HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-25, Page 15a C LA ic Ovow*; ` low T YA*4 bo 100AO; wl ot 01. it wo *N to we tv" on A aid uver -the Up got ei 10044 wiler tbo Q �, =',lic. rlarlyih the war Uoyd Gmrge THRIFT 41401 i44 WhDhsiek been UKA to ito th IT will, tikke the of �V*Iry, X.0414, WO it AtI 4A ig C a Slav') 1 0 called on Britain W win tbei t 7b,114 pie"onal and n&69A4.1J �Ylkonl tjlQV 1014)0 ultwit k�q om,%_ to surpass the huotlk 6#00 1� t.bis Victory L0,44 *4 drilm tbo , rus A with silver bullets, Vic- Wa#* 404 not *I is the Ae must have an Inile, % torY Bonds are Cokoada's finu. But we'll do it I way cv� oinsi 6� Imn and pnetise- 0 ld� peP4 W ffq d to —any section—ati jn,4ivid ql i4sti- 't lilpy, Ward 4 4 tbavo�heso In�1,eirntleno cial olkellp, bullets ondboinW 'y We cannot a 6t$4 now I Xmka you fot emtrpntlon 00 theY stand to Thrm, and yow conutryg acto(w the WUWAY 9t Gtvfuapy, to Ithe whQteby sbo will belp to con. tutiOU—IRR behind. 4viup Account in this Bank. ";N0_thWg­Jo.i�uQr0 vttil ;ban Ithis sumWO-0. the final triuluph, The ONI Y to ao'k tlliq.0 t6 DO *t. tqv OL julit, it risbte6ulii, gouring 1+ w ay PO4 at curreu I t ratm 40 mgintairt the structure a' NOW is the time to s41*M.'be—uq tomorrow, or tlit -day *ftcv—but The 'Rupaten Provirteas taken from �11"Ia by the villainous poikce'ot Brest- ber prosperity after pea�e is NOW—TODAY, UMON BANK'OF,,CANADA ni order to ta�m sto enemy ttench, IEW OfIFIM L tQyf* runsp be restoWl to Bussla. declared. When the ulle.0 lkt,4116 frOtIlt get Rd VANMPEC, MAK dent. as you all remember. '4o." No I They ro3pond to the wi of The Prod they don't sav "tomorrow will b nouncedthe vast, Importance of GODERICH BRANCH# &%An t sulluininA UU8.15IN If Germany con- dut PROMPTLY. F-WOOLLCOMBE. ' , . Buy Victory Bonds y =to hold &1argo part of Russio, Me givtil i definite objective to riach—as wp are tor years to come wfil be under When we, at home, are the qb this Victory Loan Catupaign—we must lose no time in getting our skdow Qf another great war which This a pe donated by will aareIV be prociollaied'upon us T11E ESSENTIAL to Franoe�uucottdittoually returne,4- en Germany has developed her JAME individual subscriptions ink wl:au oosseftsioliv to ,he 0olat of trOt werely because sentiment and sn S A' CAMPBELL, If tfie Victory Loan work trs f ail to call on you promptly, look them up. Lft Iml __ ------ -- ---- - -- via ig.kor.-avia monev.and sU tea.- ...... .... TERMS OF -PEA 1*0 - constatiCuelft inusi 136 Atlilly t sp Plan to take all the 13onds you can Possibly pay for.' The pig.ments i CABOT the iton and coal of Lorraine must be lkwav ftom Turkey and placed in the AS LAM -00.0 BY HUN_ HENRY LOWE IN THE U. S. SENATE forever taken from 09rmany. baii_� of the allied natt, u's aiii a tree are as fDllows'l Italian Irredenta-All those arilas port so as to oar Germany's way to the R P not be restored. where the Italian race is pre4ominont, na,iland hold the Dardaue jo per cent. on applicatioia. 20 per cent. January 6th, T919. if,312110=4 Lorraine must be returned including Trieste- must go back to the benefit.of mauktud. Iles open for ment. It can not be a peace which 1 20 per cent. February 6th, igig. Italy. We must not be beguiled Into conces- rests on signed treaties alone, for no 20 per cent. December 6thi 1918. treaty ia-worth. the -paper it Is written T -TA per cent- Much &IL ictio.. deserve—just as they now have t e I Fr I government they prefer, whose purposes lin and there dictate peace. This pur. and blue. AcroRs the upper left hand And lo I It tempts 'is yet. 1U Int OULtO UR TU101111 DUU10 and ambitions and barbarism they pose can be accomplished. We shall do corner there are five bars, each re- 'As mellow King of Tompkins rod, share and sustain. Our part and our it, but we must be above all propositions presenting a Canadian war loan, At And Pippine smooth. invite. 119 b ineag is to put Germany in a pool- of a bargained peace, all suggestions of the lower left hand corner is the o. The apple -lover pasoling by� us negotiations ; deaf to every voice wt4i coat -of -arms. To stop and take a bite. tion where she can do no harm in the ch minion I OPEN fOR BUSINESS future to thi� rest of the world. Unless would divert us from the path ; deaf (10 "OYElt THETOP. Thug says Miag Minna Irving In a we achieve this we shall have fought in Mike to the whimper of the pacifist and Not a district, ot city in Canada should short poem quoted In a booklet issued - vain. Congress and the President had to the wheedling or truculent appeal of uliss the honor of an Honor Flag. Be' by the Fruit Branch at Ottawa giving STOCK NOW COMPLETE WITH no right to declare war unless they the helpers of Germany. When Ger- lieving that every ulace will go "away 160 recipes for the use of Cho -apple. FALL AND WINTER GOODS ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 11918 Lneant to dq precisely this thing. Noth- many is beaten to her k0es and the over the top," the Dominion Publicity E 'verybody will agree that the apple Is AND ALL AT RIGHT PRICES ing less would justifly otir action. We world Is made safe by the'arrangements Committee is Frosiding for a flag for the king of fruits whether fruab. dried. are pouring out the best blood of the which I have suggested, then, and not every canvass ng District to Canada. evaporated or canqed. but everybody gn,,P, country, the blood of our chose. youth, before, we ,hall bay,,, tho Just and Whatever the q.ot. set. wb.Wv.-- the does net knew to how many uses the --- upon the altar o�,patrlottsm. We are righteous peace fer bich we light. In suiVlus over that amount, the flag will king of fruits can be put as an article making every ott of pecuniary sacri- food—an article moreover than can Notice of Sittings of -Revising OTH 8 this way and I. .,j1hor shall we obtain be presented by the Duke of Devon- for flee. We are hearing an immense bur- 'it- We shall obtain t because we are shire, Governor General of Canada. and be made to conserve other foods for den of taxation. We are mortgaging going to win. Let us but be true to it is expected that each place will raise shipment overseas. The booklet -issued Me ROBINS with our loans the future of comin. ourselves, and we shall,not then be false a flag with all the ceremony that by the Dominion Friiit Branch and generations. We have set aside for thZ to any man. attaches to the honor of having won it. which can be had free on application to OPI;pf EVENINGS ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF'NO'RTH HURON time being the Constitution under which "This is the emblem that will show the Publications Branch, Department of S individual libe7Cty has been preserved .......... . . . . . . . . . . the enemy where Canada stands," said Agoculture, Ottawa, fulfills this useful - J and the country has grown and pros- R. A. Stephenson, chairman of the com- purpose. Save to buy Victory Bond�. TO WIT I pered. We have adopted measures wittee. "The Governor-General will TAKE NOTICE that Hie lists of voters for Polling Subdivision numbered 1, 2, which lead, it unchecked, to the build- be prepared to give oucto every Can - 3, 4, 5 and 6, in the Municip,.Iity of t1w TownshiA of Howtek; numbered 1, in the Ing up on the one hand of a great bure- adian city, town, and village—no Municipality of the Village of Wroxeter; 1, 2 hrd 5, in the Municipality of ancraocy such as that which crushed and matter how many go beyond their ob- the Town of Wingham; 1, 2, 3 and 4, in trpm ic polity of the Township of ruined Russia and which on -the other jective—amd in my opinion there will of the Village of Blyth; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and are stimulating the development of be few places in Canada that will not Turnberry; I and 2, in the Municipality 6, In the Municipality of the Township of Morris; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, in the stAte socialism. It is our Intention to fly one from the town flagpole. Municipality of the Township of Ashfleld; 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5. in the Municipality return, as our laws show, to the old TEST OF A COMMUNITY of the Township ot East Wawanosh, and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the MunicipalitN restrictions, protections, and rights of '0 WALKER'S STORE NEWS It is In the number of Honor Flags of the Township of Wc4 Wawanosh; have been prepared by the Enumerators the ordered freedom of.the Constitution. presented that the world will know to aid have been delivered to the Clerk of this Board by the Returning Officer. We are taking these vast risks, we are what extent Canada believes in her 'AND THAT Ifi,;- Honar Judge R. N. - Lewis has. been -appointed Revisi" bearing these huge burdens we are wait- is irig thoSel-Iffig able Ofad"(,os rbfl Iffd1 fighting. men. Every flagpole that Offioer for the purpose (.,f hearing complaints and appeals as to the said Lists minus this trophy Is a flagpole ropm- with a brave and cheerful spirit; but seating a people who fell down, Every = Speciials at Wgd�er's for the Township of Howick and the Village of Wroxeter; His Honor Judge we have no right to do all these things flagpole from the top of which to un- = Lewis H. Dickson has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hear- unless we win the prize and reach the furled the glorious symbol of financial Ing complaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Town of Wingham and goal which alone can warrant and strength demonstrates the undying the Township of Turnberry. D. McDonald, Esquire, has been appointed He- . . . . . . . . . . . . Stope Nd. I justify them. The results which we N. faith those at home have In their com- rades at arm vising Offleer for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to the must have. and which I have ventured s, demonstristes that even = I only Congoleum Rug, 3X4 yds., $14-00 said lists for the Village of Blyth and the Township of Morris. R. G. Reynolds, to outline, can never be obtained by a as the will to conquer is strong in the = Esquire, ha§ been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com- negotiated peace. Lord Lansdowne— hearts of the Canadians overseas. so = plaints and appeals as to the said lists of the Township of Ashfleld. C. Seager, and he is not alone—appears to think CAPT. AND MRS. FOX Is the will to help them strong in the = Oilclatb, 6oc per yard Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com- that this war can be ended by a peace Popular Salvation Army officers who earto of the Oeople at home. Liuoleuni, $z.00 per yard plaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Townships of East Wawanosh formulated by eminent representatives leave Goderich on Wednesday next for' There I, another honor emblem. and West Wawanosh. of the nations In the old way. He does a new field of labor. Capt. Fox has The Honor Bell will be seen I only Velvet Rug, 3x4yds $43-00 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the said Revising Offl6ers net. seem to have gone beyond the been in charge of the work in Goderich in all the larpe Rtores, offices, and I only Brussels Rug, 3X3% YdS., $27 - will be held as follows: methods of 1815 ELud the Congresa of for two years. and Mrs. Fox became the factories, providing 75 per cent. of the 00 Vienna. As this war is utterly differ. partner of his joys and sorrows and employes become subscribers. If H5 10 Teal good Union Rugs $6-75, $7-75, $8-75, $9'— In the Town Hall, Wroxe�er, on Friday, the 15th day of November, 1918, to ent from any war that the world has labors a year ago Oct. 3rd. The towns- per cent. buy bonds a sticker will be hear complaints as to the said 11,;ts of voters for the Polling Subdivisions in file ever known, so must the peace which people generally will be sorry to lose attached showing that to be the C&He 1,ibrary Tables, funied oak, range in price froni Village of Wroxeter. concludes it be'utterly different from them from liwongst.,,ug. In the Town Hall, Gorrie, on Saturday, the 16th day of November, 1918, any peace which the world has ever and so on up to 100 per ceDt. $9.50 tO $28.00, 15 to choose from, To tbotie who purchase builds a known. It can not be a peace of bar- (;an"rla I np'�ds �oor ffi&ey 1) 1) y Vic- Honor Button will be given. It Is I Kitchen Cabinet $i8.oc) to hear complaints as to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions gala, of give and take, and of arrange- tory Bon(s. in the Township of Howick. about the same mize ag the buttong In the Town Wingham, on Wednesday, the 13th day of Novembpr, 1918, given With each purchase during the to hear romplaints ris to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions first Victory Loan a year ago and bears the inmeription "Rubscriber 191H Victory 1 only Chestopfield Suit $208.00 In the Town of Winghaw. Loan." In the centre Is the Honor I'lag A Vic"tory Loan Catechism 1tr.GVLA1t1 521�.00 In the Township HRIJ, Bluexale, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, with Its live bqrs and coat-of-arnim. 1918, to hoar coni;flaint, As to the said lists of voters for the Polling Sub- Similar in design, but much larger. M Extra Special cHvisions in tilt, 1*(.NNII�hiji 14 T;jruberry. about like a slivor dollar, is th( button In the Industrial Mill, lfly!h. on Wedneqday, the 13th day of Noveituber, Q. What lb the Victory Loan, 19ig? most of the wheat would have been un- to he worn by the canvapsers and the is to thc said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions A. It in Canada a sownd Victory Loan sold. the price would have been greatly word "Canvasser" is substituted forla 2 dozen Select Colnfort�rs, old prices. Save IN8, to hear comidaiiii i Irk the Vilingo nf 1110b. and fifth war loan. reduced, and the choose and bacon "Bubscriber.' coal and buy a Comforter at Walkeils price.. What Is a victory bond ? A. It would have been a drug in the market. It is pointwd out that Flags are n t In flip T-vesili1v 11111, Nf,-rri�. mr Thursday, the 14th day of November Q. I to the promise of the Domintod of Can. Q. Hag the Loan oRtablisbed any given to every village or towngbip 1) t ttie sbid voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions 1918, to hear entntflill"I ad& to mpay the lender tho sum named new industries ? A It has revived to Every Canvatistog Diotriet that In the Township ()f Nlorri,. upon It at the time stated. � ship -building and created new and reachek its objective. The objectiveal= stope No. 2 In the Township Hall, Adifield. on Wediiesday, the 13th day of No- Q, What security stands behind this bustling ship-yordR on tho shores of the for lliirou County are as fpllowq. VeMber, 1918, to IWAr ,.mplainis as to the said voters' lists for the Polling bond? A. The entire "sets and St. Lawrence and the Great Lakem. It (1) (;o(lorich town $230.000. Is full to the doors with the best assor6ent of Chinlk, Subdivisions numberea 1, 2 awl .4, in the Township of Ashfield, and in the Town- wealth of the Dominion of Canada. has brought into being great plants for (2) Ashfield township 0100,000. MiCut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties, etc., there is no sh . ip Hall, Ashileld. on Thiir,day, the, 14th day of November, 1918, to bear Q. When was the last Victory Loan the making of aircraft. (3) Colborne townsbip $90,000. — i (4) Goderich township #90.000. M better choice to be found in Goderich and prices in doMplaints as to the said voters' lists for Polling Subdivisions numbered Mtsed ? A. In November. 1017, when Q. What do these mean to the core. (7,1 Stanley township and Bayfleld'- 4, 5. 6 and 7, in the Townsh i 1) of Ash fleld. $420,000,000 wan subscribed. try? A. Tbe employment of then- = many cases nearly half. A call will convince you. Q. What become of that money 9 village $130,000. 1 = -in the Poretiters' 1401. BrIgrave, on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, A. It has been used to prosecute muds of well pald men and women and (6) Ilay townxhip and Hensalll= We bave several pieces of furuittire taken in ex Subdivisions Cansda's part in the war and to fin their development Into highly skilled INS, to hear compinint" AR io Me said voters' lists for the PoIlIng village $140.000. 111300 worker4;. Stephen townshin 9120.000. =change and very low priem, ill the.Township of Fas, Wawanoah, and in the Township Hall, West Wawa- d carry on great industries at home. (7) nolih, on Thursday, the 14th dav of November, 1918, to hear �omplalnts, as to an Q. Forexample? A. Milltonswern Q. Does the Loan reach widely In (8� Exeter village amd Usborne la We do pictare framing neatly and promptly. the said voters' list; for the Poding Subdivisions In the said Township of West npent in raising, Mulp Ing and hending the distribution of the money P A. It township 11265.000. Wawanosh. forth the Canadian reliforcements. reaches virtually everybody in Canada. (01 Tuckeromith townshipS150.000 We have several used phonographs for sale taken Each sittlng commencing Rt 10:30 o'clock In the forenoon. Q. How was the money qpent at All the great Industries are benefitted. (10) McKillop township 1100,000. home? A. labiany ways. The Bri. while the ftDgLnclsl and mercantile 00 Seatorth town 1175,00o. in excbauge for other makes. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTiCE �hat any voter who desires to complain tish Government waft given large credits classes all reap their share as middle- (12) ChUt,011 town and Hullett, ES thit the names Of Wiy persons entitled to be entered on the said lists have been and out of these great orders were men- township 6200,000. S Aal x only Heintzman & Co. Piano w: Is 6thitted from the -,m-. or that the namea of persW who are not entitled to placed in Canada for munitions, wheat, Q Why Is It necessary to raise the 113) Brussels town and Greyl former!'leyvToo will sell for Si25 if taken at dilce. W voters have been onto.red on the lists, may, not 16M than 5 clear days before spruce, salmon and other thtilge needed Loan in Canada P A. Because there In townphip $175,000. IM dfltj�s fixed for the sittings of Revising Officers, apply, complain or appeal by the army. DO other place to raise it. Onr Allies (14) Slyth village and Morris town- ta htkve his own name, or the names of ani other personcorrefited 1% entered on Q. Why did Great Britain need there are burdened to the limit,,and we must ship $125 000. or removed from the lists, prepared under the Ontario Election Act, 1918. advances from Canada ?' A. They carry our own load. 05) East wawanomh township Watch this space for Weekly Store News. Something Aife. Afkn) MTHER TAXE NOTICE that Ouch appeals must be by notice in were needed to offqet Britain's advances Q. Why Is Germany fighting? A. 0100,000. every week. *ftiting In the prescribed form. signed 41 the complilinant, and given or left to Canada in army expen*es overseas. To dominate the world &nd erpsh elvill. (10) WeXt WXW&n0Rh tOWDAIII fi* him at his residence or placo of business. on or beford the said date, to Vie Q. How doev the loan affect the z&Hon under her cruel thitItILTIRm. 11100.000. Revising Oifltelrs people of Canada ? A. Without It our GeDer&I Von Mirnhardi wrote yearn ago: (17) WJnghstn town and Tnrnburry (U&k of the, following war effort would c4ilapse, our induqtrieR "Onr nexL war will be fought for the township $290,000. fdrs. L. Walker, Gorrie, as to appeals for the Township of Howlek; D. M. Wduld suffer a great breakdown, our highest Interest ofour countyy wW man- (114) Wro%ter village and Howich Walker MoTavish, Wroxeter, for the VillaFe Of WroXeter; J. F. Groves, Wingbarn, for manufacturers and farmers alike Would kind. World power or downfall will he township 0160.000. J ham Paul pokvell. Wifighmn. for the Township of Turn- The Furniture M9tn ,bo To,;Xn of Winq lose their foreign market. our rallying cry." A*ty- A. Pider, Myth. for the Village of Blyth; Joseph Stothm, Blyth ' for tho Q. What baR the loan done for the Q. Why is Canada fighting9 A. To 14YOURS FOR Often the Cheap"t But Lus*Wp Alw*we the Dow 1W*n;hIp of Morris. T. 0. Alien. Dungannon, for thO Township of Ashilleld, fjLrmr 7 A. It hits bought the greater PAve herself and civilization ro '8 A, Portorfleld, 1301gra%e tor the Townsfilp of East Wawaftosh; W. WIWn. part of the wheAt crop, and provided a dastardly attack on the world1r. Hbethty. VICTORY LOAN 1918 ReMdence Phone 197. Store Phone sq. P. 0.. for the Townslft of NVeSt WOVA!106111- mmkot at gowl prieft for bla dairy and Q. What part ban money in thin I - I "Yonri; for Vlefory Lnitn 1918," is libe Free Auto Delivery, any 41sUnce. Not With a grouch, but with a qui lie. LF.WIS H. WOKSON; animil prodnetio. fight? A. While armles Of men are In the' Q. What Voula have hapTiFned to diFtpensable, no miintry can make war'10,anadfan letter writer's Megan In Cliltitiman voters' Uegl$tratfob Board. Gounty of Huron. thege prodoets *ithout the loan? A. without "silver ballets." Victory Loan campaign 13very one Is M -7 N A v, le�'V .; 11) Iff, �� 41 0N. LIN" M0.0 W 4 ... ey"WH41 W110m AVe outi now to be at war, In the hop& of separ- It be on when made with Germany, whom no agreement binds, to 'who- in no signature' a Or, can arrange with your Employer, or your Bank, to buy your ating herfrom Gerritarty, would a miserable outcome to have Turkey has moaning, andwhose pledges are as falso dicers' Th6 you Bonds, on other terms, extending the payments over a year. retained in Europe, a curse to her sub jecta d neighbors, a plague spot. and an as oaths. only peace. for us is one that rests on hard physical See that your factory—your store—your place of busiuesa—eams the a breeder of wars. Her massacres must factil,.the peace of unconditional sqr- renaer. No peace that satisfies Ger- right to display the Honor Vmblem, that signifies a duty well One. not under any pretense be condoned nor her iniquities rewarded. Let Turkey many In any degree can ever satisfy PEI. and Bulgaria share the late of their mapter nud be so treated that they n1l.1, It can not be a negotiated peace. It wpat.-4e, &dictated peace, and we and Talk Victory Bonqs to Your- Friends. be ttuable aguJui to trouble the world our allies must dictate it. The victory Palestine must never return to Turk. Christian@ bringing such a peace must be won inside, not onteide, the German frontier. Bu V. ii4ory Bonds for Yourself. ish rule, and the persecuted of Asia Minor -the Syrians and the It must be won finally and thoroughly y Armpniaus -must be made Rafe. in German territory, and can be so won nowhere else. Give Victory Bonds to Your Relatives. There must be compensation. For the lives of women and chilaren and In no other way can we secure the helpless old men no compensation can safety for which we are fighting. In no other way can wejustify the sacrifices This space donated to the Victory Loan 1918 Campaign by ever be obtained. But the things. including pictures, boolis, and works of e are making. To this supreme end D. MILLAR A SON. art, which the Germans have stolen our effoqs inust be addressed. I do not can be restored and there caLn be money compensation exacted for the tribute underrate the (lifficulties. I do not underestimate the obstacles to be over. money wrung from helpless towns and I come. But the diflicultle-A and the -obstacles citiesunder the German lash. There tia-ast alike be crashed, set must be compensation to Belgium and a aside, and overridden. The United HONOR FLACS READY assed to sign his or her letters in this partial compensation at least can be States occupies, fortunately, a position found in the disposition of the German in which she will be able to speak with to be!aPOwerfulvOice- Weseeknotecritory, FOR EVERY CENTRE way. Already some are doing it, and before the campaign is far under way it be FOR MEN ANO'BOYS colonies, which ought nev�r to hoped the practice will general. roturned.to the Empire which has so � no material gain for our own country. NO MATTER HOW MANY COMMUNITIES REACH It is an easy anti yet most effective abused all the most ordinary rights of! We seek only the safety of civilization OBJECTIVE IN VICTORY LOAN DRIVE g�Nb way of driving borne the appeal for tile and freedom and the assurance of our humanity. bsoluto independence and our Thqse in outline are the principal -Own & right to live our own lives our Much Interest will centre during the Victory Loan Campaign on the. Honor Loant, and it, will reach practically every Our. Business mep particularly I i THE PLACE FOR conditions which alone will give us a and setcle victory worth having, and when we own problems in our owu way. rhere talk about a complete peace and a just Is no territory by which we could be and righteous peace. let it be ki*Dwn to Orlbed or influenced, no tradeadvantage by which be' tempted. There Flag. This emblern, which has been designed after much delib / eratIOD, Will be the central symbol of the coming campaign, and will, it is expected, be are requested to adout the Idea. As they read their Incoming and ontgotng letters, durbug the next Ove weeks. they ` will onfrout 'Yours for Victory Loan � M B en s & oys all the world that this is what we mean. we could I Isis, acorea of times each day. Start It is idle to talk about our annihilating is no personal profit which can turn us the German people. Nobody, of course from the one great object. Our sole even more familiar to the people of Canada than the service flag now tp be now Igning your letters in this way. Get I to',Ibo owing ! Every little bit is if has any such idea. It could not be I purpose is to put Germany finally and done even it we wished to do it. Wo I completely in a position where she can never again attempt to conquer and in so many windows. The He seen nor Flag will be flown from the flog poles of communities which rea* their nee It Canada Is to "go Over the top." FurnitaRAUR60 are not engaged in this war to try to for Germany. ruin the world as she has done In the (1110ta, and the attendant ceremony is The Apple as a Food. arra go a government n The German people must do that them last four years. Complete and utter 0 ted to do much tu add zest and xpec selves, and they will get precisely the VictOTy is all we Americans can gain desire from the war, and that victory we baust competition to the campaign. The flag is of beautiful design, em- In Eden. at the dawn of time. To all the world's regret, FROM THE RAT ON YOUR HEAD government which they and have. In one Word we must 00 to Ber. bracing the national colors, red, white Irl- . le to—ted Mother Eve deserve—just as they now have t e I Fr I government they prefer, whose purposes lin and there dictate peace. This pur. and blue. AcroRs the upper left hand And lo I It tempts 'is yet. 1U Int OULtO UR TU101111 DUU10 and ambitions and barbarism they pose can be accomplished. We shall do corner there are five bars, each re- 'As mellow King of Tompkins rod, share and sustain. Our part and our it, but we must be above all propositions presenting a Canadian war loan, At And Pippine smooth. invite. 119 b ineag is to put Germany in a pool- of a bargained peace, all suggestions of the lower left hand corner is the o. The apple -lover pasoling by� us negotiations ; deaf to every voice wt4i coat -of -arms. To stop and take a bite. tion where she can do no harm in the ch minion I OPEN fOR BUSINESS future to thi� rest of the world. Unless would divert us from the path ; deaf (10 "OYElt THETOP. Thug says Miag Minna Irving In a we achieve this we shall have fought in Mike to the whimper of the pacifist and Not a district, ot city in Canada should short poem quoted In a booklet issued - vain. Congress and the President had to the wheedling or truculent appeal of uliss the honor of an Honor Flag. Be' by the Fruit Branch at Ottawa giving STOCK NOW COMPLETE WITH no right to declare war unless they the helpers of Germany. When Ger- lieving that every ulace will go "away 160 recipes for the use of Cho -apple. FALL AND WINTER GOODS ONTARIO ELECTION ACT, 11918 Lneant to dq precisely this thing. Noth- many is beaten to her k0es and the over the top," the Dominion Publicity E 'verybody will agree that the apple Is AND ALL AT RIGHT PRICES ing less would justifly otir action. We world Is made safe by the'arrangements Committee is Frosiding for a flag for the king of fruits whether fruab. dried. are pouring out the best blood of the which I have suggested, then, and not every canvass ng District to Canada. evaporated or canqed. but everybody gn,,P, country, the blood of our chose. youth, before, we ,hall bay,,, tho Just and Whatever the q.ot. set. wb.Wv.-- the does net knew to how many uses the --- upon the altar o�,patrlottsm. We are righteous peace fer bich we light. In suiVlus over that amount, the flag will king of fruits can be put as an article making every ott of pecuniary sacri- food—an article moreover than can Notice of Sittings of -Revising OTH 8 this way and I. .,j1hor shall we obtain be presented by the Duke of Devon- for flee. We are hearing an immense bur- 'it- We shall obtain t because we are shire, Governor General of Canada. and be made to conserve other foods for den of taxation. We are mortgaging going to win. Let us but be true to it is expected that each place will raise shipment overseas. The booklet -issued Me ROBINS with our loans the future of comin. ourselves, and we shall,not then be false a flag with all the ceremony that by the Dominion Friiit Branch and generations. We have set aside for thZ to any man. attaches to the honor of having won it. which can be had free on application to OPI;pf EVENINGS ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF'NO'RTH HURON time being the Constitution under which "This is the emblem that will show the Publications Branch, Department of S individual libe7Cty has been preserved .......... . . . . . . . . . . the enemy where Canada stands," said Agoculture, Ottawa, fulfills this useful - J and the country has grown and pros- R. A. Stephenson, chairman of the com- purpose. Save to buy Victory Bond�. TO WIT I pered. We have adopted measures wittee. "The Governor-General will TAKE NOTICE that Hie lists of voters for Polling Subdivision numbered 1, 2, which lead, it unchecked, to the build- be prepared to give oucto every Can - 3, 4, 5 and 6, in the Municip,.Iity of t1w TownshiA of Howtek; numbered 1, in the Ing up on the one hand of a great bure- adian city, town, and village—no Municipality of the Village of Wroxeter; 1, 2 hrd 5, in the Municipality of ancraocy such as that which crushed and matter how many go beyond their ob- the Town of Wingham; 1, 2, 3 and 4, in trpm ic polity of the Township of ruined Russia and which on -the other jective—amd in my opinion there will of the Village of Blyth; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and are stimulating the development of be few places in Canada that will not Turnberry; I and 2, in the Municipality 6, In the Municipality of the Township of Morris; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, in the stAte socialism. It is our Intention to fly one from the town flagpole. Municipality of the Township of Ashfleld; 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5. in the Municipality return, as our laws show, to the old TEST OF A COMMUNITY of the Township ot East Wawanosh, and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the MunicipalitN restrictions, protections, and rights of '0 WALKER'S STORE NEWS It is In the number of Honor Flags of the Township of Wc4 Wawanosh; have been prepared by the Enumerators the ordered freedom of.the Constitution. presented that the world will know to aid have been delivered to the Clerk of this Board by the Returning Officer. We are taking these vast risks, we are what extent Canada believes in her 'AND THAT Ifi,;- Honar Judge R. N. - Lewis has. been -appointed Revisi" bearing these huge burdens we are wait- is irig thoSel-Iffig able Ofad"(,os rbfl Iffd1 fighting. men. Every flagpole that Offioer for the purpose (.,f hearing complaints and appeals as to the said Lists minus this trophy Is a flagpole ropm- with a brave and cheerful spirit; but seating a people who fell down, Every = Speciials at Wgd�er's for the Township of Howick and the Village of Wroxeter; His Honor Judge we have no right to do all these things flagpole from the top of which to un- = Lewis H. Dickson has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hear- unless we win the prize and reach the furled the glorious symbol of financial Ing complaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Town of Wingham and goal which alone can warrant and strength demonstrates the undying the Township of Turnberry. D. McDonald, Esquire, has been appointed He- . . . . . . . . . . . . Stope Nd. I justify them. The results which we N. faith those at home have In their com- rades at arm vising Offleer for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to the must have. and which I have ventured s, demonstristes that even = I only Congoleum Rug, 3X4 yds., $14-00 said lists for the Village of Blyth and the Township of Morris. R. G. Reynolds, to outline, can never be obtained by a as the will to conquer is strong in the = Esquire, ha§ been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com- negotiated peace. Lord Lansdowne— hearts of the Canadians overseas. so = plaints and appeals as to the said lists of the Township of Ashfleld. C. Seager, and he is not alone—appears to think CAPT. AND MRS. FOX Is the will to help them strong in the = Oilclatb, 6oc per yard Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com- that this war can be ended by a peace Popular Salvation Army officers who earto of the Oeople at home. Liuoleuni, $z.00 per yard plaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Townships of East Wawanosh formulated by eminent representatives leave Goderich on Wednesday next for' There I, another honor emblem. and West Wawanosh. of the nations In the old way. He does a new field of labor. Capt. Fox has The Honor Bell will be seen I only Velvet Rug, 3x4yds $43-00 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the said Revising Offl6ers net. seem to have gone beyond the been in charge of the work in Goderich in all the larpe Rtores, offices, and I only Brussels Rug, 3X3% YdS., $27 - will be held as follows: methods of 1815 ELud the Congresa of for two years. and Mrs. Fox became the factories, providing 75 per cent. of the 00 Vienna. As this war is utterly differ. partner of his joys and sorrows and employes become subscribers. If H5 10 Teal good Union Rugs $6-75, $7-75, $8-75, $9'— In the Town Hall, Wroxe�er, on Friday, the 15th day of November, 1918, to ent from any war that the world has labors a year ago Oct. 3rd. The towns- per cent. buy bonds a sticker will be hear complaints as to the said 11,;ts of voters for the Polling Subdivisions in file ever known, so must the peace which people generally will be sorry to lose attached showing that to be the C&He 1,ibrary Tables, funied oak, range in price froni Village of Wroxeter. concludes it be'utterly different from them from liwongst.,,ug. In the Town Hall, Gorrie, on Saturday, the 16th day of November, 1918, any peace which the world has ever and so on up to 100 per ceDt. $9.50 tO $28.00, 15 to choose from, To tbotie who purchase builds a known. It can not be a peace of bar- (;an"rla I np'�ds �oor ffi&ey 1) 1) y Vic- Honor Button will be given. It Is I Kitchen Cabinet $i8.oc) to hear complaints as to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions gala, of give and take, and of arrange- tory Bon(s. in the Township of Howick. about the same mize ag the buttong In the Town Wingham, on Wednesday, the 13th day of Novembpr, 1918, given With each purchase during the to hear romplaints ris to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions first Victory Loan a year ago and bears the inmeription "Rubscriber 191H Victory 1 only Chestopfield Suit $208.00 In the Town of Winghaw. Loan." In the centre Is the Honor I'lag A Vic"tory Loan Catechism 1tr.GVLA1t1 521�.00 In the Township HRIJ, Bluexale, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, with Its live bqrs and coat-of-arnim. 1918, to hoar coni;flaint, As to the said lists of voters for the Polling Sub- Similar in design, but much larger. M Extra Special cHvisions in tilt, 1*(.NNII�hiji 14 T;jruberry. about like a slivor dollar, is th( button In the Industrial Mill, lfly!h. on Wedneqday, the 13th day of Noveituber, Q. What lb the Victory Loan, 19ig? most of the wheat would have been un- to he worn by the canvapsers and the is to thc said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions A. It in Canada a sownd Victory Loan sold. the price would have been greatly word "Canvasser" is substituted forla 2 dozen Select Colnfort�rs, old prices. Save IN8, to hear comidaiiii i Irk the Vilingo nf 1110b. and fifth war loan. reduced, and the choose and bacon "Bubscriber.' coal and buy a Comforter at Walkeils price.. What Is a victory bond ? A. It would have been a drug in the market. It is pointwd out that Flags are n t In flip T-vesili1v 11111, Nf,-rri�. mr Thursday, the 14th day of November Q. I to the promise of the Domintod of Can. Q. Hag the Loan oRtablisbed any given to every village or towngbip 1) t ttie sbid voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions 1918, to hear entntflill"I ad& to mpay the lender tho sum named new industries ? A It has revived to Every Canvatistog Diotriet that In the Township ()f Nlorri,. upon It at the time stated. � ship -building and created new and reachek its objective. The objectiveal= stope No. 2 In the Township Hall, Adifield. on Wediiesday, the 13th day of No- Q, What security stands behind this bustling ship-yordR on tho shores of the for lliirou County are as fpllowq. VeMber, 1918, to IWAr ,.mplainis as to the said voters' lists for the Polling bond? A. The entire "sets and St. Lawrence and the Great Lakem. It (1) (;o(lorich town $230.000. Is full to the doors with the best assor6ent of Chinlk, Subdivisions numberea 1, 2 awl .4, in the Township of Ashfield, and in the Town- wealth of the Dominion of Canada. has brought into being great plants for (2) Ashfield township 0100,000. MiCut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties, etc., there is no sh . ip Hall, Ashileld. on Thiir,day, the, 14th day of November, 1918, to bear Q. When was the last Victory Loan the making of aircraft. (3) Colborne townsbip $90,000. — i (4) Goderich township #90.000. M better choice to be found in Goderich and prices in doMplaints as to the said voters' lists for Polling Subdivisions numbered Mtsed ? A. In November. 1017, when Q. What do these mean to the core. (7,1 Stanley township and Bayfleld'- 4, 5. 6 and 7, in the Townsh i 1) of Ash fleld. $420,000,000 wan subscribed. try? A. Tbe employment of then- = many cases nearly half. A call will convince you. Q. What become of that money 9 village $130,000. 1 = -in the Poretiters' 1401. BrIgrave, on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, A. It has been used to prosecute muds of well pald men and women and (6) Ilay townxhip and Hensalll= We bave several pieces of furuittire taken in ex Subdivisions Cansda's part in the war and to fin their development Into highly skilled INS, to hear compinint" AR io Me said voters' lists for the PoIlIng village $140.000. 111300 worker4;. Stephen townshin 9120.000. =change and very low priem, ill the.Township of Fas, Wawanoah, and in the Township Hall, West Wawa- d carry on great industries at home. (7) nolih, on Thursday, the 14th dav of November, 1918, to hear �omplalnts, as to an Q. Forexample? A. Milltonswern Q. Does the Loan reach widely In (8� Exeter village amd Usborne la We do pictare framing neatly and promptly. the said voters' list; for the Poding Subdivisions In the said Township of West npent in raising, Mulp Ing and hending the distribution of the money P A. It township 11265.000. Wawanosh. forth the Canadian reliforcements. reaches virtually everybody in Canada. (01 Tuckeromith townshipS150.000 We have several used phonographs for sale taken Each sittlng commencing Rt 10:30 o'clock In the forenoon. Q. How was the money qpent at All the great Industries are benefitted. (10) McKillop township 1100,000. home? A. labiany ways. The Bri. while the ftDgLnclsl and mercantile 00 Seatorth town 1175,00o. in excbauge for other makes. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTiCE �hat any voter who desires to complain tish Government waft given large credits classes all reap their share as middle- (12) ChUt,011 town and Hullett, ES thit the names Of Wiy persons entitled to be entered on the said lists have been and out of these great orders were men- township 6200,000. S Aal x only Heintzman & Co. Piano w: Is 6thitted from the -,m-. or that the namea of persW who are not entitled to placed in Canada for munitions, wheat, Q Why Is It necessary to raise the 113) Brussels town and Greyl former!'leyvToo will sell for Si25 if taken at dilce. W voters have been onto.red on the lists, may, not 16M than 5 clear days before spruce, salmon and other thtilge needed Loan in Canada P A. Because there In townphip $175,000. IM dfltj�s fixed for the sittings of Revising Officers, apply, complain or appeal by the army. DO other place to raise it. Onr Allies (14) Slyth village and Morris town- ta htkve his own name, or the names of ani other personcorrefited 1% entered on Q. Why did Great Britain need there are burdened to the limit,,and we must ship $125 000. or removed from the lists, prepared under the Ontario Election Act, 1918. advances from Canada ?' A. They carry our own load. 05) East wawanomh township Watch this space for Weekly Store News. Something Aife. Afkn) MTHER TAXE NOTICE that Ouch appeals must be by notice in were needed to offqet Britain's advances Q. Why Is Germany fighting? A. 0100,000. every week. *ftiting In the prescribed form. signed 41 the complilinant, and given or left to Canada in army expen*es overseas. To dominate the world &nd erpsh elvill. (10) WeXt WXW&n0Rh tOWDAIII fi* him at his residence or placo of business. on or beford the said date, to Vie Q. How doev the loan affect the z&Hon under her cruel thitItILTIRm. 11100.000. Revising Oifltelrs people of Canada ? A. Without It our GeDer&I Von Mirnhardi wrote yearn ago: (17) WJnghstn town and Tnrnburry (U&k of the, following war effort would c4ilapse, our induqtrieR "Onr nexL war will be fought for the township $290,000. fdrs. L. Walker, Gorrie, as to appeals for the Township of Howlek; D. M. Wduld suffer a great breakdown, our highest Interest ofour countyy wW man- (114) Wro%ter village and Howich Walker MoTavish, Wroxeter, for the VillaFe Of WroXeter; J. F. Groves, Wingbarn, for manufacturers and farmers alike Would kind. World power or downfall will he township 0160.000. J ham Paul pokvell. Wifighmn. for the Township of Turn- The Furniture M9tn ,bo To,;Xn of Winq lose their foreign market. our rallying cry." A*ty- A. Pider, Myth. for the Village of Blyth; Joseph Stothm, Blyth ' for tho Q. What baR the loan done for the Q. Why is Canada fighting9 A. To 14YOURS FOR Often the Cheap"t But Lus*Wp Alw*we the Dow 1W*n;hIp of Morris. T. 0. Alien. Dungannon, for thO Township of Ashilleld, fjLrmr 7 A. It hits bought the greater PAve herself and civilization ro '8 A, Portorfleld, 1301gra%e tor the Townsfilp of East Wawaftosh; W. WIWn. part of the wheAt crop, and provided a dastardly attack on the world1r. Hbethty. VICTORY LOAN 1918 ReMdence Phone 197. Store Phone sq. P. 0.. for the Townslft of NVeSt WOVA!106111- mmkot at gowl prieft for bla dairy and Q. What part ban money in thin I - I "Yonri; for Vlefory Lnitn 1918," is libe Free Auto Delivery, any 41sUnce. Not With a grouch, but with a qui lie. LF.WIS H. WOKSON; animil prodnetio. fight? A. While armles Of men are In the' Q. What Voula have hapTiFned to diFtpensable, no miintry can make war'10,anadfan letter writer's Megan In Cliltitiman voters' Uegl$tratfob Board. Gounty of Huron. thege prodoets *ithout the loan? A. without "silver ballets." Victory Loan campaign 13very one Is M -7 N A v, le�'V .; 11) Iff, �� 41 0N. LIN"