HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-11-08, Page 7Tli j7r jik
il� C. 0 mop
11 ION 11
"C� TOU SA1 ailver uffets
04, 010-er,
X -Our,
V C olly LIU miled 't)n, Zrituan, to win tho
-b Nvar with $11wr 4U 101a. N40-
_44., C
0-000 YOU 4400: in ''ComadA. WAR XEZWRIAL
COWO!"t �"Cl� with a fiXed piodod to, SUO't sholls, 1111110ts,
M W at matvri% just," A qqvipmaeut Olt
srepa wmlgate the
awl Alkiiiatolo 010 1strUctqXe9f
Q1*e the 0
NO, Victory Bonds. �k%fter pmco is
Per t)rosper
i[t)tprest at 5,%Xall the time yoq hold them,
*PWO matfir w0agaUm for tXqt as* 9F V'klov-
ah of Canada.
of Buy Victory, Bonds
This ace 51ouated b'y
gratifyina tq, iall to resume th JOIES A. CAMPBELL
'ot re
bear Dr, Kilpatrick. Services �will'be
V1001!1� 8ti4iii5t Uethodfist church has
continued each evening dutinothe Week
Wu W911''Wotil4tewand funalgated and
excepting Saturday and will - begin at
i�tbqpo vitt.11, bi�Vlentv of fresh air for the
s"TP.Pj ca Rimilay, 8 o'clock. The program will appe I ar on
WbstjrhOut will have charge a separate page,
0 awed, Pex Sun
_`QtAbe,.-seir41qes In Vidfu!*�qre�e SQKVIC08 will, bP X 0,
_t daylu Worth -street -Methodist- vN.
orning sub.
r 6t, '4Soiuo Things that Able even- The pastor Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Will
e preach morning and evening. At . 10
fl, "Somp Things thaii count,.
a. in. there will be a memberghiP, TO -
..A meeting of the mipisterg ot the union 111 the"school room' We are
town was bold on Sunday morning in
looking for agood day. Let us got the
the vestry of North street Methodist habit whir b will bring to us some of the
-church for prayer and meditai;ion, beat things in life.
Rev. -Dr. Rutled bad charge of the
A million Sunday School scholars and
service and Rey. %Or. Clarice gave a talk On Monday afternoon a meeting of
fbe Ministerial Association of the �wvu
members of Young People's Associations
on the bist Psalm.
Was held at North street Metboqlpt
of the Anglican Presbyterian, Baptist,
Methodist and bongregational Churcht .4
Rev. Prof. Kilpatrick will preach in
Xxiox church next Sunday. It will be church at which Capt. Fox of the S.'A.
are co-o�erating on a plan which has thj
gave a parting message and the varlo"91
three-fold,purpose of helping to boost
the Victory Loan Over the Top -, assist -
tug the Churches to extend their mission,
Nvotk, and commemorating the bprolp-
9f church members who have fallen at
the Front.
fop Satupday 00
"Every School at least one bond" Is
the cry that will help to carry the 1918
Victory Loan to the Sunday Scbools'
million dollar objective. Above is a
reproduction of the shield to be pre -
seated to each Sunday School subscrib-
ing a bond.
-H. and A. Brand Oleomargarine 38c
members of the Association expressed
Armour's x x x 38C
their regret at the removal of himself
and wife from town. The mecting ad-
journed to next Monday afternoon for
Our Own make Ring Bologna 23C
the annual election of officers.
Home-made Sausage, all pork 30C
Mr. Peter Fisher held a barn -raising
on Saturday last.
and Mrs. Mark Mugford received
Home rendered Lard 35C
R =
a cable'on Sunday last saying that their
son Pte. Loine Mugford, bad died from
inflhenza in England. His. sorroWiDg
parents have the sincere sympathy of
Those Lerlog
the parish an
(Intended for last week)
Mr, and Mrs. T. 0. Johnston attended
the funeral of Miss Smith at Ripley last
we ek
Only a few cases of "flu" are re
ported in this vicinity and all are re-
covered or nearly so. 4
A farm tractor arrived here this
week. Mr. John McEwen, of Turoberry,
we understand is the purchaser.
The bell of the village rang out on
Monday morning announcing the in-
auguratton of the Victory Bond cam -
No services were held In the churches
on Sunday owing to the M. 11. O's ban
on all public gath,rin,., The schools
of the townshIp are also closed,
Josten Steinmullar and his two sisters,
who have been nuder the weather with
Influenza in Toronto. A-rrived home on
Monday. Their mother is stil I in Toronto
attending her son Orval, who is re-
ported very ill with the same disease.
We hope soon to hear of his recovery.
Publishing As It Is
TAKE NOTICE that the lists of voters for Polling Subdivision numbered 1, 2,
It is natural for people to imagine they
3, 5 and.6. in the 2%lunicipality of the Township of Howtek; numbered 1, In the
know how to run a newspaper. Most
Mupidpality of the Village of Wroxeter; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the Municipqlity of
newspaper men think they can run any
the Town of Wingham; 1, 2, 3 and 4, in the Municipality of the Township of
old kind of a business. even farming, and
Turnberry; I and 2, in the Municipality of the Village of Blyth; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
being good sports do not unduly resent
6; In the Municipality of the Township of Morris; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, - in the
the hint that publishing is a business
Municipality of the Township of Ashfleld; 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5. in the Municipality
that anyone can handle. All of which
of the Township of East WawLnosb, and 1, 2, 3, A and 5, In the Municipalit?
isintroductorytoa statement that the
of the Township of West Wawposh; have been prepared by the Enumerators
farmers of the province contemplate
and have been delivered to the Clerk of this Board by the Retaining Officer.
!ssu�nga daily newspaper in their own
'-A THAT His Honor Judge t. N i Lewis 'has been tili0oliAed Revising
interests.. Promo.tors have adNanced
the scheme so far as to obtain incorpor-
Officer foir the purpose ef hearing complaints and appeals as to the said Lists
ation with a capitaJ of $500.000 and are
for the Township of Howtek and the Village of Wroxeter; His Honor Judge
now selling stock at 425 per share.
Lewis H. Dickson has been appointed Revising Offleer for the purpose of hear-
There was a time when this amount of
Ing complaints and appeals as to the said lists for -the Town of Wingharn and
money would make a daily ham, but a
the Township of Turnberry. D. McDonald, Esquire, has 'been appointed Re-
metropolitan daily today requires
vising Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to the
double that amount. It was not so
said lists for the Village of Blyth and the Township of Morris. R. G. Reynolds,
long ago when a good town weekly
-Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpoile of hearing com-
could get away to a good start with an
plaints and appeals as to the said lists of the Township of Ashfield. C. Seager,
expenditure in plant and equipment of
Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com-
from $1,600 to $3,000 ; today it takes
plainits and appeals as to the,sald lists for the Townships of East Wavvanosh
from $12,000 to $15.000 capital, plug all
and West Wawanosh.
the hard work -.Von cram into a day start -
AND FURTHER TAKZ NOTICE that the sittings of the said Revising Officers
Ing at eight in the morning and ending
at midnight to turn out a weekly news-
will be held as follows:
paper selling at $1.50 per year. � Exper-
In the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on Friday, the 15th day of November, 1918, to
ience is We best personal teacher so it
he" complaints as to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions In the
is not very'likely aH the practical advied
Village of Wrometer.
asked or given will deter the promoters
I In the Town liall, Gorrie, on Saturday, the 16th day of November, 1918,
from wasting a cool million, but we are
going to proffer this advice ; It there are
to hear complaints as to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions
any who think the newspaper business
in'the Township of Hovviek.
Is a cinch, and who hiLve money to in -
In the Town Hall, Wingbam, on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 1918,
vast, then by all means Pat It up be.
to bear complaints as to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions
cause it's. a great life -if you �on't
ho the Town of Wiggliarr,
weaken.- Exchange.
In the Townqhip Fiat]. Blue"ale, on Thursday, the 14th day of November,
DoITNOw.-Disorders of the digeg-
1018, to bear coniplainIs as to the aid lists of voters for the Polling Sub-
divisions. in the 1-to,%noiip of T�irnberry.
ive apparatus should lie dealt with at
In the Industria.) Hail, Illy:h. on Wednesday, the 13th day of November,
once before complications arise that
may be difficult to cope with. The I
4918. to hear complaints as to the said voters' lists for the Poillng Subdivisions
surest remedy to this e7l and one that
in the \'illive of Myth.
18 within reach of all, Is Parmelee'8
In the T-,\%nshiv Mill, ,n Thursday, the 14th day of November,
Vegetable Pills, the best laxative amd
:1918, to hear (,(inipl;iint, H- to tile sald %oters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions
sedative on the market. Do not delay,
in the Township of Morris.
but try them now. One trial will can-
In the Township Hall, A,;hfleld. on Wednesday, the 13th d;iy of No-
vince anvoDe that they are the best
stomach regulator that can be got.
--mber li?Is to li-ar complaints as to the said voters' lists for the Polling
Subdivisions numbprea 1, 2 and 1. in the Towdship of Ashfield, and in th Town-
ship Hall, Aighfield, on Thursday, the lith day of November, 1918, to hear
complaints as to the said -,oterg' lists for Polling Subdivisions numbered
4,-5, 6 and 7, in the Townshi P of Ash field.
in the Foresters' Hall. llplgrave, on Wednesday, the 13tb day of November,
1918.1to hear complaints as to the said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions
In the To,.,.n,-zhlp of Eas' Wawanosh, and in the Township Raj], west Wawa -
nosh, on Thursday. the 14th day of November, l9ill, to hear complaints as to
,the said voters' lists for the Poiling Subdivisions In the sald Township of West
Each sitting commencing at 10:W o'clock in the forenoon.
ANID FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain
Jh&t the names of %ny persons entitled to be entered on the said Hats have been
ornitted from the or that the names of persons who are not entitled to
U voters have been entered on the lists, may, not less than 5 clear days before
'the does flied for the sittings of Reviging Officers, apply, comititain or appeal
0 hive his own name or the names Of any other person corrected 1% antered on
-br removed from the Hst% prepired under the Ontario Election Att, Mg.
AND FUTITHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice In
*r1ting In therpreseribed term. signed by the complainant, and #liven or left
tot, him at his residence or plate of butlitim. on or before the said date, to the
Q*fk of the following Revising Officers :
: 14-6, L, Walker, Go�Tle, as tc, appeals for the Township of Howick; D. M.
$t41*vISh, Wiroxetelp, for the village of Wroxeter; J. P. Groves, Wisigharn, for
"VoWn of Winglism: Paul Powell, NV ham for the Tovmhip of
1600040 11 A4 Eldee, filyth , for the Village Of Ift th: Yo4eph 80thers. Illyth, for the
T61,;QhIp 6f Jq&rIA; T. 01. A1101, 1)13691ft"Ift, ter the TOWWRIO Ot Aghne I
tetflew, Ottgraiii 0 for the Township of E&A w4witmiti. W. Wilson,
A,� 110r, . 'Oship of We"
for thii Tot
LEW1$ ", 01OKSO No
balf-man: 'V�Qre, AwAtitim, 96ged, wittli'v or Raton.
aect Year Sot&er Wdh Me Best
New frm Rome
Volvo. th&."Jph
Zhe 6.41
Son of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark,
Victoria street, who was seriously
wounded recently at the front and lost
an arifl.
Dr. and Mrs. Clark have just bad a
letter from their son himself, written In
the Ist E. G. Hospital at Cambridge,
Bug., in which be says be Is getting
along pretty well. He says, "I'm
pretty badly wounded. I'm very thank-
ful because it could have been a lot
worse." A letter from the chaplain.
Capt. J. W. Melvin, states that Rob's
left arm had to be amputated above the
elbow. Rob writes that he expects to
be home not long after Christmas.
I-_ - - .-
Miss Dodds is Visiting ber.31ster, Mrs.
Mr. A. J. Cooper and daughter,
Evelyn spent the week -end in Clinton.
Mrs. Sexamith and children are visit-
ing Mrs. Sexernith's mother in 13trath-
Miss Strang Is home from Uxbrldge
for a few days until the school opens up
Miss G�rtle Begley, of Wingham, was
In town this week and gave The Star a
pleasant call.
Mrs. Donald T. Murray of Detroit, is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. �V.
H. Birnie, Hamilton street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Batbs and child-
ren, Susie, David, George and Vera,
left this week for Toronto, where they
intend to reside in future. The towns-
people geaerally reoret their departure.
Canada needs your money -Buy Vic-
tory Bonds.
Could Not Work'
Headaches " generally caused, by
some disturbance of the stomach liver
or bowels, and although not a ' -
complaint, the cause should be removed
before they become habitual and make
your We miserable.
You will find that Milburn's Laxa-
Liver Pill$ will remove the cause by
moving the bowels ntly, safely and
ouirely, refreshing an(Fltrengthening the
stomach, toning up the liver, and thereby
0anialtin the headaches.
Alm. I Armstrong, 7 Harris St., St.
John, N -B., writeg:_,,I take pleasure in
writing you eonftriaini the good I have
received from using M i bum's 1axa-Liver
Pills. I had such severe headaches I
could not do my work but after using
two vials of your pills, i can now do my
work with comfort and pleasure.-
milburn's Laxa-L'yer Pills contain
rrely veptable matter and do not .
ke harsh mineral purgatives do. PIT:
25c. a vial at ali dealers, or mailed direct
On recei t of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limial Toronto, Cut,
Men's & BOYS'
M a RO 1031 1 N S
Moses,. Winter Co $25 t
Womed an ats $45
just arrived the sp*rtesJt 14tof Women's and Misses' Coats we have yet
shown. They co�ie chiefly -in WjoUrs, Wbitneys an4 Plushes, in the popular
shades, in the most beeolni6k s - tV�Jeis. Priced frotu $A5.00 to $43 00.
%6em�er t66-Mo-oth for Buying Furs
This is the best wouth to buy your Ftirs, the assortilients are at their
.best and the values are nitiell. btttefthau can be offt red haer on. We are show-
irlk some exceeditigly smzirt sets in Dlazk and Natitral \Volfe, Grey aud Red Fox,
"Civet Cat," Coon aud Muskrat, Wbite Fox and White Tbibet, all'at liectiest
Buy Your Christmas Furs Early.
Women's Kimonas anaUr I
Women's Flannelette Night -
Gowns from $3.00 to $10-00 gowns
Splencid % 4owing of Women's Wottlen's splendid qiiality Xyllite,
sinart Dressing owns and Kittlonas ' Flannelette Niglitgowns. inade of)Aara
of Velour and Eider Clotb, itt rieb de- qualit), English Flannelette. Good
signs. No woiiiati%,,��ardrobe is com- ro
,omy garments and neatly trinimed.
plete witbout at least one of these use- Trt"r-ln-Hatid Brand at $1.75, $2.00
ftil,,garmeuts. 16d 2.25.
Extra Good News from Our Yarn
Department Youp �nlestment
just to band a delayed shiptilent from Eng- Can you feel the pinch ? I
not keep u bny-tng VICTORY
land -of Baldwin's Bee Hive, 4-P19,.Knitting Varn, BONDS. Zuy till your pockets.
iu Heather mixtures. These are greatly in denistnd book grows slim. Invest your
for Sweaters and women's aud men's Hose. Sp�cial savings in Canada. Every do9ar
3oc per skein. These yarns are very scarce. Get you own would not repay your
your supply early. (lobttothoge who tight for you,
were you to GIVE it. You are
not asked to give, but to LEN I),
Monarch Knitting Floss not only Whitt YOU Can eMily
spare, but every dollar you have
Another sbipment of our well-known Monarell or can borrow.
Floss, in all sbades. Put up iti one ouuce ball
39c eaell. Buy Victopy Bonis
New Knitting Books, 10c and i5c each.
The 11-eading Mail Order Store -Mail orders received this week frotu
Detroit, Brautford, Louden, Sarnia,- Clinton and Blyth. There is a
reason. Try our Mail Order Departmeut.
Nerno Corsets P. C. Corsets
Thone 56
Lend Your-Monev
and Your Inf luence
The Victory Loan keeps business going.
It is through the rictory Loan that
m - oney is put back into circulation.
The Victory Loan finances our immense
exports of farm products and munitions.
The Victory Loan pays wag6ssustains
trade, commerce and agriculture.
And, overshadowing every business cons -
sideration, is the fact that it is through
the Victory Loan our forces are equipped
and maintained.
The destiny of our countryisis-the present
and fUture welfare of business-issidemand
that all influence, all enthuAlasm, all
moral and financial support be put square-
ly behind the Victory Loan 1918.
This Space Dianated by
W.. Walker
Th� Furniture Man
_�t I