HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-15, Page 7scrm� lip Mr.- an I i m Ir �k' P1 -q 7 1110 TIVE $004", Tkir"Ot ""'a 114 lot, ki f 001TIVE WIFE"t tot"I $144 Ot &.0"awto cap V 1 W =016 IAW 41QW4 Ott; 04wio 1-10henzollee"s. 44 09001 report frorn 44kil . jen Fro the A 440:1 1 vma* L X �n repr".00 ­ = mproa MINAPA , I 4i'V0'Wjjj gk,; Pruspian Throne� at' Ike: t 000toto 4 Y, 4 afte, 0*4 fAr* MOO" -J� ----- GetPb."14 train, ror Itur 110 '00 1pluvgV4 the World In , wtrt.sp , - 'N' WWIFT -T-F-TVIV 444,41r, UN-4til 'd OPEN SK'AsO.Ns it OrAlfat 91144.. U%4g#4 To *,r* 9taelitlittYe* i** TO" WOW AP"P" tO *1Y 10% tlollgbil Over—Novimber ist to November 15th In- Germany. "N04 r Sk 06 Dutch AW1,9ritileot, VVII�W Inclusive. 040*W^Y, PINx syny'K ZdW., J,. Fa W 00ir NOvOlUber Ist to November 15th, Y. world 'riotorIatilk = - , , , "A U90se— croak &04 bank 'robbpr, kqq" us Pe NO, 460" -k*WUF& IrAU6 Inclusive. In some of the Nurjhern� Fay -, 14.444 �4V!4§9, 'AmAdS414k Vo 81'a" *P'OYW F*IPIIY Abdkutiwk Districts 91 cht'jarto including Titiist-: W119 to.".04- shot 1.9. on-, " rea Qy4u',Chjc*gQ.. The _.Wj9S, j9r b t4 it *ghk, I JA T in su'pit W** Dra""tic. and the territory north att(Al bullet wound In W -head just,. A , *, 0$0 91 d Was 'I Old or .4 kh"A of the Callatilin (I jot 4 LOND0,N, Nov. 12—&epe Z itoon. - "IT r se,�,x* jor seirow Alotitha bat, W* the, it Itallways front the %.)Uebeo IQ B1419- $0* f4j#0d d,;P� gh� ear, 0".1 fix, * ror Wil. 114111 419ned 4L letter 4)( ibdle, _AW 'Q A explo#10A jit the S4rn* r 4n toba. Poundary ripen season top -*;;i4% NQTw*YL Pine" smp, 49tomm, 1^ui,4 e a X#Wltst this hiiiijk ant Satilrdity mpro4* at the German mowe, ry,$ Is from October lbt to November 30th 'Wof 00weAtit; W400*m- Jwoia dow in th in ahed 4*c;;M*-11kTQur1!0 - Grand Headquarters in the price inclusive, . # V11 OplaCta"d severely burned _s, t1KQ -be W 01111100 AC of the proprlel;rii. Mr. uQuIl- top. Gas Is I . etratop tamsh witer air P,"jo of Crown Prince k"rederitpk rililtain I*hx f-i�ou)id 1pio� 1 11 od at ***11" *�Wqrq.oii - 'oler MOT j At vr� Used un the staim. J�iioqia *Moran* arid Z" Ing to 4 OeOPRtelt (rem Amster- copy of "Playffrounds--tht 4114 Fleld MarulixIMIndenbuit, ao. %VrIte fr was boilers. and while lightilig this ther to the EXchajRge Tele tlaulits of F61i anti Game", giving e"10slob occuirted, graph Co. ()sale Laws, Ituntins Regulattous., �bl�v` from It's jitat liso. 00.414 stay staoll" The 'Otrioalt CrQwA VriAce signed etc., to C. Irlth 0 vola or a*#q catarib. ton to the throne abort. se, I.. Horning, District Pas - 4 dil t k.AOW 4whether t . his renunciat .9, iger Agent, Union Station, Torootofg, 'art Curzon, member of the Brit - 'air xlQt. ly afterwards. dug,ta mm.V0,, A t ni�, h Wsr Couricla, It U 4440U Out. 'a. Ockey; I wAs ad., is 11 4d, has IttJs believed that King Ludwig at. WT., gone to the continent on OAICIAI bust, &ark, 14 years old. agn ot at Bavaria. and t, �yo which- I did, King Frederick Au- ou -9t,q! isAxony 10S h F. F. LAWRENCip it SONS J. I. ark. Ltu--il Y Watii. %t rul nt �f nutou. was run 911 t � ankf -t . t . cannot ' rw,=- Lt. -Col. controller of over ty a hewvy iron roller. which The %Ximitiq gbOlcated. rown Passenger and Ticket Ageltits -.1ghly e;iqugh," 04 r ikIR4 the 'former 'Phone 8 was being, drawn In the parade,74 the We entir!dDepartmebt, of Chemical ere Crown Prince were expected to take 4 )p c opt the Arst sign of a fare, led in London f' night, Lind Instantly �killed, leave of their troops an Saturday. Y` r Mon( or mpgh A09100t, it t qxtety Is - fel I Before placing his siguatur4k to t an attack of pneumonia. In London lest bA." t in a r W9? he 0;i, Opmr-n- ncil An order-In-cou Br h prisouen I i Gergj4,ny arq. document _&a 4. Us been despatch- ENITW- Ing dried. desiccated or other� -01, a SQ -111 UAW-, it, settlep va., the lungs and wise Prepared Potatoes on the cus-- frora The Alague, sounds a grave clallet member wl emann. wha- 40 resu is ensue. 3 thout portfolio iii toins free list in c warnIng, in the nocol of pr914pt the Imperial Cabinet. wits . bande-d T a Coug4 6r Cold 11Y to 0 Mackenseii way take his Gjarma action. the Emperor. He read lfwliffi a shiv. 6TRATFOR 0141r. Frai e.ore' is settlea. Take 4' army through, Hungary froth ice decorated public buildings er. Then he signed the paper. saying: f r. tiod'a Norw;.Ly Pine Balkans providing t4at the t the and,c6lebrated last night. The m,111- .'It may be for the good of Ger- thdY graduates of last terib are j d see It quickly it will dis- lay (town their arms on talry authorities fire salvqs to Inform many.*, 0 -wit. C- ttopulacelthat­tl5te arniistice-t--0 The Emperor was deeply w a& - 41D9 M high as UB and even, been signed. and caused all be ujoved. *X per week, while Young men are TW sterling remedy has been on the , Col. Bruce, who went to London I I a He consented to sign the document e4rulutt still better salaries. We Can m France to O"rate on Lord be rung. Only whe4 he got the news of the loarket top the,past 30 years, and stands not meet the demand f9r trained head and shoulidera over all other Cough B-verbrook, has retyrned to his London was better lighted last latest evelits In the empire. military duties. Lord Beaverbrvok night thaa ut uny time since the first TheRandelablad says it learns the help. Write us. for particulars at is now out of danger. air raid by the Germans. Coast Dutch Government will obJect to the once regarding our ,'Put up in a yellow wrapper; three Coniolete and final liberation of towns. t the requestdof the Admli­ former Geyman Emperor �esidlng in iiiee the trade mark; price 25c. and Me the Peoples of tht� Eaetera Mediter- altY, will mmain In darkno es for a Holland. Commercial, Shorthand and Tele. Manufactured oul by The T. Milburn raneab countries from the oppres- short time. It is stated here on "good authoro Apo., 14011ted, Told, tRI Ont. sion of the Turks are Magistrate Kingsford in the To- Ity" that be will be Interned. graphy Dapartments Great Ildlain and France. .0 Officials Of the DUtOb Government Students Way enter at any time, Ole aims rant Police Court . allowed all -------- A fatal accident befell Mr. IN Irlinks, disorderlies and minor — and the German Minister 111. at The TIrowti, who lives at Manilla, while lenders to go fres yesterday. "T,,4 Hague havelgone to Eystlen, on the NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK out shooting robbiis. He was day is not appointed for punkhment, Dutch fron�ler, to meet the former wallf- 1). A. VoLACRUN, Ing R101k0 carrying his gun under his but for amnesty and pardon," lie German Emperor. krin when be slip fell, ill said, The formei German Crown Prince Ped and a- Irnportant Events WhjCh Have -harging the gun. Street Lighting is taking place t -,j is reported to have been shot, Details sited Eullfresb Zita of Austria has it Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Thr are lacking. Occurred. During the Week, Perwission of the Prarue Govern- railway station there has been Cal) A special despatch recetved from (C,- go with her child -ren to ture by Polish forces, which havt Eysden. Holland, says that when it, Bo The Busy Worloil's Etappeningw care. Brandeis Castle on the Elbe, refused the German troops In the cll� the' train of William Hohenzollern THE SAULT$ COAL 00. !'�i fulty cximplied and ftC Into hernia. She may enter Bohemia as permission to pass tbrough Polisi, arrived t r th I r er G r an 0. he e e a ba a in if 11 1 it Private Individual. territory. Emperor was not aboard. Later he Successors to McDonagh & Gledhill Randy and Attractive Shape for . It was officially ann7ounced t Field Marshal von Hindenburg ha, arrived by motor car, having abau- the Readers at Our Paper A the asked the Cologne $o-vict, iu order it, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR HO11- T. W. Crothers, Minister of " doned the train because of shots fired Solid RourAir ftjoMent. avoid chaos," to send delegates to at the window Labor, 0ho Is tiow an route for Call- of the car In which �L Av i fornia, has handed his resignati tke Main Headol6arters iiiiiiiediately he was riding. The ex LF -HIGH V A L LE'Y' WEDWIRSDAY. on to RCL;) -Emperor join - Sir Robert Borden and th riling to advices received hero ed his officer# on the platform of the Thomas Whitesides, who . placed been accepted. at It has, , I'he delegates slailted foi Headquar- THE COAL THAT.IATISFIRS Ws for Louis S. Maynard, the Dom- Hon. Gideon Robert- station of Eynaden. He was looking son, who has represented labor in rs Monday worniag, it is said. haggard and broken down. Although We deal in Hard aud Soft Coal, Lime 1plon, UMN manager, who stole be- the Cabinet his nerves appeared to *een $50,000 and $100,000, was for some -time past, In be at the addition to actin breaking point, he walked Cent4put, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Sent to -the Jaft,taift for .9 as chairman of the NERVOUS AILMENTS. up and six,zhonths. Canadian Registration, Board. has down the Platform slowly and then Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Premier Cle!004�ontu declared In , I I I I P- :-.IF .... IP41M Ld 1001 Who Y, on b;��* Vistor y Bond yotl aro la�la b Y'Somitthing that moy bo tbo 04ad.4tion ot future .Wealtd, U-6 Wlllouairgs/ all say that the fitst h404r*4 40ars is the hairdest to -get, *olke the be uning il , 9i with, S.k A -V Bond. �"Ift 4P.Par, '1* 09Mt" -bit TNh e- -C,ilv 1 ta ti s Chance Buy Victory Bonds This space is donat�d by BROPHEY BROS., Goderich D, 'We Chamber Oep4tibs that peace een appointed Minister In sucOes- entered the train. Hemlock Slabs. as some might BiOn to Mr. CrOthers, and has been realize that nervous all- A despatch to the London Daily might not bei6'nea)r ' sw Few people tAink, but he could assure the I -louse orn in. ments often arise from digestive troub. Mail from The Hague, dated Sunday, Fresh Cars of Lime and that .th�, fs1e at the Peoples was SATUADAY. les. Thoi stomach fails, for some rea. Says the former Empress of Germany USEFUL WAR SOUVENIR. son, to digest food properly. Then the was not on board 010 train, and that It Is just such it book an one would IjiRue.etorth Axed." Australia's casualties number 58,- Cement just received I The war Album issued by the, Family like to have close by at all time& �:Severe rioting has occured at Kiel 890 dead and 158,199 wounded system languishes and the nerves be- no women were among the party. 0 e exhausted in strivifig to continue This despatch asserts that It was the I orald andWeekly Star of Montreal to Every s6hool child in Camads. should 4tter 4 rapeting of -sailors, which was , Tournai. Which has been occupied 0 m to hand and is a credit to the Publiubon. have It. their work. Impure blooil also causes intention of the former Emperor to OFFICH PHONH - 75 In after years when the war iddressed' by anL Independent Social- by the British, is on the railway line Derve troubles, but fr6cluently it is in remain n board The train at Eysden B. J. SA111,T5' RESIDI(NCH' 275 A cepy is sent free to all who ordet that IsVVcr it- will be a vainablo bx* at lit spealipm. Military guards fired leading to Brussels. the 3tomach where the mischief starts. throughout the night, and that lie paper for 1919. The Albunt concattia ek retaronco. The Family Herald coeft Upon the mutineers, killing 29. The Gem. Gouraud holds the Vest bank As the nourishment is carried to W. W, SAULTS' RUSIDKNCIC 202 mine of valuable InfortnitUon and the only 01.28 a year and with the Album military qio the would leave Monday morning for in- color work could not be improved op. In certainly big value. was shot dead. of the Meuse river from Sedan to nerves by the blood, it wilt be seen ternment in a chateau between Ut- �*The' Giiiernment of Chile took the outskirts of Mezieres, his troops what an important connection exJatg recht and Arnhem. It was added that possession. of -94 German ships in- during one day having made an ad- betwee)a the stomach, the nerves and his suite would be interned at . . . . . . . . . . . terneed in Chilean - ports. This action Vance of from five to eight miles. the blood, and how sugh troubles as Arnhem.. was taken to prevent the crews from Health Commissioner Copeland nervous headaches, nervous dyspepsia A despatch attributed to the Maas - sinking the vessels after having de- estimated that (here are about 21,- and Insomnia may begin. tricht, Holland, Handelsblad, says st;oyett vital parts of the machinery. 000 children In New Ifork who have In such cases relief is easily obtain- the pregence of the former German The' London papers reproduce a been made full or- half orphans by able by means of Dr."Williams Pink Crown Prince with the Hohenzollern maj) of the British Irish waters show- Spanish Influenza. Pills. These pills replenish the blood party has not been tg,jii,undreds upon hundreds of ships The Imperial Munitions Board is conOrmed, but. it Is known foriner Prince advising all its employes who have. nerves thrive ; at the same time they Joachim and Gen. von Falkenhayn a eno$my alleges to have sunk by with the food elements on which the ihat Pubmar-In6s. The map was Issued as chances now to drop back into, per- exercise a tonic influence on the diges- were with the former Emperor. pro -submarine propaganda In Ger- manent po*itions, to take advantag�, tive organs, enabling the system to de - On the other hand, the London many. of them withogt delay. rive nourishment from the food taken. Daily Mail describes the ex -Emperor -Emperor Charles found the con- Discontent with the Bolsheviki in By this perfectly natural process Der- ditions of the arnil and the former Crown Prince as ce, offered by Russia Is growing, especially among vons ills are steadily dispelled by Dr. walking on opposite ends of the Eys- es so harsh,spand considered the peasants. The BoIsheviki papers Williams Pink Pills. It you are suff er- den platform, without exchanging th Moi� dishonorable,. that'he would announce that the anti-Dolsheylki Lug from nerves, or require a blood -mak- Words. not sign thtla, Says a Vienna de- peasant revolts are also growing. Ing tonic. give these pills a fair trial, spate . h to the Berlin Tageblatt. The Prince Henry of Prussia, brother- and see how spe9dily the best of health condition were-flually signed by Field of Emperor William, left Kiel on Will be yours. Q MarshiLl Ary von, Strauss� nburg, the Wednesday in an automobile flying You cau got tl�iese pills through any A Good "Buy" chlet of staff . a red flag. He was pursued by ma- d6aler in me(hotne, or by mail at 50 The A:tbiy and Navy Veterans are rines, who fired a dozen shots at him, cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The United States farmer who bought Pr9tVStilig. against the Punishment the newspapers say. `Tbe Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brock. a bond in the Third Liberty Loan ffl- Imposed at Toronto on Pie. John The British took 200,000 prison- ville, Ont. receives 41 per cent. These bonds are P,?pe'of the 80th Battalion, who was now standing in ihe market at approxi. gite� ers on the western front from Jan. 1 a, twd �ears,jess onq day in Bur- to Nov. 5, inclusive, In the same Last Shot Taken by Him Pirate. mately 97.40. The Canadian farmer Wash ptillop tariii because he refus- who bought a Victory Bond in 1917 ed, to Z period the French captured 140,000 LONDON, Nzov4l.2—The British receives 5% per cent. and this bdnd, eleS�rlcal troiatment for prisoners, the Americans 50,000, and battleship Bri . na was torpedoed shell � shocir. The Vetemns xegard the Belgians 15,000. near th which cost him $98-66, is now quoted at much Punishment as altogether too . a west entrance to the Straits 8100 and iuterest. His investment is harsh: During the absence of Sir Robert of Gibraltar on Nov. 9 and sank more profitable tbaD that of his Arneri. Mrs. Lillian H. Rain,svidow of the B-rden at the peace conference Hen. three and a half hours later, accord- can neighbor, for he gets 2511, more in a N. W. Rowell will be Secretary of Ing to an Admiralty announcement interest return on the am.`�mt be I.. ate Capt. (Rev.) Roy Kaln, tol'd In State, Hon. A. K. MacLean acting Monday night. Thirty-nine officera vested than does the latter. the witness box, a terrible story of Minister of Trade and, Commerce and and 673 men were saved. bow her,husband was neglected In Hen. J. D. Reid will be acting Min- The Britannia, which had a dis- the Base Hospital, Toronto, at the ister of Customs. 'lacement of 16,350 tons, was How Many Crowns for time- at his death. Dr, H. C. Wa lueg , I= am ---- -- -A. republic was Proclaimed- lu--Baz- Anduched- �at- TbTadhwM-- 1166� - 1 -0 - in c arge, W reb.7-1 -- I ed 6y Crown Attorney Greet for pt- varia at the conclusion of a great 1904. She was 463.7 feet in length: 'tacking the. d"d chaplain by in- popular meeting. The Wittelsbach had a speed of approximately 19 Your H' nuendo. f dynasty has been deposed. Ludwig knots an hour, and carried a peace- onor Hai ? THMMIDAY. Ill., King of Bavaria, is head of the time complement of 777 men. )Her House of Wittelsbach. He became main armatneht, consisted of four Ohio entered,the column of states regent in succi�aslon to his father, 12 -inch guns. Wberd intOXItiStIng liquors cannot be Prince Luipold, In 1912. sold or purchased. AmericAn Prisoners in Germany MONDAY. Italians Captured 420,774 Prisonem Of course every city, to are being badly mistreated in spite An effort to give the vote to the ROME, Nov. 12. -- The Italian wn an&district of the protests of the American Red wt men of the State of Louisiana ww-- armies have reached Benner Pass, Cross. delflated. in the Tyrol, the War Office an- *=NNW M& will earn its Honor Flag. Negotiations are pending for the Vilbjalmar Stefansson, tne Arctic nOtInces. 40� 1withdrawil, of Pield Marshal Mae_ explorer, paid a visit to Toronto, In the battles extending over the 1� kensen's German armies from Rou- where he was acrorded a civic rp- period from Oct. 25 to Nov. 4 the 40NOW -000� But how about the crowns e mania. eeption. Italians took 426,774 prisoners, In - It is estimated that over 80,000 eluding 10,658 officers. They also PreP�yatIona are being made for the transfer at British and French people attended the great service of captured 6,816 guns. thanksgiving in Qtieen's Park, To- For every twenty-five 'per cent. in troops to occupy the Dardanelles and Bosphorus. ronto, on Stinday afternoon. Allies' Warships Enter Dardanelles. Orin G. 'her, of The Great LakpH Band, a IT. S. —The French tor- its quota, each �Irovenc Smith's PARIS. Nov. 12. excess of * M111-ine bond, under thp leadership pedo boat Mangini and the CIPY, town and FWIB,,a lad of IS years, was sentenc- British ed tO five years In the Shawbridge of John Philip ',wisa, visits, Canad;t torpedo boat Shark ehtered the Dar- district will be entitled to add a crown to BOYS' Home, He had set tire to �onie tf) take Part in the Victory Loan danelles art Saturday. L pt d %panipaign. Franco-Brftish naval forces occu- =Ouig 'German sailors at Kiel 11. S. Food,'Administrator HoOvol' pied Alexandretta, an Asiatic Turkey its flag. ha,*6, seized the battleshlpq Kaiser will go to Europe if) look after th. seaport in the Mediterranean, on Be Is not seriously w nd. tUd SCIIIU*19-1101stein, and refused work of feeding thp people In th., Sunday. ed. Not But he never tells tO return to their duties. until a redeemed portions of France anti 3rela of the pain he sometin3es treity of peace with the Allies 11; Beigfum. Papal Delega" WeIcnmed. waffers because of a blistered Can you do fifty per cent. better than 618bed", # , , , Bri nt OTTAWA, Nov. 12. — Monsignor foot after marchijig. He amid Joseph R. ice, superintend. The Vaftied 'States naval authori- of tbe Roval Bank of Usnada, hap Pietro de Maria, the newly arriv9d your quota—that means - been appointift to represent Canada not a word of how the two crowns for Alies fated In their search for a mill- papal delegate to Canada, was for- ground nest where be Is biL 11417 d[tigitle. balloon contain six be ore the Sugar Program Commit- mally welcomed to the Dominion at your Hon6ir Flag. I of the International Sugar Cam- leted reeks vrith old gas which military dV atl6h students, reported t ee the Basilica here last night by his �6 ba-ViAg drifted beyond control over mission. Grate Archbishop Gauthier, the Ro�- Irritates cuts and sores and !Ake krio. The Swiss Federal Cognell has de- man Xatholfc clergy of the diocese, Utakes them ten -fold friore A YOUD , 9 -0*11 Of Mr. James Doug- cided to brpgk off relations With the and A large congregation. Including painful and serf ons. He Celt. But double your quota and it means lag, Of �%tt Stewart. In the norLbArz Russian Soviet Mission. The mem- anny prominent citizens. elders these the "little WnW bers of -the Russian delegation were - - 1". 11 1 For just such 6eriolps I'llt"t four crowns. ', J circulating Boisheviki propaganda It, King at Wtifttemberg Resigns. thfts" Zsui-BuKls provided. Switzerland. BASEL, Switzerland. Nov. 12.— It 000thes the pain, draws CM t0tr C Wilhelm IL, the reigning King of InfIgmspation from cut or ;, ETS" The last note to be sent to the A* Id German Government before it, e unnverehy f W-1-leinhurg. aMl- bliVier and be*jid trapnotis Hang a Mg. i P. YOur ha -11, that for 30%,jam ass overthrown 'was a vigorbits pro- cated an Friday night. and sores. In the bonm% of test made by the United States against the cruel treatment of pris- �By order of President Wilson yes- Canada, aWthers imnsider Its years to come will show thAt your city,, tuft *IAL . . . . . . oners of war. glieftsmity. How much more Constipstjort, terday p1l outstan#ing draft calls are Ijects"ry is it cmt YOO&W town or district did better than well— awthach 5" Rev. Dr. Chown, in a message it) Cancelled, stoppitig the movemett CathartL Methodism in Canada. said that the during the nest five days of 252,000 Wbere your boy Is I Allies in,the hour of victory must men and setting a4fde all Novembor see to It that ho h" a rei.,ember bat they are the trustc-oij calls for OVer 300.000 mm otpptyl Perhaps he gave thst Of Ood W see that justice in dono LW box you "at to a contradt, That it was a real factor in the huge 1p the world. He uttered a warning 00 In your Celt parcel don#t V& 46%hit U* *9& your head 44aj A Sate Pill for Sufferers—Thero are , *0 fr6m cano' ffoul is every pued Y" success of C A N A D A'S againdt the Jingo spirit. pills that violently purge and fill the f et to telplace IL pvt 2486. VICTORY/' 4.6' The Great War Veterans of TD- stomaeli tind Intestines with pain. Par- tbuto held a meeting, in which thoey melep's Vegptoble Pills are inild and Atud, for the boy# aff say LOAN 1918. Too' * ' .4 wttried the Gavernment that t1jo effPetive. They are purely vWluble. -s"d as a"* Y v6t*raU had to be considered in the I 06*a�� M0006'90 Astylt to table, They said that fire no mineral purgative entering into their V 040a a" f0d composition and their effect is $06thing 14 06'eft-YAOtit, had- beest #IeetOol for J%i6 anit beneficial. Try thern and b6Mn *64 4661 d 'rAkO 0 t6llfttIPdO0 *td MUAt Ab%v vinotd. 'Thousands tan att elt Nqued by Canada's Victory L*an COMMIttee. t j IV% w4mvp #*wt, 06t4d ofstid #001kiligi ,� ! Z in eo-operation with the Minister of Figi,%ft great '011fAtivo 4110004 b e, i (Iw� Artois, dwo1fidt, beillp ram 51 of the Dominion of Caaadj to K t wot ay I title. Of $0 n pp", cit. ll, st stnott"s, twelve inve" � njo - 011 be given on tumvblul.t tip �,,IWAM A 411(totioll Of 0 10f "We'ding tholing whoal to lito A Alfollred rot Ot011 On I; 1060try is tothidikh b 7 146 0 roo, Data AIWO I I "Wow. 'A "Ak A� 4717 - "7 0, 4 -; 4 f I" S " 1=