HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-25, Page 2IF - - __. - Allitill, , --ftAW­ - -n - . � 00; � . , A0,111, � �, . - � , . 11 � 1. , .) - � � , IW " . I I ., . ­ 1. 11 - I � 11 I _. I , ., I ,I is I . - I� I , & I I .. 11 11 11 � � - - -I----- t, � __ __ , , , 4 t4 q 0 1, I � , I . I � I . � Al I � .- . 17T-: - - . - � 19" I r 1-1 .;$'. . ,,, n 'V '" ""W . I � . . , � , . 11 I -�'_�:��­_ 'i . I . I .: I—. 11 ­".. N=11141111 � m � ": � 13 11 11 I I i I INC I'l yj-lq�l� 11111 . i W*Wib*!.4 - I , - _. 111.1 . .... I... I I 111, 1. I I . . = I 5 , =;-.;�- ! � ­­ I I - I . . - . ­ . 0 .1. I � _�� is, 14,14, . . ! � =g . ?I I *"_"r_"__ --,? ,4 i, M m , , I ­ I ­ .. .1.1. ­­ . I I . - I I - I , , I 1, - I . -1 I �, I . I 11 . _ . . " .. 1-11-1 ­­­ ,,, 1,".", �­­.1;111­ .­­ - ----- 00000" . .- _. . ----------- � - 14 111- I'll, 1-1 ,41'.. 1 1. I I 1. ,-�-000 � - ­ � ... ­­ -.11. 11 ­­­ . I , m0000mo I � ­ I I 11 ­­ �­11­1 � i �1111­ .� �. 1. I . �­ I "-.-.''-. 11� � i I % -, , I .-1 '17' 1� - I.., � I . I I I I � . �� I . I , I I � I _. 0 I � I . 11� I �) I'll ___ I I I lule � . � I � I., .1 11 � � Aj,. ,_ -1 - 0" ---I- I I I . * w1a, I I Oodepic,h Boa 4 1 Of TPA � , i . . , I -0 wil I . : ,4 ,� q 'O I T I . , '' # I Say �� t - 0C , C-_,L,B',, R I . 0 . 11 1,:' . R STORE I � � , � I I I, . I 0. A A. 4ro* - : IF# TOW A004' �OF MrAviz IT IV, I 1� I � I I I � I 0". , : I , . � I W I . . I . I 1.� . ,.. - *00iso, boom, . Do, . . , � - I 1-1 � I -111 . � I 1- " ­ ...... ­, 1-1.1. ­ - ­ � ,�_ , filty Art rlspers from 100 to . I, � 1,51.1001'.. ti..*040 - . It. , 01,011 I 1- , I I . I . � . � . Come and ime our line of . . , . � . . . . . �� J we per rollfar FAII Wall Papering to Buy V I I . . � , .. .1 I ... repare I . � . , . I I � . " I Blow's . . i � . i Voila walsts on Sale. ; - I, .. I , . . � I sf"w for *0 SOMW Boys I 004FOW 1, I - i I! I iiiii-I -== Ww�*ro pUtting on p*18 two line$ I , , of voilp. � I waists. Both lines have been put 10'Wroto*14 the . . J � f . J", - ! Fancy Goods last Illonth 10104, liftothe n In embroide I . I .. 1, . . . ow.e4k.styles, Raph waist is neatly 11nishq& a a � r a, of � �, . WatermarI IDEAL Self -filling Thev will be bot ­hl Ilk, Callittliall ull"Ov. , . 411, I I 1 _041, att,a. pm4d.o ,of � . I I . . 11 good %ode .Both bigh, gild low nook blousis-li !a these linxis. Risoqlar $3= 4or ��-�4&nd ltleg� $4JO,, I ! , I � I � riountain Peas $2.00 up. " fur $2.00 _. . � .1 ,.,� , I I Tho:i, vidl reroui� Ii Can,tda, itnd,,�,00WA04.,;I),Vtttec,%Uiaia,u Embroidered and stamped I I a , ­, t, . � I ". I � I , " Wiaigrulan's IDEAL Army and ; 1_)eople. I I � . , , I . . �, � � 1�, , I centres. cushion, a s 'I, . q . I . . � � I .. I Navy Ink Pellets, price 25o. I . I . crochet I . . : 104- � , New ( . I I The Money Will I,t, T,pent In Can trimmed bath towels',1 I -X011104 ,; ' 0ars I '. . . .. �� . �� I I a4'a flotil the 60tlot of can- yokes, fancy bags and handker- - Just, Arrived 41940 Mole pf0o season's qewest, creations in collars, ThOr axo, obow4la- ' I 1, � I I , I I I , - Waxed Paper, price 10c ver large adians. I , I . I . . . 0 Recirq0tte and satin It% the many new* designs that are koing: 4 owa 10� � :, I 1, � 11 package. � chiefs. Stamped lunch cloths, fine organdy, crepo do Woo . i � , L , h Imply. 100A, to ya bentiI mats.and towels pure fall wtiar. The 90, ift,Pri�o from 70c up. The best of materials and the Anost of lJo " irlm . � - ­ 4o , wit), ' ' � : i�a.( . ,go . . I When you buy a \ ,,*till)' liond )-on S' ar"If. \ �, it, , � . Soldiers' Comfort Boxes, only the I � 11 . linen. are, used Ili the M I t400e,now collars. Watch for them ig our windows. � I ,� ,I ..'� - I I i � beat kind, which is none too You will receive adouble rol.111-11 on your olgy�OtWaat,l . .1 I . . L I f 4 : 11 � � I � ­ I . .. � I - � � . good for the soldier boy, prices . First: Five itild one half per C840% 04.04)3004, Now shipment of ladies' and 1. I "Now CaMisoles . . I _14' :-, I , , 1120. 150 &ad 200, Second; You, ,,hitrc in Canada'a rA�4pority. children's underwear. I 19t, �. , ,� , I , . ,� L lo I I � . A large sto& of $Ilk and 4Atin qatnisoles in �whiteaad pink have just been pub. into stock , I � ,,, 11 � I I .. not hiMplY SOMPO your wil selling goat for the columbloL Victory Bonds are ,'." * inspection. TbeY 'Are well finished and wonderfully trimmed with fine lace, and I insertion. - �� , J, - P46_r,,,*t tboL boa . ' � -, :� � 11 ­ Each one haselastichaud. They couie in many prices ranging from $1.25 up. ' � . I . R Ir , Grikfortiols, Columbia Records tind secured investment in tile world. I I �, I I . . I . , � , � I Neqdles. � .. . . I I ' , ' . � �- � . , ' � I Sit - This space is donated by the GoderlclIIt Aouaof t4do. MISS SO NOBLE , I ,�, !� I . . �L I ­­­ ­ � _._______­____ -,-�--.-..-.�----.--..-�,--.��-- ------.--. . I-.----,-----.-.----- ---ii��*"000000-00 - � ______ A--..-..-.---.---,�-..,-.----...--,-,,..-----�....- ­ ­­ ..---.----Rain--Coatw-..--..,.---- ---------.----,-- * - ; I r ,�.., . -1 0 , " _ , I ....- I � . � �� I . . I A rai 11000 4 i tlecessity for rainy days. Be prepared and do not wait until it is. raining tot- , , - � I - - 1�11- 7 , l ,ii��,-_,: - - I , , �- _ -- ,,�."" - , I rL ­_­� 11 .1 11 think of Nour raincoat. Buy it now and be prepared for the rain. Tweed and poplin coatil 4a E6 1 � , I � - I , IM . � . , . I 11 I I � NILE I m.a I es i ou", . 41t, '1,iIi ­ - - ,..;.,- - , ­ - - � ... �_ -7 � . ,� -�' V I i I I OCIANVI, WA5; four TOWN TOPICS � ra4g6 of colors and_q,10thW-froM-$5T70" to $12 ealDh. rr . I ,�, � �� ", -, . Ited --*,-Sb0I-QtWV" -su,­eiin�l,r, sm , PantsolIq and umbrellAq, in the best qualities ranging from $1.50' up. 11 I , � I - hIlss Alice Sheppard Is Ill and i'llatil" I LrIJ � - , � I I N ol,ed br r1sitorAild McCann tharwe , I I . Xontinued from page I ­­ __4____-__ - I � - - -_ ___111,1_'L �, _. to attend school. it ,me ) . _. , .,� � , ,t . - -Uesddy� . 11, 6 ��. . - - . a, lj I tria I or �gt Itin . ­ 11 Quite a large number froin \11, it- ,,, ITT a I I P�, 'in ­, I I I . - I lt] 1, ; . . I I . I happy even under trying conditions and I .1 .. . I I . tended the anniversary S4 -r% it" - 11 I'll 11,,MCILWAIN, Iset a splendid example Lo those with Gelorgette'Crepe Blouses . I .1-11 .1', IL: I �,,,�:_ � ff to GAte I. enezer last Sunday ! : Clerk. I who m he was serving. May the know- If it is a blouse We hCve it. Our stock is comprised of the very newest creation in I ''I . . . . . . , 11 ,1 .���_ 11 Goderich, Huron s Golden MISS Plunkett, Miss Armstr,il,, ,11-1 .1 ledge of his self-sacriflee following in georgette blOLISOS. They come in the best colors, rose, navy, white. black, pink, copenhallen, maize I � .�, n Miss Baltic attended the annual in-, Tot- "I"IFIlt - I � ." � , I 1p"04N, Ithe foot -steps of our Blessed Lord help and many tints of these colors. Each blouse is prettily trimmed with contrasting mixterials and - of tile West Huron Teachers' A-,"(1., Rev. J. % ostothou ,. ,,�­�,­.: I ': . � It, D. A., will )-on to bear his loss, and God console embroidered in front and,collar with silk or beads. Each waist haq it, distinctive cuff of its own and.. ,,�' #:. "r,.' -a tJon In Goderich last week. preach Ed4&t.JoA!q f3ermlons on Ben. and strengthen you. Many of our very ", I . KIPPEN Remember the anniversary ­rNI"I'- miller Ctroujt-� the buttons are somothiint different. They are by far the prettiest blouses we have ever shown and ' - " "i�,:' 40 Sun., Got. 206 Ser. best men have been killed in the fight- . . , ,; � ��, I , I ;�:­�.- - Mr. Thomas McClymout., of London. at Nile next Sunday. The senw, 11, vice at Bemuliolft 14 0. In. and 3 p. m. Ing of the, past month, but I believe range in price from $6 up. - . I �, r j,.: , . Is v isiting friends here and In Varna. the morning will be at It o'clock .md .7.,-. , '­�'. ­ - I that through the Communion of Saints � - - I .. -1, � '1�1 I fie 18 always a welcome visitor. in the evening at 7:30. Rev. it In 1w - . I ,_�� ,_Awlilew ithey still know how we are fariug here 0 � Stpi' ed Silks . -1 i----- �:�,:­', r*lrs. J. B. ,McKay ana daughter, Mary. of Hamilton. Is expected to pre.wit :11 P --- '.-�-7',�,7.4 � , \IISs knnl�k ,lUoU_w on earth and therefore I pray we may Mariv striped Axe being'shown this season and we ale in a posi'tion to supply your wants in - "', of Goderich, spent tile Thanksgiving both services. . * ._F . Ila is teaching be worthy of all such men as your hus- 13 1: ". :1, , , � 1, " � I , , " ".11'. 1H t AdtOn, $0'eUt tile holiday at "An sincere sym- 13 this line as our stock hits just been replenished with s6me new lines. They are wonderfully I adapted I ',:, �111,.,.! holidays with her cousin, Mrs. John- Among the holiday visitors ill \11, to, I. ;:! IT le heft, . band have done for us.- I . , ".1 -, . .. I . 4' ston. are Misses Annie Thompson anti 1-111, .Nit.. Thontas, aparldol), of Win I. 1pathy, I remain, for skirts, Ali inspection will �one reveal to you their true oharm. . . . I ; �1, `�!�� " Miss Neltle McGregor, principal of McWhinney. from Clinton; ,Nil.%, NI.iN g )am. Very faithfully yours, ,o;�4� " , sl -Pet the ­(felr,end with his mothlDr, Y A. H. PRIFST, i I � ; ! � . "I. �1 Wellesley public sehool, who Is ill with MoDairmid and I)avld McDalrunlil, fi-io I I , , ,�11��.. _.. , , "' � " , Ill I Ills 1`1 wil-I \11". C. Brantion. . Sweatep Coat* ­,. %, Influenza. Is with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Ooderich; Stanley Rhers am . � Chaplain, .,, 1. , I � NIT, IA0114il't ftiley, Manager of the 47th Can. Inf. Batt I , .:lel I . I Mustard. Mr. Adarns, from OA%vil ,4)1111(1 4.-�l . I � A kiiiLted siveater coat is esseutial these days to keep one warm from the cold damp weather. I.. I. , I , to, leglate. ,�I, Il �'. � !- , Mrs. fleet, and young son, of Toron . �; I - I I Ing Bank at Dulligannon, pent the Expect to Open Children's Shelter Nov. I Out- stock is comprised of the newest weaves in the best colors and ratige in price from $4.50 to �, " � are spending a pleasant two weeks' ___ k'.."k-end \% Wt, tits. In $0. 1 The regular meeting of the Children's $ 10 each. I . � I - �� t_ , ; . ,,, 1; . 1. ;. I I vacation with friends in the home of LEEBURN Nil— 1,11111 King, who 18 teachhag Aid Society, for October was held in the . .. �`�,� I .� . �� Mr. Thomas Mellis. I flume Glutton was it, saitrord -n ,-'It .... I licar StifillitfOrd, spent the holiday . .. . I .- 1.rl,,��- ,,, 1, Court House last Tuesday afternoon. ,� 1. "I 11 . All schools and churches are close I I l, ­ �: * 1,,..�,�, �: (I Sundity. \, till her parvilts Mr, and ,Mrs. G. King- The following receipts since last meet- 0 � "�`� " , and all pultille. tneetings are forbidden MIsH Ruth 'Shaw spent tile I'lill-lo \�r,. ,1:, lirandon received a message Ing weve announced : Mrs. W. Maedel. �:,��,,,� , . I 11'11�1'__"�, in Tueker8mith township, owing to the under the parental Poof. , 1.1, V% 'Ilk 'tallinix- -Ahat her son, Abe, St-., $5, Mrs. D. Millar, &I: George Port- 4,j�'� a __�".,;_", I Spanish Influenza ellidernio. .. Mr. and Mrs. ('. Whiteman, of It, h ­I l-I'Vf'l\t'(I a,91111118hot wound In the er, 1,41: Mrs. Carrie anti Mrs. Chas. E. I Js H ' 'COLB-ORNE" 11 1'1,�,f . I n--1, %khih- in action. She has three Young, $1 each. And as contributions I , .,'�T . The fol(om-ing is tile September fruit, spent Thanksgiving with frwwl-, 1 ,�,7��. � " Tincinthly report of S. S. No. 14. Stanley: here. "Ill., IMIrseas. 'Phone 86 11 ,. _� � i'� I I to furnishing the new s-iielter : Mrs. 1). :",�:_111' "' . . . 11��,-_-", - '�' 1� The names are in order of merit, V.- - Miss Both Farrish, of Clinton bit,i 1 NIT' 'A',%re"00 POWIle. of London, Millar, pair woolen blankets- Miss Mitt- ,��,�!: Ill � R. Verner McCINniont, Eleanor , - 'r 1 ��'4 I J11.1 Nllss llorotliY, Powlie, who is tough, pair of pillows and a cilair, � rs. .. !"-""��` P. ness college,.i.spent the vveek-end ,it almoulm[alm ;s v Fisher. ,Sr. IV.-Beatrive McLachlan, h9me. . b-1--hing �clt­ll In flay toVvnsilip, 411brit Leitch, a dresser; Mrs. M. Howell, two � � �� , �6:; �,� �� W. L. Workman, I...C. Hyde. Sr. Ill - Mr. and ' I Ilw lwlnla� \\ ith, their parents, 'Mr. a I nd pieces of parlor furniture. . . , . ;; . * , Mrs, Harry T. Willianis and \Ir, 1is. F"\,klie. I Reports regarding many cases of The Fortillard Ilotenient . ?11i!"_;,t1 L. C. Workman, E'. C, Harvey, W. A. little daughter visited Mr. unit Nil— NEW HEALTH FOR `11`�OMEN history. The Album is one you would ,�z',k , !,�': . . Ross. Sr. II. --F. P. Anderson, 14. A Iloy 1.1111dater I:%st week. : 'kim-ng Ilmse from a distance who children, some needing hornes, others A special ineeting 4 tit,- Ilresbytery --- I buy on sight a,t any reasonable price, .�11.11 I -- -.1 . I -11 'd thf- futletal of the late Jam stipervlsiQn and chartlI of surround- . . . ,§ Dinsdale, .1. E. Mckertzle. Pt. If. A� :atl� -14 es of Huron \\as liviol at clint-m on Wed- but to not for sale. 'If is absolutely free I -5' it orning next tile h,\ - I - The most fateful years in a woman's 4�,-4 Anderson, H. N10,I)rnont, W. 1). Me- on Au6day I'l.mIlIlliell, we noticed the following: ings, and some removal to a shelter nesday, Oct. ti;th, to coorer \\ith It tie- life are th, to all who subscribe to The Faimilly I .;, ". r r se between forty-five and , ,:��­ I _. L,achlan. PrImor-J. A. McLachlan, M M. Mficl"1103110 will o0cuW tho pull't where they will be under proper sup- putation front the assonitily coinnnitteeffifty'. Herald. and Weekly Star for 1919. Th :!",�., I , NIT, ,ind NIT-,. Andrew. Armstrong, of Many of the sex enter this I :� J. McDonald, It. McKenzie. The fol of the Presbyterian church here. I 11. fit -1 -1 -111th; Mr. Jarnes Armstrong, -of erylsion for a while and theft placed on the F(,,\\ra,(J NloN(�Jllt.nt. ("Instisting' . yearly subscription price is $1.25. We , ,.� �� lowing are the best spellers In the Itillas Etta Stewart came tip front � I ;,,,.l,1,-: Hr. Armstrong, of Mitchell; Mr, in homes which will give thern a of RL\., Ili-. Neil, Or. R. 11, !period under devressing conditions have made a clubbing combination . I " I . . McKay, throuRb overwork or worry about the �",:L � imonthly spelling match: V. -Verner Stratfor(t last Saturday N chance to grow up, Into useful and hon- Prof. Kilpatrick. all of Torion I with the Family Herald and can offer I�MI .1 to visit I"l'I4' f-lilliwitell, (it Toronto; M,r. and M . to. Dr. home, or through a condition in which � " AlcGlyniont. Sr. IV. -Walter Work- parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Stowart. � - orable lives, were dealt with and ad- Aitken of Kippen, nioflerah,r I that areat Weekly with the Album and ,.�' I timan. Sr. Til. --Clarence Harvey. H- Ill hollin ;till] dat-ilikhter and the Messrs. vised upon. The work of needed re- bytery _ presided. Noll,%ilh,�tan,"f Pres- the blood is weak or watery and so they The Goderich Star for $2.65. The . �� ",; .. , Out- teachors.'Miss Tichbourne ard I .I,di it, Pvtt,r a nil Andrew.. Ditum, of Ing-, , hug the. suffer heavily. Amongthe commonest .!, . " , �,� 4 . ;, : , It. -Dinsdale. Pt. IL-Juo. Anderson. Miss Pentland, were in Goderich la�t ,-r-11 pairs and the furnishing of the new prevalence of the epidentic tit atten- symptoms are headaches, feverish offeroftheAlbumisfora limited time ;:�:.., * I , ��. I - Tbursday and Piqday attending the I shelter -was, 'an anxious topic, and Is dane,t- wa,t quite represt-tittile I only. Oftler now and he sure of a copy. ­'� - ­ - _____ lknothrr of ou ive and flusbas. palpitation of the heart, dIz- ", I The moralp of the (1-erntan Army will �__Ot't_TesrdenU It the being pushed as fast.as possible. in the many were. pre nt I'vorn noarl� all the ztness, backache, depression and other The Family Herald does not continue �_ � ' teachertt' convention. po-l"'.11 ,if 'Illselth V se . 11, -, look like its morals It it gets any lower. I , alwell, pass6d away hope and expectation that the place congregations of the Presbytery, beside welt - recognized disturbances of the such an offer Indefinitely. A sample of , , ,,,,� . ,­ , I I - - On Monday evening, Oct. 21st, the! ,ill ' StoldaY ellening, The funeral took, will be all ready for occupancy by the the Album may be seen at th!s office. :11 .1 I W. M. S, will field their thankofferina, i0al-1- ,,n Tio-wis the regular members ,or t1resbytery. health which FAIgualizes that the blood � !,' �' "I .� �' �, y to the Bayfield cemp-'ftr,t of November. Any one who feels At the morning session Dr. Neil rapidly requires attention. Women 11�:11. . I ,­ - � , J,�� Children � Cry . uneeting tit the church. All the ladle, - 1,0 'I'll,, son ices were conducted by i like donating anything that they think ,ion ,.%ork of the . urgently Old Lady Visitor . "Do you get many I -11 � �l , . % 'if VIM neighborhood are Invited t�,, Ill, outlined the horrie miss need� rich, red blood all their lives7 but 11,�, � , !.I,11:� ReN. hr. Rutledge, of Godorich. , .,�'� L t FOR FLETCHER'$ ,/would be useful for such.an Institution eggs out in France, my man?" i, I . 'altem) this meeting, church, making special nientinn of the never more so than in middlelife, when , I I It" � I "ll-beacer' were ThOs- Cameron, will get all the desired Information problems in Quebec anti loecao,o� of the tile nerves are also weak and over- "What are you knitting my pretty _,,!� 1, � I 11 .,ii " CFAZ­r�Q'R 1A \\ 1 Foster, J. Johnston, H. Diehl, and be gratefility thanked on applica- large foreign popiiiation (It' ill(, West. wrought. maid?" i � _ ,i- , ,111 I Ililliert I)aN ison and Chas. Naftel. The tion to tile SOI�Jety'14 Rgent, Mr. (A. M. In a brief address Or. it. P. .Nl(,Ka� made Now every woman can prove. the She purled, then dropped a stitch. pil I - J .11 GODERICH TOWNSHIP di-va -,ed lklots bown'In Ireland 'On rvIRY Elliott. "A sock or a sweater, q1r," she said, �� 1� - I (Miss a sunimary of the work vntrusted to prompt help afforded to her health by ­, �,:; . �.. � I A meeting of the United Patriotic, lo�ili IK17 Nil(] (-nine to Bayfleld in fK`9, The engagem�nt oi� a matron "And darned if I know whichl" � �;; I.. r H-111111 S. KEMP Society will his hold at the home of alld'\\ 1)rh;,d tit ]its trade of blacksmith- Fr,,,,, who was appointed at the last the church in the forv;�rll lield, aniong ri�newfug and building up the blood. At . Al .. . Mm. Curwen Huron road, oh Wednesday ,ing fill, the late Goo. Erwin., A few. ,meeting -beJug .ulaahle. to accept) wits t5 millions in nine larap section, 4 tile ,is a test that any ailing women can . ­ . I "I " I . : 1', � ­ . I I � . . .. . 11 I Oct 28rd jj.t-12.80-p� m. -Members note ),,jr., lat'er hil-1,No'nt'tb'V411dit-atiif'StaiO-, left In the hafirls of the executive, as �world'-; population and,paintotl lmt hotimuke ,by talting -Dr. Williams' Pink ' G06ERICH MARKETS. . '�: � 'EXPERT WATCHMAKER ' the;o'hange of place. rit it blacksmith shop. In JI865 he was only Me IminvoliAe roqw-, ll;.,Tlf, hut Pill�, for theseLpIIIS make rich, red L , I _�, ­ were also several matters of detail in the estimated nee(k for tit(, next five, blood. which in turn stimulates the (Outside Market Reports on page 3) , I The following are extracts front a itiarried ill Miss Ellen Turner and they. , ,,�.'� collinection with tile preparation of the years in nutnbet,of sL,irf and equipment aripetilte, Btrengthens the nerves and Wheav ............................... 1: :;;;�� . Watches. Clocks, etc., Cleaned and letter received by Geo. r. Men, from 1-111inned it) Ike in Varna until 1&q12, new home. The nne,w,jers of the Soci- it the work was to be efficiently earried restores full robust health. Thousands Flour, Gov'meut standard ... 5 15 to 5 80 � I .; " ' . I ,,�,, N Reptind satisfactorily. Gurporal Wilfred E. Hicks, froin 01-th Wton lhe� inmed on to a farm on the ety and the executive who are carrying on. At the afternoon session Prod. Kil- of women have found in Dr. Williams' Flour, per owt., family ...... 5 75 to 5 75 : , � �� I I . i� l, - - - - - road, (;,) rich township. In 190CI on the details of tile work would earn- Pink Pills new health and strength and Bran, per ton .................. 36 00 to so 0YA ._­ ." - . concession, Goderich township : I re h1k, I I , . - 11 , pVrick spoke. oil the need (if Inell for . !!,�,� ,", to 42 � _-t ­ ,��, . 39 "are prattillical experleme celved the parcel I). k. Rent tot, Taylors Ilw) molvil ('�ellayfleld[,,wftere he re- estly invite all iovers of children, es- thii ministry. The population his heen with these a now happiness and interest Shorts, per ,tort ............... 41 00 0_6 IV' I � " 1:� � I He Wawh or 011*0 too good to plaos with. me Gorner's Society by your mother and ,iil.--1 until Ills death. ,He Is survived pecially, those who realize what is due Increasing, the chtireli has been oxpand- in life. Oats ...... ........................... 0 70 to 0 76 , "'t, 11 I ,jL . everything Is In good conditiolly, anti Ilk ki, Niltil,,\N, four son . I . � % , I I. "Wirs" "W"raft is., James and to the negliceted and vi-ayward little Ing and vet (lie supply of all -11 has been. So if you suffer, avail yourself at once Barley ................................ A , ,� . , ­ ­.- . alit very grateful for same, especially 1�,,!,,rt, ,if i;o(lerleh. township ; Wit- ofthesplendid home treatment which Peas, per bushel ............... 2 00 to 2 10 . " , , I - ones \Nho are not being given a fair decreasing, until the Prilbable number Buckwheat .... .. ... 1 15 to I 86 . "". . MoLUN $Ing MONTIttAL STNEET the smokes, which are hard to get here. imn, ,.r si,\t,r(qgll, Sask., Joseph, Of start !it life, to join the Society, or at of graduates in our theological volleges Dr. Williams' Pink Pills so easily afford, ,;1 � Jubt OR the itt"M I want to tell you ot a little film \No S,�atll,-, \\Tish., and two, girls, Mi's-Opast attend one of the meetings and for 1918 will probably be not noore and you will be among those who rejdlce R&Y ........ .. ................... 10 �O to 12 00 . _i I I. � "DERICH, ONT. liad here on Labor Day. We went over Galbr:uth, of Sovereign, Sask.. and L17- become acquainted with tile magnitude than 25. He felt that Ilie only sure writy tn regained health. These pills are. sold Butter per lb -Dairy ......... 0 45 to 0 49 11 :�-"- I the bags as the saying is (parapet of zio ;it Imniv, The deceased was a* and Importance of the work. The regu- by all dealers In medicine, or may be Eggs, per dozen ............... 0 49 to 0 52 . N k. ­ I I ..J sand bags) anti had quite a survvs-,. N1,11iodist and a Conservative, to keep up tile supply was liy ki,eping ,�. � lar meetings are held on the second had by mail at 50 cents a box or six Cattle, medium butchers 9 50 to 10 5D, Itz We tool, quite a strip of country. also high the spiritual life of the ch'"'ch- boxes -for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Cattle, butchers ulloice ... 10 50 to I 1 50 ­ - � . an I'lio fetivral of tit(, Ipto James Camp- Tuesday afternoon of each month, at Dr. McKay spoke in the hiterv,is "r ""' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Hoge live weight ................ 18 00 to 18 00 1, '!� 11,1�1, a .. . 5g firlsoners by tile Wore, and all kinds (if bell. Nkhose death wel mentioned last 4:15 o'�Iock, In the granq Jury room of aged and Intilrin ministers anti of lip out. � Hams, per 11b .............. . ..... 0 42 to 0 45 I . IR . N guns, We (lid not havf- much resis- v-ok, took place oil Friday aft6rtioon the court house. -s and orphan.,, � � `o- � � \ III tance, only once oi- twice, but about rp,,,,, .,t, Andrew's church to the Bay- - - - ministers' wIdo%N 11 Bacon long cleat ............... 0 4b to 0 45 l 19 �. 0 five minutes after the harrago- opened II,q,I ...... to able suggestions NN�ere made by Nle.,srs. qpOR FREEDOM AND THE RIGHT" Potatoes. new, per bush ... I 00 to I 00 I . " La B. TA E m -tvry. The services were con- AUBURN rt Saunders and Madman. �-- s P I up. you could see ful,reiy anything but Ihlq,tI,II ,IN the pastor, flev. A. Maefar- � Rides ............... ....... �.....10 00 to 12 00 -1, I;j 0 . 0 hands and heads coming over the hills. ,all, H 'X Hr. Asquith got another carlpad of In the evening Dr. Neil r,littrit-lute(I .,1� , . .. ;till] also at the grav6side "THE ALLIES." , I '. � � � 0 The Singer Sewing Machine I They just simply quit and chigouls lj� Ill- nivint-rb (if Court'Rose of Shar- apples last week for the evaporator. an address on stewardship. hr. I�il_ _ I . . I—— ­_ 11 .. ­�__, �`SI.i,ii,,ii, . _ ... � , __.Iw 1-_... _'. _ .__ _ � � -- - ---- � ­ � _ _. I* � ____ ... - vvere- -fu4+.----OTM- of - out, - tmvs- saw- till oil, ' %,; ",.'I, f.' Fi "P., [h_6'_iMcea:s-W_1TP, � Fng � ---- ru-4-116tillwfW011 06-42k,ihing k&-tho -patrick--again %pakilli,'o-. the, Nvork"Or ti -it, T-hel. above. is -tho -title- of,. -a M084 in- - ----, _ ,_ , _. I ­ � ­ - - �, I '" '- , I . fAt Agent, has taken ovel tile pfficer trying Ut h6ld them in line with , " I be completed In this ministry, putting the service t1wroin ill tereattng War Album Issued by The WAS W EAK **----'- 4; I . A '11'.1l'ter In .111her of the Court. The season will I Family Herald and Weekly Star,. of ", 1, a big whip, and French people that Pall Ilearers, 11 the highest rank. Dr. McKay spoke tile 11 I a %en, ,Ins. Donaldson, David neighborhood. . I , Montreal. I � , ; � � . N agency of the wore in the village that we captured Tough, 1;eoi- Dewar, Andrew Armstrong, Mr. Charles Allqulth spent the former closing words of the conference anti tul of useful information ALL RUN DOWN - �� i I IN I FE told its that N. C. O.'s and officers drove Art -h. .1irmAlrime anti Colin Campbell. I It i bri i ., . i part of this week at home. He rented among other things laid the vinpho,,I, 11 W � , a o The front cover ,'­ I I I � men to tile front line the night before The devettsed was born. in Scotland in shevaporatorat Alvinston. on tile necessity of earnest prayer hy a I ost beantifiiil design em- *'*� - page is a in � I 1, , ,.,.r -1, I with the whIp, so you can figure that IMO Allol ('time to this country with Ills Mrs. Rtildell, after an extended visit title Members of the church. I'll _ � . i International Harvester @` I bracing the flagp of &It the Allies. It is FROM HEART and NERVES 11 ,A � A * a N the morale of his troopi is getting low. Pareet., when a few years old.4 They - to her mother, In Saskatchewan, who is The following resolutions were heart- a clever artistic etTort. The Album ) ;'i,_ I!, a We taptured (at least my battalion 0P ill, arrived home last week. fly agreed to by the Preshytery: Tit I � , , , M Company I Attillped in Ingersoll for a year and '- of the village contains the flags In colors of all the 11 I � � �­, IS two villages with the Frence people Mr. Patertion I visited Presbytery heartily concurs in the Fore I "'�.? a thell ,ellledqin the Broillson line..Stan-I ' Allies. It tells in full the story of the Mrs. Percy G. McLaughlin, Lawrence � � , ", N still living there. and had been since Icy. Wtere lie lived until 19W, when he friends in Galt last week. He returned ward movement, approves of its, gr I ,�. . eAt "Union Jack" and "Old Glory." It Station N-14 writes-' I am writing to ­ 1; .�,�;L �' I on Hamilton strest 1914, They went *lid, failing on the retire -I �roirl farming and Moved 'to home the former part of this week. purpose and promises to It earnest and Alves the date and reason for entry of tell youl'thAt. I halve ItTied Milburn's Heart � �,,, � � ''. I�.� 0 troops' necks and shedding tears. Ali"' Bayllehi. In 1879 lie was united in Liltat Sabbath there were no services loyal support. The Presbi-tery deeides each of the Allies into the War. It and ,� . il a Nerve Pills, aAW find since I c.om. � �, . I I �, I � , ,;),� i there was a British prisoner -of -war marriage %%ith Miss Ann E. Tough, who In any of our churches, owing to the to appoint d committee vvith Instruc- gives the system of Government of each, menced to use them that I feel altogether I l ,' 10 cage In the same town Illut Fritzle had ! I a ind will handle both lines 11 su r% I % es it 1 in. logo I h er vv fill. end daUdh lir Previi"SucP of 'nIttlemist In tfils locallty' tiOns to use all Practicatile nienns for 1 also povulation. area, eto.. etc. It con- a different Nvoman. I was weak and I �f,\ , III . -III of the movement. talbas the Nations Songs of Great run down from my heart and nerves, and ,I . I 0 taken the prisonit . not, Our casualtips er, -Nli,� Margaret., at hotruji and Ohe Mr. Mollveen, of Watford, arrived in the furtherance . :1i �1,111 .m FAKI NACHINERY and . ot heavy. mostly Englishmen broth.,r. Mr. Win. Campbelli of Tor- thevillAgelast Saturday evening. He Each qongregation ,within the bOund.1 Briftlu, France and the United States, was recommended to try your pills by . 10i; .11 J"� that wore handed out and our dead returned home on Monday. He was so- is called upon to co-operate In thel "r, . 6 I 8 Nverp few, very few for the size of the Onto, ['fill two sisters, the Misses Cath- companted home by Mrs.- Mollveen. who work, and It is suggested that will I as well as a great many Of the Popular Mr. James H. 8cott iiho has taken them j�,,�I_ . Y, �4; I ere �. I J� erine anif Nlargaret Campbell, of Ba -r gongs such jife;'boX, I am , i,i�,� - , 1� 11 11; 11111 SINGER SEWING VACHINE as "14pperary," "L L ad Bays if it were 40t for them he coula ,'P N IV operation. Why, It FrItz bad not had field. St tinell L onal Trad," "Good Dye Broill an . ," I � ,:,t Ill, \\ as a Presbyterian Mrs. Asquith, of the village. meetings be held for the purpose or I There," etc., etc. I . .1 ,f, , . IN I 0" I had been vialting'bei parents, Hr. and It Is possible a series of congregati %e ray'T�-Owg', !i_'�' a , ,r cit live. When I finish 1, . . a cold feet lie could have wiped us all off in religion and it Llberfti In politics. --- - It cont�n.�.a Mug L , . I � I no- t.kin% I will be com letely cured. -;; . _. I . I � "11, *.,i, -map but Ills troopii are In bad conveying Information to the people mel , 'eout � , I "n". �. a A tair share of the public Dat l the , of the war since Its COMM wish to t ank ou for puzing up such .1 � , ; . P%,M I- _�._ - . and scope of the J to time of going to press. with blank I a wonderful met 'eine, and I will gladly . , I " � I �' S, �, a . V.dL45'W.C30VX=.0..- I ,;� ., C . , shape. I fvIt & bit lucky this time. , . regarding the aim � ,-_,,�%�, I I . � � .411111 MW T0141 118IM 0815 116110 movement, of quickening the spiritual I popace on which the recipient may fill in,t recommend it to one And all." I ,- - � _­� - ,� I . m I . 0 . , L ­ . . 11 , , a ronage will be ap,pr-e #A . a I had an ideal I -would cantle out all GUARD THE CHILDREM ­ - --- - - - sun-thill I * . .. . "I" , �",�'L �, ­�,..�___ . . . In I 11 I � .r- a r1glit. fact Is,m), O'cuon got put but on life and of deepening their interest in'tuture dates and have the complete To all those wbo suffer in tiny way from . ,,,, . 2 'f all the enterprises of tile, churejI. Fur- 'L�, t �i i 8 of iliction but myself. anti tile sergeant FROM AUTUMN'.1COWS, ft-' Z IV/. fld� I . 1� a , Of I I their heart or perves, WlbU='s fleart 1'1:1L , 0 got wounded, so I find the platoon to - -_ - ther action along such lines as tile tot- I I . and N r" PW *1111 to reatboon. : % - 11 �_' . I I . I � . __ ___ . .- .# , L- ' ' . Th 1. -1. I . - - I I L I look after, and It a ;Roinie job. NIVP were The Fall weather is the most mvew . . L. lowing is suggested 1. Careful pre- . , Xetakth:n and = "t the weak . , - 1 I i I . . . . I � 7 two days illghting �ml one (lay hold- season of tile year for colds -one 4sy is I paration for tile series of meeting,; to I I 9 I blood to ,, . � -ing, in support. I 'was In tile th.11,di warm, the next is wet and tioU and un. . be hkIld in* formation of a leagnp of r1then the 4 I . I � ill, , t � 9 wave golag over and hardly Frot enough less tile mother is on her liquArd thel , . prayer: by holding district meetings: . � I I, , " � ifila&reA nerves, and -firing 116 feeling of ,�'. � . . Pritzfes Fo square up that little debt little Ones are selzed with, 061da thlitt by conference of oftlee-bearpri; and of . contentment over the whole body. ;1. I . I 0019man's of ours but hopp to m,pn up next trip may hang on all winter. l3abVIs Owh 1. workers. 2. Procuring suitabip liter- , , , I Price 600. a b9x at all dealers or nuilled ' I � , I I . In. Ito sure had a lot killed by our Tablet�i am mothers' beat frl#,64. In pm. ature and distributing It In the homes direct on receipt of price by The T. Mfl- I I barrage and believe me, it was some Villinting or banishing colds. Whey 04t of the people that theirintelligent sup- bur, a Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. I .,: � � � barrage. Any how the troops nittide a SO A 9OPtle laxative, keening the bo.Wol port may better be is�Fured. 3, For- ,,,, -.,. I 11111 . . . 4 a I �, name, that day, and It Is some sitia- Ilind fit* --h free and sweet�. An oia!l mation of A qpeeiai committee whose I, OMMOMWODOMMOO,0000000oo"ooa0000mofo I � I Bacon 011,81011191,11 dose will prevent cold *x if It' POST''CARDS duty It shall be to see;, for young men GC"200600 . � faction to como out of such a fIght I 1( - dOOAcOmeOn suddenly the ororapt ago of fit character and capacity for the . � � 1, . I 4 . I and got book on re'st. I ,wish I could of the Tablets will quickly cu�o to, Who I., The Kinclardine Bacons are no- do voues And Joco's Dart here. Itope Tsiblets work of the. ministry and to I rIng such I I , : . .1 1. -1 11 exeryouti Is well. are sold by medicine 4646ft or A Splendid Line of New Influence to bear on them as )shall load I , � , �. I , . excelled for sweetness and taisto Corp. W. E. HICKS, by M&tl at 25 cents & box troto Wha Dr. Black &lid White them to enter upon this' great calling. , k, Williums' Medicine Co., arti*iflilaj NEW STYLISH100TWEAR ! 11 � 4011h Hatt., A. Coy. % I The following cornmitte, 4 appoint- __ " 1. I ­ , . . , * � Boneless Back France. Ont. I . I lye ed: Mr. (A.dinan, eciri've'ner: Messrs. - 11 - a .. .. Corp, flicks lim been wounded twice. --,---- __T! I ! " I � , '' Wall. Wilson, G. Abernart, C, it. Haugh, - _ I I a I I , , Goderich view Cards I . ,a 13toettittitst flacon a _ , - , OK*�Ift_­�"%&S_ . A. Smitunders; Mactarlane, AberY, Tel- I � �... I I ford, Hogg.. Aitken, MODerrald and . A. I r We are showirrg for Fall the I'� I � a . �1 . I _ a and - � , 4 carswoll. . : k I, ,I ", I, , Boneless Ham The ,inunielpall council or the ttrixii- " Tho' boSt, IOW VidWill 0186t, hAV0 The chair provided spoeMat music in muoh-wantedlm3roWn 1021111 Block , I � , slilp of Colhorov, mql Ili tile township I I I . -1 . r ' thrill, 111pnihorg pr#sont Iletive Young. ChUrIch M -09t abilithdaritly provided lunch . I . -0 tlial orAe' will convince yoU $ . L' ever *n shown. the evening. The ladies of Willis . S n stylart Louis I I Your Portrait hoes, made I I I " , I Couneillom Ntel,Zann null Plisher, Z I I and supper for till P"sent and a vote, and Military Reel styles, the - himotost of 11"T4 mepting mad alit] V ects,distinct and clear, 06t of thanks to them was onardmouc I � , . . I i ' : New subj sly �1, � . 1 Fresh, Pure Pork �adopttd on motion of Sle(,Nnu and 1, for your hoy- , , , agreed to. . fashions that are most aorreq,t I . " .1 I 1yottlig. 1 311,11ir setill. 1; I � ,, Clerk "4d liollor trom ProodfootIl Ki 91 . .�,Q I I � . Asthma No Lanitim, Dreaded. -The . . I Itorph III 00*0. COM lalnin# about . . .. � , I k-;'- , dread of renewed atfacks from asthma . Have us show you Ch quote I', Sausages I J. lllloldthorfk� flavitig 1119 fionft alltarli-, I im lischristm,ispukage,,rum', 1144 no hold Upon those who have ,� � I t, " I � . . il a. j,ed to, the UNVIISMP'a proll"00,n fence, . . . ebtia -your fr1eads wmo of them learam to rely upon Dr. J. a KellogiI you prices that are nnost reas. "4 1 1, tor Saturday "thus foklf* iln oArt of Olt highway. holm tiew difras; �na show them what Asthma Iternedy, So gate dio they feel ' I I I 0""I'l�iIII'lil"'I"01"10i"' I 0 htoVed bY MCrAWIT And P1.0110V thtt the & pretty plii is that COMP10te reliance Is placed , onable. � . . 11 CoMI111111410.00'a ho Wild an tile table till . on this ' f I -11- ­­ , _ Ii true specific with flib tertiiiinty thatil it I I I � 11r,--, ____ .,. 70TSON, & -NAIR � I 004 M014W, - -CAtrW. Make the ap"atuout "y .. - littwi GWO 41til Will 1111wayt 1110 all that IN matefti 461*1i'll. . I I I "I ... , ; 800 i Thd followifig,ketourits wvre va.wd . It YOU hAve hot Y04 Iftrited how grite. SFEE OUR WINDOWS. 11 and 1141M Tht aoftleh SlAll'to 101,10- - . #"Oilib I YOU fite %vith this 0603IM11,611-at h&,nd ' I "I 0*. AqU40 *14, MolosolviI " III wiftit Itiou" Jilmoll for lrob for 11 � 96t it tOdti'Y and know It for yoUrgolf. I "I 11 . I.. . �4" * " Il � I j Dearritiller brt I A. W-43 "a 0AM tot, ' 0 11" . _­ � " I " " '"twell, "Phirifig, oul. M 8 Art Skve to bu�P Vietory Boads, . 1. Ott on.ui, Ott ROM Taylor, rophirlag . 8 I Ith $tote, .1 I V . � �) I I .1 I T, Fe SHARMAN, THE MAE W� " , I 11 0"t. i. U66106 -go. s��"* two 0101:14 6111 014. 116, 10.0 CArk tiod , H I whifloi * ­­, ---,-,,-.11. , I I � . .. . I .. . *A Ok*A 11 '' __�_Ii;1_11110 , , . ­ .., � I 1, I " I . I . - -Ill 0_1 1 I 040 (11AIA00 tot 011ittat ad %vork 0* �Vt I I I 11.1 " I , ­ ,;.. 11, ­_ ". . . AlbUkIft IN TIN 111TAX 11 11 _­ -- -- . . I , � I , *h I . " -- 01 . .. �. � . . � V I I I - . I � . , I I � I . . I �� . I . . I , ­ . . - � , am I I *1 * - I I - Do dM" vlj 1.102 , I � I I I I I I I I_ I I I , I 1� , '. - -0 ,; a ____ , n = 1153 I I I . I I I I I . . � . I I . I � I . I .1 0 '. � I . 1_1 I 1. 1.1, . .. .1 : . I � 1 I . . :1, � . � . . 1,. 11 11 � . . I I 11 . ,.­. 11 I � . .1- . I . I . I I., I I , � , I I . I 1 $ . ". , 1. . � I I � . I I � .1 N', . . I - . . p � - , . 1. � I I �, I I I , I. � I -1- . I ,� I � I . 1. I I I 1, . I ­ . I I ,� ­ � " � '' I ,'' 1, I I I - ..� I . I I . I 1. , , I 1. I I . , I I I . I k.. � 11 _ 1; I I . . " .. I I 11 I AM- .� 1-'. 11 . I i I 1, ­ _�%" I I I , r I ,. . , I I I � . - ­ I .11 . I � I � 1. .." , .... . �, " ��'- , * I 1� 0 - I I � .. I ­_ -_ ,�_ ,-/ - - ---.-., I . . I-— �. . ­ , __ _1___--,,i1i!9_�__.!:___._..! --- ��----------Nww,-.,o..Wom--.-,--.- - - J, 00"l, _ 40100%0. ,­ �w.�--�,-=,_-im"--.V-"r-*,iv--L---i,,�---$,- -.. ._.�M.01!14,1 NOW a ­­ ---- I mhli,.� 1 . - ---------.-- ____��� 10 I . �_ ��, I 'IV. I