HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-15, Page 3r.WFr-,9rr- W"0111111111111111 � ------am -_ -- � I ­ - "_-__7_ - " 77 - - - . i I I - I . — - __7�_ I ��� I � I -11 � I .�, -1 � � _', - W,Xwr� . - � . ,_ - I -- m71111m, A , � 7 , ... . e 14, ;1, — I I � � *� � I I . � I . . I . I I I . 7 I ­�,­ �� � .. I �� . - I . , I , . I . I I I ', . . . t �1' I 4 1 q .11 I . ". %� - . . - -!- �! i I I . i, .11 . . .. I I III 1111:11:11:111 11�1:11:0:pi , . . . -1 - . 0 .P 0101 I 11111111!1::I: I ­ 11 — I . . 010111111111111 I I . loillill 1 . I � I I . . I . 1. � --- %___!.­__­ I 1, — , I �: I I! �1.1.0 4 -_1-i_1_-11.---- ..1111.1 -111--_ ­­ I .1 I , 11�iIft.� I I- III !1�11��Isplz , I - I I 11 . . , _ d . I d I 1- 1. --- __ . . : is, 191S c I � , — - — I I I I O�Z, 1:: I "I.0, . I ..!; i ! i! i i � . I . I - I ­�J' I . 1� I � - ,- . � � ­ . . - I I I " I ­ - 'IV_____1` �d_ I I . I 1P I 11 , to -_'.1- ,� - . WIDBRIOR §Z,4 1 1 d =01=1-1-0-1. 0 ­­­ --_1 - - !- � 1 __�! 0�0 go 11 Ii -11 .. I 11 .. .. 11 I'll .. mg,-- .It ,, � - . I . I—— - I .- ­­ . 11 1111- ", . �� I 11 . . I ­­­ I 111_1_­1_ih­11, — .. 11 I .11 -11 11- 1_.111-11.___" . .11.1-1 I—— 0"-q I I , ., - I . � � 11 I d I . ." 411141:11:000111=0 . I --- ,. I , � I I I , � I ­ 1 7. � - ­�_ _L '___ - I "I. ,_111 -11 - I ­_ .. I ­ "'....''. I I I I I . . . - , " -.1 I# ,� 6"101, 4 — I 3� , I 11 � V—%�. 0 �* A , 1. I I Nk '' - I � �_ _­, " 11;- 1 ��', ­ - I - ..­__ � 11 I - I "I I , I , , I OV i. i � , 1 11 � I . . X"M I I �,� I 11, i�* I -C ''� 0I`""` . — A INAVIA", ", 0 , � I I "1111111111, A&, , I . . ", - . - : ; I, vwt;�� I'll, . � � '.1 , MEW �= I Amok 1111 I . 1 � �' 1. .. ., " C" , n ,- 34,eiielivwu . I I I 11 . I � , I , . STIPATiON � �,'. III.) � � ", u., te. a n, i, n- �.*.., � V*"Wo Ttw ot V , 11 T44 I , ., 11 � . � . . I I I . , Not"iom 00%4* I . "O : , 101 11 . I I � I I 8 . , ; '14 Z 1. *"Wrmoft . � � . I I 'r . � � . , � . � I ,. . I I , .11 I , � . . , � 0 M I 1A - Xn. bl# poi* bqo*. -,zho I � , 1001 , I 1 i I . I � 'kk 044 #4 *1w '4" Rumumbild to Influgazo" 040 to , war. I , I I I I � . ... ., I � .W , fl! "U, � � 'WiII0444k ba �% I- OrOU44.0 NQftbtru Cons 1 441. A""k . I I . . I .1 �1 - _0, � " , " -1 , �� - , � - I—- ­__ _ " ___ - - ­._­�� �, �� r -,, - , � :p ,men, i � ., ­ . I I I " - I , -1. �AK, AiL- - � . 1011 . "" ., . 1. 01�*n , .1 .0406 (440410001 T0.0174. . 4,utowpilte, 91�4 Vito yn- , , I a' �� I I _1 I I . .. I I , I �, I , 'IF 'I "I � , I I I Too of#*'"* is 14Wto dkmW _60111- Vue C114t,ou C tit"(1 Into thQ1 BArli'011 0VPAA : a0a I '.0ofthe.drat I Motu evt 1440IF- viv. BIAWA U.4401A M. tile la"t 000vou� � . I I , - ., ory, *, g I . 11 . � . I ,�. I � , W,AX,* � - It-is-liat"'Whiiiii. � lity, tic,994'' opOrAtio Q �4 2�g fA 0 1 , Ruju, m* . ... _, Met, cedeS; t4 bilk SO . . . I 01hpou- , , 1�'� .Ide, King now , � . . - A# .4 uvx�4aylg IWO .40 la,to b - uston, . . � 1" 44W 30tir =10' ," � veek , � 11 ... .. : urVIV4 . A Vert' pa� a warkabl* *%p*rW44; in 'the ot, or . " 41" ,W Van"llo""It'" � 41w*y ILV 4118 of tray 11, , � I itill'i U*t I=* � r'� and *Jk T,# "At Wltlt esrioe.,* Or lot filedgett. 40 I I . o .. I , I I I - � I . � I . 11 L. N '4L'.1nitteed-ot t, i 'Ar9.V'mMJi4. J Q*yV. $A Tqr' vollebes to; bif 4�94W*KO find rexill L � , I . I �,V_ I'q - � *% kw. Uitwil. * , t - P = 41* � � I '0010 11 1. , I � "I I &OA fist*� , s'%o rownwIm W44, so# of 4( . , I .. t1f; R , � ' - *049 Mrs b , ­ . - T*Juea Wood I , , tbC lia e4 k . . LRI Of East W,4W,%n1*h# I I I 1i filed in 0 Y;�% � , 4 004kirell ­ LL I 1. I I -.�� I or Vt ,*tunlis I PhA444 . I �, .'4b�e �4 ,.OyAoi of *11ho PC ile-49asgA wwa, reat. , In 403ergoAtt". TUey were fu X,a# I . I I ­ - t ,.� . _tiap. I ileAt to 14911, "s, . , I I : =-- -, 04w. an'".- **A* 'hitter as . " Alroq*QL r 'Of, ckXlb9.P, 0d 44r. Pike speOr 0 , 060,4100 L � , I 1, I 11 I ''I ,1 - , , "" lt;p. "to 'L - , . UP. )Kurdeqh,�dc _ S �. t I I I . I .1 I _­ X , '. . 11441kb*1114 , 1. I 4w, o'U''Wer Wing. ptubku'. Ilm of ut� J041, the advantsto, qf,�;%,klug wom � . 1� 10 . - , � I � I hibv iu . b0i'll. was married 9.4. pallowo,pA AlXbp Roptl:itiotli, t�;auolll blue* 4;# died, it elit On * �,, � so . ..L . �1 I � 4W4�! :VrvrP9iPP1_8XA;#W_rP . buntl4s.,vto, WA �*"Ide'a wif# jklqd. I I != , ., ��� *A= , bl". , # _, L ,. At. Wiattou i;9 Miialt nt, . . . He rW44 %014; -, , 1�� � I I I'll - . . 1" � Jimilmaj$x0v4p ... . .. , ,Hn was ftuirliter were *We 1�",Pp In the, I , . I I I '. _ . ade tA eu)AfJ%.,4 � , � , I � . , 100 , , ,*- I , . . I 1% to 0" - � I . : I ) � . "', I . Mubuxo'# l**-Lfter r , 'U'041111e* Ot $110 10A DAV14.RV 40*44� I I I , .:: .. — , * Aut the - - .t . % . . .0 � A ,;IQ4; apt'"Ok ox mot �Ouut I ftwa re ot I ft i I I I . TM I ,_ 0 Al , 41& WMI $40A.* ry. ''. =1 �, W= VA 96P took; plac%t V - ____ * L Z�,- -�,� 11 I - I . � I wo '1101,10C anything. h .. 4 4 1 1 ­;.�­ N - , (i_-,_ ml*_�Xw, " . . � 1 4 *6 -0-t _?� Ili UO,L ,Xt#tl ' —, __.. , �0;4 his bol�e; Mbero stro I . ` I I* VMAV ge'14"i'woax'oplc'ogl*wpool""mg" Airttsiiala�� "L"'XIOA t9 NO, # L � # pf."'i"11*4 ­-Falf, I. ­ () A il. M I - . 11 .. , y At ru9QA' L -614' 11 Itations - R, ' Mrs. a0gulibr'go dih; of 'W. rigbatn' Edna QrW moat land tWa wom %* �gu4 ' I r mocott'latidi . — ,J ' , Mrs. Alex. Stawairtk .formerly ?A I P -q ,:., S � J= . . �­ Jo ftt� 't aj�d. thi CAUM L40Y a �, , ,M. L� ,t � 11 " ' I � � , �4 " '­� ft � �Gtuorl%�AL.co _ _4,, ##`440g4ter. Or fft. " . ,re L � , - .. . L' b4sLlolit her�nio�hej', are. Win. Net"r. J11ta, W6. � ("Ire6ch, or,B_ _ Uld .) , . .later; 94411: 40111 Wuuld� carry It In. On I , I'll � : .. __41 L _001tioa. , ,. ," . ,, .. ' .. I I I I . � - UwasX100, _M;t, We. PoUld ttkrQNf Ifitir, , �p I , L V ' . I I I - , 10Z LeOW 641' , Alold, 4t WO age Pit '82 YQ00, 0 W40 ql9tJor of Mir, U, N. CrWU.O1 $ 4 Exeter turning to es, , I on um � 11 .02mopm ._, , 0;,m . � . , HOpej 19. D� I I . I 4&dvocate,41odinboullown, , r t 'Retire" down, 04* Plle of carlbo I I % havo lood , 'Ur�miml 1. - . I... W_*"1,-!y ,TO I >uwe it4woo. L, . , . 1, 1 1104 1 Thm. .,.,bu , I I , �� � I I Ly pe" . '04 Aov- 0b, Mr. and, N and W48 ftwrr"A 11AVU0140 , , . 404%.0110 QW -P � � *w4m JIM .for - I . L, yo . e4 � � , � � ,I`Q - In comfort t , � k� -11"T., , F", , I L 4!1! I , I ��ItKq,l 14hobbrook, of' t" � , �,W,, ! 197 the *0%6414 work we � I ! Marlu ol ­ I I I h =, ." , =_ l8th a a9vor flufaked. � � . I R'" nogwicimid m � t . . , - ocaqw,019a of sat"r4y. - . I . T�gm�yw' � PI ,.. - , . , W't H4116tt. celebrate h 61101VOXWky The�rlbboqej have all to be ake4. �, - L , _Oli%vo�o � A the oft Xr.and Mrs,'Alrthillp CAnt6fo 11. , L . L V, I L , I I ". 'L.So eMlX#, OVA Vfif� . 11 ha�e out. wo ib,6 Plit Cuts hiIng It 'r,.. ­ .... . I � I I . .. I . .. L , �*Iftr, III-14ph, ,L,.kd 1, . .1, ove,41o, Brussels twin the Ord - .- 6�W L 4%004 Af . .... .. _ ,A.i%,= , oing. . e Or 11 P 1A bq� I - 2 I V '01 ball e - T � as %%L - ' . . L ' L - � - W . ,.,,'.,�� ", "I". � .',L.,. I , amp uItAt of 14k. M Joar --- — 1 4 4 I � _k(M Ir . � - I x,lyho 4s, ttbUb , � Miss *I Xt �, 90 to dry. Alke #Mt of h, . _ _ ___ _ - — - 7 -q- '.11=111— — _ L ' i� ; i ;M__��,�,A;, latiali5'.f !A ldred Xonq& orrigAgd-wIll,xilalte-1-helit "I — �ais .. I �. . - , Mr. at 14t I -,- I Oak! .4 � - � tokw"r. Z"400h of . "I __�,�-­� 4_11 I -11. I ... � ­ o*, Pt SCS- ,kd,, !�P- Ad, F40 - I 7er— -lij 10 I � 44 - I L 01 ku-mill-11m - _Fiufr�i_ IA nt miliattw" . I ,, � i% WPX_W_._40A,_ _eldfisk ,a mu*f W, , -_ .. "I., , ;701* lia"TWAtald ;33,11 L littlos purpo" A, �� be 14 -�k ,.", ..._ ­­­ L. � � a II ,, I K, 11 : �. � , - 11 .0, fiPA 141me , , . 1�1 " "ang" 0 t m_ h lt!&, 'ii 111die. ! ,a , O;klg,d Oc�, skig, to ur� .-.& tic, WOW bquq . foi� t 1 *W A"". YOU We 419.*% 44106 A,Orl mchali"Worail", , -*Q;u 0.9; q .4 IN -44 L 111b *1. , 'I -01 Ito � 0 P , " of Chatham. L 88 ya",? T01q OF . *1 44, po. .. I - . ��gt� is vriTe,go IF 0 1 . 'i I �, , , ".. �t _ , , . �� I at% a toodista * . . ]�#�- co� . Z I " 4, 1 4, " I down. a,,:, ad I !fa, . . , . �111 ��' " --.,.. . a d b6llqdlbt a se , 44 . , 1�1- . , ,,�Z r �... L , Dobert'. V t� IA " . I . , - 1. 4 '' �. � 90"I Ir sod liluvoy, Whitfield. I , ,, as ==="i!6= . I'll, et'tL !!! I 11, I fr",_,__ ­ , "", -4. .. � L .11 I '­-­ - of the a Or. Mrs.' Vrsik _cb, dep�!* .... . I , #t,k tl��,',.� Id L 990�mq . 1�1.;, . i . i . i . �L 1�­: ...... � 11 0 i . -0 - - . . I - . I I � . I.. - _414 da h __ .11'.. . ._1I____._.. i ...... - ____ . ­_ NVIw- - - - L I I�L I Ort + � ffs!gl�,,_ second Odeat wegth�i about to 6mmence. � #-4—t Imasm Angered 114jamen --- - (. I .. ., ,.e .. I I r, a"On - _ - �_i � .1 �, , . �:­ - I Arm- I'll- h -1 ou'"a, L 2 -I- IOU , 4 r I 116 ... _.... __ - L I .,. N11- . . ­' .. ­r"ja-1 -------- . are 4tic" ]gut. L 11 3: " vl� MWK4 14% , � 1, _iliti7 .1 I , I I -1 No 9a path C tty. d '', 0 I .1 hair o'Lr*p. 160J$DON, Nov. 11. — The Daily �!.. I I fte was Au;ailtg h , e 9 I Nows parliamentary correpoudent : �� LL'r,:�: ,, wornoills, ­ ""�­_; Capt. U. B. Martin, M. D..' Mg &!,Fair ever ,v" go c,m" toir 14.14O.'49mble-oldiod. � , 11 I � " od by b t. the !�kjnit, clig.tin 1 4 - , ,� 1:1 ­ !"PE 'Am"; x _ ev. 4.. 'g # , L ." � -"I t III, 4M of , I, 11 ftf4le 'of 11�04 4411 Write$ ,that one fact bits become I , .1 j "I � ID", '09h Ill with Influp ut 'O " _y , , a , I � diseases jt ette. ronto ,qnAn*e'r-&'9'u1V.dW W. M. snd� MrA. Martin, London, ts dig, a fat"Aliflift6r"r US them I*t* known to the authoriti" here as to Henry Bun e r nosp had the honor of being :11e the lam ;VodL _JjJtbQUt t4thiii 1foi O' ' "' Iwittt, NO 1'. 11 ';4�",' ,partial 0 arnoils, eye 9 U 7 It 1: �'�� �1� , I ior"rs', L 17, . , Was ". in . 0 1 Tka 3444kil" 00"."4411 ,, L . '. I . % " ea,se, sh bqFA in "�L�',; .1 , , 00, � 11"Itli. A00folft 1ranto . " about 82 years Q6. sod h# 4tis. Which , re tlxo origin of'the Kiel revolt. ., I ,!P ,� I I L -0 'a .14" 1 Qa tk* L�".t "I00 4 ; I I 10,��'L �"! well-known Mayo clinio octuester, Alto sIV It 0. , A0A . J^rk."e ), _�. I � the kalre.4 Consul 9.1111..;Vq� '01110;Afid MI . ," Up Toy" Ir to lul � nry I urr � r, ,._�o_ , , , 'L�'�, ­,, '.I r . 4 A quiet we& - ; egOtAlug 0 our information." L a I 1 , . � � r, iV��4 , rosI49 rom.1ii on. Ung took place at the Man skills, too..'hairw c be maoevin- ` , vil I Ontario. sp - lie, writ4a. "it was the return or the cc AAW , '. "it, Uipic if Tempel ... Ir I P t4"roa Silver I 1450, , , nep� volsop N0411 , ITI, Ito .hea 04to A% - " ` to PK=Amoat, F , , - , , ;", L � Wr Of hesdar,: g(tortio" of qat Woolf. when U-boags, bringing with them the CW1011k lki%il "04,11YOW0 M*nK*e Silver I - - , " , ' . � 1, , :� 'offlea (,: I Ours 9 '10 12" a'. M;;, L 1, to"t"p" In ���� !!!"'-_.,-,,,. . LuIP MAy. second eldest 4 19, Clinton, Well U I . . Aug .reet PArooltaf f ;0 L ' . :r .9arefully c t into , " � days V , it , I 6 ' = uts %blob I& . . � " �: LLL ) T urod YAL ald ,, saiuMays: Mr. and Mrs. John G. proltit, ot's, it� torA ciat of snowshoes. terrible 'news of submarine looseit, �� �,-) 11'. liliss�t;t* I eningir r?. W*teim d,%4gt4,t9r of . It " . 10 4ppolIX1,04, 1 fQrd..!Orm_qr1"o _qeatop A � I . , , 44 M6_111 t4.1 rea .- - , . - " �� 4 :!,".'� , - .__p. vitsse& E. Watte , of t.thokerstnith ing I PM V.e7 hair coats tg-, be hitherto craftily concealed from the L, r,,q X __VW4;I6t R04 seal Recordis 11 L - .1 ­ ­ . uuft* e L . ,11 , 1". 1. I - �WW t ' '�� Nov.rubet, 2-d in TorcRo-1 rr,9P_km.tt- -in kdejqr each In m§er f th ly- fleet and the - German -people, - which - .1 _Qt!-. n,k gq Gairrhou 64790 - .1 . ..� ", , _____ S , — ge. =12 _40114n -t'j�'.�, A 4 " � t !-! ? I !, _ *Mj_ _ AqW1 -,;;:I-" - - - -i - � - , ;" -A!"':, ____ __ niciltht. . , mar,44 -toxt,,49bh-Ao,�o I , I . I I . i . QI -1 r — AIRLIP4 GARROW. Barrister, Solicitor ., st64", ITI[cer t XX�ti�'_stroot And. Squarw Gollerfeb� 9 , " . co&I'ZiGiR - *� rrister Solicitor Noiary public � donveyanaor� , slid ,. qe,: Court.,House, fi�derlcb., . , OILA 'I _ . t, Thgoo 88. Scillt Notar oubile Etc. oMce-,y,5r1,-1,,1--t1-crAt., dtorlying Bank Block I � Goderich R�91',I��Iate, Loans, Insurance :400v&Mhckp� - a AND XUTAAY , -GZQRO9�!E, 6111313i;g�LADE, Bafft - Od, Con. . ,Wanelng and Notary Public I L � .1 PROMQ0T, KILLORAN &' I !bOOKE, BartiA;ers, Sollcltol%. Notaries Pub. lic, Etc_' , I L 011flco--60. the Sqliare� 2nd door from � Hamill on' street, Goderle". Private 1unds 10, IRLKU lowest rates, W.11 PROUPPOOT t _K� - . J.!)L. KILLORAN, it. 1: D. 60KE. I I - . I �, AUCATIONEERING - - iwio�klki� : ,:� 11-1. . T uNDAY-_ � � �: ,I- � I Liva,Stock and Genoraf Auctioneer, Hamilton street_69, rich. 8 ' ales made MrYwberii " IvId all efforts maNle to,jive you satisfaction. FAiTeft sale notes diScounted. I ' . . I � �,VETERINARV --------- . __ ,-.- - ' f - ___ WL. . CL I V. a.,- graduate or W tho..Ofitario Veterinar 'College Tor- , 1_kvspectrully�0411_1_0_ -attention or 't JIM'.; owners to My approved method of �o orating, q horses', WIIL A' fresh bup- ly 'Medicine ,� er IT ( always on Of egertuary- '-( .anl;k..A8tRh1os,,NaWgate street, .e GodIIIAS; , I . - I 1;"11"!��:,,`, ?"''"', _�____ � -INSVItANC-E - 11 CKILLO,P _At6T6k1F_fiiki_INSUFlANCE Co ­� Wartil Wd Isolated Town Property Insured. , Value or pro rty Insurdil up to Janua.ry, I = I "OfAMIA's"I'lTin. Con011y, President, ,GoderIch ; Jas. Evans, Vice -President, , ADOechwood; T. E. Hays, See. -Tress., Sea - 'IArt ECTORS-D. 17.'.14caregor, Seaforth ; .J. 0. -Grieve, Winthrop; Wm. Wrin, Con- stance -. George McCartney, Tuckersmith ; JoUu Perris, Harlock; John boutiewise, Broadh n � Malcolm NcEwan, Brucefleld. AGEMUZJ. W. Yeo, obilerkeh , Sandy 1.91 h, Clinton; Win. cnesney, Searorth; linchley, ,,E. Seaforth. Policy Holders can pay their assessments at R.IH. Catt's Store Godorich, A. J. Mor. 414 6, It.14 .,_CAthI.v Stor (ninton, or J. H. f Ba"eld. .­________­ ---.-- - __= . POR GOOD RELIABLE , t . Shoe- -Re- ainng I ( TP? I SMITH & RING c 'Oil FAXI SIMI Opposite;Knol China 3 GIVE US A TRIAL . L i � � I . - A 8 1111111 f --- a . - .- , r0o _�­B­­-C.­ rod). -P I � . . t , GODERICH . . t .. I e eading I .. q '. ­ , e 't r4l,D1,rG1,11r8. 11 . , "OM a, . � ,., . ., of � I L,V , � I � � . OtderS carefull� attended to a 0 HN hours -i -night or, day. I -a .1. � I . - b , -i"'', � ,---I 11 IL i - I I-, I I ;---- fl in el ,d: 1'i a TH . A C M ST, R . of air. N. . gortou, oftearorth. - Aev. . ge L - 8"rred tati sailors to revolt. Phalk. La a raviolia--limponsto 1.%IurrA ow I - � Sarl Mulholland son of Mir. Edward J. A. AgltawpQrfOrul9dl#e­.Qpr ii �-'.�,, �, , emolly. "011k I"070 to Put VP wil 11 q &A tOM U-b,00,tA, Which did no.t. return . '; 1�11 0 �1, Mulholland, bEw led In Dakota from well ad hard 'work,4 b D the because they were at the bottom of Hem themait 4PY "His Masteis Voice' dealer I . Col. Combe, who went overseas as half-breeds' ku9N I 5�,� l3paui�h luduepza, at the I y . eq� I , �gegQ ye ra i O. 0. of 161st battalion and who I I I I � 1Pgh to treat othe sea have been reckoned an a �4 . The family resided In Wingbagi sev:ra them tairli, *04 Xing. except 1p his Vi&rotgo, fre,ft $34, i" � \ Jured by c9poup%on 0 wall T I .q,,eri easy payments ifdosired. � years ago � . , y t4V b"'rat,19 r fleet In being, and the cynicism and � . . a sheil Some monifiii all f#` expected m0u1PP;4 99 passion. when he did not deceit of the High Command was its I I writwAW(r6o, cop Our 620 -page Musical E cyclo- , � , n Mrs. H. D. Hennessy, of Lethbridge, home sti _ Ilt P at any cruelty, ,treated his wo. own nemesis = ..His Nkifter's Voice" Recosda. i joritjy- 116,130,4504, u0dergii an o " - With tile war iost� it podia lWag over a former resident of Clinton before she OPOMU60'gome time agg abq has slue men,kind very'well, I was a torch to a powder barrel. . o i. �1. was married. when she w6ka known As 4een t*h6ap1taIJ]a­VtaAc� aud-Mi)014II3 The evenings were generally 9pent , "The last adventure it may be, 6f , 'I , - Miss Helen Calitell, died recently quilis, and is j6w gt�cha,igp&gs pfiVFAOgq1y Uu_ to long illsqUeeloms civer our pipes, for the Germa� high sea; fleet in Bet - suddenly. . fit for aiffV6 ai6rilce. " ' tobacco was aflil holdtug out, and the ting out to sea Is considered at the &rfilft& Gram -o -phone Co. " �__ N. i ,V 'I� - Miss Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. On Wednesday, Oct. 30th, old Ihati irks7keeh to hear about the moment of writing to be susceptible HONTUAI� I LIMITED I', Landes- J 1001-250 �i". i John Stemou, of Zurich, was married boro' IQS� I oldest And mo.it highl re. doings of tile white mat, In the Grand Of more explanations than one. it I 10 Pays, all the balf-breeds Indefinitely this were done at the Instance of the OW'. J,Tnoir Street kw�l at Kitchener Oct. 23rd. to Mr. Herbert spected-cht-en-1hrough the deat'K of . .-. IV, .,. term the Whole of the outside World. German Government - for the offl- . I �_Ih , Witmer, formerly of tile Babylon Line, %Tohu Ilrqnad - I . F i�, , � I , 6n, Who had been a real The ignorance ipti 14 -, :, Ray township. I dent, of -the 10IIIA96 for nearly sixty sting among k. ese cers must be on board It the fleet In . . � 1,� Vne of Exeter's pr6millent citizens year PeOPIq Is extra�.rdluary, consideiiIng salting - then the story of the 1.1� . I _ 1. ,l't. .BruWAoft was both oul%Kay G,His Master'$' Voice" Goderich Dealers .. �. =d away on Monday morning last I ith, 188 , in Yorkshire, Eug,, And came how mlidh time theY spend at -the U-boats lollowing to attack It i�j . in the person of Mr. Alfred Walter, to Cana4m with his parenig and their forter.' and how manY offleers of the would imply that the U-boata were JAS, F. 1HOUPSON , J. H. LAUDER � who for family, when eight yeara of age. ,Hlpdson Bay Cc, they have a chattee Manned by mutineers." : 1 " a number of iyears conducted a to , talk . , �� shoe repair shop. , ireno'Carter, wife of tte�. j, Gorbutt, . to, liesideB the missionaries of Solt Appeals to Wilson lor Aid. ; � - Rose Ann Malloy, a highly respected and daughter of Mr -and Mrs. I. Carter# both faiths, - . ,� L�, I I . . �A � resident of Turnberrv, rellot of the who died on Wednesday of last week at Ti' In a different matter with the LONDON, Nov. 12 -Dr. Self, the Don"t ]Forget .9 , - I the, age of 19 years. 109;Z, as tiley seldom come to the German Foreign Secretary, hati ad- intere are no ot4qiief 'You cannot pumha" Vietrolas 11 _ late John UcGlvnn, passed'away Nov Roselle, Pearl Car. fort, and cannot hold much conversa- di -cased a message to Seereta.ry of or "His maii*A VIRCO , owde at any but �, " She to survive � rick, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1: dealers, 2nd, in her 66th year. tion with the whites, without an Inter- 21 11 Jf". Robert Qarkiclg, a State Lansing, req1tesking that Presi- I --- - 'L" by four sous aud'two daugh;tersi- ,pq 16 years, who died dent Wilson intervenO to mitigate . - Oct. 25t4, and I reter. It was difficult, for Instance, iffie L, A th', eldest P ., ., 1. ReityMMbolir.-There are no otheral i Finlav McIntosh, a native of,'McKill daughter' -of Mrs. Wm. H. �Jrsfuade king" the fearful conditions" existing in �111 lath. %vho to "that the Hudson, . � L A ."i ole', died Oct Bay Co. 406 bobtlife'the whole world. - I who after giving up farming took tb - 23rdiat the agib of, 20 years, . Germany. . �e, ", Massey -Harris agency in Sea'forth. and were among the Clinton victims of In. or that thiie are Countries that have Dt% Solt says, accordlng to a Ger- . I , i� . I '00 I'll 10 �' g ater travelled for the Wettiauffer Co., fLuenzah. , I no fur -bearing animals, which fn�ihe man wireless despatch received here - . I �­ 11 . ��,' n.E. � . . . . . . . I . _. . A . . I , __ north furnish the only means of yesterday. that he feelij It his duty """"'" . . . � ,., , r '­­,. r.!, T, - I � �1: " . I making a living for the poor man. He to draw President Wilson's attention There are tau 4)er cenL more ie Enailihn wheat crop for 10114 wintered in good condTtion on oat to the fact that tile enforcement of 4 hal; proved disappointing, despite the �, � , � ;in: was much Interested In stories of the at a given temperature It the Ill" increased efforts to put it larger acreage ;, . nil straw and a light grain ration. � the conditions of the armistice, espe- hum i TO SAVE SEED .' Q - Af Queen although he could nevor.-be- Idity is Wow -40 per cent. "n if, it ItIle � I � - . . -hay .were available for a'light fe4it clally the surrender of transport. to above 70 per cenfl. �, Jr crop. This effort must be renew I . 4 i� I-, 711eve that heir Majesty held such a means the Aarvation of millio a Id for II49. Victory Is In the air. CAn- '­�l ,, . — - once a day the other two feeds could high rank as the governor of the qqm- I 3 Adive the air a drink out of"& pan Inv ads must nbt relax In. her task of furn �; 4 '--traw May be Used M�Ch More be. composed of straw, and less gralu and requests that the Pres den " v. would be required than where the pany, and quite refused to acknowl- '8 stead of off your 'skla. Evaporation ,.,�11 . influence be directed to overcoming - fatting supplies. It Is Important that f� � I'll . Freely for Ift'Roft - - - - 1-'--.-. .� 9��_'T tj , , , ." -, ­ I - � : . edge her as his sovereign. "No," he from the skin renders one susceptible , C& � , qptq ,4-- --- % 91 WAR 0. I this danger. tho greatest possible wheat screage be I . I , I . (1;�- . I t e t r�6ti " b ' - � q . rpur - h 121, q*10, "%he wxy be your Queen, an she The Preoldent, he Points ',Plowed this fall. The United Statei- V; Oat ftra*'�bllag . out, has to colds, catarrh and other diseases s?f � 'f;, Vegetable and Boat Crops Chro ley straw coming second and wheat gives you every,tbing you want. good declared that he did not wish to the respiratory organit. 1�erop this year was, fortunately a big , I WX and rye straw last. A few roots may rifles and Plenty of ammunition. and make war on the German people As much, if not more. attention � success. Next year it will be Canadwt, Whis Stunmer Must Be CAVOtally be used to good ad -vantage with the you say that you oat dour at every and did not wish to impede their should be paid to the humidity Mailing :turn, The Allies depend upon us. .. Stored tb Prevent 1,oss -Proper straw, and under no circumstances. , ea o . If she peaceful development. as to thermometer reading. A hy. , . - - ) Temperature Checks jDeMy_Sand in it good policy to winter horses on" 2 re my Queen, surely she would -.-- grometer. as well as a thermometer, . .., , . %. I" � W ,� __ -_ Will. Ensure- F4rm . straw without supplementing R with send me sometimes half a sack of Allies Enter Saragevo, should be In the home. F _� �_ - � " Vegetables at least one or two light feeds of oaLs flour, a little tea, or perhaps a little SALONIKI, Nov. 11, - Allied Thedepa.rtmeut urges every house, ? (Contributed by Ontario DOPArtVaOnt or per day. -Prof. Wade Toole, Ontario sugar, and then I should say she was J Agriculture. Toronto.) Agricultural College, Guelph. Indeed my Queen. As it is I would troops entered Sarajevo Ili Bosnia, holder to follow these simple, rules I BROWN OPTICAL �, � .. HE year 1917 provided, both rather believe Mr. Reid of Fort. Pro- according to an official statement is- humidifying air in the homes .. - ( � � ) ,,, f , "N r .4, Y t . . �[ , �. I . I I 11 . stied by the French Headquarters Wheuthohousels heated by stav -� I , naIn the United States and in Hints on Hat -resting Root Crops. Vince, who told me once that the� here. It was at Sarajevo (hat Arch- have a pan of waterNor a boiling . I ken tip 'Y F 'XAMINED ' un- Root crops sitould be ta e n stood duke tria I . � I I Ontario. conditions very arth went round and the an Franz Ferdinand of Aus always on top. � I L ,,S 11, T before the weather becomes too Wnt still; but I myself have seen the sun I �� favorable for the production was assassinated Just prior to the If by warm Mr. see that the water , ,! .; , i: � 4 F ., I I and disagreeable in the fall if in any rise In the morning and set at night , I of good seed corn. Excess of mols- quantity. outbreak of the great war, retainer in the botmair jacket of tbit � It is slow work at any time or many years. It is wrong of you -_ — - - -_ furnace is alwa3s well -Altod. Place- i : I - ui�e in the crop was followed by and becomes much more so under '9�hlte men, who know how, to read open.paus of water near the registers. i UA1,11"Y GLASSL�S reezing and these conditions re,,It. cold damp conditions. Lift the roots slid write, to tell lies to poor men BURN WATER. i I ed in one of the worst seed corn with a digging forl; and twist off the who live by the muzzle of their guns." I In cases where steam or hot water "''" ,,�, .%,I� Iii 11) I I systems are employed. provide humid- tops,'putttng them In piles and cover- He criticized severely the habit of MOIST IAIR HOLDS HEAT LONGER =TAN Ifiers, or oans of water, for every rAdl. I . rears in a generation. As a res6lt of ing with the tops. it a large area eating three regular meals a day. DRY AND SAVES COAL.: ator. I tj� A, r N1 ()D h 1� 11 " I � , v� 1, I his, m,uch of the, seed corn sown in is to be lifted and one Is expert wt It which he descritwil as eating by the -_ - The average room may a, � i 4. 3ntario, in 1918 Was. to say the least, a sharp hoe fie can very quickly rte- clock Instead of by the stomach, it Temperature recommended by quart of water per day. Cha, require I% � I 1� 221 DUNIMS ST. Phone 1877 i ,� f varieties that were late In matur- move the tops, but they will not keep much more greedy habit the age wate� � r 11 ng. A very high percentage of t than Of Ontario Fuel Administratiou for w freqtkeotly. , : I his quite as well. The roots should he gorging when meat Is plentiful and ork- _-"O�_ III 1, orn which will be used for seed next p1bughed out, throwing them as much' starving at other times. Ing and livingroolng, 64 F. ., - I , . � r �1,1 I i k . . - . the top. Bins with occasions during our travels together the. degree of best, at whith science I 0", ear, now contains a large amount of 1,8 possible on On several (64 is the *'Optimum" tethporature, o noist"r6. To make this corn of the slatted sidep and bottom should be I bad reason to expostulate with blIft agrees man Is at big best) I � t. � reatest value for seed purposes, It used for storage where possiblo, as on the ca,relessuess he displayed with Temperature recommended for sleep., � � I "��' hould be harvested, if possible. be- this gives the roots a chance to sweat. provisions, but without malling the Ing rooms, 50 F. or less. ;;; I ;f I, ore hea-vy trost and thoroughly dried. If the storage room temperature. Is leasl _I=presmlwu_ ,,WAaL is. a I "Ma,ke water I ­ - .. �.. - I .. I daWrity Is -one -of ther-easentlats- I tw m_ . 1. wit"it- ym Instead of 1. - ��� �,`, I . I � , I . : �7 alidif4-4046gr6ei^F'co��er them with providdnce?" he would say. "I do burning an exotssive atnoitnt of coal to . L :;111 ,,, , , reducing good seed corn, but no low sand. CarroLs'should not be deeper not like that word. When we have do it," 18 the EVIVIC0 of the Ontario Fuel % , mport X t is this thorough drying of than,t�wo feet In a bin, others may be meat why should we not oat plein Admi4tration to urging the import. I . f ", , he see , four feet. Where cellar storage Is Ventre to make up for the time when ance�Of properly moistening the air in . / I , I - . ,�11 ,, It is not even necessary for corn not available use pits. These shou I I ,� I �. 1�, -, n ?'� - e lome. I I (t :�-;; � -1 V - feet wide. two or three feet could never realize that ats. 11fry air at 7) or 72 may feel cooler I , � 0 be frozen to lose some of its vital- be three Id we are sure to starve agal th 1 2;* ary that III I, . . .:.: I:: � . ty, it will deteriorate at ordin high and of any length. Run the pits ralght be par �l I I Ati, . :.. Ainp6ratures if not well dried. When tially avoided by moist air at 60 degrees, the Admin- - I I north and south where possible, and care. Intration declares. moist Ait holds, the ::.. 11 reezing occurs, greater loss in vital- have them on well drained ground. Starvation will always be one of heat longer and Haves coal. - I ., .1m ; �::,.,: I �� �: .1�� ' Corn which Is bar- Put a layer of straw on the grounJ the reatures of a Northern Indian's - — --,.--- if � � !�;`: ** i, ty Is experienced, I epted with,an exqess of mbiatuoa� and cover first with Wraw six - - - :: ... ),�, hould be dried tiff MPf4Iy as V061- deep, then six tn�lhvs earth, Ill ('11 " life. owlng� to his own impro,vidence. I f - 40 . .- - - i, and as , ;,ik. ;: . . �. this as this removes the danger of frost gets harder cov�-r with fre.lh his triptinct is to camp close on the . .09 . :: 1. : � I njury from .moulding, fermenting slpawy manure. flave ve tracks of the caribou and move as ,I '. ,-,* 40 1 4 litilatio,iq th­ move; a Permanent house and - , hd freezing. In the process of dry- every 15 or 20 feet 4as all roOLS Sm 1111 ­* : : ..:::: �1� , a w . , 0 1 ; � abomination to him. ,Z, .40 e 0 :,, �,`! I ig, a free circulation of air should in storage. These may be filled witli inter's supply of meat are an V OD . . : e provided and. If necessary, arti- M straw during cold per odii. -)L 0 - i :: :: ". cial beat used. Seed corn call be All roots should be as fre __ ___ lv-,� 11 0, ;! : : . I oat reit(tily dried when stored in the -e from I 0 . ( ;;:;i::; ,� r. dirt as possible when i).uf, in storug�. Daylight Having. i . , . � � 1% -41: , .. 11 a 0 . !.. 4V It' is' otton 0`d-viA�bl� to leave a few It Is probable that a continental (I !1�-Iii!.- � 1� * I * ,!;..,:.:";S if, . . '11 Where the corn is well matured days In aniall piles so that at the ser- daylight-saving scheme will be effect- .;:_:!:,: ... .... 11 nd is,grown in large quantities, the '. :., �� 6 ond lifting any adhering will be to- ed for the coming summer by joint ; .;.:, "I - 14 Unrl onnan P Q A &Mt.h --f1h. flftnnAl A A ___ M Oft � :. .;....� oru'prib, provides one Of the most I mnvatl .-A . .n) - - Alft E I I a a '.. . . . . -1 - I ,, I 1. � . .r I - - I -_ ­ ..., - _. " Me %_y ,� , T I I i I Oniar-io V--L-ge-t-abl-e---Sp-e-ci-a--Ii-g,-t, _­­ 6�;4ernmenfs. It Is understood t-ha"t U) . , . � �Sl, SELUOractorY drying mediums, as it :! ", � Piles the best of air circulation i urn 1 -,!��,,�-,.--­ . . , MALL -but a Surle nny way , You ­! I - 1'. . :... �" 1, � ; k T6 Star stail Toronto Axi-ILGIOW ......... .. $5 25 'up I � V .. - ----I*- I negotiations are now in progress be- .1 . . �, - . -0 a jr1fig - . , � 4.41i, vid K . I I ::::..:. " along with 'Protection againq.,pto S remeay for kidney . T � I .."10111 � a y silaad.EppiO ......... 525 allid'Vermin. END STOMACH TROUBLE, tween them looking to ill- Joint In- 0 - :7:;.:. �. 1. � , � "U " " " A"It 'I larity lisraw .it - . auguration next May or June of day- a disorders and a resdir relief : :,::.., �11 - .. * .. .1 :... I . I r L'. 1�!,'T 0 A Test in whish a numbe I from rheumatism. lumb ' : . '. _ . � :;:! " IV W"ll &a r of noun DA -saving through 490, You Will find WRIGLEY"S. .!s I 1.1, �,:,' 1. " '9. .. Wu re veh at an angle pf forty-five . sciatica, iito. ,; ; �,,� ,,,:�. " , ?;;;.i.j: ......... 2 40 ri turning all clocks In Canada and the 0 . � Z C tT ......... 2 65 a light the process of 0 , , W " 1. degrees, and the ears stuck on tile -: - , � 1, : � f, to 4aily Stav ........ ..... 4 30 protruifing ends, provIdqs a good me- 'Pape's Diapapsin" makes sick, itour, United States forward one hour. (3 Sold lo, 110.* a boz ot .11 I ... . % "'O " " " Totots, Everybody thinks ot WINGLE'v9s :� . :�,,`,� _ -D4,d Daylight-saving schemes have been Medicine Desist .... . . .,-" � r Wold ........... 525 dium for drying seed corki ears. These gamy stomach* surely feel fine ..1. , :1 :� " " " Terode Daily Wiiws ......... _ ' :-, , � 11 a " 9. � 4"p I posts with . platform at the b.se may In five minutes. tried locally in a number of Can%- Iflis National Drug a Cheat. ' 4 IJ �.- : '1�' , 11 ... : . ian cities during the past two years. when chewing g 4 '"', a a twomwiTkaco ......... 00 be readily removed to places where - Cal Co. Of Caaads. LizIlted. uM 13 Mentioned. 1� 4 tt , 11 , 0*16stlemst ....... . I 15 1. �:� artificial heat can be used ff neces gut to seetire satisfactory working it a , : . �, . 0 1 0 , gi 14 - I O.- Toloste us t� y ed that a general national L Yeam of .: .. 14 . � �­' y Fr" Pren ....... Soo i,­� .0 to (I Iss sary. uring on to recogniz 1� I �. leAft Dit , XdVarther ....... 5 00 If what you just ate is so Thfis Is the reshit of I,— 1-0i!" Where relatively small amounts of your stomach or lies like a lujup of and InternationM observance of it is , 1, - I �� 11 a 84 94 11, � - I .! I , .1.1� I WWWiA1yWifsw ...... 2 90 seed corn are used. selected ears may lead, or you belch -gat, and eru necessary. Q� Q 0 (D (;Z) Q (� ''I'll I �1 Ai is it W Wlk 16"wal ......... 4 2 be hung up to dry in the attic, kiteb- sour, uNdigesUll food, or have a elate The need for the greater use or — ____ - __ - - - ­___.__--__ - - I . .,I � ��', I " go' 44 P41- Olis a" Westmisaw. 3 39 tooling effort to give, Mbbk nd t e I - I . I a A& ,to , . -, en or furnace room. of dizziness, heartburn, fallft .7'nsuses daylight during the long days of fllbl�ml .1 of � t is � , 1:614; .............. 2 " eas -0 summer Is rendered the more impera- bendits and enjoyMe"t �� 4 . te 0 k� I Corn which has been thoroughly bad tute in mouth Anid stomselt-head. I . � I , N of (Twento) ...... 4 25 9 I � I it 99 *Iwliv . matured and thoroughly dried gives ti,e this year because of the neces- T. SWARTS I 111 L ,., AbSel ............. 2 7,S' the highest percentage and most vow hep you can get relief In five minutes sity for greater agrienitural produc- -cost 's 11 I � 11 � X­300,ftrfTorlels) ........ . 9 25 _.. varalf"ati- I . Shall I've contiriiie fth'I'TONS ton$ tIon. 0 low weetmeat, . . . . . � 04 .11 the saving of fuel used for light- 'Bus, Livervand I r I .7 � �� '. � I , tions? Ing plants, etc. Canada will adopt - 41 1 . .. � 1� I 'it � , . In the midst of the rejoteing at I the scheme If the United Statee d.e- � 0 ��� I'll IN I cessation of hostilities and the e cides to go In for it also. 1� I rrr . " — - --- - --- Hack Stables WRIGLEY'S he' � t I �:: : peeted eanclusion of a lasting pew IP8 QlPftfite and ' �. I �:�, . I 1�1 _,-� I . � Alll� R y P�ICKFO R O' . � . . I P �,. It . 0 I I 1. -4. * we ara. ript In think that we can It Uncle Pennywise Says. Montreal stp"t digestion—a' � ., . I - relax somewhat in our efforts to 9 Caesar and Alexander conquered just off the Square 110S thlftt—ren" 1 : . 4 ot I I IN I and to give for the support of the s large chunks of the world. Even 't I I , I , ,W) � � I I .1 ��� �.,p 16 1 9 0 dierg and sailors and to I*ovlde for larger sections did not know of their �0 4V,&9qh. vigour. 1 I i .11,11, I , . 11 f � 4S# , existence. Conquering the world in i 'Basses M et all Trainii and � i� I I I I I I '14� . . ,09,11 TTLE PRINCESS I like solving the problem of perpetu&I Paslelenser Boat@ Moe IN efflMoh �, I I . A0 I T . . , "I , I I four 'daughters and two sons. W mOU00., It -can't be did.-Exchanse. ., �01 I . I , .1. . , r . . 11 11 I . � � I I A n1fri,ii, of Toroiiiio; Ruth, of 0akvI -_ .. . 1, Passetifers called for in any , 1� � .", rr. ? I r �4 � r . -Ay, FI!,Ms Heap" vair"ft ___ . - 0, p"t 0 the town for all 0 , , -Aftw 1, . J, 1� I �.y _, Blanche, recently retutned from — I—, -- -- - -, -- - . .. I ­.- � - ' , '40 . I ,,,r � " post -graduate course In huraing tralus at U. T. P. or C. P. R. 0 , Sealed tight e"ry � r � �. , , `44 0 11 I I , , Jul'"Te"" px"n New York; and He0e, Ed. and 2 1) pots. KM rMyt I The med- '41 � ' ' , , , 1, . �' . . . . . . r� ' ,., �1, 4 1 . ., - 11 ,� , A 4 I I , . , — I f "' ­'rr I . I I W at honae. The pall -bearers were J . Prompt 3ervice and A .r...Jgaska I . � � � A I r I .r...Ja III �� 97 . b ' ' .: �, (.� ''. , i, ,W& . and JAn Patflon. brothers of the W__1a I r�� .: I 1� . r, , r , � I Th * Nov. 20 and 21 cellyw5d, Percy Stewart, brother-lityr* 4% Careful Attendance. . ur I ; W6&".y W aw I . � . r � ,� �, I I I , � , -- , IV * , r , I 4 and Alm, Clutton, Hebry Horton I � , r, � � " ,, , �, ,�ft iliek �, . 1,1111.014111I. VI- A . I , ­'ve., �, .., 1111, i9liq t " 1,diih Hunter, ne ltympalblos "Oil, ., * I �_, .1 h , � A#io ,, r I � I P I - a go - Hack Service ­_ ­ 0i I I Last$ I A160 Our Lly and � ill gy J 11 11, ? r � I I I I .,V Icummuliul, hl%'�0000d#d ,�- Mlu Al 7 _"l- - - - W tooled . " � -1 ��, � , . , .1 I ? "-4 . f � . I � te 111=1 11)"Alt, 1h, �ft 1111111111111114 , �, Up-to-date . � %,- ALL,�a I : � I r, WOW -940 0"t I tIr0h*._._".010-1# * t 1. 0,."- - . al- —bil .k.�&­­' lis evilry respect. � it I I I . I ., I � PI . . 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