HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-18, Page 3N o TMN 2190 #1EAN It I D 1Z.0 Lr ^,nin SO TM___U_,AX0M "a "Ulm 11014; WON, WMIL A mw­ls on foot, to rewsat!* ttle, p*0 to 8t, PAUN ilol*r� ow"e, 0,q4s04 'N"d 014101,11, #)a %WXIU0cAUYr, AM. lo� r4p-art ow followt vtl lm Ittit W00$041 AAX rate for IM Will Ile V Vath tDir Irguvrile $N, .0, N� priefti onI ow $. A."To *0 sk gtk �e I !*vubas"* M"i iiii - Mills �Iln the% dollu. (0) , Its. R. Hermon. of TIV V= toikiil I 00aw Alxb.- TAW. ;117 'WM �ratl� bas been 4#0 T.',To 4 00001, 1 "X dw 044 *4144, in Mr. ninto -mlin. Re cora— inspector for the dj�jrjet. Oct, OV% 124 lit 121% 1124L Nov, 12.4, 331, 111 1114 114 a 44 th,�W* is Mich is owt;l er for Mr. Nv� J. Statham 3144 familly, of 4ye- D%t­. III 0 ti,_ . Q% L r�hls ter, hafj a. :,peculiar experience on (ii Zacre farro In Stephen., to, IN to 9040" tI* WOW from the, �nafinw P. *4'"� rteent They Nwrq In London Oct, 67 il 0% - *44 who 44*4 ot not wwjmw r VMW K , ,AP Pbr JCCOP T00y 4W� it t4as #0 U*AW itck and AWOL in. tha,.h�j�, TAU it intalrOARY *4 04 14094' or, 411090111, voiirpe 4W4 7 death took place at Victoria Hospital, 'Frank I ws, iiw W Owl, of WN6 wqood ajmqAt , 0"r, my Out 1bi*_. I 4.44, WAVY bu t with. no A Mend ladvilmd, �Nottlt% U, ut say oumd. me P" .0 B" V4,nuA?tUrVd only by"The Lard - Oct- ---- 2ft. 3 a 24,60 26.31) 2C.So $oV . 05 2;;,j$ 7— PILVITA11", �Olfeopml. dliia"AeA' Acw-7chrOnle and nervous- ,Orilero, Par; do4theo.s. qe ��r, nose &PA throtit, Adonolds reinQvea I out 140 RaIrv. Gposultation tree. Ince �anq real4ince, 1`1013011 8111d ' St. Andre *13 sets buk or Tomperande null, North treet.. Ofte. hours- 9 to t2 a. in., t to 6 111 4%15, t Thu days an Satu VNVOOD d a A sy s: Intment. S y appV LEGAL CARDS ------------- HAR ES OARROW. Barrister, Solicitor, Corner Nort.. street and Square. oodej%, h, Ont. It C�IA5.SgAGER a . Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public t and,duaveyalleel. I Office Court House, Goderich. R.'a; -HAYS 'Phone ft Bzrrlste�,_ S011ett'01', Tiotary Public Etc. a Offlee Hamilton St. 6lerlinir Bank Block a 60clekell t Rea) Estate, Loans, Insurance d C ONVEYANCENG A ND NOTARY b OEOROTA 9. GREENSIADE, Bayfleld, Con- veyancing sod Nutary Public _ 0 ROUDFOOT,. KILLORAN & COOKE, Barrister.,, Solicitors, Notaries Pub, 4% Etc. Mee- -On the Square �nd door rrbm t Hamilton street. Coderivii. Private funds to lotio, st-lowest rates. W. PROUDFOOT ' K -C s J. L. KILLORAN, if. 1' D. COOKE. -o am, has been awqrded a military med- 8 AUCTIONEERING I THOMAS OUNDRY. ff . Live 9tock and 0:,neral Auctioneer Hamilton str t. Godericb. Sales made everywhere and all efforts made to Five you­satisraction. Filginers 'Sale notes discounted. IrETERINARY e F CLARK, V. 5., graduate of JA -F tb Ontario Veterinary Coll ege, Tor* I respectruny call iiie attention of a to my approved ruethod of a i.atl%wnel g oil horses' tef-In. A fresh sup. or veterinary medicine alwags on a ,ii%And. office and stables -Newgate street, Goderich. R INSURANCE M CKILLOP AlUTUAL 1`11113 INSURANCE V 31 CO. M _iowu Warm and Isolated Property Insured. Value or property Insured up to January,, 1010 ?3 O -Is nn 'to OPI`169K�-�Iaties Conolly, President, J �Godertch; Jas. Evans, Vice -President, 13 beechwood: T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Sea - D forth. DIRECTORS -D. F. NIcaregor. Seaforth; K Winthrop ; Jjival�e�r%eve Win. Wrin, Con- M go McCartney, Tuckersmith P John Ferris, Harlock: John Bennewlse' nroadbagan : Alalco I%IcEwan, Bruceneld.' Ir.. AOENTS-J . W. 'loderich ; Sandy Leitch, Clinton ; won. miesney, Searorth ; 10 ;E. Hinchley, Searorth. Policy Illolders can pay their assessments Is at R. H. Cutt's Store, i0oderlen A. J. Mor- 1; , C StQi r Sh'S 'p.. Clinton'. . or . J.. 1", H fil's, EAy eld: POR GOOD RELIABLE in Shoe Repairing N TI SC SMITH & RING hN On Fast Street Opposite Knot Church GIVE US A TRIAL arl sh lie Ross Taylor Mill, Exeter, on Tues- of the town solicitor, Mr. W. Brydone for to -"y. Broom Bros, de GODERICH bo 01HOAGO LME STOCK. sp The Leading to at Funeral Directors P, and Embaliners rei lit Mrs. Emma Yellow, rellcl, of the late corporation to act as. warehouseman- 000; market fairly active on good hogs. sit Orders carefully attended io honjas Yellow, died. at her residence at all hours—night or day. (In Turkey Obliged to Make Peace. am n the Thames road on Tuesday. Oct. ail I *trr, IlAssold I* AQw Mr. Jlts� A ft,'Wey 4 visit And their var was stolen and It adto. return horge with friead-,�. Nov. 1) TA% , o% 64 FIT rk... the transport Otranto In the north death took place at Victoria Hospital, 'Frank fArM on bit 12lit titt''E"t W4WW.k1,1iJjh fa, xftim_ h0t. �IuNybrmey The next day'll he vae %Vas tot Ut Ind abo six mite,% frorai thp ejt.y� Oct. Nov. St.f? 4"if London, Oct. 4th, of Hissett, of - 404 Alto 1. 8, x9trsy" U40ber at"; Reasall, A "lost dbtreks!as and f4tall aceldent occkkrred In NVI 49hikin. vlelotty recent- Lard - Oct- ---- 2ft. 3 a 24,60 26.31) 2C.So $oV . 05 2;;,j$ London, formerl", r -Exeter--- IS per cwt.. with heavy supplies M 1145 lot her biother, who was� resjdLIn.$ at Dvada$, The reM4108 Wero 01790$Pt ly, %vhgn Nk. jpliv, 11ayd ea. of tile 11011004rY West, A49 erwAied between njbli�z Oct. ii.4'412410014 A820 C9_nt_on,__0_ddfeIIows gathered at their hall to bid goodbye to Rev. NIP. Robin- ported- I The outlook to for no better thail The Otraitio after the collision was dashed to plece4 on the rocks off the to velas"411 for Interment. jlls�_engllle And, Se*atOr White wakini; 104ya on, past Grand Chaplain of Ontario, sho Is a tatcady price at the decline. There on ft 4)k, Madden, managial, of� it* Molsons, a coupling, Ito passed ax m a, few 0AITm M. loan of 372 American soldiers. tence,'at the rlpe age of 84 years. 134ak Ill BrliOefield� lilt moVillg 10 ClIn later. lie was in S, !year. Three hundred and one men were )AIWIts ot church presented Mrsl. Robinson with a madeira cloth and napkin at tile ton, owlaig to the fa�t Wt got a house In that village. �Irs.Wm. Slime. a %yell�-knowa resi- Mr. , Nvn,. Fuson, or Winnipeg. former welli-knoN.vIl �esjd.eut of Exeter, has a UMON TORONTO, Oct. 16. — With about am, has been awqrded a military med- Guild tea, as a slight tolkell of appreela- but, generally speaking. with a fair which made an attempt to rescue in passed aw4y, For mauy yetrs lie. I fqr dlstlngui�hed service on tile bat- lefl6ld. -9 tion of her work Ili tile Guild. clean up trade was slow and easier. the terriho gale when the Kashmir, dent of Brtissels toea, lity, passed away Conducted a boot and shoe and harness 4,000 head of iq^ ttle on sale at tit L The Iamb market was bout steady, 4! another vessel In the convoy with Got. Ath. at the home of her c ft. J. Slime, V. S., Monkton, at the advanced business in Exeter. Ito leaves Id..j wi- dow, seven children, twenty-four grand Union Stock Yards y6steritay there Was a fair dernand for all steers with the Otranto, rammed the Otranto Holmont agiet. of 83 years, childiten and four great grandclilldren. weight and quality, together with Mr. E., Treble' sustained a nasty gash N50 for storage of tile Weber liquor Mr. and Mrs. T. rd. Henderson and family. who hav's been L. "idding at Sir 11lavid �0allasvtIly passed taway at. Winjilam QerlOat 'HoVHal 'Monday ckg1ce butcher belfers, but for all mthier q1tikeses the demand w" wtax, cross the forehead, �eye arld cheek, in tile town haH rot- the past two White Bear. $ask.� for some years, have .1t- A 1, Ili?; -11 A on morning of Is-'!; 4W—kit"Ife- game %Vhea with a tendency to lower prices. The Peace news made e trade for atee Ti*vilaporf Was sifiliL. A nritigh 110-1t not Ir —A I- )�ears. In tills connection the Opinion w-levise a boy with III$ Pili6llt�s from South and feeder a .0 � slow, and advices from numbor at American troops have been again locating In this locality. Mountain. near�T�- IntrAton- to ti _-HDAyIOk­ -Qth"­big­U". oek-.— -- h- 4 U6iFveraT Wee341 , following 4 stroke of paralysis, the �ncl settled 4 settled 011* t NO. 4. cOn. 115. HiA wife predeceased him almost sh, the effect that the cattle trade WSA the transport Otranto In the north death took place at Victoria Hospital, 'Frank years ago. Four daughters sury , "k,". more or less demoralized, Chic"ItIt sh6wing a deellne at from $1 to $2 channel between the Scottish and Irish coasts In & collision w th the London, Oct. 4th, of Hissett, of - .1 London, formerl", r -Exeter--- On Tuesgay evening or last week tile per cwt.. with heavy supplies M steamer Kashmir. Mr. James Found. a hilghly respected C9_nt_on,__0_ddfeIIows gathered at their hall to bid goodbye to Rev. NIP. Robin- ported- I The outlook to for no better thail The Otraitio after the collision was dashed to plece4 on the rocks off the citizen of Wingham for tile past fill- een, years, passed peacefully away on on, past Grand Chaplain of Ontario, sho Is a tatcady price at the decline. There south Scottish 1COSAt With a prbbabte Monday evening, Oct. 7th, at his resi- leaving for Toronto. on Mon- day arb large shipments of common cat- loan of 372 American soldiers. tence,'at the rlpe age of 84 years. evening thq ladies of ;t. Paut's tle Yet to come forWard. Locally the Three hundred and one men were Lance -Corp.' Fred, Templeman, Wing- church presented Mrsl. Robinson with a madeira cloth and napkin at tile prospects are for lower prices. Good heavy cattle probably held steady. taken to Belfast by tlite British de - str6yer Uounsy, the only vessel am, has been awqrded a military med- Guild tea, as a slight tolkell of appreela- but, generally speaking. with a fair which made an attempt to rescue in I fqr dlstlngui�hed service on tile bat- lefl6ld. -9 tion of her work Ili tile Guild. clean up trade was slow and easier. the terriho gale when the Kashmir, He ha been twice wounded. ie Is a ion of Mr. gind Mrs. Temple- The Clinton town council has in.- The Iamb market was bout steady, 4! another vessel In the convoy with nan. Wingham. structed tile clerk to render an account with a run of 2100, Billing from the Otranto, rammed the Otranto to the. Ontario License Department for 15%c to 161tic; good. calves, 16%0 amidships, I Mr. E., Treble' sustained a nasty gash N50 for storage of tile Weber liquor to 17%c; sheep ste4dy, god hap Seventeenlomen were picked up cross the forehead, �eye arld cheek, in tile town haH rot- the past two 183/,Lc fed and watered and 173Aa alive on the Scottish coast. cross the f9rehead, eye anti pheek, at )�ears. In tills connection the Opinion f.o.b., with packers quoting 18 yd c fed Of the 699 American soldiers on lie Ross Taylor Mill, Exeter, on Tues- of the town solicitor, Mr. W. Brydone for to -"y. board the Otranto 310 were landed. vy morning last week by a belt which roki!. was sought, who aovsed that, Ili his 01HOAGO LME STOCK. Seventeen were rescued alive at Is- opinion, it was -ultra vires" of tit(. Chicago, Oct. 14.-HoUls-IRecelpta, 36.- lay, leaving 3T2 upaccounted for. Mrs. Emma Yellow, rellcl, of the late corporation to act as. warehouseman- 000; market fairly active on good hogs. honjas Yellow, died. at her residence I hence. Uiat it Ivas not Competent rot, packing gradea dull. Butchers, $18.15 to Turkey Obliged to Make Peace. n the Thames road on Tuesday. Oct. the to%�v to proceed against the goods $18.60; light, $17.60 to $18.45; packing, $16.75 to $18.- rough, $16.25 to $1676; AMSTERDAM, Oct. 15.—The Brat th, at We age of 68 years. The funeral or against the owner, and tile only rp- Pigs, good to choice, $15.50 to $16.50, , step taken by the new Turkish Cab- ook Place on.Thursday of last week to lief would seem to be by action fol, Cattle-Recelpta. SO.000; better smiles Inet, headed by Tewfik Pasha, says he Exeter cemet6y. tresPask against tile. i)erso*ns vdio in- f natives and western steers fullY a despatch from Vienna duder date Mr. Thos. Kan- Vaded tile rights of tht-curporation by soteady: others slow; butcher cattle e k to 26c lower; calves 250 to 5., loww:,. of -Sunday to the Weser Zeitung, was as, a former resident on the farm now Putting the whI.%key on the proulise.4. Beef cattle: Good, choice and prime, #14.zb to despatch a note to Austria-Hun- wneo by Mr. Jas. Gould, 3rd conces- He however recommend d that the c to $19.25; common and medlum, 26 to $1425 Butcher stock: Cows and tifem gary to the effect that owing to the ion of Hay -township, died Sept. 20th matter be referred if) the () ntarlo Li- $6i5 io $13.25,,canners and cutters, $676 military situation Turkey was oblig- n his 94th year. In 1870 he sold his vense Department �xltlj a request for to' $6.75. Stockers apd feeders: 6�� ed to conclude a separate peace with rin and uJoVed to hansas. settlement. choice and fancy, $10.25 to $13.25-, In- the Entente. ------- ferior, common and medium, $7 to $10.26. Veal calves, good and choice, $16 to $16.50: western mnge beef steers. $1325 The Central Powers requested Tur- key to &wait the result of the ex - __ _ -1 ------- W. H. TEACHERS school. Much of the matter of this in- 1. tensely interesting alld inst uctite ad- to $17.45: cows and heifers, $8 to $12.b(). change of notes with President Wil - dress was new. to, the majority of t4.e- Continued from 2. Sheep and lambs -Receipts. 80.000. market slow; mostly 25c lower, narrovw son, but no reply so far has been received from Turkey. page teachers Present an(I many Inquiries demand for feeding and breeding stock. Lambs: Choice and $16,50 to were, asked of the lechirer who answer- 3 ' vening sessions of yesterday were ed thent to the satisfaction of all prime, $16- medium and good. $13.60 to $15,50; culls'. The Germano -Turkish exodus from ' ead and approved. Ile. ,Mcox reeorknuended espeelAlly a $8 to $12.25. Ewes: Choice and prime, $10 to $10.25: medium and good, $8.75 to $10. Bulgaria has been greatly accelerated during the past few days. The auditors' report showing a bal- book by Daniel starch, entitled eoln- culls, $3.90 to $7. nee of $84.58 oil hand was received cational measinenients. EAST BUFFALO LIVIB STOCK. The military government at Can- not adopted. lt is needlest, it) say Dr, Silcox waNe The East Buffalo, Oct, 14.--Cattle-Ro" ton, China, has issued k fortuall do- claration of war against Hsu Shih- election of officers resulted In three. splendid affilre,fses that wore cpj­ ie election of the roiiowing: Pres., tainily appreciated by the teachers ceipts, 6000; 25c to 50c lower* prime steers, $17.50 to $18; shJppl�g steers. Chang "for having acciepted an elec - pre- R. Redmond, Beigrave; vice pres sent $16,50 to $17; butchers, $11.50 to �15.50; LLQP to the Presidency from a bogus . Iss M. L. Coleman, Varna; see. treas:: 1'� e r(- were about 13.5 teachers, this I I yearings. $12.75 to $16; heifers, $10 to $12.510; cows. $4 to ;12; bulls, $7.25 to Plai Cament.11 H. Johnston, Kippen; Ist council making almost a record atten4lanev. $11.50; stockets and feeders, $7 to $10.60; iss Vosper, Exeter. 2nd councillor, Hearty %(otes or thanks were passed fresh cows and springers, $65 to $145. OPEN HUNTING SEASON IN THE is� Laird, Dashwood, 3rd councillor, thanking tile 6oderich School Board for �' Calves -Receipts, 1600; 50c lower; $7 to lu9H*ogs--Receipts, HIGHLANDS NEAH AND PRO- Mawson, Exeter; auditors, J. H. the use of their beautiful school. the 12.800; 25c lowert ItiPECTS GOOD ohnston. Goderich, R. Stonehouse, Goderiell teachers for their trouble heavy. mixed and yorkers, $18.75� light Iln-hably tit(, best hunling distriet8 elgrave;_ resolution, 0. S. Howard taken in securing boarding houses for yorkers and pigs, $18,25; roughs, $16.25; stags. $12 to $14. in ltuierlva are located in the High- ashwood, W. McKay Hensall, Miss visiting teachers. the retiring otlicers Sheep and lambs --Receipts 7000- lantis (if "lltR110 und that section of insmiln Exeter, Mr. Ross Dungannon, of last year, to all those taking Purl. Ili steady, lambs. $tO to $17.25: y6arllniW. Lilt- Province opened up by the Trans- Iss McLaughlin Lucknow, Miss E. M. last evening's entertainment, and Ili,. $7 to $13; wethers. sit to $11�50; ewes. continental Rallway. Tills Immense 111111lis Auburn: Mr, Toni, Goderich. Silcox for his Able assistance. $4 to $10; mixed sheep, $10,50 to $11. %irgin area orrers unlimited opportunk The report of the. teachers' reading The singing of file National Anthi-iii tiv-4 It, the hunter rot, rimoso and deer. mrse committee guggested Lilt- rot- brought a ve"N' suceessful'ineeting to) a Ready to Quit? The open senson for tile Highlands of wing books to be man ny ail teachers. close. LONDON, Oct. 15.—Austria-Hun- linlario distriet Is front Notember Ist I, History Manual. 2, 1 volurne of hronicles or Canada 3, Kingsley'.,; IF YOUR. CHILD IS, CROSS, gary and Turkey have informed Ger- tit November lath, both days Inchisi%e. In otme �pf the Nortl�eru (114triets, of yportia. , , many,that, they,wiU, accept. President , , The. report %vas reretved and adopted, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Wilson's peace terms, according to a lintill-io, ILmini Intkiding Temislouning. tile territory SNst Tt i P. resolution committee recent- despatch to the Central News from anti north it'lill ."[lilt Ilw Ganadlan .6overnmentliallway Ill ended that all the eesolutions passed the Amsterdam. 10r Turkey has made a definite peace Ontario, the Open q.,ason Ili A be,,n ex - 0. E. A. with Uie exeeption of Look Motherl If tongue Is coat o. 7. which retate.- ?o Lher . F e cl, proposal to President Wilson, accord- t -:n+ -d and is ront oWtotier ISI, No - to lifith public cleanse little bowels with "Call- hool course in grammar. be ad o rKed ing to reports in circulation here. \ . � days, A I this association. I fornia Syrup of Figs." A rumor was circulated on the of the ganio nms Iq rontain,d . They alst- revoinmentled that the Paris Bourse yesterday afternoon ' thp G. T, It. ur''Ituds" Pull iliforluntilln ,n ount of grainniar to he tatig I 11 Motbers can rest easy after that Constantinople had been declar- ed -under martial law. Ottoman '111I)II .a tn'll to) agents (,ran(] Trunk lioiiv�,o oulol girinF bo inrreasetj rather, than (h- "California 6yrup of Fin" inished, I , b tLq -it a few hours the values jumped three and four points. Turkish securities were in demand The. report was a,mptea, all clogg - - ste. MI'- M-KaY for the e4irurvittol, on sour bile and fermcntiu� food gently and there was much trading In them. e revision of the evaders rtevoninien- m"ves Out Of tlWlagivei .; a'nd you have --WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.—Propos- d lilt, Following. which wt,re adopted: a ivell, playful Child again. als of peace on the part of Turkey, 1. a T[wre shoiflol be a lip%%- fourth Sick children needn't be 'coaxed to reported in London despatches, had ok anti a n#,w third hook designed take ibis harmless "fruit laxative.), not been'received in Washington to- PrialiN ror teaching oral reading. 9 Mil:ion% of mothers keep it handy be- day. State Department officials ex- L he Used for both rea(flng and liter- cause -they know its action -on Vhe 4orn- presse d deep interest In the reported tire, tit(- hook should be to two parts. ach, liver and bowels is prompt d sure - move by the Turkish Gcvernment, 41b it) contain the s#�le(�Iions for Ask your druggist for a bottle of but stated positively that no pra� iffing ant] Part 11, the selections rot, -,Califo' " which Con- rnia, Syrup of Fies, posals had reached them. erattjrf�. j)) The books should he tains directions for babies, children of taller than tit(- present Ill. anti I V. all ages and for grown-ups. Only 4,000 Escaped. aders., ib) Sonie Introductory page�; Ow principles of reading, with ex- LONDON. Oct. 15.—A supplemen- Ples from the I -ssons, Exit Will, Chiefs. should he tary official Wai- Office report regard d as in the higit school reader, AMSTERDAM, Oct. 15. — Lt. -Gen. Ing Syrian operations reads: I I Scheuch who recehtl w 6 # "Prisoners taken by the Egynytian it so 1 xere ses n pronunciation of diffl- I j as p. en o cult words he indicated at bottom (or as the successor of Gen. von Stein, expeditionary force. exclusive of tit(, pages. ic) There should be suit- head of the German War Ministry, those taken by the Arabs. have risen .3 THE P able preparatory questions on each has been appointed to that post, ac- to more than 75,000. It Is estimated CLUBBINC RATES lesson as in high school reader. (1, cording to a despatch received here that of the entire strength of the 11 There should be a grenter numhvr (if from Berlin. Turkish fourth, seventh and eighth "WITH THE STAR selections from the Bible -some tir Germania, of Berlin, foreshadows armies not more than 17,000 have which may be used ror rilf,morlZilt lilt). the resignatilon of two leading Ger- escaped, this figure including 4,000 'M Star anti Toronto Daily Globe ......... .. $5 25 e) Prose seleetlons for reading not it) man commanding generals as the re- effective rifles, Daily Mail and Edipire ....... 5 25 be long. f) The selectinn,4 to contain suit of the appointment of Gen. von "Many of the prisoners captured, Montreal Paraily Iferald anti only good English. g, Helpte all se- Scheuch as Minister of War. were In a lamentable state of ex - Weekly Star .................. 2 65 IPXtIonA In which the moral tPaehIng The German newspapers probably haustion. Thez are receiving such Weekly Sun (Toranto) .......... 2 40 is doubtful. refers to Gen. Ludendorff and Field treatindrit and attention its is pos. specials at 9. 1. to Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 2. That the teachers or tile primary Marshal von Hindenburg, who re- sible." 44 " Toronto Daily World ........... 5 25 (ItYlsions In Goderich school,;, together cently have lost much of their popu- " to Tervinte Daily News ............. 4 30 with the school inspector, Import 411sr- larity in Germany. Beginning of Revolution. go to Fariner's Advoute .............. 500 gestions re tile seqpiu; book. first book The CoitantryGentleinas ......... 3 25 anti the primer. Bomb Impervious to Water. GEWEVA, Oct. 15. -A gra-ve move- Lon&a Dailli Advertiser ....... 5 00 3. That the golden rule books be ment of unrest Is reported at Con McEwen S to Lesollao Daily Free Prom ....... 5 00 used partly- as supplementary rpa'ding PARIS, Oct. 15. —The newly-dis- stantinople of such magnitude that 9. to 111606- al Weekly Willam ...... 2 90 In the rural schools. covered incendiary. bomb which the certain quarters call it the beginning Id 44 Warla Wiltle, Renewal ......... 4 25 The following was also presented Germans use to burn villages. sets of a revolution directed against the 9. 1. Prabyterils alad Westatinsta. 3 30 and adopted : Moved by .1. P. Houle houses on Bret much more quickly, Young Turks. i Men's Overellil and Smocks at old 91 96 1 it isilir .............. 2 90 and seeonded by J. if. Johnston that while water throyfn on the flames The movement had Its Inception Pt Ices. S. ed sit y Ni t (Toroato) ...... 4 25 the teachers of West Huron Inspec-'otfly helps to feed them. Freach ex- after Gen. Allenby's victories In Pal- Men's heavy Underwear, Me 'a garift .............. 2 75 forate now in session would memorla_ - perts are actively engaged in trying estine and Bulgarla's surrender, and B j Men'to heavy fleece -lined Under - (T to) ........ 2 25 fize the Minister of Education, express- , to find some means of extinguishing during the last few,days has rapidly wear. cents's 110M Compafti" Ing their appreciation of the substan- Ores caused by these new bombs, increased In scope. Men's medium weight Vnderwear (Now York) ................... 3 25 tial reductirm In priop that has been which are so light that it Is said one at 75c per garment. T6 Satarday Evening Paid .... 3 25 made under the recent system of text airplane if; able to carry 2n of them. Heavy Furthquake Shocks. blen's heavy Soctics, 3 pairs for 5 1 The "as' Rom jomal .... 3 50 hook- preparation but regretting that) VICTORIA, B.C. Oct. 15.—F. N. M013* % cotton Gloven. for fall, I sc, flincludiriF Post"M to Canadian Subsoriberil.) this good feature of the Educatj( 11 Germans Fam Leaving Coast. 20c. 23c a pair� The Casailisis Ceitatryman Ina I Dennison of the Observatory at Gon- (Weddy) ..................... 2 00 Ilepartment's Management fr. being an- I LONDON, Oct. 16.—Latest Allied zales Hill reports that beginning at Boys' fleece -lined Underwear. nolre.d by tile too frequent replacement reconnalssances Bbow that the Ger- BoyFi' Sweatero. I The Youth** Companies ........ 3 75 0 f an autholltzed text by a ne,,N hook 7.16 o'clock yesterday morning and Boys' heavy ribbed Stockingm. ............... 4 00 MADa have nothing of a military na- lasting for five hours severe earth- it and more particularly by a revised ture afloat and nothing In the air quake shocks were recorded on the BOYRI MlttR. Scisatific American ............. 4 73 edition with gitch ruiroor corrections along the Flemish coast. The Ger- seismograph at the station. He esti- Bove' Braces. to Cosolopillillas Magazine ... .. 3 00 , jfcCIffa,8 Nagajas ............ 3 00 as to makr practicall) no material mans are now engaged In bloekihg mates the distance at 3,700 miles. See our Flannelette I'llanketm Anwitan Homes and Garjess . hange In tile old edition anti asking the harbors of Ostend and Zee- before you buv. Thev are a (Misithty) ..................... 4 50 P that the schools (or Ito, pro%ince t)#. brugge. good quality and pricet; right. To subscribers in given until Oct. 1,,.t to ha%e tile use of JLry a can N McFwen*fi own the United Stat;es the old text book, when heing replaep,j Baking Powder. large tin 23c. eents addition to ail above, tD, Pay by a new brick, sanctioned by rpRolu- Five Gertnan Cities Bombed. Try a lb. of 3 x Oleornirtizarint- .Postage. tion or the school boird 2 that whoro LONDON, Oct. 15. — British avla- when butterigge%re.e. Nothing I Any combination of the &)love publi- only a revised edition if A school b,,(,h- tore Thursday night bombed railways better. 000 alky be had with The Star, for is to be. introcinceil. carr)ing ant, at Mesteres. Metz. Sablons and Thion- OURT Try a lb. of our Hhort-ening, Se a rninor changes, tile scitooi shot 11 (1 h' ville and airdromes at Freacaty and lb. cheaper than lard. tW Star &Q Daily Mail litail Empire .... $5 93 Permitted to 1114e suriA oId hook as long Morhange, according to the statement We have a nice as4gortm en I for IU P&NgT 1111MUM-65 Ifts $1.50) 1. IS as It ig required b) m. "tudPrits at issued by the Air Ministry. putting In boxen for OverReas, ,-A __ ready pnsqesqjng n ropy. Metz Sablonal was attacked Friday. T6 T" lPapatc .................. -.$6 40 Dr. 1�ilcox , discussed %tandard 1-1 - Remittances by Postal Note or Ex forriublie, sehool putills. lip explaillo(I Toronto Board of Health has or- eir JA =I 101r6m Order at our risk. Address that now there or#, Qcaivs; by vkhieb dered closed all schools to release ft"i "d 111111111111111t I REWEN VANATTER & NAPTEL pupils In sipeffing, In writing, �lrawing. doctors, nurses and teachers (who Arpon"W" vagests. a Sj; reading. earrill)OSitlon. etc. can be ab- re. quallfleci V.A.D.'s) to attend In- 11111111111110tis is PIw$LJ6%p South side Sq are PubUillers The r, soluttlly graded it,; it. thei� %tandina In Iffluoriza cases. Twi�nt�-five health de. 66 M.I.01111111 ON" VAIMMIS P'Orkl W,.,Writ Ltren­ %in V 71 . Goderich, Ont. comparison with pupiliq of any other partment nursk's kre &H. 111-1 — 4 I Now on IF- DEIX�L RW sil� ii��p Wdia, in Khaki Fm*4i*AW r 90 CENT3 FOR 10-WM DOUVX-0111111=11A - Mammy*& Chocolate Soldier Madan Harris VAen You Sons "Hush-w-hye Baby to Me , Steding Trio r 90 CMFC�R 1)0-INCH1 Sit W isatippi Miss I I Min that M thatAialles a Sterling Trio 184% I*m Always Chasm�lka' C !n bows has. arns RED SEAL RECORDS The L" Chord Gluck.Zim6ali.n 88593 ;1 Love's Garden of Roseti John McCormack (A787 C LA Ronde des Lutins (Violin) Heilletz 74570 To C the Got en Haute WA Flying Feet -.nwhinx "n &ttmist beda thop $1.50 FOR I 2 -INCH. DOUBLE-NDED Oriental -Fox Trot Joe. C. Smith*s 0. '45676 Dodola-Waltz ]a& C. Sn-Ath's 0. Hear them at any "His j - Master's Voice" dealer Via-]. up 39kituld on ow aw- MIMI*, 11, de4:1 rite for his P .1 U, 6,0 , mmic I li.4ing.verm, namerovasce I" Recutdio. Berliner Gram -o -phone Company. MONTREAL umrrw Lenoir Street "His Maister's Voice" Goderich Dealers JAS. F. THOMPSON J. H. LAUDER Don't Forget N There are no otheral You cannot purchaw Victrollas or 'His Ma*eA VoicC Records at any but our authorized dealers, 0 1 Remember—There are no others! Mr C, E. If-wriing. (11.,tri 1--er agent, 1,11lon slatitill, 1"iroll Children Cry - FOR FLETCHER'S I C A S -r 0 R I A I M " i �, AiJ