HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-25, Page 7 I ill" oollrr�v
Er �� , I
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. 3,5:111 I
1. N weimpelItittivo ne.04 for ff74* Ili 014*11VItit
to all tWliking peciple, Those who am *ire ,
I 41A Cqaiied to spentl 91, .,iton_eWUtlA1, I
and are savin , ".
, g to pro,04fe lkglibx4t VOW4,e �,
adVeIrse cQuAllict...
. - . -1 ' The suMt way to Protect yourself is with A,
8avit"RIA1101ruatto st-t Que Vith this 4nk I
At once. lutemt paid at cuictromt uteii.
. r
1=111ICOM4 . .. 11 . -MMM1910r.. I
I . 11 .1d, Up- Your; Systom ,, - -
:, - BW I I 11\ -
3 � , , uy milog, � % ..
a� I I I .� I
11 �' ' 0
��� 0, Ir"'O"A's"13 "r Palatable Cod Liver0il
I . A � . �
.-Ir I
1'� I � Thhs is n olooptiquIly pa I - for
. , � ,4 �U*Ider 11
thQse who -sire 404vaks.1148, ofte,� Inflil""A I
i - " * ' TW4 U,Ao Qil�its*� atqut this pripparatigil , ,
� 0 . I
n- 1* I . I
\1 . 11 -Help You
� . . Let It
I I I I .
I. I _.._�_ " . ____"__r_1" '
a . . , . I JAS. A. �CAMPBELL, ' Phm.k
� I — � 1. -r- I 4
I #i . .
OBIT611Y He was wounkd the 23rd of April ' I � 'PRONL 90;
� . 1. I- I 'a 'Ajr. Thompson was In his I .
I I — precedino.
. ; BABB!MT110 funeral . 26th I I '
tol'int . "Goderich -Huron's Golden G e- -
� I Of Nlr. Harry 26th yea'r and was the oldest in tile A at ", --
, Babb, who. as itientionoLd last week, fa . 11111Y, all his brothers and sisters I . I
- I I . ..--.-. --mt-a-4,4c4iln-444--i'410tiith.n+,t .Pn--t%-un_' .,I, a-;x&*rW- -44l4i4-.-_-41A*o,- --si.!#,e�and. - _5j" ' __..______ 9 ;: I ;; 1. C11=0 . 11 ,__=_*ftW
. -day lasti- took place oll Sunday after- one brother are batted Ili Enguj,u4 . I
a', I
noon -to Maitland cellipterN, Lbe set.- and one siste"p and t.ow the other two __ .---,.—. i. � I —
� . --VIM lain& -conducted bN Rev. A, L. G.
___ - __
son at the age oZ-20r ,years' and sevell,
! Clarke, and the Pall -bearers being Will
. In the To xn Hall, 'Wroxeter, Gn Friday, the J5th (lay of November, 1918- to
ni'miths, wap , the terinination of tile
f Craig, Reg. Platt, Charles Videan and
I � I
earthly career of ¬liev young life
John Roberts. Mr Babb was tile
j:,,lhf)rIlo 'I")NN'll'Fill), � f
as the resqjt of puidullionfliff The young
. -ytAuige,.,I; son iff the late q,,Apt. Will.
Aadv was horn near- Fort QAT' Appefte,-
. I Babb and ,Mr,. lid,"l), and is sur\ived
- �
Susk., March lath. 1898 and both her
by one brother, 1,lioillas, And two sis_
parents died it) tile \Vost ,.n,ar Fu!�
I I I terri, Mrs, Mtjr-d,.(.Jj allot Miss Kate
. 1.
Qu' Apnelle, hot- inother"passing away
f I Babb, of town. Put' tile past four
Feb. Itith, 11.)07, anti' her fattier Fell,
years tile �(Jcet,k,tv,l \Nit, tll,� effivit-lit
2-oth, 190. Fi\v I,rolhpr� ,;urvive, John
mail carrier oil Iliv rural route bo-
': ..... .
A., William J., W \Vilir,d, A. Sidney
- tween Gode,rich alill Killlail. lie \N,ls
- . ,
and L. Wellington; also an aunt, tip,-
. -two years of
t4hoty ao.ve.
, 4 �
- I >1 ; -'.
. ".
-v I's m,)tht,r'q sist-,r, Mm 1,. I)rli
I W -Art oId rcsident for tile
.. " ............ I : .
.. ��� �
.. ��
I � . . . . .
ib A( Ill. k,f CUllaq,, ,
. ,,IlSii.; and, fuur UncI,.
for thev past fllrL�_se,,,ull year,
.. �
0 IX
and an ;rml, hrotlic& and si�4vr of her
- � ,
.passed froin_jhl
I-'- In0rtAt ,plit-Ve of ac-
. .."-R ;; " i'11.1.1111,1 -.-Il
.. 0 .. , ,
father, J(,'m T_ P ,ndIds6n, of London.
- ,
! tioll On '"'edDes'14Y 'if last week In
* -
,�. ..., .j. . gg.,,, .,�,,�i ..
.., .� ,
", .
.James Donaldson, of Watervilto, Maint"
I the death Of Catharine Lyons, ,A.Jtlow
S, . "g-'....'�m.",�
nmg.,,� I I
6 . I.-'... ,.f Kold, ;�� i"'c' Mont.: W.
1 of the late, Win. Welsh, in her 84tli
. ,
,4 _ ,,,p ,
M Mk�.,.-"A,�g I �.?
. ,�
Dunalilson, of MvI* Mont_ and I
i r. The deceased \Nas blirl, it, Dub_
.- i.,K'.�-'��il`
Miss Jean Donaldson, (if Salt,l Af- 1
; I Tie,a Irejand, %\a.,, Illal*rwd fit England,
. I
;;;;; : I
ter Mr. Donaldson's death the farldIN
I and A60� If) I'Tolaola
� e, - -4Nitli her husband
caoiii- to G(lkl,,rieh. The hin, val took
and 1hree"Obildrer, ,,,, �fqjrs ago, Io-
place on Thursday afternoon of last
I � eating -4it Godericli. Mr. Welsh died
last (or .Nit.. (AtArle% J. B. \Val-
week from the Atep-mother's home, tit(,
i about, tbjrfy-iI\e �'var' ago. The
.$T;. 1
residence (if Nfr.,, L. Donaldson, Hincks
, youngest child, I,orttis Wi,lsh, was tile
. , M 1.
street. Thp sorNices were conducted
� only (Lpe of the family lwrn In Canada
� ..
I ... .... i
by Rev. J. E. Me-Gatiley, pastor of tho
. � . .. . ... .. Balibist church, in which the deceased .
The all Are Chris.. at New Haven,* .. . I
"'I'S .... I . - - - __ active \v and the pall- RUSSELL RATES
ilh- -10-Sefill Herr, of Harris- bearrr- were Jnhn, William Find Wilfrid ,,on or .Nit-, .flit[ .�It,,. \\ , i,. B,jI,,,, B1,11el,
Conn.; . I. ' 4rker,
ville, Mich.; and .�Irs� N,�il Murrill. of PTE. GEORGE THOMPSON I)otial(tson, bro?tbors of � tit,- devi�asvd. sti-I,I.t. Killod in av!h'll, '-�,.I-I. *?7th ,
� Port ,Stanley. NIVS. Ahirra\ was �Iere — anti J. A. CallIA)lWil, Illillit' Gi,olt(in And 11u,sell, (.nli,tf,d ill ;1!,. ,,,,I,, 'Jild \\vnt
. for the funeral and Mrs, 11prr was on boys Are bilrietl in Maitland cemetery. f1ric Wilson. 6 -1\vrseas \Nith hi, , H.,r hr�.11k,-I% flat, -
I her way -but �,vas stopped ,It Bay City It is Only it Year ago )list August since, W`,I,KER.--f_)nP off tho oldest pion- old and lflv� Il't-i If,, 11 (4Tf",-JI:f-r ontil
by the -health (officers on avrount 'of a broth,:r \�'illiani, vvils dro,.vne(i oitJ ,.f�rs' of East Wawa lish mid one o,f I' few ,III\-, -1,41--rol, i ,, I , di'liAll.
the Influenza epideriorr. ;I I k I " I'
The funeral till. Mari�kli ,it Port William. Mr. tile last, passed to. Life %\(;['I(] unseen \011�11 kis Ilr(ItIker -.111:1111--d ],.,I\ o.
I took place bn Friday ,'list, tire services TJjOIIIPS0II, tire father, has thus cer- on Sunday last at the lionte (fr her soQ, Ifo hall ho -11 thrmit 11 flit- liatlk. I'lf
' being conducted by r,e%, ,Mr. McDer- tainlY had ajull share of sorrow and `Iislia NValker, \N11'en Mrs. M. Walker, , Ro�v It tit,- T') fir lilt- 11.0ta!t''ll
� mid. I
) . his wife has bef-it Ill in hospital in ti'm(her of Mr. Wesley Waillicr, of timn, -O1114. 81o`(,.,�`r1\ti1\""I t I , return to. [*,-,t.
- THOMPSON.-Partivularly sad was London flit' s"DIt' years. ThO fulleral paid Nat I delit, In Iwr 93rd year. I "illcl. it.)[ 1', liall 11,-11 Poll* 11111", ITT
the death -on Friday last! of Mr. George took place (Ili Sunday afternoon rroin She hair, I in falling Ilvaltli for six \\, '.1 ( , .\I r fill' tool, allof v'o-tj tillip
Henry Thompson, son of Mr. writ, the cleceased's lwq
unvic's residence, the ,ame yoars ;pool a fe\\ days bi,fore Iffer Vx Ars \\ ill his torollior. Mwold.
- Thompson, as thf, daY of his death honle Of .Mr. Herbert GopenlRo, WMIS death .,uffered a stuoki, of paralysis. Russell NNHI., nt,l \-,I ,20 \.,III,, oil' ag,..
was the. eve of his intonded wedding s"I'VOY. Rev. It". Riltic(Igo eondu�ting She \\.Its a nativi, Of Ireland And was lip, wns ;I lo\aldo � , ,it ril., I I Id T 1, N ,`ry
day. Mr. Thoolp,-;oll im a returned the,servives air(] tit(-, pall-beart,rs living .inarried ill tile (lid cotInLry ,and tit t, y fliglll�- t11tied ll� all \\,It �. knev, Imil,
soldier, being tine of the first to enlist infintivrs of Horon 1,0(1�re, No. fl,2, clime lot Ganatl&�\hen the cmintry wa.,,and \\,,,, a :1 ......... gh1\ rv,ia,,,,, al ... ...
from town abd going oNer with the, 1. (). (). F., of which tho I flocea"I'd ww� all bush. Some tell �..ars 5go tllf'� prilleiploll \.00M Tit,' . If. I All
first contingent. If(, . N\. s also one of It flielillier. . I
'I 11 vp+-braLPd their gold, -n \\vdding and —�--- ---
I . his illoth.-E, If, l\%v( [I �1\1.Il an't
0 the .JIrst of the (loderiell 1) )ys to re- DfINALDS, IN. -Till, deatli (in Monday it \\as a few \oars ktl.t�r \\hon her life ,and
turn, arriving fiujllf� Ili NoN ember, i9i5,! of [list week 1-f Elizabeth Jelin ootottd_ lf�artnor PaKsod away. Tho deeea�setl "N erit"" .\,"it's R,t!�-� Mr- T' !I. .\\,it[-
__ ____ .--- - _____ ____ __ ___ - - I—_ . ,.,'as , a Metltodi.,4 . in reliwion. The )i.,, of lo\\Ii, allil Ili, o,l,ter, \IT , �1 ISd I I
� , - - -- - --- - runoral took pLic., oil 'riivsday tiINVII11IL'. of T'^'Ilto, ill.s. ill,, �. It' r\ i \, I'l.,
. '' Wingliain renietery, Iwing \(,t,y litirgely, in Iho fanlil�. .\IT,. Wollis-\\a , :1 ""';�71"-,
I iN Ifer (if flit, Mettlodist church if,,
p,tlded. Six sons .1af-i's4m, of the,
. Toronto polico ff,[.(.(.: IA. A., of ().'gootle, 114" \\as ;'ill" Ile Was ak\aNs to If,- s4,, -n
. fall, Toronto: tivoorgp, ,of 4',rIro,J)y:' " it stinday \\vndIng his \\a� . I'll the
. - I Church. Sinvo 'Juglist, la't Ill, li�vl
W - - llsiulv, ,Ifp,tllf, (flit flonlo.Aet)(1: J.:Ji,tla, of�
. 1-41ii vonfinod to hJs bed, Tit,, nlin.i,l
It East 'Wim,ullosh : all -1, Wesley, :01f Oodo- , -
I � ONTARIO ELECTION -ACT, 1918 rich' -ort, file pall -bearers. lind lilt, I look place (In 111146(kity". ill,- . -r\ Ive lit
. � . 'if-4.1-fisq-d's 'other son, Aalnp.q, ,if \\'ing-, lilt- hou,-, heing Loolnim-ti-d if\ lw�, lit..
Ititill. was Ili,, linderkiko.r. Mrs. E. 3.. lititl(Ago. ,111(1 fit tile ura\'. by Itw ,\It-.
, , Arni'trong. , ('r TOP"Ilto, life only Poled. Tho llalkhvarf:1-1.1,�\er.,�, Mi""I"',
laiight,-r. ,,vas .\\lilt ner niollier 1)f,r,.,.,. i WalLf.l. Willil" Ilerl 'tlkil� ;I\ to I
I [.-r, 6.8 ti I. 'I 4 I I roo 1) ro t 1 14. I-., , Ile\ . i (Aark and Gv,). MoeVIC ill . . M I " \% o I I I.,
Notice 'Of 'Sittings of Revising Offic- ers, , I ;-yriz, -Jack�iou, off Walhervillo; Ir- i \\as 111) front Tor --lit(, 1'.1, It "7. 1, V. dh,-r'�
, . \,,In ,JRrks,)n, or ,I,,,ron1,,: and Jame, funeral: also .\It,. .It,),,, j.till,lil�, \11..
I 'Itiv, stanln� t11\\Il.'Ilip) a . [sit and Mrs. Boland .J,qIkjn,; anti .\it.. II. -r -
I wo-re present at file funeral. bvrt ienkins', off Clinl-m: %Jr. and ' \If-, '
— 1�,_ � livrb (,'(,x, Mr. .1(.Iln \V( ,is, \Iis, (:lit,.
. tf� ,;ticks off
, ELE TORAL DISTRICT OF NORT HUB N . , I, if, Me Ke n zi, - if I if I � I I-. \\',, I it. 1, \\*d i I I s.
I TO WIT: 'a
. TAq, NOTICE that the list-, of voters for Polling Subdiv.1sion numbered J, 2,.
3,4f,_5,d,nrd-6. in the Municipb�!ity of tile Township of Howick: numbered 1, Ill tile
� Municipality of the Village of "Xroxeter; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3, in the municipality (If , ,
the' Town of Wingliarn; 1, 2, 8 and 4, In the Municipality of the Township (if
I . Turnberry; and 2, in tlie'Municipality of the Village.of Blyth; 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 aDit
6, in the MuLcipaliLy of the Township of Morris; 1, 2, 3_4, 6, 6 and 7, In the
MU61cipality of tire TmAnship of Ashfleld; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. in the Municipality .
of the Townisbil) of East wamanosh, and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in the 'Municipality
. of the Town bip of West Wawanosh; have been prepared by the Enumerators
I and have be4 n deliv.,,red to the GlOrk of this qoard by the Returnino Officer.
. AND TH XT Hi,; Honor JuAge F. N. Lewis has been appointed Re% ising
. Officer for ti to purpose ef hearing complaints and appeals as to the sald 1,ists
I.. . I - for the Township, of Howick and the Village of Wroxeter, His Honor Judge
. Lo6virls-A Dickson has lipent appointed Revising Officer for the purlip". of hPay-
.� Ing complain A and appeals as to the said lists for the Town of Winghatin and
. I I
� I . . the Townshi ; of Turnberry. D. McDonald, Esquire, has been appoirilpol He-
') vising Offleei for. r,he purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to ill,.
I said lists for the Village of Blyth and the Township of Morris. R. (j. Beynollis.
kEsquire, has been Appointed Revising Offleer for tile purpose of hearing c,oin-
. glaints and a veals as to the sMd lists of the Township of Ashfield. C. Seagor,
Esquire, has beep appointed Revising Officer for tire purpose of hearing voln-
plaints and a 3peals as to the. said lists for the Townships of East Wavtanosh
and West WAwano9h. � . .. I
,e AND FuB rHER TAKZ' NOTICE that the sittings of the said Revising Officers 11
rridin 6oderivIi nN,%ushl-i'll', �'N..re here
for the funeral.
LANE.- Mrs. Willfam [,aov, �%irf, off
the voillity tro-a"llrep, \\11o, it, hrlf�lly
Inentioned ill our last issile. passed
Away or) Sunda). I)INt. l3fil'--was it
natile (if fho Ti,wilsilip of As,tilield,
-her rinti,b-n naiij,- being lilt,)O., .�t,-\k_
art, And throw brottlers and three sis-
ters sur\ke, Ex-revve Gharles Stewart,
(fr Ashilvid; I)a%i,i. or Huron township:
.101141, Of Rpizina: Mrs. W. Finlayson, of
Kiiii-ardino; Mr,4. Murdoch McKenzie,
(if Bran(Jon, M,t.n., And MiRs Mary
Stewart. or A,lill.,141, The doceastod
cattle 1.11 ttr,,An \,%,flit fwr hinshrind and
children ill 1891 whon Mr, Latif, mks
Appointed to, Illf. im,zitioll (if v(,ulily
clerk. Bo,sides lier fli1q,and t\%o son . s
suml\v, W, sfov.ar,t Ljinv, it law�o,r lit
VaIWOUNI'r, It (-, :111-1 Or. (Jiarles
lmnp, (if D,-frrilt I'll I, yt � i I rlgof� t ,�(,O.
I'lellf. NJ. P, Ldflf'. \% IS killo'd in .JVtl,,rI
at. tiw front ill <-,p!,-rrThvr, IN(% Till-
foneral \\as h(+J ,,if Thorstla\ ,tr i,,�I,
week, flit, roinain, I"'ing lal".11 I -1 -
,,�),.l in
tail evrootery for hitvrinuril . . A.
'-will be held ts follows: I .
J,. (;. Clarke And Ill,%. If. c. Mellernild
. In the To xn Hall, 'Wroxeter, Gn Friday, the J5th (lay of November, 1918- to
.1. , .
,or Mr. and Mr�,. NVIIIiarn Walter,
170111111"t -I the r\if` at th,� limi.se und
Rev. J. S. Hardle at tht, vr;I\e. it,,.
" � hear cortiplaii ts as to tile said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions in tile
Village of Wi oxeter. I
j:,,lhf)rIlo 'I")NN'll'Fill), � f
Pallbearers \\-f.r,, 11,1L.".
Ific II -,r), -r .1
Sept. VIM. i(� . \\'It , r
J. )iekson, fliq If,inor ,Judjz,- I le\,, !,;,
I . In the Ti wn Hall (lorrie, (in Saturday, the i6th (Jay of November, J919,
to hear comr faints aii` to the said lists of voters for the Pulling
,P\vr,v \\'ill' [Ile t6tst Bat-
frFin,fi-ril I
SherifT Ileynolik. ind M.-s�rs. 1) Mae-
. '
donaid, ,',Pager
I Subdi, isions
. in the Towns lip of Howick.
and ... lo file 49111 ,ill
ill France. Lielit. Waller \,vas
(;. ail, I G \V ll,drflan ,
At Kintall the t\\,, -n- Sto%%,iji 'I And
. In the To, via Hall. Wingliam, on 'Weqnesday, the 1.3th diiy of November, 1.918,
gradwito- (of flit- ki, I;. 1. and InLeil
Charles. fit)(] t\v,, bloolli.-i-q, lial I, all I I
to heatF r6mr flints as to the said lists of voters for the Polling Subdivisions
lilt, Fil"'It\ of Fdtlralifln ,Anti
Charlf�s (4Iv\\jo'f. acti-11 ii� llall-b�arvrs .
In the Town ,if Winghan,.
Will Iomor, in inutheina ties
NEWT, IN' 'I'll,. foldt-,t ho,irle,s n,an
In the Township Hall, Bluevale, on Thursday, the lith (]fly of Nov ember,
pitysies rnpin tile University (if
ff,� *,%,,I-; allonding (Is904od"
in Ociderich that I. Ilw .00. N.,ho hall
1018, to h4,�ar ,complaints as t6 the said lists of voters for the Polling Sub-
ill Ifle Hot-, ,or hi� 1-rillstinent.
been in husino,,�. flit. tit., I,pn,,.-,t ,)(,,,-
lod) is the 1,'P%%
divisions in the To,;,%n�-hip of Turnberry.
I I .
was a ,plonflid "1111014% both while
tillo, %Nhi0i Mr f: o;. -
ton, whosp death twok pfaf-e fin Thurs-
In the InJustrial Hall, Blyth. on Wednesday, the 13th day of November,
(;oderich And if) Torl,ntl) anti 11 I RM'
(Illy Of last o,Nveh. 1-111d vlairn. ?living
1918, to hear omplainiq as to the said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivisions'
won if ninjibi r of .1iophles.
been In business its wi-rils* fiirnif-h,,r fit
In tile Vilialle of Blyth. .
wa,; 28 w-ait, off ave. .
GotdPrich f(.r 5toInvht nvar J0 years.
In the To wnStilp Hall, Morris, on ThursdAy, the lith day of November
— ____
Mr. Newton N%a,; \Pry t1olet in Ill. lirf,.
1918, to hear -omplaints its to the said voters' lists for the Polling Subdivision";
WALLIS. The death fok place on
never taking Anv parl In pohlir aff.lfr-,
In the Townslilp of Morris.
last (or .Nit.. (AtArle% J. B. \Val-
hilt was wt -11 Ilk,,d ,#till Iiiiii-til) f.,toern-
. In the T-)wnghip Hall, .A,;Ijfl(,Id, on Wednesday, the 13th (Jay of
brnther of Mr. T. n. Wallis. of
ed. In religion If,- %Nn- a mendif,r (if
vember, 1918, to lipar complaints as to the said voiters' If -Is for flip Polling
at ill,, 10!,-r-, r,-,i(f,-nre. Thp
the MothodW ,-Imr,h ind it) Iiitirm
Subdivisio s D mberea 1, 2 atilt .i, In the Township of Ashfield, and in the Town-
nt n
\%a,f ji -n ,if ffw late Mr. and
.1tolin Wallis. of f',oderich town-
a Herormer. if(- N\a,, horn ,.I i�ain-
bridge, Eniz.. if I st f athl,r ti,,iniz tit, late
Ship Hall, AsUfleld, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, l9ift, to heat,
* Ili- had ho -en a rripvle for tile
(lPorge Ne\%fon all,[ %xfwn ill, ��as hot
complaints as to the said voters' lists for Polling Subdivisions numbered
part of lit. life, tile r,.sOit ( if
a few,yearq ,,Ill it,,. rinin) ,,41111- ill
4, 5, 6 and 7, Ji a the Township Ash field. ,
rhemilatisni, rrnm ,�vbleb
Ganada. srwridinotr a yeRr in 4;Iorjr1r,
. ) In the Foresters' Half, Belgrave, on Wednesday, the 13th day of November,
suffervil \%Iipn f-leA,,n vear� for Age,
tiipn mo%fria to, I f,rm -.n floor, Mail -
, 11918, to hear r omplaints as in Me said votersf� lists for the Polling Subdivisions
rntrllf.r filet] Rix year,; IhIg fall
land roneessi(m. fh,,n f,� tho Point
In the Townst Ip of Pas! Wa.wanosh, and In the Township Hall, West Wawa-
Farm, %%here (hp -,o irnain,d f,,r ;I f,,vto
I nosh, on Thm sday, this i4th day of November, 1918, to hear complaints as to
the "
-_ _. — -_ - _ -
- - - - - - - - � �
' 6 opp000!""I"
years. and Quhs-Iii-rill) rm.%intir to
said voter- lists fo,r-Ah4 Polkling Subdivisions Jn the said Township of West
WaLwanosh . .
Goderich township. Mr Njr-wton I-
by -Q,
Each �ilftln .g commencing at 10:30 o'clock In the forenoon.
survived two broth, -i Goorwe. r,f
Toronto, anti Clement, nf P,-rter*q Hill
R'i ICE that any voter who desires to e,omplain
that the namet, , of qny persons entitled to be entered on the said lists have been
a .
�, Jo . ! ,
Appq ,Coen llalllixo�dtw fou
anti by one sister. %fr-. fluckharn, of
town, Mr. New ton %N,aa marri-11 tip a
daughter of flip late Dan
omitted from 1 be
Air Pwm4P&
6oribin. %ptho
SamP. or that the names of persons who are not entitled to
him Rix years nuo. and
be voters have been entered on the lists, may, not less than 5 clear days beforp
- - i a s i 9 _Wpoto� . 1��
leaves a son. Oerald. The firnerai took
the dates flxeo � for the sittings of Revising Officers, apply. eampialn or appeal
Ahl What relleff Your cloSpa now
place on 9&turday, Rev. Dr. Rutledge
to have his ow a name or the names of any other person corrected In, entered on
oped 4ight up, W tdr pass" of
conducting the services and the pall-
, . or removed frr m, the lists. Prepared)trinder the Ontario Election Act, 1918.
our hiall Are clesy ana yoU C" hipe�
heneerg beinfir Nfeoisrm. Wni 4mate6t.
AND FUR1 TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice In
I more 4wid" 1111111111121111*1
R. C. HayR, James Yates and Arthur
� � writing In the prescribed form, 819ded by the complainant, and given or left
ItUseharge, headache,
Smith. Mr. Newton had not been feel-
� for him at his residence or`00_6 1T bVilUas, on or before the said date, to the
well for some time-Itilat was fit his
I Clerk of the f( illowing Aeviaing Offieeps :
if$ Ville. �
stow within a fortliffirlit of top do,ath,
. Alirs. L. W; dker, GOITle, an to appeals for the Township of Howtek; D. M.
Don't stayistaftedioupil GA's'll"Jimal
Ile underwent An operation on the
,McTilivish, Wrir. xeter, for the Village 91 Wit,fteter; Ilf. F. Craves. WI h m, for
- 119 a
'of Ejy,s&(Jrs=.JJ&1M 01111114 yoUr
Apply IIX
Ninnday preceding his dpoith flo vAag
In his Othypar.
the Town of inghamp *' Paul Powell, WinghaIm, for the Township of Turn -
borry; A. Elder Myth 101i"the Village of 1111lyth; Joseph Stothers, Blyth, for the
a of,thill
4 - 11110111-
&nthKT"p6 fill"111111, 10 YOUr
11 %MLINK. Aine (if tile Rtartlint; re-
� I Township of X orris; G. Allen, Dungitinnon, for the Township of A eld -
I shfl
. tv,
let It Ittate th emy_ air I
-;",fE bftdi =
rnln`�ers the past wpek of the uncer-
A. Portor4leld, - Delgraile for the Township of Fast Wswillosh; W. Wilson:
WW 11,001 I
=001111, it*WAXI
tainty of life was the F"idden illness
. . MiTekbow P. 0 ,, for the TowniShip Of NVeft WaWanosh,
I , - , I , .
WOOMM fripimbrave,
Ift Instast raw. Eled Cream
imirl quick death of one of the well
knormo bvi-inp,;.q men of the brilviorn in
. -
C-11airmoin i
is = puit, a�ilq e*14 � &" .
ow *or W b" VO
the p -morin of .%fr D F. Ilarnhink. pro -
I I I vowfal lilegistrixtion Board, Cotititity of Huron.
� I I 11�k, � � I �
Jitist $#Us"
priptair of Canning Pactoiry. On
Thurs&q last
, I 1 4 .1
I ,
of week lie was taken
0 ., - I �
. . .§ .
. � .
?I I � I I I
J . . � . �, .
L I I . .
. I � .. �,11;� ., .
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, , � , .0'" ,".S,4 lilt � oftil. iffoopip", " I
11 %"i.0,,� -"),-, --, , " . . �. " .. �, -- I
a' , 'it f !_) . � 1. k
, O' �L , 1, pe,firls.
. 4y4lr . 'O' I ��� I
it i ,, 14A 10 ty, ,50' ;
t 71 I J)��.�, 1�1, ( I
, A_"11...'_k.-1T, � - I '! I I ,
- I I., . —1 I I
otoves V 11 I .. , , I
. % . t, I I I I .. � .1 0 1 �.., I I . Gloves
. , I
� �
4 . "I'll' . 11 I ? I _11 W \
_ � � I , to I — tw�
st"6441"'", ,'$ *iw, - 6 f"wi, - U Uy. 10 F"84
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. .1 - I � , .. _ �__ * , - -
-- .L'. �" '. " ."� '�' '- -1.1 . .1 I " I I . ,,,,, , � , � ;I Ii I'll , , .- ". -11 " - � " ; �.. � ' L I I . �4 ,
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11"010= 11 ""on"",.., .. 1 4 1; I—— 2- . "I .11 11, "I 111. .1111;1 �Ii mo� -
0- , , ` , - , I , � . � I .
� �* I .
�, I 111.�. . , (I. I RY IRONOS 1
!3" VI&T.A. -11111: 1-1-111"..-11111 ____ .
"pippoo" 1
\ , ,,, � - . I . I .
1111111t, W, I r e- 7 , .
A, mlil� , A& III
Sp le -n- d,, i d :, - va. I " Z1, i h Furs
.1 . . .. 1, ar, 11�1 I 'I, 1, - � . 9
. You will be dwight4vith, our spladid showliq of Furs at
most -attractive price0oall the newe.stAsigns.
NN%IteL 14�elfipfnd .r
" Fashionable.Set of . toXit' Black Wblfe �ots, in the newest styles it,
deep cape style xvitli, large rdund Muff, a cape mud stole effoot, with ifutiffs to match, frout
-se"304)0-.- -- -..-- --.-- -------------- ---------71QZO--0040-$64-W----'-----"--- -. -----"- - - .
I .
Natural Wolfe Sets, so much io—domanX 131ack Mduchattlan lVolfa Sets, very attrac-
. '.
and Ito attractive and selveeablei for- -Young - th,e io- beautifiv1__qUiVlitie9jJfJ1 % grealb variety J,f
hidies, sulare wear at $22.3d to $35M� styles, a set, ficim $I o.50 to $80.00. 1
\ 4'� Children's sets ure-featured in Coney, Ermine (Rifibbit) Thibel; in %stbite and Colors, ill ni, t,
little neckpieces that fit "ugly a6a auto muffAii-iiii-Set, Mw. � -
I -0-11- —I-
. I
More NeW Coats Just ,,Rece''Ived
I Thdy ape Han.dsome�yet moilepate-In Price Coats
FroM $1 6.00- to $65,00 -1 I
��_. - I -opopp, ___. I
0 1 i
Happy will be the lady who bas. one of these comfortable Dressing
Gowns, 0i( -y are so cosy and usettil that one can- bardly resist buyiug them,
� ___ -,
r-7 Tilllde,pf ,q(,CI4 qualiLy FiLlerdown, Onisbed - Wonie�im --iTan-lon-le, velzur Dre"Illf!
with vord girdle, collar and .uffs trinim �, Witt, Gowns, in altost attraflitive designs,,in uolors, t,.
satin, spe�:illl $7.95. suit till ttwtes, each, $2.60.
'01 JApatiese 11odded Vests with orw without sleeves, niost usbful for , weatting indoors or outdow,,
black only, silk lined, $1.50 and $1.75. - , . � I
. . .
. . I -
I � .
This is the time to get yonr overseas parcels- mailed to ensure them being
received at the proper time, we,make a few suggestions,, Khaki Handkerchiefs,
Socki, Sweater Coats, Gloves, Undmiteari-etc., etc. I
ReLuember we will. do up your boxes ready for mailiag.
Nemo Corsets i BUY VICTORY BONDS P. C. Corsets
.� Remember Oup Pho6et No. 56. . .
. 1.
WI � -11W . . I
I I 'Phone 56 MILLAR'S'SCO CU,STORE 'Phone 56
... � I ..
__ momp�
% - I _- 11 I a, ;
.Tfliollsl� ill at ill(- fartor.N � , on Sit tily- I afforond alone. Arratigpin" ts lilt% e let,, wero here for the fiti,, [,,t, ,, _ '
daN If,, ,,%as opvrate(l ,,IT At the tims1oltal I lwv011 Illildt. for tile contintiaAe of the Nit,. L. K. Shour(N, ,or �%. 111illito,11. a .1
;I1111 Ih,- following Ifloit'lling ,to bri�utllf, I Canning Factory lit Goderiorh for thet Mrs. Will Smith, of I itieaa,.. %f
1,is la,l. Mr. Ilanilink had N -en it 1'1-.,I- I Ilr"solll seffisoll lit least unit .Mr. Victor Hatialink was inarrit-.1 t:, \h- ,,flit!
6 -fit ,4' (�(141T.rivll flip 26 or 2 - .
I youl, and ,(,Aiapinan has been put Ili charge or, daughter of the flit.. Abrallaill ,vif.
had hall his lips and d,)�\Ils Ill hil-lo".4s. hP IM,al Industry by mr. §phourds.
. ,Mr. , of0town, And Is stfr%I\vd Ilk Ilk \� ".
(4 \Nlll(ill no olle p.,I-I'll Ps kill.\\ so folk. 1 iiIink also had condutted Men"i- I Ile Was brought III,) a liapt* t I
, .IosP I 00 , I * , "� ,;�'.,'�, ,
.,, I 1, 4 frifIrld , .lid I'll'itiv,is !I.,- �!;ng Park SlInimer refifort for many attended, tho Niettiocsl,t ,.11.11-11, , � I
".Wialo Mr. L. K� ,�hlolllds. .lf WelillIP4 1 �,,,tr,4. Mr. liarnlink was born'In So- Ili t;odorleh. 'n,.- rtin-'ral 1,-k 1� . -
bill. Mr. lialillink \\as a .1111"t titan I N Y where his fattier, Mr. Josiah on 'I'ti;�,,dia.N to, \I,kill I to 11,� I, I-. ,
'ti)4 tho"o. \%lio knew 10111 hv*t (.,qt(".Ijl-illil�:11ri'll'ifik, 'is still living, ageld 86 years. sc-rvive% b,-jrIg (,,udtIf,111f,d 1..� if, , I "
v(I hifil most highly. S.,111v tifk�cll lli� is Also survived by live sisters and Rutif-dP'l., all'i tit.. pall 1---arrr, to,- ,.q
— . — 1\\(, brothers. till living In the 14tales. Will. MIlrn.'\. fir Malove. J(. J \ \1,
- HIS Ill-ohlier, Mr. John 1161111ink, of Wit- EN\an. J. .1, '.\IvI"'\o,f.fl, 'l, \\ I ra-, , , ,
— '
- I '. —.----- . lianison, N. Y., and his sister , M vs I : * .1. ](Arp.,r. Nit. Ilaniiini, %%,, 2
1 r � r Tatloek, aW Mr. "J'atiock, of lIo'i.,s'_' I Nears fill(] s niontils or .Ago
—_ -_
. . .. I guiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillilliuluililI I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiillillilillillifillillilliLLL
I 11 , I = / —
I I . 11. I = I =
, . �'! a =
" , , � , �
. . . . . . . . . . . . ''I, � " = =
, = =
_, . = =
.1milig"31 =WALKER =
. =
r! of = -
./ = =
* =
= =
= 0 =
. = S-P"cfais at Walkerys � =
a .. I =
. I =
= =
1= - =
= I -Store, N Die I .11 � =
I= =
= 11 only Congoleuni Rug, 3X4 yds., $r4,()() =
= . - =
= =
Oilclotil, 6oc per yard . =
sill =
= LinoJeum, $px.00 per yard =
= . =
= � =
I i'only Velvet Rug, 3X4 yds, $43-00 * =
= =
= I only Brussels Rug, 3XP� yds., $2"'.O() a
= I /
CORP. JOS. VII -1111,11, = I
=' -
— io real good Uuion Rugs $6,75, $7-75, $'S -73,`J = '
, in v�pr I,jNing iiii-morN off (;orp .J,,�_ . =
p0i YOill, 1276t). 10th Brigride Tren,-h 0 Library Tables, fnmed oak, range in price frmu =
Molitor Battery. oldest � 1'. 4 ' =
Mrs. janlf.4 Yllill, off (i,,,,,J,�,,�1,,I.' f."i'llif I I IN $9Z50 tO $28.00, 15 to choose froul =
, . = . . I =
sit it.. \% ho ell listed I 1) ill;, " I �11 ba I ta,lioll I = I Kitchen Cabinet $19.bo =
Nm 101.') anti giiNf. if ,� itr,. .it j,a,, 1= . . =
— —
*' r I 1= - =
in military -velitifitt', vill' %%;, = " -a
-'-11' )'Ia#.I':' (let. 2sill
huri1 -r. NI 1, I—
Eho� m-ar 11opernghe. = 1 only Chesterfield Suit $208.00 =
S,-r\ant,.r (jo)(1, \Nell don" I = =
A 14EGVLARI �275.00 =
ThN arbiriefifIo wnt-farf-'s pi,t : =
Ili,- battl"*,4 folight, ill(- \10"I'N %�,,Il, �= =
='Extra Special " =
-\p-4 lhoo art cro"ried 11 I. last a =
'41,1�h, I 4 Christ, \%,-If doitll.! = =
flt,4i-,- I),- thy ne\% vniploN I = 2 dozen Select Comforters, old prices. Sa% C ::--
I = . =
And, \%lilt,- 0ernal ageg rijn� coal and buy a Comfo,rter at Walkei's price. =
lie -11 ,If Illy ,1,Ta\lotjr'i4 jo�'. J= . =
— — = =
%,-fir- --r so ago, .\Jr. Ilandink clf.olf- I ill, ! = . =
' ; =
1) ,-!ri, lnf,re-t% in G,,d,-rjrh frill;= Store No. 2 =
\,,,,�nt t,, ( lll,,llg,,. Wit-ro- Pip r-,n,am,,f =
' @ Is full to the doors with the best assortment of CbIII,i, =
for it ff-\% %#-;fr- ,Anti %%-I. ints-rvsted it, =
a prf,spsorolis hoKinoss. bill throilgh =Cut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties,, etc., there is fit, N
tho rnsvality ,If bti-Inw,ts a;oen,tes I =
\Ntomi tip Plat -ed ronflili-ner- lit, %%aq lie" � better eboice to be found in lGooderich and prices Ill =
a =
fr,old-d. ind Wi, ri It-, r, forned to, = many casses nearly half A call will convince y()11. =
owdorlell If,- \% is not TO a gw'd lilt In 10 =
ciA ;,ofion Iltiring lhf- )ir-, Afro.t. = We bave,,several ;1�tces of furniture taken in e\ =
th-n, hm%,-%,,r, Me Handink hito btilltl= cli'ange and vtry low prices. =
,if, H -tif�,,..w,roi to,,.ir,--.,, it, th-%_9mlr ,= _' ' —
Atom ,it fridt rind tit,- canning lnduo�tr� We do picture frailli'ing neatly and promptly. =
And \%.,I- adding to the equIpMent of =
the rael,,r, -anti makhrig monpy ,,iina = We bave sev ft,,J usell phonographs for sale taliell =
," ,
the prwnt speason promh41 to, bi� tile in exchange for -lo "r 3:hakia. =
,rno-1 -O,-v---fid, in it% hist,)ry I niii I =
the milbrenk (it the war Mr. flarnlink Special i only" Heitl6man & Co. Piano waN =
(]lit ,I larjr, ,�xrfort hii,finesio; In evapor- I fOTMerly $000 will sel . = /
Owl fritill, lo Re%ernl Eiiropprin eoiin- ES I 1 fOr $125 if taken at once. =
trip-. Mr ,4hr,urds and .\fr Hamlink a ____ - pioniNINWIN11111,111 , - - = /
votorking Ili. conjunction. the export MW I - -_ =
(,I o E
hoillneTig being attendpil to from de- M Watch this space for. WeAly Store Newel. Something Ape, � =
rich and like doinAstle buoilneRn by Mr. —
Ahmirorlm They were Inlerei4ted in a evoiry Wftir.
nombf-ir of s-\aportitor-4 at ono time anti I
\%,re lit lho habit of inepting periodi- : :
,illy In conference at the Walker I
Ifiouse In Toronto, and among the floral WA 1,
, er =
tributes at Mr. Harrilink's AmeCal was =
an Plaborat.- And beautiful design from The ruoki "Op'te Man / =
the Walker House. Mr. Shourds and Often t / =
Mr Ilamlink had -Planned a visit to "' C*" -O I "t Ift"t.,�4fte!y AlWimm the Best / �
. I E
Florida the coming winter In company Resideaft rho" 191, Bart Phone 89 - � =
%%Ifh their wives and had contemplated I * =
iii-flinsr th- Old rAonlry toxether At Free Anto NIJIT"y,p""y1k44W** WWWlth & i[rIDUCho. but WI& a, , lip. =
tho clo-P ,if thp wnr, Mr. 4hourd,ti prev. 8, � I t. .1 "Al"4111ilkik" � I I =
I . .. -1 --- I --- IN I I " MW 11111 . . . . M , IN
lousl� hat,fing made the business trips � .. _ .1 W� ,
. � I .
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