HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-08, Page 10I
smith's oft st ,
Have a lice line if
for you to work at then lolls
winter evellings-
-Everything in E in b r o i d e r
Now -
"C" LIMA �
to'. ..Start
is W t
1We haze, ill be mentioned
decided to start 1920 with a big sale, zaca week S jai Sak Val;es wild
and t, Wilt C . DMP 0 at up-to.,d morell at s1rc pnces it is the policy of this
in thp rise re ate andise 2 le.
. ]?apqs_a ty . I's - shown for -the coming_
store not to. -carr "oods from one season to. another, 4i6liho-Vowest lines call
season. will
It is n slow sellers, that will be offered but real five merchandise, and thetre will good values
x :vo
our the people taking a vantage or this, sale.
Follow the list of specials each week, pick out what you,require, then come and inspect the goods and
you will find them exactly as advertised, real live bargains.
goi Coatings
Floor Oilcloth's and Con ounis Silk Underwear de
A number of lines of Camisole, A wonderful assortment of Coatings in Velours,
Lines at q. and CoadAzations- Broadclotba and Tweeds will go on sale January
We Are-' Affis &fiQUW the Flooll Coverins timt ulust be ciouted quieltly. They mustha Fim. All the newest and best shaide
present, and will dart to clear out the . present sold tile first week. rented and the dye is perfect.
stock) Camisole% it) Pink and white, preWY trinimed %V6 l.,,road0iotll6 in Navy. Black, Taupe and th& tight
lace or embroidered ill colors. shades, for spring.
Congoleurn Rugs, in size 3 x 3f yards. Regular A pretty garment , regider $1.25 for 91ic- Regular $8 50 for $7.00
$15.75, for,$13.75. Another at $1.33, for $1.110. Regular $7.00 for $15.98
Velours in Henna, Navy, Batclesbip Grey and light
Congoleum Rugs, in sixe, 3 x 3q yards, Regular $13-75 Regular $1.75, for $1.49• allades.
for $11.75. Regular $2.00, for $1.69. Regular $8 00 for $6,73
Regular $2.50, for $2. W. Regular $7.00 for $3.98
Congoleum Rugs. 2 % 2- yards. $4.00-. Regular $3.00, for $1.59. Silvertone Coatings. Regular $8.00 for $6.75 A -C
Congoleum Bugs, I x 11. yairds. $2.151
Best quality floor Oilcloth. fa "mil widths,. from 1 yard Many, other pretty garments—at special Prices- Tweed Coatings in, Brown and Grey colorings
$5.50Silk Combinations grently reduced in price. for $4.75. $5,00 for $4.25. Itirlen't-, mt
to 2} yards wide. for 69c a yord,. The retail One only Silk Night Gown, at barRain prices. A 9will( Cbmting for Girl,+ and Bo -Y% gs
price of this Oilcloth today is 85c a Yard. Buy $2.26 a yard.
your supply for spring now at 690 a square Yard. These are Wonderful valpes.
.Several pieces of heavy flbor covbring, in good pat- Maderia and Indian; Crochet W o Ak
terns, made from rubber and wool rage., at 75a yd. 'Blankets
The patterns are all goody and the quailities sire the A number of piece% of 'Maderia in centres *nal A quamtiby'of seconds in FlanneletteBlankets &lightlY Va
best. runners, greatly reduced. dmmagcd or, the edge at $3,015. This Is a great
Regular $6.75, for .'"05.50. saving as the slight damage can easily. be re-
Conats Regular $4.59, for $3.75ti paired to nuike, a. peTfect blanket and the price is
Regular $3.75, for $3.00. $3,00 in 11/4
A wonderful collection of different Lines of D. and A. Indian Crochet Work in centres and yokes. heavy Grey Wool D16nketB. regular $8.50 for $7.75.
'Celyg8t8481 $1.49'& pair- Each pdiir guaranteed. Yokes, regular $5 -ft for $2.59. The quiantity, of thesa two fines is. tirnitea, and
These are lines that •are 9614 at match higher Centres, regular $2.75, for $239. will go quiqkly. Coipe early and get it. real
price. Centres, regular $1-65, for $1.&'). bargain in blankets.
handkom%fta Sweater cVVIte Gottenuts,
N I We have a, womilefful stock of White, Got" eaffleki
After the Christmas selling we have, decided to clear 11eavv, all -wool Sweater Costs on sale. livery met for il,,"o yew-% in stock. A heavy weight is W bi to
out the broken lines that ars still in stock of a yard•
this season's make. and the cut and color the Cotton 34 in. widle, at 20c .
fancy handkerchiefs. newest, The lines are now broken and. we bove Another special valae 0 25C a Ywa
Tbm lines will be grouped at different prices and decided to reduce every Coat in stock and clear A special in Sbeeting with extra weight at Ke -.v yard
sold much below regular prittea, them this mouth. pillow Cotton 42 in. wide at boo a yard
Here are a few of the prices Uvery.!Coat but about six we are ofre; i mg is . pme woor flanneloltes
Regular 35c Hindkooltiefs, A 29c. and the colors fest. .They come, in pullovers,
with or without' sleeves, and.coats in heavy and 34 in. Flaamlette, in stripes of bine and pial} a'
30C 24c. light weights. Here. are a, few of the vatnes We a yard
25C 230. Flannelette, in a heaviet 0)(Ahat 33o a yard
Ir Regular $15.00, for $11.95. 34 in. Flannelet yard.
A big special in colored bordered, 1fandierehiefs at 7e Regular $12.00, for1 9.98. 'llmse prices are less thati, wholesale price today for I&P
Itegular $ 9.% for $ 7.25. ,we have hadthawlin stock since fall 1918P Regular $ 8.00, for $ 6.35- He�Ty Groy Military 71nuubl Wool one wtv, and
...Buy. 11andkerchiefsJOK-.09 connyag year now and tile other to be sold at w�hole�ala 'price,.,
P Regular $ +;60, for $ 3.69. cotton
save money. 65e a yard.
Do sure and see these values.
of so oulb Va'sis and Albapdo-Ho Rifinumt W
Dull U V unpa MPS 8M W21`13
for Silks, Crochet Threads Knitted b
Nearly every
iRlouge in stock will he cH; sats. we
A quantity of Boudoir.Capsat livery knitted Scarf tint] Cal) witt be sold at, redneed mut.4 make room for the spring stock so :01
.Foday and Saturd;y Everyth" ior Fancy Wok Regular $1.25, for R%.. price. Bion4es, will be liut owsale
Regular $1.00. for 69n� -tuL 0-1 !-Q -e
Regulax-S11-60-setior $3_99_ _.A.moA_w-.mdei --oollecelon ili- here for Y 0 01100'
7ST" MJ& 'f foi- $9 29 front at prices that make then) wonderful btiviii!,-
AMOING DONE TO Regular 75o for 59c. Regular $ 2.60 Scal S. -
If It's •NeW We Have It. Jakat
goods disPlarid
Oar Windoav and see thein the store.
S�tuTday -no. Januam February and March. This Store at 9 o'clock p.m. every night duri
will close
acv. ff
Ica, smitys
111l at. Phowee I 9W
. . ........ Ho 0 0 N
, _---1 V14
Store NaMMMNN NNW• � A S todactory Shoeissimummumm
—aa`n"L —The ..............
ing lxtrt� on tile 0=0=�� AFF.2
plecting and ttaveadit.
(art their duties ility of electing woulen to
Woof %lecessity be satisfactory in all departments, carrying tich have returned to s being at their house was beautifully dcoorated with id's-isab pal boards. It is
at & S. No, 5 and, 9, after bell bells and red, willte and seliooi and muuici YOU CAN ALWAYS GET
its christntas vQI take. part and
mnge of soasounble. Vootv�ear, and ensuling to respettive homes. Wa. - hoped nU memberA v
:: eoptrlsits strearners� The music i sup
dependable VA1110S. Harold Bogle and Harold Fulford ar- blue oil the subject.
polito riervice, fashionable stvies, and Bogle and express their opinion
.' 4-1� # I IN— having a plied by Mc$.drti. McNevin, I Ti meeting will be at the home of
J)u steadily increasing busineRs. ufts Prove t4 rived at their 01110 'A young. on the v101111, While Mr. le at 2
r Jan. 22nd,
full season on the I lakes. The boys Goldthorpe acted a; floor nlatiWv. Mrs. T_ J. Johnston.
look fine. Tile card tables were kept bus), going P,, a dainty
Our 3tore IS S--isfactory Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and all evening. At midnight - _ __ ._ �. A --- IFM ace.ll u�ace-ries
dad Miss Link- lunch *as se ell by the hostess and 0 -
family. Mr. J. Unklater assisted . I I
id. to in the later spent New Year Day with 1%lr. and her daughter, 1%liss JOSell0int- its- -d
it avovy fienrge Of 010 Word to otir mi:%Uy 0119tOlnOrs, Al by some of their woung friends, Music
Mrs. J. E. Hunter.
at [A est prices, una a someo ddow first and p 'jile hinch liour. INSURANCE AT THIS STOPI.E
and singing took 11 DU
t. hotlia gows on tirk- our policy for 1920. On Tuesday evening of Horton and
last week
ttrobs. will in
'Ist to the interest of our 1), 4lisses. Stewart, "Young,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Chisholm and fam-
yojr 4ttpfikion to our sliltindii]14001, Of Ined their neighbors and %hLsholm leentributing. aAneffig Nvps
060 Vi0ir holivis
i kept UP Aill AM early hours of the All Kinds
'or - 'liUh-drtd
.,4,40( Camobell's and Heinz. Soups
, P, , gl0ii4% he iiV b
I& all and Mrs.
illi ed h4poy, bop Ill;
kkduld MOU it
in annual at -
Shoes meet and of Canned Goods
fair. A Gover All brands
i h �ktlo worrien TOWNSHIP
RMLY RE, ONION,, it lip,&A E�tra Ch6ice Btdk Tea
The ft-101pal
Christmas elanlinatit)h'at $- S. No. 2-
Nbillies are In or- Bbggll.
Ana tot "o-plei of ill WS. and Sold 111ack Md Japar4 at
on oft to UVa toall!r merits But
Aft �p of mt IV.
0 ges, orate, jlitioke, 1515
• "Ma" diftims 111bo 110114'W's"_ schNN1024 Doris Rod -
*1j, opooti to4A *111 Yoe orvill aod&s, ftcd1AcCoab;0-- M—RO�b' Fresh Fivits always in stock
Ili 16 ftoo, Ot1ret MoUbt. 9010bith R01mcs- Pt- 11 -
bout Mix 00" biome
MWON 3*01>a l* WS Irom N9XT C"VA
.4 f4it's silop,§ wy waft k4a obtatott41A. 66646 Imalim:4. fit site at 10 aw, liter CAW
A" ft"% *hW*thA* iftg •
Ilot+tIng of the Cfto-
4k k
7_7"" ",' 0
111 1F171�' mo opt Tit, 04� 0lpt».
tl 'ofto oruft r
aut"t4*60%, gwb*, 144
too, * fa *A*
19,109L tail" h6flli".
Trimmed Hats
vol >t ii Ike r0s *P*
Mr. 04 Mrs, it. CurtAu 4l;A0011V
Ralf Price
$ii0krS,)ot 090 000 V0
tr#nWy, smart in
WAt 'AM X40`&ilth
jaunty, 1Ww
rito avil., ow colt,
01M.11114 4
olecially Reduced
1Wr*—t pet
. 4,K
Mr. 444 Wo, Tholi, Colbtrt OVA, timi-
Mrs said.
Mrs, 1 4AX ,sena t/twt�lfyy.�yi?e►tt
the 0,04uAl stliw' meeting wgo
144 114�111110 101
411140; lot Of#w join's'
were list. Mr� Ther, AndettiOn wall PtIf
Jq tel~ }lntrtrp for the term, Mr. A, Mc,
Q014 j4i)AX out. I
� li, M
NlIss Beth pitrrilih spetrt'thrtioll-
days at her home here.
raiis.11k, %atfilms Papal oft,
MI Lizzie Horton came home Last
haylug spent three weekO with
her litacr 10 Stratford.
1 sqs
111el, have returned o tt.
visit at the formers
Ahad Rath Shaw left the latter part
of I ast week to teach at Guelph.
Miss Beatrice Chisholm and frierld
are spending the week In Win(dWsQr.
Buffalo. sent
the holiday season at her home.
ware in %Voddstock at the former's
brother's (Herbert), for a week.
Ilume Glutton returned to the O. A.
-e., Aluelph, after spending Ilia holidays
liligh Chisholm and plillip Bogle are
liorno again, having being in Ooderich
Ir, Clark. of Carlow, has returned
for some little.
to ill* work after spending Christmas
our teachers, Mitis voilteman, of
at home.
Teeswater, and 1,119s Bogle, at Gode
Air. Win. Mew. of McGaw' has re-
tUrnod home after spending a week or
two in Godericti.
Alive. will. Visher, of Colborne, has
returned home after spending
months In Detroit.
134)v. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy
nod .on, sp 8 at trio name
of Mr. and Mrs. Itarry Mow.
Sir, George Snell, C. P. R. agent ataThe
winner of the Centro
sle(jaw, spent Christmas all(] New
Years at his home In Wawanosti.
Colbornp, Miss
Piece in our Guessing
p a
Met. JeAvell of and
Scott. Auburn, were married recently,
Contest. was Miss B. E.
also Mr. Ed, Mason, of Ooderich, and
Atlas Essip Fisher, of Saltford.
The Goderich. District L. O. L. will
Anderson, WhOSC guess
meet In the hall of L. 0, L., No. fag,
Deamiller, on Jan. 13th, at 2 p. tit.
A was 1705.
full stteudanee Is requested.
The correct number of
Vbtlng today. Every one hoes out.
Tho dry spell is felt here by the
beaus in the jar was
farmers and many others.
was a good attendance at the Ttpere
store heroca Saturday evening.
lir. John hienary returned home from
wpgi, last Monday looking hale
and hearty.
A y4ung daughter eame td gladden
tht homq of Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Culbert
Wt Monday.
Tito new year was well spent around
> eco by many, and great feasting was
do kie_byy many.
11100 411ME-10BLE
'.Wnit�y. andiSle. Cut -
Vouttlol; wood for, Geo. Saunders,
of I* aw squit", "d now, %OMNI
oCoo Valley.
now clerk camp. 1_0 Ahe store
Greurzl on Wednesday evental! Guess
smith's oft st ,
Have a lice line if
for you to work at then lolls
winter evellings-
-Everything in E in b r o i d e r
Now -
"C" LIMA �
to'. ..Start
is W t
1We haze, ill be mentioned
decided to start 1920 with a big sale, zaca week S jai Sak Val;es wild
and t, Wilt C . DMP 0 at up-to.,d morell at s1rc pnces it is the policy of this
in thp rise re ate andise 2 le.
. ]?apqs_a ty . I's - shown for -the coming_
store not to. -carr "oods from one season to. another, 4i6liho-Vowest lines call
season. will
It is n slow sellers, that will be offered but real five merchandise, and thetre will good values
x :vo
our the people taking a vantage or this, sale.
Follow the list of specials each week, pick out what you,require, then come and inspect the goods and
you will find them exactly as advertised, real live bargains.
goi Coatings
Floor Oilcloth's and Con ounis Silk Underwear de
A number of lines of Camisole, A wonderful assortment of Coatings in Velours,
Lines at q. and CoadAzations- Broadclotba and Tweeds will go on sale January
We Are-' Affis &fiQUW the Flooll Coverins timt ulust be ciouted quieltly. They mustha Fim. All the newest and best shaide
present, and will dart to clear out the . present sold tile first week. rented and the dye is perfect.
stock) Camisole% it) Pink and white, preWY trinimed %V6 l.,,road0iotll6 in Navy. Black, Taupe and th& tight
lace or embroidered ill colors. shades, for spring.
Congoleurn Rugs, in size 3 x 3f yards. Regular A pretty garment , regider $1.25 for 91ic- Regular $8 50 for $7.00
$15.75, for,$13.75. Another at $1.33, for $1.110. Regular $7.00 for $15.98
Velours in Henna, Navy, Batclesbip Grey and light
Congoleum Rugs, in sixe, 3 x 3q yards, Regular $13-75 Regular $1.75, for $1.49• allades.
for $11.75. Regular $2.00, for $1.69. Regular $8 00 for $6,73
Regular $2.50, for $2. W. Regular $7.00 for $3.98
Congoleum Rugs. 2 % 2- yards. $4.00-. Regular $3.00, for $1.59. Silvertone Coatings. Regular $8.00 for $6.75 A -C
Congoleum Bugs, I x 11. yairds. $2.151
Best quality floor Oilcloth. fa "mil widths,. from 1 yard Many, other pretty garments—at special Prices- Tweed Coatings in, Brown and Grey colorings
$5.50Silk Combinations grently reduced in price. for $4.75. $5,00 for $4.25. Itirlen't-, mt
to 2} yards wide. for 69c a yord,. The retail One only Silk Night Gown, at barRain prices. A 9will( Cbmting for Girl,+ and Bo -Y% gs
price of this Oilcloth today is 85c a Yard. Buy $2.26 a yard.
your supply for spring now at 690 a square Yard. These are Wonderful valpes.
.Several pieces of heavy flbor covbring, in good pat- Maderia and Indian; Crochet W o Ak
terns, made from rubber and wool rage., at 75a yd. 'Blankets
The patterns are all goody and the quailities sire the A number of piece% of 'Maderia in centres *nal A quamtiby'of seconds in FlanneletteBlankets &lightlY Va
best. runners, greatly reduced. dmmagcd or, the edge at $3,015. This Is a great
Regular $6.75, for .'"05.50. saving as the slight damage can easily. be re-
Conats Regular $4.59, for $3.75ti paired to nuike, a. peTfect blanket and the price is
Regular $3.75, for $3.00. $3,00 in 11/4
A wonderful collection of different Lines of D. and A. Indian Crochet Work in centres and yokes. heavy Grey Wool D16nketB. regular $8.50 for $7.75.
'Celyg8t8481 $1.49'& pair- Each pdiir guaranteed. Yokes, regular $5 -ft for $2.59. The quiantity, of thesa two fines is. tirnitea, and
These are lines that •are 9614 at match higher Centres, regular $2.75, for $239. will go quiqkly. Coipe early and get it. real
price. Centres, regular $1-65, for $1.&'). bargain in blankets.
handkom%fta Sweater cVVIte Gottenuts,
N I We have a, womilefful stock of White, Got" eaffleki
After the Christmas selling we have, decided to clear 11eavv, all -wool Sweater Costs on sale. livery met for il,,"o yew-% in stock. A heavy weight is W bi to
out the broken lines that ars still in stock of a yard•
this season's make. and the cut and color the Cotton 34 in. widle, at 20c .
fancy handkerchiefs. newest, The lines are now broken and. we bove Another special valae 0 25C a Ywa
Tbm lines will be grouped at different prices and decided to reduce every Coat in stock and clear A special in Sbeeting with extra weight at Ke -.v yard
sold much below regular prittea, them this mouth. pillow Cotton 42 in. wide at boo a yard
Here are a few of the prices Uvery.!Coat but about six we are ofre; i mg is . pme woor flanneloltes
Regular 35c Hindkooltiefs, A 29c. and the colors fest. .They come, in pullovers,
with or without' sleeves, and.coats in heavy and 34 in. Flaamlette, in stripes of bine and pial} a'
30C 24c. light weights. Here. are a, few of the vatnes We a yard
25C 230. Flannelette, in a heaviet 0)(Ahat 33o a yard
Ir Regular $15.00, for $11.95. 34 in. Flannelet yard.
A big special in colored bordered, 1fandierehiefs at 7e Regular $12.00, for1 9.98. 'llmse prices are less thati, wholesale price today for I&P
Itegular $ 9.% for $ 7.25. ,we have hadthawlin stock since fall 1918P Regular $ 8.00, for $ 6.35- He�Ty Groy Military 71nuubl Wool one wtv, and
...Buy. 11andkerchiefsJOK-.09 connyag year now and tile other to be sold at w�hole�ala 'price,.,
P Regular $ +;60, for $ 3.69. cotton
save money. 65e a yard.
Do sure and see these values.
of so oulb Va'sis and Albapdo-Ho Rifinumt W
Dull U V unpa MPS 8M W21`13
for Silks, Crochet Threads Knitted b
Nearly every
iRlouge in stock will he cH; sats. we
A quantity of Boudoir.Capsat livery knitted Scarf tint] Cal) witt be sold at, redneed mut.4 make room for the spring stock so :01
.Foday and Saturd;y Everyth" ior Fancy Wok Regular $1.25, for R%.. price. Bion4es, will be liut owsale
Regular $1.00. for 69n� -tuL 0-1 !-Q -e
Regulax-S11-60-setior $3_99_ _.A.moA_w-.mdei --oollecelon ili- here for Y 0 01100'
7ST" MJ& 'f foi- $9 29 front at prices that make then) wonderful btiviii!,-
AMOING DONE TO Regular 75o for 59c. Regular $ 2.60 Scal S. -
If It's •NeW We Have It. Jakat
goods disPlarid
Oar Windoav and see thein the store.
S�tuTday -no. Januam February and March. This Store at 9 o'clock p.m. every night duri
will close
acv. ff
Ica, smitys
111l at. Phowee I 9W
. . ........ Ho 0 0 N
, _---1 V14
Store NaMMMNN NNW• � A S todactory Shoeissimummumm
—aa`n"L —The ..............
ing lxtrt� on tile 0=0=�� AFF.2
plecting and ttaveadit.
(art their duties ility of electing woulen to
Woof %lecessity be satisfactory in all departments, carrying tich have returned to s being at their house was beautifully dcoorated with id's-isab pal boards. It is
at & S. No, 5 and, 9, after bell bells and red, willte and seliooi and muuici YOU CAN ALWAYS GET
its christntas vQI take. part and
mnge of soasounble. Vootv�ear, and ensuling to respettive homes. Wa. - hoped nU memberA v
:: eoptrlsits strearners� The music i sup
dependable VA1110S. Harold Bogle and Harold Fulford ar- blue oil the subject.
polito riervice, fashionable stvies, and Bogle and express their opinion
.' 4-1� # I IN— having a plied by Mc$.drti. McNevin, I Ti meeting will be at the home of
J)u steadily increasing busineRs. ufts Prove t4 rived at their 01110 'A young. on the v101111, While Mr. le at 2
r Jan. 22nd,
full season on the I lakes. The boys Goldthorpe acted a; floor nlatiWv. Mrs. T_ J. Johnston.
look fine. Tile card tables were kept bus), going P,, a dainty
Our 3tore IS S--isfactory Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and all evening. At midnight - _ __ ._ �. A --- IFM ace.ll u�ace-ries
dad Miss Link- lunch *as se ell by the hostess and 0 -
family. Mr. J. Unklater assisted . I I
id. to in the later spent New Year Day with 1%lr. and her daughter, 1%liss JOSell0int- its- -d
it avovy fienrge Of 010 Word to otir mi:%Uy 0119tOlnOrs, Al by some of their woung friends, Music
Mrs. J. E. Hunter.
at [A est prices, una a someo ddow first and p 'jile hinch liour. INSURANCE AT THIS STOPI.E
and singing took 11 DU
t. hotlia gows on tirk- our policy for 1920. On Tuesday evening of Horton and
last week
ttrobs. will in
'Ist to the interest of our 1), 4lisses. Stewart, "Young,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Chisholm and fam-
yojr 4ttpfikion to our sliltindii]14001, Of Ined their neighbors and %hLsholm leentributing. aAneffig Nvps
060 Vi0ir holivis
i kept UP Aill AM early hours of the All Kinds
'or - 'liUh-drtd
.,4,40( Camobell's and Heinz. Soups
, P, , gl0ii4% he iiV b
I& all and Mrs.
illi ed h4poy, bop Ill;
kkduld MOU it
in annual at -
Shoes meet and of Canned Goods
fair. A Gover All brands
i h �ktlo worrien TOWNSHIP
RMLY RE, ONION,, it lip,&A E�tra Ch6ice Btdk Tea
The ft-101pal
Christmas elanlinatit)h'at $- S. No. 2-
Nbillies are In or- Bbggll.
Ana tot "o-plei of ill WS. and Sold 111ack Md Japar4 at
on oft to UVa toall!r merits But
Aft �p of mt IV.
0 ges, orate, jlitioke, 1515
• "Ma" diftims 111bo 110114'W's"_ schNN1024 Doris Rod -
*1j, opooti to4A *111 Yoe orvill aod&s, ftcd1AcCoab;0-- M—RO�b' Fresh Fivits always in stock
Ili 16 ftoo, Ot1ret MoUbt. 9010bith R01mcs- Pt- 11 -
bout Mix 00" biome
MWON 3*01>a l* WS Irom N9XT C"VA
.4 f4it's silop,§ wy waft k4a obtatott41A. 66646 Imalim:4. fit site at 10 aw, liter CAW
A" ft"% *hW*thA* iftg •
Ilot+tIng of the Cfto-
4k k
7_7"" ",' 0
111 1F171�' mo opt Tit, 04� 0lpt».
tl 'ofto oruft r
aut"t4*60%, gwb*, 144
too, * fa *A*
19,109L tail" h6flli".
Trimmed Hats
Ralf Price
r.,resh' new and ex-
tr#nWy, smart in
jaunty, 1Ww
olecially Reduced
smith's oft st ,
Have a lice line if
for you to work at then lolls
winter evellings-
-Everything in E in b r o i d e r
Now -
"C" LIMA �
to'. ..Start
is W t
1We haze, ill be mentioned
decided to start 1920 with a big sale, zaca week S jai Sak Val;es wild
and t, Wilt C . DMP 0 at up-to.,d morell at s1rc pnces it is the policy of this
in thp rise re ate andise 2 le.
. ]?apqs_a ty . I's - shown for -the coming_
store not to. -carr "oods from one season to. another, 4i6liho-Vowest lines call
season. will
It is n slow sellers, that will be offered but real five merchandise, and thetre will good values
x :vo
our the people taking a vantage or this, sale.
Follow the list of specials each week, pick out what you,require, then come and inspect the goods and
you will find them exactly as advertised, real live bargains.
goi Coatings
Floor Oilcloth's and Con ounis Silk Underwear de
A number of lines of Camisole, A wonderful assortment of Coatings in Velours,
Lines at q. and CoadAzations- Broadclotba and Tweeds will go on sale January
We Are-' Affis &fiQUW the Flooll Coverins timt ulust be ciouted quieltly. They mustha Fim. All the newest and best shaide
present, and will dart to clear out the . present sold tile first week. rented and the dye is perfect.
stock) Camisole% it) Pink and white, preWY trinimed %V6 l.,,road0iotll6 in Navy. Black, Taupe and th& tight
lace or embroidered ill colors. shades, for spring.
Congoleurn Rugs, in size 3 x 3f yards. Regular A pretty garment , regider $1.25 for 91ic- Regular $8 50 for $7.00
$15.75, for,$13.75. Another at $1.33, for $1.110. Regular $7.00 for $15.98
Velours in Henna, Navy, Batclesbip Grey and light
Congoleum Rugs, in sixe, 3 x 3q yards, Regular $13-75 Regular $1.75, for $1.49• allades.
for $11.75. Regular $2.00, for $1.69. Regular $8 00 for $6,73
Regular $2.50, for $2. W. Regular $7.00 for $3.98
Congoleum Rugs. 2 % 2- yards. $4.00-. Regular $3.00, for $1.59. Silvertone Coatings. Regular $8.00 for $6.75 A -C
Congoleum Bugs, I x 11. yairds. $2.151
Best quality floor Oilcloth. fa "mil widths,. from 1 yard Many, other pretty garments—at special Prices- Tweed Coatings in, Brown and Grey colorings
$5.50Silk Combinations grently reduced in price. for $4.75. $5,00 for $4.25. Itirlen't-, mt
to 2} yards wide. for 69c a yord,. The retail One only Silk Night Gown, at barRain prices. A 9will( Cbmting for Girl,+ and Bo -Y% gs
price of this Oilcloth today is 85c a Yard. Buy $2.26 a yard.
your supply for spring now at 690 a square Yard. These are Wonderful valpes.
.Several pieces of heavy flbor covbring, in good pat- Maderia and Indian; Crochet W o Ak
terns, made from rubber and wool rage., at 75a yd. 'Blankets
The patterns are all goody and the quailities sire the A number of piece% of 'Maderia in centres *nal A quamtiby'of seconds in FlanneletteBlankets &lightlY Va
best. runners, greatly reduced. dmmagcd or, the edge at $3,015. This Is a great
Regular $6.75, for .'"05.50. saving as the slight damage can easily. be re-
Conats Regular $4.59, for $3.75ti paired to nuike, a. peTfect blanket and the price is
Regular $3.75, for $3.00. $3,00 in 11/4
A wonderful collection of different Lines of D. and A. Indian Crochet Work in centres and yokes. heavy Grey Wool D16nketB. regular $8.50 for $7.75.
'Celyg8t8481 $1.49'& pair- Each pdiir guaranteed. Yokes, regular $5 -ft for $2.59. The quiantity, of thesa two fines is. tirnitea, and
These are lines that •are 9614 at match higher Centres, regular $2.75, for $239. will go quiqkly. Coipe early and get it. real
price. Centres, regular $1-65, for $1.&'). bargain in blankets.
handkom%fta Sweater cVVIte Gottenuts,
N I We have a, womilefful stock of White, Got" eaffleki
After the Christmas selling we have, decided to clear 11eavv, all -wool Sweater Costs on sale. livery met for il,,"o yew-% in stock. A heavy weight is W bi to
out the broken lines that ars still in stock of a yard•
this season's make. and the cut and color the Cotton 34 in. widle, at 20c .
fancy handkerchiefs. newest, The lines are now broken and. we bove Another special valae 0 25C a Ywa
Tbm lines will be grouped at different prices and decided to reduce every Coat in stock and clear A special in Sbeeting with extra weight at Ke -.v yard
sold much below regular prittea, them this mouth. pillow Cotton 42 in. wide at boo a yard
Here are a few of the prices Uvery.!Coat but about six we are ofre; i mg is . pme woor flanneloltes
Regular 35c Hindkooltiefs, A 29c. and the colors fest. .They come, in pullovers,
with or without' sleeves, and.coats in heavy and 34 in. Flaamlette, in stripes of bine and pial} a'
30C 24c. light weights. Here. are a, few of the vatnes We a yard
25C 230. Flannelette, in a heaviet 0)(Ahat 33o a yard
Ir Regular $15.00, for $11.95. 34 in. Flannelet yard.
A big special in colored bordered, 1fandierehiefs at 7e Regular $12.00, for1 9.98. 'llmse prices are less thati, wholesale price today for I&P
Itegular $ 9.% for $ 7.25. ,we have hadthawlin stock since fall 1918P Regular $ 8.00, for $ 6.35- He�Ty Groy Military 71nuubl Wool one wtv, and
...Buy. 11andkerchiefsJOK-.09 connyag year now and tile other to be sold at w�hole�ala 'price,.,
P Regular $ +;60, for $ 3.69. cotton
save money. 65e a yard.
Do sure and see these values.
of so oulb Va'sis and Albapdo-Ho Rifinumt W
Dull U V unpa MPS 8M W21`13
for Silks, Crochet Threads Knitted b
Nearly every
iRlouge in stock will he cH; sats. we
A quantity of Boudoir.Capsat livery knitted Scarf tint] Cal) witt be sold at, redneed mut.4 make room for the spring stock so :01
.Foday and Saturd;y Everyth" ior Fancy Wok Regular $1.25, for R%.. price. Bion4es, will be liut owsale
Regular $1.00. for 69n� -tuL 0-1 !-Q -e
Regulax-S11-60-setior $3_99_ _.A.moA_w-.mdei --oollecelon ili- here for Y 0 01100'
7ST" MJ& 'f foi- $9 29 front at prices that make then) wonderful btiviii!,-
AMOING DONE TO Regular 75o for 59c. Regular $ 2.60 Scal S. -
If It's •NeW We Have It. Jakat
goods disPlarid
Oar Windoav and see thein the store.
S�tuTday -no. Januam February and March. This Store at 9 o'clock p.m. every night duri
will close
acv. ff
Ica, smitys
111l at. Phowee I 9W
. . ........ Ho 0 0 N
, _---1 V14
Store NaMMMNN NNW• � A S todactory Shoeissimummumm
—aa`n"L —The ..............
ing lxtrt� on tile 0=0=�� AFF.2
plecting and ttaveadit.
(art their duties ility of electing woulen to
Woof %lecessity be satisfactory in all departments, carrying tich have returned to s being at their house was beautifully dcoorated with id's-isab pal boards. It is
at & S. No, 5 and, 9, after bell bells and red, willte and seliooi and muuici YOU CAN ALWAYS GET
its christntas vQI take. part and
mnge of soasounble. Vootv�ear, and ensuling to respettive homes. Wa. - hoped nU memberA v
:: eoptrlsits strearners� The music i sup
dependable VA1110S. Harold Bogle and Harold Fulford ar- blue oil the subject.
polito riervice, fashionable stvies, and Bogle and express their opinion
.' 4-1� # I IN— having a plied by Mc$.drti. McNevin, I Ti meeting will be at the home of
J)u steadily increasing busineRs. ufts Prove t4 rived at their 01110 'A young. on the v101111, While Mr. le at 2
r Jan. 22nd,
full season on the I lakes. The boys Goldthorpe acted a; floor nlatiWv. Mrs. T_ J. Johnston.
look fine. Tile card tables were kept bus), going P,, a dainty
Our 3tore IS S--isfactory Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and all evening. At midnight - _ __ ._ �. A --- IFM ace.ll u�ace-ries
dad Miss Link- lunch *as se ell by the hostess and 0 -
family. Mr. J. Unklater assisted . I I
id. to in the later spent New Year Day with 1%lr. and her daughter, 1%liss JOSell0int- its- -d
it avovy fienrge Of 010 Word to otir mi:%Uy 0119tOlnOrs, Al by some of their woung friends, Music
Mrs. J. E. Hunter.
at [A est prices, una a someo ddow first and p 'jile hinch liour. INSURANCE AT THIS STOPI.E
and singing took 11 DU
t. hotlia gows on tirk- our policy for 1920. On Tuesday evening of Horton and
last week
ttrobs. will in
'Ist to the interest of our 1), 4lisses. Stewart, "Young,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Chisholm and fam-
yojr 4ttpfikion to our sliltindii]14001, Of Ined their neighbors and %hLsholm leentributing. aAneffig Nvps
060 Vi0ir holivis
i kept UP Aill AM early hours of the All Kinds
'or - 'liUh-drtd
.,4,40( Camobell's and Heinz. Soups
, P, , gl0ii4% he iiV b
I& all and Mrs.
illi ed h4poy, bop Ill;
kkduld MOU it
in annual at -
Shoes meet and of Canned Goods
fair. A Gover All brands
i h �ktlo worrien TOWNSHIP
RMLY RE, ONION,, it lip,&A E�tra Ch6ice Btdk Tea
The ft-101pal
Christmas elanlinatit)h'at $- S. No. 2-
Nbillies are In or- Bbggll.
Ana tot "o-plei of ill WS. and Sold 111ack Md Japar4 at
on oft to UVa toall!r merits But
Aft �p of mt IV.
0 ges, orate, jlitioke, 1515
• "Ma" diftims 111bo 110114'W's"_ schNN1024 Doris Rod -
*1j, opooti to4A *111 Yoe orvill aod&s, ftcd1AcCoab;0-- M—RO�b' Fresh Fivits always in stock
Ili 16 ftoo, Ot1ret MoUbt. 9010bith R01mcs- Pt- 11 -
bout Mix 00" biome
MWON 3*01>a l* WS Irom N9XT C"VA
.4 f4it's silop,§ wy waft k4a obtatott41A. 66646 Imalim:4. fit site at 10 aw, liter CAW
A" ft"% *hW*thA* iftg •
Ilot+tIng of the Cfto-
4k k
7_7"" ",' 0
111 1F171�' mo opt Tit, 04� 0lpt».
tl 'ofto oruft r
aut"t4*60%, gwb*, 144
too, * fa *A*
19,109L tail" h6flli".