HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-04, Page 71k I mo� .", p � - -1, �� I �111 WAtor 4* 1910 1 ,. 11 1. — I 11-1 ... ---111,- : .. . I ­­ � ­ 11.1 ­ 111. 1. ,A�.;;.:4;4�, I - ---­�—���lte,-M"P-W.;�_­W,�, I . 111RUIR GODBRICH STAR. � i !!! , AV�Am�" - ... t. ----111.�_ .110 III "''.., I . . __--._'..._1- ... M-111'"'' �l.,,.,iill�:,,,,""�!1"1,i,�! __ , � I I I ­ .. " ..­,­­­ "', 0', . � ,. ; I r1_-1____"______1_111Ar I i _101 , I 91 � 11,111i I 1 MR.- I ... 1, I , ., , 14 I* " . ­ . W � I 11 11 I I - I I 71 � - .I , . .1 . I . , , , _ :�= 000"lli ot mosollillif 1"Wt 111, � - � � .64� �11 I �1� . 11 � .ii��� "Mi- ,� 4, , i �, oo��, � , _`, *-, I . . . . . . , . "" , , - . " ­.. . 111wo . 4&*'*;-", Itir-ale alowt it lkqat s,vit-tolitrol. 1. I I 1, � ­: !.! . I � I . 1; I . � � : ! . - .1 I 11 , , i _ 1011-01:! , ! !-, , . " donlan hostiltles against Bulgaria, '7��, I -1 . I I -1 ­ �. *!,!g.--1! ...... ,� . ", r ..! I . I � I I - � �_. . . I . . I I �.� CUUUMMA , - offensive began on the 8th of Angus k, ,. t total 25.6'00,.which, considering the is operating with the Allies on the Murman coast In Northern Rus- ,�gw 0 I to Xing roiw S.erolao 0,0"ratitilAu'uslitim 9* MO. vwem-sue- � . 11A- at"y 41katiad; 01CA11bVIV are to. " . ; NF41 W$ �� Id"N w4a Other ov TNT4RU ST and that it in no way affects Mace- donlan hostilties -1 I I Ill I I - ­ .1,11, , lf�'_, .11 : 11 � I t, - 4 �- _ Z , ii.,: I ­ -, I . I '117 ^ W", "�. BAD "of" 00 tho g*jrb troops JA, ulice. . 1'r��ji A"Jillo. - � . 044 havo Bruit -AX4 AV* A ve ,$-SCSS Wa0Y ,1344011d1d r I ; , v*bq rillifilittly I'lek 1 � I . � Vcharzteteristios but I FROU BURY , .1 �� so. If C.Ontrol. NN"e, lihuult� havo S,nit-'irilu� "'. � , perate, that no One vall ­., I , ,.\\ .,;Ile can survive Another I I , , , J�� , Asisis.wL_Iiiis, I , I 1 � :1 1, 1. I . - -, . . -1, .. � I irp . realle their MV0.ors, eoe. ,two. go . RA(k - a , $ -1-tL -ff- -v- �� �� t, . �, t? -.1 akif(Ifitic's'ar utl�atfit fheivneo. natte ' . .six in:airli, tor so (If warfare. Her allies ar� Iwginning 11 I , . - . I . ,- I ,_1!11 *mi# S""Wy 09 W*d(. I I ,. � ,up, - trlf* s.xiii, ig,wIlA A. otitto of war. , 0- I 11, .1 , ' U. J L, , , t tie vm cred w L -crewt-A)II, 8;X iwritual , 04 1114 Our f0reNth(Ts baJ. ilmr- NGAANNON [' ',,.-I IN to find out that she is (11'1­I,,,d . I - I _k . I I I � I I 0 I � � t, 11 I A. 1. I I olough '49 Nrmst 4444rMlou 11"'� b"A =&". , , _" I , � I-Ijuly o4roklUVAN attitude was out a's , I U - " ..�� -ilmning winter, Is there going to be a bye -election in and when they fa 11 out tile Friti,tito powers 'will 'I'll(, Field Marshal von Mackensen is rFported to be htirv� Ing German divi- I . I . 1. 11 -- I I . .� I I I - � I I � � -4 '! , I .� mix'o. wtobstra, zo� , , , ,*,. (w, - ".,t"� . � , . - e , . 4� "Awut a YW —, X W4 t" '04 Very N . I � , , . 1 I If Vill* sknAouncod,14 ottshwa that �, wAgQn .it" c9lutic to Cifi*4 f6m, tbo V41toa statoo, )ou# "00 14 174'10� . 11-h r- % ellpat, 110yormec In all things is . I -ref'Riqex mur"o viv I � � A, :" Ov4sary 1U.."(3trWitio lift), Patience U., U,j@X,,j4AX1r j �� I. . . I A Plied stvad(MIA(Iss. in our rel for, I � t- 1016wt0u, r,,_,_,,,_W.A.;�"_-",,W_- North Huron? That is a query on get their thies. ..fid (of the war is considerably nearer thiin it was 1. " 2 a I .� � I I , � I I I I , 1�1 - - ; 'I, '', Ifibor 'W "I . Amb, floe ^�, e�'week witk di., heife, I , .1 . , - - . .� lt�,Wvx so W., *,amg; d4q* lmquld 44;�4 - , arm.y., 'Thiovaet 'OrItti, thq, '04444144 , , 1,�eung)1fit", ot.apply to 4oe*,A them. our Through thwa _�� or rs'-,'�",�_�� " , MVS�1- -Psw"S111,114 2 j tr-lble,alod $UIPES we must develop a . ' rl.%t In the A c regions, *h)Aher he . �Li""""" I ,� two months ago bill %%v 11 IA,l not be - I I I , * 4q 10 linij, ittwork, , I took t*o or th* . I I I . - I :: - � ' ANottortilit kind# . _ � , it VITO 7*40 In Mia Q41hollp Reform- ' I DUNGANNON"S , "'./I!, � �. 1, . S. .Att6ruey-General Gregory �_ 'Ifina announc6d that unnaturalized went at the head of the Ognadian exploring expedition,is still in Door cond story on the ilev, ,t-.,kdfaS4 .)f purpos2o and aiways bit "' filitill , jp!io, t block b4i coming aloll", spivildidiv and I'Mt . T"" ` elat �00& 311 0111110111blitances. Broth- come oNer-confident. \\*,, 11111-t eQn- �� , - `1 ,,- jA " Alit Q= *4 , of, pagfIt �Pt.4r. � . . cinel, ]ilut jf,ls� I A. I . I �, I I � As" ,io­k 4; .4, — , *Wr�"W,A* the oeA . tonc,o, hondgf!l out , . I health. He has gone to Seattle to. matter. Dr. is calmly nwaiting any eventuality. If there Is .� � in a felv days the brichvItirli vIill if.. -il� klitidpess- fratert,,L�t Whall a . __­. I- ­­ . - t , '�, 11 . . . % I i . . � # " I . I � . ! � I I I I � . I I .1 '! .l � I I ! I ,,I I I � �. � . ,I , , I �� � 1. I . I , I ,� � �� 1. 0 1- . 1, � , . � � L : , , I , : , I 11 � . I . I I I � - , I , I I . 1, " . .. � ., � , , : I , - , � ,., ------ t�L.wl�__ 1. " I I 1.,. I � 11 ,It L I � , � , , . ,., t I � , I j ,% .. " -, � , �,�, . _ , _. . 7�`.� _­`* � I . tl�,'4 1: I , , . ­ I . . � . , 7 1 A : I :,� ,�� Iq - I . ,� . � , 1 , . . . I - I � ',�, , �. � , . . , . I I i I �, . 44" � �, I" e.f I u t I � I i. .� I I K I , t, � ,� 1) . . , 14 4 1 _1L Ili_ , . : - _­ � - __f� . - ­ � 11 ., 1,�, I :, � "i , , , , , , �". , r I . I t � ,,, � , , I I I ` � 1, . t � � I , . . '14 �� I I �'; 1� , : I � I . . � , � .11 11: lr��, , I , �,� I 4, . , �i,A �;, 11 � �­� I I. . . .- ­,;�4 . ­ . , 11 ­ '. I I I h.. � ,�,��, . , � I 1� .:1 I . ,,, , t "A I . . I !, � � I � I : ,��. � �., � I I I . � 11 � � . I � I . � � I " . 11 ,, . . I I I . I A I 11 4 11 , V*Q For, �V Q4 PR M_011114,rel.�.A D'y 441440 vauquet IQ trie, completed, Tile bull,titig vt Ill maj,v a I -1-lendid 411(i OW'dit Worio, tl � fraternal * or ! 116's" the doi wh0q 1 ex 11 "-Z I boy of 14 Yeliira w1lo."111214 theguititoi � . , Nly personal opinion of Zam-Buk is that - . V . mX fine, showfug 4"d without doubt it v,tit-vietleS. The Church st ould he tile . t . "0401AAsitienift � I " or 0, serlv�a ot costly Ilres, t4at durlas , Ile the illnest lipfilur!ss blot,h in th,.-Irraternal 0119anialtion- tile greatest .. III " , -W I krovvy of nothtr,,-, like it I Moving amongst I � �U. Put a hiiiftbott 1 4 pAt Now flapnees Sh ALR"., - I $6 of Dj-, the ." - suffaintor, myottaiII4 olornexB - . .. 11 ­ � Irowlipe'll, ... village. T. 0. All!nil. Jac4 Git-oll aloof brotherli.00d'in tile Niorld. But is it? ,.,O-PPprll-o aic% F,,t,op!c of my ,I-irV, I have proved it an 11 I , XXU*q 4 WO -41s bo" im 'hi.m. *14 011r.'e''AIM9, . I 9 � . I ; 4 ., I "I *V4#,a14A­y�ii;Ii �ko , , - 04V , Affills. Wilfrid VitrIgpy. for, some I - - I the other helpers know their business \\ I, mu.str haSe inure brotherly kindness aV,\,Iute fact t. -t for u:d w, finds. c,t,.. vezerna. and I , hu A44 7lifi woutt " well and are making a splendid j,ob ,if our liathe-lips. Charity "autt the sLin thseascs. Zam-Buk is rca"y marvellous." -Rev. A. **4ariyA16,0,.­­r,.� 1W1qf01-Wq4ptW I ara Minister or mulfid4p*l Aval-ra Call at McCLURE'S on Fair -atim i 11 I , - I _0 Ye t4ul'.,th'ill� art ,t of these Is Xtrity" what . i I .. �� .. %W lm.t*' I wAs, ouved; *44 4-fe JA Alberta and -Ju the r'eaeLiit'cb,;ilut0s and see his full new line of 8 Day The Units jabelled the K to be Charitable, kind, \ D. Nfitcl_L'OD. Hallurourt, N.U. . I 1, . L ­ 11 . ! *0mity" "ZIGivi, ,tb4 troub,�j' noytt Provintolal. $ecretoxy. h e- i b souvenir -hunters at the heginnium Of '"'ble tl!M It 1 11 11 ____ I I - , .,as r and Double Harness, Whips, Rup p tile war, f. -i -giving, tkaill generous. Al. tile evell- - 'n . . - _ I ,,,,.,J,D,r, ;F9Wj6es,,,),a" 1. jem 11,� * , , " I If they m0au the Ing Ker,Ij.(16 Rev,o.W. Craig,'the pastor, "I - ­ . * �sayib � , tbli =9 , , a A , lie I' "Out, \\t -l',- E",,rna was my trouble. 11 . .1 . " _ ,,f �..: - ?"Ifin' 'rev*9'* 10's Halters. Sweat PadA, !Tie Ropes, sna the h.Iuv hits the.v are right ft,r .-iw.. i . . q , A b"t LL 0 . = A e ;I "I . I - I . 1. .- . ove4o,flillor ", I I. . - business. Ito *111 still rotiiln, ,-\as pftfixont and the scripture letoson and I buttered for years. Tried ', � POP, I in the Legislature. ' a full assortment of Harness paro�a'; lit their livos. Those wil-tt ,.tlgv% t), \\ , . as reall by Rev. Mr. Steadman, Ap- practica4y everything, in wain I I I 11 ­ or. 00"WIler's 44,M-00 ,of wool'. , . . .�, I � also hind tile lines arki being filled to I,\.q.- "7 Z. "; 42' " , 7. tiorii�iflvot, ';, , , JFAWAyt . priatio fluitisic wax, ricadered by the choir .. " I 1. A Allow I Qr31*.TiO4(Tosm,ed!r, I I ' IIQ,vi g with FritA,,s and still ill,\ ..., ZzLirti-Illuk cured me; aad fruin 11 � � � , , op, n * � . en . 1 I ft '4'Q _ _The--Arat­-auow­--o1- -the a _ on, toll ' TRUNKS, SUITCASES -it both, tiervices. Ili the evening .%liss aled there has been no trace � I . .1 h-04 a. itecQr. if 79, Yom or OVA$ to � 9 Etc. come. Our boys are eertainly pla\jap the day the labit sure was lie. . I , , � " 11 I �r_ . ­ , , . _ 111.�� !-­I__�_A_X_�. * In d_____ - flazell AliguNtlue rendered In it _qiost . I iffere is not ,§9_R1hffl3k_A4L I - - - ut muyff a itie*Zw-aic.-�-J.- 1E.- ARS'P.14-AtIl.'r. J P. - -_ I . . . � . 1. � .--� �W_111T- - " 4. . . ­­ -----'--'-*-----'---Vincidentally making it Intere.,ting r. -j- kit'(10 able 'and 1) ed�sffiw'iiialiiier a solo A ,_�_,__ . -.��,;,Ipilpqf .`W, We � I ixtr � isv"-AWt41--4he-441uden"i%- -Hit,- .11,i . I I , I � 11- . . Ve ha\ e the Quality. 11 I ,�,�. ao "Oray I ed ;,0Vq,0 �. I weeteruPritsirle. I � I The walls (if WcZAu;tun. II.E.I. . . � � �Ll I ,; . I 1p� rem ,,On , I , eP,,Prjme � the occupant of It. 'notled. "Tho tioly city.- . ­ I � ''d 14t, U031,'$Ir Robert Bord . I _. � . � I , 7�_L_­, A, � , i oq­publio,,as�*,Sw� 1.11 9041114,0.4W - - .I iiter-., of -Canada.' has left Ottawa We have tiv Quantity. ,'. Wm. Rivers. of con. 2, West . tho interior have betin re -papered and Speaking prolroviotinally, I would " _. I., - I ; !, ,,,��,� - - � � . tor I . . I I .1 , 1, ,. , I 1 9,W ­� I 0 0 'Crilital)4fichol. 1ar a We hav4d the Price Just Right for the Wa\­- the "woodwork ro-\arnishvii and a to -, _ ­ --111 I . . � I . nothilr b - I 1' � ; ' �,`,� - .' L ikfP ,�jioenter�jrlqlllq . , oliday. I n,,h. has sold his 100-aere f C I . I "I . ,'. is , 11 . RrIg,*Qen. Erie McGuaig, Moutre4,1, Customer. � arfin I;, bright fresh appearance is the result, app!y Zolim-Buk lo all allies (it cc- . M f*o I 1, , It* morb" t hk 'Mi-aert. fit 't off, Thris. t�,Iltott had tile colitram. 'rhe striul, follurwil, abNo.ocisys and allit,4 � I , , - ' ' " 09,"" W44 unit, has been awarded a bar to his Distin- to Jas. Melifftyre. and is gi-t.Ing odiections rind free-will Orrerings ,ill � .. ­ -11 '��­ I �" 0'"=P1aint4A 441-19osene fi-jo ' , . - ­ We Solicit ymr Patronage. 75 . 1. - _ s., - I � d- Servt rder. - - 2L.'sistissislosissis' - -1 , � I.. ..� , . f. utsbe fite 0 111olpt"d lot Meet life 1-`i,tjojI1,4e proved Zarfellull, able it) cum the I ,� .1 tarming. Sale bills art- out aull(jull,,111* d . I 4001lic'"llill -W�et)= 6f 64kildren oraduJis, Survivors of broken Turkish -army '41,111day I i L 4. � I , t is, particularly good for ,thing were driven into the arms of the a clearing auction salt, it) lie jkt-Id ,A] incurred in making these and .oth.-I. w4x3t coloses."-NURSE KEITH, Olds, Alta. . � .�. �. " 1 7 ''. .? I W. H. M*cCLTJRE \ October i5th, Thos. Gundry to) I)v ill, improvements. - . . . � � .�? I t, ,- : . - 4 ,_� , ��. ,b -ieq te Arabs by .e victorious British. ,tand that ill., _�� .- __ " Give me Zarn- � .� , I , ,,� _ ,. ".,! . pb I A, W , , th "Everythh.- fcr thu Horse" I � auctioneer. We unders . � e� I,. :` ., ne:: � I Gen. Botha, who, recently has been c, Buk I It is the finest I - . `,�.'�. :' price of D I Rivers and family \\,lit shorti) llj,,\.� I ,�. , .. I . , Ir "Powler!a"! IS 850, Very ill, has been ordered to take 1, 8�_Ud h-tiown as Roberts' Office 110 . �� -.1 . I ' ' � to Lucknow. their forni,r piave (or I,,.,,. VON HERTLING RESIGNS. all - round healer .� I 1. ` ''-� ,� * botile, and 'e ;7;Wd warn yo special treatment and a le,nXth)r holl- 11M I I I _.­ - I 'I, I. w U against deurT, where lie will again r,,Alljj� ,o, I i . --.).1_.,,.,. Dlinr,trnnfri Tj 4pA­_ - known It cumi me O� , z . ­�; .1 . I I _. :L" 4-teeptirig any substitutel. Many. of. day- 0 blacksmithing busilles,,t. Their dejoill.l. German Chancellor Has Given Up His 11"Alsim 11 I ,ned liand, , 'r, � '111� . ., , .. .,:t'. ,�.­ these During the past few days there 1. ­ .. '­­ � , ., �, , ". � , , ., , — ure front Our community will he g".11 - 1�t. . �'� I ,.', , L_ -_ __ _� I , IV_vm ., . ­� 1. 11-t I I . 2y_�!.=Mlm '1� I , , hively 4angeroue, , and YOU are have been somewhat serious disturb- I Office. llIl1llll1006 my :1 ch.:drt-n of bad .: ", ., , . " WL posi , � I ... I I � . .'' -111- . — - - t� �i. 1-11, 1, " � " .1 � %okip y9ur -them , ­ P"r , ,:,!, � .,va., ,rally regretted and � . 4__Uf"&eaUtake A T�e anegs in Calcutta owing to Moham- " ''I ."le At, ., I,:,, e ille 'Xielf"'ll" LONrON, Oct. I. -The Kaiser has - _�­'� ­*­�­­_-- —,-. . . church here will lose splellijiol \N..rj,� ,,, 1. I " 771. .., " I u1ne A 7 -hr -The � I----- Rev. W. A. Siulth, a ro - irtnt.r scalp stores, and my % , -, , . " , _ ff..Majad ..", it I. -W (Jay,. . ^1 ... � -_ ,�� .actured-onj � medan- 111-teelifig. - - accepted the resignation of von -1 - ----. ,�. . lj.,�r_." �� I F. Milburn Co.. Unitted. T I oronto, onit. . He ':,i -\i,, in,loi-mi ioul %\;fe, df -\I,,t "'"I" Hertling �,6 Imperial Chancellor, bus,band of a badly crushed fingvr. No Ituakic shoulti be � � ,�'� %�, �.,� .11 '. 17. - The city of Frankfort was bombeo without it." -NIRS. VILLICR9, Sladacona Nol., Mmittreal. " : ­ I , 11 I I I I. I I ...1. , pot , ! .1 . 1.tl; ­ �, �� - 7 _�'_ � - � by the British airmen, who shot dowh I -,,[)(I,,,,, art, lik,me fur if it-\\ dd)s. pastor of till% AVO bolt IIAA\ llzt,�I­ �.r and has addressed the following to Zsn"ank IS Purely li-IL1,11, i"d 101 1`1- ­­. IIII.. bacts. I : --�,�i' ,"' 4" , ,,,.'�, 1� I I — one of the leading vinirows "I 1 ,tl- him: loalor*a wres, ulcer.. Anti all skin diti.tt.- And 'ajor"e. to u" best I ., _1 " . � � � 11�'�. �, - "'. � I live German machines that were de- � ­ , , iiy it 1. _, ,p,,,,t , r,,\ ,,,. ' .... . . . . . '�'"­. I 1. ,�,.-. "", 0 . " ''� 8 Kary. called (in lilt[ friends ll,,]L,' 'It "Your Excellwc� haso reported to lu"Os"' "'i qUiCkilft 010- 30C. �footkl. All dFUk2i­ Anti stores. The .��_ fenfling the city. - � '9 �\il,h rt-lawvs III (iud I ,,, �, ,� , k , :L 1. I �. ''. .1.1 ,1 " ­ - I-riell, Friday. He came east to, att,,t), "10108 Of ths MAJOIRY Of the'llhothent in the th,trunion, it,- '. � .1 - ".. . 11 I ,�,;'��,,.._ �, r�,� . - - I ("'_ me that you nt, lolig',�r find yourself - . �:��,��L �":�.�, �'�,.,�_,�; NEWS TOPICSOF WEEK Dr, Starr, consulting surgeon, To I`r, , 'Ll, - -_ I L I _ , ", __ �r , , - ,� , � 'J�_ I I . I ronto General Hospital, has been ap- I I ....... ' ", ;1 if., 7,� , �u � work erut Conference ill llnnijjt,�ll ,Ij,I I , i\ In a position 1 ) ren.ain at the head I .. , % I . � " , " �1� I "., I i\ill he no) turkey f(ir Christmas. a run up to these parts I,. sp.-Ild ;.:,\ ,: . � 1�;!. ��­ ,t''', I � " . a X � j!." , ", � 1, .,��:,�,�,, � � "� . pointed one of the consulting Bur- , with old friends. [fill) Ill" ,,,IL\ of the Govern, �(w. I wtil not hide 0 OF 417 . - - .. I , 1� I., .""..'4, , ", I " "��': i.".11oloirfortant Events.Which Have &eons to the British force in France. . I - 1: ],�z % qi:',:, 1-s %N,lt I? :,vld next day�N _ from myself y- -,� reasons, and must !.� .", - I . 11 �­" ­ ,.­ �,t ..;­'.. " I The Rt. Hon. Henry R. Wakefield, �llnday inorning in the Methodist v "-is 11 "Ot been WithdrIM11 M it'-, \1,11i- with heavy h(,,t*t deny myself your - I I I I ,�.11,11 1, - Occurred Dut'ing the Week. ,. .vh, -ell Orf"undio .\Ir. "IlliIII \\"111.1 further co-operation. 11 I "', � , " e fill[ dist chut , � . .. . I I ­.?��A'., "'"I'l , .. Episcopal Bishop of Birmingham, have been requestt-tt Io lir,,ji,q�, I.ill it I .!. ... ,, r ,, ; .� " � � I_ . � , "4, 1, � , I" r , 4) Eng., hills arrived in New York to l`�ll- ItUrnin and two sisters, (or (,,odi,_ N, somp that I),,r,,j,,. ],,, I-— "You are certain of the thanks of ..... � - ''T ��.'-,-­­ " ­ ­ , - fully oConap - at tile h'i'lle Or 'N'l-s- turns lie the- Fatherland for0the ancriff ­ r ­ I'll, Th 'Dusy Worlid's E114ppenings Care- undertake a speaking tour in Canada. ;"Vh, slient SOnd;l,N Is hoped It - - ,��L, �­ "�'­�"'A � . will haNe lilt, ,,Ill ... 1,1111111\ Ce. . ­�� , _;, �'�,�­_ . I -1 -,� Red and Put into . Public irritation In Constantinople I lranv�. � you made In undertaking the Chafl. 1. i �Lt ,� - .� - b. " . �, . �..;� i of preaching in the ('11111-01 \\ 11'-�11 %%�;.- ,,llor's office In grave times and to I . . -1 - ,-��,�,3<�'Ly'?, ­�-,;,.,,.-_­ Handly and Atta ctive Shape to has become great, and rumorstare "'i t 11 till' VoITIPletilon of tit(% fetive the in e(jullf,e tit prt.eli('n I r. . am" 14 , �, . 1� �.,,�., . ,� ­ , ' \\tw I 1. I� t the services You rendered. I desire 1115MIN 111,81i" . *�'t,�,, 1� t G,,� 'the Readeft r spreading that the Ottoman Govern- (;r, -at ohick! is now a reality lit Dun- tit,, Nillage nine �ear, ;lg,..l - ,,. , ,,, , 11� �, ': � I , . of Our Paper -A ment may be forced to seek a separ- gaml()Ij. that the German people shall co- I ; . -.11r_. ­.,.;�_ 1_1� ` � 1�_ ," , 'I'he callipargil fill' Vzll,ill;� lll''Tl.-\ r,w operate more effecti-vely than hither- -_ _�. -_ � . I r . I I - It 1- I . .. I Scilld HoWs Bnjq*menL ' ate peace. Mrs. .lois. Nit'(111, of Aulturn, is spend- tit -hurch Army Hills if, �:ilgj,jlj, � .; , ,.'�,,�,',_, r.." ,," " "12, . e`j , ., I . ' li.. - ­ I � , I _��, �.,:�1^1* i - ".: ��, ,, r, � �,.',,�� �, ", i;, . I e it ( ce Is wm, toll in varflo" 1. i:: �, I to In deciding the fate of the . ; ), , . ; _,� �, ; I'— .�, � �. " - ' WED'NMhAT. Field Marshal von Sanders, com- i itu, "I re\\, days this \\pel( \%-fill her Ff t Ill I It,, �� r ",". , �* �j, �, . a I- a�, , , ) "I'll' ,It ­ I 1, I mander of the Turkish forces, who Fatherland. I - ­ i"It"".` �,"_` ' Cadet,Sylvester Nightingale of the fled from Nazareth shortly before the I,iii*t�nts herv. O .:\ -�n �.lw, "It Is therefore my will that the , - ,,,,, .1".", ,� ".., ­ nto and tile proVint".. I 1"IN111111101LINIO)ORM ;&V'! _�, .;`;"�A.. ,,�_,,t�` , . . jVt.`..1V�:! , 4 -AX I Toronto, was drowned at \fr. find .Nirs. J. M Wilson, of Mora, Whether Catholic of, Profit, I " ir - ,'.�4�.'�� , 1� " attacking British troops ap u THE SAULTS COAL CO. ... �. , "� ii ,peared, -0,1111. ,11-1111 men who have been borne p by the 11.1:� �,,!":, �",�,-!�1��,-,:�'�i�­ saw �� ��, I � - 4 sville. allonded the fili-feral (or lite late Win. ,support this fund lilienili% *r,, . I� N 11 ,,, '� � , . �. ,,�,- �,-`, ,.,�, ' �,-� , , has reached Constantinople. '111thel's (in Tuesday. Over therT are oil lift. e\;.'.,r I,.�,,;��-; People's trust shall in a wide extent ,. I ­, "'t' _�4�,` W. w, Wilder, 45 years of age, � CANADA "I -, �. . ­ . I �,�,,Of, -_ 'L� . -15allnuel Gompers, president of the Successors to McDouagh & Gledhill Highlands of Ontario . I -­ ­,` ,16�� co-operate in the rights and duties . V,_­.� , ,,, 'American Fedittration of Labor, has manager of Wilders Limited, one of I be 1� , " . 1� . Sunday School rally services wil' winter and they will jivv(l jill �:11. 111S_ of gov 'rnment. I beg of you to ter- FXCLUSIVE AGEENTS FOR Iforne of lite Red Deer anif tile %loose, 11, " � . Z . - _ ., � _ � I , Arrived In Paris. the biggest furniture stores in Mont- 11"Ill ill Frskine chutteli next Sunday to) minat"eYour work by continuing to , 1�,�,,_�, .;' _� 1. I ' taining comfort %%I' �1111 gl\,. � , t, i . *t,'-j�pstou, Mass., schools have been real, died on board a street car on 11MVning at llo'clock, All are Nvole - 1111"(119 conduct the Government'a business - �,­� �., 1'.111 ,,� .1 ., - .1 . maintain their splendid now.ii ,,, li ", ,, 011ie. _ if ning months. 011"Li"N SK,%SONS I , � q Osdd for a week because of- the epl- his way home from the office. ,im, ilallough is busy with hi (:e ,coi 'I'll LEHIGH VALLEY . � . I � ") - I I . _ """ (%M"-4 Ili' and Preparing the way for mess- � t. , �_ : � ',L", - ,denfic of Influeuxa. The French and the American ­r� pavIting his fall and s pack- It cf many facilitie, r"r ""'y'-0 11-11 if, ures desired by file until I have Deer --November Ist to November i5th. ,�' ',� � ,,, "� The plan for the floating of I , i. winter apples tile billets behind life .� , I., 1 . I the troops started a new offensive in the if I is large Orchard near here. 11"- -11111 tIlV found a successor for you." THE COAL THAT SATISFIKS fileltit'k e. .. , , .1, � .t 10;, , , liftt. Victory Loan will be similar to Champagne. The Frene Joe chaplain--Catholie as \\oll if, 11r. -les- We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Ijme �jloosoc-No\cniher Ist it) Noverriber 15th 11: . �� ",_ : L. ­ j It advanced has a rilirly good crop this year. tant are endeavoring to) fill Illp. lj,-,.,I� ficlusiNe. Ili sorne (if the Northern 1: . at of the last one, d the Americans eight milk Vithinteer rationing like. volunteer re- of the men fit till., respt.l. . , Cement. Vire Brick, Fire Clay, also �.. ;' i- - �4 four n , '' . '.'� �;��i­ �� '-.'r'-- �' ,. Ontario County Council has agreed, Ten Ablousand prisoners were, I It I Mll' USKUB IS CAPTURED. 11ist-riets of f�ntario Itioluding Tints - LL . I �. 1� ,.. . � , I , ., ,� ... 'to,wrbitra,tion on Oshawg's,desire tW ,,baiged njiti,ng falls ]lift after a spurt. Gom- duty to help eNopy ,,rg;lljIz;Itl,,fl. fill — Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and ga(:ll and life territory ­ . .. . : � , . find over 200 guns. � soil north and . 1"i". � .11 � _00cede frqm the county. . i I �',il sion is the only fair way in evory- matter by what njillt,, Ill,.\ ;I,,,. ,�111.,d M-ench Cavalry Frittered important H mi Stabs. tt, (or lite 0triadian Government , . � I .1 - I . 1! . I -1 .1 I � � _. _­_.__�,�The.. Fdod Board -say"rialt- affect- . -SATUFMAY. thing 1)(Irtaining too war effOrt and con- so that theV call help q)llll )-\s light- IVL :i.Ns rr.,jlll lilt. 1jillebeq, to Mani- - � . __ _', 'by phenol on rubber rings of pre- Meatless weeks VnI continue in ,,T':Ili0n. I Ing out, battles. . Serb City. � , . 1111111" . . - � L - Be . Fresh Cars of Lime and lotion 1141undar\'114,11 4"'I".ill fit[, illoose ,�. . / n a PARIS, Oct. 1--FT'ench cavalry Is ri-ml, iii-It.ti-er"Ist to) N(j%vniber 30th . . .r.ve jaft need not be destroyed. Germany through November, Deco�m- 'I'lle 1:oniniission of Conservatio The. �urks dancing the 'rurki-11 lVilt have entered 1-Takub, according to of- Cement List received In(-I1l4I\--. 1 The Dominion and the Province of her and January. (Itfima is idanning villagt, and town t,) Gen Allenby's tilljo, 111" li'llgill"s ficial ad,vices front SalOnica. The Ser- I � __ . I r' lont4rio are to eo-operate in the mat- Canadians helped to scare another beautification. We wonder if ,that -,-,.ill throvving fit) the ,Sp0lIg,. jill,j ,urr,-nd- blan army had previously captured j . writf. rror roltN Or ­I,jav,rr,)jjljds___tb0 . - 11 �.e-_,-,�', '. �, ': , ter,')0f settling soldiers on the land. big victory, when the Hindenburg lia\e anything to do with village cows ering tineunditionally 1,i Iiij. \Ilij�s, the�,dornlnatlng If ights south of this 'I 75 ;aflle." wf%lng . 1. � " Curtaflment, of the mandfacture of line was broken near Cambral. ' niaming the streets. OFFICE PHONE * - . . flaunts t,r 1.,Isll firld ( I ! ,,,�� Austria whining fibmit jof-jj(,,,, itilil tile Important coni 7 61111le I'loNs. 11111111lig I 11,9111.111--il" bicycles and accessories,bas been an- The ChJlean Government has or- municalion centre In B. J. SAULTS"R"PsiDICNICE - 275 . ,. � - Robt. Ballie, Of the Sterlint., Bank, Germans exclaiming, "il""O I"Ill;l"Ild" Ser 8 I" Led by the U. S. War Industries tiered the naval authorities to Oc- n -turned on ilontlay front his holiday by the thousands ,,Is ff,,.\. \\,11f, "\ Pr Bulbfa. As hq filities against the W. W. SAVLTS' RESIDENCE 202 Or, tit 1,, 1-:. 11-witituoi, lil-itrict I,.,,- , I � ' , �. " . . copy with armed forces all the in- -if) to Montreal If tbt� I,,jj;I..jjI,jll.L, ,,ne gar - Agent, t FlIon Station, Torotilo, . , in I . . if and other places and what remains ( no tans were discOntinued at noon - —_ sf-nfrei , f _'�;('?'AA 'paboi taken in High Park terned German ships in Chilean bar- is der the peace convention It is Ont. / , Toronto, was recovered from a Ger' 4ors. . ifflve more b,,i(,k In his accustomed to the side of the .-illit2s, IIIA". it I . ,: t, �. I , - \ pluve behind the %vicket. sort of buoyant these dai, as \\,. 11.,"ili�l probable the city was captured before --.--...— .________._ I I loan .prisoner, and is again in aj.-Gen. Mewburn, Minister of . the convention became effective. . A� F. F. LAWRENCE & soNs I , I . . "Ma, accompani6d by Col. Osborne, , 'I" I I ( - "' Toronto. M Will .Nlaize left ill) -Monday for, I,on- the papers containing sjI(,jj .,_,.I Ws. A despatch front Sii1onica states In 1-1 . . , i"11 -l",1 1` ". _', ,- ,.� � ­ Ministers- of -thw-Unioll Gofeft-, -Military -secretary; haii Feft:fti-the i(PO to .r,t_-purt f0,r mollitar.y, service. We jt)e "hamarad." wJerobv st.,-141,, I" IIAN�"­ that hostilities between the Burgar- I "O"ll p %--it"IfIlM�_ and 11rhot AUP I nt��, - , . �, �� - to public west. He will visit the western mili- iinderstand hP -will procure soveral affected a good njaily ,,.1 I', "";"Is," tans and the AlUed forces ceased at ) ) CEFRAL Tholle 8 � .ment are ,to devote time , w � . , tary districts for the first time since \%f.('I(s' leatIo (if absence in order to, ,jd_ find the German Arnit. Sj;I ,,,,,-;I lie the hour specified.�but it is n( ___ . . ______ __ 1�111 ]�"_ , �44 11 ^ dises4ssion of the, Governme4t's i I I; I, �# tk.i .; 1, I �1111 / . I ____ , I. � . . , " � � . i� � � . � . . , . . achievements. . I . - C6nadlan . he became Minister of Militia. A large . its 1 s usiness allakrs here. , I"il'al coal r \\ ."Pe s enu LO hill)%% 11''" I" I with the weakening mot,alt. ,.r life this suspension applies only to �Mace_ - 0 f.,,, 11� . I." � �. I '.,�.. . 11 .1 . 1 -, , I" " , '_'. . � . casualties since the bi , ,�� 9 - ' contingent of Serbian troops users, vojo have not yet I"'ell troops. Failing mail im\Ner I, it, hi 4 donlan hostiltles against Bulgaria, STRATFORD. ONT. 11 ,. , t L I � " 'r __ . ; �_. , � i, , - offensive began on the 8th of Angus k, ,. t total 25.6'00,.which, considering the is operating with the Allies on the Murman coast In Northern Rus- able too Ilrocure their supply Of emil at,(, turning their thoughts Nvuod- Ing Germany's 1 )osilion dv'll"rat'. - des - and that it in no way affects Mace- donlan hostilties Lady graduates of last ierm are I � ; , , ,� 11 I I . � _ I 11 AiiVoent of the efforts and its results., � , 81a. Detachments. of Serblans and 1"rds- Nvjtlj the close proximity of perate, that no One vall ­., I , ,.\\ .,;Ile can survive Another which the Allie.-i' armies will continue against Ausiria- now earning am high am elm and cvon . 11 -11 . , . .. 7 are thelightest since April, 1915. Jugo-Slovaks are taking part In the acres of bush there is 110 Occasion for dreading .six in:airli, tor so (If warfare. Her allies ar� Iwginning Hungary, Turkey arid the German S20 per week, while young ruen are I . I., I ,­. ,. � '. .1 . . 'Ratification of the tieaty extend- , - _ I operations of the Allied armies in a complete freeze -out, this to find out that she is (11'1­I,,,d contingents sent to that locality. earning still better malarieN. We can �'L "; . I, ., .1 ,,, Ing tot'a , Period of ten years the � I � . , . , Eftaty,of arbitration bevr6en the,Unit- Siberia. Vilhialmur Stefansson, who recent- -ilmning winter, Is there going to be a bye -election in and when they fa 11 out tile Friti,tito powers 'will 'I'll(, Field Marshal von Mackensen is rFported to be htirv� Ing German divi- not inect the demand for trained I V ,. '11'1� ': �.�7 � e4,,'States and Great Britain were . I a Ay arrived Victoria after fl-ve years North Huron? That is a query on get their thies. ..fid (of the war is considerably nearer thiin it was sions southward to help the Aui4t riarim help. Write us for particulars at I I ­� I . V. ,ed yesterday at Vftshington.," I . iqchanr " rl.%t In the A c regions, *h)Aher he flearly everybody's tongue these. days. two months ago bill %%v 11 IA,l not be - I working on defensive works at Nish, once regarding our I .1 , "'./I!, � �. 1, . S. .Att6ruey-General Gregory �_ 'Ifina announc6d that unnaturalized went at the head of the Ognadian exploring expedition,is still in Door Noxt Monday, offleial nomination day v,ill decide the come oNer-confident. \\*,, 11111-t eQn- ____ '1'or Commercial, Shorthand and Tole- . I �, German women may not enter or live I 'jn health. He has gone to Seattle to. matter. Dr. is calmly nwaiting any eventuality. If there Is Ainue to'llf, , p Out in ..\,.[.\ v pos- sible find not rplHx It.,. 1 -fl, 1\�\,�,' There I(jan ,)ff lo-, 1-tt, it-ir �jjl,l friend and hw,l",\\lIju 111111, Itiv ,-.Ig,- ,if graphy Departments zones within one-half mile about "'.7- consult a physician. tin election tie has his long range guns is plenty for ell(.tl ()O,� .,I- 1'1'1' , 11). ljut�!)andr,N," SIlaI,4­p-,ar,,. A , . papips or othee military institutions ' , Premier Mallnoff of Bulgaria has into Position and his rorces all ready 'I'he 'of Studrintill may enter at any time. ,.� I !F after, October 6. asked the Allies for an armistice to tit "open iip.11 news' of the stidib-ii, Ib,alth -7-- =7r----- — - I '11�. � i I A I . " THURSDAY. " consider terms of peace. Gen. D'Es- perey has refused an armis*ce, but 11 The.it',anada Food Board should pun- William Stothers, of Wilst \\,Iwanosh, near here,t early Sllnda\ ri�,uji;rfcame — 0. A. VoLACHLAN, III I I I . )[A. -Col. Stephen Fairfield, Of 4P01- , lint BaY, has offered to receive official dele" ish one of our village hounds for un- ja\\rully procuring and hoarding as a grea blo\v too tit;, 11:11"I"i- - o this 'RS Principal. . near Kingston, died yeater- (I gates to consider the terms.on which a com munity. %Jr. 1_tOtjjtq.s refired I . I ,A�..:; . ,�, , 04Y,*96d. 86. / I !klif) Britigh advanced their lines Bulgaria will lay down her arms. cholre 11 I an which one of our citizens haft the misfortune to losp the. other usual Saturday evenIng j,rI.-l. Ilis (lay,s but - — i Drend or i%ill"ll, . I 4nd,tifillikkooRoallolfbilion of the village of Marquis 10nmochi Saionji, former Premier and President of the Consti- , 1,,I N, . No doubt the hound considers it-* ploughing about it\,, ,�'ri,q-k Sljn-. day morning he tfoi.k sjjd.l,,nj.Nr ill and A . � Aeloilti� Itar I yo Alediately west of St. . �.v 4QUOtitin. . tutionalist party, has been command- sl4f lucky in loca-ting a citizen who Olarle"d to Possess so much meat as a before inedical assistalle,- ,irri\eft he - A 111;41".q 4-mlit)(11,11 1111111 -11 -Is 'Ili- r., 1, I- \fall( iirl,-r niglit . �r . 'r.. -40irmalif-Chanciellor -von Heirtlingr ed by Emperor Yoshiblio, to form a N�,Il()je lifirm in thesetilaYs of lean lard- passed away, heart troidt I o i-r-silinably being the cause, I)eco�ji,(' d \Nw, I t for �jfftj('ks r0iirij aud ..\,.,, \\Iwn brief I � ., rW a, i '- , _ 4, ,421tsed. In the Reichstag on' ac- Japanese. ,Cabinet in succession to that headed by Field Marshal Count ,-I,s , .')6 years of age and 4pent fill Ills ijr.. in these .. 1*1­11111' Is lizi%f", 0"' "lint? It, still in I(pr- � O"90 rrllfll � � CQ'44V of the unsatisfactory nature Of _ ,r bititr r belliewspeech4 . Terauchi, ttecently resigned. It is --, Parts. He ivaq aj\\r,k\, ,li-nox and ,ro- bust . V�onti­llil illitlelilaft,-ii Dr. , , .1. I I k"Ill-lirg M Willow 11"111"41.N eflantrf-S ; . . I . .­ � . , 410valalil DellaZalandra, a Toronto � prdbable Count Saionji will organize Coalition mands of organizea Tallifir, " was or- and was knw,Nn' :I, if ritan of up- right. character lint] st,-ding (junlittleA I If Ill 11ii. ii,�jwr t.,ir"..., and ill "ll"e, � . �' � , , mor , aliaw, *as urdered oil his way to a A Ministry. I dered that hereafter the eight-bdur ., hence the high di-grev ,,f n-spect, \\1,11,- flitim- atfavk� ar,- \%ardpd ,,rr. � , , , . r WOrk, JtMilousy-and revenge boding the An appeal has been entered by Gordon Waldron, of Toronto, a I day shall prevail In I Canadian rail- and esteern In vi,hich he -1, 11,11,1 In the ...mng Ilie 11111'.1-1 olit. In it shift, for , 111,01, Irld flappill'-ss 11'. fivil"o, . I �. r � . . Inoti,ties for the crime. -'Ail Order -in -Council was i acting. it Is believed, on behalf of the United way freight sheds. community. 1. lit rolifixi(in I, ,,'!n`dl.,d Pr �,"91__ byterian and faithfifli) if. . I I � ' , : "Fil". Iw " -11d li..\,,T. .�llj,-N Ift.-Xio'.1141% .. fill) ': 11 � 14, I ,, "I I . . passed r in Ottawa orovic)Ing for the trial Farmers, who have taken up the Case TUESDAY. ,, sk ne, church fit witirl, I,., . -1-1 illill-t ,1\4-r\\\Ij-,r,, . 1 ,.� 1 ,,,,�, I � I and of sedition against J. F. Cross, a Milk is now 14 cents a quart In \\,is ,in active I - - - "I ! I I puj4 Sunleul; in any men teaching Bol- w(rKer. In politics fit. %\,is if staunch . - _ - , � - __.. _­__�___­____________ I .1 � Brantford Township farmer. Cross Chatham. ;onservative. He IPa\t,_ t,, illoOrn his -- - 1�. i 1, I " I � iblioviki doctrine in Canada. was fined $600 and costs by Magis- Mrs. Rdbt. Ney, of Midland, died � - - . � .rA terribler exVIoslon occurred in a Oss film wido-, t\\(- -ns find two --- - I I 1� .trate Livingston for having declared, on Saturday last. daughters, namel). lI,.r+o,.rf (or r0*4fir f0t0rY at -Plauent, Saxony, among other things. that a man Fred Down to appointed Fuel Con- Ash , : . ,� � ' fleld, Robert at ffi.nw, ttli�s P'lla ai Glass of Hot Water I � a Of '8,'800 women employed might as well live under Prussian troller of Woodstock. horne and Mrs Prank ,16n- (if Dun- ; '' - I i,h illy 42 escaped without 111-7 rule as under the present Government Dr. Canfield, medical officer of In- gannon. The )toss Ilw\ ha- 411stained !, I . I YOR TIRE TROUBLE _ ����.-.-,-,..L."-"..'�,-,,"-�..,--.,.L�,,�..---.-', - _ - . ot 0a.nada. , I gersoll, was asked to resign. in the Ruddpfl and Irre, I � � . � . - ­ I uat',11-1,' InsK of a Before Breakfast � 1 I 10 11". ,,I I I MONDAY. Thirty-five German airpla,fies were loving husband at,,] rari,,, i- Indeed I - ­ --....- - I---.---- --.------.---. I , . �w - I , " 11 11 .1 , U I II I' � . 9 John wa put out of action yesterday. - , , . � �r�.. .. �, 'O 0. S f it, formerly a Toronto sad and to them \,%e ­\f­r),I olit heart 1- ?" 1. aldtorman, died at the age of 93 years- Kingston's population Is 23,737, H11,41. of the Can now be brought to au end by � n increase of 714 over last year. village 1�*. I ,F: .� . , � , . USE. Anti -Germ n and peace demonstra- a Fre rPIt sympathy. NIrs .1,,fm a Splendid Habit .1 , , , , . a N a sister (if ill,, -1 ...... ;owd. I __ . ., , . W eman Smith, St. Thom". was 9-11- — bringing your blow-ont or rim -cut tires to � . � , ,� I titions in Solfta have assumed serious pressive funeral sf-rNir­ \%­ry hela on character. I fined $50 for permitting gambling In Tuesday, intermi,nt b(inix mad In lie Open sluices of the system each I . I - � I t _.!I_- . , � , .! 8 MANIA et Pringle, aged 17, of his apartments. , t � . , . AT L I U - Miss Margar Dungannon cemetpry. If,.\ .1. p. Craig morning and wash away the i�,;, " , 0 lh . Owen Sound , was killed in an auto- During the past twelve months the officiating. Johnston's Garvage , I --.111 I . mobile accident In Mairkdale. population of Brantford has inereas- poisonous, stagnant matter. , �7 " " ed by 1,061 to 28,725. anno--tro. services Kingston Street. . 34t 1W X"t j(�XjftqS "Jae 1"d The American battleship liffrinesola were held In Erskin,- Pre'sbyterian , " �* "" , , -Xitt" struck a mine off Sir Robert Falconer, president of I '� �� If—%. Mr. Ross Those of no who are accustome to We are fully equipped for all tire work. . 4 luaor 1�.thiti you the Delaware the University of Toronto, has arriv- church last Sijn,l,i\ d I 11, � I , to i * illia adlis. breakwaster, ..There were --no casual- ed back from Europe. had charfre of bnth tit, ill -i-ning and feel dull and heary when we arlw; I "'� ,* , � ties. stock, has evening fili,mices awl pn-achod exMi- Splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, � ij , --*-." Mrs. Norman Xeys, matron of the Heber Nasmyth. of Wood lent Sermons. In thp n),-rDIng he ellose foul tongue, nasty breath field 1; "I I , � . . Sandford FlemIng Hospittal for Re- been appointed Director of Schdril as his text, "(,omq urij,, inp fill Ye who stomach, lame back, can. instead, . . $&* #444 *�0-4 �'fliiitt tu Ida - for the Wyoming 9tate Uni- ­ ,. ,. U000 turned Soldiers at Ottawa. died of M"F"(' labor find are hPa\3 lad'. I � � A� ft'd 11" bo , * , 00 , , 1, 4 610110111ta versitv. n and .1 will both look and feel as freigh at; a dalay Goo. Johnston t�, . 4 �Aftellh " pneumonia. Uways by washing the poisons and - . :­ I -* 1, David OrRbam, 35 years of age, of give You rept." This m0lation wa%not toxins from the body with phospbated ' - " 4 "* I *06asio*lys elsis ** The Bulgarian Crisis has produced given by man: It \\.,I, gi\(,n by Christ 1 17 "d V: A :441,91- " %W1 lWasty 1A the stratrord, fell from the roof of a hi ' hot -water each morning. __ , �, , � - 4 i - - ,� I , kk%*Y 249115k. 011*" b4soutiteall rheu- a panic on Berlin Stock Exchange, In London, and was Itintantly orm9elf r4d had prot(,n 4 gronat source We should drink. before birpakfailt, .1111�....­ � ---.----- - . - - . , , , wher4 aeVeral stocks dropped 30 hol,lie comfhort to rnan% in trouble Iffid ____ . t *44"'064A, t** .14 it A . .�� . 0 Oil* *014-atoma* kil ed - 0, �� A,u lw " . 00 r more. need. For his sObjeri at the evening a glass of real hot water with a tea- � . .4. �""0,6 ft- "a , ��Jaddiifr dhi� Twenty saflorR from a naval Oct loop I - f . I ..� itit4i"k , � . ,. ­ I .'L. . I latpato 13. Aolithson, U.C., a well- ves service Mr. nasq rt),- lAt chap. of Spoonful Of limestone phosphate in , 11 in an Atlantic port was drowned oil It to flush from the stomach I , I �, , ht , liver, ITO I VA 1.11 I iww " I .11 I 11 1-11 4 1 I -Ito � �'. � . iwi -our Mdbqd Solved OVeriteaft as A Oblolain before __paltll, ,t,Irtue, Know.- - , , "' , , , . y known Salvation Army officer, who Peter and Outlined lig Chrintlan All r - � - .Vbtit '" ,. , , - Sunday night by the capsizing of a characteristlet;, itidneys and ten yards of bowels the - � - "I I � I ", - a = 4: U" " � -*i*fi 6, 6;i1fillif 7016 naval tender. PrOvIoua day's Indigestible waste, Artur I — �,�", ajit I 16 tu kw-tq . Yerferday waR opening day of the nee, Goodlinle"' bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans NMOENT&STEAMERS 3 � I , �"- - W *4 - 190ing into attlore hervice, was killed Iedge, Temperanep, fl,itw I , � J*t fib04 VsO' lift FrATICC Brotherly., Kindnes-A and or.-harity, thej� 1`MXG I I ; I - obtoes of ' I I I I I , . I � . ­ aq 11 r A Ingersoll. Dereham and North and Ing, sweetening and purifying the t ship ..Smomw, = "my OF EUr - -crry ()F stififfitAw.. ft : , a , , I � L I I 11 �, - q ,,.. jfj,,,r.6 , Although the str1k#ft in the Clydon West Oxford Agricultural Society, constituting a perferf (1iristlan, Falth. 611ttre alintiontary tract before putting 111, *,* I - 'I'' � I '' ,� ii"*rjo IA 4. Will 'a of wato tibipyards had voted by a small ma- lie mid, is essetitial in a man's relation niffire food Into the stomach. D1JFFAL0,4Dm�jjy. Maij,j;t tZ"r4c, - CLEVElLAND � , � , - t . i4aylill a" jority against returning to work annual exhibition. __ V. 15th I ­ . Iii� =- = -4 1410! , to God ald to hIN f"11,1—P-10. A Man The action of limestone pbosphAte . . I �, I .1.." Sir Roderick Jones has resigned L,es- RUIPPIU.0 9, 00711TU. q.- Etsol *ng!w lill,ner@ C '! ,� * I . their otleb0iiVea h0e ordered lhe;� who'has lost all faith in Ida fellowmen Aw­ Ctxr-�" 7,00 A.111. U.11, Centrall Time ArA "'"'t"'m 81C0 P.M. V.S. Cehr.] Tionto � � .i1-1. & ; wi *W " ad Alli; 7% . 1: � to L A tomach " IturvALo 7,110 A.M. U.S. Fast,on'nat. . In post in the British Mintsiry tit is indeed to be pitted 771#1 Proper in- to wonderfully Invigorating- It cleanis V to"" is A"4 1 tjW aff&I of to resume operations. hl 5111d hot water on an empty s I I I . .1 q . lq Apo IPA $m* 'A oftbilailid *jj% gaybr 114*kins of Halifax has wir- the terpretation, the 41wallf,r (bou#ht, I �' Information, and I- succeeded by star , � I �.�L' . 1. 1,10 'lob Aq* well-known author and novelist. Of Out All the sour fermentations, gases. I 1. ,. dIty and gives one a . �11 '* 'A Arnold Henneft. he a Chrilltian nn,, iijqt haVolf thp. splendid Ppetite for briviliflast and I .1 4.11 #01 fo 11,111"llid", ed 9 Protest to OttAWS ag2lnpt the virlue was manlInpkqr,rir eoujits*L9, To Waste and act 4641*049trilU so ,�. f , , 'Itid"o , _�*,thft. to goilia landing of eight Mail -of -war snilors Judge Snider of Hamilton has bpen tralta. Kno-wiledfire it, thiq ca$er Meant ,i_'__._,_ I , *W,!* *W 0 ilig,jil-'j" 4" suffering With Spanish influenza. H, it is said tao be but a little while until , .. . " , , Moli ' UAt"itilist"Ya Chew should be sent to quaran- ,. v It. I . *jfifif J& jt,�'L . _L '' 1*1 �," I - 111 11, appointed chairman of the Board of Inglinet forrosight 4nd ina'glit' It the the roses begin to appear In the � _& �"L itilliji - � bj"&W 4�6*(j Conciliation which will InvOlitigate fiv,rage man had :t. in, ' L' 1. ___* em tint. HIS proust Wks sent to ('01 ich lhStlflet- Cheeks. A quarter pound of limopliftone _ . ". ,jr#A wFA, - it bjt,Ak*4 A jAftj,*W*#lf m the dispute hetween thin girl tel.,*- p.reqlaht and In,,iaP,I in Tb. Grosse lif . :3 gM *4,'1t*"*4 11thUli 86#011tY-flVe thiOugalid ottLeric,i rind I �, '' L . , led X 0ntI="il*tt and Sit-kobert Borden. phone operators and thin Bell Tele- lite rjq tie flat, in I_ j,,IqhlF; "Orittl3l Db011Phate 1XIII cost very little at tbif -911EAN 111R- .. � , � *0"" ot N'S lite Ile drug store, but Is sufflelifillit to make. 4h. kovele" OW eke" I . . pbon, Company. *.N"Old be it Rilere.-fill stlati, Tem- - I I ! **W, Au" - 0**b*, Aftja't*k* hdr ft,ployeg Of tho� Cann it in n ra I I- P, Anyone who in bother,rill with hilloua. 1 P-1114"Pstroolosisoreon= . - , 11-y a unanimous votin the miners of pl-raincon wait a hr,,A form and in p�jq _1­11totbistoriontla. affelifliss I - 11 itoitw1a t*n io *P 04 kld0j* *'kid w4no Wibre gratxtt�d? Ittj lverpAqP In p_ ifiem, congilpittlon, stottintlil trouble or -fly. Is" fouss"ters, �11, Fertile and Michol. D.C., refulfed to Ing tile g6oakt-r refs-rr,,of to thg t,V4)1jjjpr_ ,.r . � *ttg"'196iOtihtitig#.Otd6'k,*fhnn twpn- th,sumatiorn a real PrithuplaRt pri the L t,V.t*b '14111106S a YoeLaf. dt A ,I,,., I refu-n to worlt in tho Ct"w'" N"# fill rwoarpaq irtado in drh Ing ffirt liquor . g I 'n'r -rf.'s nitnoo, .at - sub1pet of Intfirrial snnitriflon Try - bf the CilhadiAll h ,allway U*n , aird. I Pass'( Coal Cril In sc- ':,Ifll,, fr-it low I n6, �;,nkq f,j),flke Wqr "I . I �� chrdancor, Ith th., propoml of Fluel �,,,hjejj I,,,,. It".f, ,,,, Is and vnii are assure that you will At fji#,$Affl6 titnof ifill, j!bw of Ili e d- Comlllfisaico�" If- -114AKIII., Out lank better at(' fet,: 111,Ue: lin qvery q 1) W I � 1� . I . I itir Armotroag. tefnjLtr�rljfjt,P di'l I, ... I r�(,f, r till jjl,� 114U01. * � " - I . way -lb6rtiv. . I I I I L 11 . r 1� I I I � I . . I 1. 1. � . . \ I , I . . �' . I .P ,. , , " � I . I I � , I I . ,,, - . � I I . I I , � - . I _ , . , , ,.;�.; , I ". � 1. . I ., ,, �:. 'r ," - � � ,� . � " ­ - -:--..­­---- ,# _ -.- __ i . , .. , , , , , . , a A I I . . I I 11 *1 , t, .1 - I I 't... "I'- . � � ' I .. . I r. I � �. � I � I , � .1 I �i - I I I . I I . . ,, �r ' I I " r � 11.1 I . �*,.. .. i '. � r I ", . . , � 4. , , , - �, '. . . i� I ­ �`�'.. '. I I I I . . . i, _1�4 _.. , ._ ­ � - . . I �.".,� I 0- I . I I ,�� � I . I . I . I I I ". ;:� � �� I . I . 1��. . . �, r' , , . ,. , , ". . I 1� �,__'t I � , �, I I I I . .. .1 I . ,� . , 0 � ; ­ � � . . ­ I.. .­ ­ ­ I ­ - I 11 - V � , t \ . , � . .1 I : ;, . . I I ': I .. I I I �,, � � , :" ""', , . I � '' , ill I �:, 1!� f� �t �, . �'�- , -, ­ , .11 ��., r� - - . ,� . �1_1�1_ ,� ` - , , ., � .,a , ­, I �,� :- , . I . .; , " I I "' ! � .., "', - . - . I _ '. I 'I . �1� !'' "'.", , � I "' . I.,. , q , , P"� � . '. *,:, I I I . .1 L I � . I I I I , . '. I . . 41�x, ., � , '. I , I r.- I I I 11 I "; N , �' , I : , . 't, . . . � �, . - 41.�J . _ I .1, I . 1, I. � , �' � .1. L � L , ­ . , LL . �, . __ . 11 "� It., .1.11 L , r I .11 �1:1�.k�,, . � j L ,!"L' '��,�,, I I .� S:�.'�,,� f.,,, 11� . I." � �. I '.,�.. . 11 .1 . �,6 ��.�. ", , I �_11�1 �, � I I . _h, 1� I , , �� LL I I i I . .7 i,: " "I I . .111111. ­ D�L " % 0 L , k, ", , , 1; I '4. i". t � I ` 11 ,. , t L I � " 'r __ . ; �_. , I . : Z.�� il �eo I �, �", L � . I _ L "t J( e , 0 1 t: jL.'': � -t,. " , , I 1 . �- j�. .. . < I 'I` I � ; , , ,� 11 I X . - I � , . � I 01� . I I i I I . , �­­,� L'. ' a_ L , � , _,��,,,,.,�,_ _�7. M .. _­_ __ � t�,� : ,,tL f'r. I ,e- 0 . I ..01 , I '1� — . �''t_j ,� 1 " , I %L'- � . I I : ;. '' ., ,�, � I , _j . ?1. . ,�., W- ­__ 1'r, , -�� �' 1", W I . F- ' ,, �� " (1) � f:'LL' j L, Z . I . L , L� I , �11 � � Z �'L "; W I I I . T14 . L io . I . L I I ,� I I ��� I , . � I . .44 . . f . � i I I � , 1 1 1 , , � , \ I " . . I L � I . I ,,, � I I . , 1, 11 ,� t*101� I , , � L I I I � I � - I 1� I I I ,� I . 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