HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-20, Page 13- 7 'V1 . - 1'r *,f.
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Xr1k--.MM_ it'd
.,I, set qw -i 14 'M _1
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91140 to ovoty ewer.
81*w, of battle, ttic'muchesof pe AOMAM," for tWV wlift -
Hosk. W�seoaertb aid wuth"Id "the Wax quIrril, + JOKY jit =rrormtut 01 Wir. 4%y�- � The
,,cease, rakit Tqrt4-
314 the i6ag of groat Ifie, nols, 4r #01aft" of Ud wotI4,
Ittut w3onv faith 0 t oun coulA kn.o*,,
SW& Qf glory to. God- MAO., prayer I p out -,a.
Mrj; 1,joining In.rho;W. f
Us djotr kwuas of loog aga,
44 Cri&W 10 QW, SaK04.
y is, vogupf
'AndAtt duAktb01[r.s0.1dt$dim
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�c Mnlzrswoor 410 .: wle,
'From -that 4 t 1419 �toy W
t ifig
wo �mt
ist Wftw dowa. Wk tit, in Ift
TUR114 b Of 44A�' V41114i,
*4 tis, .1.6 *embr*A0 Outwit d, Ivos W,
&4iomst-trid ",Mh0-fveater-t#�;�—
a pro
4firow tho'A Of 4 AM 1.011 Slojdjqt�3 bj k I"
Molt 'fift 149"plapes, tat Industrial. And 8=111 ltc"�
tilo wilft"Tot o'7`bXWA '1b
2 tit Purposes of, roduc4
Ex0c(allbin As qno. of th4 vital forces of
1W, U011-400,14041th'i-bUt to ulilte the word in a
y, _,mpift!" of ChrNtmas
Winan life'and at evg�r' q;i
It is-brougAt into rerlp*4d
te, state upon which tile
Its r6ots'are fii,9d,IriI1ho W1 of h4m` p fiearts world, is jiov'�Onterfxlg is scarcely less than
Aid �darby year, as Christmas -comes and goes;, those from whXJ_VWd, have just escaped, The,
I - V -, - - -of F ovortbiow"Of to Ruropean governments bas
vew4ife §pflngs fort -4, and threlrden Q.u_r
opened _,�figwojo t c
=eneetatlom-is 4w-,e-ased-by-4-th6-rA�aNzatioiis,-, I _r the in, roft 09.11 Qf _ UR
of the, past ; and 1he realities of life -ale AV the tnjo-�_
same are seeking to
plainer as we. attempt to. perform the duties and 1he end Is not yet.
that, from time to time, corne before US.- 1 roduce is tppAillht�
As the song of the birds and the fragrance must .010f,$t, cl'o4r thinking, and en -
time stir our hearts diiaVor to set to Ork afresh tha combined
of the flowers in spring
and brighten our hopes, so expectation opens -is stood out so pro.
lanitis and heroism that h,
minently during.t
Ile years of W0 to bu Id a
up to us new paths of useflilgess and illuml
real democracy and by beating our spears
tes our Way, and often foji��,$�us out into an
ocean of new desires and e ent, that few Into pruning hooks.And our swords into plough -
q. �y
would care to miss. 00 shares restore tbo'burn of peaceful Industry
in a way that shalt -bring about the greatest
—listmas what does . it me= ? it
means a rejuvenating of life. A time when good to the gre;ftest niltribef.
-A NtR
4, A, _V,
ow shall r Into the possession of
age is forgotten and when. everyone seems to H we 04te
be filled with new life. , Christmas to the this new world ?, With tile boastful arro.
C', gance of the foolish victor Intoxicated -with
s a message o s
ri K. ., I , � 7. �',, ?
hip oble and sweet and helpful. It Or with, the patient humility of It
fellows powe
world f goodwill, neighborline s,
chastened people intent only upon the build -
means the forgetting of ourselves, the reaching r
A --
Ing 'of a ndw civiftAtion and a new code of
out 'with new impulses to help others. To human ethics on the ruins of the past ? Truly
create new hope, and to spread jo,v and happi- this is a work tor toe united efforts of the
ness to all mankind,
Does it mean the forgetting of the past ? philoEopher, the 'statesman, tile press, tile
teachers, preacher and people.
Yes, for those things that should not' have
-or those who have h6ped to make We hope for 'It gtergt peace—the heart hides
been; but
Aife more real and true, we may find endourage- deepest what it hol4s deare t ; but we want
ment.and hielpin a remembrarice of the past. a peace'that will, have both flower and fruit.
The birth -of Christ is as real today, as ever, We want Justice and liberty and fair play In
'arrying on the occupations of Peace.
and this thristmas of fiineteen eighteen will c
-be one -of singular imporlanc-ei We long for -a. YMy-.gtea.te.r..and-�n.o.bler,civi-
Not that the song of the angels, or the com- lization. Sonighow w.g.fe .1 that tile scorch-
ing of Christ can be more to us than to those ing fires of this gretat,donflict should urge LIS
of forn�er days, but In the
fUlness of time we of much dross, so thatogr vision will �e clear -
have come into new possessions. er and otir outlook broaden We seem to feet
History, Education and Experience have that men Is hearts wift -ba filled with kindlier
done much to give us a better appreciation of thoughts,
our opportunities and sounder' Mgment on Individual effort,afid pffl j cy, unity of pur-
matters that affect -out well-beini. The 'loss Mc ql
;Ress: of
tationbf�-returned lov�� 4 -Vision anij a oil, of 1he- duties
ed ones, together'!wIfteh" the sentiment whicb, of Christian citize ip, properly dir cted,
an& th&
like a halo, always surrounds Christmas, will e
)uld help us to bury unrest; to give us new
have a special �significance at,this time. as of life ; to create new -energies and to
i'his year has been one of great and won- licip oil the-re-creatio.4 of'a n'
ew world that
shall nlove on ir(ha;K;'�4(y rCady to meet ever
derful exprrience.
,Like a withering flame the great ravages of emergency and, to. give enco-gMgement t'() a�l
--war haveswept down upon the world, bring- mankind. Purpose is what gives life a mean-
ing in its train barbarity, devastation and un- ing. Never before was there. A time when
utterable sorrow. History re�!als few more
personal, responsibility was so gwat. or when
tragic incidents than that so great a people tile call foi- concerted action was so urgent as
as Russia should have been so treacherously today so that the world i
niay be brought to
betrayed and dissolved, for today she lies like actilowledre tile sovereTrnty
of God, and
a deserted rebel by the way -side, unrecognized, nl I ke known the purposd of the coming of
and with no voice in the formation of the pro- 'hrist,
posed League of Nations. -id now, as we approach this Christmas of
V�eforrin -A --re sishordinatin ever thin A.
.7 6 J Z5 11RICICC11 hundred and eighteen, with great ex -
to the winning of the war, but today peace
stands upon the threshold bidding us lift the pectations, shall we not send up our humble
curtain. upon a world.which- we--ho-peis forever petition to the Almighty that this may be a
free from the menace of a military autocracy. REAL Christmas in,which-CAtrist-iball.be born.
Turk failed to find ade- afresh to every heart, for in His name only,
Yesterday the cruel
quate means to fulfill his purposes for the flerroolonal pplali,. X. r , we may have joy and peace.
,brutal destruction of the Armenians, but today 6 7 0.7 4 7 Investments should not Ile, confined to Bonds
the promised land has been restored, and, and I ands, for only in His love are we safe.
0� holv Child of Bethlelighl. I
please God, the Turk shall never again have T 7,
power to carry. on such a wholesale persecu- I)Cscend oil us we pray
tion. I ge" fr.. ins, MMrn. f 41,� ry. Wing your digm el at) the "rib Cast out our sin, and enter in,
Yesterday Germany, with all the mighty Bc born to us today.
forces at her command, was arrayed to crush T-7 We hear the Christmas angels'
The great glad tidinF tell
France and dominant Europe, and as yet we Oil, come to us, abide with us
can hardly realize the importance of her col- Our Lord Immanuel."
lapse, and the surrender of her fleet; which has
no counterpart in history; and today the glory I In His name I wish you a most happy Christ -
of France shines with a ino-re steady and in- yi% b. �K ,re tiou'u.t. v No. pro-etaim 54m a b ninb mas.
tense.than ever before.
The United States have come to rea 1-e that
money is not all gain and there are now evi- N(iw breaks the latest Christmas morn I
dences that the giving. of her men and the
Again the angel
Z s sin
spending of her millions will not be in vain, j
'And far a,)d near tile children Tron;
reality. Thei,r hap y hymns to bring.
but will be a power in making democracy a
C -Me �d �Ir-dftlp. iVme W.M111P. Worstup Christ. the ss.0LffuKMS A-useas, All heaven i
s stirreT! All earth is glad I
Britain has played her part, and as we men -
4 For down the shining Ways—
tion the name of gritain, it seems to give us
The Lord who came tp Bethlehem
pause—for a record of her deed has not been CoMes yet, on Christmas Day.
written But for the character and abili of
fief statesmen, the solidity and importance of
The Boyd-lfre All Away
4 Sheollrid. ID The TWd aNdIng,
WAIChIlIg 0" V-1 it,. Is. by .1glit.
her ;nstitutions, the loyalty and patriotism of
How shall we wreathe the holly?
4,-,d -nib u,Arj ab. o. swdtuX,,
her soldiers, and the efficiency and power of
Voudes slun� fb. intant Urht.
her Navy we offer no apology. Whatever
may be the charges against Britain respecting
Uses. dnd *urship.
Worabip Chnitt. th� e. turn, Kjug.
S_Uei, leA.e �Vuj . "UtemptanouIs.
her unprepared riess, the constitution, efficiency
Brientij -isluu. t-0,
and power and accomplish merits of her Navy
Smis ths, a"t V-1tv- d ussutu..
have made a victorious peace p)ssible. With-
V- bA�e �t, Hi� -tsd aw
out the British Navy this Christmas doubtless
The laughing lassies Bed.
L.ins, "d
would have been shaded with darker clouds.
Wui0tj, Cbsut, the ue-115un, Km&
And whVIe x yet thip- sk ir., ave. not pgdcftty�
But we will never shamsis a tads
A SMt. ts�fQY" tb-.djtM 'W%IJVX
clear, we bAieve that, there is reason now,
Walutillig luisg its hope aud tsFs�i
as in the past,"for Britain to retain thi's mi5hty
'With amribre boughs of yew:
Suddenly the Uad. deseveding.
In 141A temple dbwl Appew
sea fighting force to guard her shares, an to
angure a sense of freedom and safety along
Cum. and Irom-up,
Worship C" thstI avw-bory lUar. PLmeiL
h; hum C Af fha r"Astrhi A. -A
We'll k"p the heart and ako the, bon"
Odr landt "the land of the Iield and the Y,Z
orat"', * as people sought no quarrel with
be world, but desired to live in peace And en -
by, the prosperity Which a hundred years of
abor 2 sgisffici had made possible, Canada,
and the other British Colonies, will no longer
remlift unknown to the world, for, dike -the
liable sons of viable sires, they have gone forth
and proved that "self -trust Is the essence of
Mir IM
The Boyd-lfre All Away
How shall we wreathe the holly?
How hang the mistletoal
How shall we keep the Christmas (OW
With the Joy we Used to know,
When on the happy Christmas Day
The boys are all away?
The holly pricked their rinxers
And bro t wee drops of red.
When ca= beneath the mistiet"
The laughing lassies Bed.
No romping games this ye&r 04,ji jpj&y_
The boys are all away.
But we will never shamsis a tads
W I(h boarta so bold an true.
we'll never mix our Ch Im" Cres"
'With amribre boughs of yew:
With coursisoo high wa1l, learn to "Va
boys are all aws.
We'll k"p the heart and ako the, bon"
As brlilb� as bright cao
And Ding the CAY013 old and pig"t
Of sr'brist's nativity,
Me Mary allolls. the while we pray
Vor all the boys away.
—2thelbert D. warfial&
Mir IM