The Goderich Star, 1918-11-22, Page 4­ I ­ � __ ­­­­ 011111AIlooloillillilift& � ­ __ - WOM-4--,woo � 4. I., ­ , . 1. 7 .. . I - . olF"Opids, - , � . ­ - .. Wi = a IN , pw--w- I I I 1: -_ - - Nmwpfl� , WW -, 1 It I - � -i"'"Nill"", -- -W - ­ - , ;3 - I 14 - -,-- I WT-gri.r.low. I I . li , , , - - Vqr. __, _1___ " . � I . I I I I I I . �! ��' � r 11� 11 -1. �., . ) I - . . I ", ,, I I I , 14 `1 , I I � I I , II - , . � 1 4 . I I . I � � I I 11 .. . . � . . 1. 1 4 4 - . - I , I I I . �J , ��. . I - - - . . !- i I ­­ I . I I I I I 4 � - � - 11 I I 1. �, . . I � , - . 1� 4::, 1 � I - . � I .. � 11 I - I'll. 1. ­­ I., � _1-111-1' -1. �_ I I -11, _" . -11-1- ­ __ -1-1.111 I ­­­, �­__ ­ _1 1. � T ­,I �,1,1,, 1,..o,,.)4.,,-,.R.r, '.., 11 :�11:1;o::,1,,:,:­;: � . ��I�:111�:,:��:1111111t, 11.1 1. -1. ­ � - _.."......".6. 1 1 I'll " ­' ­ " ' - I .. . � I ; .",00rpi� I _P11-1- .% .1 . I , 1 4 1 1 1 1 . . �.­.�� � � C , � . I 4., I - 1. I - TUB GODBRICH -§M - � � I. I N 41� , i ­' �') . . : �. ii - ___ . . � - I - R I , - I - 1, ,,, Y'Af-'. ..­ I"....- ­1­11:�:�:: - - I I— .''. Z,1,1111! ,91 I - � I ­., 11-1. == ���­11­7,_� 1:1" I � -711. 1_____1 1111111 I -01. . I V., ... . I �. � -,--. . .1 11 �� - � ,'I I 11111��1:1.:,:Il�ll::.:Illlll"l�".= -1 4.;! � 7;V , 0 All -1 .1 11. .. . -1 I �. ______1 ''..".111-- . I t, 7, ­­ �, , I.oF" ­­ "I. 11 _-:;.___-1__- . ., A., _ � I I I � - � I I I i . � , -to, , ­­ 'AN A"RECIATI I ___l I I � �,�V�, .14 . ) , ,,,,,, . � 000ft-1- I ­_ ...... - I'll I . I.- I 1.11-1-:1 I � I F 1" � ­­ - I 1; ­ � I I �­ - 11 . ON OWTVARY l�illi�ll�ll�11,11�ilil�ill�11-1111�IIIIIII:111:11 4111 111111�11!1111 ifj��Olgjpiip" _Q _-rr-R`?!i`oM­F1_"TR1� . I ... � . 4 . . � . _ 1. F � 11 � I .1 . No . I L . cmdopv, I �_ 1. I �, ., � I �0 X . ' ' I , %M:A,� I The w6rishippers In Knox, churell � M�R;JOLL.-.Vp. George F. Ca I , . , rjro,,Il � " . I � 1W IV I It)' 1&ROXed tj .the vir-A was another young mqu �tu -fall a, ,vle_ I 0 , `Mll . Of Dr. KApatrick, extending ArOM Nov. JIM to the reaults (if laflueuza, on I I Z , :: I 11 W,A, _'� i, 50N. haxe been hlgl' GODERICH B^ "RD F" ,E I 0ON & S-1 va 0 it AUD " � . . I �� oi! I I - - I -ON11,11 - 10 to 17. Us Program 09, Services was Thursday of last vveek, and much sym- I , I ,� - 11 �111 �� . . I I �, . an attractive one to a thoughtful per, palby 1,5 evre&seA(for his widow and � I I . 11 I ' wolle , primarily in the later.. rNld In their loss. The funeral took I , "I : . I . I . . . 1, I I "ti fit this Forward Movement of the place op Sunday afternoon. The ser- I 7q I - 11 � � . I I P. I � . � I I .� Presbyterian church, afforded all con� vices Nvere condkic-tied by Rev. kt. C. I ,., I I . � _ . .. I I :� . 11 . cerned In the gl�eat needs of our land MkDermidoo pastor of Ko Wai6 tbe'Local' n 1� -.)� , . , . � � 1, I � I - ox church, and a . � - I I : . . , , , . I 11 � � � 10 the reconstructive., Period upgo the Pall bearers were Y313 members of . I I � . I. , 71 'd'' u which we are now entering, an oppor- Huron Lodge, 1. 0. 0,'F., Messrs. w., I ' Papers next week for special I .. . I , I % -1 some 'M� � skra,t' , ,,Coats I son ant" � 11 � . I tuAfty of seeing the view point and ftit, W. J. Baker. Wm. Abell, WM. .. . . . I 11 I SNOW, I Mill - vision of a'unlon of light and learning. McAllister, Geo. Beacom and Wes. Me- I Bbaroll of Trade news. . . I " 11 I I I A Skinis al 25,000 He Painted dark � I 11fi, #*"P.W%V ; palected W. I Pictures ,,of what Lean. The deceased was a member of , I � I I , . migh t be If the Presem. generation, go Huron Lodge and there I � I I � . � I , was - a very � � . . , young men, did large turnout of the members to pay . I ,, - � �� depleted of Its fine 4 � 11 . I . They xre made from dark Canadian Muskrat, full furred skins. Fall sweep nok take to the odcasion in 48 un- their last tribute of respect. A brqtb- . .� , � . I 1 , , I � I - Ij, I i I . I I . , I � , A 45GOU4 Ion - selfish a burst of patriotic I . . I , � I I � g. t1imp shawl collar. 14ined throughout with "Skiuners Sati n sacrifice qs er, Pie. Thos. Carroll. lately returpm . I _1 . 1, I - 11 � . I .: I � � I 191astitolivoil for 2 years* / I characterised our citizen sOldliers. The home, survives. The deceased was a W. S. BOWDEN, *11 " � � � .. �,: , . , , , . � I IF I . I ... I ' service $vnday morning, when he moulder In the National Shipbuilding ... . i � , I � .. " I I dealt with the fact of Christianity Co.'s 8hop�. lodustrial Secretary. I . 1� �� I . . , I I �, 11 11. . :: 11 1. Sim 42 to 46.. Regular $150.00 for $125.00. being a reservoir of forces available McQUARRIE.-The Brussels Post last � � I I . . . . . . , .1. � . for the regeneration of the Individual week Lowam00090000, oo,0000000moommocomovoo"CDHDN02c*"" I , . ,1�', I o 4111111111111" I wilmm had the following reference to - - I � .' , ��4 1 ;; . *1 . ' and society was a strong and sane In- the death of Mrs. MeQualorle, -Wel, I ' _ -,- I I . ,�, . - � , . : �,� I ts " 'Plush Coats I terpretation of the story of the Pente- was brleflv noted in The Star last Lfam- and George, of Detroit; Mrs. G. A. show how deeply gra.eful the women I !" I � �, .". F�. : W beal 72-inc Union Ble'a6hqd costal wonders. He showed that there week; Following an linegs of 6 weeks, Bissett, of Saitford Heights; . . '.. � . .1 I I must be now some Intimate contact which I Elgin, Of of God rich are that :he terrible war- I � . :., � � � was marked with intense suffer 1. ) : � . Table"Pamask . - Toronto University; Miss Flora, prin- fare Ise The meeting closed I I I I I � � 041*M0 tor itt , ��� . rich lustre and splendid . of the Divine with_the human to ac- Ing, the spirit of Janet McIntosh, ,.%Id- I 1". .�,` . . t ­­­. I . I �� 1-.-.:_ I _44W- -abso , 1"Plish similar ends for I - 41 cipal of public school at Centrala; with ended. " -- I.. , $.1_7_5_ _ he_1.a_hALiq1L _umL._uLAfi,e_.iai,e. u"" - x-cigi the National _' j�.htui- lr-.-x - .-V- ­ ­_­___.__ .._...-..1.__-- ...... - - __ I , as . _sO uarriQ­-en Fred-- V.-, ­Jf- --L-Ondon,, - -Ferdtfftilid�­XV- 't Sunday St. GLLrJL,t '� church was �. I , ". . I � , , I I I I I I 4li*#-",,._. 4011AWOOP _" _0TeTy_­Gdd&F0Whi_i_1i_a4y attrao- tered its eternal rest Friday morning drew and Miss Celia, of, Zurich. One �� , , - . .1 *4 . $W*644-0--- � Hbi;#Y.'-Uiiidi0it-,i--giivlkiiEi- and- *"bds-- * ­ �_ I rrrr �, , . I beautifully. Worth 12.25 at per yam lions as a- place of quiet and sa rest- of last , - 1, r 11 1� 11 1. � .- , t "'I"P. k, . fe . week. For weand Mrs. Me profusely decoriled with flags of Great F . . 1-1 ::: . - . - I I ­� 11, 1,r, .1 �.! ' dence, blit our distance from the great Quarrie had not enj(iyed good health sister, Mrs. J. Schmidt, of Detroit, also Britain and her allies I I I I., . � .1. � r , 4o Towellings, , . Celltres makes It all the more aeces- but being possessp(l of a remarhubly survives. which has jubit wme to a close on the - ----. . � I � . - I I.- ,. ". � A or and Broadcloth Coats . ­ - I I v I I . � sary that visits from our .leading statca- - � I - I I . I . strong oonstitutioll she %vas able to occasion of a day (if public thanks- , . Pare Linen Crash Towelling IS Inch" men, educationalists and preaebers make a staunvf� light ;wra)ust e - giving for the successful termination i I ; , :. -'-.-.7-_- � -- A--V0VY­#01*W#pd-hJgb-e1aw choice. AL ................ ill raN AMONG THE CHURCHES , � ,. . � . ',1L . ., L wide, beavy and extra -value at per yard25e - � should be� 00quOT14Y armnge&4or, Dr. ages (it' Ilts,eage. .mrs. ,liTcQual-cfe -,vas � - . of -the war. The MOFnTng service open- - -_ "I .. 1. � 'r ..� ; �. , I i .1 1 � �:,!, 'a Mi and Kilpatrick will be welcomed in Gode- the eldest daughtev of Joho alld Mrs, North street Methodist churdh---­laSt ed with the singing tif Hopkins' Te " i � I � . 11 ;� I ,r 1. .r �� � , at $441i, $20425 $35 rich at any future Occasion, While McIntosh. who) N%vre 111ijillbo',retl Anion . �, 4 I , , �. '. , �.,- , � ,.�, g week dispatched over 40 Christmas Deum, in which the congregation Join- 7 , I .1 1,11, ., , , �, " , Military Flannels on this Point why should there nut the pioneer settlers ,of ('.1-ey township. boxes to boys from the congregation ed most heartily, and throughout the '. o' �%, :� �'- ,'4" , I " be a revival of the Canadian club which She was born at Blair Athol. SA-rotland, overseas. ,1 . ",,�1­0 ,, ,� 1 28 Inches wide, beat quality, grey and white mix It whole of the Herviees the note Of praise , � �_ �,,�­ 11�­ 'atople'Bliquses had such a Popular season a year or 77 years ago and I nine years of Knox church and St. George's church and thanksgiving was dominant. The . " : , S I. . . .. , � I . , Lr., I : 11 Military Flannel. Worth 75o at per e twou ago. at abou �� ... :1 � � 11N .:: , : I . i�'. - � age tile family einign for lessons aVtl hyrims, %%ere specialty se- -- I ", I ., :� " , , �., r,� I , ­��., yard .................................................... 60 tod too Canada. Sunday schools have subscribed -- � I � � L . � � 1-11 Otte, CroPe-de-eblue and Bilk. Splendid qual- In the evening we worshipped in They lived at Harpurb y for 3 years Victory honds to be donated to mis- lected ery I :,��_' 1. I . I : I � . 1-1 ,, �! " , � ,_: . ", I les and perfect styles. Three dozen samples, -�i� , r . ) I ano Ri-v. Mr. Clarlie made v 1 ,�",4'��:,: � �"_ _ ��:,�, _ '. 1, , . I 11 North St. Methodist church. The con- and In 1855, lot -1,2, e ne-4. Grey town- sionary enterprises. appropriate addresses. " i�, , ,� _ ! �,', " 5 eS 80 tq 42. ,� � . I ; Plain Grey Flannel qregation was observing the Govern- ship, vo-as purchased fro i Thornas Me- The pastur will speak at both ser- On Sunday, Nov. 24th, there will be 0, I I 11 " . . % ix Worth 04.50 to $6.00 Igo 0 4 ment's request for a day of thanks- Queen. There the subje(n !� . 1. I � , I 1, . � �_�� � 11 , I 1"e- I � � , -.; " tgllih for ......................................... opep-5 � - 1.11 . . ", �:­, ­: I �: 't Or this notice vices in - mis- 1, I " , ,� "". .." I I . , i � _', 1 27 inch, our beat quality light or darli grey, giving, The service was under the conthjue,l the Baptist church, The a general exchange ,if pulpits for . �_, 11 -.1". � �"�� �, ..''. I I - --- � . i � I . , , � .I- -7 at clot price dirpetion of Dr. I ledge. to reside uptil her marriage sionary woph (in the Godericli district I? I- . , ­ 11 � - , . -uhjeel will be, "Everybody's I I " , .......... .40C 1 InOrning's " Jqt- There was in SePt4lintif,ri 1,14'ik td Thmald McQuar- ., 11�1 I � -"11--; - ,-..:n - . .............................. i min � , 1 , I", �, �, � , � 7' - -- �, � - L . sulf4ble it 6 and F " , : en - music. Thanks- rie, at that time a sturdy Young pion- "T,w Goderich, Nw-th St., it a. m., Rev. T. 1�1. " , I ,:, ',:.' � 4418 in Business," and the evening theme as fotiovvr,: �J 1� i�, ,�,�_,�t'' ,,­ . 11 .. � giving to God for his Providential con- per settler of the 4th e 0 Things- to'be Rid of." The bible' " �- "��.4". ' - ' - .14-1. - �", . " I" ... 11 , . ", ". , � " ��!4 I.' ',�, '' , , , . , �_ .1, , 1 1, � �, ... , , �, " ,.1 � 11 .. � � national affairs in the struggle ship, After residing thpre for 11 years P 8 u Goderich, �Jrtoria St., It H. in., Rev I I �N. I ��, 1, . . . f ", ,��'47­ Inch. 4DX04 heavy Bleached Satin Double Floor Rugs Clearing trol of On. of Grey town- ,cho,)l niepts at 3 p. m. and the B. y.- E. Sawyer: 7 1). in., Rev. A. E. Jones. I � J " , ; 11�, �. . . ?�, I i, ­ �1 ,� T:_ _'��,,V �­­.. "' , - , � finest and Tapestry Rugs in splendid patterns, heavy pile for peace, And suitable Petitions for they moNpfl to moriis to\vnship, where . t,. , I p. , A. E. Jijie,: 7 p. rn., Rpv. T. E, Sawyer' .i� -�� ";." � �, � .� , ,*." � �, . ., , - � , 11 04matiltv I the guidance of the men who bad the 12 years . ":�,�, .! 1� , �r . . �� "I , , �, � ,;, 11 � The ser -ices in Knox church next �. 1�� , .1; , �;-�;:, : , ;:, ,U!# QUAlItY We have ever offered. BrItish makto. N%ere spent on tile farill ou tile Clinton, Wesle�, it a. in., Rev. 11. D* i ��,,�,Sl I "' I . � I ,�­­ I ,,_, 11 I ­'�.�', .8ppoial per,yard .................... ........ $3.25 axs yards $14.00 tremendous V,esPonslbllity of setting fith line whielt vio, s Sabbath will be conducted by the min- i ' I , 1-1.1- I ... , a purchased from . 'fi� �'. , - _ I ,4., I . Moyer; 7 I). m., R,-\. Ili-. Rutledge , �� - �,,;�, , ,� ,, , ,,� ", , �­ "" � , the terms upon which the world should the estate of the late Filwaril Nichol. ister, lie\. R. C. McDerrnid. . Morniijig .11 1'1,4: . , , : 1, ,i ,­ ,:�,,�� �:. I 3x3,q yds $17.00 * ,� ,, I i�l I,.�" 1;'�,�. .� Clinton, ointarig St,, 11 it. in., lif,v. Dr- '� - . ", _� - I 11 .; ­ � I . 3x4 yards $19. live in peace and learn war no more, 29 years ago they bought John Vincent's subject, "The message of Isaiah to the , I P. ill.. Bev. H. 1). .\loyer '�;;' . t .1`4 VI'' ",:" "'. � J."'4"' . , I ,_ � , . . . ..,. � OP church (if today." Evem , � ! ,�..2_ .i , ,,,�;,o ; - �: , - �f " ,�,W was the substance of Dr. Rutledge's farm, l0th con. of Grey. There they 'ISeaforth. liei,. J. if. osterhijui, B. A' _."�V, ,. 4,, � , ,,,,� 40kins" ing subject I �u Hedge, I I � , .;, ""o, ,, , , '' � ehipf ground of exultation " I � - I , , , ", �� . , �,�, � . . � I _� �, " Axminster Rugs, Sx3J4 yards, $50 thought as he led the Prayers of the lived until 1901 when they dpcjdo�d to -"Up ' B. 1). Holmemille, ReN. .1. A. Agnew" `,,�j:"""; . ,:. �; , :�.� '. � : ,, '." -'i for ..................................... ...... congregation. The Rev. .1. S. Ford gave retire froni farm life, an se I g their a Blyth, amliNert;ary ser%ives. Dimgan�- I ,Ip' I -:,�,:,,�'_-.- ,:'�:�.;I,�.,�,.�, , 1 Damask ftent Pure Linen Table N . . $35-00 (I 11 n I Schbol and Bible Classes t I ; .11 I ,� � apkins in Sabbath : �".";ja; I ,rl'. � .11 ­� ,:: 1, a thoughtful address. He read several far), to their son, charles, they moved non, Rev. .1. NN'. lliqpy. Nile, Rev, T. I " .... 1.,,-�:. I 3 o'eloeli. - � ;v,�-` , I.- I . 1, .1 ;­,;�:"`�ourdeftllitllib. BizeUxUat per AxminstisrRogs, 8xil,yards. 060 for passages of scripture, the golden thread to IC,rallbrtiol�. 6 y,ars ago failing .The annual th au.h:-o ffe ring meeting A. Stedman. Beninil;er, Re%. F. S. I . T �111. �, :L, "I ,;";. ', � 'L�' "� 1, �, -, � � ��,� ',�"' ,`­;��,­, � ,?.:I-, , . doten... , �� . " , , :,. ...... �, .......... _­­... I ....... I ......................................... ;�V� ,I, '­�, ,, $12-00 $39-00 which bbund them together being the health made. them dp.eltle too 'pet I thetr of tile W. M. S. of Knox' church -ill O'Kell, B. A.- Auburn, Rev. H. J. Bent- ­,, 1i % . I 1 , ­ - �_,,,,,� �,�, . ,� ­__­ �4­�­t�.�:_,.-_�' �_ , . . .1 � - - I � , � - I I , � ." �'� � ��,�, ....1. 11 Sovereignty of God. and his restrain- deelini . 11 t. ."r". �,.�, i , " , ", , , �� "., � . I " . , 1, %'.1 � I I � , , ',. : � . : I - 1.1be heid ull Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 1py, B. �. . 9 : I., , - " , I ., .. I I Ing and directing influence over ng year- in Br --'(� M, . .NJ I I Walton, Rev. 1), S. Banes, . �oO,, , �..-.�,�,�-�,-�,�ti:�,�'.,,,�,"� o,��11_ __ � - . � , human Quarrie passeol Away T' s. 11;',1 I'll, . 1.1i _111._,'_'�_ _"�:,� . A, months ag(,. 'Z(14h, at 3:30 o'clock. An in R. A. Lond,,sbur,,, I . , , teresting o.A � � "I 11� ',��111 �i, ,�, _., ", '. i�,'il��. I I . I affairs. He showed thai the realWng A family or' ' Rev. A. Sinclair. ;, �,..-;, n � , ,�,i rranged, I �,;_� ," , I _',',,,.,1r1 � ". �:-�_ i 7 children k teft If) mourn program has been a, neluding R,1v f 1, lot, - . ,_�, � . , . ��,,,�'_ ,, , . of the Christian Ideal in the world in- the loss of 'A 10%iug l"(1111pr v%hOse life It thanksgiving addioess by Mrs' Urqu- Re�- E L. Anderson. :1 �;o`, �� - . , ,, 4� 1 1, � I HPN R. L. Wilson. Varna, .,� ,� "'e, 117­,�­,� 6 �. � i i.�, . , 1, ,., _ 11"', �, ","'. 1% . 0 ACHESON & SON volved the necessary laws of conflict, - � I I,",, � "� ,�,.'­�, ", A I ' 1, - . I ."". " � , �, 6�irll i I as constantly devoted to their Inter- I hart, and it most cordial in, � .. I. 11 , �',,` '' , , of co-operation, and of a sPiritutiz§Ltion w N tation to December Ist ,,vill he final missionary 2 "I .. � . , � - �_, , -;',� , ,.�,.,? _:','.',:. ests: Mrs. Robt. Oliver, Brussels; ob e I I .. 1. .... ­ ��_ � I i. 1.�, . . - . present is extended to7 all the day, when each minister will secure I . , i'-, .. - - 11 � I I .. I � I—_ ", - , ", - � I 11 Of material things. Thanksgiving and Charles, Grey to,wnship: Jobu. moll- %vornen of the congregation. assistance, if possible, and take a sub- 7. "% : �, J., � " ',_�', I . � . - .,-,-, - - hope was the undertone of the ad- treat; Mrs. 'rhos. Brown, (if gravel poa 41, - - Iption .1 I . , ,,�. , �,, '�.­ ,L 11 I. _�*',� -4 'L, - ., . .11, . � , �. ,�'4 . �, _11, A i�,4�4o,i " 1. I - - � I ,. . - "'; ;�, �� � _',' _1 -1 r L- I dress. Dr. Rutledge paid elo Re', A. E. Jones, of Clinton, will sci and collection in the con- I � ' ��! I , � , , ;:_.� , , �, � L , , quent tri- Morris township, south tif Brussels; preach next Sunday morniTIg in the gregation followed by an every-mem- � : �,­: ....... ;, �,N�!�� . "' ". ,�. �p , , . , , , ,,� ­ �,_ .;,��: _ ""': ,�:,�� .�n """.Lelm _411hoL, I has had unusual detusuilis made on It them all.' bute to the unselfish Patriotism of the Dan, of Nutana, Siask.; min, (of "eN%Ap(I, Victoria street Nlethodist church and ber canvas. IL I �' ,;': � . , � )'I I ,�,11 , , 00pic -*,- Star. and high prices have prev Canadian soldier and spoke of Britain's Sask., and .%[hot, of Toronto). - I . , � � , , ''."�`,­.'!, �A���:�i..,_ o0l ',�` romob I ., , '' 40 . , �_ , .6 ". , , , ��, ,�,, ', ., 4 - - ., ,,, �,,, �_, , . alted. What 6. In regard to Feeders for the pres- Alex. Rev. T. F. Sawyer. of Londesboro, will At the4strict meeting the mission- .11, . '' I , 1� V� - " -�� -,�, A`i, . 11. � I . ­_ 4 ... "'I ,.., .;,, . ,," ", �,�� ,,� part In the war. He looked with hope- McIntosh, Brussels south. is a brother, preach in the evening. Sunday school ary objective of our General Mission- � !;� ­ i�`;"�f;�'�1111­ � -444.4--o .� . '. , t_, ''1406 ent winter. It seems now as certain as I .-, v -1�1:7_,E, "I'l i i ,� I , - "I , . PYA*Jk* C111111 72. influence will the cessation of hostilities ful satigaction to the return of the as also are Angus McIntosh, Hartford, and Bible class at 3 o'clock. Epworth ary Board vio,hich is Kow,wo for the i � ; I �, 1� 'j". �­ �,�,,�,�;�.,",�!.�!�, anything can be that there will be a I 1. - I' - ' ". � I ,� , �' i, � " J"', ,� , . � I lw()V. 22. 1918 have 9 The following facts set out by soldiers, as not so much creating our Mich., and f)Onald McIntosh, Hannall, League Tuesday night at 8. The pas- whole church, V41,000 for London ,. ,.. : ,­ .� , , ,,, -U I I � --Im.., � profit in the Feeding deal this season � I I'� ,-,1:,-�,,.­ '.��1­1­ ,, ." the Toronto Live Stock Exchange seem �. ,; 1, - -11 0 . . , �,: ,',� Y ­�,� �,��` , , , ", 'IT "", I � - ; problems as helping us to solve them. North Dak. Fimpral, ,xhich waq ppl- top. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, will be con- Gionference, $10,000 for Golderich dis- 11�� 1�' , , We unhesitatingly recommend farms " I 1. , `�,;��-�il.�:�,` Altogether the service was a suitable vate, took place on 'I'llosday afternoon duelling missionary services in Sea- triet, was endorsed, or 25 Per cent. 1: ��, , �,­�,A,j,�-,::i,'� . , �, 1�1.�,%V -1,1 � �'. 0 , . I ,�,, � 1­�: ,, ." 0 4 " " �,�!�,,�',�!-,A',!,Albft RIIAL -COMMENT. to put the situation very clearly : to ti up &a many cattle as they can 1, ,:;"�,,,,I.i.t'.,,,.L,,,�1'r.,,,,�,,,,,,, ,�,��,­ . feed. . and Profitable close to a memorable J1. . . " " , " : .�i� � , , � , , ., :�_ ', , �. . �. I � " � I ." .. 1. The close of the War, instead of .to B�ussels el-lotery, Rev. A. .1. mai �� I " 1, ��.-­4­;,,, in, forth. above the objective for last year. I . . :. ,��,:. ­�,, ;'o, � - �41' day of public thanksgiving for Peace deceased's Pastfor, conducting the sep- I - _!� !­­�­A ""t,:,., � To mark the coming of peace it is .� rr' I -1.14 _,1,1-,­k".,�,.:", diminishing, will greatly increase the Many opinions have been expressed after so titanic a struggle among the vices at the house Rnd gr I' � , �, I_, __ , Th"41111,41libetion of a suitable and worthy demand for food, and pudcularly for In the papers the past fe-w day aveside. The intended to hold a congregational re- PEOPLE WE KNOW ", T "-=;�,.".,,�rl '11�­_.­ I'll I a as to nations. . pallbearers were Alex. MeInfush, ROV, union Ad social evening in St. Ge4ge s �, . � ; . I ` t: in _%lie_�W*0_ of Glooderich to mest. It to already evident that the the effect the cessations of I I " 1. ,�, ­. � " ��O,��.',j , '' - "'. , � I "..,; , . ;�� 1�' I 111 I I I 14 I , 'Iri .." : i,; 1� .�,:� _, �,,��,�� .''? " warfare R. T. Be"' Oliver And Charles, John, Athol and church parish hall on Monday, Nov. NJ I s', Adelaide Nairn Is home after a " �­,��,' '60jig 't . I ' ..' ��,'��,�,,,� ,.'!" ,� , . to= 11bla locality who have chief reason for the captilulation,of the ,�,:,'1,11 r ,.%t",,��-, 1, ­; , , , �� �1�1 1� -1 . I "I � -1 .'-')­,� r�,�Nr�ji , , �1 ;,,,r,,',,,,".��,,,., . t ,,,, t Central Powers was that they h The bere I �. - � ioo' h0*r6WOln of the world I, ad not will have On manufacturing. There I Peter NicQuarrie. aved are "..1; , k"'. 91 'ralh, at 8 il'clnck, to which all milm- . �. - ", ­';"�� -��!�,`�,�#0,00 t4A , at hall at,one tilme and weeks' visit in London and Galt. , ,:,� , " , .!;; �­ 4,11 - �', food to go along with Ill undoubtedly be a Period of read- alizes this, and that is why he is bound .sympathized with in their great sorrow. bers of the congreg re cordially slx 1 , . z� I � ` R "'; " '. ; , , sh, - w , I � . �', 11,1_- �,,,�--,�,�:,n,"�,,, � 1 2. The products n tuatment. The making of munittio ' to patronize home',business houses or Mrs., Mcojlijarrli! \v .ation a � � . � '�)�-r�'��j'�' I na I I its an 'n4lustplol'"s, invited. - Light nts will be I\ I rs. Sqx,mith and children have r '_ 41 ' " 0 "UN'.1 Mentioned during the war Farms are Cereals and -Food Animals. s"INed, And there will be an interest- " r ,, I- � ,111 4*0 Z of the Canadia refreshme , I :. , , ,,,, ', " , � I'- 4 "4�1. ­ ­`­ � ,O s, in several ways. kind hearted, so0able %voinan who en- turned from visiting Mrs. Sexsmitht's . , . r,, ,,�,�,,�'it:.��',.,,�"",;�'�4"��,�"��',,�'!W� " etc., will cease but alidady many firms The best wages are paid ill the livest jol'yed the esteem or a' N\id(, eircle of . , mother in Strathroy. "I - I ";;-":,�;,,,,',,�,',�,�,,�l�,'�', �r,,, ,��_,, ., '. ,,, " - -, _. **# orre"llit"be gnat need At the ,present time. the dem It for which have been engaged in these war towns -the �Vorker who knows any- friends. ing prograin of vocal and instrumental "I ., , _ # ' - " an , �. " �,'',,�,�,,�,,� ��':��,,,r,._,r�ft � - - I , , _ , ", , *�','Jla* Aii rilioftTlq on of - the both is unlimited. The first demand to , � ,� `� ., ", . l4air � 1, , 1:', ::1 I'- � , ,��Q "Y" " "' 1�1 . ,_.,,�,�,�,'­.';,,,: `�'.,. 4`,��,:*O- , ,o , be orders are preparing to start manu. thing knows thilit, He knows, too,. numbers. Silver collection at the door. Mrs. Gotlently, Essex street, leaves ..i. ­ , � ,. '44� ,okitidibig of comforts for .satisfied will, unquestionably, be HESS. -Mr. Fred llv,,,, sl,.. (or zil'rieh, Lin Sunday; evening last a special next week for Brantford, where she t �, . � ,, '�­� �,V ,�,I,�,�'���,� . , 1, ,,. "It:.1 , "I I I. ;. - " ." 1, ,�,,' . (,Jf,, '#,,Jo* I � I ­ ' ,, 6" ' , Now that 11 ', , .,��'.r,��,� � , �:i � ,�, , . his better half and little brood , of Salt- service of praise and thanksgiving to ',vill visit her daughter, Mrs. Avey, for - t'. �' ";�" , -rr�',� ���'. 'j� 4' , , , *4 �' ­_ '00 mediately set itself to the raising of from the devastated countries for, agri- Of ford Heights, passed I� acefully away God for ttle SUCCV.80111 termination of the % inter, . 1 .411, . �,� ,, " Ow the war that for Cereals. All the world can im- facturing in other lines and the demand that if he has',bliught a little nest for father Of mrA. G. A. bissett, I ,,, � , I �..� 1� 1. " , "' "' , .� �, 7 ''" %" "' �, "o . R 4, , �,,_:"',, - J, - L' " " I I 0",�, , v ,�'� 1`� �'j "I" ', ,� i �,"�,:, " .", - children, and Is paying fqr It month- on Tuesday of last w P�'. He was one tile war was held Ili Victoria street Mr. W. 11. Birnie accompanied his '4r_ -_ ��, A *001101USIOD It Is 5PPrO- Ceivals. One crop will greatly amelior- cultural implements and other means of ly he is foolish to cheat0him of Zurich's most Ilfghl.v respected and Methodist clitireti. The pastor, Rev. daughter, Mrs. Donald Murray, to De- � 'r Wi., " " �­I­ �,-�;,­; 1�', ,L��;, �,I�� �v* *t4i . wow should be taken ato the famine ; two crops wW pro- self out ­�, � .1 , , ­�`��,�, " �'­. _ .1 " r, I , ,� � I "W , r .2 ,.�'r,�,� , I I _ . 'k* '00-:400,40"ame , I .1 , �, " ,, ,�.�, "add the Mousse bably restore Wheat -reserves to nor- "'tuommencing the praductiob of wealth of both a Job and the value of his best known citizens. For river a .Near .1. 11 :"o';�`� r�;' �, ;',, .. ,,..** . ., A . ­ ".11, 1 4 lung � ,., ., 1 , ,,;:1 " - �, I 1; , 1 1 "I tdal. will be lArge, so t0hat the opinion that property by systematically setting Out he had been in failing health, being (ire 11. Osterhout, gave a suitablp ail- troll, and while there visited his sis- ' ,;, �` "I Ii 0 , " 'i; 4 in ,�. '50 . 4 .­�*,�' , ��"":'%i".',� ", . . - I . .1 " 4�1, 11 0 nd- As and the rwisic was appropriate ter, -Mrs. R. J. Watson. It' 11. . _., "' starting the In regard to Live Stock, this is not Canada will not experience a period of to lnJ p or kill his town by ape troubled with his heart, but he fought to the occasion and included a solo by F. R. Tweedi6, of Columbus, Ohio, is ,," i .,.­�­,:-��, '.'-i ­ , Cattle Ing his wages to help bi4id.up far U� 1, il, , ,, " *0 oi� k1lioldlOylihi Of this sort is' the case. The building uO of depression seems justified and e may communities. " , -� ,� ,-�, ,�_�, , 401 04*'�*$J -Off bravely against ��',� � - I ' -4 " ". � I I I*, , should �ome as the Herds, particularly. involves a pro- w . tile malady and did ill(- veteran singer and member of Vic- spending j ­ .11 �,' :­;' '­� � ­ I . - I , � , ""r not give A couple (if week., with her � �?� 1� �,�,�r'��,_� I- mm6 of years. Even If the founda- look forward with confidence to the The wise man warms and kee ill until a few weeks ago turia street- Methodist church, Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tweedie, �� 1.,�r'��,._� 1�, *� fi �4 . r,. , 1. , '. .1", . 7 � I t4e.towu as a whole, and gra ps alive when sichiless forced hjvp to remain SN�affleld. . 0 . I :� . '' . �'r '.4. ''. I'll ­­t�- ,� tion Stock and the Fodder were im. future. The shortage of labor has been his home community I �Wl -1 � . by covering it in the 110U!�C. "JinoNvil to Jerybody I'. � �'_;, ,�41,�. , � , , ". 'I.Q160.06"W10, * U a represe - I .11 �' �,: � , _ � , ;­�; ...'..'_ . -f'J.-- , litative mediately avalls�le in Europe., the the great difficulty during the past with the blo)liket of local loyalty. Whd Tho NOvember district meeting of r tov"'ll ­ , , T',� ­,� ,'� F ,b . 14 ­:� . � ". ". ., . . ' . ' .... . . , �, t., '­ . I.- ' " ' In Zurich ano surrminding country," ,Nlps, Th0s. Carrick, of Wlndso�, - 1, L, " - ,...."1111; I , .1 .,�_!'':`,,,�' �_ _:, �, r 11 I wants � , � #*yW4 ,'-14. Acting with the B&n3' Cattle Herds COMA not be restored in years and a great proportion of the r* to sleep In a house without a to quote froin The Zurich Herald, his tile Gode.rich district was held -this formerly of Goderich, has been suffer ,� _,*, .!_1 "�� " (I I I -1 �f�4,,,"'i",,��_ tt_,* 1; � . ,� it � '­,­ '�' �,�� I.` I" , _".,! J.. I _ ,, �oouucll. The matter less than 5 or 6 years, but all European 0- roof ? I . - � '� ��' ,"O, '�I. , ", 'I) I ,11", , , , _f hursday at Nile. Rev. Messrs. Oster- Ing from influenza the past week but 1� � , �, 4, . , , I �� 1.11 . "". ' T , - L,, ­.�',,i,,,�,� ��, ?!��:t",�,�;Js* ' , , 4 es-- m N n .. ", , ,,, 10-11 Ibb trals turning soldiers will no doubt be readily loss will be keenly felt., not alone as '. ". "� ­4� .,, ".., � , . , "Wl* , * pablio meeting might COuntri Cc batauts and e hout and Ford and Messrs. Andrew has recovered and is doing nicely. , _ , . , . , , � .-,: " I , ., �, "', W. - I �, I sollite-are stripped both of Live Stock reabsorbed into Civilian life. In fac- LEEBURN I a .citizen, but as a true and honest Millian, James Adams and G'. M. Elllott ( . "".i ,­', _ , 4d, , man. His motto In life was "Honesty" Mr. and Mrs. Hector MrFadyen, of - - �­�­',!�'�'��'_ � "d. The moporial, when it d of Fodder. An Unlimited demand The annual -thank-offering of the Were the delegates from Victoria street ­�, ��'."t'��­;.�'��; '', . o ';`;� .. I." "� , ,", I " 11 � _ � A 4 i�, �,,,; �!Z':. ,* . 0*u, *U,0111( an I 1;,_�' . ' �L I �..' ` ,�, � � 1 4" 1,BtAnd SM the outward will exist for years, both for breeding ilit&ting the securing of a generous women7s Missionary Society will be and he held this far above all his other church. Rev. Dr. Rutledge and Mes- Toledo, Ohio, wnt Sunday In town .;, . " � � � �;' , '! � � L ,,, T. 11., 14 . ;� � , % I . .", I many Ideals, And he tried in live up to with Mr. Polley and Miss Polley, en . .11" , ti:i;. ,, �- r Vt*'**tQtUI people and the Stock and for Meats. share of orders for the rehabilitation of held at the regular sevvice next Sun- qrs. Charles GIrvin, John Duqtow, and . � - ,,­�_, ,., -.�, . , �, - , �:,�. ,`,.�.`_ - ` `,�Xpw_ww_ , ,,,:, �_�,, �,.,� , It in file best way Ili- knew route 10 the Pacific coast on a business :,;�.,.,�.�,, �.! I ; _.. I :41" I the countries whose energies have been day morning. As there' are special hONv, WaltoSr Hern And 11. R. Long (alter- ,�,,._ �- �, , ., ,, , IJ#;�0011;104," the part of every 8. The situation is, therefore, &a to - � ! ;, �`--­. '. �,� , ,-� I , Ld isaWobild in Gooder low$: benttowealth destructilon during the reasons for t His thoughts were never of himself, trip. I � ", I � Ich of natel, were the delegates from North - I I , I r�­�` *,I hanksgiving at this time trut always of his Nvork, Ole good Of treet church. Minister of Agriculture In Que- � �"#, ,q , �. .�, _�# � - _1 ;i . , � �. ,d : ,. �,,�, ' " 4 Prices of Grains will) probably do- war, the Victory Loam should PIS an every Person will have the opportunity the village, tile 'townshYp ant] the s �, � " ""' " " :[�­%. f*, liM -04crifte of the brave boVs y The � , - - , I I ,,; �� , - . t , -,, , , , . . 011118 on a male vibich will restore them Important part In arranging for a dit to Society. The members of the Wolnen's Mis- bee advises farmers of that province . I . �� � � * demonstration of a to normal In 2 or a years. of contributing to the funds of this co ' , . � . , ,��; jjjj�r �� Olin the' re N uptry in Which he made Ills home 1. �, - "I . 11 .1- ,�I;,,. I I � I � ,:. ­�. , . . 11 1� I �,� .1 , �,,,�, ,�� , : ''., . , - .,'�- � , :41, , _� _ , y wipald have been Im. Prices of Live Stock w f churohr,s in Goderich are requested to pounds an([ Dolt more than 250 pounds 1'.,�,_" I " F. -MMU I ill decline on foreign 0ountirles and the, splendid sac- 0 -ft- Always lie looked to the Interests o' slonary Society Of the Methodist that only hogs weighing at least 150 , - . �i , a much slow T PERAIRY R_11v'.�.� ...�r, , �­�.­ �,� , 0 1, ,,�11` �Qdi meadtime T or male. Normal prices cess of the Lo= is an earnest of con- .4 others rather than fur himself. � .�, � , be be marketed and onl Qx .,� .,� I 11 'I , " I.;, it 1, ­ � , , . . _____ for last "�� " "'.. " , � . . , ads. _WSBk4__ , _ ­)" I )�. -, ,.", ,,,�,­i­'_ " ' w e came --- I I "" ,% - ',� - '0 �,� what sort e the end, age. Settled In Zurich where tie has. . Bayfleld line Orange lodge ent, to -H 'ec '_W­GahatIa when 10 years of ,�% _k � 1.4ito" expressions i6f opin. yeanh Andinthesuccess of the Loan Gode- Clinton In a body to celebrat in the North Street Methodist church � � `,,�'- �.­i� � ,q -1��--nOV--bO­­Vs5&OnX1-J0r­W -Unned-indas I (Intender A short history of his life, follows: .notice that a (Jay of prayer -will be Y .en weJghiW__ . __ __ I.. I , 11*11111*1,1�1 obseIrved - by holding unfoh ffe-eff-rigs MV7lT=dS,_-___ - - I" , i, _.�­ ,� . I .11� ­_,­ ,; , * � �'rjj to � 1, . �,­,�r :� ", " � ., I . of mem- During these 10 years, the , . ,. �.,! �, �., , � �', �:, 1'­,�,�, J , Wr,,J�* bad express the tOwn's tage, to the Farmer of marketinIv"hi; rich did MI bit splendidly. of the war. . I lived all his life -time. Worked at the , Wednesday, Nov. 27th, commencing at I .. 1 , - .L 41_'',I_" � ,­ I, M -, I I 1. . carpenter trade for sorne 10 o'clock, to be continued In the after- � ., , L. . I ­' ,j',C,;�,',� *, . -14 444 *146,1% Bach a w,amoria gram through the medium of live Mrs. E. C. Webb and Miss Edn years. noon and concluded by 4 union pra�er I "I 11 ­,","."'.�,% �­g' '_ " � � . a Bought the wagon am- carriage htjsJ- � �,�_.�t'�,..­� 111.1;-�,,��:­:,iiiii"­', I lied stock will be greater them at any pro- AVORD FOR THE Webb were Sunday visitors at the ness In Zurich and NNhs a member of meeting at night. Come and bring 4 I �,�'.,. I . , "'I".. �. - " I 1, -,­,: �,,,`�'',?',`�*� , ,110"O - With the removal 01 vicias time in a generation. I home of Jessb Gray. � - I :� � ,, ,- I � . !; , "� ::,�; :.��`1��I'�I". 0 ootWe and the cleaning up 4. The Farmm of Canada will not WAGE EARNER . the firm at the time of Ills (loath. M. ..,_ . �"�, �' ' ." � "." ", r *00 . '40 your friena. NIRS. BYRON WILSON, � , . �� ,,,, I., - - ., �:,, ,:` � I I . able to take advantage of this mtna- 'Cor. See. - I - I , I . . , I." , �- ` "4t�**16iiiOk In the vicinity, a very COM. be Earl Cooper and Ralph Cantelon, the conducted the Massey -Harris Implement . , of a . � 1��:�' , , I 1. �';­ ­` "'� " � I , . last to take the flu,'are both able to be agency for somID years Thic missiona"ry exchange In connee- of, � o . 1: - . ... .. � � � ,� ", �( ,� I - I . I ­ I I . .,, r� ,,,,.',, ,��;_*4*u".."Otlan for such a memorial tion Unless thdY have the live stock to (Registered In accordance with thle around again, we are glad to report. trtistee and secretary of thw"" spho ,Methodist churches of . I r I I I � .1, I - sell. They ow place themselves in this Copyright Aet� Nos. 9 and 10 schools have opened nearly 40 yeArs. During the last few Ill(, Goderich district will take place , ., I , , , I 1, 1. . .�_, iiio�4 �%* "W6 Point along the a :'. I I I 1`1� ,, , ",', ��, bank. , board t::.� tion/ with the I ,0;.. " I 1�� , 11 1. . position only by keepingtheir breeding Whqt would we do but for the wage- again after being closed for several years vOien lie occupied tlji� �­ , _'I"r. �, �, !:;7,�,,�_ I I 1. a '' - "", I , , , , . .. , ­�;" ,;­ :,, ''. stock this fall. Therefore, farmers. earner? . 4 � position'lloxt Sunday Nov, 24th The services , I "."', ,,�,',: I � ,, �,�,-" 4 lf"-,Oill b6 Q 0088A. � , , I %, ,, ., �11 .`;. I . weeks on account of the Influenza epl- lie with tile at(] (if tile other tri I es lin the Noril� Street Me'thodJst church I i, . , , ,1; , " . .�,' a effect of the keep your cows and your Sows. Every What would become of all our boast- I's e " . I '. I I . "' 'I r :1 .,�, ­: ,,,r. ",,, ,� 11 I 4, 1 *iiio W.0-611' Canada industrially breeding female held Over this Fall will demic. built flip tine new school house In Jv%:JlJ be. conducted In the morning by - � �, 11 I , � 11� : ,�, � ��, : , AW. � � I . to ed social and economic structures but � '' I � , , , . I . ':�',�**,%"Vfon Which is enaging public ait- bring rich dividends in the for the Invariably happy and light- Mr. Arthur Cooper is aguin laid in Ili, Zurich. Was reeve. of ty townshfpIRev. T. E. Sawyer, of Londesboro: In �, - I I ­�� � I I years 1. . , ,.r, , '':, , ". ", , I come. If CAusda produced 10 til ea hearted soul who kisses the good wife bed with that terrible rheumatism, for two Years and I( ,t 1p clork,forlthe evening by Rev. A. E. Jones, of - , ,#': , " ,. 1�1.� * ­** leW. During the war be� present supplies of .11 . � I I � - I -� ., , I I I In -1, ,,,, � !, ,:, , I , op ,�':* Sood of Cattle and which he Is troubled,with. about 16* years, occupying this position, Clinton. Men's Sunday Club meets in � - "'; . 1, '! ­�� , I B098 and kiddies good-bye at a oomparat- We he , �!,; I I . " rl.. "'. .-, ..;, , , "i" ��" U448try. of food production theii) would be a profitable market to; lvely early morning hour and hics him- for a speedy recovery. . Pe at the time of Ills death. He was an the church parlor at 10 a. m. Subject � � ��l .. ! , :, ,, � , . � � I'll. I-— ,..Ill , . . authorfty in municipal law. Before for discussion, "Christian giving." I i , . ,. , ,� ,.". ',,�. . I- I Ill I 1. I TFM "'o, �- ,� � .'�, �`,', "_ I .. .�, I r . i . - � I self to his daily toll? Sharon church was again opened on . I 1�,� I ." I �11 �� .; �, -.. , ;1, I - -1... 11", I - I I I -_ _1_1 - his hearing failed him he Vnis very . 1� I _11.1 " i �� I - `i_' � 11 0 Perhaps he goes to the power house, Sunday after being closed for thfqe Sunday School and -Rev. J. E. Ft)rd'R k6ver-FaMng Remedi for . �� , 'r, " " - ' ­', ��, ,J1 . 1 1 . � �, . , active in church work, Presiding At the bible clasn meets at 3 p. m. ,� It . I I 1. 1. � I � , 1 �_ I , � , r I ,i ;� 'I � I � .11 - the blacksmith shop, the town works Sundays, Rev. Mt. Anderson again befog church organ for nearly 30 years. was Knox church school room was well , '' '. r Y", , . 1. 0 0 . I I.., , .1 department, factory, farm or mill. It able to preach after a severe tittack of 8 , . :1 , ;1 '­,­, - ; Appeniffic . - of Indigestion, Stomach Disorders I � , � -matters not -he Is the laboring man, Influenza. He also lost a sister from elder of the church, also superintendent filled on Saturda'y An the occasion HIS )_ � I .., 1. I., �._.,�,r_�,� J�_�11 -, I � In et_r . tM specialist In some line or other the flu. � of the Sunday �chool and teac-her for the special rvice of praise and I . I- _ I r .. , � r, 1, of wholesome manual effort, who keeps Mr. and Mrs. Geo.' rungblut of Ham- many YPam HP RJWRY9 Mok a -keen thanksgiving the end of the war. Appendicitisand Kidn Sto I -_ ----!, I �'. '. - I - 1� , � . - ., - . Alle "" - I � , : ,, '... I �, . L interest in public affauirs and was ac- All the churches in town were repre- am often caused �y G.Mgtones, . I 11 1r, ��, . ., . 1� -8,-U1t5`& U-nIffWud the hum of Industry humming. ilton, were in the neighborhood visit- tive undertaking sented and the and mislead People tultil those �, ... I . , I 'I,: �, ;. 'Ir � ��_:,. ,13 And -though few stop to think of It Ing Mr. John Halstead. of thd 9th con, services were (very bad attacks of Galt Stone cc] ic 1 4 'i . , � I " � which was for the good anj the benefit hearty and the thanksgiving very . ...­ , : , � , �__ '­ i�_,_­ - � I - -that man is in the majority. He is and M' I . I ,� � . I I ��� �. 'j., � rs. Jenkins of Holmeaville, On of the village and communi., appmr. 140t cne in ten Gall I , . �. ,� I .� ne '', li . 1 1.11: 11 I 1 . I the man who makes up the great bulk Saturday last. They lost their only twice ty. He wag'genuine. Mrs. Hamilton presided and, "to Suft-c"ers knows what is �� 1. I was read thetrouble lwarjattos SpQfic , I I il'� � , I ., 1� I �� �., - I . � of the nation's voters. His work Is son in a drowning accident in the Hum- coased h" 33 years,ago. qeven child -'by Mrs. Carrie. The hymns wer6 very �11 " , 4 � �, : .:, I " . .. married, his first wife prede- I the opening lesson, Psalm 96, ,11 , " �... I �� I , I'll ,; ., 1 , . � I '. . Indispensable, and his opinion Ols one her river, Toronto, a short time ago. ren blessed this union. IW the second appropriate for the oc . . � . . 1, " , , I ­;�� ., � , I . - i will Cure without'vain Of ,p,r. . � I �", I . that must and should be respected. casion, "All ation. . ; I I �,�, � I �: ." " " , �,� � The man who tolls with his hands MADGE KENNEDV IN ,1= S"yICE marriage,' five childron were born to,'People that on Barth d I I �s , . - r 0 Dwell", 110, I . I . lr� I �, � I I.. I at a hundred and one various forms of . I . . I this union. The, widow ,and children God, our Help In Ages Past," and "PoP , rOr U10 at aN 10inomigute � _ , � 1. r , . I �, � ". � I SUR" � have the deep sympathy of a host of all the Saints ,who from their Labors 116""In'1111011111111,11 bY JAs. A. CAupnitt,L. ) �� �, i , p , . I I � _ .1 labor comprises most of the citizenship The Model Theatre Is showing On friend§. Following are the, children: Rest," the latter hymns being in mem- clolot. lk ., � 1. L " , , � �1'3'1., �� I of most all our Canadian communities. Monday and Tuesday a Goldwyn orwitiork ceftrm, � I I I Q, , . � I I , 11 , �� I motion Mrs. 0. N, Taggart And Mrs. A. J.: cry of our fallen heroes. The lusty I AL01111"llo, A " ." � I " . i 1 14'". ­ 11 , 11 I Without Mi support olind influence the picture #hat will res1rh the" heart of Raab,- of 'S(lruth Bend, Ind.; Mr8. 'Dr.) singing of the hy ns and the prayers % _ � ' 1; , � ,, ,� I . , - ., �, � �.. I .. I ,,, community cannot get vepj fht. every man, ivomati and child in Gode� W E.'P Icher, of Memphis, Tenn.; �Vil- of thankqdving that were offered up MI I 11 I �� �:: � 1, M ,� 4 18' " . I _ A W , � , ,� , , ; I .. I I , ­ . . � I , On the other hand, he 18 dependent rich. This Picture is a dMtha of the � .. 1. , I � . .. - . -_ -_ -I i , � , ., , " .. ,�, L � I.- I I directly upon the succoss"�and prosper- American home and of matibers', - � � ! !- � , . . . , . I ­ . 1 ,,, . . , Not . 11 . , I . . � - �'T Ity, Of this Community for his regular daughters' and lovers' hearU. "�i , �. I., � � � employment &Rd his weekly or monthly Obe scene of It Is laid in Europe. Not � � I I � .1 ,� 1. I I I -, : I .. I 11 11". i 11 I I.. Pay -check, Should the COMMUnItY one scene reveals a battle, or protPara- I I I I I . A I 119 I I 11 I t � 4 � 1 0 ,�, I , � � SIUMA 'he Is the One who usually feels tion for battle. There Arq no pples, M I , " , I I I I I I � �-. . . I . 4 " � . I � � , .-, �, I the slump most keenly. no struggles, no tense unbAppy Mom- . N � 0 *1 . , 1"", � . I � I r, I � I . � I t 11 �, . . The writer knows a great many Ia- ents to bring grief or Paid to the wom- - -_ - __1. I . . \ I , 1. , �,,� , I I - I r I-, I boring n*n who are In all truth the 4nhood of the natiqll, . . 4 1 1 ,�, ,:" -, �' I 1, I � - . I � i V i I � I "I , . .� " - 1. . I � .11 9.#., � . ,� :; � TnO.qt IOYftl Mell possible to their com- But thbIre is a wonderfUl StOey and I , . � � I 11 I .. 11 lminity lntL,rests. . i : % .�i i 411 the way throijig yold Oce a won- � 'IIWZ- - � "Tho Natland Snv#,6"' I � , . -, I I � I �, 'I, , � 11 I I Arid As is fts It should be I detful girl, who, Wrlbu#h the' power . � r . , . � " , 1. .. ,-, " I * A I I � - 11 I . Some 89y: "I 4drA't owe anything that 06d puts into the soul of 'Wolnen, IffiJASOIROS -%�, I ,;r, � , i . , I to the busines" mell Of"this tOWn; I'll gends away a wo,A(krfull boy to Make i I . 11 � . 0� I . do my trading With the Out-,O(-tOWn this a wonderful A�vAd to live, 10. . - � . .. I � 11, �, . .,� .. . I :I I � , . . . � . ­ 1. ... I - " I I ­ 11 , I . f �, . . hOtt-"a It I feet like It, I Wieve Ili Whether -you, am hard fir 4 I I I r . , �', I 1. � . � bia'Sing where I can ,Oft ot I % "I � , I buy th6 cheapest." hfttk whether sou, think yOU ,Wish to . I I 11 4 , . I 1, : That Is all very Wtll 99 far 49 It or not them J$ nothing In the World .� I ; 11 .� � . I � . '. I 11 I go": buil, as many eWtest!0, it Is that can Utp yolli from Coding to the I , 1, _', ! ,, " � " � 1 000 A . - 1, 1. I � � left4ianded logto In its most peftlelou� theatre mo*ky am Tuokky to S" I . I . '11- 4 r ': , t . ,, . I . .11. I form. � 1, I '1� - . I � ,� ,, .. I e 11 1�, . 'i-StadO 001114kly in the 801irlee ,0W.11 � ,. ,�, ,v �J I , � � ` 0 11 I � '. . I 1. " ­ V.. Slil"O it 18 hardly neMftry, tb re- I-" !" -_._1111 I 10 , . ­ I � , I , 'L ��� I I I 1, I I., . . e . P#At'what Is Already so wet . I ho%vIi- por ftwi&!% VAg , g*d1lJ6k_Th,b1* It , I . -1 - . ­ � I I I .111, I .. 1, I . !, ,I �5 , I I . I 1 60"ta. & 1*ft64.*A101lt *khl#A b** lidthl" btlitell . . . I I 11 I 061WINO **4k 140, that the retailer IS fho life and soat tot soraltis thd con- , � , TI* Tiok *& wo diviiiii, "a am A&M" 1 I � , �. . '- *";, 4 all in: 0446:w to"� the 04z- 10*40lis thko-1k. Thftlw,wto ftlitIc oil, JI : fd � k il 1, 1 *vo� "t 4,04" of DrsetiftIly evigry town Ott 1. � I I � I of '1146 - I I I . ­ I ­ . 11 In � L - I ` . I , I � . � I , . . � I , � \ , ekti. - '�;, yoll hd a y4 116" V101 "'WAYS W 140414 itkill cook the itiftmotd, flem I . ! - I , 0%.31111 � I 1 . - I . 4 ftlitill b0#10S66gr t I #AAW�", , ;tj A &"464 .l I �� 11 1. , ' I ' ' WN . , ir b' I . t . I JV% 4" I 1, I I . �'_ 1� , 4 1 tinent'vorthy ot the ha � 6,kt rollowt _", Four, i 11 I I iii o6, Whert 'It I lit t*dlqM tht a it" W" . I . . I . , '7 *100"614 'Wd:'lliftWo�lho, Plift 40 $;M"Id, ft� � - I -, 3. 25 1 % I I J � , , �� � - N , , � I A. tht* blot*"" 4*,*, ' � , I I 1 4 ! i �� , - 1A I .. y 10A � . � I _1 - ­ , . " , '. , - � I ... I .. I . � lo , , L, , , , " ". : 1,64 '�110, 100 Wr 0W Of, 111,1,11hu* Aw , I I 111.1- "I �. ­­­ I ­.­­.­­ �, , " . ­­ 1.11.111. 111111- I-, -.111. ­­­... A , I '. 19 �,.''Hl D . I Wft & 41V61 t6wh lawt &a, 666 4tot - 1 ­_ , . . ii-, I � �, I'll � I I I � 10 I Mimi 46 .", 10110610ft. it . �_ filip"t , 6 � � . I . $0 I I 11 .� *44% 1* 14 I M I I Illp"It *0 I" A Wi . , , 1; .1 . I I , - ­ � . ­.. ,­." � . -0-0- * , n , '' '. - so filko , - 1 , 1.1.1-�,�.."�,,�.-,-t"�,�,�'...-,��1.1��'ll,�;i,� �,�, I . _­ _-11._-1--11- .1,11.1.1. I I -_1 I *K W 0_1WW � Of tht 04 WAS *11 O"ft o"If I , --- -;_A&L I- - ­ - 7 - - - 111114 Wptoi, , I I � 410" a0p y "O"o 0 1 , W" _f 11. - �, 0 , , 0- ,, - W_--., �.. 'L I— 11 , t � - ; - . __,__,___ 1� Ilroot %, -1 11 - I 1. - I ..., I 11 , ,� I I . . . 1, � , �1���.[, -1-1-1.1 1-11 ,,, 1- .. - I * I. 'I f i _Vl� I . i I 11 , . I � * I . $40.4*06 WkIlift W* "."&* iftfow, , , � � L I" I I I � . I . I � 11 �, ., I 1 6 . , , , I , - �' �,� . . . I ,� � �,, . ,,, . I 4" . . ­­­­­ .1 _ I �;� I , � ­- - ­� I I __ -_ .-r; . � . - . . I ,�, "Ili � * - � I � I � I -'A I 1, � , , � . " " . � ', 11 I I I , .1 � . � " I I � -11 I 0 '' , 11 I I I 1. . I .1 �i . I . , , - " . ,� I % I il 1. . � .1 I I ,; - I � I 41% I . ,4 I 111�1 I I % 1. I .;�� I I I . 'It, I I I �, " . , I , , L t , I �, � I " 1 I I I " . � I � : .. I . I ��, . -1 �� , _,, -�' J , I" , , :L � , ��, I ., " L_d&�W, ',._ d " .0 I .-, 4' I �Ad­ �. ___-, , � N I L . ,,,�� � r 0 � .1 , � . L I � I , - ,.� ,_ � , I - _­�_ I I , . '11 . I - .� ,"� ,, , � I I r, , A , 14 , P k % L'",� - " �, ;� i.A L &A - ­­­ 1; � - _-ai.�kl '.. , : , : � .� . ):__�� - �._ - -.1--, � , . -, - , , Ai�l �11_ * � .­.__­�,_ - 6 ..4.1ft-,.. _AL L.. _-AIJlL IA ,"L11- � ­_____ - - -1 . ..... m������������������������������������������������������������ �1� !, ��___==, - ____