HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-18, Page 3N
2190 #1EAN It I
D 1Z.0 Lr ^,nin SO TM___U_,AX0M
"a "Ulm 11014;
A mwls on foot, to rewsat!* ttle, p*0 to 8t, PAUN
ilol*r� ow"e, 0,q4s04 'N"d 014101,11, #)a %WXIU0cAUYr, AM. lo� r4p-art ow followt
vtl lm Ittit
W00$041 AAX rate for IM Will Ile V Vath tDir Irguvrile $N, .0, N� priefti onI ow $. A."To *0
sk gtk �e I
!*vubas"* M"i iiii - Mills �Iln the% dollu. (0) , Its. R. Hermon. of TIV V=
toikiil I 00aw Alxb.- TAW. ;117
'WM �ratl� bas been 4#0 T.',To 4 00001, 1
"X dw 044 *4144, in Mr. ninto -mlin. Re cora—
inspector for the dj�jrjet. Oct, OV% 124
lit 121% 1124L
Nov, 12.4, 331,
111 1114 114
a 44 th,�W* is Mich is owt;l er for Mr. Nv� J. Statham 3144 familly, of 4ye- D%t. III
0 ti,_ . Q% L
r�hls ter, hafj a. :,peculiar experience on (ii
Zacre farro In Stephen., to, IN
to 9040" tI* WOW from the, �nafinw P. *4'"� rteent They Nwrq In London Oct, 67 il 0%
- *44 who 44*4 ot not wwjmw
,AP Pbr JCCOP T00y 4W� it t4as
#0 U*AW itck and AWOL in. tha,.h�j�,
TAU it intalrOARY *4
04 14094' or, 411090111,
voiirpe 4W4 7
death took place at Victoria Hospital,
I ws, iiw W Owl, of WN6
wqood ajmqAt , 0"r, my Out 1bi*_. I
4.44, WAVY
bu t with. no
A Mend ladvilmd, �Nottlt% U,
ut say oumd. me P"
B" V4,nuA?tUrVd only by"The
Lard -
Oct- ---- 2ft. 3 a 24,60 26.31) 2C.So
$oV . 05 2;;,j$
PILVITA11", �Olfeopml.
dliia"AeA' Acw-7chrOnle and nervous-
,Orilero, Par; do4theo.s. qe ��r, nose
&PA throtit, Adonolds reinQvea I out
140 RaIrv. Gposultation tree. Ince �anq
real4ince, 1`1013011 8111d ' St. Andre *13 sets
buk or Tomperande null, North treet..
Ofte. hours- 9 to t2 a. in., t to 6 111
4%15, t Thu days an Satu
VNVOOD d a A sy s:
S y appV
HAR ES OARROW. Barrister, Solicitor,
Corner Nort.. street and Square.
h, Ont. It
. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public t
and,duaveyalleel. I
Office Court House, Goderich.
R.'a; -HAYS 'Phone ft
Bzrrlste�,_ S011ett'01', Tiotary Public Etc. a
Offlee Hamilton St. 6lerlinir Bank Block a
60clekell t
Rea) Estate, Loans, Insurance d
veyancing sod Nutary Public
_ 0
Barrister.,, Solicitors, Notaries Pub,
4% Etc.
Mee- -On the Square �nd door rrbm t
Hamilton street. Coderivii.
Private funds to lotio, st-lowest rates.
J. L. KILLORAN, if. 1' D. COOKE. -o
am, has been awqrded a military med-
Live 9tock and 0:,neral Auctioneer
str t. Godericb.
Sales made everywhere and all efforts
made to Five yousatisraction.
Filginers 'Sale notes discounted.
F CLARK, V. 5., graduate of
JA -F tb Ontario Veterinary Coll ege, Tor*
I respectruny call iiie attention of
a to my approved ruethod of a
g oil horses' tef-In. A fresh sup.
or veterinary medicine alwags on a
,ii%And. office and stables -Newgate street,
Warm and Isolated Property Insured.
Value or property Insured up to January,,
1010 ?3 O -Is nn 'to
OPI`169K�-�Iaties Conolly, President, J
�Godertch; Jas. Evans, Vice -President, 13
beechwood: T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Sea -
DIRECTORS -D. F. NIcaregor. Seaforth; K
Winthrop ;
Jjival�e�r%eve Win. Wrin, Con- M
go McCartney, Tuckersmith
John Ferris, Harlock: John Bennewlse'
nroadbagan : Alalco I%IcEwan, Bruceneld.'
AOENTS-J . W. 'loderich ; Sandy
Leitch, Clinton ; won. miesney, Searorth ; 10
;E. Hinchley, Searorth.
Policy Illolders can pay their assessments Is
at R. H. Cutt's Store, i0oderlen A. J. Mor- 1;
, C StQi
r Sh'S 'p.. Clinton'. . or . J.. 1", H
fil's, EAy
Shoe Repairing
On Fast Street Opposite Knot Church
lie Ross Taylor Mill, Exeter, on Tues-
of the town solicitor, Mr. W. Brydone
for to -"y.
Broom Bros,
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embaliners
Mrs. Emma Yellow, rellcl, of the late
corporation to act as. warehouseman-
000; market fairly active on good hogs.
Orders carefully attended io
honjas Yellow, died. at her residence
at all hours—night or day.
Turkey Obliged to Make Peace.
n the Thames road on Tuesday. Oct.
*trr, IlAssold I* AQw
Mr. Jlts� A ft,'Wey
4 visit And their var was stolen and
It adto. return horge with friead-,�.
1) TA%
, o% 64 FIT
the transport Otranto In the north
death took place at Victoria Hospital,
fArM on bit 12lit titt''E"t
W4WW.k1,1iJjh fa, xftim_ h0t. �IuNybrmey
The next day'll he vae %Vas tot Ut
Ind abo
six mite,% frorai thp ejt.y�
Nov. St.f? 4"if
London, Oct. 4th, of Hissett, of
Alto 1. 8, x9trsy" U40ber at"; Reasall,
A "lost dbtreks!as and f4tall aceldent
occkkrred In NVI 49hikin. vlelotty recent-
Lard -
Oct- ---- 2ft. 3 a 24,60 26.31) 2C.So
$oV . 05 2;;,j$
London, formerl", r -Exeter---
per cwt.. with heavy supplies M
1145 lot her biother, who was� resjdLIn.$
at Dvada$, The reM4108 Wero 01790$Pt
ly, %vhgn Nk. jpliv, 11ayd ea. of tile
11011004rY West, A49 erwAied between
ii.4'412410014 A820
C9_nt_on,__0_ddfeIIows gathered at their
hall to bid goodbye to Rev. NIP. Robin-
ported- I
The outlook to for no better thail
The Otraitio after the collision was
dashed to plece4 on the rocks off the
to velas"411 for Interment.
jlls�_engllle And, Se*atOr White wakini;
on, past Grand Chaplain of Ontario,
sho Is
a tatcady price at the decline. There
on ft
4)k, Madden, managial, of� it* Molsons,
a coupling, Ito passed ax
m a, few
0AITm M.
loan of 372 American soldiers.
tence,'at the rlpe age of 84 years.
134ak Ill BrliOefield� lilt moVillg 10 ClIn
later. lie was in S, !year.
Three hundred and one men were
)AIWIts ot
church presented Mrsl. Robinson with
a madeira cloth and napkin at tile
ton, owlaig to the fa�t Wt
got a house In that village.
�Irs.Wm. Slime. a %yell�-knowa resi-
Mr. , Nvn,. Fuson, or Winnipeg.
former welli-knoN.vIl �esjd.eut of Exeter,
TORONTO, Oct. 16. — With about
am, has been awqrded a military med-
Guild tea, as a slight tolkell of appreela-
but, generally speaking. with a fair
which made an attempt to rescue in
passed aw4y, For mauy yetrs lie.
I fqr dlstlngui�hed service on tile bat-
lefl6ld. -9
tion of her work Ili tile Guild.
clean up trade was slow and easier.
the terriho gale when the Kashmir,
dent of Brtissels toea, lity, passed away
Conducted a boot and shoe and harness
4,000 head of iq^ ttle on sale at tit
The Iamb market was bout steady,
another vessel In the convoy with
Got. Ath. at the home of her c ft. J.
Slime, V. S., Monkton, at the advanced
business in Exeter. Ito leaves Id..j wi-
dow, seven children, twenty-four grand
Union Stock Yards y6steritay there
Was a fair dernand for all steers with
the Otranto, rammed the Otranto
agiet. of 83 years,
childiten and four great grandclilldren.
weight and quality, together with
Mr. E., Treble' sustained a nasty gash
N50 for storage of tile Weber liquor
Mr. and Mrs. T. rd. Henderson and
family. who hav's been L. "idding at
Sir 11lavid �0allasvtIly passed taway at.
Winjilam QerlOat 'HoVHal 'Monday
ckg1ce butcher belfers, but for all
mthier q1tikeses the demand w" wtax,
cross the forehead, �eye arld cheek,
in tile town haH rot- the past two
White Bear. $ask.� for some years, have
.1t- A 1, Ili?; -11 A
morning of Is-'!; 4W—kit"Ife- game %Vhea
with a tendency to lower prices. The
Peace news made e trade for atee
Ti*vilaporf Was sifiliL.
A nritigh 110-1t not Ir —A I-
)�ears. In tills connection the Opinion
w-levise a boy with III$ Pili6llt�s from South and feeder a .0
� slow, and advices from numbor at American troops have been
again locating In this locality. Mountain. near�T�- IntrAton- to ti
_-HDAyIOk -Qth"bigU". oek-.— -- h- 4
U6iFveraT Wee341 ,
following 4 stroke of paralysis, the
�ncl settled
4 settled 011* t NO. 4. cOn. 115. HiA
wife predeceased him almost sh,
the effect that the cattle trade WSA
the transport Otranto In the north
death took place at Victoria Hospital,
ago. Four daughters sury
, "k,".
more or less demoralized, Chic"ItIt
sh6wing a deellne at from $1 to $2
channel between the Scottish and
Irish coasts In & collision w th the
London, Oct. 4th, of Hissett, of
London, formerl", r -Exeter---
On Tuesgay evening or last week tile
per cwt.. with heavy supplies M
steamer Kashmir.
Mr. James Found. a hilghly respected
C9_nt_on,__0_ddfeIIows gathered at their
hall to bid goodbye to Rev. NIP. Robin-
ported- I
The outlook to for no better thail
The Otraitio after the collision was
dashed to plece4 on the rocks off the
citizen of Wingham for tile past fill-
een, years, passed peacefully away on
on, past Grand Chaplain of Ontario,
sho Is
a tatcady price at the decline. There
south Scottish 1COSAt With a prbbabte
Monday evening, Oct. 7th, at his resi-
leaving for Toronto. on Mon-
arb large shipments of common cat-
loan of 372 American soldiers.
tence,'at the rlpe age of 84 years.
evening thq ladies of ;t. Paut's
tle Yet to come forWard. Locally the
Three hundred and one men were
Lance -Corp.' Fred, Templeman, Wing-
church presented Mrsl. Robinson with
a madeira cloth and napkin at tile
prospects are for lower prices. Good
heavy cattle probably held steady.
taken to Belfast by tlite British de -
str6yer Uounsy, the only vessel
am, has been awqrded a military med-
Guild tea, as a slight tolkell of appreela-
but, generally speaking. with a fair
which made an attempt to rescue in
I fqr dlstlngui�hed service on tile bat-
lefl6ld. -9
tion of her work Ili tile Guild.
clean up trade was slow and easier.
the terriho gale when the Kashmir,
He ha been twice wounded.
ie Is a ion of Mr. gind Mrs. Temple-
The Clinton town council has in.-
The Iamb market was bout steady,
another vessel In the convoy with
nan. Wingham.
structed tile clerk to render an account
with a run of 2100, Billing from
the Otranto, rammed the Otranto
to the. Ontario License Department for
15%c to 161tic; good. calves, 16%0
amidships, I
Mr. E., Treble' sustained a nasty gash
N50 for storage of tile Weber liquor
to 17%c; sheep ste4dy, god hap
Seventeenlomen were picked up
cross the forehead, �eye arld cheek,
in tile town haH rot- the past two
183/,Lc fed and watered and 173Aa
alive on the Scottish coast.
cross the f9rehead, eye anti pheek, at
)�ears. In tills connection the Opinion
f.o.b., with packers quoting 18 yd c fed
Of the 699 American soldiers on
lie Ross Taylor Mill, Exeter, on Tues-
of the town solicitor, Mr. W. Brydone
for to -"y.
board the Otranto 310 were landed.
vy morning last week by a belt which
was sought, who aovsed that, Ili his
Seventeen were rescued alive at Is-
opinion, it was -ultra vires" of tit(.
Chicago, Oct. 14.-HoUls-IRecelpta, 36.-
lay, leaving 3T2 upaccounted for.
Mrs. Emma Yellow, rellcl, of the late
corporation to act as. warehouseman-
000; market fairly active on good hogs.
honjas Yellow, died. at her residence
hence. Uiat it Ivas not Competent rot,
packing gradea dull. Butchers, $18.15 to
Turkey Obliged to Make Peace.
n the Thames road on Tuesday. Oct.
the to%�v to proceed against the goods
$18.60; light, $17.60 to $18.45; packing,
$16.75 to $18.- rough, $16.25 to $1676;
AMSTERDAM, Oct. 15.—The Brat
th, at We age of 68 years. The funeral
or against the owner, and tile only rp-
Pigs, good to choice, $15.50 to $16.50, ,
step taken by the new Turkish Cab-
ook Place on.Thursday of last week to
lief would seem to be by action fol,
Cattle-Recelpta. SO.000; better smiles
Inet, headed by Tewfik Pasha, says
he Exeter cemet6y.
tresPask against tile. i)erso*ns vdio in-
f natives and western steers fullY
a despatch from Vienna duder date
Mr. Thos. Kan-
Vaded tile rights of tht-curporation by
soteady: others slow; butcher cattle e k
to 26c lower; calves 250 to 5., loww:,.
of -Sunday to the Weser Zeitung, was
as, a former resident on the farm now
Putting the whI.%key on the proulise.4.
Beef cattle: Good, choice and prime, #14.zb
to despatch a note to Austria-Hun-
wneo by Mr. Jas. Gould, 3rd conces-
He however recommend d that the
to $19.25; common and medlum, 26 to
$1425 Butcher stock: Cows and tifem
gary to the effect that owing to the
ion of Hay -township, died Sept. 20th
matter be referred if) the () ntarlo Li-
$6i5 io $13.25,,canners and cutters, $676
military situation Turkey was oblig-
n his 94th year. In 1870 he sold his
vense Department �xltlj a request for
to' $6.75. Stockers apd feeders: 6��
ed to conclude a separate peace with
rin and uJoVed to hansas.
choice and fancy, $10.25 to $13.25-, In-
the Entente.
ferior, common and medium, $7 to $10.26.
Veal calves, good and choice, $16 to
$16.50: western mnge beef steers. $1325
The Central Powers requested Tur-
key to &wait the result of the ex -
__ _ -1 -------
W. H. TEACHERS school. Much of the matter of this in-
tensely interesting alld inst uctite ad-
to $17.45: cows and heifers, $8 to $12.b().
change of notes with President Wil -
dress was new. to, the majority of t4.e-
Continued from 2.
Sheep and lambs -Receipts. 80.000.
market slow; mostly 25c lower, narrovw
son, but no reply so far has been
received from Turkey.
page teachers Present an(I many Inquiries
demand for feeding and breeding stock.
Lambs: Choice and $16,50 to
were, asked of the lechirer who answer-
3 '
vening sessions of yesterday were ed thent to the satisfaction of all
prime, $16-
medium and good. $13.60 to $15,50; culls'.
The Germano -Turkish exodus from
ead and approved. Ile. ,Mcox reeorknuended espeelAlly a
$8 to $12.25. Ewes: Choice and prime, $10
to $10.25: medium and good, $8.75 to $10.
Bulgaria has been greatly accelerated
during the past few days.
The auditors' report showing a bal- book by Daniel starch, entitled eoln-
culls, $3.90 to $7.
nee of $84.58 oil hand was received cational measinenients.
The military government at Can-
not adopted. lt is needlest, it) say Dr, Silcox waNe
East Buffalo, Oct, 14.--Cattle-Ro"
ton, China, has issued k fortuall do-
claration of war against Hsu Shih-
election of officers resulted In three. splendid affilre,fses that wore cpj
ie election of the roiiowing: Pres., tainily appreciated by the teachers
ceipts, 6000; 25c to 50c lower* prime
steers, $17.50 to $18; shJppl�g steers.
Chang "for having acciepted an elec -
R. Redmond, Beigrave; vice pres sent
$16,50 to $17; butchers, $11.50 to �15.50;
LLQP to the Presidency from a bogus
Iss M. L. Coleman, Varna; see. treas:: 1'� e r(- were about 13.5 teachers, this
yearings. $12.75 to $16; heifers, $10 to
$12.510; cows. $4 to ;12; bulls, $7.25 to
Plai Cament.11
H. Johnston, Kippen; Ist council making almost a record atten4lanev.
$11.50; stockets and feeders, $7 to $10.60;
iss Vosper, Exeter. 2nd councillor, Hearty %(otes or thanks were passed
fresh cows and springers, $65 to $145.
is� Laird, Dashwood, 3rd councillor, thanking tile 6oderich School Board for
Calves -Receipts, 1600; 50c lower; $7 to
Mawson, Exeter; auditors, J. H. the use of their beautiful school. the
12.800; 25c lowert
ohnston. Goderich, R. Stonehouse, Goderiell teachers for their trouble
heavy. mixed and yorkers, $18.75� light
Iln-hably tit(, best hunling distriet8
elgrave;_ resolution, 0. S. Howard taken in securing boarding houses for
yorkers and pigs, $18,25; roughs, $16.25;
stags. $12 to $14.
in ltuierlva are located in the High-
ashwood, W. McKay Hensall, Miss visiting teachers. the retiring otlicers
Sheep and lambs --Receipts 7000-
lantis (if "lltR110 und that section of
insmiln Exeter, Mr. Ross Dungannon, of last year, to all those taking Purl. Ili
steady, lambs. $tO to $17.25: y6arllniW.
Lilt- Province opened up by the Trans-
Iss McLaughlin Lucknow, Miss E. M. last evening's entertainment, and Ili,.
$7 to $13; wethers. sit to $11�50; ewes.
continental Rallway. Tills Immense
111111lis Auburn: Mr, Toni, Goderich. Silcox for his Able assistance.
$4 to $10; mixed sheep, $10,50 to $11.
%irgin area orrers unlimited opportunk
The report of the. teachers' reading The singing of file National Anthi-iii
tiv-4 It, the hunter rot, rimoso and deer.
mrse committee guggested Lilt- rot- brought a ve"N' suceessful'ineeting to) a
Ready to Quit?
The open senson for tile Highlands of
wing books to be man ny ail teachers. close.
LONDON, Oct. 15.—Austria-Hun-
linlario distriet Is front Notember Ist
I, History Manual. 2, 1 volurne of
hronicles or Canada 3, Kingsley'.,; IF YOUR. CHILD IS, CROSS,
gary and Turkey have informed Ger-
tit November lath, both days Inchisi%e.
In otme �pf the Nortl�eru (114triets, of
yportia. , ,
many,that, they,wiU, accept. President
, ,
The. report %vas reretved and adopted, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED
Wilson's peace terms, according to a lintill-io,
Intkiding Temislouning.
tile territory
Tt i P. resolution committee recent-
despatch to the Central News from
anti north it'lill ."[lilt
Ilw Ganadlan .6overnmentliallway Ill
ended that all the eesolutions passed
Amsterdam. 10r
Turkey has made a definite peace
Ontario, the Open q.,ason Ili A be,,n ex -
0. E. A. with Uie exeeption of Look Motherl If tongue Is coat
o. 7. which retate.- ?o Lher . F e cl,
proposal to President Wilson, accord-
t -:n+ -d and is ront oWtotier ISI, No -
public cleanse little bowels with "Call-
hool course in grammar. be ad o rKed
ing to reports in circulation here.
\ . � days, A
I this association. I fornia Syrup of Figs."
A rumor was circulated on the
of the ganio nms Iq rontain,d
They alst- revoinmentled that the
Paris Bourse yesterday afternoon
' thp G. T, It.
ur''Ituds" Pull iliforluntilln ,n
ount of grainniar to he tatig I
11 Motbers can rest easy after
that Constantinople had been declar-
ed -under martial law. Ottoman
.a tn'll to) agents (,ran(] Trunk lioiiv�,o
oulol girinF
bo inrreasetj rather, than (h- "California 6yrup of Fin"
inished, I , b tLq -it
a few hours the
values jumped three and four points.
Turkish securities were in demand
The. report was a,mptea, all clogg - - ste.
MI'- M-KaY for the e4irurvittol, on sour bile and fermcntiu� food gently
and there was much trading In them.
e revision of the evaders rtevoninien- m"ves Out Of tlWlagivei
.; a'nd you have
--WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.—Propos-
d lilt, Following. which wt,re adopted: a ivell, playful Child again.
als of peace on the part of Turkey,
1. a T[wre shoiflol be a lip%%- fourth Sick children needn't be 'coaxed to
reported in London despatches, had
ok anti a n#,w third hook designed take ibis harmless "fruit laxative.),
not been'received in Washington to-
PrialiN ror teaching oral reading. 9 Mil:ion% of mothers keep it handy be-
day. State Department officials ex-
he Used for both rea(flng and liter- cause -they know its action -on Vhe 4orn-
presse d deep interest In the reported
tire, tit(- hook should be to two parts. ach, liver and bowels is prompt d sure -
move by the Turkish Gcvernment,
it) contain the s#�le(�Iions for Ask your druggist for a bottle of
but stated positively that no pra�
iffing ant] Part 11, the selections rot, -,Califo' " which Con-
rnia, Syrup of Fies,
posals had reached them.
erattjrf�. j)) The books should he tains directions for babies, children of
taller than tit(- present Ill. anti I V. all ages and for grown-ups.
Only 4,000 Escaped.
aders., ib) Sonie Introductory page�;
Ow principles of reading, with ex-
LONDON. Oct. 15.—A supplemen-
Ples from the I -ssons, Exit Will, Chiefs.
should he
tary official Wai- Office report regard
d as in the higit school reader, AMSTERDAM, Oct. 15. — Lt. -Gen.
Ing Syrian operations reads:
I I Scheuch who recehtl w 6 #
"Prisoners taken by the Egynytian
it so 1 xere ses n pronunciation of diffl- I j as p. en o
cult words he indicated at bottom (or as the successor of Gen. von Stein, expeditionary force. exclusive of
tit(, pages. ic) There should be suit- head of the German War Ministry, those taken by the Arabs. have risen .3 THE P
able preparatory questions on each has been appointed to that post, ac- to more than 75,000. It Is estimated
CLUBBINC RATES lesson as in high school reader. (1, cording to a despatch received here that of the entire strength of the
11 There should be a grenter numhvr (if from Berlin. Turkish fourth, seventh and eighth
"WITH THE STAR selections from the Bible -some tir Germania, of Berlin, foreshadows armies not more than 17,000 have
which may be used ror rilf,morlZilt lilt). the resignatilon of two leading Ger- escaped, this figure including 4,000
'M Star anti Toronto Daily Globe ......... .. $5 25 e) Prose seleetlons for reading not it) man commanding generals as the re- effective rifles,
Daily Mail and Edipire ....... 5 25 be long. f) The selectinn,4 to contain suit of the appointment of Gen. von "Many of the prisoners captured,
Montreal Paraily Iferald anti only good English. g, Helpte all se- Scheuch as Minister of War. were In a lamentable state of ex -
Weekly Star .................. 2 65 IPXtIonA In which the moral tPaehIng The German newspapers probably haustion. Thez are receiving such
Weekly Sun (Toranto) .......... 2 40 is doubtful. refers to Gen. Ludendorff and Field treatindrit and attention its is pos. specials at
9. 1. to Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 2. That the teachers or tile primary Marshal von Hindenburg, who re- sible."
44 " Toronto Daily World ........... 5 25 (ItYlsions In Goderich school,;, together cently have lost much of their popu-
" to Tervinte Daily News ............. 4 30 with the school inspector, Import 411sr- larity in Germany. Beginning of Revolution.
go to Fariner's Advoute .............. 500 gestions re tile seqpiu; book. first book
The CoitantryGentleinas ......... 3 25 anti the primer. Bomb Impervious to Water. GEWEVA, Oct. 15. -A gra-ve move-
Lon&a Dailli Advertiser ....... 5 00 3. That the golden rule books be ment of unrest Is reported at Con McEwen S
to Lesollao Daily Free Prom ....... 5 00 used partly- as supplementary rpa'ding PARIS, Oct. 15. —The newly-dis- stantinople of such magnitude that
9. to 111606- al Weekly Willam ...... 2 90 In the rural schools. covered incendiary. bomb which the certain quarters call it the beginning
Id 44 Warla Wiltle, Renewal ......... 4 25 The following was also presented Germans use to burn villages. sets of a revolution directed against the
9. 1. Prabyterils alad Westatinsta. 3 30 and adopted : Moved by .1. P. Houle houses on Bret much more quickly, Young Turks. i Men's Overellil and Smocks at old
91 96 1 it isilir .............. 2 90 and seeonded by J. if. Johnston that while water throyfn on the flames The movement had Its Inception Pt Ices.
S. ed sit y Ni t (Toroato) ...... 4 25 the teachers of West Huron Inspec-'otfly helps to feed them. Freach ex- after Gen. Allenby's victories In Pal- Men's heavy Underwear,
Me 'a garift .............. 2 75 forate now in session would memorla_ - perts are actively engaged in trying estine and Bulgarla's surrender, and
B j Men'to heavy fleece -lined Under -
(T to) ........ 2 25 fize the Minister of Education, express- , to find some means of extinguishing during the last few,days has rapidly wear.
cents's 110M Compafti" Ing their appreciation of the substan- Ores caused by these new bombs, increased In scope. Men's medium weight Vnderwear
(Now York) ................... 3 25 tial reductirm In priop that has been which are so light that it Is said one at 75c per garment.
T6 Satarday Evening Paid .... 3 25 made under the recent system of text airplane if; able to carry 2n of them. Heavy Furthquake Shocks. blen's heavy Soctics, 3 pairs for 5 1
The "as' Rom jomal .... 3 50 hook- preparation but regretting that) VICTORIA, B.C. Oct. 15.—F. N. M013* % cotton Gloven. for fall, I sc,
flincludiriF Post"M to Canadian Subsoriberil.) this good feature of the Educatj( 11 Germans Fam Leaving Coast. 20c. 23c a pair�
The Casailisis Ceitatryman Ina I Dennison of the Observatory at Gon-
(Weddy) ..................... 2 00 Ilepartment's Management fr. being an- I LONDON, Oct. 16.—Latest Allied zales Hill reports that beginning at Boys' fleece -lined Underwear.
nolre.d by tile too frequent replacement reconnalssances Bbow that the Ger- BoyFi' Sweatero.
I The Youth** Companies ........ 3 75 0 f an autholltzed text by a ne,,N hook 7.16 o'clock yesterday morning and Boys' heavy ribbed Stockingm.
............... 4 00 MADa have nothing of a military na- lasting for five hours severe earth- it
and more particularly by a revised ture afloat and nothing In the air quake shocks were recorded on the BOYRI MlttR.
Scisatific American ............. 4 73 edition with gitch ruiroor corrections along the Flemish coast. The Ger- seismograph at the station. He esti- Bove' Braces.
to Cosolopillillas Magazine ... .. 3 00
, jfcCIffa,8 Nagajas ............ 3 00 as to makr practicall) no material mans are now engaged In bloekihg mates the distance at 3,700 miles. See our Flannelette I'llanketm
Anwitan Homes and Garjess . hange In tile old edition anti asking the harbors of Ostend and Zee- before you buv. Thev are a
(Misithty) ..................... 4 50 P that the schools (or Ito, pro%ince t)#. brugge. good quality and pricet; right.
To subscribers in given until Oct. 1,,.t to ha%e tile use of JLry a can N McFwen*fi own
the United Stat;es the old text book, when heing replaep,j Baking Powder. large tin 23c.
eents addition to ail above, tD, Pay by a new brick, sanctioned by rpRolu- Five Gertnan Cities Bombed. Try a lb. of 3 x Oleornirtizarint-
tion or the school boird 2 that whoro LONDON, Oct. 15. — British avla- when butterigge%re.e. Nothing I
Any combination of the &)love publi- only a revised edition if A school b,,(,h- tore Thursday night bombed railways better.
000 alky be had with The Star, for is to be. introcinceil. carr)ing ant, at Mesteres. Metz. Sablons and Thion- OURT Try a lb. of our Hhort-ening, Se a
rninor changes, tile scitooi shot 11 (1 h' ville and airdromes at Freacaty and lb. cheaper than lard.
tW Star &Q Daily Mail litail Empire .... $5 93 Permitted to 1114e suriA oId hook as long Morhange, according to the statement We have a nice as4gortm en I for
IU P&NgT 1111MUM-65 Ifts $1.50) 1. IS as It ig required b) m. "tudPrits at issued by the Air Ministry. putting In boxen for OverReas,
,-A __ ready pnsqesqjng n ropy. Metz Sablonal was attacked Friday.
T6 T" lPapatc .................. -.$6 40 Dr. 1�ilcox , discussed %tandard 1-1 -
Remittances by Postal Note or Ex forriublie, sehool putills. lip explaillo(I Toronto Board of Health has or- eir
101r6m Order at our risk. Address that now there or#, Qcaivs; by vkhieb dered closed all schools to release ft"i "d 111111111111111t I REWEN
VANATTER & NAPTEL pupils In sipeffing, In writing, �lrawing. doctors, nurses and teachers (who Arpon"W" vagests. a
Sj; reading. earrill)OSitlon. etc. can be ab- re. quallfleci V.A.D.'s) to attend In- 11111111111110tis is PIw$LJ6%p South side Sq are
PubUillers The r,
soluttlly graded it,; it. thei� %tandina In Iffluoriza cases. Twi�nt�-five health de. 66 M.I.01111111 ON" VAIMMIS P'Orkl W,.,Writ Ltren %in V 71 .
Goderich, Ont. comparison with pupiliq of any other partment nursk's kre &H. 111-1 —
Now on
DEIX�L RW sil� ii��p
Wdia, in Khaki Fm*4i*AW
90 CENT3 FOR 10-WM DOUVX-0111111=11A -
Mammy*& Chocolate Soldier
Madan Harris
VAen You Sons "Hush-w-hye
Baby to Me , Steding Trio
90 CMFC�R 1)0-INCH1
Sit W
isatippi Miss I
I Min that M
thatAialles a
Sterling Trio 184%
I*m Always Chasm�lka'
C !n
bows has. arns
The L" Chord
Gluck.Zim6ali.n 88593 ;1
Love's Garden of Roseti
John McCormack (A787
LA Ronde des Lutins
(Violin) Heilletz 74570
To C the Got en Haute WA
Flying Feet
-.nwhinx "n &ttmist beda thop
Oriental -Fox Trot
Joe. C. Smith*s 0. '45676
]a& C. Sn-Ath's 0.
Hear them at any "His j -
Master's Voice" dealer
Via-]. up 39kituld on ow aw-
MIMI*, 11, de4:1 rite for his
.1 U, 6,0 , mmic I
li.4ing.verm, namerovasce I"
Berliner Gram -o -phone Company.
Lenoir Street
"His Maister's Voice" Goderich Dealers
Don't Forget
There are no otheral You cannot purchaw Victrollas or 'His Ma*eA VoicC
Records at any but our authorized dealers, 0 1
Remember—There are no others!
Mr C, E. If-wriing. (11.,tri
1--er agent, 1,11lon slatitill, 1"iroll Children Cry -
I C A S -r 0 R I A
" i
�, AiJ