HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-20, Page 2T
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*W,Vftrft wows *ft000w
A A ",. ChrWw, as,
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"W**00 Oro 04, to, #,h WOW
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�Mstipp the 4q6ep knew to,,,r* 00�;'
04 by 00 0-a"m lialbe, or, rw 010
Ani 'Vt 4,1p"
left Strin #M, 00 900OXTY,
XM 4a lay,
got * Wt AWL
sliall now. I rh
V4 .00 camps. olwdq,
th* gratift cArtitmia
tbrotgh X4 Open w
WOO It,; OR1.11. 140.0b'dotla.A. 44t* of
f4 *40� celebritt*,O� * * do
,a WA tr=N yfiqM7'*" zek
=$aurr d n1lb)y im
apo - o -a
Few So owls'"s sani" ow wit#�OW owqaw
'144d, WO13,40roo wbot that $1oftle-Tvaotry 11 sav* mclthor ippy,1410 .
fuwq would, m4ocri$14 ha aU risht At ift 10)
Is A. i I'll
tMI1A mm,of. wola 04,woe.
Shirts li". W"Or day, Is iandor.* tord-4" firga will %Vo Tluch ,fto, 404 Morin
0WIN. e,,
n � r#c&fe
Sweater tj , ts
qwlq "#eut
wo-vVer4ad'!, VoWin . 0 .]RO 4e.
For, ilei"O Pri�es right. pum to .4 Crow An Xo�.U, Chqffi
boy the
A fine i3ow Stock it, '411 es and. ourceon., nmeah's wJ*0 Vistft 'while, father and'b
F.. liter the him a t rt t
just the thing for a oft, PI 01301001% iwpi, �iis Wd,
Fashi N04. w1li. ir th to apsiod Quietly: Th.9y didn't get the ai t itib cc 16 4.4ght
oy? rVe' one still left for
put Me e, yet an- electrical gift for C erf member of the
b Var[04 hniut.
up—a Im ice of lay
in ,boxes, "4 splendid Caps " TOV'uOdded the stwgim 4Ue inan family. Come and see our -display. V
4 made of how o," An through. He
Ybr- the tatest--des-ka-if --au-a - TOPte47-V**e"—Pf--ther- toe , -vt--w
Atill marched them Into camp
men's 1W,0 Dr. WOO 4 'Lab'ratfor Fall" Oil Saone, ibat $battered am hanging
materials *e cannot be excelled.
B I ound to . please. 1410pi"Orlatmas Observano" useless at his. aide..
bolk*,oquany Land. VOrg"at Dexter Marsh has some.
Underwear thlPir oil his mind," said the nurse. He
Suits 04*01044 41swag Rome Wme, -it ke.elps his c7" fixed with a faraway
*4041*11!tb� c6ater of a land of peoce, look- 88 If 1110146 haunting Borrow mad*
The best obtainable. At a great 4040 Christmas there, a day of JOY,- him forget everything elm." . . . . . . .
bells of many- 4T!ll IUM-Weireieral Is coin1#1
boatiessi-on(t the merry to
varietyof-prices. 4U=he1$,--u8berIW4n--the d , spoke ace n1m.7- aq_Vl1§d'thb_WfteOO. -LE-0-TRIO STORE
rXXV the-famillar language of ho
Overcoats But the,patIeW simpil smiled bW NorthAlds Squam Gonzalo"
Sust before the wpr, Dr.7renfell, thialliks when the nuns Imparted, the H-120
In'the 404s6100''lat.est Styles. JJMitts ani Gloves Of. L%krador fame, indulged in the, Intelligsace, ]Even
Unusual luxury, of a brief holiday In when the general
Europe. after vears of tireless service appeared he was.
an- -broke hi's bNe ft." to echo, �Vfn an angel, of love
Him d it
We have the reallthing and are - _fmO49 the fbilermen. HIS JOUrDeY A self-contained and And,
.1 . ."'Poor soul?" murmured the nurse alsFeT At his el
s brought him and Mrs. Grenfell' to abstracted. sympatheticallf.
ure to please. Prices' right. Rome Just as,tbe many' religious and "Bravest of all Marsh closed �his eyes as dusk came
civil observances �of the Christmas my. dear brave
on. The bands outside were playing
season were about to take place.'A children 11, spoke' old, familiar
I-eqt contrast these scenes were to the war -scarred tunes. Ills tor -
the Christmases of Icebound Labru-' veteran. I I Y 4ou tured mind- went -
dor. have added to )ur back -to home
The decorations, the greetings, and glory and the scenes of which
I IS the �rowds flocking In and out of a r in y acknowl- HIS CHRISTMAS RESOLUTION
Ada had been the
Churches, emphasized the spirit of the edges It with grat- center. The nurse
season. "Ali the places of worship Into Itude and esteem, fancied he was
Ll e u t e a
which we pe�ped," he says,, 6were n t JL asleep, and left
ablaze with lights, wfille processions Marsh." a a
Open Evenings a
GODERICH .1 1* % the room. In the
of Priests Iw'gllttet1ug robes, with go- pinned a golden corridor
norous choruses and aseendingln medal to ithe
Appealed Jo thli various senses," a girl, wearing a
gossamer spoke to
blouse the patient wore.
_�4,t one ftreh they vlew�d the five "Get well, my boy," spoktk the gen- her.
gourds belle;g& to have formed a part eMl. "We'll see thAt you-Setp win the
of t)e Miss Arnold?"
and they SIORAMBS to bome'lut%, The Island again. ' The American Episcopal'Church of force, just " you have with that mfd,
Vlaglish to Settle the Island, epadle ai-our Lqrd. war behind the lines as a directing she Inqu
W11% idet with defeat at the hands of the "Yes."
He wax assassinated in the palace In St Paul, Whei-o' ibey" worshiped on Wkless-dasb that has invaHddd you."
wild and savage HoVap, who controlled 18M and his widow,, RaBoherbla, w a "From the chief
'003, d a in rfiln w 'crowded with
the Island, and many died from Mata- Christma o g,� - as At noon, when the nurse came again of the medical
proclatme aeon. Upon her death in the Protestant- popfilfttion of the Holy to the cot, her patient Was gazing at, sta)V—Vhe nurscs read an, order trans.
.On Christmas eye In 1672 all the tdge t h Sti
gany fever in the lowlands ot the coast. 1868, a. Bee Of Ranavalona I ascended City. A feature: jof the service was the the bony and evergreen trimmings, an& feWng her to another ward, SUb
!1sland--d-Madagago" 7e, 1-1. . 1- 1. . . . - RI-MAY410140, X When a
_)Prenchm6 it Fort DpjGpbla were-mur- girl, h a.,--charitles and symps. e stared
11-7 dedicating of a beautiful neW mosaie, seemed pleased at some flowers tute: Miss Ada Wilbert. Sh
'Fiviret gentj covering que entire wall of'the church brought by a comrade who sat beside In amikzement.
countr0hus, I dered by the natives. In 2810 a Hove. thies th the 0hriatisas during their
and representing the nati'Aty of b fm. "You�know who I am 7', spoke the -
chief, Radama I, a Young marl, allowed perse dons ha+won respect and love, Christ "The whole coinPany wanted to Intruder.
Queen Ranavaieftil If:, the Christian misslonpkrlex to teach and when she became queen it was up. Of the Coliseum, says Dr. Grenfell'jcome," explained the latter, "but I told I "Why, yes. 1-1 cannot understand.,,$
On Avionding their Bible doctrines In the Island, and derstood that MaAftgascar had th6 first "'we could think Of no. plate better j; them that wouldn't do." "As to It has been
Throne bw*Mo� fl# 'Ch*t1#"%1r rqy being here?
by I= Protestant Christianity was really Christian ruler on Its thcone. suggest to our minds the communion The nurse aceompanted him to the the one Ihipplae' 6f mY life, ever since
Ruler and Adopted 04(ory fA Cff*MvelY Introduced, among the BOwel4n 183b and 1835 the entire B1. of the siduts; and as we walked anteroom. "Do You know Lieutenant the military authorities Passed the re.
God In High* W7
W 00U*� Roves. his had been pfinted In the Malaga
First Christian Ruler. language, also an Engilsh-Malagasy round the tiers of seats we could see Marsh very well?" she Inquired point- striction thatuo *Ife could accompany.
Radama died in IM, and one of hir dicUonary. O_ f.00
again the 'men of like passions with edlY; and as he nodded, "then can you her husband abroad. arr
80, on the day of W car ourselves,' giving their lives for �h. tell me what Is so Constantly on his went for naught. I*had It annulled. I
Uere to �Only 00 106t. to tus whole My m lag
I irv. �_=W'
% world who* wives became Queen Ronavaloqu- IL nation the Idolwhich had been proml-
she wn bitter against this CbraUW* I nent on similar �ame Master we claim- to serve." - mind 711 am no longer' a wife. I am only a lov-
twice each year "d;tii1kt to fto Ill"d callous was banished When darkness hadjellen the trav- "It's Ada Wilbert." lag, loyal girl, whose place is beside
of Madagaxcu, 4)9 tb6 "Uftm and persecatedl them in many cruel by Ranavalo, t And a- copy Of thO ellers were attracted -by numbers of "Who Is she?'- the man f r whom 00 would give her
of the southern end AOf) Aftick ond ways. and she had her warriors ftom, Malagasy Bible placed nq�ar the throne; bright lights over by the Poria San "She was his wife. Back home he life." 1�!
which dombalto that part it tbe'ln. the Interior mountains of ilie Island while on the MOODY above, in golden Giovanni. These -proved to announce inarried her on an impulse. He bad Ada Swept aside the euveloping
Men ocean. annere the native Cbdx#.&" who letters, werO the words: "Olory to God "till the fun' of' a Italy haffan hour to catch a fraln. She bad cloak, to reveal a 4ed Cross costume.
VOWd not Mounear the CWfttt" CW In the EUghes% Peace on Ruth a fair"—there h
Mano -P#*-Uw great -#%water, 11M Good just as one fldds�them In this coun- Insisted that she would become a war
zalfie this and go back- to the worship of IdobL Will to Men." With one hand on the "You noble creature I" quavered the
Island kftVa to r4odievel nurse and follow him abroad. They nurse. "Come.-
1krOpe In 12K. U Tb*'aud queen reigned until Iker Bible. the Queen addressed the people. try at a "county fair."
were married by a clergyman, near the
)hV0dW saam Iota w-hola' that t And After a while. when the shock The Day of Charity.
, " t" death In ISU--a wicked recoW of W expressing the hope hey would depot. Marsh had Just time to snatch
&vise traveler obtan04, 60 "Chris
FAA& Then her son. Rltdainli IL be- adopt the Christian faith, but added: and surDIdse of her Presence had bpen tmas Is Indeed the season of
a a kiss and catch'the train. Be has subdued, Ada retold her story to Dex- regenerated feeling—the season for
-thentle wormAtIon aboutAbo Maud. lems king, and although he was 'In this never heard from her since, but a tar Marsh.
lip InAtter YOU shaV not be e
In im. rtm that U410,1411411 great drunkard sad led a wild e Valled." kindling not merely the fires of how
erswere himsdif. he anqv�ed the Christian no - J)rd month ago a relative wrot* him that Outside his comrades were singing PitalItY In the bull, but the general
and Ada -had managed to have the mar, ChriStmas'eArOls. but within his happy flame Of Charity In the heart.—Wash.
Maze annulled. She had disowned soul iiis v
�M, h4Ms of beaven seemed tagtob�
us -0 n
- St -10 11 d FO n,
COMES realization of weekd of, lo,
Will the disclosure of your Ah I "s of
MuArded secrets brine forth "OKI e and
ight and satisfactic�n
Will precious baby eyes, big like sauce ri; 'sparkle
with joy, 4od othcr blue qrey or brown eyer. of the
"dearest giW in the world,' beam on You with affec-
tionate approval for your good judgment in the
selection of the Christmas gift for all the family?
There can be no mistake 4 you have chosen th ift 6
_.that'oversh2d6ws all others—f�e'PATR C I'll
]ROA it bringA Vm*
ilifty, our hom.. Music
lAo"t "It 1a&*T "t 'will not.only. gilve
O.Aleer for Ii &y,. but prove
a vftitSiNe tre&ftM-,f&01t
of n1e%0dy.--*&"t1hg
Prices rear to wdwi�"
mally 4 %
rar�ertd from
your every oio6d
lieft-d' bY 4upteaw -
V.. up t
e, T# -M
I , "L,
A avlu',t 11"R11011. b. 11 �f t
t y
I%MeS, L
1.1� W11 "J�� J4 ni
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