HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-15, Page 1:' M'. ;#.�A*s.. X17, 001k,. !1,RC 1,!1.1,,,..rw•.,,� .._-... .. .., ..,. ... __._.___._- .. - ,.... 1. 1. ... , , .. .., ..... �1Alltltl�»M O ��py-. . - .. , ., at -THE �MtAY . y, �+ .W. i ,a .. t o covers Baptl% chalk -. NM _ int �*as �� Am ml. The ugyor says thtlt h peopt til),�gc t i� ih��' nEa� a E.om Dart will; be "' � tart' , tit te tied �� ith tits tt911ti1tati4tt Speech. hen"'' alttJ "`Th titan" aft N- only y those at nomination meeting vin$ Seaft oaf Yielding rnment>^ ltt�Aitt ... . 4 .O Trade. Of` ,�y f Ott �� � �►6 N , " �, . Ali tons ri heard that prolonged " splel." and. scliaot at 3 and a. X, P. U. at 8 ta'cljorlt. ''• G, Judging team iiia way tits srluad re- . 1ct Victoria St, Hothodist chute +:,, rr r lb lrewt' d+lu?rad� sell 'b' h• eeivo other nom( e0s. atny sort of 1, Ie: 4 tt�� Waawe�tle se'Vic s wilt be Gorilln- F Ca thetll►.8,k bei til �t �y4 speech \rauid go vt ittt tetra►, Saltie alit- " t'' - � s#,, Q$}R� wok. l*I111t1}FO ;or tPjlP- + milers y ho would have said tough t >r� , „ iia! euAJe�ts as special nflrhtsi, >-#h. w more concerning hitt 'hvarl of illi yato 0h sun a . loth,at 4 1 > D pdo V t o 0 ap, M. ' t}� qK ' tj1>rapa+ i Stott' f f oma cot- information cancer lag tit 8ttel t,arr tpeciat m no's Moeling will be hold to " t', ,: , -. �'I Bti$Y FARMhR9r.w if i ,,t,dt?bF:�Lo k8 �, xw tlorttlon it a ata a ra iter Itad not Lite body of the shush. All men wet- ,* , iv with 7 rooms, IIE been there to record, it. Why with- 8nsy farmers nave not rho time to pttas3le over fluanc a D 'Jliut�•�i`�f�lt 7f 4.1 1 zs sea. AV#0rl'T+rtu the to M hold lb !t U were rho truth. it would 34R1e. ' * matters Tltey tot their banker assist theta{.iMFIGttil• flt fttrftaDet ��CCLriC Ilght w lion. kit!; 'E,ipeluir, of Toronto, velli raUt' �' 0 , a afturd amusing reading, but perhaps Amin occupy e I 1 • ret and # ata newly da the, small newaptti er oQleo, It !t had a�a.n py tJl Aft p i of lino= °`a had time i til w u d churell nett sunda td d for a few .- .� _v__- _ - atlixtd �ttnk brq Alaugge, s are specially capable of j_ is ti --�1 st3XaLCt� tilr4tlL1011t ill' Np esti, o s c+ vl __- doing this. Thou have made a study o�yeiriri ffnaiacitt -M.�--'�'v><+•------ _ tl1 have run hot t ui capital r} v 1 weeks a Air. m tit bo absent w liv ilio--you-nt- any --tuts; -especially- tar RE9Qt�ft , it-- aoo,coo_� y I t i - r C13T- -Tho ileal last has sena to tiaruia, -organizinge nue work tar EIVa llnaznciat 1',,,. Tey _ 1 - --- - - _ —^ "Ill Itaansldering more extensive farming.tedon scud It theta It's u '4tNad plant•' fur l a Ii nt innt'C�ll v �t us "coin- egatic1Yi s O n3 :Bawer 'air_trtx two t+cnv-ers lmlpcd in the various consicg--- tt `i C�otderlch 3xanch • F. WoQlcox>�b►, : ana$er w ter �E SQtdtll-st. llnd iws in thr� Prasbyterjlm r t Elgin avenue. % t)oJerleh and all the oxyuent they can At the Epworth, League of North St. f r �C _' -,11= 1, pump In will not restisoitat,, It. lir, Methodtst, church h 1ic;t Tuettdigy even- ,. -,,.-....,..�•_.._ -__-_ -- 7, tw ..". McUreath backed lir. Parsons its a man }f1IS, 20th fast,, et'it Will be a debate - WANTED - -yg .p C_ _ - J�e�� hl the weltan, of hln tionte. In which the Young men of the church "' " - . ANTED.—Canadian bank requires one • v ei w• � � FIRE,, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND �` town to ensure courteous tre talent %vT1 li a paw —.fit 1�Q1 r ---Iw niva& R rte, W or two young men who have had Eh [g to prospective manufacturers, If any that peolljo are more Influenced by SAVE ANU PR�SF�R some education. This Is a splendid oiled- , Canon Seager � AUTQNC8IL�E INSURANCE � should try to pry oils*D the seal of Jia- mason than by sontltiitgt." There iitig for a progressive man and liners 91, ' good oPDortunitlea tor. advancement. Ad- Thr Bishop of !Toronto has nladr ki J. W, OAAlfplfE . l9 eoucngrinent• will be good nluslo also. A welcome ., . dress replies to Dos 16. STAR OFFICE. several preferments as anuuttnced In ��pp��liafRfA�tie�®5B>36�9ttEtE®BE®A6®>i� - Is extended to a[f. Come. The companions of Victor are 1NEAIAN \VANTED.- 'Tor Gederl b Hur- tic Toronto illi rs of Yeisttfrduy. The President of ttlll Board of Trade ?text Sunday morning the classes F • LT � . =_ w alone dues not bring Industriry to a al Telphone system. Duties to cope- Among them is tb of Hcv. C. Sea13i r -- -- and lien's Club in connection with the Work and Thrift. If the people of mance February' 17th. must be properly D. It, to be a CanOli�ttf the 4:tthedral vt corof Huron Lodge.. No. fit, I. O, community, it is Utc dile card.ativtl North St. lletitvttist Church will meet qualified for cable and switchboard work. tie Diue eche,work of all memhcrs a!' the Beard• at t0. The topic for the club is. Canada practise these essentials, our Tenders will be received riot later thano was held on Monday night Inst, p Monday, January tette, by THoQ. sTo H- Jto.,`l;,., odueted by District Deputy AVm, Diunlclpal Councfl, rind Ntlzens thnl ' \Vt,aG can bel dons to lnertxtso Ute , _ ERS Dungannon. Chautauqua Co)aevrt Postponedbrings result. our Mayor charaelerls- spiritual fewer of the Church?" 'rbc roblems of reconstruction can _ Baltic, "slated by past Grands Prod ' P _ The Chautauqua."concert aneounet'`l Sturdy, its Grand War¢0n; }}. A, Tiolt- tcally ignored the Huard last yet dlscuNsfon will be opened by Mr. R. .. - - ---- 4R f+AL s DIt T9 LE r _ Fe settled to the mutua ens ---- 1 --tai f,rld W4dao,.tple ev-ch lluht bourne nv Grand MarNiall. Will, when an American sluv;e Town. IleGus s Young.Mbe Tito "Methodism morning theme -n'IOOro~a9 Grand Ghllplaln; an '`� 'n"k Town._ Il • y%as , i 73A 1•`ORS&LFC OR. T,t vex%*r.-% Ax-reow1d tribhti und" the 't#sptr`cs Of 'Fie T). �_'_ �sllltLr"�tetll0dtsm and Higher E,du- s ``'' - - C` haws w tt, water and light, Apply fo V. A , volt+ unuvol4biy postponed, ow- ,Pinder as Grand $csccain; Fret tour monopolized by tit,- Slx)„r, tot,•d ration." In the evening, "The a or s�, . Don't waste. Save and prosper. H. C. MUNNI t; , r_,irsluar Rt, !ng to tilt, cunt art party glint; snow- y' around the outskirti_s, then inlet adrift ( Trained Ministers,,• t to the Installation two candidates were t BARN FOR 9ALE.--:,u feet square. Ap hound lit Winghttn 11 will be held at .to into the order, and after the to Illi a lonely meal for ,l after- I Services at Nhnngelical church, Col. *T ply to A. W. YOt'N(;, Nile; Ont. a date to be anus'�eid later. True he gut it buck -rid,' lu tan after- borne, Sunda BANK installation. }unctl %v'ns served. The ItOun at the Town's expose, but tvr I Campbell, Januar 18th; itpa W, THE CANADIAN B L`OR SALE. -1911 'iwin Indian Motor Captain illarlfh Retdrning �ofiicers .Installed wFry, ;ty fnilns•: Il. icesaB. A„ il. is pastor, 1 cycle In prat-rlass conditilon, A,� haven't sees aIle s;unr, tilt doubt a h,• ,I" I",r, at CmbCtfau: Preaching ser- +; I P. G., Gcv. Symonds: N. (7., W. C• thought this a letter Inruttun Cor a re- � ` g Fhnnr wan heard Captain Martin al �• T-+r1�T� ply w W.M. afoltRu,t'. Hit, 0, C. L ent-rWriment. In Decent- ,i'allon: V. G., \\'m, P. Abell; He(. Set.. 8 plant tilml f� r a t, r tat • t't' ,rt lV t1, m.; 9unt1 }i t><huul of it 1.OF CCJMMiL� Il�� HL--__ IrIK,'rulinr 1 y 't I . �[[,mon SALE.. -Two-story frame house In bar twill bi• ,glad ld l,nh\v that he is to 1:. A. Reid: Fit?, Sic„ \t'. E'. (;lark; ) a m. ! t "%lt South. Sabbath r 1 ittu•ly good shape, large yard, Oren- Trolls- W. ft. Pinder: IL S, N. tory. 1500QQ1j}Q and and lawn. Brock street. Quick bale,�a, oar in Comterich 1te-ain in March. ' iia }} ,rhuul lit 2 p. rn.: preaching servlev at PAID-UP CAPITAL - $ffe ,will gn" the lib• lit' T\%o Cili,•s" ill. Tichbourne: L. S. N. (1., Alex. Strai-i Whon th,` Nla)ur \was 01,91"l to a,t J 1' ill, Quarterly euplcrc�,r•y Yyilli RESERVE F(JND . _ $15,000,000 $1,000. Apply Star. + tin'. Warden, Jas. *Carrie, conductor, ins,, at Colborne cit We nesda Jon: to Nut'!h St. A114totti'l church nn and intervlr%v the Steel Cnmpnny'N die- Y, d Y' �=rATER MOTOR FOR SALE.—Will de- T;ursda% March lith. IGrp then dal,, Fred Crabrie; chaplain, T, it. \Wallis: rel,us he was carefully Imprvssrd by lli;l, at '.J0 p, In, All the rm`maers of G©DERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manager. VoQa ellnningporo three ee hos TItEe8T.1R ( open and iodise arPonw ineiit, lu ;1.111- it. S. S., Levvis Filiott; L. S, S. Nlalt. Mr. Parsons that it was not for prl_ the Board silt requested to be present. g Sproule; R. S. V. 11., Chas. \'idenn; Thera will be preparatory %.-rvicc prior & Iltis rrrttal. %'rtU• ativnnGtgrs but for the cumnunut Ui•FICE. i L. S. \'. 11., Ernest Peachr y; !. li., lieu. 4 `' y lit tat, lnenilttg of the lluartrl. Htwtd. AI E Twp- •tore frame house on Charlie Dinnt(nsed 1 NirLeod • o G J W Newcombe. at large, and thtY only re risen for sr- tf It Ut E' ft 1 t d i ____ of Cano�u•n Life Assurance Co. Sure Life Results Always -Please the duly received t t at. "I t n ll' whi testimonial bears out this to Y '>i he too k Company's cheque- in payment at my policy, I ant very mach pleased with my relations with your company. The profits oq toy galley aro more than I exrtected." H. R. LONG, District Agent 11 If OR S . .- O s Y steno roundatlon, collar under Hatt � (,a>'• tmtirr lh , (:. 7'. N. was ;+ the house, bath and other conveniences int e I ed - . s• ...As kit" v Lm, warm. A. 4. ,A* -I U .... S:• ill ^ : ****a lr" tltiriul 4%. roundaton; ceniont floor under stable and day murning, a board,`r at tar nritinh •three horse stalls to stables. Recommends Market a .•I _ At a meeting of the executive o tilt, s -. tval. LECKY, Quebec St. ,to ill,, act. This ,,Na, fit.. result of a linderich Hoard of Trade otlt Monday ' -,.,t11YMla> - night a resolution was adopter(, un , of th wurl% of MethodiNnt among tho Vice -1 resident of the National Bank of , PRIVATE TUR®. quantity. of liquor heinF found in tilt, I motion of T. (I. Connon and G. E. Col- '' .,' k I boarde'r's room. Tlt,•r.` was no evi- borne, that the board approve of the on Steel Corporation. A little injec_ Jlaud Ilovsell proven a capabhr pilot, — establishment of a market in Goderich live of heart tonic might have gh'rn. A mocemenl !s op foot t" hold a One Happy Thought ranice, oue baba anti the boarder said he gut the liquor t • veranda ; q bicycle.Y 6410����� r-- _ Rt m r set oo i our tc w ' ilei Au - o ' required o a ) t i n t sum Althe Mayor tat red ac vu. t 9 r i lluggy, 1 Cleveland gate, f clothes real- andsto%nd; 1 cherry an :� prrscriplJnn. Thi magistr0tc I to establish the same. A comment a- proactt these [nen, - mer for the Methodist younr lwopl,+ of table. / pertertion ort stove, one boy's dismissed the co --c. tion from London announced that a I N deputation would wait on the county The Mayor's statement that the steel f1t1r town is an Invith%c sp"t G,r ruck A few smatter articles. :' M'. ;#.�A*s.. X17, 001k,. !1,RC 1,!1.1,,,..rw•.,,� .._-... .. .., ..,. ... __._.___._- .. - ,.... 1. 1. ... , , .. .., ..... �1Alltltl�»M O ��py-. . - .. , ., at -THE �MtAY . y, �+ .W. i ,a .. t o covers Baptl% chalk -. NM _ int �*as �� Am ml. The ugyor says thtlt h peopt til),�gc t i� ih��' nEa� a E.om Dart will; be "' � tart' , tit te tied �� ith tits tt911ti1tati4tt Speech. hen"'' alttJ "`Th titan" aft N- only y those at nomination meeting vin$ Seaft oaf Yielding rnment>^ ltt�Aitt ... . 4 .O Trade. Of` ,�y f Ott �� � �►6 N , " �, . Ali tons ri heard that prolonged " splel." and. scliaot at 3 and a. X, P. U. at 8 ta'cljorlt. ''• G, Judging team iiia way tits srluad re- . 1ct Victoria St, Hothodist chute +:,, rr r lb lrewt' d+lu?rad� sell 'b' h• eeivo other nom( e0s. atny sort of 1, Ie: 4 tt�� Waawe�tle se'Vic s wilt be Gorilln- F Ca thetll►.8,k bei til �t �y4 speech \rauid go vt ittt tetra►, Saltie alit- " t'' - � s#,, Q$}R� wok. l*I111t1}FO ;or tPjlP- + milers y ho would have said tough t >r� , „ iia! euAJe�ts as special nflrhtsi, >-#h. w more concerning hitt 'hvarl of illi yato 0h sun a . loth,at 4 1 > D pdo V t o 0 ap, M. ' t}� qK ' tj1>rapa+ i Stott' f f oma cot- information cancer lag tit 8ttel t,arr tpeciat m no's Moeling will be hold to " t', ,: , -. �'I Bti$Y FARMhR9r.w if i ,,t,dt?bF:�Lo k8 �, xw tlorttlon it a ata a ra iter Itad not Lite body of the shush. All men wet- ,* , iv with 7 rooms, IIE been there to record, it. Why with- 8nsy farmers nave not rho time to pttas3le over fluanc a D 'Jliut�•�i`�f�lt 7f 4.1 1 zs sea. AV#0rl'T+rtu the to M hold lb !t U were rho truth. it would 34R1e. ' * matters Tltey tot their banker assist theta{.iMFIGttil• flt fttrftaDet ��CCLriC Ilght w lion. kit!; 'E,ipeluir, of Toronto, velli raUt' �' 0 , a afturd amusing reading, but perhaps Amin occupy e I 1 • ret and # ata newly da the, small newaptti er oQleo, It !t had a�a.n py tJl Aft p i of lino= °`a had time i til w u d churell nett sunda td d for a few .- .� _v__- _ - atlixtd �ttnk brq Alaugge, s are specially capable of j_ is ti --�1 st3XaLCt� tilr4tlL1011t ill' Np esti, o s c+ vl __- doing this. Thou have made a study o�yeiriri ffnaiacitt -M.�--'�'v><+•------ _ tl1 have run hot t ui capital r} v 1 weeks a Air. m tit bo absent w liv ilio--you-nt- any --tuts; -especially- tar RE9Qt�ft , it-- aoo,coo_� y I t i - r C13T- -Tho ileal last has sena to tiaruia, -organizinge nue work tar EIVa llnaznciat 1',,,. Tey _ 1 - --- - - _ —^ "Ill Itaansldering more extensive farming.tedon scud It theta It's u '4tNad plant•' fur l a Ii nt innt'C�ll v �t us "coin- egatic1Yi s O n3 :Bawer 'air_trtx two t+cnv-ers lmlpcd in the various consicg--- tt `i C�otderlch 3xanch • F. WoQlcox>�b►, : ana$er w ter �E SQtdtll-st. llnd iws in thr� Prasbyterjlm r t Elgin avenue. % t)oJerleh and all the oxyuent they can At the Epworth, League of North St. f r �C _' -,11= 1, pump In will not restisoitat,, It. lir, Methodtst, church h 1ic;t Tuettdigy even- ,. -,,.-....,..�•_.._ -__-_ -- 7, tw ..". McUreath backed lir. Parsons its a man }f1IS, 20th fast,, et'it Will be a debate - WANTED - -yg .p C_ _ - J�e�� hl the weltan, of hln tionte. In which the Young men of the church "' " - . ANTED.—Canadian bank requires one • v ei w• � � FIRE,, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND �` town to ensure courteous tre talent %vT1 li a paw —.fit 1�Q1 r ---Iw niva& R rte, W or two young men who have had Eh [g to prospective manufacturers, If any that peolljo are more Influenced by SAVE ANU PR�SF�R some education. This Is a splendid oiled- , Canon Seager � AUTQNC8IL�E INSURANCE � should try to pry oils*D the seal of Jia- mason than by sontltiitgt." There iitig for a progressive man and liners 91, ' good oPDortunitlea tor. advancement. Ad- Thr Bishop of !Toronto has nladr ki J. W, OAAlfplfE . l9 eoucngrinent• will be good nluslo also. A welcome ., . dress replies to Dos 16. STAR OFFICE. several preferments as anuuttnced In ��pp��liafRfA�tie�®5B>36�9ttEtE®BE®A6®>i� - Is extended to a[f. Come. The companions of Victor are 1NEAIAN \VANTED.- 'Tor Gederl b Hur- tic Toronto illi rs of Yeisttfrduy. The President of ttlll Board of Trade ?text Sunday morning the classes F • LT � . =_ w alone dues not bring Industriry to a al Telphone system. Duties to cope- Among them is tb of Hcv. C. Sea13i r -- -- and lien's Club in connection with the Work and Thrift. If the people of mance February' 17th. must be properly D. It, to be a CanOli�ttf the 4:tthedral vt corof Huron Lodge.. No. fit, I. O, community, it is Utc dile card.ativtl North St. lletitvttist Church will meet qualified for cable and switchboard work. tie Diue eche,work of all memhcrs a!' the Beard• at t0. The topic for the club is. Canada practise these essentials, our Tenders will be received riot later thano was held on Monday night Inst, p Monday, January tette, by THoQ. sTo H- Jto.,`l;,., odueted by District Deputy AVm, Diunlclpal Councfl, rind Ntlzens thnl ' \Vt,aG can bel dons to lnertxtso Ute , _ ERS Dungannon. Chautauqua Co)aevrt Postponedbrings result. our Mayor charaelerls- spiritual fewer of the Church?" 'rbc roblems of reconstruction can _ Baltic, "slated by past Grands Prod ' P _ The Chautauqua."concert aneounet'`l Sturdy, its Grand War¢0n; }}. A, Tiolt- tcally ignored the Huard last yet dlscuNsfon will be opened by Mr. R. .. - - ---- 4R f+AL s DIt T9 LE r _ Fe settled to the mutua ens ---- 1 --tai f,rld W4dao,.tple ev-ch lluht bourne nv Grand MarNiall. Will, when an American sluv;e Town. IleGus s Young.Mbe Tito "Methodism morning theme -n'IOOro~a9 Grand Ghllplaln; an '`� 'n"k Town._ Il • y%as , i 73A 1•`ORS&LFC OR. T,t vex%*r.-% Ax-reow1d tribhti und" the 't#sptr`cs Of 'Fie T). �_'_ �sllltLr"�tetll0dtsm and Higher E,du- s ``'' - - C` haws w tt, water and light, Apply fo V. A , volt+ unuvol4biy postponed, ow- ,Pinder as Grand $csccain; Fret tour monopolized by tit,- Slx)„r, tot,•d ration." In the evening, "The a or s�, . Don't waste. Save and prosper. H. C. MUNNI t; , r_,irsluar Rt, !ng to tilt, cunt art party glint; snow- y' around the outskirti_s, then inlet adrift ( Trained Ministers,,• t to the Installation two candidates were t BARN FOR 9ALE.--:,u feet square. Ap hound lit Winghttn 11 will be held at .to into the order, and after the to Illi a lonely meal for ,l after- I Services at Nhnngelical church, Col. *T ply to A. W. YOt'N(;, Nile; Ont. a date to be anus'�eid later. True he gut it buck -rid,' lu tan after- borne, Sunda BANK installation. }unctl %v'ns served. The ItOun at the Town's expose, but tvr I Campbell, Januar 18th; itpa W, THE CANADIAN B L`OR SALE. -1911 'iwin Indian Motor Captain illarlfh Retdrning �ofiicers .Installed wFry, ;ty fnilns•: Il. icesaB. A„ il. is pastor, 1 cycle In prat-rlass conditilon, A,� haven't sees aIle s;unr, tilt doubt a h,• ,I" I",r, at CmbCtfau: Preaching ser- +; I P. G., Gcv. Symonds: N. (7., W. C• thought this a letter Inruttun Cor a re- � ` g Fhnnr wan heard Captain Martin al �• T-+r1�T� ply w W.M. afoltRu,t'. Hit, 0, C. L ent-rWriment. In Decent- ,i'allon: V. G., \\'m, P. Abell; He(. Set.. 8 plant tilml f� r a t, r tat • t't' ,rt lV t1, m.; 9unt1 }i t><huul of it 1.OF CCJMMiL� Il�� HL--__ IrIK,'rulinr 1 y 't I . �[[,mon SALE.. -Two-story frame house In bar twill bi• ,glad ld l,nh\v that he is to 1:. A. Reid: Fit?, Sic„ \t'. E'. (;lark; ) a m. ! t "%lt South. Sabbath r 1 ittu•ly good shape, large yard, Oren- Trolls- W. ft. Pinder: IL S, N. tory. 1500QQ1j}Q and and lawn. Brock street. Quick bale,�a, oar in Comterich 1te-ain in March. ' iia }} ,rhuul lit 2 p. rn.: preaching servlev at PAID-UP CAPITAL - $ffe ,will gn" the lib• lit' T\%o Cili,•s" ill. Tichbourne: L. S. N. (1., Alex. Strai-i Whon th,` Nla)ur \was 01,91"l to a,t J 1' ill, Quarterly euplcrc�,r•y Yyilli RESERVE F(JND . _ $15,000,000 $1,000. Apply Star. + tin'. Warden, Jas. *Carrie, conductor, ins,, at Colborne cit We nesda Jon: to Nut'!h St. A114totti'l church nn and intervlr%v the Steel Cnmpnny'N die- Y, d Y' �=rATER MOTOR FOR SALE.—Will de- T;ursda% March lith. IGrp then dal,, Fred Crabrie; chaplain, T, it. \Wallis: rel,us he was carefully Imprvssrd by lli;l, at '.J0 p, In, All the rm`maers of G©DERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Manager. VoQa ellnningporo three ee hos TItEe8T.1R ( open and iodise arPonw ineiit, lu ;1.111- it. S. S., Levvis Filiott; L. S, S. Nlalt. Mr. Parsons that it was not for prl_ the Board silt requested to be present. g Sproule; R. S. V. 11., Chas. \'idenn; Thera will be preparatory %.-rvicc prior & Iltis rrrttal. %'rtU• ativnnGtgrs but for the cumnunut Ui•FICE. i L. S. \'. 11., Ernest Peachr y; !. li., lieu. 4 `' y lit tat, lnenilttg of the lluartrl. Htwtd. AI E Twp- •tore frame house on Charlie Dinnt(nsed 1 NirLeod • o G J W Newcombe. at large, and thtY only re risen for sr- tf It Ut E' ft 1 t d i ____ of Cano�u•n Life Assurance Co. Sure Life Results Always -Please the duly received t t at. "I t n ll' whi testimonial bears out this to Y '>i he too k Company's cheque- in payment at my policy, I ant very mach pleased with my relations with your company. The profits oq toy galley aro more than I exrtected." H. R. LONG, District Agent 11 If OR S . .- O s Y steno roundatlon, collar under Hatt � (,a>'• tmtirr lh , (:. 7'. N. was ;+ the house, bath and other conveniences int e I ed • ., Thr Installation, of oIIlcers in the testing titin tear that he t471N the otll_ or i .pwor t .eugu4t sa an clai custodian of the people's Inter- exceptionally fine sol•v;•e oil Tuesday counectlon. Extra iot. 'earn on cement fore the police uralcinir,it, un Wrennes- I Eurampment will be held Feb.A.M. gists. When Mr. Parsons went to ire- evvnilm w'ilh an atterictimre , f over roundaton; ceniont floor under stable and day murning, a board,`r at tar nritinh •three horse stalls to stables. Recommends Market troll he came back and promptly re- twit nluzeu, In spite of tar raging D 1 ".\ drive shed; E;vrhung,` hotel being Glial-ge,el Large wood shed adjoining drive shed, i Drive shed suitable for garage. Apply to %with bringing In liquor contrru•y _ At a meeting of the executive o tilt, ported to the general meelinK of the sL ern. Th,. tapir. was Trip with hoard of Traiiie, fact.4 which hn Itad un_ our Indians." Miss Marjory Aitken tval. LECKY, Quebec St. ,to ill,, act. This ,,Na, fit.. result of a linderich Hoard of Trade otlt Monday ' hesitatingly given him by Jnr, Talbot, ea%e a bright and informing account SALE OF HOUSEHOLD l'l'RNI- n -al male of the hotel, a small night a resolution was adopter(, un , of th wurl% of MethodiNnt among tho Vice -1 resident of the National Bank of , PRIVATE TUR®. quantity. of liquor heinF found in tilt, I motion of T. (I. Connon and G. E. Col- Commerce, a Director of the Lake Itur- Indians tuf Wrthern Canal,. 9fias boarde'r's room. Tlt,•r.` was no evi- borne, that the board approve of the on Steel Corporation. A little injec_ Jlaud Ilovsell proven a capabhr pilot, Consisting nr the following articles: dente produced to convict, hdwever, establishment of a market in Goderich live of heart tonic might have gh'rn. A mocemenl !s op foot t" hold a One Happy Thought ranice, oue baba anti the boarder said he gut the liquor t • veranda ; q bicycle.Y and ask the town council to take steps r-- _ Rt m r set oo i our tc w ' ilei Au - o ' required o a ) t i n t sum Althe Mayor tat red ac vu. t 9 r i lluggy, 1 Cleveland gate, f clothes real- andsto%nd; 1 cherry an :� prrscriplJnn. Thi magistr0tc I to establish the same. A comment a- proactt these [nen, - mer for the Methodist younr lwopl,+ of table. / pertertion ort stove, one boy's dismissed the co --c. tion from London announced that a �-' tloderich and aurroundinir di-Iricts. tricycle, I child's cot, springs and treat- tress, L single bed, springs and tt)aures+. Separate School Board for 1120 I deputation would wait on the county The Mayor's statement that the steel f1t1r town is an Invith%c sp"t G,r ruck A few smatter articles. council on behalf of a War .Nivmorial project was only areal-eslaW deal tins . an enterprl-c, These artiCIP4 have had very ,little wear Following is the constitution of the Separate board for 1940: I'. Children's Hospital at London to be been repeatedly denied by Mr. 1ic- and are in good repair. school .{.'erected E. L, DEAN, M. O'Brien, as a memorial for Western On- Great;. The only real estate that the }iyan, chairman• D. secre ' Park St. 1 + tarin: The tetter asked that the board Mayor would apparently feet scours In so strong that when he rr�rlved car•- _-- ' -- -' - - "` tary and treasurer; J. Sparr, T. Pagf, ' it. 1. Parr, P. J. %fbarr y, C. A. Andrawv appoint someone to introduce the de Rev 11 and Dr. twin provincial reg*ats for delayed would be a little plot about FixSxB, with Information he awaited /�- • . Grain and J. Lannon, trustees: representa- putntion, , �fanort 'Macklin were named for roll purpose. little forget -me -nota growing over It. .a council meet - Ing to ask the Clerk wkly they hsd not NOTICE 'CO CREbITORS PUBLIC NOTICE to 1 th s a/11Qg . ti%e on Iligh School board, 3.'L. Kil- The collection of tees ware under dirt- ____ been complied with, instead of Inter- The Mayor says the Waterworks our- -- -------^-^ I OTICE. l; lnran ; re resentative on public library D P cession. A number of members have vlewtnk• him prlvgtely. . The "full,-" I9 only on paper. have • XTOTICE TO CREDITORS. I Wheat, board, \'L'. .\, t'.oulthurst; auditors, M. paid since the last notice was sent out plea died however in etre J[a}•ur'r hand s enough on paper now; let's have a 1'� The undersigned is prepared to do elf Illi THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE GRIND- I P Manitoba slightly J Bowler and J. L. Killoran, but there are still a good number who whin the Clerk showed him that the genuine statement, the same as any kinds of sewing at her home, corner - LBY, DECEAS9D. iurock and Albert streets. damaged by water, for sale,' Curling Revived in Goderich have not settled their dura yet. Steps fault way not attributable to him: business corporation Is required to I MRS. NELL RYAN. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that all per• _ _ - __ _ against the - -- in any puat*Itities. Apply to The flood old game of curling is were decided on for the collection of I uuistandina dues: There was once a merchant on the furnish the alockholdors, and which • 1 e ly 'Play+;" who, jiko every ythcr man IAtvw6eut sobs having claims or demands E6Uto ot'tho sold Catherine Brindley, who CARD O TRANiL4^ Dated December 20th, 1919. ,; hying revivers in ffnderich. Ate, r., Wm. W'RtarP, H. Alrgxw, A. Porter, , The Paultr, SlioW' w- a2willy it t'Utftlad of onl6table alit, Was rrqutred to af- to, How could Councl Itir ParAone I t% died on or about the 23rd day of Novem- ARD OF THANKS. Dar. 1919, are required to send to R. C. C ��1 ,-Wes. McLean. .T. 1:. ii. Heid, C. H. liumber, C. Campion, 1tl The annLal exhibition of the Ilun,r. ford statistical Information to thrc l)uv- Propose a ellinge when tie was not on Hays. Goderich soitettor for Francis A. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston talo 11 1. \L'. Powell and• Uonaldsun w. re fn County Poultry and Pet Stock Ali- ernmetit. but hesitated to (to ao, and Ilie Water and Light Commission, and - when b. staunch Hayden and Thomas A. Dougherty, axe Id deices- arty method or expressing their apprecia- held lq the Town Hall, Goderich, 8t 1.30 field to Sertfurt)l on Thursday nigh! of (ant suriatfon Is being held at th • town g reprimanded a pa only learned the "facts" %yben they millit cutors of the last wI1 Or 0 a ed, on or before the 20th day of January, tion and thanks for the many kindnesses iwarl trinmiirla, and hands.tme pili -h , -ill' , . tr, , .x o m. n n, - hat I„ vias attended ' Ihntgall, Lundun, and Wut. ndrr4nn 1990. their lames and addresses and de- shown to them by friends and neighbors l; serlption and cull particulars of their at the` time of their recent bereavement. r " Claims. and'security, if any, duly verified. ,AND TAKE NOTICE ,that after the said CARD OF THANKS. q 20th day or January, 1990, the said exe- cutoris Voll proceed to distribute the As- . . - - The undersigned wish to' express, In Mr. A. \t' Tynan, Guelph, is the sots of th said deceased, among the par- this way, tltetr sincere appreciation or ties entitled thereto, having regard only which notice they shall many evidences or helpfulness and sym. milly In connection with the Inness and of to the claims, of hate been re"Ived. death of husband and rather, the late Wm, .'1 R. C. HAYS, Goderich. Graham. i Solicitor for the above named Executors. MRS. ANNIE GRAHAM 'r' Dated December 20th, 1919. LORNE GRAHAM ,ii`. r pnoFEssIONAG CARD NOTICE OF MEETING - ANNUAL MEETING. .._ - _ 1 �, -_ �REDLrittt�C iw; "yMohn-- _ a, ',J' l'' q T T Ab DITOR, ASSIGNEE. CCO 1Y A i11Y il tr T i. G GODF.RICH .I1Yt)l $TRIAL 90C1E'rY. 1 h n- al n he OodehlC 1 T annual Meeting C t Tile ori 0 g I 11 at 8 alto to and >t k pt C OC neral " ACtr g OREE!VE-S\y1FT BCILDING, t and A ' Iculturat Society will be tfr Y Him, ao \\ Wi th,• young couple. Room }a, held lq the Town Hall, Goderich, 8t 1.30 field to 'I' , London, Ontario. p, m. on Tuesday, Jan, %th' 1920. for 1 tion of officers recefvtng statement week and had a friendly Mama. And on Wednesday evening of this week' a meeting %w,as hold in C. A. 116d's uHlce at which t.h,• Goderich Club or- ganized, %%hon It. .1. Megaw was ap- poiril„d president, A. Porter secretary, and Ab•star%. Wm. \Wallace, J. W. Pom- ell :it)(] Donaldson ,lit ice commitler, Mason -Fisher At \ ictoria street Methodist {tar- rnnage on the , %ening of December '?bill, of ;.30 p. rn., the marriage \%as -nlemnized of E+.,i••, only daughter of 1 - r \ \t, n r%- er, of '•il - I .Ira. I Plsh �. ! !r. an , fonJ. lu_ Mr. L %tvt'tr•d Alason, of Ile- ” fruit, Mich., ll -,\. Air neyerft oilf- riatinw. The brl,b , %who %vas beown- ingly atlit•ed in .i ttr•;y silk dre,l, %vilh e hall this week on Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. There Is a good showing of birds and the specimens rirP of mood quality. 'Light birds seem In predominate this year, whereas former years the heavier classes were more in evidence. Among the exhibitors are the fol- lowing: John Weiss, M. F Lymburn- er, J. S. How'rie, S. G. McKay, Frank JPrfr.•y, 'E. W. Fraser, Thos. IIOK- irarlh, Christopher Johnston, Billie Wvh,•ter, John Webb, Wm. H. Doak, ,• c h nrdm Bros.. Harold Kalttln P. n a 6. no ' O - \1 Ic tmbP 'alto Hunter. R. C. Y Nt ,L tnthw-aite, all Of town: H. J. Hauser, Hamilton: David Bogue, Byron; Les - tilt 1). Mutton, Mitchell; W. J. Statham I i it 1' -five E' et- \ r i At • came out on "paper." Thr, Mayor was on the Commission, was supposed to know what the conditions were, and sh%uld understand that all citlzens cannot be "fed -up" on paper. The Mayor says that err hail no com- mittee rooms or orsranization, is not 1 his store a coinfnitV,e room h%•elve months In the year, Saturday evenings and Sunday included? Ills paper al- ludes with pride to the matinitleer,t work done by Dan Wiggins. Dan mu -t have bi•Pn asked to do the work. Who r e t ,i v, e +n r ddi d th'• . fa r s i% nth l u D y literature at the "el, %enth hour" meet - Ing in the Model Theatre? WjJ4 It AA'iglc or organization'! That meeting . was held at the r,,quest „t nurnerou; I triotle wu, kir got teal t A-;. There win• rumors of unst,atitw one of this year', councillors for impropir qual111ratlon, but the aaftat„r, were on Itiih Ice• ,,Ile of ill,- Nl,,p„r's )-,%vets \\ould hu\e hren`pieked off tlrst. Th,• Mda ,,r says, "L4 t', f rg,'t d ffer- i noes atilt promote ro-uprrttlon," or %%aA it "enw-operatiun'."' Th it %viii on- ly be possible when he tr:tn,piabtt. lyes furgrt-ere nuts into mora f.-rWo "real- eslate " fl.dq them nn ,fwv,t(ble "plant" f"oil, and waters them with r ..rn , from inr, taG•r de• partrnrnt: othenvilie h+, b,nolu••t tn•,y furii rut io he only ren,• er ••r„%v X111 I' I SPECIALisi e ec , and general business. - - - - - - — _ •---- - - iwarl trinmiirla, and hands.tme pili -h , -ill' , . tr, , .x o m. n n, - hat I„ vias attended ' Ihntgall, Lundun, and Wut. ndrr4nn ounrll or Da\ Is at li:• r„•rnmat'"'I ratepayers cubo had not Ira' un up - sling In 191+1 said till l,r• %i.,us v,•.tr'v `R. F. J. H. FORSTNH. 1 UR. W. F. CLARKE, See.•T_reas.� COUNCIL , ”*(+`��r`^`�= � �'°"r`'^ 7°`° *���' ,� road and match. by \tic. \, In+:+ Edwards, of London. Ifni ;m'I' tr,• aror'rn h; I+Is hrnihr•r.. roll Snn, un<I Matthews and Taylor.. d \J'rrrdatuck. pnrtunity of hrnring \(r vtrr;rrath'N e., r•.uuclllur+ were Ilk. .r I"t of doth+ straightfilfward defet); at nominath,n %%t , n tit,- \ta>or p,fll ,I !h•• string, iCYH, NAR. NuSX. THROAT. 1.TEETING OF HURON COUNTY 111 , Euchre and Dance . tt•oit, Jflrh. Mr. A. \t' Tynan, Guelph, is the meeting. Th'; audlen,. %%as wll Pb ,t- Ih,•y all rktrievA Who L I ir1,''.1 1'1 the Ophthalmic ( f ' Nfr. 1; iii .Nat,„n. also of I)r of ,•,I with what they hear,( and 1,311 the ” tin%ur'N I:a_eHouse :iurgeon New York and Aural Hospital, as,i-cant at Moorefiet,i'n Thr. Council of the Corporation of the County or Huron will meet In the Council under the R:'ip!cds ot• the .\ft.•r t"tfng , few ethos with their ,1" th.•v rrlurn to th'ir .ju,iire this year. haft been large' enough to arcummndaD` vii Davie pipuig Inst grin "button- ha, keJ Jlaynr \\'lgle In l r- attlttule lxye HosoitalandOoldeu9ctuare Throat Hos- Nna. Chamber, Oodertch, at 3 o'clock In the ar- Jan- Womon's lnntitute in the Odd- + par,•ntf., %\fll hom+r to Is••trnil, Jfirl,, Con Ttie prize list will be published next all electors, many of Ili to%%:silty !h, Steel plfrnt ,,:t1, the ad -dttsl, l.nndion. 9t. 3.. Sti»ttnnl. 'loleohone 2rl7. ternoon of Tuesday, the 27th day at t g ratula- %%"''k• boleti" aupportera w'nuld lav+• be,•n the se• iii Waterloo ' Al Redford Hotel. ,roderieb, from Wed -'County I nary, 1920- All accounts against the. must be In the hands of the Clerk � follows Hall Ca ,r yy�� YJJ Him, ao \\ Wi th,• young couple. Cause for Gratification mrrnlinn of oil] t,•h vv'.•man. Jurrtltlyd in brPaklnK !hill i,ledg+N !o , %%lien titin +wi heel b„y marrhlnrt nesday, Feb. 11th, at 7:90 P. M. to Thurs- .day. E:eb. tech, at t P• M. I not later than Monday preceding tile;;' meeting of the Council. �,4 S' j}it}iY$y ereeing,January2?t6. ✓ Rrbeknh Insiallnllon I T1w Star has reason for tatisfaclion %ut,e for fir. Wisrh' Thr Mayor la• dh ,!"%%fir tar !trret with hry r•r,mrnt ro- ments about the palwrs beinK to -Id "Why L GEO. W. HOLMAN, 0 y i, Th,• ihst.di,t+.m of ufllcer, lir ,;o'b• Ir,t the larxt: number of new names hack. Why didn't he Itnprl the !1n% -marked thry'rr ni; ant f stip INSURANCE County Clerk. Goderich, Jan. fOtb, 11120. ,� Cia4d• $ 11010 SO o'clock l I rich R,•bek,eh L„du.•, No. 99, wa, in 1.1 I %%hich have been added it) Its Aub- ernnrent to pnytpun'• N,•w N, - Ir'-, the but Jim ” _ {IY 7fN'C wAweNui3H Mt Tl'AL FIH1C - --- NNUAL MEETING_ A' :f � DartOingfrom 17 p. M. -, nn Til"Sktay , %,,ung, ,lttrrn,iry fill, %k hen tar r,,ili'\, ,•111e,•r. \%,•r,• in�l.rllwl ! .,,•riptinn lists the past few weeks, and I Ih+A is noWceable in the .t.,y th,• ' Star" \\as ,tin I I'hr home of Mr. atrt Vr, fnhn yl' INSCHANCR CU, 'rhe J jte 3 to 1 a. M. by Ntr,. I, It„h. 0"on D. lt. I' , ru't particularly I„r.iI circulation. The rent%%al seam❑ fL'%%• lt, isru•sel%, wa; th . •., , r ( n "\'lould it Farm and town propertw insured. Fixed Gov- annual meeting of the members of tar McBillO Mutual Fire Insurance Com- P S• n ✓v Gents 60C. Y' `L.,ff: I . ` G., \Ira. \ E;d%%ards: N I • tar bealnning of the year) la the i Th-, Mayor', query, not (rilrt but pretty I. nr try Il,%,• hr, In I d„ { rate of 'Jaeents per$100. � shown by rate bulletin, thin Company is one of the rittongeat in the Province.an In the Pany wlll bs grid In the town hall, Sea- forth, on Friday. Feb. filb. 19211. at 2 pin. be hJadi6s 2bq. yf } J j�j;,j rL �..rtic<,<atio,c 1;,, \Ir,. M. Itind••r: W. G, Afr,. N1urm y It, �, r'% Ntis, E;lith I liar„miter of the popularity of a ,a-1 I P p [ leer, that tells whether ft fa making o \%iter sav s, an,l th-w 1, .r's e%p at :, u'rl n A. ',%I `n h•,- a el w +nor ” ippfo•s rftrrrll}' b, titins' I( an'i gni • datiKhl.•r, Rhoda Nt tr %%•,. unit - leer They talk,•,) I,,t. diel invattc in VictorDBonds adegtnes ,n Bank urplaitiev. Afi,I'11Atmeuta Prod1t>tly The business or the mPnting will to re- CP;wr. the Honest statement and audlk,r a .-.gawc.eY.�c,v.o*tS 3 I.+ttnpbeil ; Im, , , '% , \It+n Nina T:ut ; ) prog- ess, standing Mill or reoiullns, :t%enn•rl. a "t to rnarrlaKt' to Air Thu, \1 .i1+, )l+t- nothing hilt robe on lar wag{r„❑ amt I'•i add andPat(,,Wfhetarityaft•ended to i'rctniuni„can s ALEX. A EX. report, tar electing or three dlreetora and two ane other buslnrss welch Ir,,a, , Nlr, 1'. t, rd: %%aa'den. Alli. :1. + roll it IA %rev gratifying to the proprl, i hold the back wh•, Is fr(,nt turning n end ch,., only sun n( th•• l%% t!r-. ttltch, ll, of� (1 re) L.%%• +' +• rxr 14i tutatily r to focal Ra�,�yy�w. ppnn G/A1.- Nil7Ii01,SON, ['retsident. T. Anent. for Cotbn le and rrxlrefch Town- nvdttors, eight be or interest to the cumpant• 'rho retiring directors are \Wrr itinn, Grand Masquerade Nh. 11; r,rn'hn h.r, 4{r,. l; Wend,: rhvlihin, Mr. 1. Ho1wrtkon; it ti N 4; , Int, of Thr Stat t,t know 'that the � havometer reveals such a i.oiti%f w!ory I he u•ag'ul xtrurk fir "wuuJ pill,” ;in,l „n,• jolt ,t off: .tri„th,'r trtan•tg,•d t,,, __ Doli♦ ,hits-CAi"l'. 1. RF, 1i ICR1.. TON, 1LH_ Na Hnbt. ierns and Jas. Connolly, who are Ali -, E; 1 ,:nntm1m11: 1.. ti, n 11 . ar_ wth. In the race of the h,indlrap ;•,.,,t, itis -at h. v,m+ no ono 11".1 •i'U+11`.,, %I ,ti,.. '+ r.1,. 1 Sheppard ton, and 11. 1.. t+ALICK,A), It - eligible for re-election. \t r, C liabh, it S. 1 +: , Mrs I.. \'r' . „,f ,Ilnrss, the increase of our huniil , J, 'I'd, I•, sir cod Nil I - , •,,; a %v.urt' •f it hal th, dr n, r +, still n„ -r V'o.2.0oderich �_ - -- . - JANF.B CONNOLLY, THOS. F. ifAYR, i re"+dn,t. _ Secretaiy. CARNIVAL I malt: I. ti \' 1: Mr, Ai Worn• II: Ii /; fir, i %t,rsha; !i r;, Afr , ,, ,ll tit-- more gratifying. If any of p,iti-ni. A ic y have ootid any rlr- . tit,• fent ,,r tl •• ,•h ,r+ot” %.111+ his lit tl,' h,rd%%.,,,1 �,11,•r c.,lllnr •'11rr1,•r” ,tt,:'Lt­ DIED %, i esu*, %t ,,od•i ,• •nh•i'.. of�MaRREPWN809�®®�®�®�®�®��®® =+r+og1, i .,:inn nt \vhlrh was not 'tit, tit) to I o i„1 . ;\'n r the ii+ ''lit ra . Frl•••%, o;•.g••,l F CAREY F. a IN ALEXANDRA MARINE \a%% LPottur +uhnrriptfOns g ;: t, n,•t(It d.Jring tar f,aAt ft w n+onth,(, „k them to put this d,)\%n fo fh'' i P t! N\,gl, l; sir"Bir nn •lahsllcs. I,k,r''*( t ,, In rt+rll+1 +v'. ;:., rept W %I' .O. AND GENERAL HOSPITAL West -St. Rink, i I .t ,l ,lib-, rrl,liun, in old of D:• L,nrhrar, .tlrrady mentinnr'1, nn,l ao i).,r i.i'h, n•,y,i'••, r, J u -a•. ; . + ,'ar - R881 Estate and insurance ER fA 10 The Annual. Meeting of the ft, board M the Ale eondOr Marine W and (lenerat Hnnpitaf will he hI id W . GO(le�rCi� \,%y L• ,Y, n' rr +;an,iJt. rec,-ntly t:,k �,n 111, �th" ,,n,h•twh itranch of 11, L• ,-+,' .,': , ,int, 1 I'• ?a'ts 11 : I, n- 1 %. -I„n,r -Ir) sill ,nn,IfLi s ;