HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-22, Page 57 14 X VIR own "'H 'A reqnpst from Mr. Adam Gorl for forwork on -ipwer from T TTHRIFT MEANS SAVING � ,me I;Amaiive need foe IUM is apparent at ance committee. A request frorn the National San!- IQ sit Ibinuirig,people. 71loft WUP an Wise strpet work before winter. 'rhe special coninottee reported as t* I ba" c",%v,4 to *ru4 orn a" ana so saving to Provide against poissiblit an avwg U 1[""�'NE�PMOMCE Ill The explanati worlis committee, ion the large. cou'l W" . The surest way to protect yourseff Is -itb a surest finance committee. '-faclpnnan paviggs Account. Start one with this Bank V - - n I M deed for lot No. 19, Reid's Survey, ,%e that 1b, t(iwn a deed it) t ougetiI. Interest paid at current ratm � on 'a cre UNION BANK OF CANADA ed Mr. Gorl's house was left oonnecte4 WMMPM MAX Q00ERICH kBRANCH, Fit ?Amager. W—OOLLC9 0 IN OwIng Oloves pardsts Q, M*tmas Is Dran Neal Kayser ON. 011T'large stock of suitable gifts is almost couiplete,- Early shopping giv,:s Y011 the best selection. Store Hours 8 am. to 6#^- SM04Y 10 P-m- Kodakli Brownie Cameras White Ivory Toilet Articles Ebony Toilet Articles Thermos Bottles' Swan Fountain No W arel Auto Strop and Gillette Safety Patterson's Chocolates Razors Albums Women's 'SILI Ish wearing APP Perfumes Greeting Cards JAS.A. CAMPBELL, Phm-B. Exclusive Styles in Women's Coats CENTRAL DRUG STORE 0 1 h As. the season advances and the Now Coats come to hand. eac -F-111101111F. 90 1 Coat is more attractive, and we are showing some exceptionally good "_ a I of the North American In Velours,.. In burgundy, taupe$ greln, reindeer. VU "a JF Clfo�mwar­l;6_ - --Ltd.. �us-, TME. -TOWN -COUNCIL._ - -tal` 15"c""o" -uud--when--1d­ priced at $3a.5o. ters patent oi incol'-poration are granted j 0 en to be Advertised For lications for same being now Coats at $37-50. NeW Night Pollet' to it 'app =-1 n In Well aluil�Mally itimicipal 0=0====O=O= See our special value In handsome black Plush _[pending) and tthat at your n 0=0 0 - =0 paynitents Alade - 1 oleclions in January, it vote- be 'taken he tow Oatithurizing a new bYW v, grantin" .11, H Women's Serge Dresses, at $16-50 ffkq r e ,,,,tTng of t same benefit, . et ol" I . addressed the'council were Niel gular 11 1, as A It n Bylaw No T Mighrt las . I - Couno was held on FrMY " 13vto the Goderich SaltCo., Its sucoesm ry Ectwards. J. W. FraSiar. W, H The Deputy Iteeve and Cotincillor Cook, surs anti assigus. we may say that ertsuil and 1XvNille Nfillar. Wo just to band, in the very newest stVles, in black were absent at the start. tile new company has already arranged A suggestion was mad� by some of men's Ser* Dresses The reports of the cemetery sexton, I for a new \vell and.lian, -which moans the council that the county council lie and navy. Excellent quality serge. Special, each $0.50. the treasurer and tile tax collector were that the it outiout (if brine to keep the plant asked for a subscriptiull and referred to tile lIPPI-01'riate "I'll"'ttees. r , olltilluoljsl�, and ill(- addition of monument be made a count)- affair, bul,1 ") Ing I e '.N a showed obtunlial nuint,ei Women"s Separate Skirts tax collector's report (of hands to its as it is likely each celUr Ali Vo Ill, I I I "� " 1.1, ;�, The t470.,M of taxes Oolleeted in 1918 up to (Inr k-liellt�; v\ill, of course, a muoulikent Of its Own, it was felt It e tile monument opular than for many a season. We lilt p Nov. l5th, "I'Lde LIP as follows: 1915 beat exPells- of taking the ote might be better to mak Wcmen's Separate Skirts are more -el) local one. ilk, Poplin, Serges and Tweeds. taxes, $900. fillit tRxeq, , 415: 1917 taNes, (..I. tit.. 114�v\ ll�lilw, bill as this will be Ili Goderich a put $10,200; 1918 taxes, $51,01A). During tile. \%ith �(.ul, litollicipal elec- Tbo foliovving reports of standing ewest New York styles in S art showitig the verV u M,875 was Cot-Itfial, the exp-�nw Q Priced frol'$4.95 iO $15 -00 - same Period in 1917, $! , lo,vid lie. nominal." committees were adopted: lecttiel% or $14,960 less than this Year. thA 1'.��olution mas 11(lopted, moved by The finance rominittee I -v _u 916 taxes would be practically all e that the request be favorably the payment of a number of qceounts; The een, Sateen and Wool I (H' H -11. S.M. johtizon, Wo to of this y- I. rvrei\pd and the tnattvr referred to the recommended tit t paid before tile Pnd men s Underskirts, in Silk, Taffat I led on the rfport pf.t.illl c(illinlittv, too vonsult the solici- C. E., bu paid $100 o account f r ell The %Iayi)r cominen Silk, Taffateeu and as being verN' satisfactory- tit,. jill(I lljl\(� a I,y1a\\ prepared for sub- gineering serviees: that $100 be pald I An application from Miss Clifford for rnission to the rate payers, the com- the Dominion Road Muchinery Go. i- NV(mcn's I-ludcrskirts, in a nice variety, I NioN. Ist on road oil . . . . . . . Exceptional values. me tax, as she had all cut iii the newest styles, in bla,:k, tud colors. reduction in iDeO pany to pay the costs of the election ' payment due on Sateen, (,lorrv.spondence front tile Board of attachment; that the Public Library not been tekohing for two months in t to the 11nance eon)- 1918 grant; that $1 50 tO $7.5o. the year, was sell -alth \\till ref(,renoe to lbe complaint Board be paid P300 on From tit of *51,263.62, with Ili- mittee. r the Proprietors of Smith's Art Store 1917 county rate I for driving and wearing in to woul S, idea The Union of Canadian Municipalities on R,(.ount (if (.(Inditious at tile town terest to date, be paid; that the Water en's knitted all wool Und&skirt t runlission be paid the suin Special $3.50! wtIote with reference to the applica ion ;tables was read, illso the resolution of and Light Co real cold weRther. All colors. of the Bell Telephone Go. to the Rail- 'the Board asking for the construction of $739 , 52 on street light arrears of' g way and Mupicipal Board for a 20 per (or it c4mcrete manure receptacle. 1914 and 1915, and that the suni of $t,- I and the action come In 781.25 on water account arrears of IVA. Cosy* Garments for the Chilly cen t . increase in rates 'rhe I)i-puty 1jejeve, who had Blankets i3nion is taking OPPLISing this tho the ap- Jinst as this matter was being discus- and :1915; that the request from C11L. Wil.FRED E. HICKS plication. . ,11, nloNk�d, seconded by Councillor Canadian Serbian Relief for a grant be s,)n uf Mr. HIld \\'Ill. Hicks, in Union and All Wool Ills Worship thonght tile council Wilson, that the publio works commit- tiled; that the treasitrer's statement for I lit, 'll"I 11 ho should go on record in some way. rhe tee construct such a receptacle and that the month of October as audited be Ili,, , I I s- k at the Scotch Days aken oil request loital No\. 211d. ll,)JS, Ott gim"Imt vv,1JInk)s This is Blanket wee BeH Company \11ad N.N-aited until now the stabips be cleaned up. tiled; that no action be t, it] the olvd(IIIII-11. CId. 11ii-lis "Iflisted in re wool to make the application, and now at irman G. A. Heid of tile Munlci_ of Mr. John W. yeo for a refund on in- Store. An extra pair of Blaukets or Women's plain knit pin Cha come tax; that $J2,000 of tile Baechler the 71st Battalion kit 191.5, long sleeves. the close of the war, the co po� ained tit Galt Hild \\-'ot 1-\1 I'hilo.,' In st of loa- 'A lities intorested in the West Shore Sinking Fund, $1,000 of the Charles Irk I two will mean the saviugof m1auy a Spencers, waist length, terfals should come down. tRilway. \\.r(Ite lilat it would be, two of $4,000 of tile Allril IM6. lle Orllss-A too 1"; -an", 11 ton of coal duriug the coming season. For $1.75 The matter was referred to the spe- weeks yet before tile material &IJng Blake fund, an Kensing- d, and $3,000 of other August, 1916, kind V�11� \\01111-It"i 1-11 tbf� cial committee. the right of way would be all cleaned ton Furniture Fun 16th of that "I'd ilgall) I'll I)(' - An application from W. E. Kelly for 11 p, and lip thought it would lie Inad- available sinking funds, be invested. Ili tober 29th, t9lio. Aft --I' ­M0Vs4'1lIg in Our special all wool Blankets. It Brushed Wool Sets, scarf and cap, rebate of water rates charged him for visable to hold a meeting of the reprp- five-year Victory Bond.,; of tile Dominion Engiand, he returned to) V-11-- a he- is a daudy. Pink or blue borders. In in rose, copen, . grey, addy and white. his office as police magistrate was re- mill of Canada, and that tile carrying out -It. 1918. tit- was value, L-95 set. ferred to the finance committee. sentatives of the Ili unielpali ties of tile necessary (Wtalls be. left with tile cond time, in Man full double bed sizes. Per pair $t6.50. Extra special this vvils (lone. 11-1701111ded agaill. lilt, IiIII., faliffly, I Its Jae. Lloyd and Son applied for per- Mayor and chairinkin of tile firance Iready Illplitimled, f:111. Ilo.k., was Thi, letter %vaq filed. committee with power to consult*the aged 21 �vitrs and PIPI-0 1111,111h� "I'd Three leading li�es in extra qual- over mission to erect a,garage at the renr Children's pure wool pull' of their new wholesale fruit store on Sergeant Mnore (of the local Police solicitor. -other, Josellh, A joreo,viiI Ill force, now jjj�afeol It South Porcupine ' The committee ,reported that the has a [)I ity Union Blankets, bought direct from East street, and this was referred to Jaeger matte, all sizes, in v,,rote gnin sition on the London, Cill"Ada. jerseys, Dr. the fire committee with power to act g bis po, National Shipbuilding Co. had paid the the mill many months ago. Ask for A complaint from Mrs. Joseph Ellioti local force ana thanking the council for suni of $250 and obtained a deed of grev, brown, and navy. Priced from it walk to tit,, leave (if absence granted him. the piece of land off the Wheel Rigs the Bayfofd Blanket. $2.25 to $3.5o, according to size. of some breaks In the cemer he Mayor said it was most regrel- the east of her property, was referred, T site� This Corhpan)' had also Paid tile Size 56 bY 76, at $8.00 to the public works Committee with table That such im efficient servant of town the sull, of $61,35, being thcir Size 6o by 80, at $10-00 the corporation should have found it , -bylaw. powpr. to act. hare of 1,ubnfltting their Nemo Corsets. urgojambs Clark askpd to have three. necessary to seek more golden fields, ' That the credit from tile. bank for Size 64 by 84, at $12.00 on Arthur kind after a epsolution had been adopted trees 10 front of her property his resignation, suggested construction of local iravrovement sew - street removed. Referred to public a ("! _ ers had been extended to $10,0W Extra beavy qtiality white Union Kayser Gloves. works committee. an bonorarlum of two months' salary The public works coinruittep recOrn- kets, full bed Size. Very Spec - The two pool and billiard rooms ask- '3hiluld lie Va'd b'm. com- mended that the rhairnian of the (-(oil)- BI at) Turnnull's Underwear. Thi,; was roferrf�d to the finance ial, 4 ed for a rebate in license fee on account Mittee be empowered to erigage extra $7.35 pair. F11 f closed un bv order of the nlitteP- assistants to (.olllr)lptf' installAtion of 1 1.5 Board of Health. Referred to the fln- 'A reqnpst from Mr. Adam Gorl for forwork on -ipwer from catch Im-ins and any other nect-ssary � ance committee. A request frorn the National San!- compensation I., rpidenc, was re forred to the public strpet work before winter. 'rhe special coninottee reported as 4. 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... tarium for a grant was referred to the Ill The explanati worlis committee, ion the large. follows: In the mutter of ,I quit claill, . finance committee. '-faclpnnan vvil'; given that whpn new ,e,,N,(,r vvas construct- (in Rritannia road deed for lot No. 19, Reid's Survey, ,%e that 1b, t(iwn a deed it) A letter from Mr. of Rob ertscon, Maclennan and Black, solicitors ed Mr. Gorl's house was left oonnecte4 lind secured is lot under S-yla-,v No,. 6 of 18911, its for the new company which Is taking with the old 9-ineh pipe and -,%,bell it Some- security for clmritY advanced to the over the assets of the North American blot -ked tip there was trouble, One had bl;indered. then 4-ywner, but the town never took the taxes pave been Chemical Go., Ltd., as to the benefits of the town Ilylaw with -y<grPnce to the A depulAtinn from the 'Nfenesptung possession and regularly paid to the town. Apparently Canot, Club, asking that their move for -+1 - -%.v-- ever tak to enforce ro- Do your Christmas shopping early. lis 'Phone 56 'Phow 56 MILLAR A SCOTCH STORE old company being extended to tile the Prection (if a monument to the fal- no a new,. stated that he had an interview payment to the tov%n of any money ad - with the chairman of the Railway and Ion soldiers from Goderich and vicinity vanced, and, after con�tilting the sollri- lid he sanctioned, was received, and such . t1lat it is doubtful if No surgival,.operation is nect-ssary in LIM Municipal Board, Imt be advieed that tor, we beiieve ri-moving ro ns if lf�)Ibiv%ily's (.korn his board had no power under the sta- sanctiun ,vas given, (in motion of . Coun- the town no -x hns any interest in tile or-, Davis and Wilson. 01re call osed. tute to confirm a municipal bylaw, "ill property, iind vo, rpe-,inmend that tile other than one for a money grant. The movement is only in the initial Mayor and clerk rxecutt, a quit elaim --- 1% likely that var "Under the circumstances, therefore, stages yet and it is tons deed to'lhiq lot. nizations will be approached anti Undelk the head of new business, the and on behalf of the new corporation o rga WALKER'S ST RE NEWS I which acquires all the assets of the a j4)int committee. on which probably Mayor said the council had pot eon - North American Chemical Co., Ltd., the chairmen of the finance and parks Wiled for some time in account of tile, In connec- PTE. GORDON 1*01,AGULUT we. tiviltuld ask that _MjlVicIp,4l committees of the town council would b4p of the Board of Rea.11h. -yQur- - _ ­ ---- Ti - -v' smt, -wi+l­he-f4rmed.to_A&ke_Ihe.. Pbratiau-_aLAhc,.9T_eAL- A fokrtnar_6L)dcrLe1! ],- N' N%Iti, learned his council do now pass a resolution ex- av a u4c�.X_pj --l- _­ . - - ­­ ­.... - -1 .1 ­ ­ .. � . �1. , . - - . - . 1. .1 ­_ I ­. - I _ . __.. xPenses wty's ill tl)N%.n and allfint two tending all the benefits of the bylaw matter up. t day in history some e 111.1�,tl to fl;iiiiiii-in ,,.,till his to the Goderich Salt Company, Ltd., The members of the deputation who ley're'e­n 1-ncurred. hadTlrade at I Specials ire As to tile West 1;horp road, he had par,�nts. If,- %%Its dI­%%n­I Ili the lion- ould he 'j, ill,), on even - W moved that the trust funds sh lber river, It e I , ":,o iTrvested in Government bonds and l�', 't.1 , I lit. Iiii.i i-anneing . -21 1 1 was sorry that matter could not have and gf,t Into trouldo 1if,­aNinK Store N I Id been closed up in time to subscribe for cr,,%, il, too in,- r(in, lilt I only Congoleum Rug, 3X4 yds., S14-0() Goldn, presents some Vidtory bonds. an nriturnt'd t1w t-hure and WY In the Victory Loan campaign the hirther s --arch in Oilcloth, 6oc per yard I tined town had won its honor flag, with two scNen fcol 4 —itvr. 11, %, iiell, - as Linoleum, Si.00 per yard crowns and The flag was now In the by a military pas, Ill hiz p- k t 1, 1 . lo.-riiamv Ili the loan offlee, and could be reeeived at any 1 ouly,.Velvet Rug, 3X4 yds, $43-00 tlime. He tilought tile formal declara- floyal kir F,orvv, Vird NN,irpz. No. 2 Rp- ir sveti''TI, Ib- 'Aa. fill "fll� 4 -in iind Rug, 3x3% yds., $27-(:)() tion of Peace might be a fitting ov- Ila i only Brussels easion (or surl a ceremony as the Pro- Ills lwart hr,,h,,n it, MADGE KENNEDY f.�%N himr- after it,, 1,--r son'-; jo real good Uuion Rugs $6-75, $7-75, $8-75, $9 sentation of the flag. IN The honor rail of men from the town dni\%tilng, %NrAe Library Tables, fumed oak, range in price froln who hild milsted Was now abont ready moriam poom $9.,So to $28.00, 15 to choose fr to be cloged tit). He's gune ' lio.', om, THE SERVICE STAF His Worsbip called attention to an 11j.,4 , gf�"4. to, 11,111, 1.- \Nitil tiw erroneous idea as to tile powers of a Thfoopth ho, "n't ChCer Vour So[dier Wilh the Best I Kitchen Cabinet $i&oo Aims from Home lorld fuel controller. Thi, fuel eoryl- THE FLAG OF ALL MOTHERS mitiep in Goderich had all the powers lip wa � Iwt Your Pholoaraph I only ChestoPfield Suit "108111 a fuel controller rould exerrise, hill \\,� knf,\% it,, r,�sk it, ;iryvt,;. IVA th�re was no p,lwer given a fuel eon- fr(.M Pill ITITI hirin Itak" thr ',The love story of the slacker who built his OW112 troller to force the fuel dealers to glNe Fo,ro\el' fr,-" REGVLARI $273.00 him the distribution of coal on the It lit, hea\o-ni\ 1­*.iIIwr'- \\ffl. The.SALLOWS STUDIO prison, card ,y%tem. The dpale, 'r,) frrm trn lim"Aand ffl%. I-, here hit(] = Extra Special 0., 011'r delight, ...... positively refiised to allow this. lie \\,iA big fo,ir-,i 1. o . 1`1 0 — I I C I A Q 11he Deputy Reeve r(ornmented that lint W1.111 I IKI'll I. -To I P ir �lv "I Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 25 and 26 the card qystem was adopted in oth,r Ills 111%1 places, tol which, the Mayor replied, Abl"I th"Y U" tl"t "t"t I "That 14 mutlitil." His Worship ill,; �parkhng �­ and r ­v ch, ­k thought It would b4l Well to hurry up W,-r,� rol,l,A in it,,- ­ I--' � the contractor for the cutting of wood I.. wi\,. him iif,- ..umn, purellpsed by the town and a reminder Hut all th(,Ir eff,irl* A Nain. (I will he %ent. The, contractors have a The\ not ,a- fr.-ni time limit and it was felt they would 1-%% -r. be recommencing Ihe job right away lliq ra,led in it) li,,ur The DePuty TAPeve Men- IThon io it, it,) fit r-.1 r,-sfan,,d. In any event. tionpol that there. were a numbt-r of ki MME1, P E T R O,V A trees around town to be eut and Coim Tn tak-, hiril 1,, III'll-'If A11106t', IN 1illor Davlq mentioned that there was \,%'here to, may r,,§,t Iri J-11- , lo%P. a large quantity of fallen wood at the And \%hen the Lando .f appears. cemetery which eould be cleaned lip We all hail n1-1 wtr one dear, And j,ilri v%lih all tile aint- on filArh THt LAW, OF THE LAND The question (of ;I guereitsor to Ser. And ghwit hi,4 praim--A thrmigh the sky. on the pollee foret, brought goant \fn#)re CompoRed from the o%,,r9l,,vv of hIg A Paramount Picture wit a motion by conneilloor bavis. se - now, mother'- heart ronded by Goimefflor I'linry. that the town advertise for it night policeman. In in%mg im-nwry of 1-1 ti. \1 1*0ittil At great effort and expense we have secured the rhe I)et)ulv lleevp fimArgreopil d,for- I Pte Giiriinn A. Yo,mirblot. dr,,vtneil in Ing an appnintmebt ontil n returned ithp llumber rl%,,r. T,,ronto. Oct. ?Co. 19ig. photoplay adaption of George Broadhurst's famous 4oldier might be al6allable tiny man fl. Time I I it tif(YT thr-to Id, -de AD who iA taken on vioill be on trial for ,I play WhiO thrilled theatre -goers throughout the few inonthfA, 9#) it Was felt a man IGUARD THE BABY should be advertised for without walt� AGAINST COLDS land. Ing further. After the formal paw4mr (if a rimpip To' amird the b3b% w.itn%t coid-; of by)awR eonfIrminix tile action of tile ab% - i iwn Tab - 27 and 28 council on matterq vvher� Itylaws are Inothina erm eqnAl B' lot- The Tahlotit are a fnild laxsIll- -%&IeWay and Thursday, Nov. neep5milry, thp entimell adjourned. - on,* -h that vkill hp,q. ibe wil, - -t,.ma, Worrnq feed tipon the vitality of anti I ... %%,,I% vt,,rking rpa,ilarl,i It Itt ,I childrPill rind endanger their littifs. Airr-coirmir,l fart thit x%h,,r,- Ili( PIP and effeetive curP Is Mother b""I" a re in a,,,,,I (,r,l,,r thit r,)Id, %%Ill n( -t ,itltat: that th­ h Ith f T At vest Woffn Exterminator. The little nop v%Ill ho 1700d lintipalif lip HEATRE 1h " I] thrivo not bro happ7 The Tah The MinIster of Acrivulfure is eailing 3" Fit- 41CILP -I- l4er- -r by SECOND -9-00 0 Clock. upon farmeNt anti live stock men to I"'. I - OW i. Imil frorn The Dr maintain 4helf- operations on the war- William., %14" tp, I,,,. p—,eh%kille, Ont. K FOR MEN AND BOYS THE PUCE FOR rd B en s & oys cre Funishin.o FROM THE HAT ON YOUR HEA0 TO THE SOLES ON YON WS 110 OPEN FOR BUSINESS STOCK Now cown"li 111711 FALL ANO WINTIA 60M AND ALL AT NNW "as Me ROBINS opy,N" EVENINGS 2 0OZeU Select om orLCIS, 0 pr ces. ave coal and buy a Comforter at Walkei's price. Stope No. 2 Is full to the doors with the best assortment of China, Cut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties, etc., there is no better choice to be found in Goderich and prices in= many cases nearly half. A call will convince you. We have geveral pieces of furnittire taken in ex.. Change and very low prices. �Ve do picture framing neatly and promptly. We have several used phonographs for sale taken change for other makes. =in ex Special i only Heintzman & Co. Piauo was ==formerly $6no will sell for $125 if taken at once. Nvafciii t1iii; npaeo for Weekly More Nevvq. Something specill, every week. Walker The Furniture Man Often the Che&Pest 1311111t SUP411 AtWIRYS the 1111*01t Residence Phone 197. Store Phone 89. Firm Auto Delivery, any dhillsaw. Not with a grouch, bUttwitt a, ismile. —M