HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-15, Page 8* M F " ... .1 I , __ . I - -. w r . r„ t tl . ,.;-- " 2 j`.: O C1 Al 11 _.Ti= .. - ... - I T "it -I 1!fN + i,NiM1fl 11 - v ,■t 11 ,�,],j� %y i.M m ! ;r „1. TliiiJitl+x. JAIp• • + ce .r, P'llyy,�y i '•� .d,_ i ., j w. , - y �; C I � ' I V � I . I . ,� . I � "L B 0R,, f V lr I 7o. 1 119- ,,,,, n �. �� T I IV THE 81001161 S � , AT'S I noa I 1� — 71- 1 . =I �� i �,nm „ . ; 'I11 11 11 o , l *Irwolall i Lo P6941s 51"dill The Comu,i.GW ilk . !�ha��o �f the '' i 17ebate si]nitod °tux l �� N 'January,, '� r sex iitndsf t , At the ollegiate is opippol1acl t y a x It ,,flit+'s x a to ptppne it until " a x F tetters, I haveso �ovail- my fo,ucyth �,', ,Q ivcst P Irilcs, r�` � q - V _ y Thursday j f� avark sxa(ak to ttt(t stoic in w rr } t. 5 • Dgtdilr� tfAA89, g] t .l yea ` 2iii L I . Remo land Blank- hooks all UcLc au'� Block, nazit to - . ,;;;a I a, r ins I Biz", at 8 o'otook. If a ru p''s Watch -Making � � I I $ ?; d i; 3ritaso tll�f Books 30oto s3zo, $koro, sines tYil] be pleasedI � . 1. � - a I' '}i 4sli i"itlt #i Sharpeners 1.7G PRINCIPAL J. P. AUt�dE; .A., W. S3J.w v to Bald austomenl nn(I �" ��� �f [�► r t.k [, �t Uatrs�� A�ipea! ;. Chairman of Special Camrriitteo. Acting Samtary. new Duos in tba nese store, a �l(lk to tion our Hary niokla- I #tl atot#Alvrftys Paiute) I'aacfi t • Januar lntb, 1920. dpociai 7fac Y , I.1� a (i _ $ 1.Ibex Blankets . ____-..__ _ ___ -___--___..___T -- _.__�....... _ .. _ — --- _ I2/¢ the largest size. Flannelette Blanket and the best quality, on sale this -- �. � i ate demands-resolute-ita"1W..arcd= _. --- - -- - GAN _ 'ij a urovlsion in men and money suci, The arrmlal ,meeting of the - wee]e-1} - � �0�om�in--Wkit�r-C'-.s-re--witli_.eith_er lftnk or Blue-- , as has not yet been nolo. With solid f>; hew ���� �� � ogl� � � ,, ? non Agrteulturtd Bootery will 13e held . borders. Regplar price $4,So on sale for this week attg$, ":, �4 R B ga 11 { i __-- _ - _ bloc wum-'of ffa oreign n poputaho rtia�ncGO tmia;y In tate Odaeliows, Bala, 1)uugankvre, on _i 4vednf sifirT. Jtltt. 2t8t. at 2 P. m. ----- -------- -- - - - ,, --- _ - _ G without any influence to 4anadt, or WHYAM Segretrrry, * -^-- -- --____-_- . �•l 1 tl� .] j • I , ), - __ -_ , British Ideals, and who openly flee- �' G t1 an �noleus . 11. nounee our school system+ demanding �SA�5 `, that they be allowed to continue their The folto,.a C01�RQt r" .4 A FINE EVENT old European methods of life, the of -i No g, caltiac f(rt• rite monih offi = All wid!] g in Oilc]nth. Regular 85� fur 69c a yard ¢, fustian in rho home mission field 1» asuter's [itAperr Altxsor3enf;. t►#m!)te Linoleum, Regular 1.50 on sale at $1.39 a square Bard , ; , , fr" appalling and cake loudly for workers, ovmhvr, the t►nmas being #n order, of and 0enerai ItAKWital; tRtt 9l. T�li3• The taterchumh CoarenUon Of the merit: Sr: Itx:--lSetineth AMn, Clive :ir- a . Forward Movement -A Big li,pfra• to leaven the vast areas with British 1lin, Carman Feagan. Jr, W. -Worthy to SOL 30th, 19111 Flannel t land Canadian idcas and ideats. + ,:11 i t. ry lion t Fowls . CWT -Ord Altftr, Oladya Treble, ?tla tolloWtn ,� , — - _ aha foreign- t►Rld a#so- regtttrax-mat>a' !.lallkt .._gRlernl- Ment of act' of, ffi+Y' tlneno-�iscli 4ailse«' or- iii - -.` 't • . i.4; + A a,agniflrenl event was the inter- more laborers, the call df the open othy Robertson{. bfarWe,9 Allin, Lucy. and Marine Hospital will ire, read ab �77itary fflatlnCl at whOle"re rice: ire ,Have 'carried this Flannel , "� '` .` r church canventiwt !n conneellvn wtti, 'fuvr being Itvarci from many Janda. Hardy, Wgbert Thom: Sr, ll. --Olio( x° the annual rneotitrg cat Thursd8y, J,tn: stO�k for one e?ri'.' YC i3 Wo01 one Wa P an K, ;'_ 11'Ite hrralt down of belief in tiro old Algin, WIl]lerffl>Ie,-_Joslo AVS} -c shoavinis ilii receipts and a t+- y y a COttOt1 the Ot]I(zr. Qrf S211e \Ch]le 1t i ), tdlrft ruraaard nu,t'emrat. aahich avas 'aFt ,'`, t religtuns in Japan. China, etc., and the i Wilmer Hardy,. liBth'nrie 5lillfan. Sr. I. ]a 3t5 for jC)C , r p? � 11Aertse5 of Lha ittasltital dnr9ng )913: ! , hefd at finale church rill Wednesday demand fur knowledge of the only re- -Ferne Thom, Avnofd Allin, Dougla Thts statement r Ilgion that can satisf 1 Fort will note iia boas, Blouses', murnir,tr, afternuuu curl rtenlnl last y Ura human soul Fcalan, Frank Askin; (absent). Jr. I.- 'aafiltad b r 1 constitutft an imperative call to which � ltegrtr(e Allin, 111 y ANir.�`a\ per• Lane : (' week, maKniflrcnt in the excdellence rEfaIIet Mtteheil, Best RF;(:ice 11 t a deaf ear cannot tic turned and yf-t i speli+•rs .for the nioafh: Kenneth Al- Rhiaaxe•„. 1 ', and Irespir:ttlon of the addresses given the lack of Wren and the ,itorta3iv of, lin, Worthy F'owlon;. } aotlry Robert- Ahmeicfr Chapter.. _ g p p We ]lave �Ithie:red tnf;ether for ti?is week a Ian a stoct� ref Cre ere Cllltfe `�; It., It tad maanlliceut too ur rue attendance means to un»aver the call hinder the son, �'1111� TreNl!^. Ycesent every "' g (��,, and attention. terra, mrirrer...... i lt; �Pouses from 6 =I too.41®00 and have Lhew on sale at $5 671 "If"hese IR,lotlses are < 1 wort:. �dny declare the rnotti2l: G9fvo Attfn,rtOslipiton YfolarfT I;tend:... t220Q pelfect iII every 1eS ect tkuc} COfi)e in all colors '� 1' r''' � [tN. lir. nus, tn, „f join. ford: Rev. r itrrtnrtl, \llln, G1a wTcebre, Mar area Ffasorlife L .......... 10 00 p and sizes. They are real. bargains' ,,, " The furavard' ntovrntroi 1, i.t an- t3 t,etge,•.,. D. N. !il(ti;amus, of r:itnton: Rrt'. J. B. aver to the situation', tet it only h• y, Dorotlly Robertson, Fired dam.... 500 L"o111e and see tlleu3r, t to , t)lin. Lucy Hard .41r 1,s i7otturtniiham, of 13rrnlfurd, find Rev. Miuttd'•' Miltian, Wilhb Tr>Zblfa, Wilmer Toavn )rr•ai movement fors�,,rrl. �riiypfn„ of Co(lerich. ............ mo h t t W. R. Pr•rstell, of I.ondnn; wore un- rite lmnifinaLlon and ran+e-fn+e .,f 1h,•iil.trdy, ttnuglan !*eagan. PYeseat every ltlmnsfwuned Crutrt 4ferlin CIO mounrrd as Utr vuteide speaker», and. pcuple, ao that They aalll t,.• prrpar•,f'rls,� durlrtg the K �d� .� year- Lucy Hardy. Ramer.... 6'i R1 Cottons ,1' In addition, fair. Armstrong, general N,u l,er on roll 22. Avermce• attend- tiziun of r "gy p °� to uItlte In the dvtermina'Gdun !ha! rR.• . • � f, t#ecrek,ry of !h, misslen ha„rc� of the Wr Huron... ,LOU 00 'k , .V, . 1., i"hitybTian church. oras present and big job delegated to the: t:(tvf'tl1(xrllanC(r 18. );Cent:.... .... 7Z 00 We have the 1'a est' sto,`k of Cottons that has ever been st,,Q74vn. Irl r church will be put through. I LiLA At. lloN 1i'TT, Teacher. " Yfr�iOw Cottons S:yeetirt s and and wide Cottons. All of these lines have been i� added a good deal tri the Information - - ' 11 ir+I th` gathering rcreited. + Mr. J. P. Hume occupied tate char AUBUM - --_- ___-- t°,` cur the evening suasion, Rev. ft. o. XIP' i:ntlar t res stock before the• ]astt OhvanCe? and eve can suDp]y yuu4' wam,ts dxt w]Eolesale , ;x�, 11 11 � , for the morning aesslun Rev. J. N Moyer conducted the sonic sera•(ee ani, Th+t Farmers' CluU' Lias rizited the -� 4 *fii�Q�, Be Sure tQ•imsr t:ud a>ir �tOCi' we have th Mrs(:auley was chairman and the ad room above Atr. Arthitrr's•alibe shoA for ffitiitn: sstlnaelistlr yrnlers ave}; bC ]� 4' I dre-mes were given by local men, Rev, Atiss 5lnrjorle Altven rendered a solo its meetings, ixeld' 14t, 1Jle RenmillFc, church elm- 1? * e Illel'Chaudi5@ very pleasingly. o ;u &' Jay. 11am(Ilnn ,peaking , on "7'he Mc-ssrs. John Phlll ' maneed SUliduy, .tan. Lith, 19. 20, c•on� ' C � tj�t, Searehinrfs of lite Heart'" trod Rev. A. Rev. J. B. Fotherinlhatn, of Drani- mlbmr Frr-me�)4 pastor, 1tty. IC.' F'_ sen- ,firIe cord, formerly rectbr of `3G. rleo>go'§ gusctti ttnd .losallh Cartatt¢$ elected ntihelihEs atct9,'aommf[sfx•ai t+E E.�r'derS L. C:. Ciarke on "The Mtramount Fac- Y nixly: T * t r ','111 .1 f t church, Ooderteh, made a very elo- Crustees of rho villager. , �,.� tor." blseussion oh there subjects, &Ioblook wash nlghL.,.xt,trr a sttrri.x ser- "�11 1. I- k and appropriate' music tllicd out tile quent and forceful addbess on ' An Air. George Hamiitom avas eiLvirted as vine leatt9 b`Y a union' choir frorxn the Eve da we, an, aeceiit�ilt� ®Ore Or iron '6 Mail and Phone. It is am aiim Q i rki progr•aru. Em ty Victor paintin out that iit one. of the su erintend tta mi the edu- aliculir Tb*, • otti ares i, as fad -- 1Y' Y. y t make „w tit Lite afternoon Air.' W. C. Pridham 1 w•as the Idealism of the Allies that ac- national Institution of'ttlo vghxe. k)"As:. a' Mail and Teleph6�te �rJOY Vepartment a selrvice to the People; oft the• Siurrona>idiit Country. L" P s ocvupled rho affair, pad Iha song tier- counted for their victory. Not to ga Aiesara. Howagn anal) P.aWvsoa have 347ietiir3l, JA\. 91t a9 a...ru. �8 pay all charges elite slmaC and sat^ j1ar Goods shipped th8 Sf�B - .aa i wife vvas In cilarle of •Itov. H. D. Moyer, on now to the recreation, eC th world4 been purchasing logic and erawing , Q ' !Kill' 1 y mattiw,d and. A Ane solo was eontribuled by Mr. 'Ai'1111111, to Christ tia•f+lver4rs."" revived b oil the � r ,i to allow It and ourselves to drfl't !tack Citvrrr to the mill. '1'llla steam this �• y y � arse Atita'JC47iCe for quick 9e1'ViCd: . front the idealism and- exaltation of ' -week has MOt'11UAle, JAN:. 12th.. Wilson, brother at Mrs. .Rev.) Rey- postponed etliatisen for a ara(L. Very line addresses were given the spiritual motive wour& be to have- flew, dkfys, ` MU. i lite P£Igrlm ,tssl. the, haRbIlidi-!'viCE, eP T� , I` by Aev. pr, Martin on "Tho Spiritual achieved only an emptl^ vilatvey. ' JO" W119on was at.Buat4atrtoon last Gnldv" i t�ZFi 1 "o Mepchtindise ft ll 'Word 1.,ii '` Rev. W. E. Prescott was very practi- iL'BSDA,Y. J,ILU tail§'r Ohl litnpurAtive of the Armstrong. Movement" w(ek. )sir. W. A, Wllsattta of lirtest Wit- a Vr , MAd by iter. Armstrong, Rev. D. N. cal In his addt'ess, and'triiited' up ttiv- wano9h, an 'lei, avers aaidf6mg the '1ltrRtla[t M1it+n tmtiaeTvaJ" ! financial objective of the- moven, �P I:CCslmus, of Clinton, and Rev. Sir. et 1Vest Wswanosh Fire AMMare Com- WED'\F_%1YAV, JAN. 94th 12rw, es . 'a t ,. lt#ty/ratt also spoke and rho question avith its splrltual side, ao Life apex a .art 8d ,Colborne the pyramid, without wtifati Life ra pg `!�t3rildNCitL lJrnua. ' cte•aavrr was In charge of Rev. Alr. hfo- PYGOO. .� i + Guttas. raid would not be a pyramid t}t alFt N1`sDi ��' Oliver, ariku, vv� a cosi- 7iltUA.4A:+1'it, JlflM.. 1311c. �itsipftntt 230 �'" e. V. A• Corsets � - �< ;the evening session was the aulmin- He lave an insight sats• qfe need§ air dont Auburn several) ytaatfs ago and lteiila �iutn" Alit4tfn" '' at{nv event in /he day's Program and Noma and foreign miasibm3 wHlbii was who � g>t stunt of Mit% lsetrtltttbews of tittlllAllJ' i14J+M 9iltlll< 4 most appealing and surely convinced' 1tCtreo, flied !n 5ttiitliucr, titich., at r AT: $E�� ICE * i {fiat intense Interest of tilts largo gatll- solid a5fd l IR9ria'rdi. , %wr 1 all hot the work of trier oNuroti, flier• the W~ of her niecej,Ales, %Vm• Cron, lt1; 0`1119 in the revelatiops of tho need of t oru'Slhtlrsds Jen. Sthl5trr tires ilh !sa:N@AY. JAR. IAM .7; p,,, m, ' ,; tninslonary activity In our own great' work it proposes Lei equip itself tb yi Year "Proeftstivot.1an"' (; ,91013 west and In foreign lands showed the carry on by means of" the Zrwatn!' OR ptteoimonia awa6e�ina Wcrc Is to the magnitude movement, 1s not something which can 1 weeY apothem of Daae vfllale M1>tDJiIUAI", J1ih� 79th at alta pt+otlilem And the deepening of be played at or undertbRen In a half residents; in the person, of Mrs. Jor- ` k Wrnl Away% Sorrowful"- wboune• To -mbip_. ._. ...... 2Sc09: ' .'-------- . )'text IMTOWAY. A". _10th. LittbnesC, g1ID Victor Bond 2'75, GOUNCit MAnrrlM. la She 00MIlatim that the problem is one hearted way. ti >onssed that bourrm a tlti� we are Y p ail al�roaehing. Ticesaacci, m -bo "had "111110 t atad 'Loss or Rrr•linin dirt!' ,I1 Littk;koCer.... .... .......... 500 outside hl&gMt Reports oa page 3. ++•+......�..,,�.... an Armstrong t very quiet In tris• paused the allotted tom itscore and ten, J., 1,11*IaAer (loan).......%thtww ............................... 1tt 1+ ' manner and leaks the ortarlcal powers 14ED,lle.SDAY,,+t!`. 29:ctt 1 9U to 2 00 � (�����t�1 r��it sw 1.M1? ` of the other speakers but informs- tivftlered tram an attavll oli tameumonla. ` "t atasiap A!! to Iryliosv Chri et9 ' *lotn• d&tali'd St300, proeee(Il&... 285.W Ploar, Goa'rootib abamtlis,•rY..5 eo to 6 ee t tV'�rIlistiii t VLI • ., iter remains were itrtltlmeaM fa the Col ,, 6olbenne fle(taf:ross SocieTl}.. 931,00• fir, perowib.,,twony ....,.5 60 to 5 OO . %.� tion of various flails of the atture#1 k THURSDAY. %►,ti, _.!t i r�''�tI►1ltrftel Hats i� haeme cemetery. Sh lb stmu►ivetl b} ! Cevermlamt meant_... ..,..... !B!1$8, Per awn .........,.._...46 00 to 47 00Qd$ ' work which ria gave, ittformatloq ale �• rn The M1turitec$t ,ouch.' B>Ir+ssts, her husband. 1 Mm. Vii: H_ MuteMnsbn....... 96,OQt per tart ...............€I 00 to &5 00 _ ••to._-•..,.._.._ obtained y first handl ee. whe h ve- 111 *TdDAY, dant\'. 23rd Ellet. eornt., fiat July celebraAttin, M 00 312v bfAr'Y F}n G1aLa .......................»......0 7b to 0 8., O ,,,se "..- ".--.. bathed by the srudtottee. whiatt ire- gland] 1mi ion clasp I . `ricbrist at the ftr of teilalKr• :%to tienewal) procems'. 20,3a Bowley......................._._.�_.1 fl5 to 1 30 -- m. i''1i i at showinmaluodg to R tate hour v hear ifin- mot at t' manse and) prea hip their , $>t W►Ay, JA!v. 3a►!t, 1t a. lira. - --_ Ybae, Per b'asheA_.............J 00 to s 00 Fhawing that thane i§ a very rent' In- testrtpler, 'Ur§. Ross., vu C1 t1 a beautititi "hill Witt Christ- Total.... �L' ffi•f9 66 cove 1011t and • >krnkwheaD .... 1 30 to 1 RO terest In the work of missions. JAidiniere ' and ' the • dbl!lsnvirts address . ., a � Price The various ahuroh congregations of Mrs. Ross, -We, tHrr• mertta'bers of the y�ya.,i IXPE\DITURF.S LLr---••• ....------.»------ lr 00 to 20 od � I 7lllrtse 4r9•ilcea ut't open.: rte. vs town were all weii represented at the Mary' Finaland Atlssiba ellass, desire .at 1110 b,. lute a6ill bep made as•c4¢timo.- EluuL'---- .............1, 342 95 ,,,,,rper!•b•-B%Jwy ........0 59 to U 6$ • this Christmas season, to tate this c , Klecl.riv Might.... .... 81 89 s> per ftarfea ...............0 75 tot 0 75 teathering and the inspirational efioat fp • q4 a6 50 to 16 50 .... , Frevb near aand ex• of the event must be verry tfreWL. Wtunity of showlntr oar appreaiatttm, �s� f ]i4oits 1. un on s y of having ha<I the. Pria i1eSv of btu 4 lull W I Vkartet ,....• O0, .`. 10 to 30 511 O ' tVorm Fl Ed palattob�le, Alot er Graves" able to Ing un ar YOU. u sk eek. forSh4WIll til e�ry �+4AI{ � . 32 80r Ober $ails ................... .. 5 6 to u7, BOU& and Sold I ' t f ' frerriel�r sirrtalrrt . in ' AND RUN D.fl?JI N ? Insurance.... tt04. i�aiirl, Per lb........,, 6 to 7, o $nitati'ag supphea and hostage. • 2R,P,3 Light Lambs. per tb........... 010 to 01'2' _ wa} that your iRisrtrsl in us irsdifii- Spring Latnbs�_.. .......... 0 11 to 0 ! l fi' 'r Children, and it' t%es its wont serol t 4a. TIM.% Condition, only a Tonga lied 1•lep&ias_ _ _ _ • • • • 42 !•� + ; mom;--_ !1kik" , as kvcl! ii is rawass, has been• t.tae Ca R w lour -U t. rwttKf and rent.........,..... �,5 gp Hams, per lb.....................0 40 to 0 40+ 'lAl� ���} 1 ° ! .%�yi eery R neetr i` a aro vcu a: ghe condition of being ••run dutr(n"' ,e rfa4te..•. - Bacon IOL O'Clear •••• •• ••••••0 735 to 0 35. 191 der roan •i ....... .i:i t . Qi.;�'S`CX*t=-A- • grateful also fah• the• time and cnern- L,y one that do(thDrs tie put recuKtUzu• Ceaati'ngencics.... ... 69 4U a Des par ag"""""""" o — di ft*fitttt9aVb9r' ajleht oh 'u» at our nronthly slava meet_ ile a disease. * 1, 11 , , . r ..... ides• ............... 4 00 to l4 00 , 13qurstbs Ings, and the Jxa p ys+elan, of tai nv Pnterest_... 10 OP he0p.......•..I ......�..,....... 0 05 to 00 8 Or Sltl� �f eRd interest O ` Sp�C,a � Reduced pnfiid lessons 1suglrl vvho gets his training, !n; a bus ital V*tory Bond.. 1013 e9 ilsteat,lza us there., avhvn only nevaro disor(jer;•t. ul_f, stn- Notes 8300 (ta. 1.900. 9rtiloH✓ef8.. SOLA Oct °t We, therrfac,t, ask eu to tter4A0 countered l.no)xs little about it: But �s KinK for malntonanne•...... 5M 0o � � til for this gift tib a sliglrl token of otic Idve those w•ho are run down, in ttvadti, Btttatsea (Bunk err tilGntreaYj'... 'M9 xi T" "MMI c . "' for you. Do not, however, cnhte it ore i.w ��t,l{lo� •"�I�IA�lNtpOIRMRtOiit>yOgtlolOOA141 know that it tri not a rarefied, aflliation, O other, L of its intrinsic wc>rLh, rivet. T}tr raPtessiun "run down.- apljlJrd Talfelt:..........$•l,8?!4 riG t�S 1lE+7illClirPe 1 �+� �if� Saturday rather, d its use, we sof you 8 b(r ° n -Saturday I<R A CAR CSF al health, ntrrrns a ions, ar n !n vslttrii CHAS. A. N.ItR\, `° JtiS. $�31y glen. ii SOt� ' (� i ramindeli of the t:fris of the A[Issiwn all ihv-bod!!Y functions, are enfeeiticct, ' Trefts, JaBamedot I�hOQe 3I6 I :A 'x v J a �• V. 5Rs S yySa. A Pt^Cs. 1.Fp Slgnect on behalf of 'the atass, pAf Llte !sills, the dtKostian is in, i 1 have (�mpared! the, above statrament twMW** sorsa r itMtlttaltrtlidWR . �1- tlhtte•tt.soa O n Paired, the, nerves are impaarrished At all iptGnaa,i R, tlOdsrith, 1st SADii4 E, HOWATT, revs, whit cash and b nk books and find it fres! Otrt. y !w and icxii�i Ctradas PPARL C. TAYLOR, 14Po,-Treats the compleslon l,ecanxts pals er war y, correct. =��M>nY, :.�.,. .�..ia0= a - ---- - Also a car of xA Auburn, (Jett„ Doo. 23, iglu, there Is no anima,Uun, but rather Nwmt. Lx'm Auditor, l • a__ - worry and mental depressioxi_ FatiKuq flet, lith, l9tfl. "`- i �.�.w.-. EGG COAL I • ft] a coltstant symp•ton. No, particular -- - - ' � + IN W " Castivat(ria and its Curter -When the orgaln being affected; ( -_ - _ �- you must look ' Air. and lira Van, Rer7asaher Van , VM * all Atollaw 8tttlon. l! oxeeretnny organa refuse to iterfarm far rnl(c3 to alto b>A,x£. 1a et circulates carman, of `+ltingh,mrt, tnnaunce the kkCt r`' 't't rite or Cat! dtt ll their functions property •thv Irfteatfnes through every pact of ,Lite body, any engagement of theirs second daughter, ill become clogged. Thi is knoavn as improveinent in the cblydltion of thv 1 v ]sob o. ' ' ILn eft t wrl, Geo. N. floss, sonA- Safisfioory I j�1 WM. U. 1"1,,)XE 'costiveness and it ne oted i;£ve ,iso Ulbo(t is quickly feLf fltiouglioof the ut' 1 StOLIG IGSTON STRC T li W -to dangerous corn ilugalpans. Parme- ontire system qs , ir. and Mrs, M C. Ross. Brussels, , i.+ r tl, 'Rit4na 121!Aa 1�,4'g,gptuble Pills, tolll atltct n &lies- broad a »d buikter M weak Hary b nr the marcta�ta to. Losse place in January. `16.vC�glY� ttMllfi:ll9i����]&lBlft>t1H8Bd11r1t111iIMlr! dy eutEt- At lllft , first irttimatlon of W'11(ams Pink PIIIA »taps at the stead art ailment the sufferer should pert- of all tonic mecjeiaes. Evers- dose of ' ' ltlugt of necessity; ho Asitisfuctor its all departments, entrr�in� eut� A packet of the ills and a complete i M919e• of sassonable Footwear, and ensurinst ho its r, � Awwwkiwwomft p put him- these pitta belga to enrich the blood Belt under a rotlr»o of treatment. Tile and Strengthen 'tlaa neNvcs, anti thinPatronsltendabio y�tuea. ng tf �] W Q MOM lapiite ReAviae•, ftashionable styles and de ` l>: good effects a the pills will bel almost the various ermans retain thpi to 1 1fi�J4 U Art jrOut' steadily ilicrmsing husinoss has proven thatr ,, "ift_ a tmtfieaiatcly ovldent YYYU u ,, yj� . ,*i_ and the body re(vi)vers its full vigor.. I... I . I � MEW, '17 �i�,G�wial _ - - • ..- Ample proof of this is glvCtt sit the • � �."� � staterneni' of Air. William Devine, Ger- OuKup- Stare IS Satisf aeto s rant street real, Toronto, who says. Bring lothose . - FhETI•iiHE .� Two years ago while employed as a - " - in every goose, of tiro word to cite tetany customers, •:.sad., as in the u '�; •'� t /� can(tttctar on Lite Toronto Street Rail- aCkR off Iirtlmbtos, or.,........ + is3csd,i ut honest aces, and a Aervtce deufateci itIAL and „ - aaay, t became murk run down. 1 past, honest yj ,_ ..o�,,,. , `v p la f .. 25a l�1e p consulted a doctor who pave me meds- N `�� iast t0 the t, forest of 'out` patrons. nill ,nark our policy for 1920. 0 L I I S CIi1Ett), Loriy................................"`35et Ct'flOilO'OC1q**Olftlit3t ,lontttffM1 td One. but It prayed fruitless as I was ' fjE " A ehrl Pork ttnd Dom .......................... 200 constantly stowing weaker. Aly ap-M t -rust now we would call )'our attention to our splendid,tock of ;l , awayPctito W011t t ' failed and I fell^ Rensnnablty,goo(C� comprising 1 �tl i�i' 11115, 1'3lrr t3aCiCitllC1 .............................. Cie aaaay in aveiRht unifl I only avelghCt! F no ��� i G rllxtip ;r, f# for.............................I...... 250 l2;5 pounds, t was sometimes taken ja pHs, and llnal2y felt S�D@5 z I with fainting s c ; fty[d 9t0e1la rompellad to resfs;lt my position. I for me?n and tvomon 1 -.. ' tilled what ! U1011ght was lighter work your S save � a y6 f thJ 4 ���Oflt'itis", pit` fly,Ok O .............................. !io - Whether in your hove, but with no ;bettor restilis, $ r fri d t N I loss �1"1 ti111M5i a In atlr Office, or In 1�1'aaVina weaker ant! weakeP. One day 'ti nd iiatte them k` 1 "1illt lltxf►hlll`i fytiCMG+D........................... iso 1 your n,.hunt urlred ice to icy Dr. Williams' lft'a#itllt�. Zib�or't3 t�lti �tlCORta of all, $lads and for apl(� of all ages. t ' tl „ ` VPttteah case or locket, the Pink Ptlis, but by this time t avAs , , $, 1 Cd� i, harpair......................... heartily tired of medicinot ai'nothinrf wltr"a filled Wulff, We Lave p � ' r , a W u ".tom, ..........................$I.iii I 'rriser' tl+allidltt ' Yb. llortttits of thef'eet whose l nae taken dict me an y J<411�1 V@rs , :lC tStits LrQ lie be ht me sk sax of the pills, and) 1 Ml�owtho to Suit, an atylas of • s 90196 ►I�f bim V`lsAtioliAto, axed width, per 3 ard...... ;]Ors tivt±x Von lave. homat, t1at1 Could no loo 4 f rehtso , !o try them. picttlm. Spits, • Skirting 16ts, Cfic. "" � Ibt1`fl lr`1L 1�lltltrd nt#tll remise, til otttltr ...... e...., ebatt tlh la A vlalble txibato Atter a time i felt they were helping . $1,Uf! „� '4` or respaet 14td 1nb and Chert I gladly ca'nt9Aued their well t�llr it llle CU'L -' I SOI,]E; R f}RS fare vttiryy arurm find oomfortablla. was +oriC w;a '„- 11 ti�emttmlbratlee. ` ena`bledllotto ho b kiittnl�iittL(1t p>ttbn iV: ar�>rAt+1 titdW I � fully restort� to hdtlth, 1 6W6 this l 4, letalld •eorblitloa to ., tlr, Willilifnt►' �. pp ItEPA1NNC h J,40! pink pills, and stn stratmitty froom- - I .L I I 11 I �� W, EN ,1 ... Y1 f~oa them to alter One tiff rtbg i►s x . tdtd'"' . Ile. William ° UILW t1i1K3tl S oeL� tt! ttitttt 11 I- I I ".. . " �t`iil;M1 ottti trtl 8o=. • , 4 ,• Y b# ttMttt b t"N' + ` .r , •1 i ��"w � .. of 8glift'Att,R 9 4 • 0 J.. :r .. �' jt+ 1�1M� a I . . � ­ ILI i11,1110.1w."'.- ­­­ _­ 4I!` 1Clr .. . p "I 3"" , - C l� "'"+ifd" �fy1• 'AR t • ..-.. -. ll�t7wrltaritlt, tnli'.4y , I . A , I - I I , � I � . . s v: .,. .,, I . I . � L . 11 4 11.11, IL . . I I I I I I . . . I' * .I - - _ r L' I �I'llY, " 1. I I I I I I . I. .. �. � 1. I � I � . � 1 I . ), �� .1 � ''I I M °� iI . .� 4 11 * . .6 .� I L V . . 1. , ­­ I � L , . U I I " . I I 1� . , �1 I . � " 1. 1- - I L , , " . �. ,I - I ,; I I . ,, ^_., I I I ! I 1. I I". _ I 11� . -1 ­� " '' I ". . y111;..11