HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-08, Page 9— F'�- 1WPW0—%r.,-,P-4r7 . ,.. 'T Tl',�� - 71.1m t,Tjr��, I EFTMMM17 17 , '. I .�­ � .... I I .. � . . 11 - i'" " � W,'1111 ... III I - I .�. - - 11 .. I . I ­� 1 . , v I %­ �,,: .,IF 1. . I I � * NJ" - - I "I'; - - -W I 1, , 7 � 5WIPPM � 1TTV17.. i 01", I1,'r%'TX 141vr- ''-I ... t.114. . . .1 - . lq�w '0'; W � - � -1;w. - :�, ,�­ V - t � -;W-� -hi 9,1���- "A!=!:1:!::,,!,== ­ - ­ - - - -- -A-1 - 6 , 0* - - I � 1114111111111 I I I Ly M � - I 1. � I � - - - r, -1 .1 1. "o-ol", 11. * -# -, L" - - -1 � 0, 400*041molill"i ---3W"331=- - -;;;;��--- I. ­: . .. I 0 � I tp � I . - T—, ­ r 7-�' - I ---- � � . . . . . � .. ­,, -111-- opz'11111111:1*1110 TIEM GODISRUOH K AR , I . ­ , �, -.1'... -1-1111-.11---- Mi 0 0 , M 1140- I , - �111:111111111 Ili! I J( 11 , ., " - I ­­ - � r - If I - -T 1 1 r I r � I -1 I ''I I �: , r, _ I - 0 f 0. —1 -11-1-- " A:� 14 . r -7==7 ! � i ii i -- IJWVM111�1'1111 1:0111�,1:111 Ism! 00 I -W I ­ ­­­ .1 -1 I I . - � ­ ­­­­ . m 12".".1=0 ­ - , I 0 . . 11111 I --------- ­ -­ � I I -... I , � " � WAP I I I � . I -.1-1 r FROMPORNINS ­ — —,- 9. on I . . � 9 I 1. I I . . . "U 'Famm 'of �.­ - �� 11 11 rr - . -` - � . r - � I I � I 0 1 � ­ � OP 11 � I . I'M , A026 Ak NY , �" I �1 I LIM GIRL ; ': ­ ", I I I I � 1-01� - r , I T I I - M, UWI � I'', . I., . 11 I 11) - , I : &ve M" At st4t� 1. '-1 11111"111, I " : �111. I CQUO, -L, L ­ I .1 . � �"-. I I 1" 11�w . ' ' . � . . . . I 1.11. I '10o �,� , I :: " r, i : 1. � -1";.--1-, .11 I 0 0 ' � , I I , , 10 Ae View 11M . I �,, , , , I � I I I I , ': FENO 1��i �, ,O '' � , �� ��, 6 'y 0,0"'f "sigj , F ') - .. TO `6 11� SKY I ML=t1erIt4VJ%I%`tUt LdU,100 !q I l�f � ''I ARLY $09 . � .. ('11$%0;;t r 0, � 11 , 00 I - . . 10 , .* ., wr . . I 0 1 . I I I I .. I : If �v !1 " 't ,- I . .1 I . I I - 9 u, :w 0,21F q,c�o�, Z1, it�),Ux- h (�, �­ - ­ ". � . . W4 � I I - �t � r141 V ,It " , 0 � . I I I 1. I . , I lmoilloy P10mu" N"Oow �11 I —, . . I . . . 'Ir � , . . I '.. . luu , , , =e. 'l;'O L�;i W4 I . I � . . 1.11 I I I �. I � , V 'co-you"kt.y. * vido! 'sood , a VIA Q., "40 r fartiq a,%3 %Xlr'l "' . . I "I" "7 lill"O&VI: rebl�,wtiv 41;i4i I . I I . r . . . , 'us 1104, �' "' �' r-b*fto e* 1. , 1, 4b .. I w I �" I I I """" , go. Of Nrm " YOU a ' . . � , , , " AYXIJ 1 75 ' t r I M 1* 34n 14�,� awl *-O*A., A . - . . QW0,thi I , r r � - I , � ..no . � � � . �11. *V.06 W ta, I , I I 11 MJIM141a Ir 9, Y . I togy, 'bt tho. ,� oixtiattiott Qt ftttr.7re 9 .� im "X I , . -1.111111 i , I , UK Out #K 04 awful. oou$b. . I 11 � , � . , . . 1. . treatments, I I - I , , - "Tht 101ionkir - fro�toj��Mhq wQWd I I. `�.,��, ,. , " 'Wolidtd.." �' . es all "y - � V , ­ fairly, � , �, Xtor.Riort�r.tCe.N_orV.artMc��Vir,oll. The 0414141" f4roor Stand* to .444 - I P , r. , . � . I 11 . th#kth� &0 U13 . d 41 Ab.4*1,siia *#A#-fl.*,4XVWOuKj;qtQ�b6 �o ­ ­ ­ 'I %�� I ontAXIO, V41:0. " T -114t, Aiao yc,4rx I "I r * ., _ .bg , _ , 't VVst"-.:Z..W little R n - , I I - � ft9allieu to aliwini, - , I . , , I r A Or loss Intleb, !Prouxtt th* ##V- 1 f. r, ,"do;. , ,� I . � . � . 0114TS is, the � � X�mt ,W9041M*,X)f�,W0Q4V �, � . -with an abWests on " 0 1 . , -A seJ .k"W of quit ' ' - .1 I - �, sultored my f* , - . "A � I � vv� mr- � ob is ske tho lic-ginaijig - � � MY11 L' . ­ I which ,,�s bet'l painm 4,14 4114 '4044 or� fallu of thok wag ha 44ot to, get; ., -4 L ­ I - ­ M I*% . 1 ,* kw orsox* -=d I 1,.�OnJYL , .. , . . � I "I W at ow It, . . t .1 - N , used it "With Ow. , I " '. . 1. � ' 14u;!b%oro 0 I 4, - vith A, . I - , � v. but It still ttmOutd, I ' *ftil* , 4 ..,$,*a . - ,.. *W I Ing- 1 44 th't' "it"i'�c" '"ko-d'm 11 r ,*11 I : . . I "11011111 I I *in sia , k 4id,r . : � . �.­ r ­­ I I - pes,tedb 1 lor thol ready eats of .1114, Products . I * � % I *64 otwbowo� t"At 4 * -mov so" fo-Ir I .. "I "I'll 11 , , gipo trl�ii arMa I ,to, but I � � L � ry o ntmOr tban, it" - to - I r r � ', r ' , . , worally tMon ?m � ' 10% . ,� --*11"d. - . r , I . i�*Iww­ ­--iI4- - ­ .­ ­ ­­ -- ­ I : -,--., - 11 � ­ - 11L,101r_­- I -----V--V-- -,4 , I ''­ --­11�­,-�­­­--------- . - , - too 0 � . , even t 111iry, , , atl� t J� �I ; , I ,- I r ' -) � , . � Ill""* �#Q 40W_0 10,Y- ' r- 004�j I- - . - I—. ­, � ­ , ­ _­ - ­� r � -- , ally lbe, doeWr tQla Ve -1 bad a, tra, � dP'thQ,%"ARO1f the 0.1 � I ,1� � � . . I . . I � , , "' �i, sk f .tU t1op I . I ' ' I n(k would h V I 11 , r, � E41(*QP,--F16AQ­- ,-- , -- tulpor 44 tho toue� " 7 � - . ­ -W., - . , , � r, - ' t- ' P- MI ' � L losa' thtat-All- , , .ft r ,4 -no0perrec,W, -,,- I - - - ---- ­� - . Without auv, petme4eat UMe)It­,rIA--- -ft fi -A ­ 1.10 nd ­­ 1. #0­Q"_--1.­�-_-- .N- . I � . ­ �1. ,� ,, - , - -- - I , 0 ­ . 1. -40 ' � '- I _.''__ , - -A � ­",'ru --- ---- , - -- -010 ...-# � ­ j­,Wd I , I I .1. , 4 A* , , , , wo gop*llod tPold WA,U, ' I' � -L,,, ­ _ _ to uu40rLr,6­b4 0:Per4tIou.,'whW7J I birmor has tip do, t�ho a I 'A lv�, I I 14 t I ,. $a ',d,a:Vtsr la"II0. I � 11 Ir . I - ' d!4-. but irstead of improviiii, the 4 (A. cAttlo. Ulm . . , �r., " I , � � r - '7; ' W-' 4 . 'th� 6 i ` Alu i *01 or V U" 11 �, . r q r 4f I hlef ,elo lem ig. tht Vic .ry ,' *o C . , a O*i I ' to to . pogn.- it .IV I)ee' I il ned�r� UWv 0"* ,,' r.`ombW*4. .1 :� ,, �, . . � I , W01MA 01' -Ap'e V� �134 . III .1 , . .� , . . �, I . qrse. 1, 'was arn(I 1410, to r , ! 1*�* so V- , JP 0,10 I I r I I I � , ­ .� 01 � �1 . v- Z ra�r-prt4 J 4 "I's" * 111 . I 0; , . " I . � I.r. . i� 9X"'I" , � , I ilgh = I . tot; those , .. . I. 10. R. .''. 11 , I ­ *V in% 1911)ZOve4le2t, ZAM-11"k I . - , I r 'd - - � " � . : ' i*a . U, , - , , � I , '400, I. I % , t'Aw ;`W41i 'y � , a, I IV= 1, Vin,�,#aq.1t;O jAUt'�sre ack , �0110�Tl 91141141 '�"` 11?06%11! 14. Arltderm: , if 06: 'Govor46r4oner4l to s1l 11, � S%Or whm a , y , � I '1� . !'��, it�' ," " thett 'oh" � . I . 14 ZteNtInittisr or 41 I OW X1 , � olow 1i 40"atod uy. I I - , " I . . r, lie4l*' 40 ;etiW. t, � 14 I' , " . � A*tt,40c40ioL 144 ! �­ ''. "V : 1wit 0 ,. . I - , ­ . , ,,A � ,, �$et .es, and �13 - r1kel I . �- I . - .1 L " . , ­?, '00,A Otbeigo�tll� citip �' �., r. ,,, �:)* , , , , . t, . I I'll, P*��­ �,l . 3M r, , i I .AP�141"i#4"�ioages '44 gboxy i�pxi, "I" �,­­ � �� ". , . 1- I , r acV40"to Fot tq thq yef . 12 . 1 ;, ,, r ' I - I I . expected to 'be flowu, � the trouble, auldr 1. the klIto L -0�� _,,,,r '' �113%liiif,�vc*alremedies. , fliem. It is very attractive and,is the 04 "W.C=5 vi� Im i � - " I othio,100,00' 4444 09011111"10" I'll, ., . I , , - . pop ., ­. . . , il� - " �, I 1; ,,, . A . I' I : . . �", '' J�'LL . . . . . -;�,I�­ ,";,-, - , ��, ­ ­ ----------.--. --rveS5-WW*n#ro" --"t � I . I � � � ,,,,, oo­d-t4-dJq"o'rJ#"aV-3% � r 1%�W . ­ , - � .W �0 U V lUl�q;X-'­ -- . .,umt --o"u- ,I � ''' '. �, " .. , ­­ . . ....... ��;­ �. ------'-''-'--'-"--r.--.----"-- .- - �. .. I , - 9 I 1q,1VIT ,rhts'rsis I I - ­ - I .� - 1. "I I I I . I , I I 1 7 i . qg a seur. � , t 11 ­­ - al 11� -I -- � - , %%A . I - ,,,, - I � N�� ,,, ='�, , , ` .� 4 �'bl�vpx� mlt�v",,400*'X U40d �, , ,I " I I 4 , ", :� 1. been mo. 'reytU19 , 'i ­ -,-­-, ",". ; r, .1; - � - I d1JLa&()JJnt- I qi -1 I I 4���.y - � ago. and-fborb likor' e - - 1, L, - lm� �. � . qrsti,itteatineti ­� i, -'al, ­­­. - .--_,V11---_-M0ft t&.t,:QRWe.,, - r ­ ­­­­ � --- ! � . � ., � ,� . , - -of tv I '. - ­ r ; �'�j;' " ­-" ' �;,� 'L, I - - - � -- - - ­ r...; - I—— - - - - , . I , . r � . ......... '7��Z,17-41 , ": --- tt- - - , , 7 - n-rf— , I � ., . � - I . ft c4riiis coughs, Folds, brol�oitip, croup, I �Y­ -a- 61-4- fN r i I. " - 7: Ir ,t -f-, Tsi rot i.T40iWtdntW�.6At. . I "d**M0W*W000ft�11 I 1. 7t; , � ..��_ P'0,�I: I 11�1,.� ,,r - I I : '. es 1;�,,,�, I Irti! iN '.,,-!I hcrbal Min. unehu nod, . k:,-_,�"�-,-',�.'�'-rr�,,--�,.:,-.r-,;'. . . - .� I I . 1 -9 — 1� ,I Lib tb* � and . ,11' t'� 1. 22.. ,L . ��� . . I . ,� , 't, 0, - ­ goo, i - ME WiSJO ' � � I German, loss ­� � - .. rt�-mjt=-",� . T Q, I, , �� , , Q��VAI ugh, a4thmaj -� , PICS. -- � � we . , � L .1 � i : ­L;k' _4 8&ml-�offl 11 _�an � - rr, I ­ "I. � . . � ,e �____v -111-11, n 13 I iin ,;aW-4W8 ' - ---'-- - -­---­--'­ � . iL wg-rq . - Irovenungpi,teumoul - . I , . I - _ ' ' _,,L___ ­ ...... �� '� ­­ � - . - - - -11 - - I- . , : - I � . �. r, r - 'r 2,600,0 - . "4 , y ., . . i I �r' i(0)0 of 11�hfch , voI,4. - il�11, . ets �. . I 1, I I -�, I De M11110 wore T,nr. tow I I `W i ��­=-Itidn,�.� F"**� � W . p 1, - 14, 41� , ImporUtht \Event,s Which Halver Per Germt4ri o$11)o - Nr,gns, seli, 94 1 ; I been its ftbei . In 1­�u 8, o,&, , for' � ,,,,�, . IM. T liati, " , I munant. of the N", - . . I .1 � .7 - ' 10,000 -, PAU, - , I ' it _ *r we4, "40 -dporiitf,49 '�blY 16, Pe: Allj.w , - -1 H I � 1 4 ,� ju . - 1% " ftations put h**e oaptuioLd a,thif.d. , � 11 all. dr - eqt Is a - ut. I ' . . 1) � r � 41,4r " r . I I . . . I . � 4 so- � , yrUps i' are, - The Busy World's Halppenlng� NL I �'D$,Tkl6'tLliiQ,Ae�oii.po6UIatIO12 n 'iw � r� - f-oe Wat box. � I . . , ' � � the . , Ai'd I -o- UA v i ian s , , ' " " - , � - - There,b;%4 heon, an, outbreak and'a , -rt. n r. -, rl etamp f r p I ve grgo, miI,u si �!5, , 11 I 'y , �, " . i 1. .�� .i 4� 4. ,�, ; i,� , 1,.biith,io�imarketT40.kO,tt�01,�.%� . "Zothat I , '. , �i; I *tJo,qf,t - fie�e PlAerit , I - (;� . ""' ` ' 6-1 - , -4, �iQ t4 , 04�urr�d 0UI In& the, k ' r Zam r �, �"" '84 "'re -At'therai r . � . r I I lisad i,& whqt you ,as�- for I a (�" Rblflo.vrovinces, arlsWg from ;epor� r- ­ C. W .. " Th "'! ' � NIZI. , Mill. Oompfle.0 glqd Put � In Part r', , , C�- M. I " '�' T:� r" ,� . � I I - ' ,�. Ll : I ,'I ',�3 .1 "Ilk I I . I . .� Z 0. r ,.L � %but, , o _ tq that the authorities were I)g - �, , � , P I . out V g ; ' � � , I I ­' r. 14ve "Shape rol If necessary. to allow enomy troo, ."��*i�h �� �J .1 . I . :� 4, d' ' begeatuneandoijilial 0and , d " , ; � ,,�$" r(6 , I - r] Y an Aftrac 0% in &)rellQWwr�ppax.4,41iree pine t .� . I .c,l _,y1"dJ �� , � 'r- the t and 50c. Solid I,. ,r* ,, upy Coblenz and Colougna, a � I - I '- I 1. , 111L C ; I - i'i the- Rea0c Of Our Paper - A to OcC - IN, log CnanC � 1. �, ,pcn . trad -Wilburn . EWS, Enjoyment. cordi49 to' Ilerlim newspapers, . "; � - ­ I - I � it � .- 'Zi-sautZi I I "%­�;Z�-n,J&Rta44 I - I � - � Immo - . . I I -- ---- V- ­ Ila orig- - . � I I - I ­.�t I . q '" * "w4t. John. A] ien One -of- t was"kin. - ., . - . ­­ - ­ ---- I , I' � . WEDNESDAY. Inals, arrived at Ilia houid in vv, --- =�!­­ � I . . I ­­ - ,. I I - . I � rr . ' ...... ,---- ­ -.- I I � I., I I I,.-,. -,,, 1. 1'�� I ��" I rr "' - - " ' 4L i .. I . I I .- .­ I I ... I . I'll �� I I,, ,� i.. � I - . Sir, Wilfrid Lmirler'"Will go �Atler -thrae.woars ,In t4a� tren'thes, guard , III acCortwnee WTM-. events I I— I � , , . . , . I., I I ., I 19 4ttrinZ'whiob �erm 61,a0vitpe Lk: V�L, which 'have 'Nransojr� .d. * 11 v ,. .1 L0061% On Nov. '19 to' Confer with , . I ­ I I � . I - 1. blamestern Ontario supporters. - . o *N%rY, A bro. I � . ­ r .� ., r � -0 -.,.- -----; .\ o ra Giovanni di Francesco Was found � ., � . 11 " - . ", - ,, Rioting has broken on - ther, Pte. Leonard' Allen, was killed guilty by a jul-y In Toronto last night r I - I I I myrna, and ,,�Ger. at the Somme in 1917, and Another of man,-41aughter, when he was -tried - 11 1I I . � . " , Wrio stantinopIe and S I t at Con brother, Lieut. Robert Allen, who Was upon the charge -of. killing Dominic I : Bu ' ;, I . � 1 r Of , '10 mans, were attacked1n both Cities . ... I I . '/ 414NADA � Rev. J. A. Mckeen, - aft , 1, y I If, �� I ale of Ilia "lled Deer and the Moose serving B.A. -or also decorated for bravery, was killed Zingarri on March 29. lie was be sca- UP, J. H. GUNDT, I 0 " I 1 1 ' . ' 11 '.. 1: , ed his ministrations laTit Sunday to ' SATCUDAY. A. T. Talbot. of Toronto, claims he VI&Ory� Loan Committee,' and a I I I ­ ,40 years in the %inisti�i,clog_ at the front two mouths ago. tenced on Thursday. Vtce-chairm&A of the Dominion I I I . �, 04N SEASONS the,churches of Orono and Kirby. During the mouth of Oct . was robbed. Pushed off a uloving train strong leader In the campaign. I ,,. ` " King Nicholas Of MonteniegT6 has Ober the Victory Bonds . 10 - �r British forces fighting in France ca . p- to be killed on the track at Pont f . . ,,,, ,a -November .list to N�ember i5tWr' se - .1 ,. I i fC. ,,', 4nQIusive. I . 41 nt a declaration to the jugok-Slave tured 4 9 0 0 0. prisoners and 9 2 5 guns Rouge, Que., on the C.P.R. me ' products, 91 course, exists, and Great I I ! . . . I In which he says., "J� declare opleiA.A­ - was Britain will take all of them that . � I �.. 040 5tb Annish Administiator has an-. Canada has to spare-, but the do- !", r JW se-November-iAt to November I The found Saturday night lying on the . : , .. ly that Montenegro must become a- nounced officially the granting of track near the station. �? ,�Ancluslve. In somo of thg, Nqrthern constituent Part of Jugo-Slavla *, mands of the war baive been ao heavy : I . ' Inclu Establishment of a grand court of I amnesty to about 10,000 revolution- that she cannot pay e%h for all I M �,�,Vfstrlots of Ontario ng Tima- A committee of sixteen, cOmP*osed aries. I allied representatives, civil and mill- , tf � I` '4ami and the ter4tory north and of a number. Of.Montreal cl these Xhingm, She must , ­ �i� , . . ergymen, 'a credit. � k�:­ � I !.�sonth of the Canadian Government ' soldiers/ and lady workers� The first issue of the Owen Sound tarf for the purpose,of trying those It in here that the Dominion Govem- � This space is donated by rance this 'guilty Of crimes during the,war, Is mellt steps in, and-providea the cash. � I ';"Railways from the'Quebec to Mani- an enqUiry,,Into vice conditions in Week. In it are Incorporated the Sun advocat ! - . . has made $uu-Times made its appea ed by Sir Frederick Smith, the ��,i I , "toba Boundary open, !�eason for moose the city. , Its report refers to 1he Art obtaining the necessary funds k� %, . 1 , " y'' ,� ,is fr -� and the -Times. British Attorney -General. BROPHEY BROS.,. GoderiCh I - ��. through the Victory Loan. . . oxi October Ist to November 30th umphant vice there and to the sys- Mrs. Mary Jeffrey, a colored we- , , . - . � The body of a man drowned In the (11, inclusive I . tematized social dvil.. Thq farmers. should bNan I enthus- ko' , 1. � — : I Ifian of'about 75 years of age, 4s Lachine Canal'was identified by his 14stic over the .Victory Lean cam- - ,�, i The 10 -year-old dau-ghter of W11- found dead at bar home in St, Cawtb- wife and daughter, and burted as plilga as any other clamp. If It 14 not I I . � . I ivrite for copy. of "Playgrounds -the, liAm 'Marshall, of Lillieville, 'Leads I ��,,- � "I'lHiaubts of, Fir - I-- . fl'�� , '. , ., ,h and Came," giving county, 25 lies from here, was gee- ,arines. She resided albne. that of Arthur Marier. This morning a decided success they stand to lose — - I -- It - - . * -- ''I r the Toronto Police received a wire - - - - I'll . ;Z� '' I -'��',-qarqe Laws; t and instantly killed Kai4e 'William /went to the field heavily. But It they subscribe to It I .1 I � Hunting Regulations, videntally a 0 headquarters to consult with the war- f!9Pl MArIer, who sailed froin Mont. -- 4,,-�'etc-, to C, 8. Horning, District Pas- by Charjes 11'elbeock, a cousin, *bo llberally�and endeavor to get others '--- - -1 4 '4`,*nger'Agcnt, Union Station, Toronto, lords. The aict Is regi,rded'as sign, reitl on the barge S. H. Dunn, and to do no. Its complete allec"S Is I � �I) -as cleaning a gun. when it was _ - �1 Nq "I Dot. . . accidentally dischari;ed, the bullet an ficant Of coming surrender. who Is now in Toronto. . tie end of (Me war and" peaee'terms . I I- - The Independent Air' . For I The Toronto General Ministerial assured. AUSTRIA 4, - W HED dictated by the Allips. but AuBtro- . �`­ - � ----.0.. . terflig her body. .%k ce drop- I :� ., � I Y - IF %pe Association had a conference y . . I I I � . . .... . Hungarian territory in open for oper- '� d bonYbs on the railroads at Baden, enter- ,� � ,� a j4 �� F. I. FAWRENCEA..'SONS The Winnipeg Street Railway — . , , tions against Germany, I I -2, P 13 -Ill go on strike ,and,the blaat-f&naces atIrBurbach, PARIS, Nov. 5. -"There can be no are to be used Akainst the I Ualon declared they w the Chemical factories( at Karlsruh day With R., Home Smith, Ontario Raber's Throne Flocking. ,�? , Passenger and Ticket Agents Fuel Commissioner. They were'told , , � , fv� .a 'Ab Even the munitions of the former �,. 1. -,�- �' . .. Frid ' , i6ct Terms. of Surrender Are 4'' , , i�,-, 'Phone,,8,.,­, � . ay unleps -their receive the IE- In Germany. I positively that the supply of anthra- doubt," says the Temps, "that a 11 I - ­ -.11 , 1, 1, -- ,� . cre#se in wages granted them by,del cite this winter would be so reduced great struggle Is going on around . IV conditions now being prepared for '� , �� � I 0- I - . Milthers �Boii�rd 6f Conciltitidri. 1E;1tw@ew. 75 ,"d I 00 men and wo- Accepted. Valywer's arta,lqS If refusal to accept il�t1� The - t ., I 11 company contends that the less Would be-,necesEiltated. Igned on Sunda, ,,% I � � . Increase men were killed and probably double that a �onstimption Of 50 per t;unt. the German Emperor's Person be- Ai" Istice S them make prolonged fighting neoes- , 11 ,� - I cannot be paid ulatIl theLpTly a 4f that number. Injure(5 .iq a rear -end tween the Influences which caused the , Y. and �� �1� � , I i4 ,,' ' *17T - L,­� " " " . � - Rog collision b0tW0en two Br6okI - --0-;------- Came Into j�ffcct 1%0nd47_, nary. I . advancing car fares Is gialite ,. yp Rapid 'wai- and wish to maintain the old , AWes The terms which stopped the yie- 1 ­ . '. ti� Y the Transit'trainA. ARMY WAS DESTROYED. regt' 11 ... � , . . City Council. . me, and the partisans of a now Are ,Given the Right to Attack torlous advance on the Italian front � W. E. Norman, who for several � regime, more or less democratic, and Germany were accepted by the Auntrtan com- � , Sir George Cave, thiWBrItIsh Home years has been assistant superinten- Italkws C ptured 800,000 of a F)rOlu tho South and . I I ", - .1 - I Secretary, gave a long account In the ne -peace for the purpose of repair- Will Ume Austrian Itunitions mander-in-chiefig ,t.lxe amid Lm Lno- , i., -- *11 Ing Germany's strength. nuine I the Vienna GoveramouL, and .1 - dent of the Western Division of the - "By returning to Oeneral Head- their execution is guaranteed by the , I . House of Commo4s or Gerniany's Ill dent, has been appointed superinteli- �a Priso ra � , I., Lady graduates of last tern!t are treatment of Britlsh�,war Prisoners In F1=1 Battle. Agalim Flormer ANY. I I ,5 I 14ow earnino as high iis %s and"bven and her co,nthwed viola,tion of agree- Canadian Express Co..'stfeceeding the , ROME, Nov. 6.:�- Three hundred quarters, Emperor William seemed LONDON, Nov. 6. - An arOxistice thorough beating already administer. ­; . . � .. � , . I I , ­ ments ,concerninj prisoneri of war. late Mr. V. Allen. thousand Austrian soldiers and not to show clearly that his supreme de- ad whloh .had converted the defeated I � ns had been cap- sUe was not to abdicate. so. the I Austria Was signed Sunday rmy JInto a disorganized, fleeing 1 20 per week, while young men are The Home Secretary, declared that the Dominion Police believe to be -tured by the victorious Italian armies Emperor's rescript Promises co-oper- . Michael Chrystal, a Russian whom less than 5,000 gut will' . 1� aralbg R0111 better saiarles. Wc�,qan Germany ought to be made to ' afternoon by Gen. DI X, tho I I I I pay prominent In ,;tall&# horde, Y . I � I pt meet a demand for ,t�alned for these violations. I . I I the Bolsfieviki and before the armistice went Into effect ation, not his resignation. But par- commander-in-chfor, a cording to " Even the terms Imposed Previously :� , I I . rite us for partiou . larsA at Rev.,Canon, #. S ,?F art, ail aged I I. W. W. movement in this counbT, on Monday, It is o liamentary upon official announceme t I . , Upon Bulgaria and Turkey hardly . � - _prhi fficially announced. exigencies prdhs a. ,,� . 1. retired 'Auglica'11 clekdman of King- Was taken Into custody at Windsor. This Included all captures allice the him, even amidat his staff which ex- The armistice came Into effect at were so drantle. In addition to all of " J- .J t ,, a regarding our. ston, has been greatly bereay.eo. Last A quantity of seditious literature was offensive began on Oct. 24. horts him not to yield. Submission 3 o'clock Monday morning,. the military precautions, the Aus- "'.1 I , �. . "I . . I � P�,� 11 . I I � 00"!n1bPd""-,.8hQ?thand and Tele. ,,,t,May his eldeft, datig-liter. . a nurs- Grieving.ovjr the death of1her b-,iiS- Austrian army continued to flee In with more or less deference to re- " A telephone message h reads: wide s(rip of territory within (be bcir'- �. - r year his son was killed in, action. found In Chryatal's Possession. The soldiers of the once Powerful is not Hufficient', he is summoned The text of the -StAteVIjut - , 0-lans are coinpolled to retire from a . . ,� , "I I Ing sister with this 4�4uadian Forces, band, who had died of Influenza, Mm disorder. Since the offen'stre StArted si gir. " I I so been ro- �, � i ,.14, 19paphy.Reputinent ' s ceiVod from the Prime Minister lip ders of their empire when the War I The position of Emperor William Paris saying that news hike just come i died overseas, and his daughter, Miss Carmen La,Kera, aged 34, killed her 63 Austro-Hungarian divisions were beg9n, surrendering all of Italia lr� , Students�m% seven Young sons in Havana. - continues to be dincussed by the an- that Austria-Hungary,. the last of . � ,, Y.:�,nter at any tiihe. Constance, passed,away after a short She Put out of cotobat by 61 Italian dl-vi- � . . I . I His, Only, then placed the live Stock of the farm slons, three British and two French tire German press. I Germany's props, hNs gone Ou a fo i t over botindar- i­ � " . , I- :, !, , Illness of pneumonia. , our- I redenta and therVby losing any nit- : . ihson, in �a but )isnd after setting it aftre, divisions, with Czech -Slovak units "The War Cabinet," says the It Of the vantag r aq:j-, imen � . vi-ving daughter, Mrs. D. Rob ,. .. I � I D.'A. McLACHUN, hus- fee around a table. % . � -7g.. o i I .1 N in seriously Ill, and the latter's leaped Into the names. She was ree- and an American regiment. line Tageblatt. "as Yet has takeller- I W�r+he armistice was signed by Gen. Austria -Hun navy. which . '. .1 � . Principal. band, a returned officer, is also very cued In a serious condition by sol- "The war against Austria -Hun- unanimous. binding action relative to Diaz and will comg Into operation either must bell' divered to the Allies � I , . " ;;,. I - I diers. 0 gary, which was conducted under the the Empet,or, but there to greater I on Monday at 3 O'clock. The terms der the terms- of the i �,� I � , -- 11 � 1. . MONDAY. high command of his Majesty the uRRnIm1tY in the desire that he -il be published Tuesday." or disarmed tin country has signed. � . �, 11 . .1, . 11, � . ,� - THURSDAY. I armistice that .1 I . I'll, � I I It was officially announced that the Customs at Chatham for October King of Italy with an army inferior should remain." I Official anqouncement of the sign- consists of approximately 251 ships. 10 I - were $ 8 9,2 8 8.6 3, an Increase of 'more " . , � I Turko had surrendered uncoudition- , In numbers and still Inferior means according to the latest officlal Inform - ,V than $9,000. . . lug of the AuNtrian armistice reached , , � SAOITIQ ally to the Allies. since May 24. 1915, has come to an Husband and Wife Hur$. the Premiers While they were In men- ation. These figures were compiled e , , Fred Patterson, a well-to-do retir- end," said the communique. "With TORONTO, Nov. 5. -Roy Schevel- sion Sunday afternoon and gave the without roference to recently report- .� THE L IJU COAL COX . The Czecho-Slovak Council of ed, farmer, died after a long illness unshakable faith and Ind then and his wife were struck by n I greatest 'satisfaction. It was artranged k . I oinitable I �� ­ — State has decided to make Pressburg at his, residence in 9t. Mary's. I valor, the Italian army wa, I . . Successorn'to McDonagh & Gledhill the capital of Slovvy6kia. WIStlee ed losses of two Austrian battipships, ,�, I - ged 1% con- motdr car driven by Win. Armstroni, I that the conditions of the ar The total of submarines is placed : . I I . ase I c cii has Stratford customs,returns for Octo- tinuous and hard war for a period 4t the corner 6f Margueretta and Col- would'be made public promptly. at 46. with 15 battleships. an equal F U.91VEAGENTS FOR ' bar werel3l,162.21. Inland revenue of 41 mqonths and,wOn the stupendous A .. ..XCL ­ - - The Japaw rT Ty Oun lege streets, ", - ­­ .-. --.-- I -­­­ .. .. . ..... --7 ­ ­ ­ r0fled. 4, X-elloew,&Lbf. the.arbitration � -­ .. ­­ . Jast-night. - Both were ustrl4-zHVQXa17­_ tha. -l11"---AA4- -namber. of crulseM,21..Lorpado-boat I I returns 'Ibr, -the--ganj# lierldd­*6fe battle *begun Oct. 24.­kfid' ffi -Whrcl t4ken to the We -stern Hospital. Most powerful ally of Germany, Visa- I destroyers. 10 torpedo 'gun boats, 67 1 f I treaty between Japan and the United $4,388.80.. . � I were eng4ed Ili their entirety all the � I � LEHIGH - VALLEY States. ad Ont Of the World war under termi? torpedo boats. 46 mine layers, 11 � . , � "I . " Austria madek, a direct Dr. J R. Irwin, of Cobourg, who resources of the enemy. or abject surrender. , river monitors, seven patrol boats. : . THE COA Plea to -has been with - "Sd far the enemy has left N I .... ,­% THAT SATISFIRS italy,,asking for V arniistice.,, Vien- the Army Medical In our Childre;i Cry I ot only have tht arme forces, of I 11,1Z armed stehmern, six scouts, one .111, . . I I na announced that 11 A trian troops ' Corps for the Past three years, has hands 300,000 prisoners and not law FOR FLETCHER'S the once Powerful Austro- river torpedo boat and two trawlers. .. We deal in Hard and soft e0ill,'Linst returned to town. than 5,000 guns. Wngarlan - - -- .1 were being withdK=Irlom . Italian The soldiers of *r I Empire laid down their arms I I I I 7- -detlieflt,* Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Gerarran authorities have been,noti- what used to be one of the most --Q A ,S - 0- R I A vb�- - But a Victory Bond. 11 , � . territory. tied by the Dutch Government,that ,powerful armies in the world are now 3 I --- - - � 0 Hard and Soft Wood, Maple aud - During the rule of Gen. Kras . � I half, tic refugees will be permitted to cross neeing in disorder and without hope - 11, 1, . I Hemlock Slabs. . the Cossack leader, and former mem- the Belgian -Netherlands frontier. from the valleys which they had I&- � �'. . ber of the staff of Alexander �� . A Keren- ­ I, ­ ­ - I -1 . ��� 11 I -s of Lime and e,,:It, ka,ve been shot. 00 per- has announced that he will run for "OTI Oct, 31, after having over- I ., Presli Car sky. in the Don -region, 25,0 Aid. H. W. Newman, of Kingston. vaded with truculent confidence. . � � � I i ;: I '. Gen. Groaner, the Prussian War the mayoralty at the January elec- come ft strongly fortified positions . : Cement ust received : � I Minister, after an audience with tions. Major Hughes to retiring from the resistance of powerful ,enemy I .1 I th. . . . .1 � I I I one to German head- municipal life. - rearguards, our troops consisting of . ,:� 1, . . . , , . I , �X,�. .1 I -. 111� I � Ovrrc� P tto)qlm 1i - - 7S quart:618 as the successor to The official All -Russian Telegraph 61 Italian divisions. three British ana . - - � I Ludendorff, who resigned - (;-"n' Agency. announces that the Omsk two French divisions, with Czecho- , ;, """,��-"-:,,` -"ir! I , . -al � , . �'- ! , , I 0. J-SAVtTA1 R1.tslbsNcFt 275 days ago. s(vei Governiffient Intends to resume the Slovak units and an American regf- I.. :;�', , . SAIDL16. ­ �,, , 9 � . 0 RnstiAmcit 202 sale of vodka asla Government mono- ment, Put out of combat 63 Austro- I .. ',I -,�4-�jlr- 1 � , I 1 ­ �� . Hon. T. X. MacNamara stated that 6 . ­.�.� lip% I , I I I e, *1 't 4- ti N . . � 1 �� .1 1111 the pr6bibitIon of British women Poly. Hungarian divisions." . 10; .. �il 4 . I — r !"� . - traveling by sca nilght he removed ,.,V I , :­; I , The British casualties reported 4 4. - * I I A `11 I as soon'a:g It became certain that during the month of October total ��: 4 158 826 officers and men. Of those �BUY,MORE VICTORY BONDS. - - merchant vessels were immune front I — ,--- 11 Ii.. . . '! , , ; ", I enemy attacks, 28,197 were killed or died of wounds. , !; �, . .1 ,� X ,IUU 1�1111 g V CH i , PRAfRIE FARMERS, EXAMOPT,ig. ' i , ", qg� I'll . - ­ ... . I Advices, receive -d by the Dutch The casualties are divided as follows: , "� 11.1M. 10 . . I � I ­ � � ­ - . id - W � I -- - - 1, , I I ,:� . . � 11 11�1 " . Pt,wspapers from Cettinje. Mont(,� of wounds, officero, Saskatchewan. whJch is &I. .. . ... , . ".- "'l, I � . 1. a, F, ITS negfo, ady the insurgent rising Is 2,060; men. 26,237. Wounded or MOU A purely agricultural pro. I 4.1111 L ---..L - I , I I � J ... I � Killed or,.'dled' ; * I - I . I nll�"­ spri�adino. Arined bands have occu- missing, offleers, 610661, men� Vince. has given A splendid toad I - 1. , I- , , ��'. ;,7�,��,�,,�, --.�--`�-,­­­- .., , . ­ _-�. ,,, - 124,463. , ... , ­� ,­�.­,, r I: I � d e pled Nillsic, Beranp and Rejpvica, . I.f , . . �"­­P" '�" � `­­' .' ­­Z,A,�:, " �, , -� 7. , - " �,�"­-.." . . � I , " -:�� ,. I., �, 11�1, I,; , " "� ,�X �, � , " . . _ _ . , � I I L ,. - ,�'4'..", - ". � �, , , . - 11 , - . 0 %­­'-�-�'.'��, I . . I The death is London, Ont.. of Bert to the treat of the Dominion. M �14;: !, . 1�1'1 "I"", - I." ".. � ­ - ., - ,; � , ,;, and the Anstro-Hungarlans arefovae- % , � , -,,�), "'�,`, i�� I , ��.` �� � -,�,.,, .-��,,,.,,,��,:,m,­�,� I I . � '��" �. . , I.. - �, , ,,, : , , ; L , . '­�­ . or uatIng the entire country, Piper, the 11 -year-old non of Pis. Owing to the crop failure in sov. " ", .:, ;1 ,'�,.�, �,;;�� "� �,.',`V�.�1,11'­P, , , I I % " Y%�=ftkdl �0 2h" - I GrOl of the disaicM the alloto ­ '­;�';L:' " 0"VIV-1. � .. . � . �; ". � ,, , ta:�w Baron Beaverbrook, lyhose resign Charles P per, now overseas,.removen .. ,;;: � , ". ," .'.'.�'. ,,� , . ation as head of the PropagAnda De- The third,member 'of that soldler's Inent for the Province in the Vic. I �, . ..� " ,�, � � , . , I . partment of the British Goverpment familY from Spanish Influenza and , ��L" , ,� �,,� d, - , - � � . I '.", ,4 -, 4,� :, �.;, , I � .. . .... � I vopw-� , tory IAmn drIvIe was placed at � 11 . ".�, � ' L - , , :�. .. . � , . ,�, . � . . . . I was announced 1� vrinesday, h'as i - leaves an, infant vdaughter the- sole � ­- - -<-�,%O��,;�` ., ,;./. 1141�-, k, . '9 , I �, Lln �;vs'o ... I ;, � --.1? ,, I f � - . Surviving member or the family In -,, , �e­ 'XI �,� . 1. ��­ ­ � . . dergone an oPer-:t1nn. Thp rosult is 019,000,*". R~nuy those in , to"121%; 7�lik% , . I . -:��W, 1­��,f­. �, � � � 0 1 4 r1t sow, k�**s hwt a" ym bs& nald to be. uno;atlsfaciory and his Canada, Mrs. Piper and another lit- Ch=W of the pmvincfaJ orgaul- -.�,­iK. 1: ,,.�,. I : ;, 106, d1wt ob saw" tle daughter having dlid lost week ,.'� " SZ4 :f,��"�rr)� - proceed friends are much concerned over his ... .r 11 I !A ­��,I�.,? ,,, , ,& W" a lot 01 drugs , I ,�. � (".0 load Yow 0644 . from the malady. Pie. Piper is nation dald that they would not , J ".*. , . . condition. now I , ,,�'r;�, �', ` ,-,that, Owf* two """ "a trw FRIDAY. Ill In a hospital In England himself. think of getting less than ;-', I 0, "I �, 1, It '' . . fillitate - 444* I I - , , . U -, - : I *, p", " - .1 - I .,00�q tz Roil " � I t "Ah" I" , in ,,, . F . King Alfonso, who has been suf- Determined to make one more at- *M*w6m I / V-�. , " " 4 ­�,�� I , ; I, � 41' � ... - - A. I �. I , i 1, 11� L ­ - �1' . � , fort to Induce the Government to I ;; �01��-..`,---"",�',` 4'/ �1- 61 — — I ,�' 4 I . .. &Y h" =111 ; fering from an attack of Influenza. Purchase the Mettawis inn prop" 80"S OR BONDAGIL !, " I �. I � I � , 1. aw, iii)Qlu Is now better. at Kingsville, an the lake. for hot- —....-. . I I I 11 *" via, .13 1 , .. �� =.: A transport carrying 6,000 Amer- ..�11,1�-11'1?�11�w I. L - t1wal ta their not- Vital Vurpose% the Windsor 4rmt 1.�-­ ­ . .1- � �. , ,,, )" ol*4 -the leans sqldier� ham arrived at a Bril- . . �1. � 'h , . . 1. , War VWerw&.'- Amoolation, WIti, ap-, %71W1K,-1GFL0ftY1tA - ,, r "I g# btimn ,,,1 I C***U%A1=t Vi port. Fifty cases of Influefiza Is point a delegation to act in conjunc� ". 'I.,, 11 , 1',= 6WA&-&4* 16 So de add recorded. - � 1-, � I I = ��10 , , .. I 'r i, VJj,Ji!J'0.3,,.J*'­JW i I ,t *14 1 ." "� � I �� The German Government has sum- ,1 .. , '1111 i�4 -1 � . I � 10 J�, , � ojill't; 1 14 --1 . Essex WOrnber and the dolegstfas will ell I , .� r %*' lion with Win. C. Rennery, ?LP.. the ME FWM DANDRU" � . I , A. p6nded the liquidation of all French- shortly preseAt their appeal to the 1. ­ .� 1. I ;,.,* I ". , 41 - 1 I 1, L' � 1. :i I I . A , d I IT ' oll 1, I "', .,4, of I � - owned businesses In Alsace-Lorraine. Minister of Militia at Ottawa, Glrlst TrY Itl Hair " Soft, fluffy and I I : I 1- I I , � ; . I lwl I a The Cterho-Slovaks have cut the b4lautiful--44t a small bottle � � . 11 ftAlt drI& ? I .. ..... 1. . 4 .1 �16---- I A" �ra ---- .1 .. I ; . 11 � , . � 1 ,; 1 ,, ,-, - Ilroad between Berlin and Vienna, � � 1 1414==Zar , TUR90AT. of Dan4orlite. I I I . ­ � ­ r , ,. , ­40wo 61 &A I ; taka an4 German trains ban go only as, Hungarian People Will Ake a pub- I ,� �A.11" , .. I " * . -1 . of wmer far as Schnadau. tic vote to decide the 4tiestion of a If you care for heli bair tb An fulnesse IL A. P. machine A,61"Onfilltical Department of the Tin. � I , * 1, , . . Uadame Breshkovskaya, grand- monarchy or a republic. VY slypolls- Yeady to start with Its load of bombs . . Ir. i 1. , . '' , " tar a " tens with beauty and Is t ;fill for Germany. I pitrial Mullitiolig Board. Hundreds : I I �� 'YAW, I d" S" mother of the Russian I tr-aaven petsons wore killed life; has an incomp&r ,a,- "-I�­ . Of 'CA1009. secret of tug -bo ts. tbou- , 11 ' 0 "Oli. " d 35 others w'qe badly injured in is RU4 an,, lumixotu� I SAYAds of men are at wor on the �'-', I I I .. I . WAS shot on Oct. 27 on Zelliarges anTwe" and . 1, 1, ql'-Wa at 11 1"� . " , I . ­ an Allied aerial 93 ems HUT are cutting spruce In Brit- f6rftL% while Scores of mills cut !he � Jo from VW Of oppoging the Bolshevik regime. ;W=rioe. 11 "11-W!" . a the lab Colunble. The stiver spruce 1% - ; 10W ludwit I fdr ,-,"k on Bonn, 14 - 16190. cAnidian Pacific Railway CA -0- I 1� ft - C )b6t �bc4or4ii the Turkish Govern- miles Southeast ofv" I Just one Application double T . **ii- %, Own, W 414641044 U& intent at Constantinople surretider#d I The entire grosss=6010,06.1 t bestity of your hairi basides it inme- farm" Ifte saglocted because VAtlY tugs haul great rafts & ross I-@ � . 1, I , ��, 't 'tuo"10 lot , b " , is , . , Ilion Of to the British, the Tigris arm# of 11 National Horne Sh :r in ad lately dissolves every particle of lack of maket &M traslaportat.140. waters of the Pacific C, , � Mtftll* a* ,east and I I I ­ , . 4 1 , 00. ** � 1164 ,a fi* Onated to nice heaTy, - .­­. 11 I � , 1: ,Jb*4 .. . I'll. ,. i; � 7.400 Turks laid down their arms. Square Gardens, Will be d diludrufl. You can not have kAve found their $160. The stralot, thirgo the cargo at tbo milk a I L . I � k � ­ A cotkv-oy of over 90 patients, all the United War healthy hair It you have dart 11111104rSift6d. tough WOM Is the Ideal t6yInItIalls. Hundreds and bundr-q- 11 Work canipsign. druff. This I ,, . I , *0*9" A Sitka'Jailver) spneo log eut , , � , ., I . tinint Get. hair of its 0- Of Canadian Pacific Railway cars re.1 1. .L 0 1 mental, cases, who had come difectly Czech troops are d dodructive tourf robs the thaterial for the manufacture of ser .�, .. .U, I g, ,­­­ grows thlb Queen Charlotte 101afids off tb4 , '. ft0th 4tetmeAk *0 rkelt*d at the man -Austrian and Hu jortan troolM lustre, its stmgt&and Its very life, only on the Islands aud come Cd*" coast of British Columbia for the Im. eUtWArd monthly loaded with iirlwe � . . 6 . �1. "I --- � . , r4l Plane Parts. ,The silver spruce � .11 � .... . . I . ofitsho Military 116titital at c6bourg. � In the Cowli 'to*As of 001htifla and AM If not over6oise it produaw & f6ver- liottal Muttiftions Board. 4"11106 I'Ardbet. bound for the II � 11 11 11 � � , - - .. . 1!1 04rdlbe, to Austrian hL'*XbA01er Utittivib- The Ctechlw hitivin; �ocupi Af British Calazabia and the north - 1L. .. I Itlea end W,hing offthe Scalp; the West United atat". - Tke Afterleas *ftdisttal forests of 13. C.. this tollpk *Ahtt of torsw an g � � I ed lob "tOPIAnt f0t0l" In the cast. The � " ., . *' " I . I ... . "I I � I I (OX11100iii " Ila# tovetal German towitim. . , - 'lair T�Oots fatnifib loo6en and die; then d Fn I&Vd. Canada I I 1, , ;, 4 I '. � I , , botti, p~11iffned fit Sarajevo� I'lognts, Advleoa havo beou retollred r rr, tb#,Wr talla, cul fast. timber of this Spades to being used Ply 11-91119 Made Possible thr"gh' ii a*4 lWy are ll#d by the logiter of � I � . I , , , � :.. to , , I & I , - , t.fi(l thit file W'XAMINI of Ar�bdvtko', Vl#fIZA Of the Iffiltobding dim � I 'surely got a "r"sIvely ?Or war III31`004116 Of ib* 11014111did organization porfootod der- , il ' 0 Vf4�UZ IF'OnOMMUd 110NO b001 ft-ItAb0d &f t1id e6ort tutty Itb t *111, X"W #V00 bAyoud 10 .I)rosmf' . 1"Wr I I 1,11 I eidladtittieq PU, bottle of Rnowlton!& Dabderime sistot, the apedit of �,ho Ofb" allies to Ing the Past ton mOntilis by majoit thl, atd the Ifidustry �, I I . �AW,_'#*Y drug aftic ard, Juat try IL ',no 0#11t War Af* '6110PIted bY the I Aux;irt C. Taylor, director of thoh I I . I , I � 0 1 , . L I 1� � 7 ., ,, i #*Aoudoux VOIOM04-L. V. X. it . I � 0 � "'. I �� I 1. . - I I I . / 0 . , I i C I . I . . "Ill . 0 1 - I I r !, " - �- �A I, L , I , I I I" .11, , I I , ji I I'll 11 � .... - - . ' .L I�PUJF '011JI) -1T) I . 011113 , (d %11 I , i ­ , n -'I 11 � � I I I . - . A . I I " . 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