HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-20, Page 13ate even are E'� can a Jaijed 7 -6 MINI "IlLisib N 1011101, 4r___ ......... 4 A, its 7 04 04 40."4 0, 1 vi Ftritx*y, um*. �M her,� for t1w, rtin4m, llafivo fk:� h"141110,414 AL 0. 4 ON 1 4 owe vi,,Ado�llt 14'004*401. 1* tht 0 Mriii, James MeLf"op, r~r- P Kayoo (.FLA 4W'd JUL ., _­ fletss'Zol, p. go 'ou yft(W. 1� wi. 'the 0444V## of hm (Im%literl A10. wrik" J#", Mrs, X6'� Jv, je�' 1"tta I way t", III ea ;M= ow toi, -i; I it�v ;Avd the wili. �bb NV.Ao borlk 0 boosoo th,# ** j$d, VwMai� Xr. Urakt." Biiwlilter ton I'let 1,1301� WA. dLIA v4s (t dAmIshtor of, the 1110 �4iillvi 11Aki. 6�44, un,014114, 4out mr. The rbntgno", t 'xou WWO4 10 r �tr*osactlia&, im w�n ylewl* am. M. 141mu -died sIxt.m-11 *4 to 1cw0vt at Cal IMA 10,q T9 Waloult out 10., Avgo A%WM �b* w. Alm4felApaq is survived to -Yolk vexUb 14T, xov,4 -Dr� Avow9p, by her dausht�r, M� WW. 4. - '111C Alalthe, 04 1.0%, c4 Hish gst# . PLO". IlL., tvm Sop,, 0 a0o, UNIOWBANK F CAN k Ww�er 9"Lli W, ot*r lit, uIrliaM B40kord .0 Ax cogo. ;wit. 404CAQ, MeLequ,� or $t. Csiktlt- tit. TW9 S06. 'W111114ru 44d, 1 M14 Wilson. and one (liku ter, Frances, pre� V UP, jitobert 1* A, -deceue4 their Rot cr. Meloean,­Qf '00derich, is a brother -ba- % CUP i;cli, Sunday 22 14%-� apd AIM Aladrew tleddle, of town, olster, The falieral was hc14,1from x6axwo S=�TCE 1. the "Alethbillst churcth In Buffolo of NG4 HURCUS 4111d dorlil$ the. latt er part, TME of P two, org -Varl 4104 on an "Au. 'rel XnMe'r wilich. $hit had been a faithful inembe 'cars. ter I, was for AlanyeN a j the, In lit e of the j, W 01111 t "street ........ Utbem_,1Tjko Ifirst 0444twas Mg�ru'* 1 11*6 In tile BOVA 0 'Temalus, or, her 2 eat -11117 .. 1. . ry.loes in .66jiro �4`c'r.ikt;lo 4. in Georag's O,burch for Doe, Fourth Saudj%yin,&dveq ­*. _�411*44_1�­11*11­11 ..Arewlox- 00 0 cry, crgjt4 obrtttirux Q Offertory,., ft 04rMA -the da!!gb�!R. 8 o*';­0ftJrlI4I&i1­te us iffin to 22nd, ....... Health.," as W.-Huly Communion. S0.0raw soI�-11`NaZaKVt1u ......... Go"Nod 5 --sorrow abounds In more than Wvrpl6owa to these servicilEr. .. 11 a. m.-Uoraing prater and 8,9r. 'services I*o blitua, Voi; Thy Light one tiomp in N eard beeaus� In Knox won. :Alathem-or, ........ of tho 'death of'Carrie Bird Parker, �abbath will be. conducted 7 P, m.-Eveusmg and Sermon- I% Come ...... ............ �,.Afaker Naas and daughter wife of Mr. W. J. t -44 - M--chilreh sellout- A#r)t�. ji " "Making mus ........... --- Kinder -of -.%Tr. - ifffia-iNfes.- lltellar(t P k f of a Sol 7 p. in., C), ay .4 Dec, 25tb, ristmas 1) ............ .......... .... 0 ................. Uno Park. This sad happeningertiouZ sjlbba�b' sellout and Biblel 8 &. In. HqIy EVW.XG SERVICE E tdSce Tuesd morning, Dee. 3, alid was Irlytim �Ussos at Hcly 10-30 a. ui.-MatinR (short) j 17L.'The pastori Xke4. J. H. Osterhout, will ()Oi�uuion and sermon. Org;u Prelude -"The Holy Night ...... -.,Qmdley Back the, result 0 after effects of the in-, 4luenza. Thsfuneral took place to tile 1',,&p41y%charga ot t1te. services next Sun- Appropriate special Music. y in Victoria st. Methodist church. ..... Anthem -Festival "Te Daum" In E Flat New Liskeard cemetery Wednesday af- . I To the services, all are invited. P. special Christmas messages and music "0 Come, let us adore Him. Christ ................. .......... 40udlo Bvek. Ly "a tqrhoon, Rev. Gebrge Lawrence offi- (.ilating. Many beautiful t1owers. lov- kt� both services. Sunday School and the Lord". le Class qt 3 dolock. AU welcome. ni,.4.* at St Geo­1- chumbi Qubrette; Mos A. 14 at'., Ing ti -ibutes from friends, adorned the -1,.# w1je wag a young - - 4 W. r5aunuers - Vaugo�pqal church, Colbbrns, Rey. -twr yeare of ago. wrid Prelude, -Large ... . ..... -Mr. -H. C_ MacGregor on 4 thirty ServF068-foi Te Daum ............ .. ............ Woodward Offertory. organ-"Tbe March of Tbe�wuutiljalthe last few itays was not tip Deb. 22nd -Christmas services Dubois sly ill, but latterly grow "Christ -n- Awake' M Alaufader xf- win -11 parently seriou, Is. ya be )mked 'tUres f ;a are ?orter A to % I, udow [a slid, DW is ttw- Iran's ) has giving mdoir iaries dis- fine brigs, a and g are sets, Tait S for 14 I and )f I gift/A 3 and t6res. good dmas �er of hantii that." Lm-& liquid ob M. ad -in "The Wonderfoul Christ, " Col- Sollats -, Miss E . Wa . tson . now I represents .. the star I Nvorse and at one Unin four doctors The sustained home at 10 a. m. ' Sabbath school at Mr. Parsons, that guided the Magi Kings) - wors In attendance. The late Mrs. -30 imam ...... Rossini Baritone Solo--�"The Star of Bethlehem Evans was a lady of attraction. a sweet 11A. in, Servtcaat Zion South at 7. P. M. Young Pepple'a mliance. Col- Offertorv-"Cujus An Wiril -09tp.. in. All are cordiall "' While Shepherds Watched: Their ......4darns singer who, gave freely of her talent, a 'at 6, p Flocks".... Mr. fl. C. Macgregor and of a joyous. happy nature which welcome to attend'these sevices. Soloist; Miss Tighborne Antbem-"Gloria In Excolsis".Jlfozart inade friends vdiereNer she went. She At the annual weeting of the WomenlEr Female Quartette-"Erbly Night" Organ Postlude-"Toccats from the Nvas, oalled away rorly but beautiful of St. 5 Ggorge '81 church waFt- Miss D. Dickson, Fifth symphony [Vidor nioniories art, left heltind and frigilds W7, . ember th and the following Miss E. Watson, Ili not forget. In all 01tirch work All., Sanday Dee. 29th w ofilcerb wars elected : President, Mrs. Mrs. T. Davis, she was ail netho nieniber and inore A, -L. G. '01%rke'; let vice president, Mrs. C. Buckley MORNING SERVICE than the lininedlato home "ill feel her Mrs. G. 0. H111 ; 2ud vice president., Postlbde-"Elailelujah Chorus" Prelude-"Pastoml Symphony" (Meg- loss. 'rwo snkall children, Helen, eluv� Mrs.0.7.Carey; easurer, Mrs. Long- I The annual meeting of the W. M S. siall) . ......... -s, and Parker, four years, fnd mire :,'secretary, ?111ss E. Nattel -,dale. ....... Handel an yeat gal , as to the annual meeting In London of Knox church was held on, Tuefsdty Anthem -The First Christmas Morn ...... the husband are left in Sorrow for tile rs. Hor- afternoon last. Very appr1opriately . ............................................... . Vewton loss of k -loving mother and wire. wbfch�*.hej#Wthe sprin M though the topic card was arranged An Offertory -Chant Seraphique.. GUil"Mul There are also the father and mother, rie, Mrs. ZI11601Q, XrS. ton, Mts, Car the beghuing of the year. the text word Solo -Mr. Bert Cutt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker, of Uno -Clarks I and'Mrb. URI. for the December meeting was "Peace" Postlude-Military March ........... Lappilfte Park, four sisters, Mrs. W. Morrow, will be which had peculiar spitability now that EVENING SERVICE The I Christmas Anm Baynes Lake, B. C., Mrs. F. J. Stouffer celebrated ID North street Methodist peace has actually come. The topic, Wainright, Alta., Mrs. C. V. Harrison, A church next Sunday. The pastor Rev. "Canada's Century," was taken by Miss Prelude -Chri'stmas Pastoral on "Hhrk Myrtle Station, Out, Mrs. W. E. Har - Dr. Rutledge Will. preach at both Bar- Eva Dunlop. The annual election of - The Herald Angehi, Sing . ........ Dinelli rison, Latchford, 4)nt,, and three broth - vices. Moruffig,subjecti: "The Message officers washold. Mrs Hume retired I Authem-Festival "Te Daum" ers krthur Al., and Frank, overseats -of Christinas.11 Vivening : "No Room in from the presidency after a very faith- I Dudley Buck an� �arry at home,. The late Mrs I Offertory the bw.!' The chbir. assisted,by visit- ful and successful tieryn, and the follow. fvans was born at Gluderich, then lived Ing friends Will render special music. Ing officers were electen for next y4r : Solo -"Ab ............ . for some time at the town of Durham The Conference committee o( the Ron. president, Mrs H. 1. Strang; proBi Mr. F. T. Egener and spent several )uars at Fort Wil - London Conference met in Goderibh on dent,,Mrs. MoDermid ; vice presidents, Postlude.-Tocci�ta in C ............. D' Ev liam. Tuesday. afternoon and evening, the Mrs. Tom, Mrs. Urquhart, Mrs. Tatle. STOKES -Mr. Jacob Stokes. an old ommittee consisting' of Rev. J. E. Mrs. Strachan. and Urs. Taylor ; secre- OBITUARY and highly esteemed residout of Gods Milmes, London- president of the Con- tarV Mrs. M. -McKay ; treasurer, Mrs. ference; Rev. Byron Snell, London, see- W. J. MoNevin; Messenger secLetary rich Township and the Town of Gods Miss Eva Dunlop ; asslat�nt, D JERLING.-Very many friends will rich for practically all his -life, passed retary of (he Conference; Rev. F. Ag .1 away on Monday morning at the home new, of Clinton,, chairman of the Gode- Ferguson ; stranger secretary. Miss hear with regr9t of the passing on rich District; and Revs. Ford, Rutledge Sterling; library seerletary, Mrs. Strang; Thursday of Air. Alex. Sterling in his of his son, Mr. JaA. H. Stokes, Toronto and Osterhout, df Qqderich, vvere pre- pianist, Mrs. J. W. Fraser; supply c9m - 87th y.-ftr, at his home on Cambria road. where he had been living for the pasl sent, and made outline dr&ft of the mittee--Mrs. Murdoch McDonald and The veneraMe gentleman, until qulte live years. Air. Stokes was a Sao of tbl Mrs. Clifton : press secretary, Idn. rftently was a regular attendant at late Dr. Thomas Stokes, who ca - U sessions. The Cogerence will assem- this country In its early days I.Nmt.l ble the, first Wednesday in June. Walter Naftel. Knox church. upland on the Bayfield road, and wai On r es ay evening the union League Christmas Musid North St. SCHULZE.-The funeral of the late one of the first doctors. Mr. Stokes wat s ic of the Me j..`�dist churches Methodist Ckurch Sunday Dee. 22 Mrs. Rudolph Schulze took place on always a staunch Conserliative and c Monday afternoon to Colborne ceme- consistent member of the Methodito as a eerqhurch, atl MORNING/ tery, from the residence of Mr. and "'.0i'le `4414resident Prelude -"Pastorale in r ............ Lemare chnrch and wbile In 'Goderloh waa a and the staretary of the Conference Anthem -"The FirAt Christmas Mom" Mrs, Kenneth Stowe, East street. The member of the trustee bbard of Nort) and by the chairman 'of the Goderio .................................... .......... J Vewtoj services were conducted by Rev. R. C. street Methodist church, of wElch Con -ch7 a6d gregationhe still remained a membe district were given. Mr. 6. M. Elliott Offertory -"To a Rose Bud ........... 510,11e MeDermid, pastor of Knox chui also gave. axi" address. There was a Tenor Solo -Mr. Geo. Israol the pall -bearers were Messrs. Samuel since moving to Toronto. Only th, recitation by Mr. Giles Jenkins and an Sermon -"The Message of Christmas" Bissett, Robt. Simmonds, George Fow- Sunday evening before his death he ha( Instrumental by Miss Jackson. Durinq Rev. Dr. Rutledge ler and hichardnFritzley. The de- beeir lo church and after returnink the Ilkst part,of the evening, Mrs. AT- Anthem-"Harkl What Mean Those e,�ased's threp da ghtprs, Mrs. Charles home bad been singibg some of lit ]an, prosident of Victoria street League, Holy;yoiceg� ... . .................... Sudds H. Cook, Mrs. Ralph Beckley and Mrs., I favorite hymns. His death came s M 0 PRESENTS "A big triple hehdii-ne,attraction. for Christmas ---the biggest -est. director of spec- -star ­m -the fine"-rdirected by.- the bigo.- 411 tactular drama= --the most popular supporting star CECIL B..DeMILLE'S PRODUCTION _G DINE FARRAR 3 / k ", At S' �Ra-, h 0 to 0 MH th 0 F a F" FIRIINW.- DAVA.- t New "V* "Y' br *"ry 04*000 00 jom� "Wo"00A I* ow Motor how vony piosftts Yom- so I*" fA vt 0* "sotm",# W4 Nalf'o, *op*w 0 urof even. up to Chris" Z*qi. MAW SUGG11MOMSWUM �'Aft lalowes fial6ra �4st th,6. tbing to V est, wa Blouses In'feorgette, Crepe De ChIne, tear Habut, and Voile, In great variety. Ode of then I vel nit lesl�, would. to- lAv I re le a most cce table' g we -are. sure e t. ft.00, quire. Priced fro6i 0.00 up, Tea Aprons Fu he'. Ideal Gift Tea Aprons. in dai6tier designs than evp� Our sO were never better assorted. than Large variety to select froni. 50c. UP. Blow. The daintiest creation& of Silk Ribbon -and__ ItE-11 AD n -7 Lace- - tILtt ae could �concelve_ __9f_ " I 75c. up. N"#"s ml"'� Tecialect.- -Tbrx-wer- two of our I d Ing lines. Tho stocks ate complete. \,Never have They been Handkerchiefs in Hundreds better. Handkerchiefs tile, popular gift. We have all kinds from Sc. each to $2.50 each. Cashmere.,and Silklioslery No, i -rouble in selecting IiQokerchlefs many ople are giving H lery fo, rifts for men, womenj- and children from th rs. season and think of 0 gy;at, sTtis- r immense yariety. ou, SnS' factloh If the recipient kno,., , they were Women's Sweaters selected at tile Scotch Store, Cashmere Hose for present.ttiOnv- From of Silk and All Wool $1 up. Wouldn't one of these handsome Silk Silk Hose -for presentation from ISt. to Sweaters make a swell gift. In ,ill $2.0 per pair. colors. Priced from $10 to $20. Or 'perhaps your fancy might run to , one Suggestions for the Home of these useful all wool' Sweaters. Carpits, Blankets, Comforters,, Carpet All colors. Priced at $10. Sweepers, Lace Curtains, Tapestry Children's Sweaters make sensible gift. Curtains, Pillows, Bed Spreads. To all, our �ustonfiers and friends we wish the compliments of the sesson and every happiness for the coming year. We hope for a continuance of the agreeable busi ness relations of the past years. ..THE LEADING MAIL AND TELEPHONE ORDER STORE" he,Woman "'God Fo'r'got 99 AN ARTCRAFT PICTURE This great photoplay of Aztec days, with an unusual cast of famous players, headed by GERALDINE I FARkAR and WALLACE REID will, be- presented at,,the Model Theatre, with special music by"tht Goderich Orchestra, on Wednesday. an, d Thursday, DECEMBER 25 and 26 6 E M"ft 14 30 t lima splocial Chpi M atineb a 3 P V 6"Mk& � * 111fin"...0h1wrik 100,10 Adults, ft; EV101fits, ChUmno. 1 lea Adultse, 25c PRICIMS0 ^C!'1A �AA.A. h^ atcompanied hv "arent or qtjoirdiau, 0 'Ohone 56 MILLAR'S13 SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 peacefun y that the household -were not done north of Loyal on con. 8, as por awafe, his spirit had departed until he, offer of .1anies Green and- Tait Clark at was called in the morning andlbere $4.W per cord and that William Me- C A S T ORA A was no response. Death was tins to I'live be Inspector. Carried. a stroke, the third Mr. Stokes ha' ba , Moved by McGann and Snyder that For-Lifi4lx and Cb90en Mr. Stokes was born in Goderich Town. the rpe%e attend the sale of lands for In Use Foili�er3*Years ship, and for a time engaged in farming, taxes by Lhe comity treasurer on Dee. but some 42 years ago removed to town. 19th, to look after the township's In- AklwuyB beArs stm, I Garried. the He was married three times, first bo a te re.. of Miss Wilson, who lived only a year or Moved by Fisher'anil Currey that we ftilliture thc)n to Miss Harriet H:adet,08o%,of buy the open glied it) connection with MoKillov, and after her de the township hall, from Mr. Wilson for Mary Nott, who predeceased her hua. 1$27. carried. band by five or Rix years. Of a family Movod by Snyder and McCann that ofthree sons and one daughter. only the - collector's time be extended till one son survives, the other children Feb. lith, 1j)ip. Carridki. dying in youth. One brother, Charles, Moved by McCann and Snyder 1hat a in Los Angeles, aleu Survives. Since bylaw ho. drawn tip and passed flxlng The Double Track Route movinj to Toronto it had been Mr. the hour of nomination at I o'clock Stokes habit to revisit Goderich in the p. in. (in Per. 30th, 1918, In tile town. between summer 04companted bv his son and Ship hall, Carlow, and if a poll bo dn- XOrWREAL family. The funeral took place on Imanded the election will be held In TORONTO Wednesday afternoon to Maitland the following pooling subdivision, OLTMOIT cemetery, the services bping conducted namely : and by Rev. Dr. Ratledge, past I No. 1, Teiriperan flail. Benmiller: C11111CAGOr -straur Methodist lob urch, &nd the pati, r 010, D. - R. 0.: %shim - Aloijub, V()Jl -11-nexcel4ed 44-ni-ng. -ear- bearers being Messrs. A. J. Paltirtdige. [ Clerk. Thus. Wallis, James Yates and Ja:tacs Nn. 2, Hall, Soltford- A Sleep' T19 enr% on nixtit trains and par- Holland-. Mr. Stokea'son and big wife iter' lor cars on principal day trains. and two children were up from Toronto. .1. (loldthorpe, 1), it. 0.; Rich. Wa I for the funeral, and a large number of Poll Clerli. Pull Iriffirination from any Grand No. 3, To%Nnmljlp llidt, Garl(iw- k 13 oldfrieuds attended to pay their last Shopperd, 1). It. o.; Will Sallovs,*�ojj Trunk Tickt-t %gvnt or G. El. Horning, tribute of respect. Clerk. District Passenger Agent. Toronto. No. I, T.,niperance [[all. I.Poburn; E, ShaNV, Jr., 1). IA. 0,: JUS. 0110101111, Poll F. r. LAWRENCE & SONS MUSKEGON. Mich.. Clerk. Town Passenger and Ticket Aaents ai-ged Willi killinr 'Phone 8 Ch ly- A munber (if accoinits were passed weddod %xifv ;-I the en(I of an 4-x- and ordered ImJir, which will appear tended Rilloll'ollile lionovr"l-ri W-1 In the linanvial statement. SO 111; f I ! 1 111 91 " C .. 1! it I I , I:. L, gl, I t n, u t I i r, e ) c a ­� o 10 1 k n o MoNed by Soyder and Nlvl�arjn that e adimirn council not' It NIOLWAIN, (Aerk. H. I jo(-O i, ii,irw ,e man, war - __ - I THE SAULTS COAL 00. TUT"At.1 ;,i lI:i­, ,)n, ()Tit Nlij SUPPLICATION successors to mi:Donagh & Gledhill , n nffl( Reg[ # ic; on s -5 Iw i ki:CHRISTMAS sald to bm�v fl, d f;ofli M j I., I ILS itiv mial d-, , - ,, ;-11-9-11 - C. Poolo. EXCLUSIVU AGENTS POR fA I q I I i g W V r e i g, I 111 e a I I ];, d �)y ror %%id. -r %isomi, cis-arer sight, j of t1olipe hir hol,ino-4 to liphold the right, LEHIGH VALLEY j,j rly in septevitwr. 1919. w-vilon P*,,r light tilwij our wa), tinw:.% fit the Crand 'I'junit I­L!1w-v For wi%,Iofri and grim fortitude. THE COAL THAT SAMISFIRS dis. v.!(-1 it f sh grjv,. rmf�i %00,-tj (11rant tfivin, C� Gher or alT Good, ____ -_ I --- f h, I it; I lie I od.y of it ut I I f, om. 1 � These girls ill its toqlri� - We deni in Hard and Soft Coal. Lime P" ol d Ille W., H 1101 Few mtrength In litlp the fallen 11r., Cement, Fire Brick. Fire Clay. also 1111t!] it f W ;I V:). l,'tir arar-- to lmdd the healing risp Rard anti Soft Wood, Mapl4; and 1,1( V I'mind by y I nto 11w ,w1d'N f-orp nP­d Iternlock Slabs. (I not in %riin Ili— awfill priee 11114 %ast 111111, or) �avrfflee Tlw rr,,,t4 'n­ath \%ldeh %%,, tilt -I Fresh Cars of Lime ana, I f thrmufli t1ii. lolt,,r. l4ter fl- .1 Cement just received (ir ,.ai,nnw tear%.and -went of hb�od­ 'rlii, laric O)PPler. P110NH 75 At h4t. lh(mah -­mrw,-,I an,l hmic Awl fri-.0. 8.-j.8AI1LTq' RINIDIINCH 2-S The iiroi W. W SAtll.Ts' PV81I)FNCR 202 r Ira,.% 1- Th�r A to 1.�, (.,I, Huron County Belgian Relld Ghdstmas� Appeal I - ,b of 11�,. T"It" C, , 11"'It 1i lit ill( 11 1.,? PH I'he'hand (if God i% upon our nation. (lily to (1, 1"1 R JP(3, 1-f I ('r IN't f W tit en sent Mrn f,,,:,i h, v fl� ' 10 1 "Not by might, nor by 00W6, but bY my wotd, saith Jeho- W4 qxtradillmi and war. brough( t)a( k it, M IN , . Ivah. of M kAMT1 90n yAnterday. The a of hori", e Through that word alone Britain and her Allies have won have bcon looked for Pipt,r for We past two ypnra. 9 the war. The impossible has been done. CARLOW N a Ob, Canadians of Huron County, but for God'� VictorY, The municipal council of Colborne I your wives, motherg and dearly loved little children would be W tow,nqhip met In the township hall. e, Dee. 16tb, members all present. todx , this Christmas time, 2s thd wives, mothers and little I" Minutes of lagt meeting were read ch!lyren of Belgium, France and Serbil'. I I and adootpd. on motion of PIPMer and They have drunk the cup Of wAY And suffering to the Currey. ?4ved by Currey and MeCAnn rer, that a 6ylaW be passed suspending the d s. Let us fill up a cup of tender ChilsWike love and sym- five per cent. being added to the lOnpar m pathy, that they may in part, forg6t, tV1$-SprtoW as this new taxes for today, Bylaw read first, Re - 9 day dawns. ond and third time and passed. The ,mitedior was instrueW to Ida lao ii MW FAAYSTODDART, RM S, & COVENLOCK ap per 66111~8 ft% 0 Local Treas. &;kforth, Convener %loved by Nfir0lbri and rurroy that I .tilan oreen try and got the gravelUng 6 X, -IN- 4 jt6