The Goderich Star, 1918-10-11, Page 5it -It
Tho WE f
(9,r rmivx� VbAt W111,0LA "449Y 49 vitelll,
atem iffig Impsir'la eAlt toe ' mulgoomf fimiil
tb* jvo��e_ot Is'pOlcm d
911an a day la
�Jjwwwly, cut aft?
:Don't trust to tbc for it I
b'T OP4xiling a $oflviap, Agwituat lu this 237
B=V. litirierest fallowed at ewrent rates,
Penslar %ite Pm*e and
0"M WINMot M". I
F. woomcomm' El Spruce Bilsam
be passed and executed accordingly; JAS. A. CAMPBELL, Phm.8-
THE TOWN COUNCIL that the cord wood being cut li� von -
tract be measured by the cioer it po-
Taxes Coming fit Well -Time for 1DIs- lice arid Messrs. McAllister arld Brind-
coolmots Extended ley'lie paid for full ainount vu and 'PHONE 90
1---- , Itim7,of "Ji, . - I I ... __ -1 - __ - . : 1. -
tew-M-to -be re "Per -
Councillor Cooke was the only mem- hristoplivi- John -
agreement; that M r. C
ber of the town council aDsent frOP ston be requested to see ifiat ji�) town "Goderich Huron's Golden Gate'
the regular meeting on Friday evening wood is removed I'voin his ii,,ilierty
last. .1 vvithout permission.
The tax collector reported that he This was adopted.
had paid the treasurer 124,000 of this Several trees about tli\%n nial hould The hylavi, c4,11til-tiiing the sale of G. C.* 1. SPORTS
yt-,81.,s taxes, whilp itup to the same date he cut down were reforrv-1 t,, tho pro- property adjoining tile Wheel Rigs to
last year only $2,31f](11 was paid it'. Dur- per authorities. the National ('oI- o0, "its WINNERS� IN ANNUAL FIELD DAY LAST
Ing September he bad paid to the treas- The Deputy Ree\e nwotii-iwd thL rettli three tinles and pasetl all( if, FRIDAY
urer $550 (if 1916 taxes, If`350 uf 1917 drinking fountain at ill,- \\i-�t st * eor- courich adjw 'lled. I
taxes and $2,600 of 0118 taxes. 'a total ner fit the Square. 'whivit \Na, leaking Girls'Events.
of $3,800, and. -,illve Oct. I.,t, *21,400, a arld needed repairing The i-figiriecir
total for Sept. and the first Ike days of (of tile water arill lig7l, v-jitiiiassion Is DUNGANNON FAIR SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Ev
October of $25,200, in addition. to which too be aAed to ha\v till., alt"TI'lod to. 100 yards race - Elsie Levy, -
he had about $1,000 on - G , jean McEwan.
'land Councillor Robertsmi ;t�k,tl why the co itw:_ rroi,t pair- 1, elyn o t orpe,
The collector recommended *that thk. street lights oil the S(loitri, vvere not Chestnut race -Elsie Levy, Evelyn
-t vVill tolilhalt-, on Ilias ,, ot.)(6, Goldthorpe. jean McEwan.
time for allowing the 1! per vent. tfiN-Itullned on earlier Mill H F'Irps
count he extended to Ott. 115th and he made it) have till, diaw (:o incillor Miss Nit*,,. It, M,11walne. Threelegged race-- Jean I E v -
there ,vas some discussion' oil thi�, the Robertson also asl,,,,( \\h� ill," lights 1, lb,ctio,ol ladit-' �\-wk, lot to,wv Will elyn Goldthoipe� Mary V�MeebtowlitelitErke
if leaving it tol put fit at the M � I I Tufford; Elsie Levy, Jessie Lev�
Mayor being in favor r . tile council asked to, ha\ IA. i n Mc -
tile discretbin of the tax vollector-to'Harbur Park had ii,.t hi.,o put in. Relay race- (I)CIaire Hays, i
allow tire discount where he thought ']'his was referri-d fit Ill,- water and ,Ju44, Ewan. Alice McEwan, Emma Sx Rita
advisable, rather than the council ex- light unit harbor voinnittto.e. (I thers, 11,11M.: All"I's Levy, Evelyn Goldthorpe. (2) Mary
tending the time. A motion by Coun-i Councillor Wilson a.,I,--d about the Painting oll atIll, \Ivs. Webb, Hazel Young, Edna Driver
cillors Wilson andi Wallis to extenditlovilt flag, \\hither it v\a� half -masted Mrs. Blake. Ila , intilig oll I'Mieski Helen Howard, Jes ie Levy. Elsie Lev�.
the time tip to wlihich the 2 per cent. fill' eNeVY town b,,N. matitig the su- R. Mellwain. Painting (in I ting Throwing and catching ball -Evelyn
di count would he allowed to Oct. 16th, prenie sacrifice lw aily -r,,,, some, and cloth, �\Iiss \I. I,i\jllgtoll� mrs. K. mc- Goldthorpe, Helen Gait; Alice McEwan,
insorder to allow nien whose pay day \\ois told that the \\11.1. \\it, caught on 11NVaill. G()liection of )it paintings. six jeanMcEwan; Jessie Levy, Elsie Levy.
came on the 15th to pay up their taxes the pulley at the till) ,r tilO flag pole Pleces (only, Nlis,, M. Li\ingston; Mrs. Throw ng basket ball -Isabel Foster,
and still receive the discount, and to which accounted flit- the 11, , g not bein� it. S. How ric: Mrs. H. Nfelk-ill. G011"t- Rita Levy, Mary Webb.
tion of water colojr.,, 6 pit , Oes (1111Y, \loss Runnink broad jump -Evelyn Gold -
extend the time for the I per cent. (Its- flooNvit lately. Ni. Livingston: \It's. R. NI'llwain; Mrs. thorpe, Elsie Levy, jean McEwan.
count to Nov. i6th, was, carried un- Councillor Wilsim Al�,, mentioned the Howrie. colleetion of pencil drawings, Graceful walking- Emma Wallace,
animously. la( -k of any smmol if n-joicing (not a ittiliss M. Li%ingston: Mrs. k. MVIIIXlill, �Evelyn Goldthorpe, Jean McEwan.
The chief of police reported his whistle or it hvll lit t,.\\ii -when Bul- Collection (if crayon arawinKs, Mrs. NI.
measurement of the wooal cut, split garia surri-odert-d. he thought, Livingstone. coilevtion of per) and ink Senior champion- vel n Goldthorpe.
and piled at \It*. Ch ris.'Joh ns ton's bush we should not bv h.:1111il snialler plac- sketching,,, Mrs. R. Mell\%ttill: Mrs. JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP.
as 24"4 cords. This was laid on'the Ps in ill(, inatter (if eck-brating when Howrie. Colleetion or flowers painted 50 yards race -Katherine Hays, Mamie
table, as tile report (if tne public works specialty good Ill,\\,, came from the (in glass, M. Livingstiln; Mrs. It, Smith, Alice Nairn, Beat rice Tufford *
committee deals v�ffli the lliatter. \x ar. Mellwain. Golleeth)n (if fruit painted Chestnut race -Beatrice Tufford,
Mr. Jno. W. Yeo complained of in- Courivillor Wallis i,!,(,d how the on glass, 1diss M, Lking�'ton; Mrs. IA. Katherine Hays, Alice Nairn.
come tax of $8, which he believed was town honor roll %\;i� progressing and %fellvi,ain. Collection of animals paint- Three-legged race -Alice Nairn, Harriet
ed on glass, Miss N1. Livingston; \,Ir,. Porter; GladysGinn, Dorco , thy Marshall;
Dot legally asses -able against him. The the clerk gave till, iii.-ormation that R 1,1,liwain. PaInting,01i china Jos
matter was referred to tile finance rkew iianws vvere h, -mg added' con- N I , (,()jjee_ Worthy Black. Norma McDonald.
.itiliolIKII. Mrs. J. S. i0`1vr'e ice Nairn, Harriet
committee to look Into. tinually. The Iliought the roll tion of autumn biaNi.s, \jiss 1'. c, Drean- Relay race -(I) G At
A letter soliciting the raising of funds should be coinpleted ;ind hung up be- ey; Mrs. K: McLeod. (;,)jjvetion of cab- Porter, Gladys inn, Gladys Murray.
wa received from the Canadian Ser- fore the present comwil went Out of inetware, Won. Sprow. Specimen of Dorothy Marshall, Helen Gait. (2)
s pen - gii'l under V) Katherine Hays, Marie Weiss, Mamie
bian Relief Committee anti referred to office. manship by boy (11 ice Tufford,
the finance committee. The repair (if f,n,,- at Saitford Hill years (if ago, Chas. Brown: Jarob Reid, Smith, Agnes Smith, Beatr
A letter from the Natlional Shipbuild- Was rpi'vrrvil it) Ill,, public works coin- Judges -Mrs. St,,Adnlarl, %it's. MeNabb. Dorothy Bichan. atching ball -Edna
ing Go. undertaking to move fence and initteo, the Iii -eve Wqntioning Throwing and a
erect between their own property and trial a portion it it �%.As (town. Thp coinvert given in tho hall in tile Driver, Emma Snell; Alice Nairn, Rar-
the Wheel Rigs properLy when their Chairman St,-r� iiwntioned that the, evening \Na, of the listial higi) stan- riet Porter; Beatrice Tufford, Mary
boiler shop was complete(], not later market vlork \\mild probably be able (lard maintained by the Agricultural So- Webb.
'than April 1919, was received anti filed. to res"1114, (hit) oll Monday. viety. The Luviii'low lailies' quartptte Running broad jump-Katht rine Hays,
A request for information for the Councillor Ri,bert�,in raised the ques- OPenell tile ")rIvert v,*iLh "Rule, Bri- Worthy Black, Alice Nairn.
Central Appeal Judge umn,r the N11ii- tion why sit inaw useless (logs were tannia" renderool in a pleasing niannor. Graceful walking - Worthy Black,
tary Servic'O'Act its to nature, etc., of albo\od to g(, 11111;19i'fid in view of tile The ladies t)f the (Vlarl,Ptle p(issoss vi-ry Helen Howard, Katherine Hays.
Mr. Geo. Beacom's employment was re- vry for of food and for flne \oi(�,,., wbich Montt \ery nicely Throwing basket ball -Dorothy Bichan,
ferred to committee to deal with. Peollunly. if,, Ihmight these dogs together. Mrs. Reid_of Lucknow, art- Olive Allen, Katherine Hays.
The finance committee recoommended should be gilt aft,r. ed as their avoompanist, Mr. Raymond Junior championship won by Kath -
tile payment of a number of accounts: This matter i, alr,;ady covered by by- Redmond, violillist, Of Nl,,'vstIjebj. is no erine Hays.
recommended that the Water and Light la ill see. stranger to it Dungannon audienvo, it- In the game of captain ball the teams
w anti fit(, p,djc,, no doubt, w ,
Commission be paid one-half of J9181somelhing j., flww, Untagged dogs are fit, has vontribnted to the so('it�Ws were as- follows: Blues
town water account for hydrants, street liable to be doistr,)�ed and the o)wner or ctirts for. ,,everal suveesshe years fit Reds
sprinkling, etc, amounted to $1.82A.98; harborer to. prosecution. lit(-. rvo-ent pilst. [fill sClertij)rls vvtq�v Isabel Foster Captain Helen Howard
t was well nmidered, the "Mintiet in G" fri,not Jean MacF*an Basemen Marion Lee
that the Water shod Light Commission Councillor Wallis asked wha Isabel McKenzie Gladys Ginn
be paid the sum,; of $369.76 and $890.63 being doile it, to tile municipal milk Beetho%(in, twing if especial ment.ion. Alice MacEWaD Guards Eileen iviunnings
on 1914 and J915 water arid electric depot \Nhich had been proposed earlier Mr. Will .1. Spence, of Toronto, who "p-
light arrears respectiveiy; that flip, Col- in t1w seairi �i, t ineans of reducing peared for till. first thiii, at Dungall- Emma Wallace k- Alice Nairn
legiate Institute Board be paid the tile cost of inilk, and the Mayor said non, pro\(,(l his worth as a coniodian Evelyn Goldthorpe Helen Galt
sum of $1,000 on 1918 levy; that the the chairman (if the special committee and entertainvi-, appearing in costumes Claire Hays Fielder Porter
treasurer's statement ror the month of was looking inhi the matter very thor- fit a Notried prograrn (it songs and rfici- Score -Reds 9, Blues 7.
August as audited be fflpij-, that the oughly and %Nmild shortly have some- tations. His selecLions-were heartily. Roys' Events
1917 county war tax of iti 4V.60 with thing of \ahiv it) offer. applauded by ill(-, audience, which he SENIOR.
interest be paid; that the 'renewal" of, The NV,,st :41)ore material having now cheerfully responded if). All the ar- Running broad jump -Willie Thomp-
been all dispi,sed of, the right of way lists genvrously responded after every son, 16 ft. 10 in.; D. MacDiarmid, tin
Mr. Campliell's bond for 00400 as tu I
collector, be accepted. being all that was left, the Mayor number to encores. Nliss Howson, of 0 ft. 9 in.; Leonard Macklin, 5 ft. 5
The committee reported that the thought it row, -ting of the municipah- Auburn, acted as accompanist for Mr. in. 11r..
Bank of Montreal had given the town ties stimild bo field shortly to arrange Redmond and 'Mr. Sroencp in all ac- Hop, step and jump -W. Thompson,
estment ceptabb, niannx;r. Mr. it. S. Bailey, 34 ft. 10 in.; L. Macklin, 33 ft. 4 in.
an additional credit of $t,ZoW for local as in (bspo,,;4,I of the funds, Inv . or the Sterling Bank, Dun- J. Donaldson, 30 ft. 9 in.
improvement sewer work, making a bri.bon(k or itherwise. manager , Standing broad jump -L. Macklin
total credit for sewer work of $9,000: Till, Wator and Light Commission are Fannon, . ang a solo and rvsponded to
that the Separate School Board bad,lo be asled for a reduction on the an encore. The door receipts for the 8 ft. 3in.; EricWilson,t8 it.; D. M,ac.
been paid W on their 1918 levy; that cost if tr-It lighting. As there Is conoert amounted to over $200, Mr. Diarmid, 7 ft. I I in.
the National Shipbuilding Co. had paid more poNNiii, being used continually the Win. Bailbi, president of the Agricul- Standing high jump -D, MacDiarmid,
to the town the sum of $1291.66 being town should get the benefit of a re- tural SoefMy acteii as chairman for the 3 ft- 10 in.; E. Wilson, W. Thompson.
payment due on the Paget plant Sept. duced rate, the. Mayor thought. even i ng. Putting shot -J. Donaldson, 29 ft. 6
18th, 1918, together with interest to that The clork intimated that the Hydro in.; L. Macklin, 28 ft. 10 in.; D.
I Revive the Jaded Condblion-WI-opri MacDiarmid, 25 ft. 10 in.
date; that the treasurer had received auditor had given reason to believe 11. flags and the cares of business Running high jump- L. Macklin, 4 ft.
a cheque for $69.76 from fhe Provincial reduction would be made. energy
Treasurer as the town's share of the knothpi, matter His Worship brought. become irksome; when the whole sys- 7 in.; D. MacDiarmid, E. Wilson.
, r ,, e work tem is out of sorts and there is general Pole vault -E. Wilson.
Provincial Railway Tax after deduct- ip as as to the department th
- by tho town at the fair grounds depre-Asion, try Parmelee's Vegetable 100 yards dash -J. Donaldson, 12 sec.;
ing ch&Tges against the town for main- donf .4. They will rpgiiiate the action of D. MacDiarmid, H. Clutton.
tenance of town patients in asylums: �hoiibl be oharged. He did not think it Pill, -D. Macfliarmid,
that all arrears of sinking fund pay- fair float this should De charged to a derangold stoniach and it disordered 220 yards race
reduce liver, and make you feel like a new 28 1-2 sec.; J, Donaldson, H.- Clutton.
ments to Dec. 31st had been made. pliblie vvorks department to n. No one need suffer it (lay fri,in Half -mile race -D. MacDiarmid, 2.46;
The report was adopted. that o,nimittee's appropriation, as it n1a, I ,file 11. Clutton, J. Donaldson.
debilltoxOd digestion when so s r
Tile public works committee report- wa, omry in the natilre of a grant. fferti%e a pill can be got a t any Senior champion --D. MacDiarmld.
ed as follows : This expenditure will be separated in anti e 17 points.
In the matter of sole of portion Of the liTlanCial statement. drug store. INTERMEDIATE.
land of the Wheel Rigs site with a 1*bf. iweputy Reeve asked what was Running broad jump -Hector Mc -
frontage of 200 ft. on Oxford St. for being dime as to celebration of Fire childreil Cry Leod, - 15 ft. 2 1-2 in. ; Ed. Priodham. 14
the sum of $250, we herewith submit Prt-iiition Day and was Informed that ft. 10 in.: Lionel iMacklin,'14 ft. 2 in.
bylaw and conveyance prepared by lit-, thii,, %%it.; left to the chairman of the FOR FLETCHER'S Hop, step and jump -Hector McLeod.
solicitor and we recommend that they,11ri, i-foromittee. CASTOR I A 33 ft. 5 in.; E. Pridham, 32 ft. 7 in,;
__7 Earl Westbrook. 30 ft. 2 in.
Standing broad jump -L. Macklin, 7
ft. 11 in.; E. Pridham, 7 ft. 10 in.;
H. McLeod, 7 ft. 3 in.
Will Standing high jump -W. McDonald,
"'Over the Top' 3 ft. 7 1-2 in.; h Pridham, Ii. Mc.
Putting shot -L. Macklin, 24 ft.; E.
be at the Model Theatre Pridliam. 23 ft. I in., E. Westbrook.
T -,H 20 ft. 10 in.
I $ fop two days only, Wed- Running high jump - E. Pridham, 4 ft.
""With 6 in.; Bert Megaw, 14. McLeod.
Pole vault -H. McLeod, 6 ft. gin.,
tW nesday and Thursdayq Frank Washington, E. Pridham.
100 yards dash - E. Pridham, 12 1 4
Oct. 16 and 17. The sec.; H. McLegd. L. Macklin.
Will 220 yards race -L. Macklin, 2s 3-4
ZMPE"Y sec.; H. McLeod. E. Pridham.
Goderich Orchestra Half -mile trace- L. Macklin, 2 min. 56
(Himself) sec.; H. McLeod.
be there both nights. Intermediate champion -H. McLeod
SWported bY and E. Pridbarn (tie), 18 points.
There will be just one JUNICIRL
Running broad jump --Willie Weir,
Vis Meredith and James Morrison 12 ft. 3 in.; Fred Fidler, 11 ft. 10 in..
performance each night Harold Murray, I I ft. 7 in.
go, I Hop. step and jump -F. Fidler, 29 ft..
,%qTAU_AP11"S MARVELOUS commencing,at 2 -W. Wc-r. V ft. L-Jrx.; J. Gsr-o-, ?Ali -
Running high jump -F. Fidler, 3 ft. 10
PHOTOPLAY OF EMPETS in.; J. Garrow, H. Murray.
sharp. The price for 100 yards d4sh-Jas. Ryan, F. Fidler;
WORLD-FAMOUS H. Murray arid W. Weir (tie�.
0% a this attraction Quarter -mile race -Jas. yan. I min
BOOK 24 1-4 w-; F. Fidler. Geo. Bowra.
junior champion -Fred Fidler. 12
Adults, - 50C. Sack race - Harold Murray, Geo.
Children, . 25c. I e race - , ac arrm If -
&on Curry.
The form Championship pennant wa,;
'DEL 1;
THEATRE This Theatre is idisin- won by form If. with a total of 70 poinfixt.
oi; 0 11) ERICH The %%(irmq that irxfovt children fr,,ffi
fected daily. Itheir birth ar,- if 1%%f. ixoiritK thoo- that
find lodg-porrient in the stomach aild
OCT. 16'and 17 thfose that are Iff-on,11 In the Intputinp,
The la ter are the rrinqt degfrijelis, . to
MOEELTHEATRE I thpi. r1lint? to the waliq of the int-
!thavm anti If nr-t ril-rferpol %%ilh w,,rlt
ONE PERFORMANCE DAILV AT 8 O'CLOCK broor there, %Ii� -r*a Worm Pnvidem
dJolod_" to,,tih it iA% prin (riej
Hu "Scotch stol_u"
Octobep 0' Ping. at the
Fall and Winter stocksin all departments are now at their best
we have the largest stocks we have ever shown and shopping here Is a
real pleasure as you are sure of gitting just what you desire either for
personal wear or for the furnishing of the home.
Many new arrivals In our Coat Departinent this week In very
natty styles that are entliely different to any we have already shown
this season, they come in rich quality Velours some are, lourtri-mmed--
so . me I have deep tringe and are Oriced from- $35.00 to $60.00
, Most attractive Coats designed of Saults famed I I P1 ush" Ponytex,
,,Baby Lamb" both In plain and fur trimmed styles handsomely lined
Infancy brocaded repps. Varying in price from $3,7.5o to$6,5.00
Special Values in Wool New Neckwear for Thanks -
Blankets giving .
These are the days to procure your Everybody wants to b ave New Neck.
supply of Wool Blankets wbich are wear for the holiday we bave just
very sc,trce goods and will be almost received a sbipment of the nattiest
impossl'ile to get later as the demand sty)es we have ever showu in all the
seasou's newest sbapes from 25c to
is mucl, grcater than the supply. $2,50.
Wbi�,: Uniou Blankets with just New Gloves New Gloves
enough cotton in them to keep them
from sbrinkin in piuk or blue border Complete stock of Perrius Kid Gloves
from $7.35 tO LS.00 per pair. all colors all sizes $2.5o per pair.
Kayser Ch auivisette Gloves the ideal
Sweater Coats for Men Women Fall and Winter Gloves in white, black,
and Children grey, niasti,- $1 25 per pair.
Get your new sweater coat from our Special Showing of Knitting
large stock of Monarch knit, Penm4ns Yarn
and Dr. Jaeger makes. Monarch Slietland Floss the most
Woman's Monarch Knit all wool popular yarti for knitting sweater coats
Sweater Coat large sailor collar and shawls baby's wear etc. Done up in
sash in colors of nile and melou, melon i oz. balls which saves all troutilfe of
and black, gold and black, purple and windlug,. in rich colors of white, copen.,
gold, black and white. Special $10.00 cadet, purple, rose, old rose, orainge,
each. uile, roseda, mauve, torquise, paddy,
Men's Penmans Hesery 'knit Sweater black, strawberry 39c ball. t)
Coats roll military or V Deck in colors Our 3 Bee double knitting heavy
of uavy, maroon, grey, khaki from sweater Yarn in colors of khaki, rose,
grey, copen., piddy, 60C 2 oz., skeiu
$3 . 95 to $7.5o. $4.75 per 1b.
Boys and Girls Sweater Coats and Instruction booklet for knitting ioc
pullovers in all sizes. and i5c each.
'Phone and Mail Orders a Specialty.
'Phone 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56
g them from the sYstPI0 serve to
pair tho damage they have caused,
a Specials at Walkep's
Store No. I
Pepe are handy little %ablets
which provide the newest. sureoilt i only Congoleum Rug, 3X4 yods., $14-00
and most scientific torestornent
for coughs, colds and throst and Oiliclotb, 6oc per yard
cbedt troubles. if you have a
cough of a cold, why dose your Linoleum, $i.00 per yard
stomach with liquid preparationsi I only Velvet Rug, 3X4 yds , $4.1-0()
Your stomach is not allibing I PePs
provide a better WaY. I only Brussels Rug, 3XV4 yds., $27.0()
You put a "Pep" on your tongue
io real g(x)d Vnion Rugs $6-75, 57-75, $8-75, $9
and let It dissolve slowly. Am It
doca so, certain heoldtolif essencelit Library Tables, fumed oak, range in price from
it contains turn Into v9por, and
yop breathe this medic:::,O v0por $9 So tO $28,IDO, 1.9 to choose from:
direct to your lungs and air pas- Kitcben Cabinet $rS.00
sixties. on its vvu�, it bathes the
delicate memboorst'es thoroughly
In its lo'ehlin ingiredients. kills
thl, ol.e"liq dis.., iie. curef; the 1 only Chosterifield Suit $208.00
cli,iie vour cough and ends the RIEGVLAR $275.00
t9 I',, n t -door tore-,cancilt Extra Special
,.t- is n.)w old ... med dozen Select Comforters, old prices. Save
, -,: " " 2
I ;, coal and buy a Comforter at Walker's price.
ro fo�l 5", : C It-l-rit f", r,
an A I and
tile on,y raOuillill zonite toreatmem.'
Store No. 2
A )1her Vireat advolintare In Pcpq
it rc friliti (,it -
I um. r :I.- r otticor 1, )son, M Is full to the doors with the Oest assortment of China,
t:,lis #:.c best an( =Cut Glass, F"lat Ware, Novelties, etc., there 11,4 no=
ii,liest orc, e,- for children'to = . =
Laugne anJ colots. =better choice to be found- in (;oderich and pnices in=
p. rg c., �rooh. coilighs. bron- niany ca-�es nearly half. A call will convince you.
i. ro,,,s tile ch,,:. difficulty We have several pieces of furniture taken in ex-
it, r i;ht oicitigh. hoaror- change and very'low prices.
nl-,q, n-W�rnool, Iiiiii;ynattie, olor"Oker's
Ill r0a I. etc. We do picture framing neatly and promptly.
AL -N We have several,ufwd phoncgraphs for saic t j. kk��
e-uza!s" en'd stores 44;11
Pe ps to I t,tic. a box or 3 for $1.25.
lu exchange for other makes.
F11.1-EiI TRIAL Special I only Heintzman & Co. Piano was
(lot out this article, write formerly $6orx) will sell for $125 if taken at once.
across It the name of this Paper:
and mail It to Pcvq (.0.
Dupont Street. 'I oronto.
41) spot I'd
K4 enclosing I cent starnp Will -.wfi for Wookly Store Nowic Something
11fur return pirr4tage. A every week
ree r a p
will be malled
on by return.
17- _4A Walker
3=_ -FIM11111111111
The Fueniture Man
Often the Cheapest But Surely Always the Beat
Reiddence Ilbone 197. Store Phone g9,
Free Auto Delivery, any diritance. Not with a alrotach, bolt vvith 3 QtT)Jlp.
'6" )
il I
" q1tillill