HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-01-08, Page 5.9
01 0 -
'ilii 411 Ja'!L, ,Iii. IM1tM n r ,�;uv r0
AliE4,1 1,4111se1i, K4 oa W. A. t�A
l?:aitisorl, (3: T. lt,, its at W4tGti, ho
41Jcd lt} iryllrati; t'Q p5 dirt �1r jj+�
. f� �l'� I�a�'llet�'.. � 1h •[ A�ilt[1�
Ttit ' l ()l frlwtkl' railtiilit" ' �tl 1.Ryro . H AItl4lNO01 tliiUiii;t
TORONTO. Jan.. S.,Lat t' quota, I lite).
sold ,lA: aur, xtxt. of 2url4le iQt•lG,*
try to bear t dailyr ,)�4R; tlgllii vn thy;r'urwers Ailtrket of i1 n vezlt lin a tl440-d,`ro t*i litntt�it
the i 6twi ltotd, but , the Sotlttaqual J:s. ,,, _ '-^ 12et,.ot" "51r- 1)h'ttt ins, ulu 7l, • II .Li It
as fAllpwlt-
117'r:.bertdiuellf, fir. tat+llmll¢ .1 }:.tilt ,ltltpirt,..ilivtBlt>er of Aida H ;<nB tray--
ut "dx>•1a1.,'.'PIbY.lttiMtl,',;ot McKillop H�ty. 1\Q. a„ 1+4ir` tont.4»lt o0 to xIDti o0 Are Mcetlttli
��s�1yr °
back, etto;3et' Or IltiCrr y # aY. A.oN 2, tx r too,., NS 44 ., W
wa-s'married at New Orleans, La., Dep,. � 21 Its lidtwu ,lcvt Rold viiia U-),i•'texe,k
' form 6f kldaq, Ububle. . r;traw, rye, Per ton... , s,, 00 .. "a 00 11 I u
, 4 0* back ,,tcbea or bt?co111es, flet' to f rt, potkwehalk, 91 Seaforth tenses loose seer too., 11 t;d xa o4 Pleo to �st7f.^ Ctl:nt-01 of tate 1
i1t is *L 1pitmint
fillatt the kltil Alra• . John', Ntcll� UFhtou, of St�anleyr fatty.}v tracts bturdled, per Bosphorus.
�tffe�ted uta wl�wav, and''pa.t passed"ar>�y� o� .Tuesday eYening• of ton .... . ;.... Ts til 3Q o� t, a' N.ta
t Farm Frpeltxs, RitFtalil--
alin of se'ywealtneae�;lotjtt'a, y'" lett ''Yt't It ttx'tt'r a .rr'ronth's illness fAIY k,Ct3s',. riles, fret do;p„.;j0 90 t0 $1 ii LOUDON, Jan. 5.- VI ,nikine'6 �d:`A-
shsuki be taken. so ai toitrenXt u Lori "i l;tlrpke. The late Dirk. DiQp 13.Utk r:e1t,�C pe.t .ae pli tat ulttl�tho iced ndvantt* ` ►�liI 1rQ 0
ey and prevent , utttrc fall pian was born in flayfleld, helot; Ituttrr, tartneta dairy.. 0 i3 0 Ts
a daughter o the late alas, Phillis. hiring ebicken7 Iii ., 0. S& 0 JS through t'c,ntrtl A:;i;: to nottlaara .rt)
Sgrhu;, ducks, lb .. Q 36 0 41 616 t I O 0 i
ra.�Jgasph;iarylA 1§2 Niagara St. A quiet but pretty wedding too} BOAltog fowl. ,4......,• 0 So 033 events rrtl.ch naturally treats: l�rt:
6 pitno 9 ,mitel7,4"i. �o place at the home o1 Air. and Mrs. Ir- GoeFe. per lb.,....,.... 0 t0 0 36 found anxiety hero, for, ot} the o616 Sold
W gnY leidAc}s' eolllc>i itttrdly .. i .vin , Armstrong, Exeter; on Tuesda-$,� Turkeys. per lb,....... Q Err o e4 h t,s, t,t<+ 'idedry ptotltr„ec1' c llttrol pt. r
tapWrl.not do. nay* work, and was a Form Produce, Wnolaaaie,
Rutaea Dec. 30th, when their daughter. !dal* iStrtcer, cacamery, fresh Ilse 23laclt Sea will bring tilt ul ilia on k
to. mywr. I used Dean's Kiduty,Fiills was united in marriage to Mr, Duactip' made. Ib. Rquarea.....$0 99 to $0 78 touch with 4110 revollitlonary ele-
ttJthlsy stun Iter me, anti I v►otlid D. Smith, of Toronto. do, da_ cue sollde..... 0 66 0 07 oscula In Turkek, acrd, on the other 1ViGri b Qi
Oqt be without t irm in the hoose. I Sunday, Dec. 28th, Robert C. Wynn Choice
dairy..lb.. 0 63 R G3 hand, the ooeupation of IJokhara ��. 1
oaa 45Ieell,bitter now than I have for leggy, gew-tald. acx..,,. A 90 i' u0 open. ,he road through Afghani;lt:u �
7fAnta +, a Passed away at tris family home itr - S 4 i
Detroit,. aged 48 years, and the burial' 7 aft$, selects, per doz... 0 64 .... to India.
Donnie I� dney Pills are put no in an 'look Place on the Tuesday following lT.ggs, No. 1. doz......... 0 60 With the whole Bast In a ferme4 t nes
oblong grey llox'ourtradomark a "Maple at Brussels, the deceased being an old. Cheese. June, 1b......... 0 a4 0 33 attd ominous thrtutenings of a holy ' Lin
i j�R��
Us(”; price b0�1. at all dealers or mailed Chet;so, new, ro......... , o „2 G n I moot,
i resident of Brussels. war over the reposed i•cluaval of the ,,
direct on, receipt of price by The T. 1 Honey, comb, aoz per
, , .. 6 U s . P „
tlbtun Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. A very pleasant event took place ut. Hortey. strained, per ib.. 0 86 0 26 Sultan front Constantinople. and tlty
•• Puro Lard- evident hopelessness of any united
Glen Maple Farm," the residence of TJertes, lb, tte 33 to S••.. f,,ubor Surpriaedf at Election Result.
tier, and 1`trs...-�3!m S5heuhertl,FHullett, _ _mit+,-pf•nLq _„-.,::4 :-0-88?h- v:,r - military action atuong the Entente to
On 10hriotmas eve;, whets' their only Pound vrintn 0 so arrest s ltolslievlFt aa, the eitio►• el O�'bth rpfl_—g erminorte In
f?STEOPtCTiI •• toward turkey or India. the Bison- surprising
(laughter, Maggie, became the bride of Shortening- elated by ilio aur rlsin result in the
[ R. GFORGE lrPJLESlAjiIj�. OsteOpatn, JIr. 'Plw0ryl �`'. Farquhar, Olso 'pf Hul- Tierces, lb. ...........$0 37 to 5.... Lion is occupying the attention of the .pen Valley by election, wttoro the
+iJ� speclitist in women's and chtldren'9 lett. 0-16, ].lots 0 27 Imperial General State horn to the workingmen's candidate, Tom Myers,
d(seases. Acute, chronic and nervous dls- Pound prints ..... 0 30 carried the sent against uucb a strong
orders, Partial dearness, eye, ear, no3e Fresh Meats. Wholesale, exclusion of itnylhtttl; else,
attd: throat. Adenoids removed without A Quiet wedding w0.s solemnized at Chrlst as beef, cwt....Wi 00 to $30 00 Sir Henry Wilson, chief Of the Parliamentarian as Sir John Simon,
the kalfe. Consultation free, Oruro End Cavell Presbyterian manse, Exeter, Beef. Nindquerters. owl. 22 00 25 former Secretary for HOute Affairs.
resldettce. irelson and et. Andrew's eases. Dec. 31st, when D:liss LavJna 1•'redia �, 00 Genera StnfP, rQcentlti _ onquir�t2 at
kk Beef. choice sides, cwt.. 20 00 23 00 Lord French what reductions t'Of the a it1� 11125 tt t731'VCtli Supporters `
bse or Temperance Ivan, north Street. Willard was united in marriage to :tit•. Beef, forequarters, cwt.. 16 00 ' 15 00 army of occuptihon in Ireland could of tho LabLiT party did not foresee
OAlee hours 0 to 1- a. it"' t to a p• m, John Lesile Kydd, both'of Exeter. ileo. ,nEdlutn, cwt....... 17 00 19 00 such u victor ulthough prepared for
Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Beef, common, best...... 14 00 17 00 ttitfely be L1ady, and it fs bollevod that y
Rvertings by_ appointment. Helen Scutt, dearly beloved wife of
NIP. Thos. !ogles, died in Belmore, Dec. Lamb, per ;b' ............. 0 26 0 28 no reserves front that region could be ;t bid Poll atter the recent elections
Mutton, cwt. ............ 12 06 19 00 spared. In fact, owing to the almost had shuwu the unsuspected strength
LEGAL CARDS 20th. She w•ay a daughter of the late Veal. No. 1, cwt........ 24 00 26 00 complete arrest of recruiting for the of their adherents in every part of
tHARLEB GAR1tOty, Barrister, 8ollcttor, Hubert ~Cott, of Burnside, NtuKillup, Hogs, 120 to 150 lbs., cwt. 22 00 24 00 Royal Irish Constnbular owing to the country, even in the most purely
IIJJ IIoRs. heavy, cwt........ 19 00 91 00 y
Etc, Coiner Nort:, street and Square, and a sister of air. �Vm. Scott, OL Sea- Poultry Prices Being Paid to Producer. the'recent assassinations, and theiragrlcuitural districts.
Goderich, Ont. forth. The turnover of votes has been
Live -Weight Prices- generally disagreeable and dangerous
(\HAS. $EAGER Ntr. Thomas Gregory, who died at Chickbns, spring, lb ... :$0 20 to y0 23 duties, the Irish Government Is corn- very heavy on every occasion where
Barrister, Solleltot•, Nota, Public his home !n NN'in •ham, on Christmas DucklJngs, lb. ........ 0 22 0 24 P g a Laborite has entered the fight dur-
Y K Ituelcs, ole.. lb........,. 0 16 gelled to set a elaborate reeruitln Ing the recent b
and Conveyancer night, •ht, a ed 86, was t pioneer resident machine in En lank to to keep by-elections. This
Onicb : Court House. Goderich. 6 g 1 liens, under 4 Iba., Ib.. O I6 �3 t7 ' time n Laborife in the Spen Valley
of that town, having moved there from Hens, 4 to s lbs.. ib.... 0 2. thea force up to strength.
D C. LAYS 'Pbono ss, near Toronto in 1862. In company' Hens, over 5 lbs., lb.... 0 23 0 94 This is the first time since the Increased the poll from 8,508 to
LL Roosters. Ib. 0 1s 11,962, while in Plymouth the Label-
wlih his hrnttscr, ,tte late. Bohn Gres;- eatablish4nent of -tato- force--that-re-
- daFrrater, Solictfor; Notary Public Etc. Geese. ib. 0 19 .... its rote increased trout 5,324 to
On1ce flarnuton St., sl0rhng Bank Block ury, he built the first dam and flout' Turkeys, lb. crulting has ever been found neees- 9,292, and at Rusholme from 2,985
Goderich mill and what is known its the upper Dressed- Bury outsides of Ireland.
Real Estate, Loans, insurance water privllegc. He was for a number Chickens, ib. ..........$0 26 to $0 112 To safeguard the Indian frontier to 6,412. At Bromley, where hither-
AND NOTARY of years engaged in the flour milling' nucklirgs, lb ......... 0 32 0 35 British troops are being sent both to there had been rfo Labor candi-
11ems under 5 lbs.. lb.. 0 23 date, in the late by-election the Labor
__ business and !user in the grain and from Egypt and Mesopotamia, Instead candidate polled 10,077, and at St.
Hens. over u 164,....... 0 25
OEORGE E. GREENSLADE, Baytleld, Con- produce business. In politics he was Geese, lb. ... 0 26 of being demobilized, and drafts 'fruhr
veyancing and Notary Public :1 Conservative. Tur1•ey-, lb . ............ 0 50 England also are being greatly Albans a Laborttq igaklug a bid for
RFAOL'UFOO'l', xILLORnN tz GOOKE, Iznostem_ lb. ........... 0 So .... strengthened. There is also to be a Formerly uncontested soot secured
Barvisters, Solicitors, Notaries Pull- MONTREAL, PRODUCE MARKETS. rnovetn$nt of :t big naval force 8.008 voter.
ilc, Etc. AN IDEAL TONIC, Montreal, Jan. 4. --The trade in cash from the Mediterranean into the •
Olnce-On the square, :2nd door rmm
Hamilton street. Goderich. FOR WEAK PEOPLE oats was fair and an improved demand 1
Black Sea to hold up the Bolshevi t
Private funds to IOan at lowest rates.' was ebown. 7%cre._ is )to change to
w'. PROUDFOOT, K. C., pr des for winter wheat flour. The de- plan to secure control Of the 1303-
1. L. KILLORAN, ff. J. D. COOKE. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Act Directly oak$ for mlllfeed was good, but condi- phorus and the Dardanelles.
On the Blood and Nerves tions irt�th�rolled ca market were still The cond'tionn needing these pre- '
unsettled and prices s rre ular. The cautions will Occupy a large share of
egg market is weaker. The undertone the attentions of the Peace Confer -
THOMAS GUNDRY_ Food is a9 important to the sick to 'the petato market is stronger and n "b'
person as medicine', more so in most higher prices are anticipated. There to on c when it reassembles in Paris.
Live Stock and General Auctioneer, no change in the batter market, and the The capture uP Taarltsyn, on the
cases. A badly chosen diet may re- checso market is quiet. Volga, 110 miles south-southwes, or
Iiamllton street, Goderich, g
lard recovery. In health Wes natural gars -Extra No. 1 feed, $1.06.
Solos mode everywhere and alt efforts 2{amishin, is announced in :t Bolshe-
made -to give you satisfaction. appetite is the hest snide to follow; flour -Now standard grade, ;13 26. vie official statement Issued from
Partners' sale notes discounted. in sickness the appetite is often fickle Rolled oats -Bag 90 lbs., $4.75 to $5.
Bran -;;42.25. Moscow by wireless, Ttte Bolshevik
and depraved. 01rrts-=52.26, forces took much booty, the s;aic-
VETERINARV Proper food and a good tonic will CnEeso-Finest easte-ns. 26c to'27%a. anent adds. O
DR. R'. I'. CLARK, V. a., graduate or keep most people in flood health. Dr. Rutter -Choicest creamery. 67c to 671,ke: Despatches received in officialthe Ontarto veterinary College, Tor- Williams Pink Pills are the most popu- seew,tls, 62c to 63c. quarters from Odessa Bay that the
onto. 1 respectruny call the attention or lar tonic meliclne in the world, harm- LAB' -Fresh, 90c to 93r.; selected, 65c;
horse onuers to my approved method of lrsy and certain in their action, whlc•h No. 1 stook. fisc to 57c: No, 2 stock, 63c Russian volunteer army which r,
�pe1'attng oo horses' teeta.. A fresh sup- to 55c• cantly captured the town of
p�r;•r, pr veterinary, medicine . always on is to build up the blood and restore PotatoeE-Per bag. car lots, 83.60 to
hand. ofllve 'and sAubles=Newgate street, 'the, vitality to the run-down system. F2.1L. kurov, 175 miles southwest of I{lav, AL "� �Y p
6.oderich. For growing girls who become thin pressed hogs -Abattoir killed, $25. took a railroad train containing the
t 1v" S/l�w,'
and pale, for Lard -Pure wood pails• 20 lbs. net. Me treasury of Gen. Petlura, the
pale, tired women, and to :tOc. Ukrainian anti-Bolsbevik corn-
INSUiIANCE for old people who fail in strength Dr. CHICAGO (i 4AIN MARKET. mender.
Williams Pink Pills are an ideal tonic. ♦r •�'�""'��
.Mc CO.
AICTUAI. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Bickel] Jr Co., Standard Bast Twenty-four cars composed the
. _ Thousands of people have testified to
t'&M slid isolated Tenn Pr4,perly Issure4. the health- wing qualities of Dr. Wil- ,3ulldi is report the following prices ea train, one of which conveyed gond HYDRO POWER
low, or property lusureu ui, w January, linins Pink Pills, and in many homes the Chibago Board or Trade: Prow. and sliver And old ROmanoff bank
4940; 33.o4A,0'1;.00. they are thy. only medicine used. Ogen. High. Low. Close Claw, notes. the despatches assert that ”
OFFICErtS-Demes Conol%, Preatdent, Corn- altogether the total amounted to C�O����i�
C.4goch ; Jas. Evans, Ice -President, Among the homes in which the bene- .say ... 1331.0, 133,' 131% 131i� 1ti several hundred minion roubles. SHORTAGE
a46EChWood ; T. E. flays, Sec. -Tress.. Sea- fit o1 this medicine has been proved is ,luly ,., 131% 131 , 120+ 130iE !slid According to a report on Saturday
rotttbb. that of Mr. E. A. Underwood, King- Jan. 1 6 139% 134 134Ts 136>;
O1RECf Grieve-,
WinthropF. t ; Will. rin,Searo o ; Oats--
aw r night, an attempt against the lite of
J. (} Glleve. Wi; \Ven. Wein, Con- stun, Ont., who says: -"L have used
staries ; George McCartney Tuckeramith : Dr, Williams Pink Pills with the 'most 3aly ... 76%84 % 84y 323{, 76%st% !4 (req. al Denikine !tae been made. The
J Ferris, Harlock ; John Bennewlse, Jtdy 76% 77 7s 764; 7t4fi general himself was unhurt, but his The capacity of the generating
s hagsn ; Malcolm AlcEwan, BruceHeld. beneficial mesults. As the result of Porti-- adjutant was kilted. giants at Niagara Voila, available
F.NTS-J. W. Wo, uoderieb ; Bandy hard .work I was very much run down, MAY • • • 37.40 37.50 37.40 37.40 37, is
to the Commlaafon for Bun 1 iL
L h. Clinton ; Wm. cnesney, Searortb ; Jan. ..... ..... ..... 37.40 37.15 Detalle of the affair have not yet p Y g
E. itnchley, eesrorth. and my appetite was very poor. [ Leal- been received tbo p„a'er ono lighting demands
10 hey Holders can pay their assessment got a supply oP the p►ll4 whioh I used say 24.60 24.69 24.55 24,1:7 34.42 There were reports last mouth of the Niagara dfatriet. has reach•
as "til.
it. Cult's store, Goderich, A. J. Mor- regularly for some weeks with the re- Jan. ... 23.50 28.60 22:4? 23.49 28.31 that Denikine had been dismissed ed its Ilulit, which necesaith ed
r4 'a CwmmR . Store, Clinton, or J. H. suit that they restored me to my old Ribs-- from the command of the anti -Red the Cou,tbisslon limping the
ft 'a. Rdyfleld. way ...`19.95 il►,s6 19.87 11.92 1s.K
time strength, Titley also proved n '.Jan. .., 19 .20 19,20 19.10 19.12 tl:e6 army in Southern Russia, thecae amount of power that can be aup-
NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC � lilevery a em daughter, who was to � piled to the municipalities la the
a very anaemic condition, and who were never confirmed. Later it was
3i. BA1L41 . seemed not to get •snore_; than .tera1 said he might succeed Admiral Kol- Niagarp district.
�ii�i+ajar ssa aaaJ�ar,JEL7 The powMribortageduringthe
- paritfy relief from any= medicine , until ` , eD'llj[ he1W of ail the elements
OTAnv P1 IILIc inter mouLl3a is greatly inoreas-
she took Dr. WilliamsVI illiams Pink Pills. She ' fithtinb agstagt the regime of Lenlne
General Conveyancing done ONION BMW= TARIPS. and Trotsky. ed by the ovierlapping of lighting
Good Co tile" Represented took the pills for about three months, TORON'T'O, Jan. S. -Recei to Oen. Romanovak and power loads. by the extensive
Godartch Rural P-ltone 24 r 14. and is now enjoying the best of health. p at y. wise fa reported nae of electric heaters, and also
noute, tte. 3, All For Union Stock Yards were: 94 cars. to have succeeded Dealkine, may be
�t For these reasons I can. strongly re- at times on account of the block.
-- -- - - '1596 cattle, 103 calves, 1154 hens, a Russian ofIIeer •who has bean act- Ing
commend Dr. Williams Pink Pills." n by Ice of the water supply to
At the. nrst sign that ttie blood is :654 sheep and lambs. tt Governor and commander of the generating planta.
yN111.'. �° a out of drder take, Dr. Williams Pink .l ascii-1Bolah4svtpt armies in the tar The Commislifen are aPking tho
eastern proviaces of Sibeha. There
17/� , �t s Pill's,, and note the . spe4 df improve- Clemerrean Is iitdtto 13naasla, -operation 4i! eters hydro user,
!! V �i meat tfiey make in the a6petite, health ,= TOULOlY. Jan. 6. .-premier moo- is no other Ruitsign general of that whether domesLtc.or industrial,
°menceau,_ who Is on a visit to the name la avafLtele army lista.to
a and spirits. You can get these pills eraand light I revery po pow•
faCfillLti{tt+ti through any dealer in medielnt or by �;De Artaleq of Var, 1►as-in a smash- Oen. Detiikiae's tail, it the fore- lar and light la every posefblo
_---_------ _.. _. mall -at 50 cents- a.hox or six boxes for Coins report U confirmed, is /rob- way, in order Ahat an unluter-
tup_Af_tuto %. lad .Pr[it X, but
-ably It reatat of his, receat detewta_at- - _ supted uervloa: be matatain-
�8;b0 from The Dr: Williams Medicine w injury, 'I'lle"eglll}Iou.oecurred bar n
tills hands of the Bblbh'evfld In Sduth- ed, until further power is obt4tta
?' Co.. BroAville, Ob6 twet�tt Hyom aad TotiWn. Four de- e" Russia, During the pilot autumn ed for this system. N
-,, .. „ iutiea were badly iluilt. N-Aikine's faress- moved oteadily,
-Premier Clemenoeau aad'party, in n41ftf3ward decent"a� the Sovist
dTMK� E111b31tllet'ti, Archbisfthdtiblttlrf►m Tango. -.',,two automobile., were p[oeeed`iaC trtisps In �msny b4ttlea aIld a
?ale the -rpa w the t t NY we t�MER
> tiw�a 6 M elect.! organ (I wo witty tbreatefaiag llCpsobW. Atter he
()14ars carefully .ibttbndtld S of ,'tie Romaa Catholic Church pub-';4i>tl S` a "'age°T t,,a� �isd ruched Orel, Ito witex south, �� �F "TAW
Jst all hours—night or illy. , lushes ,tte tQ}to�ltag: tthk'4y 6 bit'tii �, yet c+�' of the $oust espltat. trowePer. be es-
- 'r Inti ri'i " clhilfa bty s ed
„'til order fa .iSt1t� at>r ersa to un- a� � >� eonatetred sterh r4Mlistatfce whteli
W►%,i>ri' • ci611 of soon detralo"d a dight extead-
ertifaty with' re; a d to ynsglts ble a i�t�s
ilcfnit prohibited' by life' i•boent, ntb)mtf e. hilt ; hid 1�u1 i ever a +virtual! conticilOus frost
l' Mfi(i17d1tC3 CWrdialil AlgettJyr Arch ' e `,,,1 tl. `!L d LIbN!> 40 miles In lee 114.
bishop of Paoa,-•ddec�trem he ,intends mss' --r*^ tB >i{' o errtA¢ 1 visci. Ro�e*ik eats ti finally altered y �.
� � - is .r. to's4>t alt libia,oluJ�+ u t b tf Ilelt� tb lk the Deniidlse linea, breakfgg p�� t
the tWWt and:fo#7�rdti eam4tYlUientlons In tills roar, arae Difilt �d;G N R Ir
WITS Tt a� ���
J xAirt�tfiltfr 6I2eb!!f!m►e'*t!! a e aWe"tb 1V>�4i: forwd the anti-S6vl*t fore" to felt
con)rratuirttes the woutien and youae beak roaldly. }
4 dance them decorously. His eminenep !1
i Bttac ad Tenate Daily ►�rh, -
girls *4o Lba'ee hilsteihed to contorin U•S, A AR RU I1. IIIJG coraee of pJlltoa an,l
Nest al Family IJ asJ with his instructions." _ D'Att Unafo'a Cmhkw Abiec'e" o. Newxate BLttety
lila-Prs4lldewt '!sift Ckltsido6o RQNE, Jan. 5.--The.�este 'cor-
w«Ny sea. a 6s Se�.44Va f t+atwtrar R4Psira
• •• " 1ISiY" il' .... 1•........ 4 � : ;�r�z, a•i:.. >lsei">l�laaies's. respondeat of the Meas oro t4•lo-
a e Graphed Saturday that the cashier of Gaal wwk adrRessaaalla Pricy
,...... DtMW Y(11riC. 7i�n: ' ri,—lilbrtde!'
•. ." •••.. ... 5 ,�MR, 6abrfle d'Annunato. the ItaltaJ� inxur- 6tplttifssi
Pteaideat; William H. 'hrc i
T tai► asd S%s4y here Monday night that 0'011 gent leader at Fiume, had tied with a ee Wart & ��1
wertl......................... 3 75 approve the mi11f4ta crane(, .
•' " " hist CasaJa................... 2 40 i 1le of Natiprig with
N N Fa •e Ad *Cato GRAY,USS 6 reswiratione, in an addrrat4 at the=e4r _�0� Brooklyn Academy -or Music. TheIt+4vsco Ladders.
CNi/le........` 5MOWMEA14 Jan. 6.--Threo tierce
AJttNtis4r....... 5 25 Sseatore, ..who 37.4! now getUnC Lb- '-
w gether on the reague," he added, fires broke out ovet the week -end, r -
1,h i@Diit1 .frNiarne•....-. 5 95i $des �ii'O1Ii t$et's $eoipe to "will probably effect a comprotDlse as a reattlt of which eleven families
w .. Idles 1 (tKtl 0y*iteess...... 2 90
„ bal'kell Wit] Bel0i that will result in the league,.were rendered homeless aqqd several +
V%irlriVile, ' h W411ra10"' st r. 3 25 stores and one theatre wefte destroy- f tT
„ adoption." Mr, TaIY'e speech was '`'• +''
N „ as aa4 wastMiaster: 3 3o Fftidtid Hair warmty applauded by an audience of
Ca�lktc 1<etister............... 290 ed. There was no Isek of water. as f 4 k�rfl
more than 3,000 eo might have been feared in conse-
•• " " SatarJay Night (Terns.►...... 4 25
P pie
" McLeae s Magazine ............. 3 25 That beautiful, even shade of dark, "Some of the reservations are dis- quence of the strike, but the pres-
.• loo hair can nt be had b brews courteous, very discourteous, in sure was not up to the average. The
Base .areal (Tore Cool . ija 2 - a glossy Q y y last of the res was not under con- i
Wanae'e deme Ceaay�tsise' '� •a milrture of Sage Tea and Sulphur sono, '• declared . aur. Taft. "I. of
3 25 Four hair is your ch}tm. It makes Or course, do not know whether the trol until eijht o'clock Sunday morn -
(New York), eain..Post... Ing, and they started at e4ght Satur- {
" Tee Saturday Eveuiat Pest.... 3 25 mors the face. When it fades, turns weeding was intended to 130 dlaconr- day evening. In these twelve hours
" The Ladies' Bosse Jeufaal.... 3 50 gray or streaked, just an application or teoud'or not, but I do hope that the
Llivtudine pottage to Canndmn Hub.eriboml two of Sage and Sulphur enhances its pedple on the other[ side will con_ practically every fire station In the
t' The Canadian Countryman appearance a hundredfold. eider us better tellovrp than the Ian- city was called ont. The firemen had
(Weekly) .................... 2 50 Don't bother to ptepare the mixture; gunge la Roto# of these resiamtio>m to fight the fire. through weather �
11 The Yeath's Cemtasien........ 3 75 you can get this famous old recipe im• makes us appear to be." some ten degrees below sero, and the
N '• SraHiah Amakzo.............. 4 00 proved by the addition of other ingredi- �...��. men suffered from slight frost -bites, t }
Y N •• Suaatiiic Amencas............. 6 00 eats for 60 cents a larga bottle, all rea, � cuts and burns, hair '
McCima'e Ma aoa ins ...... 3< 0 Sul hue Compound. This can Sage a cut out of the fee that, had�frmen
Caoeya s N Ma rine 3 def ended at is und)-An calledW'is ca talways be - --- -• --- ----� - them to the ladders. There were, +rr.
t p e natural i v I I MANY d__ ^res $tHU6S
To linbseribera in the United States 1- g
df-josnts addition to all above, to pay color and lustre of your flair.
e Everybody uses Wyeth'a'" Sage and I
combination of the above publi• Stttlibut � too is because it dark-
ens so naturally and eveal that noboo
t may be bats with The Situ, for can tell it has byeft appli� You si
e Isle: dampen s ttppmml�ee or soft brush with it
Uttar sal Baily Mail sal EuPitw..A5 2A and draw tkia,thremb the hair, talo
randy tilersUif2.65 lase $1.56) 1.15 one small et�r&" at a time; by morni int '
' sad atiti.
Three hMert................ ......>)ri +il . txatfti:
l� ''mittaaces by ossa! Nd.eta Alt• 101 .a 6rk. 1► glossy and twit
,i: p,th4leCtaL:tt1ntat'i14k. Adtdlosss`•. w {}
da VANATI 1ii'•Jk',19AVUL, y dale gift!! X41 a $*th� > ►r,
Pllblsslllrr'IittlfOkll'4 �ay95m fit is Ii * illifMldet� 141r the cuts,
4,44 '0":''%t
Lowe er, no ser at9 INur es.
are spoiled by being badly cobbled. Yo,
Millrr'a \form Pr,wdrr4 art m ldit need not" afraid to have yours repatr
and with"ut Injury to fhr rhtld and ed bore.
there can hr no doubt of their Brad- ' There is as catich difference In
ly rrreet upon vvorTn- Thc• hair' 31161+ REPAIRING
been in surcPcsful uw for a long fim•• all In shoes. OV Convinced: try oo;
and are rPr"gnized as a leading pre oboe repsiripg (I. ropes&.
partition fur the purpnar. They have i3': ag ii ( good stock, wort
proved their power in m.tmberiet+s cal emplited
vA4* pgmtsed and reason
P% and have given relief to thouaand� SWO ehStIPC
of children, who, but fcr the good
oMeeq of lhiq superior rurhpound �,i(1
,would h,ve rontinuwl tvPaC ar3J rn
feebled. EAI? Sf1[SET i',4tEt tel
' t
t .; ^:. - _...wtpi
a �,� d.w-r-""•itMw111I Ild't
ala 1W teaw yes
Pacific Coast Tours
SPEND your winter at the Pacific Coast--whtre the
tlimate is mild and lua117ious and where zero
weather is unknown. Vancoviver has golf the whole
year round, splendid roads for motoring, and a number
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And it has perfect accommodation at the rringnificout
Hotel Vancouver, the finest hotel on the North
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F1 or rates, etc., apply to
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Victor Victrolas
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Thousands ca ,:!'loose from
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We have a large choice new stock of
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Have you seen our nc%&
Aeroplane Views of
Just the thing to send to your friend,
We have a number of slightly used Organs in
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North side Spuare Goderich