HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-20, Page 150
sw tM 411 111,11,11ill's
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iii '.t ��a fm'm ihoti, to,ft the. 410egae, 4'ectsuW fevu ot W W of
jrv*4 or i U'u"iatill �w
Word, movewea $Our .4 ilk 110 prompt $Oriii sakod 0 4,
41% Are
14,104t. oo.ol, a chilgon 4,TIAt9r. Rwfw Our
.40,iisi tb AUd.ft tAQUIAXIA 14 4n. v , abro, - Wit 11906, r Z4OV*1tf4$ tuAt Aft.4011. 01104.
Sir �.04, Commisstoom Or S y be ex
41�* poRvau,bi the Per" 11""T Folift zor wit
Toli %. U4041 4: 1111110,11t0l Whjltf�, of -
year$. Dolonlow jrk�i iill U foli ookt ro"QuOlo.
haer Our 111044 11441 .1111
Rik Anift- V1vftQA;i 4y;
AO ot - "h need. Awe 46 9 wal 00 foonsil
IL .6- - __:!!i L Field
-111 evav r"Put.
aw".bervi W04 of, 84#4 Sir Douglas Hill;
will 4rillpe'-11V Buslaild next Vhlkr,%-
orositog �tbq trook lAes'r iiins. WIth a- As of
"What His
(114041 Evilati
IiIA, home 'bgtt Ot by
t]X&" Is tj#e0jjUc)_; day" "ady'.
Ar, Xque, is go Id OVICers,
or. WQ X43 Str4V§p, that to thia greiko bogir, when Your patrossili 11111011111clit"
inst#atjy killed WhIla miacv
IN 04. the, 1%;oUplas th.4 evtrt elock. %X04
%W ii�orge lAolly# at t
tg"6 tyArOUSrUlft JL Big teousuess,
explod T e 70,411011 6. wa A%ff Von her War Upon Hypoerl% RTS I
- flltl% -,him Atto p-tir. he coal chutes at i4o-
rking on t no little. 'MON
Premigr SylphittvWX Of FUIR-44 WO tirds to Havelictlit. That some there be who, 108b Montreoll Street r4si *W*0*4""
ot at w4t: Delia, Ptione 107
to I! Wnff_
k9i AfAF 4-14W V -P ion 4L statelment, renonop'l to rl Ulm
a" Force !s to be increased to its atttlii
;Orlrld a00U'MU_ a" - Men
'W�Aj" the as headof -tba state, tbus an aAk:
. . . . . . . . . . . . or -en; its ou. "Now,witat bp6s England done
ized st.reng-th of 4200 in to win
the Plat to elect Geu. 'N and Its permaltei.;
)?till Nvell W4 ]Oli
ties are eAW90d
severe re Bug.
of Well Xuo
r took- seen d on= the burning none, of P-60 jWj:.-,4.W,
to this at eo her siolle that' T90i
Ron. S. 0. MeW-byrn outlined the We think We a -gaeut-
oitiv�y ci 'I had Ron. W. R. Motherwell rextsRed liab smile. of Cool indifforenot '11i best% a
_tliw domobilizatioh scheme In an address A*4-.Qbmg 41,-Iazy s1mu1dar_And-jq8_V SM too t and bled, nor wearied of the' od afro
c r n M
our d the Canadian Club. One on reii apimp4a rear A Ir heart,
. odtqr bat it did me no because Premier Martin refused to at qmtle. ship" When
i4st a fooria advisW me to the her while to (join the land where walked thel 90MY116600- Orlin an r
trK usand Men Will be kept at the Tifll?bt . UT own sount
I Make a declaration dquounctux the t till Mar h. it were so little worth Stookobalohings sistid the frightened duty calls,
WijiUdV Xdr,�& -Syrup w Unign Government, which Mr. Moth- Iron pause itav tied
ioii � ostir using one bottle I found erwell. in a letter to the Premier. In her stimpendous task to make reply. She drove the foul and Peg----- birds 1-- 1 0 wbirring yet worm mud gentAo as your summer
I Hifore the thU11(ter 01 1116
4my, Id was better. I have 1`0_ ileclared was lUeff1cleut'and extraVa- What ba* she done? When with her Turl;? skies;
to ray neighbors, and they Your Asthina Too. --The efflea .
ON, or
660 , omi= Ali. what has ED91and done? No need' whe018-islovely Walls, SM14--the din, A Nattows neart ttlat boats throuitiout
they w4p,2d not be without it." gant and unsuitable. great gtay ships. grim, invincible I Behind u
1" Xorw� pline The necessity of supplementing Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy Is Ltthe, lean destroyers, to ask I laoders end Of seven times & million 40ble wMell lk laud
Wood a 8 or a to, ret urtied soldiers not something "that, Is merely to he She swept the prowhIng Prussian from U i he . fields of F Wheiv ktogs way be bolovid. clud
y V is existing penalou toll- A.
2 Pon ce Monarchy
d - fu Plan
%,all elders 250- SiXd with an immediate war bonus totbe !, unacoustomod fingers tollt
0) hoped foif; it .'is Ito be expected. It the sess. million cro
ot made retroactiye to the time at he And, heedless of the slinking subwar ases mark a million! With tandel tlist they hive played IL Cen teach Republics bOW tA0Y may be
never falls. to- bring relief, and In your Nor dream
incrwEa_o; separation allow- .. - - ine. graves; tree.
'i%Terenver-to- O%vir individual-4me it WjIi 09. I�e 8 T"dftp mine, the Hun -made tron- 117pou as em". a wea-loved Ruglish hero' -a -Iii
1buteo, Tor9ato, Out. ances, with particular tuve,fouglit &lit Wb&thjksEi*Isfqd�.dO#ft� Whien
'go universal has been the succes oftine. - - came then"
widows and dependents of men who chortes, -lit - - - --- --- - ---- - _i --gi,
**ii but,
have given �their lives, was the un- this far -lamed oure that every une Her transports plied the waters ceat4e- Aud, ah, her %v oulen ! On that peftae-, the 66 gove or
Pru animous decision of the British Co- afflicted vvith this disease tmAs It t" lelisly! tat Isle. I Together, and our Mingled blObd has She counted no
Mf% lumbia Federal members of Parlia- himself to, try It. You ask what she has done ? Have. Where to the liawl born hedges thruithes, Iftowed. Bill
PEWS TOPICS OF W ment at a conference at. Victoria.
lImportant Ev�nts Which Have
The big strike In Montreal came to �:�l
Occurred Dui tng the Wee an end after one daY.
------ Frank Smith. a returned soldier,
The Busy World's Happenings C&r& banged himself in a,Montreal hotel
. ...... fully Oompiled mud Put Into Domestic troubles are thought tt
yand Attractive Shape for have been the cause.
the Renders of Our Paper A By a unanimous vote the Muni-
cipal Couricil, of Parts decided to con.
Solid flour's SlisjoyaleuL
ter upon President Wilson the t1i
of a citizen of Parts.
Seven frontier villages i of tb4
The Nobel coginsittee has resolved Grand Duchy of Baden haie passed
not to award A� Nobel peace prize In
JL;p L resolution expressing their desire tc
Ctitirt Michael Harolyt attempted become united to S*ftzerland.
Prince Max von Rather at Coryer,
suicide in despair -of the success of
German Ambassador to Spain, I'm
hi ff -orts 4o iM.conatruct Hungary.
been recalled to Berlin, according it
raja A. D: McRae and J. 9.
the newspaper, El Sol, Berlin.
io _Gena ave
White h sailbUtor Canada.
j Stewart will returA in January, as
Monroe H. Rosenfield, who wrott
I'm the Man Who Broke the Banls
Goes also Col.)H6rbert Bruce. TWO STORES
A six-year-old son' of W. J. Thom- at Monte Carlo" and other songA TWO STORES
died of acute indigestion at his hums
"'j, 06n, who lives.Xksair Denbigh, in the
�1111�t',;',,'�,'t township of,Miller, areldentfiffly shot In New York.
F' his 13 -year-old sister. Martha.
The ban on the use of sugar tot
Dr. MowatMiCermiek, of Toronto. making French pastry, teed cakes, oi
who has lately been a prisoner in biscuits or candy for private con.
has sumption, as well as In the manu-
Germany, has been released, and facture of Icing sugar, has been re. ONLY FOUR MORE SH&PING DAYS LEFT. Make good use- of thein. When you buy
Just reached. the home of his parents moved.
In Ottawa. C. B . Bonlateel, a�farmefr ;esidins Furniture you have not spent your money, you have invested it in a gilt -edge investment. Look over the list
Gen. W. D. Otter, director of in- In Sidney -Townships, pleaded gullt3
..te'rulnent operations, states that before a magistrate at Belleville tG
th e4 no truth In the rumors that below carefullr, see if there is something that appeals to you
t �G was releasing in- a charge of selling liquor without a
rn is license, and was fine&$600.
" =0! . Tea Trays
ftfued ris; Baby Rattleb
The National War Saving Commit STOR.4�, NO. i
been fee aoijeals to business houses and Umbrella Stands Child'm Dressers
PW P11 Nlost is t 0 fa At the Porcupine --generally who make a oonr oxes
to Bear
I.., witho�t f6bd., for the past employe gif is te Vacuum Cleaners, hand" or elec- -lardinieres
of giving Christmas
practice Bake Boards Vases
a very little hope of
e I ali . la. held out. their employes, that they should this Baby Carriages trio
ne a I , tr a niece year make a jRrf�pent of War Savings Work Baskets Fancy Plates
ft a neon of Italy, w as made pr Thrift Stamps. Baby Sleighs '%Vaste Paper Baskets Platters
oner by the Russian "Bolsheviki, Odeopa, the principal Russian Pori Baby Gates - Christmas Post Cards
een released. She is a member on_the Black Sea, lapsing evacuated Bedroom Suits Furniture Covering Artificial Flowers
b the Germans, aegfirding to an OM- Drapery Chintz
f t e royal family of Serbia and cial statement froif Berlin. The dis- Beds, Brass
n Grand Duke. Cretons Indoor Football
married a Russia of armament of Flel� Marshal von Mae- Beds, Iron Toy Pianos
Dr. Raf6hid, former Governor Cui fancy and plain
*be Province of Dlarbekr, and Lieu- kenvsen's army, 4 to added, Is pro-
ceeding sys�ematical]Y- t Beds, Camp Curtain Material by the yard Checker Boards
�fimants of Gendarmerie Chakri, and For the first t1jne in the West, if Bed Couches Checkers
9woun. have been arrested for their Club Bags
)art in the,AWntan, massacres of not in Canada, a soldier has been sen- Beds in fancy woods Games of all kinds
I tonced to life imprisonment for de- Suitcases
1915. by
the rkiBh Government. sertion. Pie. Dmytro Gelenzyn is the Book Cases, Sectional
I Their guilt has, been established and an. He Is now serving his term at Trunks Picture Books
pected to in Bolster Rolls Story Books
sentences of -,death are ex Stony Mountain Penitentiary. He wu School Bags
f4llow. A Turkish military commis Buffets Toy Drums
sent there upon the conclusion of the Music Rolls
41 laon has examined the former vice- but it was only Thurs- Bathroom Cabinet Hustle TA 1, a nhw game
1� court-martial, Music Cases qsse
governor. Ada Pasaxi, and other offl- day that his sentence wan OMciallY China Cabinet ChristmaiTrees
alabs accused of crimes against the Draperies
Armenians under the ministry of En- confirmed by the Ottawa authorities. Kitchen Cabinet Dressers Christmas Bells
over Pasha and Talaat Pasha. MONDAY. Medicine Cabinets Dressing Tables Boys' Sleighs
THURSDAY. President Wilson has accepted an Music and Record Cabinets
Flower Stands
Girls' Sleighs
his Invitation from Kin . g George to vi I at I I Parlor Cabinets Phonographs
will' _bngland- Picture Frames.
been director of public safety _Uali F -,Iu- - --d-
resign by Jan. 1. He proposes that Switzerland has declined to permit Phortograp i cor a
Furniture Polish
4bere should be a Dominion police former Emperor Charles ' of Austria Carpets and Rugs, in Axminster, Hall Clocks makes of machines
ii � torce f r the eyorcement of federal Hungary to reside there. ter of Brussels and Wilton Phonograph Cabinets in all fm -
Rev. S. A- Lawrence, rec
11M. ? Rag Rugs Hall Seats ishes
The second unit of the Canadian Trinity Church, Thornhill, died it
Hall Racks
Siberian Expeditionary forces, con- Toronto after & lo'ng Illness. Cedar Chests
lasting of go officers and 400 other caught in a sudden rush of water, Hampers Shoo -fly Horses
ranks, arrived in Vladivostok on the Frank Gorman, employed on the re- Cellarettes Jardiniere Stands Toy Autos '
steamer Mont Eagle. construction of the big data at PaxIS, %Chairs of all kinds Library Tablet; ])oil Carriages
�After a chase of three months' ' Ed- went to his deatb in the Grand river. Children's Chairs Sectional Bookcases Doll Sleighs
mund Longden, charged with the The great Zeppelin factory at N Children's Rockers
thdft and embezzlement of $2,400 Friedrichshaven has been destroyed Magazine Stands Boys' Buster Brown Wagon
- by fire, probably of Incendiary origin, Children's Toy Sets Boys' Buster Brown Sleigh
from McLure and Langley, of Toron ch from Essen. MotTis Chairs Mantle Mirrors Casseroles
to, was brought back from Albany, according to a despat
The supreme military tribunal at Parlor Chairs Parlor Suits Pyrex Ware
Mrs. Chas. Godman, wife of Cbryl. Vienna has announced that 11,400 Comfortgrs Pedestals Smoker Sets
Godmap, a returned soldier, who re- persons were sentenced to death by Piano Benches
lq� 0(
sidemirlAAdoil Out who was'nslas- Autitrian military tribunals during 'Reed Chairs Piano St6ols Dressing gets
Ing for 6Vet)#6 ;ifeek'sind was found the Ii and executed. Reed Rockers Photo Frames
in the VYAI ilatorls, Hospital, Mbnt- 1jugo Hasse and Herr Barth, two Pillows
I of Me three Independent Socialist Chesterfields Electric FI(k)r Lamps I v.ory Combs
red1j, ou efing ftow pne6monia, died
In that tity. members of the committee Of Davenports Ivory Brushes
Madame Roslka SchwtNm*r, who which constitutes the Gorman G*Y- Chiffoniers Electric Table Lamps
va 0 . 0 at-tho-Aild rne-fie -of the ernuidat. 1ave 4,esigned. Fancy Shades Ivory Dressing gets
T. da-iliertie Rates, agod 101.- Costume -m, in oak and mahogany
Ford Peace, Weston t6 Europe and Mfg. Fancy Tee P-o-ts,
----A 6 h- *h- oldeat resident of L r4 I
i�* f4l
i,� who b ,peen -uftalou aS 11un$a 9 urn - Mrs. Bates had 1>4 Y 018 (arving Sets
irst Apbsoosdot to Switzerland, Will 'London, Out., died Saturday night at STORE NO. 2
be re4lied ij� the 'Hungarian 66v- Victoria Hospital. Couches Tobacco Jars
ernment, it is said. knitted more than eighty pairs of not- Cradles Dimer Sets Nur Crackers
Cribs Tea Sets Manicure Sets
Flour young people Miss May diers"socks for the Red Cross
lAthdrdale.,Miss Ella Johnston; Wm. John W. Davis, the new American
Atubgmadot to Great Britain, and Curates Toilet Sets Handkerchief Boxes
Southani and Lest Is Dodd—met death
drowning at Vernon, B,,C., when Mrs. Davis, together with Vice -Ad- Desks Water Sets Cups jind Saucers, a swell collee-
Mimi Sims and his staff, who had
skated Into two separate holes rt of President Mner Wagons (,'locks tion
J�n the lee at Goose Lake. All were taken part th the esco Atatuary Alarm Clocks
tsider 20 Yearil of age. Wilson into Brest, has reached Lou- Ladies' Purses
Pte. Isidore Curzon, of Philadel- dam. Foot Stools Teddy Bears ntm' Purses ;,I�
has announced In
9bla, who desArted from Camp Dix, Marsibal Foeh Card Tables Dolls 3iVer Knives and Forks, Old
N.3,. atid-when recaptured refused to behalf Of R. C. Hoover, Amertents
in, was setitenced by Food Administrator, 2.600,000 toull Parlor Tables Picturbs
cargo isWe lying In German halu Sewing Tables Trays, Brags 14ilver Spoons, 013 Colony
risen- of
atence bors must be placed under control of Tea Wagons Crokinole Boards Fancy, China of )every description
the allies to supply Germany with
foodstuffs, ships are to reinalis Telephone Stands Toy Dogs Some special -priced assortments
SOURv ACID STOMACH% 023161t, Toy Sets Toy Cats
Gerihatsy Oft; Y.
GASES OR 10GESTION Viijusitsur Stetatisson. Arctic ex-
poyer, *he discoyored the Mondst
408 a Dispepillh" "1111140 OWN* Xft btx been select6d as real-
sov'li. liald In stomUN =11111111 022tt'i the C. P. Doly, medol. which
dyspelials, hessliburh 04 *fit t****xde4 him by theAMerleals sic Department
distrew at 01104, aftiii call 'SoOlety. The m4dal is Visit Our Mu
var "V
alutible and, Ustill-
Time Itl Is five 41AUrtil 110 v401111 Als6d ii Or tAbord.bp eJ up-to-date for the comfort of record cUSt0frierg. ()ui
V XU We 6ve a muftic'irooM fitt
Is d F do_ __ - Y. wlI1 go, Every Comfort awaits you.
1111=1012, heartburs, sourseft or e Freres, Bruns -
I or erjjcWWss at faili A Natuf4t, a gj�mNslon has record list is complete. We have records for the. following makes of machines: Columbia Path
"Welil"I of gal dizzlfte*4 bl,660319, fMI been up" ror
jj" 60d, no � tel, or Viesteris Ontario.
acbe. The 1tontelifeiii Owuninent do- sic, Mdagan. Call and hear the "BrunswiCV-1111 phonogmphs in one.
btosth or head jin is VOW for Its tites r4ofts, of lUng Witholats' do,- wick, Clas
ri to DIW
a _p gtoftscli
)tf7in reptlatin upi of tie
y is the surPM4 quielleft A61110A 11i Sir Wilfrid lAutiot lftder
ff;not in the whole world, and bW&%g it Uli 00"ItIft ILI 6tt&*&- Is visit'
11SM1108L Put an end I StO016 Ing Toronto.
- by Itting 6 fifif. VMrs. Uord Georgia and A. L
dittreas ikt 611" )MIfour will Arrive In patio on Slitur,
t 000 0 *11,40. day to
,ist6ft tiii fi . I rN
"' ftAlk i I
rtaoi 4�i t1i 'left Fib-
6- gftot
16 1 1 211111
*td of of
tAt1w 04vtrameat will not
The. 0
A Adi