HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-29, Page 7SAW pans
low' Aq1**iV%1F OW A
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T" Muss %T* I** �9'32_,Mov*
EIRVE -BY ' 0 - M,, 6,
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VIA 4r 'All 10#40, wbftt it 40M 0
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10 1411PbOr *44, 1000
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W. 4% 4ro4 4o IlisliAllo tbo: lit
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Thno and a alf, ON floss 1AM-101 to U'r,"13
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111414,41%uthtr In Wbieh, Cleo
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0411019 At 14 the, dairy cable.. Wilt
is- %V 100 food for many,
, I ,
Loaq. WOVQ
W00wy will.: vftii
*a4i 00. or I*ewla. #A, snow it ""Jee.
ra 4xooedtog. Iti, "00.,0DO ob, well glit for bou-iin tie- to.
tli&% orlIVO $log
#1401 10 U. and' lua#$ Va3rit.
p ft twat In
.%ft_a A I , Ubulat#4 itom Akblw pair of U11h4ows to ioop Jb*1f, lot alsy *04 W"Itit.
40% ob wqqui%*�k _%�Vj il;'. TU* fol19 utle &a VO. ��44 or 0, foqtl�er to P"
q, I :0,ft, _ t L got UOR Of Wterlu aro 4�o*;ay* P
tilkron& . I ,
Ot of Alit hii�%_4
Ix dAlk" "Yok *4 iorwe 111414,w couv* . th" - VIA 4u,sliky.. =0 stylish (tua
�them WO 'JUA%vowpot-oodo I to. tho croul W subill, dArt, QaAaeqlte4tZ.$. 4boA 4irt Thi, Vto-lluoy
oftywow-4II To- Addilttop, to'libilk ftoroo tot 004040 T xems4m: It", tried =4�, th*k or stable dust sew Into 401KA
K the 40 0 III= -
i�t,thg opeow Von t go.", tioo. Thoy
go"WO I W li. mlooting biteterls, lot Ilk with It.:
At tbo.lowost ppmlblo rti"%
0 Aoil4 tho. action or theso bacteria in
$Qt4, Th, "e 00" In 0M.1;
WerM � V Oita, I
0040404: Me pomIA44 R%4 Nu, a the oxult that imioaim It to �pp
41" V
or br"410a _QU either
*04: 404or 400 "wisy V-jpo by jipiArlug or pumfaction, Cogife-
Alieway. Oil* step In the productiolpt
T�shfft, Uembees Top
Nva"o 'It 4 pleasant to Ulm, mad. it cur" so III to have at pro.
due here to little dabsor of
0 07likTowill, 7 lurally (Capt.) 31360 Milk, An W1,1jilintelf, 1b the
otz thom W thAtthel
4 "NOUN dirt or dullt getting Into
Godedolf $ 60800 gus ellmorld I I)aMpnevs, In a. great agent 44 00.
h IKSX; writ0S.;—"J6a0t vdAter' 401
4 arfAft And fostering kf disease, Nortb
_"d Qqdorich $ $7700 15%, W* lusk two "utlis old, whelf �t _ .o (AU It Ilk
Perhaips lie one diseu.
ail. ; VAMY
__ ____ .1 1 h * t*111
KAx tried many hogs a lost annually a
b 400
15200 a It of cc
66' bw it
'Godifloh $145050 120,:, 1 twdul, 4 bA &qo being-- -kept -lu'low-41
Orway `y it dl%M mpffess duo to
_y � L M - w, an4 Ilia -t d W Tr"*4ni." r. cns
.40 .:,7 _"L i
7- 'deriah a I . no Ol I
k ta reattlittlo Ill very c6nduelva to th4! 0
a y v
Banks- $ - 4550 XXV0d his, fire. I lust 4iod bur boo to
T t� �+',.d
(B) and -now 11 avetopment ot various lung itroublear
I_ Irlad, -ja steak— -The -damp -Persons Rmbaik��&% Ali b.
";�7bgbr'y's* my an" to you at gnaut air in badly -ventilated eta- POIt'U IMILLU XA*-.%i.40 4
�"X living
$ 384860 9.84'., bles lowers the vitr1ity, depresses the
d Tvo I used it for one of blood circulation and so puts the mul- 11114A aaf..rli
Ap Sol Township 0 J. G. Stewart (Capt.). LucUnow'R.Ii. No. 3 $ 48700 132 ls and cQuo, 0
9 rehX, cold but Me mals kept under these conditions In
Thos. G. Allen DrIlgannon $ 30150 95 toe0 mWc1pe was ngorid for her. such a state nit to make them ready NDER &it ordor Is3ued by The
coll's Norway 00u,ttary 91 lst�", wavulk�fr
H, Bellamy Dungannon got am bottlis of Dr. subjects for the development of such U
(B) Banks $ 332PO 97 Piiie Syrup, and it ve her a perfect cure. diseases as influ:wum, pneumonia, Wn. 04active NOVOWL'of
11300 14 1 can not praise it, alf enough."
tuberculosis 4jLd I—. PA.& JlUab.,.a fWing 4&,)-
pthpya.�Prqf, D, EL to log -014.0 atut.ustautta 4y "4,., %J,
— — The Fenuine Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Jones, Ontario Agricultural College,
$ 123350 338 Syrup has been on the market for the bua1A*-,0
put 39 eam Don't accept a substitute put L""filem ,tQr
�qrne lkwaship 0, --Robt. McIlwain (Capt.) Goderich R.R. No. 17500 21 1
and Per- tells endanger your cUriPs-life -
Binder for Stone Road.
Goderich 285,50 Price 25c. and 50c. Put u huca ver-towon must be arrawilij
7r A_J. GoldthMe. if; If a broken -stone road gets v tot v&a,or ul exe Lind Getlaid'if*.1
p,only by tu
Gotdon Young 195,50 35 The T. Milburn Co., Limited , cry
rento, heavy auto trathe then
and urocuring it
(B) Banks 013C It must be be oil pasa.)Ort be.
$ 10600 4 laid with d, tar or asphalt binder to tore sj�u uL t..t. ik-ertI.a.,
or ,,n*-, front grind- 1,,ulu, or by mamna to apllll�
$ 76200 144 Ing on each other and finally pow- eatIon betore any 11f Like Uhltol blkkles
GWerich Township 3 W. H. Lobb (Ca"pt.) 'ONTARIO'S BIG, CROPS tiering nil under traffic. Immigiation o�lkkeL& Wt.4,e, In k'Ua.
Clinton $ 3b300 72
Ittla upon [or Be furuishod uj tne arill
Oswald Ginn Clinton R.R. No. 2 $ 5 1200 98 'rime to ('14v [toad Drag.
Fred Midd)eton Clinton Ensure Equal Crops Next Vear by 01, In order to aFow sufficie,.t
(B) Banks $ 34650 71 It the road -%N -y is full of holes investigation, a, stuir,_ou 0 Ca.0 for
Badly rotted the drag should be use I t vavrs!
12550 30 Attention to Seed Grain. to %Rhhlttgtuti, ett., E%I)pl It 0
— — once when the road is Soft aud'
ul usby. should be filed efther with it,,
-StApley Township end $ 128700 271 Larger Prollts Frorn Live Stock Made Sul or the hillu'. cit.ou (JUI-ell 4
When Stables Are Given Thoz, least 17 days prisr to tile date or pro!
Bayfield Village 4 Thomas Brownette (Capt.) Varna III,& No. 1 $ 29600 84 ough Clean-up CONSIDER THE HEN Dwsied delitrture.
B.- H. Higgins Clinton $ 28150 78 — Live stock The State liepart.neut invites aps
J,�E. Harnwell Varna Thrive Better in Dry, Well.venti. Poikilry and Elitis Could Pay Conadn's cial attention or pius I pt-vtIve travel- avo*TFOIR0. ONT.
Aford lers to the fact Lhat tlniL$S they bave Lady gra duates of last term are
30050 89 ]&led Stables. War Debt, Says F. C. E
Thomas Fraser Brt�qpfield R.R. No.'I $ -35�50 92 ob ained vise by an Aincriven now earning its high as 61 Sand even
. B) Biinke $ -21650 33 (Contributed by Ontario odpartment of "Poultry and eggs alone could pay tile said Department must det ide
Agriculture, Toronto.) (hnattla's National War N -lit," says mr. whether or not departure fruit an 120 per wee16 while young men are
NTARIO is fortunate thig Fred C. Elford, superintendent of tho American port will be allowed, eut:b earning atill better salarles. we can
$ 144700 376 year In having a good supply Poultry m%ision of the I)oIllinion Ex- decibion being based upon the appIl. not, most the demand for trained
Hay Tp., HensalfYiPago,, I -,P. W, GliLdifian (Capt.) Exeter $ 55350 66 Perimental Farm. otta%%a. Aud he pro- cUtlou submitted through I IMI
of grain In almost all classet duces the following figures to prove it: &ration the u - help. Write us for particulars at
Geoige Petty 0 Hen'sall offivers. Passengers are
0 once tegarding our
Elmor Klopp Zurich $ 32050 66 of crops. The more grain "canada's net national 4iPht (n, oc- acoordingly warned not to proceed to
$ 30750 106 there is to select from, the bettelt tober 31. 1918, Nvas $1.2-17,(W,000. We the ijort of embarkation Until LLLY COMMU0111, Shorthand and Tole.
have ailopted the slogan, '(Inc hundred are in possession of either the Cc
William Lamont Zurich $ 48550 117 chance there Is to get the very beat n_
(B) 'Banks $ 90150 115 seed for sowing in the spring. Too lipris to every farm, ten liens to every sular %iay. or limper vertin#ate fr draphy IMP& rtments
— urban lot.' That would mean, taking the U. S. om,
many farmers forget the seed supply IOKWO as tile round numb - Immigration nuttlitirk"t'o students Way enter at any time.
$ 256850 470 er of (;ana- showing that pernift for departure
for next year's crop until most of dluts farnis J00,000,000 hens in the has been granted.
Stephen Township 6 Herbert Eilber (Capt.) Crediton $ 57300 108 their grain ts fed or sold. country. ftad 10.000,000 hens in the cities, The foregoing app-liss to all -per.
towns ant -I villages, a total or jio,000gol). son
William Anderson Centralia $ 240OG 61 If the beat of this grain was set (of course wwrybody lit tho city could and It Is effective regarding all dra-
George Edighoffer Dashwood $ 20600 48 aside for seed at threshing time or a act citizens of the ITtiitpd States.
not keep liviis, and many would not "tillatiolls. Including U. S. 'in -
David Webb GraDd,Bend '17400 48 taken froln thi grain bins before any even ir they eipuld. But inany people sular possorsious. etc.. but no! in -
W; D S-nd-r- T, & of it w fed orsoIA 1A � I .� 1 .1 - -------
-aump , - T Is Us Oil
— — Aal-se a terest and apply a balance of $213,415,- this. and yet how frequently Is the
$ 52400 120 Seed ...... 49.6 1.1s 53-9 000 to reducing the principal every warning disregardqd?
Small Plump
0 year. In less than six years CaLmida's -the failure to obey this simple irl� ra"N6,fts
_;oh0l;s*n(CaP 1.6 0-4- hens would. %v4pe--out- the total rnone� -rule In probably respensibit, -fbli the 4 MW
TO* Seaforth 1168150 173 'Seed .4 0,j
�Shry'aken Seed 49.1 1.4 41 1-cp
54050 19 6-0 tary cost of the war to Canada, and spread of much contagion,
Broken Seed. . 48.6 1.3 43.2 Take for 'Bus, L'
Sealorth $ 24950 1.23 Spring Wheat— our total net ngtional debt. example those in the early, unsus-
$ 49200 7 .."1 do not say that t;anada will do Pected stages of consumption --- a min- ivery and
7 Large Plump
-16 6 n- _B —ftWi 6 A
'L, 0. Jackson d
W Banks
— this. But I say that Canada' ifilght gle, unguarded cough may release
Seed ...... 69.1 1.4 21.7 vvell aim to do it, for It Is within the millions of deadly tubercle bailli s
$ 296350 492 Smaill Plump possibilities of what could be done to be breathed in by others are'U'A. tables
Hullett Tp. and Seed 69.3 1.3 18.0 without undue strain upon our present Until recent years consumption
Clinton Town 6 WiRiam Brydone (Capt.) Clinton $ 80650 120 Shrunken Seed 56.9 1.2 16.7 labor capacity." Was eonsidered incurable, but we now 11111antilasal altil4lint
John Torrance Clinton $ 36450 96 (Osta were tested seven years, 'know that It can be cured if taken Just ON the square
D. L. McPherson Clinton $ 43650 114 barley six, and spring wheat eight.) LIVE STOCK CONFERENCE in time. The Muskoka Free Hospital 4 &0440
Johb Fingland Londesboro $ 3605 Selecting the beat seed from that has proved this without a doubt, for 'Busses Moot,"
0 90 To formulate national plans'for meet- ATrafns and
which the farmer has available will thousands of Its patients have been passilwxai ""to
William Britton Clinton Ing the new and critical conditions in restored to health and lives of use.
$ 16050 52 not only provide large plump seed the live stock Industry accompanying fulness. Passes etaC411144 planin'T
Mattliew. Armstrong Londesboro $ alwo 82 for sowing which will produce the restoration of peace, some of the lead- r 10 -
the largest One ex -Patient of that hospital Part a tbo *t6V# for,all
(B) Bablit; $ 65300 186 most vigorous plants and Ing Canadian live stock ninn and rePre- writes an follows: ,Just eight years tralikill At 0. T. IR. Or C. P. R.
yield of beat quiltIlty, but it will very sentativp meat packers are being called ago this Christmas time I
largely illiminate any weed aeeds entered
$ 309650 690 which may be in the grain. Dr. to a conference by Hen. 1'. A. Crerar, your Sanatorium. I was & very sad
Gr6y and C. A. Zavits. — Millister (if Agriculture. Those who. and discouraged Prompt,, �%,ry#Ce gknd
Ontario Agricultural girt that ()hristmas
Brugselis Town 3 F. S. Scott (Capt.) Brussels $ 102050 198 College, Guelph. have bepn watching the situation realize
oi Cardlillf AtUbdance.
that Canada has the opportunity ey;n but I -have been home over
John McDonald Walton $ 84050 62 0 ears, and I can hardly believe
placing -her live stock Industry on a that I ever bud T. D. I look back to
A. H. McDonald Blyth 80400 81 Olean. Dry mW Ventilate Stables. broader and a sounder basis than everl the days I '$Pont there. With great Our Uvery and "Ask hervice
(B) lganks 35750 57 Cleanliness, dryness and good ven- before. Tile war hag stimulated live I thanks to God and those faltiffIrd W
---- — tilation are hygienic conditions r 111 1110 #00114 1111111*110-dats,
ey stock productlorl.in Canada. An even *workers who understood bur cases
$ 262250 398 dftttaible In the housing of all kin , greatAr stimulus Is expected to develop and needs. and ministered to no so
M isT I of live stock. Horses. cattle, sheep, with the restoration of normal coin- faithfully."
ana ,
boss and poultry LIl,do better and mercial communication, as the breed- To c&rrY on this great werill the Your patronage solkit"
Blyth�Villaqa 3 Luxton Hill (Capt.) Blyth $ 95200 192 are low liable to contract Infectious Ing stock of Europe has seriously de- Muskoka Free Hospital for Con'.
Robett bidwoombe Blyth 24850 r
q and contagious diseases when kept clined during the war, In nearly all sumPtivex In again appealing for or. SWAII-ra
Al' ,Motwen Bluevale, Box 5 $ 20700 63 under such conditions than when coun(rles. A heavy demand Is bound help. There is much to do. Win you 6 W
dirt, dampness and poor ventilation to be made upon this continent for tend a hand? 684107 NA"trow Strost
V $ 231450 25 'Are found in the stables In which meats and breeding stock for some Contributions may be sent to
oa Banks
— they are housed. Undoubtedly, t- years to eume. air William J. Olga. l4
$168900 321 breaks of Infectious and ...,,,,O.uu,
Avenue, Toronto, or
diseases do occasionally occur In the told. Slecretary-Trou ba. Publishing list# of
Aldi. Porterfi Belgrave $ $25W beat built and beat kept stables. but .
A aid (Capt.) 69 Her(] and soft corns botri yield to Hot- stitute. 223 College strost, Torgata, In - Weir munlof llty 'also for fuel.
1 9 4mott " Belgmve R.R. No. 1 $ 23950 105 the danger of theme spreading Is much loway's Corn Cure. which Is ent ily - __-M� -_ clothing, boots and aboep, ad other
P. B. Stalker Blyth $ 184 ftafe to visr. afid certain and satisfactory I Municipall-
50 51i Ion than where unhyglenle conditiong ties havo now the PowAr items of common houseo expen-
7. In Its action. (to appoint Fair Price Committee
5850 j, In,diture,
Without doubt good stock has been
produced under stable conditions that
"-80250 282 were not of the best. but the chances
of producing and maintaining good
wost W!k a William McQuillan (Capt.) Lucknow $ 21050 63 healthy stock are much greater where
W. J. Thon*wn Auburn R.R. No. 2 69
J Y4. waltat wilion" Lucknow $ 11000 85 — DAILV TRAIN ORRVICS
(B) Binks 28850 "CASCARETSO
51 10 CENT
Tulubom*; i4, A it. Vimstobe (OMA.) $ 41550
0 29 Cure 81* Headache, Coftilpsition, I.Anve Toronto 7 P- M.
4 CIO Wingbarn 70350 80 "ur 611MIrmish End Arrive Winnipeg
rm56 12-10 P. W. (Second Day)
1':1. �A W. 'Wim 26100 so Arrive Vancouver llo.og P. M. (FoUrth Day)
Wingham R.R. No. I O&J50 103
My :0
92 go 6611w6bw b@A rear 11"r, *team& THROUGH EQUIPMENT
or bowelal Mw Inuall, ym bead "has, Compartment Obse"StiOn Cars, Standard &nd Tourist Illooping Car", Dining car, F1
Colonist Can, Toronto to Vanconver. ra"lass Coaches,
A 300W 584 how allill"AU you are froal
6 t1**6 IfIdliteetift, billonness a" III A Mun&k1p; Mckat to the Pacifte Coast via the "Canadian Padfi3" permits a wide diversity of tout"
961likk 0-d WA, Jr4tgj0har (C�pt.) Wro2eter $ 5§180 96 g1W bowe&—yon always get rallet wl Without additional chwe.
Isaac Carling
xe er
qp .10(ou
$ 26350
less work of seed preparation in the
spring and a foundation
le mmul an disuirt" of tile cities.
in the smaller towns all(] the coun-
CAULAITIg L,ei.nuda.
United States citizens seeking to
. ( tr-
taDts Is necessary when their action IS
(B) Banks
(B)- Banks
$ 16050
provided for'
viltageg could keep more titan that
Proceed to foreign Points are requir.
dozen eggs per head of
Irregular. The pills that will do this
seed than is often sown.
perhaps. So take an
ed to have passporO issued by tile
$ 180450
Small, shrunken or broken seed
has a feeding value nearly equal to
of tvii. A good selvot hen will
200 eggs a year. But taking
State Department, applicationa for
same being obtainable from the
Usborne Town ship and
that of large plumlpr-seed. The follow-
Jow estimate of ten dozen eggs a
ous American Consulit.
Exeter. Yillage 4
J. G. Stapbury (Capt.)
Ing results of seed selection experi-
120� for 110,000,000 liens and we
11.1 1 - . I . .
Kirkton IT.R. No. 1
ments conducted at the Ontario Agri-
cultural College at Guelph will sh W
a 3�p.ju-_
produce j,100.000000 dozen eggs
A Thorough PlIL—To clear the stont-
ach and bowels of Impurities -I I
-aump , - T Is Us Oil
— — Aal-se a terest and apply a balance of $213,415,- this. and yet how frequently Is the
$ 52400 120 Seed ...... 49.6 1.1s 53-9 000 to reducing the principal every warning disregardqd?
Small Plump
0 year. In less than six years CaLmida's -the failure to obey this simple irl� ra"N6,fts
_;oh0l;s*n(CaP 1.6 0-4- hens would. %v4pe--out- the total rnone� -rule In probably respensibit, -fbli the 4 MW
TO* Seaforth 1168150 173 'Seed .4 0,j
�Shry'aken Seed 49.1 1.4 41 1-cp
54050 19 6-0 tary cost of the war to Canada, and spread of much contagion,
Broken Seed. . 48.6 1.3 43.2 Take for 'Bus, L'
Sealorth $ 24950 1.23 Spring Wheat— our total net ngtional debt. example those in the early, unsus-
$ 49200 7 .."1 do not say that t;anada will do Pected stages of consumption --- a min- ivery and
7 Large Plump
-16 6 n- _B —ftWi 6 A
'L, 0. Jackson d
W Banks
— this. But I say that Canada' ifilght gle, unguarded cough may release
Seed ...... 69.1 1.4 21.7 vvell aim to do it, for It Is within the millions of deadly tubercle bailli s
$ 296350 492 Smaill Plump possibilities of what could be done to be breathed in by others are'U'A. tables
Hullett Tp. and Seed 69.3 1.3 18.0 without undue strain upon our present Until recent years consumption
Clinton Town 6 WiRiam Brydone (Capt.) Clinton $ 80650 120 Shrunken Seed 56.9 1.2 16.7 labor capacity." Was eonsidered incurable, but we now 11111antilasal altil4lint
John Torrance Clinton $ 36450 96 (Osta were tested seven years, 'know that It can be cured if taken Just ON the square
D. L. McPherson Clinton $ 43650 114 barley six, and spring wheat eight.) LIVE STOCK CONFERENCE in time. The Muskoka Free Hospital 4 &0440
Johb Fingland Londesboro $ 3605 Selecting the beat seed from that has proved this without a doubt, for 'Busses Moot,"
0 90 To formulate national plans'for meet- ATrafns and
which the farmer has available will thousands of Its patients have been passilwxai ""to
William Britton Clinton Ing the new and critical conditions in restored to health and lives of use.
$ 16050 52 not only provide large plump seed the live stock Industry accompanying fulness. Passes etaC411144 planin'T
Mattliew. Armstrong Londesboro $ alwo 82 for sowing which will produce the restoration of peace, some of the lead- r 10 -
the largest One ex -Patient of that hospital Part a tbo *t6V# for,all
(B) Bablit; $ 65300 186 most vigorous plants and Ing Canadian live stock ninn and rePre- writes an follows: ,Just eight years tralikill At 0. T. IR. Or C. P. R.
yield of beat quiltIlty, but it will very sentativp meat packers are being called ago this Christmas time I
largely illiminate any weed aeeds entered
$ 309650 690 which may be in the grain. Dr. to a conference by Hen. 1'. A. Crerar, your Sanatorium. I was & very sad
Gr6y and C. A. Zavits. — Millister (if Agriculture. Those who. and discouraged Prompt,, �%,ry#Ce gknd
Ontario Agricultural girt that ()hristmas
Brugselis Town 3 F. S. Scott (Capt.) Brussels $ 102050 198 College, Guelph. have bepn watching the situation realize
oi Cardlillf AtUbdance.
that Canada has the opportunity ey;n but I -have been home over
John McDonald Walton $ 84050 62 0 ears, and I can hardly believe
placing -her live stock Industry on a that I ever bud T. D. I look back to
A. H. McDonald Blyth 80400 81 Olean. Dry mW Ventilate Stables. broader and a sounder basis than everl the days I '$Pont there. With great Our Uvery and "Ask hervice
(B) lganks 35750 57 Cleanliness, dryness and good ven- before. Tile war hag stimulated live I thanks to God and those faltiffIrd W
---- — tilation are hygienic conditions r 111 1110 #00114 1111111*110-dats,
ey stock productlorl.in Canada. An even *workers who understood bur cases
$ 262250 398 dftttaible In the housing of all kin , greatAr stimulus Is expected to develop and needs. and ministered to no so
M isT I of live stock. Horses. cattle, sheep, with the restoration of normal coin- faithfully."
ana ,
boss and poultry LIl,do better and mercial communication, as the breed- To c&rrY on this great werill the Your patronage solkit"
Blyth�Villaqa 3 Luxton Hill (Capt.) Blyth $ 95200 192 are low liable to contract Infectious Ing stock of Europe has seriously de- Muskoka Free Hospital for Con'.
Robett bidwoombe Blyth 24850 r
q and contagious diseases when kept clined during the war, In nearly all sumPtivex In again appealing for or. SWAII-ra
Al' ,Motwen Bluevale, Box 5 $ 20700 63 under such conditions than when coun(rles. A heavy demand Is bound help. There is much to do. Win you 6 W
dirt, dampness and poor ventilation to be made upon this continent for tend a hand? 684107 NA"trow Strost
V $ 231450 25 'Are found in the stables In which meats and breeding stock for some Contributions may be sent to
oa Banks
— they are housed. Undoubtedly, t- years to eume. air William J. Olga. l4
$168900 321 breaks of Infectious and ...,,,,O.uu,
Avenue, Toronto, or
diseases do occasionally occur In the told. Slecretary-Trou ba. Publishing list# of
Aldi. Porterfi Belgrave $ $25W beat built and beat kept stables. but .
A aid (Capt.) 69 Her(] and soft corns botri yield to Hot- stitute. 223 College strost, Torgata, In - Weir munlof llty 'also for fuel.
1 9 4mott " Belgmve R.R. No. 1 $ 23950 105 the danger of theme spreading Is much loway's Corn Cure. which Is ent ily - __-M� -_ clothing, boots and aboep, ad other
P. B. Stalker Blyth $ 184 ftafe to visr. afid certain and satisfactory I Municipall-
50 51i Ion than where unhyglenle conditiong ties havo now the PowAr items of common houseo expen-
7. In Its action. (to appoint Fair Price Committee
5850 j, In,diture,
Without doubt good stock has been
produced under stable conditions that
"-80250 282 were not of the best. but the chances
of producing and maintaining good
wost W!k a William McQuillan (Capt.) Lucknow $ 21050 63 healthy stock are much greater where
W. J. Thon*wn Auburn R.R. No. 2 69
J Y4. waltat wilion" Lucknow $ 11000 85 — DAILV TRAIN ORRVICS
(B) Binks 28850 "CASCARETSO
51 10 CENT
Tulubom*; i4, A it. Vimstobe (OMA.) $ 41550
0 29 Cure 81* Headache, Coftilpsition, I.Anve Toronto 7 P- M.
4 CIO Wingbarn 70350 80 "ur 611MIrmish End Arrive Winnipeg
rm56 12-10 P. W. (Second Day)
1':1. �A W. 'Wim 26100 so Arrive Vancouver llo.og P. M. (FoUrth Day)
Wingham R.R. No. I O&J50 103
My :0
92 go 6611w6bw b@A rear 11"r, *team& THROUGH EQUIPMENT
or bowelal Mw Inuall, ym bead "has, Compartment Obse"StiOn Cars, Standard &nd Tourist Illooping Car", Dining car, F1
Colonist Can, Toronto to Vanconver. ra"lass Coaches,
A 300W 584 how allill"AU you are froal
6 t1**6 IfIdliteetift, billonness a" III A Mun&k1p; Mckat to the Pacifte Coast via the "Canadian Padfi3" permits a wide diversity of tout"
961likk 0-d WA, Jr4tgj0har (C�pt.) Wro2eter $ 5§180 96 g1W bowe&—yon always get rallet wl Without additional chwe.
A. WHOstings
however, that there to very great dif-
ference in the value of theselor seed
the present time we consume In
. ( tr-
taDts Is necessary when their action IS
(B)- Banks
carry At vie WWI Was" SHOW
and volsoi from Vial"Its" aw
dozen eggs per head of
Irregular. The pills that will do this
per annilm. We could
work thoroughly are Parmelee's Vege-
this allowanc� to ')o dozen, a
table Pills, which ure mild In action
(if about 350,000,000 dozen. We use but mighty in results, They purge
Tuckeramith'Township 8
Ga. N.'Turner (Capt.j
Seaforth R.R. No. 3
49 f03
than 25,000,000 dozen of our eggs
11w Present time for Incubation.
Painlessly and offectiv4ely, alit] work
a Permanent cure. They ean be u I
'William Slack
Seaforth R.R. No. 3
we Increase this to 50.000,0W
without rear by tile Most delicately
George W. Layton
That would total 400,000,000 dor-
constituted. as there are no painful
cc c.
41anadlan consumption. a very
effects preceding their Senile opera-
allowance. We would then
left for export 700, d ze
Large Plump
an average price of saylMentsopear
MoKillop Township 12
George McKee (Capt.)
Seaforth R.R.'No. 1
Medium - oiled
Thal, would brinj
year Into the countr,
"Do not couch or sneeze without
Wbt Scarlett
Seaforth R.R.No. 1
Seed ......
Small Seed
The interest on our debt of $1 - I-
a handkerchief before the face. -
Since the outbreak of Influenw bow
(BY Banks
at 5% per cent will amount
often have doctors. and others Inter -
%8,15M,000. We would pay this In-
ented In nubile h Ith A I A
-aump , - T Is Us Oil
— — Aal-se a terest and apply a balance of $213,415,- this. and yet how frequently Is the
$ 52400 120 Seed ...... 49.6 1.1s 53-9 000 to reducing the principal every warning disregardqd?
Small Plump
0 year. In less than six years CaLmida's -the failure to obey this simple irl� ra"N6,fts
_;oh0l;s*n(CaP 1.6 0-4- hens would. %v4pe--out- the total rnone� -rule In probably respensibit, -fbli the 4 MW
TO* Seaforth 1168150 173 'Seed .4 0,j
�Shry'aken Seed 49.1 1.4 41 1-cp
54050 19 6-0 tary cost of the war to Canada, and spread of much contagion,
Broken Seed. . 48.6 1.3 43.2 Take for 'Bus, L'
Sealorth $ 24950 1.23 Spring Wheat— our total net ngtional debt. example those in the early, unsus-
$ 49200 7 .."1 do not say that t;anada will do Pected stages of consumption --- a min- ivery and
7 Large Plump
-16 6 n- _B —ftWi 6 A
'L, 0. Jackson d
W Banks
— this. But I say that Canada' ifilght gle, unguarded cough may release
Seed ...... 69.1 1.4 21.7 vvell aim to do it, for It Is within the millions of deadly tubercle bailli s
$ 296350 492 Smaill Plump possibilities of what could be done to be breathed in by others are'U'A. tables
Hullett Tp. and Seed 69.3 1.3 18.0 without undue strain upon our present Until recent years consumption
Clinton Town 6 WiRiam Brydone (Capt.) Clinton $ 80650 120 Shrunken Seed 56.9 1.2 16.7 labor capacity." Was eonsidered incurable, but we now 11111antilasal altil4lint
John Torrance Clinton $ 36450 96 (Osta were tested seven years, 'know that It can be cured if taken Just ON the square
D. L. McPherson Clinton $ 43650 114 barley six, and spring wheat eight.) LIVE STOCK CONFERENCE in time. The Muskoka Free Hospital 4 &0440
Johb Fingland Londesboro $ 3605 Selecting the beat seed from that has proved this without a doubt, for 'Busses Moot,"
0 90 To formulate national plans'for meet- ATrafns and
which the farmer has available will thousands of Its patients have been passilwxai ""to
William Britton Clinton Ing the new and critical conditions in restored to health and lives of use.
$ 16050 52 not only provide large plump seed the live stock Industry accompanying fulness. Passes etaC411144 planin'T
Mattliew. Armstrong Londesboro $ alwo 82 for sowing which will produce the restoration of peace, some of the lead- r 10 -
the largest One ex -Patient of that hospital Part a tbo *t6V# for,all
(B) Bablit; $ 65300 186 most vigorous plants and Ing Canadian live stock ninn and rePre- writes an follows: ,Just eight years tralikill At 0. T. IR. Or C. P. R.
yield of beat quiltIlty, but it will very sentativp meat packers are being called ago this Christmas time I
largely illiminate any weed aeeds entered
$ 309650 690 which may be in the grain. Dr. to a conference by Hen. 1'. A. Crerar, your Sanatorium. I was & very sad
Gr6y and C. A. Zavits. — Millister (if Agriculture. Those who. and discouraged Prompt,, �%,ry#Ce gknd
Ontario Agricultural girt that ()hristmas
Brugselis Town 3 F. S. Scott (Capt.) Brussels $ 102050 198 College, Guelph. have bepn watching the situation realize
oi Cardlillf AtUbdance.
that Canada has the opportunity ey;n but I -have been home over
John McDonald Walton $ 84050 62 0 ears, and I can hardly believe
placing -her live stock Industry on a that I ever bud T. D. I look back to
A. H. McDonald Blyth 80400 81 Olean. Dry mW Ventilate Stables. broader and a sounder basis than everl the days I '$Pont there. With great Our Uvery and "Ask hervice
(B) lganks 35750 57 Cleanliness, dryness and good ven- before. Tile war hag stimulated live I thanks to God and those faltiffIrd W
---- — tilation are hygienic conditions r 111 1110 #00114 1111111*110-dats,
ey stock productlorl.in Canada. An even *workers who understood bur cases
$ 262250 398 dftttaible In the housing of all kin , greatAr stimulus Is expected to develop and needs. and ministered to no so
M isT I of live stock. Horses. cattle, sheep, with the restoration of normal coin- faithfully."
ana ,
boss and poultry LIl,do better and mercial communication, as the breed- To c&rrY on this great werill the Your patronage solkit"
Blyth�Villaqa 3 Luxton Hill (Capt.) Blyth $ 95200 192 are low liable to contract Infectious Ing stock of Europe has seriously de- Muskoka Free Hospital for Con'.
Robett bidwoombe Blyth 24850 r
q and contagious diseases when kept clined during the war, In nearly all sumPtivex In again appealing for or. SWAII-ra
Al' ,Motwen Bluevale, Box 5 $ 20700 63 under such conditions than when coun(rles. A heavy demand Is bound help. There is much to do. Win you 6 W
dirt, dampness and poor ventilation to be made upon this continent for tend a hand? 684107 NA"trow Strost
V $ 231450 25 'Are found in the stables In which meats and breeding stock for some Contributions may be sent to
oa Banks
— they are housed. Undoubtedly, t- years to eume. air William J. Olga. l4
$168900 321 breaks of Infectious and ...,,,,O.uu,
Avenue, Toronto, or
diseases do occasionally occur In the told. Slecretary-Trou ba. Publishing list# of
Aldi. Porterfi Belgrave $ $25W beat built and beat kept stables. but .
A aid (Capt.) 69 Her(] and soft corns botri yield to Hot- stitute. 223 College strost, Torgata, In - Weir munlof llty 'also for fuel.
1 9 4mott " Belgmve R.R. No. 1 $ 23950 105 the danger of theme spreading Is much loway's Corn Cure. which Is ent ily - __-M� -_ clothing, boots and aboep, ad other
P. B. Stalker Blyth $ 184 ftafe to visr. afid certain and satisfactory I Municipall-
50 51i Ion than where unhyglenle conditiong ties havo now the PowAr items of common houseo expen-
7. In Its action. (to appoint Fair Price Committee
5850 j, In,diture,
Without doubt good stock has been
produced under stable conditions that
"-80250 282 were not of the best. but the chances
of producing and maintaining good
wost W!k a William McQuillan (Capt.) Lucknow $ 21050 63 healthy stock are much greater where
W. J. Thon*wn Auburn R.R. No. 2 69
J Y4. waltat wilion" Lucknow $ 11000 85 — DAILV TRAIN ORRVICS
(B) Binks 28850 "CASCARETSO
51 10 CENT
Tulubom*; i4, A it. Vimstobe (OMA.) $ 41550
0 29 Cure 81* Headache, Coftilpsition, I.Anve Toronto 7 P- M.
4 CIO Wingbarn 70350 80 "ur 611MIrmish End Arrive Winnipeg
rm56 12-10 P. W. (Second Day)
1':1. �A W. 'Wim 26100 so Arrive Vancouver llo.og P. M. (FoUrth Day)
Wingham R.R. No. I O&J50 103
My :0
92 go 6611w6bw b@A rear 11"r, *team& THROUGH EQUIPMENT
or bowelal Mw Inuall, ym bead "has, Compartment Obse"StiOn Cars, Standard &nd Tourist Illooping Car", Dining car, F1
Colonist Can, Toronto to Vanconver. ra"lass Coaches,
A 300W 584 how allill"AU you are froal
6 t1**6 IfIdliteetift, billonness a" III A Mun&k1p; Mckat to the Pacifte Coast via the "Canadian Padfi3" permits a wide diversity of tout"
961likk 0-d WA, Jr4tgj0har (C�pt.) Wro2eter $ 5§180 96 g1W bowe&—yon always get rallet wl Without additional chwe.
Ford"ich R.R, No. i
Oasciak" Tuy hme""y of"We
saa r4tulle the stonmwk reftom the
00111t tw*ftiing food &M foul SLow;
"W the 4*m bile from Illis liver
Wfoider R.R. No. 1.
carry At vie WWI Was" SHOW
and volsoi from Vial"Its" aw
bowel% A tilieouii box titla yftr drlq,
;P U oil 15— win Keep your liver *M be a rsmftgft f0# 1AMersia sh"M armgo Ilk* trip J9 W&& t6 Cilula4ll p"i& Rajds
**14,uhit 013 which no commissions was P69) 4 elftn; stot"ah V" "d head elear for Particular* from Canadian Pdelfle Ticket Agents. W. a. HOWARD,, District
wntbIL Thq work vAlle you AeM