HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-22, Page 7M = W � �, -"9-41111 ,, WrIPMR.MT-7— , - � -,I I raw- , Rw—j7. Tl�' "I'll . 111:7-11F.—F-TIRW -ro ­ ­WP9 Z,. ; -. I rippr3rr ,I1FrFPFTW--T'- ��-. ­ W 7 - ­ - ­ ­ I - I . . I ." " I ­ . 11 I � � I % I I . � " ,� .11P - 1.111 - I I � -11 -n, . , -1. 1, - 1-1 � . 0 V- ­ - , � ". , _­ � .., � 11 �, 1� 0 . J- . I - I � � "M , .11 I ,- - � � �� . ; - . I Z, � I 1. . � � . I I "I . , " Opt " I - - . ­ - � —,. 9 111011111 4 i := ;�;..­ - , .1 - -1 ­ 1- I - . .1 I . - 01 � 0 , . , � " ( . , � , . I ... ­`!;� 11 ! =­Iqt�! :; : 10 0 O'N'l -0 I . 1� .. I . I , . ­ 0101.1is I I 11 III I I I � 11 c . I'll 11 . .. ""! I- "I 11-- 11 � � � ....... .. - - - � I L " , I 11-1 .. , " � . -7- - I - : ; -'i"i .; 1 pii �,i�i�,�-,�,'M_- —, ==p1low; . m! ! , ­ , , . 11001�,:11 � III 1. R"imb"; Xx� 1,918 , 1111� ., ­ I , . i;� , I' o!! ! � =1I:1;::!112:.11=111"1: - �� � . . � , �. - I I I I ­­­,", I'Pol., " ,il " �� ­­­ . I , I ".., .11, ­­ 11 -111.11,111 . , . I . . I- , � � * .1. =—""", . ­ -.1. ,. I �:,� ­ I ... I Z.Z:1111 I I 11� Z 1. I "'�� - it W- - ' - , - I.M. AR � , , , , "'. - . I �, = � .11 0 �.�'. , ... * ! ­­� --q� I I .11, ��# , T � (401)"MR, 1 1 � 11 I . . I I ­. .. — 14 "!--�;M'­ :t �; !::�t-, , I, ­�� �11 . . . . . --1 111— ­ ­­­­ ­ I I ­—�­. 171. 1 1 � 11 " I � %%* =*.;**0*' I I � � I I I 1. I %, I , , : - I .... ! � - I_ ,I ,,, I � ! � �ii i ! 1 : "; "I I L T , I I i I !I . .- . - - . , I � vialif woToiteut I -t . T E � I . ; )44 - I ­ I I C- 1. �, , , I I I., - ­��'.111­1­1.- . _ ____ _ " _ 'L ' . .11 , �� -- o , " � . . — MI" M ,hundroda, of 644 Oksus" daily. � f I J,� 1111 - ti�� . - " I Dvolity . b4belt" Who, Vail ggr ' I "O '" ,* . I . I .�� I .1 I - I "K. fflj�t �Wvmw, 4%,XMIA VrA;:R%,X*-Ah.(*t , . tied, , , � 'I � , , 16 � UP f LEET *114L, � t' Km, *Uu , T 4 1 " I I - , , I I , gcR"J 11, MUST , I-V , I I I" 1,1111111' . .11. L, . . . . . . . . . . . ag-0,41t, bq , J 110, 'I . . "'t . , 11 -- 11 I A � T , I I I �--*-,r , , . 11 , � Germs". 41*4 Ite" treett *44 b** ir., . 4 � I � � " Vwaw* of won, I I - I 0"O" Wit, , , Wyft.At Rotterldi*, IT " . , - `117,10tie4l 144itto il I 04 f . .4 � . , . ­" jt�uty W" 4 ,dWass , , I " 4 1 'v.;, - , ' ' 'i . Greatest aV#l- Shrrender In Atkoid, Pit- n­ir. I : W — , I r I I I , I � � 1, rom, lipprisoxim,00t "...1-- I I 1k � . I I C, . — L . keikgim C , In CQ,., , � , , H14 I � . I . ' bO4 tli�e, revollatl�uUta gititi.ed Q�wQrld. Pro,41. wmimm� A�� � ' . � I " "I �' 11111111"iiiiiiii I I I , ,'� lileAt '* I 4 ., i ': `� ­ I# tory. VOkSil�OTO$. Nov. is. — . �� , , , I . , I . , :� #1 ' ,$ 1 G '""�f)� 4 Of, the peatee eontereqtee, Thia I . 4' ' ' " qZr".1X- Isnerai W� ;G- Maqher�- 1*0e­;%#4J: tha *Qa� goo ry.0ur 'ttii' il' T*� A�"Vt '��"Istic`s WAM 411,401tActil. 1,1111t 111311gUt. 01109 0 gkllOr W k ROO of that Wty. , . V f - OF I _ . --01— � ept W,114.�* wal Attend t4e opeAllig � , � � Nit C . ."it*"* ", �611,kr� t*'L ,A�A� ll��ftt A-4VaA-` 00kM ­ ittasto � T.� ., " I I ",,, to 64 . tqd In .0 orit:104, V � tally. K, , , . � , . Alt r9pinions '�PXW,5 ""d 19 likittlicilklins;10 116 Ift WIM-10 Immeilt4tit . I U 8 BER S , L. . . 4-�­ 1 1 . "i W114 * QAtOliet Iiearty 25,006,11.ritfol , k � 4", 7; - TUt 14,Wtia�'YQM 'AO vloisu after the I t.77! o � :! k ! ! , . . I . , - 1, A ,. � � ,� ., it,11.0,iiinp. , � welre f*%olipital. "UAUT ZWAUX *Ad Oat to why 2 --.---- - - - —I,- —1,1 " .�- � � � -#'01414'OrS JA Ftanoe . r , 0"3LW", VaIlIcA, #t swlo'ou, equyviiing; bt the regul r nemlon Of , � I . � 11W*a,0t0#*. 144 ut ­ .0*14g to. IDAU goo -Avo to 41* tiw' Q-411100% Ott TW. 2. Thli; oflielal 11, , I , . Ing WW� 0f thtA 4140.kbier. X*1A*Ruk 14 the 0,0100iAt the'4004 ' -v At died and 12, r "t 10 010"111 I altAtrint14, W0 imuej at the , - . I 114 AP46A t4e,M44-ocouip '70Q were In boapital � UV*04 r4nY 'ViQ%thOr,, With an gice,kqlonal fall of ,, , g tuffed, J , ht*sek"* *Ad co"tul'buyw. - bI.-'7Ads*­1rhey Ikeoute lb r0lie"y . VA114e; White ,, '4 ,. ' ' i . .. I 11 . I IYOV0 but 406 A4eA0m1#-*'4­tq OVIng to Pueu;'641a, of WhQm over W4047011. b1W4 �M-ftk,104, JW at A lgs� . . a s"Aw. iiiii,40'i* B I Wy, will Mquire to litive a good sorvice. ... L, . , -, tol -A44% modIC1.44 .1 Vible PAI ol�jj"W -11 ­ � , , 11, 9, hous;I,044104, �� to 1.04% ow -Xii, -0 . �� , Viet lir-"Ide4t expects to saix, for r. , )Otft t0L W0 their feet dry and war . vim�api;, it w! XO-4w*,V in 4 I 01� � . VrAAe0 IMPOlixtely after the 4pon, . M � --, I . 1. FlUDAY. , wad, tAs. lialance "All u " JA LONDON- NORY. 19—Vice-Adialml Ing, �J the V(,gular session of 004,: . " � -,,.--- - 00 ... . Al. � � ... 0.1 Re ., )= t�" 4M ' i - T . �� VI � jt, .Aud then it; gets down Wdl*"7 0 Ok".004 INXII: 1,�lr vld Beatty, commandOr Qt the I I i4to 4 i 11 r1s, SILVic, W, torThe purpose,of taking part ` Th% 441`1140'0610 010 b"t in quality, lost stylish sind 1 4 t, """th""O' the, free performance . y 1211011-411% so" 49 1111111114 .t*r- AMA Fleet, received Hear-Adin 112 the discussion and. , aQttivmeAt of � ­ - A Auraber of theiktreq in Pa � W,b al' . tral &M2 i ee-Nle,qAblo.,�,41kbi��w6fivro.to%v(gtr toyoursat" ' - ' s. Thursday -in honor i hi*, ago"it, io. A 'eaft of 0044,f: C`V,ghi, Of the signing of the , isfaction. Titey I L I . aW ordInarr airktuisints.4mil, Von.Ueurer 4n4 the other German th -*oWJR,& noo;t avid`404, . " , . grm�lqtice, I , � 'a Main f4turea of the treity of � .%to now in'* w6l� avthit)i lowaSk DWSible prices. I � I � delegates aboird the Ilagshl . a - .­ I ljowrm�r soot Ar 0 lyn 1;tarlea working on lk"S" , , p I 11 - I I �. . . 1. - "id "' , American povernp X,;NM-J�iuk to goo tag. Quiz." E1194bleth In the Firth ,of P900441P. for blut to,retugin through, . I ' ­ r . -4 UIK �`t Knitting fa xb:at orders, were 40 1hs;,rpw%4t* 0% % inuphh4ttor, uAvQ I "Are. It lit iot. likely that It wl'ti be, ., 1. --- ­ . 40'wd, never, hei 060 it. U-0, , , -nd aniltiepUi� It -andt; W - Forth, §;Ptlandi.� Friday evening. , � 4� a, . � 'd � . i t tr I . I , 'troys, all germs In 4 agro or wotuid The Uerman cruiser Koenigsberg. coute,Vnee, I 'I� vitio P,& I , ..O * . n. 44s �: � , 0, , I r N. t advised to' con0lete �iheir contracts, Out C40 4454610118 01 the formal liggee R I NC, , . ,. ', 10 t, , AQ . . I I i I it This will take 0 ' but 1114 Presence at the I �-- I I I - 0 tnUA. - , -1bu* proventing any danger of ­-�� � I—", P1 into ore a , Atil March. - carrying the delegates, having arriv- itset'io necessary In'order to oh. . . "� . � I , . 1. r ,, . , JOSW Inez Chaitz qarcta. Mexican ed At the readezwus selec OU , - . - ­ IS . ei'leader. who has been tQ, go -Dolob --*bit opie other w$oU88 ' 9 4 reb blood Oing qTo" 1WW tedo-11i the q1MI6 the 111RAtf0at disadvantages of , , I O'�,., - . 11 1� I � . 'r I ­uth- sl0n. A Zarh-Uuk-eure to gwm*nl afternoon, Admiral Meurer Was t0- diactiEiloyll by cable in : I 1-f . 1� . I eastern Mexico Whixt prunclace Vil , 1 li: 'I. � , !13, , P, en to the Queen Oiste.riulning :, ,- , , , -, bt. W'' -e S rup I has been to No lit isat because It vurI1104 &Ad hosts Elizabeth by a de- the great outitneo,of the Anal t"aty % G MaCVICAR I � 11 - , '" . � . y . is a , rt4ern Mexico, IsIdeau. stroyer. �11 , I . I - I y M vrl'� Inot JDAly the our 4104111 wait about whM-be 11 � I I I , ii'VI � L Philipp �Scheloeuxqau. Germ - ­ 1. ��­­­---- -- - -.--- any ­040­14� 1 4 %Akul eq ted, His w1l . of course, be ; 11 - -- � . orIty­-12%v)edWd1B "4'iPa4!!-4LUoi,r4.-4b"44*"Albki'p .. . � � ''I , � -� it' , fac* sliln. but also The German' Innust nee ..... .1.a, I p4qr-W1pCtJ"uesTao-fbst4mrs- -- -". - -1ka"ALWO - 1-000111RIGH - I ­ 1 �4 -Mai leader. 'proba oAsibillty of tj1$ diassitte ter-deok,, Wherer he and ac- I ''I � . � 10� w en I , I organs, will head the Ger ts no p the other, cOrI1,p&nIed 1W delegates ia 4 I I - -=I � � i - r q i ­ man del . I Germans were tee by Commo- as, of the United - " , �� -egAtes to who- will sit , , . I ,�, : � ,, , thes, 4, be . , , I , , parts, the Peace conferenco, according t a , breaking out again. dore Hubert Bian elved - r Boom" �­' " " L ,. , 11 . � Zara-Buk is com�bxed eiclusivoly d anM ----L' ­ . � 0 the p e a and aide Zurich States throughout the conference. 11 �� � ,­-��A-�� I "I .- despatc4,, . eseorted I ! �� . I I � � - - tty's cabin, 0 - � �- I I . . 0 ,� 11, -­­--­-�- � � I I . - clear hir I, I aftuxalt­ Nine stenographers specially 4;- of vegetable �olls itud harbsd ex- confereni;e its where the "The names of the delegates will I � 0 1 ... I -- 1 �'� .... ­ - � � � , . , tailed. for Ole work bdve endeavored " tractO, -with AbsolutOW no 4DIMW 1 tqd ututill the early. be presently at ., I ',�- 10 i I . �� '�! , " V '14ys" ' _1nounevil.0- . I . I , _ M- ut tine tiecessfully to cope with tat or polsouou3 m1neral drup. hours of Satiqrdwy morning. 11 . __ " Win. TPA . age, Bask., L HOW long t 1 , . 'o-'-'Lmt--mihter-1-- . _ 1he flood ­ 01p�,parts­ �,,�A ,.-trex1d=i­-wIlL-.re., ­­ -- ­-, 0� h, it ltftllk 466k- -a-seveta- -Of-lettera-rgeeived-at MtW­14't T-"e'-q­q'e ------ - - vhIeh�9n1y­lr-rtt&te-:tI1. ,thRy­- ,_-4Wra1_Mfturst-­Sa""o&4t-e-*d­ -W9Fn-aWr­5-a-(T XhOnself probably cau- �� : I 1, � �, I 1rdin -him I ids of 0 � . J 1. I " - - - " - ---*-- st are intended to It at Ft. there- ral Beatty, who had frou I ­ppki w4kch so , 041,m � ting , � 004 " W j,no the immediate retun s 'he battle crul er Lion. a an .- . eot,� .1. -ing model of t 110t S&Y now. The time'lor the con- '1�: , � *bAd cough fi Yet Bowe medl- the front. tore. be ud6d on i3h4a*=osct naltive, a A vent.ng of the peace conference has I Mario . , , I c*Q - from ,doctor but it did me no A special train was sent froni'Po�? skin, and In the beat balm t t�baby. f hl famous agship, not Yet been announced, but the gen- . CANADA �1:1 I ­ . 131 while on the cabin wall at is t I t t I t �. I . �' , od , A.= A me p t Arthur 1.0 SioVx Qutlook ivith nurses It is also beat for eczWa6,. X cH eral belief here Is that It-t"not be . Hunts of the Ited Beer and the Mow,e .1 . ,. , �&d rK wais a fine plet,ure of Nelson. na e 11 I . , . �a fricnil,ad,is, � . . . 1'!.� , ,- Wood's Norway INie, 8 p �khi- to fight Ixk- Ingworm, bolls. p"ples. ulcers. assembled before late In December, I ;, and medical equipment, Ir Tb I . Y _ German civilian delegates remained at the eafliest. It such proves the OPE I f 11 I 4idj and after usihIV, ne i:��It& I found fluenza, which is very bad tbere. Dr abscesses, bloo f, polson4ag slid aboard the Koenlisburg. case, the President will -be absent I Dee N SEASONS 7 . -1 that,my cold was ter. 'I hav Brandon has died III: piles. All deals # or *am -Duk Co.. The conference ,v -as resumed Sat P--NOvV1ubQr Iqt to November vah ,%,,e- dnd Dr. Day is I ti t 0 . � ,r' �Dqmm- cy - I - from the country for at least a , I ,A . ended it'to my neighbors, an ; leaving the toWn without dect rs. Toronto. 60o. box, t Vir 4 .25. 1 , .,rday and was concluded Saturday - . ineluslv�. I I . �11'�, I �say they would not be without it." The Canada Food Board has re- N N, evening. Among Advalral Meurer's month, and probably longer. oose­-.No%vmber Ist to November v,tti Dr? Wood's Norwa; Fine S pealed all orders and rulings requir- I staft were a Zeppelin commander nd What Plans 'the President may 11 ; sai6 hII dealers. rMp 1820'r ing the sale, purchase. use or con- go � a submarine commander. ave for his trip other than to at- . Districts of Ontario including Tk , rice 251� a 11 In0It"v0- In st)[110 ot the North- rn ", , sibo4q. - - , sumption of substitutes for wheat I I tend the opening of the peace On- . 91111111 tithl the territory north n:,.l , flour, whetheii In the trade or In pri- 11 .. � � .... As the result of the conference the ference and to participate ltk the. dis- t ( Ci1nadiall Governin, i.t ,�: - ' Nkaufactdred only by The T, AMburn vate homes. The same -- German naval euvoys have agreed to cutiolons am - - f. . south of It, , �­ -1 7-141nite&iToronto, "" regulationis - er the GerpAn fleeL the esti- of ng the representatives 6 ; � Ralhvaye, fr4m, 0- Quebec to 1%la.i �7 1010�& out. - surrend 0 . - . - - . as hitherto will remain- for milling - ted the assoelat6d tintions which 'will . , ... ma . John 901141dary "pt -11 M418011 ter m(, ­ -% -�,t- , -- , -- � value of which is $350,000.- precede it, have not been revealed. I Is front Octo . ! extraction of standard flour. ,� I 2 � I : 11 000. The Ger.aan ,fleet Is to Be taken A . � 1;V" Ist to No%cniber 3u�tl I " . WEE Talaat, Pa.l,,,,, former Grand Vizier , ----'— --'-- - ' ' He undoubtedly will be accompanied ! I Inclusive, I - ­ _ to the Orkney Islands, off Northern by Mrs. . ".$ � ruto and MInIster of Finance to the Tul it- A poltee patrol w7l leave Dr4son', S,cotlaad. It is understood. Wilson, and it is expected - �1* JOPM OF K ish Government; Envier Pasha,' for- and will be , � 'N"a Isd Yukon, al;iout Ciirisuaas here that besides visiting Parts, 11 I .1'"mcni � Write for copy ,if ',I'IRygrOunds-t!IA . . 1 The surface warships which are -to where the, p,iace congress probably �� flaunts Of FW, and 'Oame," giN�rjg 1� . 11 � , -1; " mer Minister of War, and Djemal prepared to carry mail for Fort Mae- be surrendered have to be -ready to will be held, he wifil go t London Ilinflu Casualties Heavy. I �. Pasha, former Minister of Marine Pherson and 11-s.l.-cl 1,,,land. leave German Ports seven days after Game Laws. litinting IlegulatitIli,. I Imoortant Events Which Rave have fled from Constantinople. The; The Railway War Board has.plac- and possibly to Brussels aod Rome. T), - lo';Pee of (lit) gallant Hindu OtC., to C. E. tiortling, District 1), ­ 'are accused the signing of the armistice." Tha� In visiting Europe, . of etalbezzleinent and ed the G.N.W. operators on the same is to 4ay 0 . the President ,(, sengrr Agent, 11flon Station, Torow ,, � Occurred Dui ing the Week . . n Monday, Nov. 18 will establisir two,, 1,11- rs In the giftat war have been 7 1 . . I er,mes. basis as the C.PAI. operators in a The snbrnarines which ar' precedents: he Out. be will be the first chief executive of for the first Ime annotin6ed. tart- I , A proclamation w:ll be Issued 6-h wage award issued yesterday. surrenderied' tnust "be prepertto to the United States ,to participate in a Ing Ininiediately war was declared, /' It 8 The Busy World's Happenings Care- Nov. 25th suinmontax a new Parlia- The German Soldiers' Counoil has leave German ports ininiedi tely on Peace conference for the settling o 9 600 rt thefie Mohammedan light- F. IF. LAWRENCE & SONS . 11 . fully' Conipillod and - Puji taito ment, Andrew Bonar Law aniiounced taken charge of the Rubleben pri!i- the receipt 6f a wireless ordear to sai! las es growing out of a war In w f el q for Chrlstlani n I ?%v,ed In Vrauge Town Passenger and Alloket Agaists 6. t "I hape for in the British Commons. NominattonF oner camp. All the prisoners Are ret to the port of surrender," and are to hich . . *Phone 8 I �* ported to be w0l. Prid quiet,pre,Iiiii1q. t= country participated, and, ltk'2,. and tO()Ic their 1111"aeA , the firing ' . the Readers of Our Paptir -A will be on 'Dee. 4. and polling wil) be handed Pver "with full 1, -- take PI ce on comPle- wise. he will be the first Pres dent :1 P. . I - "110 Hour's Wormen a Dee. 14. Preto r Representativts of a hundred Ment in a Port specified by the Allies I Fight months ofter 2o,000 more. — . �-- - , t. - - gatto regiments assembled in meeting to leave North America during his wvre Rent over In a body to take the --- �- -- I . of Parliament will take place at and the United States within 14 days . I ; 4 � ')E 'Berlin have demanded the irnniedia�e a term of Office. - In ie.aching his decl- Mace of their brothers who bad been :, 10. � WV43NESDAY. Wednesday or Thursday at the latest, convocation of a National Assembly. fter the signing of the armistice." Sion to attend the peace conference, Put out of commission. Tbo origilial . '.1 SATURDAY. . That is Monday, Nov.. 26. President Wilson Is understood to 24.000 had been re -enforced by I . . 'The von Fetteler monument, erect- All the submarines are to be sur- � The death rate from the Influenza Mai. -Gen-.- Seyn, former Governor- ed under compulsion of the German ba-ve been largely- Intl uenced by re- 121.000 fellow Hladus earlier in the �1 epidemic which has Prattleally Abat- General of Finland has be rendered and of the surface warships Presentations f m Premiers Lloyd 'A'M'. 111111 of these .10,000 bad been .1 N. A --Taylor, former en taken Government, Is being removed from ten battleAhipa, six battle cri � of Gli,14ITBritain and Clem- 1, t!ed. capt&od or %vqund-1. The At@ . ed in Toronto, totals 1,647. ' 1� from a hospital a.t Kroustadt and Pekin. The monament cost ixppro I- el ht I ulsers, George . reeve of either drowned oi� shot. X g I &t cruisers and 50 destroy- enceau of France and other states- Itindus eharp � M nstp,ntly kill- n?ately $500,000. ers of the most modern type are t .ed with wondorful dash Lady graduates of last term are . A memorial will ,be' erected In A)a earthquake of unusual severity I . 0 men ,?f the Entente countries. Thp and scornpil shelter %ith heroic but . _ ed while rQtArning to his home from Brantford to the nurses and doctoro was recorded at the Gonzales Heights be given up. The ten battleships principleS now earning as high as 118 and even I -*,peace ceIebratIOh-tbr,9iigU?,PIs car who gave their lives In the recent which have been selected, are: and terms of settlements ­-Qy audacity. . . , turning turtler. .1� . .-. ., -a, .' , I Obsery enunciated by the PreBldent hav - .1 ­ 120 per week. while young tuen are - , ,� epidemic of Spanish In&m. The dIs(urbance was estimated a( both new dreadnoughts completed e I ad Another rrugndet- partilng Atill better salaries. We can .. I � ,story, Victoria, B.C., Monday. Kronprinz Wilhelm, and Bayern, b6en accepted by both the Associat e � - 1, I despatch,- fro fitt'k sa;�s -that The Social-Dertiocratle party has 4,800 miles from Victot-16- f Nations and th � . in % I r �a VeinA&'kx'0 1. of Abuse of been speciflially excepted fiont the since 1916. Contra Powers iW Just odtxlde one of the 'entrsince$ not meet the deiauand for traltied I 'the Three masked bandits, armed the basis upon which eace Is to be -) the 114itfth Ho-i'te of CommoAs In younger Itne.jas n,bdicaied. ban Placed by order -in -council on the Markgraff, Konig and Grosser Kur- r"atablished; and it is understood li�]P- Write its for particuldrit at Reuss is a prinWp wfth revolvers, held up Jos. Houde, fuerst, of\ the Konig dre . huge efluostrian status of a war. � I Y, Mat has a I.W.W. and certain other organiza- a tuail man en route from Arthabw.-­ that It Is for the working out of the 011pa reAarding our . - - . .-,cO4atttUt-IOA.-T4ip,-erluqeihacltlte sole tions. . class, completed In 1914 and 1915. Ior in coal of mall, with uplUte(l � nee Regent, at . . ive and�Dat 6f -tliii'legl�iattvo The Dominioti Government will a4d robbed him of his mail bag, con his presence Is so earnestly des1reJ exeftti I .", . �. . I kavilp to St. Paul. %Que., on Slitiday, Kaiser, Kaiserin, PH application of these principles ill wo4 Few PeOPIO notice It for ' COMMOP011111, 811011ithand and Tale, . power­-h� , - shortly take up consideration -of the - Luitpol&, Honig Albert an'd Friedrich - !tat it Is, a oply-Itod representation � , � Steps loq,ktug to dent9bilization 6 tainliig $6,000. der Grosse, all dreadnoughts of the by the. Allied statesmen. V question of conscierafous objectors As the result of a collision be- Hatser class, completed In 1912-13. . ,f the heroic king and soldler of eblv- the forded,hBiVe already 'b"h 4keni try 10chnird the Lion Hearted. Prob. I graphy Departments . under the M. S. A., who, are nom tween a street car and an automo- Five battle efutsers, the Derfinger, PHANTOM KINGS FALLING. ,bly*rnr the first time. (it(, statue ham Students may enter at any time. I W.Tgronto Military District and a serving terms of imprisonment. We at Cornwallainri: night, ,Mrs. Hindenburg,' SeydUtz, Moltke and -pen docorated. A wreatli of laurek V cong..14orable-reduction in staff.and A War Office stateRent in regard Haines Is dead and four other oc�q- I I personnel with Bt Y -16w to economy .- Von.der,.Tann;,ArB apparently all that — ,nd chrysanibemums was placed upon . to the Turkish armistice says that ,pantsare, patients In the Hotel Dieu ]But Brittsb Pe pl. Ar. Still Devoted . . D. A. VeLACHLAN, will* likely .be' effected shortly., the terms include the evacuation Germany has available so far as the t when Jerusalptu fell to the latest I . E. H. Garyj bead of the,U. S.'Steel 0 f suff0ring, from mits and bruises. I so-called dreadnought battle cruisers to MORMI-ellS. are concerned. The armistice terms LONDON, Nov. 19. -The House of orip, ago is it that Ftichard gittempted - Mosul vilayet by all th# military The Canada Food Board annAkinN's ,f the crusaders, Oen. Allenby. So I 11 Principal. L-- Corporation, -Wained. the American forces and the surrender of the artil, that the U. S. Food Administration IstiPulilte for the surrender of six. Commons an Monday passed a motion hf- g ee- Of JP1,11�al�rn, that the do- -- . - - -P6dVW`ttr1Y6-oh their gmard against lery supplies. I , .1 . 1. has notified this cotintry that all r - Eight of the most recent light moved by Andrew Bonar Law, Chan- -oratlng of it,- s,itilp spel,18 almost . 1! ­- - economic demoralization, depres- German fobd profiteers 4bo for strielions, on Ihv* export of drk(d cruisers are the Brummej-, Bremen, celliir of the Exchequer, in the ab- sion, and - possibly panks" which nearly,four years had been boarding fruits into Carinda. with the ex( ' I'kl- im-tting lautols on the brows of 1. uligh-�-Accompany readJustments at- necessities are now flooding �he mar� tion of l)ea�,hps. i!nl!Ics .,In 'I'))- Karlsirulte, Pillau, Frankfurt, Nuern- Bence of Premier Lloyd George, who 01orner. ' d p;,,:i,es 'berg, Koelna and Dresden. Is suffering froin a slight cold, con- - , . -.-- -- . ter a world war , kets with bidden goods. In conse- have been rDle.,sc,,;. It Is only If neutral ports are not g`ratul�tlng King George on the con- � L10 I � , The'Bishop 0 e Yulion, Rt. Rev. quence, prices of food commoditi4Q.q available that the German warships elusion 'I'll,, Caume. THE SAM" COAL 90. I 1. 0. Stringer, .D., is leaving to in Germany have fallen nea�ly 60 "D,, Y01i iiii,k-irmtand thc,�ause of "01 . . % Of the armistice and th Successors to, McDonagh'& Gledhill f 4, England and France for special wor per cent, THE are to be brought for surrender to prospects for a victorious peace, and h o - i r- n I -a i - re I I " Allied ports. But there Is reason to for his unselfish devotion to the task , W.,11 1*111 -is six feet tail EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR � the I' soldiers An conneption F. B. MccCurdy, M.P., has resign- OF DREADED LA GRIPPE in which .' - - �, believe that since the armistice was the nation is engaged. Iold it W, ,��, ,\ with the,Canadian Christian Citizen- ed -the chairmanship of the, Invalid � 1, U.,"iid sfi�-ulde*ts and a kbak ! - IIt �"A ship Caiapaigir inaugurited--4y.--the- -Soildlent gned the neutral po,%ers have made "When Phantom kings are fall- L... � ' LEH10H " j�,4 't Commission. He resigned Worse Than the Disease clear that their po t not like- Ing." said Mr. Bonar Law, "our "' VALLEY � ar , 0 'a ' AssoclatiolL his position as Parliamentary Under- tinis r ' I , , ,�, , %, Young Men Christian Itself-vic- 9 , 114 � .Protestant clergy took part in A secretary for the pepartment of Sol- Left Weak, Nervous and ly to be available ,� thl: irksome Sovereigns are Passing, without es- - THE QOAL THAT SATISFIRS `� I Worn Out purpose airid there , cart. through the streets and meet- Al�.Illservice in St. 1ames' Cathedral, To. diers' Civil Rezestabliblim.ent some df:�d doubt that , L . routo, for the first time In the -:history days ago. . — the surrendered nan warshipl Ing with tributes of respect, devo- We deal ,a Hard and Soft Con), 1,in,e of this historic c4urch. It was, a ser- Philip Koerber, blacksmith* ..of La _Grippe or Spanish linfluenza as will be brought into Allied ports. - tion and affection." Freed from Chroni ! vice of Thanksgiiing. Rev. R.',T D. Bridgeport, pleaded guilty In the Po- the epidemic now sweeping 'Surface warships which are left to Mr. Bonar Law said he was sure . ic Cement. Itire Brick. Fire Clay, also , # " . � Simpson, w Methodist, read the les- lice Court at Kitchener to a char America is called, is one of Leelmlostl Germany will be concentrated in one tbat the Wotion would be carried . Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and I I sons and Rev. Prof. Law A ' I by- of making seditious utter Ra dangerous diseases known to man- or more of the German ports. They unanimously and with a full heart Paings Hemlock Slab*. , terfati�, pr I It ....6 a J? ances on kind, Anyone who has ,-sit its -will be paid off and c( (cheers). , , ­ . - , to 6 8 02. � I Nov. 7 and 8 respecting the 1prittah pangs, - 'The world had been pass- ' , '� wBre throne and the Allies. Is not likely to forget the ; -iimpletely dis Fresh Cats of Lime and � a' , .1 ,� * 1� , " He was/ order* trouble, sixtried and will be under the super- Ing through a terrible ordeal; -the To those who gre afflidtad with the i\ to pay this costs, g I throitg6i'd . t 0 thou- Sid amountin to La Grippe, or, Influenza, starts with a vision of a commi4Bion of surveil- Signing of the armistice marked a ' I I 11 . I the $20.50. and , Agonies of a chronic aching back, lose :. San of ea I to subscribe his namid ,light cold and ends with a compli- Isuce appointed for the purpose by crowning mercy to the British Em- f strength, weight and vigor, the ease Cement just received a val of and - to an apology. cation of troubles. it lays .the vic- the associated powers. Dire, the Allies and humanity. We 0 Queren and of Mr. P. 11 rb�e �'. other oy ties id , o Costa Rican business men and tlm on his back, It tortures him with Regarding the German submarines have won a r % .victor . - . -, 0. tt of ple"evale nill- . - ­ . , id - g. 'e'. t. -Y, -bMt­at a - -- - - OF - - --- - -,--,- , , - ­ -- " � - a_ - - politicians- exiled in- Nicaragua- ,h -&v* 111MUS. &dd-zhills, headaeh6s -and- back-' -which-Bed before the rev-otiffribnatiiij - - great pr�ie. He was not thinking now appe4l with SPOG&I significance. 171CH PHONIC . . . 75 ,� victory achieved nst the G6r- sent a telegram to President Wilson aches. It leaves him a prey to ppeu- and took refuge in Swedish waters of the men and women everywhere Mr: florbart had sulfered with Kld. 0. J. SAULTS' 9881tiaNCIC . 275 mans. With tu'a'accleption of the begging him, now that Europe has moula, bronchitis, consumption and there to no doubt they will have to throughout the Empire on whose ney trouble for years and failed to flad W- W. SAULT91 RRSIDUNCH 202 seats reserved for the Ambassadors been freed from tyranny, "to do the other deadly diseases. its a-fter ef- be surrendered. heafts the sound of Joy -d belle fell a prescription that would give him any 11 and other notables, the cathe same for Costa Rica and enable her fects are often more serious Regarding the Black Sea, arrhnge- with a mournful clang because of 11fief. Finalli he tried Gin Pills be- - - -k� was quickly filled by those whet d" than the ments are now being made for the those who had won the victory but cautic he was Impressed by the Net - U�- - - ----- d to re-enter the society of frt" and disease itself. It is quite possible to ! waited hours for'thb doors to.open. democratic nations." avoid Is grippe by kc,�ping the blood surrender of all ships in German could not return to rejoice at it that Gin Pills contained the beneficial 3HURSIDAY. MONDAY. rich and red by the use of Dr. Wit hunds. It seems now to be practical- (sympathetic cheers). He was think- ingredient of Juniper without any &11-�-811 9 - -, , - ly certain they will be our -rendered Ing rather that the war had broken Alcohol boing added. T. SWARTS :11 . Col. Gow, Deputy Canhilian Ovei Itanadian troops are to garrison liams' Pink Pills tonic medicine without trouble. the crust on wh'ich civilization Note th)ese extracts from his letter: 111tals"Minister, has esignidd. certain German territory. which enriches the blood and strength- I rested t French troops Saturdp,V entere ens - an -day a Phyllis Thoilas of Brantford. d the ne�ves. If, however, the dis- d in consequence Europe to "I suffared from Kidney trouble 'Bust. Livery, and dier-1. (381m easp attacks I Was; seething with revolution. Never or several years, and tried Burner , 'at the K. VV.- HoqpIta1 a ar and Mulhausen, two of Ger- you, the patient should Ban Armpy Br4pken. - f t Kiteli- theless, we could look at the future on@ rentediiis without finding any ener, after she had taiken blotiorlde many's great fortresses In Alsace. at once go to bt�d, 4ina call a 4octor PARIS, Nov. 19­"Fleld Marshal with hope. courage and confidence perr"nent relief. .My cage Ap I of mercury. There was no trouble In either place. before complications set in. That peared chronic. X — , , , . Is von Hindenburg, In his message to (cheers) - because our Institutions ack Stabl'e's Leon, Siben, A&YOCate-General to ,The death occurred on Friday the only safe thing to do. But to the German army, said that the were based on the strongeht founda- . Mantpeal 111tv"t the Patis;Court of Appeals, has been ,Stght at Woodstock Hospital of recover your strength after ine caused the accept- tions. namely, the consent of the na. J r know thA,t juniper without . I 1� alcohol was excellent for the Kid. just off the Sqn&re Z appoln;ed Director Of .1111stice, for the s,nbtjry R. Tnrr, of Winnipeg. He erity of the attack nas passed, You ance of the armistice," says ,Marcel lion. None of these Institutions was neys, so decided to try Gin Pills. . I � , R-hid-Lorralne. was editor of the Canadian Finatice will find Dr. Williams, pink Pills an Hutin of the Echo de Parts. "A]- stronger or rested on njore Becul;e One single pIII gsVe. -qwo�ft. - es are Me great rt- � aimsl*n,,* ­1301shevIlii, fore 'lir Winnipeg, &surpassed tonic. Through the use- though food difficulties playeo a part foitndations than the throne, lief, 1Ad since taking four boxes ' Bassos M66t 011 Trains and � niarchiAtl On Fithian& They are now Mathias Erzberger, chief of the Of this medicine all the evil after',ef- in the defeat of Germany, the de� (Ch"rs.) The thro (I was (he link I flud myself completely cured. i passenitiat'Dests 't6nIn& th f German armisilep delegation, will fects of this trouble will be banish- termining cause of the German eel- that kept the British Empire togetb- am no longer bad-tempared, have Passengaris 9&1104 ter In any thr" - - is Fhutlsh seaport of 10 11 fI Vibiirf, If miles northwest of Petro- zonduct the preliminaries of the ed. This has been proved in' thous- lapse was the fact that the enemy's er. enabling It to play a glorious increased in weight, std am* part of the I . grad. . peace negotiations in conjunction sands of cases throughout Canada, army was on the brink of disaster. part In the war and would make the strong and vigorous ag*in." trains at U. T. WU for all The Allied fleet arril'ed off con- with the Foreign Office. where In previous seasons la grippe TJbe fixot words the German plentpo- union closlpr. t- Or C. P. R. stantinoplo, having passed rough Field Marshal yon Mackensen. who has attacked them. .Amon -1he liere in another cassi, ?,frg. M. a. Dapbils.- - th _g many. tentiarles said to Ml%rshal Poch were, , Herbert H. Anquith, th"61.1- Gardner, of Richmond, Que., writes: . � the--�-Datdanellvs Tuesday.. Britigh has been operating In I'Zoumanin', hat; thus r0stored to full health is Miss in substance, 'Germany's army Is a lion loader In 1ho House of .Coni- "My husband was taken with Prompt Service and and Indi,tu Iftops oboupyflIg tUb tbrts arrived at Debreezin, Hungary, with Irene Bootes, Portsmouth, Ont, who your mercy, Marshal. Our reserves nio Ps. seconded the motion of Mr. paraded' as the shiph passbil; . 1 2,000 of his troops. The troops weN-- says,�"l take much pleasure In re- of men and munitions are complete- Bonar Law, severe kidney trouble last Winter, Careful Attendsince. (1'�, CADront airplanea are Velfth used disar-ed and started towards Get,- commending Dr. Williams, Pink Pills, ly exhausted, making it impossible and could not work for some time. � I' by the Itallan Supreme Command to nrany. . becatise I have proved their worth in for us to contJnab the war'." . He heard of Oin Pilh, and after 4WIVA1111110 �, transport emergency rations t A large number of ships deffiand- my own case. Last winter I had a I \\M, !-,p fli(wotighl) a pr--paration taking one box wag able to renotme Out Livery a" 01Wk 64y.vlce I " 0 the i famished cit4zeng of the eratm ed by the Allies under the, naval severe attack of IS. grippe and it left do 41#1 ;-.Ind as %lillf,r-A Worm 11,�\�ders the his work. Two boxes relieved the wIII bc 101111111d 11111II-Ite-date � cities, of Italy, Pola an,0 ' Redeeming Belgium. 'Wdhor v%ho alltows her elitifirpri to pain in his baek, and to-dAy he to In every rils"et. , and also of . terms of the armistice were Sunk by me weak and all run down. I had 4,,fr,,r Cr,,rfi trte raNagvs (if \%,trrng Im well and strong a Ikin." I i Flume, , . � I their German er(ws during the revc)- severe pains In the enest and under LONDON, Nov. 19. - The Allied . . I The-will4f , lutloin, according to Germania, armies have begun their march to- "n -iso ,Intl culpably varvl(1141, A rhild Gin Pills help otfers--turely they 4be4w Alk . . ,..,! Mrs. -Margaret Olivjx Of the arms, Palpitation of the heart and an forces 'tarkN of worytim is will do the same for you. Try them. Ismaris saltditod � 8990- *110 Wag thO WIdOW of RfilWdil Berlin. wards Germany. The Belgi 811blerted lit the at Vour Patr attacks of neuralgia which left me have already occupied Antwerp, ak%ays tinhoatthy and will he stuntod I Sage, ,*as Med: for probate Saturday. In compliance,, with Lbe terms Of' with the feeling that life was scarcely which was evacuated by the enemy on In IN Arrowth. It im a merciful act *W&% dig os*g of 'an Ostkt6 valued at the armintlee it-, Gornian fore0s in worth living. I was advised to try Friday and Immediately ta It- rid 11 or flipse destruetko parasites, The National Drug & rhsmicsl Co. I a abr,IU t$ 400. ()t this $8 0-00 - East Africa under Gon. v,pn Lettow- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began of Canada, Limited Toronto, Ontario. T. SWAN , I I ',,, k " 0 0 0 " 14 a', lii!:Uta t, . Vorbeck, surrendqred on Nov. 14, on Brussels was expected to be free of 11T­­11� ,,%hen It'ran be thinp witti- 117. S. residents shouid address Nis Dru Phiese 107 M46trisolstreet A. W to, h* o6thm- their u 0 only on the principle thaiI I German soldiers to -day. Wit dIffiridt). i Josepti,ow ' I the Chambezi rivet-, south of Kasama, we ' sup. - one, : jlam In, ' . Northeastern 11hoderls. ry � WIL % 06.t1ne..W2MsInSt.,BnffWo,N.T. I I cash uld f anything that mighl better The witbdrawal.from Antwer " -- I is --- I ­ - 0 --, —.­---------­ -� ­ � 1"14itt, , will . my condition. I had only been using accourplished wfthout untoward Inci- — - —�---- ---- ---- - - ---- � . be OAK Ot , Y" ' '� ' ibo Dominion Sugar Admiral von Tirpliz, former MIn- the Pills a couple of weeks when the dent; and when the co"eapondent 1, I , C '� A& til*ets 114 the - the . O' to 11*4*6)"r# later of the Geynian Navy, and Pains began to leave me. Gradual- visited the city the peoplo-were In the . - Ch&tba,#45*lct116t-%1.,S .vear.'s cron. man who was chleflv responf3ible for IY my Strength returned, my a I , -.-.. � , , ' catn-w P ­ ,Pctlt'e midst of a celebration for their do- -------LLe,;'­'1', -V � -,,- ,, , - Germany's intensive submai1ne improved, and In a little more than a livemnee. . Ilk = - --- CANADIAN PACIPIC I ­ , Paign, fled to SwitzerIttrid Immediate- month I felt all my old t#ne viglar had Burgomaster .%fax has left Brussels it 6 DAILV TRAIN $ESIVICK . � 4 , 11 I . 4, - —1 , I A 0106. . 11. .. " 11 ly the revolution in Germany broke returned. I am sJncereV glad I for Ghent to ri3it the King. . .. . . I , f'; � �, out. Was . . �\ , , persuaded to tri- Dr. Williams, Pink - 0-� ­", . I '. IWO - The British Government Is ar- ��l - 0 --1 I 1. 1� I , SLIP �, ding for the departure to the Pills, and I shall always have a ghod Telephone and telegraph 601011111111k- ; � .0 I -L 'v', �11 X��­<-, 1 . StateA of a number of G#r- Ord to say for them." leation was cut off In eastern Nov& bit MINA � � 11-1 I � " It � Vale 016 1 .L I .1 I of bring- Dr, Williams' Pink Nits not only Scotia amd, as far -west frotn there as . TORONTO -WINNIPEG -VANCOUVER L \ .. s"r ; Veftelp for thp purpose , . 1111 I 96�­ cure the disastrous after effects of Is �, 1, a" -11. , Ing to Germany foodst(iffs which the Moncton N.B., by the first an" Leave TorontO 7 P- m. .0 . . . � . ''. I , ri�ft too . .. I Allies will permit Germany to re- grippe, but are also a speelflo for all sthrin OF the sessoiL .. .,��', ,f" . " , I . , troubtV due to poor blood, Such Its UK k Wok -in 44y, two I , ­ Vt h, I � I I., 1�- ­ I I LI, I ,A- celve. ­ . Arrive Winnipeg i2.#o p. m. (Second Day) I .� ": �,. I �,-, " I � . � - Iq h 1� The British War Cabinet has sane- aliaornia, rheumatism. Indigestion, ­�.!!! 1. ­ � --- I I � 2" T, , ,� ­ , tlsnf� an agreement turning over to women's ailments, and the generally oS p. m. (Fourth Day) ., I .1 � EW4*1 A", I ul "I I - worn out feeling that affecti; , , 0 I f'r.atice new wussels acgregating 400 - so mally . �. �,�. IW4. , � A. 16�141,:, ­ .1 400 tong. These vessels *All be bulit, people. You esin get thede . pills . . I THR0170H RQUIPMENTA �� . ", � � � I �. I ,ii �­ *tA7­ ----,. ,. .. . . through any dealer In medicine, or by il . 1 U4 ftu* . 4ft Great Britain. One-third of the I COniftrtmelit Observation Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining Car. Fir6t.cla" Gbaoh�en I I � ..,,44 W I A I 1�.��. Sh rer at the close Mall at 50 cents a box or all boxes for I Colonist CArift, Toronto to Vanconver. .. % . �N 7=111 be turnO o ,J$A,,,,, r *d with, "a O" 0 I 42-56 from The Dr. Williams- I 0 A tOuDd-triP ticket to the Pacific COA01t; via the "C&D&dt&O P&Oifiti" 13crali a wide diversity of TOUUS 1, , "I � 1 � I a" Onsiftid', ' WN&- Ittes, onMhird In a yftr. anti Medicine I .. I.. 1, ,,, I It 6 lowm 4". lu" llik the remainder during lbe rourne of Co., Brockville, Ont. without additionki charge. I 4 ���­ . 400 I a I t6 us"J4, Ak *,4 twjw 4116 flutteoding years. . . � - 1 " I ", "64 � Peace does not alter the food demands in 18-1. �, , , UA ­ , , Tt'F.SDAV. - . . I -i�� , , , oilt k , *WW , 'h'e U.' S. upon, CAnadli and the United SIAW, but %iis .� #A4 L. . . I . I'll I � � Cdngrtrs -111 adJourn Adid'the ft- fm6� �­ - , " �A- -, I , in fillft IftreWS the loild' .. � ... � I *0 4M Thursday. Mabd Of temomy. -, I yoof .1 I I W. Monks Wa­-.-!. a 17�alrvry ba I I ---.a-- 11 . 1, , I I . 11 11 11 . 169 ,1111 . ." I 0410# died qsirAti, !.1 . flots.tifir .. "I'll, I . � OLA#, - . . klitifi#lis. Children Cry C. , i*-. Y*T "* ... *0 X. O.Vewnlp.rd. Llbcral mchatier . AL -94:51 , . � ­­ 4ft fi* , * I L '"'IM6 tv*""," 1. I . I saiki is , L *# 11 11 , r , ; I '' , � , � - I ';�' - ­ - . . -:- 1, I %, k" I , I �g , � . !, � .1 e . �_, ., ,- " V ; � , � 11 1. . ; I., -­ , . .. "I �,� �,� � � I N '':, - . . -, I I '1�,�. 1.,., � . 1. �Io-,. " � : "'I L , I ,�) . ., � - �� I . . � �.r I , , .,h , - I ` � I li� . � 11 G , � ., . k�,�:�' ��L-;'rq I : �, I", , `� 11 "I . �4�4 - T�� - E M � I I I . I � , . . , � 1) 1, � � " r . I . I � I I 1. . � , I . tAbigg -­ . I I I *1 OtSlif"itcoev an I.4ir,;6.1btt1V6 fol" P1161 11 . a mta"41"gwa 14W iumuffm W"14k amp 1"W tnp ts jkh* tim "W40 P"ific rt"k;", ,,, �i ,.� I e. A r . 0 . - I --- I " � i . .. - I L pwr 0, wjjtjrmu�j, 4;.'k. "n S�U'C�W., CASTOF I . I'ArtictilstIll from CAN10141M Pacifle Ticket Appts. !�. it , . � I . I ­� 1. I — � I I I �1%11 . �IA . ---N , ,,, I ­ .8. !LOWA�_q�.t#tt t , , � � � . . I I 1, , ,� . I / . 11. low -- !=#=r I m6mit. it 4" �­ � . N I I � " AN 1 , , - . .., I . - . ( 4 � � . ""� I I I . - ,, 1� I *.I I 11 1 4 . . " � � I , f /" . I �� .... - . "I IL p, I 11 I 1� . � 114tt ". .. .1 0 1. ,. I . I . � 11 I I � .. I I , I . I f I, I � . I 1# I ' )' !,2 ... f� I 0 , " , �, �. I ., ... 11 � - I . . �# � 11 I . I 4� ,. �,�,,�'..'� � . " L I � , I '. � � 11 . I � r . .;, , �� I W L I I I I I ��,� A - - : , I 11 I I � : , , I I , I I I � I I . I I I , , - I 4 I -L . � ­­ - A&11� —, � - Ak f. I ''I � . i I I J'J L " I 11 . . 1 , �,.� , . A---10&�*-A;i-1 I - ­­­ ­­­ L , �,, L ., , ,,,,,— I 'r. " , I I" , , -­,iN12 -�- -I," .�­­­­­­­ ­11­��&011�'d itt�.;��iL k" L 4, I- ­ !t� it-*�,- �,­ , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII