HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-15, Page 5. .: :... '. fit- W ►. TAWS ifR1�i�1")Ottiw; 104 or AVA 0.0 � w�Riilplk ! telelttt trttt�li1d be Elw 1414 ,tha WILY at i u>?ua lfltoui ' a41t 11e iRf?t4l ielft flerir3uJ�y �4 4 iit;F t?# tt!Ctltvel berg 4, We e'. y1114 worpbla, 1Ir41'%1tk twwpty oh.rtb !1�" rltld,e »Itc td 11Ati< 10rlt`riltlr&lir*.% 4Wr#tSjI t .i ►it>Iltstf i4t v w.+wy„�,yry t itti •tae eiJt+4ls4k to Fit tbtt �. at' a. t tl4 0. Stan eowwIt iia loot i44 ' Kti�t* crtobcr Unit tan k4�4+! tirltlbt e+li i.14. *� fir' 11+1' + ttrol •01 to it Wt4 1QW`crinlf 0 4 4e duty > ��tlltttl` cilluf�3atet' iota antvifiabiiity� ofk hay li t?f ttttousl+ 4l. T4t' otbrr wall i tt - +lttfllftt, SMES. ToWr, ThW'ilirAS X 1�"Urt4oi4 :t*wtlitelt, t1Ti41yckw.r. lr4tt>us •tit: ilkak; ShQiltfi ". •, 1:t14lfttl „ o_41d be ourlft seriously, rite #o! hi$i 1el"t and gd(iteeta Elie etiplr,alUti tet The treuju of the setfatto *1% •a ;i4!i�#F iI#?t4u4�t: 7i►e )itid44ttriila- gtlestlast ►YhBc tt ttgd to ibt# iAted iil(Wn" ed 1. ill';44t1 WX er or later an* there lvould be !tits ifsmoms, ,R J0ilt to Lave fila Pravinelal ragltteog t)n.motio>I, of Councillor }lung,. *fix make for a report, A14yo d by rtm. vt Iteere uty, , file tylsglh :1� AR � �4 , W14y. �cbt 'taro, #1 >I � � .t! or the th4l.YI time Ilia WdrshiB #uad4 '�,laybr, filo ttceve. flip Illeput �o\ti ,. the sugiieation f mom y 4art<1rNf P^*, sowiq, 1,1�r otrlW's11 4 a t h#eh do said Caere end Gotitxfiil4e . tttory,=at44it It At9t* ; t`�tSt.WTa rl. yAt`i !.•-*Ccs- d`av toaGiiltClt bats heel; fie seriouts notice takc) , yet, sxem appoilliteti a b'triki g,, Committee, the Polly Wilt Harbin corl"pt u. thAtio commission should, be to med aaltd their Nport, as was . dfit• al44atar dlttu Qfi d u .t4tt .Ary" S, tljllf sto kQ ` to look atter the cemetety, conlit4ng'udopted]a Ilttrr fa' rt a .Jt t_.l;it1?ICOs lair» X00 f)1#> ILttr, u 14ntt Gpm,pl+l. of fife cttellrnlan and two eit[s to Fluance-Dr. 11�. P. dark, G. H. H m» 1►tty#)u4p ttlAt tr#t )c ensure some her, T. 1t. 1\'allls, W. ;tt, ni tt and T. ' 4 tiR �I(r toiil/. lam. permantnce to the 'i#ody _ sl 94Gnpled by the so01;iti x>*►ulutis (irtit, Sioc1 , in charge se that a more conti44ous 11. 1%lltcbell. , "d Acbntml XPICUOXIA army hataf bets �. program of improvetnent could b> un, ; Public \Yorks -T. It, W4111s, J. J. po.AJiptetely dispersed. The hp4ese O dertaken than was .posslble V40 a Mosdr. John Story, T. It. Mitchell and ciYliil(4i4p have beo11 evacuated l4raizt ' oro". 01,24 t8 $8.50 changing committee each year; H191 W. F. Clark. Iritutsk.Barg • Worship said he would like to see � Gernetery and Parks --T, If. Mitchell, Other reliable sources tndbeate �+ further kXIC4 101'4 of the park system,ns inAll ` il. "Slumber, H. C. Dunlop, W. Al.'111. #Lai"tlte t xeehti- Slovatigt *Ad J>xikltst- Departmack..nts 6s littfght atld T, R. Wallis. >e$g hake rleiach@d ata underptandlax with more swirl and other muco- 1 �* ! t t ✓ mems for the children. i Dtarket-J. J. Moser, W. F. Glad;, with the Social IteYo uEtoAtlsts not to l'll�,s. foll)E telX4ugl1! otic 91toClt;, we ore p;Ckli1>�',pttt 1111 trifle QCt f11!}d brol[Ci1 f }!arbor improvements wvas a Oues-f J>3hn 'Story, lt. C. Dunlop and T. R, interfere with atacd o4tter. O' flop on wvlilGlt the hail heard a great N \Vallis; It is timeiklly stated that all the lots of merchandise, that -Were bought Years ago; ; O'deal. It was essential that there fi clal, Belief and Rect, tion --1]. if. Aniericafa troops have been ordered $ they OrC of the beat JAMES �# AM ELL o i should be more dr � p edging done, so as Humber, W. F. Clark. J. J. Moser, }t. C. !o evacuate Manchuria by March X. quality, infinittrly Superior to present day buying; and the priced, in many r tG accommodate weasels of deeper Dun op and W. Df. Knight. l Totltt _Store It'. C. Dunlop, J. ,l Soothe Russlasges of cont[nue the bAitere heat"y drau#;dt and file council untie- . _ F __ _ . These We elle putting On �iaslC at as big reduction, and — with the Board of Trade at the op- Maser, T. it. \\'a[lls ttnd'1`. i \Tl[che itgg tq iii`eY lI3Vo�apttlrgd-12gatotL:- - 13+ iCC1 Cpnf3dGntat�a� 81].1Yf1Q �2�rtL+21 e - - O " Ii QII�S Arlt otos- !trio grid=-sb4 i ihq iiuer-'iVatet=-fzischt -;trued . _ harbor-lt'. <i an*kde-Uon. which. until a few ansa p 1� • iii gr Wl t _qpt byying opportunity will p :Phone a0 ment would not spend a li(tle more lilright, C. H. Humber, John Story, ir: ago, was`Goa.-Denikinefi a(TfnJnTjS�t a- Xegx� l� -- _ - -- - --- O money on ails work, F. Clark and J. J. Moser. tied headquarters, It It! Onl Os9i Agenta Gar4eu Court Toilet O The purchase of a llre truck was Qourt of Revision -It. C. Dunlop, C A plan is on foot for the forma- y F ble to enumerate a few of the many specials among which , Articles- so elhiU which eame _Wo he 1l. HumbertJohn Story, T. H. Mitchell tion of a Federation of Finland; Ea- tomlid We w---oiayor's suggestion —tl—d --drawand the town YOUI attention t0 the prCSB CpUCs.Lr , could very well afford to Ttte following appoln mems were --.-_ + Such purchase 1 Lithuania, -- _ apiece Af _apparatus, preading made: On motion of G, R. Humber and Gen. Matinerhelin, whose appoint - 'X ��' W�O� �� �� HE TOWN . COUNCIL th,;'vost over two years in making up W. NI. Knight, A. D. McLean, J. J. Mos- ment as commander-in-chief o1 the Ills; t;stimtcs, without issuing deben- el' and W. F, A. \aftei, with the Mayor united forces of the Baltic States, in - I 'lute Mayor's Inaugural Address- tures. and Medical Officer of Health, as the eluding Finland, has been reported, 50 and 64 in. wide, in colors of Navy, Purple, Brown, Tan and Grey, values up to _$5.00 Standing Committees Named and Th„ question of a new town hall wan !ucal_Board of Health for the year 1920. is now in Paris,. where, It !s stated, a yftrd. Sale prices �-1.73, „ri3.00 and ��.'35 Appointments Made dna which might not by treated ser- list motion of Councillors Humber he has obtained a promise of both �- iously on account of the need of econ- anti Dunlop, It. J. A, \facEwan it mem- military and financial assistance in � Only.but might of least receive con- her of the (.oderich Collegiate Institute �Q Tweeds The inaugural meeting of the townorganizing an ofteaelve against the t vouncil of Goderieh for 1920 was field sirderrttiun. Board fog_the years 111`:0, 1921 and 1922 Bolshevists on a front winch 1g even- !% on -Monday evening. All the members cin account of the high cost of lh_ (In motion of Deputy Reeve Clark �tually to extend from Mormon to the � were present and took the necessary ing• w\,, heard a ••rent dial of talk about and Councillor Wallis, Rev. .1. V. Ford Black Sea. 54 and 60 in. wide, hoary weight Suiting, in Grey and Brown Plaids, Stripes and Broken a member of tho Free Public Libras p - -+ ,- -- -ya.ths -uf olltce and tlualillc•tilcn. At- a ttiarket, and this might be gone into )' However optimistic these anticipa- Checks, values u to 0,5.0 a yard, Sale prions :}1,75, 3.00 "' ` r. in the council h,h•m•d to and eeporlrnented w\Ifh till.. ytrar. 11t'ard for ihP years 020, 1921 and L:r22 tions luny appear, they aro believed p - , $2.25 and X52,50 and adapted tate clerk's stitru+tntf ,tf ,' h,f v '', \t' s, e ,n,i- the elections. Ills Worship Mayor ti\'' of the Hu;Ir,t of Cnmuun•cr, cin ,•d by Counrfllur ct;,r>, that til,• np- partisans All Finland look upon hint a Wigle then asked Rev. Mr. Ford to that ther'. would br sonn !dare to go f ointment or assessor and coli.ctor hr as the Hiatt best suited for such an open the meeting with prayer, \whicli if a person thought an u\creharg0\01',, \ws !t'ft u\until Priday.- C:u'rivd. undertaking, was done in very appropriate lan.guagr, l"'in° unuic in ;u+y lit)", should Le dealt Mo -A by Connciltors 1hunher and The coneBsoluns made by the pros- Black and White, 3G in wide, splendid wearing material and vet' suitable for \\illi. ltwntio, that 11- Illiane,, eomutitt,e he Y o Children's � while fila council and audirnce stood, i eat Finnish Governurenl. to the tad- Salrool Dresses. $ale pride ,�Oe a yat'd after which Ills Worship made 111'.1 fu_ Tit,' flishihution f \\dt• trophies alipo(uted to nmtke arranceur,ul,, with icals in respect to the authors of th,3 „ a• it al addres& \\ould probably' lic made the conking Lire hunt, for eredlt fur tilt icor. -t:ur- late-frau,ractlon, which was fomenl- gtre'F A cunt of rungratul0ion to that Ur and tt* ev Heil :huuld nes rift'•• ed and openly supported by the ,I3ol- Sweater Coats the councillors, he turned to til, qui.-1that l;odcriCh r„«•its, a 4harr. Th,, \aluntitm of the plant ,.f lie 1 � ahevrsts of Russia, chow to what ex - tion Tltr farm \vhich a soldivr•s' im-mor- (+od,rirli Mt rrantile Ctt, ,Inde by Mr. tent the Government is anxious to tion of the town ti o%r,•s. •t'!,r year \�, ,t. Le\w wits ref,•rr,d to rnnunft- Of first rate alit, in White, Tan. Grey, Khaki, Taupe, I'llaek and Brown. "•"" was started with an uwerdraPt of *30,- 1a1 shnui,l lukt� sputa court h, fur,, the conciliate the party in F'inlanty op- Rn Y. p t Sizes 3), .11i, 3`+, I c nt• lh„ \\h ,I, e anvil. r t 000, which, although covrrrd L>' su(li- ''"unci!. .\Iso riud�•rich had as yet cwt � u posed to any open hostility writh the these aro values up to :�0.,i0. - :111 being cleared at tale yr ice 3.48 each. • s,•,•n lit to mak" uuy indl\i mull r•rc"g. I,nrd h} Iieputy' firr\r rJ;ut, sr_ , J cient assets, would rrquirP to be re- preaont regime tri Lussia. borrowed, so that t-\'rn with stn autlr_ rrition of • the solstices t'r,•nl tic,, to\wn, ''"nded by l:ouneillor Wfdli�, flint til'' The idea of a closer +inion a lth Don't Miss This Chance of Getting a Good Sweater such as ncar•hy towrtshi„ liatl d,. t ay,, I" apl,oiul,•d a fir,•etor of the g e Coat orized borrowing ensues nP $Gd,OW, this I •' n •, file Baltic States for the rouiu:on de - only "it'll }:Ic\alor ;nut Transit CO.un- y 11i our Ladies' and Children's Coats wv u h only left $f,'3b,000 to do k>n5jucas on. +irh'1 this milrht h�• gi\eu eri:•u. enn- t fence is, however, more r;eneralf ' A matter which would come befurr! 1'•b:r,tti4u, The 11_:uvf lj; l ol..'.-t•.I b 11 or ;u,l'n,rit\ or tilt• st;tluh•v of I,,,- popular, and inueli satisfaction is felt toi.) c 1 o aro really a eplerulid lot, nowest in style and til, completed, framed anti hung up. fttr , 0- \ret., chap. i•ti, -cc. 5. -Gar- at the progress of the Lettish and i. quality. Also all Fuv Sets curd odd-00ces, we are clearing out at a discount of `23'Y, below roguht, the council at an early date would be riot , prices. a bylaw to'provide for the investment The, assessment was a very burning Polish troops on the ))vfna front. question with the people. Tho Itrst and third Friday of the of the interest from the West Shore P Plr. \\'hat was The Daily Telegraph's Berlin cur - bonds. wr 5 not so much an increased month wet,, fiord ort us the regular a• s nn nt menti on re Remnants bonds. The• general opinion given was a . Y r , t>? asses meat as an equalized assess- meeting• nights or the ruuncil. nrarkabfa article on fT:, llo s ret ik thaj this should be jpw'estcd to .seen- q '+ Z •1 nlent. Bylaws conlirmina the various ap- dap mutate so as to provide, as far as pos- ger which appeared two or tilted s le, for meetln the bonds when Without any rrliection on the re- L,oiatinvnts wcr,; passt I ant! the roan- Comprising ])rens M,;Lt,eri,,ls, Silks, Prints, (lin hnur, \-o,ies Vrnun FI g p days ago in the Tagliche ftundAchau, , .• til adjuurued. Y d e f, annotottes, . ash Choy became due. There N\•rrr also "'nt asso;,ur, \\hnnr he considered a says: "It has come to n,y irnowledgu urerette�s, \\'rul,l;trrotteti, ,u,d t,ther uttiro. ('nitons, Tc,welirhf;•+, ('w tau, \tutrrial, Chintzus, etc. some debentures to sell, and tire, cloy- w'''ry very c111civilt officer, Ills Worship • that the writer was Ludendorff. Gen. ing up'eaf the deal with the Goderieh poinh•d out the vast increase in the WATER AND LIGHT Ludendorff utakes an earnest appeal p� Mercantile Co. would claire intmotliatt• •l sessrn,nt of the town anti made two to the Germans to forget their do- Dont Miss the Remnant Counter attention, srrgdesi.ions which lie thought would mestic quarrels and eloae rf:eir ranks (her $1,000 In tic Refunded to '1'owrn On the question of public \vork Itis hasten UIP makin.fi of the assessment for Uwereh9rpe on 1918 Lightintt to lire grave perlis \\h!ch thrtaten Worshipsaid he. felt sumethin if- and so conduce th,, closer linaucing, theur from rhe Enr•t. }le Says a g 1' tceount either use appointment tit an assessor mighty territorial power is cleweloi- Orders by 'Phone or Mail receive Our Best and Prompt Attention. in rash ward, \\fill Mr. Campbell as ing w:1'irhpenrtrntcsfarinlnboth c•on- hrud assessor in elrar e, and c•olirctor, The lint uo elm of the \war ;mil 8 Light Gonuni-,ifor 19'!0 was held 'tineuls, and whose ceulritl�;rl force or the appointment of RD assistant as- westward threatens, first, Gcrillarr,y THEATRE un Tuesday cccl!nK, alt the membersMaDiE , sessur to Aix;.-•Camplx�ll: . , pro", nt, Mr. .I. Taylor the news and East Yr•ussfu. 'r'ht• f'nits ;.rt• ,v, # ` In t91t 1 ititti ns -hall b6ota.sent out Taylor' l' P cnmatlsSftti vx. t;iking his oath of of- protective wall a€ainat Do zht-w lr.ur. a to all lodge6, Sutzday schodts and larbor lis,,,, Mr. 'W. 1'. Murney was re-elected This delusion will dissolve. Around 1 j PROGRAM l Phone 56 M I LLA �SCOTCHrr� Phone 56 ,f hntirs in a ftfty-mils, riilliirs inwi•tinK rhairmo`n onrd thr• socnnd and f6urth East Prussia there be a decisive f (Next'Week) Owiu to cunt, to t od,rich for picnics, Thursdays \v,•r.; rived for thr r, Kuhr struggle, the historical Sianiflcance of Md thr it pian of encouraging tourist •;,tin, night-. which so far has been realized by I Monday and Tuesday tract' by auto mitatit be adopted again 'Cin: meter at the sub-stafiun own,d few, and which will throw into the this year, now that the wvar vvas over, by the twwn, is G, he. replac••d by' a shade that of the German knights. -------- --------- -- -------- -._ by sending out circuiars say in Nla "The general has Sharp words tot ------'- -` +-' ESSE L. LASKY, Presents )', no;trr put in b} tit,. Ilpdro F;IccIMc Still a Place for the Gooa flortse. Nusrular Rheumatlstn Kuhdued,- 0BRYJum and July. Commission, ant! fit,• prier rrt' the Hy_ his own countrymen, who are, he wb'h. •t one is :t sufterrr from musrular I ANT WASHBURN Tho audit of the to\�n hooks by a says, too touch absorbed in the race Horses have not been meeting a din of tt1Jr fpr ihr old ❑+el,r \vas ac- ket>.n demand in Canada since the " irmatisi he c,umut do bitter thaneharterrd accountant !lis \vorsltip for wealth and pleasure and bitter war broke out and have increased to h the the rcKiun rubbed with.D O N'T � again rornmmendrd. Th, present au- Increases in anxiety as to their daily bread. lie IN pay cull were derided .about 6b0,000 since 1914. however, 'i Nomas F.ctrrtrlr 1111. Thcrr Is no nil �� (lit vas all right as far as it went, but, on as follu-.%s: N. Wilson, to 83.50; also blames them for their pre- that so specdlly shows its effect in cit fur instance, \vaterwvnrks surplus It. Evans, to �t.75: W. Glazirr, to 83,50; occ"Pation with the Entente, which areal good hoary draft horse !s hard ub,hruir ,ails. Let ihr rubbing be Something To Do which was only on paper and had beet, humiliates them afresh and drags to find, and if Old Country markets , q (an increase in rani cast uP 25 cents are any criterion o[ the trend of af- ri"k and rontlnu, unit! rage is s+•cur- M also spint un capital, while it appeared on a dill'): Mr. Nelson to VA per week their attention towards the West, fairs an awakening 1n the Canadian "'I. Thyro is more virtu,• in a hutfG• 1! CALL uTAIT ithe books that way did not so appear .an Increase of .831; Mr. Kelly to when they should be strengthening ,f it that call be fully +•atirnal,•tl, O PEARL WHITE on the audit. Draft Horse market should soon tot- a week; hiss Ilatcs to 3i,, a'wwerk; Mr, themselves and listening intently to p Indrjt;tria! der(lup-stent. �umr pec- what comes from the East, low. Draft geldings are selling !n Knox, to 5250; ihr increases dating England for from $900 to $600 and Ph pie hu! the idea w'ou rouid o out with "H k IN cc "'Lig• , , „ htning Raider , u \ a market basket and'bring back an In- dustry, but this was not so, rw o front Jan. !Ribs Mr. \\'flsun is to fakea Sunda Y shift and the Ifncrnen from e as s what can avail in t is h desperate• cult, and offers the fot- lowin • reply 8 P Y to his own question: f even up to 11,000 each. A returned officer told me recently of seeing a sorts of development were internal de- rrlired Sunday the "lat. The essential preliminary number of Canadian geldings (artil- , rclopment and outside dovelopment, shift at P lant. p number of applications for light conditions to all successes is a re- less and transport horses) sold lac Old London for 5100 (=500) r }r Wednesdayand Thursday the development of our own resources and the securing nP nrwc industries. anti power acro received and passed. Separate aecrnrn are to be cognition of the danger. 2nd. The firm concentration Of all• each. About one- tth of Great Q at Britallt s or - There was no lace in Canada \\here p no\v kept for \water and litchi ant( separ- forces whfett are willing to take up 1 dinars supply of work horses went to the war and a number of useful brood - --- -thh�-D> .-products . ot__ sa1L._sy.rsc_�1anu- factured. All our caustic soda, for in- at,3-_3ehCqucs. 's r srrcd aad,,. Sho water account is to be In the Bank ihti struggle in a United German fathertSUAL ivery-disseneie$ lir t - be mares were also taken, France, Bel- FAULINE FREDERICK stance, came from the Staten. This placed of Hamilton balance nation and every disintegration of uur.i{uasia and 6ernyan3� oar might be taken up with Mr. Wurtele at once, and transferred the the territory of the fatherland makes the great horse -producing countries, IN with the idea of interesting film in at end of month. A letter from W. W. pope, secre,- p our defeat all the starer. have lost a heavy percentage of their horse stock during the war. Already ie these lines. Goderieh was the loirleai tars- of the Hydro Electric Power "13rd. A realization that the fats . hi t t P h 0118 O 82 or 183 q O Have your house Wired 0 NOW and enjoy the ad• o vantages of e;ectric light ( O during the coming tall A aaUghter of the did a s Amon o ere exons has gong I y MM and Winter. Q plant- also for a dry dock and Mr. tut- Commission, advised the local Watt'r of Germany Is being prepared, if not from Western Canada to France, and p South' ehinson wvas the person to develop and light Commission that A careful deciA'ed, in East Prussia." ft would seem that during the period I �®g!�®®!g9Bs�®®Bg��lW�98gBgBW®fleAHle�-..Yatisfaction Guaranteed O that.. Ili,, had had plans prepared but analysis of the operating expense and of reconstruction odr horse market Ir In every particular. had not had sufficient contracts to jus- revenue of the Goderieh rommission Beady to Aid In Feeding Rnr•ope. will be East and not West. If It will � We Buy Raw and Dressed r1 O also Iffy Itim in going ahead. its was Roing during tit, year ending ilec. 31st, 1918, LONDON, Jan. 12.—It Is oi'Hclally pay to breed any horse on the Cana- Electrical )fixtures and FAY PINCHER to England on the 24th of the month ShnwPd an accrued surplus for til•; 3eclnred with reference to the recant diad farm the hehvy draft of good a Cit ID[' MVA p Supplies Of all kinds On and on iris return the Special commit- operation If !tri systern during it),' letter of Carter Glass to Chairman quality should turn in most money to a FURS R *1 pp if,,, should take tilt, matter up. year 1918 and that a rehatr should he Fordaey of the House Ways and his owner. e 0 h hand. was Canada as dor, it ,is said, for a mad �i. to tic,. genera] fund of the muni- it A TWO REEL COMEDY Feat industrial development. The lin- cipa&Y, In aerordancc wvith recent Meana Committee, in y poi the Sec- Do not sell until you haute of Repairing a $ ohlt Pn industr was one \which wwas start- retaty of the Treasury pointed nut 11 8 )• legislation, and the results of the in- lit O inn in Canada, in Guelph, and there the necessity for aiding Europe, cs- //!�� 9T gat in touch with us. ie i vt,stigatfun as follows : Hot l a s h e d ff was no reason wvhy (ioderich Should Pedally Austria, Poland and �rinS- Q Street LUrhting-RPfuntt to he paid nia, that Great Britain Is rcie,dy to l O Fridayand Saturda fo the Street I.Ighting Deparinrent by BROWN BROS. rr y not fakr a hand and see iP one could share in the work. The announce- WALLACE REID not he st,eurrd for r;oderlrh, through roor commission on account of ow- this merl(um, perhaps of the Canadian pP P went says, however, that Great Bri- , Fainting SipellsROBT,TAIT p p• er su lira for rrir+rfar street fightin e , A Ira,le commissioner. Thr rubber in- g Lain has not ill made known to what as Phone 270 Coderich iN O durinlr ihr year f 118, �f,Ofi9.li. \Vat- i IN dustry also rould be taken u though extent she will aid in the relief. �! 0 laleatrlolan West St. p. g t,twvorkS -.\mount of undercharge nn � ifs +R c,The Dubhsueh an indusfry liked to locate at the arcnunt If power supplied by your 5o Weak and Nervcus gBWi6iffiNe®lFaBBe9Usltwi�tfrV,*EartsSao EMWE'OD�OCiOC �01C7 same. place as other slmilar Industries, commission to it), tic- r Thousands Perish In Storm. i i i Could Not Slee? nnrl FltrhrnPr had got ihr Start on t+s partment during the year f91it, 8629:19. REVAL, Jan. 12.—Thousands ser.• � p•• -- also in thio industry. Mr. Pope's letter continued "I am In- frozen to death in a blizzard which t Ce�1[L(L�f�Nr7� (�p7�������(�l�j������� Christie Comedy His worship asked that theta,, quer- vtrurtrd to advise ,your commission swept across Fstbonia. _ to rrFund W the Municipality of (lode- Reports received here declare 30U Aire Philia, 11. llan, Rand Port, N.9.. _.---- - __ - --- ---- -.._-- -- - bodies of refugees were found in u PRINCESSrich a total ar•t amount of 84;1SJ,58, Bald g i wr•,1cA'- "1 hnwr stn n .at sutirrer SOAP FLAKES ����4a7riE� amount being the calculated net sur- forest between this city and Narwa frons nrrve trouhlo 1 wvas so wrak plus on account of power supplied American Red Cross workers may i and nervouA I could not sleep at ntphri '= by your commission to the. street many babies were frozen to death a( I and my appctitP wne very wor (�2l CollearingSale of the and pawaterworks departments their mothers' breasts. from , round not walk rirro5d the floor without !l^Jl of the, municipality of Gotlerfch aur- Many fugitives from the collapsed trembling all mrr. I had hot flu,+hea Guaranteed Pure ing the year 1918." army led by Gen, Yudenitch in Ills and fainting AppPPlle 'A -hen I was rot my I� It was pointed out by the secretary recent offensive against Petrograd 1r•rond box of Atilburn's Heart and Nerve , mil have perished in the drifting snow. Pills I began to frel better and ke,t on Hest for all fine laundering. Washing -- -- -_-- — of the Water and Light Commission � g g $ K until I had lawA six boxes when I frit f of Goderieh that the undercharge for - ,. fa Women s Felt Boots power to the Waterworks Department Abandon Hanger i WILe. like a different emon. I am never Silks, Laces and all fine fabrics. f f was a liability of the Waterworks De- CORK, Jan. 12. --The hunger wvrlbout them in flip house and recom- Women s and Children's Felt partment, and not of the town, and 1 mend thrm to all who suffer with their strike of forty Sinn Fein prisoners in " WON'T SHRINK WOOLENS that therefore the full amount of $t,- nrrtrA, Slippers the jail here, which began last Tues - 069.17, should be paid by the Water blflbwn'A heart and Nerve P.;'s art• and Light Cc to the town. day' in protest against the discrim- Men's Felt Boots Action on mile matter was deterred Ination shown by the authorities in bosh per box at all druggists or do a1Prs, 'j� . the ameliorative treatment promised or mailed d A on receipt of pri, r by Table Syrup Boys"Oti• Tan Shoe Pac�jcs pending further Information. them, ended Sunday. The Mayor of Cork intervened and secured a better- The T. Milburn Co., Limit -1, Toronto, Buck akin and horse hide moat of treatment of the men. t Qat. Both in bulk and 2 and S pound tins, NO I. eera®IsfiimlbABlsalll�lll®ee®t>ef>garoolflllafleel Moccasins WELL SATISFIED WiTN O F F "say it With dowers nl . I Women's Misses' .snit C1><ilds' p BABY'S OWN TARLETSi H, �►,,p LilyWhale Corn Syrup To Your Bout Friend 1!e, Mrs A. Brrnard, La Presentation, Gaiters and Leggings re Que, writes: -"I have used Baby's-�.�..�•� ' Women's Mens' and Boys' 10 we on On Tablets for my baby and am EXPERT WATCHMAKER is well AatiAtlyd with them. I have re- All kinds of Pork and Beans IIS l Hockey BOOL$ �Mg St. Vculenitne's yp rnmmPnded them to APYPrat of my wktC�'!, rtiftllCl, 110., �itual�� "a- a1 gI friends who have also used them with All Re it Work Dome to Your Satisfaction to beneficial result.A.'• The Tablobq are a Rapti nd atibfacterily. PA 1g mild but thorough laxative which re- ar 11WO (►�'"W e:t.v om* o ' GEO. syEWART � thus ihr ofs4theremach and ages lv and f ohm" moderate 6SHOP til 11e MAldl M r11pk tel tCMa to d arth sae g! thus eider of benPOt in r1r✓A of in- � � diitPAtMn. constipation, couch colds, hots. Ill FL'O'R'I'ST IN 'I NY are told by medlelne dealers or "lit till� 11 - l;) �liyst ,P%(ttrii',Id' X'05 � by � at 2.r acnt9 a box from The Dr. reu+tN r►cCtt, ea the eautn 1111111,11111 1 '•M Wll ani9' hiedicillo f) . Brorkvllle. - 0001t01111111017". OUT- 1 t>fitsMfl4a I1Mf61f1ttlB6f, dJd92116�IM8FJeglshnnwtwaitn bill. i � . Je H. LEACH Phone 160 Coa. Montte'al St. and Square [ rG :631 - � �?1_,,j" R rte 1R r. ��0_ i s i(7!�. I r17PFEIeie 9 50 lat>ati�