HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-22, Page 1t.,..,
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- K, .: + ., 3�, • v, n rl'lt%1 1%titonal' buildin Coln , .,
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VT . ; stllc, Q tl ;>Gln- x sQ1114ltltllt\"`ii4or f!i fiU11E5A4IlU#1 at11 feed. (at (ilodertCh, hl tie tR Cod Cls- r
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� wt- t )'Art ;�lt>rTtx �hn lata Vitra, Atl#sell! \call . i s' t
I . , ' . , , � l C , UAt oar � 8"t*m! u p to very \\~cit klt(t\v tt to opderlrh t111d ;IIIA c. Ti lva rtKtlt to t►ultd for Canada, Rats_
_ ''�!�t + pt !
$4 Q• n1Uai 11 " i' wit# of>afl gttp I; S��b�,�►+� Isurro:lift �1tr (fittrlut, }titlt;ihl her f�r<!#ratty tailld. iretaind, 'k'taltttt*, ge11}tum, Ilol•11
a • ., I , illM -Flana!, tease#a q►t4f k -reticle eawAttrteN
r y.I - % , It $
that `,tr/ob'd,IF t Q \writ, �vh31Q het" It11,�It+att(1 wars sotVI 1S
I 1. It FARMERS' 7drr R>qui1M1•f,T4.10.r4we&444 #iuQtk•* �'w4b the tl, t-2. \\'on untverttut and.
litcfe4lnntt1fa41flt3clJa,r `'41ead,itieo tote skok y f li nt#rattoll. feel Gap tp Atllilen loltlit ()v- t.tl 1 Fl
y A tease i Wiry odQrnadltt
cot, u tieaso +itttins
' i lglieTbettfrtitanr bala�lcilt ,44ter- � g�, uV1Llt ^ > tO S► ersc;�s the teQat>(t time, Hlten there - The 111 ea m
Were you sa,�i,8>�it�(3 with yoll>• proftta last year: � r e �Il t0 1101 et- �11t11; (JQnti;1u04 np�Xiii+ Of " "L /f]tlltt6 %rna neither rlt:r� fJl, n or student \crio was succeaatullY tested on the Do-
furnace f lectr-tcli lit
: clo you thtgit they could bb Ig4readtf A15 tutCtD itzso,o�oofl ° �7a r could take his'place. Atrs.:llllaan° kept atln#nn clarerllnlent's Esperlmentlll
Talk things over '%vi.lh talo lbowt?D[til,uager of the ; and bath, newly �4 up the pctrochtal Work tl(IJaelt, wtttltlitfl Faroe at Willowdtile Onk„ when (t
' ''Storling Dvi,nk.• He is.; el4perienced it; money matters IIs the seek, couduetlnit meeting", and "
�ON�( i ■�J al. COTakCSI Lt1COtt�,'ilOUt, taklug ihr services Ott 3undaya, tier pulled 4Q etica Ot !lax with an aver-
affecOng farmers, I�Ei1d you will ffnd;z"talk %sigh ilitn ' a►a. fir/+ e �� � arA� on ro. erty, thorough training send lt?11tt t�spertenou aiTo of s acres a day. t3o�arnmaat Well-
most profitable. ..'" p' c `� nya nront+Ka-in F n11nr4J nS1C} f1 T,tt} seals ancJr flax--Info\tbtl ticlrs-dealaiti _
:I j. _ . ;;;=^__ _ � _west ....-a pwur-1 1, r.rs rcr rt-+•. � _ • - - -_ - +71 t it CC� i3 t i3@ -fit'+_-_-- M.
f �___ ._ ... _.. _ ._ _ _ 311fe� hrr-fur lli'tw work. he was n rc1 that this tittichlno make posrlD.
Be suce anti see i1im before exteudipg your opsratiotis, pd�riG�j C _w-_4 � p CO: j�r 1R 1�r -woman _ _ I"
9 , -- ---III
-tiF --- mat lite poet 1n tete ufYalra of the lAa�- ((ytifoiuptnezlt +)t --(Its- lard sad pew - --
` _.___-__---_-_--. ____.. _ o �Ot1Lk}-Sl,. QUd - p con aunt! i,li`'cortrt intthe u nasi!! ansae a manent bax Industry in (:anada.
---_ -- -- -- tier f
ttveutte. as a ! od 1a esti
wT to t
ng flax
--..-- M fish to a deirrve, her parish behellted vvhhh pas notechantted In thousands of
C+lt ,
_ t hr fall front her east- ant high . , - - �_ '- , ' ' ' _ e t ts} i K \ ears involved rho acs ging- of _)r�r.>tft _
- feel, and LfviuK'ytu' 4 (torn the cast �IR� �lE(� Beed OT iTii-ij:mil y1-7i11`1061fu )ai saTiu numbers of laborers wa pulled the -
' ^A, • I -- safe \Var•deu Cam{i]Jt 1 �1opt the north. ' +- '� un ler\veal an operation, \\hist! was Rax by hand. This aoMeualy hindered
+ M �T �{ p a ��T N _[+fit_\ . Save This Date In other \vord:t the �}IyUor has }sassed � AUTOMQ6lLE lNSURAt�CE sl to itself perfectly aurreasfttt: and corn- rho Kro\vth of aha lndustty In Untarlo,
�11a L� 'T L 1�L! L 1 'JAJIJ all around the cut;) sad it is time It Ifl pliratlons arlalaq, n second uperntlon which renehad its ell ax In lfii8, when
The Girls' Guild of St. Georges came back to Gude( ,U for a kerin. I % J. W. CR'A1161111 was rendered necessary. The abnor- with the assistance ct Cloy on and
�_'S'1 /��'/;t church are planning for a sleigh -ride mttl condition never really righted it- lir! (luktes and rnnuy chllhu►a who
n 111 �� �1 party on Wodnesday evening, Feb. 4th. Case of Sleeping yie_ness In Goderich ����®®���� ����WENZEMN t +
-__ __ _ ____ _.. _- __ I wever, fn split- of tire brave v(r1untcdred from a patriotic stand-
_ nt\ f. ho
° Watch for farther particulars ne.ct The first ease of seeping sickness: to - ' - tight that tier wonderful spirit made polht, to pull flax an aareattt+ exawd-
t� bank aCCOtlnt 1S an assistant week. de�•elop tit Goderieli s that of Mr. Jus. for lite; and on Jan. 12th she passed Ing 20,00(1, %vas ,grow
1 ... 1II eharaeter lJtrk It establishes the Goderith's Turn Ar.i_ddle inn emplo�vrg of the W. C. ,F. ttwa}' pc:uefully in tier hushand'L armit Taking tnt+s con0&rablon that in -
t ! r n n„1, u..,.•., 11., \,.% %vt3s force Ce. lay off wblR tile --.- renacfous at the lusl_mumettL_ _ - ttTll poly- 1:,(N► r,nrn„u nP_ _
- lu >uµ}i\ut bla'rk ill? - -
e�infidence -inde (;fiZtWice- alyd- \-lith Thi -isle uf7asl wpe�r, an(iilr. , ac.- hcnrttitt syrupalhy nt fhu wliuln com-
:, I in Ontario which was ins n+uctesd b>
ld - Goderich as a candidate for the. po-
``t r . f sitipu of Warden f Huron County for lin, 'ho is Ftttendinb him, pronounces munity goers out to Captain At .on and mw'o than 20,000 in four years, the in-
increases effort and ayes the wa to success. ate ,,,, 1 duvtr made ra lid, strides.
Via, ', a '' . p y. 1820, it might be the trnubl+• 'an unc c stinnnble case of tits famlly of little children, N:, lt•r-
poluted Ultt til Flt ft i3 this �trauge disease: Alt-. Priddl: hasH + y {
'` Open an account to -day and be a Frlr,al many yeFtrs stare the honor . ,,z nor R,unard, lir»ttnn toed tlodf'ea,I \\,,stern Ontario hAa A half-mililon (,
{ fix , rrmnincd since Sunday %vllh little \ w,5•, in their, Jrrelrt,+cable lose. Tho funrr- ,serest idval fur flax gruwln %which an- o
7aA ha, corns til; Goderich, twenty }'ears nK ,j
41;'j., prepared. ur rn,t[e. \Yc have of recent seats altang( ''y`c'Ut that the t'xrltabllit}h aJ sc(h'ICr'N \%a held in St. tirurgr.,
nuail'N would bring Ill oils at tie%v
,.' noticeable tit first I,!Aone. lie can be e�, ohurch on Thursday lost, Use rectur,'Ihiunry luta the 1'tovince, but the bttg-
had \tr. (;(,Ig,r. ut Men. -all, 4ir, Elliott 1 ,ts
,� ; roused to gf%r hin, niodio,ne, etc., so Fn ,, Re\, A. 1. G. taarkv ofIviattut:. assts bear of the Industry has luxkn the se-
THE CANADIAN BANK that the dlscase'is appareully not so s „ t n \n hdearnn .)Wars !lair- curing nt hand labor fed mix \seeks in ,. .
, L0ST severe as seine cases elsewhere. A ratan, Rev. Gann 11111 aunt Nov. '11. the pulling season
v .`r,_, .__ ' strict quarantine- ts'iiteing kept. Ilnuul,•, preA,•nt iut•unth,•nt of Dun- \\'lth the devrlupnirnt and nuututar- I,
ETWEEN :it. oeorge's etWrch and
' OF CC�irllr ERCE 1� pint utnre. a sun, u; money. .ruder :;kalln0 ls`wnivul _anrnln; ;uul til,' rrni.,lns were islet tt, tine of lir. Veasnt patent tnrchrtnlral
\1 !. ),ace least at FTUt OFFICE and recrt\e rr•tt in \I,,illantl sen eller>. Thr pall- Ilat palter in toren ItumbrPs, the in- ,.”
' PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000' coward. -_ - I The :Jest carnival if the Season \vas hearer„ \sere Jo.. llamlltn i anti it ilustl-y inkes a fresh start, till- each,
r, ` ' i RESERVE FUND - - $15,000.000 -.____- held at ihr sJatingtrir.k nn Tuesday w•,,, Ihuruin, linnaraunuu. and .1. 'I'igcrt and mac•hf,1e has a dully putting rapacity x :,'
r, _ WANTED Irvening %%'ith a goO atiendanc., and 'r lil,Iwrty, of fort Aih,rl. In t+plCr of oquul to the r,rmbiued !arbor tit forty s,
, GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, ) Tanager. x-7.��TLn.- cartadaau bank requfrer r,ue I Wood interest %vas tbkcu In tile. event. the :dluu.t. tmpa.S,(blo .tate ut the hand puffers. The coinpan? hits uta- *t
% �d ur tun ycfung men \stir have had There \veer suite tt number uP con- rn,u1�, nu»,\ friends (turn Cnihot'ttr' der \\ay ihr ronstruetion of twenty of s'•
1, y .,,, Surae education. Tilt,; lA a splendid open- te"tants for the prizes+ and the cos- and Ashifeld were present, Thr floral the„` lnarhlnes for fureftrn {mowers `
3' h,W PW a proggressive man and otter+ tunas were ggod. 'Dr. Mabee. 1'. L. tributes Included ihr following: Cru.,; who were
j Wood o t ,urtunitivs for advaneoinient. Ad quick lU avail thetnxelves of i
t ;' - "'� dress replies piles to aux ff>, 4'fAR OFF FICE. , Waltun and John Velkir were til, j %F
from $t. George's church Gull,l unit this labor sewing device. A subsidiary
a(- -•- judges and the prize winners were as W. A_ Ooderieh; mot`s from! Ft. Paul's company has been incuryoritted tt hon- "
xl� It�;` of ■ tNE%t:\N \V.\N'rED.-tor OUderich Rur- fulh,\%b: church, Dungannon; %%rraUt Crum t,+
_ L nl 'fnlphnnC SystetU. Lours to com- % filo the flax pulling machine while also
Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada Ladle+ Fancy, M1 'Thelma LaiU1- \Vmneut's Institute, Dun/r«noun; pray
' men -i F•ebrullfy t7th. Afust be properly the Shipbuilding Company are eom
■ qualitled for cable and switchboard work. \%'alio. from Mr, and Mrs. W. Hru\wn, (todc- pleling arrangements to erect in (rode-
jkre I ' , renders \cell be received not later than 0irls' Fancy. 1st Miss Jean Mck. van. DR. W. F. CLARK rich : w•reAth front Soldler,' Aid, A�h-
_ - -__ „� rich an up to dntaRlax rail!; and farm- l >.
� T -'-------- Monday. January tush, by THOS. STOTH-'••
England;" second, Miss Lfluna Web- , Deputy Reeve of Goderich field; crescent from Christ church, Port ers with! a radius of il%•a tulles of
.k -- -- -- Ewi, Dunraunon. ster..'Cannda." Albert: heart tram GIriN' Guild. Dun- p 11 ",
CTEVUORAPHERB n\^ANTED.-Esl+erlenc- I Gent,,' Fancy, Harty \L'atson, "llt-n- -'�"� ° gnnnon; spray, )leas Morton, Godrricft, Codrrich will aerie be. offered !!been} R _,.11
tai Sun Life Results Always Please cnntrarts to grow pax lu ,fk+� for /tic, ,jl
nd prererred. Good wages and ad- tleman of the Seventeonth Century." goodly things: to eat there was a box now mill. The Star will shortly carry
„\` . - vaneeniunt to those capable. Congenial' Boyes' Fancy, Fr#k Gallow, "Sul- of candy and a pretty necklace for
The iollolvlpg testimonial bears out this tact. ''I duly received the sw•ronndings, eta Aptay gales, Manager, I � AMONG THE CHURCHES an article setting forth full dctatts of ,
(suEvuoLET 110TOR ufo., Oshawa; Ont. filer." each child. The choir of the ehunh I(*•^
this now industry.
41 111
Cotapany'sebeque In payment of my Policy. t am very much pleased -- I Girls' Comic, 1st lktiss Rachel Stuart, was .also entertained and assfated in The financial drive fn connection y _-__ ` t
WANTIiD. .\ppttcatlons aro requested 2nd '\fisc Laura SlU y. the - _-_ _11
with, my relations with your company. The profits oil my policy aro by the council of Ashfield township . program, and altogether the Bath- with the forward Movement In the _
to nn the offices or clerk, treasurer and; Boys' Comic, !st )\\' nod Th,tmp,on, trine numbered over 100. churches is set for the second. week Woodstock atter vlatt}ng for tiolne Until ---�
i." ` conaetor: said anprfcatfons to ba in for 2nd Jack Woods. - , hollowing the supper t-1 short toast with tier daughter, hirs. Loynes, here. '''
r' • more titan I expected.- rurlidderatlon at next meeting or council In February. p; f ,
]1st was given. The toast to the Kfng
on Feb. 9th. Industrial Evening �layses in Million- "Tho ,New Doctrine" and "Tho f3Gn- Mr. and Mew•. rYm. pirates have 1't-,- k'
IP4' )'HOS. O. ALLEN. JOS. f1ACKETT, ery, Dressmakln0, Commercial Worl,, \vas musically honored. That to the sational Man," or "The Courage of turned home atter a two weeks' visit 1; r '
j - N'. R. l.�rlC, District iitgellt Clerk. Reeve. and Stationary urid Hoisting Enaln- Army and Navy %sae proposed by Dir• Convictions," will be the themes at the with their daughter and other relail%rs
WANTED. -Piano Piano for storage for a per- errs. tivo, . Wllllams ''.and responded to by t „;
Yr a &kA _ .t,:at•l., :Fred -Sturdy and John Yelkh•, SaRUat church next Lard's !]ay. fitblu In Detroit. . "°
rod oe three months, witn a ramify, The Millinery and i5lxssmaking Clus- far the Army and Naw school at 0 and R. Y. P. U. at S P. m. 1 Mr. Dixon. Into of the clank of Mon- It
NOTICE+' TO -CREDITORS PUOLIC NOTICE which will take good eare or sorra+. Ar-, y respectively, Victoria St. Mothodlst church, Sun- treat, has accepted •thin position of stns
s rangements can be made at the and or ses will reopen during• the first %ver„ both o1 whom preferred to sing to " a�
NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1►TOTICE. u»< time. for the purchase or the piano, in February in the basement of th.• making a speech. Tile toast to Can- day, Jan. 25th, the closing Sunday of rotary -treasurer of the National :�itle►-
y 1� ll- in case the parties having same dosire to Public Library. ada \\as responded to by }tarry Wide the evangelistic campaign. The cher- bulWing Co.. Ltd., and has eats+red on }
II#. THE ESTATS OF `CATHERINE BRIND- The undersigned Is prepared to do all do so. Address all inquiries to Hos 200, tis choir will lend the sen lee of song ills duties. We are pleased to know 4. '
Lif.Y, DECEASED. I kinds of sewing at her home, corner STAR. The Millinery Classes for the first ,,on; that to the Old Town, (lie Old
(Brock eyed Albert 3 reets. Week will be held on Wednesday (d'• (_:I,ur(•h and the Old Hume by Ven. at both services. Come and help us that he will thus continue to be a re• k,
NOTICE S HEREBY -DIVEN that all Per- 1RS. HELL RYAN. NOTIf,E OF MEETING b moon and evening. The bressrn ll,--,\rrhd, Arnn Jones -Bateman, and that make it a big day. sidcnt of l3oderich. r ,
sons havin claims or demands against the -I---------- ------ Ing on Friday afterrmon and evening. to the Ladies b His Honor .fudge Rev. Mr.,McMlllen, rector of Inger-1,
airs E. It. Beck, of the Lake Huron r
Estate oY i e said Catherine Brindley, who �rOTICE.-To patrons of the Oddrellows' �I EET1NO UI' HURON COUNTY COL VCII, y g i• -r`
died on or about the 23rd day of Novem- jv Assembly Room. On and after Feb. 1'T (:i:lssea will be form,A on other days i .t-%%1+. After each toast the rhofr Roll, occupied the pulpit of `;t. (leer- Steel Curporallnn, Ltrt., left town oil '
her, i9t9, are requued to send to R. C.
1st, t920, the Provincial War Tax Will be The. Council or the. Corporation of thA:a% the numbers In the classes require•, joined in a chorus, Rule Britannia, 0 ehitreh on Kunday last and ntado Tuesday. Mr is taking up rt•sldence in �, �-
Haya, (.oderich soltciter for Francis A. spelled to entertelnments held In the As- County of Huron wfll meet In the Counclr
Hayden and Thomas A. Dougherty, exe- Thr Classes in )look-ker•pinq and Caonda, Auld lanK tiynr, Fbr they are a simple but able presentation of thn Toronto, on nccnunt of fire scarrdy of 1: •, w',
sembly room In the Oddrellows' Hall,. and Chamber, Goderich, at 3 O'cloc•k in the tir- 1 z ;
enters of the lest will of the said deceas- Shorthand are open for both young Joll + R
patrons securing the use or mo room for ternnnn of Tuesday, the 27th day or Jan- P y ,.Good Fellows, `etc• , according Forward Movement. He was to have Rouses -In Sarnia; and will settle his
ed on or -before -the 20th•day'of January, such events will have to supper the wife and little boy there, Wing to Sao- �,�,e
i provide for the nary, 191J, All accounts against the \women and men. Sc fur not a soul- In itis toast. During the su gone on to Holmeitville and Clinton R
19:10, their fiWes sled , addresses . and de• •tax. Tills !s In accordance with Instruc. County must be' in the bonds of the Clerk t ,
scrlptkon and tilt) ' tarttculnrs of their duns Brom the Government. C. A. REID, not later thin - the h s or ting the cient number of person% ha-,(: given in Itiat k,ton#-Bucklev orchestra, of live but the roads were Impassible and., in (nd himself as tits ser\fccs err requir- �,,
Gaipas, and sacqrteyy, lifPany,- duly., Verified. !heir names to enable the classes to pieces, played, and it-. Rookies acted consequence, aces the congregation of Flt,
JI1+tU, TA9(1r NtOTICE that atter the sola Sec. Huron Lodge No. 62,,1. O. O. F. mcettng of the Councn, us arrumpAnist for the program fol- George's had the pleasure of hrarinK I bliss Thonlan. Lit" teller of itis local
20111- day of January, 1920, We said exe- :_ ____ __ - _ _ _ - _- GEO. W. HOLMAN, be. undertaken. These Classes will. af-i I
calors will proceed to dl, the
the as• - County Clerk. ford you young people a good chance of In\vinR, %%•hich included songs by Net- hin, 1\%h•r. The tlnanclnl ob)ective bran(+h of the st••rling Rank, tins been tt
CARD OF THANKS c;nderich: Jan. loth, 1920. s.� ,
sats et- the said deceased, among the par- _-_ __ ___ - __,__.._-- fitting yourself fife trnc,d position,. 1; Nutcr, !:fees Curzon and Nosy Mil- for Rt. George's church is $5,000, and promoted to ihr goad ofItre ui 1'uron- I•AI
ties entitled thereto, having regard only CARD OF' THANKS. NNCAL MEETING. 1 . We urge your jufning the Cla.s. Send tun, and a recitation by Doris Riley. the Girls' Guild Is the first to com" to, tier pine as tell•'r here 1% taken `
to the claims or which notice they shall A -- your namt•s at once. \If„ Watson gloe a solo, "Rendez- forward, with a donation of $100. by Mr. It. E. Shaddick, of 1fensull. and ` Ir..
have been received. The. annual meeting of the members of
R. C. HAYS. Oodericli. !tend (Capt,) Allison and ,family wish to the DtcKlllop Mutual Fire Insurance Cnm_ There w'fil be., Cla-sea firmed in %nus," and a mixod quartette •'Poor N-,:iA `;unday will he Missionary Day the local staff has hail an additional I.
Solicitor for the above named Ext5cutors. extend d friends
thanks x all kind path- any will be held in the. town hall Sea- Mathematic:, and Science for it'(' Stat
Dated December 29th. 1919. bora uttA rrfonds who extended sympathy D Llttl•• iamb" and "The Last Bose ut In North St: Methodist church. in lite member added ht the }r,asun of hfr.
I _� - - ---^ __. sad help during the illness and passing forth, on Friday, Feb. 6th, 101(1. at d p,m. tionary Engineers ,who, %visit to secure Sunmwr." The concluding chorus � �ii,t
away l dueire end mother. The business or the meeting will be L(i rt-_ mnrning the pastor will preach on I1, }{. Middleton, of L'\brh1K,
TENDERS WANTED _ _ - ^-_ . -_ relve the annual statement and auditor's the certificates Of qualiticatfnn r• quit-- \%as 'Tipperary," and votes of thanks ^pile Church's Marching Orders." In do I ,l
CARD 0'F THANKS. report, the electng of three dlroctora and ed by the Untariu Act oY i21i1, iC su111• fnllo\\e.1 to the Urrhrstra and to all lhtt a\ening, by Rperial rt•rJurat of it,
UE TtICRE. 11'1lF.AE ^ 7 1�I
►hE�'DERS WANTED. IV two auditors, and other business which orient numbers join. \%hn h••Iped to make the affair a sue- aster and \ten's Club. Ihr. Emmet Ie l At lh„ Het, Ilobbitt concert in r {
11 IIII might be or interest to the company. There is room for more students in p y
itehders will bU received rd by ihr under- I Miss Lucas wishes to thank all the c, .,- will speak on "Thr What and Why of I Kuhr clilwelt lecture room Tuosday 1 s
friends for their kindness and s mpathy T'he retiring directors are Wm. Rlnn,
slFnod up ;0 end including January 27th, ,� Robe. Fer►fs and ]as. Connu►ly, who are�Dlathematirs nretin►r Tuesday :,n1 p d
I shown her in the Lima of the each or tlto Pomard Muvenx•nt" This nil ,%ening, Irrh ;lre1. Al%ci' a ;hart lay
1920, for tti8 followingg: her son, Roy(len Geo. hucas. Her friends eligible for re-election. Thursday even in the Collegi:its a1 G. T. R. F.n01nc Short on Fon'(r ,,, . , ]
1. The county printing Tor 1020. der �a, when given two \seeks can in \ant \I:ur0_1! t \4'jlj _�tly�lt,..,r eP
from a distance that attended• the funera) JAME,i (;ONNOLLY. THO! E. IIA\'d,IH o'clock. (lout,, richt along and join
2.orocertea delivers at county Jail. 3ecrel __----�li-_li_ 11 .111ati. u.f--t >> t+ I Tr titRi'a tTiTb, mu,Ia vo c •p An fm- t(,r .1rUtur-Gerrit-. .gtlnlLvvr„n t, cents.
------ .Ii1'awt`ra :-pert--Mntnat: er�.Mr- _P_ettlaL,�lsfteolt�aniLltira n P_cesMwL.-_ - af+-tem :•hirer-.-t't:'a�-1`- , ifY iris FrTn• '
a. Bread for Jot,° dntherrd, pet' lwt of Londesbor». Also Mrs. R. H. Elliott wish_ plra,ant exprrirnce of t.racellinF on prrsslnn that ihr speaker \%ns urgently DIED
2t ounces. es to thank her, kind neii#ttbers fur their ��J8�8fi�fff��»Af3®®®®®®®®®31�®®® steal at Dore I. snot- intentions. 1ho ILrriml Trvnk on Tursduy which rn,lnes/ed to give IL heturr a InrKer au -
Ten cords green, hard body wood, kindness, as the funeral was held from ® M J. I . Hu -*w, ' h, ._%till not soon forget. Tu hawe ihr rlienrr. iI fs ,an illuminnlina preeenta I WILSON., In C„APrleh Tp. un Saturday.
•bo, -ch and maple, 4 fret long, delivered at her home. 00 ALEKANDRA MARINE PriOcii,al train yon urn on Win onln a siding and tion of the fondanivrital r•eavnn. far file 17th, %1144koliWusnn1 dnuirha,r nr tb.t �°,i,
rR Intl- w'm w !!nuns age,! 13 Y•,arr
the sial! on or before )larch 31st. - - h1 %\ait til, r, front 11 s.m. to 6.45 In the the great Inter-churrh movement. and M,•IVOII -At Turontah on w•ednrAtlay, - '.i ,
Parties wishing to tender will please FOR SALE, OR TO LET � AND GENERAL HOSPITAL py Intercollegiate Sports \, Wino \vitliout any -information ns deserves n %vide hrnrinK The rin%4r. Inn. troth, Ar1Ku% birtwur, nKrd +� y.•nrr o, ”Ll
ask for form for t and All tenders ® Tho Annual Meeting of the Fit,- (test, ru h GallelriaG• Hn, k, >
srlalod and marked 'Tonder.” 1,101tSAl.1t OR To iLENT.-A.-ix-rcomed ® 81 to %%L,•n \nrr may expert to get to your and \ten's Club ,A111 toe,'I nt 10 n n IN RE110111t\I
• r;. W. HOLMAN. `, hou-e with war& and light. Apply to m board of the Alexander Marine ® Club for tau` year ilr'o played the r,p- fourn,•N', , nl and without any provls- The t.hente for dlsrussion In ihr Chrh
County Clerk. H. C. AiUNNINU8. Trn6QsrwrSt. w and General Hospital will be held M ming gurne of the fntc•rrollt•arfrtte \%tl.l.l \\ts. - In lovina memwy of Mev.
`rt- ion for food to etat, water.lo drink nr, %%Ill be '•How can the (:luh help the J if will1mnA, ror'romy three %ear% a re
(ioderich, Jan. 5th, 1020. - -' --- IN in the Courthouse ies°betv,'t•rn the (•nllegjatec (if God"- „dent nt 6nd„rirh, who dr arted tbtq life
FOR SALE OR TO ItEN•,,-on Pieton St., @R IN when darkness came even lights Fur\card alnvern nl ," The dl ru%slan D
8 -roomed house with furnace. Good gl ®I rich and f-ibnt•m on Saturday evening 1„ s,�' hy, %vas the unpleasant (7C wall be ,ntrodiiced It \Ir• Chtren•, °t Cleveland, able Jn;t in v,r),t?ndx010.
INSURaKCF. T Januar 22nd. I ) ar\nLt.F:N In Im'inA' in•n,nr nr F1uth
w garden and orchard. Town water, also .1F1 Thursday, y last in Clinfnn h,•fnrr a JarK'• and %%,,If : ,,..its,. ,.f same fifty passengers on _Royle \%'alron, helt,vt•rt wife 'It 1„hn wI,V13 e,,,
�tyLrgq WAW/%N;tHH MUTUA1, FIRF: soft water. For Information regarding * _ ____
WrIlt AW F CO. same phone 190. WALTER G. ORAMI N ats p.pl. to present the Annual FA salisilyd erre\%,) of spectra„r-. Tit,, clear, train due In London at 1 . • ub” died January 25th, tutu
flnanioal-and Hospital report for M Kane \%a, \, r� fast throughout :u„1 ,,,,, r,n Tu.,dav The train lett Clin- PEOPLE WE KNOW % preeb",n ,,rw rt- atl u.; 1+ Wnh,-
Farm and town tirnt,erty inanred. ^F'iced FOR SALE. -1916 Twin Indian Motor 1818. All Societies and others lir,' \irtur\ f,,r Ihr• Chrit-n l,•im \%„- _
rete of 1bglnts perltuA,, .1A shown by aloe- c rte to first-class cundittlon. Ap_ Eli eta t, n ,.nl% shirhtly late, but kept losing % entre %vo loved li Stilled.
Y 1 pliwa i, %iwant In our borne.
ernm'ont bulletin, thin uompant•ill one Of the 1' to WM. MORROW. M interested in Hospital work aro !R marred only by the rank rutins, of tiro' and rrrn,InlnK nt stations In 1u1 stir. Illanrhe Kn,.x Is cI,It1nF in 'Car I
ply ■i %\'huh nr\er ,an be OMNI.
strongest in tbe.Procince, mnlnUthdnR an --- - } requested to be present. til ref, ter %%tin, arrurding in the rna ;1,,r1 L•I lx,,l np al"nm And tlnally the unto
adequate surpinA invaded to Victory ��OR SALE -Two-story frmm� house M rarity of s rrt,tur%, ,acted rxtrrrn, 1 Hi sbA.Ntt A%f, f n rl F' c1n
sad Bank eecuritim. Adjnstmont. promptly mirly good shape, large yard, orch s1 0. C. Hill, J. Kidd, , _ t9d .i i'' I„e„mnthr threw up ihr sennet- at \IlA% (:, lu, Hnh,nsrm -h• ndulu a
rtadsatiritnetorllyatr^nded to Premfntro-olo nrd and lawn. Brock street. (hilck sate, N sec'y. it.ZI »nrarrl) fn the Gad• rich bast. Ile u';t I tud.'hn,,' The rnRlnrrr blamed Uu ,1, N111 I F.% - to lu%,nf uu•ne.r•, '.r cur
be pA[ Hoa/rontvor to local Hanka. A1.itX. * ,justly er,ach d else ;: C. I ir'arn donne fr%c %%.•, k %aruttun ill Tnront„ t"'I” dautrnerr nod .iri,•r, f:,l,u+ w'd•nn. it
137CHo1,BUN. PretiArnL T. G. ALLEN. Sea. fit,ncw. Apply Star. _ pg�ir���se�gBgyggggglgE�i&fE�� i AENNN ;' ,,,r t;u,lily of ran! taken on at \\'ing- h.•Invrrt wife of lnhn N \I, N,tl.•n wM
__ Ih^ Fane• and I,. n'diz,•,1 the• fi. r,' I airy \\ \ CnMlthur l h a. r bans,)
Agents for (,ol)ore" nod Goderfchlown• - - - don. hal thou on he might make Lan- aw-1 , awn% ane 1 rnr , 11111 Lot rt-;, to19,
\TEn MOTOR FOR SALE. -will de- buys f..r, c%cu-,, \\hich tit- faun! n, h, me :afl,�r %1v,(InK rv•Lit1%,•v In Torun- Ag,•d rl %.•nr, nn,f r, nn,nut,
nblim-CAPT. L HKTi ERINGlTON, tLR- No. W voiop up to three horse -power. In dans but the conductor thought Weber
1 Sh. pnniton, and 11 I.. I+ALKI6:,D, R.lt gonA running order. Apply at 711E STAIi Conaultinx ElRgineers I cr,,.lr% Lt 11,ak,• ,yp hlrnsrlf Th' 1 t I t k .. 1 fl G'
p IThe Tllnnn nnrr ,tarn nrr• %hndnv
t%% a. 2.( ioderich. , _M_ 01. FICE.
FOlt S\I.E.-Tan- storey frame houpe on
1 stone roundatlon, cellar under. half
the house, both and other conveniences InI
0 F CAREY r'.rlr,('cunn. Extra Int. and on re[n anti . F. fnrndnrluu; cement Hoot under stable sari
drive she,: three horse stalls Ili stab".”.
Lgjre \wood shed adjoining drive shad. ,
Real Estate and Insurance I,rive Aired suitable ror garage. Apply to
W.%1. LECKY, Vuebe. st.
-- -- - HIVATE RALE nr HGt`SFnoi ft- 1't R,\i.
Story and a quarter dnnble house on TIRE.
the Crescent for sale on easy
G. C.
I, ¢ i
i t,•.,m %„t, marl•` up fur til„
\%i„ .n” t ,e ra n oo le s, ng
rIt. r, %\ „ n„thing to drink until the
\Ir F,:,rt .lohnvnn, of Tnrnntn, la vis (in n lune and •1111,11 vr•ev,.
•Irr(,InK t\'Ithn,Il ,Ir roto .',.
part from th- r ,It,nir,r N. If 1.
r„% x%err• appealed to and finally oil,
Ring Iii- fatly r. \Ir 1) .Inh11,1nn.
I 10•4 ono w•.• Could not rave
1, ain.
Th, ,--.r., %%A, P ;, Thr len
, r the tanks was filled. And Utero
I1.atrlr•k St
, l dreamA w,• .rt- hrr deur -,,,•, r,., j
,, „i't t ,,, 1,.,,,n.•,•n nolhina to rat but for
Mr. .1 \\ Fr.,w r and \it„•
knot k144 nrr .till, , 0 h.,. ,l
And whish• r an We 11,14-11 1•, u„
(: I 1: M'•gn%% anal: I.. \\',,I�
,h• c' n• i, -,Iv of Mr Smith of tilt-
Fra -1' h,v,- r„turn, d h.,rn,• fronsn
wt- I„v.• )„nr rru•n,nr% n, n,
r, nuht
.1, f•'nr, \t'
I, ' d. elfin, left
I.L,n,1.'hn%r station, Mr. Georg,, And
\,-,1 %\,Ih 1,wrid- ,n '1nr„nt'
11,1• „n'tnK fkrimn, \1•,114,;:-I•TF.m.; !t'•
\\ Mar•d„n.dd, centre: P. i'ri,i
. _ , I,,+,•r, and \i r, F1\nn. \%,I,
1•1 r, 'I'I ri1,.tn I,ft nn fu,-,i,'
1',. ,•
•n.'1 imoriivn4 r
riKht %vane; G SIncklrand, I. f
, ,.. t, m man, \%ho prr,%Hv,1 r
__. _ - _
W. \tnunl.un, std,
C I lino I,- F,•,i: M.,nn:i,.
-r,• .,'- II th,lr „%\n r'xj"en-,', .1
1. 1. !.., ,.,, ;, h %tan much ,(,l+rertnt.
.I• f, nr ►tm\den, L ft drferr••
e,•htr,' \\-ihi+ r,ahi %who:
t% ,:',
Cerins. Modern. alonthly rent Cnnslsang of the following• artlr•let, _ ,1 - ,- oil ace,{ ,n ,n
Oar tinDDy Thought ran"., mar hnl,p ' F:Iiia, , i --rt %\tett ,\nirr,on, sub. r, \%a, l "r lir,' 1;". 1, t, t
`-.'1"r^:' �,`,,.�• ,,,,•6t-.4-.,.b-eF7,.,,`e ,c.,c.4•b:'4"""�'-. 1 , , F.SY'ABLISIIED OVER 3(1® YCf1R5 N,�
$80. Price $2-,'15,0• bttgjry, t Cleveland bicycle, t vorandnh I \fl,•r tilt u.tn: itis• Clinton to r" t , rrin,< ,lir, rt,: i - ,
pato, t clothes reel and st'md. i rn"'r• Euchre and QLiI'tld,`e V2 \r ry ktnrtly t^t•,,t,d l.he (1 C I. t' •rm f \\ ,•,!,-_-A tln-tntaL. aa,l .r ,l h, r ��` • �_,
table, 1 Perfection oil stove, not, lutv`- f ;a i,aht hinrh. Thr- rettlr'n Rare. I,. i, : - --°•
In .'n til,• learn « ,- a .'',,
_ - trlcynle, t chtid's rot, springs and mat .1 - •P_ c \%ill b, play, 1 on Friday. .tan. ;N1, ;in.i I i,. is ' � .. F.�
- ----- tress, t single bed. springs and roll 1 ,.. F under the a:tR 1,,�a�,ivlJf rho :° - -i ,i.,l .11 Loridor \\h, n ; el.ly#
�plubill,. A lbw smaller articles. I'f, ff""" ti � hili- ;,nil tlrk,•1, far Ramr will be. 1+ 1" _. „ nn tn,' nth. n ,rt-, Sales Notes � (LCt�� .d
These articles have had very Int,• \\ra' Pf women's Institute In t'he Odd- 111
led shortly Ev,r)batty la trued I- ',,rt-, f l,•• j) -TA wt•re .ubad I„i / /-3
1N' S. R. ,F. MILLER. Pbune 31 , -Witcher and are in good repair. J' , vuppnrl the (1 a: I hnrk••y club, batt'
1T1 t Violin. Trrtnn on aDplaraunn E. 1.. DF:6N. I f fellows }rail oilby i, i ,'f Itithts, the car h nine I
_ol _ ___ , Park •+t , t by thus prrsrnre at th., (tame and by i,r _rti I ,' Mr Elliott fnu•hd a ;
_ - - , Tuesday evening, Januar 27th. "tilrtbttll\andr;l %uppurt, \%bleb fg Wrest '1,,,i,,. t hhlµ %ngto a ha , tU'ir I sol es much will aClay thR1la /
A LV. J. 9lLl'1'T. HAnnNn.-Tr'n PROOMMIONAL CARD � 7 6 y r,
i- ,}r i
Twirl rept' of tlafid inatrnmenGt and Pi ine. w. - j --
Vlatariast. next to Knox ( hurch "REDERICK W. RAYMOND w t�( Cards 8 to 10180 o"cheek ,f ' vl, (:ror!1cI% Supper In /returned sial 11 '1 I' ,n,l, :,t hP+ ,+uggrat,•In h,l ! ,'
_.__-.,__.- - - - {! 40 ' diem „f t, • Ih,, t Lhought as hr the w, - „ possible loss by making Sales ,at AA'
!"1HAltLES BUCKLEY� ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR AvolfaNEF:. � Dancing trot" 11 p. m, j 11,,„ 1, t,% 1't- light of match” {+
`(i/1171f1tst St, George's Anglican (hutch Genet•al ACCOUntingg and Drax PractLne• (one nt th, mast de{iwhlfoll inf„r a Notes payable at The Bank i e r
pleb Ore. Ant) \resat instrChurc. •R0o� 0, OREENR-s'l\'IFT nuiLDiNG, ; S to 1 at. M. � I }' it ,% „ nrrL until the evening[ train I t
I hire•plece Orchestra
I.ondon, Ontstio. s Lamriios �2f5b. (tent• 600. rna! of *(it Ill events wAs the Raul” r from L,mrfon arrived, crows rxI hang of Montreal -- and leaving 1
•int entertainment given to the rt- ed, and the train hauled snuti,wnrd b-. )
r terms alloy etc SWillo, St. ! )trick I turned An Id of 4t Ororttr's nnnwre- a n, „ ,'nu ine, f 1 1 _
iiAi.IST that the, paFaer>Rrrs Knl, such notr'� til out CBTQ f0[t.(a7 '
,, `' "`c'��”` c`���` '° • fratln I and their families on %1pdn"s-
..�- -- - - _- G, L„radon air. Elliott and othr•ry of ,,,
T�It P J it.bl1t19�`tCtt. -- day evening in the pariah hall. The y Collection. `, %, ' s 0
lM'1rEQ�M�U, ■til. `__ lJ til• psrt • interviewed tete sulxrihten• -
I1 i*ill 11 oW E�'SA6` yuag' THR►`kT• Rau) Pura Wanted affair %vas in charge of tM 1.8dlW ,tent an,l rue -rived such cvmfnrt a4 ,
I Guild The tables were beautlfuNi then rnuld take from etplanati„ns of n , . ' _.xaoNrRutL.�y� t h e cal a gotMarra s ltiew ork t 0a"flel.1'. decoratt•d with flowers, candelabra. a
31'«MING , end oral iia and
4 at hot-” frStHar whst the railroad was up aRafnat.
11�tye �dapttal a.tA Ooid{Inihfe TtfrAat li�.r••• ��a g ttegt Cash Plrictrlt� •Pilrtid etc., and n special feature w•as the �
,PIANOFORTE', ectal London. i:n chlldrnn'a lab!” which was dre+erakA , \ man's mother alway% fa uritttn,
. . , , „.* W Waterloo Pt. . Ixratfi„�. 71atelp4"Is yr. Cornfield a A. W. Strickland, tl3snager, t u: h 'branch. y
. ,,,, . i ORGAN wftll targe Itrwpie tMItA, quaintly to give flim tt►o benefit of thn d( ubl , ' F
r...,.r4# Ai lledtoPd llotel. Goder'Ieb, tl•etq_W0d- ,treaa+t. In arldltlett to the deeOsjatiofla but hew wife can't tlnder9taJtA why
reb. titin a 7,� p, In. to )'bite's• , y�
`, ,t<1'i��iitlli t'"I1:•� tts1it”" lME d eb. 51i, it t D. fro. i ✓+t 292 Elgin A�:ys.,Goderich of the otliwr ttlbtea. Ill Itflra” to *e three• \hould be a0V doubt, x'7yt "'"�' ""”"
'I , e
” A
U. ,.. :1
el .%,
, ,
: ' r, D b
r. '
�, N
. , 1 I. a u+. _..Fw n._ _ .. + Y.,
� ,n
,!•- ...