HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-20, Page 5,�� � �, �, �4
vf.7% Afl,
0 H looket here! My, wasn't Santa goodl
He gave me all the presents that he could.
That's 'cause I always kept so neat and clean—
On Sundays aresst just like a fairy Queen.
I minded darling Muzzer ev'ry -day;
Was careful of my dresses when at play,
And held my Gran'ma's yarn when she did knit.
Fo . r that's the way I did my little bit.
And when my Dad came home from work lwh night
I tried to please him with,my tiny might;
Always brought his pipe and paper, too.
'tS6 he could smoke and read it thru and thru.
Deat Santa Claus, in Toyland. heard 'bout me,
"Cause my Muzzer said he said, said he.
Itirii just give that sweet and 'bedient chile
The very thiligs she's wanted all the while."
So see this pretty, sparkling Christmas Tree
And the toys and things he gave to me;
Whe a you I re good like me and try to please
AA1 give you toys like these.
ous trees. in Europe, it seems tol3re-
;VALMIS ONLY SENTIMENTAL fer the apple -tree to any 9ther 'host.
It sends its roots through the bark
ldintletas One of Most Greatly Ad- of the tree and draws sustenance
-mired of Evergreen Plants But from the.oap. H6wever, It is only a
Is Practically Worthilests. partial parasite, for it has green
I leaves which enable it to so some
Perhapp none of our evergreen work in iluakliig food for itself.
plants is nlore loved and admired In some species of mistletoe the
than the mistletoe, with its modest flowers are showy, whille those of
yellowish -green leaves and its * ciuw other species are more modest. The
ters of small white berries. For cen- pistils and stamens do not grow with -
tortes It has been considered an Lm- In the same flower, or even on the
portitat feature lof the Christmas dec- isme plant, but the pistillate flowers
aratiolL '*et, in regard to the real grow on one plant and the staminate
value of the plant, the mistletoe is on another.
practically worthless. The kerries contain flat seeds, Out,
It is a small shrub comprising more rounded by a very sticky substance,
than' foug hundred known species, from which birdlime may be made.
mostly tropical and parasitic. In the ThI6 birdlime is spread upon places
eastern and. s9ptilerp., pkrta Of the frequented by birds, to Impede their
-the common mistletoe move . in - ents and refid& thdM"efUlft
grows,on various species of decidu- =ptured I . in a similar way it vw3i ba
The Chiffistmas Gift Sto're
Bath Robes, House coats, Coat
Sweaters, Pull -over Sweaters,
Gloves of all DescrIptions, Neck-
wear Galore.
Everything Suitable for Christmas Gifts
A Full Range of Underwear
Also a Suit of Clothes for Dad
"0 w4rt
40 tooi: #W, VU
Chr*stwas "A tok ft 4w, 4" X40 V".
'Oe Idyl wo 0 4* 40*04. 10%, 10VA
U" fo*, %%0, Ut *10t the brIAbi4ste
moat's 1�oy
All$ .0 'AR"41
0 404" 10
Nr'A1,V - -
4111,11. sio the bIll, tO UIC!'
1w III* v* O'boArt flown 00 ball
titiliew to. 00i ",lon tie wtilliverefl:
tu as U%s tor the wattierek'r
uqmfs *Oil Ndulk prowd Ur
trow(A. and tho'VitrNt"
01 Spirit vvus br,*W to to ow.).
Vjit"60 'Wert, filivil Wlt1w 0001311110 THEN AND NOW
blowwra ro-kna Unt the 'Wore Tokeftil of
tlirrfum at Llp.,"fl Old 0ays Gifts
bgiro the hVind fit ki doll. 1,14vial, In Kiflopintif With the 04y
of U
toy. poet*W out. 8110
JOAO, -trt)VO111A.LT =tn What 6 vast difference there to In
the Christmas of today. train the
Ifig thpIr 0brIstrass of our foretatheM 14 th030
on fiotle;a Va-
welcome heith t1kys there was not the burry 8"r"y
cation bunilled Ps relixtrt. e 411 was what useless
mirth anti %VIth one. ShOPPIRg- and costly' Some
'back into il durk earlier gitill given with the thought that the
Shrinking �rowAed young mnu. receiver might give a fluer one in re -
of Luc car was a om. turn. The gifts given in those daps
The fot*e under the drooping - s____ were to keeping
'he ptlatforin its
slon. He %,mrit W)t tqj with the day celebrated, says a carve
the train slowed UP, lesped to tho fi%iondent In so exchange.
-g-Nouit, -skirteit? -the --maW, btreet For many weeks and, moatlis 40
chit �_' W-fter spin. calaq,end -wind the prn.
evaded a brillinKitly lighted fVh
and knit on woQdfn Becilles or a bont-
where some Christmas eve festivity uca scarf or mtttmm
wns in progre5w und reached u home back- the wairali
Tie for her loved one. every stitth bear,
set it, tile center of a large lot.
Ing mesiotage of love. And then Oil
gained the shadow of a great evet' a
the time drew nenr how savory the
green tree.
The forlorn turker ventured a few kite. . aniAled every time one en
tered. but, of course. nothing was vIq'
yuris, gaining a vle%v of an ell where,
ble tar moLher or Canty or grand
He uttered a ecim-
if dim light showed.
mother had safety hidden away tho
forting Righ ond sowethlug about tender gingerbread and spice cakes.
folks probably 4eing at the church," and . the brittle molasses taffY. Plat"
addina: "I mn watch and - wult, I scotch find other candy rlv!,
woudetr if �tbe_oldlhldeout in the tree is of butter
In nut ments.
rane 0,
I b What floppy times when the litollv-� _44�
still there?" He
lifted himself aloft, scrambled up the
Ings of nil sizes, and almost all col
trunk and came to where it few boa s, crq, wPrfk hung on the mantel sholt
formed it platform. He had placed It
above the wide fireplace, where old
e when a boy. it trembled from
find Ilo trouble nt till to conie
age as lie crept upon It ]own nod deposit the howerous thing -i
ream -
"Three years," he whispered. d
from his puck in the dangling stock
lly. "Christmas eve, home, and -
what?" wall remkimbered with
He had left this helftams spot a run- Everyone
some sort of it gift, none were forgot.
away, he had returned like some fear- ifin, find I feel sure the home-made
filled fugitive. How vividly he recalled poodles wore dovoured with no ma(*h
his lnqt day at home I Ella alld relish and with losa after effectii. a%
had been playing ball next to the home There
... the Rtore gooditis of today.
of wenithy Judge Earll. A cheer had were no coal tur dyes In the Christmas
greeted his strike which se -it the unify grandmother made.
sphere whirling. It landed against a 'rhen when the team was hooked to
this farm aled, with the farm wagon,
bed on It partly filled with straw find
bed coverli what it fine rlde to church
cver the shining snow. to hear &I real
Scripwre sernion about the birth 'of
our Savior, oil earth peace. good will
to men.
window, crashed through It and R 111111111-
ute later there appeared a pale -faced.
excited seri�ant, waving bin arms wild-
ly find shooting out.
"Who, did It? It has gone through
cost him two thousand dollarel'O
t. Good Chris-tian men, joice With heart. and soul. and
would ruin his father to pay that bi&L
two thousand dollars. Alit he would
earn It himself. Longingly he glanced
at the vine -clustered cottage where
"ice; Givt ye heed to what we 5ay: Newel Newel
fX fe
Je &us Christ is be- to -day- Ox auld see be
-6-- 4—
fore Him bow. Aad lie is in the man - ger now.
I lip I
Christ it, bor, to day I Cbriat is born to - day -I
Good Christian men. rejoice Good Carlsoan CCM rajolift
With heart, and Bank and Vote*;' With beftirt, and SOUL StUd vOIC01.
,Now yo bear of euillew bUM: Novit ye need not fear the gMr.-A
. Joyl Joyl Patent peacial -
Jesus Cbrist was born for thtsi 'Jesus Chrliot - boM to Os"l
He hath oped the bMT'Wy do&., Lolift yofa WO and calls you all.
And -an Is blessed evermoml D gain Me ovarlitating ban,*
Christ was bum for tblsl Ckirlat was bum tD NATOI
"0 w4rt
40 tooi: #W, VU
Chr*stwas "A tok ft 4w, 4" X40 V".
'Oe Idyl wo 0 4* 40*04. 10%, 10VA
U" fo*, %%0, Ut *10t the brIAbi4ste
moat's 1�oy
All$ .0 'AR"41
0 404" 10
Nr'A1,V - -
4111,11. sio the bIll, tO UIC!'
1w III* v* O'boArt flown 00 ball
titiliew to. 00i ",lon tie wtilliverefl:
tu as U%s tor the wattierek'r
uqmfs *Oil Ndulk prowd Ur
trow(A. and tho'VitrNt"
01 Spirit vvus br,*W to to ow.).
Vjit"60 'Wert, filivil Wlt1w 0001311110 THEN AND NOW
blowwra ro-kna Unt the 'Wore Tokeftil of
tlirrfum at Llp.,"fl Old 0ays Gifts
bgiro the hVind fit ki doll. 1,14vial, In Kiflopintif With the 04y
of U
toy. poet*W out. 8110
JOAO, -trt)VO111A.LT =tn What 6 vast difference there to In
the Christmas of today. train the
Ifig thpIr 0brIstrass of our foretatheM 14 th030
on fiotle;a Va-
welcome heith t1kys there was not the burry 8"r"y
cation bunilled Ps relixtrt. e 411 was what useless
mirth anti %VIth one. ShOPPIRg- and costly' Some
'back into il durk earlier gitill given with the thought that the
Shrinking �rowAed young mnu. receiver might give a fluer one in re -
of Luc car was a om. turn. The gifts given in those daps
The fot*e under the drooping - s____ were to keeping
'he ptlatforin its
slon. He %,mrit W)t tqj with the day celebrated, says a carve
the train slowed UP, lesped to tho fi%iondent In so exchange.
-g-Nouit, -skirteit? -the --maW, btreet For many weeks and, moatlis 40
chit �_' W-fter spin. calaq,end -wind the prn.
evaded a brillinKitly lighted fVh
and knit on woQdfn Becilles or a bont-
where some Christmas eve festivity uca scarf or mtttmm
wns in progre5w und reached u home back- the wairali
Tie for her loved one. every stitth bear,
set it, tile center of a large lot.
Ing mesiotage of love. And then Oil
gained the shadow of a great evet' a
the time drew nenr how savory the
green tree.
The forlorn turker ventured a few kite. . aniAled every time one en
tered. but, of course. nothing was vIq'
yuris, gaining a vle%v of an ell where,
ble tar moLher or Canty or grand
He uttered a ecim-
if dim light showed.
mother had safety hidden away tho
forting Righ ond sowethlug about tender gingerbread and spice cakes.
folks probably 4eing at the church," and . the brittle molasses taffY. Plat"
addina: "I mn watch and - wult, I scotch find other candy rlv!,
woudetr if �tbe_oldlhldeout in the tree is of butter
In nut ments.
rane 0,
I b What floppy times when the litollv-� _44�
still there?" He
lifted himself aloft, scrambled up the
Ings of nil sizes, and almost all col
trunk and came to where it few boa s, crq, wPrfk hung on the mantel sholt
formed it platform. He had placed It
above the wide fireplace, where old
e when a boy. it trembled from
find Ilo trouble nt till to conie
age as lie crept upon It ]own nod deposit the howerous thing -i
ream -
"Three years," he whispered. d
from his puck in the dangling stock
lly. "Christmas eve, home, and -
what?" wall remkimbered with
He had left this helftams spot a run- Everyone
some sort of it gift, none were forgot.
away, he had returned like some fear- ifin, find I feel sure the home-made
filled fugitive. How vividly he recalled poodles wore dovoured with no ma(*h
his lnqt day at home I Ella alld relish and with losa after effectii. a%
had been playing ball next to the home There
... the Rtore gooditis of today.
of wenithy Judge Earll. A cheer had were no coal tur dyes In the Christmas
greeted his strike which se -it the unify grandmother made.
sphere whirling. It landed against a 'rhen when the team was hooked to
this farm aled, with the farm wagon,
bed on It partly filled with straw find
bed coverli what it fine rlde to church
cver the shining snow. to hear &I real
Scripwre sernion about the birth 'of
our Savior, oil earth peace. good will
to men.
window, crashed through It and R 111111111-
ute later there appeared a pale -faced.
excited seri�ant, waving bin arms wild-
ly find shooting out.
"Who, did It? It has gone through
the Judge's most valuable painting that
cost him two thousand dollarel'O
A wild thought caflie to Jasper. It
would ruin his father to pay that bi&L
two thousand dollars. Alit he would
earn It himself. Longingly he glanced
at the vine -clustered cottage where
lived Edna Marsh. his first love, his
"girl." Half an hour later he was E-01 eblistmas Owes flailin
huddled In a boxcar, going west.
Then three years, weary, toilsome, Come, lklory nightl Ovirne. spirit lka:.0
with no word from home. He hail been i. ti,v twept twin rinvinal P
Bei.uw it . ti,r fit o%ining brkU.,t,
lure(] to the gold, diggings. Most days The anaul --twir if) OLI'lifing.
he picked up flakfis and nuggets worth
a dollar or more. Twice he was lucky. But ncar:-too nosar the cannon's mar.
'N�, I, �.
He lived at the cheapest rate. In his rhe st,irm ind rntwir'n raltip; t�, '.�
The awlitniin sound I%* rnor-. a'. A",
snakeskin belt he stored the precious Acrousi-the nild of battle.
dust. Then, just before Christmas, the
call of home was not to be restated. Dh, chrlatmap spirit! calm our fears.
(10sc. down lit pliv Illoolling
With it shock he aroused, chilled and Alan! Thine eyes are 111114�d with t�ars. 48,
confused. Lantern lights dazzled him Thy ruidtaint winus are drooping.
from bplow. He tnnde out half a dozen
forma. One was swinging an ax. It 4be. happy twilm, thv joyous bells
That set tho �ttbovfi railing
sunk deep Into the base of the tree. rfirough oil* -tit v torta nool rronty d0la.
"Take turns I" called out a sten- Are slowly. sudly tolling.
torlan voice. "Let all 111111111thl have A ('ottie, spirit light'
chance at cutting down the biggest conio, glory iiwhl'
corns. jov. itiv mitip tirlis rinalrim'
Christmas tree In town. now she will rhirotigh t 1-ticla tV c� stoir -14 Awning bright.
tower on the common tomorrow night. For off tl,- cloir is uloving
nil ulive with Siolored electric globes -(Iiara li�
and gifts for the kids!"
"'Rold on!" rnllocl flown Jus-pef'W'fit-
den. missed a clutch and fell to the,
snowy ground,
He opene(i film eyps to find himacif
lyin�, on a couch In the house, Ills ta-
ther, mother und sister bending over
him with soilcitous care and there,
clinging to h14 alstpr's arm, pale and
anxictim wni; film boyhood love, pret-
tier than ever -Edna Marsh.
"Ilify boy, Of). my bay, heaven to vo YOU READ
kind"' crietl his mother.
,tjnql)er Unmh - Ipped the snakeskin belt The Scottish American
PPhther," he sold. "It'm full of gold. It
will pay for Judge Kuril's two tbou- P
rand dollar pleture."
"Whilt ' ibilt nt you away?" cried GET ,A' TIIE NEWS FRAE NAME"
his mottwr. T,,ur bull never hurt the
Title SroTTisti Aioll(RICAK is the only
Scottish newspapirt I-101ohed III Amer
outnal dev-�tir,l io facts uf inter.
lea. A)
Set to Scots and descendants of Scots
throughout the Vnited States and Cleo,-
Ads-_Eatablinbed 6.o years. Circulatiun
the largest of all pnpern of hot class off
the American vaptinetill. Suhi)criPtiOn
rate, 13.00 ptr antlutin postpaid is) otly
dilreas in the I Inite(i tsonteq 4nd Cattails'
lit t I u rp. It only riplied one end loome" THE SCOTTISH AMERICA�N\_
The I e "Us if ([if -h MIA141P. he. a
cheer. Th#- irrt-al tree had RIEW vo X CITY
E Thn H Apn fiffilAn vind qtnpa-
wrstt,-n. That a man like Teiius iihouta
wisen to snare ground -squirrels and The 61rcle of Divine Love.
,other small animuls. 11 Christmas reveist-m cl-'allisn. One lu%4 vntered life world by a special
practical uge that has e gave us man In tile infuge of Gai 1 door b; not strange. He was different
of the mistletoe. while the other gri,i,e us God in tb; from sit others. The wine prosis, of his
The plant grows very slowly. and image of man. The two romPleti, the i:rp no one c#faIA trend but himself.
onot unUl it Is four years old do" circle of divine love. That the g"(114 That nicht bpl,),;frq to no culendor.
it bear its first white. tranalut-eltit ber� should come doun in Ih* likeftess of TV& very wmrt -ore their brightest
rie& However, It dralifift the vital man was long recognized ai; a tvh-i fr,.,s, beforti. thp deptlia
JulceN SeCftftrY to th* growth & tb* vorital possibility. And yet amid,, his curtains
tree. and when many tRWI�b" AM thas ottfinda alone. It ba- no -ptit), r Jesus did not come
torl,nit In a
1()dgilirrit upon the game tree, they Ul- if it,- I
"ately call", its decline and deatIL" "tiring of dpity. Tbe tilri, 1-turil , net nal. alf Tbp 49fier'n 1964 raten'dam
-43hining Light. w i,en ono r -,Ml- of "',oil) 't $ISO to Jan. Ist, 19" will do 11.
Noisth 11111de of Squaral
is Now Open for Business
Water Rates are hereafter psyab)o quarterly in ad -
vance on the first days of JanWitry, April, July and
0ctoher of each year.
A discount of 15 per cerit. vrill be allowed off mt4nq
when paid on or before the first of each quarter.
5 per cent. will be added to all water rates that are
30 days in arrears from the end of each quarwr.
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Irons, Toasters, GrIlls. Vacuum
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Un "Nydre,* UMPS a &P Elfttfle WnhI8# WINI
W. & L. Commission
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