HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-22, Page 1- . , I I ­07-;; , vft-*- w -7 . .1 0-1* , I I --'-' -,.!-4 I . -1 -** , .4r, . . " . 11 , 00 . 041101olil"4111111 - 0 1 r 14 10 . 4 '01 iO . . ! , — - ON I r I . - I , , . _- r I . I . 11. ­ — 1, _r .r . — .77 ; r 1 , I . , ., , . . I '01, 1 " IH 11 .. . 10 UyIng", , X mas IOWA B, 6 ,, 9 , 0 10,14: ft 0009 Walit-* b46010 I i Of 10 *V # 7k Re Adiefis If M ww o I F*, 1, 0 — I __ . . . , ­, . _: ,, , , ., r: ,, , , , I , ,,, -11-1- ,, ... . 'r r - - - - ­ ­ __ ;_ . _. ­­ . , .1 ­ I r . I . . I . I , I I - , .. I - r . I 11 rr . I - jW $, '­ . . I ' r . ' r V - I , . I . GODEFUCH, ONTAIUO. COADA.001AY. NOVEMBER 221, 1918 , - 1 11!6, .. -', I . - 1 e 0 , ft "X=2 r*w UW-*V",Xw*u,o a =. WX00 , ,: .. - 04 . . 11, voww X , - .===;= 1;;;; --- I I r I _ I I I . ', Z=;:;=:;==, -- Ir _4A,r.M , : ,=;;;;.1.,; ;1;,;, I'm r _ r - _ Ir - - - 'r . I., 'r ­ 1. I " " . - _0 .. mr, . - . . I I r . I I . . — I r I - , .- . I , , Irti,d, fj,et tantinople. Ton Thousand,0409dlan$i'Will.'B.$,, Home Before Month's Eno I I ; - 4h Now in gritisb-fort. A In Bosphor us Anchom 40onk I I , I I - "I . . ­ --- ­, , I 1,1:1- . , I . _. - __ - — I . - r . ­ ; ­­_ -1 - .11- .. I '. ­­­.... "I - I.. - _- ­ ­ " _­ . . -4 -, 1, ,,,, ', r , 1. '' , r- I . . I I A.0010.1"If " C$il' Capt. ProutIfoot Recovered and 111(lell tniNiStAACO M001, 1110 "OaCd -_ ,.. I , i , - . , bV, . I ­­ . ' L 1 I , "..- '­,jr . . . , . , . ." , ,r , , f. WAYS, Was 91VINI bY , I L ­ LL - - L . 1-11".. -. ­ li ­- -- )LR,)j STOCK AND FZ4 IFOA! SALZ TOWN OPICS Captain W. PTuadfoot. M. (", %%,tie Trade in 1040Y ) I . I I ­­­ L,­­­_­L_­, -__-­,.­_,. 4. - . . : IV 1, otille Board, .. . GET A STAR CALINDAY1 - 11 it "' r FOR 1919 I.. I vrla"Sef =., ke"*t'l"e' VfdUlaffle CAMR01jily PLC 'be Wor Ross Memorial hospital at Lindsay, star- . . - 1111"'et"y t 6 ­ several weeks was, conflnety-ifil tile soldiers! Ueloorlot Fluid , r 0,1* , , ' . I , L E ; L I 111Z I %11111,7r 6 g- : r ' - L L 11 " ... 14 , on fering front flu anti pneu%onia. has With tile cloSe Ot Ukto w0ir tile 11 1. St. i , Rltl,, AAW"ca"". =11ein't' i"P.Nmi! The Star this week presents, L I . r, .. \ J- sufficiently recovered to leave that ,Ft- gestion Q1 tile crectign at a "Idters! 11 I . , 1 ' L . r : L r . I . , " RLIN 6 RM K black horse, roda ortver. not afraid oi page 2, a valuable and complete chrop- 17 , . LLLL L . . . . . . . . - , her"s , b : ".. 4 . . olog,y of the great War just closed 5tiluilOii on Wednesday and reached me many newspapers have been , :" : , , ." , L LL autas, sound a Without a fault, 1would ,morial. to g9itiplemopate 11110 I ,., ": , , ., 1 . r . 11 11 . make 4 good ill,% luirse on a rarnl-. I cut- Ill call' . . L I . . t '. , " '' Our readers will find it worth w,h& doderich oil Thursdayo the 141h, He from this town and djsfej t N00 Ing attention to the andolpall. , ,'I " :. L 11 I ! , : LL A .. ter as good as new. L I . , - I _ ­ , . .. . -MEMO I . The farm also is for sale between now ,preserving this page for reference. Cut is now progressing favorably, and ex- given theli* IIVVS jjaL Ille greill taLum Is ell restrie"ous on the use of paper, ­ -I . r - , . . . '111-1 , to ohape. 40 ,the Ineliltips ­, 7- , r .I 11 , (&till nW spring. The, reason (or this sale it out aiM slip it into your oncyclo- pects to be around within a short time- taking defini Votlov$ which Is one to llho effooll ,, ­ ' ,. . 4 1 . r . is that woo want to get away for three or . 17777.771­­ 1 ­ ,! , _ , , paedla or history. No Hard Coal for Farmers of the town council on j?rId8y evi nfllg thalliPalloem three months in ar, -1 r '. , :, , . I , - , . -, 4, "A, L' , r . __ fUtIc [110111118. _. - _­__.__ ­ L --- - -mewmah4mm _-'_-__-_­­­ ­­­­­ ---- ­_ ___ __ - - . . -1 . , . ,, P-7 ­_. ..,_'____.____­._ -_ ", ___ _' ­ - - _. - - - ­ ­_­­ ­ _­ L- - _-_ '-' --,-------"DRE'%V--$Ott'.VSTOlt.----.- ­­ - __ .- -.-.---r---------'-'- ----"---'-'-.-". .-. ­ -_ ­­... , ­­­ ­ ­ - -- -PTesI&A"ijWaWa-""h.cr- - _­ - "".. I '. , , ,r - . I . I I . rilifire. unless definitely renewed . I ' , - - , I A R. Ft. No. 5. (34derich. Second Resberry Crop Yielded $25 The Mayor hits had word from the of tile bloncVtung k4k oe Club addres- - -, . , .... .1 , , : ,,` I 1 i 1. CLE&RUNO AUCT SALE OF FARM On Saturday last Mrs. Richard lionlit. Fuel Admint.4trotion of the PI'QvtucG sed tile li.punoll -and-lit behalt of tile 4md all arrears fully pmd,mxm , , ,. 'L."..' ." .. .. .. . .. . ", i I .. - r , I . I A STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. 1, ,,,, ,, Is , , , Because 41111111111110 iori \ Mill road, brought a sample of second- to the effort that "Ito fartner should erl b ,expressed titeir witfinguess to be d1woutioued. While the daily L , " 11 . ,:". I , .','; .;! , I . office be supplied with anthracite coal tti e h4ld of- the pro3eet, or, it tile papers are, of con LL , ,-, ,L' j I 11L'­'i".,z-, - . . , growth respherries to -The Star rse . the greatest rr , . I - such consent to your local tq undertake It, " . , , , , I ". L .. LL 11 , ', _, , , ,, r 1. J. ME11LIER which were very gqod. Site stateo You Issue vouncil should wish I . .,! ., , " -opera- o0usumere of paper. The Stair , I ; r:" . . WuF, success is aAared if you ,spendr will sell by public auction at lot 10. con. tbdt she had sold $25 worth of the dealer. Which, of course, will not be to give their assistance alld 00 ,;,,I _ I . . " , -r, - , . , , ,', . , , I r ,­ . . - fulth, south of Egakondville, on -e a6solutely satisfied tion. They statpd that 1110Y had tic r LLL 11 j , 'f .,. 11'1111'1 I i . 3. Tuckeri second crop, and from tile main crop done until You at would restret very much should - I _ j, . ­rr­ ' '_:_,; , . MONDAY, NQV_ 95th M& -arderot tho paper controller , . . . — ' io–lowsly and save persistently. - she coleat ed- Ov et lltft- This is a pretty that he is untable to procure a" -plans ag tG-ttm forin tile me--, ' -. , . 117 ther deftillie any , .."',, , , , " " . , " " , , ', , : , , . comiliencing at I o'ciock sharp: ood showing from g berry crop. fuel." His Worship, who is tile chalr­ niorlal should take. tbeir IdoaL rather rT " , . ' .''', . make it necessary tot- ustodis- il ": .. r :, , 'r 1i ; ," , . 2 aKriculture geldings, 3 years old: I g -e- was that a fund should first be moe W., , ,; ., . - 1. %;"; , -j e _ iiian of the local fuel committee, I i d .. spl)olut any subscriber . In the re- , , Lrr 1 ' r . _ I - ag witure gelding, i ye r; 2 agriculture . 11 .. 11 .. 'K.1 11 .. r- ,r - -14. . geldings e years old: J reg. draft mare CAWOF THANKS quests, that tiny citizen who has not tile varitios lodges, societies and othei' I 1, :, , " , .1 - , v , , * ". !:_ , , .., h 4 received 25 per cent. of his norlital organizations being asked to 91YO their 11 I , --- i real in 0 enrae; horse and mare. iron eeipb of his Daper on accountof j, I . .1 eral purpose, 9 years con: 1; horse, gener- supply of hard coal, give film Ills as8istanev, anti that then a general his subscription not being paid, I L-1 , -, I f I a, purpose, to years o1a; black pact Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 01 I$Ann and rAnitly wtah , I _'. . . - - e s): i gray carriage gain R, 'ad Diu -viientIng all the con- ­,,;­ ,,,r.." I Id! to thank friends in easit 11ill I I ::::::, . ­ name, and says tic will endeavor to eonuilittee rept aud we take this means of jav,iting ,:, . , A , , 'L r .: =1111­ _ --- - - 6 _ - - - mar , (Ada Gale, ill as frietudit and , ,L: , ,, .' ., L I L L I 1. r, I L . lug et. h ourg In -ill% $ - . 3 years old; black Shetland pony and Ohio, %a w1E or . get him some coal. tributing opgatity, is, should be , " , 'L . ._ .r,,, .1 I L . . ------I Q41tht. Goderiab and at SbepoarOton. ki . an our subscribers to put them- 5. 1 . - '" 'LLL L ­­­­ ___ d to he In nesolas And sirmpLthy, extended to, thant during ChAnges at Bell Telephone Office ' formed it) decide as to tthv­-dtN ,wP tot 11 . .- . . , eath of their soLi . in the paid-tri-advanoe, . --!-,, 1 i, , - - "If:. -rag. T , ,., , I . I " the Illuess and Rubv ant d of the ftlint. . seven . I L_ ' ­ n lielter Jan. - ga . I L L N ., , ,, 1, urebred Jersey beirer. bo and brother. James ester Graham. ­­ Messrs. Robinson, of London, anti Tile .Nla or arld council expressed class. as a precaution against Poe- I . - -_ ­_ L' . -.--r --------- _ I - - -1 '­_ tle-its.0 u P a n 9 0 C 0. of Guada V, ca"' "O""s' suppo" ye Denroche,, of Stratford, , project, and ' tato ad ' I ,; I calf; 7 steers and 5 hel gap' old; , I ) -, '' . - 3 r." r .'are OPTICAL Of ttic' , Bell hearty nppro al (if the sible annoyance should such a re. , I 11 I ,: , steers and 2 heifers, 2 .,..i. . it. ­~ 'o. have been In town this asked tilt- roPreqvntaItvt14 Of the IM0110- I ., , , - * 11 i -0 , litj Telephone I, striation be extended to weekly "I i, , I I _. - ___ __ — rigs.-Pul Yorkshire 8 ... Dee it F. J. R. I ORSTER. . . : : I , , ., I . 15 ; pure Berkshire savv, litter% Dec. t. D week fit connection with the letting (if setting j;ellop club to go ahead with papers. , . U "/ r, ' - pure Tamworth beat,, I year old; to store _11 r , MONTHLY INCOME POLICIES . EYE, EAR, NOS& THR(?AT. contracts for the ehanges lit tho local their plaos, and t%%,) members of the . I 1- .L hogs. . I . I . IA:e Houge liur,goon Now York Ophthalmic office, which Involve the enlarging of council v%eve trained ill act in Co -opera- For all our subscribers paying . L 11, I . tile 114' Sheep. -S pure Shropshire owes. 5 pure find Aural Hosp tal, "A -taut fit Moorelij?,,"I tho office by taking Ili flit, atUourning tion %%ill, flit. vollitilliti-e oif tile club. up all arrears and renewing for i I . ' L ot.the most,beneficial devices of modern life assurance is bropshire lanabs; t pure Shropsl)ire ram Eye !tpltal and Golden Square Throat 'a- store. at present oveupled. h) Nflss I , I . ",:501,:k,. , I income policy, which is rapidly growing in popularity, lamb. This volloolittle 1% c0lapost'd Of NAI. If. the coming year, we have this . ,7 , arls binder i' P15,;Itj.,ud 2rog .74k -t." 11 . Implements. -1 Massey III to', St L f. ";., , 4 " payment of preui- Stratford. 'telephone 2M. Noble: the change of fill, frunt to move tlohorl.,on chairroan), it. T. I,.thtoards, 1 - , : . '. this plan the policy, like any other. requires . binder, t Redford Hate Gcdorlah, NVellne," .1 :,,,, k, x u er feet, used I year: i Massey Harris i, year, as usual, a handsome Calen- , - ­, q.,, ',& ,jiir S limited period or for 4ife. But in case of the policy holder's 6 rt., good as now: I mower: r 4­ ­; - r* ,, ,,,,%V I steel Ila), i A. ,6&. of the bank style or architevInre Ill J. W. Fro er, M. T. .\Iillar Art-asurer), , I- .. 11.4'. ,. '. , 13th. hour, 7 p.m., toThursday, Jan. Place Of tile Slot'(' front style; flit, Ili- j%nil 1,01,ot. (*,. Nt)tUig kilocrotal'y') At dar.which will be an ornament I 11 L ' , :,, . .7, * -; ,! , ', ,,r It", " , I .", 't I M =yt:seed till Itivator' at I P. At. 1 "L, : * 'rr ;,aQ y loader:, - , ' , i*tb ,,be company. instead of paying a lump sum in foil, pays the bene- rake; I side delivery rake; I ha L - ____ . 1, ., . _ , ,', ,­gcj%t re, as the le stallatiull Of H new floating syStelo: 1, t " ­­ ­ ' In; I dhic: I u : .,POvj..Aj oloeting (111 'I'Llesday event 119 to any Pomo as well as valuable _': , ",: '. .1'. 'Y'a ' , :j", '.;'%' L," _ , stated 'amount every month for twenty years or for III I at u 3 walking plows; 3 Ivan bar - r, C., ;". , "'T ' , , , _1 music -Ing. -w - decoration: tlj, j jjjl) ,jiliseribed $100 U ill) Ini till I , , , , . ged, but for not less than twenty years. ; t for the calendar, which is printed . . .. , ' ,, ­,J, , , ­, ,%nt may have arran I-Ows ,I) honber %vago,is; ,j wagon boxes; now vvh no Interior i, I , A , , ,-,-.` , ,' , , I - REDERtCK T. -4, -. 'i I rubers 11 vk,­,_ ,, ,,­j'_ formation regarding monthly income policies furnished on ap- ohba I hay ancl stock vack com a new switch boai et( The . R : x ,-"'A' ed.. raV.k, 90EXER br% contribution Ili the rUnd, ant site . 'r I _;, ,, .4 -,".."i . I inining mill; i rubber tire bug- F oftlet, to, it) be ready for the beizinning Intl4l,. ti.1-111lonal contributlow, aniount- In large, clear figures. Call on us " ' ­-, ­ , I L 'L , .,r . ­ " loll. nearly new; t steel title buggy: 3 ' ' ' ,j ,Lt' _ I harness; I bob sleigh; 2 -seated Mus. Bar. Sentor Tionor slow1jis W. of the yOar. and we our fine 191,9-Caliandar. I . -, - .q.,_7, ... L,,, or pluina Toronto University. Organist Knox I - - -4, H. R. LONG, District Agent fruntley tter, nearly new: I cutter: 5 Church. instruction in singinF. pipe ol. Grocery %Varehouse tit,- 0 - ----------* I , e, ," 4!_Lj , "'It - .Ili I;, I Ing to ,S2^-. Letters -are being sot out , I ..' 'A 1 1 . I., , , ­ ,, r" l L I 1 , j, ­ .-,L";' I ; to flo, N.irioll, -W911 11 iZH I ions In i : ., t" " :'­.;,j , - I , . t ' I ':" - " - I ­ L 11 sets double working harness; double set gan, piano, theory, ell-. Pupils pro Ott to%%n and disiril-I , o.ohvltillm Illeiv ald, r, A , , , L'; -L, _,", P r..". , '. :.4 ,,,' , P. I K 4 , , ;;, L I... .. - carriage harness. rubber; creall) separa- . , _ P " . , ..'... 11 3. it loosiTia(Aris. Jas. Llovd and Son's tie\%- v\holv- Ille , trvl, il. , ,,,,,I ri j Ill,, pr.,. vjjt ,)I)jevtIvv of will pay your subscription for tile full . "I I;, 11 `* 1.,V, ., ... , for any examination and chure , , 1. 1 ,-, ,;, I I ''I'll'', , i Ill tor, De Laval, nearIv now; 15 11. p. gRS0- 1 .71 ' . .';,, j, , , P 1_-r _ studio over bunlop'i Drug Storer. Phone sale grocery warehouse on East stt,l-#,t I'tlojjR Will 'r our of t9ti) with the balance of 1918 .. ­­ " 1, L, I '. t 000000000"0000"ooc"mo000000000*0000"oocloo fine engine, International; -j It. to. gasoline 62 , -Ili '. ,7,'L : ' 'j ' , .K5,00t) lia, been ,t-1. Conti I 1, r I ,, ,,",,,,_'.,j, I I ­', , . .1 engine, international; 4*,j it. P. gasoline ' -.-- -- - -- is rapidly nearing the completion of file ,,,, ;to. k I I., v, ledged b) the treasurer I rout free. There is lit) other paper just ,";,: ,' ; ,' ,Y,i' r t : , ,;­ ,: ,Y., I , ,11.1-,: , ,, ,', ;, ,',: ,, 3' engine, NAith power Jack these engines ISS GRACE SEAOEI%, pupil ckr Mr. Jan. work of refitting till(] will be Nory still- like The son, , " ' r, , t ,Z ;,4:,- :,_, jl! .. ... . j -, i, .", '.r - '' j,j ,;,,­ , j, r , J' _ ­ I I _., , , . BrIc 1:z.11MC-T1'1]1-V-3H13D are Ili goo(t shaPe); tl large corrugated M Hambourg, has resumed her class and able Premises for the purpose. A long m.ok I" %Novk In tile local llreols - - - I I 'I . ­. O' , i;, .',", -, a', T -T . ftqs; 3 19 -rt. Pig Is prepared to receive Pupils on the violin. r ,; ,' ,, " f ' , tank; 2 ]at'] Amount, conirlboled tit Soldiers' ,I 9, ., ,!_P'_,,, , I 11 , ,_­ , , I ;r , , rZ, '; 11-,,' - tow window hits beon put ill behNooll I I ­, W­7,,,`, , ; , "g - troughs: extension leader 4 40 -gal. 911SO- For terms apply to MISS GRACE SEAGER, Z r I , , ft" I I 11 - " ,',,_,,;.. : , , , , ­. .A.tL 'M:Ea[ . . . title steel barrels; Power grind atone; West Street. the office and store room. througti NI"luorlA 11111141: Menesetttlig 61110t, .DR. KILPATRICK I .1 " '. I — Club SIM; \\, J. Ilov%t-11. t4ti.); W. T. - I 11, 1. 11 I I . . , " ropes, neck yokes. shovels, etc. " r7 ", 'i',111 , , ` which a view of the whole of tive store 'Nil,, ' " I , , it V, s:1: It. T. E4h%aVlk- K): L. (*-. Visit of Knox College Profeilsor an In- ln , ­ - .,: , , - ,, , I Light road (-art 7-psolsenger Studebaker I[SABEL R. SCOTT roorn is commanded. The upstairs y 1.- ,;- ,L ;, 41 .. .1 ,,,,, OODERICH PLANING XILLS 'car, 6 -cylinder, In solid running condi- X s.', : total, 14125. 4 1 1 " . " " organist North Street Methodist church . W. 1'. MILLAR, Wration and Ileordlet loft i! ,.. : , '. . . tion. I will be used for storage or frul Ila.,- . '7 "i i; , , TERNIS.-All sunis trva llvvl% 1 I ,­ i , un(ler, Pupils preitared for Conservatory Examin- 4,vts, etc. The decorators ury still 1, t Sunday tile series of atirresseb 'i 'i , r , . I , j ,, -,' , ,,, - L o, sio and 11 I "' j, ­..L, , . ations In I ,­ , - . I lit - . -,--- ; I, 101 7- ' I I L I cash; over that arrount 9 incintlis' credit will% find been In Progress for the :.v 1 ". . . . 11 1,` 6 per Voice, Piano and Organ. work and the lobiteco room is yet to I , , 77 , , i- .-, , , , . ­­ 1, , I , on rurnisrong approved Joint notes. 1, ... ­ L: , " , " , "V, ;L , , '. V . Pnt, off rot, cash on erettli Sums. For terms, etc., apply to Miss Scott at be constructied tirld It is Intended to BRIEF TOWN TOPICS pAst week fit 10ox diurch In connee I , ,,, ,,;,,` ', - I atter's, Car. Waterloo and Quebec L ,"­, "", ,,, . , ;!: , ',I.il-,,, . I , 11-11 - 11 There %xiii, be no reserve, as Abe pro- Mrs. Van 1, , ,, e, , -, t I , - - tion with the forward movement came " , ,0 ,4 j,", , . , ,',;, 6,4 ,',.,, .t:-- I - In E CARS OF Al CEME T W! .. .... L" . - a -ietor has gnid his rarni. Streets. I 1. _,.,, ;, 'L n1N, T . cruot a garage aeross the back for to an end. Rev. Prof. Kilpatrick of I - ",.. 'I; 0 1 - _111 , , pi .1 ;,, . '. ­ I. . housing of ant() trucks and autoK, ,%Ir, ,,I,,- niontw mi etinw or tire Golfo- I .1 , , ,,.,.1.r\. !, .. , I , - -A J. J. MEANER, T. BROWN. ,; , . , ; ,,; ." " .,,j, _.­ ,,., , I I : . ; , , . CHARLES UVCKLEY L-loyd has part of th(i work of ino%ing civil f1ranvIl f 111V Ito cross'Suelety -ople of Knelt , , , _S , :'yj, , , , , *1 , ,,,,, ,.i, Z4 : : 15 i i ,i, KnoN college, wholln the tvi I- . " .f prietor. Auctioneer.. church vvtori very fortunate In having L,, I 1. , ", .", , " V. I , " -, ti,; % ; ,i ,V,i-.,,,, 114 .'- Ii` — __ ___ . ,, . - "I I ,L' 'L 41 , "', R­ ;Ily! OfRAntst'st. cle Anglican Church already done and hits next vNet-k t,,i N Ill Uzi fivid tin .\I-onilu IeNenlng, Nov. 11 . , F01 -, -V ?I . . " * ,­- 11 . .0 , I ucTlON SALE OF FARAL Pipe Organ anrle'V'40cal 111FITruction. complete It. `25 I I i, At 14 l0eloeh Ill tile ("oort House, 7 I ." - , ,"', , *' L;' - with thent- for ft vreek, for th".t; ad- , ' , . AAND lAIPL01Ej,'T$. Five -piece Orchestra I , 1 ; ,;., 11 . '; ! ; :, _. _ , rr . , , ,,, .,41. ; - 1 _,4 .N., -00- .34 Be Ce- SHINGL S "ro L ,. ,'Iv 'e) '­ ' 'L, 1 . dresses. was an Inspiration And bone- " . 1. , " ;,I, -, , ;,' ' . ', ;4, : , I -1 - "I . . . . . . . . ,., `,;.. ''. I I ank diction if) all who heard him, and his I 1, , I. , ­ . , For terms apply to Studio, Chu I ,, , "" -11 . - rill stroet. Interesting War Aomen1m Tho Alillivek Ar;lvter wit -11 Ill lit f '1 , The administrfilix of the estate of John -1 - - __ I ;,, !,"L,411, " ,, g,',Z'r %. I ,, ",'A,. , , , "",!L"i - ji ", .I.." 'I, , t- ,., - - - A very Intorri.8ting eouvefion 4.r s,iu\- "Lity series Of talk" should lia,oe it large I I ii'11 11" :K. I- Good. late of the Township of Hulle", -- flit, ilenple of Sit ford Mr so ILI Wertiloni SALE v,,,,,,,.,,nA ,)Ill Ill.%% 'i I)jlIlv rg and coutri- '7 7; " _'t_ _L' rarnier, deceased, will sell by public auv- - enirs brought home by Lance Corporal I lnffu nce In deepening the spiritual fit#, 7, i Vl i ,-; I , )N " 1A, t , L, _' ';L' `4 ' " 'o , , Ion on the FARM 11 , "". .";, - 1, " , , I I . premises on LEARING AUCTION SALE 0 F ... L _'i, CAR 54Be C. SHINGLES , buttog 11win b, flit- Ahinoel, chapters ,.­, ­- ',i , I , , E, 1. W. Mac'Vivar has been on exhfbltion ,11illolent of those to whom tic joinisterpil anti , . . I 11 0K C sToCK AND IMPLEMENTS. ; .Bll 1, . . I 1, 111. "', ;, ",, 1 , I TUESDAY, NOV. -%ill, 1918, lit the store window or his brother, In awakening then) to an enlarged viev% I., .. , ;1'41, . , P'jj?, , , - , I commencing tit I o'clock p. Fri. the foi- . , , , L, - '. - , . - l ., . I - I , _,4, I., .1 ]owing rarm, rarm stock, Implements and MRS. WM. BICII!AN George IvIaeVicar, still flat, attracted LaA Nhjnilj 1116111t v%As nolnitintint of the NYork of tile church both in tile , :'i 'I , , - I , t ... L .,r." ," yl chattels, viz: will considerable attention. The belts Ili ')loll in Hur,M I.o.190 *Nil. 62, 1. . U. F.. lionloll 413d foreign fields Apd to ti desire . .!L , " , 01MR10H PLANING XILLS ,sell by public auction at north hair , "I ., 1, ",'LL. L -Lot .No. 9, Maitland Block Con. lot t. Goderich township, 3 nrileg fvul" cross stiteti work on which tile linors Anti I-11-01on (.r ,,tllv ,rs for the first to have their part In that work. 1 '. ,: , I , I I Farm. ., , . .. , cession, in the Townghtp of Hullett in the Goderich, on Daylleld road, oil of the Allies are sho%%n, flit, vi- rk bei 9 11141f "r i Wilt v%ill lijkv place next ,%Ion- Oil Wednesday evening Ile. Kilpat- 4 .1 I .. I CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS County of Huron, containing one hundred TUESDAY, DEC. 3rd. 11 11 , . - L' .. 'L ' I I acres more or less. The farm is In a good commencing at I o'clock Sharp: done by Corporal Maclo'lear during til.. lia 1111flit, . riek's address was on ­11.41ristlan In- - I . state of cultivation. On the farm there is 11orses.-i general pu="se horse 4 years wear) month., In hospital, espeviali) C-aisillevitois wrionor flit- ilwits taking ternationallsm" and was 4 powerful 1, ".. . 11 .. JAMES BUCHANAN, Manager a good ame house wnu cellar, still -Purpofm re -6 years cold, I were the evritre 6f Interest. Other part Ill Vol 1-varo v-1vtorati(m lwillode- APPOIll for foreign missions. Without I , 11 . __- I . od bag - bliirn-, rho builainKs are n go lady's driver 112 years old, I aged mare. -it i tit) ant It league 6f nations, forrued on the basI2, - . %I?_,t­­ ­ ..' ", ­., ! . ,.; . , . 9 I OA aid, i general 4; , . I . nrid,tion; spring creek; 2 aerps or - souvenirs consist Of btittion hool ,, I 'It %%a* -i 1vork (if flit, National !!! ,. , , . oaa,Moocicm00000m000m000*"CHW"oo - chard; 5 acres or fail w -peat SOAZ ,j.r Cottle. -t purebred Jersey cow 6 years paper knives, paper welghts, rfngs. etv., Still-louilofing ct.. vNiiii,ti voit* v%ell got- of Justice and love, the world would . ­ LOST . o old (will register) due Jan. 0, I cow 3 . , , , 'I , , - I I , I I 1! I 1,,, - I 1, I 11 - it I I I . I I CIO I I I.,. '. 12 aer s of fall ploug,hing done; oil to years old due March 0, I cow 5 years old made front pieces of (,ptrnan shells, 1- ll 'ill booth lit tho %%,,,N ,of ,levoration not be safe, but even such an Pthical RAIILWAV TIME TABLE — acres,or good hardwoo,oct bush. The farm due April 4R.,Yi cow, 4 gueearl 41 old due Af,ril etc There is also an ancient forin of aotf iwl prodoellou. basis would be insufficient without a ,(;odarIch .w 0. P. R. T OST,-SlIver wrist watch. Valued as a Is at uated about four miles rrOill tile 18, I cow ears o it ay 24, I he rer lantp such as was used by tire Roma \ relwrt or Ille ;jollujil tneetow (or dynamic. Glillia had a fine voile of .. . I so P:m: A -J,,,, keepsake. A Liberal reward ,ton re. Village or Auburn. 2 years old due April I), likin as -Leave 0.20 &-m- Iforses.-I horse 0 year% old, I mare 15! I cow m IramjItion-Arrive 11.85 a.m. 8:30 P m tur ig to STA OFFICE. lit In foal, I mare 4 years old. I I cow 8 years old, 2 steers 2 years okl: many hundred years ago, Corporal it]#- Iled 4;ro % S.irivt , it ro-porl fir I"ol. ethics bAit from top to bottom was ab - 05 a.m. 6.80 p.m. T.OST.-Red plaid wool horse blanket, 'm"are' 30 1 heifer 2 years old, 3 steers t year old, 1, ,NjacVivar is Pxpectell floole froll, Tot` h,wrw TovNis.,hil, owetina ;,nil it finall- solutplY lacking In honor. What the . I years old. cal e spring calves. ks old onto po.4sibly this wet -k. rial n-1wrl for ill,- M.-I.I.- 1,,.;ir (jjjI,jOv, nations needed was (loll, anti uniess th., .10 S.M. 5.10 p.m. JLJ between Nlegaw Station and Carlow, Cattle. -I cov., 9 years ()]it due to .iPigs.-t brood sow, 10 pigs 8 wee *T07td -'.v'_e .-'es'* calve . I = 4,10 p.m. on Thutsday. October 31st. Finder please in January, I cow 8 years old due to a time or bale, number or young hens and heathen were Christianized viry might , . I 10 a.m. notify JAMES SNELL. R. R. No. .6. Gode- In January. I cow 8 years old supposed pullets. Grandson 'of First Grammar School I. '' 0. F: , and ot1wr tirliclex aVe till- 111'%e In ten years front how amither . ,Goderich-Arrive 12:55 P.fii. 9.65 P.m. rich, e -T to be In cair, I cow 7 years old supposed Implements. -I Massey Tiarris binder, I Teacher ;l%,,j.blI.1, 1wid , %vr r' -v puld I cation w 4 1 All trains arrive and leave Ulalou Station - to be in calf, I cow 8 years old Supposed Frost & Wood mower I rake to tWo-horse 1111, NN... -k ar a thousalldrol(I worse than 6w war r 1% I PUBLIC NOTICE to be Ili calf, I cow 4 years old supposed ell I Dcfecti%e Frank NVillianis, of Tonol. . I ,, . G. T. R. — -^ ­ to be in calf, I cow 4 years old farrow, 6 Itivator, t set harrows, I Itarm and or- an 'I 1w I "O..'-, 11 It, 1­1, lh I" Jost ended. If Japan wore to, ,,tent , I lore tir" (Alina and tile yellow raves N%itge \vikr ­GoOkloh­LG&Va 4540'a.m. 2:30 Pont- MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL yearling calves, 4 spring valves. chard disc, I drill, 1 21 Fleury plow, I one- it), %%*Ito 'Was shot d killed Toeo,tla to y1p 7 horse plow, I %win low, 1 gang plow, I oveninlir while arresting I\\o tlll#,Nes s., lit t" I],,- I-\ ,.\ ..r- J 10S ho\. -A - c, u I , I I: . ­ Tbvonto—Arrlqe io.50 a.m. 20 P.M. Pigs. -e pigs 4 months old, I brood sow. ranntng mill, I GibsA I% h. p. engine Ott \vIlo were supposf jl I,j 11:1\11 st"I'. I .. , , I-, Fr.ill"'' "'.111dijilot 1M., I ,pit the white, It v% olean a1m,K4 I . , Sve 13;bO a. m. 12.45 p.m. Tile council of the mCeoertporatlon of the Implenlents.-I Massey binder 6 rt. cut; 11 \ 11j'""f'I till, annifillatIon of! Ill., , F -optoo-'Ler in truick, I good Bain wagon. I spray tank on hionan rave I I ,00r and 6.36 p. County or Huron will -the council I Massey -Harris milw r, neariy new: I wagon, I wagon box I laombination rack, furs, v%as a grandson for tire inte I;. W. . Ifivf Aill'I 1,111, ,-r -"o-, %3lo," 1 "I A" '""o, 111shOlief In foreign jolssions was noth , . Chamber, Goderivh. at Z o'clock In the Massey -Harris horse rake, 10 ft.; I corn -1 b, Ktittland c"111:4111111'r 'owhs 1 derloh-Arrivel 11t.40 a.m. 7.10 P.MM* afternoon, on Tuesday the 3rd day I pig rack, I set bob Sleighs, I get light VVIllianis. tire flroit I her ill tite ,11,1 ' Ing short of crass 8tupi(ilty fir. Kit of cultivator and beat) harvester, new; 1 ten 81 I cutter. I democrat, I buggy, grj41nmjjv q pill. 11 _ , I December, 1918. hoe seed drill, I spring tooth cultivator, igu eiloo,, (,oderivh,"v%Ii(o c;,ole alt: "nl \aIlled -it kIt'I.N). - closed by revle\lving tit,- work , .11 — County Clerk. 1 Wooden roller I set bob' &nd * LI.45 e hs' " - - __Rtm__ I s Mar, I Cycle 50 -egg. Incubator, I set Patrick I __ — Geo. \V. HOLMILN, , -sletilbs, I wagon tit Gootlerivjl 76 years jig -o rrolo onf. ,or 1,114. It"hok,111 1"'doze v%ill hold a ba- alisigned it) the Presbyterian cliaii't-h in , 11 .11 double harness, I chain harness 2 sets " , .,; , "_ Ooderich, Nov. l5th, 1918. and box will) stock rsck, t big gang Im- 14 ,,, ,,, INSVRANCI , . . , _ Ingle harness. collars, pick, rori1s, hoes, thP best families In Fnglitild. posses4ing 7ollir" Mid tl':' .011,1 s;ile #or hornenia(le ,. , " , I ___ __ ______ ____ ­ portal, 2 walking plows, I set Iron har- Canada by the arrangement betwego . , 9 , I ,".1 -- NOTRIE TO TRESPASSE,1S.-Any person rows, I scufficir, 1 fanning mill, - grind9tone. whiffle trees, chains, Pruners, till, rannny coal of arnpi all,l I'likilol ,a) Sahjrd,'i), No%. :41t1j, in till, tile aburcile,g Come to in 19to, an(, its f . - I I set Gov vri,st, %%ill) , : , . . or Pomona tres,toaaKing u any manner alley aEr planes, and various other tools. oth,ff be tI"!.___ Inotto '.' 11? enrvjAl_ - I I V r-severart C,_ '-' '11_a1Hkh1VJ '- AIL-11ILL- JLrUjJ_lE1t_1:_ 1 44. V4+o FR! j 4-neoirjg. -- ---------- --- - - -- - - - - --- li4 : , 1h, 1 b. F. CAftlav" - ne"cales, I cutting box, I MR -H A olimber or bee hives and _____ _­ - , I I Ilea o Big- gT1n(jer__new_;. _L -power- -emery, I hay. mx; -nm _rr_-06g___-_iid rii . las. w — ___ _v Pro - ­ __ _41dro ----6d iii ,-rn­,n iin,I men- _ ­ - or "" ..W .,_,_.' d car and rop,e, I top buggy, I c tter, - DOW ', dgff&§ D a .. . NVIlliallis, ,.r Ilw \ T'.41 \vIll it,, .er\, .l At all these Bel-ViCes thore tia%e been I ATE A14D INOUIRANCE AGENT i ._ an . lot 1 1 Iq h, I .i tt ,`;. -1 I - A Ciif - . ROS C. .No. 3 oats, sweet ...... k r - pafro,tic \%,,rk. it number frqm Other congregation, . ifirsift.-Some 0. A. y %Wl.dt' . I Prairle State ItWubator, I Peerless brood' clever seed, o eonvession. Godprich t,j\%osjtjp \,,jjog,- IflAx. 1) I'— -o 1;. , . 4 . *.a dwelling tit present oeoupled by W. Dated Nor. Ith. 1918. er, I root pUlper, I DeLavhl cream separa- I ats, barley and mixed g,raLn, f,' SY '% to rmy, 7 roonaw. in ,ay, corn In Htook, straw, field carrots sO"- io Ill- 1-hildr-n--i Sh,,If,-t* \\ill lot, Iloilo. Prose I. and on Sunday last there wert- , ., aderfroonven ones, — ranii. was killp(f. ii,4 stateil ,,I,o%,.. In . , ., '. , 41,,12rdi,2.ear COP,ncr "On"' -11rX678 VOTERS' LIST *NOTICE. . ter, I Daisy churn, I set or double harness, 'and marilrels. was horn In Godprictl ',I ear ,Ihr,, and 111-k "11-.11-1 I., f"Pl. if,.. 1) ...... ,oI,#.v jllOot_ largo conkirregationg , ,my to I -it -. N' .'­ eaving Goderich t of single hat at both gervices , ,:,-, , se Furniture. -t, suite bedroom rarrilturo, Is ono ,if the oldest %ettl4.r Ito tills inje' ,,f th, \\,,owri , lo-lilole. :111% ,if In tile Morning Dr. Kilpatrick spoke on , , "VA" ___ Produce, -About 1.000 bushels or oats, . t churn, I Melotte separator, dal y .. i, 1. . I seffeboap. A bargain for a quick At UNICI PAIAT Y TOWN OF' GODERICH, ithout 1 acre of turnips, about 3 acres of s, etc., I sniall bax ..... ar Palls, distrwt. 'I'll.. \Ii..4ses ,1,111-111"i "Till I'— Ih` "I"1111111, \0- I,.'\,- not alr Pentecostal Power" and In the. even ` , I " - + . (',Or NTN Of' Hl RON. A can tilt other "11.1) 1 ' ,. ,1 I brick b uses near G. T. stotion (or . corn In stook, about 5 tons at hay. lorion, Laitllv%alte, flanghter,; or \I,. v,,1111-11,11,_1 I,, tho sli.,\%,. N,.t Ing on "So Great Salvation." tin,] Mow ; . ?I 10 Ito ru rniture. . I ,; rent Can be bought \ ery cheay. '.NOTICE Is hereby gisen that I have quantity or straw. ,f.qeliol(i I ill, . I o reserve as farm is said. anti Mr , lloo. f,,. I I 6. -1 a Mjsct,)janeoljs.-1 ConiP (low, about 40 Laithviallp. Hol")II lla\.- ill, 1.11\11"W'. "r d"loll '? If,'i\ - loples made a I , it) to th'. entioned ill soction 9 or the Ontario 8 P-2111 I'llon fir. Kit , ­ I FOR SALE' Ir nsinitted or delivered to tile persons hens, 2 thoroughbred Brown Leghorn cook- TERINIS.-Suniq of $11) and under, al.44) road, %%Ijo art- attending flit- (j. t:. 1. Al Ing Ilwir ,1,,jj.,tj,,,, .1 Ilp. 1111;11111'(11' Mrs. series. n hill ,, To if I 11 llq ';,ic1r.l I - orals. A lot or other articles too numerous hay. straw, voyn and gr n, cash. Other I 11 ag,(,,,unts, six nionths' crevit on approved tho, present time. are griindelilldrell "t H,-illliv 1-1"'I". salllrda%, N..\ :lOtIl. i mmis dwelling on ft GearrZe's Voters' Lists Art the copip, required by to mention. I I ed the mae lnory by which : if,, .F'rS...".. -7.F., irood re it or de- -Tile sale of W. Wilhanj . the work n1f, tile chur ,lair. Ag000lits. an said sections to) he -44) tiarismitte notes, .1, por ven.. per annum being till' 1:110 C )I %%am done to ae TERMS OIT SALE OF 1,AND. Ili-- lil,ick.t.,11,- 41.joving c - , ,, planted. Furniture owwIthhouli6r. livered or ttie list, nirAe pursuant to said farm will be subjOct to a reserved bid, allowed ror raith. .lass re IF I 1 1 '"olling and Blacksmith Shall, In th Act r all Persons appearing by the last Ten per cent. or the purchase money 10 MRS. NN'Nf. BICHAN. T. GUNDRY, 0"t"1111114-14 Still 11pported Opeiwd r,,,, tj,,. f,,Il 1--rio la l Tiw%tl,j. if),, cannon, sholl Qn(f PO%%der, with on o IN of Dungannon for sale or rent. revised as %snient roll (-- tile said Munici- be paid (town on day or, sale, and the Proprietress. Auctioneer. 0%elil-4 ill I',-- \l­-nir T,.oiloo. ni,. which it breach might be made in a ourd ...h.... (or fikortai property. prility to I -op entitled to vote tit the said Nidwithstanding Itnot 111'. Municipality at Elections for Members of balance within 30 days thereafter. - - ___ - __ - ' %%Ar 1, atteli'lanc.. % .I W,.,,.l .411.1 ill,, follok wall, bill Without tile spark of fire the — -Irlsiritivp Assembly and at Municipal TERMS OF SALK OF FARM STOCK. IM- ___ WANT 6 mer, it r,,%% rf-powls or va,oianw. In ill,. tli.,rmothj 4-11j..k.-Il Ijj..1jj­-IN#- , Ttil" roachinery was Useless. The gift of IrEST WAWANWH FIRE ,jq8yjR tile L( PLEMENTS AND CHATTELS. -All sums of — ar,,nt voliffict are still v,.loiIjA( in ill) ,,,;, V _"CE 00. Election%; and that the %aid list was first .^.r 4 oir­l ,.j1I­vjljrjjj% f till' Holy ('111091, transformed the ea.r1l _ posted Oil at nly office In tile Town Hall, $10 and under, raili; over that arnount, AiNTED.-Wonian rot, flatly cleaning, FrldaN last Mrs t1alinev. livIl,lorlin road. Ill,. %,.jljoi,.v.,., I.. I..,rll tll,. ljwfi' " r church Into a Witnessing chorch. in J`_. FTAosd rate Goderich, on the Pth d ember, 1018, twelve months' credit will be given on W Apply porsonally. AIRS.i ROSWELL- flit- sad nPv%q Ilijil tior 1111.4114,1,1. ' r:'" %ldlich tile prenteher was but thO mouth ,". f the b4ist In the Province. there rot Tnipection. And I furnishing approved joint notes. A (It-"- RE[D, "llfeton Villa," Pirton greet. lind A .. : .k Inaured atthetr voters to lot#-. Ilvi-herl flenry Pdltnf r. had h­ jj ,#,o,j)IN ll,,Allt,, %%It,, t1l,' Mack to :- tile(,#. or the wflole, anti the fire was . I . X-itements. Uve St4" and remain. count at the rate of 4 lalkr 1',%Ir'% Ihljr-dj ,-%,-niill,r I upon all take Int- will be allowed for ra on credIt amounts, ANTEjo. Yr4ong girl for light house. kille(I in n0lon Nov. Ist. Pti, I'Alillf'r . -4 , le - I n value, whather on the farm or not. No her,eby call S er cent. per annum ble to make ustment. I ruedlate prioree(ling to have an.), errors For rurthpr particular!; and conditionwof W wo4 Ili small apartm=j Apply 'W, lillrklvy lon-lic.1f.01 In attendallev kopt bright by all continuing ,.4teatl R. MaILWAIall. Nile. Agent for Colborne Or ornIssions rorrPeted according to law ' A .1. tin Englishman anti Its- no(I jjj Noll. JI'At As A Coal fire remained alight . Dated at ooderIch this i7th day or Nov. sale apply to Nlrq. Elizabeth M. Gana, A,(,- to AIR9. DIXON. )tank W Men ,It) aty"l-dall"'. vvilh 1114 ImIl"N of I've. ' - miniRtratrix, Anburn P. 0,, or to the u - —_ wife allprided 'St. Oporore's ofjollyti, f.- All long am tire coals wore In contact . - I I ___ __ .- ember, 018. dersigned. . Women wants war by the enlisted In thp hand of tIlp 191-t It .;,filing if,,- I...'I and 111,10 I,. I.,r lit I.. L. KNOX I ANThD­ 1.i boil %%"-tit out when Separated. Clerk or the Town or (loderich. THOS. GVNDRI, Auctioneer. W day. Apply tai BOX liffl. Gode'llich. talion slid went oversvaf4 %,till Ion " 1,011-11 1-111111'e-, Millair,-r L, , ,-r ,if - ? ______ - _____ PROVDPOOT, KILLOnAN & COOKE. , - - - . — It i I' l 11 - F I ft,.. \1,,.I,,l Th,%oro- miivotov­ tliat I,.. DIED T , Iii, So KEMP, I -- (;o(lerleh On%. d.l.t.trol". WANTED ..Ped.rtcood girl for Ilmnerai orlit, B04bles his Wirt. tie ,, a , "., o. I . Wticltiirm for A bouslowork. No washing $W 13,1v% 11.4. 4.ojlltr4vt,i* l".1, PAratipmot Art- COX- Ill Goderte I =113 I 0. B jj,, on Tues, 0 a) a ­ — -_ --- wift bonut of SM ,ot end a( year. Pot mc`"(, little 1)(y), (TI'llibmit two years. er , It day. November 911h 11 11 Co 1. aRV4 BMW V"CHVIAKER- I I's TOWN 0 N __ - __ . 672 I.endon. Ion Tupsilay morning Nvord ear ie Io 3 (I and 4i"ldv%yn I-11,1111"... ..\I. "I , 1, 7A vnarA. 3 months a d it dayn.. '9...*_.!._ M . . IN F GODERICH GTION SALE Or FARM STOCK AND .\ft,. And NIrg. Win. Ervine thrit their .I% Till. \\Ill ill''\\ Ili., clllz,lo f CkHROLL.-In Anderich on Thurooday. I N I A' IMPLENIENTS. 4 ­I,-rwl is, w- it,,- \,,r% lw j W-Atireti N,,voinbri, lith. lialthes. flooks.'sta., gleaned and I A - all"AWNERM son. [It'. William Alenry Ervine, In- lots, Oe Pgv F. Carr.11. . III _pplications addressed to the W Ill IF _ ,As officially report I allillittod " " 1", 1 1­\%n ill the ti,-tl,-r vl jss Of lit Ill% Mit year. . undersigned, -111 be received up IN MR. JAsrER K. BRINLEY lantr, or f .,. - bla rille,i IN MEMORIAM Repwnd utisfutoft. will sell by PubII( auetion at lot 5, con. jig GIRLS WANTED " f1i"Al s In tilt . , 01 to No 22 fieneral Hospital, ;arni,,r,z. lifIlLER.-In loVing aleatory of Jonatholia I to 1. 4.4polOriell lumnship, oil IF a M Nov. ith. gufferinoir . from fritnoiliot Ili- 11-0 IN\-, ,-F Ilin-e %, ,r.i kre %imor FRIDA). NOV. 29. 1918, N APPI,V AT III who passed this tire 9 prs ag,i, 3tyllaft wattow expe lan" , " Wednesday, December 4, 1918 cooll sharp: Iv I I I With Will, In eneing at t Weloek 0 wounfig In [tip thighs. Ilte Erwin ,it I ... jlrj,I I., I— t1j.. 111_1 ljjjI_,t;jrjj lo No . ith. 1909. Gone but no a-- Apa.l , I we Watith or 6" too good to Horses.T] Brown Percheron mare, 5 101 Gor)HRICH. KNITTING CO. I ,,no- , I Plo" Iloited v%ith the 4th Pioneers or London. ,,\,*r\ 1-411adlin tndu lr). and f,i to 111% 111i'llig wiff'. MRS. JONATIIA .r .R. "OX" mawew log for the position Of Night 1`011106%. year -4 old, in roal to oorguson's bor-e; t 0 11 43 I-ollarop Ave., Detroit. Mich. _ . Rq man of the Town of G,oderioh. black draft Frelifing. 5 years old; I Pacing Is EAST STREET 4 ahil had been in aetke spr%ir.- It, 4111-- 1111- .01-111\ t, -i wr,-.it,-r ,-XI.,of 1.0% E Ill loving memory of John 1111111"Ill ft djg, M4t**AL 9fft26? - ON 4Lppllcant being 600epted will roarp, I years old; I grind driving mare, 10 00 11riinvv for two years. ft, lit I- (It,- too iiiina m-In,4lr\ 'I,, 11131if- Reginald Turner Love. who gave his lifit , - got a*, IN **me . M be required to go on trial for sixty 6 years i4o. I cbeitnut mare, general por- Ow h"ll ,,f N -or ,-pj­rtonlr,. r --,ad r,,r 1,19 country *,"OffieWhere in France" 1 ose. 8 year.- old; I general purpose filly, ' Board of Trade . WI, \N .... 1; Ow %%,-1,11 '41111. Ow ino,41 a thp Battle or pg"Cliendaele. oll tile t1m 060slitild'U, 0". 10 days before being Perul&loelatly" M . gIng 12 yearA old. 2 good Percheron colts, of November, 1011. . . III engaged. I 00 weanling , FOR SALE OR TO LET. 'mi, [Iorird of Trado c ouncll has doll- I --Ipfol f..rni 1,al­r in i)rjtiri, k , I . - I III articulars apply to is Cattle. -I irood Fnirbam crivi,ft, due to — N" If' Jklit whorl hi0i life Was brighte4j, N For further p IC, NJ) V)T FOR SALK-On 9"""" tip it"' P13"lelty CO"Innitto"' the I'vi-111 in lwi,- 1pn.- D -.11,t ­nt dit-o,j J114t when hfi hopos woro be,qt,. — III freshen In Ma); 3 .%oling farrow cown; I OU(=eron AL. A new red Wait one and -I'll%, ,or Petitioning th Government to it,.- t',rfjwr,' \%,-,.kl\ -,in, T-orontn, fix roontry called. his answered. rat row, 0, veatq n1d; I good grade cow. one It story houoe with cottage roof. All tilat ,4,,ine nf the many war rplirs DR. W. F. CLARK. If I] MW '.. ,)' 11 it _ _G(i 'a hand DOW he r6sts. @0 Chairman Special IS doo in,,April. 2 florharn steers, 2 yoarq modern oonvenionce. 3 bad rearn. a bath . -0 ffl Cow. M ad; 2 urbarn %Ippr,&. rising 12 ypars rild; room and hall up Maim. Parlar,,finingroonj v hich have been or will bp bronght - - -- 6A L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. 81 4 spring calves. I young calf. kitchen and hall down oitaira alootit' _ - hlc 'toiiiie; home rrom the front he located In L, IN Sheep ­m upli-bred Leicester ewes and mont. Agoadfmine irarage w Coll b ah . L . - WIW&gg'MW#t*A",MWMgBlgMNIPGPJ&gdgfig I lilani latah. I I 1.aM (or it r-tabld. 6n ".Man $6,0',* .ew ebulite (0flerl 'L I The -06al-'situdior, i Pillls­l brond Qnw-, (tire to farrow trecto the he -t of goll for a oraftlen. Aooly %rrangeruents wort, also made for Ih early in Derpronber I Yorkshire boar 2 t1ok HARR Y LYTTLE on the crtouipe . BANK OFMOTI - - - L . NOTICE To CREDITORS years old. ir, rat J;ig , I -;o%1, and litter - ---. - --- --- ----- --- rlolpgatAot from the Goderich Board of , I I - ­ or pigs. 7 %pek- old. )R SALF_ Houm anti lot on at Street ,rrado to attpnil the first annual meet- rXT48LJIS0Z0 0VZft it" va"Is L NOTICE YO (.AEDTTOnS. Poultr)­47, Yollop reeooP. to IlPnq and gouge ntainitqevenroonts.sr comentling of the AR4oriatpil Board -4 of Trad-, IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN GOOD LATE OF plillet,4. cellar elect c lighted good Poring well. lot f Western Imlarto to be held in I.nn ' I !! I fight go "letter Implentonl4_1 new lilasisey-liarrts bill. 0onstiorts of a quarter R an rot acre 4 at) it (Ion next week on tile 28th anti 29t 0 11 THE TOWNI;HIP OF Hl LLETf. IN THE i" 11 COUNTY OF' HURON. FARSIER. DE- der, 7 rt. rot, with truck and carrfpr,- I fruit. choice &PPI'w. P011, an BLAIR J'hp doleirritei; appoinled are Sir .1. 1, CEASED. now Deering 6 ft. n000ver, I new disc 141' terms and pftrticul&N apply to W. J. Canada s War . - . -_ pbltplii; I horuto rakp; I now oeut6.i I Wolfe SL _ - -tr - I Iforne. Sir. C 1, Moore and Re% (Ao,,n . NOTICE 14 topreby gIvon purquant to the CockSbntt manure spreader; I new Mail- --- se Ot, FOR RALIL Red arick. witil all - Ifill wilt' %Iesoirq. 6. 1, PargonQ, It , Oros hav - C y4tarris drill, complete; I food Me- , it. ' I ftn 4 4, '4 ,- !dFise 4pte in that behair, that all Pori; or leavy A ,L .v .. Claims agarn4t Yorm Good Who mack binder, 7 ft. Cut; I new t ') anionce Aoply to W. A. ('11M I.I. %looraw find .%] 1'.. f.arnoron a. .it I , I wagon, with box and shelving; 0 gets () M, Tmioalgar St. 11 Chest - I . Ted lonnythe rith Ortob,,f. lots at the `I.4wn- ,4vy 4PIgh4. almost new; I heavy wagon, — ' - ' 'MM _ __ I termites. I I I ship of Hullett. are rprfulred not or before tic In the Aplendid janceetiq of [Ito % w Inyolie W110 Calattse speond-hand; I Adam% stock rack, nearly HIERB3869F,IB3R8Ml6nVgFMMMMM the 26th day or Novem"er. 1918, to sond now; I 40t Diamonol harrows; I Fleury M M tftry Loan campaign in (lotiprich and estfill sit or deliver to Mrs. Elizabeth May plow, I fanning mill; I covered buggy of - 10 Ilnron eounty, which rlo,tod nn 1. atur, I "Canada's War Ch I soft Coll to lay -in a ` roor. Auburn, Ont , admin0tratfl. Ar to ll*h M ! ' In for SAM grindstinno: 2 steel plir tre a I Ifood (fat, the GO(Irriell Board of Trail,- ha,l, I I uggy pole, complete. @I is the Savings Accounts - / the Undergiffned. s,illcfvnr- rerk 1) t- Iron kettles, I Barrels for Sale ': a 'I.nrge ghare. Rev. Sir Clarke Wan I SdiministratrIt full 1,articutarol or their Flow sot brags mounted team harness; v I 0 cialins: and t6t after the said 2Gth Nov- Aetit double driving harnpsq; 2 sets trend iM chairman of the Public Meetings rom I of her men and women. . ton or two Inow as a "ll, etal,... lots, the admirostratrit will pro- " . - (-.I*d J6 distribute thp a!,qetq of the said strurlp harnerig f good Portland Puttor. I A quantity of re-coopered *M Inittee. anti, amlst,od by Rr% (.ft a, - n The Bank of Montreal I I . "ed arbongr tile porgons entltlt,d 11 ding plow; t Olfvpr filling plow, 9 Ijew 1 IN Ifill, acittroitspil many public galhertna- . " I qP1 inn scales with rfick; Apple Rarrels for sale I U-191 viteattition of which 9bp #11gill then navo nild nOttee, 2W busliVIS SW outihels oats, @I In %arloop pariq of the county. Tit,, , Inatteto ­ ,%ereto, havinpr regord onTy in tile e1lilms CIlly 9stn", IN accepts deposits Of $1. , . - s lor"Irg, N Some boll .1.1, idrifilture. rorks, ghdv- cheap. M pre,ildont of the Board, %it, C, 1. Par ! . - I 3014 I as the 4old 4dM1nT9trXtrt2 Will not Na. obstrin and ral and upwards. I . . ­ . - r moinuit nther artlo jpx. n ­­ . "L', ,. ,i4,.,_i4Ai&,.W.hih,...,4...— Is S16 (* the Raid S54011.4 O"ny 011 %on-, v%am vice chairman of the central - .._W , "I th"rof. to SAY Primal of ,,,,, I&I.1r., Everytinng must M as Proprietor na,q I I" -I'm"VIF1111111rol- . - . - ­ . I rented farm. Apvly at M-.1 * committop and chairman of thp posh I "I - she 1111111111 not tiler have "Prelved flouckk TERMS All string or $to and under, ; IN helt) eommitteA for the coonty anti , - C - . _109AD 00`l`!CIL,M*NVIk9AIL, I I I ,;, x1t.unkv & . - --- - 1. VAdCDF00T q u=AX cash*. .11ver that amrium, twelve monmil 'W IVM C&INjIg I,Nd j1r&Pfttjjj : I e an,l mr, Dowdon. the InfluIstrhl, W . I gollelibra for aid Ad ., credit Will be given on furrinhing apptbv. 11111 I e rallal, . W 11,111iiiiiiiiiii1pil _. ­ . - I - seerpta— gave valuable sp fee In th ' 14 0 A . ca Joint, 111, . At ,1W.G. 0. PiRT evnil. . , I 11A Ism, qu a :pOdIfig 14111ing whPat to livP stoOk or straight, allowfill for caxll on ,,CAPdIt 0 canipaign, Sir. Thos. 511ttbetl, chal . i, i I 11 I "I Ot"Tifitil. . r fticki I I., i * If. 0 0,601mitle"-.1 AM.$ 44d. MA0*iW, G044ch aftuds'. I " I I P Ifty Is forbiddva by thil CUada I 'L C V. I I rua-A of tho Bosaa . eivb ._. , . I I L "Ov At ASPER 9. VININ t. 611*30", 10101(f I - I-, i __ I-— 1­ ­.­ I ­. , ­­.­ ,,, ., ­­ 111,01110i ID . - , I 11 I pa 9jj*Aj*ftw Neftlary of tho Cefiff*1 OMMIU,foev *00 I I I 01 -, VOW Rood. .1 FIVY-14111*1r. AwIl*wt. 144110*1010is . I 1. . . ., . , *00 " 1-71.111 , ­­­. I r . 11.1 . 1.11 "I 010 - __ I I , I - - - - - - - - - I - . I 1W . .. I I 1, 0 , , 4, 1 1 1 1 10 I "I - I . I . L . . N . ; r I I ie." , I I I , , I I . " I 11 I I ,,, , . 9 I _ , I I I I . I I I r ', 11.1 .1 I 11 , I , I . I I . I ' 71 '. 1, I ./ 1, I , , I j 1 I . I ' . . . I - . . I , , 1 ', _e I I I . I., . I I I ; ! I . I - r . I .1 , I I . I . I I . . , , 4 . - . I I . - I . , I , I 1 11 " I ;, . I ,1 , 1. i/ I . . .1 I , . 11 .,!Ill 1111111 I " if " , , - : I 1 . I I V 11 1, 1, . I I . 4f I I I I 11 . I I , . , j "."O'k,lit ' L : ' ;,#`? ­ 11 1 I 11 I 1 I '. I ;1 I I . , . I I . , 11; - - , I . I ­ I . . I , , 1 I . .1 . I . r 3 'I , I , , . I , r 1: 11 , I , , I I I '? ', I , , L. , , I , ., . , . , , . I I i , . I'll I I I r : I t, . .. , , I " - I - I I 1P , -f' I i I I .; , , ' 11 , I v , " I 1, ., " , I ' , , , 0 - r I.. $ , I , I I - , _ ­ 1, I , ; ,, - I 1. 11 I v, 11, I i . , 4 I'll *; kk .", .. , I I '111 . I .11 ! - ... ... "I I , , , , If ' L - - - I - I : _11,111 _ I ... . I 11 . 11 , , I I , , It ' I " A il'. . , I 't , I . I " , I , — 1:_ . i ".A 4 IL 11 , 4L , k", I L' i I . A --.,. __ ,%I.:- -.,-. id " 1 , #r N S, " I 11 - ..k *j - , - ..L A