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The Goderich Star, 1920-01-15, Page 3
pie _ T"L'1!ttii).o, as. •FM4ta, IM.As t. Jwr I go WILL 00 TMIR raRTI, hr�t - Th . Xz fi ^d rag a' 141-40,444 , +, . .. .: ' ". t1lla�tlllda •. lt�ti. �itll, �1la�r�arrrt. IAG�c�kl� ' " - - now 0", Yvart t�,y� lict..0f let Haire Gicr; tilt"F1011,4► El eft F +►S lt#t *pA r �t'roo* say I 1 s. ,9 tri ltsrir . , 6w1� S tRtak F•I�„���+ 11lRfrl (i tuAO!k ?lt1£iil ', ilii .'6t'!F' i TAit t- .. tips,.: r,:,• Th'1 tat* YoWs Da otF �:ltma, 44uFaiter•of tr. ��"+Ae is Tto►tll" iiilt�+! v ' : 44.0er fMM dyrp4pa* 1Rdt* tuotationa un the k`alriner ' ltilarl4ett amdt 1!tra, as %t \Xkjlct. to Mr. Fl;GXA, � ; y,� �« l j t(� .�r,. �,:.,7 {,�d,i, t. �n p y�, /� ,y Q (. {�'�i n y�♦ j�,y {� r�� tom, .. ti wt 9Qlil� � q, ��' icic �,{,d 't:.� "" Mit are *.* T011owY:*M..- � .�' ;F�,�l!M�1f�.� -of �i grt `j,:A„V�\l'.V", .� - �s ill, t* A** � .a vx' tt�i ;atm` { � � ' 0,t�11 t,'rtwwi�l ft. will N00 11-W fN•tdt ; , Ate : ,s!nd *Ira w.. lis Ilattio lltalar►l> ; 'ou1Y ught�er Yy11F :• lnn4i, ifiiif, 7>~ta „,Ia t Of mr, 'i+, V;krltll twit tit--ry0t4t cay, k: d r � r � �l /� u tit► - S 00 tP $31 ` �'" "' Flavour for Ilt�l'm tic ilii o 130 aoft 04 ralatell aitch aero a No. 'l i'll�ztwoa .; : s6 000 17 00 � former resident at xetelr, tt ant •-lzlt�lts*. , ,%twIsavo �# ttKttll4r > sal 41r ep ilmger[artly Fire, { that'! ilimiit 13t;uw. lest per tfin . 1$ 00. t4 Fieri to All.', f+: VI"lHll: ,Ai-larllXtb41[ e, $UIL . oats. Gttinoled. per ar 1�. 4tise iii\ �,,O .. � 1 'fend, 11QA. ffltll. '. n , t!Ialr'li tR9" �1/6tit:d ptit+llfaietledlnot titgt t(a►t .t...�«...., tt o0 dot J'd .k°!,•!'IaQ ;lix1!!1i till ttrtifl�iai' tg b f }Ift ,Fa�tira__,Rrolli;g6. lletal'iM-ry allfikl�a0vw Is ta' h vc flit taliil, F'dornuil►* > n at 1+0acA. Thr, world vili Iu t t!>!0.. #to#wt4b ' , `t i*.G tic(ll 3 sIiF. rtivtY. per dos.... $0 76 to OL #! Stsssi8• I Ot tql and 4041t. tl! 131Yt1e: havtl r `f tt l'+ 1 "War eadt►d WrimstllT Wurdtl� rftir- r/ msutufsptur lea qw, ft lvld-ft�rinptrba, Volk a Fre int,.:...., p 90 .... t; uEtht rile building ,of the BaghOltler. • r laootl whN�r1 :?IWiatA4ra�ntlktltfat 'p1+ the :;tttetti fgrmiars' starry., o cz ;." !?its oear' /tel yoRn9d�'iklwtdoc t1 1 01*1ttl lb..., 0 3L. i�°° tw.d are Walllt, 4 cotivert ►t into tt „1,t� 'Q h,�r;', ,otrerwl wliku l�* 4p)),royod, lit,* Ver" �I f AS Attttra haat bGelk restoriang atvtnsxho t t► ftritr� ducks,11%....... 0 40 o t,�,�ig } atilt, %VhicA will be in 'operatlon tlext et "tilt* Treaty depoMited tholr eestlt• norAta:� healthy SttttditiO4 go that •ti►,c Boiling xawl; lb...,.... 030 0 lf0l , summer. " 6010 ,,.tv �tes of stti AcatlQA and jsign,w& the triad ?lar, mf'"' Via, butx,',is ems. Iter` tb .,...«,s. 041 o alt + fir. eitid l�lrs Van iienasalrar Vttlll l wa! ihoroatly dyreRtclt Rog tt>wdtttatltted, sled= `ix+i#11rs,' 't)Irt di>,.., 5,.. e. #s. o ! ,' Dracea-rarbsl ch put the treaty r • an, Af tvipgham, annollllGO the ", ° { iota effect. •. tiro' d 0 can eat what lis. pk4taeg Farm Rreduee Who[eaats. 1`.or 1 y yal' Butter, cta4lwerY. tresh ellgagelnellt of their second d4ughter, t,i Iia conformity with trot Peace w[tbout any auffetr=n$• trade. lb. squares ......3o 70 to so It � cu mtf Isar t . to Dr. 'Oreo, H- Roth 80I� : �klb'l'I�€i 0� ` j�Ql:. Y. DA11ton, C011116OW004, Qat" do., do.. out solids t r t Treasx and ilio R#tnez of tlle�Learltus 0 iG 0 Oi + writes. tmubltdwithd is nutter, pkloic9: dairy. ib... 0 4A 4<'aIt IQ, Aft. alld Airs. 1), Q, hoes;;: Brtlsrlels, • of Nations Covenant, Prelnter C10 - L., spd.'vas irulrl iQ ttiy $Oidocyka flle0nlar rlue, lb. . a... 0 35 0� the marriage to'take plaeQ 111 January, _ °dngnceau has telegraphed Argentina, i. ' m Fees. new -lard. dos. .... 0 90 - A 'quiet wedding was sole ataed at ?�• � -Chile. Colombia, , Bitters.- -I took tht00 bottles and am P1gga selects, ipnlirzk Spate, per 4qa.,, d a4 •... the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. Bossen aF Norway, Paraguay. Holland. Salva- cured entirely; my atotiaaieh,ia wish. @t. d Plhee No, 1, dos....,,.., 0 aA •�- herr Zurich, on Monday, Dec. 29th. r i��Ilt'dor, Sweden, Switzerland atld 'Veno- r all palmi I can cat aa�nlyythin I wteh, and Cheese. June, 1b......,,, 0 34 q;31t Y. 1i It,1 do net Nerl.any badavu eala' Cbetas, new. lb....... ,.. 0 33 ,., i when Mrs. Dosaonberry'a sister, 'Alm. t suelg that the treaty to now eflec- w B';$•il.' is lnanufaetured only by Tho HPney, carob, nos........ 6 uo G ole C. 'Link, of Port Huron, became the ;' -° 'ttve, mild invftlm)t tlieirt to linrember- �,_ Wilburn Co.. I.{Yntted, Torontq Ont. Hone-$. - strained. per lb.. 0 35 0 �0 bridq of Mr. Petter Koehler, of „Zurich., Brucelle.ld for.R fov years and on 11W nhtp Id the League,ot Nattohh. _-_--_•- •--- `,ITcrcas, :-:..-:::..�: ib 88 to ; ,-,: - }- 4�he-rtiet'al-seruicea- at---ASlebael- c►caseas. Isla• 3YMu. lorptcrE4'-Aii' _ Between 6.000 and 7.00.0 Gorman one of the nTlst)ilera w11 be -i ep #riatod, dally', : , ^Y----- +1t, ••�• __�.____. a pfoaeers of liaY Marjorie Manning, and her rive !1„ttlC QS7'FOPAIH pelma print*. .::.:'::.30- - - . helms#nom lnlutediately on the arrival i • •«• township. was Field-Tn tTfe �YitK�li „lt v1r3 dame -bwk to--thatou-to -res >$hertenitsg-. of railway cars�lrout nrmnay T1R, OEUFtTi>{ 'ltf4MAlYN, 43teopatb, Tigrcee, !b. ;,tb 2,7 to $.«y. church, Zurich, on Sunday, Jan 4th. Six sociis }re>~or0 his death he trent t Baron von Lorai[er, head qts the T iJ Specialist to aoments and children's 00 -lb, prints ..... ... 017,% tie leaves to mourn his departure his Arizona, accompanied by his wife aR� .German Peace detogaEion, says Liar- dt9emes. Acute, chronic and nervous dls- Pound prints 0 30 \vidow', four sons and nine daughters. his father, in the hope that the chanEO ; orders partial dearness, eye, ear, nose Fresh Moats. Whoternle. �..,go to - iroaf end ol3s- retrtovelr- wi tlrrattr as Tsrel cwt....ts:"o to 926 bo t -fir.---and Nies. Y4 -G.-PatWr'son,, o> �inft_ warmer �THnniu 11 tU �� the utmost limit to t'� the kpite. Consultation tree. Olnce and Beer, hindquarters, mt. 32 uo 25.00 ; \1Ingham, announce the engagement benefit his health, but the end rotne Z riltinYira»3111rtnre[k --- j residence. Nelson and et, Andrew's Streets Beef, choice sides, cwt.. 20 00 23 00 of their niece. Eva Marjorie MoMaifon, Dec. 29th• Because of tiro failure of the Unit- trsck ar 'remperupee, Iran, North Street, Heel, foreq rtarb. cwt.. li 0o i8 00 eel States to 1•ritify the Peace TreatX t11B0cz Routs b to i, s. it... [ to JI p. m.' to Sir, Robert Merndith Hunter, of Kin- I:fncardlna Revlrv:. One of tu,' piutt- r' Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturd s, �f• medium,,cwt....... 17 o0 11100 the status of rho relations between Rvenluer b tU Beef, common, cwt...... 14 oo 17 00 cardine, the marriage to take place In cer ministers of the 11resb)terian r y appointment. s it. Paul's ohuroh, Y1'ingham, Ieb. 4th, the Lotted States and Germany Iii Lamb, per .;b ............. 0`;26 0 -a church, in the person of Hev, John not changed by the ceremony of dor. Mutton, cwt. ............ 13 00 30 00 1920, McFarlane, passed away at his home _ ~ LEGAL CARDS veal, No. 1, cwt........ 24 00 2G 00 Posit of imeri ttluns. ALL seated air tight and 4^41IARLES OARROW. Barrister, Solteitor, Hogs, 12A to 250 lbs., cwt. 22 00 24 00 The death of Suss Janet Leckie, turn on: y artvs'ay Tuesday tnoe to h his The American (government takes air- fight Hogs, heavy, c%\%........ 19 oo "1 o0 was In her 68th year, occurred, in 82nd year, death being dor` to the !n- Ileo position stmt becau� a of the fall - Etc. Corner 1\oit; soar[ and Square, Poultry Prices tsein0 Paid to Producer. FgInondville on Sunday, Jan. Uh, af- 1)rmities of old alre. Deceased moved Impurity -proof. in the Wax Godortch, Out, ore t the Colied ice signed n ratify the . s 41ve•tl1(elyht Prices.- ter a short illness from pneumonl to tancardine about t\v'ehe ;•ears rho , • f'IBAS. SEA43EII Chickens, spring, Ib....,so 25 Miss Lockie had sent Treaty the armititict signed lvovom- • ter. Sottcttor, Notary PubIle Ducklings, 1ti, ••-•.•-•• 0 25 P practically all from lainC River, vcht•rw ht• had h,^en bee 1l, lAlB, fie vv:tlll se rho Prov!- �t �e. /, r� tier life in Tuckersmlth township and superannuated after thirty year, of sions of the extension of that agree- wrapped. safety Package& . and On 71 Dtioke. old, tb......- .... n 15 n tat,or 011 that char -r., lit• wa.- a Ofnce: Court HouAr, Gnderlch. Bona, u er s., .. ... � F trent, continues in frill fon•e and et- Hms, 4 to 5 lbs., lb.., 0 23 ; 1'hr death occurred at his roma in - G BAYS 'Phone se. Hens, over 5 lbs. lb. .. 0 25 Seaforth on Monday, Jan. 5th, of one of true Christian character, beloved by Oeinlany. Be SUrf3 �� �et Roost. 1b. -- o is t p. all classes and denomination>. Iris I. HarrlstOA; Sottcttor, Notary Public Etc. Geese, 1b. ...... .. 0 is �••� o[ ill(, pioneer residents of Atclilllop � •u:tm.tl notlt•c ;u this effect has Glues rlam1110n St., StP,rfing Bank Block Turkeys. lb.' .... "'ite predeceased hits twenty v"arA GOilePIClt •• 0 ^6 anti for the past Pew yearn a highly been given to rh:, G •rt r.:a Govcrn- Dressed- (acro. T%o daughters, Musci; IlelPn .+ Rent Ectgte, Coeurs, Ins u•ance " respected resident of Seatorth in the m •nt by the Uuit:`d States. Chickens, Lb. ,..........$0 23 ;.., person of err. Michael Walsh, in his at Koine; and Lizzie, of Guelph, a rnar- Ducklings, Ib, ... 0 33 rlc,i daughter and une son, George, in Tho ly IS t •idiot; t'ucuttent U the WRIGLIC b ' COVE1'A\C1NG A1D I�OTAIT I' ,,it'd year. � CercttSUr!y IN t11:rt i[ i2�cea tho I: n1tJd t,/ Hens, under 5 Fbs., Ib..., 0 27 I '1' the li'rst, survive. GEORGE F.. GREL•'N6LAr)E, IlayBeld, Con- Hens, over 5 lbs- ...... 0 28 .... ! tm Tuesday'. Ilea 23r,i, a very pretty' Stuie:: the r.n1y i.ov ter v,h::h vra4 nr- ' veyancing and Notary Public Geese, 1b . ............ 0 26 wedding took place• at tho home of lir. I 0 tively at wa.' tv;i:I t,: •'t. ,i::: .Ili.: rt. . t Turkeys, lb. 0 45 and Mrs. Jas. Burgess, Brussels, when ' ' on is praco L::,! 'Plat vvas th note because i t i s supreme PRUUnI'0ler, KILL01t." a CnPub-KE, Roosters. lb. .,..... U G 25 UFT OFF CORNS. , Barrister+, subcuur,, ie,,Isrlr, fah- MONTREAL PRODUCE AfAKI{L�'T. their di�u{;htrt•, Lilian Florence, tJns rtuur,d��i !+y I3aru'r I{u:'1 Non Ltr.,nei', t uc Etc. a united to Mr. Richard Frederick Cox, til : t•` ll ;'ul prat 0 deloi adon, in �Uaiity e3ntce--On the quare, DO door from Montreal, ,Ian. 11. -Trade in cash oats sort of Mr. and Airs. Richard Cox, of i :'' to the Associnicd I1ftnUltOn street. 6oderu•h. was aga,ln quiet, with prices steadily , ., •, Private runds to Iva'„ at lut,v�t rates. maintained. There is a keen demand for Grey tacvnShip, Itcv, A. J. Mann, 13, A., Y' .• t: i„til; after the cere- w. PR01D1,00T. K. G., standard spring wheat -flour. The :nill- olllctating. t ' J. L. KiLL011AN, tl. .1 U. COMM. feed market continues active and firm, Apply few drops thein litt sore, -1 "Sra'ry hap,,y ilial peave Made In - - - and the demand for rolled oats is in- \ quirt \vedain« was solemnized at lt.t+ EIJ,til; i;., 4•::u e Y:rllco," Baron Canada AUCTIONCERING creasing. An easter feeling prevails in Ow Lutheran parsonage, Zurich, on touchy corns off with t,,., Lercincr w.ttd. ".\rctptatlott of the egg market, while there is no chs,2ge Wodnrsday evening, Dec. 31st, when THOMAS GCNDRY� in the butter situation, There is but- Trt- t1/ of \"ersiJINe tri; ores upon ileo. 11. RembP, united in marriage fingers p ter condition in the cheese market. 11••ru til y the heaviest i7artlflcc9 ever Live Stuck end reneral h.110)n0cr, Oa John thiel, daughter lit Air. and Mtn. ��� Ravour Lasts Oats-Extra, No. 1 feed, $1.09. , to by n ratios in modern times. Harnllton street. C:oderich. Flour -New standard grade, $13.26. •1+,tin t\'eldo,lurlch fond, and Air. Geo, J $5 We lot+; ten the west itnd in the east Srs ntarle everyt,here •incl all elTurts Rolled oats -Bag, 90 lbs., to;6.26, fi sn. of Detroit' i,:',••v:ie:: that belonged Ing 4, to five you vatislbctiun. Bran -$45.25. g.d to Prussia Farmers' sate note+ discounted. Shorts -$52.95. I Che marriage of Alis, :lona Jenkins. fur crsny centuries. We havo assort- 4---- -�_-y_ _ Cheese -Finest eastern, 29%c to Soo. daughter of the late Mr. Thos. VI'. Jen- c,I enortnutw economic obligations. this that MreRtell all rurope. It Is ( � h 1� C1 r � Il Cry VETERINARY Butter -Choicest creamery, 67c to kin:, Clinton, to Mr. Orin Elsworth N-vertheless, I am glad that peace is obvious, speaking chlefiy of France, 67%c ; seconds, 62e to 63c• Ernitt, of Auburn, took place very R. W. F. CLARK, V. a.. 9taduate of Eggs -Fresh, 90c; selected, 63c• No, 3 at last re establtahed, because it will that her economic prosperity depends FOR FLETCHER S Dthe ,Ontario veterinary Colleire Tor- stock, 55c; No. 2 stock, 620 to 63c. 'Italrtly at noon Dec. 31st, ,it Wood- givo back to Germany her beloved upon the econowic'recovery of Our - onto. i respectfully call the attentfoo of Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed, 426.60 to lands Farm, the service buln• conduct C A S T A R 1 A ;26, 4 son.; still pr!eoners Zbroaci." many." horse owners to ui,v approved incthod of ed by Rev. D. N. McCaruus, of NVsley' .1 :,ked as to the execution of the operating on burs,' tecta. A fresh sap- lard -Pure wood palls. 20 lbs. net, 29e chiire'lt, Clinton. 1Y of 'vettirhors IrWill.rle- *testi p- to 30c. r loans of the treaty, Baron von Lers- , +� Q/� hand. Office and stables-t1"ewgate street, CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. + The home of Air, and Mrs. ,)nhn 1 uar declared that Germany was erections to t3,nnte In France. Dye Old, �Gl�vy Aoderteh. ° i4wvett, Brussels, was thescene of a ready and determined to do her ut- PARIS. Jan. 12. -in the Senator. J. P. .Blckell fc Co , Standard Bank lal elections held Sunday Stephen Pi- bullding, report the hollowing prices on t;utrt but pretty wedding on Nevv tnost. He continued: INSURINCE the Chicago Board of Trade: bear's eve at 5 o'clock, when their char, Minister of Foreign Aftalra; r �+� Material g e "We have already, uvea without Albert Claveille, Minister of Public Dress MQ�eCIQ� ` Prev. utrly daughter, Rhoda Mary, was unit- being obliged by the terms of the �cKtLt,OP AWTCAL-I'111E INSURANCE Corn- Open.`High, Low. Close. Close. rel in marriage to Air. Thos. Willis Mit- !treaty, delt-v,(a considerable Works; Leon Bourgeois, former Pre- trartia and Isolated Town Property insured, stay ...,1351& 135% 133 1341/, '135+ cheli, oniv son of the late John and � quantity of products, including two mler; C. C. A. Jonnart, fol mor M1n- YaluO of, Property insure up to January, July ... X3311 133 131 1321/6 1$3}� `.Ire. Mitchell, of Grey township. later of Bloc4a4e; Jules Pama, Min- I 1� +y�� and one-half mlliion tons of coal, to „ 411!!1 43 rt48m:r,.on. sari, 140 140}4 127yj, 138% 14ot�s inter of the Wterlor; Joseph J. B. A. "Diamond Dye* Make Shatiby Appaeall OPFldERS-Jatnev conot3S, Presldent, pats_ The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Coir, Prance, and I say say that Germany Noulens, Food Minister, and F.tienna Goder4ch ; Ja-. Evans, Vice-Presidenf. �y ggry 84� 8156 83 8446 flinton, was the scene of a tory quirt will go to the utillo3t limit of Dos- Stylish and Naw --So Easy Too. Beachwood . T. E. Hav+, Sec. -Treats., Sea- July 77% 71% 76 77 77% vvrdding on Wednesday'. Dec. 31st, Doesn't hurts bill Dep s vlittle ,lbility !n fulfilling all the obliga- Clemente!, former Minister of Com- y y forth. Pork- �'reetono on an eoLtng cora, Instantly nlorce, all were elected on the first DIRECTORS -t). F. ttcor•egor, Searorth . Ma 30.00 39.10 38.b5 381 so 39.10 when their _lecond (Laughter, Annie thst corn stoops hutting,thea oil lift tions she has incurred. It will moan y ballot. Don't serf abort perfect results. J. O. Grieve, ViPlnthrnp : •tvnt. tVrui, Con- Jae „• ,,,,, ,,,,, 38.60 30.00 lienriette, was married to Air. Henry t1 Tight out~ Yes MS&I hard times for Germany, but with the y » stsncq ; George ricCartney, Tuekersmlth ; yard (;le.v, son of the late 4fatltila8 ( Ievv / rtr,Overy of our ardor for labor and Among others elected on the first Use "Diamond es, guaranteed to h[�iive John 1•erris, Harlork ; John Bennea(%a, May ... 26,30 25,35 24.76 94.90 25.45 A bottle of Freezone costs but a ballot were former Premier Rlbot; a new, rich, fadeless color to any tab��o. Broadhatran : litatcotm ItivE%%nu, ltrueeneld. and of Airs. Clew, of liullrtt. �hP dew elm at an drug store but is sufii- production we hope to meat every AGENTS -J. W. l+eo, amderich ; Sandy July ... 36.60 25.60 25.15 26.29 25.75 i f3 r Albert F. Lebrun, former Minister whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed Jan. ... 24.00 24.00 23.60 22,90 24.46 ceremony was performed by Rev. S. cleat to remove every hard cont, soft emergency, of Blockade; RvnO Renault, who grwde,,-draasae, blouson, stockings, skirts, Leitch, Clinton ; Win. ehettney, Seatorth ; ibs- La. Hlnchlty, Sesrorth, 3 .lndcrson. corn, or corn between the toes and the The recovery of our economic Policy Itoktery can pay their as�cscrnentx =via+' ••. 20.90 0,90 20.2, 20.40 20.86 ' tv:ll roplav,• M. Clenlenceau, and who children's coats, draperies•--everythingt N R. it. Cutt'4 slide, r;Oderich, A. J. dlor• July .., 21.05 21.05 20.70 30,70 21,26 A p1caAA'mt event took place at the calluses, without soreness or irritation. orothe En !H as much to rho interest h •J the Premier's support; Capt. A Direction Book Is In package. rlshs Clntbing Store, Cllntou, lir J. li. Jan. ,,, 19.50 ..... ..... ..... 19.96 home of Mrs..1. L. Phillips, Hullett, on Freestone is the sensational discoverryy of the Entente ea It is to us, 4f nr- t;uy. d- Lubcr•itue• the ivintor, and To match any material, have dealer Reld's, Bayfield. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. New Year's eve, when her daughter, of a MCInuall genius. It is wonderful ctrnstK of the great gconomtc diifcu!- tier), Taunll,b. show you "Diamond Dye' Color Card. -- ----- • - . - - East Buffalo. Jan. 9.- Cattle -,Receipts. Emma Myrtle, wag united In the holy NOTARV,PURLIC. ETC. 550: steady. bonds of matrimony with 'fr. Ira Ceives-Receipts, 1300; steady, $6 to Howard Merrill, son of Mr, and Mrs. WM. 13AILLE. vw 323.52 �. !1, Merrill, of Civdt rich township. ` e V1/ Hogs$1Receipts, 6400; ke to 2,qc higher: Th,• ceremony was performed by the 1\uTARl" Pl Bt.lf. heavy, ;15.50; mixed, Yorkers and light do. y e General Garvecaii0nir 11„110 $15.50 to $16.60; pigs. $15; roughs. $13.96 R, -v. T. E. SraR'yer,-pastor of Lopdes- Gooal Cnmpantee nepee•rtrted to $13.50; stags. $10 to $12, bora Slethodist church. Goderich itura! Phunn 9.f r IL Sheep and Iambs --Receipts, 5000; Ne to Route 1\0. J, Aubnrn $1 higher; lambs, $11 to ;'20.60; yearlings. In the gassing of Christian 71mmt•r- ___ $10 to $17; wethers. $12 to $13; ewes, $4 man, Hay Towilstilp loses one of its to $11; mixed sheep, $11.60 to $12. old members, tie was born in Welt- 1a ienhurg, Germany, in 19,'17 and came to [� hn Brg CATTLE MARKETS canatia when yet gt4it,• young and lived fur many years on thn Goshen NO1N_ STQCIi._YARDS__.. . _. liar south, until n few years p'gu, �vlwn he mane - hlti homy; wftth itis GODERlCH TORONTO, Jan. 12. -Receipts oP dati hter, Mrs. Otto, at SebrinKville, a --Y live stock of all kinds at the Union "hore he died at the age nt 82 year::, Yards for sale to -day amounted to The Leadlnp after only a few days' Illness with r t• 233 cars -3707 cattle, 290 calveaj Funeral Directors 4194 hogs, and 1606 sheep and 1'n,'umonin. lit, o" c , and Embalmers lam y F\n oid pionr r of the country, in t person of Mr. Win. Coventry, late Wilson Will Not Seek Re-election. resicdent of Wingham, has !,a- -'d to OMers carefully attended . to the future world, tho funeral being M all hours -night; or day. PHILADELP$IA, Jan. 12.-Attor- held to Winuham rrnartrry 4,n Wed- ney-General A. Mitchell PAImer was ne;day' afternonu. Dec. 23rd. lie Hiatt quoted hereby newdpaper interview- born In Prel County in 1x30 and 30 s ors to the effect that persons in clone years herr moved to Hallett town- "H s Magier's Voice'", ����������touch atih Presldent Wilson are ser- ship, n . w he vvas •married to S;trah 1 ES tarn that he will not seek re-election. Slsnning, who still survives him. Airs. p "The President," Mr. Palmer Is e ,i. R. Fills, of )est V►'avvanosh, is n ���•g� �S WITH THE STAR soared sit saying, sentiment that there laughter, 1 iNi p is a certain sentttnent throughout ! the country against a chief executive Thr funeral of the late Sarah T. of relict of the late George Harland, of running for a third time, and, while RING into our home the whole world Y he has not made any definite declar- place f formerly nt Clinton, to,rk y P6s Star and Toronto Daily Globe 25 » " " Dail Mail and Ern ire......... 5 25 place from the Clinton i;tation on Wed- Of music exactly a9 rendered by the y ation that he will not be a candidate " Montreal Family Herald and this year, his personal friends know .,Cd ay last w'e, k. The deceased pas- greatest artiste and entertainers. Weekly Star .................. 2 40 �cd away the MoncMy prrvfouA after ., he will not even consider it." a short illnei4• Mr. Harland vvas bur- 90c for 10 -inch Double -sided Red Seal Records _- -•. _tt. Weelaysual9bmnta).......... 2 90 " " Toronto Daily Star....... ..... 4 30 - Te,T" In MIninn T c . 2Tittf. 291R. -'t Trim- wait -till You Get Them U In the ' '• TaroatsDaily World.......... 5 25 Dawn of New Fin. fly of right survive, Mrs, I(cnyen, of 64831 PBarit d -Prologue aParti " Toronto Star and Sunda LONDON, Jan. 12. -Replying :oa Plymoulh, Xllvh.; W. J. Harland, of Air; Boys --a -Burr 160 (BaritoAe)RenatoZaaelll:1.25 Sunday g r;uelph: G fire anti A. T. Harland and AtlSwSeyes Murrify-Burr 216068 64832 Pa liacc!-Prot World ........................ 3 75 loyal message from the citizens of I"Q And He'd Say. •'Oo-la-la! Wee- R agree-PsrtII " Run! Canada ................... 2 QO London on the occasion of the rati- Mrs, Faze and ANssrs Ida ano !,aura, wee!"--Ul6a-Step--Lfncotn's Ort A. 0 (Baritone) itenste Zanotti 1.35 Farmer's Advocate ........... 0.. 3 00 ficatfon of peace, the Kine: has tele- Detrull, --end-Breeze-Fox Trot 64836 Dear Heart(Baritone) " The Country Gentleman......... 3 25 graphed the Lord Mayor of London After an illnesv of ahent tvco %%Ptdt. Henri'sOrchestra 216070 Emilio deG " London Daily Advertiser.....,, 5 25 as follows: ;u# - spirit of Mr. litrhard I,,wvmr. 1•:x.' bly Baby's Arms-NrnryBurr--and o8orzs 1'2S to " " London Daily Free Press......, 5 75 "With all my heart I rrriprocate I.— lo, its iliuht On Nrvv' Y,ar's Iin; . -Love Will Find a Way 64838 Only You ('Tenor) • " " Montreal Weekly Witness....,. 2 90 their hopes and fervently pray that, (II ^ had Ined to a Wood 4,141 aa•• or, -1 Vora McLean 216073 John McCormack 1.25 • " " World Wide, Renewal......... 3 25 please God, this day may be the dawn ;,,r ,tn„ of ilio year, vv'a4 rt'markahlh Patches-ami--Dardanallt-Fox 741,99 Don Pasquale --Cavatlna Presbyterian and Wtatminsler. 3 30 of a new Pra, in which the people ! -mart and netivc, Hf, vt;,• K;, year. Trots ColenlaII'sOrchestra 216074 1 Soprano) Gsdll-Curcf 2A0 " Catholic Register ....... ....... 2 90 of the British Empire may forever 1 Ind ill months old. III` ,c.ak born m' it Saturday Night (Toronto)...,.. 4 25 llvv at peace with itself and with at, 4iAll, and vvh,'n a yor,nft mun t ove.l McLean'sMagazine ....... ..... 3 25 ' ,p .Ally "Ilia Master's V®ice" d'e� elC " men." jj ren n faun on the Thnmt 4 ldn:ot Home journal 2 ZS _ i \hm:l fnrly years ntro he lef{ for '• Woman's Home Companion Toronto poltre department have U:+nit h.t, nht're ht• p, It, rd anti .,hint � r (New York). ....... 3 25 rented a number of high-powered `•.ivtr+'n y,ars art,,, %%fwn' 114, r. ttirn,',1 Will gladly play any selection you wish to hear r. " The Saturday E. x,ng Ph1.... 3 25 % motor cars with which to run down td I -A, I,•,- Ile was twice married, t t- $`• , or denionstrate the Victrola " The Ladies' Home jorrnal.... $Sit b .^02•r Inclndin po-tagetor•ynl,dtan8,0"vribem) the bands of hold-up men who Lave - ,ond Aif.' 4urvivinu. b Maudlmrturrd by l' '� The Canadian Cosintryrnan hr±Pn operating to that city. Alec. \Vllli'tm Turnor, a plonrPr of jj,rlP,nr('o. (Weekly! ............ ....... 2 50 Work on the biggest Empire Trade Huron f,,,unty, tiled at the home t,f fti- j,oe'6ram-o. v ., ,. Tie Yonth'sCompanion ........ -9 751�hlbition ever been In Britain to be I,IanI¢hrrr, Mr,. JAmep dill, Londc5b0rn, 7 tlKr (R.,lled ttnaLral ' - Scottish American... ... ..... 4 00 held next year under the pat1Fonage ori Sattl)•day. Jan. 3rd. He wa! :a nc- r Siientifit Ammcan,...,.....,. 6 00 of the icing will shortly begin. 1,,,• "f fr0and and t+ac in hi,,; 91st Cosmopolitan Magasise ...... 9 00 „:Ir In 1F38 he caner• with itis pat i Mcclare'2Mat+ae'ine......... ... 3 25 ent9 to thio eountry, witling in ;last- itiar' "d• tf To etibHeribem In tho I'nited Htatex ii0 cents addition to all above, to pay postage. A'ny combination of the above publi• aatfons may he had -with 1 be NW, for esampio 0 Tbs Star earl Daily Matt rad Erarive.... $5 25 'Mayawity RcftUiS2.90 fees $ SO) 1.40 Tie Tires Pipers.....................$6 65 Setnittwiteen by . p 1 Nitta or Ex- tiftattOrd� t'�isl+t} oti r�;ft<�iv�p'c.Yl ,!! M p a •Qi17ATTRA & NAML, " I'nbltalll�tit i"be $Yar. ©t)d0iW W , '+•.,�rl_tV• :-n6erl,. '',.. _ �. _ $ _ filYilaiilr.,..- _,, mW4 cnunty. in fKA4 he earn,' to Huron rnunty and settled in'Hlaniey town chip, vvht•re tie lived till Prf,,, then moving to tioderich t,twnshlp, where Ile remained till about elfrhteen , .• a months ago, when he went to re49i,i• 'with Sirs. Hili. 'He had a family of fif teen children, nine of whom survive ` The funeral of the late F,d9ar A. Pat- r• t, J Lison took plAce from tile mIll.e hoe of ,r _� parents, Mr. aW tiffs, A. O. Pattison, Clinton, on Sunday afternoon, Jdn, 4th. The der d ways a native of Clinton `x and *pen tactically IH his lift• there. Y�VS• • T_ SON BefOiYt enllstIAN with tjJP list bat- �ItDt/�MiCh talion he had been stattotl a ent at Viatrala Desierti 0. "'AWL,, t, v � �- its y E