The Goderich Star, 1918-12-20, Page 4�,tkkjt se y tiods :beav4th the ga notes of WEST STREeT the m, as the deep diapason of —31, beneath the r4ppling Mel- FA 5w,11 use 9 1 11 F= L M Lgi Lgi Pii W ulicit mpparts to Christmas the Now jbptt O.A# which is apparent to every - U RE bolig, who has passed into years of ma - I have been looking otat tbig - - - - - - - - - - exact Spot of th the evViling at-w*rry CQMPuw a uat1'v1t7.6 lire memory that does it. Memory of childreu &56M -d r9un Duty Brings Vision In the 'various ceremonies Vie bit or te I rest r V ry exists betW:6­9W_V1Q_,_V4_ .1. that, prptt - Pr h toZ n plays.'IrIcks with us on these days. Christmas tree.,Tqo free wa# 'Yerillips more thiih on 04 other NdW Tolstol tells a lovely little ous sects, and evep during theoedinary 4 -revert to Christmases planted on the widdle of a A$ our minds story of two pilgrims who set services Turfilsh soldiers have to be round tQlp and tow. tbat used to ))a. We like to think about out for Jerusalem. Yelesef on guard day and night In the gliureb great It; we like to read (lie Christmas stopped to help a starving tam- ered high nbovffl their heaft' to prevent Strife. On specitil occasious. 'it iyas brilliantly lighted by lCar0l, b6couse It puls In everlasting Ily. He bodght food, fetche such as Christmas time, an extra ft�* 0 Words the emotion of gladnes8 which n multitude of little tapers water, split wood, staftedithe of soldiers Is necessary if order I]s to Used to dondnate that day. No mat- great oven &a, nursed and fqd be maintained. it is during C�rlstM and everywhere vparlded Dud t*r how humble tho home, memory glittervil with brIg 'paints It In wonderful colors on this the sick, redeemed the mortgage festivities that the Vchureli-la-.-deaut-A. bt objectlL on the home, and bought back To --rival There were rosy -cheek— 53 one A" _ftX)ru ilia ! tim tow, horse-, and scythe with _prevent quarrels among the -behind -thpa, w we Jumped priests tbe authorities many years ago Imul '� W.0 which' the living was earned. at �1 run b -rd 'oa& before-clawn t-owrrR, nod , � `1`14.1". set dowp definite rules as to what par watches (w and scampered across the cold floor His money to get th Stocking which somehow Ith movable hwids,.. was all gone, and he flons of the walls, pillars, 11oors, etc., -list' could not hope to overtake his this or that body may,clean or sweep.,, M at If I and an endless Cal pnelty for being wound up) had been stuffed during the night. *to companion on the road, so -he Se elaborate precautions, re me the end of the plethoric home festival. dangling from Ibnu ruble returned home and devoted him- WoZev;r, Wouble often arise Darla when candy -smeared and filled to the self again to daily duty. Yeftia the Christmas festivities of 1913 a twigs. Tifere were French Ott polished tublesi, chaIrs. bad- repletion we were rescued would not pause to help anyone. deplorable scene was witnessed In the eight- the wreck of toys and packed stends. wardmbes, dtkY2 He reached Jerusalem, visited sacred building. Two sects disputed Wearily off to sleep, more or less clocks and various othei Uri the sacred places, obtained earth the rights to clean a certain portion - ' 4 troubled with painful suggestions of ticles of domestic furnitUett, from Calvary, water from the of the church. 'They went to the gov- If- 8., (wonderfully mude in thl, at t;urkey stud minceple. ernor of Bethlehem and he decided a Jordan, add blessed amulets of Wolverhampton) perch'od, There Is only one thing that can certain sect possessed the right to do every kind, but because of the among tl.4,, bougbs.� make Christmas real to a g1rown-up. throug, he could not reach the the work. When they started to sweep, go and that Is to do something for some - re preparation for we -'p3fy Holy Sepnlcbre. Yet. under the Rz. however. the rival priests flew at them housekeeping. - body who cannot pay It bacL That f4, — lamps themselves where the I and soldiers had to hold one sect back otherlaw Is, we begin to suspect the an I blessed fire burns before all, he while the other -did the sweeping. as There were J61Jy, 34 thing which dominated the Christmas - faced little men. much mare saw a vision of Yelesel, wearing as that used to be and made them so ance than agreeable In appear a halo of shining glory about real, that they remain warm In mem- many real men. and no won- CIERMS MORE DEADLY THAN gry. Unless you would have memory his head. For Yefint had der, for their heads. took off on yourself Moderato., brought his body to the Holy GERMANS� and ahowed'thow to be full become a dry specter. y Land, but Christ himself had of sugar plum4, There were come to the soul'of Yelesel. And ling fact that'2,462 died of consumV �must make real for little chililron of Medical statistics reveal the start - 5t i In ot rT71 a i ures which,memory . __,, r at i, too now the Piet this world last year —seven fiddles and diums. The#e tion in Ontario ch conjures up for you of the Christmases 11. 0, t tr. towo 0,1f Beth - to -hem I How still we see tbee he learned that in boolc% i every day of the year. w ere tumbouftes. at used to be�--Saturday Globe, 9 ry, And gath-ered all a - have, God bids everyone do his duty life Nvorkboxes, paint boxes. peep th It has destroyed more human to 8. How *I . tent -ly, how si . lent-lyl The wondrousgift is givIfil— till death --4n love and good he universe. show boxes. 0fteltmeat boxes deeds. than all the ways of t Beth - le heml De scend to us, we pray; one-quarter of all who die between to 4.0 ho . ly Child a and oil Mods of boxft. L t I I L the ages of 20 and 50 are victims of Est ate for the There were trial. the Great White Plague. the ................ older girls, for brighter than f r The sad story of a once happy fam- Ire any grownup, gold and ;ew- HOLY CITY'S CHRISTMAS TIME 11 has been brought to our atteption. y I It els. There were baskets and The father, ill for many months, aid pincushlons In till devices. worked away at his trade until fin- th- r + Distressing scene* WItnessed In ally, broken down completely, he had There were guns. swords and we it Christmas Comes Church of the I.ativity--Guards banners, real fruit. made ar- Whe to give up. An examination proved -o.6, Pi him to be in the last stage of con - With gold an Duty Day an4 the tificially dazzling I sumption. He lived but a short time When Christmas comos. I never mindtthe imitation "ples, pears r A leaf. r is to cold. r ;-4% - .- 9 10 1. t after, leaving a tegacy of disease t 11- ! a I F F ic -, T - I d crammed with I Uk* to get UP JPr0MVt W go to School. Although much has beep written up-, his four iiitld 'children, all of whou and walnuts. 10 A , surprises. * 1W sbdrt� at a' An' do my slimes A bove thy deep and dream�liss sleep, The si - tent state go by; — on the subject of Christmat In Beth- were found to be infected. ET AW clean the we*& Ithout ws1tW to be Ing love; — pretty cWd bifore ae do- While mot. tale sleep, the an - gets keep Their watch of wonWr - lehem. writes Harold J. Shepstone in I Fortun Ii h as %�­, p g t was tolld— So God im-patte to bu—snhearts The bless-ings of His heavIn anal - & IW% Be trod lightedly whispered to Though I like sladdin, better, as' the Wide World, and we have had covere( t we Or buildiW torts,- But giothW aW%. in, and on - tes I nee" er pretty child boxoth Cast out aw 8 born in A' to day. Slowing accounts of Its gorgeous pro- ried to the Q her, A A. k I bad. L k I L k 1 Was, none appe Consumptive Children. to Mend, "The was every- Wban Chris" comis. cesstons and ceremo Is ULIL U. The frail little mother a I stence as best she can— thing, and mom" T, to have been bold enough to tell the ext When Christmas comea, rd just at Het r world of the dls#essln scene which of sunshine a weekly Ub M&L :: %,- her one ray )me ". . i I E M give halt may be witnesi4ed In the one spot on visit to her little ones, now much im U cooky to the baby. &W take care F earth where man would expec� peace proved In health. lbout the crumbs. ;JC 0! ury Irs run to lisk4i the' little tellow tougit, I ospital Is doing to r� at that glad season Of the TheQueen Mary H Do, Ign year. Christmas to a long business at, a great work amongst the consump- CHRISTMAS OF- L ON AGO An' r t*SM. OT' mot. He can't help bow iltuol rm nat am tiv ut of ten of the a children—nipe a d=:;. Bethlehem. Pint come the Latin care. early cases may be cured I Pan& Caj�* IneUtd.ft When Christmas comes. A A er f taken fti"Ant monies, Which take place on Decemb In time. Help its urgehUy needed too aw �MF When Chriatmu comes, I doalt,f*rget to. I % V. - - - . P00% as 0"s" 4aus"'Thoughts 25, followed 18 days later by the Greek carry on the work' Contributions W 'th sent to 001- give -1 of the Pat& MY shoes a Wbo, an, \ wqb my soft a yet 'in ay da;k tr at* this 0 ih. ev - er las. tins light-- services, while 13 days later comes the may' be Mr. A. E. Ames, ril to - 'Veth of Pro. claim the he . ly birtbt Armenian Christmas feast. The serv- Chairman of Finance Committee, 63 was Af Tal my bw h 0 an COS �J�_ r 11 , But In lv'-A, , adliltm" 411140101y 046Vp rar a two tes, Ill No eat may bass his this world of sin, Ices are held In the Church of the Nar King street west, Toronto, by whom tb* ladvel *at is tajolioll" Wodebrato *of mother ssyj6 07 We beat the ChIrlst mas an in$ tid - ings 031. gels Tho great glad tIvIty, one of the most remarkable ad(- they will be gratefully acknowledged. it"?* k I 11140- a tees in the world. The holy of holies d0rlzo�`by .0gifte* The But ra pot -tma gg dyfts&�64@gft ra L 001, not bdi An ex-subiect of the Kaiser says that f to be. of the church Is the grotto or manger. W i. Me differeat traft ab"*."tt a" It Is a small underground chamber, the German is Servile and lacks courage ftftht With pod. 9466, It Men With for open revolt. "But, he makes a flat Part When C=Vdb000sl r A" 1"t"A' -ot Osseo, 010V aft 42- Williams Uutew said to be the actual site of the stable h.. In his pocket against hie oppressor,� a 6A '. - A_ .1 where the Savlor was born. Just In I adds that writer, ut4ng an expr6saten owl XWftftd frant Of the at" Is a Ifiver Stu- let 'that is new to us. for - 0116 evelf'sto 1"n in ilia, th*0 WM ftu now -------- nor �W — ----- ­_ — - q � , " . A A X, + bew 0*00 60 begins � to St, not to pretty to you thonot 1% *r N_ P -.1 alwasor f r tbw.�dotcheft lot the ' 0; What yeli would have liked t6 gft in Th 'Hills AiL e Ice* RivqQR__ PkIlifflov out le ftle hurtiod eft When A Men flosse$ MaYthing Of the soft A Chfisluft *ft. tab sr Ate met in *1160 to - night. In- 11"n The hopes and famm of, All yO L No maJof1tr.'.X0r,t* 06 treoc tanbut Is supposed to b& -an 00"WeIll ot * - between 00 t1oudo *bll* 114W -for the goo W" If so* to Mao*" *so** 4*6 plai"s sing to Gad the ling And 0eace to WAS ant:,earth A sodswill to. Get" Him Still, Tu'�(- Aliber Christ an - tolrC to SM ChdAMet *tkeus, 30titape "d bA& of tU #uUS. is *eq., to, a. do with us. Qer, 6rd '8-. man s at I lbe world. aild tho brittlit tht-.of Beth- wmt. A dest W ev popeco Standard eds A 4? Are- endorsed by the Organization of Resources ask t Conitnittele of Ontario and are for sale . by t9e folloying firms *.Toronto Press The C9k )bell FlourAills, Co.0 a I bell Plour Mills Co.. Pote lb ___—Th go oro or FM twk- Howsba *,Hows6n,� WAnghain IM4151 N. n, Ortillit Thonts A' . A. M Write for prices and purchase direct from the al�ove I u mantif actAro�s. SOR STAN DARO, TAGS\ OR VAR a.Lb maw in -ut car*#iug a ­it: -"u u"d L", t%L%,ter,1ag eawn On.4 stumpt- By looking closely tarouga sticks and ston�g. . BrUin, Tone will Ideatty the claws 041 over the rise and out or sight, tested 'OFFERINO POR SAVE Lae downbeat right xorepaw as tuose to his liatinclies tn. curiosity. Re. of a good sized biaqk bear. 60tilebu- &Dled the orqwn of a hat rljjlne�slow- luan ovet4tor In removing a handsome IY over thi ridge and he tufood omdi. black coat trom ft Week, LAt fall bruin sptd away with in stwkwoo, slidAlus, Oil CaINIP M that hau ventured in Inudeent ignov- swilti3ess that could bo Setond, only ance out on tue open in hearca Of to that of A, Moose !Ill Vallob t1thbot d eal I'mice and such intereatin9g ftAugeflUnd there [a noti�ing mote liwk*htd. Cott :5, 0- M, �4 'from a diet of bert Ift, lie did not I �g yet ixothl2g, IIvft *6 de. for i1ftfttfttts%1e ift carldlid lots' To.�t:soldaifttt- kn6w that Mau with guua Were ittractive to distance ;m a moose that �creeping up the slope toward him be. is nAlly up and CoWS With ly to 'PlatluftAlt V Intn", U0 cauns tne wind wits sweepiLg down sit$ through hid fivdrite r rOUA EU6 pea" auove auck we all) Was bt litt, At a Wy d It tht't*awpb� Iscolit it took to his keen nimtril a A st6obTatketed bullet Whistled a open 0211� "t of the rell This offor to Dec. Itt whea other'. 40- 111,' sweet 111110WO that WIldn ft 1f1dk*d d1l9t Out Of IlM -�Un, to we J of 'foa *Ilt be distdt,a A rM' were already Whttftiug tho peaks tillag beited NAt Whelk It bUft#d to, �b6va fee Rtver� nbrth, w the C. P� % kcrogs the. aliouider. Utijin M100 oyx%pp to ut tho transcautwental IlAt asta � went lastbr;� Alkathor "*111116t Vherp f SU'060, 'FM WhIle nim AM' Akt�46-W6 Iftibre Mt,� fth poslUift 19) flitt hatti" 91 the 9 with str** #1a" X14 RAJ ho fStQVV#4, i ittly 0 - T, 0 So tlifo-bear waddIM alon ft, Aft to bo to. �! 64 $ on WhItIlt AW pek arevow bebw sent sho"o, 43) 06 740%­oor be two, J TM rAw "A stbriift se tdrg4d 6var Ith, tt Us Aftro# voft. 141411SIL111118 nose 010" to the kicks Alftsp�,p :,tl of "gor at the h%wt,40 to4taft arfor 1041W*%W"1:0"W6 01111,1eft at thfte* on loto A4 Vitals- Alte ve dkw-04 (1) the roUte &"a AWOL He Doug" A a "tu *X* . Nib. * ts"" :7 �s- 10 Thiri J�' A ft he i�to tl ��i Auw oAh" wpos VU01ite 'we Itlit a bt Wh h tho-Mides am to be aftL We; 4pakem 11#4 fillea botolr*L,samo v"t 0 Ako OtI12611the vitu 064 of spre�& *1.14 h4d ftftt the 111fiddo, IWI Mia WIM ur** W_� litok, A", Ads. U the li"I'l 4 viow . ItifortA ob on th% #ft$ Ifto detrAldet past. litsid. he- 14*04 Atid it' m or 1116110PLAt A vu 64. 1W." i* ON ol etpelft '11116 stiffllwl 411" 141114 whether In at Ilk% *T#* With U ease S"k Awk Ift b" 6 f6uto some srutA had, be 1144A thft: *Mtk*k hit4j, fit **0#0# &Wilt 'Son, Vftfk. "A flj* ,f got S W, JA 66 V ftfth*$�:dbtallf front Witt" to vawoll .. IV"" , - man. '00,00*4W - # ft" 4116 14tii� Are Wk* ot, kto*o,relmi *"mg, a h1h& %ftA twv�s Oft# 'N lio. to- UO ttlw thtthl a MOW Alft" tir *Vewsl g1kit -,Art" lvomv ow 4161~ ti#ohutt *01 JIM, 0, dt6 ** It I. 1UP , td a6um, 0i" " *loi tati #06 *Wa�m 16 00' "to) looketes lit it might ft*tefft W OWAW 04V #6WA*# *Wf" AN nftf *"46 111111 1W10I , W~ 11 ., . '40 "itig VAId6. 'AL, _t404* W J�" . tot t1A atift, 4ksttoutami C"o *ik#" 'Pa"A"I"t 1) 141 Tftiwtoi: VA-MAblish 14i W I'llivt b L r k AM A"W, MAO* k lity wow *W *Oftt hitt 110044K, WOV 11k0#U0*t AOUX AIA46 4%. te fib"ia, Meig g.