HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-13, Page 8�11­ 4 4� A., 4'"A d Wr THE GODBIUCH - STAR IRYki to AoIlre a P­�rmwe "t a Grower a$'M ve�,- foq at, iut.' o'zoncr4's t-45 111�en faraous. it can no. A fow Voy Slbopv Rfies ffr sm, -14 arp to P,*Y V Wc�tqm Cazasio pro. j:;(,'j '90. �S,�4 oa It vt3f, a b_ , . . s C"I nn. tno Iq T nwnb�)r of 1,joh, kvndlvd, oad lbe m$nI- Mlo-lt 13 o4cp Vaqrs, 44 cl:hj la 04 by tk4o fact t"t at thl zr,.a qppZ.04t1T,23 to Lo $1,000 a, 110* 0 fl, aw 40'se, A ft**440, ;",.d V*k0A t4w �r forvacU canP4,.,�. Prolluctil 1� -W j, 5.t4R1:# DrUe 'fall the best 14 at Ow CA" parapetitton is to Ifk renrleteld by tbo �WlAq OvAn per )ROW 18Ftl(% Of uO.010re jlvenw-il fit lj�jyjipea, Wa,§ $A- U It* . U of bAlv spilbs wboxt—A 000 on bu ,.a is s1tock 10, *4 Adva*4* PrItIA, miumblA for n")l noXt J)VA Alt 'Ir W, fa, Mer. Solager of 117 ppr �'A,5kataewsg. This 14: #K to oply "a 1444� Orlc4)turo, -Torooitq, tivierles. store. wqrWn I Mat ille their 110n[1110 c?.PDVf tY 40ZI7 WIN time that Mr. Wheeler bag w'QrA b4;jquot held t* thatir I** Matitliq ol ovoratlo It 14 ceutly In, TAMA011* WS' 14041101' PrIZ%, One Of th�C M ,1*0�t�whep Ist, to$ loo, pedio4t;fto pebolloo �pbv -e 1qvostil t joaa t4gt :tI. jerk (14N n4 rave" 90.0upt wbeatfirowers the. *W*' hot, ,been thor R,%PIt41 to, the luduntry Jo not N71103 044t4urent over. at this el;p,4F 1.,* was ell by the, Ut. Valan(tt toe des1rablo. . . awardc4 Ilia owcop, 11,01 Wriod ward, a, prize tor wheat al� the txpe The m for last seaeop CIA: oil ctillobas;IZ04 too-mueu is, q1tIon. rko. . lj� 4�!4t,4"!k_ta- Wltoblt*� Hans", An, 0,14, IW04�1'41,01_ � ws-.11po Isirg"t on rileord ind. do- bert xwker. Ow oleanromy. utrt*cOnnVC juvrolortiolt of fftiffx_�i.. tjOA And liorafn Mover, (;idloraj Optic( tile-j;I40#4ed cast of l4bo.r skild er,al X Q. 90-0 at- 4#04iro is a widespreld pub- -and many *be -r paid xnereA* tu®rse X4 4414044, Iola, W14gat from tit$ Stock Won tblt� le, worthy' � .1.01; to iiiet 4" matorla P4m9'vrf7* for another wan at LOA— xgioplejo he V Mo Q 'a 0111P. 41botU, In 1013. Mr. Wheel :*, h lie tAoIrpIcIda 1hat f ro w re I 0110014, kove 4t 7 or tilt) r4 9d "the of whoom PrOPOrUQn fli-ft Pize Of the P"X, 1,3 a 141Aous *lazier of whext prizift. English represon­ The stiteme , lit has.,been fre6ly in In AddItI04 to t40 fOreg011ag aod'to, -tAtIve loan later - he to ropqr04.,to, h4ve 0414 4'Tho that Ih* soe4oyi� brand wbtet was eaboll in Canada, !Or 404t, sh6old:ref6r, Lord must -b ',jotid' t, �ecaume sold to wholesalers at 412.60 a talle, large itum4ar, or ribbous. cups **it The Can a0k� ;4y# hem, 14 priie, lit 1"ool 'he inside go 9 at minor events, It wjij. 09, *90y.!, wall put up by, tho'caoners at, �9 41 be,. W Lodge No. 30 won the. thousand 0# .27 Aft)Xe being ;3 60, on the Register of. Farluors fkit "not all PA a case, tho profit tbvx,_ 'Jar gold Vrl7.e donated by far to or slightly move than 38 per �;A d t t to t- -ShaufflLueso-V d f1wsky, at New Yor, dign Paelfle, 1�a P In 4 tuake 0 q Thloi-Aosy not be a to stand a pretty fair tax without any Aanii $how. for the ,best buskol or, was loop high 4 , 1. f loll' I der In ar.tstt;pers �Or anyone else. 4anger of belup reduced to poverty. 141111n; wheat grown I , a 3e but noverfloeloo two Americas. In knywbere III tho, provide a Wasquic. ........... ......... a very necesury every =so Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ... . . . . . . 01itlorwo at . aome people are oorn great-, others "utro for C4na- 'T Part in, t40:11y4m of PO4t farmers. grate upon its. w4evlei has exhibited Marquis wheat dlans.resideat In IT. -S. CA4MICH4EL,, 'W. I ::::: L The 40110f *all* Of w.loter'dalrying a variety that produemin, very Brethren from w4e in - -wom—g me- a d C 0 1 -yield; and-Inatiroes somow New York Tftv owtim -2Z per cent of but tariter 0 1 aint- 48-,- The Object of the founders waa also -to form a bond of ilinlon between the' than other varl 'a perfect. ed I Oties. It wla that prioso Jaf m0k; butter and It" water fronts ed IL few year* ago b Brethren at the Dominion and the Brethren of4he ftit 1099dom In the r-Anot, It"10" �$s bIrF, cb**. *1 fe.gier In wint y Professor S. A. SPOCIl"WA�RD I - that'Freeroasow+ might so even otill turther strong hope and confidence e 04 vrokyx.- er The so voiled brier of w Ideb pipes are Bedford, of 13randpia Experimental It"04" 14, away oil tbauln nommor a#V It the prbducer Farm, and Dr. William Saunde of WffilatI61121 ftl-Prodw aseistin the great work of forloift these bonds of "Indissalubiq att4ohmealf' made Is laurel root, re, which shall foreVer unite the component parts of the Brittall Empire. The **Mt ;it the ogo a! 1#4114 c iinter production Ottawa. sifter saileral Years Of experl. Iola ** a 0 Was Cost$ dOWn *0_00 l0vel of summer mentilizatfou to 00tatn the oe6t vari- Lodge has now 282 members, many of whom are Dominion m"ombers real costs, tjj* plu, 14 0,rlea. for the milk. The busy bee tent -ties -.4 all a -lesson ety suited to Western Canada. The BEST dent In all pa;Is of CanadA- No fewer thito, 1550 are InIttates of the Lodge.' A at area ely. not to get afung. 205 members of the Lodge are an active service in H. M. Forces. 00 01A b .1 butter sold in winter, to Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatcke*an 6.00-dil 1. ft --W clear taro L "_Lgaifte claim t Mr. Hugh Strain Carmichael, the nowly-clected W. M. of Canada Lodge. this livaS, iW-1ce CA a ex ra Don't t#R all yowltnow. - Keep K'11V and Alberta__mtaIn_tW00000aCre4 cultivation In 19n,--tbe enorine" of land of to a -native of fliesgow. He -bas--bben- -connected with the Transatbaulto- wbic 9 fk it M, I are high-class farming I ICU -rema1r�_uns6tt1cdALA4!_U31. �,tesioshlp­trads since _1888.-w-hou.-b"olned.-the stait of tha__StatajJA%__ bmn"Tf� Cost Aar-, re 't and. IY culz1vateld constituting the rog %mt 4.q extra prices re- all!L81400.00 were actually under beat west" of the co which in 1.891 was taken over by the Allan Line. In 1895 he, commenced I , �,afi Ifirpe, daughl- equo"OX.- Y "I"' to' 1014 1 an can borro%v about everything 010 " for- - fiter dairy goods. A m n"netiL his long connection with the, Canadian PaclQc Company at Glasgow, traus- 10, 'Nts '. char- c"y tr Fbjt Zest ho it Fir In the world exivelit expericnee Ii. I P'eldey, and T pX.0 bly true where the g to its Liverpool office in 1903, wheft the compan established Its 10 es 411 of 00*446400t js� ob to purchase all tic passenger slervice. In t9O8 )he was promotW1 jig, being.repriman(jeti to,, gepting Since thi It's one -to have flin. but Efflo;I vanned ChaNie, 1)��eaose passenger agent for Great Britain and Europe. War- If- Roy said : to past 0eds such as oilcake, wien e calInd I always had to givel in 19jr-16, of the Canadian Pacific Ooean Services, Ltd., w nages =1 It 6 othes muddy, tilt I all Itlan ? don't let On tr= the form of high I el 104 priced , the One cost more than the fun. Mother, I1nj E -h allal I , , .. cottoailcied� �44 jititen meals, but 9('tllnx t1st'd I0 di"t' till hill, it hint to go honie. the entire fleet of the C. P. R. and Allan Lines, Mr. Carmichael has ocou. A40ft ot. .1110,3 ve I rd, I *11,6ro * tsirnjer- Is able to grow all Velvet earpets began to he used In Whe,) Vill a soldier in the trenches I E hile-And now ? pled the position of passenger and freight manager. and has his head, 4e. via c� g Xt Wonday Europe about the fourteenth century. N%()n't Illind It." EjIIV_-1)Il, I got it R(Ir-staker. quarters lit Waterloo Plaoe, London, England. his to0th-itV, and at least one-half the �XeU I 'jition, on his own farm, oat no, much differ - or ber Once li, t*eau -winter and summer on Ave - Wiry I costs, as some would suppose, 'oil* ller..88th ",ve0jaily on blih-prieed land. Where la'Aej�ft$ �_ � 'Ij�' . "'IL' was born in tough land to available for slulmor pustilre, then summer milk - Vrtloniyi,,� A-liv0doeni": *41uwl. 'and crime c -be producod-domparatively cheap. Is :40 (iWi 41i 4t youll, w6oiian In her Another phase of'milk production 04P Vfia;Uftilly lived for fti,,�'Wioter worth considerin$_ is the hut for rool to likobt. p e . In ivinter there is 'gs, Mirls lifoliordy horiti,tiple to attend to the cows than I k�'_'jj7k 'j%roTjta'* 6;he IlVed ring the rush of work. jn. 41itlamer du .qt� , olrl)� 10�11­116 (lied in 1$4% I�LH� UIr the cows In a comfortable until Some :*t*b.j0 makes pleasant winter work Cam " lfoc,Vng'after them. It at least hall '*#0*,!11V a Sle came 'to .r in Ooderlch� herd be fresh during November ?I Friday to d December, these cows will be go - 140 do4y, sit harvest time the following tilllo��fii;i,4�th of Mrs. A� �001#lner, and thus labor to more even- tor at the holln 1*-,*nd more, economically distributed �r, j .�*dglj W. F, (Aiirk throughout the year. Winter dairying 4-0,10-v.armly commended to. the The d %eased ip, -of-Ahe Province of Ontario Sli. tivas born Who keep cows for profit.—Prof. TWO STORE8 TWO STORES Dean, Ontario Agricultural �.WA KER9S "a 'Ll;�41,01V, 1-h-liflIeft ante beit � J"r_, 11 t 'Oft _. 11 , di IN XXX i nle jo Zollege, Guelph. , #'It ��o 0 N"kti tell years old tsbe %val� ma $11nollild Itiales for Economical A .oil had lived In a Feeding. 7 —Y TEN M "ORE SHOPPING DAYS LEFT. Makj, good use of them. 'When 'you buy husband being �$2 vars ago they 1, Grow as much at your own feed ONL It Ig toortom possible. otionald . 2. Utilize roughagea to the grent- Fluiniture you have not spent your money,you have invested it in a"gilt-edge in -vestment. Look over-lthe list dled" 1�lrt'. �6i degree possible. a�o`:'_Mlot" Oby a half sister# , 3. Keep feeding stalls and peas below carefully-, see if there is something that appeals to you. .7j;;� ��Ah'.�,aote. Mont., an III, well lighted, dry. clean and well �Olne soil I&W4 Ventilated. Feed regularly. Ojer STORE NO. i Tea Trays Baby Rattles M R- of tow", Make changes In rations grad - I Suoda$j the ually. Bedroom Boxes Umbrella Stands Child's Dressers '*"Say. clean and Quickly at each feed. tric Vases -6, Feed only what Is eaten up Bake Boards Vacuum Cleaners, hand or elec- Jardinieres W� it. 0. luld, 7. Have clean fresh water before Baby Carriages W, *WI 'k �4,'%rave I lie In Work Baskets 't Ij I stock at( all times. Baby Sleighs Fancy Plates S. Study the individuality of each Waste PapenBaskets Platters 0j*ftf':b4 In 1 411*0 0, 0 �o) VA Baby Gates v Wn.aild. Alex. Of- 9. Feed mixtures where PosAible, k variety of food to more palat Girls' Sleighs Gufth- bearoom Nuits Reds, Brass rn ture Uovering, Drapery Chintz Christmas Post Cards Artificial Flowers The Prowr Elation for Horses Vaten 4. fias� able, and palatability is a factor in digestibility. i' on betote r� nwo� ,4go, ��,,rbc ruh6ral When the fall work to completed Beds, Iron Cretons Indoor Football n feederls naturally Plan to change horse Wili,,,, idbiee 'on, promi 10, Cut feed to avoid waste. Cellarett�s bible. The horse should get exercise r;t;i&rly, go should toot be tAk6A Beds, Camp Curtains, fancy and plain Toy Pianos sible. the work should gradually *a" She, load not �amo 11. Make a wide use of asits vibicto, form basis 66, 1 Olt Vemft 6t Mt JUMPS 61 k Us It -tion, should, 1�6 641; do*U train ri Bed Couches Curtain Material by the yard Checker Boards &See. Good clover Or better, a tby-- val 0jid f1tilli 0 1110e. who were shOuld the of all our grain railons. I tie - vefit Nvest th. an gralla., *44 *114ro-lity ill 'Amilt. Beds in fancy woo& Book Cases, Cl�b Bags Suitcaslis Checkers horse should be Vat$ $MAIIII but it ill 6' *400411at her splri t 12. Always be kind ano quiet with 144 `000ft0bb Oil be did a imilAt t�*tvt tsittft 10 *ftulred to Sectional koe6'therA front 10410j,' lit fiesh. A Games of all kinds I tow rootli 0eUoA0lAl'A it s6odsized Z A'$Joaft time the stbekb It Ms. X014iwi� A., V, A A. Nf" will b* foutiott, to Aid 010*06u, ;If Bolster Rolls Trunks Picture Books SubstitolAted lat the IWOU i*K and 0w, W,04��#o Aeebased, 13. Study market values of fee4. Finey Shades Ivory Dressing Sets 11 Buffets School Bags Story Books *bulit M 410th at Ulght looll'000 t*4 oroad- "74armi. of K.Ifk- tho loind compound balanced rations ae. cordingly. In order that the cheapest I Cradlos Dinner Bathroom Cabinet Music Rolls Toy Drums, Nnt Cracker,,, and available be use d. Deskr; China CabiAet *usic Cases Hustle Tussel, a nekw game Cloaks did J J#Ao 14, See that the stock gets regular &ad suillclent exeTc _List,, Alaft Clocks tion Kitchen C4 t -bine Draperies ressers Trees. Card Tiltbler; , & lWv!:,*Xi As survived this tountry I eep's.1 jeedingtroa gars and utensill Pirlor Tables icine Cabinets Music and Record Cabinets Dressing Tables- Christmas Bells Boys' Slei h. Trays, Brass I I I I 1 3 1 '10 ""4AtoTj,,Of van., Toole. Onfarto Agricultural, College. Girls' Sleighs Gufth- 11144- 0�11 w1kik'41 of Colerldo, Phonographs 01+1'Aa�,'AW-0o Mpbell retire(I The Prowr Elation for Horses Vaten 'woow"'16"or to years ligo the Mill) Work Closes. i' on betote r� nwo� ,4go, ��,,rbc ruh6ral When the fall work to completed 60 00 ��Os#4y , Afternoon to being and the hard -worked horns Is at the beginning Of his long erlod, of idle. c0eraild and n feederls naturally Plan to change horse -paZ-b"r- Woo. thT, ration . and carry the through the Winter as cheaply as pag_ Cellarett�s bible. The horse should get exercise r;t;i&rly, go should toot be tAk6A M*`—T'bbl�04411 took 'place from regular hard work ead tisdND In a stAll day in and day. out, It boo; - 000,'#114,4 %1111111109, sible. the work should gradually *a" 01ftlik Of off and the teed, pattletillorlt W6 66, 1 Olt Vemft 6t Mt JUMPS 61 k Us It -tion, should, 1�6 641; do*U train ri -jillito tor quite a accordingly, The Idle jillfta,raty wintered almost wholly. On rough-, et was kw WNW Whir. and. &See. Good clover Or better, a tby-- val W A�"11(10111108 61Y or W4. town re- cured Will serve in Ifildh wititill, feed, Itoughoges foro.*lWays I tie - vefit Nvest th. an gralla., *44 *114ro-lity ill 'Amilt. A 46, (w1loissevain, able the train rstjon. of W, Idle ­14*04piieh in business horse should be Vat$ $MAIIII but it it'AlIx t4ohoopi ago be F liaf%" foro,fed fitraw thL J)jfoe; of W 144 `000ft0bb Oil be did a imilAt t�*tvt tsittft 10 *ftulred to Wr*.r 'mr,. 11061080 W" Lkhodtgol' koe6'therA front 10410j,' lit fiesh. A at MO , tow rootli 0eUoA0lAl'A it s6odsized * M6 Member of turnip oAeo.*.. O.Ay Or * fibW eArtOtA X014iwi� A., V, A A. Nf" will b* foutiott, to Aid 010*06u, ;If ow a, 40.9 bt 'lluron '* ln%Y 11411 hO It �iaqt #16*1101' Aft 0. 0. rj 404 when he SubstitolAted lat the IWOU i*K and Lk- &d 'Ont transfer his toot& lVO4'"It It 10 feeding 4y illod '4004 tattoos Finey Shades Ivory Dressing Sets Iv., by Ill$ XvIto suialtu � th*tL tbo k4thi ZbOdi tl*wk algbjOr of th.6 *bulit M 410th at Ulght looll'000 t*4 pllootii� jj I)y lots other �tods, Wit b0tift, thOuld be Cradlos Dinner mfoo"it to) (106416W to* A*d Osokkrkb h oiftft broffitt, , *Am I he" M)hl WAft" &"t A�tw mt. 9141111ord, �, I 'I 111,I)p 4.1 � 'I. , . pow**,m" moolm't yooi, Rk" W* is ahvar* $%*�N 11116 WA A" bk **'s Idto Parlo� Cabinets Flower Stands Girls' Sleighs Smoking Cabinets Picture Frames Phonographs Carpets and Rugs, in Axminster, Furniture Polis6 Phonograph Recordsi for all Brussels aqd Wilton Hall Clocks %all. . makes of mackines Rag Rugs Seats Phonograph. Cabinets in all fin - Cedar Chests !Iall Racks bes Cellarett�s Hampers Shoo -fly Horses Chairs of all kinds Jardiniere Stands Toy Autos Children's Chairs Library Tables Doll Carriages Children's Rockers Sectional Bookcases Doll Sleighs Children's Toy Sets' Magazine Stands Boys' Buster Brown Wagon - Morris Chairs Mantle Mirrors Boys' Buster Brown Sleigh Parlor Chairs Parlor Suits Casicroles Comforters Pedestals Pyrex Ware Reed Chairs' Piano Benches Smoker Sets A Reed Rocke 4 Piano Stools Dressing Sets -Noto - - C hoste-efi-elds Framefi Ir Ditv.enports Electric Floor Lamps Ivory Combs Chiffouieiri tleetric Table Lamps Ivory Brushes Costu , in oak and malio-ativ 'Vaby Finey Shades Ivory Dressing Sets -cots Fancy Tea Potrl Couches STORE NO. 2 carving, Sets Cradlos Dinner Tob#,cco Jars Cribs Tea Sets Nnt Cracker,,, Curates Toilet Sets Deskr; Water Sets Hanilkerchi f Boxer; Dinner Wagons Cloaks Pupi and �auaers, a swell eollee- Statuar.* Alaft Clocks tion root Stools Teddy Bears IAdies' Parkes Card Tiltbler; Dolls Purkes Pirlor Tables Pictures SilVer Knives and Parks, Old Sewing Tables Trays, Brass Teot witons Cro'kiuole- Boards .1 KNet Spoons, Old Colony,. TMephout Stan& Toy Dogs Piney, China of every description Toj* Sets Tily 146i4d 86VIO special -priced VOL walle W09jos UnIESTAS ASX1141111111. bo'. fou .0 this Tow 'at, thit 4;0#4,� V160i I * Our Wate IDepattment P, tilt fthtnitJoedwy. The, rooto" fort th'46 c6ftitda of record IkU61iii, *4446 6%* *11 11ght -66 001 Evew- CoM x0aits you, We 6va it Anuslc�toom &W tt1*t0.dsot6 tor -.4tustomers. Our ZW, 0;" but thtrot ***.'A "Tietil 4 - I V. a . I ' . 'At it OMPlett. W0. haVC'tft0tJ* f6t tWWOwltlo "ftbf t columlibia. flftft� Bruns - A tof Idwtiao th*�Oftto tb 04 orilits in 0& i4v" 0111"k, MaAg" W1 and �h4*,r'd* 'The ftbo., tb*, 0000* *it*! hP i