HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-22, Page 4-111,T"W- — - ­­ - � . ,��__­_- .1 1- - , _ .. _ pp 46 1 ' 1., 14f yv - /. ° ,1 ' - 1J 1 N 0 S ' � . ,tta 'r` •Ike � X111; _ . _ _. �;'�Y '� � ,:. Tiit�R�a:nx, ani♦ s �;>�R :r , _.. •.. ... #. i t Civil, t) ;bolt, -1 fockeroL J 4�` i1, - ....,. t�.�r ,. i►ucii;tT ItKltstf hIr!.t r; I,. Via. mate • ,� 1(x.4 ry t p q[ ry y�`'.. ' . �4 '� ,H U'�i :^ .d- � Ali 'l„4F +Y '�A.RY! N 4h!1hTr # A, ... q "�w� : ' n .t. ,. .. �:t M1F ,,,'b k, - . PP TA A R ';_. ...i�°"'44 J. nCt+►'thstrd,, � r�'l�, k � � 'j' __ : T . ,,, - +I�. ' tl tt A. , tot * Ir ," M , its ,,, w hef+. tockere* . l M. TP11 r o,: i x n Chocolates ates i_ 1, �,.. � � a ,4. LarBeat Rntf+y� : f - . el Yat "a lrtger; +� 11 .�r�rha I s le. " r, W"t, x, t:.: >< w' ' Wonderful rful �. en r'eS 7 1 if '�, { s,0 aCAalfaFl�y t d F,>� m , D M, .. 7,,11" itM'4M;r,"i_�. �I ,w.'.�1t.lotrr � I jtV�[t I - 1 nr 'r`Gt vou.0 s Qourk . 0i, ]? i IiI t �'c 1 at Motto WJaela"k a4a 1►1+t1 y ,. ,.arrest entry., In' is t#af` 'IY##h t,+oKrtr~ iI ► ti> Ti i r t7? I3!liit3 f rlllaeatl# r class t. Ll Mutt+itl, Y3a pouuda �4urN W. i+ etFlew of +l titer f.19cP ls;. �i x, ,, ;, '; ,,go ` t9i� fa.v red4cttotll.froul re a ar p3"lcea, a4.bout Ql 31k NIF Cr#J�X9 i�l� r 4C"i Iu area by 4?f+t irto t�enartltnc414t ' . is a . a ? >' Largevt t*Ittrlr It z�tatclltt ria �r - G. iR14nlJttt . Tatpntaa � f thi asuEl;'a and j�lleudid values, Velours, Chiu�i1111/3s, Babyf Via, . 4, AVeltay.'2t Imi7ttflsl Aaul� �. �, IE'. ;�. a �"�' s, etp. All .urt,$&k Peaces to e e-l� - Best. Iilsplay of .Itol14 V.61a%ei bids, CiCt LTt711�T ltnot�a its �'A S. a 1►icKaY t )eek ,H+unbtDra, ), y6gF �+ A latrti14, or st»cttee at mil ' u ,� Furs Rest display 'Tile-�" � is the mammao at; the time j' or Sale at the Rexall - Stol" e a' m p{Irll-Pol9rcd hlcds, of parturition, probably ori P ^ Johd Webb (silver Spangled !lain- - ,;' bunts), yegr's subscriMon to,Tbe%i .aura more frequently in cows than Sets of Fox, Wol6nd Coon nal, % . . in females of other classes of stock. r l`; .' o .a large animal scarfs attcl lGttrt;est entry= tri' tits ghar� -John .ft may occur to a female in any Cott- Y ;, <,,� muffs to maioh, sele4t Webb and David Bogue, both find 38 ditlan as regards eenoral health. I�enr I ,} t skips and heavily furred. - entrtee. tin x draw by the Peeetdent, oral care and surroundlnits.' The i Mr. Hogue won. The rfro Is a bronze + + Clbartug at the sot•.:...,, P 1 d I I $��� 2iII . $35 Itevtew,dated by Canadian PQ.ultrY causes, or conditions to which it is Torgnto, due, are trot well understood. It 1 Y t - • \ •Rest Display in Asiatic Class --D. 'occurs even though pregnancy has -� , • . •' • . Bogue, year's subscription to Cana- - =i- -;- �. - t,_ t5>Illl: POpp11AS diAn ,Poultry Journal. (Dark Brah- been apparently normal and has 9 , - N -- : -'- -- -- -.-.- _-- - _-___ ___.-___�_�L_-_-___T , s� _ _ ._ -coached Lull ter.Al..-_lt-W-VrQ6ab1� ( BHst Display of Gamete A. V„ Win. more frequently seen in females -- _--- __ _ _ op ��----__3fi ruck French ilk andoPson 4 -Son, _1<Yi 7iav-e avt bre m .a I61 .<,•, F - Wool Poplins for January to Canadian Poultry Journal. - - - - _ ��_ - --__ _ ' ; i . s I / Sale only in Navy, Triune, Exhibitor maltlmg largest entry of or in those which have produced - t' ! '!p 1 Greea. Greys and Rose bantams, all varieties. Matthews & their first young, though themsetyes Phm.B. t N. � Regular $2.00 at per - - - �, d _ v than Poultry Review. mal under any conditions, there are F 6 ^,� ' yard special ............. v .... Largest entry of pigeons, all varie- conditions that appear to predispose • $i•�� ties, Colin Hunt©rti year's subscription an animal to the trouble. in such t , I to Canadian Poultry Review, cases there appears to be a wadt of fnlfralfral�l(fnlftrJl(t1 f� tl�(� l ;r r ; I ! Best male and fernale in the Asiatic development in the lacteal apparatus, ' A. r� r��� MEMME" " " " --�,� it I € r I 11f ! ;( Flannelettes Glass -D• Bogue. which may have been caused by pre- 19 1 :, ' Best pair in American class -F. vfous or f� y t ' I,I present chronic disease of f X , ;' t Woolcombe• the udder, 4 chronic lessening in a FOOTWEAR - I �r 7 '+ , -- 36 inch Grey, extra, heavy ,. % I{ a -' _ •, , � � Y Best pair in Mediterranean Class- bulk, called atrophy" of the odder, , 11-- - i, ! for 31tt3etings for genoyal fihrardawn Bros. eahaustjoa foltowing disease. sesera "I , I a _ I; _ lt�ispht�ltl.--rias.-- Ter}ay's'- __lies& {fair In I�Ishl --•els' . .t:.:._ le-bor tnsul8cient-food,. either Muir.._ i , ;i t r� rl' valuQ 60a s eoial per yard Mutton. or immediately after pregnancy, nat- - - . __ .--- -- t , :I Best (+ t • ; pair In Dutch class --John ural debility, emaciation, etc. "' { a Webb• The mammae is usually small and , i !i I�;{ 1 �� I +�� \'hen dun hu }'ootwoar at Mae icar's Store you aro � 1 i,+ Best paid in Polish class -11. Bosue. soft, and attempts to milk produce y t 1K r5w 11 . Best pair ttr Game etas; -Wen. iter- only a few drops,ota yellowish fluid,, assured of satisfaction, relial)ility ,tool lu,elity for yourself and White Flannelettes Berson & Son. in some cases followed by a few drops Conrntnt•,,I Best pair of Ornamental bantams- of a whitish, watery fluid. Treatment family. Heavy 26 inch Mlattliews & Taylor. is frequently unsuccessful. It con- ' ?�- Best pair .in Game bantams-N'm. sista in feeding liberally on easily The consistent huccenss of our shoe-; i; worth noting. It r..� , " _ -. _ regular 35a for.... 31e Henderson & Son. digested milk -producing food, mas- is h3cauae of their popular )rices, w alar ,tyles and excellent ' �; � hxtraheavy 36 inch e Best pair in French class, J. II. saging the udder frequently and P P I T A l! !!{' regular 30e for... 45e Grieve• stripping the teats three or four ,�h��,j( workmansliip that they please the most critical customers. Seo • -! 1 ,, Nest pair of pigeons male and fe- times daily. Great attention should , , male, any age., Colin Hunter. be paid to the digestive. organs In the extrtn good values we have to offer. Mens Fur Coats FingeringyYarn order to keep them as normal as pos- t { sible, and the patient should be kept _ Siltka Beaver of select skins. Tho warmost %nd AFTERBIRTH ' RETAINED so that she will take considerable ;, 1 frig ting soft Iinitting Yarn in Gre>•, t exercise. The writers experience has M )3G servioa t,hle l: ar C mt a to en c I,u b'.tv, R E PA I R I N G ;+` 'i .. splendid splendid splim °ante, wall line:] and ��� Bla"k, White 1 one oun3e skeins for ;�i �e been that the administration of drugs i4� t; '+ ( all du k skins. Sir 31 to IS aS o> sh The Cause and Cure Of a Not is non-effeetWe. , In many cases the gland becomes ^t I tk5 I a3 • Gr81n Bags Uncommon Trouble. perfectly Inactive, and romaine so j1=uO•acVICA '0 Knitting Yarns, until after the next parturition, go G ''v`tt'a lar+a, standar 1, h ;t i Cows of All Ages Are t Sometimes when, in most cases,, it becomes nor- Intl . iA" MillshIillX:trti :3 ply sup3r rlu.(lity in �� (,(� �. 6 q' Ilit y ' mal. -J. H. R., O. A. College, Guelph. R� V g•50 Affected - Remedies Suggested North Side u} $quare GODERIGH f@ E �w Grey or White at per pl(Irr4l.•••.♦ m per dozen......................... Where Veterinary Cannot l30 �i a ` BRIEF TOWN TOPICS i [� t k A Had—Gra Pruning For the �-7 EM a Garden. MtJL'=t l� lL� LJ��1JIJLE�Ili�t `i[ X999 " A,', . e� a A good time assured at the Betsy (h•. ` s1 y1a (Coatrtbuted ov Ontario Deaf rtruont o[ Bobbitt concert. 1)Un't Inks It. Feb. " Y W G a �1� ��� IN M �Q AKMcu,Sura. 1 orontu.l Mrd. The liebekahs are boldin, a .ochre MIC IE SAYS tt i w�' � F.TENTION of the afterbirth, D t, _. _- •-_- �� t11 'y �.tr� ` - and dance in (Odfe lows' Hili uu the foetal membranes r pla�en- - evening of Monday, Nth. 2nd. tteuu•n,- ta, commonly ca ed "the ber the date, '�e ONLY NCAN ihtt{0 EVEit' i-, r i ' cleanings," is not uncommon Ila�'e you seer been ,(t a B" tee. Bob- POUND 1T O(oN•T PAY -TP, __ _ _ ___ _ ---, I i - .� l)orwllg, A. O..N"-;xn"Id Hoxw,; t I3ailtams, in cows. Its <ar.sc' is pot unticrscood. hitt roncrrt. �mm� stunt d,,iI L; "•t'or ADVERCvSE WUZ ++ TN£ KAf<:3rcR ` Polish, N. B-MattheWs dc; J,n,•,,,F ((,�.,,,,�j //�� 1 • • ,•'beaten•,', i• 1r 11h WObert�•• .�5fil ., 1: allot.' Taylor, Woodstock, i Whilo it ir•, probahiy,.;nore frequently nriniUc. ` $ a 1, s and 2 onck, i and, I)nrking, t1'hite, R. (:.- Uavld°Resift. 2 h,'n, 1 and 2 cockerel, I and 2 pull••t: a ' `,1\N. 'l, rret with in cbwt; in low condition Remember the euchre and dane,• on no Tuesday engirt, .Ian. 27th. ill the tldd- ri e ' "THURSDAY 21hid, 1020, �i 11lcl hen, 1'rochrl`yl, 1 and'. mullet. Bantams, PartridRr- Mlatthews .,t ninon, IIU� Leslie '. and unsanitary surroundings, � felluvv,' flail, uudcr the auspi,•e, of the r:r 1 „ ,. __ _ rp td. M Ittpn• Tay lqt - 1 and 2 cockerel, I:and ,? putt, t . f:are, food, attention or surroundings ��umen's Institute. - t y �":: er- �* ^ 'Vite1(„ll, 1 alit:! 2 Cork, 1 11011. I c,+ekrr- Wantams, Cocilln White --.1, E, ttutrh, �,•l, 1 and ? inlet. ' �” ` TIE POULTRY SHOW p i rock, 1, pullot• abs ae prevrntiwes. It !s noticed in \ The euchre and dunce fri\en in ,.,dd- t WNEE °1_� ,_, • =i - I L,'Khbru, j\'hitt.. 11 l; GtuistoPher I Hantuns, Cochin. Mach -Win. 11. cows of all n„ cs, all breeds, cows in fellows' halt on \Vrdnrwday eveuini -__ Ir i'rixo \4"cahoots at Ibe i'vvruty-Fottrlh Johnston. 1 tock, I anis 22, hen:' Ilorrk, 1 cock, i cork rel, 1 w `f all conditions and at all seasons. We was a huge success. There were. about ��\ I', t inland, 4tivrr-.11:+vad Bo,uF, cock. I,en: Jahn Webb, i hen, 2 cock. 1�"ehibltfon aP the Ihtron Poultry 2 heti', 1 f cannot understand why it occurs, or fifty tables of cards and the dance was cannot Inuch enjoyed, ,*'•, I1 sort cockerel, and 2 pill- Brahmas, Light, Bant.--John Webh, iA-isoelation i why it cannot be prevented, but ea- _^ i, , let; \\ W. J. Statham, 2 cock, :3 hen. l rock, 1 and 'L hen, f cockerel. perience teaches its that such is the The members of the Goderich branch ` a ;._- Poland, W. U., Black--I)a% Hoguo l Ex. Game Bant. Pyla -Wm. Hender- t', ; iltl trfitntit)nhd last week the Ifnron , ,'cock, I and 2 hen, l cockerel, t an son &Son, 1 cock,- i and 'l hen, fact., ,Good care, comfortable sur- of the 'Women's Institute are helping the, matron of the Children's Shelter - 1 A toilet. Pb, Itry ;,li;ow w(ls a very good exhi, 2 t Ex. Game Baht. Black El. -Wm. Her roundings, avoidanc of cold surf by ;r wing and knittinK• Owinl; to the • e ,r ' , bit .Cil quality of the birds. Unfor- Polands, Golden -David Pogue, f• and derson & Son, 1 cock, 1 and 2 hen; dampness, especially n cold weather stormy weather the attendance has \„" ? f ga �2 cock, f anti 2 hen, ! 1301A, 2 tucker- IHarold Kaitting, t pullet, 2 cock; .T. J n,OLl-:' tiro weather vvas a Inst it and giving a warm mash for a day not been very large. Another sewing ^ I - ,tttlNd ,d. flutnber of exhibitors sero 1,}te el: John Webb, I cockerel, 3 hen. Moser, 3 cock, 3 hen. Oamo, Pylt3 Hx-Wni. Henderson I or two after calving tend to aid ex- will be. held on Monday,•January 26th, , , tilt : tlxtr stookp kern, Qthor9 & ; Ex Game Bent. Brown P ed -.T. F.. +o ifs imposslbla 6 account of rho nr Woodstock, i and 2 cock, !cock- \latch; 3 cockerel, f and 2 inlet; Jno, In the basement of Knox church. pulsion of the membranes, but even fevv copies (half a dozen will heII. hpf to send their stuff and ono crel, I pullet, 2 and 3 hen; David Webb, 2 cork. , all P autions'frequeatly fa.l, The enough) of The Star of Jan. Sth would "1'+"d 3toak twhibtor-, had Y00 birds Bogue, 1 hen, 2 cockerel, 2 pullet. Pigeons, Fantail -,Colin Hunter, 1 and � li 1fn had intended hers Gama, Q, R. EXy-Wm. Ilenderson, & 3 cock ! administration of medicines Is in -be welcomed if a few of our subscrib- effdaLive. !n ordinary cases the ,nem- have further for their • !r showing ands hen; John Webb, 2 '` I I►'" ]ter rile oanciitlen of flirt scathes'. Son) !and 2"hen, i cockerel. cock 2 hen. brans are expelled shortly or in a ors vvito no use, copies could leave them at The Star ' '11>tandt Inas Air, A. W. Tyson, of i iluok vying, Game Ex. -Win, Hender. Show -Calvin [Punter, 1 cock, Lely hours atter parturition, while in other cases they are retained for 24 office the next clay or so. A few copies ,� son, f cook, f hen, ! aoakerel,•L and 3 d tilXfllk� Plid httt'avvarcls vv ere as fel- 1 hep. hours or loaner and. then spontan- are wanted for special items of neves t pullet; David Bogue, f pullet, 2 hen 2 t i kloiner Flying --Colin Hunter, 1 cock, l tc3 Iibcks \i'ni. Il. Doak, i rook: cookeral. i.hen; John Wabb E cock, 2 hen; Bit-, t eously exile la other cases apon- and vee will be crateful for the return feu dose not tyke place of a few, as the supply of CxtCA9 is ex- 1'v eackerial; !and $pullets; and Gaftte, A. 0, V.-vvm. Henderson & !lo Webster, II soak, 3 hen. until; ter dee when they haunted. Y , , _+ 2'lteil, I$on, i and cool', ! hen, i pullet, 3 Frill Baok--John ,Webb, 'i cock, i tpoaitfon, �"--' are ertpelled !n Dtls sad remail pieces. - 1#at'trtakq Roofs -Frank Jeffrey, f cockerel; John Webb, ! rand 2 cockerel. lien, — and pullet; Frank ='kte rytalttoma the usually evident MOIKE DELIVER�/HIMSELF �i wn ��rp 1 a d z cork, I � . d •f :+� re ; sn an Putto�t il Jeffrey, $pullet. iiticksG. P. Gould„ ! hen; ! and 2 .hen. -Me-MW nth --the iuJV --- -- - -- - - 4 34,0001k orei; J. S, Howric f cook- Dark Game Cornish•-Lesl[e L3. Mtut- MtutBad Tuttiltlters-Cplln Hunter, 1 of a not ,Wn of the w4wbrtiaes, but To the Idither of The Sthar. 1n caro aures this symptom !s not ton -f cook, 1 hon, ! cockerel, f and 2 cock, !hen; Harold Kaitting, 2 hen, preaellt, the raelflbMes being wholly Dear Sir. -Faith, did ye see the way e , 1C fPrfthttha&-David ,Sagas, inlet_ Byron, P Trumpeters --Colin Hunter, i and 2 , Leghorn Buff', S. C, -Leslie 0. Mut- ' ':'fit' itQa, t..pultbt, cock, !and '2 hen. et#aplipad Ritlia tine uteraa. i4 8uch they appinted Barry Watson as assis- califs. t(be has been to Bill Cnmpbcll his 3 Lon, i and 2 cock. ! aitd 2 hen, i and $ iadrt!`r[ 3fEitCk-Slieardovvn Bros, i , Rollerg-Colin Hunter, 1 cock, i hen. l Its ixtlil.g 2 cockerel. aockeml, f and 8 pullet: Christopher Jacobins, A. C, proRitled t�w un- tint cold (blis4 tied it is hard to ltttow whether they cold soul) to make the asslssmint of The use of .Miller's ,Norm Powders Insure healthy children so far as the tt,' villiet, -John Webb, I cocy , i�hsdis, black -J. b, HoWrie 2 Johnston, 'J Pen, 3 hen. . 2'hen; S. G. MacKay, f and 3 lien, are retained or have been eaten by the town, and hired him fir a month the cow. Cows have the obieetion- ailments aro concerned. A high mor- tality "i` •• braids, f shad, 2 'pullet; W, J. Statham, Leghorn Buri', It. C. --•Christopher Dock,' - _eoolter-0 Z> Johnstap, '! tend $ nookerol, f and 2 Tumblers, able habit of eating the aftelrbirth, longer thin the taw allows for makin' r among chaldron is traceable to worms. These sap rho strength of in11 t C. I..--•Colih Hunter, P and ftullat. allot I-- �liab• 1. llowrla, P 2 We Cannot account for this taste, and the assissmint. Yis, and give him tants so that they are unable to main - g lilito* 1 and sack 1 and 2 Itdti. ,11 " t 1th; tavld Ilagtite,'ilyron, icockerel Wyandotl� Sftvor Laced -,T• S IPow- Blae'r, Rose (tomb Bantams, A. Fink ' whoa posnlble it should bo pretrented. ,more salary thin cold gill's richlst In some cases the consumption of the dhreams of avirice or sumthin' iver lain the battle for life and succumb ' ` t rie, 1 and 2 cook, !and '_'. hen, f and 2 I and, ' r P n °' ,,> 11110t. &Son, tVoodstook. " membranes does not appear to affect shot uv. Say, talk about rhallroadin- ter weakness. This preparation gives health keeps it. cockerel, t and 2 o Ah&la$IAJi,,- blue -J. S. Rovvrie, i Rabitts, Angora -John Webb I buck the health or general couditlbn of the things through the couilefl ttley - had promise of and 1, P y' I r 11oip1C„ I tild 2 assn, !slid 2 oockarel, ! NV,y'andotte, Partridge.- Sh.eardO n ,2 doe,• E. 1V. Fraser f doe '2 buck- animal; in others-il causes trouble. the whole: thing done afore iver the 11 ',I r , `' ' '0` ''i; Pc cockerel, surd Bullet• hc�� sad 1Phrold Kait•ttng, 3 bink, 3 doq. and in some cases death from various alter rigutar mectln of the council, the ' fi li 1 , . �, Is apti Red, rose comb -Thos. P • Rabbits, Polish -M. F. Lymburner, i conditions. majority counted and all, and'thim a ..11 innnufrNurNmiiiiimnroprmuuluffuillilI laialfmurunnfiunrllu� I 1;+ Wyandotte, Whit". S. Mfutch, i Treatment-When'the membranes chryin out' Voto, vote;' to faroaloae ifMtl'tki, ititd 2 hen, i and 2 cooker- and 2 hook, f, 2 and 3 doe, have been retained for 24 hours or discushun. Not that I have innything C : �;v r 'd1 �',Il��.`�ilttd 0 (haslet, i Pon. conk; F. W'oolcombe, t hen, f, 2 and 3 giberinn Ifarr-H..T• Fiauscr, llamil- >t1sYrlthi>R,. $, fl:-iyavid Bogue, Byron, cockerel, f, 2 and 3 pullet, 2 cock. ton, i bunk, i, 2 and 3 doe; Colin trim, over over is warm weather or for Potty- agln' that same Harry �Vtrtson, him _ajj Paper ► Pa • I r, . ' ( t i' ' 1, t'tt 1'�ltftw'1• S. liowrle, i puIlett, 2 Ancones, It. C, -Frank Jeffrey, ! ter, 2 buck. eight hours En cold weather they bein' a rgthurned soldier and all, but s P • pertng • i ', cook, 1 lien. Should be carefully removed by hand. they niver riven gave Innybody else a C % +'t"'.. + 1t#tytkr Belgian Hare-[Iarold Ka[tt]ng, t 4 i hack, I dot'; F. W Fraser, `l buck, 2. Where a veterinarian can readily be chanct to say ate %%,ud be glad to do � trf� iI• tP• �' f• doe. procured It Is probably wise for the the job for haf the money or finny- = Par/its , Painting, a o I`� A11 , ilffnitlllillllilllilllfnlnliflililli11111111111f111niI111fIIlftilNil� EEamburg Brack -.5, G, htcE:ay, I ordinary stock owner to employ h1m, thing. ,\nd bogorra, ya shod hav' herd .� • g • . cock, 1, 2, -and 3 hen, i, 2 and 3 ruck but It stockman who understands the rho spalpeens (shim as put the appint- a I . 1. err,. t 2 and 3 pullet. anatomy' of the parts, and is not mint achross) chuckle after the mat - 1.1) LISTEN! afraid Of a dirty and sometimes ted- in whim the f M I am opening u a y opposite The Star Office s` a , ;� _�,, hamburg,'$: S, -R, C• Postlethvralie; loos job can operate himself. The Y ound Jake itfoser had .:_ P 9 P store direct! o f cock, i pullet 2 en, 3 hen 3 �rck- voted void thirm Well, we'll shurel 0 on West Street, with a full stock of Wall Paper and Paints and I 11�I I = 1 P a „ lining membrane of the womb is ebv- hfv' the as+eissmint made in good teams solicit �i1, t , are! John Webb, i hen, i socket 11 need with ngany little lumps (called this year wad tvvo assfssors on the job, your trade. 1� , s° 1 " t3� cock, 2 hen, 2 pullet, '3 rock, S. G. Mie .�. ?. �( t• ,` : u cotyledons) which aro attached by or If we don't belavo me that cassia` W$11 Paper r Kay. l pen, cockerel, 3 inlet. 0 d 11 Ct'�r+ rlfa ' R �+ Orpington. ;Black -4. !T. Grieve constricted necks, with surfacee vary- y 0 + �° Nothlue Succeeds like Success ,+ he g t It must be a wonder the wa. tug front one inch or ices to three or ho got It Bono and the taxon mostly all •- 1 ,„,.,, l:xetir, f cook, i hen, four inches In diameter' to which the = ,.;. S. C. Rebs, it. L -J. H. Grieve. I cock, colltotld afore avcn the collector's roll :ill 1920 designs, Staunton's make. B'urlape. Sonatas" (oil + • c membranes are attached. The oiler• B 1 t heti, ! cockerel, !and 2 pullet. was in his hands at all, at alt. • Wyaaddtte, Golden•-•,Tohn Wetsa, t alfa 2 per have an antiseptic lotion Well, maybe, I've s4 enuf for this M or varnish cloth, will not tear, designs and shades suitable for • as a 8 Etat Beni. salut[gn of one of the im 111 j r t Itoo `•'- . t �Vhy not • buy your garments In and 2 rock; I, 2 and 3 hen, i eockeRi, Coal -tar antitetica in warm water. A to e, so M s say d boye. I dining rooms, halls, bath rooms or kitchens.) ! and 2 pullet, MIKE. "� It'alloa of two of this should be fa= .,.. ` .i,� tt�>,ur.� by men who have the e�� y.• Brawn Leghoras--L, t), htuttonr jested into the womb. The operator Pallors i cock, 1 pallet, 2 hen, 2 pullet, d hen, them diaintects his ita;ud and arm with li cockerel; J♦ S. Havvt•le, ! hen, 1 and the safite; .introdueerl the hand into dhi�tlren �r'ji - bI!<ld them t0 make good? caclicret. the wtlrab and carefully separates the Fos FLEfiCIiEII" Ben i • kd Jamin Moore's celebrated interior and exterior Paints, y� i�tr-.1ittli Prices, . S. � s --J 11 Grieve, �dembraaa from each cotyledon, be - 1 , Le>tho- .�,........,.., h tar ti> CE �Yhltb • ;,`; v tI'll �, ,41� . theC> Yt o ttttw are 3CnnoVcd tho not tftr off 8 colnf Varnishes, dame e. ' a ,#1 I111t►y. A A es Stains, Enamels, tat also ;11 , t, I but t. i ri bs seri Bt'ltshtil, diff "(`o `,f +'.J♦NM. . ' Il,Vli�, t Is ft4aenbeio tire not it '�t•e'IXiit'�V� unite. " 14�f�i[t Esc , 11 �, ' � ppe�rr HECK i tits '+ii yNllole hon rchrotred aT T�U11' �11 :' little :woes of the Abuseptie should �'•'�"•�'• „ r11 11116 '4 6 >1111 �atll]I ax's ' • ae o the Womb. it Is: Ctj>�i�ixitOlCt e its jeC ed int b - tKI 0 EY Ixrrod tAttt b heel t .e t w 18 to • " ,. " tt % t�1r111, „' Eft dr4tkt ci►rlb tit herd fn a part Ol�i .. * rim P�li>ritlttllg ,. • '01 Cold' 'tt+Aftt at d dfYlncfi, of tI grin- iib iriv4 eared t t)bttt tf;oK tywor 4(1 11 V1 pp ,1,11 >sibll: tib F >I<>lld tj1tM�lt�Yr +a ttle19Y 'ant •i14i' idea tlirtatti tiint�► flffllit slits. standlltg. in �► �ewr ot+trittl` •, �Oip ]Ie prtltflp0lt ptt$tfdad to At any tim4. i 11 . �, _ t1dl J1I1 dtticTt#t b .-^ i3, lr. e' ra" 1ILLS Itldi ilLI t>KI1� lit $Mrfptlells r , r + ' r1C S,° W 1" , fw"bl e, tiEtlttl r tttwft !bt[t.1r oYi3it b. ! °,: I ^ • . � q 1e „� � , ..., 1t.twet�ll rYat3� er:tnntfe�' r wrrlwrr,rrw,r,rr. ilXr►tt tit�tt tltits llitaF LiJttei. CSiir r 1 5,, tti* ,0#6 a1o4A - II11 I * letth s11 � ., p• ;fie of shell! ` tctlttVltlttalf9t ' 1r115eif ' Ihby it a a _,> t' z , ,1:' 7 a, .y ae�#omd!(}fil telly bfF '4,. Y�� � a., I . I 177 mtttli+ 21xta tuft tef]brfitss of lh�►ir` 4 '+�� �� prii�uttleCs, lltnbinl►rebarlflYtailr h'bidamoftnn , �'. ��� �►ertson,, Itttibtaall+Btintf ti.tact►rrandttllb= 11 �, "I ", y 1„L� x+ " whaLt ;fig ,gMpathyw"' ity t•� llt� Ii>E a ants6,0,04W& #+ice 11 i 'r� S fnpilci� .,� boy. t flit gots : V , , t p��T r M>���rg4rs 1iIt+Sr IlE �00 �F,, p� lir (tlwt' to Af"1dthtr wht'A *6%1 .1,51 t d "30 itelriilfir it 1.1 *4ilt to low l Y itmtMteri ..:.. L I a s. i ., n - : f , ?,1i.'11 11 !firer ...., 5_-___n. ..-., - - - ' •Ill I Il. 11 , , 1. -11.11 1A -. ,.... x...-. •,. X ,. .,- .,. ,,...-. ,nn..-... ...... _ , T� : i :, ,' . . .. , •' ii. " r . • .., 'i. '.. , 1. ,i r .. .. �,, Iw r ,�.r 1• •yl. yK . 41 �.. J