HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-18, Page 4J
10010 00. 0 4 11*101 01 .
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W_10 A
or C Oft
e, Y 10es 0 .."'OVen-
W twi�% 04' way.,
1 1, � Is, .1, . - -a Bilks 14
Taposby, Up 9 wlQm suil shades, Wear guarso.
=,'wiae Pussy Willow Taffet
t04 W its. 11andsomest Silk for this sW
woven wit4p ftrstblai fordiving 00,4,,- Op"41 price per yard $1-50 ar;4.
rooln lor sittohgi� x�* o�oa Of r,4t(VMR
land, coioriusf,;
sf*o, Black Taffeta Silks
14 f 17.00.
on s
ai yard wide beautiful'
FAXO Arb 400114 11M,00. W . P. :
1; 11 "Ity land in qeveral weights. Resu
11,715 and $2.W at per yard $ 1.50
English Wffiltoo.13qaaro 131 A widle ex
a.04 Satin Duchess yai t
quolity. Regular $2.00 at pet- yard $1.7$,
better irtgdp.
siZ7 . - .-,. - 1. _1: I., _ �,� 00 pairs Cotton �Blal)Uats large double bed
ilis� y*411 4.4-ior $86.00 size pink or blue borders. Special sale per
r $46.00 pair $2.75.
I, ?i Magnificent showing of
New York Coats
Plushes, etc.
Ranging $15 to $40
T Why Canada US' It borr�o- W
Flannelette Sheeti
oney to car' on
Yard wide cream Flan-
nelette Sheeting or night
gowu flanuel. Extra qua -
lity, soft and very strong, Beciuse Canada has put her hand borrow hundr' ds of millions
worth 4 to the plowand will not turn back:— dollars -
5c, at per yd. 30c
And, this money must be borrowed
--our country is in the war on the
from the people of Canada -.—
side of liberty and justice and will stay
Therefore, Canada will presently
W AE4 N SON in it till complete victory is won and
the unspeakable Hun* is smashed and come to her people for a new Victory
beaten to the ground; Loan to carry on.
dtion and fully meet him a chance to send In a special order + + +
00btVtCb,1%tA#C* rha"W" our poi'lo's which this great and procure It for you. Ton to one he —a nation at war must make tre-
the Ve polialtill
can quo
TeINPITORG (11kil 71. to you as good a price as the
14 10. has placed upon us. mail order house when the quality of mendous expenditures in cash to keep
lrllln�y, OCT. 6 a' &'I isolation that Is being the goods is considered. Canadians will loan the money by
W caused the Present opidemle should And just here an important point up her armies and supply them with
THt"VICTORY LOAN noti be J owed to side-traot our minds arises. again buying Victory Bonds.
It is a Positive fact that in nutnel�ous. munitionsp food and clothing;
caseo.whelve-cornplai has been, made
Aix, q�� 1, �tafety,. the, 'national"
euAtrajy.4 via sh Th� , 'rifttiona
ould - extart ourselves to that the local merchant is higher than
40 honor and the national well-being
:g� y mil -
relater anier possible the big mail order house on a certain
it Is hoped that gy lie that as far as line of goods, It has been found that —Canada must finance man
citizen will fully oon4de be able to make up for those while the name of the goods and the lions of dollars of export trade in food,
since of the Iola viiatory , "Wfior ,-vould willingly tender their trade mark are the same, the local require that each and every Canadian
success of the lost VittOVY' %.b oolstooe �ut are now unable to do so. merchant has quoted on FIRST qua- munitions iand supplies which Britain
shall do his duty by lending to the
-Ow'o-g-toothe restivAut that is for the Iltv, while the Roods you actually get
already Proved. to we *644.. 1 ":Ji, I,", must have on credit:
1 P I—. � being placed on public troin the mail order houses are what Is and our allies
at loyalty which Prevails, I k1lown to the trade ag Seconds"—Iii nation every cent he can spare for this
will be re
The money secured IYA th Silty. culls that have some defect,
Pat I& ."b". �.. a
hto.,reslf,rah' $1 these purposes Canada must purpose.
so Upon andfor which the job buyers f
or the
a very.large me"60 Be of =for
the mail Order concerns are incessantly on
the look.oUt.
success vrht&. C�Aau
tipg atrisel a of a
during the Pass yai0r, at 00, 0:114, Thisis a condition that exists to a
ves of the
O�t Ati , A av0- overcome much greater degree' than any mail
say wise turn k May be order patron is aware. It is & vital
the 46tuall Allowsity 16t'1144111 Be ready when the cafl comes to see your
I part of the catalog ftrmIH policy, and is
fully sub.
Germla p6sce''taA �.ab A "T
oneof their sources of greatest profit.
place In our MWO as *dft Anyone who Imagines the busluess.of
country throudh in its dreat war work
Hg;' C,4Nff (;ET
of the 14m. "'o the big mall -order concerns is not check
Jr full of such tricks is a very gullible
The recent r40*1118 by"Sk" Z'*';:
V, AT HOME" Parson
oaddes. of the 13ritlab Ad
!an Our hiladli *Itlk Patreltin You "namilly.
ol*rlos' with the sometimes, is Is tirue, occasion 04808 Issued by Canada's Victory Loan
'Pre" or,, ana, Too it in co-operation with the Minister of Finmcd
when It Is necessary to go beyond the
eluded tom'�,� M�j,,r ,Xo ready and ooufines of your own town or village the Dominion of Canada
all the rA *6ro,416 tiW14.0"J, for some colUin goods. In such vasas
"Cluitt buy in the next available -eentro In
of her
lob in yourcommunity, your own section of
lot ot Woo
, iAt thetootintry ;but do not make the mis-
i9tra 1,40ii. to enire
It 4 1 t take of sending your money away off.
'A 0
-10004 olkwas sip That 115 a poor Iniiestment that dill
Ina, b.
00k. I I , t," .'* n*66ft houses
brill9YOullinotle of the direct or in-
ft direct returns that money spent in your
'on "Ar
Of Own community will bring. exhausted evakv retsinable effort h -e
to mal School, In his address, I% % That we grant the sum of $5
`U64 -,I tho forever complaining you obtain these supplies In his home town. 0
rObaute - Don't be metio in and out of School," depIc
10 to E. A. s
Au"t t1rt what you want at home. Borne merchants err in this connection the tendency In schuols towards long 3—That We contribute the um of
Billow homemorchant that you Are Without apparently rehlolng y questions not likely to be met with in $150 to the Red Cross.
Y. 10 t Ty
t am, h life; and advocated that problems giv- I 4—That the congratulations of the
a permanent patron of vour own com- tending to perpetuate 4
via mullity, get 0 - an In schools should be practical, and I Association be tendered Miss Kerr. of
Are theris to toin in this re- tbemselves—In gal justice, but Incon
091VO, and It. will be the greatest slatently—decry, suited to the chlWs needs In after life.!Cljnton, on having completed so sue-
plessisre for the local merchant to add He would stress mental arithmetic, and cessful a teacher career; and to Mr.
stocks that be can depend upon the having p.pil. prove the correctness of Holman, on his appointnient to the pos-
loyalty of his legitimate home Oust. EAST HURON TEACHERS their an Ition of county clerk.
others for disposing of. Mr. Cas ArIgi, also gave an address on Mr. Fibwler, In bringing the meet -
There is plenty of room f cancer" Forty-fifth Annual Convention Held at Ing to a elose, thanked; the teachers
Brussels -L*st- Week-
66-OPOrstion between -the-mCobant -iird Owing to lack of space, we are unable for the Aonor they. had conferred on
the Obtomor. Such co-operation to The forty-fifth annual convention of to give a full report of the convention, him by electing him to the.pregidency
71 '681ArvaildvItal. Vo beriefit in a the East Huron Tepchers' Institute was which was a very successful one.
3200 and for the support they had given
pre. sels, on The report of the resolution com-
Uld one ways from the
held in Melville church, Brus. him during the past year.
009ft of' the merchants In your oom- Thursda�, and. Friday, Oct. 10th and ralftee was received and adopted as
li�nmtlty- tsl it InOt Plain justice that tftb� with Mr. Poster Fowler, the presi- follows - Reholved: Wounded Tommy: "I don't know
the merchant In entitled to some of the dent, in the chair. Devotional exer- I.—That thq. than*5 at the lnstltxlt� about eggs, ma'm, but ive gets plenty oe
benefits OR himsplf? You, Mr- elses wero conducUd b)r* Rev. A, J. be tendered 'Reeve plum for his kind shells."
It* Mann. pastor of Melville church. . Reeve address of wellcoma, to the managers
J, Marl and - Oman of the communit ,
I Countless.have 'been the cures worked
ti&a the home business man in order to Plum extended tile teachers a hearty of Melville church for the use of their I by Holloway's Corn Curp. It has
blgive & community opirtre at afl�alka welcome 'to the village. church; to all those wrio contributed er of Its own not found in other
In order to exist he needs you,, 'as- P r para
A very interesting" program was given to our program; and to those who
Lot every effort to obtain your needs g P 0 tions. an
ftore you live be exhausted before you on Thursday -evening at which there sisted In making the evening meetin W"
ft%b the "Can't got it at home" aryl " was a good attendance of both teachers a success. Save to boy Victory Bonds.
�Ie. The speaker of the
and townsPeOl
di, The merichant himself must 994 of the
2) Alits advice as Wei'. Lot hire not think evening was Professor Homing.
Toronto university stoff. East Huron
ot givilig oulAido" orders for iltationallflo teo'che
consider 'themselves fortunate
pri"119 or Other Immortal until he has rs
In having had the oppdrtianft Of listen
in#, to such a than. and hearing his
viet" on the questions of the day. He
Will always And a weleatue It at any P,
HAIR SUFS FALLING tithe ill the future lie ftnewS his vI91L
His, genlal pergoQlty and his very eit-
4'!Me Natiand.%Ao"
:w 4 totItoining and PrIkO1110d lecture com-
Stift P *1610 arftt b*t# ad td ihJkLd bJJTl 61je of the tftoSt
populitt. lotturiers-the Institute has had
Moo "AQ ballip. pleetiong by J'WAI Went
i.Weft etiloyed by all Alld the, th6liks Of
Aftociatioll is extended tio mesa
hilk Jk ""all Or la we who took imtt., 'n
W —" 4W
410 OOOM A eeaftl 0801120611 Of 016 WOM#
fa" 3" tkichork. wlis tofted with the following
*W am* 'o O*ef6tt V.,11kill, $tIr
#A =W*i "*"' fteynoldn
ljijiilllili�. W *At Sce-
% ka "a 1* "_ !t.
Vita Ul�" C*Mvell, stud
fdr n#%J'$ftr
"ii tobw to ite&j Wiilk#66 1914MA Of
10dow —1mc '44 k 04 400 3166fMin Peril-
Ot *40". A V#A DOW*04* WItti., V10 "'Ptemtkfil, 'Nl!* quaft "140A &I &a maim* otmakes flimutlitit
3 for 25
Xfthlitto, 06tri*111".. MIN
0" $w 04 ftivulft �Nvtl#, $IAN ig %AfOrth
4 wt 1� L r U10*6111 M10
K, yft P41-16 *11604 towtors, W.
wk# �4" "Vit A"' 4� dele#&t6 to (lit 0. E, X,
W,X, Ift
UW X. U Rtkk- W,
It Ifte Stratford Nor-