HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-08, Page 10I ,Wjrl-, re smith's oft st , Have a lice line if Stamped Goods for you to work at then lolls winter evellings- -Everything in E in b r o i d e r 01 Now - "C" LIMA � jS to'. ..Start a is W t 1We haze, ill be mentioned decided to start 1920 with a big sale, zaca week S jai Sak Val;es wild and t, Wilt C . DMP 0 at up-to.,d morell at s1rc pnces it is the policy of this in thp rise re ate andise 2 le. . ]?apqs_a ty . I's - shown for -the coming_ store not to. -carr "oods from one season to. another, 4i6liho-Vowest lines call season. will It is n slow sellers, that will be offered but real five merchandise, and thetre will good values x :vo our the people taking a vantage or this, sale. Follow the list of specials each week, pick out what you,require, then come and inspect the goods and U&K you will find them exactly as advertised, real live bargains. goi Coatings Floor Oilcloth's and Con ounis Silk Underwear de bu A number of lines of Camisole, A wonderful assortment of Coatings in Velours, Lines at q. and CoadAzations- Broadclotba and Tweeds will go on sale January We Are-' Affis &fiQUW the Flooll Coverins timt ulust be ciouted quieltly. They mustha Fim. All the newest and best shaide present, and will dart to clear out the . present sold tile first week. rented and the dye is perfect. stock) Camisole% it) Pink and white, preWY trinimed %V6 l.,,road0iotll6 in Navy. Black, Taupe and th& tight lace or embroidered ill colors. shades, for spring. Congoleurn Rugs, in size 3 x 3f yards. Regular A pretty garment , regider $1.25 for 91ic- Regular $8 50 for $7.00 $15.75, for,$13.75. Another at $1.33, for $1.110. Regular $7.00 for $15.98 Velours in Henna, Navy, Batclesbip Grey and light Congoleum Rugs, in sixe, 3 x 3q yards, Regular $13-75 Regular $1.75, for $1.49• allades. for $11.75. Regular $2.00, for $1.69. Regular $8 00 for $6,73 Regular $2.50, for $2. W. Regular $7.00 for $3.98 Congoleum Rugs. 2 % 2- yards. $4.00-. Regular $3.00, for $1.59. Silvertone Coatings. Regular $8.00 for $6.75 A -C Congoleum Bugs, I x 11. yairds. $2.151 Best quality floor Oilcloth. fa "mil widths,. from 1 yard Many, other pretty garments—at special Prices- Tweed Coatings in, Brown and Grey colorings $5.50Silk Combinations grently reduced in price. for $4.75. $5,00 for $4.25. Itirlen't-, mt to 2} yards wide. for 69c a yord,. The retail One only Silk Night Gown, at barRain prices. A 9will( Cbmting for Girl,+ and Bo -Y% gs price of this Oilcloth today is 85c a Yard. Buy $2.26 a yard. your supply for spring now at 690 a square Yard. These are Wonderful valpes. .Several pieces of heavy flbor covbring, in good pat- Maderia and Indian; Crochet W o Ak terns, made from rubber and wool rage., at 75a yd. 'Blankets The patterns are all goody and the quailities sire the A number of piece% of 'Maderia in centres *nal A quamtiby'of seconds in FlanneletteBlankets &lightlY Va best. runners, greatly reduced. dmmagcd or, the edge at $3,015. This Is a great Regular $6.75, for .'"05.50. saving as the slight damage can easily. be re- Conats Regular $4.59, for $3.75ti paired to nuike, a. peTfect blanket and the price is Regular $3.75, for $3.00. $3,00 in 11/4 A wonderful collection of different Lines of D. and A. Indian Crochet Work in centres and yokes. heavy Grey Wool D16nketB. regular $8.50 for $7.75. 'Celyg8t8481 $1.49'& pair- Each pdiir guaranteed. Yokes, regular $5 -ft for $2.59. The quiantity, of thesa two fines is. tirnitea, and These are lines that •are 9614 at match higher Centres, regular $2.75, for $239. will go quiqkly. Coipe early and get it. real price. Centres, regular $1-65, for $1.&'). bargain in blankets. handkom%fta Sweater cVVIte Gottenuts, N I We have a, womilefful stock of White, Got" eaffleki After the Christmas selling we have, decided to clear 11eavv, all -wool Sweater Costs on sale. livery met for il,,"o yew-% in stock. A heavy weight is W bi to out the broken lines that ars still in stock of a yard• this season's make. and the cut and color the Cotton 34 in. widle, at 20c . fancy handkerchiefs. newest, The lines are now broken and. we bove Another special valae 0 25C a Ywa Tbm lines will be grouped at different prices and decided to reduce every Coat in stock and clear A special in Sbeeting with extra weight at Ke -.v yard sold much below regular prittea, them this mouth. pillow Cotton 42 in. wide at boo a yard Here are a few of the prices Uvery.!Coat but about six we are ofre; i mg is . pme woor flanneloltes Regular 35c Hindkooltiefs, A 29c. and the colors fest. .They come, in pullovers, with or without' sleeves, and.coats in heavy and 34 in. Flaamlette, in stripes of bine and pial} a' 30C 24c. light weights. Here. are a, few of the vatnes We a yard 25C 230. Flannelette, in a heaviet 0)(Ahat 33o a yard Ir Regular $15.00, for $11.95. 34 in. Flannelet yard. A big special in colored bordered, 1fandierehiefs at 7e Regular $12.00, for1 9.98. 'llmse prices are less thati, wholesale price today for I&P Itegular $ 9.% for $ 7.25. ,we have hadthawlin stock since fall 1918P Regular $ 8.00, for $ 6.35- He�Ty Groy Military 71nuubl Wool one wtv, and ...Buy. 11andkerchiefsJOK-.09 connyag year now and tile other to be sold at w�hole�ala 'price,., P Regular $ +;60, for $ 3.69. cotton save money. 65e a yard. Do sure and see these values. of so oulb Va'sis and Albapdo-Ho Rifinumt W Dull U V unpa MPS 8M W21`13 for Silks, Crochet Threads Knitted b Nearly every iRlouge in stock will he cH; sats. we A quantity of Boudoir.Capsat livery knitted Scarf tint] Cal) witt be sold at, redneed mut.4 make room for the spring stock so :01 ­.Foday and Saturd;y Everyth" ior Fancy Wok Regular $1.25, for R%.. price. Bion4es, will be liut owsale Regular $1.00. for 69n� -tuL 0-1 !-Q -e Regulax-S11-60-setior $3_99_ _.A.moA_w-.mdei --oollecelon ili- here for Y 0 01100' 7ST" MJ& 'f foi- $9 29 front at prices that make then) wonderful btiviii!,- AMOING DONE TO Regular 75o for 59c. Regular $ 2.60 Scal S. - If It's •NeW We Have It. Jakat 4;1 goods disPlarid Oar Windoav and see thein the store. WAtch S�tuTday -no. Januam February and March. This Store at 9 o'clock p.m. every night duri will close nr P X acv. ff Ica, smitys 111l at. Phowee I 9W N STREET . . ........ Ho 0 0 N , _---1 V14 Store NaMMMNN NNW• � A S todactory Shoeissimummumm —aa`n"L —The .............. ing lxtrt� on tile 0=0=�� AFF.2 plecting and ttaveadit. (art their duties ility of electing woulen to Woof %lecessity be satisfactory in all departments, carrying tich have returned to s being at their house was beautifully dcoorated with id's-isab pal boards. It is at & S. No, 5 and, 9, after bell bells and red, willte and seliooi and muuici YOU CAN ALWAYS GET its christntas vQI take. part and mnge of soasounble. Vootv�ear, and ensuling to respettive homes. Wa. - hoped nU memberA v :: eoptrlsits strearners� The music i sup dependable VA1110S. Harold Bogle and Harold Fulford ar- blue oil the subject. polito riervice, fashionable stvies, and Bogle and express their opinion .' 4-1� # I IN— having a plied by Mc$.drti. McNevin, I Ti meeting will be at the home of J)u steadily increasing busineRs. ufts Prove t4 rived at their 01110 'A young. on the v101111, While Mr. le at 2 r Jan. 22nd, full season on the I lakes. The boys Goldthorpe acted a; floor nlatiWv. Mrs. T_ J. Johnston. look fine. Tile card tables were kept bus), going P,, a dainty - Our 3tore IS S--isfactory Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and all evening. At midnight - _ __ ._ �. A --- IFM ace.ll u�ace-ries dad Miss Link- lunch *as se ell by the hostess and 0 - family. Mr. J. Unklater assisted . I I id. to in the later spent New Year Day with 1%lr. and her daughter, 1%liss JOSell0int- its- -d it avovy fienrge Of 010 Word to otir mi:%Uy 0119tOlnOrs, Al by some of their woung friends, Music Mrs. J. E. Hunter. at [A est prices, una a someo ddow first and p 'jile hinch liour. INSURANCE AT THIS STOPI.E and singing took 11 DU t. hotlia gows on tirk- our policy for 1920. On Tuesday evening of Horton and last week ttrobs. will in 'Ist to the interest of our 1), 4lisses. Stewart, "Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Chisholm and fam- yojr 4ttpfikion to our sliltindii]14001, Of Ined their neighbors and %hLsholm leentributing. aAneffig Nvps 060 Vi0ir holivis i kept UP Aill AM early hours of the All Kinds 'or - 'liUh-drtd .,4,40( Camobell's and Heinz. Soups , ­ P, , gl0ii4% he iiV b I& all and Mrs. illi ed h4poy, bop Ill; kkduld MOU it in annual at - Shoes meet and of Canned Goods fair. A Gover All brands i h �ktlo worrien TOWNSHIP RMLY RE, ONION,, it lip,&A E�tra Ch6ice Btdk Tea The ft-101pal Christmas elanlinatit)h'at $- S. No. 2- Nbillies are In or- Bbggll. Ana tot "o-plei of ill WS. and Sold 111ack Md Japar4 at on oft to UVa toall!r merits But Aft �p of mt IV. Thompson, 0 ges, orate, jlitioke, 1515 • "Ma" diftims 111bo 110114'W's"_ schNN1024 Doris Rod - all *1j, opooti to4A *111 Yoe orvill aod&s, ftcd1AcCoab;0-- M—RO�b' Fresh Fivits always in stock Ili 16 ftoo, Ot1ret MoUbt. 9010bith R01mcs- Pt- 11 - bout Mix 00" biome L"N' Ao. MWON 3*01>a l* WS Irom N9XT C"VA .4 f4it's silop,§ wy waft k4a obtatott41A. 66646 Imalim:4. fit site at 10 aw, liter CAW MANzt A" ft"% *hW*thA* iftg • Ilot+tIng of the Cfto- 4k­ k 7_7"" ",' 0 Mrs 111 1F171�' mo opt Tit, 04� 0lpt». tl 'ofto oruft r aut"t4*60%, gwb*, 144 too, * fa *A* t 19,109L tail" h6flli". Trimmed Hats vol >t ii Ike r0s *P* Mr. 04 Mrs, it. CurtAu 4l;A0011V Ralf Price $ii0krS,)ot 090 000 V0 '04y tr#nWy, smart in WAt 'AM X40`&ilth jaunty, 1Ww 4F +iP 10hu Arlp rito avil., ow colt, 01M.11114 4 olecially Reduced 1Wr*—t pet . 4,K Mr. 444 Wo, Tholi, Colbtrt OVA, timi- Mrs said. Mrs, 1 4AX ,sena t/twt�lfyy.�yi?e►tt held the 0,04uAl stliw' meeting wgo 144 114�111110 101 411140; lot Of#w join's' were list. Mr� Ther, AndettiOn wall PtIf - Jq tel~ }lntrtrp for the term, Mr. A, Mc, Q014 j4i)AX out. I rya__4" � li, M NlIss Beth pitrrilih spetrt'thrtioll- days at her home here. raiis.11k, %atfilms Papal oft, MI Lizzie Horton came home Last haylug spent three weekO with her litacr 10 Stratford. 1 sqs aSda tfforduer 111el, have returned o tt. home. visit at the formers Ahad Rath Shaw left the latter part his, of I ast week to teach at Guelph. Miss Beatrice Chisholm and frierld are spending the week In Win(dWsQr. Buffalo. sent the holiday season at her home. ware in %Voddstock at the former's brother's (Herbert), for a week. Ilume Glutton returned to the O. A. -e., Aluelph, after spending Ilia holidays V COLBOUNE liligh Chisholm and plillip Bogle are liorno again, having being in Ooderich Ir, Clark. of Carlow, has returned for some little. to ill* work after spending Christmas our teachers, Mitis voilteman, of at home. Teeswater, and 1,119s Bogle, at Gode Air. Win. Mew. of McGaw' has re- tUrnod home after spending a week or two in Godericti. Alive. will. Visher, of Colborne, has two THE SINGER STORE returned home after spending months In Detroit. 134)v. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy yy_ &enued car. nod .on, sp 8 at trio name tN of Mr. and Mrs. Itarry Mow. Sir, George Snell, C. P. R. agent ataThe winner of the Centro sle(jaw, spent Christmas all(] New to Years at his home In Wawanosti. Colbornp, Miss Piece in our Guessing p a Met. JeAvell of and Scott. Auburn, were married recently, Contest. was Miss B. E. also Mr. Ed, Mason, of Ooderich, and O Atlas Essip Fisher, of Saltford. The Goderich. District L. O. L. will Anderson, WhOSC guess meet In the hall of L. 0, L., No. fag, Deamiller, on Jan. 13th, at 2 p. tit. A was 1705. full stteudanee Is requested. C EAVIE R The correct number of Vbtlng today. Every one hoes out. I Tho dry spell is felt here by the beaus in the jar was farmers and many others. was a good attendance at the Ttpere 1706. store heroca Saturday evening. lir. John hienary returned home from wpgi, last Monday looking hale and hearty. A y4ung daughter eame td gladden tht homq of Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Culbert Wt Monday. Tito new year was well spent around A > eco by many, and great feasting was do kie_byy many. 11100 411ME-10BLE ran '.Wnit�y. andiSle. Cut - l Vouttlol; wood for, Geo. Saunders, of I* aw squit", "d now, %OMNI oCoo Valley. ------- . now clerk camp. 1_0 Ahe store Greurzl on Wednesday evental! Guess re smith's oft st , Have a lice line if Stamped Goods for you to work at then lolls winter evellings- -Everything in E in b r o i d e r 01 Now - "C" LIMA � jS to'. ..Start a is W t 1We haze, ill be mentioned decided to start 1920 with a big sale, zaca week S jai Sak Val;es wild and t, Wilt C . DMP 0 at up-to.,d morell at s1rc pnces it is the policy of this in thp rise re ate andise 2 le. . ]?apqs_a ty . I's - shown for -the coming_ store not to. -carr "oods from one season to. another, 4i6liho-Vowest lines call season. will It is n slow sellers, that will be offered but real five merchandise, and thetre will good values x :vo our the people taking a vantage or this, sale. Follow the list of specials each week, pick out what you,require, then come and inspect the goods and U&K you will find them exactly as advertised, real live bargains. goi Coatings Floor Oilcloth's and Con ounis Silk Underwear de bu A number of lines of Camisole, A wonderful assortment of Coatings in Velours, Lines at q. and CoadAzations- Broadclotba and Tweeds will go on sale January We Are-' Affis &fiQUW the Flooll Coverins timt ulust be ciouted quieltly. They mustha Fim. All the newest and best shaide present, and will dart to clear out the . present sold tile first week. rented and the dye is perfect. stock) Camisole% it) Pink and white, preWY trinimed %V6 l.,,road0iotll6 in Navy. Black, Taupe and th& tight lace or embroidered ill colors. shades, for spring. Congoleurn Rugs, in size 3 x 3f yards. Regular A pretty garment , regider $1.25 for 91ic- Regular $8 50 for $7.00 $15.75, for,$13.75. Another at $1.33, for $1.110. Regular $7.00 for $15.98 Velours in Henna, Navy, Batclesbip Grey and light Congoleum Rugs, in sixe, 3 x 3q yards, Regular $13-75 Regular $1.75, for $1.49• allades. for $11.75. Regular $2.00, for $1.69. Regular $8 00 for $6,73 Regular $2.50, for $2. W. Regular $7.00 for $3.98 Congoleum Rugs. 2 % 2- yards. $4.00-. Regular $3.00, for $1.59. Silvertone Coatings. Regular $8.00 for $6.75 A -C Congoleum Bugs, I x 11. yairds. $2.151 Best quality floor Oilcloth. fa "mil widths,. from 1 yard Many, other pretty garments—at special Prices- Tweed Coatings in, Brown and Grey colorings $5.50Silk Combinations grently reduced in price. for $4.75. $5,00 for $4.25. Itirlen't-, mt to 2} yards wide. for 69c a yord,. The retail One only Silk Night Gown, at barRain prices. A 9will( Cbmting for Girl,+ and Bo -Y% gs price of this Oilcloth today is 85c a Yard. Buy $2.26 a yard. your supply for spring now at 690 a square Yard. These are Wonderful valpes. .Several pieces of heavy flbor covbring, in good pat- Maderia and Indian; Crochet W o Ak terns, made from rubber and wool rage., at 75a yd. 'Blankets The patterns are all goody and the quailities sire the A number of piece% of 'Maderia in centres *nal A quamtiby'of seconds in FlanneletteBlankets &lightlY Va best. runners, greatly reduced. dmmagcd or, the edge at $3,015. This Is a great Regular $6.75, for .'"05.50. saving as the slight damage can easily. be re- Conats Regular $4.59, for $3.75ti paired to nuike, a. peTfect blanket and the price is Regular $3.75, for $3.00. $3,00 in 11/4 A wonderful collection of different Lines of D. and A. Indian Crochet Work in centres and yokes. heavy Grey Wool D16nketB. regular $8.50 for $7.75. 'Celyg8t8481 $1.49'& pair- Each pdiir guaranteed. Yokes, regular $5 -ft for $2.59. The quiantity, of thesa two fines is. tirnitea, and These are lines that •are 9614 at match higher Centres, regular $2.75, for $239. will go quiqkly. Coipe early and get it. real price. Centres, regular $1-65, for $1.&'). bargain in blankets. handkom%fta Sweater cVVIte Gottenuts, N I We have a, womilefful stock of White, Got" eaffleki After the Christmas selling we have, decided to clear 11eavv, all -wool Sweater Costs on sale. livery met for il,,"o yew-% in stock. A heavy weight is W bi to out the broken lines that ars still in stock of a yard• this season's make. and the cut and color the Cotton 34 in. widle, at 20c . fancy handkerchiefs. newest, The lines are now broken and. we bove Another special valae 0 25C a Ywa Tbm lines will be grouped at different prices and decided to reduce every Coat in stock and clear A special in Sbeeting with extra weight at Ke -.v yard sold much below regular prittea, them this mouth. pillow Cotton 42 in. wide at boo a yard Here are a few of the prices Uvery.!Coat but about six we are ofre; i mg is . pme woor flanneloltes Regular 35c Hindkooltiefs, A 29c. and the colors fest. .They come, in pullovers, with or without' sleeves, and.coats in heavy and 34 in. Flaamlette, in stripes of bine and pial} a' 30C 24c. light weights. Here. are a, few of the vatnes We a yard 25C 230. Flannelette, in a heaviet 0)(Ahat 33o a yard Ir Regular $15.00, for $11.95. 34 in. Flannelet yard. A big special in colored bordered, 1fandierehiefs at 7e Regular $12.00, for1 9.98. 'llmse prices are less thati, wholesale price today for I&P Itegular $ 9.% for $ 7.25. ,we have hadthawlin stock since fall 1918P Regular $ 8.00, for $ 6.35- He�Ty Groy Military 71nuubl Wool one wtv, and ...Buy. 11andkerchiefsJOK-.09 connyag year now and tile other to be sold at w�hole�ala 'price,., P Regular $ +;60, for $ 3.69. cotton save money. 65e a yard. Do sure and see these values. of so oulb Va'sis and Albapdo-Ho Rifinumt W Dull U V unpa MPS 8M W21`13 for Silks, Crochet Threads Knitted b Nearly every iRlouge in stock will he cH; sats. we A quantity of Boudoir.Capsat livery knitted Scarf tint] Cal) witt be sold at, redneed mut.4 make room for the spring stock so :01 ­.Foday and Saturd;y Everyth" ior Fancy Wok Regular $1.25, for R%.. price. Bion4es, will be liut owsale Regular $1.00. for 69n� -tuL 0-1 !-Q -e Regulax-S11-60-setior $3_99_ _.A.moA_w-.mdei --oollecelon ili- here for Y 0 01100' 7ST" MJ& 'f foi- $9 29 front at prices that make then) wonderful btiviii!,- AMOING DONE TO Regular 75o for 59c. Regular $ 2.60 Scal S. - If It's •NeW We Have It. Jakat 4;1 goods disPlarid Oar Windoav and see thein the store. WAtch S�tuTday -no. Januam February and March. This Store at 9 o'clock p.m. every night duri will close nr P X acv. ff Ica, smitys 111l at. Phowee I 9W N STREET . . ........ Ho 0 0 N , _---1 V14 Store NaMMMNN NNW• � A S todactory Shoeissimummumm —aa`n"L —The .............. ing lxtrt� on tile 0=0=�� AFF.2 plecting and ttaveadit. (art their duties ility of electing woulen to Woof %lecessity be satisfactory in all departments, carrying tich have returned to s being at their house was beautifully dcoorated with id's-isab pal boards. It is at & S. No, 5 and, 9, after bell bells and red, willte and seliooi and muuici YOU CAN ALWAYS GET its christntas vQI take. part and mnge of soasounble. Vootv�ear, and ensuling to respettive homes. Wa. - hoped nU memberA v :: eoptrlsits strearners� The music i sup dependable VA1110S. Harold Bogle and Harold Fulford ar- blue oil the subject. polito riervice, fashionable stvies, and Bogle and express their opinion .' 4-1� # I IN— having a plied by Mc$.drti. McNevin, I Ti meeting will be at the home of J)u steadily increasing busineRs. ufts Prove t4 rived at their 01110 'A young. on the v101111, While Mr. le at 2 r Jan. 22nd, full season on the I lakes. The boys Goldthorpe acted a; floor nlatiWv. Mrs. T_ J. Johnston. look fine. Tile card tables were kept bus), going P,, a dainty - Our 3tore IS S--isfactory Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and all evening. At midnight - _ __ ._ �. A --- IFM ace.ll u�ace-ries dad Miss Link- lunch *as se ell by the hostess and 0 - family. Mr. J. Unklater assisted . I I id. to in the later spent New Year Day with 1%lr. and her daughter, 1%liss JOSell0int- its- -d it avovy fienrge Of 010 Word to otir mi:%Uy 0119tOlnOrs, Al by some of their woung friends, Music Mrs. J. E. Hunter. at [A est prices, una a someo ddow first and p 'jile hinch liour. INSURANCE AT THIS STOPI.E and singing took 11 DU t. hotlia gows on tirk- our policy for 1920. On Tuesday evening of Horton and last week ttrobs. will in 'Ist to the interest of our 1), 4lisses. Stewart, "Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Chisholm and fam- yojr 4ttpfikion to our sliltindii]14001, Of Ined their neighbors and %hLsholm leentributing. aAneffig Nvps 060 Vi0ir holivis i kept UP Aill AM early hours of the All Kinds 'or - 'liUh-drtd .,4,40( Camobell's and Heinz. Soups , ­ P, , gl0ii4% he iiV b I& all and Mrs. illi ed h4poy, bop Ill; kkduld MOU it in annual at - Shoes meet and of Canned Goods fair. A Gover All brands i h �ktlo worrien TOWNSHIP RMLY RE, ONION,, it lip,&A E�tra Ch6ice Btdk Tea The ft-101pal Christmas elanlinatit)h'at $- S. No. 2- Nbillies are In or- Bbggll. Ana tot "o-plei of ill WS. and Sold 111ack Md Japar4 at on oft to UVa toall!r merits But Aft �p of mt IV. Thompson, 0 ges, orate, jlitioke, 1515 • "Ma" diftims 111bo 110114'W's"_ schNN1024 Doris Rod - all *1j, opooti to4A *111 Yoe orvill aod&s, ftcd1AcCoab;0-- M—RO�b' Fresh Fivits always in stock Ili 16 ftoo, Ot1ret MoUbt. 9010bith R01mcs- Pt- 11 - bout Mix 00" biome L"N' Ao. MWON 3*01>a l* WS Irom N9XT C"VA .4 f4it's silop,§ wy waft k4a obtatott41A. 66646 Imalim:4. fit site at 10 aw, liter CAW MANzt A" ft"% *hW*thA* iftg • Ilot+tIng of the Cfto- 4k­ k 7_7"" ",' 0 Mrs 111 1F171�' mo opt Tit, 04� 0lpt». tl 'ofto oruft r aut"t4*60%, gwb*, 144 too, * fa *A* t 19,109L tail" h6flli". Trimmed Hats Ralf Price r.,resh' new and ex- tr#nWy, smart in jaunty, 1Ww tyles olecially Reduced re smith's oft st , Have a lice line if Stamped Goods for you to work at then lolls winter evellings- -Everything in E in b r o i d e r 01 Now - "C" LIMA � jS to'. ..Start a is W t 1We haze, ill be mentioned decided to start 1920 with a big sale, zaca week S jai Sak Val;es wild and t, Wilt C . DMP 0 at up-to.,d morell at s1rc pnces it is the policy of this in thp rise re ate andise 2 le. . ]?apqs_a ty . I's - shown for -the coming_ store not to. -carr "oods from one season to. another, 4i6liho-Vowest lines call season. will It is n slow sellers, that will be offered but real five merchandise, and thetre will good values x :vo our the people taking a vantage or this, sale. Follow the list of specials each week, pick out what you,require, then come and inspect the goods and U&K you will find them exactly as advertised, real live bargains. goi Coatings Floor Oilcloth's and Con ounis Silk Underwear de bu A number of lines of Camisole, A wonderful assortment of Coatings in Velours, Lines at q. and CoadAzations- Broadclotba and Tweeds will go on sale January We Are-' Affis &fiQUW the Flooll Coverins timt ulust be ciouted quieltly. They mustha Fim. All the newest and best shaide present, and will dart to clear out the . present sold tile first week. rented and the dye is perfect. stock) Camisole% it) Pink and white, preWY trinimed %V6 l.,,road0iotll6 in Navy. Black, Taupe and th& tight lace or embroidered ill colors. shades, for spring. Congoleurn Rugs, in size 3 x 3f yards. Regular A pretty garment , regider $1.25 for 91ic- Regular $8 50 for $7.00 $15.75, for,$13.75. Another at $1.33, for $1.110. Regular $7.00 for $15.98 Velours in Henna, Navy, Batclesbip Grey and light Congoleum Rugs, in sixe, 3 x 3q yards, Regular $13-75 Regular $1.75, for $1.49• allades. for $11.75. Regular $2.00, for $1.69. Regular $8 00 for $6,73 Regular $2.50, for $2. W. Regular $7.00 for $3.98 Congoleum Rugs. 2 % 2- yards. $4.00-. Regular $3.00, for $1.59. Silvertone Coatings. Regular $8.00 for $6.75 A -C Congoleum Bugs, I x 11. yairds. $2.151 Best quality floor Oilcloth. fa "mil widths,. from 1 yard Many, other pretty garments—at special Prices- Tweed Coatings in, Brown and Grey colorings $5.50Silk Combinations grently reduced in price. for $4.75. $5,00 for $4.25. Itirlen't-, mt to 2} yards wide. for 69c a yord,. The retail One only Silk Night Gown, at barRain prices. A 9will( Cbmting for Girl,+ and Bo -Y% gs price of this Oilcloth today is 85c a Yard. Buy $2.26 a yard. your supply for spring now at 690 a square Yard. These are Wonderful valpes. .Several pieces of heavy flbor covbring, in good pat- Maderia and Indian; Crochet W o Ak terns, made from rubber and wool rage., at 75a yd. 'Blankets The patterns are all goody and the quailities sire the A number of piece% of 'Maderia in centres *nal A quamtiby'of seconds in FlanneletteBlankets &lightlY Va best. runners, greatly reduced. dmmagcd or, the edge at $3,015. This Is a great Regular $6.75, for .'"05.50. saving as the slight damage can easily. be re- Conats Regular $4.59, for $3.75ti paired to nuike, a. peTfect blanket and the price is Regular $3.75, for $3.00. $3,00 in 11/4 A wonderful collection of different Lines of D. and A. Indian Crochet Work in centres and yokes. heavy Grey Wool D16nketB. regular $8.50 for $7.75. 'Celyg8t8481 $1.49'& pair- Each pdiir guaranteed. Yokes, regular $5 -ft for $2.59. The quiantity, of thesa two fines is. tirnitea, and These are lines that •are 9614 at match higher Centres, regular $2.75, for $239. will go quiqkly. Coipe early and get it. real price. Centres, regular $1-65, for $1.&'). bargain in blankets. handkom%fta Sweater cVVIte Gottenuts, N I We have a, womilefful stock of White, Got" eaffleki After the Christmas selling we have, decided to clear 11eavv, all -wool Sweater Costs on sale. livery met for il,,"o yew-% in stock. A heavy weight is W bi to out the broken lines that ars still in stock of a yard• this season's make. and the cut and color the Cotton 34 in. widle, at 20c . fancy handkerchiefs. newest, The lines are now broken and. we bove Another special valae 0 25C a Ywa Tbm lines will be grouped at different prices and decided to reduce every Coat in stock and clear A special in Sbeeting with extra weight at Ke -.v yard sold much below regular prittea, them this mouth. pillow Cotton 42 in. wide at boo a yard Here are a few of the prices Uvery.!Coat but about six we are ofre; i mg is . pme woor flanneloltes Regular 35c Hindkooltiefs, A 29c. and the colors fest. .They come, in pullovers, with or without' sleeves, and.coats in heavy and 34 in. Flaamlette, in stripes of bine and pial} a' 30C 24c. light weights. Here. are a, few of the vatnes We a yard 25C 230. Flannelette, in a heaviet 0)(Ahat 33o a yard Ir Regular $15.00, for $11.95. 34 in. Flannelet yard. A big special in colored bordered, 1fandierehiefs at 7e Regular $12.00, for1 9.98. 'llmse prices are less thati, wholesale price today for I&P Itegular $ 9.% for $ 7.25. ,we have hadthawlin stock since fall 1918P Regular $ 8.00, for $ 6.35- He�Ty Groy Military 71nuubl Wool one wtv, and ...Buy. 11andkerchiefsJOK-.09 connyag year now and tile other to be sold at w�hole�ala 'price,., P Regular $ +;60, for $ 3.69. cotton save money. 65e a yard. Do sure and see these values. of so oulb Va'sis and Albapdo-Ho Rifinumt W Dull U V unpa MPS 8M W21`13 for Silks, Crochet Threads Knitted b Nearly every iRlouge in stock will he cH; sats. we A quantity of Boudoir.Capsat livery knitted Scarf tint] Cal) witt be sold at, redneed mut.4 make room for the spring stock so :01 ­.Foday and Saturd;y Everyth" ior Fancy Wok Regular $1.25, for R%.. price. Bion4es, will be liut owsale Regular $1.00. for 69n� -tuL 0-1 !-Q -e Regulax-S11-60-setior $3_99_ _.A.moA_w-.mdei --oollecelon ili- here for Y 0 01100' 7ST" MJ& 'f foi- $9 29 front at prices that make then) wonderful btiviii!,- AMOING DONE TO Regular 75o for 59c. Regular $ 2.60 Scal S. - If It's •NeW We Have It. Jakat 4;1 goods disPlarid Oar Windoav and see thein the store. WAtch S�tuTday -no. Januam February and March. This Store at 9 o'clock p.m. every night duri will close nr P X acv. ff Ica, smitys 111l at. Phowee I 9W N STREET . . ........ Ho 0 0 N , _---1 V14 Store NaMMMNN NNW• � A S todactory Shoeissimummumm —aa`n"L —The .............. ing lxtrt� on tile 0=0=�� AFF.2 plecting and ttaveadit. (art their duties ility of electing woulen to Woof %lecessity be satisfactory in all departments, carrying tich have returned to s being at their house was beautifully dcoorated with id's-isab pal boards. It is at & S. No, 5 and, 9, after bell bells and red, willte and seliooi and muuici YOU CAN ALWAYS GET its christntas vQI take. part and mnge of soasounble. Vootv�ear, and ensuling to respettive homes. Wa. - hoped nU memberA v :: eoptrlsits strearners� The music i sup dependable VA1110S. Harold Bogle and Harold Fulford ar- blue oil the subject. polito riervice, fashionable stvies, and Bogle and express their opinion .' 4-1� # I IN— having a plied by Mc$.drti. McNevin, I Ti meeting will be at the home of J)u steadily increasing busineRs. ufts Prove t4 rived at their 01110 'A young. on the v101111, While Mr. le at 2 r Jan. 22nd, full season on the I lakes. The boys Goldthorpe acted a; floor nlatiWv. Mrs. T_ J. Johnston. look fine. Tile card tables were kept bus), going P,, a dainty - Our 3tore IS S--isfactory Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and all evening. At midnight - _ __ ._ �. A --- IFM ace.ll u�ace-ries dad Miss Link- lunch *as se ell by the hostess and 0 - family. Mr. J. Unklater assisted . I I id. to in the later spent New Year Day with 1%lr. and her daughter, 1%liss JOSell0int- its- -d it avovy fienrge Of 010 Word to otir mi:%Uy 0119tOlnOrs, Al by some of their woung friends, Music Mrs. J. E. Hunter. at [A est prices, una a someo ddow first and p 'jile hinch liour. INSURANCE AT THIS STOPI.E and singing took 11 DU t. hotlia gows on tirk- our policy for 1920. On Tuesday evening of Horton and last week ttrobs. will in 'Ist to the interest of our 1), 4lisses. Stewart, "Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Chisholm and fam- yojr 4ttpfikion to our sliltindii]14001, Of Ined their neighbors and %hLsholm leentributing. aAneffig Nvps 060 Vi0ir holivis i kept UP Aill AM early hours of the All Kinds 'or - 'liUh-drtd .,4,40( Camobell's and Heinz. Soups , ­ P, , gl0ii4% he iiV b I& all and Mrs. illi ed h4poy, bop Ill; kkduld MOU it in annual at - Shoes meet and of Canned Goods fair. A Gover All brands i h �ktlo worrien TOWNSHIP RMLY RE, ONION,, it lip,&A E�tra Ch6ice Btdk Tea The ft-101pal Christmas elanlinatit)h'at $- S. No. 2- Nbillies are In or- Bbggll. Ana tot "o-plei of ill WS. and Sold 111ack Md Japar4 at on oft to UVa toall!r merits But Aft �p of mt IV. Thompson, 0 ges, orate, jlitioke, 1515 • "Ma" diftims 111bo 110114'W's"_ schNN1024 Doris Rod - all *1j, opooti to4A *111 Yoe orvill aod&s, ftcd1AcCoab;0-- M—RO�b' Fresh Fivits always in stock Ili 16 ftoo, Ot1ret MoUbt. 9010bith R01mcs- Pt- 11 - bout Mix 00" biome L"N' Ao. MWON 3*01>a l* WS Irom N9XT C"VA .4 f4it's silop,§ wy waft k4a obtatott41A. 66646 Imalim:4. fit site at 10 aw, liter CAW MANzt A" ft"% *hW*thA* iftg • Ilot+tIng of the Cfto- 4k­ k 7_7"" ",' 0 Mrs 111 1F171�' mo opt Tit, 04� 0lpt». tl 'ofto oruft r aut"t4*60%, gwb*, 144 too, * fa *A* t 19,109L tail" h6flli".