading Reuben Edwards, of ChafTey Town- of age, was fat- Living commissioner, has resigned can perform in handling any prob- ivi Loma that arise through the opera- Boz containing one dozen, $1.75 If your Druggist cannot .apply you, write direct to - ship, nineteen years ally Injured by being buried by gravel to join the staff of Massachusetts Agricultural College. tion of the Treaty of Versailles. � ALLIED DRUG C0.in a pit near Huntsville. Motorman Hugh Mulholland was Port Ilope, Ontario. The C.G.S. Montealm and the Cana- dian Spinner, which she released fatally injured while assisting In coupling two cars bpionging to the DRINK MORE WATER, from the ice floes, arrived safety at Toronto Street Railway. ' - -- - - —' " North Sydney N,S., Tuesday. • •i d i Paris Lieutenant -Governor Ciarke's re- British holding at [ •ve n IF KIDNEYS 00THR marks on the Government House and dare holding conferences with Lloyd George on the question of ac' question caused much unfavorable tion toward the Bo)sheviki. comment in legislative circles. ad of n Chain The Dominion of Canada Stanley Williams, he Rifle As- of grocery stores and adofbutcher shops sociation will send a team to' Bfsley in Sarnia and Point Edward, !s miss- Ut low meat and take ffalta fw HTC this year, and will also resume the ins and the doors are 'closed. tache 6Y Budder th+sIIble- T. SWARTS' 'Bus, Livery and Mack Stables Montreal Street just off the Square„ • 'Nr '13u"es Meet all Trains and • passenger Boats P"seuxers cnftd for is as pltrt of the town for' all trainsat (I. T. R. or C. P. R. Depots. prompt Service and CiarefUl Attendance. i1tHack lfimke lit � tt�,itwt 1111111146;.dab i Ilii eve" respect, �`aslt' f?'S1tro>ws�1r,+N�oiiclt�ti, T. SWAR"�S � 'kiiir i'0�► Motrte�d Btt'`irit m Rockliffe Range annual prize com- petition. London, Eng., has a new disease, the chief symptom of which is an overpowering desire to 'sleep. It was imported from Paris, where it is rampant. Secretary Baker announces that a portion of the U. S. Expeditionary foices in Siberia is to be withdraw 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cute Sick HeAdaehs, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour "Stomach Bad sreath -Can Catttartia " No adds how bad your lirtr, stomaoh or bowels; haw much your head aches, how miserable you are from oonstlps, tion, indigetfon, bilionsneois and slag f gish bowels --+you atitraytl CA reliti with j Casoareta, They (aiiitldkiely eleanse and ragnlaie the stdm&A, t'enaoao tilts sour, fa ti tlting food snit fold ppt mt toks, the e9tne66 bile fron tfte liv9 r aiid- carry 'oft 'tl[si,fls4Wpa# ,ilt*rtti, tttttiut & uA polwa from ibe lute 10" and bdwebl A Mtftt 'box hoes y'aar dt'al gist will k�t your W&incl btTwti3s cieatr itloritaAtt sslleet Iittd bawl akar for A recount makes T. B. itevett, reeve of Niagara township by a ma- Lraren �bythesame Instead majorltyWilliam Mc - A project for an entire reconstruc- tion of the municipal government of the city and Island of Montreal is being laid before Premier Sir Lomer Gouln. Fuel Controller Harrington advis- ed Ontario industrial plants to Im- mediately lay in stocks of bituminous coal, in anticipation of a serious shortage. Daniel McKinnon. of W000totk, died -in his sixty-seventh year, of double pneumonia, following an in- jury in the back when he was run into by two boys tin a sled. The miners will get an Increase approximately 14 per cent. as in the United States, by the flew agreement betweens� the Dominion Coal Co. and the 1131W. In Sydney, N.S. MOM)AY. York township Doped the Hydro Radial bylaw°Saturdgy by a tote -of 262 to 10. • Clemeneeau's Ministry has resign - +ed office and M. btlilorand has been itaked to form or Cabinet. A fire at, the:. Wilder Cartapa Cot:, *r6tbttto, did t3ttmagh'to the eitt"t,Z $65,000 on Saturday night. The returns from the Irish elec- tions show the Sinn Fieiattra tar in the lead of ilio otber pal'tirz- neutralizes adds Uric acid in meat excites thf) kidney's, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumpet of 1gad. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder to ir;I- tated, and you may be obliFed to seek re- lief two or thr6e times during the nigbL When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real nick person Aortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kid• ney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stamaahggeeis %our, 'tongue coated and you feel then. matin twinges when the weatber fit bad. Eat leve meat, drink lots offwater; also get from any pharmaciat four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, for a few days and your kidnW will then act fine. This famotto ults la made from the acid of grapes and lemon juim, combined with lithia, and hes busts Used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. also to neutralize the acids in [fine, so it no longer is a comae of frritation, '-•,s coding bladder weakness. ,Tact Salts is inespeasive, eaanot in- ure; w6kea a deli hffht effervescent lithia-water drink Rib' everyone should tr_ke novY and then M keep the kidneys clran And active. Pro}!�isto here coy they •.•'i Iota of Jail P.M' to folks X7110 heltrr 4 , overeomirm klda7 tre-ble wh.le .. .a 0"ly trouble. �i .,.f� c rrio�ll +t irorlt wlmie d1t;1@• ,fx e "l r r z aT.- 7 t... # ' jt•.;. , ,