HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-08, Page 6ePhIsml 4.406bety 'illi itetrolt folr. t'healy - f�411lt 11114 ,% . ep aOd' 1st Q broker». • slflm ofilneiwi, -The retbz111* ware :ec- , 'wrnP+lWed sol Dtt*rlch by W. ,MIN. Wd rftl is ,owl' � 0`60N - & SON �� bi b o twrtilIind p 111r qtr. gratis ax Tho lairs , , , . �a Tltos, i3t opheff wx>; sGbio brpth'- . er .t1-1#tvlr. Se A t po* we " ,,, I' y ­ I • Q'�� ���)i iQM �irP�fbier taeAd� 4It+�>bore , 1tl�sltt. � «� SALE Vr I VWFJS - I W aqd tilers. Apll li!Isber Selebrate 1 ea t' Wilt Wehis1114t1 Atalvtaary theist- an Stasi aliseQ: , s=ass �4Y On the !past sign of any wetlaaRsra of 7 I .�... the heasrt M1lburn's He�'t and Nerve 100 doxon tioayy !llenusl, i3nioG IIuck Towels Ane and of si}rylendid 9in14itx.ke>allina�l taxis thus .sours (. A happy Cltristmas Day celebrtttidn ]iris sthould be taken,.and + . ' $ a 3� [all, I`ltt 'l7,orrels were part of govern war order Hour roat�an d sxd ev4yy ,tOwd bWX took pltipe at the t lsldt ncp of Air. and mgt and panumot relief. r' government sta�t>op gif�'upproyal and standard ; we were very fortunate in securmi; tWt* % clot. Tboy lora. Amos 1"laser, Nelson etrept. the Her. T>soe�ar Hapkl� C'roweIi,1,�N " , : oteaslon helps the Golden Weddlllg writeaa. -�`I Ittt ' heart Uxilble for pre fully ano•tliix�t tipdor waists. Clearing at leer pair t3bc or 6 for...... .............................:... ix} 1(ttnivelrwtry. As a shatter o1 fact it YaArN, sMIctim,s, better rand tswroeiimets ! was .Dee• 20th (11160) when Mr. Amos worsen but, s year silo bunt fail I could Fisher, of Colborne Township, and not Ire down is bed ir"r that dktremed ' " hee�kin�31f1lss Turner, of the Township of Tuck- icelfng, had to>~^ug sad sit up eramlth, entered on the married state, g�roeat rpany ut4itta, and when I did lie They took up their residence on trio down It was with my head �vccrr�� high. fL r00 yards heavy blenched plain shooting, 80 inches wide, entirely (roe from dlessiog, ►cordh second concession of Colborne Town- I purchased twd baraea of Milburn'o I , ,y ' . $1,00, at ver yard............................................................... ..........................................75e IhomsshiNave PiUs and feel a lot until and his ye s be their when .betlteter. aid can now Be down, quite four yearn ago, when oomfortably and the paths have gone they retired from farming and came to „ .1 1Flannelette Bite In used Mr. and Airs. Fisher • Flannelettes were blessed with a family F ten, Milburn, Heart and Nerve Pills are children, and have now sixteen strand- 50c. a box at al1 dealers or mailed direct � 1. e , ,:-.- . , _ : _ children. So far there has not been a on receipt of glee by The T. Milbum , 21 inch heavy fine white Saxony Flannelette 40o for................................................31e single break in'the'family and they Co..Limtted, .roato.Ont. -..- . �_ __. ----_-A--- _ _ . _ ._.. _ were al! present at the -. celgbrutlq __"- _ _... -- _ _._ _ ant C -t _F . fihe.. s.�._ ...,t 1 _._. _..---- _.._..UJ;heP eta ideas s 8B iacli host qunJU ,vTilU 43azony I19anne?ettes -Ota Cor ....7iQC C ristrrras, iiia jp` eying of some thir- ty-five consisting entirely of the re- E. Porter, Terence Kidd and Ernest 27 inch best military Irlunnol 80cfor................................................................(& latives. The children are Messrs. Hor- Lee. The church auditorium was de - 1 I /�� corated with piagts, and, befitting the I 36 inch white Middy Twill for M'iddys, Blouses, Skirts anti Uniforms fi0c for................50C international character of the wedding, 50 only Isom Stitch Table Cloths bleached Satin llamhhsk. 2 yards tou6 in 4 designs the flags of Britain and the United -,-'M• -- - a%a were dra ed over the pulpit. {! �,. • •$3.25 ; .Mr. Frederic Tip Egener, Mus. Bac., . 9.00 for .......................................... ... ,, g ""' played softly during the ceremony, and 3 r • 36 inch white Night Gown Twill, best cotton o0c for .................................................. 40c '� .Miss Esther Hume sang very .sweetly .,a ;)4 � �. + "Because" while the register ,was 1' s � being signed. Afterwards a reception ;I a ( was held at the home of the bride's V parents, and• Lieut. and Mrs. Headlee left during the afternoon fur the hon- Via, eymoon Journey to New York and .,."� 'r - W • ACHESON & SON Southern points. The bride travelled I i In a suit of brown broadcloth, a small 1.. M' '' golden brown hat, and seal furs. ' `fir < - I Among the out-of-town guests were `ta i ;a ___---...._-------_�...._ _---_ Miss Afona Wilson, of London. Miss_ -NFnu Ilabei ts, o i�orontu, and Mr. T..11 �I,iy� C60aet'1C!��Ar. - DEBATING SOCIETY OBITUARY P. Gait, of Toronto. M Parliament Formed In Conner- BRUCE: -Word was received In town AMONG THE CHURCHES ,3 THURSDAY, J LY. slh, 1!r?0 on Thursday, j tion With the Goderieh Board of y, Dec. ..5th, of the death Divine worship will be conducted that morning of Mrs. John Bruce, who Trade next Sunday In Knox church by the °� P.sj EDITORIAL COMMENT passed away suddenly at London. minister. The subjects of 11 r. McUer- , 1,, Mrs. Bruce was of a kindly disposi- ,F yr,t The committee appointed by the raid's sermons will be as Follows: 1f,, 1.W tion, an ever ready help in time of a.m., "A Day of Resurrection" and 7 it 4 • hoard of 'trade tq complete the for- P. in. "Kings and Kingdoms. Ruuday E � Coming from n rush who last year trouble. Although oiling since the. 'i !n the town council by inference, 'Batton of a Debating Society met in denth of her little son, she had been (u?. school and bible classes at 3:00. -„a 1+[.4 charred certain members of the eoun- the Board of Trade room Saturday af- seriorlsly ill only a short time, and The What'? and. the Why? of the n ., Iter death came as a struck to her ' ,, t'-§ ail with having a price In conneetlon ternoon, Jan. 3rd, and made the fol- friends, A daughter of the late John N}orward Movement, will be the theme {''` '' with the stool plant proposition, It N'Ha lov`!ng arrangements, which they hope Morrison, she. was married in 1000 to - 11R. AND NRS. A110S FISHER _ the NorthsiSt Methodist {echurch next 1.ltto be able to carry out ,with the as- John. Bruce, who preceded her seven beet, @:dward, Arthur and Fletcher Sunday morning. Dr. Emmerson will „ perhaps not to be wondered at that sistance of those interested. They de- Years. Airs. Bruce leaves to Mourn Fisher, of Colborne township, and Mr. ,s His Worship should throw out the In- lead the discussion. ' xc', her loss five stators and lave Arthur., Airs. Horace Fisher, harness maker, of tided on the following a 1 I a astntaetfon tits`) the editor of title Jour- Mrs, K. M. Smith,.af Port :\trine•; Airs, town; Airs, AI. Oiler, Colborne; ,Mrs, The classes and Afen'sClub li,,cl most. r' ( tial was bought to give his support to 1. To form a Debating Society, and .\ A, Baldwin, of Regina; Mrs. A. S. if. R. Long and Mrs. W. Stothers, both I at 10. :\t the morning �. the candidature of ,Mr. L. G. Parsons to ratty it on this winter In the plan ilawkins, of Buffalo' ,Mrs. J. La Ford, of Goderlela; firs. W. Tebbutt, of Sas, `hip a call to personal work and life- of a hock Parliament. ( service will be presented by the pas - .1. A,'j for mayor. The editor assured Mr. 2. To try and secure lh assembly of Sault Ste. 31ar1O: Airs. W. H. Baker, katchewan, and ,Liss Pearl Fisher, at tor and committee. In the stoning ;, d` 4 c of toapn; Angus, of South B ,, Wigl© that no inducement of any sort room of the Collegiate Institute in ay, and home. During the festivities Mr. and the claims of the Supvannuatlon a ,i which to hold tile meetings. John, of Chicago. The funeral ser- Airs. Fisher were pret;ented with an ad- Fund will be presented by J. C. flay, !},til be(<ii hotel out to The Star by any- o vicOs were conducted on Alondtty by dress and suitable gifts, the address t 3. To meet ones every truce weeks, g Esc{., of Listowel. Mr. Hay is the p:.. i slit¢ sir neuro our endursation of A!'r. and to hold four sessions, and a closing Rev. R. C. AtcDarmid from the home of being read by Mils Verna Ohler, n London Conference lay rPprrsenta ,� 'c, PA sopsi and the editor ran add this session of n some%N at different nam her brother-in-law. W 11. Baker. The grandchild, and the presentations were \ r t, pallbearers were William Craigle, John made by two otter grandchildren, j Live on the Superannuation Fund com- e h 46tement that the only candidate who Lure. mittee of the General Conference. t5r a Baker, John Muir and Richmond ()re. Re inald Fisher, sun of Mr. Ifurace 1 h. To hold the first session on $ t d`a.{ q Or asked him for his editorial sup- I Victoria tit. Methodist church "' ,,n - Thursday, January 15th, instant. Gll\ifAAL—In the dcahh of Mr. yVii_ Fisher, and Reta Fisher, daughter of W.. _ L$trt, in a mtlnlclpal contest In Gude- ,, The Siert tosolution to be fntrcr Liam Graham till Monday_ _last .n U.fa- Aft:_ Arthur Fisher. .During the day Mr• Paged in a series of special evangelis- ''x the services. Mr. llu�h C. Wilson is f 40' h, was none other, than Mr. E. It. I,luced by rho Government tv be on the long resident of ShOppardton has been Salio,Ns took a photo of the couple in �, . leading a chorus of over thirty voices + fgle himself --nut in the resent con- question of Immigration. called to his reward. He had been whose honor the celebration was held and the service of song Is very inspir- it' ailing for sum time. lle was born at and also of the• whole arty and we ing Special subjects are discussed �a.") tifrt but In a precious ane. For n G. The line-up vena as outlined br- e p ,`t f` low: Governor C,eneral, Sir R. o. Rey SheppardLun March 1st, 1+155, and had are pleased to be able to reproduce, 74 1"3,1.. tiliroe-day campaign, aga,4tist as man lived there all .his life. Messrs. Nei- the photo of Mr. Mrs. Fisher. The each night and the attendance has nulls, K. C. Al. fl. Y encouraging. Next Tues- w, vkto had rho advantage of [holding the g Speaker of the house, the, Hon. J. P. son end John B, Graham are brothers Stau }vine in felicitations. been ver eneoura in ' " " p r a d Atrs. Jas. Afa\ee, \rf Goclrrich : day night is family night and Thurs- o , psi titch et Mayor and using that em- flume, 13. A., L. L. B. fl day night sub}ect will be "The Un- 11 Iiknoe for making charges to the "f- Prime ,Sinister and leader of the Alts ,I. A. Thompson, of Winnipeg; HYMENIAL pardonable Sin." On Friday +. Ails. R. J. Campbell, of Roissecain, y evening, 1:1 r4,." Oovernmc+nt, :\. H. Afacklfn, M. D. July Orth, a children's choir of fifty ffkbt. that the steel plant propositlnn 1fan., and tilts. J, E. Elliott, of Forget. Jowell-fieott Under Secretary of State, W.. S. Bow-, voices will lead the singing. Sunday, t notiting more than a real iestalc den Sisk., a,re sisters. (ins son, L. I A quiet wedding took place at the ,tan. tfth,�at it a. m. J. C. Hay, of Lis- llraham, of Boyne Lake, Sask., who' YTtO, ljirich were only too readily Assistants, J. T. Fr11 and J..\. l.'arnp- Baptist parsonage, Clinton; on Wed-, towel,- will preach in the interest of bell, hAs been home since Christmas,. sur ^ at�orbcd by a large number of our nesday, Dec. 31st, at 2 p. m., when Eli- the Forward Movement. 7 p. m., evan- (� wives. Mr, Graham was married ,lune. vnspcople,and taken for gospel, Mr. Opposition Leader, '1'. (1. L;ounon• zabeth. Dora+'Scott, daughter of Air. gelistic service. tom► iif , it38O, to Annie Kerr, of Nile, who 1 'i ,a Department of Immigration, Rev. A,: Robert .Scott, of Auburn, was united to " t�, ti` I'yrsons made a very ereditable run. L. G. Clarke. xatrvives. The funeral took place on: marriage to Richard, Melville Jewell, of BRIEF TOWN TOPICS Vt Wednesday to Maitland cemeter Rev, Ileltl1"fiklrillY suppolrters hourly in: Atinistt+r bfvduktica, J: 11: Ktllorana yy, Colborne township, the Rev. E. O. ' ( �'Br' his. tXWpalgn, ,and hart --the campaign Ailoister of Finance, T_ H. Mitchell. Mx, Fair, s Nile, tho iating. religion de- ceiZsed suns a Methodist in religion' Fordo officiating.- The bride worn a The regular meeting of the General ;' c. o frac. tiro true nature Minister of Publid Works, G. L. Par- pretty dress of taupe silk with picture Brough Chapter, 1. 0. D. E., will be 11 ' r1. �, sq{yq ;_ and was a regular attendant nt Shep-. . `! i, ;11 I,}tr.:igl¢`n oppoaiUbn to the steel hat. ter. Health: Her corsage bouquet held in the Court house on Monday, Militia of Militia and DOfehCe, yV. pgldton Methodist ohtireh, In politics suss of yellow tea roses: and ferns. Jan: i2th,'at ri:fi;tr:;in. :t pxgloat and of his insinuations 11, Robertson, h(tf was a Conservative. Burins the signing of the 'r sister Miss It thos who were willing to . Goverombnt Supporters—E, ti. Wf- #ENNINOTON.-The remains of the.bride..The Rebekah Lodge .are holding a g Winnie Monson, consin• of ,the bazaar and tea on Saturday afternoon, �` � the Proposition as bona- fide, to glo, G. E. Colborne, G. W. ollttan. J. la tf Clem, Pennlligtou, who died sad played appropriate music. After the January 10th,' in the Masonic Temple W. Taylor, _C. A. Reid,. C INC%obert- deniy In Detroit at the General Hos ceremony the happy ,couple letC to 1>�s�iina fully known and nppreoisted ,on, J. W. Fraser, Rov, H D'-fitoyer, pial, Dec. 30th, Were brought to Godo -I bonden for a short hone rooms, West St. honeymoon. On A special meeting of the Women's Q i ar�� lclr nvnitti by all, we b¢lieva Air. Rov, R. C. AtoDerrnid, Rcv. J ,, Ford, �110vll -for Interment, arriving on Saturf; their return they wilt reside on the ns wdilld• have had a substantial C, ti.. Saunders, F. Woollgomlb6f , H. J. last, and the funeral, took place rroom"s farm in Colborne townshipWar Auxiliary' will be held Ih the ;' , ,A. Ataoilwan, it. T. Edava . Re arrival of tl a train Rev. H. D,;' heir mahy. frlegds welsh them trines club rooms, North' St., on Wednesday as Afa or. A r. Wi to .weng•t r e • t'f wig ie S i Sharman, Judge Lewis, R. Ja !1(fegaw, Aitlyor conducting the services and the liappinesa. afternoon, January 14th. All wives, I 1n his "Forget-me-ripta" this week, t3¢o o AtaoVle<tir, A. Saundcr Atisq -bearers 'itetn hissers. H. Sturdy; mothers alit! sisters aro urgently re- :wl,,, t; '•+'. rg , g •Heid-Pridham - - see anythinrr fn Ilyd enlargement Cameron, J, J. Shaunessy, J. E. IT,om, B. Hoo. Flays, . , Percy. . Walton and; " quested to attend. ., a , o'Gakc Huron Sale! CorporatioA A,, John Story, Wpsloy Walkorw • ROIr. Sharman. The deceased died: A eery i?retty swept ot, New Year's The regular monthly meeting of the °. , OppoIAki,on,,Aev,..:Canon H1t4,J .,J,. D. from spinal _meningitis. He was the! morning ryas the r�}Qrripge• at North Children's Aid SdreletY will_tio held 'As merging iq a Other oo_mpany s;ti�e9t \sOthAdlSt eheieh-o . ss- Beep Goo�tr"F- 3:� `l dynes`_ , s�'tot u___sDn- 01 too n-: f''-AX1'. iie� urt Ho se tits Tut shay, Jan.. lath, B nect;s>ttiiy alter t10n of rho by Capt. Dgolop. ntllgton. and his moths— ng tn, tMOq Y?r7dllagn; daughte%. 01? tele. aA� at limb p: in. 'All friends of the. ohfld,• be voted on at Sarnia but ovi- Opposition Sup ,pt4rs-•�J'. At. Davis, Toronto. One brother. Clarence Pen,+ Airs: F;`J. Prildhorit,. of totivn, to Lieu- ren are Voeloomed' at these meetings: `. teridnt Arthifi�+Pritotlaid , eid, of . or- V, iW" that Sarnia was too much 1n a W. T. Millar, W. 0, .li�tldbam, A. J. Pal- nitpgton,, i9 iq -London,, Eng , The do-: Your attendance will be A 4elp in the a tri a i; R. �Y <° son, _ . ,Onto; ' ''Phe ct%edino4% ook plagk..at work. " :,, :. Dr. 11, .4. Ai¢Dti alliti, 11.a,,l�obort i lh d¢aiing, with the mutter. . 1 ' "1 � . Iliby' . ft ii � a!,,,y,,,h,b, �_ ti'' 0, oondilQted by. silo $as. , �� 11. A. n r I�Ift Nils lost nothing , by being In . a Rev.. 11ip r ni 1, h' D•' laftex. 'The 1 e.�i}),_.ph' ;Cvas •,p fiib, , a-. +t4, ' 1i.:I t h114 a do caittid' and 'fife lik a "' ter •�1 , , it to naive lost by delay. Oeorgd Will - a )N .� t is t' u f� '.' ,i qb d + en ing. 011 Sorin h 1v�ltq d thtea8atiilecit longe y.' ,r,iy to st111 sticks to iia ate that .Evvan,a R, • :; ,:;1t °+ti. 's , ..,•;11•��}r�.� "�aI' e" .t,� thou Or ' of , hor�,athq, %QP�I cltRFM 11 t„ JdM- J'lie, r r, I. bi I ry * i.,. -l"'' - ; �1qq see Bead r�r)ti Yg r>! at..endletd•; .tor-> , r�re� ;, Mg i1r her Oavn pf a t•hat(clause. , Y ,, ,. r" t't1 s►ttop Is and a real estate •fudge lJl „ ,,A(Url`GpJk: p ,•.+ . Tndt -%fifth lntarva s f rest which .tire, ti a" yvfth.;hit to.tritaich cmbrold , tri til- 1 ,,, , lb► Y Herne N`. I�r.: 91t1f ?t11e.-;1#t fltl►' 1'• t.hstlisaly` s tthi . QV th new fA9- . od even goes so tar as to state y� x. .w \�r,'.glfd- tri n boa Qt o se ¢ , V. .4 never (lacrid . J. ' .�yy .:7 •�J]j , o4r'f'3 , g ii�,y Ott '�N, , �. p'4.w..YK. Rt . s.. u ,. r. ....7 .��>.'r.R .:,'tSd•,. w... .... - .. '9 L. " ,,. w f! , • p� in TOar Uf 1, Uewgd' Nth. Let •11lrn , Cahpt.: Stut`1y'. � , ., rinses. Mfrs. faridha.nti, he'" , rf ct913 +�. } flits,. rtaCirtxatii IlasT Hover denied; k, A 1 ` y,. 1 A,� rilothOr, act}pg b;Qrgunt[jt,,ei �avtt hat in "'i ib 'lir:. 'J ' D,• .Kellogg's '4$tIrma What sot's of drnlal would sir. nd a] d 44�M ;1#4 !S'i11y -;ahgr � i' ``AA ,.,. ,,� f3c An �ory vvhaG' i , ll'l�° � Hien • to. )'naatch:I anti'• castled' hniask ea. rr;edY d 'I,n c9fapi0te "re- • i ; e ' aecCPt f by easter 6 , , ; :', w r „ o trot it an glue him .but. iii Goverarnet bila .,lea ,# i +a a r. , � Aftlt..�dtd. too groct ran beet„ w P ; q , . 4 G use l:+ during the[', 0l1 '.lr ' kritlh " �T ' :Nle gaavn ° hrld rigs. fr.. ed an taitli ly and he wl l flnst hj9 asthma f ` ', :, yy • +.::Acfass 0 hot,:wahth;;, sits tbesn- ; 'ptratded,a't the orph; ana'durf ih a til» of tho,.isl - Atunicrjpal (11d11f1ftlaiit X11+uMsdq .' , 1 AAs "4ZO ' '�`• and Manager`s rlif ,; . , soh; tap harps tilt` llid and fast ` signing of the register nifg3, 1<t jtiiie . Ift`kiiit1130Yen:, = 1litken sang very 9avicetty, "tied AMakO .4 Government ol. bf ti tart ro stash, iMiitisl, fresh.: �✓',�CZ.$Ii';;Cs'si & d Com iib i1tlllti, �llltlorr �;'IF.. fib incl, The ushers were A(r. I•$ �, fain► ouroe9 and fru' A OR �L TCHE I lr • din g> �lf l' lil�G Walter ! .1. Buchanan and • Mr. A.. F. �+�, { 1: I 4 r.. '' . ^'? P7. D!i!!tt>t, • Nldit '%' titgtll'oue an Sturdy. Atter Lii� Ohuroh s¢PViQe n ~` "r v °R; �a gtts.-s X0(1(1 clef►r a111p; n Hat ; tiuf)rt lanes was sorted at the home - res ^hm ext d feed dt t if ' ' i." R '"�' � - 010,01FAIPMRNPO-01--ppop""I - M M T wom"W"""M i V � i I _­ " I 11 I "The Chocolates with they ' Wonderful Centres" , tt � etS » Pp., �,l For Sale at the Rexall Store ."""He'" C. D-UNLOP.- Phm. B. A�I�(�n��(���� rf r(�� rl� ESOMf � UMS mi I _@ I W HOL DAY FOOT EAR'[@ I A M. I � - - W-hnt hetter-remembrance-can you give your friend ttiiiit LE a pair of dainty shoes or comfortable slippors. 19 {�I To meet the extra demand at this Season we have made an Rol '��-{ unusual effort to secure a variety of holiday novelties that can not be excelled -and the prices rro most reasonable The children are not forgotten in the large assortment of slippers. BuV your rubber footwear and feel assured that you are getting the best. Skating boots are now in stock at the lowest possible prices. 1ZEPAIRING G EO. MacV I CA R I North Side e.t Square GODERIGH L9 L9 a�II�l ���� � {�{�7 ���-,��{{ �� IIJLIUL�JLLJJL�J� McEwen's Specials 3 packages Krumbles, for.................................25c 3 packages Gusto, for .............. ......................25c 3 packages Corn Flakes, for....: .................. :. ..... 25c :1 25c can Pork and Beans..............................20c Gonq's Soups, per package .............................. 5e 2 odd lines Soap, 3 for....................................25c (old stock) Drudge, Cleaner, per package .............................. 5c Babbitt Cleaner, per ack J Ladies' "Fleece Hose," per pair......>..... ....... P,,...500 Some Canadian Yarn, per lb ................>..,,,,,, $1.50 ' Some nice Flannelette, good width, per yard...... 30c :lien's Fleece -lined Underwear, to clear ............. $1.00 J0, • I JW CE ' I� ' - __ _ 46 __ - _ __ _ _ _ _ . _ "' ,South- aide Square. , 5 ' . ;et D'ouln oto Facts. • ,,,:, ... %VL, eil4 y101t4 wl�nt' ` . hPS .- Value. for money ift fe teA tet th Froin a tailcil i lie` t�,;w4k w ". , . r �. fieri" • ' �ockab=are properly htt►cked; collar.-wlre,ctly lwpt 4 , and fttte, .• . All garments' iitayed`'aiild,, lttushet : . ,. ,' I - • t kn6w ttiehusinessiraIdi A, tfi Z. `� ., . .. , 4 ,,'.•• � ART.IN, The Tari,lor ; Phone 318 ,. r i1lmm�l�llullN11 lumwillill Klin lrbtti filtiests tu41 tseuan or b e,alleftroestlearents. pir. and,Aics. p t1 — ._.T � 7. red my y, ll ti t 2:24 G. T. ft, train .q' yJ i an, tsalriy tt>►. If''nly,�hversri for Toronto: Where they swill mak¢p..J�II�IIIIt�I�l�i�1IlI�1lIIIII���I�III�I�itIiIIIIIIIIiIII p �t � �� 't• t1a Ai anti dtkb'sF1A evhry mttrf could their home Reid being in the ser-IIIIIIIIIIIIII11IIII011IIII1 . L ,; 7 .•, 11 ,I� th 1►Cmri11� •O# thel thornsRl1.'°:'vice, of the Canadian, Bank of Com- 0000T'­,WJT A °; , " I p 1nal a bats, .dist 4 Z?;ra00111lr Ghnnge .merce. out of t6%Vn +guests were. Atr. �_ : i .WOU1t1 take piste .,,., „ par As John H. Rt9fd, bf fiear,riof M CALL UP-TAIT — •v 9 �� iinttetd of the thousands of sickly p_.. — F parents of the groom; Atr, tYsEar, of I , I." I , ansemlrt-lgol<!ng men, wromdbl hand Ottawa. the groom's 1rFother; Mr. hints- o F afrl# with voty O ,Ittttddy C0apleyt- land A. Pridham, of Terohto, the p , I" 0*0 ions; •Instead of thti lr1 tRUAl wt of 51�1 ,.. w ,. u bride's brother; Afisses'RettN Clark and \ �nerre downs, brain Ila Alien, of Toronto: Mr. Archie Tom, Phone I .+ 111.11-' „ ., t+ w, s lid VessItAlsta 'Mie tshouid,we a of Guelph, and Mr. Gratton '80rdette, 8 $-s" --+�r a atelia, opftfitto 2 or 193. 0' of of Detroit, The tvudding gifts were ``L. �, . e \..O,.t; ehMlke(3`bsOp16 6treryRltwsh a handsome an among them were a p /uQ 3rfs a0 atttlt V hila bye tirtftltlm a' r ' " %R 1 number of substantial Cheques. •r• s each motf b* foie brotkfatit,; a llrailee-Galt p = We are adding �resh Fish to our linea and 1 ill:, rsal hot ward* With a tN• O M Qt limer,toti6 ptll�isphatt'tit,1t The marriage took place an Now tD �. Habe our House Wired will be able to supply 'lrtcelVefl a large shipment of tolr+�ittirut+ tttil. net►r, fid• Year's morning at Knox church of El- PP y year requirements for all '' 1iibyfy tlstd�Ii ;pt1'tbt ti# 1li►Wltl..Ette psis► siO Lena Douglas, daught¢r of Atr. and NOW and troy the ad- • ?) . .. ttoi'i� i t bowkltti o, MJtate, (Wale Airs. John Galt, to Colin de "Were Head- vantages of electric light kinds of Fresh Fish. - ° .. it ad e, lieutenant U. S..navy, formerly of I tot aOiT i' thtlw. 1C Wt•`!S `• ��� itMbtia tiNitd slat lretett, Washington, at present eofn- during flit eomii�g fall i �,A �teIa on �� 6M moding the D. S. destroyer �`ueker, .q , . tri • 11 PUttli*`11llbra tbod litto, thrl atottt i 11tatiolaed at riiritgdeiphlh». 9`he mer- and winter. Also, as usual, full lines of all sortq of choice - + 4. $'� "Y'htitrtl lfabtect to stets i>etaaae�te, idly rlttfxo was sotethntsed by lieu. p. c. C'i'atisfactio>y Gu3arantetd !'• "*t- '�oust 64s. tow krrttbi rlk+ttuttit►tttzli, Mebetinid. minister bf Knox ehutch, : T'stnily Groceries. th .. r igotast full 1Caltrir t�osa Mho htttll The young bride, avtio \van given away 3'11 e�ferp p'artieulilr. t "` will , A 1*104, W 6010010116n $Ad 'aihb by her father, was sweetly pretty in a 19, " '• ,i'lt w,ru1P ysr 1#lC#1'(NK dor2"1CC �'iQltl!t5 oilitri itowri of White stttih with bridal willtxlDai ,1~3cturea aiyd SIstiki tet'lt oftiti, 'el OttYli ti 6 'a gtlarte�r 10001411 01' of silk net caught up with spprays of �Pti lie§ of alIl kinds t Iltaesttltal►�hirta at titin riot ilk orange btotlsorns th3i` t r tali h `' • '..,•,.. X , d .. 'rsulcired �lathf�l p sPee J a ®, , ;NtWh �gw►x ,�i a t ' 'hat 16 her uncle in Ia'orld� for this occasion). afand. . , r , (k. ilk tt>Lit' t6 d+►tltolhli >k6 tha 4wa tend rarribd a bouquet cif brltlo's rases �k, " *l j.". , a, , a � � r italtitflra' 6 t111a httia bat#. fa+itlithl y 15he wets attend her sister, Atis?i _ , .,, d ft h fiaiefWbrllNrft'tMltlis! Tcahor llay3„ who ail tkpptrariritl , lLWsiltlatt 't1t♦aiift' :1tat'tlaret; aild Atlas Y; iI>Il/la �"! n. . ' lxtr tlilit #f►t►1t1+M� 61"4 Ili a • A. ! Grocer ` Hiro 1,orel�s of 13ht(tlat! blue gti*oi`jettE �..+►1►rMilldlbblCtlGilt tAsili ltd plc hl4itk trite snits avid rattled ,. jj��`� bnd bl s of V � . „CK I I %tf wkt�l + ab66" bA liriset too cg. *1 ,TA, � I IT . D"t 91ros. sl,l t1 . . ` , .. f to Citi �► 1►i16 ���I 11 11 V l , " + .. tIt #+i "! NVO01%, r, lt�itt�ria 1?.dah'' Rolir' reIt i '. tlwt t tet 1 +hut` iztt ills a,ttaelled to V. & 4 'Ohio atilt l�tc. a : , # , t l:fliltl ialidiastri tllaik.r + , - �'1&1111`1111' 0 " iftobert baCttl'y, ;4th C,, fotra►biiy. iituot , % • :f , _ •zap . , .. i . . is ro a , . h !tl' dy n.:. , . , .. 11 p hif•V 4Y. �'' „ A' . ., , , „ - ti } .... /, yw: ... ,. t, _ f�, . r Y .. ` 1. - r .. _. ... ..:y,..-„yly.wue.yy V . A ,, ,,....,, ,...,-y,.y..,. m , Y .:..m.. .. ,. ,:,yam, ._ .' Sk y , .., .. .. .5% ,