HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-25, Page 11I . ­ ,,l W 1. -ow I- - - - _ - ­­­ - - I, ­­ - _Z1, .M,19912 , - Z" - I Ioa` 41% I , ' .Z : 7 - _. __ _ " , -:0 - I" - I - %;.W- I - I I . . - I I I I I- AIML611M low- 'I am 9 i- .ddmftm--.o - ,da--ee . - + , . .;Nlk .1 I , ;, _1' 7W- ­ ,- L I I . - I , ' .df ddgmw .;Nlk All I , , " = -WJF , , T, , Z_ - IMEL- mow -131111111 "I , 4 .0 It " 1pfq I I I I .411911NEL7 . - e lla* , . : 11 , , I , .d& ,,&. 'Al.. I I , . I I . I I . " . ! , I i - . I . I , . - . 11 . - .. I - . ; I I .1 I I I I the figa, % . , v , . 11 11 '. . I I , , b . 14 W r. I 11 : , 11 ;I L , , , il , I I lc -_ "I "I - I . . I'll I i ! . I 1. ,_ " Q. . 0 li, 4 I _WN1411 _ , -) L . I I. t 1. . I . 4r B" vw"Ry ,r I I .. 114 . , I I . I . . 11 .. - L 11 I I I %^01 '17, I . 1. , I 1 t . 7 1 41 t -- . _ . . , . 1".. , I - _ - I i -­­"104sW"ik4o*_;_W,0P -'11- - 11 .004 1'0"00414, - - , - -1 I _*.. ''I.* 11 I . I I - I - I—— . , I'll . , . _. I . . ,' 'S', , . . . I - I I-— I I , .... ;;';::­;.;;- -; ...... ;.,,:;;, ,,,;­,, I I I'M I 0 ­­­ I - . . ­­.1,11P;4;N " . T --.1-0 I—. ­ I , i. I I'll ­ ­­­ . .... :­­ 1!qe! I ­ I i 11. I 11 111.1 I.T.-Ill M, ''. I.M. I., 11,1,1 ''Ir I e ,.I. 11 -11. 1 1 ; I - "I . - . : - .1 -I---- i ' . I 1. I . I I A; VXAX, at Pr * M 11 OPOW ; , 'r __1 . 1. . 00avors. on"O. "#, FRWAY.'"ValsR I. 1918 "a T X: MAM 4 W A I 1 "Ilw , 1, . .. , I . 1 41P . 11. i., lli­... . 1- I I -11-1-1q, . 111. I I I . 11 _- ­­ ---1'7. ,I., 11 . ,,, 1- . I"- I I 1 6 I I - . .;;;;.'';. :.;I''., ; ;­;.;_ . .11. I I I = t , , I . . . I , , ­­' ;­ , I I , 10 L I 1. . I 10.8,b Wr - I IR61porkowt, n0on *my* D U-1 V IN , 10 , . , I RY . .. It" L' I :0 , , ­- I I - - - - - I . .0 , ;. . I . . , N , 1-1 I I ' ' eparaflon forcrimessno, 11 0 . 'a ,,, - .1 '16, - 1:11 .8 L a . I , 'I 11 .1 , , 166 1001 n- , U 4 BY 0 , N'' 1, T rikey w $or to Res go , .., re 30ii, ... I 4, 6 Avistrl*"S, , to Quit - ` d kal - Pem*nd by BrItabi, - 11 66 _. PW . - , , . - 1 6 ­ 1; I .. , ­..".." -.11-1 ­­ I ­ - 4; . ........ ­­_ 1.11 ­ I I - -11 :., - " - V, _ _.771_U; ­t , , ­ , , I ................ , - , ,t. )i*h, . Wil -4 . 61. 1 T. S. Y" F,V" DW in rits'" 11 Rwan FRON .1 - , .1. ........... I ­,..... I'll, I. -1 I On= "t et TOWN, I D ­t ­__ The 9v&#StQU:N0wq40#ex, pabli#hed Tokey-Sorrea4ft, ,' . . X "t4ra ; 8'r Oc ,F., ft.,_. .. TOO "Mms . ... * ft'- - ". A P9 , Q* bw I . , " --- -1 -aflown. Ill., 004"itto a potkiraill 11­1 #_ " 6 , . I . , . I 1 146N 1 C ,,, -a - , - . K I , 7J 5 $L_ ' ' 1944 C" #*"41 1 of Them&*, Belfw'r. Van Nvity AM ONM M00- if=,, J n .20 ) ,,sc I . I I I 1-1 "."t i! i" -the 4 gifs 'doderlott, grs of In , , , It le. *I t Turkoy hs* 400`_ i ­_ 1 , , ii! o'[,Ei, ' 60*4 siniltwk I. son of W. 4401 "ie woos of "I'll, 11 66 . 6. , I I I , Jt J* VIM Aver I 014" , Im , ,C MON SAI,E 'OF FAM '004*11IM9,0"OM WRW ,Z), ;. of 914 wiplo avishiffe. uni, - 1: 11 I LXARING ,AUC I r *nU vul*t.of 4i4iiIIA11116- irvn.ele !Jino, sitionauy'. 0*4* 11 I I 11 STQ,GK "'D "Impl.guErm, to On J 1, 0 1 Court 41VA404% , who . died of '1*et;=_Qo,Is6 I bftrWY 4 - jv : 60eld Oq . 0 'Of the - . tA t, It tt! " 41V 4 W100*6 oorsAi,4 ' . ._ , I 1:44t Is .. . , . - 1. WbUeIl s0"A0tkInF1*uoQ, The'Ns 0 so 'wirl" 4, h* *94 W Fit I -, I _L Rouse. 4 . , .. , -, L , I on ThuvII4 39, '. 7th, ai- ,8 . , wa- I 00 0 t, f"t . 11111A., HILLARY HORTON , , Qrour 0 , . , ?", . I I : Ill 4M us, 110ex Ays, "His was a r"dent, of ofw0low OWN6 : MIX anlais I with Turkey, to%% , I 16. Loke tu AUIntortIM64 It a ,O to Alilt , , , I A,*j I , . _ VI" .. - "o -ole-. I 01 00 1. , I . S Itne lQb%t PruobZrtlkuect(tnoena'r4 44091t)pardrto4). I Zv"tori since childhood and vras W6roi;r0khsvW*M*u#00 . 1 mq 04004 at A Way. wo wqi 0* . I - on .. , VWVY "'01101ililt WsW 9=24onally populair p,moug tue yomw 4.=ltJ 1400,4W*Vok '0,0*otu o'. to-otmou t"11 . -4 ­ . . . . . . 1 ..... W9DNE$PAy, IqOVEMBNO oth, " of'thllk jt " to 00,004100al. urr'so ,4- 1 ThaVloWy A;",'i0Ur4(QAmW9rt Ilk POOP 6 here. He W" 98 yeari QW. _ 1 ', X L '., . , , , , , 11 I ne nif at I otel6ek sharp; , . an we are hopowe: 'howevor, tut the or, *ad include, it Is 'd I I H9;=ne 4 generAl purppse, mare, 6 Goderich starW 4VOW* 4K,*t, '811, 18 ablealitter, Mrs. Robeirli "ban" 4WIll bo I . r #$" WL Of W a roe 0- , y raqrnir - Ii seapral purpose horse. 4 Years 0 o'eio-ok, 00 ReTrelt, 1#1144 "d, On' , the Dardanelles, and imnZa it ye rs old, , 01i*.eid b,;V- be bldwl"` Of 0 recently Inovedl from , _ . 11 ----------- ­­­­ ' rfitt-tk 4 -1 - - _iip I , rsW-dny'JhL'F-l&nstor` So b7 york_igty,..PM,IV4 wo,*Ahip r6muff , , ,ft..t",h . op --- -0,&U- _fti% Iz' - -.X_1;3-, _ _W(h 0, im, .Tudw_td). _111111114111" i. ii-0--li -i-fif -- .,,- ,, i,-.,-6fil.-d -W6­V--'Vb1W04WJA"ot4b," I .. I __ . i ' I . 7 . I '. I I i . r I . Don't mv Vow cau"t,afford it -you can't I . , . / . -0 I . I \ . - _,,__4ff9.;d­-N0T-A0L.At0r4 it. . .. . - ­ - ,y0AM I I I . " I 1 " 0 ; ., . . , . , : I I I , : C, . ,. ; '.. , " , , ­ embor 151fth I cow. 3 ears old, due the w ars old, dii0i a Februsiry, 24, I Cow. 4 years Old, difa , _ Februtry of: icow, I y if ms eitAue tiars old March 7; 3 steers. 2 years o d: I b 2 aid, I Steers- 1 ear -111d; 9 I1Q11QrA. I ' year old; 5, spring Cal 'Otcid s.111. to IlUer Fiviii ewe lattlibs'. t ' January It, 9 pigs, 3 inentlis old; 13 geese. laniplemealp.--One fi-tf.-cut Deerbier bin- der I Massey -Harris mower t iseed, drill, I n;arly-,Aew cultivittor i r4e, 66;h Peer- Ing make, I mss$ey-ilarris bay-ioader, I at of hafrows No, vl Cocksbutt plow, It lr I S, No, 113 plow, I set of bobsIelghs 6*UV*0%0r$1At`6"ft,q;1ro4 4"'a , him. tbo total tcr, he County for the Md, , Q period W" stwiso. routo, yfovowtiiiei" ested - U-Meun IS i li.w­V -06 S640 or * I Realth the regular' monthly meeting of the Women's lbasiltAte will be hold at the home of Mrs. Bradford, Bruce St., on Thursday, Novolibbev 7th. at 8 p. m. the f3u - 0 kJoct. Mi.king th best or what we . d their have. DomoInstratlon _ALpples an Mir Van Every Is a forwa fit 1 a ou t ,rd raerhow of Urs. T. H. Rothwell, To- and many In town wol be later, in the a"oun3einent. - ­ ___ . - I" Not Lk%d A meeting of the Board of Health was held yesterday morning to consider advisability of re-opezing churches, whools, etc rt- ., and the M. H. 0. repo ed that he considered it perfectly sale ki . - , " I b)"Witiev. 01 -1 *040y W 0a --Tw , an llomlltb 4104M0,00 not % low wI *6%*ky blits von , out 'fifteen I sorrow- $ I full pastornii MI. Ill cause pwry, It will JI'v itio"ithe out , , ql e"., It 14 our .& & 0%, , ot U--mo-we way 4=4, 44- - t ]Father of itnerol6b I Of 0 the LA C comfort" U*4 b"YA l"=040 M11114d despatch the altar has Won flit!6644'10 1*0 home, being I Tito relation WW4,04 0111fillU00Y " . a and altse and ludIwInble. uttering Is Intill An official Romedespato h repodo Au"Strian divisions have bella, . off between Brenta and Via" op - her Italian front, bv the a WWOE mourtain pus of Vadaii The I . adds that advantage is prossed by Allies to the utnaq4 crisis is near. A despatch _-, I ­ - I I I - -0 _s I - - _. . , ; ' .". M 77Z ___ _w.* , highest note of coniji4est for our suffor- jug is "We are more than conquerors I - I I .. 1. __ *-"V" i . . - . . ;, " . , , - AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE th.tattee I alge harrow, t gAY4-plow, I wagon analuses. box, J set walron azings (*m lbs-), I hby ,sun 1. Members doWt forget the for the chilftn's shelter. to open churches the coming Sunday and schools. etc., the following day. The pasage of 0%34: Lord WXOU#k Village - utry w" an I na Itipmalollod 1pro, says 64ress"01 from Belgian (rout Frouct, and British atWk" 0-10,4- - , ­­­ --;-- , . I I, . I 1. I ra", n bat one cutfing-boix and 1. 'Showor" 0 rotfr lf Jack: I rsepovoer, in good ropalr. Drow"A al T"to \ The Influenza now was no worse than was usual any winter. the new oases . tile BMW M0101" *bow this grace was bodowed in thb, 40HOO Of morring in the direction of, I . I _ - ,. - . .- 1 VICT M', - "Y: -1410"AN 11918 Canada Tkust Tonips, the executors and I good set of double harness, I set single harness, I set plow harness, a (luemilty or 2% -Inch tfta,,. soum .ceaar posts, forks, Mr. and Mrs. Haklateitd had news on Mouday,,to the effect that their nephew, were not more numerous nor the attAcks tnor ncrloua. He moved, seconded by body and spirit. ItUo.noot We- One fruits of -this time- 0 Y#ar a4& opleliewle. , Ghent. Batitle reportod going vniIU. I I -_1 . . ­ . k ,ky ,,, txust.eo of the -t and Testament of - I- . chains and shovels, t post -hole auger. and numerous other articles. George Youngblut, formierIv of Gode- Mr, N&MI, that the banbelift6don that the mantle of the Master has fall- than we are used to, but when all 4#es . . , . CON& TO CHUR&I I, Eve must be disposed of. Pro- rich. was drowned in Toronto as the Sunday. The Mayor wanted to have en upon the shouliderp of so A24ifty who , externals of chorus and euthmilsum ue It i -the 4uty 9f ev&y citizen t%ipwrchAase ' prifigplaing has said the farm and must give possession at once. result of a canoei accident. The offlolai ootafirmation of reported lifting are matkiteittlOg 815 aPirit Of AIYWP&the. Only taken away the. residue is the shinplis. 'I r Victory Poiidsi and this Bank is,prepared 'e I)l well as elsewhere, and Knox church is TER S­All sums or $to and under, cash; ver that amount, 12 months' credit young man learned his trade of maoibin- ist at Doty 'a in town and about two of the ban in certain other places before acquiescing in lifting the ban here, and tic and self-saorificlug service. Christian faith can deal adequately sweet P rescriptiou against which No many protest, because it to so slinow. . to assist Waige earners by nraldng loans S wi4, ipaver,ome baoic, W uih;, gladly We - _ _ . the comforting message 6i %jen to will be given on iurnishing approved joint n tes. A discount or 4 per cent. Pei' tallowed years ago the tat011y moved to Hamilton. For the last year and a Mr. Moser aided with him. This left the vote a tie, and it was decided to ad. with the deepest needs. It was after robes4ving a CaWoguo Of To the first disciples and to the I&W J caus says the same thiltig-"PoIllow I r t for this' purpiose at 5 Y2 %, being the rate C. SEAGER. . Goderich Ont, annuin rot, cash on credit amounts- HILLARY HORTON, T. GUNDRY. halt he had been in Texas, engaged bV theCanadian Government in work as, journ the meeting to 4 o'clock, the Suffering that Paul ,atiruck. that fine note. oWe are more than Me." That Is tue whole commovill. ' the bonds beAr. Wherever the ness, grinding of the teeth, picking or Proprietor. - _. -Auctioneer. , -_ ,---- a machinist. secretary to call up several other Places In the meaut4me to see what action they courageous conquerors." 'In truth there Is no such But aIt light, and love and heaven iare in obedience to that simple, iuclus , Lie possible, bonds will be- held for sde-keeping, on fm and want inore-See us. Ri V6f1_CE___Tb CREDITORS OTICE TO cititDjTotis- The Bay@ Are Doing T61t Bit Lot Us Q0 Oil I rs The Soldiers committee of Knox wore taking. The opinion in favor of lifting the ban thing in Christian warfare as bare con- quest. Through the conquest of suffer- the Of the word. We will be looking for you on Sunday. behalf of smill subscribers, for one year, [A ik N INTHE MATTER church arepreparing to send Caristin a not being unanimous. at the adjourned meeting of the Board, no action was Ing there come" OulArgOmOut soul and the reallasttoxi of increasing It the church and all for which it stiMs be worth -while, It Is as much Worth , without %charge. '. I NNUAL,MFETING , __ Al.der ISABELLA HAN14AH ItEYNLTT. LATE boxes to the boys oversee;s. We take this opportunity Of asking the cougrega. taken. I personal power. To meet out diffloul- I ties face to tao'cit to suffer at their while as business, to SAY nothlng,more I the amended Act loverning Horti- out.urft)8Och%ti0A their nnona meeting ", ust selves of. Rev. R. C. McDermid, pa=r I OF THE TOWN OFOOD FRICH IN THE, COUNTY Of. HURON, .5PINSTER Mon for donations of cakes, socks, etc., to be left the Colborne St. Thee New Organist at Knox Church Mr, and Mrs. Fred T. Egenor and hands, to rise superior to them, Is to re- Missing the church, one often ralsises; the boat things. Lot we remind you of THE CANADIAN' BANK ers etc . - - .. . . .. .... 5 14 23 I at manse on on or before Tuesday, Nov. 5th, children and Miss Belle MacEwan alize the richest fruit of victory. All GormsuV's victories have been the familliar lines that were doubtless often heard in the old home: , The little sufferer will be Immedlatetv NOTICE I. hereby given that all creditors, The committee hope for a liberal re- returned on Saturday last from Detroit, barren. The Christian wartaro 6t ti4in "A Sabbath well spent brings a week of I . OF L COMMERCE I an at erpt, av ng any cla ins or eman s againbt the esta of the late Isabella Hannah Spouse from the congregation. Let to alfsacrifice at our own Christmas tables in readiness for Mr. Egisuor to assume his now duties as organist of Knox enriches. Those who suffer and those who serve are drawn closer to each content, EL Murray, 7 room-, modern conveniences, 2 lot.. cornor South Ke STOU. who died Pit, or about the 21th day fdr the boys who are suffering in our church. Mr. Ege]36r will certainly be a other and to the Master. The lite of Arld strength for the toile of the mor- I ___T" - , I I . - 18014- alone a ": Suntife A ,e Co; -of Capad-a I , - , .... - ___ . I . - . The Vio Thing That Has Nof 'eGone Up." I I Look over the family, budget and compare It I with those of two or .11 *brce -years ap., 'Ab6 *hji items have gone up and what ba,vo "gone - down.- Atfirstyou*111, qdv. "Everything has gone up; nothing has Oone down," ' . - z ' . , -.vl , .;, 1-p- :1 0116,60,k,o , . , I _ ,L ,T,bere is one item that has not gone up, that , '" , . . I 1 I . I a amurikupe. 1 This being"the c4se, to It not a goQ& Policy to .. 1. Nuot-Je.041 cheap and IeN ,Into *hA6k. 10 ,gipwins , 7 I ., 0 O' , . . 1 41. .. I'll 01 ­ , , I , , I I hy 'daY1' . Consider this, aild ask ,us regarding our rates and policy contracts. I I , . , H. R. LONG, District Agent I- - I I , the said deceased. their Christian and sur. n addroesoo and descriptions, the fall =1 I short Sunday evening recitals and no doubt will undertake the preparation of of 1918. at, t lowu of Uoderich In the County of Huron, are required, an or before stead. It's a small bit on our part, yet valuable acquisition to the musical the patriot soldier Vromotea certAlb row : But a Sabbatli profound, whatever is ' highest note of coniji4est for our suffor- jug is "We are more than conquerors the other congregations In town ever since lie came beretwo years ago. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE th.tattee the 3rd. day 4 December 1918. to send by Or Charles $eager a remembrance from their home church talent of the town and already has a great personal qualities. Love of Coun- gained, I purchased by the Board, to be converted into tennis and basket ball courts. is I post, repaid, daliver to Own j of ,,he ,? of Goderieb, solicitor for lbe will go far to cheer , them while far good number of pupils in prospect. He try, obedience, strength of will, It Is T- a certain forerunner of sorrow." u to our time of stress will be foun in the visit of prof. Kilp&tylek. wbo is 0, Canada Tkust Tonips, the executors and away from home- - will, no doubt, favor the congregation of not without significance that of a cortain we make this a "Come to Church Sun, eternal rCalitiCS are the only things 'that count very much when wo iftheil k ,ky ,,, txust.eo of the -t and Testament of - I- . Knox church from time to time with Roman soldier Jesus declared 'it havo 11 I ___T" - , I I . - 18014- alone a ": Suntife A ,e Co; -of Capad-a I , - , .... - ___ . I . - . The Vio Thing That Has Nof 'eGone Up." I I Look over the family, budget and compare It I with those of two or .11 *brce -years ap., 'Ab6 *hji items have gone up and what ba,vo "gone - down.- Atfirstyou*111, qdv. "Everything has gone up; nothing has Oone down," ' . - z ' . , -.vl , .;, 1-p- :1 0116,60,k,o , . , I _ ,L ,T,bere is one item that has not gone up, that , '" , . . I 1 I . I a amurikupe. 1 This being"the c4se, to It not a goQ& Policy to .. 1. Nuot-Je.041 cheap and IeN ,Into *hA6k. 10 ,gipwins , 7 I ., 0 O' , . . 1 41. .. I'll 01 ­ , , I , , I I hy 'daY1' . Consider this, aild ask ,us regarding our rates and policy contracts. I I , . , H. R. LONG, District Agent I- - I I , the said deceased. their Christian and sur. n addroesoo and descriptions, the fall =1 ueb. a. rtayg no in rreparation The property formerly owned by Mr. short Sunday evening recitals and no doubt will undertake the preparation of t not found so great faith in Israel." The day. W. L. RUTLEDOP, p' ' a f their claims. and the statement of their tA. - Rocoun Willis Bell, directly to the east of the 'Collegiate some musical events during the course highest note of coniji4est for our suffor- jug is "We are more than conquerors the other congregations In town ever since lie came beretwo years ago. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE th.tattee lubtituto which has been of the winter. Anyone wishing t 0 Jo a through Him that loved us." SEEK riRwr THE KINGDOM suchoast mentioned thate. the said executors and tru8teeiwiflDroceed to distribute the asset- purchased by the Board, to be converted into tennis and basket ball courts. is the chotr of Knox church ah Ould 13L him without delay. For the wiuwr he We anticipate that a helpful se U01 3 In these days of awtul stress and burden and sorrow the conviction is of the said deceased among the partied an- t4cled'thereto. having rcgia d out to Claims Of under going preparation for the purpose. been and his family will make their home at u to our time of stress will be foun in the visit of prof. Kilp&tylek. wbo is 0, coming to us more and more that- the which they snall than have not?ce. aod that the said exactitorr; -land tfustboa The Canada The trees have out out and the hoatio will - be removed shortiv, Mr. the Macl ;wou residence, but it Mr. ,Egener di ecides to remain here perman. most virile and stimitiating reacher. AULD. - A eternal rCalitiCS are the only things 'that count very much when wo iftheil Trust Company, will not be ha@e for the said asset . or any part thereof, to any person or John H. Johnston. who returned frorn having ently, as we trust he will, he will, no R. 0. MCID face to face with death, and lay all =9ng,%f,v,= claims notice shall not have the States this, Spring, purchased doubt, purchase a house in the sprin 9. . CON& TO CHUR&I I, that is mortal of our loved ones in Uw ,, I, distribution. y them at the time of such it for SIAO. Mr. Johnston has bought a about two and a half miles Mr. Egener was brought up In Goderloh has There used to lie on my . stud . y shelves allorittomb. and when we think of the bravo Canadian boys This notice 6 Aiven pursuant to The Re- vised, litattes of Ontatrig 1911. oinapter 121. property out on the Bay4eld road and will remove and achieved a musical reputation for himself In the City of the Straits 6.8 . a little book entitled, "Sermons ottt of number of our who sleep beneath the blood ststood I D" the 30th ditty of October, A. D., 19t& the house to it' I Tliie G - C. L Board I I well as elsewhere, and Knox church is Church." As I recall the i' how. siomi were and some were Andifferent, soil of Flanders and France. and wlso THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. London. Ont, 0ald 1760 IoT 00 -*4porty, including , the house. I 0 fortunate In scouring his services. good bat uone of them -CqUAIW '66190 bf't!14 wi4, ipaver,ome baoic, W uih;, gladly We - _ _ . the comforting message 6i %jen to by their solicitor ___ __ - - ­ ­ - Town Threatened With Soil. sermons I have listened to in church. I The been to Jesus, .1 am the reautreptlon and Ilte. , tARD OF THANKS C. SEAGER. . Goderich Ont, At a meeting of the Board of Health on Friday afternoon, the tender of Mr. James A. Campbell for the supplying of 100 lbs. of formaldehyde at 44 cents & nound was accented Other tenders editor 4M good enou 14 offer us the opportunityot glvt6 .our poople a sermon out *1 clitIrch. Afif; however, the ban on meeting& Is Ilk I to be lifted by Sunday, I am 11101113w, The power of an endlelli lite gripit us andweateready to give Jesuit Christ the fl, t place in our lives, and to crown ra him Lord of all our hearts. For nulaw . - ARD OF THANK 5.-Mr. and Mrs. lqaac C Glauley wish to thiLnk friends and neighbors for kindne-,ie- end sympathy ex- tended to them In the death of their fluid FOR SALE OR TO LET, - IrlIGS FOR SALE -Just weaned 17 good I . . we crown am LJOLM 016 all We do not .- - . . _ - __ - - _ X The irigb1sor, to put up to daughter, Marga,r.1, atid also for flor, I ..1e 48 nd 52 cents respectively. instead, to Invite my le to come crown him Lord at all. If we really I 0000"000mmaomwoaoommococ00000mm*oM*000"W .U. lbf'i. VZOO.h. D. M NVOY. Bayfield tribu;es. " a = I . I Roe& It. R. No. 2. Goderich.' - The M. O. H. repeated the gra and hear a sermon in chuto . We bale know God . &if our Father and Jesus . L . ttfyi4 been reminded again by the event8of Christ &8 our Lord and .&,t*)r wax r ARD OF'rHANKS.-Mr. and Mr4. W. D. statement that the Influenza outbreak . , a -UST TZHICIMI-VIH33D - OOD FRAME HOUSE and large 'lot in C Graham wish to thank the many friende was abating, the number of new cases the past weeks that man proposes, but postilehoo and opidomic will but lead I G sale to rent. Centralliv located on at home. and througho ,ut Canada and the God disposes -not that I would make I . . Bruc ror us to nestle closer up,the great heart of . . I _A.rX T33:3M - a at eat, between North and Victoria Urdwd States for kindne,"es and ii t:1 path y reported being small. He said he had God responsible for everything that , streets. contains parlor, atningroom, kit- extended to them in their recent -ad -care- recei ved a small (I uantity of the oe ru in our Father and Rfty Father we will keel, PF. hen, rour bedrooms, bath, pantry, shed, ment irk the death of their dearly loved son, Jor the prevention of Influenza and if a happens. But with a wouderful Skill, close to Thee rWhatever comes, for we etc. Lot ties 84 feet frontage and contains a Dr. Clatenoo B. Graham. w hich only the future cam reveal. no GODERICH PLANING MILLS t' or fruit trees and small fruits, larger quantity were available. later ar- opunot drift beyond Tby love and can. _' -­ . number turns to the account of E118 kingdom on And Etc my friends let its as Individualp - Owner desires to sell as he has located OARD OF THANKS.-rbe undersigned rangements miglit be made for public the brokm planf4 and disappoint. and families seek first the Kingdom of ' In Porcupine Now Ontario. i,or rurther %_.j take this means of returning their sin- Innoiculation, earth, , lars itplily it, , ,MRS. WALTER ,a n 8 to many kind friends, for evi. moutm of tran. Owing to the myster- God. This would be a. spienelld tlw par%, U of ay Ine,.q der 11 OD 1,,, malad 1100 E, on the premi.,es. t_ nipathy and helpf A letter from Mr. L. E. Dancey, - ­___ theil e aoftbafr father and atuthe timel y which has brought anxiety to re -erect the family altar It we have 01 behalf of the proprietors of Smith's Art and sadness to so many homes, .our ,THREE,,CARS OF Al CEMENT OR SALE-Twenty-fIve acre farm. Goo- 'their reavementaud assure all such that their kindness will long be gratefully remain. Store, addressed to the council, threat- allowed It to become a mc!mory mly F warm house, one good barn, land In ' evangelistic campaign was brought to in our homes or to erect the famil) I good shape. Will be sold on easy terms. bered. ened a suit for damages unless the un- an untimely end. But this only throws altar if we have never done so. If . IApply to CHAS. NODDS, Sheppardlon P. O.,1 M1,1. JOHN TIFFIN AND FAN!ILY pleasant odor from th,,) town stables be, the refipotivibility more upon ourselves. or TIIOS. GUNDRY, Auctioner. - bled the fire hall anA adjacent to the church services are held on Stinday LOST Smith Art Store were done away will). After all, what more can the evangelist lot - t the assembling of I LE I OUSE AND LOT FUR 8 -0 - dothanIshowmenand women th'o old I U, /!O", 0 1 ONE CAR ,34 Bo C, SHING 3 ALE. n .111venot 9 th"r, I be house of God. . Cameron St.. A new red brick one and T osT. -Strayed from the prennimem of the Tho letter was bronght up before the oyrfl . n I Ll JU undersigned, a two.year-old Heifer, Moo simple door to the Fatber*s houseL * but I a other churchless Son . ftemilt,o half story house with cottage roof, All Board of Health and a number of it" Their methods may be more Ltiouk modern convenience. 3 bed room a bath roan. Agrn,a fluitti tier will please notffr proVCMeDt8 were deciied,ru which it N ­ I _,UdAv i he day Id quict moth I roomand hall up 6tairs. Parlor diningroom WM B 'r)N. Maftland concession. Col. ­ - IPAP1911-Alud 001-013 union with Q944a our "­­ L"' ­­_- ­ C, kitchen and -hall dawr stattw also good' basc borne. H; R; No, 2; Ulf num. - - - 2,t. believed will remove. the cause of com - Ind' t at the regular*Aervideg on - S - homes. Breltborn our heart's desire and . a CAR.- 5 ment. A good frame garage bich could be --- -- - plaint. The sanitary inspector has 13 I ONE _X B. -t, -SHINGLES "a next. uddAY , , I used for a stable, on premses also a few choice fOLEN.-On' Tuesday flight, gentlernan's chat -go of having the work done. raver for tile people is that they might I I ; I fruit t,rees; the best of soil for a garden. Apply 8, bicycle. dark red,,coior. Anj infor- Results of Sailors' Wool Ee eaved. Got right with God. to MR. HARRY LYTTLE on the DraluseR. niation 1eftd1nW to the r covery wit be re- Farewell of Capt. and Mrs. Fox I __ - - - 'If I The following is the treasurer's State. J. U. OSTERHOUT GODERICH PLANING MILLS warded. 001WRIC KNITTING CO. I , , - , 3 'VORSALE-Houseandloton WolfeStreot. - It has been decided by those respon. anent of the result of the Sailors' Week --- -_ --- I House con taina -even rooms. good cement 'I - , CONTR'ACTORS A`ND BUILDERS .Lffar lectric lighted. good spring well. lot WANTED sible for such, to give Capt. and Mrs. campaign in Godortch and vicinity, Canada rwedq yuur money -Buy Vit - mostly under Fox a change of appointment, which under the anspices of the Goderleb tory Bonds. consists of a quarter of an acre , ANTED. -A gli-I Ptudent to dom at) I fruit. choice a pears and grapes. For h,ime, must take place next week. Branch of the Navy League: . =q q,od partlauile'r% apply to W, J. BLAIR MRS. board In quiet well Atoll, The foundation for the National Ship I 2 , JAMES BUCHANAN, Manager I - ,I, .1 W EBSTER. Nowirate street, . rhe Capt. who is quite well kpown in R EC F IPT 11 ... I .1 pop000powowsawwt"" - . 1-1 ------ A - RAILWAY TIME TABLE 0. P. R. . I -Goderich-Leave. 6.20 a.m. 1.30 P.M, Mamilton-Arrive 11.35 a.m. 8.30 P.m. I Toronto 11 11.05 a.m. 6.30 P.M. . Torento-Leave 8.10 a.m. 5.10 p.m. , Hamilton- 11 8.10 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Goderigh-Azirive 12.55 p.m. 9.55 p.m. - AH trains arrive and leave Union Station 1 ., e T in. 2.80 P.M. Goderich iv:* 1:41t.m. 7.20 p.m, - I I ' Toronto - Arrive, .10.5a Toronto -Leave 6.50 a. m. 12.45 p.m. . . and 6,35 p.m. Goderich-Arrive It.40 a.m. 7.10 p.m. . and 1.1.46 p.m. ___ _. =====_:_i__= _ _ :. P _ Is F9 - M " GIERI S WANTED Ell III 94 I I 89 III "PLY AT 10 X R @g GODERtCH KNITTING CO. IN RI PH MR, EAST STREET N A E I .. . . ",SSSSWSS98&4 ", 1 r'.. The Goal Situation s " 0 1 . I—— . ... : . I I - %fthtie Better 1, . ; . . I . . $ 1 . and we would advise , ; : anyone, who can nse I i. Soft Coal to lay in a I , , 1. - t6n, or,twolnow as a I : I I 1. rdatto of precaution ; , . ". . ,._. 11 -11.1 ­'­­­­'­­­ ­ -,- , . I " . I I . ' - , I . I I '' lff,.,. L - 'an Estate , I ill Im 1 1-1-.1- 11.1 .W- "--,! . "I 1091-111 I 1 - - . .. 00000*6000000000000000011110 - __ - _____ -1 - __ ______ __ ANTRD.-Woman wmnuq work by the Goderich has worked co-operating with Goderich Township, per Miss u Ing e3o it boller shop is completiall, the frame work for the back portion I% I I 0 1 Oveti, FOR SALL-Red orick, with all 11 tivenlenceR. Apply to W. A. CHIS. W day. Apply tz BOX (W, Goderich. -- -- -_ the other congregations In town ever since lie came beretwo years ago. Salkeld .. . ...... s 110 00 0. Tp. United Patriotic 113oclety 5 00 up attel'the siding going on. INSURANCE HOLMC Trafalgar SL tf __ - - - ----. --.-- I 'A PPLICATTONS WANTED. -For the, of Matron of The Chaltlren' On the suggestion of a layman (that' a Maitland Lodge, A. F., & AL. M. 5 00 -_ - -_ SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AT LEGG'S - @9 fig w ,M position Shelter for 'the county o(Huron. at Goderloh, Dial" begin Doe. INt- For particular.. united gathering should take plave if possible before the departure of these llaytield (,.ittzeng . . ....... 87 56' Hayfluld Women'R Patriotic Smoked barn, half or whole, 42c. R 81 91 Why remain a Local ? M 04 ffl I " to addre"G. M. ELLIOTT, county Secretary, Officers the Ministira) Association were Society . .. - - - .. _.... 112 50 Kincarellne bacon, back, 60c, sides, 55c. ; M % RR is W Bappels fop Sale Goderich. Ont. - ___ unanimous that It should be so, the Colborne Tp, Subscriptions .... v IS2 50 sliced on our patent slicer. Fresh efau- ftily. 94 Ri W Why not have an Agency ,9@ WANTED -Experienced girt for wonerai decision arrived at was that following Rebekah Lodge ­ ... . .... 10 00 ,f)(Ingannon sage made 80c a pound. We also have choice beef aq w ffl @0 housework, No washing sm per month 1'. o. BOX the church services all concerned would Citizens ........ 190 05 corned and pickled W of your own ? 1' A quantity of re-coopered ffl with bonu,i of #M at end of year. M72 London. unite at the S. A. Citadel at 8: 15 p. rD. General l3rough, Chap. 1. 0. D. pork always on hand, at reasonable M go m Apple Barrels for sale M@ 'W It is to be hoped all Will Khow their of the work Capt. E.. .. .. _ ... ..... I _ - 0 001. prices. _ . -_ WANTEt)_ or himsework. EN If you are writing the busi- 9? MAII) general AL(ASO.N. riunganimn, appreciation of afid ___ ,_ The Indications of worms are restlem. M 21 cheap. I 0 Apply to I'ORS. ont. Mrs. Fox to our midst by putting in an Total 6 608 55 ness, grinding of the teeth, picking or og ness on a small commission M is W" W I appearance on Sunday evenitig, An General Kubscriptioum ..... - 1851 32 the noise; extreme peevishricifie, often fm and want inore-See us. Ri W w I W Apl)ly at R4 PVRLIC NOTICE opportunitv will be given to contribute byavoinutaryoftotingto the Convulsions. Under theme condition" W 11 [A ik - - personal Total i 2;i7_87 the boot remedy that can be got Is W "I 91 Box No. 10 Star Office. Iffil ii w Huron Canning and Eva m porating W NNUAL,MFETING , __ Al.der expenses of Capt. and Mrs. Fox, which "'a no doubt all will heartily a il th FXPFNHF8 Advertising. stationary. postage, Miller's Worm Powders. They will w io IN @9 % M GO. the amended Act loverning Horti- out.urft)8Och%ti0A their nnona meeting ", ust selves of. Rev. R. C. McDermid, pa=r I , telephones, delivering I)oRt- atthlok tho worms -&Fi soon &Fit admits Iste5red and will grind them to stoma, Beffigom 11 W Vim hel it during the fir -i week in November lbald of Knox church who also la chairman ers etc . - - .. . . .. .... 5 14 23 that pass away in tile evacuations. ______ - I -_ -11. I __ ------- y IM *K9EaBw*%wm9Bffl es,eh year. Thoantinal meeting of t,ho GOde- rich Horticultural Society will therefore ts or the Ministerial Association, will occupy the chair. ExpenReg of (Iolvacite to General The little sufferer will be Immedlatetv 0. F. CARRY I - on Friday evening. November 8th, t 8 o'clock in We seoretary'- office In the Con ri. Prof. Killiatterick Coming to Knox Cesird meoting of Navy League , , I oronto . . .L.. 7 00 e&"d and a return of the attack will not be likely. I REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGICNT Frame dwelling at present occuple,l by W. I C9 I 8 Hwase. All'triambere are reloo.tedtoattend. . JOHN­STRAIlON. Pro.. W M. LA N F, Secretary. From Sunday, November 10, to Sun . tiaian v temitted to General Committee Toronto ___ _ EL Murray, 7 room-, modern conveniences, 2 lot.. cornor South Ke Goderich, Oct. 30th, 19ig day November 17, Inctuding the intor tic devoted . . - - DIED TIFFIN.- In (lodarich on Handav October -ituated near and streets. Mr. Murray I,, leaving Gtid.ril !b The Council has struok the Tax M USIC -ning week nights, will to a series of special servicei in Knox Total j2Z9 SW7 2; th, 11918 John 11(fin. In fii wit h year' 1Tu;3day.octobermh. and will Kell cheati. A bargain for a quick Haiti. , Rate for 1918. Taxes can now he ____ church which should make It a red letter ORO. WILLIAIN114, See, -Treasurer. TIA)UPSON-In Goderich town,,hlp, a, - Robort A 11hompoon. Two brick houses hear G. T. fit otton for ,,ale or rent Ca it ba! bought i cry chose. paid at any time 2 per cent. off, Froderic T. Egener week in the history of the congregation. and have a decided Influence on the k -- -- &* wyes". , payable on or before October 16th; I religious life of Goderich. Pent. Kilpat. ______ - - - . -_ I POR RALZ For sale Frame d welling on St. Goorqe'a Crescent, in good repair, A good garden per cent. off. payable by November 16th. Mos. Bat. C, SENIOR SINGINO HONOR DTP1,0'11A rick. of Knox Colitge, has been secured for those meetings, which %re arranged -'A" K y I 0 EA planted. Furniture go4w with hou".. Call and pay and - save flio dig- ToltoNTO IT NJVKMITN In connection with the Forward Move I - _ -T L .- , L I)welliniz and IllackIMIth Shot) in the f Dungspnon for we or rent. count. - mefitinaugurated by the Presbyterian I of Canada, and the ZOTANUS111119111 0V= 00 W2"S ia Wi arld exchange for farm property. I All in art -ears for taxes must pay ORGANIET AND CHOIRMASTER KNOX CHURCH - church program of 18ubjects to be dealt with is one that will t . I ­- __ __ - __ - - ____ __ , __ ____ - __ ---- _-_­ -- ­ . ­_ WEST WAWANUSH FIRE INSUR at once, otherwise distress warrants must issue. Ineitruction In Singing, Pipe. Organ, Pianoforte. Harmonv, Theory, ete. appeal to all Cbrintlans and even the, non-ohurCb go,ar, the key note of the I L RemittancestoSoldiers ANCE 00. WM. CAMP131KLL, - whole being that of Evangelism and thel lite -4-' \; - One of the beet In the iirovinae. Fixed rate ef ati,aleqatrients. Live Stock Insured at their . - I ­ Collector. Pupils prepared for any examination Rpiritual uplift of religious Prof. I Kilpatrick is one of the great leaders of Remittances to soldieu in . . full value, whether an the farm or not. No and church positions. the Presbyterian church. and hi every . rouhle to make adinstment. R_ McILWAIN. Nile. A,nnt for Colborne NOTICE Special lines, fee, thililre. PHONE 212 where recopnized an a powerful and i , England, Belgium, France . Take notice that under the Dorn. __ ­ L ' ISS GBACE SEAGEI-, p"i'll of Nir Jan M eloquent gospel pron,nher, who Is al Ira I 'heard with profit and dellght MR"' Indeed or EaAern Countries may 011 M F P I inion Prohibitory regulations of last flambourg, has reAnnied her rla - and Is prepared to receive .,Mptl- on the viol ol 9E%f,FR. menRageK anti this; series of Per ' specially appreciated !vices, ghould be be made through the Bank '! R Ill R I M December, any liquor found. in mn , . Far t,,, spply to MIAS GFIM.P] West Street. !at this time of public anxiety and %trem. of Montreal either by cable, Ji in GODERICH TP. IN M W place, that has Ilteen manufactured ---- --- --- SABEL R. 4COTT I I The Session of Knox church are making . I every arrangement for the success of ,_ if halfte is esisential; or -by I L * I M Owing to shortage of help the Ibanks will not receive taxes as i W Yon ate hereby advised M since April Ist, 1918. is liable to be confismated, and the owner heavily finea. organiia North street kjothodi t rh,ir,h p, .%aroin ifills prepared for cons,t-rvatory k etlonLq IF) I those meetings, and have fient cordial , invitations to the Congregations adja ; . cent to Ooderich. as well aA to those to Draft or Bank Money 0 - 1. . I rider ;tortn'ortV. to have mobey or cbeques on *1 voice. piano and organ town, to attend find szhare in the i4plerit if to be sent by letter post L I 0 03 60461rich air 'Clihtmi bt-filts ready W Thiq 3pphM tO fiffurrf, rider, and For te.rfn4, 'etc,l &%y to MW Q1011t at' , "at Itencifitet which are prayerfully anti - I - 9 B fill or remic,by mail. M m home-m"o wine of any kind, pro- Mrq. Vanatter A. cor. %gjorloo and Qneb, r Streetq. . cipatcd. It the ban on public gath(,r .. kt^* #?r1Ct.I4*"TftAt. M III 01 R. G. THOMMON. WM vided it eontaingi Tuore than two and __ . ITARLES HUU KLKY C ii Iq lift,ed this week. a serles of I gypir metitingit for the spirktual _.-I..... . ­ I __ 0 1 one-lialf per cent. of proof spirits. __ nuccenst L * 0 . CMECTOO ,WN M" 'Mr! "#K'Alla ALL111111" Orranifil St. awsre. Anallcian Chni-rh I;Isnfw anti Organ Inoriftetion Oive.oece of thexe services will W field in Knox ; I church next week, of which it ifi h6pvd M A. W. Strickland, 2nSwroGoderich Uranch. N ­ 9i N val'allas go Wea a WRE'laxams also a OIL A. J. OrWOIL'., & t. 61110101101. - oreheqlra Tottins MaAerme Park Houce i to be able to make definite hurfoorwe 1. . ­ ... I I. 1111:, - ­., ". -1111, .1 I .1 I . . ­ L .1. 11- - I . I I . ' , : , 4ii; . I " 'I . I I 1 ,4 . ,, : I , .. . . ., . . . I 11. ' , . .1 , . . ; , , _ . .1 , I - -___ 1- 1: ( , 1: .. . I I 11 'I, 11 : ", , 1 I ­ _. _" _ ( . I 11 .. - I I . I . I . . . 1, r I' I : L I , . - I I - , , . I : ., ;, , - r , 1 4 ": , . . - I- - _­ ­­ , ­ . I I I I r 11 . I :". I . I I : : j . . I Y I i I 11 * 0 I . 1, ­ . I . .. 0 4, I 1. - I . .1 I . . I - . . - . I I I 11, : . I . I I 0 1 I 0 . I 1: ., 1, , I "'Y . I . I I I I ­ I , 1, . I . I I I I " . , , . . I ',, ' : L, ' ' .1 . , , .. c , I . . . , , . , I . 1. I . 11 I , 'I - ...-,-- -.-" .41, " --- .,,.-, -, ,, . 'IL--"----,.- -..-+ . - --,t,,----, ..-----, , . . I : .1 1 1, . . I , , . L I. ., 1 .4 . 10 , - , 1. , . '_ . , __, ,.'. _`_­ _. - L I . 11 - - I `A; , __ ­­ - , ,-* I - , " . I , p-, " T k I . I . I - , . I o I 4 1 . 11 . I . I I - . ­ -nr ; .__A , ... ' I 1. , .11 .?_,, ­­ - I . , , , ­ I,, - "'Ir I ( 1i I ' ­ -' -.1 ' . _: . ".1. . . , 't ' -.*W ,­ Aap *.-"r _. 4 , ­ ­­ I - L , ­ . I . _/1 - . '" ' ' % - I I I - 1. - .V, % - 1, 11 'L I , , *­ , , ­ L - . . . _, _,_ r . I , I-_,, , . , ,., - . I . . 1. I I 1, . , _..__,__1 - : s: - ­f;.. _: t _'­ ,,, V,:. I 4, `&- , I . I I . : T f I S;8=64-- __ -.211iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,- , I __ - __ , , , - , --st 'L . I 111._. - I - ., &.,J_,__.Q, .",40z4 . I I , I I '. - . I i-r"A' *1 -Atymaniaw-willas.." 1 -. ' _'L ,. I I , , - --,.,-,-,, . watiiiA , ­Jwjjjj Vif- ­` !.-I j6p,ii-A, 1­­'L ,." - i . - ". I -, _ .. . trl ­'.., , I , . , _ I . ,_,d . I , I I ­ I N M