HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-12-13, Page 5IN
makes a meriier Christmas.
'I. N QO
Folding Brownie, from 6 0,0
Combis 35c; to $1.25
Hand Mirrors $2 t,8 $3,73
Johnston's farin on the Bay-
The inTerative need for Tbxift is aopslrmt
to all thinking P-Ple. Ttose
No. `t.J "o[6dak, special
Individual Manicure Articles
If, YQu'4r alft list Is ready'let 'S,,'help
i u
35c to 75q.
wbo, sgo wise
bAVC ceased to spend on non-es"ut4fi,
all interest due before the ea(k of t - he
year. r
you, selec�., It would toke 6, bigger
- . - A. _... ..
The treasurer has received the in-
Lerim receipts fee the swowa of sink -
lid we saviug to provide *g4just poaWle
dverrse conditions.
Fund amounts invested in the Vic-
The regular meeting or the f n
ertiseriient thanthIs to tell YOU
901111itcil was held on Fnda�
The .,.resi
T 'e"'t way to PrOt"t younelf Is witbg
last,' presettl. the Mayor, Ihe lie ning
Deputy EWeYe and CQUDC111ol.7% to, Vic
ing. and your commit ee recommend
that ft County GOAA oads lev� for
o V, the things we hove for Christ -
the yelir 1918, amountl to $1,4'22.60,1
"P ,
6av'np Ace-ut rlt&rt One witb this Box);
At once. Interest paid at cumnt ratt&
v I
e recommend that the treasurerlif
1,,,l pol f,
4NOV. 15th) : lot(! taxes ,too; 1"' 191,7
I -
taxes, $2,050; j918 tdx't,s
. sdol,)0. total
P4 Amount
makes a meriier Christmas.
No. 2a ......... J8 50
Folding Brownie, from 6 0,0
Combis 35c; to $1.25
Hand Mirrors $2 t,8 $3,73
Johnston's farin on the Bay-
No. `t.J "o[6dak, special
Individual Manicure Articles
lens . ................ 24 50
35c to 75q.
JewelBoxes, Powder and Puff
all interest due before the ea(k of t - he
year. r
TiVQ Bylaws 10 be VDIed a
-Wers a( the Jilnuar a floy Illate-
- . - A. _... ..
The treasurer has received the in-
Lerim receipts fee the swowa of sink -
Fund amounts invested in the Vic-
The regular meeting or the f n
tory loan. .1
The 1917 county rate and 1918 countyl
901111itcil was held on Fnda�
war tax has been Paid since last meet -
last,' presettl. the Mayor, Ihe lie ning
Deputy EWeYe and CQUDC111ol.7% to, Vic
ing. and your commit ee recommend
that ft County GOAA oads lev� for
Wit lls,
Wilson, Story and Daiils. I
the yelir 1918, amountl to $1,4'22.60,1
The tax c6liector rpport,,l I It,, oil-
low taxes foolle, f
-ted since
v I
e recommend that the treasurerlif
1,,,l pol f,
4NOV. 15th) : lot(! taxes ,too; 1"' 191,7
I -
staternent for October Lie filed.
In the matter of lomplaint of Miss'
taxes, $2,050; j918 tdx't,s
. sdol,)0. total
P4 Amount
Clifford with refereiwe to income tax
$7b making a Jot�kl nor It,,, )-par to
$76,183, or
recqmmend that consideration b�
likid ovdi, until salaro, payments are
illore than was
collected for the whole of JN7. 1,here
adJusted by the High School
)'our committee has examined the
were about twO cullet'Lablo, oil 016
,taxes, and oil 1917 taxes aboot $j.W0
tax c011ector's report of NOV. l5th afid,
and on 1918 taxes possil)IN $1(; 00(j"
ataking about S20600 collectable.
amounts collected to ditite,
are, Very satisfactorv, the. town has
This was refe�red to it'(, finance
ver ain debenture sinking fund
PkivMents, to meet and we recommend
A circular letter froij, (he
that the tax collector be instructed to,
Fire Underwriters, Association
on Payment of all taxes with -
out delay.
attention to need of altention to tire
fthtJg appliances; especially
Your cornmittee recommend that no
Inction be
noNN. that
tne Id weather is e()Illr
taken on flip request of Mr.
W. I,.
This was referred to h,."ellre coni-
Kfolly for a refund of water for
offire while occupied\as police magis-
�11 rate.
A letter, dated Dee. ;-)th, rro,
Wm. E. it Mr
N', Strafforil
We recommend that no action be
,little ul'
offer for sollie illat-hillery in. Ilip Wheell
on request of Messrs. Cralgle
Brus. and of Mr. F. R. Wood for a re-
Ngs plant, all(] this "-its referred to
r;:rldt orea ( ir licenses for
the PUMIC lAorks ('Ofoln it it,(' with po\%,-
er to act.
t e Im heir hi s', were closed
.A request front Mr, john yoonK for
if) by the. Board of Health..
We reconinjend that Mr. W. T. Moore.
ent Of �3 daiiiagrs caused by
96,Lr�lnll and rig sfomlolin�: (ol ewer ion
be allowed one, month's salary amount-
ng to $45.&3, as all honorarium for
�streptj was I)resented Hit;] 1-1i motion
of the Reeve secon(jed I,\.' file Deplity
2st services.
We recommend that the. r est of
Reeve, was too tile public
works committee to report
the National Sanitarium Assoceixion for
a grant be laid ovee for next
A conununication from M-essrs. Rob,
ertson and Mair hPlilving for rebate
of' a portion iMsilless
A number of accounts were re(o)Om-
or tax on King-
Mon street grocery, \\hirh has been
mended for payment.
The chairman, Reeve Laithvii-afte,
closed from i -jet. Isk, \\-as read, and
moved that the report he adopted and
was referred to ) it) e thizinve committee,
this was seconded by Councillor Wal -
A communication froon the chipf or
If,. Councillor Davis called attention
Police, applying for ;j ne\N. ;, I
to the presence of Messrs Crai-le —d
A, Kodak
White Nory. Toilet
makes a meriier Christmas.
No. 0 Brownie : ........ � 00
NA 2 ......... 2 .50
A large range of gift goods,
No. 2a ......... J8 50
Hair Brushes $2 to $&60
Folding Brownie, from 6 0,0
Combis 35c; to $1.25
Hand Mirrors $2 t,8 $3,73
Johnston's farin on the Bay-
Ias not responsiblp closing up
This wasr the result of the ��f of DI,
No. `t.J "o[6dak, special
Individual Manicure Articles
lens . ................ 24 50
35c to 75q.
No. 3a. Kodak, R. R.
JewelBoxes, Powder and Puff
lens. 23 -50
Boxes, Hair Receivers, Stamp
Boxest, Photo Frmnes, Tooth
No. le Kodak � ........... 17 50
-Powder Roldar-,-Cfock, etc.
Swan Fountain Pons
Flash Lights
$2.50 to $5.00.
make the night like day,
$1.50 to $5.86
Thermos- Bottles and-
Christmas Creating
$2.50 to $4.00
2 for be to 20o each.
Pa I ttftpson,s Chocolates
Domestic and Foreign makes.
Be sure and put it box of Pat -
A nice present for a young
te�son's with your other
lady. 15c to $4.50
Safely Razors
Photogpaph Albums and
Razor Strops, Shaving Sets.
Brusbes ......... . 26c to $2 50
n'Ning to the fire Klarm bp1l being;vIllages
Auto Strop ... $5 00 to $7 W
Calendars Ile to 14c.
Gillette ....................... $5 00
Albums 35c to $2.00.
Hot Water Bottles
Military Brushes
Rubber and Metal
For your gentleman friend
r $1.25 to $2.75.
$2.25 to $6.50
un win
overcoat, was referred to the special Woods and suggested that they be
committee. heard in rAference to their application Large and vrrled ;t -00k. we a; Berve you.
A communication rron, it" .1tiorkson for a rebate of lic(fise fee,
Manufacturing eCo., Ltd,, applied ror Mayor ruled this but of order.
exemption front taxation roof, a further The chairman asked to withdraw his
Period of ten years,'and the matter motion and then moved that the report
was referred to'lliC PPcial committee, be discussed clause by clause, and JAS. A. CAMPBELL
to have hvla�% prepared it onee. Councillor Wallis seconded this mo- God , erich DRUGGIST Phoohe 90
The publie works committee, repor(- tion, which was carried. "Huron's Golden asits."
ed as follows : In the olatter of claim The report was adopted as read,
of Mr. Adam God. for $11.35, for mak- with the exception of the clause re-
JDg Rewer connection to his protwe�tv commending no action on the request
We find that, while Mr. ;L)ri,s (�f Messrs. Craigie and Woods for a re
should be connected, vvi,, (to not think ate of license. As to this, Councillor
the town is liable for this el in. Da\i� moved, second?d b-.0, Gouncillor weeks In November. $20,000 of sinking fonis ill the VIctorT
Ho�,vever we recommend that M �orl Wilson, that the pool room managers There was some discussion as to'the Loan and granting a quit clain) dee;j
be aid the sum of $5 in full of claim. be refunded for the time their Pool arrangement with Mr. Fowler for en- (if the MeRay property. wei-to passed,
Tgat Mr. Alex. Glark, an employee of monis were closed, the mover pointing grossing the town honor roll, and it and thp Mayor and the clerk vi,,erc in -
lour public works departinent, has out that the town had taken something was moved by the Deputy Reeve, se-Istructed to complete the deed,
een very sick, but we believe is n000,. from these men for which no value had cdnd,-d by the Reeve Mat $15 be paid The council then aitiourned to Tii-i-
recovering, and Your committee re- been given. Mr. Powfer. this to be applied on hisr fay niplit.
egemend that Mr. Clark.be plaeed (in I Councillors Wallis and Story moved account for taxes- -Carried.
t 41 public works, pay sheet or Dec. tamendmeoii to Councillor Davis' mo- Councillor Story asked as to the cor-
I I Red Cross Knitters
7th for two weeks full time froin date ( it, that this clause be referred back respondence with the National Ship- The Red 1�ross Society thankfully
Of'last pay, amounting to $24.53. to the committee to report op. The building Go. as. to the cause of the
In the matter f co i faint with rp- Reew, the Deputy Reeve and Council- short circuitiniF of the Hydro wires. ilck"O"AlOdges the following contribit-
ference to samita conditions of the ]for Wilson voted with the mover and �he corresponcence was read, and it tioDs (if vhs. all hand knitted: War
, co
town stables, V.ojr nimittee h;,%e had seconder of this, 'Councillor Davis was stated that It was an employee of '%uxi I ifiry, 'd prs.: Mrs. Reynolds, sr.,
the Npremises clean up, and, after against. The clause is therefore re7 the National Shipbuilding Go. who if;: 'Nirs. \V. I... Ifortoll, 10 prs.; Mrs.
having intprvi %%e the ferr(s.d back to tl�ie committee. caused the short circulting of the Jas. Clark, 9 prq.: migs Ball, Miss s,.
I., , complainant, it was then moved by the Deputy wires and that this resulted In Aafh_ Clark, 8 lors.: Miss Robinson, Mrs. Lee,
we understand 4with fit(, installa- Reeve and seconded by Councillor Wil- age t; the system to the extent of $500 sr., Miss Scrifrigeour, 7 prs.; Mrs. (ieo.
tion of a Nent lator, the conditions in James, Mrs. Chas. Garrow, \it's.
the meantinie will be satisfactory, and son that the deMation be heard and or $600.
'OA recommend that the'\ this was carried. The Deputy Reeve raised the qu's Woods, Mrs. McKim, Mrs. .1. Lynn, 6
\vntilator he e -
installed at once, but any forth r Oil- N -Ir Woods expressed himself as be- tion, "Would it not be possible to Or- prs.; Mrs. Hall. Miss McPherson, Mrs.
provements be laid oNer unti,(' next lipving their claim was a just One, ganize a bugle band or some other Wellpr, Miss Armstrong, Mrs. Gordon,
spring. (, therwisp they would not have asked musical organization that could be uti- 5 prs.; no) narne, )o;Irm. Hillier, Mrs. t.
In the matter (it repairing veni--nt, for the rebate; and Mr. Graigle pointed lized for \yelcoming the boys returning Ellis, Mrs. C. Girvin, 4 prs.; Miss M.
,litwalk n Wellesle� strt-1. \�c Ie- out that the request was a business from the front. Bell, Miss Hluett. Mrs, A. Davidson,
o Mrs. Shipman, Niiss pearl Fraser, Miss
th at, owing to \%pa(her con- proposition. They had paid the. 11 The matter was, left'with the special
ditions, the matter be laid over till cense fee for a year, and had been de- committee, Goun),Illors Wallis and Whilfly, Mrs. too. Ghisholm, Nirs. F,
next spring prived of the privilege granted for One 'Davis making a motion to that effect. F. flirurnmett, Miss (;. Porter, Mrs.
,Your committee has ask -d forlten-
nionth, and should be reimbursed for
their loss.
The,,advisability of the appointment
Bu-Ilard, \Iis� (;i.iffln, Mrs. Perguspl),
Mrs. McKinfwn, \li,s.
&rs for the hauling and toiling in the
Mr, Nolkh-, '.%It-) olider%%ent 11 U)-
pration in I,ondon for app end"t S'
of a fair price" food controller was
(.vo. Price, Miss
town hall yard of 2.-)0 1,i cords (or wood
Rppve claimed that the council
for the
raised by Councillor Davis, who point-
L. Price, It,, I "1 111' M r' s ' Jno. Sturdy,
Mrs. balton,
Johnston's farin on the Bay-
Ias not responsiblp closing up
This wasr the result of the ��f of DI,
ed out that lhe council had power to
- Bisholo. Mrs. 3- prs.; Mrs.
Bu-ttim. Mrs. C. fo-e, mrs'."t'lundry,
field road. We believe it ovould be a
good idea to have a quantity of wood
vine Providence.
make sueh ail
The matter was referred to the ape-
Yat", Mrs, Rh�nas, Miss B. Porter,
on band ip case st.ormy weather or
The special committee reported that,
cial committee, Councillor Wallis so-
Mrs Goldthorpe, Mrs. B. I
Sau ts, Mrs.
bad roads conditions might arise, and
after advertisin � for applicants for the
conding a motion lii� Councillor Davis
R., J. Acheson, Mrs. Wrn, Sharman,
we recommend that your committpe;
be 1pf this tender,
position of ni t polier., they had re-
Iceived two applicantg, but before tak-
to this effect
'Is reprcsAmtatl
The council vZs on thQ
Miss Sharman. %it's. Platt, Mrs. Poster,
Miss Strickland, 2 ifors.; Mrs. R. Clark
authorized to pro-
voiding a price sattfavtory to your
ing action recommend that they ALdver-
county council, reported having been
Mrs. .1. C. (.riffln, Mrs. J. J. Graham:
coniniftfee is received.
tise again, stating amount of salary.
suce -essful In securing the passing of
Mrs. III Hunt, Mrs. .1. Stewart, Mrs,
That the constructmn (of (lip local
a resolution by the county counct
Dust0w, Miss C. Dark. \trp- P. Elliot.,
Improvement sewen, j., now comiolote
The fire committep reported, I 118
making an annual rebate to towns an�
Mrs. H. .1. A. MarEwan, Mrs. It. Fisher,
ana we are now wAiting for the en-
n'Ning to the fire Klarm bp1l being;vIllages
of 90 per ceut. of the levy on
%Its,, E. Prillham, Mrs. D. Buchanan.
g neer - i I reports and cal-
to fl-i'li "s
sounded on several various occasions such municipalities for Good R;ads.
Miss M. Sharman, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs.
ocu Jail, n Which ., now being done.
(in other than fire the response This meant a return to the town of
C. Murray, no name, H. Carter,
Th. .,t iovits i. Iptpd.
of the fire brigade is very materially about $1,4W.
Mrs. Aitken, Miss M. Aitken, Mrs.
or is 'etry a -ks
h ire , pal committee
interfored with and recommended that The Mayor expressed the gratillea
Leitch, Miss Ferguson, \Mrs. Harrison.
reported that Lh, " Xpril "I rs 11 f the
tke, police he Instructed to prosecute tion of the council at this, and It was
Miss Harrison, Mrs. Carrie, Mrs. Tape.
estate of the late .1. 1. iiiekson had
any person rInginF tte alarm without moved by the Reeve and seconded by
Miss Tape, Mrs. P. McCarthy, I Pr -
Paid the sum of $JOO into CemetPry
the Pxpress permission of the Mayor, the Deputy Reeve that the county be
knit, tin inachinp, Mrq. Dickson an"I
Fund for. file jlpkeep or hits
fit* the chalfirnan of the fire committee, asked for the rebate for 1918 --Carried,
ladies am'Alsting, 22 prs. The Society
J' 3 and 4, see. 9, Range 2.
excepting in cases of fire qr piirposes, The, duties of the night police were
has (in hand a go4yj supply Of the vf,ry
e report was adopted.
for which the alarm Is Intended— discussed. Councillor Davis thought
(if varn and asks fit(- knittprR to
The ifinance committee reported :
Adopted. the duties should inlude a patrol at
remember our bo% . o; still wear sockF4.
The treasqrer has made a draft for
coming to the head of nevir busi- the rear of stores, as iovell as the front
Many thank, art, ihie Miss Phoebe
$1,000 on Mr. P. G. Rumball for ay-
ness Councillor Wallis mo ed, secon- and that the police should be required
I.Sleep for her girt (or a beautiful centre -
meat due Dec. Ist, i9j8, bill as Ye t
(ipdby Councillor Davis thaT thp water to try store doors' between 12 and
We. It i, h,,r own work and will
had no return.
and light commission be asked for a I o'clock at night. He should not have
sold foo* fhe henlit of the Red GroRs.
,Your committee hAs niet Mr lilex.
' "
rebate for the time the street lights access to the town hall but should bbp
onoll The forieral, on
"'Poti M(ondiov
Sa riders of the Goderich ()raan co.,
v, -ere out4:arrIPd. One half of the required to be on the street on the jf. )h
vip first thing riveessary In break
Mr. Siltunders has pr-imisei-I to pay
lights were out for approximalply two Bylaws iialidating the Investment of
Ing a bad habit is to want to brcak it.
aesue Hayakawa
U0 CLARA Wme S. Hart
In a thrilling Artcraft Picture
"flashimpa Togo IMBAL
I The Japa . nese Schoolboy YouN,G "The Narrow Trail
From the famous stories of the Saline
name by
From the story by
11SIH r
A Pantitiount Picture MRLE'T'KAYE
F "day and Saturday Monda"y and Tuesdau Wednes. and Thuno.,
T109 WEEK - Dec. 18 and 19
Afj# Dec. 16 and 17 11 Goderich 04 Ira on Wednesday Night
'AVIN 6..
I Loof :LAO troo
vomi O.A.w. to 6 px,�. Smw*r �10
L- - � I,. I `_
A 410mil a'.
svgge,�tlohS Fpoll The Scotch Store
The Scotch $toril, Isoowded with practical and service4ble gifts
whIch make ChristMae AbOOP109 a Pleasure.
-'�hop In tho moralog it pos,8113le.
The Season's mosi f4vored Furs Re in stock im The nicat blou
the most Popular -iitylew. sm we liave ever sbown in
Natural Wolfe Sets from $20.00 Georgette, 'C"i-ei)-o'- do - ibhiue- `ajd Itabutai
Black Wolfe Sets from $50.00 Sikka fro ul $2,95, See the new styles in
Red Fox, Grey Fox Sets from $27.50 round necks.
vvti�e luoland fox Sets $80.00 - ---
White Thibet Sets for Misses from
$&95, Gloves Gloves
The Nicest of Neckwear in's Guaranteed French Kid Gloveli, black,
'P'7white and colors, $2.50r per pair.
Words would fall to deseribe the beauty of tile ' I
flew Neckwear in Georgotte, Crepe De Perrin's Suede 6loves In tan, grey an'd black.
Chin -e,, Satin and Pique - from 36c up—, $2.00 per pair.
Daintv Boudoir Caps make charming, gifts. From $t.00.
I�audbsgs in all the ueowest styles. From 7&C,
Hau4kerchiefs One of Those Charming Velour
Handken-hieN in endless Variety. Our show- Dressing Gowns
ing tlji3 season is better than ever which is
stivikit; a whole IoL No mistake can be A most acceptable gift would be a Dressing
;nade when including'handherchiefs in your Gown in Velour or padded silk, they are so
ist. No matter how many it person MAY useful Yet inexpensive. Priced fi-om $2.90
get an extra, half dozen or two is always to $10.00 each.
appreciated and they are so handy for
mailing to friends at �i distance. Hand- 'Hosiery For Gifts -
kerchiefs put up in attractive Christmas
boxes at 25o to $1.50 per box. A splendid varietv of Silk and Cashmere Hose
Something new. Handkerchiefs put up in at- which Inake a most welcome gift.
tractive mailing envelopes Witt] calend r Women's Kayser Italian Glove Silk HoRo in
for 1919 at 60c to $1.50 cacti, black, owerald, white, special $2.bo per
7 pair.
Wouien's Pure Irish Iiinon Initialed Handker- Radium ankle length Silk Hose in black, white,
ct�iefs, every irlitial it) stock. Wonderful
values. Special 25c each. Pearl leather, navy, champagne, special
$1.00 per pair.
A great showing of snowy white embroid-' Women's Cashmere lloso, all wool, exceptionitl
ered Handkerchiefs at 10c, l5c, 2 for 2be value $1.00, $1.50, $1,75 per pi�tr.
up to $2�00 each.
Children's Handkerchiefs frorn 5c each. A Few Sugge3t ions For the
Children's and Misses Knitted Home
Skating Sets Blankets cotton and wool.
A real Bidbrdown Comforter.
What more useful and comfortable gift could cougoleurn Rugs.
vou think of than one of these Brushed Now Carpet Squares in Hearth Rugs.
Wool Skating Sets consisting of Cap and Window Curtains, Arch Curtains.
Scarf in all colors, exceptional value $1.95, 43issel CarpO Sweeper.
$2.50 and $2.9b a set. Vacuum Carpet Sweeper.
Suggestions From Our Men's Section
Men's Ties 50c, 75c, $1.00 each.
Men's Kid Oloves, lined find unlined $2.50 a pair.
Men'R Initialed Linen Handkerchiefs 26e and 50c each.
M en's Socks from 50c a pair.
Men's Braces, Armbands, Cuff Links.
Men's Underwear.
Shop early If possiblel.. P111118 urry small pareels if convenient.
9 "
'Phone 56 --MILLAR415SCOTCH STORE-- 'Phone 56
KIPPEN fine character, a sli'lendid neighbor.
(Intended for InAt week.i a loving mother arid a Christian
TrOOP trislas Vft rsturnlag liell'
Mr, Nolkh-, '.%It-) olider%%ent 11 U)-
pration in I,ondon for app end"t S'
(it bingularl) 11r,j. fler"s was
a "ie(ii Sweet. exemplorary life.
diers an to be given preftreace over
all otbotor triallm, Including regular
traine limne on ",aturolay e%ening, hay.
Ch 11
jerldren rise up and call her blessed,"
I hilshi'Llid
Ing made a rfspid recovery,
vioOR oil'. of the I'lell
Passenger trains on the C. P. ft., In
i The Mettoodists hold their anniver-
famil) %, boo Forinerly oeL-uplcod. dn,i
so far as is consistent with safety,
sary services (in simillay, the Sth Inst.,
even still ver'UPY, suell a Jarge PlaCV
In the history this
according to a circular just issued
Vice -President A. D. blairTler Tb I.
at 2:30 and 7:30 p. ro., when the Re v .
(if part Of the
eountry. Mrs. Bell had been oil a visit
was the riiie on the C. P R. when our
A, Agnew, or Wesley church, (;Iln-
ton, will he the preacher. As this 19
to Exeter bill she had been, making
soldlerA were litir"Ing to the front,
the 11ftleth anniversary of the opening
her hoine with Mrs. Cooper.
and It Is to be the rule now that they
of the first Methoolloot ditirch here, con -
are returning t(i their horn-, "What
sidi-rable interest Is connected with
is partividarIv fl-gired. MIIVR lile CiT-
:",. ent.p When ger% leors began twre
ctilar, iq that all offl-rio arid em.
nist r had hii lomw in Ptileter.
plo�o-s cont,pi-tior,n %bell. in so far as
Nfiirgoirpt Ifohkirk. rehvt or thp iats,
0-1,11d Bell, Im-ed away In VXF,Lpr On
PoWhIiii thptniielv- In the po"i-
the 113r.1 idt , at if),, home of her
florm (,' llio� ftjt1,,,r, mother, wit". ""-
flitoghter, Mrs. ThirpQ Laing Shp had
DOI) 1) S
ter, or other reluttve of the rpturn-
r,..jcjje(j it,.. g ... )(I (,lot aKe (if 71) years
Ing Roldier, and deal with (bem tie
the lily or hcr death lind hitill been
they nould wish to toe. deau with
knittinAr sill nflernoon, and In a few
' K 111 N EY
under Rimilar conditinns.
olinots.,, �Ile i,%�Is wine. Mr. Bell to
this I)eing accomplished. It
k0iloo Oil, \\ak mirr-ed Dec. 31.9t. Wo.
Will add substantially to the wel.
T'N if I!- ir [loss, for Bruceflold
rome itio romilany desires to -give to
, 11-1 flo, ),�ar% ago Vir. and Mrs. HP11
P1 LL S _��si
returnpoll aoldl�rx. as well as to the
a raoijiv 4,r seven datiortiter% and
Mroo. 'Wilson.
0 f and convf.-itenco: of relativeli
o " "
41111-, \ 17 1 .1, Mrs.
Mmiau and Mrs .1 McAllimter, (if
And tr ndpi who desire to welcome
* 1.
ll,nsjill. Mr- M. %A Cooper and Mrs.
in order that rAlatives and friends
j Macl.eali. or kipppri; Mrs. T. I.aing,
--f K%pler. arid Mrs. W MeA I lister, of
N 'e
df-sitring to meet troop trains Ahoold
Kdoi,mlow Ilob,-ri and Wililarli
I C,� r,, Ar
bave information IS to the hOUT Of
'If 11"n-M)l A]I sirMiNe except the first
Hr irs
`�kt D
a"firal very particular Instructions
onoll The forieral, on
"'Poti M(ondiov
it A F) r I
art 0ven. '13tation staffs." says the.
th- T',th idt , %%as private and was fd�
circular. "at destination points should
it,-, llen�all t'nion venielery. Ttie iritel
be fully and promptly advised of the
Mr- Bell \-A a ladY of exceptionally
axWted time of arrival of troop
sins, witb all partlorullarx available
Is to this nemms of st4mmebus
from whileb the psiawngeris eome. mill
any otboar known detalloi, This in-
foritnation should be promptly and
regularly posted on station bulletin
Hydro Office nift
boards and co"WM from tintioe to
and V5101 -0
time as (Day be neoremary. Gpeoristam,
should keep Ij elose totich witb the
Sa a
North $Id*
movement of t1to trotes so that thd
12formsticom postod may be up be tbij
Is Now Open fo P
inihinte Train onqufry ellorks AllioneW
bis fully informed
at at] t1mits 11in 000--
no"lon wttb the trainb and tbel�
Water Rates are hereifter poyabi a quaffAtfyo in ad-
vance on the first days
witivienient. and they. as well as otkww
Of Jilintiliary, April,� July and
station staff mineorned. Will be eZ4
October of each year.
peftell to dmi courtoatiely and W
A discount of 15 per conb. will be aflow&I off
with all onotintrotor% g"lg
"M correctly and clearly ills folleo
when paid on or before the imt of fteh quvUr.
tatormatIon pomiltilis In respon" t4f
46 per cent. will be 12d'da to all witter raiten th ' ' F
"r esoutries
to the operation of C. P. P_ trales.
30 dsys in arrears from thAr end of awh quilliXter.
the troop trate is to be e*mIdered
firort. in the olivoimt of a tre" train'
Display Of 1"01011"1091oll Appliances
loosoortive brosakdows sim tbe, r"d,
Irons, Touters, Grillo. Vuuum
the 16"MOUTO Willie& CAB be am"
awd oulickly avaftbleo isvta It takm
Oft"T, 11fttovilt, gj,&
ftes a reffol" t � XW traft, W to
tar b"106 ibe Ilre" train. me
go "NOW" Lamp $4 hr 1W"tk W�Wll 1"44
WW the keg P"alwo
W. & L. Commi
11.1lovnv'Q rorn Cure talw_!4 the corn
,wit by the, ro,oto Trj it land prove It.
J. L KRUY, Cillhosa solriliki.00
I fm one, of The ster s IMI callendam
$1.50 to son. 1516 I= win do it