HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-25, Page 170 i M 0 ?— � - . I , - - - - - . . � ­ , - ,;W . �, _ 11 _� I - I \ , . I . F.IVA'. I ., , � � , . .. � W1.115WIN Irm, * 1,71 0 , dil" . , __ � ',I . �r I -��� � . � — ,.Adk - ��� � V T'r — I __ , - -­-­---­..------ __ , 251 110to -_ __T "". -. 1) � -_ ---- `� � F. "AINP1111111im— ­ I ;q, , ., .� I %.1 , 11 R �41 1. � . ,.. .. 11 I -1 ,*.., i, T I � 1,00V -A A � I � r I � � I I -0 ___. - � ­ I I I I � - ".. I... 11 ­­ -11 11 11 1. . I j,# , , � , _1: I ­ L____'_ 4 - �'�@ -_ I �� �� I'll I 11 . _ "" , ''I"o, - .1 M I I q ,=W I o .111. � �. ­ _. I __ I , . 'WIM i W I I 1. I i , __­� " . �1. - I 6 111111, � .... � -110', , � . I . I � , Jk. —4 a. � 4 - I , N I � , , j � I I I I . , , , TMS *T:V"DRW# 11 , ­­­., _�.­M:i� , I - *"`1"`__ , � I ,, 1. . - I " � , I . . I I . , 1� 11 I ,�,,� "AIR0, stopsnwn, APWNN" 11 ., � 11 I '' ..1_1 I I - � I . - I � � - 111i V : . I I 'r 1; I � . I I us 40M - . I I I I * It, i ".,� 1 1 , 'I . I � � 1. I . . � � I Ut ., �1' � B. yet I 14�0 , . I . . , I , I ., . . 'I 44011V iq"� "Att 00 It Aftil 00"10, �, . 7 - . ''. � — . i I I .91, - I - �� I . � I I '0 * I I . 11 I . ". I I - I - � . plzz�==V*l ,� swiltilf� . I � I , 11 . I I ''I 11 ", � �� � , W Tlil.�� , I ". WOOD% , . : I I - � �.. , I v4k�*" ui t ian s, - .,, " I , I— . "' � , � I - wl. -11-pw" ­ - I I I I",.. 14 , . A , bri.110 , i - ,to I The ',*v I I I I : , 4%. e7;i;;XW eii�stx "relo Due ''SIA"011ikof C1W I I . H.-ORWAIVRINE $y1oup , I I 4. . betir Asm,utft * of *, ;nWelito I . I .1 I � I - I I � -- ; I I , "idgap ,q� 44,4110 Lo" 1"11144 - �^, ! " , I I . I I � ' so 4cAmitt" to' U, I I lim - '.. . . � . I � I the 14, , 1;1 , ., .1 I ""'HIS -1.4 _1 - I 1. 1*1 00 , C ., V 11wit d4w1ruff-.44t -Awful Atulf. i " I , "han t 1_1 I 11 . � I i. 1 -1 . . I � r bOr 4s 4041 , lt "10 9* Ulf,' %Ifteli- the War started Canadian I I I . , . � of ItA lustre, 04. Att"volt am #* ver. . , . V , , I sm, I . T aarletaturo 444 grown in Importaxle'e ,,,, I I r � jt,*440 , me; elituov producilpe a to, I I 4 Ufa QUt,Vf a mQt4tr,,lt,q a" 1, , , I 1; I "" .Wlax jo AS a nallQuol, 1041w,try. Uore, th 1. � �', I Ahl"Or W� i4o'l ir,tr " — - - — . .1W � 11 Twis 4LV4 wbiagot tk 4641p, Wb,kA 1 �&4 1 � I 1J=pp1Z$ , , It I not "Wdied gwaft the h*Ir T" to ever it b a source Or filtreng to the I #g* 4,40410 "_ ttg: ow musli thelt , , , �, th I 0_0 .: i , �, , I I "' ,, - . i"', � � I , F , , _T 4 1 , T 3 ^11 OXY 'I , . sbriW We" sad 410 --Opo fte -hair country. The demaut :1 � . 411'&, , "sho 414,04a *001 cure. , too Out f, lf by Great prt. , - ... I , "W010 I ,��: ,; , VW*""-,%', kst, Alittle 10046rine to, %414 for too not only for her nQl. . � � ' . . I �:. TbOM4 xiathwg,sa zial:A fov.04d.renlis 1. ..,.q___ n*h -itow-imy tiiuq-,_w1U sgroly 4"xt , I.t I . 9 -a 'lot, , , N - , dlers but tow � 1, 1 O" =_" I'll, I.... �� . I er OvIllan populpition, I ow 4 � . . OrW4 - 7�1 ........ . I - I _ " _r b � Buy I I � 1 40C boo4glutismall M.04, . otway Flue I , . Ton .a1r. I has QP�Iaed a market of tremexid � I 1. , . ,-�� I .. I -.1 Get % moll litottle of Knowlton,# , oup I . � .'" . � . " P004ibilItION., 10 1915 Our total, t. " . I I , I I 11C, , - Ivitloor4usa, bAtoeb".4of - HONOR FLA0 - - r : of It If you will just try a ,little Melt- yW;ot I at the total had seal . �, , , � I - I Jumped I , I � " 'I., ",.$u_. ., , \ 'Ictory Bonds. . I .R, "' � 1, , ,.,..;.I . 1. Daa�erlue from fuly drug atom yon ' . , _ cultural ox,vorta %moun%eo to $3p �., , , . "' I? ,It h 0444 totakoi st:I4 it,.Oum so , on � . 1tel0beria," derine. 4ve your hairl Try itl V *'� I ,^. � .4. THE imre m have beiiatiful hair and lots: 000 000. ,At fte'"ered ,of the, a .1 . , will be thechief eWbJ , I - em in'theYietory Loan gampaign. ., , to $74 I I � ,:'' � -Uris. www mexila4m, Fichmand, - it . � . 03141;� 0 0 9. I J, 1, . s., ;­-r-.VX;� *rit,q""J"axt4ia n 4by Is presented by His BxcC11eX t' ' 1 ­�7-_­. �� ! , - - - —!!!� � I This Wonderful addition to the � I I ,_ I -­ ter , yf.h ,ley the GI-)vernor-Gtner4l to all pl.111ce yol,ill,to of N,I, National wealth was. to % I i �; VV91st two ,wo en 0 took gaslidt has ar tento due to t4e Victory Loan T. . . ar * 011- I . AE;o1d wh . - �, � , , . 'a, 014 nol �e'�o bin - rived in L'baland to Present On behalf It W04 so 49 14115 was. (Ireat airltalles *S ; :1 , . � " �: . � I � Ixe. icoul'a .1 � :I cities, towns and villages that attain their ohjeCLives, and is of the JIx -4 Orgill � , �: . 1 � "o � Oil fifa�atowaqlv, with itlia "cQ,V4�ar`111rf expected . to ,,be 114w� by tlie,in. it ui V;y attir ctive and � ,pA,x�4ese.Vm11QrQr* 1he swO% t6nud that, O*Ius to- her vast Uo**- ., � , . I it" " O. reffieT. . . 'i " . V a I is ,and ba0ge Of a Flel(l mar4bal In thr ditures on her army and navy, apo . ' -e ate. by � ..; , I Zf*'111 , Nood', , _ t . ��,doctqeismcdiciq bd , --'- ---*--'- ..­­. � . ...... _____ -_ _T - � " ' ��:e',Ataldmybusb=IWQ. �yl%il- I sure to bl� Japanese ti�rmy o __ ".- ___.__.x.______-___T,hM_st)at _L& don 4- - ----- __ ___ - __XJpp,qg0M,. -Ot-Wvt1IX-W"ieW am .. V _ - -r _._____._­_ ­Rfen ii0 dleii who ;iiiero retCr1lW­A*0--11eC"#tr ff ---- 0-6 �, -0 orbit aff, ­ - 1. �� . . . . . . . ....... .- _.$0 _.____.__._____.___. , VM*111, V in . . a iy�4� &f ulamy it � - . - 'W to some of her stricktit, A � _1111m, she - , BROPHEY BROS., Goderich 1 2� ,:,save4 . I s 4,k 1. just us4foUr beftles . . f rom GoAport. kitig.. as incorrigibimt, *as no longer able to- pay tot tor I ife � -, a. . � _ 11 " t ,,-'-an xvQw belaperfectlyoured,itindl, can't , ----------------- land who were confined In Fort Henry, 'Purchases or, foe with -r,ftdlr eault. I , 1. . I , I I I I L"help'bUt exprw �py thanks to,you for ernments as regni-irs war �Jws. 'Ingst"I Rltlempted to escape" $I' of Rather than see gur products lope a I - .---.-. ------ -_ . I . . I I '. , them were 4alt - - -- � t _0d ,by thQ ,5011try at aura market- -th� Do&lhl(ji)�- q, -_ . .i The. Vaterland says. -it -is feroirted the b .. ! iS, ��wrut�s xuy babv" " NEWS TOPICS. OF WEE "; iiiritirun- /�' , I I - I , [,;,_� i I � I at QLa - -- -- -X_he-:�yt�_wewt decided -to advance such sq= I -- -_ - -.11 �, 10 . --- - . , 9.9i ­ . escaped. I - _-.Z_ -1 I used iffor oA ' _ K e Ov � I I , --- - L '_­ _��­T ears ago I q - � .. - that the- political- prtsonem heW by - -- -Qj mey - - __ __ -.---- - - _ - 4L w - I � -It': he a a cold andgouj4, bult mte. � . the Germans at Turnhout, Bell�,Juni, out of the proceeds of .the Loan tones I f I . ­ ­ � ­ - - .1 1�� f,',�� octor's medicine A no good for her, [mr)ortant EvTts Which Have northeast of A.qtwerp, including Lord Cecil. A@sistant,Seeretary for to Pay for a good part of th ­_ ­ - ­ _-,�­!!!!!�­. I � ,,, V - - � _ I ).,�, ,got six bottles of Wr WQO'g Norway Burgomaster Adolphe Max, of Brus- ,Foreign Affalrp, says that no state- that'wds sent to Great Britatn,,,'ii; A VICTORY LOA QUY brollierli bleed and diel HOW t IlN ,_, . I e Syrup, and it gave her a, Perfect cure. I Occurred Due ing' the Week, sels, have been released. ment could be ioade as to w)Aether farmers had been i4ked to ".produce YOU ANSWER NAY? Faell Bond �.m � t � the Government Intended to retain . I . not praise,it half enough.op ' .- - Immediately following the an- the German colonies. after the war more food" dod they ha:d respoutil6d To buy a flond or rot -to 611y-t�lat buY, riiy brothe". Nvtll heal some soar I I , . �, '' The cuine. Dr. Wood's Norway Fine The R11sy World's Ha�penlnga C T nouqcement of an investigation by with a will; it watt. of course, for -.the Is the question now I ,1`6�kvcp ol, not in prcinep, or lift the bonds frorr?otli r, I Put All". the Federal Food Board f ' or whether It was proposed to place Government to see that the inbreased I to koep the sellito oti Ffec�dornla fair 'AVho have np%er had your Phitnect tutQ or allbged 2. - Byrup been on the market for the . fully ClOmPlIed and profiteering in oranges lemons, tilem tinder International control, .. 4ast 30 yAWs. Don't accept a substitute and Production was tparket6d, browl ' To ukahe what sacrifice we ' o - 11 9. (it, I r Shape fox the price of the former drorped--["" -8, is dead as t able surplus of wheat, cheese, bacon nut tit make one effort for dear Can- Mists or iliol mi Ifigh agninst,the t,st- .I I 'And perhaps endaiger your obild's life. Randy and Dr. R. W. Faulda, of Elmira, aged T buy a liond or not to bUy_%k­'lJ'I . . Attractive In this way Canada's entire export- may In tills, our %Jm,h of stres ,­, . I about 37 yew he result YOU blityc 1111ILtit tiudolie, to help !i,- : 1. : Price 25c. and 50c: Put up only by ; the Readers or our Paper -A $5 to $4 per box a5t public _uc, -n of an attack of Influenza, which I:kter and other commodities was dinaticed. ada's suceessl " , the T. Alilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, . Solid Hour?& Enjoyment, in New York. developed Into pneumonia. At Him I ? NVIII N.�u Ilut SfLNe and t4i" i I -11011t. I . Friedrich Ebert, the So,�Iulfst lead- the This yeur there will be for export To buy a Bond Or not Va. buy --that � , - ,1!1 � ___ * - __ -Tti'Xe%� ­ I ARP _ - I WEDNESUAY. er In the Geit4an Reichstag, inform- time Dr. Faulds was �aken Ill he was Possibly 100,000,000bushelsof wheat Wait tf!.hnl!&_L11l% Iman-4111--yesg- _J�V_ �­- --- -� attending 1GO cases of the influ Is tile PropositLoal � 1% wall- YOU I . Viljalmtir Stefs,ws , the returned ,d th, Relebstag that, -Dr." -*K--rl enzA valued at. $225.0-00,000, It the pro- 'her floating 1.%Igl . t . M.t, GANADIAN Noun \-\- I I 0=1 rctic explorer. lea Oil Llebk4cht., former So,ialiSL t.iet, �r and was phystrally worn out from ceeds of the Victory Loan meet itis I or ptlot - lt,L - S\vk.,R \\ 11.1, Ill,: --yp'sr .- thillIn I � k o Per 0 1 ves Seattle fox the strain. Who dol, n the for - 11,21, II&IRM114,J Ottawa to make his report. of th-e Reichstag, lias I;een Ftnanc� Minister , F, l0r, _,�, a - _ � _ 1, roleased It was announcod in the British ; expectations of the 1111i, (14,1111'se and send his gold 44road -Willikilm . * - House of collinlons Iliat since the: financed by the Government. The ""ll tir"" blillstilf 3 Children Cry — . Republic of Ouba now has a I from prison, where he had been sery a great part ol Ibis wheat will be Mead of Vorce, � litary Service Law, and Cuban Ing a sentence for attempted t�eason. I ghlands of Ontario mi"" I votunitneenient (if the war British ! a foo to 1101110 and otoot � -.1 luale citizens in Canada must register Benjamin Bowman. export -of el.wt.e will be over $40.- - CANADA I the United lrool,�i have taken 327,416 ell"'y � 000,000. ane, of buttEr, eggs and con 1") tilt\ 41 R'S I for service. Farmers' condidat4Y. defeated B. F. coll,L)stan-1 - I 60ull or not to buy -At ]Rowe of the Red Deer and the Aloose rriL,ol-lels. i,iduding 26-1- densed milk ano her I 0,000.000. is for )ou tit say, Your younger All the American dead In France rner,/the Conservative candidat" ' 242 Gurwanp ,rhere w(re, it was t � CA!BTORIA will Tu Bacon runs into all lions, in the pAt . -_ - be taken home after the war, In Manitoulin -by a majority of 290. also F,,,�t(�(J, 97.0ml (,w-�!ij.n vollibat- twelve I I I I — I .� O . according'to orders received by the This constituency was represented by months the Government has . 11 . . aul t,rilone-z In T1.,- 1'rmed I�iugduin advanced nearly $100.0%0,000 to - I Reer-November Ist to November 15th army chaplains. R.'R. Gamey for many years. This at kj,e,VI1L:1vLAt tilukt. finance exports of live tItock products.' - inclusive. There have been severe earth- serious loss by the Conservatives Is � — - --- 1'. SCA '2D C T Moo.se--November Ist to November 15th quaket; in Guatemala and 160 persons blamed on the dissatisfaction with , ; in6lusive. In some of the Northern are dead. Much property damage at,, th method In which the Ottawa Gov- , .1 � . . . kl( ament has administered the Mill- - � Districts of .Ontario including Tirna- ) has begn caused. elre BRITISH TAKE ALEPPJ VICTORY LOAN AND A � gami and the territory north and The new town of M'erritton will tary Service Act. I I H squth 6f the Canadian Government send a deputation to 0 CANADIAN INDUSTRIES I I N I Elf , . I . ttawa to ask I SATURDAY. Another Turkish City Has Been i. Railways frorp the Quebec to Mani- that Merritton be made a port of Six alleged deserters and evaders last Year's Subscription of Gr t I toba Boundary open season for moose entry and that a customs office be of the Military Service Act have been Captured. 0 ea I ,. el I' is from October Ist to November 30ih established there. arrested In the Tweed district and . Benefit and Bigger W rk - I inclusive. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Francis, Of taken to Kingston. Gen. Allenby Scores Victory Thal Will Follow This Year, eunionia fol- Ottoman a. - MAPPEN I .- Woodstock, recel-ved word of the Rita Haynes, the well-known Cana- Cuts One Of tile Vftal Arteries of The Imperial Munitions ard re- ' I �Vrlte for copy of "Playground, -t death in New York of 'their son, than dancer and vaudeville perform- I � "" Teddle, following an attack of I fie of 000 a month from the Dominion I nza. He was 17 years of age. e . Haunts of Fish and Game," giving e nflu- er, died in Detroit of pn Empire, and ()i 1 calves, advances of nearly $25,000.- '. . Game Laws, Hunting Regulathons, British casualtle§ reported for the lowing Spanish "flu.,, I 11 Successful Advance May B New Government. your first need Is fo end the Pai _t . etc., to G. E. Horning, District Pas- The War Office report on opera- Peace Move by Turkey. It has received over $650,000,000 Upply SOInettling that will give you n . I senger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, week ending Monday numbered tions It the eastern theatre states In advances from. the Dominion Gov- relielf Ont. , 1 37,150, compared to 35,710 -for the that French patrols have crossed the -LONDON, Oct. 29. - Aleppo was ernment and the Canadian banks. nd permit you to go oil with your wori I . . I . previous week. They are divided as Danube river and invaded Roumania. Occupied by the British Saturday It has Placed $1,200,000.000 worth r,,plCaSUre, as'the,Case may be. � follows: Killed or died of wounds: In the Saskatchewan Provincial morning, saym a British official state- of war orders in Canada for the Brit- . I., F. r. LAWRENCE & SONS Officers, 517; men, 4,971. Wounded byle-election for the Estevan seat, ment Issue(] yesterday. I ish and other Allied Governments. 11 I / , Town Ptissenger' and Ticket Agents or missing: Officers, 1,464; men. R. N. Dunbar, Liberar, has a major- The Turks at the beginning of last An advance of $iO.000.000 enabled Here's where Zam-Buk is so splendid. �, ... , . 'Phone 8 30,198. ItY of 45"ver T. N. Bryce, Unionist. week were defending Aleppo with it to give orders to Canadian ship- Nothing ends, the burning sensation In a ,, - Julian L'Estrange, widely known Ex-QO4t,rqIjer . F Rainey 12,000 men. but these retired to the. . scaldorbEfrn #11-stin I" - --- Facutorscfatch ; . . _Vlk I . I ; � I , - � I - : . - � � � . : I . . '11 jar s lor 44 wooden ships. To this 9 & a, - 9 as a player of leading rolet; on the of Brantford, proprietor of the big north. No news has yet been recei,tred program 46 steel ships were added. or the ache and soreness 'of a bruise, like Zam-Buk ' English and Americtl stage, and Oak .Park Stock Farm, , ear,Brant- that the railway Junction, six milee Total value over $60,000,000. ' until recently,A member of the Royal ford, passed av�ay aftern a' lengthy beyond Aleppo, has been captured, An advance of $4,000,000 enabled Is Canadian Flying Corps, died in New illness from heart tro but it is not believed that the Turks the Board to begin the manufacture Another thing I Zam-Buk ensures you agai. nst - Lord Beaverbrook's health, has will attempt to defend it, and the of airplanes In Canada; 3,000 have York after a brief illness, which be able. the danger of an injury "taking the wrong way gan with an attack of influenza and been seriously impaired. He under- fall of the railway junction will mean been built to date of a value of A most important feature of Z&�n-Bulr_ i -,i iirs -4 developed Into pneumonia. . went an operation and one of the thaCa vital artery of the enemy com- .4130,000,000. Lieut. Carl H. Heebner, R.A.F., surgeons, Col. Bruce, Q,f Toronto, who munications has been cut.- Between 260,000 and 300,000 peo- germ -destroying power. If Zam-Buk is applied son of Prof. C. F. HeieblfeT, dean of secured ldiv�_ from France for this The fall of Aleppo is expected to be ple are working in Canada on war immediately an injury is sustained, there is never the Ontario College of Pharmacy, purpose. a decisive factor In determining7 Tur- orders obtained through the Board. any dangt_�r of festering or blood -poisoning, as it who was reported missing in Septem- Authorization has 'been gi-ven to I?ey to sue for rTace. It has $600,000,000 of war orders ber, is now given as killed in action � destroys atl germs and protects the injury from , Major Paul OstiguY, commanding . The fall Of Aleppo to the British in sight 'for 1919. infection. � I while engage.& -in bombing a German the Laval C. 0. T. C. (overseas), to is the crowning event of the victor- To carry out this program will city. Lieut. Heeber met his death in I organize the Thfild Canadian Tank ious campaign of Gen. Allenby, In require millions in advances which These qualities, Combined with unusual heal - a battle in which the odds against JBattallon, to be " entirely French- which he captured Jerusalem and must come from the Victory Loan. him were very heavy. ,... IcaCnadlan.- M. Damascus on his - way northward Ing power, are responsible for Zam-Buk'S Con. Jones, the western laer( .1. E House, personal friend through Palestine and Syria. Aleppo HE A SOLDIER AT ROME. world-wide trput4tion. enthusiast, has offered to take the and advised of President Wilson, has Is 185 miles north of Damascus and Canada's 1918 Victory .L,Oan is Be ready for an em'e'rgency by gA Maitlands of Toronto to the Pacific larrived in France. It is thought he ' 70 miles east of the Mediterranean asking for $500,000,0oo. I etting a box coast for a lacrosse carnival next Is authorized to represent the Presl- Sea. I These of Zam-Huk t"ay. It will keep for - At Aleppo the railway liner from you I spring, providing suitable arrange- dent in discussions with the repre dollars are needed to win tho war. an IBM-' I metts as to terms can be made with sentatives of the Allied Gbriternments. Constanklitople branches, one line must do your share in providing inite period and still retain its strength and - going southward to, -Palestine, and gonds as ever you can. In -vest every purity. the C.L.A. champions. . Mr. Jones is The German War Cabinet consider them by buying as manY V.ctory also negotiating with the Ottawa e4, President Wilson's reply at a the other east and south to Bagdad. dollar you have in them. Borrow to � team, and It is possible that Vancou- lengthy ' session, according to the With Aleppo in the hands of the buy more. I ver, Toronto and Ottawa will be re- Frankfort Zeltung. It was decided British the Turkish forces facing Your m --- fit 1, . . presQnted An the tournament on the not to answer at the present titub ' Lae British army in the Mesopotamia J � 0 allBOAULezy . W I I - . � I � coast in May. but to watt until it is learned what are in a more or less precailous posi- safe. Tbd security Is the finest In I . . .1 THURSDAY. the Entente armistice conditions ma� tion. The railroad froul Aleppo has the world, It is all Canada. In addi- � be I been their main source of supply, tIOO, You will be paid 6 % per cent. .. & ; The Government of India has stop- on Your money-tbe money you will &Emperor Charles, according to a and the cutting of the line at Aleppo be lending to your country to protect . - I THE SAULTS COAL Co. ped all wheqt purchases for export Budapest despatch, has accepted the renders it useless to the Tnrk6. your home, your safety, your free-, except for Mesopotamia. resignation of Baron Burian, the From Aleppo the British can move dom, your family and Yourself. Did , 7 .a, - I . Successorp to McDonagh & Gle_dl�_tll Mgr. P. F. Stagnt, who was allos- northeastward throbgh 0 , Austro-Hungarian Foreign MinIster Asia Minor you ever bear of a safer Investment .1.6 al, ISO :fpo _ - I . a Jve to the tr"t* I kXCLUSIVH AGENTS FOR tolic delegate to Canada from 1910 and also of the Hungarian Cabinet: and northward to the Blaelf Sea. An plan., r one so supremely advail� 0 An At"Or-olkid iies-04"t"Gra. I- to 1916, has died at Rome- . . -C -1- - ­­ ...­ ­ __­__-_­..._ ----,. ­ .11 .. I ­ leaded by Wr, Wekerle, Count Julius advance. northwaTd* from Aleppo tageously to the Investor? Never, on . OU46 ate. All Adrl'1111`1��I�iil Following a runaway accident a Andrassy, a Hungarian statesman .would cut off the Turkish forces In VW z4ft-ank . LEHIGH VALLEY few days -�ago, Willbe Runciman, has been appointed to succee'd Baro� Armenia and northern Mesopotamia, your life. Never in your life. � I 60c. box. " I I THE COAL THAT SATISFIES Broaville, died on Wednesday last- Burian. and would open a road 6ver which Then do your share. Sacrifice ( E. Rossiter, �A. Skidmore and Win. MONDAY. I to send help to the Czecho-Slovak something - anything - everything U SE 111�111 AklL_ — , We deal in Hard ana Soft Coal, Lime Cole pleaded not guilty when charg- S � enator H. W. Richards, of Kin and other tctory Bonds. Be g sol- --- - MR= . -Ceweui. Xire Brick. Fire Clay, ed in Stratford with being Social- g- Russia. anti -Bolshevik forces in tiler at hom6 Act at once, BUT I I . . --- _=1 al so Democrats. ston, head of a big grain firm, was . __________ found dead In his bed. Aleppo has a Population of about - —_ - ____ Hard 4od Soft Wood, Maple and Fddie Piggott, known In all par� 125,000, It Is an extensive trading IN FL4NDERS' FIELDS. EUBRBNE Hemlock Slabs. - of Canada as a C01111c entertain . " , Albanian tribesmen are taktn& up 44 . I "' arms against the Austria, centre and about one-sixth of its * * I died in Toronto of pneumonia, f.I. fighting under Itattan colors. ns and population are Christians. In Flanders' fields, the poppies graw * I 1 4" I ' lowing Spanish influenza. Mrs. Patrick Phillips, of London, 1� With the capturer, of Aleppo the Between the crosses, row on row *1 * � Fre4h 1�ars of Lime and P. G. MigrLaull, K.C., of Montreal That mark our place, and In the i;k, * PRESIDENT Wl"ON'S 14 PEACE TERMS ** � has been appoin!p(l to the bench " � fell down stairs at her home and was position,. of Gen. Allenby's army is The larks, still bravely singing By, * Li . D �c made more secure from Turkish a %R � 11#1 nt just recei -t of Canada Iii s _ killed. She was 91 years of age. carce heard amid the guns bel W. *' * ' m �, Ceme' ved the Supreme Com I forces, while the Turkish menace to q *$ hm o * ON THE BASIS * I cession to ,',it* LoWs I)avies, I The Right Rev. William Boyd- Gen. Marshall's fQFces In Mesopo- We are the dead. Short days ago ,, -1 ' , Carpenter, former Bishop of Ripon t, OF WHICH THE ENEMY I OFTICH PEEONX - - . 75 . The 1301i0i Holls" (,)fvCol1l:non!, and Canon of Westminster tamia is grea y lessened. ,.( * *1 � adopted a resolulio n in �, oT 01 per- since We lived, felt dawn, saw ou ?t gl * W . L F�llltlll, OW, * SEEKSPEACE fiN I B� J. �AYJLTS' R ESIDIENCEE -f 275 witting wonier to sit in Pat']i 1911, died In London. � An official communication on the Loved and were loved; and now W- W. SAULTS' IkMIDENCH 202 It was passed by a m;'Jority of 241 An offer of surrender frbm Turkey operatios in Mesopotamia says: we lie * #1 . 9—' - - I . I has been expected momentarily for "Our troops continue to pursue 140 *, . I ___ __ I President %Vi1:i,,n s, w a finol P,j P the Turks on both banks of the Tl- In Flanders' fields. I *4 I, ()11(11 4-Ovellt"ItH Of Pence withoot prho(e hiternationill till- .*, I - ____�_ to the Geiiii`hns, teflirEc thuia that Ih- days, but no notice of a new proposal gris. On Oct. 25 our columns. mo.v- Take up our quarrel with the foe. * Ider,landio41%, *1 � ,, M . his 'reached the Allies. W * � entral Iloweis iwiq! surret'dur tin ItalloLn cavalry has reacbed Ing up on the eastern bank, foreed To You, from falling hands we throw W -1 'it,olole friedoin ;1f tile seal 111'Peare or -_m rNeept 11% *J . ternis laid dol%n by the rnili i- the , i e. . Bulgarian border, near Egrt- R Passage of the Lesser Zab near ]Is The torch. Be yours to lift It It * - i0i �', leaders of ilip E-wf,i, Palanka, mouth in conjunction with our cav- It ye break faith igh. W OW) llol� he closell by hiternational action. � L*, . . R C f, hwest of Sofia, says re- . I UWE YOU " I ,- 60 miles sout with us who die, W! *1" 1. AN USE SA,Tq In 1he canipaig;i tondu(ted hy th porta Which rOacbed London yester- airy, which rroF;Ffed thin river the pre- We shall not step, though poppies * :1. 11f mov�l of 'all t-conomic barriets alld P,I dill Winielits of * . Me- Navy Lpagiie ol Canada, J.1.4T con- i W) 1 41 cluded at Chapipaii, a total (,I $1,3ofl day. . vious evening seven miles fur.th6r up blow W eliostilly of trude Ponditions among nat.lons.ron%roling 41 .1 L109 LIU has I)een colle(t(d ror the del,cliden.s Four Toronto boys, belonging to stream. In Flanders' fields. I , W to peace and WL 1*1 114%ofln0flo tbemseltes rot Its maintenanee. W t respectable families, stole a motor, "A later u;ovement turned the left I -Buy Victory Bond& Al ON � N of the men,hant, ti).rine. and emulating the villains of the Bank of a Turkish'foree holding the - - * i. 4.q.arantee,i for the reduction of national * , Several thous4 nfl castr of Gerpliin_ movies they shot a farmer's wife near angle formed by the Junction or the * 151`11114111TIVIII(S to tell- W U Yftr Nick Is aehing or Mad er made toys purl , ,,s(d I,rlor lfj th(Aw.,t , 10"r -I roll�Wtrlll wull domestic safety. 141 by American Importcrs, and E,tnc- d Lesser Zab with the Tigris and as- W I * . N boflieu� &ink Jots of water sist4d toe main body to drive the i Vour Thousand 0ollar 41 1 5. Imparthil adjustratut of all colonial clallht, oasq,-d lotion then held in AmEterdam, llwi a,rI%,.(, he military authorities announce W * 41 *ad rt I" MML in New York. that the regulations prohibiting enemy across the Tigris to the west- Victory Bond Will " W I lie lit-hif ipls- t1lal (fie POOPIrs concerned [lave equal welglat will, * I � An unknown iol,llwr hf; ' ,:p ,11� lights in Halifax at night4ime, a ern bank, I . * � f� me.ssf�ngvj,, in (1,; yg(, of (be,( .i;�cir . precaution taken at the Uwe of the "Meanwhile our troops, advancing - W . flip Inter -1 of the Goveniment. * , W I *J ullift y0tw enemy submarine raids in the North up the right bank of the Tigris over Buy 200 gas masks, or * G. Et wronlion of all Russlan tei7itory and oppor nity fo N -111116111-J killnelys hurt and your ba& Express Co.'s stl 011fZ I ON i 1, V t'll In Atlantic, are no longer necessary. a difficult country much cut up by 200 Pairs of soldiers' boots, or % ki r 6k - *h' The British VIAWersities Mission, 460 bushels of wheat. or * ­ ,�', 4i I _Wra�,donit got Wared and between the Tororio 1'rilon stntl )a ravines, drove the Turks from a hill 1141"Ifft"I 110-1111cal d4veloPment. fiflo",�' lot of= * H4 , 2"'yot -OWN" With a and Sunnyside, and robbed th�l CO.- position which th?�y were holding In 600 steel belmets, or IN 7. F"'ll"110" Of 1110111121111 vulthoot any attempt to limit he M4 eili"te %9 kk1xi" And h-rit'Lte this pany of $20,000. witich recently aTilved in the United prolongation of their forces on the 1,000 pairs of soldiern' socks or W sas erelorl I * * * ' tire %finAVY tZ&dL Xmp your kidneys Joseph Cameron. allas J. A. Canin. left bank. The enemy, after burning 2,000 lba. of high explosives: Ail 1'rench Irrritory to be freed slid rep,tored and repara(loii * a .- States onAbe ixivttation of the Coun- r 011164 111011 7" 10"Pt?Our b0W& clelim, bell, alias A. E. Madore. v6bo Col -1- cil of National Defence to enquire in- his stores, retired about four miles 4,200 lba. of cheese. or ,� I W by finslib,4 * or tUtt *1 % mild, I'LltzIlless mlited the double niiirder at �Edrnon. td tho best means of procuriog closer further up the ri-ver. - "; 11 . r� tha, bod3 off) 28.0Wrifles cartridge, or * plor ,,,, ldl,,,,g of t1saeo Lorraine. * wits Wida all, r's Urinous- ton Alta., shooting Lnppier. R ci c0aillmution bb,tween Britleih and "On the Kerkuk road our patrols W W @11 11 *14% "d 9 �A­ thaln to thoir nor- fer,'and Frank Bevers, a policeilla - A-erican leldadMional laftitutiolis entered the southern outskirts ' of 66,000 revolver cartridges. W 1). llriidloil�liravni 1)' "Sly'n frOnticrS along elearly rrelignizable W I - n' 71"th the ,lei, -of malting 5yotast"g- im I AW "" 2U function Of the kid- and made a sensational escape froal Kerkuk. The Turks appear to be lines or olitionaiti.s. W , "_111 h 40 %ter the blood. in 24 hours i ly firm the bondir Of ayinvathy and . Ct_,,,d.W a'= dicaLUMA& *6 r !!y febrWA r tfft J , ' the ,Northern tjotpl wp-- r"ur"t V tificitt-stftftng that flow unite I. C,woy%is the, gtrL-tigth the liveri WTV —_rth"-- I I I � W — I � .. .1,6ft'grains of aad the Leduc district. he ground to the north of the town." the Mwems of the Victory IA&�& 2he ON to. rrr-e%t III '11-r-afte, X6 English-speaking world. will arrfv OPP'"Clunify for autonomous development 61- tile 01 I no ,441 lixtViartants sesdily understand ein 1115","O.W6 want*d arme bip sab- W people o' A jQtria-litinilary, ot keeping the kid- FRIDAV. Montreal on Thursday, and after scribed. The responsibility ly %) On going borne from work at noon spending the day in the city will Pass New Brunewick has adopted a volnD- if) - @R Lary rationling scheme for ti -is, tion,,q M An so aw th" the M"W"Dway Is W I'- Evacuate" Of ROUM&nla. Serbia and Montenegro, with ar- * !,�:rlftot4bf water—you oan't drink Jas. Gillespy, Briintford. fou,nd big on to Macdonald College. and thence It - 110'. Im , '34. 'aw ftt from any hJ111,11111saint 1,71fe dead in a few Inches of water in to Ottawa and Toronto. . of h,dr People. This plan vas prepared - - M Pegs to tile '" to'- 80rhia Rod I1Qt"ft&tIQn1d ituaranteetil of "Onor"Ir ?A 1.� about F#,;; In conferene,p of reprPsentativeg of 1,1cal � I : ..d pfillfl,,.1 Independerneir and territorial Integrity of tile Ralkan 111 I Ouleties of Jad. 91,ItA; tak,e the cistern. TUESDAY. food committees, women'q Institutes r - -4---- --- 111 P a ftb16TO"reelt in & glass of water Dr. 1@11sha Jessop, mprnbor for the Wilson, president I OR States. , Havelock of the and dorpe8tic Relenep telicherk. It %%toi I , bd6j* Iiiialsidalph aildh Morning for IL few County of Llnenln .in tl,* 0,.t. -.:,o British Seamen's Union, was returned * I &Y# AW YO,Ur klid" will ect Am Lcgislature for over 20 years dled JI revised and tipproved by the Canada 12. F-el1rP 190%rPeigntY for Turkey's portion ol illp Oliomall * T14 fiftbill' i4f*- 1i nuLde from the at .St. Catharinet. %.1 Unopposed for South Shields. He Is Food Board. � BROWN OPTICAL � ,R * . � Simflar plans are being 10 Fulpirp, W-1 with other nationalities tinder Turtilsh rule a-4sured - * I .1 elected as a trades unionjst. � W . formeilated in tile Ather provinces. rp- � C 0 MPA r Y 1, - - , , ,�, �i Ill Pceurity of life and opporfutilty fOV autonomous de . ffl 4"41 and lantou Juicei, combined Fro-Tirli troops cromed the Oise The peasilints In Lithuania have're- vised in certain minor details to fit '4 volopment,"wilh A . "ilerlik" A. "41 has beeft few for geners. Canni opposite Longrbamps. Tbp,v volted and thousands of them have X (fie Dardanellen permanently opened to all nailial, Nq ogod Idd. have also made an imporlani local condflions. X I � twalk to tu" 0111111 stlumIsAa el _ ad- joined other de,qerters who are hiding � EYES EXAMMED I M , IN I "Ut ,11* to MUttalin the acids in vance between the 19ise and the S(,rvq In forests and swampsi. —, � - ___ — III 13. r-driblIshment of an Indeftudent Poll-sid state, including W I q 41`1611i 06. It *0 !*ieot is is @=a& of irrit, rivers, House of Commons, Rt. To AErrTIMA. SurvEnF.Riti. Dr. J 1). � , ­ �), L, . � , I III le"Horlpq Inhabited fiNfridisputably Polls * I 1, 4,11 Ill PoPulation, with free a, I � :* MW 0 _ _ th " ,f3eh, r .#W_ Us The oriod for nubReriptionaJo th'a Her Arterew Bonar lAw stated that 'lireei%* 0 the sea. and political 8"d "onornical InZeliendence and W S Ad& wealmm. Relfoga's Asthma Remedy ecimpi; like a I I rij �. , Austraflan War Loan hosi been Px- the Government did not contemplate helping hand to a Making strimmer. It QUAWTY G1,AbSF-,8_''._- : 01 plieXpebsive; essoot In- liq territorial Integrity guaranteed by lattreueltional covenant. g, ,*". A d4diottill effaryseleghl, fended to Ort. 28, after �� hl(h (late I the national�--(Ilin of British ship- given new life and hope by caring his I 11 RA .''_ . 111. *M vVilk eVeryofie sbftld compulsion will he tipsA If tbp full I pfng. ileve Impossible. ItR benefit 14 too evi. (, R, 7 N!, %'- i f I, INS 14. GPneral It-utoclation of 13stionlo under lip"Ifle rovennots for M A*' Ikesi OW, ile I-elip tkelr, Idd. awount is not vnbgrrlh�d M , . 1. . . � _ _ Th 11 death of Jane Shirr*. of Cale. dent to be quetitioned- It IR ItFi own best � I nutual fitiarantr(- 046 OU0, *A this, a$" Lord Robprt (Xvi;, rl,,. ki­g 1-1 it-- do,,,.., whose body was recently ex arililmont-AN own hPqt advertli4ment. I AT MOD�I)All, � �), i I III Of Political IfidePenden" 2114 te"Itorful In. I 411141111* TIFY � I I I W 14011go of' rf,­ " or " ..I %$..,I 11 ill d - I M teferity of lerge and small states alike. I ='*# th ,*A* dr6k, , Sad " BrItIllb u e nfler being In the grave for I if yon wiffer frooi rudbwa oet thl,. tin a I . I IV R3 . i ill IN _Aya " ­ " rb,f1-'l0'rPiA,V,_,�_Ay, -, , r I *11, *06&# ZZ; b6o"M d tha I - . , — r, ' ?" �' I three years, waq dup to natural trit'd remeglv and lint] help like 3,0M. , — i 1� harnionv t%1-1-1 1, - yott 4;� Un�tf,d Slal(s :it.t, ,i�!` w. �: ., , _- causen. thomiandf; of otherq. ; - . rr LLLLL - 611 * I � U*O* W 11"kadw I 91 r 08 - r� � � . I I � - 0 I * � I � . . - I 6 r " . , " Ir . ��r ., � , � 1 , ­ 'r ' �, , . I � 1) , I r - I , — ,�, r " , �'r'] � �� q I ; "� ; �,:, �, j 11* I:_ I � . ��: . ,,�, _�'