HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-10-04, Page 5-1 . �.11.1. 1. -1 I . i 4P., a I I I l ill , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . �_ , - -, , , ­ - - ( ' . I � I . I I - . � . 04004r 4,191-8 - 111. .1 . � -1 ­ I., . THE W)ID . U .1 - - 11 , 4W I 1� M-11 il. V^I* &*A4X*4:VtV,X,"*# C4040" 1 ,; I MuAas a -_ - 10�� . I . � . . I , . 1, I � ,, ; � I �� 11 I I I I 1. I I , , . , , , . - I" ­ . � . . , , , I I , � I 1 I V -� , , I . . . I - -1. � I � I I . I . . � Get - . . , . �-; 1.11''. ..� I I 11.11 I.. . . . �; :­ � I � . . , 1, ��� I.? ` , . - . . �' , . I- . - I I, .. * , � � . � �j . � I . . IT *1 R IT I I T , . . i, I 11 I i ' � � I 11 , I . I I " I - . After I . . I I'll � i'", " . ., I .11 I I ­.'_'.,� .. I � . � . I . I I I .� ,I!Ilww.p",$-Qn"faoiu;l*tiowtlfo�6* . 'wromA. " ______Itl� � I I L 1, I ,��*, " f, I] � � � .1 ­ . I'll I I I . I I That I . li - I I , � 1�1 L I � - I I , 1 wtiz-VO4 04"Oe-botis'., Altv , I . _AtiittC:1 ., -m*, istr . * , ,, " � i,.. I . . � . �, :1 , I I I -. I . I I , .1 L � , � I I., , 1� I ,:, " �, . I , .: j 11� I . I . . ' . "�;'' L',�� _�,� o 't, � I I � ";1 11 I I X140wiIii � I 1'.1 00 1"-*,* .,'C'Vv,X.T, Qil. �-. .. mu# � , � . "a , , I 1 " � I 1wititim'' pwtw , � . . . i �1 I 4 11 I" . - 7; Cough . I � . �, I . I , , , . , *itrt #Q,w f *40, �,*"' $A* C"oltoom . . V � , . , I twluot� -04 "W I 1. I - � "`=t � - I , , . I � sw : I I . I 3114th I I I � 11 � . I I , . I . ,*Ving* Agmunt In- ,. 47=- 14 L . � ".", .e,:s I' 1_1 a " , , - 1111.1- ... 11 1111-1 � I I I . 11,� , , ' .,� .,� ji I " I ­� . IT I - . . "011, # CUM# 3*t4w . A , � All", . ? � . .11 I I , - � I . -, I P1110N "NK OF CM�& � ��'�', L, : . .." ..�� * . . ,� � no.. . - , . . r ' �krme and Pensla ft . 1. I "" " �; ' - ­ 1. .11 ., P ., HFA 0 to, M^ "'. ,�4 f I ,10% - � - �� ' ' � '" � . I 4 't'�!" A ­ . . � " " -7 � raopw , , JR I . , w4wic � . - 1'.1. I ­ i , ''?, - � F.W90"OU1114 'W'� - Ap . V"1101tw, .,=.. 11''i _ ..=. . � I . . . �.. .1 Im. U_ Rli.� 4; i , I . -�, � I I I I I I .. � I I ah , am I - , . - � SP I 1. � ,S1 ,-' R 11 I. .-.,i;, , , lit � I � ­­­..1­,�­­­­­­. ­­­­... .. I I 11 � - , 18 _ . 1 I I I - --- ­ . V I JAS,. A. CAMPBELL, Phm,'k 0 . . . � . I ­ �­ 1--.- - 1. ­­ ­­ .. ­ I.. I 11 I .. � I .. I .1 ­ - f "S MESSAGE ROBW­BORD N .. 11, --- ------------CW.N:Mjkl�.4MUCx-,'$�TURE---.-----'- � . L I I . Alk , , 'A'" � 1 7,`- �l ­41rit * , � X I - ­�, , , . I 100,p4pir 014 . Volit, I " Stw* Hoors; 8 a.m. to 6 F-Im" WorIlky 10 P.m. . , � , , , 1111t- 14110= ., it 1. I .1 . . "-," - I '' ,- I 01 � ­ , "', I 14 11 I "..", ", ".1 1, III -i - 1. 1, Foordilitit. 010V#0 . uC109 66 New" Corset's . , 1. We have been appointed sole agents tor the Celebrated . I I I* I "Nemoll Corsets. These Corsets require no recommendation from' . us they are known the world over as being the best corsets in the trade, Nemo Self -Reducing Corset No. 135 at $3.50 _. - ,M' -"�'""---"�-'L"p6t'-"-----'-'----'-*-U", - - ­jj� — -­­­­_ ____V1___h__l___­­­__. . --- -- I , 0 t I average, ull Ekiiwi� F , 6i average cig t atest s0f . ­C�aeml K I 1. 'PHONE 90 . � at Aa#a�s_lrr or ayv ight -thing at,the Kight � reducing raps give firm su= aii�d permanently drive away excess . - - . I .i flesh, girdle top, fine white . . . . 'os , , slzts 21 to 36 $3450 a pair. '*Time '-Sia_-ys_­B,­`­---P4 r ---' . ... � Hill" � I I . I I , ton . . I . 11"Goilerich : Huron's Golden GaW � it ,_� ___ I., . I : "Nemo" Corsets for all figures $3.73 and up. . , , . ­. . . . __ - . ­ Ilk . .1 __ - , �_. -W _R VP- __ I � ­ __ I . . "Nemo Brassieres" "Simple Sensible and Serviceable" $1.50 CANADVS, A#"1F%T ST ENDOUS - I I I an I . . . t ii-vurld, and ill,- regeneration of Ger- capture of Courceiette. in 1017 tile , I � d $2.00 I , . . I ,rhe star ii� Indebted to tlir..J. Lower, In the'right wa6Y, than '-ir filibert Bor, I"410 ho-l"wil. "The 4v\ds by whoirk (;auadfan corps bore ,I considerable % Special showing of New Velour Coats $37-50 to $SO.00. of,Qloago, son-in-law of Mr. ��md Mrs. den, � the Prime Minisaer (if (;anada, G`1111:111 Mflit 11-1 1, .11.,, ,,, ; -c ,,(I.,, I , part Ili the slorining ,if Vinly Widgill U, -A. Wells, Bayfleld roA, for a cooy This ability has, Indeed. liven unifor- KtVs, ­14111I,t lit' (last oult. the spell witi I t9th to 113th April, ; it N\ as oligaged Ili �. I 1.1 just to hand a shipment of the latest New Yorks styles in .1 Of The *Christia;n Science Monitor, whict maity cuaraoterlwo of tit., career. bill whict) :,14, . \ , ail. e bound the German I ANOLIX 10141 FI-el,noir' 2i4th, 2,9131 April Nc " 6 handsome velour coats specially priced irom $3.7.15o to $5o.00 dcj,otes� one If Its leading editorials to espi-Mally during'thlit montontous part li-onlo no ­1 h- broken. Until then, and 3rd tMay : it wit, ucti%e and effec- 133\1 TANDAS Sir Robert Borden's message as gioen ,kof It comprised In the ]list four years. I- -I-:,. � _ii,ii . L � . ...... regenerate." i tive in tilt, operations around Lens In in New York on his arrival from his It has its cause'l-khriply enough, in the Sir Ilobert Borden recognizes to theiJune, and again flit VAlit August on . SEV.R&0Ur-'oo6 Many new coats being shown from $i5.00 up. � - p issue ' ij 'a tab � visit to Ellro e. This e of th-e facit' that Sir -R,obert, subordinating aft foil tiw real owaning 4 ; It,. ri Iliz � i 1410 Hill 70; anti it foug-it wl, x a le - moitor ,also has other artteles -on considerations If . pilrt�, de4irinined ( � , :, uorl. N,.;,,Li uf pi-afe L, cut.,-- ell e". troin 251h I letober to. M11 No- . -0 I an&ida's contribution to the work of ,from the first to *have liefore film no pl,01nist ", !". ' '% j�;, 'I it; vs tv,!�. s,fop at vembier at Passellendal-le In the Flail- Furs of Beauty Yet Modepalte in Price the war. One is a summary of tile standard of action but t1w simple, ill(, pill " -i,I-,,(,e:,-!W , I- ;It-, .1 I.,!ievik,,ders offensive. somelinies tormed the I pamphlet issued by the director of though rediorseless one. -,r lit(- highest — ---- ------------ - - Tfor(I Battle (if N,pr.-,.l. in 19J8 the public Information, entitled "Canada',.4 good, not only of his o\\n country, but — __ ___ ------- Canadian cavalr:i brigade won dis- NVe are sliowing a very extensive range of popular priced Furs in the of all humanity. The man ,,\ho, in thp I'll 4 tinetion fit tilt, (it-rolan offensive of it, War Effort, 1,9141-1918," and the other a 17ij,91- - wr-N.W71 - seaSOL newest creations featuring the new c,ipe effects which are so popular in press Interview with tile Premier on face (if the most bitter opposition, even il" . 1, I illarvii and April," ' ' the work of the Imperial War Cabinet. frOm tfis own friends, s1rovo lintillillgly 1. I— I �� , t Whilit-I the Ginallian fori�.e. has been all popii,lar itirs. We strongly recommend an early inspection as late purchases ... . 4�1 � . . codfierenceni in England. We take tile to achieve union government ot honic; I ., chiofl� (-it Litt, \\,-,tvrn front tIlitertain "' � .-'� 1 will iut hc as satisfactory. ., the monitol-'s \\'It was never disco I) rag,-, I fit the ef- � ;,. � i -,�,�,, AMNA". nnils haiii, done their duty in Pales- &�V0 Mk2,,, I I 11 III)erty of reproduping 0 _ - .. _., I .w 1, ­ "..., - , . %.,:�� 1.11,� . 1.",.�,§\ , � ,.-� _`10 X, ­." ��. 11 I I '.. editorial below followed by the sum- fortl. but, as soon as thosv, lie won Id ,�, �11* tine .and Ninteedonia. 'I'lip sLory of the , . I I magnificent livork performed toy the , mary of Canadaos war effort. . serite blocked one channel, sought fl),r I "',-K Illoolinioll't, railv,a� and forestry ­�W­ 1­�,­!�." �11.' These Are Fall House Cleaning Days . 'm The editorial is as follows , another: the man will, saili, tile justi 1. 0 ., troops lid., yet, to I)v tol.d. Of the ex- .. of the present day If conscription and flit- iinfoerious ni- i�". Few statesmen � -ell il N111, petfilionary force 12,000 main in Our House Furnishing Department is exceptionally we]! prepared to meet A ty -,qt; to a greated deg he, ability cessity for 1��ohiblti�oi, arol plat � :, . . I possit . ree I I .11. �­, Cana -lit fill- hom.- derenrol, A she also right time thein both on the qtatulo hook, in spite I I .��,, to. I say "I the . right thing, at the I of the storm .which these proposals "N I � . ha.N supplied a g�irrlsojj for St. Lucia, all deniands; the stocks never were larger aud prices in lu,,iuy cases are under . roused iii many quart, -r,: the mail who . : �Z. ; W. 1. At tho moment of, the writing present wholesale prices. I , I has thus thought whA %Nas right and . . . (if tile liamplilet, the Nittitary Svrvlee 'MODEL THEATRE done what was right 1hol., no ilifficulty , Aet had bevii responsible for 56,000 Corgoleum Rugs in all sizes for every room in the house in beautiful, art in recognizing the right linic to say the : I- . I b inen joining the army of which total . it in the right ", " 'Zi I right thing, or to sli� 11 . � 26,.)00 had already -ailed for England. des gns from $1.50 to $15.00 � . way, . :: I . Tbls. ho).ve,,,er. (floes not' I -ell Ole full . ' Best quality Canadian Oilcloths in blocl( and floral designs stiltable for all .1 � I story (if Gitnad;j's'lluan-effort, on behalf And so When Sir holiert Borden Iand- . I I .... . . ,� � Ppogilamme : ..Ke"T .... 1: ,: (if [tie Allies, Tbf� Yliplious air forces Tooms or under beaters special 6oc per yard. ed at New York, last Friday, after a . . . I . I momentous, visit tit Kuroln,, tie plave(I � ... of Greal Britain have proved a strong New Curtains, new Curtain materials, new Crettounes, Cotton and Eider - finger unerringl� ,,it the two great i 111agnet to wiventuNon; voting (;anti - Ila "' .. I trill l!i, - down Quilts, Cotton and Wool Blankets, All at keeuest prices. Week CommencindOet, 7th thie'sids .of the hour, �mo diriected men's .1. it an.,, (if v, hoin L( . tontagu of Bean I - hell said tt:"r' ,,,t!aj,:,,e i�ea.,,l airmen, and thoughts to them ill Mat forcible way � . I s I __. MONDAY and TUESDAY which is all his oil\n. -I firmly be- I large millib ­ ve joinold tile . lieve," he said, speal,ing of Great llri- Imperial for;,e,,. In* a I -tion tit till, tain and the Unitod ,�tafes, -that. the native Canadian the �.11ltiiil depart- 'Phone and Mail Orders a Specialty. ANN PENNINGTON future peace of t1u, 1,Nf,rld rests largill I . ineul %\it, flit, oolans, .of transporting / , IN and indeed ehiefl,y, opon thip unl I . yi I (I their. o\\ it owintries foi, the .purpose . I I l, 11 N, o 11 , ' i of joining Lfivir respeictitle armies, sev- se and action lit-Li,wen .. ". . I I �. 9 purpo. th ese twO I'll" eral thousand., of Poles, SerbiRns, anti I I enioctraCies." Anti tivain, spe.king ,it � .Niolliell.eprins. It Ink'ni be montionvil I �* illermany, anti the norvs,ily for ,,I ront- "The Antics of Ann d SIR ROBERT BORDEN that 200 t;anadian un,jiliers were lent. 'Phone 56 MILLAR 465 SCOTC" STORF, 'Phone 56 1 . ' plete overthrow .of 64-rnian Tuilitarisn), A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Premier of Cana,da to the United States Government for - - be, said, "It may be ,I hard lesson, but insil-114'14i0nal wo-poses. �ummommum� . — , they cannot be saN,,d fron) theinsoliles — The Canadian 'Navy, (uthough sinall - WED. and THURSDAY unless they are, ewnpilled Ili learn it. bill seeks, oIlI1 tile real sourre of flit, Ili number ha,, done admirable work .- - - __ ___ - -----I-- _____ - - � I - ­ ­ -1 . -1 . .. ­ ­ " , I . Let no selfish porl,n.,t, (,I, divorgenctl suggestions viffleh those people so fond- ,ill palrolling fill, Atlantic Goast and it ----- - -- --- - - - - - — - - --- - - -_ -_ 1. _ -_ -- of Interest imped'. tillitell action t,o this ly regard as tile onteome (of their own I, pointed ,till that two submarines gag ... I it, noinioon rarloro, - " ljjl..t PRODUCF IlliEfiLEIIIIS' AGFNTs NVED ,lir,.,i if o4-l-n,�.- r,,,io If,., ,I . I end." I . " Ill"Aill, -1' humanitarian statesinansbip. lie does j,peraling on' file west coast were Will' larpe ritinih-l-s arc elf P14's-111 doing Douglas - Fairbanks � In other ,\vorfi,, Sir Hoborl Horden, not stop fit hich till- stone, rout seeli� IIACFXSE .filing �o t-ooll-no Io tile ordeil' dat,,,I ( � - fr�e, in tilt- earl:, da�-s of the vvar to assi-4 111cil. tilt by working (-it fRrin�- I — il AS . I tto front Il- councils of tile the Tnan who threw it. He does not ill k0epinA (in Adjujral. van Spec', I , . . I I:Itll fin) --f Il--,,;-inIwr. 19117. w1wrein Allies and front n1iniate tonch witt .�top 14) fienounri, tile misguided socia- s —,.- _-__ Th'. Atelith-11 ,if III.- 4 :41m.111 I-ood It 'lat"d ' ' . tjoadron rroin file, Otinadian ports (,it 'ef,f) "That ill, atilt ,irtur titp Isi ,Iny tit the men who, the baltleflelds n .list jinit pacincilit, but siryiply talies fit, P",ifil. 0jast. Over ,2RM Cana- AMONG THE CHURCHES ""'-"'I """ t ,'�111­1 lo,.Ilo- prio-tivel �6,Fancy­ Jim" She. rwood ,,T : �, ! ft".(Ill.-Iltly ifil'opted 1.\ I$.- ).-.,I ,lpjllor� Ff­hrt0it-\, ' Hfig, it,. 1­1,�,.jl' .,,11all de -I - u I west,ern Enroll,-, ar" defending a\\tjN- flit- disguise, anti enables tile dians are serving tne Tallperial naval - Ili Al,ph-. Im,nips, potatoor, anti othvr* "'ll"I"'l,"' Ili fri,sti ri-tias or rre..11 %e,%,,-. . I IN the eauso. of viN ilization against lwhole world to see whal, IL is that i -i fo,,I,s ill Krit-opear) waters,. The bill l­'\anL:rh,t Ii -,l,. K li,.Witf John.t.-Il , r rolls :in.1 ij,jz+-jjjb_l,-1,, or 111j,jog ol'.111t taf-I..'.. \�lllloot lir-1 having olotilt a th, attai�ks- of 1tw ",assassin state,- hurling those peoplie across the path for slorv., I'or tiaval purpose is ehl- \\Ill lo-caell ,it Illo loornilig �,-r\ll­ 11, 11\itljz ill dilT,,i',-n1 pnrf,, or flit, voonkr\ 111"I- !I- :,, I'— l --,I Ginfrolb-ir," and 'The Man Rem Painted'Post' pleads for untry (if porpose in prose- of a righteous, victory. Tile Canadian '11.1ent fit fill, actit,itieti of the's;anadjan \-I,.I,,l-,;j st. ,mothodki choroh twill '-�oll- a,. i'. ldfl�lj. -H It .-I'llor fit". uljjlt� ,if I cuting the war to the uttermost, anti Premier has nitiver fallen Into the error flop if.- their jkgvnl�-, Iiiiiing to. ,-oo. ill - . natial sl,�r\irv: in lgi&-16 the quantity ,111� jo,,rollig "Illiday school .111.1 [Ill.k. l,.ncfIng so. -Il 1-ro'loo.% .1, ,411 1111,11-1 ,11,1 ,IIII.)­'I Io ,A if--nallif ro., y unshaken unity ,if deforminalion never or undore.stinlating [lie resources of tilt, Illerinfollifillp VRIDAY and SATURDA ,if sfor,-1, liorv;jased arnounw(I u $2,- 1:1;_ ill :t ."t-lorl, � Ih-- 1"ading ,if ,afo, .;:�I.Vdl', 11"wh rill Ill ,\'',.I *1.000 all -I not I. -S, 011117 A100. to acquiesee ill anythin less I, than ene,my, but he recognizes that these S00,(W. 11, ilo. following year to $V , , complete vlctor�. It is Ittrael ristic resaurees depond for their power large- 5WAXI, will List year to $110,4"Aw. At th" llajltl�t ellor"ll. SIIII.1.1�1' 'I", �Illjollej)j. alk.1 I ........ I\ I I,lo�l .14.1111111­1(of -%1.1, F .7 . SHIRLEY'M'ASON , of the man that It,, ,hould hold out, ly iipon flip fact that they are not tzaen It is. howt,%vill, when the fAl'. 0w It,,\ .1. I-.. NI,Gioh�� \llill from ,anl ,1.-,Ih-r� 1'.o. 'If ii,lork. I I .ins 3918 as the only reason worth considering as eneTlIY I'llS011ref'S. lie strips off (Ili- I paniphlet. . .1 '111" Till-I'lling 1lT\II',i' dt 11 VI �Ileli ug--nls op,,rating In it I I'llflpfiloo-11 Oct 3-4� .1 � of t :!,,, 1, 1. ner mentioned, witboill lirs I IN . for both pleas, not the inime.aiate. qafe- disgoise. W the Stockholmite, the pa- xone.- b, deal with tile floanc ' lit, I -lil" - o;, """. Fl."I"nh Oct. !) , \Nar, thol the ligurqs assue`4 ( - 1 o"k "Ill 1.1� ill i'"' "vittl il" I fill\ lig �', - - I� Sch .... I hally whivil %\Ill till Ittilliplialli Oct. F-9. - so " ly of Grelit Britain and the United cifIciA-Soeialist., the Bolshevik, and all 1,11i,ly , rn� at) __ ___ - - - 1:4pizo-ring proportions. For in- till(" _ --- -_ - __ ----. - - ,- I . - - �- ­ - -_ - --!-" "I'Llight in Darkness' I States, but 11he fotore peace of ttiv others who favor compromise, lie says, SIADOP thi, small country (if s 11"Id A 3 1). ol, __ simply, "See, horp is oermany and, 7Z000 people has ra" YI111:1r, "lit -al ,-rtw: it,,\. LLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilliflilllllllllllllllillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilli-ilL . . - I - ,d by wa E\ a lip 4-horch, 1 -,-,Ill _­_ I � - .. I again. Germany and, once again, 4;fir- ,iornestiv loans, $734,000.000.- while "A'. 11. Callilthf-11, It \ . li. n , lta�lor, I = = : � - I . rnan-y.- ii,ar -�i\inms certificates and debenture �1'1'"­�' '�llll'lil�- 11vt 61111 \11-1 -mal.), — = � 1, . _. ; t - . I Ganada's War rffort Is I sttlel, \-161 probably bring.the g(,%:- 111*111"" Ill."Ilrot ,it I "Ilb = = .. I ro.rized by the Monifor: ernment'- I­rrowings from the coon- W(,(- -I,; Sabbath ."lloo, = I � When war was declared Ganafla had I to, - — = �� � , I.T.,-;o-1111132 �vr\o... at Zion solith ill , 30 = = 11 I fir I I . y Ill, Ill ��756,0(�Q,llft or $100 per beaIl I I'lue., 11 = = . lilt, popolation of the' Dominion. "'I'll"'k " "11119 """ """' \11 - = = I praetivAlly no anny, viliereas during (if �­ WALKER'S STORE NfWS lills silln- I . the four years of tile war she hits rais- This is tod, however, the last word in I;"lI`rIIv lit S .,',,Io,.l,. = = . � . ell W52,601 town, aft or w1iorn vxcopt Cana,h', I­rrowingm for she has is- Tilt- ­r\w,­ fit Knox clion-li ,,it --zlin- = I .. .. I . some 25,000 entered by voluntary "To- slied ­eorilies in the United states &I� ja�t w, -re ,if N,-ry �jl-�roil fnt--n ,I _= = =' I flwku and Ili-- I nitod Kingdom to the amouril, h --,l C. I - Poildw), -if \111\1 -f -loll. I`- = = I 1. . . listment. (if this nurnber, qp to 3tine = . 41111111416MI1,41111 last W,Z0 hail gone overilteas and again of A:407-001),000. Since the ,outbreali ollpwd fit,- plillot hild ,1,-Il\--I*--,l I \\ 1, = Specials at Walker's = I I 0 a - IIIIAA � of this number 00,00i) are at the pre- or liw \\ar Canada has established vet� 11no --i-molis Till' o"pall ,.\,I.- Ill = a , . I sent time in France. The largest ell- Vy"'dit- ON b1half Of tilt, TrInperial 4;o,.- vh,,ru,, or F, T Egi-rit,r. Mll-. Ila,'. \\ho = — , listment was during the year 1916, when Pri-inwril ill tile extent of over IK)00,- dit,ld"Ned abilitli ,if a high ord"r. V = Store No. I a . 1P over 160,000 joined the colors. The. (y)fton() aod in addition r.o this, (,anti- ti -i- Ilo- ,,i,r\i,-,- ,I short ,,rp:irl I­vilal _= A = . . . total casualties lip to June 30, 191A, dian "'ll;II-ti-red banks haNte advanced was fai\o-ji. I I only Congoleum Rug, 3X4 yds., $14.00 = , I ffmseV) were only a few short of 1160,000, (if to Itic hlillerial Government, tbrough Tit(- ,eri.ico- Ili kn,,\ ofilln'll [I,.\t as . ., whom 42,000 rjoade the supreme sacri- I lit, — , Oilcloth, 6oc per yard = I . flee. n-'11- (if the Citnadian N-111nisler ,�,djbjjjjl ,,\ill Ili, (�ofpljo.lell fly i = . . Swpor"A 16y - of Fin,in,­ the Burn of $200,000,0(K) till-. FjeN it 4;. iticloormid. 'I'll, , 1l1::�r,,,i:,'S, I M Linoleum, si.00 per yard a Honors have been valiantly won by osetl ,',,I- I -lip purchase bf munitions ,,lbje(.1 \%Ill Its, ­rtI,- for,,%Ar. over 1,200 in embers of the. Canadian anti k,II,,,jj. i, I I I IlIo\­1== I = it ,,* On her part Grat Bri- njent Ili 11w rhorris." It) fill, -,\,,IIIIlK _= only,Velvet Rug, 3X4 yds , $43-0() = Expeditionary Force., inninding 30 be- bim fj.,- ,jilvanced to the Dominion d illenlorl.11 "Irlili". N\111 fit, It, Ill Ill I = = JANMeredidi and',James Morrison stowals (if file V. c. L is of interest $.�jjj.�,o,?,,jj;, on acelount Of the main- , — I only Brussels Rug, 3x3'2 Yds-, $27,(X) = I., 11"n"t, ..r Itio'l, %Nh-I 11,1\.. 111.4d.. Ill " = . I — briefly to refer to the operallore; or 1,,nan­ ,�f Ganadian trot ps overseas. , -Ili-, 'a"I'lli", the Canadian Ariny, . 11 rf qll;.I, , i, ,,sit. r.,i j= — -111 .,�.. ­ — InTAIOR"WS MARVMOUS' which in April I I, tit last March, the 41ar haft (-list If I ........ = 10 Teal good 17nion Rugs V) 75, $7-75, $8-75, $9 M and may (it wo co,.ered ifftelf with ,,.,,,,,,I,, 4. I ose on s9w,ollito,wit), if- I = = fooperishilt glory at the recond flat- A ...j.p., ,if 111111,11 I XATjlpf'lI,,II,- III- I — Library Tables, fumed oak, range in price from — PHOT-OPLAY.OF ]EMPEY'S rollnIrl, , national debt having af'I" I 1= — lie (of Ypres, on which itoeasion P"I- )-ilo­1 1'rorn $336,000,0oo at wt, I rh I jig, \%Ill I"'gill I),.\I ,4ondati 11) I I, = $(),,SO tO $28.00, i.i; to eboose from = - -41 aga-nst tile Allil­ t .I Ill. = � = -FAMOUS .toned gas was list flglir, it ­tfood at the'l-futhreak or lie Norill Sir""?,, \1, 111-11,1 01"Al 1= Ila -r\ ­ , I it Ill hwk — = p% ,WORLD for file first lirne, �Iuolfnig from fill' \,.it Ill 11te billion df)llIir roark, if be- i'll"I'll' , I In ": �j I = i Kitchen Cabinet SiS.00 = I& , " "[)tiring the rem.,jinder or 1119 "ll""ted that (A-11,111" elot-e or Itle "I 11 t .. .... rltfo,�t. .1 1.% 11 , I, , ,.I,.[, IW\ — = .. . BOOK ., pamphlet : -si still) 1 t 11w , N, Illog In — 191.5. the divigiml jile Fit I)Ivi ' ­ - (lei) 'A I I)r H1111­1�, Ill'.vilrig = I PIin pr, ,-lit vt�ar the iro�tlopjj !I — I - I . saw muc-h serviep at vnirtlions I., %%Ili,.Il ill, IfjIt,,,I ot,orf-fiv, MIt"I"Ifl. = = .- . � � . . - � ­ I . " It, it i-i-r,­jlll;lIPly be 41,200morit). 1 only Chestertfield Suit $208.00 0 � tit(, . Ypres salient, In the pring ,if if I,, ,,, ,t,.,r-,, ,.r it..\ p 11 i'd,rl � — - - 'I'll ­Ist In the PaYrnent ,if fht� '" __ '. 19116. the army corps, at Mat low- ­rl ,,lid plrt� �,Jlld­ -�,.Il­d '11.1 = RIEGVLAR $275.00 = - � __ � ­ hou-- ,loto, the goverumetil flat. pill a = — . � compriHing the ftilst. second ;in#1 1,,\ -�n luxtirips, Increased tit 110.1, 1,1:4.", 11"'! 0 : 1, o. 1-\-t� — I N follit. ill ,1\ " — _&=` TX120 I third divisions, was livai,ily enwig ... I dlili­. 1­�led �la bosinesit peru`f�lllls tax ..h­llp I- Ii.t­ -.1l,11 - I �= Extra Special M . for upward of three, inonths In th-1 ,,ri., Imposed an Income tax. \vtllf.tl \11 I 11. I, " '.. '. \I-,- H.4, . %\Ill J_ � I . I operations to the east anti sonthf-asf cwti­ into effect in the year 1919-1f) W.."I I '­ , 11"I'Lf. 4 Ill,- "I'l, I � I \ I— 2 dozen Select Comforters, old prices. Save � I . (of Ypres, at St. P.'Joi !3rd it) Otil iind %\hirh it it; pointed (lilt Is In rnan� I'lo"", o. ,I loillf." .m.] 11 1,;:', :\."o:�t 2 = . GOT)EIRICIEL April'!, at Sanctnary Wood anti ifill ,_I-, -I- higher than that In force in .t,r\i,, 1, . Ill. I I, I ­ % I... ,,,, 1, .. ". = Coal and buy a Comforter at Walkel's price. = 1 62 (2d and 3d Junei, and lfooge 1."ith. tile- I nited States. -The proepeff*t fif Iii,ilori.;..; - l.i -ii- till 1� it , 11), .cl 1= � = I G,th, 13th Anti f4th Xunei. In S�eplern- fit, fixation during the last Ijs4,aI year t1wif, 1,-r lilt- ­­­- \\111 I'll,. I0. — SE = = � - -OCTW- 16- and - 17 , be, October anti November, 11916, tile Ill"I'loted to Just over $7(),000,000 c, ­,­ It. awl itt, ill wanw�"'.'+'Ir_ \\Ill = Store No. 2 1 = I . � - - __ � armi, corps. ntow of Imir divisions, 1i,,1- -n,- IN made ill the f,ict tilat h, lilt I,j.l. \i,-. I. , - . i i !,­ 1.,r.. = = I fought in thlit, battle of Me Somme, ,111, , file War golf, coin and pill., . , — __ I especially distinguishing itself by Ili#- il,,m Iod \I r,l I I , , , I , [I. ­�I', - 1*11- = Is fti:l to the doors with the best assortment of China � ____1 --- - I 11 ....., -1 - � _ � � it, the ,value of $1,300,000 bave %,,. I I " '' " .f ,,, I'll 11 I_ I, \-ill — = I 1-i ��j� �j� L - . =Cut Glass, Flat Ware, Novelties, "' - ­ been received at Ottawa by the for, low 1wo,ol \11r,h 11, '-[I. 11,1fl-I'l [".I = etc., there is no a I I _� . L 'j i .1 P� � , I , ,.P � I I I I , A .1 - , ; '. 1, . I I .! � , ! 11 11 q f� 0 � . � I , . � � , , - I I , ; : Ir I �, : , k 1 . , .1 f " . , � I ., .. . 1. I- I �, , : I , i r L . � I I V,), ;� t I I - � I . I , ,i I I . . L , r I . I . ______Itl� � I I L 1, I ,��*, " f, I] � 'r'; . � [,;L,' I � , , r; . 'L I ,v I � ,� ��t.4 1�1 L I � - I I _; , __�_, � : ., ; , " , f, " JL _.� , 11, I, . 1,� " 1 1. 1. r f L , 11 _1.1-- , _'' � I L. , , ­ � . �, :1 , I I I -. I . I I , .1 L � , � I I., , 1� I ,:, " �, . I , .: j 11� I . I . . ' . "�;'' L',�� _�,� o I " - �� . I � 1) , ,� I I � I � I .1 i :�I,, , - y ' ",'Ll' L _. I t�, '''L, . __L ___---k-. ' `1 .1 � � -. , ' L � '% I , I , L I L , , , j" " �_ . , ;:�' :,�j I'��, �_*,:,�,�'- ,, ' L� , , � 1'� I "' 1�11 .�� ,!;L, ,1 I - I .� "_., lil� _' _ � _ �,� I I A . . ,r 111 " L . � ".", .e,:s I' � , I .,;� I � "� . �, I , . i,; � : " � ��'�', L, : . .." ..�� . I . , .:� , , I ,� 1. , �-,, ii, ,,I r , , , ,.11 , �; , _� -1- .1P - 1, _�;l'i,-'.- ,--, ,� .., L:, � - , � ,_��;, L'� !�,.��;, 1, -- ,��;,, � It L "I.., L I , ,, ,,�� , , , - ,��t:"­ . , " �J ___ �, ­ I" 1,� , 1, 1) . . i - ­: I . . .�� . ,'�, r " _ '"�� �'L L r'', 2",eli -.;-O �.%,,,.,- L L _' , . : :L, ,�_ .., : , � . . I I � � I , , � ,'. '�, I , ­ 4 � � , � r �, , . I ,� I . . . , , I., ; L.:'' .. . . . i, � , I— . - �� ,; , I L., , t" , �, , � � � L�: . � I . I . , I— ­­ I . 11 I., . � , , L . ,'I . - � � � I I " I I 4 - � 11 - , , bip of I TI ( . 'in e\ -1 . A.. it e__ . 11 I I ' , ,11 fl, M, ;.L , � I 1 _:. � " ��l an ' ,. �"Zi ­, "i ,..� , L' . �Nfl '4 I " _� " 1- ��.�,� J%, thi I � ." ' ­') . '! ,�L ,. 11 . 1, .. : 1" I y . ,. � I � I . � I ., b) EI ", I . . I P� "I _�, �'L. I ". I V , .":,;,, .;��,� 1 ye ".. 11 11 1. " I , v,, ,ji�, , ,� ' �LO " ��' �� " . Jim �: , , 7-1, �, �41 ,,, . �ol, . ��,� �,,�,L L , " I:, Ily 4, . I all � ­_, . ­,� ,� � ':, ', �- "li"4 I 1 , " ��11 _�"L r ',,L,,' . I ,-� . I 4 I'Ml -l", " ,,U I ;", i (in IiJ� ' ,Jl'j ,; � �11 ��, 1,�,! ag I , . 1�*. Ill 11� - I . , ; L"" ,LL� t;' ­ ,I I 'L ", �', IL,� _' 1,-v, I � , ,-�, I ,. . �,�, _.�i ,,, I 11 1.V* , z �P �.' r', ", ,l� . '. , "I I .� 1, ? �3,� - ,� I : I ',� .. . I . � ", I , , ,;l ,��, ;�g I , �, - � �,', ill) 11 , I I ". , �,� , �� I I .r ` : , I lie .1 . , . , , is �,� � , I :,F , I 11, fa( . . . , .. :�� I . �\ j�LL ' "I . I . . I �� I . ;!�: " I' .,L �� 4, ­ .1' � '�'L: . . flu I �� !.,�­ , . I . I - t, �:",,�,', , . . to k'' � .1� �, � 1. "�, bill L ,.:� , �,,'.:L ` L .�,� ', ,I- 1,'� I .... I . -1 ., . . I .� ­ I , 111; .1 � , i .... "I I I � 1� L . to . . I � i . , �j . Bit � , , L , '.1 , 1 ! . 11 ,,, I . 1111; I L. . -.,, I . . I - parifyiprit of Finance. at; trustees for Illd". lo,filli"" ""o, -" 'I" ­" 'Ir fill. N better choice to be found in Goderiell and prices in R I . I EWE= I I � III, imperial n0VPrnroenI and fill, liank 1\111, -. I L 1, — — � � 'i.11-, I I '= many ca.ves nearly balf. A call will convince you. = � , � .. ..( I npland. I h. I ­ .I I i'l-. -11 !� _ ,4 — .. . = 1.1, 1! , V... 11i, Pamphlet ollin, dt-als wilt, Cana . ....... I..,,,,,. f - I., i I. , , , - 1 , , 1, t,- w I it - '= We bive several pieces of flirnittire taken in ex- a I., i " 1, .. I r I I I a .14. 4f,efflin lishment (hiring the last ,ill "Irld.. , - I 11 to. 'I, 'I M it" \,.Flit 1= Z� , .. � ... , . ... ., I . I 8 (,.ijr N­arR Fln the direetion of the pro 1-4rv, I M, o-,11-1 -+ '', - I? . I ". I, 1= cliange and very low pricei;. = .. � ....;".."� . . = . — , = I ' . .. " I I li-,lo-11 of munitions \vbj,tj waot rw t: �,, I, , f it, - ­, .,I., room - it ill, h- ,% I' I = We do picture framing neatly and promptly = �-, I ,,�nlly referred to in the, ChriRtlan imw tit, �, ,,\, ri ­ r\ I,,, ,i) I,-, ,I �\k it = . = li , 14 = , I '. . S'_`""` Monitor, bill' it might be rnen- etlor-1, , it --jtl,l ,I m,irtmi, Ill. 'Iril"ll = WC hQVe SeVeTRI iised phonograpbs - , irban for sale tallien = . ­ ", . � - 1� .1, . i,�,;�:,'. , , nwied that the actual amonrit (if eagh eheor %if), o-11, it, --T Wll, I - - ,.,I = , . 11, ­'. . � 11". in exchange for other makes. = ." -, ,it-hur-tements _— I ,�r'..��.i�,: . , lip to -late under this S, I 11,1,j i, - \ - fillip A 11'. , I" olli- -- '\ I' — a , , ., � I,, ailing Is over a billion donarf. in of Ill- , alIlj,,.ofT1 lol-o t r.,11 I.- .11' Ild = = i I:,, � Special I only Heintzman & Co. Pi - ..''. I ano was 1= 11 0��,�.­ 'FANCY JIM" SHERWOOD � ,. N!�;;��' A ' %floi,bijildifig, canada has also played lilt. ,.I,, toro, r- --fink 1,..t I 11 Ill,. � f , ,I r) --table Part, the r erly $600 will sell fOr $125 if taken at once. = I ...:­, ghipq which have ,­opI.. -r ito, tl,\A.r, poil Ii,iretit-l- r " — M111 = ... , ` .. ,�: I ;; ... � . � XIT llr,�;OY been launched or wfilrh will a twit., _ ,,koi ,j. i ,r. ,!. , 1, . 1, r I , 1. I = - " I'll I 11. . .o'a" I "" launched before Doe,mb,r rinitill. I — _ -_ � 0 .� a i "I 11". � �-:�,::,�, is - — I.I., 1.1- I � ��i,�-�� .11.1 .:.,� . , III n000-er, jji. tho approximate dpa,l '111, Ithrn., it I h,ijd, r ' 'I -1 � %-h = I � ". ",:,:. . = Watch !hiq fipace f, -r Weekly Store New,ti ,;,-ornothing all 04''.il = . " ` — 11 t:', �­.` %11-10,11 d1l'IrVing eapartiv being iii,t;on t,, think w ,kt ... . .. :11' h,11-11 I- It" � !" - .., ,� I _ ,� 11 = ­ � :: . I " _�� � . . I I �:�.,��,.: " � �-�� . , . n � To the varjou- vnitiniary war %,jvr,,­foI -t,. V, r ,,I I a', ( r 'It, it , 1= every week. = .11, . . �'.. � ".. _1 THE MAN FROM PAINTED POST '. 11 �N..,.'1-111­` v:�, 11 ;1. , ramnimuong, such am the Canadian rjjl;jl, .i., I , ,(,rl,,,Illr., it , r..,,I( .( = = , , . - � � ,�,�il,::�,.:.'� " 1, I ` 1, ,,, " il, .,.: - = I ?11 ,�i:, ,� �.:�-:�,�, a ".. , t ­_�� - I ..,��:: '. 1. 1� ., r . l. I'litrintic Pund, the Clanadlan Rea Gro,,,s, 1,,,r ,ja y. %% t, 1, I , \, I. 9,21.1 -. It .11 .:�`,, .,� 11 ,� '� .�', 1. — = I ,n�, . � . 1. t . , " — = I , ifti ,;;�, � :. : ,, �. I �� ',"", ;1 "" `ty- the Belglan Relif-f Fund. arw -tal to", Imp l r Ahro., k ,,hal-1--ir. -_ = I " - I _ _ Ill Np,, 9- .1 � "I . I. . , l .o "o, thO 01"adi-in Pliblir hail dona- I 11 1) P . \%,It ill hillot in ,I,- tirrall-I 0 = I - 1�­.. MODEIL THEATRE Walker I I . . . . . . I'll .1 I . I.. 1`1 over 8WOMMO, and In ill,, r . = Ift "FIN"j, 11 at% a = 1. �� jur) r -moi it ill, ,,, ort fl -o- ., it \1 ., it . 1 W11Z livoinen irt,te, pia� ", I a 7, I V. ,0 i " , lock. = = . . � . , . ing (at thegt I ,,,,. ,iftern­,n, Ill tob-i T1he Furniture Man . 1,1111 F ,NK promin0lifit iloart. The statistiet; .if %%hill -11 — = 0oo lif Ifol ... rtant ho-tw­ %%tit ill I, if -10t, M "I"li. filu'll, I """ Wednesday & Thursday, Oct. 9- 1 0 'Anadfall!o WOMen have done during I _ Often the Choapeat out Surelly Always thop Bleat i=_ '" H. ,it* ioiwt .. I I'll, . ­ 11 . � I Ili" WAr have beerl bill Indifferently - = I = t 11 . I ,` it = Realdence Phome 197. Kitore Pbove Itig. I " I I I ADMISSION. 25 & 15 CT I, thly It Is satilli, to say that the hn I Children Ory — . =_ 'W11.1 I I I I .81 %. Ill nts0f be tob) in .1'.411111. ?, !,. fl,t­ I , f , — Fre,it A tatto Delivery, any distance. , Not with Nfollell, but with a r;j,)o#,.,;_= I I I 19131111111911 , 11131:11310931mac _93 engag0f I4 MINI, .t and Niooi,­ ,,,,, I FOR FLETCHER'S I tft 1% , � I 11 I , �, PIN= Ila tiono, of atc%, " it, ."i ..(;Ili I a , - . - , I -, . 1. �� . . . 7 0 R I - llifiniliffilifillillHifillinililIrrr. " ,,, ,., Q�- . I r III . 1, C A S i A I IIHIIIHIIHIIIIIIHMII�UMMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIl' ,�, 1*% ;1 � � I . . � � � , .. 1. I � . I � I . I I ! I .1 I ".1 . I lIll. I � ... , I , : I .1 � I .. 1 14, . . I I I "I ,I . .1- , �` I I �. �' I 1� I-, . I � 11 . �� I I I . I � "' flftlli� , , � 1. . I I � I . . I I I " � __ - - I ; ''I 1, I -) , 11 I , , � � . _.�11­1. ,­­­ ­ .---. . "I "I � 1- ... , �, ­ �. .. ­ - - ­_ ­ _ __ A____ :��_ '. v . - ­­ _.­­ � 4`4� , 11 � � �,­-­ .. � I � L - _­­ 11 .. . - ­.­ �, . � I I ­­ �­ - .1 I - - , -*-,- , -, .......... �_� . **,— I'll - low _­_­­___ ­ ­ "' __ � ­ - " Trl_� ---. - - 27T_� :-----,-, . �jil­­­ ... _ -1 R .'T ,,, I—— I , .. _111111116" 11 -*_n::;0" -.------ - 4-&�­_ �NW!!---'!'-��7"",-:-.",Ir--��m� � I �, 1, ­ , ,'__"� I: i 617M 1 :;:= I ­ 11 _r ­­ I � - I . -1 I � -1-1-r- ._ 1. � � 0 1 , " ': W I L , . � . F- , . - thi I , . ,,�� .. e�, I'll .7 :� - �! � '�' nip. (of ,:: '.�..'JLLL _j OfIll W- ,�,Lio�")�.- J, . . � , it, I �� �4 I- 4 I, .1 -7 , 9...- 0 " I ll� j, "; i, ,� "'� ",L' L I ,., I - F__ � , JAI) algi * �', i . " I ; ci,. 11� < , ,,, I , a: � ! Ala� I J�. �e �:� 'I L 0 . , 1 Atil , �;,,;1 1 , " I , - I .:.-�:,­ I (L , Cr . -, , : ) ` be] ` ,, ,"! �' . � I .,- 0 . fill 1. ,, 14 � , �, L U . � PIN , I , ': ,,�. �ti � - Arel lot �, ,. I'll _j . . : . "I I .� 1, ? �3,� - ,� I . W W ; I : F- - . . q , . 1'"! V) I � i .t�l � �:­j L - , 1� Z - - I � 4W I I , � 11 f,�� Z L � 11 I �, r., ", 11 , W � 0 �: . I ,fin, � 'fill "O�� . ; I I " ,It �,,�_ � - �, * � �i i i � . . - 11 Itl 1� L L. � - I i , " ''� L -1 , 11 . L ,j !,,L I' I � �': I I 1 I I . I .1� I , 1, I L f � ..7 � I I � i -e , � .'L I , ­ " � I . ..."'Ll ­ ,�. ' : '7'� . � . :L. ,t, 11 , . , 1. �) . " . ) : 1 I L � L .. I , 11 I ., �� i, I ,�, !'I,, 1� 1. L ­- "''. . I , . 1111111 , 1111111 .; �1_ . p �­ Iq " ' "L. ' , , AA 19 "I � ., L " I All 2, 1, "I '�� , , . ­ �' I.' I I I r. I ", L . 0 U . a j ) i ,,, I , I . I ,to , �, �, " � `,, I . I L I 0. 4h I i� A' � , I I I I 'l I I , I U, )d 1�1 11 �, I L � . I . At : I . I - . . . . I ' llll� : ­­­., . _­jA ' ,, I L 11 * * I . J`.,*� I , ti 41111111 _ I I , , ik .1 0" / I I 11 '#_ � . I I I 11 �; - ." I 11� 11. I ,qe . �' I I -1 I , 11 I I 11, I � ,