HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-18, Page 57
"all. . ... .....
I toLA A,u so
4viogiKill, U00 00 b4h Woo.
tot PaV sat to ax- to P'N.. Satu n-ky 10 P.M.
Of. 04 Aden. Cough
rrm for fob" imicertain0" by 0 dep S I . . . . .
g, peubsj to
vith tilitlit'sank Zow. 234 DMO
147%lw 44clanontratelL
Lead i ng. Pj`�h-:one and� Ma'I'l r
UNION BANK OF CANADA P Eslar V&te Pine and
HEAP QM= Our Phone *00 X.jkII Ordbre Department Is at your service to givo
CODEKCH ARANCH You the same attention as It you visited the store personally, do not,
mamter. i -Our store to
Feet WOQMCOMBF, Spnoce Balsam hesitate to call u
5 4p:t0rany Information you may desire.
telephone." Remember we pay posta n
as near to you as your go 0 all
orders right to yoor-
0or. Our Phone No. Ili 3 6.
V96. Geo. MCNOU Got The Han That BEDFORDAluvil thy Is felt McCall's Patterns 15c 20c and 25c.
G4ye . Him His _Wq.Ltndj_
-tUe-ord-er-of the-d-ay-and-M-cC-alPs--Pattesus
Ro- _41469 IS nq*,
0, McNall, of Nile, has had the Bedford Hotel in the death or, Mo me dressmia
r Ir little dau Mar-
letiter -from his son, Wul. day Last fit the - -.0iter,
like tier greatest boon to the h6ine'dressmaker, their attractive and practical styles and
Qe.oP91*1�1tVoN119all, from Military Hospital I`Wet Jessie. The little one was in Own "Goderich Huron's Golden Gate"
V. A. D.,, Weston Favell, Northampton, fourth year. simple. instructions miolt.,i; it almost impossible to go wrong. IvIcCall's Patterns.
and Interesting ltoeount of �JJST-IN. �The= death took- vlace- jou oucetrie always jise4i -.,TheNovember Patterns are now in stock.
bip recent wounding. Pte. MeNall en- Friday lost, the 11th., of Miss Barbara
listed ill the 71st batt. alid had been '.Nustin, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
three years in France. lie, won the P. J. Austin, after an illness of about Mrs. Johnslim if tht� johriFten evange- rhe Lid Is On
listic peirt) ..tig oeauWally, "Jesus is
military medal labt April fill- making a a week which turned to pneumonia. , I Ns prlcau'liotiar� milasures against Spec' Values in Fall and Winter Underwear.
July , ]vtn- " Near- 'I Ile floral tr!bIlt"s Ahe spread, or intlutinza the Board of ial
raid on the German trenches and bring- Miss, Austin was'28 years of age cullaing from tile t pay t -4:I0 muoh attention to the selection of vour underwear, now is the ti me to wear
Ing back a WOUDded offlicor. His own Ilth last, and was the eldest in a family ing Gcmpany, the N?**Lst- Health tit it nie0ing on Monday afte�- You callno
wounding took place Aug. 13Lh and we of seven, three of whon.i are now gone. I r�,, I- Vills Go., tile %'I(,- noon lla.eil r-,solik*Ions ciosing the will'oler tiudor garments, -*ve would strongly recommend any of these well-known makes, Turnhul I's,
are glad to know that lie Is making a The snrvivor� are Jospph Austin, In the
good recovery. The ' :11 1.11 11indav 1;sehool schiiols, churvikes, theatres, pout rooms, Lil tinard's, Peerless, Dr. Jaegor and'Tiger Brand for Mail and Boys
acoonipanying \N'Pst; Regi na. nurse -iii -training at 'A''
tenographer In Haiti- and tile Ladw.,' Aid, Mrs. Tait all,] faill- bo"viing leilleNs. olanve haRs, etc., stilt
photo shows film as lie lies in hod in Chatham; Hildati, s
itton, and Muriel. at home. The funeral it,, \I,- an -I \lr,. Ste ii�4 it, :r. �ii orderInF that tio public gatherings Ile Wcmen's UnionVests and Drawers Men's Naturat Wool Shirts and Drawers,
hospital. $1.35 7'-
-He wriles as follows butlev date (If took place on Wednesday la itr, Ar. till Mr�,. \\,it. hicid. The order ren,ains in effect until Turnbull's Make, speclial. etteli ..... Turnbull's make, tiulibrinkable, all Aeft
st, mass ''I , $1
Sept. 9th being said at St. Peeter's church by -:14, N, * s. J. ';, '.1aker, the 25th inst. A resolution .\As passild almes, per gullient ............................
Dear Father, -Just a few lines to say Rev. Father McRae and the remains N VC 1" �ert,Y, A1111 tildt 4111 e"'l-r-444 41,ked to ITPOrt Women's Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, Men's Combinations,
Charles 11;141 Kthel Stokes, Meta Young all) cases (it* Ili#- malady toach tiny.
I am well. �oping My letter finds you being taken to Kingsbridge for inter- 'o Illat it nlkl� I),. known what progres�% Close Crotch Natural Wool, Turn
all well at home. We are having love- inent. The pall -bearers in Goderich Turubi It s make, special. pear gar. bull'H $3.50
, I nod Me-,. \I,Iiian iteavilVV1.11, MrS \\Ill. is being load" In I g (out tile 1.1...... $2.00 make, the sult .....................
ly weather here Just now and the ad- Nvere Hugh Baechier, John Doyl, LN-ol'10- , �IIIIVI meut .. ... ............................
Masupet and Michael Tobin, and at Doyle 1.011'11 !1. 1 -01141 e, s.nita y Inspectors Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers,&
Kingsbrid-re Perey trrank John and Mtirra�, hilin Murray, Norton and Fern were ;d, -i devided in to see that the 11 it -4 1 .111`5
Jam. NleCartby and . Frank A . ustin. .1 1 T )r, %o-. 1111.1 1- . it or. Wilson regulatit)IIS lin. varried out. women 5 Combinations, xtra qua ty, a zes, per pa, r ..........
i.�triktrm,,i , Mr. 'anti'Mrs. G. J. Gurrell.
WALKER. -Another victim of the The pall -bearers In Turnbull'ii; and Dr. Jacger'R. Iluro Dr. Denton's Sanitary Sleepin Suits
1 1. 1XI ll� f
Spanish Intlu(nza s rs. a er,
fell. \,I,., 11,1z,q tj,hej,t anti \eiil-
granddaughter of Nit-, Alex. Straiton,
liall,"I'llit, \\ljljt�r Njurrish anti Le(inar(l
town treasurer, whose lamented death
Li�tmnan, antl those for *%Iiss Ileta vvere
occurred Ili New London_ Conn., (lit
EINin hulle-dge, ChAs Stolivs, stailley
SaturdaN, last, after an Illness of about
IL P..BalWer. The Sunday
a week which turned to pneumonia.
selioil vlaes or Wtich tilt, girls Nvert,
What makes her death particularly s '
member., respet-T0,ely attended Ili hot] -
is the fact that she had been marrie(
tem. lit -sides fit., parents, Mr. and Mrs.
only a few months, since last April.
lame., Wilim, three boys still t\\o girls
Her husband belongs to the United
stjr%i'\e. zind to all we extend sincere
States navy and vvas quarantined just.
as )its wife took III, but was released
Ili time to bring tier remains home to
Egniondville I'de Interment. Mrs. Walk-
er was the eldest daughter' of Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Ghpsnvy, of Egmondvillf, '
111tv. Carroll arrivPd home oil
Mrs. Chesney being Mr. Straiton's III
'I'll "r, I F ast -eek
- da III I (of I ' , \N .
est daughter. The de"ased was about
IMing tie illness fill, store (if M.
twenty-six years of age and before her
li'lilins, glqjl�' fornishers, etc., will be
marriage was a nq/se in Rochester.
clost-d iintil furttret, notice.
The funeral tookKace on WediwsdaN
r-egolitr 111,inthly meeting (if the
afternoon in Egniontiville. Mrs. 110b-
Ahnivok t1uip!er, 1. 11. D. F., will be
hins., "of RoeltIllister, aunt of the -I(,-
Im,sIpwo-d imiji rurthvr notice.
epased, as well as Mr, Walker, accom-
Corp. \Ifred fle,lTord, \%till made, his
the reinains hpinie, stiff Miss
h.-ine \NIwn in Goderieh vviLh Mrs. W.
Catharine -LIBIL011, also 0 1, Hate- is reptirted as wiviintled. He
PTE. GEO. IleteNALL camp 111) to Goderivh, going (lie vn to \ '4 -, ,
N Is ill tie,, 47th Batt.
.0 Figniontiville for the funeral oil Wtd-
" cot, uunurninable, or r1t
the stilt froul ............ *;5*;)U to W.au from ....................... * Z to U.10
New Neckwear New Handbags New Gloves
New Coats, Furs of Distinction,
Latv.4t t3tyles. We are showing mouill very We are showing mome very arnart, and practical
handsome latest Nblv York Coats in Velours, mots In Natural and Dyed Wolf Furs. which are
in Taupe, BnrgundDy, Iteindeler. oto., no splendid values
two alike, per Feet frout ...... $22.50 to $75.00
special ........... _$35.00 to $45.00
Remernberi, Oup Phone No. 56.
'Phone 56 MILLAR 415- SCOTCHSTORE 'Phone 56
THE VCITORY LOAN 9,111, 11. XNIIUI'�, I [",I JACK44,11. IIrtj4,,,Is; I,uxt)n Hill, Blyth; IN.
vance is still continurng to go on, so if nesday. 111111S. ELLEN MONTGOMERY NIcKillop ill, J. NI Dr. Ganil"
all turns out well the war should be REDDITTNlr. F. R. Redditt, of it)(, Ketlys sfreet resbivnZ, confined tie bed (iiii-gaillirallon Completed al 11:olintol K. Iloviland, Jtdm-Svi,riolt, lel-�\ Owl, Iwil, /iii-i0i. J. E liens-ilt.
over -before I go to the old French soil F. B. Gompton Go., Brantford. son -in- for fvwhl. years, V,Ilo (joeg 111'r bit it, Headquarters-Comulti(lees . -I). --
again. law of Mr. and Mrs. fames Ma( -Vicar, (I. H..rherl I ro'll, It world has al"ays been divid,:,J
MY wound is healing line, and I ex- of town, suceiimbed to an �fttack of help v0n tho Nvjjr. Mrs. Montgomery Appointed
[A. Is. 'Z111111IIA11M Intel I\% o vialleses- - thoso who have saved
pect to be up before Christmas some pneumonia on Sunday last, after fin hit% not vaten any stelid food, not (-\Pit 'I'll e officers in charge of the Victory �eafowth. III, F,' Ii.irburti, .1. A. ,nd those who haNe spent --the thrifty
time. It will not affect me. in the illness of over a week. Mr. fledditt IV, hread, ror st�\en yvars, but is ""ill" Loan eanipaign In this vijunt) .0"' licallw, . '�L
M"I'dkil, and the c\trq\agant."-liIchard Cqbdcil,.
her bit to help lilt tilt, war problem, I,, I, I - I "i
least when it heals up. It was a \-cry had rpqided In Brantford for a Couple the orgauizati,m and "" Michaol lin,dorick.
for slie has linitted sinee tile war he -
lucky one for me. I was about 30 fe4et of years, going thpre from Barrie, 111.- 1, ,tjLig vaii\a,sers for thv hig threo,
Winglialik low..,
off the shiper and he fired four shots at former home. His widow anti two Pat) 17,11, -pairs of ,ticks for tile stildier k S,qling campaJgn. I,he roil(,\\ Mdno.,, A. 11 Dr. A I I
a\va.N,. and it(-% doubt, willi It, is going 0 M it -R I.
urvive, boys, Day fly day sfw patiently ITS CASTO A
me. One went past i,iy head, two past children, Margaret and Jarnes. ing Ill.. it selected a� invitill f V\ ill, Neealkvr. , .
fhe'dh6st, and lIbb"fobrIth got, rrie'in! the to ,vhom the sympathy of many friends In 1 (30 : I
I I -it I
leg, through the thigh on the righths extended. A service was field ill ufi (lie, emistant fwra)er that the Lord ti,o.-rieh t,A-,n.-J. E. A 'or Trad.. \\:J� appointoll tie I ch., For Infants and Children
not iinI.N Moss the- \\earer of the socks j I jurnor. M. P., Arch Ilisit,p. E. h
leg. It didn't hurt much tlipn, so I Brantford prior to the remains being
iirig,, or fit.. roll. file.
Vst lay as though hc had killed me, brought to Gooerich, at which man), sho is. knitting, but also the just caus" . Vil, I I Judge Dickson, Judge E. N.
111(1 Ilia, Ih, f,jllo\%fng n -pr'. In Use ForO~30YIears
Cd when he thought I vvas done, he friends attended, including member, for which theist, ho�K are sit nofe1v Lt-\\ is'
I - -
Illathis In till l till' Always bears
started over with the intention -1 ex- of the Mbsonic fraternity. The funer-
fighting. Nlr�. Monigornery s n wr G.od;-rioh towilship.-AV. )I. L -dill. the
: \\Ili. if
Goderich was held on Tuesday 89th johil 'Joseph E. 'WhiteIN-- so-111`411-th� fit'. ll.\%Ill
pect to get so -me souvenirs (we call- it at in I \V111g. Signature of 4ZV �Aztu
"frisking" them). Well wilen he crawl- afternoon from the residence of the
\lk"t Wa%\anosh tp.-Williain Iiiii1w, limn: .1 1'.. Stanhtir\, I-Avter: W, I I
ed out of the hole he was in I fired deceased's father-in-law, Mr. James PEOPLE WE KNOW Xlalh)tigh, Arch. And,rson.
and got him through the head. lie MacVivar. Rev. R. G. McDermid, pas -
East Wa\\anosh tp.-I. N, Gaioplll,
'what hit him, anti lit, halt tor of Knox church, conducted the ser -
never knew Sa%e to buy Vkrtory Bonds. 11, W. Scott, B. H. Ta)lor, John Iiii-
a very nice revolver, vvhieh unu tif Ulu vices, and the pall -bearers were meni- 1"Idfl.
-n is visiting in Lon -
r. berm of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A. F. Miss Adpla I de Nail AshflOd tp.--John Barclay, J. 11. I' -d -
boys got for n�e when they came ove Galt.
He also had a rifle but it was no good & A. M., IN don and
lessrs. 11. T. Edwards, A. S. ton, W. P. Reed, Dr. Gase.
to me. I was not able to stand but Gh�ystal, Dr. L. M. 'Mabee and J. .1. Mrs. fing. Sharman is visiting friends (;o1borrw tp.--Oordon ),-ung, S,11111)(1
In Hamilt(in.
they got me a nice stretcher and took McEwen. The lodge attended in a Bistt, William Hill.
me out and when they put me in the body. Mr. Redditt was a past master Mr. 11(iberlson MeLpan was up front Orey it). Rohl. W. Li\ingstmw, .1 i, WALKE�R'S STORE NEWS -
old ambulance I \�ent right to sleep, of Corinthian Lodge, Barrie. Ili ad- Toronto for the holiday., 'rurnbull, William Fras-,r. ME
and when I woke up I was in a dress- dition to the family, those who were Mr, Frank Edward was home from 11.1orris tp.-William J. Frasvr, 011k.
ing station and a fellow was asking me here for the funeral were Nil*. Rallell Ghatham for the, holiday. Jordan, ft. R. Sloan, R. J. Bowman.
if I would like a drink of tea. Of Redditt and Miss Bessie Redditt, of ton
Miss Jordan and Miss Nora Hamil H,i\\ick tp.-ReubeD Harding. W I.
course I was likely to refuse after not Toronto, brother and sister of thp de- Spotbin, William Goggin, George Walk
froin Toronto for Thanks -
Caine up Specials at Walkers's
havinganything to eat or drink for 48 ceased, and Mrs. T. G. McKenzie, of giving. r, John Douglas, Sainuel Fvrgiiij 11
I hours, and no sleep for four days slid Toronto, an aunt. DR. CLARENCE GRAHA31 Ttirnherry tp.-GeorielF. Me -I )4111" 1',
Hanifiton dZector, son
Popular young Misses Beatrice and Jennie Well%
three nights. We were advancing and WILS(7iN'.-A gloom of sorrow was ', John Mul%ey, W. H. Grulksltank,.
f Nir. and Mrs. W. B. cgzaham, town, were horne from London for Thanks- Stope Nc). ell
could not close an eye. Well I had cast over our town and surrounding %Nllo contracted Influenza from a pa- giving. Iliill,,ti tp.-iiii. Armstrong, S McCool
some good tea and cake and I felt some coui#ry on vMonday evening of last succumbing on Saturday. Oct. o = 1 only Cougoleurn Rug, 3X4 yds., Sko OC)
better when I got to the base. I had week, when the sad news of the sudden Mrs. Baker anti N-It.q. Potp were holl- John shmnablin.
a temperature of 104 and I I felt pretty death of Miss HbLzel Wilson became (lay visitors in town, Coming up trom Stanlc� tp.-Jobn (,. McEinl�. OilclDtb, 6oc per yard
punk. I went,under my operation the known. Hazel had been ailing for sv\- Erwin, John MeNaughton, \Vffl'an, 0 n -
next day and was marked Blighty, and Pral days with vvhat seemed a *hall AMONG THE CHURCHES The, 'Miqmv,; Duff; Sadie, Bates anti sitt. Linoleum, si.00 per yard
I left, that night and arrived in this cold. She worked tilt Friday at rwmi. Mande. I)o-,,,,ns were up from Toronto Hay �jl.-Thos. John�ton, .1 -din I'll -
hospital the following morning at 3 heing book-keeper at the Goderich knil- fiev. J. E. Ford occupied the pulpit of for Thanksgiving. porte, I ro�d Hess, Ili-. 0mil-lo-11, \\it- j only Velvet Rug, 3X4 yds $43'-00
o'clock. ting factory. Friday noon she \%,,lit Ontario street church, Clinton, on Mr. Earl Mallough, who has been in iiain Lamont, Henr� \\ill, -rt, I only Brussels Rug, 3X3'2" yds., $27.00
So now I think dad I have given You home feeling poorly and remaintil at Sunday last. town most of the past year, returns to
about all the details. I am proud Of home, but did not take to bed till soitur- Ing of the ser- the West tomorrow (Saturday). [4n,a1I.-4George 4. 1,01%. io real good Union Rngs $6.75, $7-75, $8-75, $9
one thing and that Is that I killed the day evening. Everything possiblf NNd, Owing to the cancell llkjd�oll J. E, MCI)mwll, A,Ijlt� Mi-D"n-
dirty brute that wounded me.. One of done for her by the nurse and ii0efor vioem in Knox church on Sunday the Miss 1�eott, organist of North Cit. LibTary Tables, fumed oak, range in price from
pecial effering for the soldiers boxes -vif,lholdist Church, Is iisltlng at her ell. I
Ex, t, -r -B. W. F. livao,ers, Isaac $9.50 to $28.00, 15 to choose from,
our officers has the revolver he had but all fitiled, and she passr(t a o qwIll be taken on Sundav the 27th. honiv it) St�arorth for ten days, Garlinete. Hugh Spelehown
and Is going to send It on to me. I Monday evening. HPr Mster, 11vt.i, \\ I- Owing tothe cancel latiOD Of servtcos . .. m
did not bring it along. as I thought sick In bed froin Wednesday sufferitil.: on Sunday next the special offering an- Mrs A. Mathleson ham returned fret SL# plwn tp.-Henr� Eilh- , N1 11 P 1 Kitchen Cabinet $i8.00
ionic one would pinch it. It is a with the same trouble tind (Ioch)r and 11 spi,nding tilt, ThanksorlAng holida)s it I'lliott(wartb-ij , .1 --lo; �w
ounced to be taken in Knox church for 'N..fth tj#-r daughter, Mrs. A. Fie](], at
Lugeur automatic. nurse- %Norked untiringly, bill she gra- the Holdiers' boxes, will be taken the Otivlph. I'strnq tp.-Tho, fin., k, �.oiilwl
Now I must close, with love to all. dually grew worse and death ranto ,n following sunalty. 1 only Chestopfield Suit $208.00
Your loving son. Wednesday. Arrangements had I)r,-\ Mr. %,Vni. Johnston, 4 Toront(j, spent llwili. , Thus, Canivi".11 I
On bunduy morninill last Rev. 'At. -rj, it REGVLARI $275.00
GEORGIP. iously been inade for till, runoral ��i MeDermid presented some striking a few da%s the, p;jmt wpr-k at the, home, (:hn1n.-Dr, C. w. '11i.,iol
Miss Hazel, but now a change vo.-as nwd,, figures showing the shortage of candt. or t)ls broth -,r. Mr. lio(orge Johnston. F, rot William Jack."Il. 1, 1). \1" 1.,m
Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic.- lind a double. ft i meral was arrinj,_,j r,w dates for the ministry. With a popula- Cambria Road, Exten Special
Through lack of consideration of the Friday afternoon. Thr, spnice NNI- Coal 3=
body's needs many persons allow dle- durted by Rpv. .1. E. Fiord, [m�,tr .f tion in the Dominion 60 per cent. MI -s Fvrn .1,-Im4lorl, of Troronto,
greater than 25 years ago, the 111timber spent ills, holidays at ine home of hpr 2 dozen Select Comforters, old PTiCe. Save
earders; (if he digpstive apparatus to en- Victoria Street Methodist churrh Pit- of Presbyterian preaching stations In- parents, NIr anti Nlr,, IA. H. Johnsttn,
dure until they h"ome Chronic. filling four years prifir to lOv. Mr. (),elerhollf', al and buy a Comforter at Walkei's prie4e.
creased 72 per cent. and the cominuni- Waterloo St. co
days and nIKht. N,, -,h sufTering. To pastorate and both the former and pr- -
these ;I courmf g I of h,1111 cant's roll Increased 94 per. cent., the , Mrs Jeim�tii IvIeNtath and daughters�,
tif Parnipiro', \ Pgctablp Pnt pastor spoke \vry lit h y number of recruits for the ministry Mrs. McDoogall and Miss Huth, 1pft (ell
Pills is recommended is :I �.ury allot Hazel and Refs, the, former or stope f4o. 2
speedy way to rpgain health. 'rhese I was a member of t1w Victoria t I" llwr', showed a Isrjo falling off. - at Weolnvsela� afternoon for London which
;o a mvinhor ,f fit-, I., 1�11- Last Sunday the organ , Knox they Intend making their future home
pills are specialty compounded to com-1class anti ,it church vras in charge of Mr. Geo. Ron- Hfqiro, Atips F(,%Nler, attornpy for ft),- Is full to the doors with the best assortment of China
yon, L. MuR., of Peterboro, who was also pjjj)ll(� adininiottrator. Chicago, is visit -
bat dyspepsia and tile many ills that anti Miss RPla %%.I- -I o -alt -l' do
lass Cdndl)Ctf�ll h� Mrs. Mr P e"" give you relief.'
follow lit Its train, and thry are -uccess- here for the Friday evening practice. ing h,4 rathcr, J. A Fowler, C. F., who Cut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties, etc., there is no
Mrs. Millian. Mr. SNNartzbiluali ;iil,l
fill always. Simpli diteolve .1 Peps tablet In
Ile W8,3 accompalned t4o town by Mr. is tufff-ring front upr%ous overstrain Abetter eboice to be found in Goderich and prices in
John Smith. who contributed EL solo at your mouth. V on r b res t h ca erries
the medicinal Pine vapor, which ses nearly half. A call will convince you.
the evening service. Following the Mr. and Mrs. If McLaren and Mii;-� I many ca. I
Lauder, of Port Flialn, visited at the, is released, to all parts of the 1=
a] rg I 0jj 0ma service a short musical recital was rpsidpnce or Mr. and Mrs. T, T. Leekk-. throat, nasal and air passages. We have several pieces of futniture taken in ex-
gt,.n. Mr. Kenyan playing several
Thvy tuotorool .]own and wpre arcom- where Ill Hquid medicine could not ch ange and very low prices.
panled by %Ir- I'llaek and Mrs, H, li. possibly reach 'I*hlm vapor de.
MeLroiren and rhildrf-n, who visited fit strooy$ stj gerins with which it
We do picture framing neatly and prompfly.
I Bylleld, clowee fift contact, We have several used photiogralihs for sale tiiietl'iE,
OPEN NOSTRILS1 END heallsthe Inflarned mernberVes and
Mr. and %1roi Georap Bell Intent] rt--
sidirig Ili Tf,rt,nt,,, Nlr Bell's brothpr- fortifiesyceu against cougrfs, cot -do, in exchange for other makes.
We are now showing our greatest variety of the A COLD OR CATARRH In-law havinic loft Goderleh some time- sore throat, bronchitis and grippee.
Iffeltiolil, To Goet ReHef WhM Read ago and hatling proctired a good po- Pepsconflain absolutely no harub. Special i only Heintzmau & Co. Piano 'was
service- fat drugs and are therefore the
very latest style ideas in good, substantial P. mition for Mr. Bell. formerly $600 will sell for $125 if taken at once.
and None voe Staffed U sat"t remedy for children.
9; - - - - - - - - - Blarkstonp and
able Footwear. Shoes that hold their shape and last Mr and Mrs. Chas.
--suawd mnn, Charles, %Nerp down from Owvn
440 ft, Cut out this
thelony,est. These are the Shoes that onr customers "All LR article. writs,
Clotint fifty I Your cold In beld or Soiind over Thanksgiving and on their acroollilt the narnie and date of this I Watch thio space for Weekly Btore Nomwq Soniethillg -411W, I I.,
call for again and again. tiLtarrh digappearit. Your clogg(d joilelp return werf, arcomplinfed by Nit. and ps0er and mail It (with lec. stattlP I
bils will opon, the air passages of your Mre, flaroid Blackstone and son, Harold return postage) to Pepe I every weok
All styles of Rubbers now in stock. Prices are �hellid will el@Ar and you can breathe Mr. And Mrs Charles Oke., of 111%rr onto. A firee trial packet
Iredy. No more snuffling, bawking, N,je,,% Farm, Rommiller, announep III, an be sent yon. All 4mg-
most reasonable. tAtliamd discharge, dryneAll or headwhe4, Pripaoremplit of thpir daughter, EIlii 610S and stores Sell PePS. $11114- box. iffi
no straWing for breath at nighL Mildred. In Gporge W. Foagan, son .,f Walker
04 a *mail bottle of Ely's Orcomm ItIr and Mrs. Jag. Pwagan, of Colborne,
REPAIRING )Bi� from your druggist and apply a town4hip. tho marriagi, tie take plavo The Furniture Man
-littlo of this fragrant antiseptie ere- the, latter end of October. Often the Cheapeat But lourell Allwallys the Best
h your U09tribL It penetrates through
*Tft7 air pass= of JM be&4, stiothing Residence Phone 197. Store Phone 99.
kad lliftling t smoalks or Inflamed numbers in gooil style and Mr. Smith
IC jilitittous linentilyartio, giving yon AnLant alfain qtnging. The trinale wwi Minch Free Auto Delivery, any distance. Not with a grouch, but mith it 4inlip.
Hafth Side tiet 114unre retiof. Ifead w1d. and catarrh yielil approciawd.
like flingic. Don't stay stuffed -up altill 19V =11r#ff 1AV
1912 01 MIMM :,it%,. tie llu� %,Ictor�