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The Goderich Star, 1920-01-22, Page 5
% lrw torr an re4* In r'eo><oWra4ft, to r` tttrl heal tt ilYgr . ;x V-41"ll ,folie the tr'rtl alttllt tiSQ s i,. r P �HC' Peatilt has, scala tlsited tlut pret b;!'- [toy' a. aaad .w.,awr a?atl 1lsl1C >#rGc►tints. > l � terllt ailed tcinuvcit°farce Qt our most l } '�he�.lc+yreafit in tire, purch"11W lamer ! capable and \vllt1w utorkem 'Mrs. 4►, 4� lux tltw dollar ma(tst tlltr +fill tee .rt all. " Arlt l # 'ill X11 Carswell, Df llelclflllgp, %Vl o t9v a (period Klky sle � � , a� Pslprltra } , 1,1 lt'durelt. Inullcratla 1, 'ills \sits vice presldl,gt talc the llareshyt,Yvial. tlOt►t B TTIL N ter red to the II .ace coatlrulitee.. ' ' ' 1'1'e Acts$ her 11rrr.eclC .but IAC 66plraw f '1o?tapialuts of ittcolna as s Atftnt ^^+^,^ flair of 't)3 r personglity 04(t lift, sv • . y ° hello 1lessro, Abe 11l8gin#01a .arid J, G. lite 1xE k \fall r malas. =r r' }+'aghal•L vrero sent to -the tlnanco cqm-I isM +pl+at13IlMls, .. 1M 1N'e regret lite resl.gtwailora elt ottr mittee. ical y ot<. -'* M11 . �k tt . eapabte grtrss sec.rotarX. ;airs. 1), lift- � �'.. � iAa>M 1*� �' '�.�:► ►rlt�11C�� . � w r flow Awreguest for a grant to cite pQtiltry �- is >ao: it tikar lrtiw to Intos-h. of llrutHttelll, t+aGi visci ot►n s low Was referred to the financl:'Som- blt4 t itt4irs r� �pl�lrr � �>:, r4br ltlis �r straiWrs` secretary, :�i,�, NV. !l �i , 'tt3:•1 A1! Sr.4Se ss $Qt! Irtlttee. • info p 11114>VIMALL,:I tn1.: Tory Aitken who .. - .. ... proseuylte4 the Nvork ai`, A letter from tt}o Board of Trade ut'g* fir; tnfeyltltll�► X11' il�larlth* her a3 pariittept yvittt sa niuedl zeal snit *t l=lunch iA6 the caitabilsllrng of a' marker in tali t Ae 1xts,til . it entilusltlsm, 10 passing t\'e desire to �' i'. U4xieelch 'and promising eo�oper�ttloq` htl POOH pay a trichite to the efficiency of the `'Charore Our ,s e q m this project, was referred to 'the �� �� !'� �'`'�� hair work dune by Mrs. N. 0. Amos, of � . SQs Q T. r. Rod Com .1 ,te market committee. + 114 1! i>w4ttden3ae - Cxctcr, who acted as Mrs, Aitkln's �- P 49 -i Councillor Dunlop wrote restgtting q t"' "" "Ee 11191"ll substitute for ilio balance of the year. a ° .'' 3taKlit, M his Position as a member of the }ictus- y°m" Seatorth Auxiliary reports the largest Y ing Commission as he did not think lie Get; i' irtaanlT )104110 99 XNwIton'a oxerlog. $16840, inentbership and ev-. � could hold that position as well as. that Arladerine t�0191 alta .a d9re, `Fats erago attendant;, ninety new membersAn, Stoo ` P{liM, ►.e1Nt t0 ,se of councillor. it was deeideg to .refer floret. awn ire laefkUttfit it shad lists being ensiled as a result- of the For -U • this to the special cotnmittoo to In- of t if your will just tart' A111100 )own- N\•� Movement -calsus. Tire Kelly In al k ' der[.. §01 your Ta halm T ill vesligate the legality oi. ltslltUn�' clic vile, ) ,Urugclleld) Young Woman's Auxill- t , .,, two positions, but tater in the evening ,---�--'^ art' stands first in membership, aver 9 - i lite +cuss clear the Housing" Det son a second motion that Act Yat. alae attendance and offering, 8:6G by: made it clear the Itousink Comniistsion son be appointed assistant to 'Mr. ie.touched with the progress made by 0 must consist of men outside, the coun, :Campbell up tel May 301h, at 9500, and Dufrs and Witlthrop Auxiliaries In Ten"'MoRv Days j '. � .�Q �� q ell, with . the exceptlou of the A{ayQr, if rte' continued In office this amount spite of the severe loss sustained by (1, .8■ Q O and the motion to rano the matter n- to u part rs St Year's Ser K ig X1,an the death of choir preIn LiatEg and re - committee Bargains from all Departments. A great t,ommlttre was rescinded, aimd noun-- 4aandllors Story, Dieser, Knight and mo\'al of their pastor. In Egmondvilla color Dunlop's resignation accepted. Humber, ti'oted for Clio amendment and Auxiliary the Home Helpers have don- of • a -t N1r, 13. If, Townsend wrote offering ;ho I1Vvi*; Deputy Reeve and Council- bled their offerings !n moven months. • ` __-_ ... __----__--.. M t►Iq r 9c8_-----------tv'oontt'nuo -to- rook-a-rter \Tie md1iR7e1 tar t?unfi Y�rRaiixst ttro-iresnficcrNut�er --nunsail-_natos�_butter-attendapeu-'snd`---nullnVei: of the lit -pti " �ifl Sal$ $re tetnnnnnn ai'etl At�fle=half ��f it _ ._. Ph4na 90 scales but wanted to be officially apt taakilik t1111, position that no delay larger collections. Only throe mux- _mai-he the lilarlea. state That thety, -tine stuudytiall_the- prese ..a .... .... _ - Agents Garden -Court Toilet MM market committee, appointment until the next regular the charts. We trust this number may �1TGAUU • Articles. it 11 was decided to subterib, fur t:," met`ttiig when other arrangement?; at be greatly increased during this year, . . • • la Oa0 usual number of copies of the Njun 1,i- fess e!tpeuse might be made ', ' Bethany hits curry woman in the eon- low a1<'8__ RSL $ few S eeialSwrhis�ll ire �tQl! worth wh)[10 - Be -- -.. {a+-wt&its -fid-iiri-tounCti-,-ktlt�- FtilY" =iii - (-FY-spl,-�+ew *i),--WitiF-:lie Mk--Af-:� - y"" - and clerk. tort`s w'as referred to cupuutttco of tI}r toderich put forth special efforts to THE TOWN GOl1NCEL The Finance Committee reported that whole council. do honor to Our missionary, Mrs. tate- noticing. the• Batik of Montreal has assented LI, councillor Humber made it proposi- Gillivray, presenting nor with $235 H. L. Wgtson Appointed Assgnt to a cre$70,0130 for ordinary eu�rvn- dit of fill " to endeavor to trill, a chartered ac- for her transiation work and Emlth's _Isl Mr. Campbell to May 30th at $500 ",tonditurt, and for school purpos`•• eounlant to audit the' town and touter 11111 $30. Four hundred dollars has fur ilio year, at a r•atu of a Babies' Bonnets Half Price Habuta�. Silk $1,50 a yard rS�• tier cent., crud liK_ ht accuunts. been contributed to this work in con- f f The regular meeting of the, tut\'n ,anuwnts to be advanced till Jem,lticl The Mayor said In 1918 tie took 1111 nection with the Anna Fletcoer Mem- council was held on Fridaynight last nc't''s• as the funds are required from tilt` matter \\fill a T,,r,lnto lust of au- orial Fund. I All 36 -in. wide and extra, yuttlity. Worth t, :L splendid lot chess Bonnets. In bearskin, Lillie In tlntal, The cotrunittec reouul. Mors and tae•} gituted a price of 113'300. We are anticipating rich spiritual '+12,00 0. yard. Shades Tr with all the councillors present with _ lamh's woola�lusb anti. corduroy. All tubo o Y green. mals, nutute, mended that II,P town tt al_pr ucg,)u(1' Th. Mayor agreed to well'' . uK'uiu and uplift and blr+altiic- as .a-result--at--tlt,�. - saXO, niggor, rose. gray and saDd. ,.`;"Ti the excep�lon of Councillor \Iltchrll• nf` file• i uhrtrr em11uK �I uch 3t�t, 1:�?C get flirtilor infurruatrnn- Forward \lovement, '\ �T11e "tceagurei's report ryas refcrI,,I l practical was' aloared tilt Half Prwu.,, hoin cleared tit $1.50 a. yard. to the finance committee, also the ru- le„ Ili,: discount, and ;unuunting. fo cioirwillr,r llunitwr ru„ced to appoint In which w'e can" realiz`v it is by g srt7J.U7, be ,ltd: also Thal Ihr rein ler\• °\ 1,r C. \I. Roheris, n to the housing bringing jh,, tithes into the store - port tt the collector. {' Kimona gloths 45c a yard Odd Lots in hit w ail Mr. Campbell, assessor and vtdIvvt'n Ipllnn„ rha,Kes 1'„r [tilt# ;tot,nUlt:ng i • rnuuni-,bot l,ut jlw \loyor ubjrete'd must', during' Ill.- coming year. We ,,.tt,-, I,t' ,u,L nn tier _ruun'l that in the appointment will then h:1,\,' a hles•iuK >„ �renL' /� submitted statement of t1rf7 anti l91� � s paid. 1 8 v taxes to Dec."31st�190, showing a total] The n'port \\a, ad„pled. "r \til. Iluul„p it]-, Ili- .L \va; to put a re- Loured upon u; as Individuals and ail. cash payment to the treasurer of lt)l7 \ rennutitlel' of the• \\.hill" volovil r,- 1111,11":,1-n!,li'r e•It :In l t:e „ut?KPsted.,Mr, ,t soelety Ilial there \\ill nut tee rouni tares OC $72,975, and nn 191 4 tuxes of 1"'rle'el IurcI11K „\wuin,'d the iuvento,.\ I;hn;. flange It I, -tit ,sor. Lon1- enough t„ 1•' rrivo It.- It. lad�1"'f Gra- I A first rate variety of those good duality cloths, Several odd lots ill Ladies' Whitowear, int r r ;coli \aluation ill' the niachinerc alel I'illnt Ihtn,h" r _..•ed let lhf, ❑rill slit)- Meru, kCI'el:,l'} llurou 1'trsh> h•r!al Su- in pretty designs and colorings. OOC \'tt1110fi. ing night gowns, princess slips, etc , etc "Since Paid on JIM!) taxes ydall1(t. ,filch"d \I:•. Il.,ur,•', 11:411,• in Ills 1e,_ , r , Slncc the 1st of January to dote'," "'lui{um•nl „f tit: \\'he'e'l Hia plaitt ors cfel}• All being cleared at duo a yard. #inti cleared Lit It Brent reduction. wrote b1C. Campbell, ! have paid lite rnude' by \Ir. W. ,l. Levy-, also the lion ;,int I. nn;, tL'e'r inmlop ,rgutpi''el I't t^t;seer's r„part ut Ilnr•'n Prigs. treasurer 1$2,050, making h73,130 paid of i.Irafl arreenn'nt h,•tw'e,yl the luwl Ili, nu'tie,71. `\hull \\.I; c:Irried, \C, \I. S. t'or 1P1P. ' nd the Godericll \I. c uitile I:n., :ul,l Itytiu\v, .,tILI Iri'r.:n I!,e horr,r�\.InK of liF.l'I'I:"rs 1919 taxes. 4 ' Comforters "My first year of tax rolh'rtlnit wasll'rrnnuue•wl,ul ilial IIle imevllury' anal `;n,1xr) ;uul' app,�iut,nc \I r. G:nnpIlpll .\tthnrn >; 1:,5 :'3 s "luallon b1, arri-pted and that \Ir nil awl r l!lerl„t• were pas -ell ltd> tit -Ill 1'd3 M in 1903, when I aid clic irgasurer lall'1-t!n r nn,'il ,li'turl^el. Itaythld \li,sinn If;reel 10Y:,� about $'28,000. Ten 'ears Liter, 1913, 1 L, \ \'; ;u•rnuul ul' s:,11 I'nr ,,cul, hr palet. c ft) .•unn..j""" al -u reronuurn,le,l Ileal Bethany ti 1x1 Paid 949,050, and last )ear, 131.1, :+71,- :1 tiuo selection. Covered with Turkey, Chintz, tiilkolono, Sateen and `;titin. bites GO x 72.�L'oll 100, an advance of over $43,000. tin• draft apreelnont, a-; dra\vn by Ili#• HURON PRESBYTERIAL lila k,• 4t 90 ••I find total :assessment 1901 \\-;4s KI,_ oilvitor he accepted and ill,,\h+>ur. IIIy1Il 21;'1110 tiller[ with choice batting ane[ oidordow•n. Gr•oatly reduced. Prices ranging from $4')0 409,750. I have not IWI roll by nl,, th,- Itre\r ;incl the D,q$6> It.....I. be n konoal ilectinll of Ladir•ei held Ln,t lllyth "\carton Illiver" '!7000 to $16.50. but it would be less. 1919 assessment I''"Iltruille' \\illi po\v'•r' t„ ha\r agree- Illpth Nlis,iull Ilona 171 80 "elk'° `"n`°" Remnants was $2,361,780, about $1,000,000 mor,• ntent e\e:utod and all details intended lirucetleld :33t 50 than 1903. ' \ 1i' The ;utlual Letsin•'s ow"•ling of the firuvetlgld "Kelly" a0•i 73 "Assessing now is mueh morn rout- 'fin• report wins adopter). Itrurrll�ld \lisri„n Band 54 71' plicated and difficult than it \vas 10 fuller the head of untlnislw4l Ilunt_ 1lnrun t rrsbyt''riA Society \vas held I;lintnu e 767 W ncss the appointment or :kit assessor in \\',Itis diu"'•h, Iault"n, on Tucsdoy' Glill on \1i,sinn Vaud 32 79 Don't miss look in I tit the Remnant Table, for thorn is n wonderful as,ortmont of all, kinds of useful anc"t`'15 years ago. r t, and gollprlur Vanni up and Ib•pul}' ill' List \\'irk ane[, in s ite of lite ,btr F.un,nndtilh; ' 70 act "Forty and forty -cite y'e'ars o}o the P r materials; Comprising ores; Gootl`;, Silks, Flanno,uttes, N1111ontt Cloths, Voiles, Print, town always had two as,essvr;. lie, til I;lark moved, seconded by Coon_ I:;trnundvillr \1i -sins liawl ,0 00 Y. Illy \vratIler, \\';a, \cell attended. 1't)•' Exrt,'t• 1W 00 sateeng, Cottons, Tow'olling, etc . otc. When I was town clerk from 11tlZf G, rillor Dunlop, that \h•. \\"m, Campbell 1889, there was only on•• assessor anll Ill, r',•appointed assessor and collector morning, ses,iou eomni-Bevil at rlec,'1' Fxetrr ],ilei,• t77 01 tie was only able to do the outsfd„ for i9,20 at Ihr sante salary as fast year, u'cluck with ,L'vntie,nal exgri•ises, b'•I Exeter Nlis,iun ]land 311 00 All Orders by Mail or 'Phone Receive Our Best and Prompt Attention. wont, and I wrote up the roll f,,r hicu. `�'T'll• I':I>'ahlo monthly-, by the.pr"'sident, \trs. Jainvs, IlamitiOn. Goderich ,3Y, 05 It was not my duty and 1 r,'rri\ ',t ne, C0111,'illnr l,unthr'r brought up the the nrilnh•s of vtsi meetom, b,•ing r,•aef Ga4erirlt, ".\r1Ilur" 7;1 00 We Pay all Charges remuneration for same. l'f"Ifnhnent of un .assistant, and r1,- Ily' tho "-erotare, \li;s 11: 1.'(;rahall, t:oderirl \lts,unt Blinl 1Ll1,tl "During my term of ofllre I ha\,, liar] I'",rterl the• r,•sult of an interview \\'ith \ rep„ill \\' I, r, ul front the custn- Ooderfrl, ,Tp. 1'nnn, 7:1 15 \Ir 11. 1., Watson, l;uuncillur Ilur�- Ili -Ill of IIl„ \nna FI, idler Fund, by (.Irand llorrd't' tin td) \ est �UUR7 on the 2nd Floor loot to do all this forcwithout any hemi- rernutt 1p lull, .,,ul'inrnlop having been appoint- Miss Duni„), „f Gu,ferirh, also <an lip-('lensall ;ll (!0 Ladies © whatever,.aud for se od In futervfow hint. Built council- preciatiulr ut t!n "ti!n•af of \lembries," ffensall \llsr.i it li. ret ;d ,,f #ration." Int, -aid \,r. l4atsrni was t\'illint to written by :\fins t?• Ira, ta;ktk, of Loyal. Illus (;reed 11,., 1,W# are lad to notice how popular this room has become, And how greatly It IS • `pile -town auditors, \ir•ssr,. A. \I. g ;tet a; ;assistant until May :30th far $500 A hearty c•,h- .,f ,honks \els gk on ]lilts Groeu \1:, -: n liar: l l t n • - -- -- tit, far Un• fill, your for zl,(NX). cite Clint.'Il I;nli, s f. •' their kind hos- Kfpprn 1;, 711 it ng appreciated by ti1J ladi"3 0� riO�erlCh and district. Cnurlrillor Dunlop thought Ihr pitality. Kippen \fissi ,;, ,i.nnf lett 110 ° MODEL THEATRE 1114,11t, lwtiml, bV. tile. n •filut , •1't)"' folb ., rr•c lh ollicer l I.e.,hon 22!1 1x1 to lin' smiles, that cite 'pante ill' II. L. Pre;idem., \1 r,. .I,unr< Ilaamilhm, Lrrhtrrtt R9 (i(l Watson be Included fn the bylaw ap- Godrrivh : tet. \i'•1,, \11,*.' .I. E. Iloltrr, Lun,h'shnrn 1:322 50 *% _� �i PROGRAM ;,,.Sot) ltil, l:antpnrll, Irl,; ,glory to Clinton; 2nd civ•, \Sr;. \b -Lean, ill- Soafornp, DuC'; church 10810 M1LLAR'AJ SCOTCH STORE lee .,:,tw „, h, \toy 30tH, and if hr ear,- inondvillg; • ;ird err•'. \l r,. I3. C. \l1,- Sourorlh 71;8 10, 11 'Phone 56 'Phone 56 (Next Week) tinued fu ullice this to be" part of his Dermid, Godvrfr•h: ilii \.i1,,, \tis. \Ig- Seaforth "Barh:il,a Kirkman" 142110 r-muneratiun for rho year '11,000, Kenzie, Bmwoll, ld; seerotary, \lies 11, Seaforth -sunshine" 111 65 Monday and Tuesday Deputy li(,gvc Clark and liccvv 'Wi l- I. Graham, Soafnrth; tre,t,tlrt'r, \lrs. J. Smiths' Hill 79 00 ,) r lis aar''eel that \Ir. \valson was a good 1:- Greig, seal'orth; \tis -nen Mind stere- ihames li-lad .8,1 O(1 JESSE L. LASKY Presents nu,n r„t` the• position but thought the Lary, \Irs. '1'. L. D' lure. Se;tforth; Varna 110 00--- �, Grant to *ifttWr,' \frmnrial.. 100 00 fr•onr ,,rni this w.1,, ,ulupIl'd i'In h\„ new pre,%invial pr'y„n'r and ether ' price for an assistant to help in the supply srcrrtar}, \tis. \\'. If. Fair, Varna \1ision P;In,t f8 00 llenthrrs ref clic untarlo r,abrnrt. assessment was too high. Clinton: ,rssfstarit ;apply ser•retary, \\'Inlhrup 82 G8 Prizes taken In K„rids. ...... ;10 00 ladles named w,'re appointed, on Ili' ETHEL CLAYTON G„uncillor I:night adybantrd Ihr a,- \Irs..larnr's Scutt, tainton; litelary ser- _- 4ithpr rxpenses of n,:enue, stent It; 00 motion ,If \til ,1. \V. sillk;•ld .1114 tie IN pointmpnt as it would help ht getting rrlary', \[fsg Dunlop, r,odrrich; \Ips- $f,719 G1 \lernbership retain(,d .. ?2, 00 \layer, .Ind Ih.• hoard will, in appoint- ������ tver><fae�anerrt ie•bd6®6xd8®Ba,® the work done earl • and getting tit(, stinger crgtary', Miss I. Ferguson, \11NNI1•: v. GISI:IG, - fug rontnllt{ees t„ t ke rh,uK, „P tin • � -« • f s TPCa9UI'Cr, IIUTC❑ ��}} With [ � Lax rah• struck and taxes coll,erted God, rich; strang,•rs' secretary,g\Irs. V,430 911 fair (leslKnat" what commltb•es th,•c 0) "Say [1l WiFth Flowers" +e Maggie Pepper early, with saving in bank interest Mc(lorn•il, Hensall: press secretary, Mr. W. T. \lurm•y w,I, r,,lei,vttted will placed un. THE GODERICH INDUSTRIAL residrut, \fr.'rbos. I;undry \fir pn'.al- It \vets derrd,•d lee ha\e, no sprint qt also borrowed nonny. Mrs. \\'. D. \Ic[ntush, Brucrllvld; home P To Your Beat Friend Councillor Humber thought ihe, belpers' socretary', Mrs. C. Monteith, dent, \11,. k;+eon Finh,'r, second \ire stallion .,r grain rot) but h, have n sl g PEARL WHITE time it was proposed to engage \I r. Kippen; library Two Ladies Appointed on cite Direc- , sidpnt, ytnndlnK Il(,ld creep ron,pelitlun in � on 41 secretary, \Irs. ll. l " w'alson for was too lung for the as- lou � [orate at tilt, Annual Meeting Directors from s"ulh ,4 town- \his- ants, and possihly' a ,"•gond vrnp. it,,, IQ � Young, Carlow; Cnncen. 1,s of •ouun,t on Tuesddv IN sessment, tops, Mrs. C. A. Nit -Dow -11, Ilcnsdll; \lrs. srs. GPu. Andrvw\ -, D F'. Edward, John sgleetinn b" InK left Iv the, new board 0 s s1 ttf • • • 1,s [t was finally agreed it would he Ncrc;, :\oboes• Thr annual nn'cting of the G d,r,ch cuwertly, Geu, it, Sturdy and have Departmental ,judge, will out be all, St. Valentines Nl Industrial anti Agricultural Soctgty ti;+lkpId. I'd for till f.11l fair. The re•\ision 1,,f ,0 Lightning Raider better to deal with the appointmt,nls In rt•cip\vinK ilii` history tttp, past was held on Tuesday afternoon ,n the Of town- Mom- the prize, list was tU Ili,• new � Day 4" separately and the motion to appoint year, which has bPpn so Conspicuous Y 4. Huut. from nor h Mr. Campbell was carried unanimous- for Its spirit of devotion and liberality, wastowhall, when clic annual statrnenl ,1,y. Hubt. Glenn, ,loin Fowler, \\la,. board. ly, Councillors Humber and Moser and the best of all the. years, we are was passed on, officers and df^eetoP* Thom, lied young, .las. A1c\lunus. Tia prv•,-idem and \til. 1,,r,,. \ndre't\s * GEO• STEWART ' Wednesday and Thursday appointed and other business tra:,sact- Ilimeturs filum t null �tuyor N isle, w'gr„ a1ln,lnted drp'K;tG's to att"•nd IIIc 6A withdrawing their amendment.. After Ind to oxelaim, •'Thr Lord hath done, 1,d14 the enation was carried, they intra- Ktrai t.h(nlrs for us whereof w1, are h. L. Knox, T. It. \\olli,..h+s. I;onnully, Gntariu 1«+cillali ta_-t f_ F;tlrIt licit t.1i131 .- _ FLORIST ADOLPH ZUKOR, Presents The financial statement I9 as (';lulus \f• F. Lyrnhuriwr, A. Ti. STcTain ;+nil hlliui7s 1.•b. 3rd. Th -r-, will be a ban- M r ---- - � glad." The Presbyterial now numbers RECEIPTS, 1919 Phone 105 Bruce St. LINACAVALIERI ASTHMA tw'nly_rlnr anlast yes. t\.thi, includes \igKay, suet in lig a tenlnK addre,w•rl by ill, , more than last year. 'the \\'inthrop Cush balance on hanrL........•� S', 111 Lady rllre,t,n- \i1,-. y\canwlu andGovernment grant ... ... 2:,J (kl \lessociated S•ocir•ty having entered 1t) I' Collection.— f1,,nt rnerchant� ���®®�ih3F��ff.3Fi�A6BL9tBtBF(t-BA dB BA d9 dAF1�I� IN Auditors .\n,Il•,'\\ P"rt" r and If you have Asthma, don't auxiliary ranks) with a membership of le `A Woman of Impulse' ways suffer that you must al- f41G, the• cnntrlbutinns from these Aux- and hank,.... : ....... 11;:,67 L,tn, 01 �� H KEMP wa1a -Quic. sure miserA Iliaries bring `35,0112.11;, and five Younrr (tate r stein ,.. ll . ta17 00 Irtas . OI -t nlnn ut 1'f lady directors We Buy Raw and Dressed 4 ' s s ►1iunulck, euro even the I;rand stand 1,w', ipls...... .., 317 W .,vas tit, ,,,,;1,,I„1,r , f ronelderahlr , - ,,� la snaraatee y u even the Women's i, contributing \vitt, a member- liallms and l,oe,lh;............. 70 oxo y N FURS M EXPERT WATCHMAKER towretcaees by using ship of f9i, ronlributinfi 4xA.75, mak- cusstu l It wars f''lt h :dl that it \\r;as 'PARAMOUNT-FLAGG COMEDY F# s fro11 ,tails and pens..... 18 a) ,,eairahlp tel have ladies In clsargp of Sl •r c, Ing a total mpmb.+rshiP •of 1,(};10, an in- { the placlnK of fano•} work d line arty � r Pl"•s from ,sultry entrfps..... tr4 Gd TEMPLETON S en -ase of 220 in auxiliary members and 40 In I.he Young Women's Auxiliaries, 1%'tunl.y Kram.... lS (XI but whether to ;appoint a Couple of to Do not sell until you have iFt Watches, Clocks, etc., Cletned and Friday and Saturday R AZ MAH Goods duu,leel by merchants.. ell (x) ladles its port41n I,f the regular quota also It \fission Bands, numbering mK 4R4. Adv,,, In 9l Repaired satisfactorily. w•ilh a contribution of 110110.70, making I�r•iz,• list... ,4 (xf „f dcrectors from Gnd,•rlch u1, nut, and >Fi sot in toutti with w. SAMUEL GOLDWYN Presents a total otTering of r311,7f9J;1• \11•rl,bgr,hil, r,+dn,•d..... 72 at wbv.thpr to appoint them to the board ,n ,ae t/•an tirsottoat ei<p,rNnoe CAI?SULES De hit hal:,m' . L!1.31 with the full doth•% Of other directors *t No wuah or 01"k too "d to some. with ,no PAULINE FREDERICK \t'I' he grateful to b,• able `° rppr,t t _ FR � Ir �/e are so certain of 1,o- that the grateful to has att;,Inrd to nil to spprlf> the duties wrrr,mattprs t>a BROWN BROS. 1N OhirrSwmolenb i"-,4:io rut sults we wlll send ycu s lin, Forward Movement estimate of ten that causrrt dlsca;su,n, It was \f1,. r free sample of tbeso cap- EM I ND1TI ltE. IMP Knox's suggpstion thiA they b1, ap 5t' Phone 270 4CiOderfCll � MoIeAM aL00K, ,o tem•• v IN sitlee confident that you inerensp of fifty per cont., as have ;also Prize m"n"'> +id, ,'ash ....... 7M 4', � q are ++ vin of fd them all we have the• following auxiliaries: Bayll.•ld, ]' pmnted \vllhlut any spectfiea(lon nr "Bonds of Leve" claimed. Write to'tern- Prize inns•) wit paid fur 19111 9 U0 IImitation as to what part of tit(. noun I OODBRIOH. ONT. n Rrucefleld, Clinton, F{ensall. Leebtirn, �a6afE�aA911®A°&,B1A6WandFFaPMIfWBP9A6��dA#1 Dletone, 1112 Krug 8l,. W., ani, I;aslr pard far mors........... '41:1 ret try int,,restpd in tit: fair they earn', Toronto. n3n \IeKItInP, Seaforth, Winthrop sicca, ti' ns and music ttO err It's a Glbldw n Picture till, Young N Onrinn's Auxiliaries Cash y 113o1d by reliable druggists fi Cash pant f"r I,ritttlnK. • • - • ,.. :"23 ai--- also everywhere for sl. 04 ab oz. Marion ritiver, Blyth, :ind the Barbara Cash judges........., f6'Itf \-k It H. C. Dunlop's Itrug Store, Kirkman, 1,eaforth. St•ven of the \lis- ' 1':a1,'1 f r A CHRiSTIE COMEDY Goderich slon Bands have alae reached the For- 1'en,tahtaw- •Ind ,t.ltton„1,y......., '1:107 ward \lovemint standard -Blyth, ('tin Cosh 1,n u't• and K....ato-q.. 92 (rt I�� ton, Egmondvllle, Exeter, Klppen, Sea- [awPostingI,III- 1,7 "Ill i cal slraw far,la-cl •f 011 forth and Varna. A mission band has been organized \teal Ilgkrl th dlrerinrs........ ret Bayfigld. Twenty-nine members Ad\s. in paper;........ 11';0 r„snit' ClearingSale and tour in memoriam have been ad -ger Donaldson , \pre ,s and duty., ! 11 dpd, and 650 copies of the Messenger Dunaldsnn i,itltr,Kraphlnfi Co., subscribed for, There are 294 Home hill, 2.1 fill Helpers, who contributed $299.09. ----- - - -- Five hundred and eighty pounds of Werk nn trach ... ...... 141 :,it excellent clothing were shipped to Assistant „•rr,,tAry'... .... 10 ret Women's Felt Boats Kenora Hospital, Kenora New Girls' Expenses „( d,+-9.tb s to Tor - Home, and Indian school at Portage La, .. ... ........... 17 20 a Salary of •\1,r}'. and tr'+asurer.. Women's and Children's Felt Prairie. The Presbyterial strangers' _ 100 ill) Slin ers fteoretary reports twenty auxillarfr's END STOMACH TROUBLE, r pP having stranger's seeretarles. Good y work hag been done In the Pre", Lib- GASES OR DYSPEPSIA 0� Mens Felt Boots rary and Literature Departments and Bos' Oil Tan Shoe Packs also among the Young Women's Aux - y illairies and Mission Bands. The ren- 'Pape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour, Buck skin and horse, hide vener of the Forward Movement Pre- gassy stomachs surety feel fine sents an inspiring report of it very ac- In five minutes, Moccasins tive campaign. The 'Presbyterial OFFgratefully acknowledges a bequPst of if what ou just ate is souring on I Women's Misses and Childs I $500 from the estate of the late Mlsa your stomach r Iles like a lump of + Kate McTaggart of Clinton, who sen-_ i P Gasters and Leggings ed so Inng and faithfully In the caparl I- Ad, or you fw4th tit, and eructate 1f f f Ly of Presbyterial supply secretary. sour, undigested food, or -have a feeling Women's Mens and Boys given through the Clinton Auxillary. I of diz7ln4.a, heartburn, fullness, nausea, ` We would not for t to mention the 1 ! \- Hockey $oats � I bud laatp in meet,, and stomach lent Interest shown by Aome Sunday I nrhr, sen ran ,,Pt r, fl,,' in five minuG°g schools In the, W. hit. S, work. Nffgc . ,. All Repair Work Done to Your Satisfaction ; Mary loog,l of Auburn„ Was• presented 4 fill, rt' 11trn "�nrr aridity. Put an •rid l„ ;with a 11fe membt}re,111p, certlllrkte by i such afemar 0101, t;A�tirttd try z; tt, n her 14undav sehodt Glasse while Rlleth_ lar''. fill% r ;f , 'r n 1"lil"'a Map j , , n HERNis e1, Cla1a, nor with the vamp f \ ' 'e r• }ou r , , ;n BOOT SHOP ,nnday at,hooil ol honored our drvnGd f n•, '1 +ifnfT mtgstonarv. 1lflsg Mary Fingland, of , , f ;• is , r .,' u+ •m t Corea, after whom the flacn wan nam I ,. I �,l f r,• cd, in Lho game tvay. Spatorth Sunday ' d n ,Itr •ria.' ' (Lf�" I�f�(7�f[��fL''C(7L(LC'1fL(-1L�-fLl�'L�LIL�Lif�I�nCr L 2j .. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKESIj IL 'J Guaranteed Pure �J I I Best for all fine laundering. �''' , � 5 `� ` Silks, Laces and all fine ;fabrics. •i, . !t WON'T SHRINK AV0 01,FNS •�, � is ` , ,I. , � :.; .,. Tabie Syrup ` 1 ria. `i_ •'6 i1f1 r .'k2 '. Ruth itl bulk and a and S pound .:r, - Lily White Corn Syrup ' c �7 [�1 tell All kinds of Pork and Beans r1 t FR� a�] Jo H LEACH `-1 F . t ilei Phone 160 Cor. Montracil Eat. send Squ +a fr'ill ,'i"< ,J rtl 1,'1 f ;,1 f ;i;1,f -..� f;.^ t , •1,,-.1 ,_�.; •, , V ■ 10, .. �''' , � 5 `� ` •i, . !t •�, � is ` , ,I. , � :.; .,. '4 i 4• , I ,, 1 ria. `i_ •'6 i1f1 r .'k2 '. -