HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-15, Page 577--
r'''t Mr
Are; irol haroholde,
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*k*-fted Peffillid ti m%
AlIt m4tuld' ty, iug ift. r.$ove�it
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0Ui4,AW&,6. ft,Q0vicinftent big, rictory Bonds
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8"", RM4 opairous for ow awe of viclow
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"tio time tckeo) YOU systqm in
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throw off diwn.
YOU U$lT "Ave
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Nevef46 the question of Warmer-U�deiWtall"16r men, wotnen avid
cbildrein, more irupurtant ths -age
In those yx Of ep x o'wicw and coal short - The
proper selection of your Underwear will ciertitinly help to iiiijtke winter more c9iin-
"., , I : ; "I " I . 1i . - "PHONE 90 fortabok You Will find the following well known I
coriftetedi'the funeKal services yostier� #makes to villoot every require -
day afternoon. The� pall-bearera were ment : Turnbull's, Zenith, Peerless, D
- ------ "Weria— �e9tKI-11u®r 41aud. ....... .
result of d hem-
:Mp, Vhqmas- Bu�roWspassed RAHAM.—As mentioned last week =0 =0 0=0 0=oX=qZX;=2o=0
to being in his r James Wesley Graham, eldest sop � "I I 'i Underwear
4WAY Qry -TtielidaY laq, Women so Underwear omen
=)�fh . year. . Mr. Burrows had Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Graham, AshLIULU
poor health 0 8 Sand ownship, fell a victim at Columbus, siek anti the wounded. Already some Turnbull's Vests and Dtawers, white pure
th nt ohio� On. ue -7 TOWN TOPICS 'ed Nv Murnbull'6 natural ftool Shirts avid
I'll --aday. NQy� -5th_ tQ DR= :bANe_ risk bother e riteno tru etin
*6, 14"Nooh about and quite cheerful. rituals following an attack of Influenza. tinue utir ward eolleetions for fled �Drawetci nizes 84 ww"Alfe
.no . (Continued from page 1) '
member of' Viotoria Street The. renfairls were brought to Goderich Cross work. To these we sa� cut- ffio
_�eeded phatleally "yes." Many (if the wound- heavy . weipht, size 2 and 3, $2.00 size 4 and 5.
X6 ist! c4urch and of tile League and the funeral took place on Friday I —, Tu ribull's natural wool Vests and Drawers, Turnbuo1l's (Ju Too Vests and Drawers
41id liteda, consistent life. He was ac_ last front, the,residence of Mr. and Mrs. Houses Will Be beak on the, maiket, aizes 34 to 42,
ed wIII have to he cared for for "10111,46 $3.30 per
in Court Qoderich, No. Q92, C 0 F - Jil"Ws MoNee, to Maitland cemetery. FX -Reeve B. C. Munnings, of town, and there are ahva�s nutibers 't -I k $226
IN Inthe Orangemen and waW'hijhI; The services, were conducted by Rev. who has been In Brantford for t30111c requiring tuedieftl attention. A, s
Red- Turnbuil's Union Vests and Dmwers white,
kid was, a son of; tile late Mr. flisey. of Nile church, a4sisted by time, where tie has contricts,to build Cross Society also find a utw field $1.35 perogarment. Turnbull's natural wool Combination closed
WJft14jh. - Burrows, Iviiho filed about liev. 0sterbout, of Goderich, and the sOven -houses, which are now well of aethIty In file stricken and destitute crotob all sizes 34 to 40. $3,50 per Suit.
el�4ven.�, &ws ago, and of Mrs. Burpows, Pallbearers were Messrs. C. Johnston, under way, has been In town the Past� population of the Invaded lauds so Turnbull's pure wool Combination. High 1 1.
Iar"t ad -by 'his mother and by Thomas Doherty. Alex. MeNce and Not- week our account of the death, of his long despoiled by the Germatir, We neA, lorog alcoves, or low neck and aliort Tiger Nivid heavy -ribbed Shirts and Drawerq
tw"fstem,-T�Irsr.--Ra�,idltassidy, of -A -yr, son �Gfat*am. The deoeased young man mother. Now that the war- is ave-ir we shall thtrefove continue tile manthty slecvbq, -$6.60 per suit. all aim, $L&D-p--erartnent.
04, hfes. B. C.'Mulinings, of town. For was ia his thirtieth vear, was it native expect tie. will bo� back to (loderich In eollectlon s %vhilv the need reinalm" anti
-��yl�ars 114 wag-asseelated with his Pther (if Sheppardton and was a graduate of the near futyre, building more he I ...... k,ioan appeal it) all Our Dr. Jaeger pime wool Combination, high
ik the grain businfss Iq Godefich. The the Goderich Collegiate Institute. After here, which Nve believe, wilt be neo= s keep lit) their contributions neck, long sivieves and low nook, short sleeves, Boys' Underwear
fiMoral. will be held on Friday after- his school days he took a position with when the boys come home and the to this;' work till the boys vome lionte.
noon,fiokn the residence ofhis mother, the Doty Go. 1peaving Goderich some munition workers, who flocked to th i)tifl,rFli, I -lion. Tress. 1 $6;50 per Suit.
Nelson..str6et, to Maitland cemetery. vight or nine years ago, he went to otilLres, are once more in their f0rillt L A. M. 1-141BERTS40N, Zenith union Combination, white, high Turnbull's paturd wool Shirts and Drawers
Detroit and became purchasing agent locations, M11 SiZeS, 950 to $1.80.
Wen. -A. of \Nard volleeti6lis. nev�k, lonF doe\es low neck, short sleeves $3.60
FlMiMMuch Sympathy is felt with for the Kritt Co., and about three years To the Women of Goderi( malro-ii of Childre"'% Shelter Apikorthiled per, stilt. Turoubull's treavy union Shirts avid Drawers
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Nathesori and I ago tie went to Columbus, 0,,- to take
family and with the bereaved husband the position of president and mailtager of Vicinity The rogular inolvthk� invoting of tilt, all sizes 60a to $1.00 per garniant.
In the4eath on Monday of Mrs. Amos tile C. A S. Product -q -Go. About two There will be a special servioe Of Children's Aid soviely %\ms held Iry tilt- to
W. Field, at Guelph. She had been III years aAl(; he was married in Columbus praise and thanksgiving'In the school grand jur) room --f tiw omit House Children s Underwear Boys' heavy fleece lined Sh i rts and Drawers
for only about two weeks, aty first with
and Is survived by his wife, He \yas'�.� room of Knox church on Saturday af- on I)Ie'llay last. 'I'lle fidlov\lng coll-
lafteoza. -pad later -appendicitis, 0 the ' ternoon vl�oxt at 4 o'clock, to which trillIllir), Children's all \wol Vests and Drawers all sizes, On to 70o per garment.
She meniber or tile Athletic Club and of the s Mrs.
latter dX which she succ�mbed. Oolf Country Club at, Colurnb-us, and every woman !1 Goderloh is invited. 1). �Nllllljr, $.I: it,. Ilul,foll 0: white and natural. TurilbulI's brand all sizes,
was only 25 years of age and w&R �Nas a very popular young �nfw. Mr. For the last f6ur.. yearg prayers for Mrs. Frank lloldgens.,Tifronto, A2; , Illite 90C to $1.50. Children's Wool Pullovers
-married only last spring, her bus- and Mrs. J. B. Graham werewifh their
band being a retu nod soldier and Peace and victory have been made by boxf-, in the loeal hanks, 96. SeNerat
r a sun before his death and aVompanled the women of the town, and n when appilrations for the position of matron Children's union Vests and I)rawers,
munitionlworker She was a daughter the remaips home. The deceased's wife tl�ese prayers have been lvnso=e�ed, I, for tilt, new slielter were etinsidered, natural,'and white,. all iiize3 35c to 70e. and. Knitted Suits'
of*Mr.-And Mrs. Ingus Brith ....... A is setems only befitting to shov, our gra- anti tilat (ty N
survived by one sister and one brother, and tier sister and the Ititter's Tiusband, liss Bentley, (if
Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrove, of York, Pa, titude to the Giver of ail good gifts Blyth, was aeoppted. She will begin Children's ptA Wool Combination Turn- Thaijo nice woolly things will delight and
Miss 11folvel Matheson, of Toronto, that our troops have been victorio protect the wee bairus firgin the
teacher, avid, Reg. Matheson, of Port also accompanied the remains to Gade� and that peace is now assu�,0&0. us her duties with Dec. Ist, ail(] tilt- qxe- bull's brand all Sizes $2.00 to $12.35. .41 ,xold weather,
her marriage rich. Besides the parents, two broth- cutive were emp
Qvilbome. ProviQus to owerei; to endeavor I Children's union Combination, W14o and Knitted Pullovers in cardinal, grey. white,
ers Rnd one sister survive, Percy,. at 1, 0. HAMILTON, to have the- formal oppyling of tire
she w4s 4 No ad(I bad her training in Pres. Women's War Auxiliary. shelter natural, $1.15 to $ 1.75,. pekin blue. Specially priced at $2.00 per pair.
Heomlltou,�,%Uud as MISS Nina May honie; Meredith, In France with—the take plave during that viveek
WAtheAlon she win well known in Gode. Medical Corps, and Miss Rita, at home, E. W. CARRIE, See. will e ill Vounty volinvil is lit session, Children',; heavy quality black union Tights
to all of whom deep sympathy is ex- so I
rich 4nd much beloved, especially In Canoe Club Doings that te men-thers of the council 75CA6'$1.25 per pair. Chiidron's' Toddy Beaver knitted 3uits in.
the family circle In which her death tended. nia.v seethe lioniv and Ile atilt, tit jiidgle eluding Puliovors, sweater and cap in colors of
0 The Menesetung Canoe Club held its of Its requirements and fitness for,t1fe.
i4akes the first Qak. This. f uneral SHAW.—Very sudden and unex- annual electiovv�,of offleers on Wednes' Dr. Denton's natural sleeping 'Suits 2 to 6 grev, white, kliski, pekin blue, Specially priced
took place on Wednesday, afternoon to pected was the dedth of Margark Ann day night. resulting as follows ; Prosi' work. It is hoped that Mr. J. .1. Kelso, $4.26 to $1.50. at $AO per'Suit.
rfaltland cemetery, the services being Patton, beloved wife of Mr. Edward dent, Harry Edwardle ; vice president Prov. Sulit. of tit*, G. A. SocieUps. will
O#ductqd by Rev. Mr. MoDermid, and Shaw, Colborne township, on Thurs- �. L. Knox : secretarv, Lorne Young' be present at tile opening. Several do -
the paljbearQ.ra being Robert McCabe, dsj, natioris 4if furnitiire and other re
Nov. 7th. Just as the community treasurer, Wyville Millar ; chaplain: 66
oo� Colborne, uncle of the deceased ; was' being uplifted and rejoiced by the Walter Shipman ;'� commodore, W. H. quisites Pork the. furnishing (if [tie honir Last Call f6r, Victory Sonds, Buy Nowir,
and three cousins, Will and Bert Mo- have been ri�evked, and fit*- Women's
coming of petice, a greba wane of sad-, Robertson ; vice commodore, J. H.
Learl, `bf Saltfif"�, and Will McCabe, of ness swept over it by the removal of Lander ; executive committee, G. L. institute (if Goderich.ary arranging for
Colborne. a glibstantial oissistan�v �n tire -,vay of
()Ile very highly respected and loved ParRons and C. A. Nairn , auditors, L. I )vver." It Is exi)ected that die The Leading Mail and 'Phone Order Store
MUNNIXGS�A-t the great %ge of ov(r by all who knew her. Mrs. Shaw(was L. Knox and J. W. Fraser. The club A sit
valliety Vearili His. Maria Munningg, born in Goderich some fifty-six years has decided to start a memorial fund arrangements vvill Ile So fai, Completed Ll
l Widow of the late Mr. Benjairvin Mun- ago. bVt went to live in Colborne while for the fallen soldiers of the town and as to allovv full stalement of the de -
I vicinity , still will meet the town coun- tails in next week's Ineal Papers.
nings. arrd. n6lothililr of Mr. B.C. Mim- quite young. Thirty-four years ago Z�Phone
niogs, lassed'to things unseen on Mon- she was married to tier now -bereft oil tonight In connection With the \Red Cron Fudlerst
day last. She was a bright, very. Intel, husband and went to live on the matter, asking to be recognized as trns- 'Phone �6
tees for such a fund. The Society thankfully acknowledges SCOTCH STORE
1110ent woman &nil up to last JaItraq; farm where she died. She was a ste?l- the following contributions of socks: 'Phone 56 -MILLAR',S,
-9 slight stroke. she, Ing Christian character, a member of The Bible on the Battlefield A friend 9 pra. ; Mrs. Hillier. Mrs.
i ViVet Abet Suffered
enjoyed good healtN She was a native 1_,eeburn Presbyterian church and a An illustrated address on'this subject Mifton, Mrs. 9, Andrews, 6 prs.; Miss
Or 1psw�ch, Eng., sad was married in willing worker in every branch of the will be given in North Street Methodist S. Clark, Mrs. J. Lynn, Mrs Platt, Mrs
the- Old Lend, alife and her husband church work and Red Cross Society. church on Thursday evening next, Nov. Gord9n, Mrs. J. P. 'Brown, Mrs. H.
Railing' for 40anadov �ory shortiv after- For several years she was the valued 21st, by Rev. Jesse Gibson, secretary of Morrils, Nbs. Weller. 5 pirs. each. rade, than ymir likisband as a brave Wheb it fliting "Jose" was desired for Paramount: Picture Is "The, Ilotsitagv,'
—wards. This was about. the year 1854. president ot 6he Wortien's Missionary the Upper Canada Bible Society. The Mrf4,FeIki;, Mrs. Goldthorpe, Mii;s G.' soldier and it raillirill friend. May the Gerald,ine Farrar's "Garmen," %fr. Reid written e0lally for him by the viell
Oil arrkvsltn this country they settled ,;Ociety. - As a neighbor site was a- annual meeting of the local branch of Porter, Mrs. Burkholder. Mrs F --knov\IvdgP of Ills seir-4aerl flee h(ilp you was selecteil for tile part and he ap. known 1,
in Marlithaffn. Tov�Ashllpj. where they re- friend to old and young, and her heart the Bible Society and the election of Hodgins �Toronto), Mrs. Goo. Fri . to Iww, tilt; 1(1�, lild Ntolighly 6od Jill peared agaill in "Joan IN . Beulah Marle Dix, whirt,
ce, wIll Ile shown oil Mondily and Tuestia)
'tan years, moving to Col- and home were ever open to cheer, officers will take place on the same 4 firs; Mrs. Woods. Miss BaIL Miss filso niervy voinifort and sustain you. I tile Woman." of n43xt vveek at, the Model The.itre.
Per the past twenty- comfort and upl�q all with whom she evening. The address s a very timely Wivittlely, Mrs. Lee, Sr. Mrs. J. Clark, rental[], Ills physit'al prowess as weil its his
Ave year�,�Urs.;.,]KunuJfi-gs]2ad-livedii2 came in contact—always a lover Of and interesting one. ?nd will be illu7' Mrs. Lane, Miss Sharman. Mrs. Hay, Nery raithfully voirs, 1perfeetion of feature lilts made Watlacel
Gederjoh and # waig i3eirbe twelve yeaks home Xet ever Wishing to share It strafed with eleotric lantern views from Uiss Robinson, Mrs. Ed. Hays, Mrs. 1�:Ititplwn. Reid steadily advative in popularity Children Cry
ago that her life's partzibir passed on with 'others. T4 funeral, which was official photographs furnished by Lord Leckie (London), Mrs. Bullard, M1130 until today It(- holds all enviable po. FOR FLUCHER'S
before. 'Sh6lasbiNfived by one broth- held on Sabh011_ afternoon, was largely Beaverbrook. Everyone interested I Elder, Mrs. Simonds, Mrs. Ben Sault$, W%LLACE REID'S LATEK11' PICTURE sition in tile flIm worl(i. His Re t
offro, Mr. It. W. Wopdgate. in Toronto, a In drs. MoKinvit, Mrs. Poster, 3 pra. each; BY FAMOUS PLAYWRIGHT vves CA670RIA
��-*vice being conducted bible work amongst the soldiers is In- I
sud by a niece in i8toaftille'and two Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. Millian, Mrs. Me. Wallace Reld, One of tit(- most POPu-
nieces in Tore . nto. Mr. and Mrs. Mun-' by our pastor, Rev. 'James Hamilton, vtted to hear Rev. Mr. Gibson. There Kinnon, Mrs. Giummett, Mrs. W. L. ar a sereen, first at -
31114196 Word sombfig the early 0ioneers of, Vvho referred feelingly -to the cOnsiR- villi,.be no btrimission fee.
tent 11 c
xle stars of the
fe of the deparlied. The hyVin, Rortortf Miss L. Price, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. ll,j, %xide attention for his success -
Colborne -TP., moving there at atime lNus a Menalver of the P. P. 0 a
When tralls through the woods formed -Peace, perfect peace," was softly C. L. 1. Sterling, Mrs. Ball, Miss Farrow, Mrs. fill work In "Thu Birth f Nation."
Many road$ Mrs, Miannings leaveii 8ullg. The flowers were numerous, and Pte. Lavvirence A. Wark No. 344042, Jennie 11404ath. Mrs. has. Girvin,
a family of &0 sons and four daughters beautiful, and included a Pillow frWn P. P. C. L. J., who was kil d in action M-_ F_ Elliott. Mrs. . J. A. Mae -
Ewan, Mrs, Acheson, 2 Pra. each; Airs.
surviving, as., f4lows : John, of Ben- the family, a cross from this ladles of October last, lived in Goderich for about
Swaffield, Miss Tiffin, Mrs. Leiteb,
B. . 0,, of thwn; William, of Leeburn, and a banquet from the mem- ten years, and attended the , G.C.I.from �_WALKER'S STORE, NEWS
Mrs. Prager, Mrs. J. Sturdy, Miss
H01meoville Jopephi, of Duluth - hers of '\'fr. Shaw's Sunday School 1912 to 1913. About three years ago he Lewis, Mrs. Newland (Cbfcago�, Mrs.
Alfred, of Toronto, and Anna and Nellie: class, besides many others from rela- moved to Smtih's Falls and attended
..home ad are -left to. tbe C9.1legiate Instifete there. He vvits H. Carter, Miss M. Dark, Miss S. Dark,
lghe-�-was &--member of the t4ve-q- -a
Mrs.- X-.� MsoEwm4 Was 0. 4Goldthorpe-,
Brethrev, and Mr. Potter, -of Toronto, mobril her loss besides her husband, a clevpr student and passed his ina rl-
culation and Normal Entrance at Smith Mrs. Reid, Miss Miller. Mrs. McCloud,
Falls in J9 , with honors, and received Mrs. Rhynas, Mrs. J. Carrie, I fir. each. specials at Walker's
Although an arinatice has been signed
his Part 111 Faculty Entrance for en- goods are still urgently needed for our
IIstlng, in the spring of 1917. He went
N boys "over there. " Red Cross yarn is Stope No. I
E R, E overseas with Iffe 73ro Battery and went being distributed every Tne9day and
o Fran in July,\ 190, with tile Saturday from 2 to 5 p. in.. at Dr. Gal -
P. P. C. V. 1. He was 20 years of age. Icw,s office North street I OnlY Cougoleum Rug, 3X4 yds., $14.00
While in Goderich , he wa a - Knit all the
patrol socks you can and bring them as soon Oilcloth, 6oc per yard
leader In the a member
'W I L L A C I Boy Scouts Z as on can so that during the cold
of Victoria street Methodist church, Rat I welther our solffiers way woirk in com- Linoleum, $i.00 per yard
was a general favorite With Ills school fort.
IN i only Velvet Ru
associates. Wai( Killed Leading Seetion Forward 9r, 3X4 �ds , $43-00
Reeve Taylor of Blyth killed `vIrs. Iii-dforn has hail flip following 1 only Brussels Rug, 3X3Y1 YdS., $27-0()
letters %%Jill n,ferf-rivol to the ifeath of
"THE HOSTAGE On the evening of Monday, after the her hisbarvil I,kince Gorporrit Ii. flod- io real good Union Rugs $6,75, $7-75, 0-75,49
peace celebration in Blyth, which he
A Paramount Picture had been partletpatinK In Mr. Nell .1. fern Library Tables, fumed oak, ra
Taylor, reeve of Blyth, lost his life in France. Ort. 71h, INA. nge in price from
an automobile accident. After the (lele- bear Mrs. liewern, it is %%,ill, the *9-50 tO $28.00, 15 to choose from,
bration he offered to drive Mr. and Mrs. dpepest regret that I NNrite you con- Qeer Your Soldier With the Best i Kiticlien Cabinet W.Oo
YOU be the judge 11. **Ic(,e(! to their home near Auburn e1rnlng t1w dvalft (if Nour Imsblind,
and It was on- the return that big ca� No. M),160, Lanve cid. it. Redfern, of JVeqvs from Home
'�bat, thrilling drama of militaxy overturned on a bridge fotj?-4qtles from which )-(Pit no dotiht Ila%, rveeived r)fll- Your Photoonaph
See Wallace Reid in this g 1 only ChesteffieW Suit $208.00
Blyth. Mr. Taylor was PInned%g cath 'I'll notilleation. I lifolitillif parbaps I
Aifei answer with him the centuries-old question, " Love or the car and his neck wag broke.KH. might ght, jim i f#.%% partioulars fir
Duty died very shortly. There was ab iron some Information not contained In the The.SALLOWS STUDIO
car tore Official notiflealioll. 11,
railing at this bridge but thor
�ou ill look at the question through new eyes after you've 1,011fill lills4ay)(I Il.a. b#,on' "-fill the Extra Special
this off as It overturned. Mr. H.
Schultz, a farmer living nearby, heard company sInee April of this year, ex-
W/w"ouderfully -fine picture and yer, and you'l� cept for it short timp, %%hen fit, was 2
ii6en"this pla be the noise of the accident and went to dozen Select -COMforters, old prices. Save
mighty gla&you came. the spot but found Mr. Taylor dead. lip, evacuated wounded. If(- was Ioading coal and buy a Comforter at Wallteit'r, price.
was abiout fifty years of age and, prev- his section for%vard during the attach
in the %illage of liailleneourt, imde FOR MEN AND BOYS
!on,; to moving to Blyth eight years ago, r
Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 18 and 19 was reeve of Morriq township. lie very heavy machin, gun fire, vohon -tie
leaveg a widow and daughter and two was Instantly kille,l, R machine gun StOPe No. 2
brothers, Mr. J. A. Taylor, of St Them- bullet pas -;Ing throtigh hi,; hetid. Tile
= Is full to the doors With the 'best assortment Of C11itia,
body vvris burled in tit#- a t THE PLACE FOR
ADMISSION, '15c and -20c as. Inspector of schools: and Mr. Alex,
Taylor, of Port Stanley. He was a Rallieneourt, Plot 1, r"%N A.. gTavt, 20. iaCut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties, ete., there is no
nephew of Dr. Taylor of town. On behalf (of the offirpro; and rneh of
my company I extend to ymi my Hin- Zbetter choice to be found in Goderieh and prices in=
Shall We Continue Red Cross Coffee- cerp sympathy in yourr Rail kits. = many cases uearly half. A call will convinCe you.
tlevis? Very sIncer#-ly �nnroi. Men s & Boys' M
We have several pieces of fnrnittire taken in ex -
In the midst of the rejnleing at the IC C. MnciliiiWAN,
ce (,apt
.ssation of hostilities and the ex 17th battalion. change and very low prices.
pectod eancinsion of a lasting peace, France, loot. l4th.
'MARY -PICKFORD we. are apt to think that we can rovt We do picture framing neatly and roMptly.
relax somewhat in our effortA to save Dear Urs. fiedfi,irn, I am writing to Furnihmgs p
rN and to give for the support of the sol- assure you of top sincere sympathy of We bave several used Phonographs for sale takeu
c1lers and sailors and to providejor the our wholo% battalion %Atilt you In the in exchange for 6ther makes.
death of ybur husband, Lance-Gorporal FROM THE HAT ON YOUR HEAD - I I
THE LITTLE PRINCESS R. Ftedfern, who was killed in action Special 1 only Heintzman & Co.
four daughters. and two sons, Win- Sept. 28th. That morning our battal- TO THE SOLES ON V082 BMTS Piano was
n1fred, of Toronto; Rutli. of Oakville: Ion attacked a German trench Rystem-1 formerly $600 will sell for $12S- if taken at onee.
9y Frances Hodown Barnett Blanche, recently returned from a near the village of Railleneourt. and re -
post -graduate course In huraing In white leading his section, Pte. Redfern
AN ARTCRAFT PICTURE New York. and Belle, PA. and Mgt" was hit In the Oead by a mae hine gun Watch this space for Weekly Sord News. Si0mathing special
at home. The pall-beirers were. James bullet and instantly killed. Latei` 111A OPEN FOR BUSLIESS
and John P&ttbn, brothers of the de- body was renlo I every Wto,
ved from where he had
and ;a , alto Nov. 20 and 21 oetued, Percy Stewart, brother-lbi-law, fallen and burked In the British Mill- PDX Will! COWLIETE WITH
air 1 4 sad Afei.,Cluttbn,. Henry tlortoI2 and tary cemetery, RaflIencourt, where FALL M WINTFA 40M
A ISS10 1 th d 250 John, Hunter. %?,' SYM100APS b the iLg, are lying. The
colhimbolty are 'eltevided, to El ADS ALL NMI MM Wa
lfy )iiltfsh ceniele" is altuated beside the
.0. mrm
SMD�,,O_ do slijak. In WIN, W tAt biw4k ill III* nch elvillah one v"th shade trees
elrdl& "10 1 � The I UP 'k M an,
to!, 19 A *,rftt 16gg Wo 1 #4 helter it and a I go crucifix look -
Made: in �`e eahrodo d6wn as Ilan leambig 00011 the
, it 11 ik'. o - . I., lo� M 1� I Often the Cheap*** filiat Alway* th6 Mativit
A wl� 111*4 41fio4j .. iin. t i .#ending y6U
go", MFM ,At 90, mks In 00- A* I I , 0
to I iftersool e#eelS 61 e husbond
P, 0""INS Resid"M ft()" A",
w4hizit, t WA AW �5 of our Mtn. t i M! #R08
I i I rdivir "'Mova, M his body.
Shall not thel-41111. 10 a rees Aullo Mllvft-1, gay 40#0404
Zbtas Of I mevi who
X*00)F0QT KIF, ORA, Wall, allimu tea 9 1 we 'lost ma(by oa Put, with WISY444
S61101;Ors, for ttilifill Ad If* 'given tit Opp 16006 Me 100, ttalido but 001tw Z%r1tM"&
0 tient.
... . .......... . ... . .
whiat to A it
00dibit mi K litt. for eAllill *e
idollt.y J*, forbidden b Ah6 (�40 d Afvixy, i"~%,
A, A
.1 ` "I I 1 1-1 1,
Aa .twe
r lu
Paul q 'C tab
Too U i�- Your stem
V sy
"tio time tckeo) YOU systqm in
NoW Is'
voill he4k so it win he eRAW to
throw off diwn.
YOU U$lT "Ave
-, W_alrm� er'--i'U"
Nevef46 the question of Warmer-U�deiWtall"16r men, wotnen avid
cbildrein, more irupurtant ths -age
In those yx Of ep x o'wicw and coal short - The
proper selection of your Underwear will ciertitinly help to iiiijtke winter more c9iin-
"., , I : ; "I " I . 1i . - "PHONE 90 fortabok You Will find the following well known I
coriftetedi'the funeKal services yostier� #makes to villoot every require -
day afternoon. The� pall-bearera were ment : Turnbull's, Zenith, Peerless, D
- ------ "Weria— �e9tKI-11u®r 41aud. ....... .
result of d hem-
:Mp, Vhqmas- Bu�roWspassed RAHAM.—As mentioned last week =0 =0 0=0 0=oX=qZX;=2o=0
to being in his r James Wesley Graham, eldest sop � "I I 'i Underwear
4WAY Qry -TtielidaY laq, Women so Underwear omen
=)�fh . year. . Mr. Burrows had Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Graham, AshLIULU
poor health 0 8 Sand ownship, fell a victim at Columbus, siek anti the wounded. Already some Turnbull's Vests and Dtawers, white pure
th nt ohio� On. ue -7 TOWN TOPICS 'ed Nv Murnbull'6 natural ftool Shirts avid
I'll --aday. NQy� -5th_ tQ DR= :bANe_ risk bother e riteno tru etin
*6, 14"Nooh about and quite cheerful. rituals following an attack of Influenza. tinue utir ward eolleetions for fled �Drawetci nizes 84 ww"Alfe
.no . (Continued from page 1) '
member of' Viotoria Street The. renfairls were brought to Goderich Cross work. To these we sa� cut- ffio
_�eeded phatleally "yes." Many (if the wound- heavy . weipht, size 2 and 3, $2.00 size 4 and 5.
X6 ist! c4urch and of tile League and the funeral took place on Friday I —, Tu ribull's natural wool Vests and Drawers, Turnbuo1l's (Ju Too Vests and Drawers
41id liteda, consistent life. He was ac_ last front, the,residence of Mr. and Mrs. Houses Will Be beak on the, maiket, aizes 34 to 42,
ed wIII have to he cared for for "10111,46 $3.30 per
in Court Qoderich, No. Q92, C 0 F - Jil"Ws MoNee, to Maitland cemetery. FX -Reeve B. C. Munnings, of town, and there are ahva�s nutibers 't -I k $226
IN Inthe Orangemen and waW'hijhI; The services, were conducted by Rev. who has been In Brantford for t30111c requiring tuedieftl attention. A, s
Red- Turnbuil's Union Vests and Dmwers white,
kid was, a son of; tile late Mr. flisey. of Nile church, a4sisted by time, where tie has contricts,to build Cross Society also find a utw field $1.35 perogarment. Turnbull's natural wool Combination closed
WJft14jh. - Burrows, Iviiho filed about liev. 0sterbout, of Goderich, and the sOven -houses, which are now well of aethIty In file stricken and destitute crotob all sizes 34 to 40. $3,50 per Suit.
el�4ven.�, &ws ago, and of Mrs. Burpows, Pallbearers were Messrs. C. Johnston, under way, has been In town the Past� population of the Invaded lauds so Turnbull's pure wool Combination. High 1 1.
Iar"t ad -by 'his mother and by Thomas Doherty. Alex. MeNce and Not- week our account of the death, of his long despoiled by the Germatir, We neA, lorog alcoves, or low neck and aliort Tiger Nivid heavy -ribbed Shirts and Drawerq
tw"fstem,-T�Irsr.--Ra�,idltassidy, of -A -yr, son �Gfat*am. The deoeased young man mother. Now that the war- is ave-ir we shall thtrefove continue tile manthty slecvbq, -$6.60 per suit. all aim, $L&D-p--erartnent.
04, hfes. B. C.'Mulinings, of town. For was ia his thirtieth vear, was it native expect tie. will bo� back to (loderich In eollectlon s %vhilv the need reinalm" anti
-��yl�ars 114 wag-asseelated with his Pther (if Sheppardton and was a graduate of the near futyre, building more he I ...... k,ioan appeal it) all Our Dr. Jaeger pime wool Combination, high
ik the grain businfss Iq Godefich. The the Goderich Collegiate Institute. After here, which Nve believe, wilt be neo= s keep lit) their contributions neck, long sivieves and low nook, short sleeves, Boys' Underwear
fiMoral. will be held on Friday after- his school days he took a position with when the boys come home and the to this;' work till the boys vome lionte.
noon,fiokn the residence ofhis mother, the Doty Go. 1peaving Goderich some munition workers, who flocked to th i)tifl,rFli, I -lion. Tress. 1 $6;50 per Suit.
Nelson..str6et, to Maitland cemetery. vight or nine years ago, he went to otilLres, are once more in their f0rillt L A. M. 1-141BERTS40N, Zenith union Combination, white, high Turnbull's paturd wool Shirts and Drawers
Detroit and became purchasing agent locations, M11 SiZeS, 950 to $1.80.
Wen. -A. of \Nard volleeti6lis. nev�k, lonF doe\es low neck, short sleeves $3.60
FlMiMMuch Sympathy is felt with for the Kritt Co., and about three years To the Women of Goderi( malro-ii of Childre"'% Shelter Apikorthiled per, stilt. Turoubull's treavy union Shirts avid Drawers
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Nathesori and I ago tie went to Columbus, 0,,- to take
family and with the bereaved husband the position of president and mailtager of Vicinity The rogular inolvthk� invoting of tilt, all sizes 60a to $1.00 per garniant.
In the4eath on Monday of Mrs. Amos tile C. A S. Product -q -Go. About two There will be a special servioe Of Children's Aid soviely %\ms held Iry tilt- to
W. Field, at Guelph. She had been III years aAl(; he was married in Columbus praise and thanksgiving'In the school grand jur) room --f tiw omit House Children s Underwear Boys' heavy fleece lined Sh i rts and Drawers
for only about two weeks, aty first with
and Is survived by his wife, He \yas'�.� room of Knox church on Saturday af- on I)Ie'llay last. 'I'lle fidlov\lng coll-
lafteoza. -pad later -appendicitis, 0 the ' ternoon vl�oxt at 4 o'clock, to which trillIllir), Children's all \wol Vests and Drawers all sizes, On to 70o per garment.
She meniber or tile Athletic Club and of the s Mrs.
latter dX which she succ�mbed. Oolf Country Club at, Colurnb-us, and every woman !1 Goderloh is invited. 1). �Nllllljr, $.I: it,. Ilul,foll 0: white and natural. TurilbulI's brand all sizes,
was only 25 years of age and w&R �Nas a very popular young �nfw. Mr. For the last f6ur.. yearg prayers for Mrs. Frank lloldgens.,Tifronto, A2; , Illite 90C to $1.50. Children's Wool Pullovers
-married only last spring, her bus- and Mrs. J. B. Graham werewifh their
band being a retu nod soldier and Peace and victory have been made by boxf-, in the loeal hanks, 96. SeNerat
r a sun before his death and aVompanled the women of the town, and n when appilrations for the position of matron Children's union Vests and I)rawers,
munitionlworker She was a daughter the remaips home. The deceased's wife tl�ese prayers have been lvnso=e�ed, I, for tilt, new slielter were etinsidered, natural,'and white,. all iiize3 35c to 70e. and. Knitted Suits'
of*Mr.-And Mrs. Ingus Brith ....... A is setems only befitting to shov, our gra- anti tilat (ty N
survived by one sister and one brother, and tier sister and the Ititter's Tiusband, liss Bentley, (if
Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrove, of York, Pa, titude to the Giver of ail good gifts Blyth, was aeoppted. She will begin Children's ptA Wool Combination Turn- Thaijo nice woolly things will delight and
Miss 11folvel Matheson, of Toronto, that our troops have been victorio protect the wee bairus firgin the
teacher, avid, Reg. Matheson, of Port also accompanied the remains to Gade� and that peace is now assu�,0&0. us her duties with Dec. Ist, ail(] tilt- qxe- bull's brand all Sizes $2.00 to $12.35. .41 ,xold weather,
her marriage rich. Besides the parents, two broth- cutive were emp
Qvilbome. ProviQus to owerei; to endeavor I Children's union Combination, W14o and Knitted Pullovers in cardinal, grey. white,
ers Rnd one sister survive, Percy,. at 1, 0. HAMILTON, to have the- formal oppyling of tire
she w4s 4 No ad(I bad her training in Pres. Women's War Auxiliary. shelter natural, $1.15 to $ 1.75,. pekin blue. Specially priced at $2.00 per pair.
Heomlltou,�,%Uud as MISS Nina May honie; Meredith, In France with—the take plave during that viveek
WAtheAlon she win well known in Gode. Medical Corps, and Miss Rita, at home, E. W. CARRIE, See. will e ill Vounty volinvil is lit session, Children',; heavy quality black union Tights
to all of whom deep sympathy is ex- so I
rich 4nd much beloved, especially In Canoe Club Doings that te men-thers of the council 75CA6'$1.25 per pair. Chiidron's' Toddy Beaver knitted 3uits in.
the family circle In which her death tended. nia.v seethe lioniv and Ile atilt, tit jiidgle eluding Puliovors, sweater and cap in colors of
0 The Menesetung Canoe Club held its of Its requirements and fitness for,t1fe.
i4akes the first Qak. This. f uneral SHAW.—Very sudden and unex- annual electiovv�,of offleers on Wednes' Dr. Denton's natural sleeping 'Suits 2 to 6 grev, white, kliski, pekin blue, Specially priced
took place on Wednesday, afternoon to pected was the dedth of Margark Ann day night. resulting as follows ; Prosi' work. It is hoped that Mr. J. .1. Kelso, $4.26 to $1.50. at $AO per'Suit.
rfaltland cemetery, the services being Patton, beloved wife of Mr. Edward dent, Harry Edwardle ; vice president Prov. Sulit. of tit*, G. A. SocieUps. will
O#ductqd by Rev. Mr. MoDermid, and Shaw, Colborne township, on Thurs- �. L. Knox : secretarv, Lorne Young' be present at tile opening. Several do -
the paljbearQ.ra being Robert McCabe, dsj, natioris 4if furnitiire and other re
Nov. 7th. Just as the community treasurer, Wyville Millar ; chaplain: 66
oo� Colborne, uncle of the deceased ; was' being uplifted and rejoiced by the Walter Shipman ;'� commodore, W. H. quisites Pork the. furnishing (if [tie honir Last Call f6r, Victory Sonds, Buy Nowir,
and three cousins, Will and Bert Mo- have been ri�evked, and fit*- Women's
coming of petice, a greba wane of sad-, Robertson ; vice commodore, J. H.
Learl, `bf Saltfif"�, and Will McCabe, of ness swept over it by the removal of Lander ; executive committee, G. L. institute (if Goderich.ary arranging for
Colborne. a glibstantial oissistan�v �n tire -,vay of
()Ile very highly respected and loved ParRons and C. A. Nairn , auditors, L. I )vver." It Is exi)ected that die The Leading Mail and 'Phone Order Store
MUNNIXGS�A-t the great %ge of ov(r by all who knew her. Mrs. Shaw(was L. Knox and J. W. Fraser. The club A sit
valliety Vearili His. Maria Munningg, born in Goderich some fifty-six years has decided to start a memorial fund arrangements vvill Ile So fai, Completed Ll
l Widow of the late Mr. Benjairvin Mun- ago. bVt went to live in Colborne while for the fallen soldiers of the town and as to allovv full stalement of the de -
I vicinity , still will meet the town coun- tails in next week's Ineal Papers.
nings. arrd. n6lothililr of Mr. B.C. Mim- quite young. Thirty-four years ago Z�Phone
niogs, lassed'to things unseen on Mon- she was married to tier now -bereft oil tonight In connection With the \Red Cron Fudlerst
day last. She was a bright, very. Intel, husband and went to live on the matter, asking to be recognized as trns- 'Phone �6
tees for such a fund. The Society thankfully acknowledges SCOTCH STORE
1110ent woman &nil up to last JaItraq; farm where she died. She was a ste?l- the following contributions of socks: 'Phone 56 -MILLAR',S,
-9 slight stroke. she, Ing Christian character, a member of The Bible on the Battlefield A friend 9 pra. ; Mrs. Hillier. Mrs.
i ViVet Abet Suffered
enjoyed good healtN She was a native 1_,eeburn Presbyterian church and a An illustrated address on'this subject Mifton, Mrs. 9, Andrews, 6 prs.; Miss
Or 1psw�ch, Eng., sad was married in willing worker in every branch of the will be given in North Street Methodist S. Clark, Mrs. J. Lynn, Mrs Platt, Mrs
the- Old Lend, alife and her husband church work and Red Cross Society. church on Thursday evening next, Nov. Gord9n, Mrs. J. P. 'Brown, Mrs. H.
Railing' for 40anadov �ory shortiv after- For several years she was the valued 21st, by Rev. Jesse Gibson, secretary of Morrils, Nbs. Weller. 5 pirs. each. rade, than ymir likisband as a brave Wheb it fliting "Jose" was desired for Paramount: Picture Is "The, Ilotsitagv,'
—wards. This was about. the year 1854. president ot 6he Wortien's Missionary the Upper Canada Bible Society. The Mrf4,FeIki;, Mrs. Goldthorpe, Mii;s G.' soldier and it raillirill friend. May the Gerald,ine Farrar's "Garmen," %fr. Reid written e0lally for him by the viell
Oil arrkvsltn this country they settled ,;Ociety. - As a neighbor site was a- annual meeting of the local branch of Porter, Mrs. Burkholder. Mrs F --knov\IvdgP of Ills seir-4aerl flee h(ilp you was selecteil for tile part and he ap. known 1,
in Marlithaffn. Tov�Ashllpj. where they re- friend to old and young, and her heart the Bible Society and the election of Hodgins �Toronto), Mrs. Goo. Fri . to Iww, tilt; 1(1�, lild Ntolighly 6od Jill peared agaill in "Joan IN . Beulah Marle Dix, whirt,
ce, wIll Ile shown oil Mondily and Tuestia)
'tan years, moving to Col- and home were ever open to cheer, officers will take place on the same 4 firs; Mrs. Woods. Miss BaIL Miss filso niervy voinifort and sustain you. I tile Woman." of n43xt vveek at, the Model The.itre.
Per the past twenty- comfort and upl�q all with whom she evening. The address s a very timely Wivittlely, Mrs. Lee, Sr. Mrs. J. Clark, rental[], Ills physit'al prowess as weil its his
Ave year�,�Urs.;.,]KunuJfi-gs]2ad-livedii2 came in contact—always a lover Of and interesting one. ?nd will be illu7' Mrs. Lane, Miss Sharman. Mrs. Hay, Nery raithfully voirs, 1perfeetion of feature lilts made Watlacel
Gederjoh and # waig i3eirbe twelve yeaks home Xet ever Wishing to share It strafed with eleotric lantern views from Uiss Robinson, Mrs. Ed. Hays, Mrs. 1�:Ititplwn. Reid steadily advative in popularity Children Cry
ago that her life's partzibir passed on with 'others. T4 funeral, which was official photographs furnished by Lord Leckie (London), Mrs. Bullard, M1130 until today It(- holds all enviable po. FOR FLUCHER'S
before. 'Sh6lasbiNfived by one broth- held on Sabh011_ afternoon, was largely Beaverbrook. Everyone interested I Elder, Mrs. Simonds, Mrs. Ben Sault$, W%LLACE REID'S LATEK11' PICTURE sition in tile flIm worl(i. His Re t
offro, Mr. It. W. Wopdgate. in Toronto, a In drs. MoKinvit, Mrs. Poster, 3 pra. each; BY FAMOUS PLAYWRIGHT vves CA670RIA
��-*vice being conducted bible work amongst the soldiers is In- I
sud by a niece in i8toaftille'and two Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. Millian, Mrs. Me. Wallace Reld, One of tit(- most POPu-
nieces in Tore . nto. Mr. and Mrs. Mun-' by our pastor, Rev. 'James Hamilton, vtted to hear Rev. Mr. Gibson. There Kinnon, Mrs. Giummett, Mrs. W. L. ar a sereen, first at -
31114196 Word sombfig the early 0ioneers of, Vvho referred feelingly -to the cOnsiR- villi,.be no btrimission fee.
tent 11 c
xle stars of the
fe of the deparlied. The hyVin, Rortortf Miss L. Price, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. ll,j, %xide attention for his success -
Colborne -TP., moving there at atime lNus a Menalver of the P. P. 0 a
When tralls through the woods formed -Peace, perfect peace," was softly C. L. 1. Sterling, Mrs. Ball, Miss Farrow, Mrs. fill work In "Thu Birth f Nation."
Many road$ Mrs, Miannings leaveii 8ullg. The flowers were numerous, and Pte. Lavvirence A. Wark No. 344042, Jennie 11404ath. Mrs. has. Girvin,
a family of &0 sons and four daughters beautiful, and included a Pillow frWn P. P. C. L. J., who was kil d in action M-_ F_ Elliott. Mrs. . J. A. Mae -
Ewan, Mrs, Acheson, 2 Pra. each; Airs.
surviving, as., f4lows : John, of Ben- the family, a cross from this ladles of October last, lived in Goderich for about
Swaffield, Miss Tiffin, Mrs. Leiteb,
B. . 0,, of thwn; William, of Leeburn, and a banquet from the mem- ten years, and attended the , G.C.I.from �_WALKER'S STORE, NEWS
Mrs. Prager, Mrs. J. Sturdy, Miss
H01meoville Jopephi, of Duluth - hers of '\'fr. Shaw's Sunday School 1912 to 1913. About three years ago he Lewis, Mrs. Newland (Cbfcago�, Mrs.
Alfred, of Toronto, and Anna and Nellie: class, besides many others from rela- moved to Smtih's Falls and attended
..home ad are -left to. tbe C9.1legiate Instifete there. He vvits H. Carter, Miss M. Dark, Miss S. Dark,
lghe-�-was &--member of the t4ve-q- -a
Mrs.- X-.� MsoEwm4 Was 0. 4Goldthorpe-,
Brethrev, and Mr. Potter, -of Toronto, mobril her loss besides her husband, a clevpr student and passed his ina rl-
culation and Normal Entrance at Smith Mrs. Reid, Miss Miller. Mrs. McCloud,
Falls in J9 , with honors, and received Mrs. Rhynas, Mrs. J. Carrie, I fir. each. specials at Walker's
Although an arinatice has been signed
his Part 111 Faculty Entrance for en- goods are still urgently needed for our
IIstlng, in the spring of 1917. He went
N boys "over there. " Red Cross yarn is Stope No. I
E R, E overseas with Iffe 73ro Battery and went being distributed every Tne9day and
o Fran in July,\ 190, with tile Saturday from 2 to 5 p. in.. at Dr. Gal -
P. P. C. V. 1. He was 20 years of age. Icw,s office North street I OnlY Cougoleum Rug, 3X4 yds., $14.00
While in Goderich , he wa a - Knit all the
patrol socks you can and bring them as soon Oilcloth, 6oc per yard
leader In the a member
'W I L L A C I Boy Scouts Z as on can so that during the cold
of Victoria street Methodist church, Rat I welther our solffiers way woirk in com- Linoleum, $i.00 per yard
was a general favorite With Ills school fort.
IN i only Velvet Ru
associates. Wai( Killed Leading Seetion Forward 9r, 3X4 �ds , $43-00
Reeve Taylor of Blyth killed `vIrs. Iii-dforn has hail flip following 1 only Brussels Rug, 3X3Y1 YdS., $27-0()
letters %%Jill n,ferf-rivol to the ifeath of
"THE HOSTAGE On the evening of Monday, after the her hisbarvil I,kince Gorporrit Ii. flod- io real good Union Rugs $6,75, $7-75, 0-75,49
peace celebration in Blyth, which he
A Paramount Picture had been partletpatinK In Mr. Nell .1. fern Library Tables, fumed oak, ra
Taylor, reeve of Blyth, lost his life in France. Ort. 71h, INA. nge in price from
an automobile accident. After the (lele- bear Mrs. liewern, it is %%,ill, the *9-50 tO $28.00, 15 to choose from,
bration he offered to drive Mr. and Mrs. dpepest regret that I NNrite you con- Qeer Your Soldier With the Best i Kiticlien Cabinet W.Oo
YOU be the judge 11. **Ic(,e(! to their home near Auburn e1rnlng t1w dvalft (if Nour Imsblind,
and It was on- the return that big ca� No. M),160, Lanve cid. it. Redfern, of JVeqvs from Home
'�bat, thrilling drama of militaxy overturned on a bridge fotj?-4qtles from which )-(Pit no dotiht Ila%, rveeived r)fll- Your Photoonaph
See Wallace Reid in this g 1 only ChesteffieW Suit $208.00
Blyth. Mr. Taylor was PInned%g cath 'I'll notilleation. I lifolitillif parbaps I
Aifei answer with him the centuries-old question, " Love or the car and his neck wag broke.KH. might ght, jim i f#.%% partioulars fir
Duty died very shortly. There was ab iron some Information not contained In the The.SALLOWS STUDIO
car tore Official notiflealioll. 11,
railing at this bridge but thor
�ou ill look at the question through new eyes after you've 1,011fill lills4ay)(I Il.a. b#,on' "-fill the Extra Special
this off as It overturned. Mr. H.
Schultz, a farmer living nearby, heard company sInee April of this year, ex-
W/w"ouderfully -fine picture and yer, and you'l� cept for it short timp, %%hen fit, was 2
ii6en"this pla be the noise of the accident and went to dozen Select -COMforters, old prices. Save
mighty gla&you came. the spot but found Mr. Taylor dead. lip, evacuated wounded. If(- was Ioading coal and buy a Comforter at Wallteit'r, price.
was abiout fifty years of age and, prev- his section for%vard during the attach
in the %illage of liailleneourt, imde FOR MEN AND BOYS
!on,; to moving to Blyth eight years ago, r
Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 18 and 19 was reeve of Morriq township. lie very heavy machin, gun fire, vohon -tie
leaveg a widow and daughter and two was Instantly kille,l, R machine gun StOPe No. 2
brothers, Mr. J. A. Taylor, of St Them- bullet pas -;Ing throtigh hi,; hetid. Tile
= Is full to the doors With the 'best assortment Of C11itia,
body vvris burled in tit#- a t THE PLACE FOR
ADMISSION, '15c and -20c as. Inspector of schools: and Mr. Alex,
Taylor, of Port Stanley. He was a Rallieneourt, Plot 1, r"%N A.. gTavt, 20. iaCut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties, ete., there is no
nephew of Dr. Taylor of town. On behalf (of the offirpro; and rneh of
my company I extend to ymi my Hin- Zbetter choice to be found in Goderieh and prices in=
Shall We Continue Red Cross Coffee- cerp sympathy in yourr Rail kits. = many cases uearly half. A call will convinCe you.
tlevis? Very sIncer#-ly �nnroi. Men s & Boys' M
We have several pieces of fnrnittire taken in ex -
In the midst of the rejnleing at the IC C. MnciliiiWAN,
ce (,apt
.ssation of hostilities and the ex 17th battalion. change and very low prices.
pectod eancinsion of a lasting peace, France, loot. l4th.
'MARY -PICKFORD we. are apt to think that we can rovt We do picture framing neatly and roMptly.
relax somewhat in our effortA to save Dear Urs. fiedfi,irn, I am writing to Furnihmgs p
rN and to give for the support of the sol- assure you of top sincere sympathy of We bave several used Phonographs for sale takeu
c1lers and sailors and to providejor the our wholo% battalion %Atilt you In the in exchange for 6ther makes.
death of ybur husband, Lance-Gorporal FROM THE HAT ON YOUR HEAD - I I
THE LITTLE PRINCESS R. Ftedfern, who was killed in action Special 1 only Heintzman & Co.
four daughters. and two sons, Win- Sept. 28th. That morning our battal- TO THE SOLES ON V082 BMTS Piano was
n1fred, of Toronto; Rutli. of Oakville: Ion attacked a German trench Rystem-1 formerly $600 will sell for $12S- if taken at onee.
9y Frances Hodown Barnett Blanche, recently returned from a near the village of Railleneourt. and re -
post -graduate course In huraing In white leading his section, Pte. Redfern
AN ARTCRAFT PICTURE New York. and Belle, PA. and Mgt" was hit In the Oead by a mae hine gun Watch this space for Weekly Sord News. Si0mathing special
at home. The pall-beirers were. James bullet and instantly killed. Latei` 111A OPEN FOR BUSLIESS
and John P&ttbn, brothers of the de- body was renlo I every Wto,
ved from where he had
and ;a , alto Nov. 20 and 21 oetued, Percy Stewart, brother-lbi-law, fallen and burked In the British Mill- PDX Will! COWLIETE WITH
air 1 4 sad Afei.,Cluttbn,. Henry tlortoI2 and tary cemetery, RaflIencourt, where FALL M WINTFA 40M
A ISS10 1 th d 250 John, Hunter. %?,' SYM100APS b the iLg, are lying. The
colhimbolty are 'eltevided, to El ADS ALL NMI MM Wa
lfy )iiltfsh ceniele" is altuated beside the
.0. mrm
SMD�,,O_ do slijak. In WIN, W tAt biw4k ill III* nch elvillah one v"th shade trees
elrdl& "10 1 � The I UP 'k M an,
to!, 19 A *,rftt 16gg Wo 1 #4 helter it and a I go crucifix look -
Made: in �`e eahrodo d6wn as Ilan leambig 00011 the
, it 11 ik'. o - . I., lo� M 1� I Often the Cheap*** filiat Alway* th6 Mativit
A wl� 111*4 41fio4j .. iin. t i .#ending y6U
go", MFM ,At 90, mks In 00- A* I I , 0
to I iftersool e#eelS 61 e husbond
P, 0""INS Resid"M ft()" A",
w4hizit, t WA AW �5 of our Mtn. t i M! #R08
I i I rdivir "'Mova, M his body.
Shall not thel-41111. 10 a rees Aullo Mllvft-1, gay 40#0404
Zbtas Of I mevi who
X*00)F0QT KIF, ORA, Wall, allimu tea 9 1 we 'lost ma(by oa Put, with WISY444
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