HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-20, Page 7W
1,1L. �Mh. Adi bkk 41111111111111111,
ot �bu� a
w4dd 0
i f to. enjoy thel frag-
ce �,oseso ��04"
ran of R
o f Music if you
to aiaiiro, 4a briltAtW-P.
i Now Edison
s lee
Vv -
t", has on al,
JULIA IIEVOUQ11 any 01145ions
Athat her living vOi0' and Edison%
en Dia of it. are Indistinguishable
Fte-Greatii in direet comparison-
-vilen - heard
muot hear her voice OR R
A__ kills 41onem
Re -Creates her beautiful mezzo -s
voice. No "talking machine", is able
to Re-Greate music, but our New Edi-
son Re -Creates all forms of music very
Come. and hear the New Edison,,. or
witte-me- and,- I 'will call -
Over. two Alion music lovers have
been present when the New Edison tone
test was being made; and they have
realized, a ill realize, that. the
0� You W
New-Edis alone can actually ie�create
the human ' voice and the music of hu --
man -played instruments.
Also Ambegola Agen6y
A full range of Reco�ds kept in stock
Wo, H M I L T 0 -K.
A- 9 Ant-�'oor Godprich, Clinton and Seaforth.
Also, -Agent for Ahe DeLaval Separajor. Separ-
ators 6upplied on short notice.
the form of business Ontario—at Staynet, Fenelon Falls,
evidence takes nile the oth:,
extension and the launching of PI!OJects ZeOtiyr, and Kinisnotint, w
are in Slanitoba—at Eden and
MWESS OUTUN%that have been in contemplatloii'during er �e new
Ahe war. Typical of this tendency i,4 Gfen ZJ The location of Lhcs
the Sterl
-Hug Bank bag Opened Six Nei% the fact that within the last two weeks branchts suggests that Ing
Branches in Last Two Weeks The Sterling Bank of Canadu has open- Bank managernelit plans to extej3d its
espite the'variance of�opinions re- ed six new branches. This well -cal- sphere -of service in the direction in
always shown an especial
ling the outlook for Canadian busi- culated action constitutes an expres- which it has ,, tarming communities.
3 substantial evidence is accumu- sign of faith on the part of the Slerl,7 interest—in t
day by day that business men frig Bank executive In the solid pros- a Man aday
ng e1ral - PeritY that lies before Canada. Of Prejudice keeps many
gen are tonfident that the im r are located in froba. a good friend.
Hate future- is full Qf promiste. This these six branches fou
--- -, - N W. -
rUnerS, . Di Generel jApsett UM the Unes. TAW" Me COMU 1rulu bmc 5'
tka Priwe, of Walm fouo*iat this COMIL #ft s
Oak- � A&
T` "�, Rr! -9,
A Few WoOds 'Aboi4t 00V VOS
*01W*W$ 0hoilik Ow 101"a nwbukol "WV.
Sbw *of*", not' oft" %kq occalko to UU tho PO& 60-*. 4
QW. $0pt 60"04y: SkO04, of 40 000s
M�* ow Punt i4clU604 W i0mu 'be W- ow 004
k*4� ofna hath for oar
in hiii *VVVWP"Wy0-w
VIftt w1likbi. it is cow-aQ,
I to a -to-d t touts to be fol tl*q Jor" 415
d*kks. Ow ycws kii, lk
pe '' on UP t, New fow, !, I
aW4 fwt wb" *Z wou on 40, tow betltw wh&AN '10 whkh we
itne m4uniptum Valp "44" �Vv
have betti haTAed i*6sUctor A
tfing Machine
Ty pee, � So
The C0 r is set,
machine on wl1i(:b the reading matter of ThL' Sta
Advertisements and a Large
as well as. a portion of the
amount of job Work. The modern Linotype is the evo-,
development. The Star's Linotype
lution'of f()rty Years
will cast type In any size from the smallest up to what is
and by the addition of exttil
known as 36 _point type,
'I I 1A
rw -Unlimited- nuraiRs -6f ty pe f a= ka uAl-4 le
agazine"n 1.
f six dIfferent faces.
our present equipment consists 0
The macfflnels equipp 0 ed with the jatest devices. includ%
ing the Cutler -Hammer electric ineiting pot in which ithe
metal from 'which the'type is cast is melted and main -
with the exception
tallied at a constant temperature.
the Ill
of the keyboard, the operation of
yhine is auto
matic, rarely requiring expert attention its capacity
for producing wotkls only limited 1., 1. expertness of
the operator. One of its many advantages is We clear
and easily -read appearance of the printed page, the type
t -,-- each time it is used.
ueing 11-1-110
Visitors to The Star office- are always welcome
to see tile macline. it is in operation every working
day and pr,
actice.111y every hour of the day.
brt"— I
cafti* U11 otisawly LL
The Star's
Big Newspaper Press.
This is a well and, 'substan tially-built printing ma-
chine and is known as a Two -Revolution "Hoe" Press,
and is or�%,oj the best* flat-hed* presses built in America.
Its weight in rr�etal is approximately seven tons, -and . it is
a masterpiece in ift class of the inventor'� conception
and the machinist's skill.,
The Star's "Falcon"
Job Printing Press
This machine was built �t Otley, Yorkshire, England, and
is senii-autonlatic in its operation. The operator delivers the
sheets to tile press and after being printed they are self -de-
livered in an even pile at the back 'of the macliine. It will
print a quarter -sheet sale bill or a small card and will turn out
completed copies at the rate of over three thousand impres
SiOTIS per hour.
The Star..;
Mailing Machine
']'his is not I large maclime, in fact it is one of flie sinall-
est mechanical devices we have In the office, but It is a very
important little article. it Is made of brass, witil steel knives
and will paste, cut off and place 'the printed addresses on the
ripers at tile rate of several thousand an hour, if necessary.
ilitv of its oporator is its only limit. Like most devices
The al- -ornetimes
humanly devised it lacks absolute perfection and s
ixed to the paper and comes
a label'will not be properly aff
h . . . . . off easiIN, hence the cluestion sometimes asked, "where i my
copy of' The Star this week."
2h. 61 6 . .6 Press
The Golding"'Art Jo
This is one of the largest�-sized platen presses built, and is of powerful
construction. itis equipped with unusual inking facilities, being especially de-
signed to produce the fulest cla." of half -tone w ' ork, embossing, etc., as well
as giving practically perfect re%ults it, letter press printin.9-
lie folding machine, of which
t le Accompanying engraving is a
very good reproduction, will fold
four. six, *eight, ten, twelve, six-
eighteen or twenty pages,
p ing them together if neces-
X -,), ,
sary, and trimming them evenly
-.. il, 'rarely gives us any trouble.
at the to Of ages. it is'a great time-saver and
During the past season The Stir added a wire stitfhing machine of large capacity, our former machine being too
111tht for much of the work being done. This machine will pierce and bind hard surfaced stock,.Up to nearly three-quarters
offtninch in thicknes. Other mechanical ejuipment includes a powerful paper cutting machine job and pro(if presses, au.
tomattic p7erforating devices, automatic num ering machine, etc.
our plant also includes large fonts of Jab and Poster Type, in a variety of faces, suitable for all kinds qf Job and
Poster Printing# We are constantly adAing to our plant of rype And Printing Material, keepin up-to-date all the time.
We be ield of the province second t4 whatis classed the rural
lieve we fill a place in the Printing and Publishing f
fiAd-11and then some."
m 11
Oak- � A&
T` "�, Rr! -9,
A Few WoOds 'Aboi4t 00V VOS
*01W*W$ 0hoilik Ow 101"a nwbukol "WV.
Sbw *of*", not' oft" %kq occalko to UU tho PO& 60-*. 4
QW. $0pt 60"04y: SkO04, of 40 000s
M�* ow Punt i4clU604 W i0mu 'be W- ow 004
k*4� ofna hath for oar
in hiii *VVVWP"Wy0-w
VIftt w1likbi. it is cow-aQ,
I to a -to-d t touts to be fol tl*q Jor" 415
d*kks. Ow ycws kii, lk
pe '' on UP t, New fow, !, I
aW4 fwt wb" *Z wou on 40, tow betltw wh&AN '10 whkh we
itne m4uniptum Valp "44" �Vv
have betti haTAed i*6sUctor A
tfing Machine
Ty pee, � So
The C0 r is set,
machine on wl1i(:b the reading matter of ThL' Sta
Advertisements and a Large
as well as. a portion of the
amount of job Work. The modern Linotype is the evo-,
development. The Star's Linotype
lution'of f()rty Years
will cast type In any size from the smallest up to what is
and by the addition of exttil
known as 36 _point type,
'I I 1A
rw -Unlimited- nuraiRs -6f ty pe f a= ka uAl-4 le
agazine"n 1.
f six dIfferent faces.
our present equipment consists 0
The macfflnels equipp 0 ed with the jatest devices. includ%
ing the Cutler -Hammer electric ineiting pot in which ithe
metal from 'which the'type is cast is melted and main -
with the exception
tallied at a constant temperature.
the Ill
of the keyboard, the operation of
yhine is auto
matic, rarely requiring expert attention its capacity
for producing wotkls only limited 1., 1. expertness of
the operator. One of its many advantages is We clear
and easily -read appearance of the printed page, the type
t -,-- each time it is used.
ueing 11-1-110
Visitors to The Star office- are always welcome
to see tile macline. it is in operation every working
day and pr,
actice.111y every hour of the day.
brt"— I
cafti* U11 otisawly LL
The Star's
Big Newspaper Press.
This is a well and, 'substan tially-built printing ma-
chine and is known as a Two -Revolution "Hoe" Press,
and is or�%,oj the best* flat-hed* presses built in America.
Its weight in rr�etal is approximately seven tons, -and . it is
a masterpiece in ift class of the inventor'� conception
and the machinist's skill.,
The Star's "Falcon"
Job Printing Press
This machine was built �t Otley, Yorkshire, England, and
is senii-autonlatic in its operation. The operator delivers the
sheets to tile press and after being printed they are self -de-
livered in an even pile at the back 'of the macliine. It will
print a quarter -sheet sale bill or a small card and will turn out
completed copies at the rate of over three thousand impres
SiOTIS per hour.
The Star..;
Mailing Machine
']'his is not I large maclime, in fact it is one of flie sinall-
est mechanical devices we have In the office, but It is a very
important little article. it Is made of brass, witil steel knives
and will paste, cut off and place 'the printed addresses on the
ripers at tile rate of several thousand an hour, if necessary.
ilitv of its oporator is its only limit. Like most devices
The al- -ornetimes
humanly devised it lacks absolute perfection and s
ixed to the paper and comes
a label'will not be properly aff
h . . . . . off easiIN, hence the cluestion sometimes asked, "where i my
copy of' The Star this week."
2h. 61 6 . .6 Press
The Golding"'Art Jo
This is one of the largest�-sized platen presses built, and is of powerful
construction. itis equipped with unusual inking facilities, being especially de-
signed to produce the fulest cla." of half -tone w ' ork, embossing, etc., as well
as giving practically perfect re%ults it, letter press printin.9-
lie folding machine, of which
t le Accompanying engraving is a
very good reproduction, will fold
four. six, *eight, ten, twelve, six-
eighteen or twenty pages,
p ing them together if neces-
X -,), ,
sary, and trimming them evenly
-.. il, 'rarely gives us any trouble.
at the to Of ages. it is'a great time-saver and
During the past season The Stir added a wire stitfhing machine of large capacity, our former machine being too
111tht for much of the work being done. This machine will pierce and bind hard surfaced stock,.Up to nearly three-quarters
offtninch in thicknes. Other mechanical ejuipment includes a powerful paper cutting machine job and pro(if presses, au.
tomattic p7erforating devices, automatic num ering machine, etc.
our plant also includes large fonts of Jab and Poster Type, in a variety of faces, suitable for all kinds qf Job and
Poster Printing# We are constantly adAing to our plant of rype And Printing Material, keepin up-to-date all the time.
We be ield of the province second t4 whatis classed the rural
lieve we fill a place in the Printing and Publishing f
fiAd-11and then some."
m 11